The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, October 06, 1871, Image 1

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    B '
MBS. A.. J. DIM WAT, Editor an Proprietor.
OFFICE-Cor. Third and Washington St
Sir lrmnths
Three months..
- 1
- 1 00
ADVBRTISBMKXTS Inserted on ItcnsonaUe
EniTOR Xkw NonrnwKST :
In your issue of Sept. 22d apiearcd
i wo articles concerning the employ
........ r f . .
mum oi women in ineciianical voca
tions, which I desire to briefly review
One was a mere item announcing that
a "women's printing ofllce" had been
established by Mrs. Holmes in "Wash
ingtou ; the other a letter from Mr. Til
to the Labor Congress at St. Louis.
That you may be prepared to make
due allowance for whatever prejudices I
may hold, I will put you in jiossesoion
of a knowledge of my position and views
at owe. I am a printer a workman,
not an employer and an advocate of
the woman cause, having had the lion
or of voting for the measure the first
time it was presented to the people, in
The principal .objection to women in
trades-j-ono many times reiterated, and
in which employers should unite with
workmen is that they cannot bo in
duced to learn them with that thor
oughness which is expected of men
I regret to see that Mrs. Holmes is
taking steps to foster this very fault.
The item before mo states that she "de
signs imparting instruction in type
netting," not printing; aud further, that
an evening class is shortly to be
commenced," as though the trade were
one that could be picked up ina few easy
lessons, requiring a coutse of weeks, or
at most months, of instruction. While
it is a fact tliat the art of puttin;
tyie printed copy (technically called
reprint) can be acquired by any intelli
gent person in a very short time, there
are various particulars required to make
even a fair comiwsitor which can onli
ne obtained byyearsof training. Among
these arc the art of punctuation, facility
in deciphering intricate and Illegible
manuscript, the abilltv to discover a
writer's meaning from hastily written
manuscript in which words are mis
spelled and frequently omitted, and to
put In order communications from illit
erate persons, which in newspaper offices
are often put in the hands of the com-
" positors just as they are received.
Again, Mrs. Holmes proposes to make
mere type-setters at best, while the
country is flooded, with this class of
meehauies, and the demand for printer
thorough workmen is constantly in
creasing. We far that her experi
mentevidently undertaken on an ex
jwrfe view of the case will only result
in putting into the possession of a few
women the means of earning a meager
sulsistence until they shall be asked in
marriage, and inflicting on the trade a
new race of incompetents.
Mr. Tilton, notwitlistanding he says,
"in my own business, which is print
ing," was never actually a mechanic,
and cannot, therefore, bring himself to
view things in the sam6 light that a
workman his employee does. The
opposition of the trades unions to the
employment of women in the several
vocations which they represent arises
from two reasons one already givon,
and the other that they can and will
work for smaller compensation than
men, and persistently refuse to unite in
efforts to better themselves. That is to
say, they do not get equal compensation
with men, either because their services
are not worth it, or because they do not
use the means men avail themseves of
to secure it.
In asserting that the working men op
pressed the working women, Mr. Tilton
willfully ignored several facts of which
his position as journalist should have
given him knowledge. One, the Wom
an's Typographical Union of his own
city, supported by the whole strength of
of the organized men printers; another
the demand of women in Troy, Xew
York, for more adequate wages, in June,
1809, which was supported by the organ
ganized trades throughout a large dis
trict. To these I will add, from my own
knowledge, that repeated efforts have
been made in St. Louis to induce the
women to unite in demanding equal
compensation with the men; met in ev
ery instance by indifference on their
lirt, notwithstanding the cordial sup
port of the men was pledged to the ef
fort. In Springfield, Illinois, some years
ago, when the men learned that a wom
an working at tiie printing business was
acting with them in an eflort to redress
certain grievances; they immediately
made her a member of their Union, and
a full participant in all its privileges.
The main fault of inadequate compen
sation is unmistakably with the women
themselves. The general spirit among
them is that of twoho came under
my notice several years ago. On being
asked to join the organization in which
the men were united, they responded that
"they felt under such obligations to
. their employer for teaching them the
trade, that they could not think of tak
ing any step which i5gilt place tllem ,n
antagonism tohlm." Every Intelligent
man realizes that his employer engages
him because his labor allbrds a profit
and will retain him only ion M
does so. There is no favor conferred, or
obligation incurred. '
In his concluding l)aragranhMr tii
ton says to those who wish to gef tho
women out of a trade : " Seize the first
golden chance of marrying her out of
itf?'7arid pledges his 'word that the sup-
posuiousiy ounoxious tcx will avail
themselves of the opportunity lo get out
of it. This Is coming right on the
ground I have already deprecated that
women m most cases icarn oniv so
much of a trade as will do them for a
ioor support until a marriage is offered
Having discussed the subjects alluded
to at much greater length than in
tended, I must solicit your patience a
little louger for a presentation of my
own views, l wouiu nave young
women start In life by fitting them
selves for some trade or calling with
just the same thoroughness that men
do. Tliis plan has several advantages
1. They will never be obliged lo mar
rg anybody for a support, as so many
unfortunate women are ; therefore
2. They will have much moro liberty
of choice and far better prospect of hap
piness in the marriage relation than
their dependent sisters; also, their in
dependent position will qualify them to
make a more intelligent choice ; and
3. The loss of the husband and consti
tutional bread-earner of the family
will not involve the destitution and
helplessness so often witnessed, for the
widow can resume her trade and be as
Independent as before marriage.
