The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, September 22, 1871, Image 1

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A Journal for the IVOfle.
Devoted to the Interest of Humanity.
Independent Jn Polities nJ HellRlon.
Oive to all. Mve IsMies, and Thoroughly
Radical In Opposini: and Kipo'lns the Wrongs
at theHm.
lid. A. J. Ufsin-Ar, EJitr ana pr07r7,tfr.
OFFH'E-C'or. Third and Washington St.
One yar , ; m a
Sis mrinths ..iZT!l X
KitKK Spnixii, Fitrx riiEss, Fnr.n People.
Throe months....
Oorrawondenta -writing over assumed slfftia
umm Htt jnke known tiieir names to 'the
EUUor, or no attention will be given to their
AnvBltTISH JIBNTS Inserted on Itea-Wnabfe
For the New Xorthwest.
Tllint 1 Dentil?
bt lsola worth.
What U Death ? I've aaked my waiting spirit
TfelR vital question o'er ami o'er:
What in Death, that mortalit quake and fear it.
Awl dins so closely to the earthly shore '
la It not a foMin: of the weary hands
la peaeefol rett aowa tlie aching heart ?
' A alleat breaklnc of the earthly hands?
A gently vhlspcted aummnns to depart 7
What Is Death - I Ha monster fierce,
"WtUt Hideous lorni and niien ?
OiU VweonU bet fur a inmet pierce
The ctaad trhteh gather o'er the great un.
When thedtcad ineewmxer apiienrs In sleht
"Wa would wefcAme him rtlh ouutretehed
Cealm beyond this We a beauteous light.
Where we shall reat, teen re from all tliat
There is a solemn craiHieur in lut- thought
That immortality will twine day fold
Iter apotlea robe round us, and we shall float
Out with the ebbing tide to the untold,
Mfvterioiu, grand and boundlesH land
Tfm arhonee no one returns; and we
A lose shall ttoat, until tbeouUtreiohed hand
Of never tailing Love INrlne we see.
There shall wo rest, and eye hath never seen.
Nor ear hath heard, nor yet the mind
Of man hath e'er conceived, tlie wondrous
Of Jaya eternal which the Father of mankind
Hath laid up In that blessed spirit land
Par those who low Him here ; and well we
That hbrht, nor depth, liar any earthly lwuul
I koeMiram the irighty One who loves
its so!
bmi a
ground for or against Bible principles
and Bible teachings. It will not do to
support some portions of the Bible and
reject others that is infidelity. It is
either the Book of God, or it is a for
gery. "Who is on the Lord's side 7"
Respectfully, &c,
J. II. D. Henderson.
. i. 4i. ! calculated to inspire the heart of everv
will he said in the ; ' , .....
with direct refer- oman SuffraS,st !n t,,e aml wlth lloli-
Khwou Nbw Nohtiiwest:
Permit nie, through the medium of
your paper, to present a few thoughtts
in relation to tlie great question to
which the New Nokthwkst is de
voted. He who points out our faults .
is certainly no less a friend than he who
joimnends our virtues. Tho faithful
physician will not withhold the true
remedy In consequence of its unpleas
antness to the taste of the patient.
"What I have tosnv
utmost candor, and
ence to the good of Woman Suffrage,
while I doubt not that my sentiments
differ widely from those of many of the
professed friends of the cause. I advo
cate Woman .Suffrage simply because I
Itelieve it to be just and right ; not be
cause I think men have failed to form
and administer the Government judi
ciously ; tiot because I anticipate any
considerable improvement in tlie affairs
of our Government from the co-oj,era-tion
of women therein; but because I
regard women as the equal ot men
not their superiors in all that pertains
to real humanity. Woman has as
much at stake in the Government us
man as much to gain and as much to
lose; has to conform to the frame
laws, is protected by them, has to be
tried by them if oharged with their vio
lation, and has to suffer by them when
found guilty : therefore I think her en
titled to a voiee in their making and
execution. j
But while I advocate and sustain tlie
abstract principles, I am truly sorry to
witness the course adopted by many of
the professed friends of the cause. The
nomination of Mrs. Woodhull for the
Presidency is premature, to say - the
least. It will be abundantly early to
present a list of candidates for ollicc
when tlie ritrhts of women to vote and
hold olltee arc
Until then all such demonstrations are
fit subject for the ridicule ami con
tempt of the opponents. Again, were
the rights of franchise fully acknowl
edged, tlie name of Mrs. Woodhull, as
sociated with the "free love" insanity
as it is, would bla-t and sink the whole
thing indefinitely. There is no use to talk
about her talents. What of her talents?
If they were ten times greater than
they are I would not sustain her for any
position outside an insane asylum.
