The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, August 04, 1871, Image 3

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1 labia
.-AL'GIXT 4, 1871.
Mrs. Lear DeForee Gordon will lee
tare this evening at the Ore Flno Thea
ter 6a "Our Next Great Political Prob
lem" W bop everybody wilt go to
bear thla amUble, womanly and aprightH
ly ifrtMM of th 'shrieking elster
hood," who repuUtloa m lecturer hi
ealy equalled by ber xettleut prlvalp
d) mm
'It to a rery eiBwn oavplalat of 0m
Wd of the household" that hi "chll
- drenare axostiy girta, and coiiscqutnUy
Bnnbto to mat Urlnf." . -,Trr
v Tba Impertinent, pendateot and
avot-to-be-affi-tghted glri W ,
Whether pater tunlllaa Atari their
feaalrdae peculiarities or aot; Bad what
to xejore, It really seem as If they een-
Bot eheeae-bot (mm But It la very
trying upon the aenelbllltle of a ner-
vow Bad aanaiUv girl, to be twitted
with her txpemeaa, bar Incapability, ber
, ate. Of course, aba know that her
.ae la m more ber fruit tbaa It to ber
fault that abe exlat iti(L Ho ahe
ttreode oror ber emUforUpie what be
la taarht to consider M each of ber
"feminity, which should be ber chief-
V h eat glory. Everybody looks upon ber m
.-:.:! a aort of aaoaaxary riL 8be add nolh
ac to thefcmlrjrJneoin&, but cord rjb-TT-r-
ato excessively to the fcmlly expense.
"ttTT Vow, what le to bo done with ber?
f ,.u "Hurry ber off, of course," wggeat
- toty, aad the poor girl, who la taught
; from her latency to look npoa marriage
-i aaberaUlaioto bmbb of aupport, doee
aot lean to depend upon ber own ea
erglea, and look aimlessly .and help
leamly forward to a good matrimonial
eaten, which the aaaa Wlety" that
eompela ber to thint after, absolutely
denies ber the right to openly and Tig
oroualy god ftuakly pursue. ,;;''
OlrU are odaaa tod only la the outer
adornment of flfe, and In the little faav
deceit which they too often
haaaeleaaly nee a a decay to entrap
aaarrtaareabM aaaacullaee. We Wonder
that parente do not speedily kara the
. renult of all thU folly,, .They rarely ae
j wobmb who are not, ota time or other
In liax, compelled to depend poa their
awa energies for support J and whoa
And tbeautel vee ntee to foe with
poverty, they are not prepared to
followbueiaeas laesywtematleway. Ona
ly they are Impracticable, vleiou-
aryraad oAoa pitiably helplee. : Oeca
ioaally wa ae a aoUeatrong-wllled
Voaua who boeomea a aaddea Blaster
of adverse circumstance, and rUee frota
poverty to affluence by boaineaa tact
aad Indomitable petaeveraaoo anal thla
of Itself la eelf-evldent proof that
- i : It la the duty of parenta to foater and
' ' - develop thla . Utent JowerZJUi-tbcU
, , . duty to fit their girl far aome Important
, , boataaaa aToeatlea whleh will
- -w:?-'- theea ao tnnr OVnenknlnnoa aaatri-
' aaony Ibf aupport Uutjmta appear to
f be. r Aad thea when aaalrablo opporto
atty -fcr aatrlmoay preauata Itaelf It
j -abouM be their privilege, aa U certainly
---t . jj, akwt alMMlaad with
the amnio spirit of commendable deter-f.-,j,
. aalnaUoa that ebataeterlaoa the young
ai? aoan, who, baring Secured other matter
.; to ble Uklng, looka forward (o matri
. . . aaoay aa aa additional comfort of hi
,;-i: arslateaee, rather than aa. a mean of
U rapidly U-ndliig to tltla
hope aooa to hear boat a brained and
red young ladle talk of "mar.
t ing a be 0. they gut able to aupport a
faatlly.7 i
John A. Bingham, tb womaa banffeiy
i to bar wTorablr I an pre ml Mr.
Daniway. editor of the Kkw Mobth
wmrr. A -womaa herself, we wonder
bow sue eaa iook upon we man -wnoae
hande are red with the Uood uf Sirs.
Murratt. -
-- Erldeatly our aroUter of lite Walla
j : wpoa Joba A. Biagbam through green
: apeetaclea. - v- "
. . W were aot aware that we war fiv
: rTrably lmpneaed T)y "tbla-vlaagi
aoaad, light-haired, ailddle-aged
m, aad that wa what woeald of the
' frnomtlU of the lloaorable John. .
A to nanging Mr. eurraU, or any
other womaa, we believe ao man baa a
right to do each a thing until the woman
baa bee tried by a Jury of her peer,
. r whleh Justice baa never yet been ateted
eottowoeneev ' ' ,
WW the Walla Walla StnteMmam read
oar atrlctare more carefully hereafter
- when b design to aalmadvert apoa
Tne Mil to protert tDe right of mar-
edaien whloh-haa naaaal th
Uampabii House of lUni otatlr .
provldMtbateMrrtsMshali notawreafter
' asaoee wo nwaueaa itahie for the dbU
mmmmI I.W kla A- I .
i " - j " " -mt-m nar wo uieir
. aimia, ana ui no inaniaire shall
rrie hersafwe dierbarye the wUe from IUI.I1-
vi tty to pay the M4a contracted by her
. wnora aocb roaniaae, Hhe aad aU ber
. . . property which oh aaay botd In her
own riant are to oe bom itaoi for the
. . ' -V . . . mmt J All gtmtU aM(mjtK
.marriage, la th aaaaa ataaaer aa If he
. continued-sole and UBaiaiTied.J3Wj.
.fas, . v:
Maa are taking ttaaaTby lb forelock.
Fereserlng th future destiny of pellli-
eai uonopoUata, and .arcing the
, sity of delendlng themaelve from tb
. evU result of their owaadlureaihey
aow go to work to "protect the rlgbta of
axarried men." , It Isn't ao easy or ao
pleasant to represent woajaa a th
aaea have theugbt It to be; and, a they
ar ceanUig to their serwee upsMTlhe
" -proHf queUon,'r"we hop aooa to
abeat equally rational epn tbeeom-j
Jag -polltieal
xcrra or rax dillt. .
