-m s-r ' """ "" " 11 ' 1 . -w; :? :iri'; rr :rw ; -...n . -; ., i;fc-v .-, v. ? --- ----- i ' ' :"- .; .rt r-tt- v-'' -i-tTfrg - .y-.r. .,-r t -.. Moi.fcwmi v.? mmm . . i . .. ' , .... . : :i -zr- - -rr-i'-"":".-f,,rr-:ri-. ' 11 " . . - ; IM I 11 1 f ' ...:-rr.. f' .. i ' yoiis i. A-- POIlTIiANDV OHEGON, ' PXIIDAY AUCilXS'T 4f 1871, AtBRTMEMEjm tuirv NO. 14. KlM,r as-ausaigi will a'(lrva k tbelr nanmaslestlnaa. -' - ! J 4 - J -Hi -3 1 1 i81ICT7tTlTlHt:W08rMTl gJOT -rVASCO COUITT. iar.M (oimcW MNvtel counploB oMl with tU hai Ongom iecUUtlT AwemUgr, caw lot lb UUw, ooWl . . upw m n4 iorltod w I villi hU Uy. As b w going ttpm iJb lU proflbrMl bovplUlltjr d rUlted our . old friend Qd,hl wlfa t Ten Mile .creek, where their borne, euug aim bouM. Beetled la tbeeJde of the ftJIL k Mirrounde4 bjf h rubbery and fralt trwa ' ; of luxarUnt grovtb wblcb flourUh m tbe blll-de without Irrigkiloa, gfvfng iwdiiiputed cvldenoe Ihat Ue r4 J"Ul , mt lIni.pfWiM r txeeedincly fertile lu itpite of drouth ad alkatt '' Owr ree frost th toww WB: aouCh : by mm over brokaa, vnduUtioc Mdr ; la tbe dry eeeeon. dreary wiceeealea af changing yet uonotoooua arface, wherein the different geobwtoal ftmna- vtIoa pntniol4agea ayTa areialy 'and di-tlurtly. traced. Mr. Qttdoa cauld not bar eelectad a better canntry ' 'wherein to pursue hia aulanUfle laveatk gatkHM than thia wonderful vicinity, where tbe accrete of tbe Inner life of TiT another earth have been laid baraJby '- aorne protracted yet powerful throe that finally aubaided, leaving CTldeurce la ""mammoth remalna and numerous other - foaaiU from which' to draw eonclaaiona, which It would bare been difflcmbVto wuH3ewbera7MTMl pointed out to us a a remarkable phenomenon, '' occasional trace of tba old wagon road kind of cafton, to tba towaaf Dalle. V Bomf" trqprjdx year ago tbls'road began to break np and alida Iteeu Into at broken gulch which the running water J v from melting Snows soon furrowed' Into . a deep and rugged gorge la which to now s a stream of li ving water. , The road sraai of eonrsa abandoncoV and agmda wsi made pna tba sloping b-aldea,1rouTg6rb,Alell tba paaaaga of tba rt w laU wiuen tue micwi on Jjw ufm wkiiv ning tornuutona or crot-M ana nyer ; which wUl moat likely upset all bis pre viously formed theories and mod blm , '.. back to tba other and of ga4oglcaiapaa ' nUtloa to And aolution af thl beautiful mystery," were hown place la the vf-bottom of this newly forming creek ' z T where rouna and vigorous trees and iilauta are making marYekms growth. A j and where, under the Invigorating' a -j llucnorof this wonderful climate,-may aeoa beee oVnee abadea-af -Ihartue , ' " -' "where a feweltort yean ago was nothing VjKJ but a barre4 plain, high np above Ite ' preaent level, with no mora pparaat prospect of. a running stream than I now visible on tba McAdamlsed road from lbrtland to Mil waukie. " . - . Thaopeningof this cliaam baa revealed I lir,tba lunar strata or ma omereai lorma- .tlona of rock, cement, gravel, sand, day . ar Indeed remarkable. Evidently our t (.4 growing earth u yet la 11 tnrancy, , . , , , Ivli tbbiwonderfj bookof nature ten leaeons, our road wound oft" to tba left, past other gorges whose formation Wa prior to tbe advent of our. eommnnlaa : Ure aad ohaerring