The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, September 29, 1871, Image 2

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    ...SEPTEMBER 29, 1S71.
- ' n i m-nr i
Thn niillctiii i worried,
It sonic-1
Postmasters along the Columbia river,
look hore! Wc have that to say to you,
from t ho profou ml depth of ou r vi rt uous
indignation, which ought to make you
quake in your boots. Oursclf ami hus
band, In company with Mis Anthony,
recently made a lecturing tour up the
Columbia river as far a1HVall5V5lla.
As we have been absent from Portland
most of the time for several weeks past,
it has been our custom to write inauu
script copy on our journeyings and send
it from various points along the route.
Well, on Tuesdny, Sept. 10th, wo mailed
at The Dalles the manuscript of the
chapter of "Judith Iteid" which xJiould
have appeared in this issue. The com
positors kept waiting and waiting, and
finally were obliged to put the "outside'
of the paper to press without it, intend
ing to insert on the "inside," although
that would be a decided innovation upon
our usual custom. Well, we went up to
"Walla "Walla and came back, stopped
again at The Dalles, and reached Port
land last Wednesday the 27th, and on
the same day the manuscript copy of
"Judith Roid." which was mailed strict
ly according to the requirements of Iho
law for such matter, came to hand.
Eight days from The Dalles to Portland
is decidedly fast time. The copy had
been mailed in two envelopes, each hav
ing one of the ends slightly clipped,
which, as we understand It, is required
by law. On reachingourofllce the envel
opes had every evidence of having been
opened and the copy read. It was too
late, by any possible means, to secure
the insertion of the story in this week's
issue, and that accounts for "Judith's"
loquaciousness being interrupted for tho
time being.
Now, gentle reader, we would like to
say something terrible about the pusil
lanimous scamp of a postmaster, who
ever he is, who is responsible for this,
but the English language contains no
words sufficiently strong to adequately
express our feelings. If the poor fellow
will give us his name we will send him
the N bw NoirrmviisT free and a bless
ing besides.
A contributor to tlie Oregonyxn, oyer
the Signature of "T.,'Uios an article? in
that paper of a recent date full of the
most outraireous mlsrenrteeutations.U
the Woman Su H'rage I
H.nns seems almost inclined to lavor Sufrraze.but the next dav or
two takes a taircand backslides1, and
to, nr.e luiin-juiuiuiu in u ciotllv or, IU
use if more pertincnt'lllustration, like
Mrs. Money of the Beacon vibrates
back and forth. Its last scare was oe-
cabioucdbvut8-.couUiiunottirv-of thelcrv of i'Ereo Ijovo l-Kree"ove4" -The
Oreaontan comiiiir n,i lml. IK- -mil nlnrn contributor to tho Oreaontan is one oi
board, with no"ifs" nr "himV" In fm-nrnf I the worst tvne of this class. Hear him
most outrageous
Many opponents of
movement, failing to find any reasona
ble argument against it, reort to the
In response to a little notice we gave
regarding Mrs. Money's viows of Miss
Anthony's lectures last week, the Ka
lama Jicticon publishes a rejoinder of
something over a column of non-com-mittul
generalities in reply. In regard
to women voting or not voting Mrs. Mo
ney appears to be like the girl who had
two lovers between whom she could not
decide. When one was present she loved
him the best of all in the world ; when
the other was with her her heart was
wholly and unalterably his, and when
both were absent she was In n dcllght
ful state of "neutrality."
Mrs. Money objects to our mode of
treating the suffrage question. We sup
poe that if we were to publish a half-and-half,
milk-and-water, non-committal
concern, always afraid to express
our opinion lest somebody shouldn't
like it a jiaper, for instance, like the
Jieacon Mrs. Money would think it
was just the tiling. Most people,
however, fail to pec the'hifluencc such
a journal exerts. !As to the influ
ence of the New Nor.Tiiwr.sT under its
present "tactics" we refer our contem
porary to an article in the last issue of
this paper entitled "Woman's Rights
Feeling in Portland," first published
in the Oregon Herald, in which is de
picted the progress of the cause of Wom
an Suffrage in this city since the estab
lishment of this paper.
Mrs. Money promises more on this
subject. We respectfully ask her to an
swer in her future literary coruscations
on this subject the question ap
pended: "Are you in favor of Woman
Suffrage as a principle or not V" An un
derstanding arrived at, there will be)
some show for a discussion.
Water Company in
The Portland
tend supplying their patrons with meat
hereafter, as well as water, in evidence
of which they generously sent us two
half-grown, slimy, crawling, squirming
snails the other morning, through the
medium of our water hydrant. We
don't know, however, but tlint the Com
pany will demand pay forthcuasohurg
ing seems to-be its particular forte. We
should judge by their 1-viks that the
meat of those siibIIh U very tender,
juioy, easy of digestion, and particular! v
adapted to the tender stomachs of con
valescing invalids. Families desiring
this article of food left at their rest
donees had better send in their ardors at
an early day, as we apprehend there
-will be a lively demand for snail meat
when It is generally known that it can
be obtained so readily. The Company,
however, is prepared to supply quite a
demand, as there Rccms to be at present
a very largo stock on hand in its snail
fisheries in this city. We did not have
these snails served up on the table,
by-the-wny, and cannot therefore vouch
for the deliulouMiess of their esculent
qualities. They W(;re mlMlci ovcr to
the tender merely of our obtuse Chi-
rolled his moon eyes as only a Cliina
man can, and exclaimed, givine ht
head a vigorous shake of dlsgtUt " Well'
hinivellcc muchee no good; him heap
. nasty, iournakec mecookeehim
leave !" And so, to keen on ti ,
""side of our Chinaman we had to forego
the pleasure of a disli of snail. Oh
dear! these Chinaiuenare no fastidious!