Thank God, the religious Christian sen
timent of this country is too strong, too
powerful, to brook for a moment such
sentiment as she Is charged with ad-
vanolng. j
Once more. If the cause of Woman j
Suffrage requires tho publication of such
articffe'In papers advocating the cause
as Prof. Chaney's on "The Status of
Woman" in your issue of the 8th Inst.,
I beg to be excused from any connec
tion, either directly or indirectly, with
the whole thing. If a tror upon the
Bible is necessary to its success, then I
say adieu an eternal adiou to Woman
Sulirage, with all its concomitants. But
I deny any such necessity. It is the
teaching and principles of the Bible
that have led me to espouse the cause of
Woman Suffrage. Put down the Bible,
irOENIA. '
As Mrs. Gordon was with you so re
cently, and you are doubtless Intimate
with the fact of her nomination for State
Senator from this county, a few words
in regard to the first election campaign
of the Woman Suffrage party on this
coast at least will perhaps interest
you. You will sec from the list of her
appointments that she lectured every
evening from Monday, the 2Sth ult., to
Monday, tlie 4th inst., Sunday excepted,
and on Tuesday night before election wc
had another grand mass meeting here,
and ours tccrc mass meetings, I assure
you. The first was held at Mozart Hall,
which was filled to overflowing, and
hundreds went away, unable to effect an
entrance. Through the courtesy of the
builder, wc were enabled to get tho ja-
villon erected for the county fair for our
second and last meeting, and notwith
standing there being meetings of the
other parties, and a torchlight proces
sion at the same time, it was computed
that our audience amounted to over two
thousand ieople. And when we reflect
that probably more than half that num
ber would never have attended a woman
'suffrage lecture but for the novelty of
there being a woman candidate for
otlice, we need not be surprised at the
: largely increased popularity of our
! cause in this county. I wish you could
have been present at those meetings.
Tlie last one, especially, was a scone
faith in the speedy triumph of our
Mrs. G.'s speech was a glorious suc
cess. Even men opposed to the move
ment conceded that it was the most
masterly political address delivered in
Stockton during this campaign. For
myself, as I listened to her tones of ear
nest eloquence, and gazed over that sea
of eager, upturned faces, my very heart
swelled within me, and f thought,
"Tlx coininc up the steep of time,
And tills old world Is crowlns urlehter;
We yet shall see tlie dawn xubllme.
And high hopes make tlie heart throb lighter.' "
The utmost enthusiasm prevailed, and
after speaking filly one hour and a (self-congratulation. That a woman,
half she was concluding, when from all j who is considered unqualified to vote,
Woman's Eights Peeling in Portland.
The recent lectures of Miss Anthonv
in this city, on woman suffrage, have
had the effect of arousing the weaker sex
to a sense of the grand future which
awaits it when it hasgaiucd the political
rights at present usurped by man.
Though it may not be apparent on the
surface, yet the wives, mothers and
sisters of this city have been strongly
impregnated with the doctrines promul
gated by tlie woman's rights newspapers,
anil it "is churning in them thoughts
which they never before experienced.
The women are working quietly, hut
when they make an effort for the priv
ileges which they claim belong to them,
and which are retained from them by
the avariciousness of man, that effort
will be one at which the supposed lordof
creation will open his eyes with aston
When Mrs. Duniway start ed the Ni:w
Xoktiiwest in this city there were but
few women here who had given tier
doctrines any thought, or if they had, it
was but a passing gianee wnenever it
was mentioned. But no sooner was that
organ fairly started titan the timid and
perhaps thoughtless creatures began to
comprehend their loss and set to work to
to gain it.
For the conferring of the ballot on
woman was started in this city about
six months ago. At first it numbered
but three or four gentle creatures, but
after awhile it began to increase, until
seventeen members were entered on the
rolls of the Soeiety. Meetings were
held occasionally at the resilience of the
most prominent advocates of the doc
trine, anil mere iney encouraged eaen
other to persevere in the "good cause."
Gentlemen friendly to the aspiration of
the Society were often invited and took
a part in its deliberation, and others who
were supposed to be useful to it, were
requested to make a call on a certain
evening in onler that they should be
inoculated with the ideas. In this
manner tlie organization nourished,
until it presumed itself strong enough to
K.lnrr n l.wMr...i tf willllf. lliJ - 1 1 (-fa i
a score or more of similar character , wllov0uUi express the doctrine "to the
which have come under our observation I public in a fallacious, if not a logical
during the brief career of the Xt:v ' form. Tlie effect has already been seen
XoKTiiVKrr There U one romodv , of iUu a"lres.-m3 of Miss Anthony, for
jsonruw kst. II ere is one remedy , tho Swci(.( v wll5(.h was thtMl aKKy iu
however, that wc think we shall adopt its tccWt no;v ,m,ster sixty-live active
in the future. It is this: In any and all I and intelligent members, not to reckon
instances coming under our notice of la
dies subscribing for tlie 2sevOJoiitii
west, and their husbands causing it to
be returned against their wishes, we
propose to publish the names of such 1
husbands iu a iiuvck list. This may j
be considered a harsh measure, but we
11 1 A 1 11.. 1 . nUIilU U5 111.111, mi; Uglily iu Hi. . V IFII.
