The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, August 25, 1871, Image 1

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    "J '
A Journal Tot the People.
evBted to the Interests of Humanity.
IndetwiMlenl In Politics and Religion.
Miw lo atl live Issues, and Thoroughly
Jilts. A. J. Dr.MW.IT, Editor
OFFICE Cor. Third nild Washington .St.
- " ' - t ' !A3f ) it
radical In Onpolnir. and BxpoMng the Wrongs
..: the Maw i.
One year-
Six months
Fbee Speech, Keek PnEss, Kkee People,
Three jnontlis...
Correspondents writing over assumed Risna
lures mast make known their names to the
Kdltor.or ijo ni'entton will be given to tholr
ADVERTISEMEXTSlBSSrtedon ltessena'tAfc '
Terms 1 i ' ' J
1'orThe New Korthwett
Ilnvp Mercy!
Sinwoxr has been unkind to me,
Icaim. M bear that others are kind!
Hush all the sweet voices of sympathy!
Let me walk In my loneliness, groping Wind!
Since dxf. ha been untrue to me,
I.t ethers oil be false; and then
I run hiil J the world a faithless world,
And not im darling the worst of men!
My spirit is strong In Might and scorn;
Help i.t" not down through the Intricate
sttve-t ;
Since ham eltoen to sculler the thorns,
I-t thi in pres Into my sensitive feel.
Men, who are pitiful oaks of the world,
I end rut year vigor to weakness of mine ;
since on hx bMden lue stand alone,
I am r.i, longer a dinging vine.
Women, wtlh team and with lender pride
lira vuly cheering and counseling wise.
Know ye not If ye did but chide
That I would Jough with my scornrnI,-eyes?
I haatesedaway from the dim, oldea.
And I tied from the walling haunts of old.
For ihqy ehllled my heart with a mystery
That my spirit could never to me unfold.
stars that mice I did deem divine,
Claiming u sisterhood In your song,
Ugh tjnour beams for another shrine
My spirit to dtHky silence belongs.
I can bear the world with its cold deceit;
I can omlle in It dark face covered with
But toueh me not loving or speak to me sweeti
Oriny heart will sink with Its weiglitof tears!
Pobtuixd, August 1, 1STL
bv hks. k. f. victob.
Why lo people, I wonder, buy such
hideous looking-glasses as thoy do.
arise sometimes tired enough and hur
ried enough, in travelling, to sec things
a little crooked at the best The bewil
derment and haste arc not lessened on
consulting a square of wavy, defective
glass witlt a sheeting of quicksilver on
the reverse. It is like looking into wa
ter in motion; it makes one seasick.
Then of how much use isa mirror which
reflects one's face of a quarter more than
its real breadth or length; or worse still,
as if distorted by tho grip of a desperate
paralysis. It would be safer to trust to
the sense of touch for evidence of effect
in dressing, than to so false a reflection.
And yet how many house-keepers
seem not to know that one mirror is bet
ter or worse than another? If they have
a looking-glass stuck against a wall
somewhere anywhere they think it
enough. But that is all a mistake. A
mirror, to fulfill its real mission, must
bear sonje general proportion to the ob
ject to be reflected. The human face,
generally, is of greater length than
breadth. So should the mirror be in
which it is intended the face only should
oe seen; oy inat.i mean small ones. .
Full length mirrors must be, of neces-1
Miy, in mat proportion. Tlioso intcnuetl ,
for mantles being long in the other di
rection, arc seldom plcasart to look in.
But that depends again a great deal on
the quality of the glass. To determine
the quality, put the edge of your thumb !
nail against the glass and observe the
thickness, which will appear between
the nail and Its reflection. Try the glass
all over in that way. If the glass is an
eighth of an Inch thick, and even, it, is
all right in that respect. Then place
your mirror in a good light, and place
some white object before It. If the re
flection is the least tinged with green,
.U. l .l.OW Ul, Mil JUU Ut
- L . T-. . i . . t . r ; 1 1 . . i
wisu to iiHJK jauuuiecu every umcjun
sec yourself in your mirror.
"When your mirror is purchased let it
be hung between two good lights not
opposite to them, nor to any; for in that
case it would reflect the lightidircct, and
give you a very poor chance of appear
ing well in your own eyes. You will look
far better, and far more like yourself,
If you give the mirror an opportunity of
reflecting only so much of the light as
shines upon yonr face. Don't be invei
gled, either, Into buying the handsomest
dressing-bureau before testing the qual
ities of the mirror. It is just as casv to
nit1..itini f
t unn,.i.. i
It is somewhat curious to note tho
nlni ntfnnllfxl in mtpmra tt 11. nnna
i?rrTaRvrfB tlm, tn nnrmrntwili" or thoughtless reticence in tho.-c
been' asteomed of great importance. 1
Probably Eve tried on her fig-leaves by
the side of some quiet pool, the manu-,
factures not having advanced much at
that date. But we hear that in a few
generations there were "artificers in
brass and iron," and have reason to con
clude that the uses of polished surfaces
liad been some time discovered. Tlie
belles of ancient Egypt were not with
out these important accessories of tlie
toilet; and from Egypt came the first
knowledge of luxury to the inhabitants
of Europe.