tho ballot.for woman. . It comes to the
rescue of failing man's rights cause
anil deiallswllat M Ui I nk'sTmust inevit
ably happen to women when they hold
the ballot in the following frantic
style :
For women to vote it will be necessary
for them to begin nt the beginning of
campaigns, as men do. They must at
tend the primaries, sit in conventions,
take part in caucuses, and join in all the
various phases and machinery of our
political system. Everybody knows
that to ensure the nomination of good
men for office the primary elections
must be managed to that end. They
are the roots from which spring the
campaign trees that bear the fruit of
election. And the voter on election day
has simply to vote for whichever of the
comtictihg candidates he prefers he
cannot, in the broad sense of the term,
vote for whom he pleases at least with
any efficacy to his vote, unless he casts
it for one or other of the "regular iiom-
Now, if all these things necessarily
attend the possession of the ballot, and
are degrading in their influence, why
not disarm man of. the ballot as well as
woman? '
To any who are coYiversant with the
manner in which our system of politics
is conducted the idea of the presence
and participation of women therein will
bo distasteful and abhorrent out of
pure respect for the sex.
Oh ! spirit of chivalry, that takest off
thy hat to woman with tho most defer
ential bow, that doth most gallantly
make haste across the street to pick up
her handkerchief, and then payeth her
half wages for work, how consistent art
thou ! Thou that pcrvadcst tho church,
the social gathering, the theater and
the ball-room, that pcrnicatest every
where in the society of woman, how
hath thy glory departed when we come
to the polls !
Womau not welcome at the polls?
Wo warrant that the pure and good
men of our country would attend the
polls thrice as punctually and willingly
as they now do were their noble wives,
J sisters and daughters there.
At such scenes the bold or tho bad
would attend, perhaps; but we imagine
few of the good or the gentle and modest
could be nrougnt to engage in the "filthy
Already the iuilucnco of bad women
is felt in ourclections almost as much as
if they had the right to vote, while that
of good women is not. Would the pure
and virtuous women of Portland, were
they allowed the right to vote, stay at
home and let their soiled and fallen
sisters elect a city government that
would license debauchery and intern
pcrance ?
They must attend at the polls; they
must run lor ami hold otiicc and sit in
Legislatures and in Congress: they must
serve on Juries, practice law, take their
place upon the iscnch, anil lo all else in
public life that men do.
Hold on, Mr. Jiullelin; not so fast.
Surely you would not compel women to
do all these things. They might be re
quired to serve on juries, but you would
not absolutely thrust office upon woman
If she did not want it, would you? That
would be almost as bad as depriving her
of any chincc to vote or hold office at
all. No wonder the Jlutletin is optiosed
to giving the ballot to woman, if, as he
seems to think, every woman mutt, in
order to vote, necessarily perform sonic
public duty or hold some office of public
trust. Why, there would have to be new
offices without number created, and the
poor men would have to stand aside al
together! Women do not want office thrust uxu
them, but if a woman chooses to present
her name before the public for a certain
office within their gift, and she be elect
ed and duly qualified, sho most certain
ly ought to have the right to exercise
the functions of that office.
We do not propose to touch upon the
JUiUcliiC article further at this time.
Its editor devotes over a column of small
type to the question, without in the
least touching iqon its real merits,
which in itself shows how desperately
scant for something to bolster up their
sinking cause our editorial man's rights
brethren are, for (no flattery now) upon
almost any other subject the Bulletin- is
able to present plain, logical, straight
forward, plausible arguments.
Tn tliUsu-ito. n well as almost every
State of our Republic, the question of
Woman Suffrage-is bcingagitatedrnnd
with nmmipnts the merits of which
cannot be galnsaycd. Every man of
reason admits that woman in her pres
ent state is in a condition of practical
servitude, nnil while manv. almost all,
oppose granting the ballot to her, some
Judge Underwood, l".S. District Court
Judge for,ATilnia, has givou,hisvwrit3
en opinion that the totirtecntu anu
(Fifteenth Amendments to the 'Unife
?..l 2t.. t M-llli
pl OU11121 yJUSlllUI.IUIl, ltfj;vni
the enforcement act or .May jisr, itui,
have secured to the women of the State
of Virginia the right to vote. Huzza !
Ll'hcJight. begins, to. beam ulong thchorU
.on of woman's fast-coming era of po
litical freedom. Tliis opinion, if correct,
will apply full as well to all thetotber
States in the T'nlon as Virginia. Now
lot a feH cm go tsrtlfc ff uitreWCoTrrt'
of the United States. Wo have every
reason to believe that that tribunal will
render a favorable decision and then
good-bye to the "whisky rings."