In the vast majority of caes women
find their way into trades through tho
etl'orts of greedy employers to break
down wages, and arc only taught so
much as will enable the capitalist to
make u-e of them to this end. When
women itt incmscivcs lor a culling as
though It were to be their life-time vo
cation, aud look upon marriage as an
incident, aud not as an end toward
which all things must tend, the problem
will bo near Its-solution. Kansas.
miaxy, Oregon, Sept. 25, 1S71.
This department of the Xnw Noktii-
wkst is to be a general vehicle for ex
change of Ideas concerning any and all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding it practi
cally impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communlcatiuu to save our
friends the disappointment that would
otherwlseacc rue from our inability to an
swer their queries. "Ve cordially invite
everybody that has a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, ora scolding to give
to contribute to the Correspondents'
D. X.: A letter from you awaits ns,
which we have not yet had time .to at
tend to. "We often think of you with re
spect, sympathy aud solicitude, and hope
some day to have the pleasure of a per
sonal acquaintance.
L. D. G. : "We feared that you would
be ill. It is necessary for you to pay
great heed to the preservation of your
health. Everything depends uixm this.
Pleased to hear of your proposed enter
prise. There certainly is room for it.
J. II. F. : Your communication is too
long and prosy for our columns.
Henry II.: The amusement of "roller
skating" has been patented. If you wish
the right to open a "rink" it will be nec
essary for you to pay a certain revenue
to the original patentee. You am ascer
tain the terms by addressing the propri
etor of the Portland rink. As he does
not advertise with us we decline to give
his name or place of business.
Mrs. H. A. C. : We arc not advised in
regard to the linn of which you wrote
us. Guess they don't amount to much, or
they would patronize the Xmv Jfoimi-
'Perplexity:" The only effectual rem
edy for bed-bugs is to burn your house
down and run away by the light of it. !
There is no other species of vermin so
pestiferous, abominable, unendurable
and un-gct-rid-of-a-ble as an Oregon bed
bug. We once bought a house that was
infested witli these odoriferous monsters,
and after five years of drudgery in the at
tempt at extermination, we were glad to
beat an ignominious retreat.
Law of M.utitrAOE. In a recent ar
ticle, the American Society newspajier
made several startling announcements:
First, that an eminent lawyer says that
all marriages celebrated on Sunday are
void, because marriage Is a civil con
tract, and civil contracts made on Sun
dav are void: mnnil. Hint tln cliililrpii
of a deceased millionaire are iroitiir. for
this reason, to contest their father's will,
by which he gives his estate to his chll-
drcn by a Second wife, to whom he was
married on Sunday; and third, that a
learned judge lias lately decided that
marriages between minors, or between
an adult and a minor, arc void. To al-
l.iv the alarm and consternation caused
by these extraordinary statements, the
Law Journri gallantly luiorms me
ladies that marriages are all valid,
everywhere. Even in this State, al
though marriage Is held to be a civil
contract, yet civil contracts made for a
lawful punwse, and not tending to dis
turb the public peace and quiet, are
valid aud enforceable, although made on
Kiinilnv. Xow. unless it can be made
. . 1 11.... H.MM!nnn St, n t fnllilltlf. 1
to disturb the public peace and quiet,
we see no trouble. Some marriages do
have that tendency, undoubtedly, nnd
wc advise the female parties thereto to
look out for themselves. As to the
millionaire, Ave fancy his will must
stand; he might have given his estate
to Tom, Dick and Harry, who arc not
his children at all, even by a Sunday
marriage, and they wouhl take it in
spite of the children by the weok-day
marriage. Xcw Jersey Mechanic.
Medical Statistics in France have de
veloped two facts which are of great im
portance to ladles; namely, that the
mortality of the feminine sex.has de
creased in the ratio of eighteen and one
nt Jr fSut blncc corsets have gone
fevJi . hlou; aud secondly, that brain
X,1, Increased among ladies sev
stt ce thevTnd thrcc-fourtfi8 per cent,
since they have worn chignons.
Bon't Quarrel Tlout (hp Farm.
"Nil, brothers, don't Tall out 'bout It, or quarrel
here Unlay,
Ik' civil toward each other, and listen to what I
You know ni well in I do that It' wronj this
way to speak,
And If you have disputes to make why, make
them In the week.
"Just wait at least, till father's cold, Just put it
on" pray do, .
And what Is yours no doubt you'll set; hut wait
a day or two I
Have moro respect for ruothcr.forshc'sold and
weak and HI,
And don't take foul advantage, Just because
there Is no will.
"Now, Freddie, you're the oldest ! You should
good example show;
For what's tho cood of quarreling, I'd really
Ulcoto know?