are compelled to adopt it to save ouihclf , who si,all 'govcm f1S) aI1(1 thc rigi,t to
from pecuniary loss. We have already see that only good and capable men are
a number of names reserved for such an placed in responsible positions. This is
cmorgency, and if this outrage should apparently their only desire; but some,
continue will most certainly give them willl ti1L.,lmrital bond, which they think
This department of the New" North
west is to be a ccneral vehicle for ex
change of ideas concerning any and all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Findingit practi
cally Impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communication to save ouri
friends tho disappointment that would
othcrwiseaecruefroniourinablllty to an-1
swer their queries. We cordially invite
everybody that has a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to tlie Correspondents'
Mary E. S., whose paper was a short
time since returned to this office by the
Postmaster, writes to us that she is very
much pleased with the paper, and hopes
we will not he otrended at its being re
turned, as she was powerless to prevent
it. Her liusbaud, an able-bodied,
healthy man, who is supported by her
earnings at tlie wash-tub and boarding
table, refuses to take the paper out of
the office for her, and so, "iu obedience
to instructions from the Postal Depart
ment," it comes back. It is hard to ad
vise in such an emergency. Under our
present anti-woman laws a married
woman is not entitled to one cent of thc
money she earns, or any voico as to its
disposition after it passes into the greedy
clutches of a tyrannical husband for
I none hut tyrauts would Use such an un
generous and outrageously mercenary
advantage. Some day we hoic, under
the rule of equal and exact rights to all,
without respect of race, color or sex,
these odious and tiuhumau laws will be
swept from the statute book. No fear of
us taking offence. Your ease is one of
theory proved thereby; but Virgil term
1 Ing the sex "Varinm Semper ct vuittibile
I fctnina." followed as he is bv other
writers, entitles it to be considered a
truth. The Italians say of woman La
donna r mobile; quat piuma al rcnlo.
Jtzo d'accculo e di penxier; Stmpre un
amahile, etc The Greeks say a "Gtme
lttpU:o epi astasia," and the Celts liave
a way "Bann agus gaih gralfa." All
these unite in declaring the.miifabllity
of woman's ideas, and from this theory
alone some opponents of woman's rights
have declared that the gentle sex, if it
should secure the right of suffrage,
would not use it reasonably, but would
be more apt to use its influence for that
which pleased the feelings, rather than
for that which appealed to the reason.
This argument may be fallacious, and
it Is only advanced as one of the class
urged by a certain school of philosophers
against'wonian suffrage. The women
may dispute the premiss, and prove In
this city, as they intend to, that they
know how to use the ballot to advantage.
J)rtland Jfenild.
the men who lend their sympathy,
and promise their aid when the proper t oriswold was a
time comes. What will acquaintances. This
woman fs.ViN EY the iiAM.OT j prominent lillcratcii
miestion we asked one of its lady i when men of letters '
libers, and what does she hope to tic- than at present. He was
plish with it ? Tho reply came son, Vt., in ISIS, and was, i
nptlv : The right to legislate the ! but about five years the se
thc right to have a voiee
and their fellows publicity.
is a galling yoke. These, however, are
-r t tv.-i.-' n -r,.i-..t,.,.... cti:.... , in a (lespicauie minority, uniwiiusuiiifi
. , , , , I mg those creatures in e'
uiik; iuu nuvu iiiueeu goou cause lor
parts of tlie audience cries of "Go on,
go on," were heard, and she was forced
from their impetuosity to proceed; and
when at last she did conclude cheer
after cheer was given for her, and hund
reds made their way to tlie platform tosay
cv York known
as woodhull and Clalliu send their
paper free to iiersons for the mere pay
ment of iw-tage, thus hoping to pro-i
, . iV m.i i .1-1. . . i.f-1. .1 1
muigate inc uiiiiy uocmne wiuni inuy
teach under the expression, "Every
woman lms a right to select the father
should receive the number of votes you
did for an i niportant office of emolument
ntnl f mf- slinu-a tlinf flu. i-nnr tf it-iim. .,f iifli-.riii- "
tin's political emancipation Is advancing! One of the strongest advocates of , i, . .woman suffrage, when asked how far
with rapid strides. Jliss Anthony is tIlis i(lca or frec lovo-for it is nothing
now speaKing iu Oregon anil Washing- t else had spread among the "stroll
that "They had been opposed to Woman I ton Territory, as you have learned ere , minded," replied that she knew of but
Sulirage, but their conversion dated
from that mght." By the way, her
aged father and mother were present
It certainly was a proud moment for
Well, thc election is over, and we arc,
as we expected to be, defeated. But
it Is a grand defeat. We have not been
oi women to able to get all tho returns, but we know
legally acknowledged. of m votca for ,er . auJ fc
too, that had it not been for the fact
that our opponents worked so assiduous
ly to prove to the people that "if
elected she could not take her seaf
they didn't prove it, though she would
have had hundreds more. We have
provul that we are in earnest ; .that we
mean to carry out in practice the theory
wc preach, and that tec can tcork with a
will for itsaccomplishment. One result
we begin to sec already, and that is that
both parlies believe in Woman Suf
frage ; at least so we suppose from the
statements of individuals prominent in
"Oh, yes, they really do believe in
women's voting;" but then they "think
it was the wrong time to take sueh de
cided steps," though they "certainly are
in favor of Woman Suffrage." How
very naturally politicians, as well as
the rest of mankind, accept the ineviln
But do you not think it strange that
tlie Pioneer should join tlie opposing
faction in denouncing our nomination
of an Independent candidate as prema
ture! Wc should have supposed it
would have hailed thc event as "tho be
ginning of the end," for which it had
been jirqfesscdly striving. If you read
an article in tlie Pioneer of July Cth,
this from our columns. She is doing a
good work. Many thanks for your words
of encouragement. Wc aru glad to re
ceive thc communication of the lady
you mention. Your advice as to nomi
nating women for office is good. It will
be tried in Oregon next vear.