Miss Anthony is now at Albany. She
lectured at that placo Wednesday even-J
ing on the "Power of the Ballot." She '
has an appointment to speak at Cor
vallis the 2d of October. Of her fur
ther appointments we are not at pres
ent advised.
Her Walla Walla trip was in evcrv
sense of the word a success. Miss An
thony is doing a great work wherever
she goes, and crowded houses greet her
We intend next week publishing a
somewhat more extended account of
our Wnlla Walla trip, in which we
shall speak of the Walla Walla Fair,
which was a very creditable though
not full exhibit.
The subscription lists of the Xi:w
XoimnvEST, we arc happy to say,
were very materially increased during
our visit up the Columbia.
being ruled bv one reason and as many
hv another, they sec no icasioie piau
which justice can bo done to the purest
and noblest half of mankind. Hie
strongest argument we know against
the Woman Suffrage movement is in the
principles put forward and advocated by
prominent woman suffragists or the
United States. We have been permitted
to read the JlcroUUinn, Wootlhull A
Clnfliri1 VTcchly, The Oolilcn Age, The
The Pimuer. and other neriodieals ad
vocating this political change. Almost
nil of these naners hold forth the mo-t
corrupting and anti-religious social ideas
possible to bo advocated.
That is a pretty good mixture, to be
sure! Coupling the ChrUtian Union
Wootlhull tt Vlufliit Weekly together!
Pluebus, what a mess of fish! The next
thing this verdant speciment of olisoleto
antiquity will do will be to charge (,rd
er, we intend no blasphemy, but cannot
pare the comparison) that Jesus Christ
and his Satanic Majesty are going about
together seeking whom they may de
He also gravely Informs us that Theo
dore Tilton is a Congregational minister
"one who h:is as great an iutluenco in
the Church as it is possible for one man
to exert," etc. Now won't it be news to
our Unatarian 15ro. Tilton that he is
minister, and a Congregationalist at
tltat? Indeed, Mr. TVs idt-as about the
identity of men seem about as obscure
as his ideas on Woman Suffrage.
He then proceeds to siive some garbled
extracts from various sources which we
do not propose to consider, for the sim
ple fact that the great army of noble
men and women who have espoused our
cause are not responsible for the pecul
ianties or Idiosyncracies of a rcw oi
their co-laborers. AVc suppose this cor
respondent is a member of either the
Republican or Democratic party. Would
he deem it fair play for us to quote the
views and opinions of a few ultra, ob
noxious politicians of the party towhicl
he belongs, and then insist that he and
every other member of his party neces
sarily indorse those views and opinions,
and that his party's success would event
uate in their permanent establishment
and incorporation into the institutions
of the country?
In closing, however, he threatens to
show from our columns that we advo
cate what he calls "Frcelovoism." Ex
actly what he means by this term we do
not know. It is used with different In
terpretations by different authors. It is
not in the dictionary, and wo can only
arrive at its meaning by taking the defi
nitions of the two word's "free" and
"love" and putting them together. If by
it is meant the free and unrestrained
intermingling of men and women with
out regard to law, order or decency, then
does this correspondent utter a .slander
upon the fair repute of the Woman Suf
fragists of America which can umauntc
only from an ignorant brain or corrupt
ed heart. We k.vkk him to produce
anything from our columns in tlieslight-
est favoring any such odious doctrine.
Tills charge of "Free Tiove" Is a "slop
thief" cry uttered almost universally l
those who know that their proiKJiisity
to indulge their unbridled passions
would be summarily destroyed when
women hold the ballot. Docs woman
only remain pure and virtuous because
man makes the laws? Not so. She
stays pure and virtuous in spite of it.
This fact is attested by tho thousands of
struggling women who every day wend
their way to and fro from cheerless toil,
rewarded by pay so saint as to be hard
ly sufiiclcnt to last from one day to an
other, past palatial dens of infamy which
are licensed and protected by the legis
lation of men. AVhcn these women have
the right to vote and thereby protect
themselves when the terrible tempta
tions which cause a very few to fall
from the pinnacle of virtue shall be re
moved by a chance for a fair nice in lifo
when they can command in the world's
market of labor equal jay for equal
work will theso woinun, we repeat,
ifiu-oiiscnt to institute and make world
wide the very sin whoe attractive and
delusive fascinations, flaunted in their
faces every day of their lives, they have
successfully resisted when stared in the
face by poverty, hunger and often death ?
Our views umii the marriage and di
vorce question have been so clearly and
distinctly given in these columns that
the "wayfaring man, though a fool,"
need not misinterpret them. There
should be no such tiling as divorce. Tho
marriage state should be indissoluble.
That is the ideal. Hut, as there is noth
ing i-erfect on earth, ideals are not what
Women Journalists.