JJut it was in Venice, the city of the
sea, that the art of making glass mirrors
was discovered. So precious were they
in that age, that great fortunes were
made by their manufacture ; and roy
alty spared no expense in embellishing
the glass in which it beheld Itself re
flected, loading the frames of the royal
mirrors with the costliest jewels. Later
France borrowed tlie art, and continues
now to manufacture very superior plate
glass mirrors. Some firms in the United
tatates. produce a Sooa article of the!
same; but the French have the highest
reputation. 'Whoever It is, is guilty of
palming, off upon the people these
wrelched, distorting, dizzying things,
in cheap mahogany frames, ought to be
dlscountcnanced by every intelligent
house-keeper in the country.
Talking about mirrors, and their value
to all classes, reminds me of some amus
ing scenes I once witnessed in an Indian
country, where a new town had sprung
up like a mushroom in a night Almost
daily my merriment was excited by see
ing one or two young "braves" strutting
about the streets, their lordly brows
crowned with wreaths of artificial flow
ers, a lady's parasol in one hand, and a
small hand-mirror in tho other! "When
a buffalo robe composed the toga of
these noble chiefs, the effect w.ts irre
sistably comic Uul their admiration of
thcmsolves was supreme, as one could
toll by the frequent references to tho
hand glasses.
Ono day I was sitting with open door,
leading in silent absorption some inter
esting book, when I was startled out of
my composure by bearing a very slight
stir just behind inc. Glancing around
in alarm, for I had believed myself to
be alone, I beheld a tall Omaha "war
rior" posturing before the parlormirror,
and evidently delighted with tho effect
of a wreath of pink roses around his
head. Amusing as the spectacle was, I
had been so shocked by the discovery t
that I cried out pock-a-clicc, with much
sternness; and saw my light-footed vis
itor depart, carrying upon his bronzed
features the lnostaflectcd smirk conceiv
able. So fond of finery were those dig
nified "lords of creation" that it was
their practice to place the principal itrt
of the money paid them by the L. S.
Agent in the hands of their squaws for
safe-keeping, lest they should havenoth
ing left for the purchase of more neces
sary articles.
Looking-glasses arc supposed to imply
personal vanity; and that man or wom
an who most often consults one is sure
to be stigmatized as "vain." This view
of the subject Is no doubt a.prejudiced
one. It is quite as often the timid and
doubtful person who refers to his or her
mirror for an opinion, as the fop or the
coquette. The mirror comes nearer than
anything else, perhaps, to furnishing
that "giftio" which RobertBurns prayed
for, "to see oursels as itliers see us ;"
and no doubt does from "many a blunder
free us, an' foolish notion." If we have
been particular to select a true one for
our private chamber, we need not go
into society ignorant of our defects, or
unconscious of our excellencies of ap
pearance. And this brings us to the moral side
of our subject. How are we to be sup
plied with moral and intellectual looking-glasses?
If we seek for them in the
opinions of our associates wc shall find
our images most often distorted occa-
t.tii,. trrwii r snnudimoa iv
a i00king-glass flatters our faces.
When choosimr a mirror for our toilet
we take one that neither makes us long,
nor broad, nor green-visnged, nor
crooked, but ono that simply shows us
up with clearness, altering nothing that
we liavc reason to know of our appear
ance, wc judge wc have selected the
best; so when among our friends we find
one who neither depreciates nor flatters,
but accepts us for what we aro conscious
of being, making no effort to deceive or
disparago us, we feel that we have dls-
, covered a safe moral mirror.
i It is not the province of a mirror to
improve anybody. Its whole duty is to
shoW us wJierc we niuy imim)VC our.
, COIlsult the opinions of
our true friends wc have this opporttini
ty of finding out where wo need improv
ing, and what our excellencies are. And
it is quite as needful to know the latter
as the former. I, for one, novcr had any
patience with that class of moralists
who think it necessary to hide from peo
ple the fact that they possess charming
or excellent qualities. They are the
crooked mirrors, and the sight of one
makes me sick. Just as tho bashful
person would be teototally discouraged
by the sight of his image In a distorting
mirror, so the man or woman lacking in
, self-esteem, and never being tdld of any
meritorious qualities, would be certain
10 fancy the opposite. These convictions
, , ., ,. ,
nuuau ujiiuiuiia uiu iitusb uiufu us.