Tad p. rl K. CSw bare a foundry and
aaaafei'ar abop la auocosaful operatloo at
ta tora of aUea, proogh rWblct. we
were iewa ay the ftlentaaly aad
obligKy foteataa of tba wdrka. I W
g4ylwavt been re leaned agalaat rvf-
Clng the temper of workmen by going
among their machinery, ik!ng ques
tion and getting la th way ; ao we
trtat to aeoal th Utlef ullHculty.-bBt
Indulged th former to our heart con
tent; and to the credit of the workmen
V It i pohan, If they lost their temper or
thougbt our rM n Intrusion, tney were
too polite and respectful to let u know
, The Immrnrr trip bawmer wa put la
epenUioa lor ear special beoeat, and w
saw red-hot Iron beaten to an) required
shape by It steady laHTand 3bougbL
'21 woador aieacau work to such ad-
vaatag whoa they have ao many con
venience, which Women never bare the
money to buy or the Um and mean to
invent." But w didn't- xpre our
thought Just thea, for we bad ao notion
of being eonMldcred impertinent. Then
wa'sew a mammoth atachln la
tlon punching bole through massive
sheets of tank and boiler Iron Tbia
work la don with aucb eaa and accu
racy that It la little trouble to security
rivet aam, whoa aide are thus punc
tured to receive th weU-Bttlng bolt.
Saw men busy aiendthg a teavar twelve
inch abaft with a flaw la It ; aad others
engaged la making boilers, railroad coa
ch lurry, castings, etc, eta. The flnra-
acres, aad everything la -well-ordered
Weat out on th hUl to see the mint.
Can anybody tell as what baa become of
th hundred thousand dollar appropria
tion fund for the erection of this build
ing? Was It all expended In raising th
brick and stone structure to it present
height of one otory or aa without roof or
floor or celling?- It strike us that
Dalle needs a mint about as badly a
she needs euetosn house or the United
Btate 'Capital, but maybe we don't
know all about It" W needn't worry,
however, for at the present rat of pro
graaalim the building will ba ready for
aa la two or three hundred year, and
maybe then we'll want a mint" Come
to reflect Oovernmont s working for
posterity, aad ace da aoaunwadatlon for
acoeeeary fkr-slghtednces. Th woolen
factory, the water-works, the hotel and
stores of the town are all la keeping
with Use advance of civilisation, and It
U -with a strong deelre to remain
month, If possible, that wo prepare for a
speedy return to the constant routine of
buaincs rare la the city of Portland.
,W must not neglect to mention that
w got Into th custody of the Bhertft of
Waaeo county, aad la Company with
Ber. Mr. Taylor, of the Baptist church
In INtitland, and Mr.Rrrentlaad, of tb
Dalies, war driven In a carriage over to
nity Of Three M
beautiful farm In a high state aTenltH
ration gladden tfcrtye that baa become
sated oa rock and aaad WllarlwtJhiibiln
in, ar. e. diiu, av weu as lion, jamee
Fulton and ourself, ;'got b.Ia atart in
YambiH," and w found It pleasant thus
to meet old friead aad talk aver by
goaadaya.--' " - ' -
The quiet and nnobtruaf v hospitality
of Tb Dalle people will long remain
with aa aa a refreaning
We bad the pleasure, while vial ting
at Tb Dalle, of dl nl ng one day wl th our
frfertdof tb JfaHaftUwctraad hla eeU-
mabk) Wifr, formerly Ml Beach, of AM
bany. - We found them exultant over a
bean ' new qghtertiabeanUg,aid
beautUul bnndl of lac and dltnlty,
fwfateh flila their cup of bapulucea to a
pleasing overflow. Our friends are snug
ly aeoaed la a charming little, bird'
nost of a cottage, wbwttoyen Joy good
dinners aad prosperity. Mr. Hand baa
- aa yet paid little attention to th wommA
f Mearioa, vn ooojr f itesfion Having,
tb Um beiag, occupied hi leisure mo
ment, but a evidence thai he bellerw
in fcmlnln qaallty he aasured a that
a young girl In hi offlc wa Ida beat
and quickest typo, m1 that ah earns a
much money at any employee In the of
floe. Aad, what 1 better yet, Jm pay
her Just aa much la proportion to the
work she doee aa he pay any of hi boys.
Tne JVeonlaWer, -under the guiding
Hand at IU belra, doe not eevm likely
to be stranded oa tb Beach of bank
ruptcy. j....r.: i ,;. . . -t;-:-''.: vi"'
Aerorillngtoarecentderlsloaof Cltlef
Jastleo Howe Omaha, the charming
ere to ree who. wear watormlla have the
right to roto conferred upon them by the
rounernw Amendment, ao mat they
ar aa much entitled to wade through
the nlthy pool of politics aa the eorrutt,
barbarous aad unjust thing known aa
man. The Hormusea, then, have one
high authority In their favor, and they
will, ao doubt, get other to second his
decision: ao the Htlaene of thla ronllv
burg may prepare themselves to ace their
wivee, aiaten enu iBMHners marcning to
the nulla, ere lonr. and dennsitlne their
vote for therr ftivorttes. Jmff. " 7
Bloc ar bo Wed our color, proclaim
ing th editor of th Herald th women'
eandWIate for the VTr Presidency Mr.