Gail Hamilton aniireirstnlmvn il
KeraUki into u feeble scoUL he has juSt
uu i.uieu mm oi iany correspondents
and joumalisU, and the inference to he
drawiifroin hcrjeramiads, is that wom
en have injured journalism and hud
lK'ttcr quit it altogether. In such a case
L.ail would Hint her occupant gone, and
one benefit would accrue, for the world
would be spared a ttood deal of twaddle.
the most painful and unexpected result
of my own observation, that the grossest
violationsof courtesy, modesty, delicacy,
and.decenoy, attributable to correspond
ents, have been perpetrated by women."
.This4s a -pretty, broadassertiou, and
we hardly think it can bo supported by
facts. The most ihameless interviewing
Is done by men. We do not hesitate to
ndniit that very gross breaches of good
taste and intrusion upon personal and
domestic privacy have marred the col
umns mied ny iany correspondents; but
instead of proving that women are not
needed in journalism, it simply proves
that a higheronlerof women are needed
in journalism than some of those who
have taken up corresponding ami report
ing rora livelihood, ine same can lie
The Walla Walla lrioi says:
If MissSusanR. Anthonyornnv other
wnmnii will rifir in unfot. sUntnliw nf
. . ... 1 - ! .1 .....I. . . 1 I.
Washington Territory ror lbOr ; Mie a"i, wuu iar greater euipnasis, leiume
in.. tut men pemii-a-iiiiers. ine jhcss i-aii
will find that the first clause of the cleo
lion law of this Territory allows woman
suffrage here. The opening wonls of the
hrst section or the Act are: "JSc il en
acted," etc., "that all white American
citizens above the age of twentv-one
years," etc., "shall be entitled to hold
office or voto at any election in this Ter
ritory." l nucr the provisions of this
section eminent lawyers hold that
women are as much entitled to vote and
hold office as are the men.
Women of Washington Territory! sec
that you assert your right to the ballot.
Our friend of the Walla Walla Union
thinks Miss Anthony is very "scatter
ing" in her suffrage shots. When n
woman suffragist levels a well-loaded
political argument at a bevy of man's
rights game, she is csiecially delighted
to find that the scattering shots havci'7
soinclMHly. A wounded bird is sure to
Articles from the Jieacon have been
copied largely by the best journals in
the wnoie country : lor aircany ine in
fant city is attracting attention abroad
and we may, with propriety, say envv
near home. .wr. .Money, in Miiama
We believe we have noticed an adver
tisement or two in some of our exchanges
that were copied, evidently by order,
from the Knlaina Jlearon.
pennv-a-liners. the pre
never he elevated until the lewd iciiows
of baser sort, who throng most news
papers offices and ply their trade of
picking up carrion oils of news, and
pushing into places where their presence
is an insult, are either whipped into
cood manners and decency, or sinter-
ceded by an entirely different order of
There aro certain departments of jour
nalism that are prMty low down, and
the methods they oblige to use are cer
tainly not elevating. Women who
engage in this work, do not, in the
larger number of cases, choose it because
It Is pleasant or to tueir taste; they en
'':'o in it to get their bread, and if they
refuse to adopt the sensational and
offensive tricks which men have in
vented, thev are denied employment.
Moreover, we Know oi cases where the
reports of women have time and again
been so miMiglcd, marred, cut, and in
terpolated by men editors, that when
sent out to the world under their name,
they could scarcely recognize what pur
ported to be their work. Sentiments
ami prejudices, oftentiniesscurrility and
abuse which they never dreamed of in
dulging in, were skillfully twined
through the original article, and they
were obliged to bear the odium of this
rivate overflow of editorial bile, or else
lose :i lrood iiaviiiir position.
There are women, and we know some
of them who detest the kind or work
they are obliged to do for bread. They
work uniler inexorable task-masters,
who will fake onlv what they fancy the
jiublic deinand-', and these task-masters
are all men. het Call apply the lash
Knrrou Nkw XoimiwKsT:
In one of our late Oregon papers I no
ticed a short article stating that Miss
Anthony's campaign had already cost
Oregon live thousand dollars, and be
moaning the great waste thereby in
curred. Now, in the first place, permit
me to state It as my opinion that If that
gum tan been expended, it is very small
pay for the amount of light received and
delight experienced; and, in comparison
with the cost of any political campaign
heretofore conducted, I presume it to be
verv insignificant. To those who would
are not yet computed or
Furthermore, I would ask: How
many papers in Oregon have ever been
sullicicntlv exorcised over the vast ex
penditures of the country on travelin
circuses, negro minstrel", low theaters
where it belongs. It is all very fine to
talk about elevating journalism and
frowniii"- down itcrsoiialitv. The truth
U that a great deal of writing women do
is mere piece-work, done to order like
shirt or vest-making. The woman who
applies at the door of the newspaper
otfiee must furnish what thocuitor wants,
nr she mav starve.
Women have not been aide to stem the
tide, and in many cases they arc not to
blame. They have done, and can yet do
valuable work in journalism, lhey
have obtained a foothold ill the profes
sion from which they never can be ex
pelled, and their influence through the
press will be felt more and powerfully
each year. Tho fault lies at the door of
those who cater to a depraved public
anm-tite. anil with the public that
Ui.rM fnriiiilioalthv mental food. T
fetter a woman's brain, and then upbraid
her for not elevating journalism, urns
tnites the spirit in which the Egyptian
s tQ-bea.Woi
It mustibc a big thingJtb be a woman.