The harm thoy do cannot be estimated
by the amount of suffering to tho indi
vidual; it is bast estimated by the con
sideration of tlie powor it has to suppress
hopeful effort.
Tlie fear of encouraging vanity In oth
ers is a mean fear. Vanity docs far less
real injury in the world than silent de
traction. Vanity is above-board, and so
patent as to be easily avoided ; while
doubt and humility often wear the garb
of pride and defiance which are the
wrinkles on the face of the mirror. There
is no better polishing powder for our
moral mirrors than sweet charity. Its
price is above gold dust
I need not say that even the best of
moral looking-glasses need adventi
tious aids like having itself placed in a
favorable light A little tact is a very
good tiling in every relation of life.
Overpraise, like too powerful a light on
tlie mirror, brings Into derisive notice
whatever defect there may be. A true
mirror in the house, and one in the
, heart, are, beyond cavil, very good
things to have. Put out tlie crooked ones,
by all means.
Germany has at present nineteen
zoological gardens, the aggregate value
of which Is near 0,000 thalers.
Tills department of the New Nokth
west is to be a general vehicle for ex
change of ideas concerning any and all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding itpracti- j
cally impossible to answer each corres
pondent by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communication to save our
friends the disappointment that would
oth erwisc accrue from ou ri liability lo an
swer their queries. We cordially Invite
cvoryliody that lias a question to ask, a
suggestion to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to the Correspondents'
Clara, from Sheridan, writes: "I like
the Nkw Nokthwest; I approve of Its
object and wish It success ; but now for
the scolding : I should be better pleased if
you would pay less attention to the
barking of fistcs; they were never known
to hurt anyone. Let us have right on
our sido and all will bo well." If we
never get a scolding that is harder to en
dure than tho alwvc, wo guess we'll be
able to stand all the criticisms that come
to this column. AVe don't exactly know
what our friend means by the "barking
of fistcs," but presume she alludes to the
sparring of the editorial fraternity. Now,
we beg in all kindness to assure our sis
ter that we arc glad to get the opinions
of the man's rights press. AVe are
pleased to note that our cause is assum
ing such importance that the fraternity
no longer ignore it; and ourself and the
public equally enjoy good-natured edi
torial sparring, which the people will
read and thereby gain many progressive
ideas which would not be awakened oth'
Mary A.: If you are patient, persever
ing and studious you may succeed as u
writer, but it is not everyone who makes
literature a success, by any means. La
dies who have succeeded are generally
near or past the middle age; and their
literary toil has been unremunerative
for many years previous to their appar
ently sudden luecess. If your book is
worthy of tht attention of the public,
and is well brought out, you winy make
expenses, but we can offer you no flat
tering inducements to print and publish.
M. M. M. : Sorry we did not sec you,
Did not get your letter till afteryou had
left the city. Your idea of the book Is
capital, fciiau tio everything in our
power to aid you. The subscription was
received. A illwritoyouprivatelysoon,
Rejoiced at your prospects.
Mrs. Caroline II. : Mrs. Cooke's vol
ume of poems is not for sale in the book
stores. She canvassed for it in person in
this city, and was very successful. AVe
learn that she will get an extra edition
out soon. AVe are preiaring a critique,
which wc will publish as soon as we
have time, to do her efforts justice.
Dress-maker: Kilt plcatings nil run
one way. It is fashionable now to make
two ovcrskirle, one somewhat shorter
than the other.
Mollie: A hasquiuc waist is very styl
ish. AVe can send you the pattern.
Hnttic II. : The new American silks
are of a dead-black color of a reps-like
texture, and very durable. There is no
cotton in the fabric, but the wnrp is
mostly wool. This silk never fades nor
turns brown, and can be had for S3 00
per yard.
Inquirer: Mrs. Young is a Methodist
Mrs. Gordon is a Spiritualist Both arc
excellent women of irreproachable char
acter, and wc see no reason why thelri
religion should be a matter of public jh-
vestigatiou. AVho asks what a man'sfl
particular religious ucuci is wueu nc js
prominent before the country as a repre
sentative of some fundamental principle
of national government? AVe arc nei
ther Methodist nor Spiritualist, yet we
honor tho conscientious faith of each of
our suffrage co-workers enough to treat
their religion with courtesy.
"Indignant:" The editor of the Ore-
gonian was not at his post or that dis
graceful article against Mrs. Stanton
would not have appeared. AVhen "subs"
around an editorial room get a chance
to show a little brief authority they arc
apt to make fools of themselves.