G. B. B., Jacksonville, Ogn.: Your re
mittance from Harrisburg was received
all right. Traveling agents have the
right to canvass in any locality, no mat
ter whether there are local agents there
or not.
P. 11., Walla Walla : Your valuable
donation came to hand iu good order.
Shall notice more extensively iu appro
priate columns. Many thanks.
"A correspondent" writes to us: "Who
is J. B. Frost?" Wc take pleasure in
answering that we do not know.
"An ill-used wife:"
dure it. Women must learn that they
must be personally responsible to no
body but themselves for long-continued
ill treatment. Ho you suppose your
husband would misuse you if you po--
onc wlto entertained the demoralizing
doctrine. Her idea was that some laws
were necessary to govern society; the
The Untold Love of Alice Gary.
Alice Cary lived and died a maiden
queen of noesy. It had seemed to many
impossible that she should hnve carried
her tender and passionate heart through
the social and literary thoroughfares
wherein site was called to tread, tin-
pierced by any amorous shaft. And it
it was indeed imiiossible. There is n se
cret page of the history of the deceased
poetess which has never been writen,
and seldom, of late years, been told.
To this Phoebe Cary briefly and inde
finitely alludes in the sketch puniishel
iu the Jxultcx' jicpoDttoru oi last month,
and widely corned. I lie writer says
substantially therein that if her sister
ever loved there Is no lino in her pub
lished works to tell thc tale ; over tho
mouth of the sepulchre of her sad ex
tiericnce she rolled the stone never by
herself removed. The doubtful "if"
half conceals and half discloses the
truth. It seems intended to stop Hying
rumors, while refraining from an un
equivocal and impossible denial.
As the story can only serve as a foil
to the virtues and amiable qualities of
its subject, we need no further excuse
for our efforts to rescue the fragmentary
record from thc oblivion to which the
mistaken and morbid kindness of friends
would fain consign it. When the Cary
sisters made their first pilgrimage to
the Eastern literary Mecca, Bufiir il-
s among their earnest
iitalntances. This gentleman was a
tiromineut litterateur in .ew ork
when men of letters were less numerous
He was born in lien- !
consequently, I
senior of the el
der sister. Having been educated as a
printer, he became successively a Bap
tist preacher, a journalist and un author.
As an editor he presided over the des
tines of the JSruther Jonathan and the
Xcw World, mammoth weeklies ; the
S ir Yorker, a celebrated literary heb
domadal; and rahuii? and the Inhr
national .Vayasine. To the first month
ly mentioned he added considerable
character. Tlie last resembled Jfarjn r"x
Monthly, and was lioughl ouL by the
owners of that magazine after a brief
existence. In the wider Held of letters
he should be spoken of rather as a com
piler thnn as an author. He published
various collections of the prose and io
utrv nf Eii"land and America, and, iu
eannection with other authors, several
wnrks of nonular biography. Xo one
was better acquainted with the state of
I . ...hi. ii... i.
the literary marKct, or wuu me iuu
lishers of the metropolis, than Mr. Gris
wold. The two rural devotees to litera
ture from the far est were strangers,
'nulnl?li Son.
Air -'Walt for the Turn of thp Tide."
We are ready, my friends, for tho turn of the
We've counted the soars and the cost;
We all nuit do battle 'ffalnit wmns for the
Andftureflbrfc' will never be lotl.
Men mint learn of our motives not to bo jpal-
They must stand by our Mt In the battle ot
And where all do theirduty, the ministers telt
They surely will eonipier division and strife,
Then help in all things todo.rijrhtmy boys,
As we bravely stand by yotirsule;
And with you we'll work for the rWif, my
Hurrah for the turn of the tide!