Women have such nice times, and
never any trouble. Why, there are
women injthis city whoget ten cent for
making an unbaotediliiien coat, and il"
thev are smart, with long exiieriencc,
thev can tin n oil" nine a day, thus re
ceiving from their philanthropic em
ployers the munillcient sum of ninety
cents a dayr-inetveents-a'dayis bet
ter than nothing; and if the woman is
healthy and can work six days every
week, "anil enn always cet all the work
she can do. she Isisnrc 6 ait income of
livo dnlhirs . nnl fnrlv cents a week. If.
slnlsiugleT-n'ifllTIthfrirnl "to-miron
little better than swjii moo, sue wui
board for$3 50a week, aiulhavcs-lttO left
fur rlntlu-s. shoos, par-fare and pleasure.
Hut woi Mn't nlwnvs be haf, nor is
it reasonable to suhnose that wom
en are always well. Occasionally snow
is on the ground; now and then exces
sive hpat blinds tho stromrcst: once in a
while clothes need washing; sometimes
a piercing hcailacho lays one up; now
and then a violent cold lays another
down; and strange ta relate, some or
these creatures actually get marricu, aim
when their husbands die they are wid
ows, just the same as any other woman,
and if they chance to have two or three
little ones, which they general ,
then, indeed, they an to be envied. I
think the happiest person in ine rouim
world must be a widow with three ba
bies, without .money, lodging in a, teue
liieiit house, and dependent oil A. 1.
Stewart or some other philanthropist
for three dollars a week, or at the out-
siiln live, to keen the wolf, nololllv from
the door, but from her very iiean oi
hearts. It must be lolly to lie such a
woman, particularly if the eldest child
is four, the next two. and tno uany
"jabv. These children, you know, have
such a pretty knack of getting the mea-
sies. lauinir on me siove, uiiscuiuk
water on their liodtes, falling down
staiis, catching cold, having diarluea
and all sorts of ridiculous tilings, am
beyond all, with an aptitude that I;
positively alarming, thevcrv with hun
ger, literally crying great, big, genuine
erys lor something to eat. .Jierry
hy, it seems to me a woman who
can't be merry under such cin-um
stances must be a lunatic ! To see i
two-year-old child, thin with hunger
and exhausted by crying, isa great stim
ulant. Why, any one would work for
such a child! What's easier? All th
mother Jias to do is to tie me baby in
the cradle, tie the sick one on the cot
and tie the lour-vcar-older to a chair.
They may cry their eyes out while she'
mine, nut that's notning. liieirimii
heads mav grow dizzy with weary won
dcrings about their mamma, and the
thousand and one accidents to which all
children are iianicniay coineaiong' out
this the mother knows as wells as we
so after she has locked the door, she
hurries to the shop and to work, teh
' V . ... I t c lit'
weep ovcr the great Ios, however, I persccutcsl their Israelitish serfs for not
would say the expenses of the "woman'simaking bricks without straw. I'eeolti-
The Art of Snubbing.
of snub-
nnd so
Some people marry with a
conclusion, as to the necessity
bin'' on one side or the other;
to make sure of not being the victim,
are careful to take the initativeand be the
and the like, to bewail the lavish ex- j executioner. They live in the perict
travagance in ever so mild a way? ual exercise of the art, and by practice
, .., , , ,' obtain a cunning equal to that which
lhey have permitted Plummcr and u,Iin,llrtl thL. lluirksnin to split a bullet
"Jcems Pipes" to have crowded houses ; on tl pon-knife. Sometimes it is the
and carry off" an unreported and uniuil- wife who is snubbed out of alt chance
Stewart's Hotel for Women, at the
1th and 3d streets, New York
city, is lifting its broadside?) up into the
eieva H,-uii-jjiii""-, ,-
nerai-ooservauoii, iH-in-in-i!iiiui-
clwilenge adnuniltqUE in ies
thau another year uie .numiing. ,m
be completed. AlrcadytwTi millfirtis of -dollars'
liavc 'hwi e.pewlel,-ftIother
million will Ik' required to give it the
finishing touches. It no-urs to us that
erecting separate hotels, schools, col
lows, hospitals and prisons for women
exclusively, is likely to be carried too
far. Men and women should be trained
up together, and not separately as though
species; as though they were natural
enemies; as though demoralization,
degradation and ilegeneration would
surely follow friendly and intimate as
sociation. We have al read v, in our es
timation, too many of these seiiarate in
stitutions. TIiosO xjrsois in the posses
ion of material wealth, who wish to
mnlov it for the benefit of women.
may promote her interest lietter by do
nating their gifts to institutions where
women are excluded, on condition that
lev shall be admitted on equal looting
with men.