Other letters will be answered next
A lady who saw much of the Dickens
family twenty-nine years ago, when
Dickens was thirty years old, has been
writing about them in the EnglUlnvom-
air Jiagazinc. ur llie wile sue says :
"A great deal of amusement was excited
by Mrs. Charles Dickens perpetrating
tlie most absunl puns, which she did
with a charming expression of inno
cence and depreciation of her husband's
wrath, while lie tore his hair and writhed
as If convulsed with agony. He used to
pretend to be utterly disgusted, although
he could neither resist Iauchter at llie
puns nor at the pretty comic mour she
made (with eyes turned up till little but
the whites was visible) after launching
forth one of these absurdities.
Lift is a vovaire. in the progress of
which we are perpetually changing our
scenes. AVe first leave cnutinooii ocuinu
us, then youth, then the years of ripened
nmiihnod. then the better and more
pleasing part of old age.
JKvn had some advautaircs that no
other married woman ever enjoyed,
cdilpf ntnonir which was that her hus
band could never lacerate her heart by
telling "how his mother used to cook."
Because a man who attends'a flock of
sheep is a rshepard, it doe3 not follow
that a man who keeps cows should be a
In School DnjJi.
nv John o. wnrrriEP.
Still BlU the school-house by the road,
A ragged beggar sunning;'
Around It still tho sumachs grow,
And blackberry vines aro running.
Within, the master's desk Is seen,
Deep scarred by raps official;
The warping floor, the battered seats,
The Jack-knife's carved Initial ;
The charcoal frescoes on lis wall;
IW door-worn sill, betraying
The reel that, creeping slow to school,
Went storming out to rlnylng I
Long years ago a winter sun
Shown over It at setting,
Ut up Its wcslcni window panes,
And low cuvos Icy fruttlng.
It touched the tangled, golden curls
And brown eyes full or grieving.
Of one who still her step-.' delayed
When all the school were leaving.
1'or near her stood the liltlo boy
Herchildlsh favor singled;
Ills cap pulled low uin u face
Where pride and shame were mingled.
Pushing with restless reel tho snow
rro right and left ho lingered;
As restlessly her tiny hands
The blue checked apron fingered.
He saw her Iin her eyes; he felt
Tho sort hand'J light carer sing
And heard the trcmblug of her voice,
As If a fault confessing.
"I'm sorry that I spelt the word;
f hate lo go above you,
necaue" the brown oyes lower fell
"Ilecause, you sec, I love you!"
Still memory to a gray-haired man
That sweet child-face Is showing.
penrglrl! tho grasses on her grave
Have forty years been growing!
He lives to learn, In lire's hard school, '
How few who pass above him,
Lament their triumph and his loss
Like her because they love him.
A Troe Story.
Lucy lived in the countrj'i l little
brown house, nearlv half a mile from
any neighbor. She used to play out of
doors by herseiragreatiieai or tne time,
making mud pies, buildingstone houses,
watching the birds and feeding the
hens, picking flowers, and enjoying her
self in a thousand simple ways which a
happv child can invent who is thrown
upon its own resources. In this yfe,
which might seem very' lonely to our
young readers, she escaped the danger
of bad companions in a crowded city
street; but you will see how little faults
and vices may find their way into a
child's heart, even though she has had
no one to imitate but herself.
One day Lucy spied a large umbrella
standing in a closet, and asked her
mother to let her play with it; mother
ravins "Yes," Lucy seized it with great
I delight, and opening it with some trou-
uie, siuggcrcu anjuiui unwui ic u,i
proudly. She felt so sure she must aj
pcar just like a grown-up person that
the desire to show off and be admired
took strong hold of her. This is noth
ing very wrong in old or young, but It
is a weakness of character which some
times leads people to make themselves
appear very foolish. AVithout saying
any tiling to lior mother, our little friend,
who was very short tiuil fat, undertook
tho dillicult journey over to Farmer
Brown's. She tried to take long, dig
nified slciis like the minuter, but had
to give It up, tlie umbrella "wobbled"
so. Tlie Ulgpiayiuinggrew very neavy
and unmanageable, but she toiled on,
feeling that the exclamations of praise
at Fanner Brown's would repay her for
all her pains. But when she reached
the open floor oi me mrae kuciiuu num
Knrtuer Brown and all his men had
just seated themselves at their twelve
o'elocK tllliuer, sue was nwum, w "ti
great surprise ami iiioriincniion, wuu
roar of laughter. The jolly farmer said
something about a "live toad-stool"
that made the little would-be woman's
cheeks flush indignantly. Lucy's pleas
ure was spoiled in a moment, and all
her tiresome walk seemed iu vain !
Children sometimes grow older in
thought and feeling in a single mo
ment; and into tins little girl's heart
came, like a Hash, the resolution mat
no one should know how dillereut a
-reception she had expected. She now
felt that alio was a ridiculed object,
though just before her heart had
swelled with pride; and she thought she
would tio anything to deceive the
Browns Into thinking she had been sent
on an important errand. So she labor
iously furled her mainsail, and entering
the kitchen, walked up to kind Mrs.