EUtabeth Cady Btontoa being our cbote
for President our neighbor baa, very
naturally givea aamlataJuablo evidence
of aymaaUy wlth tb woaaaa ftorv
aeat When the women bare bad a
UU1 time to cleana tb "flllby jwfol af.
poiuic-' tney need aot ba compelled to
aoe eo UM pane. "
Whenever w beeeas eoavlBeed Ithat
outer toaa ta Kepublleaa aartv
beet administer this UamM
we shall advocate and rote with aha I
party. --AwefMt.
jTbaf party la already.oa tb Vveof
Drrmaaent imni talioo. nx-l mmtrhhnr
It to ta Parti of PriaclpU, d lu basis
to Equality befor th law.
ucimczisimo. .
resoi out readers thla week with
poetic gem Jt t,ve pe of Minnie
Urrfa ller a 5ch ir ri-rr jw to
tb (Veoxal IlertJ over a -roar I30, had
was reproduced la the aanto jous-ual re
cently, ta lataeTWuasloa la reUtlaai to
ber truant and ambitious husband bav
tng caasad public attention to be turned
tain merits of Mrs. Miller aa a poet
-Thla poem, "r!eImird71
evince that It author possesses poetic
talent of no common order. It waa writ
ten evply f( aa rf$k aeVlresstd tal
"Mm" from the nen of 11 Tf MHlrr. on I
the eveof hi. deptrtur to toiafoevT Wet",to AIMrea;' UruggUng
I It sWUl jkv a 11 1 a s a
bare dot seen tb Utter poem; but bop
tb Eugene Jomtmal will reproduce It that
we may Judge of Mrs. MiUsr'a provoca
tioa to reveal th akletoa te hcfeloset,
whose ghastly bone protrude through
every ere vice la the poem, which hi evi
dently th product of aa acutely stung
and Intensely suflfering spirit
A writer la th Eugene owraof state
that Mr. Miller wa engaged, previous
to bar marriage with C ILJIlller, to a
man whom Miller vanoulald or drove
away with a rvlvt. If thia be true,
aad Mrs. Miller, being overcome by the
magnetic influence of a etrong-wllled
maa ilk tb erratio poet, beak
troth with bar lover aad married him,
It waa Indeed a bitter blow to ber when
- oar s4 Um hemr essae ' " . i
WS fce seahej Um fcws yos toveJ to lh ,
and aiopswt.10 is aloe ef auoo" ; rT ,,
L Whil we doubt the propriety of th
act that thua Uya bar th Jilddeo life of
w deeply av ipatiilar
with Iba atruggilng . woaaaa . who, la
pit of disappointment aad crossu and
deaertloo, still stands by ber taataraal
dutle and grapple bard with destiny
la aupport of ber children,, while the
unnatural father leave them to perish.
Mr. MOWa poem seem to us th
wail of broken heart I " i WJi
LaUlA DaTOaXZ G01D01. i
' A dispatch from Btoektoa, Callfornut,
dated July 28tb. aavi t 1 ' U .A
It la said that th women auffragist
propose to nomlnst Mrs. Iaura Pet ores
Uordon a btate tinea tores from rjaa
Joaquin county,., t,,..Si,,iTf.
Tha telegraph baa' brought' no the
abov new relative to tha ostlafatlon In
which thla talented lecturer la held In
California and Ja bet; owa district , We
prlat elsewhor aeveral natiese, copied
from tb man's right pre of Califor
nia, showing that woman, suffragist ar
not alone la according much atari t to
thla gifted aad a6aaoafj woaaaa, wa la
at present sojourning la thla city, and
whose lecture for thla tvcnln w
nounoa in our toeai eoutmna. ,;:J .... i
Tb kiea that a aanaibH- logieaV well
informed and respectable woman like
Mrs. Gordon la denied a vole In govern
mental aflalra, wbil every . Igaoraat
whit man or negro whahooea jpaay
cast his vote agalnat th beat Interest of
tha common wealth bee us bo doesn't
laAaV eVlalalliTh 1aT d& Atliak9-mtmriM at gMtafW
Tabaurd, unjast aad rldlouloa that w
wonder our brethren are not altogether
Our neighbor of tb JUroU aaya1 that
Judge Williams, of the UU Joint High
Commhalonwlll.hav no show la the
raexT Beaatortai' aootest for there ar
aamy oaadldatos, etc, etc" ThU being
th case, we respectfully decline to be
oome a candidate for tb Vailed Btate
Henato'for another term or ." We're
young yet Let other and older peopto
bar arbinoar r ; .r,;?.
rlpeclal dlapiateh from Constantinople
any that the famlnala Pemia is causing
dreadful havocTr Pea th In tb proy I nee
of Khoraaaaa average WO dally,' and
great la tit djstrraa tbayka4 bodlef are
devoured, by th urvlvorR, and men.
womcaand children rn some case are
kllWd to render the ajipply of food more
abundant. Tb plague haa : also ap
peared la Persia, and the Turk tab Gov
rament la compelled to draw a sanitary
cordon aluag the border,
It U runaored that Blauaarek to to U
created. Puke e IJutembourg,
A letter from Alexandria, rVypC
states that ex Meeretoty cieward
through that city recently a rout for
ConeUnUnaate. Wbll la Alexandria
he wa the guest of tb Khedive and re
cipient of osteataUoas attenUom. . It Je
thought aeward and party will at aao
set out oa th boat Journey. 4 -i .i
. DIMurbanee have occurred1 la aa
ton, China, aad BriUsej gunasato bar
been nt there to aflord protect ioa to
English aad other foreign residents. .
. A private letter from Brasll, dated July
otn, aaya tn eaolora aa resumed a
malignant form at Para. Nearly every
stranger ta th city to dead. The En
glish Conaul died a Cew day ago, and to
day his wife is dying.' Braailiaa physi
cians ar loalag nearly all their patient
with fever. , AU strangers ar liable to
tak U lever la Para, aad aoarly every
Portuguu who em Igrated to Parawlth-
la the past six or eight month ba died.
From France aewa cornea that Presi
dent Tliiers ha laaiaead Bssmarck to
consent to the vacua tioa of Pari fort
stni held by Oernaa troop aad the
entire drpatmeata of Beta aad fMne
H Ouaa, aa ar Before th list af August
The first twenty, mites of tb Vtah
ftoatherW lUllfoad la lOraledT and
tractor ar aow golagahsoa a fast a
poaaibaiw Track to axed' a far aa Little
Cottonwood. 1 2 " -
Z A terrible steamboat accident oscurred
la New York harbor oa Um SOU of July.