AVc have but little faith m these ex
pensive piles of brick and stone and
mortar and uiahoirHiiy and rosewood
and crystal and paint and varnish, for
imeliorating or reiorming me condition
f those whom the outlay was designed
improve. The millions exiiendcd
upon the building of thetiirard College,
and the enormous outlay to keep up
that institution, for the education of a
few orphan boys, in a laud of free
schools, may be'an efficient means for
;ceiiing the name oi its iouiider green
ii thp inoiiiorv of the public, and it may
also niiniter largely to the pride of the
itizons of the city or brotherly love,
but we are unable to perceive that the
llstitutioll lias done anything towards
mprovlngthe general condition or the
lH-onle in the diminution of poverty.
crime and the long train of evils which
How therefrom. Odd-l-ellows, l.ooa
Templars, Masons and other lieiieticient
institutions are laboring to colonize
their widows and oriliniis into separate
groups, outside of ami beyond the life
and stir, me uusiie anu resimiisiuiiiues,
the joys and sorrows growing out of
general social contact.
The annual intcroston the amount in
vested in the grounds, building and fur
niture of Stewart's Hotel for Women
would go far to Iioard and lodge all the
isolated inmates. There are hundreds
of hotels and boarding-houses in New
York, which would gladly contract, at
low figures, with -Mr. Stewart or ins ex
ecutors, to !oard and lodge sewing and
other women, where the recipients of
his bounty vtuld eiy'oy the advantages
or mixed society and Who would not lie
likely to lie wanied into timid, suspic
ious and one-sided beings. .S'. P. Pioneer.
eat, drink, or be merry. Why shuul
she? She makes one dozen shirts, and
is credited with either five or ten shil
lings either sixty-three cents or a dol
lar, according to the price of the shirts
She sets no money, but at six o'clock
hurries home. Perhaps all is well, and
the three hungry little chaps have cried
themselves to sleep; but hungry chick
don't sleep very well, and they all wak
but one. The habv died about noon
having cried itself into fits', and then
strui'i'lcd into duoni alone.
Ou the whole, I'll drop this curtain
but while imagination pictures what
loiiows, and reiiection revcais mat sue
incidents arc the every-day lifo of our
overworked and under-paid masses, I'm
quite sure everybody will agree witli
me, that it must be a rii-staving, high
junks thing to lie a woman. X. 1".
culated sum of Oregon's wealth, and
taken their second-hand wit and scnt't-
From the favorable notice given Miss
Susan li. Anthony, hy Uro. Upton of the
ITercurti. and his" easy intlnir relative to
Sister Duniway, in his last issue, we
take it for granted that he is a convert to
woman suffrage. "While the lamp
holds out," etc. f rcai uazette.
Yes, come along, Bro. Carter.
The IU raid is in a stew because Miss
Anthony is making money in her lec
ture business, and remarks in connec
tion that legislation is needed providing
against persons being "bilked." We
o!,J CIK:Ur" And,of all the men in
the State of Oregon, the Jlcrald propri
etors need the protectioh of HUCli a law
the worst, for they have been most un
mercifully "bilked" in their recent edi
torial importation from Missouri.
of the inot elementary self-assertion
sometimes it is the husband, for the
good of whose soul the wife undertakes
. . i i nr.. i:
incut as an equivalent beyond question, j the task of his iiersonal humiliation
n, ,i ii.,.,. ...,. ....... : (In. venom of certain reptiles, con-
. T , , . , .. . ilinuons snubbint: has a curiously be-
uiie tiling i mihiiw iikc iu say aiMHii
Miss Anthony's private lecture, as I
heard it. It gave more valuable infor
mation and more reasonable theories for
the advancement and jierfcction of the
human race than I ever heard in any
political speech in my life; and I have
heard several eminent iKillticiaus. As
for improbable and low anecdotes, I
heard none to which these adjectives
would apply. The speaker said nothing
that was not either useful in sustaining
her noble theories or that failed to cor
rcsiKind in any particular witli known
and universally acknowledged facts. On
the question of the proportion of objec
tionable stories usually introduced in
political speeches (where women are not
admitted), I have no idea Miss Anthony
ever intends tn compete, and 1 doubt her
capacity to do so successfully If men arc
correct reporters of political lectures.
And she "abused the men !" What a
pity! They never abuse each other, es
pecially in political sjicechcs! AVell, 1 1
will admit that she failed to awaken!
much sympathy in my mind for the class '
of men to -whose wiles nnd sins she al-!
hided. P.ut she surely told nothing at
all that was new about them. As for the
number of "unfaithful husbands," I am
as much at a loss to give Miss A's view
of their proportion as I should have been
before I ever saw or heard of her. This
much I have felt was due to Miss An
thony and the public, in order that
wrong impressions of her lectures might
not be disseminated.
Belu: W. Cookk.
I numbing effect on the moral system,
and altera time produces a paraivsis oi
the scir-respccting faculties both odd
and painful to witness. People unused
to snubbing, who go where the art is
practiced, are amazed at the quietness
witli which the patient receives imper
tinences which thrill them with indig
nation to hear. They expect some kind
of protest, If only of tho mildest kiud,
when the wife, looking across the table,
says in a clear voice, audible to the
wfiolc company, "John, you have told
that story so often, yousccm to imagine
it true; you know it never happened;"
or when the husband cuts his wife short
in her narration bysettingherto rights,
altering hcrdates.rc-arrangingher facts,
paring off her details, and so on, giving
von to understand by the manner of the
snub that she is a fool and he is the
possessor of a superior wisdom,
makes you long to kick him on the
sjiot. Hut the husband accepts the re
buke with the patience of a parchyderni
tickled by a straw, and the wife sub
sides Into her assigned position of In
significance and inaccumry; nhd both
display a sweetness under discipline,
saintly if you will, but surely, to the
deeper insight, tragic on the ono hand,
slavish on the other.