Brown who with a significant look had
Mopped tho unkind laugh), and said, a
little too nnildlv for perfect case,
"Mother wants to know if you will be
so kind as to let her have some pump
kin seed V"
It was Snrine-tinie: and Lucy liad
heard a great deal said about seeds, and
the best places to get the new kinds of
this and that vegetable; so this message
seemed a likelv one. Mrs. Brown rose
nuietlv from the table and opening a
little closet door over the high mantle
piece, handed Lucy a few seeds in a
paper. She then invited the child to
sit down nnd take some dinner, but
T.iipv -was too much hurried oy tlie
pressing nature of her errand; and pick
ing up the hated umbrella, which
seemed biugcr and heavier than before,
slic trotted oil. Jut tne wcigiit "i me
whalebone monster was nothing to tlie
heaviness of her poor little heart; for
she knew sho had told a lie 1
AVhen she was out of sight of the
house sho sat down by the Side of a
great rock to rest and cry. She tried to
quiet her tender conscience with the
thought that her untruth could do no
harm, and there was no need of saying
anything about it. But there were the
seeds ! What should she do with them?
Tnkluir them home toiler mother would
bring on an explanation. She thought
it all over, and then decided to hide
them away where no one could ever see
them; so site pushed tiiem rar.undcr the
rock, first taking the paper olf, it
showed so white ou the grass. Then
she walked slowly home, trailing the
umbrella behind her, feeling somehow
that it wa to blame for all this per
plexity. She told her mother where
she had been, and how they asked her
to stay to dinner, but said nothing more
of her short visit.
AVhen Lucy lay down iu her little bed
that night, she knew that God had seen
her, and could not havo approved of her
conduct. In vain she said to horself, "I
don't card they needn't to have laughed
so! I had to say wnnetlilng!" This
reasoning did not satisfy her, and a
more unhappy little girl never tossed
uuder a patch-work bed quilt
The next day and for many days,
Lucy thought of her falsehood witliniuch
uneasiness, but a time went on and
nothing was said about tlie affair, even
though Mrs. Brown talked with her
mother after "mcetim:" several Sun
days, Lucy grew to feel that her wicked
ness was as well liliiden as tne sectis
that were buried out of sight.
And so it came about that after three
or four weeks, when her mother sent
her on a real errand to Mrs, Brown's,
Lucy started off, without any very
trouhloome thoughts of her last visit
to the farm-houo. But when she came
to the brow of the hill where she could
see the old gray rock in the distance,
tlie remeniberauce of her shame finite
stopped her as she was preparing to run
down the long hill. A'ory slowly and
unwillingly she approached the boulder,
and when she had come quite near, her
little heart gave ti throb of fright; for
there was a long green vine nourishing
on tho ground with what looked to her
guilty eyes like the greenest leaves and
the yellowest blossoms that ever grew
on a pumpkin vine ! She stood aghast,
and with trembling knees gazcil upon
the flowers, everyone of which, exposed
to the blazing sunlight, looked more
golden, and showed more plainly, than
any she had ever seen. Her sin luul in
deed found her out! But when the first
moments of amazement hail passed
away she took a solemn resolution: "I'll
never tell another lie as long as I live;
never, not even u little bit of a one; and
I'll tell mother all about this one."
She gave her message to Mrs. Brown as
quickly as possible; and then turning
homeward ran over tlie stony fields, and
up the high hills iu the hot sunshine,
feeling neither fatigue nor heat, nor did
she rest till the whole story was sobbed
out, her face hidden ou her mother's
AVhen I knew Lucy a grown-up
woman her word could never be
doubted, and one could not imagine her
telling anything but tlie strictest truth;
so I think tlio-e pumpkin-seeds were
s-own on good ground, and bore the best
kind offrult, after all!
Public Lands.
Martin "Walker, member of Congress
from Ohio, iu a late speech intheliouse
or Uepresentatlves, sani,
"In tho early part of the Republic,
our public lands were reKtinletl as a
source of revenue. It was expected
from their sale to pay alarge proportion
of tlie expenses of the (lovcrnment; but
In latter days it was found that, with
the expense or survey ami sale, tnese
expectations were not realized, and a
new policy was adopted, and large
miantities'of the public domain have
been used in constructing riiroads, en
dowing colleges, rewarding military
services, and stimulating immigration
by giving homesteads to all persons who
will live on and improve them.