In pax-dii" alone through the buy street,
WatehinK tho surging sea
Of thonghtful tacts we overy day meet.
We see much tliat ought not to lie.
A grog shop U there, In the heart or your elty ;
Another N yonder, r);ht over the way! -A
cellar beneath It full, snore's the pity.
Of bad men and women to lend you atruy.
Then help In all things, etc.
To mend all these matters we women will vote;
We'll sit In the councils with jou;
Your Rood will we crave, but we dont care a
For the ballot iu the hands ofthe few.
Then hurrah and ha! ha! for Ihp i;rKl time is
Is coming, my sinters ? Xot coiulnj.', but here.
When sin and tobacco won't legislate foru,
Hut we'll vote for the rljlit with our brothers
Then help In all things, etc
A Child's Dream of a Star.
There was oncea child, and he strolled
almut a ;ood deal, and thought of a
number of things. He had a sister, who
was a child too, and his constant com
panion. These two used to wonder all
day long. They wondered at the beauty
of the llowers; they wondered at the
lentil of the bright water; they won
dered at thc goodness and the power of
God who made tlie lovely world.
They used to say to one another,
sometimes. sunpoMng all the children
upon earth were to die, would the llow
ers, and the water, ami tnesjcy, ue sorry .
Thev believed they would Ikj sorry. For,
said thev, the buds are tlie children of
the llowers, and the little piayiui streams
that irambol down the hill-sides are the
children of the water; and thc smallest
briirht snecks playing at hide and seel
in. the sky all night, must surely be the
children of the stars: and they would all
be grieved to see their playmates, the
children of men, no more.
There was ono clear shilling star that
used to come out in the sky before the
rest, near the church spire, above the
graves. It was larger and more beauti
ful, they thought, than all the others,
and every night they watched for it,
standing hand iu hand at a window.
"Whoever saw it lirt cried out, "I see the
star!" And often they cried out both
together, knowing so well when it
would rise, and where. Kothcy grew to
be sueh friends with it, tliat. before lying
down in their beds, they always looked
out once again, to bid it good-night; and
when thev were turning round to sleep.
Xo one Uhey uaed to my, "God bless tlie star !"
JJut while she wasstin very young, on
very, very young, the sister drooped, and
came to be so weak that she could no
busy at his books when an old servant
came to him and said : '
"Thy mother is no more. I bring her
blessing on her darling son."
Again at night he saw the star, and all
that former company. Said his sister's
angel to the leader: '
alH my brother come ?"
And he said, "Thy mother S"
A mighty cry of joy wol,t forth
through all the star, because the mother
was reunited to her two children. - Aim
he stretched out his arms and cried,1 i'O,
mother, sister, and brother,! am here !
Take me!" And they answered him,
"Xot yet," and the star was shining.
He grew to be a man. whose hair was
turning gray, and he was sitting
in his chair by the fireside, heavy
with grief, and with .his faeo bedewed
with tears, when thc star opened one-.'
Said his sister's angel to the leader,
"Is my brother come ?"
And he said, "Xay, but his maiden
And the man who had been tho child
saw his daughter, newly lost to him, a
celestial creature among those three, and
he said, "My daughter's head is on my
sister's bosom, and her arm is round my
mothers neck, and at her feet there is
the baby of old time, and I can bear the
parting from her, God be praised !"
And the star was sinning.
Thus the child came to be an old man,
and his once smooth face was wrinkled,
and his steps were slow and feeble, and
his back was bent. And one night a he
lay upon his bed, his children stnrHlliuj
round, he cried, as he had cried so long
ago :
"I se.e the star I"
Thev whispered one another, "He is
And he said, "lam. Myaguts fulling
from me like a garment, and I move
towards the star as a child. And 0, my
Father, now I thank thee that it has so
often opened, to receive those dearsones
who await me !" . .
And thestarwasshining; and ittines
upon his grave.
marriage law was necessary, aud it any I and needed a chaperonc. He came to
woman made a bad bargain in selecting
her coniugal companion, she should
abide by it. This is all very correct, yet
we learn that the "Woodhull and Clallin
theory is entertained by more than one.
Injustice to tlie prominent advocates of
woman's rights, it should be stated that
this doc-trine is an abomination to them.
They assert that there must be some
powerful monetary iiiUuence behind the
scenes to enable these notorious women
of "Sew York to send their paper free to
They have sent to this city for tho
names of women known as reformers,
so that they could send them a copy of
their journal, but thus far we have
learned of no one sending them a list of
such persons.