Aflltl.ttllll Cl I It'll ft -V fllA Cflultotm 1ir.
we have to deal witli, but with practical cifs" .l0i i(00ks arc coming info favor
realities. It is too sweenini' to say that I in this countrv. is fiffv-two years old.
there should be no divorce, but on the
other hand it can only be justified by
the most aggravating circumstances.
We this week present our readers with
"Greeley on the Woman Quotion" and
"Mr. Tilton's Reply."
We cannot but accuse Mr. Tilton of
using tojt taiedcr in patching up his ex
treme good opinions of the hero of "Rec
ollections," etc. There is much of the "I
style In his "reply."
The new editor of the Herald is im
proving. Walla Walla Statesman.
Plenty of chance for it.
and was bom in a country town where
her father was a merchant, hut died
when she was a child. She was well I
instructed, and in lier teens went toi
Stockholm to devote herself to the art i
of painting, where she married, in 1S!9,
Late Telegraphic News.
An active and closely contested cam
paign in the Republican ranks in Mas
sacliusottcs Is gniugoiifornnd against tiic
nomination of Con. Ren. F. Rutler
for O'ovenor of that State. The Demo
crats have refused to incorporate a
Woman Suffrage plank into their plat
form. Ix;t the Republicans nowiinprove
the golden opportunity presented to cn-
lid tin, ei'lliriflHl f)f 111.. Wnmnii Cir
' frage advocates.
1 The New York Tribune publishes an
I expose of frauds alleged to have been
committed by Collector Murphy, which
, excites gnat attention.
'1 he Tammany exposures or irauiiiiii
I continue to grow more accumulative.
I Win. M. Tweed, one of the Tammany
Ring, has been nominaieu iui
Who were the First Advooates of Woman's
The question, I believe, has never
been satisfactorily settled. Some claim
the honor for this, some for that indi
vidual, while an English advocate has
referred it to Plato, two thousand years
ago, thus claiming for the cause high
antiquity. Rut it seems to mc that it
has a greater antiquity by ten centuries
than the age of Plato, and a greater
veneration attached to it, at least by
Riblc readers, from the faot that it fs
mentioned in sacred writings.
In Numbers 27, it is recorded that five
sisters in the Hebrew nation, whose
father had died without male heirs,
claimed thcirright to a division of the
land the same as the male reprosontn
t ivcsof the family, although sucna claim
had never before been made and was de
cidedly nn innovation.
Tlie manner in which they presented
their claim deserves notiee. It was not
by petition throuuh sonic members of
the Hebrew Legislative Assembly, but
it was in jierson, in the presence of the
lawgiver, and leader of the nation, the
High Priest, the princes and the whole
congregation, by the door of the taber
nacle. The text has it, "They stood
up," and spoke for themselves. Hero is
an example of women, the women of
the Rible, too, speaking in a public
assembly, on the subject of Women's
There might have been conservatives
in that assembly, for aught wo know,
anil there might nave been sonic of the
priests who beli6vcd the sacredness of
which ! me family institution in danger; some
.tirs. lien, juan, or the wile or some
prince Nathaniel, might have said,.
"ineae women are nut oi their proper
sphere," but as there was no Chicago
iavanre. or ew orii Tribune o rep-
rescm, me opposition, we iau toproht bv
How was the demand of the daugh
ters of Zelophelmd regarded by the illus
trious Hebrew lawgiver ? Did he give
them "leave to withdraw?" Such dis
courtesy belongs to the chivalrous nine
teenth century. He did not consider
himself sutllclciitlv wise to decide a
question afi'ectlmr the interest of
whole class, hut referred thu matter to
tncMiprcine uuicr, wnose decision u
would be well for some of those who
profess to know the divine purpose in
thu creation oi women to rcmcnioer.
Thunanios of tho live women were
Mahlan. Noah. Hoirlnh. Mileah and
j - j
Wit. Inrl n.liluf
"And Moses brought their causes be
fore the hord.
And the Ixinl ,spake unfo Mpscs, saj-
""Thc daughters tiflelophehad speak
right. Thou shale surely give them a
possession of an. inheritance among
their fathers brethren; and thou shult
caiie the inheritance of their fathers to
pass unto them. Woman' Journal.'"
the celebrated physiologist, l'rorcssor " 'V,:; who recently
Schwartz. Hi, w-ls oiipoSsI o nvwv nr- woman living m Detroit,
tistic occupation, and long
allow his wife to come licfore
as an author. Thus her first
"Preface." appeared in Stockholm. 1851,
under tho initials, 'Of. S. S." After
the death of her husband (lb-"iS she tie
voted her time entirely to literary
productions, and lias show n since that
jicrloda truly amazing productiveness.
Her novels have bteu published simul
taneously in several German transla
tions. Since 1807, her works appear
first in German, in the library of mod
ern romnnces of foreign counties (Ber
lin i, and two years later In Swedish.