The 8U tea Island ferryboat Wsstuold,
wbew-ta-tharTrhj at Whttehalt vd
crowded with passenger, exploded ber
boiler. Th ooooMssloa waa terriflc.1
battering the forward part of tb boat
and kilUng aadaraldlng a great number
of persona," iT1m liurrkmae deckaras
blowa overboard aad fell Dver a large
aumnec of person la the water,"wbo
were arowaea. " Tb front of tha boiler
wa suddenly blowa out, lodging thirty
fast dbAaatla tb forward part of tb
.Tb upper cabin wa eplit Into a
tbMaaad pieoea, aa aa tya W'taeea Cx-
ad ItTb forward part of the boat
was lifted any feet Into ta alf, tbe
iaokaaiack foU aad trvejytbJag waa
buried la tb bold passenger, chairs,
stools, bnraea, beach aad 111 preeervr
era dropped Into tb bold, fronting tb
atob paarid aat rolumee
Maaf piraaaa-war blowa
overboard. Father and mother had
thea- rbltdrea blow gram theii' tmav
The wator for aa Instant aas alive with
for life. Tbe aft part of tbe. boat which
escaped the fore of th explosion, would
bar beea aal for tb uninjured, but
Ue panie-etrickea arverboardl
althoul regard to ceesviuenoe. Cait
Ullmaa, of tha new street police, seeing
tha expioaion, waa promptly aa
aad a lire alarm was sounded. The
harbor police boat came to tb rescue,
and gentlemen who wer la tow-boats
at tba Battery helped to ear the vk
' i.' .. 1
Up to oa o'olotfk Tuesday morning
tb dead numbered 73. A doaca
wounded were not expected to live from
00 moment to another. Ail tb bodies
bav been recegnlsed. - Over 80 wounded
remained at Believwe. . Probably 60
nkore ar soattered about In private
bouae of hU cUy aad Brooklynr-"
Tb Worid puUishes th name of 71
arson killed by th explosion, aad aaya
there are eight bod to aaknown. : Th
iirnttt tlfca the-TiBmbcr of KHl-ni
even greater, aad Uk aameeof 127, In
jured. 1 It to believed that maay more
bodto will h taaaa oat of th water,
aad of oourae other will never be found.
Tbe meet painful after featura of tb
tragedy to the appearance at th boar
pltala and atatioa houses af hundred of
anxioua aad half-era ad peo4 Inquir
ing after missing mead aad aelallve.
Oa poor follow, Michael Flnley, who
loot hi wife aad child by tb explosion,
ha gone aaad and attempted to commit
suicide by drowning. . , , .
Secretary Bout well, thluka regarding
the WeatAekl ercMrntthat the Inspect
or of B team boats must bav been at
fault It is understood that Supervising
Inspector Belknap win at one b or
dered to make a rigid exanii nation Into
the condltiou of tb boat and, report
without delay to Secretary Boutwell,
and, aa a precaution against further
lose of Ufa, to max aa inspection of all
boiler oa the forty line.-
A Veaaa Tftked to a Doakey,
ii - j.
In hi lector to th young people of
tbe University, tha Ker. Sir. Kllot
totdaf iaui eountry where plows are
drawn by a donkey and a woman yoked
together. We- know of nothing Just
like that la this country, but w bav
known of thine almost aa . bad. : We
have known mea who compelled their
own wtvea aa draw wore baaaen than
a piowwithout rTeaadoaacy lo.belp
luem. 1 n puruena 01 ute aiijciien are
heavier at auy time than thnxe of the
fleliL The "heat of th day" la mora
Tviou.aBd er h aat I naoaeaaaaokinav
Lstove la a crowded kllcbea tbaa It la
under tba hot sun in the freeooen flrUL
The maa who follows the plow or bend
hi back over th (alien swath, ie not In
a poaltio half so trylag to either nerve
or muscles aa tha womaa who, in addJ-T
uw i -iter waivs'suj oum, w ruui-
pelled to cook for aeveral extra farm
hands. . We know of men who. never
think of getting through either seed
time! ar harvest without . hired help.
Thene harvest band are often paid aa
high . aa three dollar per day. . Yet
out of these men who pay three dot
lam a day for their owa help are too
mean to psy;ne dollar a day fora cook
to bear li extra Dunicna ottne Kitchen:
We do not say this t wmnr and cruel
The are nil id term. - It 1 downright
Intolerable meauneas. . A woman who
to yoked to such a man to yoked to some
thing far worse than a jack;
Tbe tow of Moses say's. aThoa si is It
not plow with the ox and tha aaito-
retber."-Tie Hebrew tawsjvrr neve-
dreamed that maa woubl put a Woman
In he place of the ox. W a don't act up I
as a special ' ad voce to of "Woman's!
ltlghta," to the extent Of some flippant
modern reformers; but we eaa at way
aflord suae lu our aulumn to rebuke
such plain and outrageous violation of
justice ana numnnity. it t uselcs for
enea to put in ute plea ar pororty If
Uiey "cant afTbrd" hlp for their wive.
tlMnlher "can't -afford" it for tliem
aclvea. If they muM have four or Ave
xtra hands la barveat, and thea hand
ami bav three hearty meal every day
then th hard worked woman la the
kitchen mutt have ber proportion of th
neip. iiierrfsirfM juat aa rnucb a
law of the kltebea a of. th flehl.
. Th harvest eeaaoa ia on ua now, and
w know there are many bard Worked
Woaaea (la tato aeaaUful r alley who
wui b. ready tut UMtr grave twenty
year befor their tint. . If th epitaph
ot many a one of these were plainly and
truly written. It would read Iil of
overwork, being yoked to a Jackaa."
ioK-(Mlinr.. r. .
A Wono to Oiaia. The woman who
to IndlffiTent to her look la no true
woanaa. tend made womaa to he at
tractive, to took well, to please, and It I
an or ber dutle to carry out this In
tention of bar Maker.' But that dress la
to do It all, and to eufllee, I amor than
we eaa be brouarbt to believe. Just
jMcause w do tovo to ae girt took well.
aa weu aa live ta seen urnose, we
would urge upon them eweft a course of
reading and etudy aa will eoaferaueh
cnarm a ao aiadleto can auppiy, K,
P. Willi wrot aaca a very pretty par
agraph aa tb power of education to
beautify. That It absolutely chiseled
tVatoreai that be hod see , nianv
clumsy aos fend thick pair of lips ao
moaineu or uiougna awaaenea . and
active mtiaiaa aa to ba uareaagnlsa-
tie. And be mat it oa that-ground that
we ao often see ejoople, hoaaeiy aad aa
attiaetlvo ta vnotb. blona In m I.LIU
Uf into a aoftened Indian summer of
good looka and mellow tone. Ur ,
OaMtW ar Coal raow RxAwxan.