You all have full and plenty,!) then why need
Or the paltry share that's lit the home from
mother try to gain ?
"I'm poorer than the poorest one, yet she shall
nave mv Dart:
I'll work and toll 'mong strangers with a mer
ry, cheerful heart,
If I only live to know that she can call this
Place nerown;
I'd gladly Rive her all my share that she may
have home.
"I don't know much about the law, for I never
And you know more about the ways that's fol
lowed ns n rule;
I think they'll suit the place light out, and
share it, so I'm told.
And that would throw out mother, boys, and
leave her In the cold.
"N'ow, I enn't see how this Is right; she earned
as much ns he;
She paid, I'm Mire, those, last three notes In
dorsed by Silrc Ic,
And father olten told us mi; besides, lie always
IIu hoed that she would suiter naught when
he was with the dead.
And that's one reason why, I think, he left no
will heutiid
llccatise his boys were rich nnd therefore would
Ik-k 1ml:
lie did not wish to give onVucu by willing all to
But thought we herewith -lie accord, would
give nnd not demur.
"Xow I know I'm not a scholar, boys; few
things I understand;
I ilon't know much 'bunt real estate, or the
price ot farming laud;
Yet tills I know, ten acres with a house and
barn nnd ware.
Will not bring much to nine of us, not counting
mother's share.
"I'd like my little part of It a great deal with
It too.
For I never had the chance to earn that father
No! I always had to stay at home and work
the livelong day.
And for It got but lioard nnd clothes that's
more than you can say !
"And If I am the youngest one, with not a rent
I'll give my share to mother now I nnd go nnd
ram iny urcau;
And yon needn't think because I plead, that I
lust want n home:
No! No! I'll '.cave though hard 'twill be for
"This living 'round with married sons ain't
what it's thought to be !
And mothers old, near sixty years, nnd not as
siniug as we;
Besides she ought to have a homo her own
to live In no one's way,
And Ik protected from hnrsh words you all
might sometimes say.
"Then let us irlve the home to her come, who
will follow me?
I give my share to mother, now I My hand Is
lip, you sec!
You're losing but a paltry sum a Utile mite of
Whoevers willing, ns I am, can raise his own
right hand !"
And not a lianil remained In place, but up they
went as one.
And brothers looked nnd marveled, and won
dered how 'twns done I
Alt quarrel ceased, the brothers knelt, nnd
found themselves In prayer
For Sis with mother, nnd the home ; and itnce
enmo to them there 1
A Mutual Reform.
iiy nurroxATi:
An early caller who happened lo drop
Into the usually cheery breakfast parlor
of the Ilildreths. one morning in De
cember, would have found something
forbidding and uncomfortable itithculr.
Not exactly a "family jar," for the
Ilildreths were too well-bred for such a
mishap; still the family equanimity
wassomewliatdlsturbed. Mr. Hildrcth,
usually grave and stately, looked very
stiff and stem ; Mrs. Hildrcth looked
sad, and had a suspicious moisture in
her eyes; Miss Hildrcth looked half
vexed and wholly grieved; and the cause
of this "little unpleasantness," hand
some, reckless Owen Hildrcth, sat with
a sullen, delimit look upon his usually
too merrv face, that ill replaced the
smiles for which the laughing mouth
and Hushing, black eyes seemed made.
Something of remorse, too, was in his
look, although his pride struggled hard
to conceal it. His sister saw it, as she
always saw every change of expression
In the face of her idolized brother, but
his mother did not see it; nor his father;
if he had, perhaps his voice and manner
would have been less stern when hcsimkc
to Owen.
"And now sir," he concluded a pre
vious exhortation, "I want you to un
derstand that this sort of thing must
cease ! Y'ou arc disgracing your family,
and ruining your prospects for life. At
the rate at which you are now progress
insr. von will be a worthless HOCK by
the time you are thirty. I have coun
seled you and entreated you to abandon
vour dissipated Habits; advice, entreaty
have done no good, and
1 snail now
command you to make an Immediate
And Mr. Hildrcth roe and walked
stiftly from the room, followed bv his
, meek better half.
Owen remained gloomily silent, with
his curl v head rest intr unon his hand'
and feellnir nn uncomfortable wish that
his sister would say something, com-
omeu witn an equally uncomiortabie
nope mat, sue wouldn't. Presently a
caressing pair of arms stole altout his
neck, a soft check was laid against his
Hushed brow, and his sister's sweet voice
whispered, gently:
"Owen, dear, don't feel so; papa is
ritrht. vou know he Is, Owen."
Owen made no reply, but bent his
lltiu ii illllV w ii ..j
Ible tremor .MiooK ins iraine. ivato
smoothed ins .laru curis, aim wuispereu
i again
"Xow. Owen, volt know you've been
a naughty boy, and you should not be
angry at papa. Y'ou know how much
he hopes from you."
"lie expects too much!" replied
Owen sharply. "He seems to think a
fellow ought to develop Into a man of
business aa soon a he leaves college !"