That signed tlie petition of Miss Autho-
Uongress to declare women
louger stand in the windowat night; and
then I lie cmid looKeu sadiv out uv mm
nv. urging Congress
Wi wouldn't i.n. ! voters under the Fourteenth and Fif
teenth Aineniiinems, are not, it is stated,
but a mere fraction of tho-e who give
the matter their sympathy, and are
willing to make a test of the right of
Women to vote under these Amendments
at no distant day. On the principle
that the weak must ne stratctrv where
sensed equal immunities in all tilings strength is lacking the gentle sea is
with himself? Yet, in the same letter keeping quiet at present, but when the
iu which your grievances arc ixmred out P!-'"7 l ,m c, l ,r '"""i "i "V.,;,.
to us you say you "do not want to vote."
Wc confess that we could have no possi
ble patience with such inconsistency
were it not tliat we arc compelled to for
give the ignorance that harliors such
Ideas under such circumstances.
lie surprised at the bold front which his
better hnlf will show when she demands
a right not conceded to her under the
present complexion of politics.
Will women enter the political arena
is a question which many a lord ot crea-, trtio of her sex
tion may ask himself, and he shivers as . i(euvue r
ho thinks of a refined wife, mother,
i sister ordaughter struggling and jostling
Women's I'rintintr-Olllce" has re- ' ?vltl wantons, ami the ruder ami more
and then what have you left to protect j under the head of "Spurious Woman
and shield woman from the degradation I Suffrage," you will perhaps be sur-
th n-ne. He ir.vvc them a space in
his lmoks, tlattered them, eneoumged
thf-lr hums and assisted in finding a
market for their wares. Toward Alice
he more especially Inclined. Their first
acquaintance ripened into frieluMiip,
friendship into intimacy, ami intimacy
info love. It was said at last that the
parties were solemnly affianced. This
was nearly 2d years ago, and Alice had
then missed 30. He was still older, and
would seem to have passed the bounds
of iuvcnilo folly, if those bounds are
ever passed by man. But ho was a blase
citizen ofthe world, and she was quiet,
retired, sensitive, domestic, and unas
suming. Trouble came between the two
in the shape of a woman of society, ex
ternally more attractive than "Alice
Cary. This liason produced a tenant'
tlon. The engagement was broken, and
Alice, concealing her sorrows, kept her
self more clonely at home, and turned
her attention more assidiously to her
special labors. I he story needs not to
be fully detailed here. It has been told
over and over again, ever since the
worm hail a literature. Several years
passed, and in 18-VT Itufus Wilmot Gris
wold lay dying of a lingering disease In
the metropolis, in poverty, and aione.
His literary ventures had brought in
adequate remuneration, and he lived a
life which it was not altogether pleas
ant to look back upon. But the sisters
had made many friends, and been rea
sonably blessed by fortune. The In
jured woman forgot her wrongs and for
gave I he past wiiu a reauinos i-narau-
ner sex. rue came 10 me
the man who hail so griev
ously deceived her, and watched with
him'dav after day and week after week
as life'slowli ebbed away. Tlie sick
room was made cheerful with books,
llowers, and all necessary comforts; and,
to defray necessary exiienses, the money
earned by days and nights of lalior with
ho iwn'wa freely lavished. At his
death ended the suffering of the false
that heathenism pours upon her? Prof.
Chaney's article is infidelity in all its
hateful deformity, and I cannot and
will not patronize any paper, or support
any party, that relies upon such senti
ments or teachers for suimort. Tim
prised to learn that the society there re
torred to is the one that has brought
about these grand results. We are in
that article said to be "defunct." I
think you will agree witlt nie that we
have taken tho best possible means in
.Stockton, Cal., Sept. 12, 1S71.
Bible and Christianity liavo stood the i tho world to urovc that wc are
severest tests for some two thousand I J)e Facto,
years, and to-day stand as Impregna-i
ble as the eternal hills, while all the.
cavils or iniuie is nave been answered , , the carth ncar tho
and refuted a thousand times, and to-) 0r a raiK', and the vine will send out a
day are only calculated to mislead, be-' lending root to the lioiie. In Its passage
wilder and mm the inexperienced and . it will throw out no fibres, but when it
tho ignorant reaches the bone the root will cover it
the ignorant. with the most delicate fibres like lace,
In conclusion, I inquire, is tlie ? i;w ! each one seeking a poro of tlie bone.
"SOBTirMBST to"? blutthe aUvocato of the On this bone the vine will continue to
woman cause upon Bible principles or- a long as nutriment remains to Ic
tliodoxBibleprinciples orisittopander i c5ctnictcd
to the taste of skeptic and infidels ? I . are
truBt you are prepared to take decided men in tho lTnited States.
cently been established in Washington ignorant class or female to reach the
by .Urs. Julia A. Holmes, a lady fa- i ballot-box and deposit her vote for a
vorably known to the public as a writer, Snooks or l'ilkins. Miss Anthony in
and for her labors In behalf of education rolly 1" this states that woman would
and general reform. Mrs. Holmes de- confine herself to the social and educa-
slgns imparting instruction in type-set- thmal questions where her own or her
tiinr to as manv vounir Indira n ivnui. children's welfare would be at stake.
ble, being partly actuated to undertake This however, like other assertion? of
nor benevolent worK ny the Knovled"e UIt noon woman wouiu accnmpiisu wiiu
ot the '.lumber or poor women seeking' 1111 ' anor, lsspecuiaiiveanu tneoreticai.
employment, and the desire to establish Woman is said to be
a business that would alford them one, tyi-K'ATi ok mutammtv.
more ayenueof labor. An cveningclass, ! And when she received the ballot, her
In fiflfiitmti. flrtr Tlin holioiir nf t linen u m i.i . . . . .