A French geologist? Tn a recent raeatoir
upon tbe rtgia of coal, takes the ground
tliat It I derived eutireiy from marine
pianta, such as fUrus. or mv-vmL which
aradeMtltot of womly flher: ami that
IU nrsc place of deposit must necenaarily
aave oeea at tbe drptn tn sea, aial
In a place different from that In nhh-h
plant bad tbetr rrowttt. Tb
erguraeate adduced by him are varied
and ingenious, and will doobttaa b
repoeMiedtoladuaeoura af time by
thee waa aaalataln that the earn sob
staae waa derivad from th rnulual ac-
cumuteuoa or terrestrial plant, of 1
wuai ranea mrma.
fVhrMa,jr MuaeasasBMraM, "1
Hevlaa la sirsUeal Habit . .. I V I -
f 41 yea mmmA abae BM,
a ah tb M sad Um asaatea
sera, f
as as say
kUktag aas leag to 4tm
DalaUly 1
srWB wllk supples sslssa. . .
; As ora mstm asusrtag eVerj
A BHaUag mb4 sf wslsis
A saws la mm ss Blag gi.
An rka. spytaa; ssaukese ,
f Taralagaareasaaw .
ra aat year new aad ptajnet as
Tb nmm ef all lev ! ,
Tta UMdarof B bssrl fail ear
TbsJsassrssya rt efsUJsaaa,
lUw llu-Wa UM whlatileal rlad, .
aiMis llis tnM TlBaiilasiBataailelll I
Lo Bipera la atwlas Mlaa, .uf ,
. l saa tky MSltfal fciagPI . t -
am ora mi lbs tow a taw "
1 Ta aur aot asei ajllt ' 'V .
AadaearsMtateaBdae, ' '
Aad ever Mm heart ef all. '
All leal a swsel saaet '"r ; -
Ajl Mm! h srlcfel aaaat hytet
"Uev I a Snwoo f UM? ery, - '"f 1"
IM UMWbseU soever bbi besd. . ;'
' Uifsesst UMtessllMr, TZ- .t '
. Ovseearhsaiejasseilt ' "r- v .-
Tae bosoms kladly stopt. - i -
Bat Ike soaaowswi s ! a sreU. .
Tea. ruk yaac imIisIi ksasl 1 '
I, wlik sty rraaik ptayeri- n
Aad n s, wHk bl aaWIe aplrtt, , .
Tor h had the right, 70a k
BMding bm lo eoaM,
Aa MiMtnt Torn e so-"' 1
. a ! t , -
W trn Wr ta the Worldllhal d.j
AM under lite ear v Ikm
Our love, all ermrae la apleBjdar
' Oaf heart, ao tebJer and tra. ';'T
What a bar w 4mm. axydarWagt -
Veaaiew bl slh1ellpsa. . ,i .
WHb a leaek of ka oa roar ajesbaad.
1 kb ef aamaea year I
isjeam taailkMMsaod -
a'ke wiilii wttb a aa ma swk.
nc-iv Ui uaaun uwa bm im, (.
a'aleblag a Ilk a spy.
And aa,tbrottch book aad bays, ,
Dt-lveUi bt peetty wards . hn" .
. To wear la his laagald Uya . ' . "'
Of aroaiea aad atniaata aad birds, ' ' '
Whsl wa tay truth to blmT ' , '
A Mepplac mom a Ml; '' . ..1 .
Mr Aw waa anmd audaay asalla wets eeset.
Deeked wnh say Urn, lot a Uaw;
- tkH th day and the bear eaase !
Whea be pked tb awtyoe level mtMeWst,
- Aad stepped lo ba atabe of haa
Aad the wbeela'ralled ever ala, :
Aadtbeearwealelartertnaby; -
Aad Ik loaeljr heart of year Qveea
Wearily walletb te dto. , ' t
I ...... . - .-. h""-VT"
Oodaad tbe aaael aaay H a rt -rrrt t. -
What baaatUal awlh we bav wtonsbl,
Whea we aaad thee together . . ; .
Aad a SMWB e two ae braaakl. , , -
That apake as atghs ahat Jaae, .
Whea pea btaaehl yaor tea aad playad sa &
Tbeiwuuaefail love basest , , .-r
Weary of all thl yaai ! i. !
That beaeeth tb btttot fratt J.V
Wery ef everything aowt '
t weep at tb aoaad of tot.
Olrrinnal aad Hvtd Soweis,
Flame over Bix jove, KHf daad;
T l mil His lilast m wnh XI raarknearr
Caeep ovet hla baaatlfal bead. ;
lb iba apUaaud ( khey have
- Wueia-th Unplflai dtowaUMBe
Where a Mrd the Blai e
laalllahtoaaaeaBaa, -" ' 1- ' "
IwUl tiaaii.iiBiillnM.wttk tbeakaderil J. n
IwUI haak the wIMailn eflba hltd . :r
Aad thea, to th nana big sllaaa.
The vetee ef say heart sbaa be
Munna M vavta aTnxaa,
fOoL VaaelockS laattoa. 7
la all my army-llm I never aaw a
mora beautiful cemping-grooBd tbaa
that where I Joined my reglmeet for
tl.. -at il-i.. .-I.. ffitr a I. -
lata the rough experience of army-life.
Our lieaikiiiartera oa tadar Mountal a
overlooked a level country dotted, over
wlthcanips; and Juat at our feet Waa
Mltcbtdl'a HUtion, erowdad with trains.