".Now, Owen!" remonstrated Kate;
"you know better; you know papa
doesn't expect more thau you ought to
be willing to do. Why won't you listen
to reason ?"
"I'll listen to anything from Yor,
Ivatc," he exclaimed, lifting his head
aud looking into her sweet face.
Kate laughed, and taking a scat bo
sido him, she said coaxingly:
"All that papa asks of you, Owcu, is
to give up tho society of fast young men
Free Si'eecii, Feek Pukss, Fuee Peomx.
with whom you go about f-o much,
abandon the dissipations into which you
are falling, and try to form sober and
steady habits."
Owen said nothing, anil Kate urged:
"Now, won't you try, dear Owen?"
Owen looked at her curiously, as he
"Kate, I'll mako you au offer. I'll re
form If you will !"
"If I will?" queried Kate, puzzled.
"Yes," replied her brother, with a
nod. "You are just as dissipated in
your way as I am in mine. You go to
balls and parties every night, and spend
as much for dress as I do for wines anil
cigars. You waltz every night with
men, fully as bad as those to whom
you objeet as associates for me. Xow,
I tell you again, I will reform if vott
will !"
"Well, Kate," said Owen, roguishly.
after quite a silence; "what do you
"I agree!" said Kate, impulsively.
"I will leave my follies If you will
yours. We will reform together."
"All right !" and Owen tossed back
his curls with boyish gayety, as lie
kissed his sister's cheek by the way of
sealing the compact.
So from that time forth the ball-room
missed Kate Hildrcth, while the ranks
of the dissolute saw no more of her
brother. The mutual promise was well
kept. Fircldc Companion.
Liberal Men and Women's Eights.
I don't know how it is with others,
but I must confess for one, that my
checks tingle with shame for the men
my brothers in the human family who
can find no better occupation, or more
elevating theme, than to sit down delib
erately to write an article whose sole
aim aud purport Is to traduce aud vilify
in the most cowardly manner their daily
companions, their mothers, sisters, and
I try my best, but vainly, to imagine
how such men feel after they have writ
ten some of the articles against women,
which I sec dally poured ii a corrupt
stream from the presi, and worst shame
of all even from the pens of men call
ing themselves "Liberals!" ALlberalism
confined to one sex. and, I fear, to one set
of opinions and those their own! Do
they realize that the wonl "Liberal"
as applied to them Isa misnomer? Thev
are bigots, worse than the bigots of
Puritanism, for they live in an age of
Liberal ism, whereas the Puritans were
educated Into bigotry.
These men gene'rally begin by a
wholesale charge of weakness and folly
on the part of one-half the human race,
including themothers who wutchedover,
and guarded with unwearied love and
care their innocent childhood; the sisters
who played with, and jwtted them in
their youth; the wives whom they were
proud and happy to win as the compan
ions of their manhood; the daughters
who are the comfort and sunshine of their
riper years !
They call us weak, frivolous, and
helpless beings, and then proceed to
illustrate their own valor aud magna
nimity by darlngto attack us savasrely
in our unprotected situation. What
heroes these! worthy indeed of all
womanly admiration and emulation !
In view of such men as these I should
grow discouraged Tor the future of the
race, If It were not for tin. imrsniml
I knowledge of the many good men and
true, real Liberals, who are clear-sighted
enough to perceive that progress is not a
purely masculine clement, and that so
Indissoluble by Nature's laws is the
companionship of the suxes, that it is
utterly impossible to elevate one with
out raising thcother also, and vice versa.
The Woman's Kights question is at
present mainly confined to the question
of suffrage. Had I no iersonul interest
as a woman at stake, I should be in
clined to laugh at the ridiculous and
contradictory arguments adduced by the
opponents oi mis movement, tiic cry
has been for years, and from just this
class of men, that women were too friv-
iiotis, too unthinking, too ignorant, too
much addicted to fashion aud follv.
This was iterated and reiterated, with
some show of truth, yet still these same
men wuo oitencst renewed tiie charge,
were found bowing always at the shrine
of the very giddiest and most fashionable
of the butterfiics whoe existence they
deplored; while uot a helping male hand
was inrowu out to stive tiiese weak
minded, miserable beings from them
selves. And lo! now that woman, tired of
lwlng the slave or plaything of her
"Iiord aud blaster," has "taken her fate
in earnest into her own hands, demand
ing first of all, in order to be enabled to
effectually help herself, that she be
placed on a footing of legal equality
with her brother the cry is changed
with thempidity of unrellective thought.
"Heboid, this monstrosity ! she thinks
and acts iiimn her own responsibility.
and Is therefore unscxing herself! she
demands equality with us, her consti
tuted superiors ! better, far better, to
hurl her back into the pretty nonentity
we despised, than to recognize those
claims!" Like "Frankeii'tine," they
shudder at the monster they have
created, and like him In vain, for femi
nine thought having been aroused into
phase of action, can never again he
lulled into lethargy by any mesmeric
endearments, or driven back to nothing
ness at the word of command. The fact I life, you cannot understand how this
of Woman's Suflragc is certain, and the hollow-hearted mode of existence ap
perslstcnt efforts of these opponents at j pears to a looker-on. Not this Instance
the most, can only temporarily clog the alone hut therearea thousand varieties
wheels of progress.
men. again, they say, while persist- I oui-iasuioneu ami unnecessary. -entry
denying us the right we ask, I We arc surprised and iaiucd at
These women sre not capable of voting:
they would soon weary of It even if we
granted their petition." Why then
deny us so savagely and so steadily, If so
certain that we would so soon tire or
baubles which men would purchase at
any cost? The ballot in Itself, It Is true,
is a little tiling, hut It is the seal ami
symbol of all thut man holds dear that
is liberty.