frlaadVJbat whteb give every evidenca that they bad origin srmtbr to lha 6na In which we had felt so much Intaresk f a-arara alsa-tlmv exact looallty , wberasoma, of ;Hr. Ooadon'a.moet ra- BiarkaUa mammoth fbaall were dlaeov : Hi oed1Ola aniejtyAataaogr Iriend " seaming U know; Intuitively of what t would most deeply Interest us. lUlLiThe gmnl array of roUla )U1 are "covered with a matTelous growth af an ttluus bumh sTssa, which tons Is trt- - v. aeooe aaouga. or um remarkable nmii- " ' Ity of this country, ertn bad there been r , attempt at hlll-etde raHlvatton. . Bat let any earn who doubt ta adaUabUtty of this soli to the production of every aeccamry adlMe and tbe raost luniioaa 4 . ,a grewtn or umoar vuu Mr. raisoa s arid bill-aide, where" peach tree of two . " , ' ' years' growth from the scad arc not only ' " vlrnreu and gram, bat leaded with ; ?'. " fruit; where locuat trees of one year " ' growth make welcome shade; where ap --. pb treea rvea out-grow tba far-fkmad - WUUmrtte valley productions i -whan melons equal CaliforubVe beat; wber Vr-sr -ra view npmgnineem; .ia- growta ,k .gTi m prolOe beyoad a4nataUoal where wheat, eats, rye aad barley produce an ?-nrtnre ytWrtftr-moW of the valley fajrlua,'n leT btnT karl-that aU thl irows Without IrrigsUoa in a'solLUkai ashe,'knd Mvm, waMoUfcf not,' agree with as that Wasco eoantyJaaa been i aoaVr estimated by srtcattarfeta. But stock ralalng la tba princlsai aa enpatioa of the people here. FtomeUmea carbaSdwtateailsaliia wkaJi flocks tad , herds; but tba peerie aa aa aaliuals ' are "earning to prajlde.MpUaat hb) ea lamity, ami ma appiwhaad but Jit U torn "aa taia aratlige la the future. Pag JTuh,"B kind of arrubhy,'rcalnous1evar craav which aaamed bltbarta to bava ,tl).n .Md, ba paarwae4 apmi , S,f rsw,UMi .wutar month. , WQ- 1 . iow are ales fequaated tT bcro 4af waw-boaad aplmala, while farmer .$ P pitrAfdateaa maah fcod from ?yeer la year as a rort la cam of W lract4jd snow stornur. Ordinarily, eattla -da better uriag tbe winter wttboaT food . m ' a .a ... .v.,. , iram maa, aa w7 nea oa aotvoeraad ? P blm, aad Wsudcrioguf totbeaVep caaana tay aianaga la soma laeredible to abill for tbemselvaa. Horses, muka and donkcxa paw Jhaanow from iba gronmtaad re ah tba grass during the atepeat and bmvlematorma' ' Let tba poor men and women of the WUlametU valley took waU and ppeedl. ly to tbe advantagee of thl almoat un developed country. . Tbouaaixis of acres of vacant land lie bar awaiting oeca- - Scarcity of Umbartafbeonly drawback, but aa energetic man can, In a few years, have plenty af arsweod af hi awn rale. ag, i .;-(. i i j ' ' y Ditches are moch oaed for fence, and tba, Unabef from ".tba -, mountain . for bailduig e other pare mi, tbejghdis- tettt I liwvhHxtlhU. '- :, . If we ever bad a touch of ranclie fever in ur UJe K wa waaa. w viewed and abarty aaaapmbsiidud aba tmsnansa ad raowgra nf thsrraource ;4Wa fcmg-4 aauaiderad- barren , bat , now acknowl edged fertila eoaotry, with 1U lavlgomt InfT cltnuta and uniral aeenaimoda tlons, which are defined at odUUnt day lo'makaliraaco ounfyTha Hcbeat rural portlna af thl great yorthwettt. .J ' . THB DALLES OF TIE COLITMBIA. hrlmrtog tba romantic, boardtabla and bwy tawa mt CaUea, and Mlowiftg the too of the Dalle and Celilo