It waa th moat aouthera Betas-then
neio oy tne iwiomaejanayj aim Qveor
tie away, va
tha-other aide of tbe
napuian. we eouM ae um Hebet eampa.
and mark the waving of their ignal
flag agalnat the aky. Back of ua a line,
roiling eountry etreteiiea to um Hlue
Monntalna, who - fantastic outline.
streaked her and tber with anow.
closed, tbe view to the West. . The for
eat was rapblly- atelting away; and Um
air, eon aaai warm, area la asio-winter,
wa full of th riagtag ocho of axe.
the sIkmjU of teamsters arging oa their
train, ana tne voice 01 men.
Many aa aoquaiataWce, vary preclou
and rragrant ia Kaeaaaryt was au
till cbarmlug spot. Nona of
friends do I recollect with greater
nre than good old Father- W bee lock,
Colonel of the 9Tth New York Volun
teers, lis was from the central part of
the Htato, a very wealthy auwaer, and
had' raised hie regiment among hi
friend and neighbor. Uentie, easy la
temperament, aud a noble, Urge-hearted
man, he wa aotnewhat lax In discipline
and uothlag sf a aaartlaai. tla he bad
a eh route ouarrel with hi geaeral anV
ccrs, which waxed and waited a hi
regiment waa ntrever showing poorly la
reviews, or WiaalnaT Uareis aa tb bat-
tle-Aeld. , JH waa a large) portly maa,
about sixty years of age, hut capable of
enduring any amount of attigue, and
prompt aa a. aaah to aea aad aa hla ap
portunity. ' , ' ' l.:
At tb first day'e fight at Oettysburg,
he waa surroumled and rut on with hi
mea. Taking advantage of tb ground
aad his know let bra af la taw a, be sato-
oreded by an oha44nato rsaaptane with a
retreat of the rest. The
eauenti unt wa ioq wtoe aad gray
headed a rat to thiak of gniag to Ubby
moon, ue aid Bat Intend th Hebei
ItouH ba- hi sword evea. Ho darting
luto tbe hot-s of a lady, with whom ha
waa Intimately aoruelatod, ah backtod
ha, niiMia aiybw m,m A,
ami the tVilonel fairly bullied the Itebei
offliTf HIT the around, "lie had no
aword ft him," he said; aad won id
break It over a stone, or throw K
aewa tb Orat eraii, thaa bH HfaUlat
such dirty heads. " "Where' a year
swora 7-' roared nis Hetmi rrLa.
"Hearch f It, If yoa want It ao bad,"
aald th old Biaa. Aad aeaerk they did.
ie house over, but of course la vain.
Tne next thins? waa to teka himir
on. ror aome days no Watched hi
ehanca la-vain.. Tb beaten Itebela
WereaoW retreating arrrwa th raoun
UliM to tbe robmiac: XlgUt waa com
ing on. rainy and verr dark. l tK
Colonel began to grow lam ami fail b
hle)4. . The- Reh bad br thla Uaoa
learrawl WbllMWa. and no nfohaal
him very rkwely; and yet bad been wom,
both ofllcer aad ruartL lv bis dlewltv
and good nature. Ho thee detailed
man to watch him. and lei him hebble
along aa h eoai. fue Uev had ao traaa-
4lortauluavTbbi Wm what IM old maa
waa planning. ""HI laaaeneae waa got
ta a lor U. oecaeaj; and arising aia
rmwttuuity wherelh road ran along
Am steep trsajaUia aide, he seat Uie
smari at.lnnliMT down the hllL with his
cBUskclalU'png aaxcr uiut .wuiii mtw
- T" . . . a 1 1 .1
a, a bile a uaria up tue
l A taw ml, to auffloed to acreea
him la the darkaeaa frora ImmedTato
pureult, and be stopped to leara u ne
Waa auUowed; and could but hear th
grunt and eurssa of his unwalcom
.Uinrtur the acrgeaut of. th
guard. 4 :
Ho the old colonel warily worked his
I'T- ' ."rUJ LL " Jj L T 1 AaatrlMarhtoV--meiCandrVgalned
hUawordV-- ., I aeslaa Ou-arVaaej,
But, hold apt how my pen run on
with m 1 I can I aeip u aoweven
that'a Juat the way old Father Wbee
lock would ruuoirwltheverybody when
be aat down to tell a atory. -J
Let me seet 1 waa to give an account,
I htllaaaaf blM.amd.lan . - i -) ,' .
- "Tbrre waa," aald he, "a poor fellow'
from Auburn among tne a ranea men
who wer neat me la the Kali of IMS.
I bit led: him. fur be had left a huge
destitute family, lie fell alck.and weut
to boaititaL ouite as inucn. 1 iinna. irom
bome-aicknesa aa disease, 'About 'the
holidays he died: and aeon after I re
ceived a Christmas box for hint. Now
thea 'll tell you how I got rid of It last
- Jut after dreas-rarade I mounted a
atumo aad ahoutod to th boya that I
had aotnethln to tell tlietu. . They
earn running togctlier, and whea there
waa a crowd, aay I, 'I'll orop me aig
Itv f ftelmwd m half ao Boeirand turn
aacUaaeor . I tuoa toad them about the
box, and read tb letter wlUcb came
with it. It waa a most toucblnr one.
telling of their atratrle and of the bye
which had sent -him a little Christmas
token fruui hoiUavT'Boyi,' aaiaxw
do not know bow aooa our families nisy
be Just there.- Ibto aeema a true, good
woman. I propose we do a little soeae
thlnsr to com fort her aadcr the heavy
aewa I niuat write. .Tbl boxeuutaius
a small fruit-cako, a lair ocanspeiiucra,
g aketn of thread, and a few netdlea. A
comrade of hla company oftVrst give
ate f 4o. ta box to aetn-tna raniuy,
hot I think wa ean da lMtUr.'-i"
-vl than out the cake into forty slice.
about mouthful apiece, and putting
one Into my pocket said, These ar to-
ty cent apiece, but ' I Will go double.
Kw, who bid f r w- - -
"1'LeAdJuUnt kept oount and took
tbe money, aim in nv puuuiee aii
"The aunpendera' wer "then brought
eot, and run up by Hfty ecuta at a time
to $5, at which price they wer knocked
.tnwn 4n.l nal.l fur 'Put 'em ud aeaiu.'