Another argument (? which they
bring up against us, is that only the few
desire It, that the mass of women are
opposed to the movement is toto. Well,
even admitting that to be (which time
will prove not to be the case), we answer,
that it is uot intended to compel every
woman to voto, any more than men are
now marched up to theoll.s if disclined
to vote, under guard. It would be as
great an infringement of the law of per
sonal liberty toobllgc any person to vote,
as ft now is to deny the few who now
demaud the right to cast their ballot
when they please. Wc ask only that
women no more than men shall be
restricted of thelrrlghtto vote, or to stay
away from the polls as best pi east them.
This demand interferes witli no indi
vidual rights, while the denial of it does
Interfere with that law which Herbert
Spencer truthfully avers to be the basis
of all true freedom 1. e., "The liberty of
each, limited by the like liberty of all."
Boston Investigator.
What Is TrnePolitene33 ?
"All! how do you do? I am truly
glad to sec you ! Oh, dear ! there's the
bell ! I (lid hope we should have no
'callers' to interrupt us tills evening
and that's surely Mr. , a good fellow
enough; but he makes such long calls,
and comes so often, that he is rather
tedious. I wish the young folks wereiu:
but 1 must be polite, 1 suppose" and"
with a slightly impatient air, the lady
went forward to receive the unwelcome
How unfortunate that young people
must go through some mortification, aud
be subject to some slight rebuffs, before
experience teaches them the wisdom of
Solomon's counsel, "ilestram tliy foot
from thy neighbors house, lest he grow
weary of thee, and hate thee." I always
Cl-cI sorry that they must learn this, "it
is a hard lesson for the young. And I
am sorry for the hostess also. It is no
easy thing to temper coolness with
kinduess in such cases. I hope she will
show her annoyance as little as possible.
But how is this? Do my ears deceive
"Ah! Mr. , I am quite delighted
to see you again. Afalk right in. Iy
aside your overcoat, and spent! the
"Oh, no! I couldn't possibly. T was
just passing, and could not resist the
temptation to run in and Inquire about
you all. Must stay only a moment."
"Oh, nonsense! I can't allow you to
leave. Y'ou must stay to tea. Our
voting people will soon bo in, aud to
lose your call will be a great disappoint
ment." "I really ought not to stop to-night;
but I never know how to refuse vou, dear
Mrs. ."
When the "young people" came in,
they adjourned to the front parlor, ami
were soon engaged in cheerful, pleasant
discourse, while the hostess turned her
attention to her elderly guest.
"I am glad to be let iif so easily. I
feared I should be compelled to entertain
Mr. till tea time, and hxc half my
visit with you. Itut are you not well ?
You look troubled !"
"Shall I tell you honestly, T feel only
half sure that'l am really a welcome
guest here to-night."
"How can you say so ? Do you not
know that you are always, and at all
time., welcome?"
"I certainly did think so until within
a few moments."
"What can have happened to ehan
vour mind so very suddenly .""
"1 so truly loveyou, .Mary, tiiai l snail
tell you the whole truth, frankly. When
I came, vou met me with the greatest
cordiality, and I was truly happy to be
... - .... i...,.
W illi you once more, n iiuii me oeii
rang, vou seemed to dread the interrup
tion, and was half vexed when you
recognized the voice of your visitor.
That tlid not surprise ie, 'or ' wc'l
understand how an unexpected cull will
Interrupt anil mar anticipated pleasure,
by distracting the attention, and draw
ing it away from the invited guests of
the evening. Yet it was only a 'cull,'
and need not have detained you long.
Jiut I was grieved, and my faitli in true i
friendship sadly shaken, wlicti l Heard
your greeting to the 'ratner tedious
caller.' Your manner was as winning,
aud your gratification as apparent, as
when I, your mvitwl and expected guest,
entered the room."
"Vhy! what would you have me do?
surely not treat a gentleman rudely or
unkindly V"
"Iiy no means, lint when you tlid
not wish him to remain, and knew that
lie had no intention of doing so, why
feign a desire for his company which
your heart uiii not sanction .' ir you
alwavs urne nun wmi sum ..ppareui
cordiality, no wontler his calls are long
anil rreouent tcatou, as you termed
them when sjieaklng to me. Surely
neither courtesy nor politeness required
that you should do more than chat a few
moments, aud let- him dcimrt. That
would have been true kindness. Having
fresh in mind your worths and manner,
when you heard his voice in the hall,
and contrasting them with the extreme
urgency of your solicitation to remain,
is It strange that I said in nry heart,
How do I know but I was invited here
in the same spirit, simply as an act of
courtesy? and the earnest, cordial,
afiectlonate greeting I received was but
sccininif the heartless formula of fash
ionable life?'"