railroad, for few nHlee In fhe direetloa of the latter place, we coma to tba far-famed Dalle of the Columbia, wber tt sccma that yon might almoet Jump acroaa the algMy- Htert the effect of w bone alict and power . wa - practically tented la Portland a few waeka ago . .by tba back water of It annua flood. ' ' ! , Alt around ne la aaocna of wild,' rare, manantU grawleofs deep aolitadr, ma. jtaiic'ailmca and primeval aUnpliclly Aa wo laslly dnra along through tba hanging aand drift wa ar no algq of etylllaatioa aava tba aOant track of tba Iron bone, who baa gained amadeiicy over the tvariaatlng rock, wboat frown- I n aw ava 1 1 a antA Vikm MnnAallnaia nVA through thl mighty gorge of the great Oregon, where : indeed be "bear no aaaad sava bia awa aaablags'., ftelalng a stone, wa burl It with all ear atrength acroaa the frightful ebaam, but, though wa are aartala wa sea U strike (ha rocks aa the athea aide, tba deep aad angry currant earrtea oa tba pound af Ite fell aad loam It smaag the awful echaea. : Tba depth aad velocity of tba current hnra wa have an means af knowing, yet sqme.ldca tusjr bs, Xbrmcd from our nowUdga at, tba aagnltnda of tba Ca bmsbia m more fevared local liea, where bet here peat-vp eHergM have op portunity to expand themselves into. Iai mlghtlaatJiTat aa the raciftc Ac cosat. ToM aa, Sm m Oaeuet ri To-aar Mr mak-elbwoa MaMMta rrrmrsauiMiaiannaHaf r rrv m la aa too alee i Piam overaaMtoHr art taoa MM la af : Ah, no! SWu(hfirtaMck4Mrnaao(. Trt a knnw Sir lhm,lhT tlllillwl. " A Tk Mlabt rock, kcw Stall mr, aaha nu hi the ate Met ' - ' Colaatbla'k Dall M Mt eS the lh, kraalatBMaa WsI1rkan awMnarr Tkoa wax a wil la Ur aow aaward auifrk."'" ' Tfajt tkmi mor plarU torwif ipudeilTBioUkM. 1 1 Well atayrt taoa BKmra a4 watL ' .. ' '. .r rfca iwiu n um auht . er avaraaore tfceaa kM-kraww Snllea KkJI auyjky tpr tfclaa Till taoa hTt V ao .11 1i,r ' i -.it) t . ) 0. X. UTTJ.TnLl" Pari sealou frWnda wba bava soundly berated as tor being aa Indis crete aa to give adverse opinlonecnr earning C. li. MUler, ' bo baa aooaired r,f Will 4saa teka notice that the OtrgUm, JJrrold sad Bulletin, ot thuj.dtyfully cndorael oar ,viwa of Aba moral ateiua of tba and tba gentas ot his dcaerted wife. The BuUxtim article ta aopUby, pointed and -fcRngr that wa give It In full t ;..,( !.. t'Tf Oremsdaaa aad Ow awa nswa- papcra seem ta have aa idea that C If. Uiller, otWrwkw 'Jaqmim Miller' I la aoaaa way a erecMt k tni ttaae. A nd the newvpaper gent rally of taa raHRc elope, aad many ta tba Gaaaera Htetea, am trsaUna their rali ra ta falaaraa ao ttcwe a? tba blograritiy, eccesslricftles and achievements of thia aew-fledired Byron. It. as traa that avon baa rivea thl man bte start n tba world. ba bet aar eahasmrthillr- a nan af lane eoowry, and having commenced bualnem in uregoa aa atioraey, aeu aroce an Urant eonnty.'and given bis flrat poeU eal eflbrte to tba rrea of Ofegon, But tbe ah meter af the man, aa anowa by Nlura la tht" rtfeena made kaowa by the pveas of this Hty, 1 sack aa abottld amir bin speedy epob)lw from the anctety af honorable men aad Women wherever ba may go; at leant antll he ahairrctraea hi truants etea to Orefrna. and here do tustlre to the wife and chiMrea ba bad aa crwelly and cawarrirysbearted. Miller ten