, w v ------ - uaav i (Villi iu ! Ill I fMinriAfI III W 111 T C lilllnna mill
cannot attend during the day, is shortly , does not ni-mnn.iiJi u ' "i...'..i which looks as and
I r. I.n iuiiiimniiiM.1 til nnnnnndi... ,vlll. I ill .w .... ... .,
lover, and the grave closed over the se
cret of a woman's sorrow, now for the
first time made public ChUttro llrjvib-
JJkw "Noktiiwkst is tlie title of a good
sized quarto weekly, published in Port
t wnulil lw ue iiiutnM. iw 1,... r.ii. nM
iiieeuuiiFiwinK mvicyi im'ti , at lite present day.
' department, in which business intnic- , If lf writers of prominence, known to
tion will also be given, that employ-: history, are taken as authority, woman
incut being equally suitable and oiler- would not judging from her character
lug good inducements to women, am ; vote twice on the same subject, let it be
uiiiliJIuj.-H. nu uuuii iu mis iiiausumi
ny Airs, iioimcs, as a practical uiusira
tion of "Woman's Rights," cannot but
accomplish great good, and wc trust It
niny be abundantly successful.
Man- M. Andrews, a girl of fifteen,
a resident of Brooklyn, is worth $l,OtAJ,-000.
Swedenhorg says that there are mar
riages in Heaven, and Heaven itself Is
a marriage.
for good or evil, as it would weary her,
and she would want a new idea evolved,
as she would desire a new tyjKJ of bonnet
or mode of dressing the hair. Kttri pedes,
Juvenal, Horace, Virgil, Shakespeare,
Itaeine and other authors high in the
world of thought have said woman was
changeable, hence tlie theory must be
true mat sne woum uesire continual
change to keep her Interest In polities
The assertion of mutability may be
denied by woman, and the falsity ofthe
self, and when he saw the star, turned
round and said to thc patient, pale race
on the bed, "I see the star!" and then a
smile would come upon the face, and a
little weak voice used tosay, "God bless
my brother and the star !"
And so the time came, all too soon!
when the child looked out alone, and
when there was no face on the bed; and
when there was a little crave amongthe
graves, not there before; and when the
star made long rays down toward him,
as he saw it through his tears.
"Jfow, these rays were so bright, and
they seemed to make such a shining way
from earth to Heaven, that when the
child went to his solitary bed, he
dreamed about the star; and dreamed
that, lying where he was, he saw a
train of people taken up that sparkling
road by angels. And the star, opening,
showed him a great world of light, where
many moresuch angels waited to receive
AH these angels, who were waiting,
turned their beaming eyes upon the
people who were carried up into the star;
and some came out from the long rows
in which they stood, and fell upon the
people's necks and kissed tliom tenderly,
and went away with them down nvenues
ot light, and were so happy in their
company, that lying In his lied he wept
for joy.
But. there were many angels who did
not go with them, and among them one
lie knew. Tho patient face that once
had laid upon tlie bed was glorified and
radiant, but his heart found out his
sister among all the host.
His sister augel lingered near the
entrance of the star, and said to tlie
leader among those who had brought the
people thither:
"Is my brother come?"
And he said "Xo."
Plie was tttrnlnghopefttlly away, when
thc child stretched out liis arms, and
cried, "0, sister, I am here! Take me!"
and then she turned her beaming eyes
upon him, and it was night; and the star
was sinning into the room, making long
rays down towards him as he saw It
through his tears.
From that hour forth, thc child looked
out upon the star as on the home he was
to go to, when his time should come;
and he thought that ho did not belong
to the carth alone, but to th inn.
because of his sister's angel gone before.
There was a baby born to be a brother
t il... - -7.1 T. . .....
Mr. Greeley's Course on the "Wonn.ii Ques
tion. If anybody supposes that waro,wnl-
ing iu respect for Mr. Horace Greeley,
he knows little of the more than com
mon affection ancLreverenco which we
have always entertained for this honest
and noble man.