"I only did as all must do, if they
wouhl secure and maintalna respectable
standing in good society."
"My dear child, 'there is something
rotten in the Stateof Denmark' in this
so-called 'good society' If it compels
"I grieve that you judge meso harshly.
You surelv do not believe I would telf a
"That is too rough a term to he men
tioned tn ears iMiiite; hut, iy your own
statement, what else was it ? You urge
this uninitiated young man to do that
which you acknowledge you did not
desire him to do. Hear with me, my
child: I sicak btttforyourown good. In
the whirl and excitement of fashionable
in which strict truth Is thought quite
lack of real, genuine truthfulness in the
social intercourse between fricniN, as
well an witli passing acquaintances. And
It is so often manifested in cases where
a strictly truthful course would be the
easiest and altogether the kindest way.
A certain amount of attention, a certain
number of calls, are thought necessary,
If one would keep In good and regular
standing In fashionable, genteel society.
Jiut that these calls and attentions
should spring from the heart from true
kinduess aud friendly feeling is often
apparently as fully ignored as if such
emotions had no real existence. Aud
when these "calls" have been made, the
proper attention rendered, what good
has been accomplished ? Often none at
all; and it Is well if sometimes positive
evil Is not the result, If not to others, to
one's own self. Time uselessly spent,
words uttered that have no meaning, or
a covert one to wound and vex; assur
ances of pleasure anil interest which
your heart denies; laying your own
trutbfuluess as a sacrifice 011 the altar of
politeness what good results can you
expect? We feel moved to speak ear-
nestly to ouryoung friends just entering
this strange, unnatural life, becoustwe
would have you think of it soberly, as
Christians should. We are told to let
our yea be yea, our nay, nay, "for
whatsoever is more than these cometh of
evil." In all truth and fidelity, deal by
others as you would have them deal bv
you. Mrs. IT. Jr. Jicceher, in Christian
Union. '
The 8tory of a Popular Song.
A corresixindent of the Stationeer
gives the following account of the sing
ing of "Father, come home," in one of
the music halls in London.
Having reached the hall, we paid an
admission fee of sixpence. There was a
very neat stage, with gaudy drop scenes
were enjoying their nines to such an ex
tent as to make the place almost sufib
cating, for there must have been au au
dience of nearly five hundred. A nigger
"walk-around" was just being finished
and the shouts of "encore!" whistling
and stamping of feet made the hall jier
fectly bewildering. A name was an
nounced by the chairman, which we
could not catch, and amidst clapping of
hands and stamping of feet, there was a
buzz of "This is the song !" The waiter
culled loudly, "Any more orders !" aud
ituiy came in iront or the curtain.
niiu snir wiiiirs. ntiii i fiunr-niii. mwui i
V. Vi l ii v.,"- ."" cut result wouiu nave taKen place. The
orchestra In the btalls sat the chair- truth is, the more a person is out of
S P0"1" over as mo ey an doors the less easily does lie take cold
feii offt Itlsa wide,y known fact that persons
lerj of the ictoria Theater. "Costers" wj10 C!UU out every niht or ?Wi
seemed to predominate. All appeared under a tree for weeks together, seldom
plentifully supplied with norter. and all ..!-.. i,i ..n B '
tluun Iwilllit t.iL'nli nli,l ilnlit .,..W...l ,.11
""" 7-0,i,,i;uT,uim, condition; their ambition to complete
. ........... i ojk, ,.,. .(.miij Kjuaii-ii thing, to do some worn well, stistai
10 uie si ng. mere was tiie synip uony. . ti,u, until it iscompleted. The men
.inu aiiouier uiiM 01 "iiiisisit." and , a,,rt physical position is one of cxhaus
we began to feel anxious. Presently a t.... ,..!... n'i.nni. r t-,
.,. . , a .V1U, tlf SULLIi; II, lilt; JU.11U3, ll' M 41 tU 111,
amidst great upp lause, and commenced, Cxt day with imilammatory rhouma
"Jjather, dear lat her " etc. Lyerj-w.ird tism, or with a feeling of stillness or
was distinct, and she sang the ballad soreness as if they had been pounded In
with great feeling. In order, however, lv bag, or with a sore throat to trouble
o fully describe the scene which fol- them for months, or with a lung fever
mw, Th x;e,I?c' il U llcce,ary to Blv to put them in the grave in less than a
"little Mary's" song: Wlck
F'Ai,,,er'.,uSr.ra.,!lcr'.com,e ,!"" n",,r Our wives should work by the day, if
The clock 111 the stitite strike one h.fiiiel .. . . ... - '.
YmiKHldyou was eomfngrlBht home irom tiie
As soon a your day's work wa done.
The tire has Rone out our house Is all dark.
And mother's ln-en watching slnee tea.
With poor little Kenny so sick In her arms.