In this way this heritage of thejieople
has largely contributed to the material
deveiopeinent of our coutry. These
grants have not always been wisely
made, ami in many respects have no
doubt been great outrages himhi the
rights of the people. The future policy
of the (ioverninent should lie to so pn-
vuie ny legisiiuion max our puunc laims, form. The lvif prescribes as a sure
should be preserved for actual settlers, 1 (.urt. teaspoonfulofcoinmon salt placed
and thereby furnish free homes to the I in each Mocking of the patient, next to
landless. Concentration of large ipian- J the foot, as the chill comes on.
titios in tho hands of monopolists audi . , , ,.
simulators is the great curse of most of I A brave San 1-ranciseo lady, who dis
the Wi-tern Stat, and has and does tt'vered a ( hinese burglar 111 her house
iniiMHle airricultum improvement and
Of our public lauds, about seventy
eight million of acres havcbceiigmntcd
for schools and colleges, over ten mil
lions of which have been given to agri
cultural colleges. Two hundred mil
lions of acres have been appropriated
and given to build railroads and other
improvements. About seventy-three
millions of acres have been given to our
soldiers, their widows and children.
The Government still owns about one
billion acres. This vast domain, as fast
asitissurveved, is open to settlement un
der our homestead laws, which give
even man or unmarried woman one
hundred and sixty acres for the eost of
survey and entry "pen living upon and
improving tho same for the time lim
ited, which is live years, except a sol
dier, who, under the bill passed by the
House, is allowed to count three years
of his term of service in the Army, or
whatever term under that period he has
served, as part of the five years' resi
dence. In the year 1S69, about two and a half
million acres wens given to Homestead
and preemption settlers. Tn the same
year about eight millions of acres were
converted from wild lands into farms,
making some sixty thousand farms.
AVe now have over six million real es
tate owners, being one in every six of
our population, and nearly one-half 6f
our whole population are engaged 111
tlie pursuit ot agriculture.
The whole landed property of England
is now owned nv tliirtv thousand per
sons, making one iu every six hundred
and fifty of its population. One-half of
its soil is now owned by about one hun
dred and fifty persons. Nineteen and a
half million acres iu Scotland are
owned by twelve proprietors. In this
country this extensive ownership
of tlie soil, tlie sense of proprietorship
resulting therefrom, encouraging inde
pendence of action and thought, consti
tute tlie cornerstone of our Republic.
The multiplication of these free homes
for the people, instilling into their
minds tlie spirit of agriculture and me
chanical progress, and education, and
moral development, and improvement,
will secure freedom, equality, and per
petuity to our Government."
A specimen of tlie wonderful plant,
"rue i lower or the IToU- fJhnst " ima
been successfully raised In Norwich,
Connecticut The flower is a creamy
white cup, nearly as large as half an
egg, and extremely beautiful, and its
wonder as a natural floral growth is the
fact that in this flower is a little pure
white dove, with pink bill and eves, and
1 , . T
us head turned as If looking over Its
back. Its wines, feet bill. etc.. are as
absolutely perfect as tlioso of the living
dove, whose counterpart this wonderful
mimic bird is. '
Kossuth is reported to have despaired
of tho cause of human freedom In Eu
rope, and to talk of returning to tills
country to die here, because it is the
only country where liberty has been
from first to'last preserved iu its perfection.
Two Maine girls rowed four miles ina
boat alone one day lately.
Tea is now successfully cultivated in
North Carolina and Tennessee.
The consumption of paper collars in
. . . vrt rr
tlie United States m isiuwasi),uw,tw.
Beautv is worse than wine; it intoxi
cates both tho holder and the beholder.
It is useless to roast a pis of lead. It
win never be cooked so as to make a
If vou would lay in a slock of old
wineT be sure and make it out of elder
Fortune smiles on those who roll up
their sleeves and put their shoulders to
the wheel.
There arc nineteen zoological gardens
iu Geruianv, but there is not one in tho
United States.
Forty-seven ships of the French navy
have been disarmed, and 12,000 bailors
dismissed from tlie service.
Since August, 1S6S, Governor Bullock,
of Georgia, lias pardoned 340 criminals,
including 4S murderers.
Geo. Francis Train has on foot a plan
for bringing 120,000 French Communists
to Nebraska, as colonists.
Tlie reason why editors have their
manners spoiled is" because they receive
so many evil communications.
Toronto offers a reward of $100 for the
conviction of shade-tree destroyers.
London oilers $20, Kingston $100.
Tlie city of Jerusalem contains 1S.000
inhabitants, of whom 9000 are Jews, 3000
Mohammedans, and 4000 Christians.
If you would be pungent, be brief; for
it is with words as with sunbeans the
more they arc condensed the deeper they
Tlie projected Texas Pacific Railway
will be 1515 miles in length. In one
place the lino runs iu a straight line for
ijO miles.