When, therefore, we say, as wc frank
ly do, that the course of the Tribune on
the woman question seems to us a daily
gravitation farther and faster toward
the darkness of the middle ages, we are
not making a willing but an unwilling
criticism on a journal which, instead of
being the elnet hindrance, ougni to no
tlie best help, to the cause of woman's
Outside ot the Koman Catholic church,
wc do not know a man so lekwanl in
his views, on all that pertains to tho
status of woman, as Mr. Greeley. He
holds for instance, that there ought to
be no divorce at all not for any crime,
even the worst. If his ideas on this sub
ject were moulded into the legislation
ofthe land, they would require thare
construction ofthe statue-book of over
state of the Union, save South Carolina.
He holds, too, that if a man marries and
his wife'dies, there should tte no second
marriage on the ground that sueh a
union woilld complicate the marital re
lations of the original parties iu the
other world although a wiser authority
than Mr. Greeley has taught us that
"In heaven there is neither marrying
nor giving in marriage."
Mr. Greeley's unreasonable tenets on
these points, if they were enforced by
civil statute or by public opinion, wopld
bear like a galling despotism on millions
of human hearts.
It is these views which uuderliet all
the criticisms tliat the Tribune so ruth
lessly and rudely makes on Woman
Suffrage, and on all the soelal questions
connected therewith. A bitter fountain
cannot give forth sweet waters. Peo
ple who imagine that Mr. Greeley will
one day veer round to Woman Sutfrage
do not understand that he must first
change his fundamental convictions oi
thc proper moral relations which should
subsist between huslmnd and wife,
not onlv in this world but also iu tlie
Mr. Greeley's notion of no divorco for
any cause, not even for adultery or any '
other crime, and his twin notion of no
second marriage after the first is dis
solved by death, area brace of theories
which, on account of their absurdity
and foily, deserve to have no place in
the liberal thought of an enlightened
age, but which nevertheless have lent
to the latter years of the Tribune a bale
ful conservatism which makes us
sometimes think that its editor may
yet be tempted to end his life in a mon
astery. '
Mr. Greeley is a man of so much
catholicity that we nro Impatient at
seeing in him any taint of narrowness.
His proj)er place is at the head of the
progressive thought of the present age.
But on the woman question, he is.mbre
hopelessly wrong than any other of its
opponents whom we have ever met.
Our esteem for him is so warm and deep
that we would rather these words vere
spoken of almost any other man. But
he is a dangerous enemy to a cause
which needs faithful friends, and .we
have no excuse for not striking him a
blow which he deserves. T. UVlan m
Golden Age.
i.iww.rfni ik ii wniild if Imrn in Mnssa-
..imuiria. Mr. A. J. Duniwav is editor . to the child; and while he was so little
and proprietor. It is a live paper, and ' that he never yet had spoken word, lie
takes broad and liberal ground, as the i stretched his tiny form out on his bed,
fnllmcliit' -xtr.ict from lis columns aim uicu,
show: "l'he "Nkw Nohtiiwi'-st is not a
woman's right-, but a human rights
organ, devoted to whatever policy may
be necessary t" secure the greatest
good to the greatest number. It knows
no sex, no polities, no religion, no party,
no color, no creed. Its foundation is
rasteiicd.upoii.the rock .ot.Kternal Lib
erty, Universal Umaueipation and Uu
traiumelcd Progression." Banner of
Light, Boston, Maim.
Ireland has now less than twice
population of the City of London.
Again the child dreamed of tin-
star, and of the company of angels, and
the train of people, and the rows of
angels with their beaming eyes all
turned upon those ieop!e'B faces.
Said his sister's angel to tlve leader:
"Is my brother conic 7"
And he said, "Xot that one, but an
other." As the child beheld his brother's angel
in her arms, he cried, "O, sister, I am
here!" And she turned and siniled
upon him, and the star was shining.
SunnKN Conversion. Many aro.the
conversions In our city in favor of wom
an suffrage since the lecture given by
Mrs. Kli?alR!tirCady Sfanfon. She has
left behind her impressions of;the most
favorable character for tho cause among
our first citizens. There have bcon niany
clear cases of sudden conversions in our
city in which somebody went to scoff
but remained to pray. However people
may diner about the objects of tills as
sociation of woman suffrage, the ladies
who conduct the association itsoii. uin
not be laughed down. Mrs. Santon,
Miss Anthony, Mrs. Mott, Mrs. lwe
and Mrs. Blackwell, and others' les
i i r. i. im aiiiieriors in
moral worth and few cquals in n iti i "
i, .i ..., Tli..v
....l.l ... ll,Mr Ifriinrslllt ODPOtlO'l1
lUlll! UJ UlLU . il
pubiic But even
may stare at a King.
Celia Burlei;
savs: "I have.
.j, i one of hersrmis,
folks who ave
amy CTrrTt.,-
1. - . -
.tr 1 .. iiMiiiunr- wnusu
commute" - thors
whoiiatei. w.,rm and quick as
u miu, iiiui ine star was sinning. sj mirai"- -- . ,,
He grew to be a young man, and was 1 those of an anfaei.