And no one to help her hut me.
Come home, come home, come home.
rieae, father, dear father, come home.
At the conclusion of the last line the
dron scene drewun. displnsinre tlio fnllwr
sitting at the door of a public house, in !
a drunken, liemuddeled state, with pipe
nmi i.,,c, 1.:,,. r tn Sr...
t rving to drag him from his seat, at the
same time pointing to a curtain behind
her, as she took up the refrain from the
lady and toucliingly sang, uHe
litime." etc. ThIsotl7.nrf.aP. vvn,,-
e drawnaside.disclosingawrctchctlroom,
! the poor mother sitting on the ground
II 1 . ..i1 - . m 1 , . . fe .
with a sicklv-Iooklng bov in her lap, as V""1 Zr , Ve "ii ,wonlBn s
and in the a"ct of feeding him witli a soclctJ- Havc understood that every
spoon. Simultaneously witli the draw- ! young man vho drinks Is socially pro
ingofthe curtain, the lime-light wa.slscnbclI; ,B.nV? "p yo4ur -d"1"! m
brought to bear 111.011 the tableaux, giv- 1 f0?1"1 to ''"'ihing as not only dangerous
:..o- tiw.1.1 ,, mK- t.n-.i:n ,.rrw 1 but disgraceful. Place temptation 111 no
a moment or two the act drop came
down, and the lad v proceeded:
Father, dear father, come home with me now,
in nit; pi.Tjur Mnhn two; 2TOI11; I
The nlKht has grown colder, and ISenuy Is
Itut he has liern calllu; for you:
Iiult-ed he is worse mother says lie will die,
IVrhniw before inornlnir shall dawn.
And tills was the message she sent me to
Coiiir or he will lie jcone;
Come home, rome home, come home.
lease, father, dear father, come home.
The act drop rises again, and now the
child has hold of the pewter pot, trying
to take it from the drunken parcnt.'and
she continues the last two lines, "Come
home," etc., the other curtain is drawn
aside, and we next sec the child stretched 1
out 011 its mother's lap, and as it just 1
raises its little head aud falls back with !
a gasp, with. the lime-light rellecting
strongly upon it, there was a reality
about the whole terrible t view, fiobs
weie heard from all parts of the hall,
coming from the feminine iwrtiou of the
.uiuii-iice, Miiuu icars ncKicu uown
many a .nan's cheek. We have n
the picture of the "Sister of
Mercy," with a dying child in her lap,
7" .1 11 'canuiiy natural. 1
Lven the lady who sang the song was 1
affected, and could sctirccly proceed with I
uie nisi erse.
I"iiJ.,or'''"t"Ilr conio Iiiu wllli me now,
The clock in the steeple strikes three; uoiig
The house Is so Iom-Iy-the hours are so Ion;
Kor jioor weeping mother and me.
And these were
.nu kouc wmi me nngoisoi iigni r
uie very last, woms inai lie
"I want to kiss nana cood nlirht"
Come home, come home, come home,
l'lease, father, dear father, minlinme,
Again the drop arose, disclosing little
Mary on her knees appealing to her
father, who, with pot elevated, is in the
aet of striking her with it, as aim sings,
"Come home," and then the back cur
tain draws aside, showing the mother
praying over a chilli's coffin. But now
the sobs burst out still more freelv, and
two ladles were carried out fainting.
The scene was truly harrowing, and we
gladly turned our eyes awav.
An additional verse was "sung, about
"Poor Kenny" being with the angels
above. The father, sober now, Is weep
ing over the eoflln with the mother, and
littlcMaryonher knees, singing "Home,
home, father, dear father's come home!"'
At this moment the curtain is drawn
aside, and little Kenny is suspended
over the coffin, with wings, smiling
down upon them and pointing upwards.
The fatfier falls forward on his face, the
aet drop descends, and for a few minutes
all is hushed suvcthesobsof the women.
"There !" said a workingman by our
side, as lie heaved a sigh of relief, "Mr.
Spurgcon never preached a better ser
mon than that!" an expression to
which we assented, and left the hall.
There is no difference between knowl
edge anil temperance; for he who knows
what Is good and embraces It, who
knows what is bad and avoids it, is
kui "v vew weU ought to beJdono
auu siupiu. iocraics.
It is always safe to be polite to ladies.
An incident of the late railroad smash
up near Boston proves it. A gentleman
of that city gave up his seat in the last
car of the Beverly train to a lady, aud
passed forward. The lady was killed
and the gentleman was uuhurt.
Tiie Swiss government has abolished
capital punishment.
"rsiis.'.ii 1 iiiimi.. "iii
ui..7. ui.. iii-.t t ... . 11 11 ' !llle recent election in 3iacon, (Jeorgia.
Jane Shore, "Last Lynn," anil other Wc give the conversation's it occurred
S I 'flI'V"1' "ut never before between each person and the clcetlm
did we witness such a scene of general 1 Inspector
crying. The principal feature called to xSm-vAtor imiu.t
A Journal for the People.
Devoled to tho Interests of Humanity.
Independent In roll tics and Itellglnn.