(Vdnel. eaki the tnaa: and tfd time
tbev were at rock off at tit aad ao twice
atora till tber brought na $18. -The
skein of thread waa divided up and real
ised as. . . 1
"Hcetnr the men wer doing every
thin wbil tba ofltorra looked thoogiit-
leaaly on, and enjoyed It, I took one of
tb need lea, and aabl: Those ar a dol
lar apiece. 1 1 ru-n aanueu n 10 -pv.
A., aaymg: 'Voung man, I'll make
von a nrasent of UsL . "No Toa don't.
Udonei,' bo replied : -'I haven't th
money by me, but I'll get It when I go
to my tent' Th officer took th bint,
and the seed lea were cleaned aat at tb
Mu4tDoor fellow box, not worth
mora than a dollar, brought 179.50, to
which I added a trifle of my own, I
neat bee a check lor 1 100. boring It
miurbt Baeat her want in her time of
siwL ' - ; 'ill
YMturUv f rot a letter from tb
wtfe:t aad with that bo headed It to
MaJortNi aad myseit - it eonveyed her
tnanx ana aiesning,-arsi was uu
won't trv to aay only I don't woad
the filoneP ere were uepkhMMly red.
his rote xiwatoiea m atua aa ne
left tha tent, saying, "Chaplain, you'll
be sure to give me the next Job you bar
la the auction line." CAriefi taieav
...At. 1 I II
ia trn Hrnatb C h am a KB. Tti ree la
dle. Mrs. Hpear, Mm, Laura De Korea
(Ion Ion and Mrs. Laura CuPtry Hmllh'
poke toat eveaing at th Heaato Cham
ber befor the Committee to whom haa
been referred the petition tor W
ftiiifrraaa -- Th, l.oahn fliamVmr irri
deuaely crowtlcd. . Many ladie were
present. MrsHar opened. Hho read waa well;
a an oratorical eflort. it waa not. Mra.
(.ion ion followed. Herepeech was the
feature of Um evening.. However w
mar regard th merit of thtx noeetirm,
none could deny the eloquence and abil
ity of thl lady, a man If voted la tbU ef
fort. The Henate Chamber haa heard
nothing eupcrior. There waa a Jiuah
universal In thia place during th" hour
aha consumed to epraxiirg, tim gay
Coong ladlea who came to laugh, after a
me euspended jBperatlun. and looked
up In surprise to see this woman stand
ing in a man's place and with womanly
grace, "talking politics" and dlaouaalng
uuesCionsof eonatltutionai and partbv
n eatery law with aaaaa aad familiar-1
ity wbk-h many jut tb moat potent.
grave ana revere na rcnantre coo id
thevneelvas have envied. If ao
talking 1- aotne - wotnea have men'
t. 1 mm.- m . . . t. -
unaua a uv viraear mm-rm ma auw
brain out or ptoca. That' a 1 tnisinr,
aot our. ; If many ntor of these fe
male of an anmmrntatt ve and oratori
cal tora of mind turn upr ballot or no
balluC their woola and the Idea enun
ciated by them ar bound to luflueace
humanity lor rood or 111.
' Iaura Cuppy Hralth followed In a tew
appropriate remark a, delivered with her
usual eaa ana grace. na lateneatrof
Um hour, aad th exbaaativ aature of
Mrs. taordont speech, prereated them
bam being atora extended. But ah
proved also another evhlence that wom
en eaa aot only talk bat rrasoev- With
her-rtaaed th pleadings betore the
Ooatndtteev The audieac toft. Tber
wa among tb men much wntxlerlng.
Wa onteaa again that, aa to mere abili
ty- and etMraeaee, to th women b
loagsd Um triumph of Um hour.-p-Oip4-
ssu Av caorum :,
.. -:
. An At'H
ixvrwxirr. Mrr R T-Cbl.
maa of thia city baa beea. we ar told.
a rawing some illustration lor a new
book which lr. Maryea to about to pub
IlatC W bar, aot examined Uiese 11
laasBtaoaabat we are told by Um Her
ald that The frontispiece to aUcwori-
cai, and represents th varied climate of
Urcgoa. OnO portion represents Baav
mer, wiut IT teeming nekteof grain aad
ptraty evrry where. - Th tvxtJl Au
tumn, with It rine fruit -bud ajunvoy
of Mrda, at on of which a banter to
booting. A torg dog oceuoiea the
ibrrgmu nd ta this areao, but Wbll bis
body to under aa Aatemn aky hla tail
extend- lata th sketch representing
Winter, and to nipped froat tb body by
th pi erring cold." now. uiai oog tee
ter of thelrgnrlcal" frrmtlsplece if.
It really ha such a W'atam Sanst be
rjuMliiwrait awrh an achieve iwt nt a tea
caution to purpa. The only Improve
ment wuM pnanly anirerwt would
he a not her Ogor in Um foreground an
Indian or a maa with an umbrella. In
tb atd of apply Ing Um Tnk Weed Kea
edy" to th dog' Uib VroaWrai. - i
As tbe IllastratUm has m been shown
ar this office, w kr eonie!Ic4 to paly
upon our neighbor, for iafonnaUcv
PtMl HMllMt lUa -
Ml ik.a.l.ti IsnJ'Uil,
Aa Ta asw aoavawnat has already proved
B popular aseriM. we are deelded that H ahaai
aBBwvaaBivBa. j a a
TaeaaktoeuroleaMbrwkosaay lirtb toesa-
sad as by taaeaaalag ear Itahearf pttoa fjlata, we
eaeea to glee Mm billowing rveealaaae ta eaa-
Aay wtbatHber whs la la aaaaaea tat the Haw
omwasT.wbe wUt arad aaato orberewa
eabaerlptloa , aeenaapaalad by ta ssah
I ta-we will give 1 ,'V t .1 1
Or AubeaUaa Olaat Card kWeJvaet x ,
OrH doeea Iror tlapkla lUagajs;,' "
fJ I pal AJesaad KM Gleveaf
Orasaiaghil Lady! ns.aarhind dei
.Ore Bird Oaget -li7?- .r-i;'----....