There is a certain softness of manner
which in cither man or woman adds a
charm that almost entirely compensates
ror a lacK oi ocauty.
Thomas Huxley, according to a Loiv
don journal, will positively visit this
country next autumn to deliver a course
of scientific lectures.
Belter be right than conquer in an ar
gument Better bear the assumption of
ignorant men than waste your dearly
bought experience on fools.
North Carolina only sends 2000 baps? of
pea-nuts this season, against 20.000 last
year, and fears of a famine in this deli
cious esculent are sorely felt
The Paris Artists' Union' has received
from an Englishman $2S13 in gold as a
prize for tlie best picture to represent
Kngland sending provisions to Paris after
the siege.
Pince ISOo more than 19,000 miles of:
railroad have been built in the United
States, at a eost of some $030,000,000, and
the construction is stili going on at filt
rate of .")000 miles a year.
Hartford lias the "shakes" in a mild
h"' '"uIh
and held him, screaming meanwhile
until her husband came and captured
To Curl Hair. Take two ounces of bo
rax, one drachm of powdered gum Sene
gal, one quart of hot water (not boiling);
mix, and, as soon as the ingredients are
dissolved, add two ounces of spirits of
wine strongly impregnated with cam
phor; on retiring to rest wet tlie hair
with the above mixture, mid roll it in
pajiers as usual ; leave them till morn
ing, when untwist and form into ring
lets. Tn Clear Jluddu II alcr. A little dis
solved alum is very ellective in clearinir
muddy water. 11 thrown into a tub or
soa-suds the soap, curdled and accom
panied by the muddy particles, sinks to
tlie bottom, leaving the water above
clear and pure. In times of scarcity of
water 1111s may he used again for wash
ing clothes.
7b Clean Jllack Cloth. Dissolve one
ounce of bicarbonate of ammonia in one
quart of warm water. AVith this liouid
rub the cloth, using a piece of flannel or
uiacK cioiii lor tne purpose. After the
application of this solution, clean tlie
cloth well with clear water, dry and iron
11, unisning tne ciotn rrom time 111 the
direction of the liber.
Jhislc thai will Keep a 1 "car. Dissolve
a tea-spoonful of alum In a nuart of warm
water. AVhen cold, stir in flour to give
it the consistency of thick cream, beine-
particular to beat up all the lumps. Stir
iu as iiiucu powuereti resin as will lay
on a silver dime, and throw in half a
dozen cloves. Have on the fire a tea-cup
of boiling water; pour the flour mixture
into it stirrinir well all the tlmo. In n
few minutes it will bo the consistency of
uiusii. i'our it into an earthen or china
vessel : let it cool : lav a. envr on nnil
put it in a cool place. AVhen needed for
use taito out a portion and soften it with
warm water.
Safety from Moths. A lady of large
experience writes as follows : There is
no absolute safety from moths except
ing in the absolute exclusion of the mil
ler. If put away early In the season,
before the millers make their appear-
iiifin Til will Irnit. in f hoirown boxes
without danger of any kind, by simply
pasting thin paper closely around them.
No aperture must bo left for the entrance
of the miller, though the paste need not
touch tho boxes. Articles of any kind
can be tied up very tightly in pillow
cases, or sewed up in sheets. To keep
.1 nttnl-j ix n without, prpnsiiic
lirVSSVS, Liuaiv:) 1 ni
I susl)Cnd them near the upper edge of
n,.. ait then lav another sheet over.
kow tlie two sheets together at the edaes.
then sow loops at the upper edge of fliis
lmir. and lianff itupwherevervou nlease.
Be careful that there be no hole for the
miller to enter. In order to secure fur
ther safety it is well to beat and brush
tlie furs and garments well before nut
ting them away, and, if it is anything
iuul euu uu neaieu, ir, may not nc amiss
to ucai 11 enougn to destroy the eggs
iiuvt juuy airvauy ue laid,
f From the Atlantic Monthly.) ' '
Before the Gate.
They Rare the whole lonj day to Idle fciughterjv .
To ntful sons and Jest, .
To moods or soberness, as Idle, after, !
And silences, as Idle too as the rest.
But when at last upon their way rctumlnir, 1
Taciturn, late, and loath, :
Through the broad meadow In the sunset burn- '
They reached the gate, one sweet spell tild
cred them both, 1
Iter heart was troubled with a sabttcangnhlni .
Such ns but women know . 5 .
That wait, and lest love speak orspeaknot.Ua- .
RUlsh, 1 ,
And that thoy would, would rather they would
not so; '
Till he snhl manlike nothing enmprehendrtc
Of nil tho wondrous pullo ; , ,,
That womoii won win themselves rltli;ja(iii
Eyes ofrestle'ss asking on hr tlie while
j 't -it
"Ah, If beyond this irats the path united
Our steps us fur as death. '
And I mlzht open HI" his voice, affrfehtPd
At its own darln?, faltered under his,, breath.