,1 i
trini iiiil-ii"""- " .. -
u wonderful woman, or tlie exchange
referred to has a treasure of a typu-ot-ter.
Two country attorneys overtaking a
wagoilcrsm theroatl, and thinking to be
wlttv upon him, asked why his fore
horse was so fat, and the rest so lean ?
Tlie wagoner kuowlug them, answered,
"that Ills fore horse was a lawyer and
the rest were his clients."
A woman has no natural grace more
bewitching than a sweet laugh. How
much we owe to that sweet laugh! It
turns the pro-c of our life into oetry;
It lllnirs showers oi sunsiiiuc over me
darksome wood in Which we are travel-H
ing; it touches with lightevenourieupr
which is the image ,p, death, but
gemmed with dreams that are tho shad
ows of Immortality.
A lady in Mobile is nowi'Conlincd to
licrbed.from tho-effects of poh-on.juian-ifesting
Itself in sores about her mouth
caused by biting green serving silk
while working with it. b '
"Carrie Weed" in a letter to a Host on
liler, says; "rwo month in the Treas
ury Department have made me feel
Proud that I hold. a position there. I
know whereof r affirm when I say that
no llCttClK lllliro iitrtll!frat nr r-ofltlful
class of women can bo found in any cir
cle of life."
"Throiiffh tickets'" to co around the
wflrlrt" are':for London for Sl,-
250..-. , .... .
Freventisn and Cure.
Fl.i-siUN-ti. The new Kxrle law elTw tin
wives of men tuUllctetl to drinking, the right m
vnni Ihiiior dealer not to sell tfiuor toth-ir
lininiii4 umler iimitj of S.TU Ane. A noticr .i
tills kind, IjsiiiiI by Judge Ijiwn-lKT, wn-tei-ved
on ftxtcvti saloon keepers Tenterilav. -IN.
Y. Tribune.
These sixteen Flushing saloon-keepers
might, perhaps, lie excused it, on tlie
serving of these notices, they mentally
remark, "Why not let us finish the job
we have commenced ? We have made
these men brutes, not fit to live as hus
bands, fathers of families; why interfere
with us why not let us make short
work of thuni, and summon the Coroner
to take inquest in a drunken brawl, and
save these protestiug'wives from further
wretchedness, more innocent children'
from a drunken, paternity ?"
Start a -loaded truck down a steep
grade and try to stop it near its end.
Yoif men legislators start it, watch its
progress, and then call out a woman to
place her porson in its way and check its
course ! Put yourself in her place for a
moment, and consider if you have not
meanly shifted on her shoulders the re
sults of the curse you have permitted to
rest Ux)it its reeling victim.
Watch him enter his abode, smarting
with the rebufl" of his loved haunt, and
furious at the wife who has dared gain
say tlie will of him whom she has prom
ised to olicj. Our daily journals tell the
story, photograph the scene, kicks,
blows, mutilations death even from
him, her sworn protector.
Kind law, ever ready with helping
hand, binds, him to keep the peace.
Does this heal woiunls of heart and
limb; does It prevent renewed abuse; does
it make him less a tyrant or lier lessa
slave? . -
Could our sagacious legislators person
ally take the experience of a wife and
mother tied to a, drunken brute, words
would fail to express the horrors of the
situation Ilea veil and earth would be
searched for a remedy, ami it would be
found. Rut the protection of women
will never lieacconipli-hetl until putting
their hands to the plough, thev declare
their right and determination to protect
We have invited tyranny by our sub
mission; we must makea new departure,
armed witli a noble atprlt dr eorpn, we
must stand united, boldly battling for
our rights till success crowns our eflorts.
Looking back across the war gulf, we
sec clearly how white supremacy pro
tected black subjection; in '76 how loyal
l-'iiglaiid guarded our colonial rights;
further back, how king, noble, and middle-classes,
always refrained from op
pressing those beneath in social grade;
lastly, iiow, in all age, men Imve grandly
stood aside, yielding life's choice places
of ease, distinction, and emolument to
weaker womanhood. Hrrolution.
Kitciii.x ITTKXRir-s. That duties of
i the cook may be roperly performed,
there must be suitable ii,tparatU3 to
work with. All other trades require
nice tools suited to the business to be
done, and Why should not the claims of
this important fuiicttoiinry lie admitted.
In many kitchens jierha'ps the major
ity an iiisiillU-ieiit number of utensils
is fnrnished, ami thce without any re
gard to adaption, witli the unreasonable
'expectation that, whatever tho variety
to be saved up, all shall be performed in
a skillful manner. A liberal supply of
cooking utensils is good economy; it"
saves both time ami labor. It is wise
management to curtail expenses in fit
ting up tho kitohen. An old Knglislu
writer upon the siiliiwl Ims
obsorved: "There is a real eiiiovmnni it.
a well cooked meal; and ns thfr practice
of cooking is attehdud witli so niany
disgusting and disagreeable circum
stances, we ought to have some reganl
fur those who encounter them to procure
lis plensuro, and to reward their services
by rendering their situation in every
way its comfortable and agreeable a's
The much worn spotted vils are very
injurious to the fight.