Or aoAlbaat bar haWlag aM ptetoreaj'
Or aa Albaat eawa)' ear botdutg at ptetareai
Or a raaey letter Caae; .:" '' ' ' "
Or a boi'Tuttel AriM,' toeladlag aaap.
ehalk, biBMiy, et.' - . " ' 1 1 '. " v
Or a KsMaeae toanp; '; ' : '' lj
Or H doaea Ohua OoWrtei '" '
nrn orB (iiaMTMBtbirf)
Or s birte (ilaaa PmN INab ;
Ora Work Baakt ' ' "
Or a rin Eatbraldeied Baadkmhlef ;
j-Oreian lama ttaadkiiihsaa
Or a Weolea Table Cuvef;
Or doaea Table Wapk las ;
VI .... -
it trl -zr-
aasf- aVaV-dalattawa Vaweaaasaaal
Aay aabscriber wko la la arrears (ar a yeaf
sakaerlpllna, aad whs wit) sead hla or Barewa
saaaeripuoa' tee, eenaapaal4 by la aaah.
t awe will aend t '
A eel of Ibsrer' Table rurka, trlpla pUted, en.
whtu tnrlal, warranted;
Or art of Koaers'Tsbte Bpnna. Iril puUasV
oa whlu ssHal, warraaled ; , .
Or set of Hugeraf Tea npoona, triple plated.
oa white Metal, vsiraatml;
Or H dusea Ibiaenr A Rnaaell's Table Kalvea,
triple plated, aa wkite nialal. wrtnntod . '
Or a kaadaoia Rlr4 Cage. , :' - . ' T
la arrears for MbaerlpUoe Is Tn a
Ksw Koarnwasv, who will sand bu) ar ber .
aabaerrplloa fes and three pew abefibr, ae
eompanled by tb aak, making tit at, w will
4t. . ' t
A haadsonM alaraallles Unllts . -
Or a ban denial Wootea Qellt, red aad whke,
epMae aad white)
Or a pair of Tab) Chatbs;
Or two pain ef SotUncbant 1
Or' three pair AleBaa4ra KI4i6lova, say
solseersliei .. J. . . .
Ore fapanses rsbud Work Box J ' ....-Z.. - '
OrUyardakeMydLWIusaikeeUna. '
' W fovea eakaeilhan at tt M eaek, aaaaa a
lag to M sa, we wld sea
' AaeaaaGBnr, triple plaMd.oa waaajri,
rained at at at: -1 ' :
Oratady Writing Pesk, ef aqoal valae;
Of CabiBJapaitelB toid'f. " "
Or an xtra Jsparna alld Work Boa.
4 Thee srweles are all Valuable, aad are war
raaled to, be Just as we fspeearal lkeavPer-
aooa UrlBg la ihb aity arwbe aaa rlaa aaaaa
teeem Okw BfWU tront bkf easTaaaas at aa
boar houeefor If aot eon rental to vkdt r
w will send the artleto by axpraaa loaay ad-
. ' t, -. ' - , 4 ft , '1-
1 - r ,
Me order Of this klad will raesiv stlaalloa
saleaa the eaah asaoMpaania It. -'
Bead aioaey la PaatoaVe rdr at tke rna-
ito af ar?eaa, ae Mad draft at
Alt erdets atosapUy attended toy' -TWe
etneerviy hope that tabt aaparalleled
okervwhlrb ht t kmtar la the newspaper .
basfueea la Oraaoa, trill saeet
sponse from the many friendJi of ear paper,
who ap to this time hare see sssd to fall to teal-'
Is that Ta Xaw Koarnu aat eaa not he ran
witnokt Boaey.t Sow -hi lbs time to auk ap
etabs. Begl 'beejr nai Mker parson aa
Ike start af yoav- Bjhb ebalfnies de fur four""
sell, tbe Pnblle and Tax Haw Moarawass. i
XCetxl I2atat Dealeri
g I! TlllM rtTT AKP gAT
WUand. l tka tnmm dwlmble havllllea.
euaalatina of Issra, Haur Btaa a sad Baorsa,
novaas aaa amsss
,...(..,., . 1
Alai.IsHHinB fiisi mi Vitsisisrs. '
CtMTl rATnUAM na, lmal la all pacta of tba
BbaI ffarraea aad nthee sMserte awrebaaad
w lWmMiaii, In VHiat'iTV aad IHraaah-
owl tbe aravaa nnd Tamnreanian, srlth treat
ears, aad en the- meat Aajrtaots Tsaaa
leweaa aaw frmin tdueaa, Iaass Mboo-
Rraa a a-1 Ci.vklaa er ai-L IwKirrwM
son 1 i.v aad a msssit luia- '
ciai. M aoanci auatan
Aoawmafthla Oswrr-a la all thsCrninsM
TowaSIn Ike Mrava will ra lr ih;af rlptiuna of
faaa Pnorsajirand Sirward Ike eame to (he
wvv aaiwaaa. . .. . . : ni
I .
T 'JUT.-".'-
ttavr rnorr.xTT rm baiji ia port
ax 1
land aad throaaxamnt Impa ganemlly.
af I
And everrthlnt thai pertain t tbe Meal tjf
t mmm aiienae m wua pemtiplnma
leut Arnt whttw tn Aiataaragrj.
' - ' J. X, ATK Ikaag. Itotory rwMle.
at ' . 1 rtXswtWAaai. -
innoTniii ! officii
u, rr IOaTasw. M rra aareet,
aa tr-T-TrriT r" :
1 . ' Xtoaato CaaV ' ' ' '
i;...V -'t-J.MMg.itaBb!-- - .
' Taaaa '
lynyTUKCrOWK, tor rarmerv-rV
j rarpanters and Bll4-r. amllW. and la . ;
H Ml M M)ln Mlp M sr ia, tmi aaa .
H to nwe ad real as to eall and km thnr ad .
tm j. a a rrHKHM.i. '
P. . I bare ejao aome Oood farms and lt
ijLa. ygw XoTawxaT, W
1 . ' ,
as ' , v n a, ) -