Then she whom both his faith antf fear en- !
Far beyond words to tell,
Feeling her woman's finest wits had wanted '
The art he had that knewto blunllerso w-
Shyly drew near, a little step, and moeklUKf""''
"Shall we not bo too late ' 1
For tea?" she said, 'im quite worn outtwttli
Yes, thanks, your arm.
the gate ?"
And will you etfi
Blockade Bunting.
I saw in tlie Times, of some time ago,
a prettily written sketch of "running the
blockade," and it recalled to me an
experience of my own. AVhen Butler
mado his attack on Fort Fisher, I was at
anchor about one mile from the fort.
My steamer belonged to the Confederate
States Government and was then under
orders to go out at all risks and to get
back as soon as possible with ammuni
tion and army supplies.
Tlie bombardment had been vigorously
kept up all day, and I noticed-that the
gunboats which liad been left to guard
the Western channel offFort Caswell
had gradually edged away to the east
ward, until, toward sundown, they had
disappeared round tlie point of Frying
pan shoals, whence thev had a view of
the fight
I was delighted with tlie prosjeets of
a clear run past this unguarded point,
and about nine o'clock the night being'
dark and the tide serving I started over
tlie bar.
Every light was doused, savo the one
in tlie binnacle, and that -was covered
by a canvass hood through which a hole
about the size of a dollar (silver, and not
greenback; was cut, so that the man at
the wheel could see the compass. Look
outs were stationed at convenient points,
ami every precaution taken to avoid
AVe. hail run about five miles from tln-
bar when the glimmer of a light was
seen ngnt ahead, it disappeared In
stantly, but we knew there was no land
in that direction, and that consequent lv
the light must have come from some
Our course was rapidly changed, and
iu a few minutes we went booming past
vessel at not more tnan nity yards
AVe were seen, of course, but the mirht
was so black and our speed was so great
that before a gun could be brought to
bear, we were lost in the darkness, and
the shell fired at us burst liarmlessly far
The sound of that gun, like tlio renort
of a vacancy in a public ollice, called up
numours oeiore unseen, aim oarK masses
loomed tip iu every direction. Not
Knowing which way to steer, we stopped
our engines.
Tlie gunboats, fearing to expose their
positions, did not venture to signal one
another, and as we were all together in
the dark, they could not tell the block
ade runner from ono of their own fleet.
Our iwsitiou was critical. AVe knew
tlie gunboats were fully aware of lElie
fact that there was no war ship in AVil
lningtou of which they need havo any
apprehension, and wo knew thoy would
soon huddle together and leave us a fair
marK. nicy could not mistake, us for a
Confederate man-o'-war. for thev were
cognizant of tlie fact that the two pow
erful "iron-clads" built in AVilmington
were useless. They knew that the ma
chinery of one of them had been taken
but of an old sawmill, and was too fee
ble to drive the vessel more than one or
two miles an hour ; and they also knew
that the othor, and more formidable
one, had been built without any refer-
4 l... ...... -1! - . 1 . 1
ww "ti iierisniueement,ann nan
been safely launched into twelve feet of
mud, and was at that moment lirmly
rooted to the bottom of the Cape Fear
Nothing but a stratagem-could savo
us, and this is what we did.
A boat was quietly lowered into' the
water. A pole about live feot long was
secured to a "thwart," and on the top
of the pole was a lantern holding the
one-eighth of an inch of candle. All
being ready, the candle was lit, tlie boat
cast adrift, nnd tho steamer moved
ahead. As was expected, several of
the blockaders dashed for the lignt,
leaving an opening In tho cordon
through which wc went asif the devil
had kicked us.
The candle In the boat went out al
most Immediately, aud, doubtless, was
thought to bo an accidental exposure of
light on the blockade runner How
ever, the boat was soon picked up and
the trick discovered.
Lord! what a signaling then took
place! Questions and answers were
rapidly exchanged, while in tlie mean
time our steamer, with Iter nose noihted
straight out to sea, was going thirteen
At daylicllt We founVl nnrsoU-na nn
the ocean with nothing iii sight, and a
few days afterward were safely at an
chor ina foreign port JV. O. Titnex.
A hat and robe dealer of Dntrolt ad
vertises some handsome buggy lap-dus-
ien tor saic; out whether lie sells tnem
any cheaper for being buggy is not set
forth in tlie advertisement.
A foreign, gentleman declares that he
cau toll whenever he crosses tho border
of Massachusetts, because all the women
begin to have "views." 1
The AVcsIeyan Methodists of England
have dedicated a chapel iir Rome,
standing within a few rods df the Pantheon.