Ilve to nil IJvo Issn&s, and Thoroughly
Radical In Opposing and Kxposlns: the Wrong
ot the Jmes.
Correspondents writing over assumed signa
tures must make known their names to the
EUltor, or no attention will be given to their
Death In-doors.
Multitudes of persons have a great
horror of going out of doors for fear of
taking wild; if it is a little damp ora
little windy, or a little cold, they wait
and wait; meanwhile, weeks anil even
months may pass away, and thoy never
during that whole time breathe a single
breath of pure air. The result is, they
become so enfeebled that their constitu
tions have iiq power of resistance; the
least thing in the world gives them a
cold, even going from one room to an
other; and before they know it thoy have
a cold all the time, and this Is nothing
more or less than consumption, whereas,
If an opposite practice had been followed,
of going out an hour or two each dar
regardless of the weather, a verynllfler-
The truth is, many of our ailments,
and those of most fatal forms, are taken
in the house, and not outof doors; taken
by removing parts of clothing too soon
after coming into the house, or by lyiirg
down on a bed or sofa when in a tired or
exhausted position from having engaged
too vigorously in domestic employment.
Many a pie has cost an industrious man
a hundred dollars. A human life has
many a time paid forauappledtimpiing.
When our wives get through work, thev
find themselves in au utterly exhausted
t. :: i .
jney must; wont at an, anil not oy the
.job; It Is more economical in the end to
see how little work they can do in an
hour, instead of how much. It Is slow,
steady, and continuous labor which
I brings health and good digestion. Fitful
labor is ruinous to all. Hall's Journal
of Hexdlh.
1 Woman, there is some things that von
i , , V'
can ilo, and tlii3 is one; you may make
unpopular ami disgraceful
R"nS young. You can utterly di
countenance au unuKing in your own
1 house' an(l can, ho11(1 ssi,Icl01
cycrj-young man who touches tho cup.
on know that no young man who
;;lriI,k.s n sarely be trusted with the
1,!PPlss of an woman, and that he is
n unfit ns n mnn fnn hn frf irAmon'o
! ",,an's V'ay- ,J "l?u maM bl!flstf of
themselves, let them do it in other
'".it 1 j j ..-. . j jii(jit;cilil.
husbands treat their customers from
private stores kept in their counting-
rooms, shame them into decency by
your-regard for the honor of your home.
Ilecogntzc the living, terrible fact, that
wine lias already been, and is to-day, the
curse of your sex; that it steals the
hearts of men away from you; that it
dries up your prosperity; that It endan
gers your safety; that it can only bring
you evil. If social custom compels you
to present wine at your feasts, rebel
against it, and make a social custom in
tiie interests of virtue and purity. The
matter is very much in vour own hands.
The women of the country, in what is
called polite society, can tio more to
make the nation temperate than all the
legislators anil tumultuous reformers
that are struggling and blundering in
their efforts to this cml. T)r Trnlim,i
. . . ,
Mwmjvr Votimis Tn-n rv,.iQ!
Inspector "Wecannot take your vote,
Non-Vo er "Why not? I can read
.i .,t... ...i.r.....i J r"li J V?'1
1 pay cUy aml county assessments and
internal revenue taes T 1,-w.n 1 afrr
", . ' ,. in ' i 1 : , , P Store,
' m, !lmI scl1 goods, sign checks, and give
Inspector "We know nil tlmh mn.l.
. , . . , 1
i VI . Vr j.jiu mie.
-T.xii on-voter.
Voter appears, aiul ofiers a ballot-.
Inspector "What is your name?!'
Voter "I dunno, massa. I'so, gome
times called Ole Joe, but most allors Ole
Inspector "What Is your age?"
Voter "Look a-yere, massa, 1'se jes a
Inspector "Where was you bom ?"
Voter "Golly, T dunno dat. My ole
massa said I wasn't born at all, but dat
I jes cum yer on a Hat Ixiat."
Inspector "Take his ballot." Wood
hull A- ClaJIMs Weekly.
Motiikriiood. Let no woman dare
Invoke on immortal life until she feels
herself worthy to develop and lead it
forth into all Ita appointed good. Let
her never enter that "holy of holies"
the confidence of the young heart that
has been nurtured beneath her own
without trying herself, whether she be
worthy of her high prerogative with
out 'a tender, deep ami prayerful deter
mination to mako this one duty para
mount to all others, so that at. mV
vest the character of maternity with
that divine intelligence that can in
struct, with that beautiful love which
can feel no sacrifice, with that sweet for
bearance which knows no impatience,
with that sublime devotion which can
make suffering itself a joy.
Josh Billintrs savs in Ids "Lecter:"
Rats originally came from Norway, and
nobody vould liave circd if they had
.7 wj
away origin.
"My hoy," said a clergyman, don t
you know that it is wicked to catcb 1 sh
on Sunday?" "OuI'S
much yet,'' said the boy, w'UwfWg
his eyes off the cord, "hain't had a
bite yet."
Keep carefully outof a qtmrrelWie
and still more careum
I out of Ills-ways.
lnV tb