thUMUte eoaaethlng over a vaar arn. and the IlrrmtM ears ba Sank with blm "about eight thousand dollars la fold, Icavtag behind htea his divaeced wl and Ubm. wba wars Mind aftei wants tathisciry-I almcat deetltota. strnnllntf bravetr against poverty whom several gntle men of rortlantl pravtded fnr In their need, se tba aataml baaland aad fether aboaM bav dn4t.N ""Thi I th way he started eat ta "establish his aaaw among uia-artncriy lew," ta a nis awn lan- iua.e rn via cars wen eH te M wtfK Vpon thtaec w- -wnsw womao'a journal f thai crty, rernarka that . Vuca a-man- bartem eanwalilal constancy and matrimonial bonors Ihr aoetla feme wa am feea ta confta that ha baa paid all that tba bubble I worth; and w greatly err In Jwhnnent a nor bard docs not 1 1 re to are tlierfay when aa wiu raaiisa w mew-" wa tbtaa that te drawing it rather mild.' Iaaar view of tba case, there la no laaguaga strona? enough to lastly denfwnee' the mosnnem, eowardU and villainy of the man who, witn nia pocket bium wun gold, earned in part ry the loving aad arU-aacriAeing Ubora of bis -wife, will deUbereteljr deaart that wife. nd bU own cblldaea, laavlag them as poverty, beggary or doHtructioa, aad aaUUhly go out ta seek tba prala of men and tba vanity of aba .world apua bis owa werthlaaa hand- , Caiiibrnls. elsJnna thia humbug ireteuder land- aad . la th bama of all that U good, let that tttat have tba doubtul honor. Millar may be a poet, or be may not be, but be la not a man. lla-t n dbarrace to traa man hood. Inatead-af chaatlna hte nraiee aadsaaadtaa; Ma feme, let tba press af irregon, ann ine editorial mtertuty svarywlveee, anise ta show thia literary euaut ap In hie true color. ---. Vmnt all that wa can learn, tba wife of Milter, aow residing la this oitr, ha noetic Lalrul . ol tiis nivksst sbUltv. Her reply to the rarthjaa missive oft Miller is a prnduotioa of vary great merit. Kha la not only a pot't, but in every station, and in ail lha duthsi of wife and mother, alia baa abowa herself wwl true and noble woman. For fur. and her poems when ah may see propec ta pttbllsh them, tet the prase rcaerve Ms c miiinmtinn asm aaat aatatanca, so tba virtov Odaltty aad nenor may be vlndicasad aad tiiwaidid by tlta men wbo can moat mltbfaily aabserva the rtgaa and paatab thevrroag.' - v., J. VOWa A8 1)0CT0M. Remarking aa tba preaent status of the question, whether women shall be recognised by tba masculine-Medical Profaailnn ar not, tba Van i'wk Jttde jasaafsa1 myst a , f "Hteadllv the women wu one atrona- hold after another. At tba session of the Amerba.Marlical Aaaooiatiea at Haa Francisco, the battle was fought on tba admission of Dr. Thomas as a ipra mutative of Pennsylvania Medical Ool- Irwa for t omau. Though the Associa tion refused to amend 'ite constitution, aad tbough a ntaioritv were evkkmtiv opposed to tbe admission of Dr. Tboroaa, me memoeva war avracnuy aawiuing ta bring tba waetlan to- a aquam vote. For tbe eminent member of. tba Asso ciation, Wbo pleaded the cans of the women, carrrled too many gun and nreatoaatmrpiysnrtbaaelenuem of 11 tegioal preJuiUce. And aa Ur. Thomas aei an aaas to jbe eiosn. and partici pated In all the procaadinga. . In tba course of the debate Dr. Alice aald that, Hy tba rule of the Medical Aasooiatloa, ha dam not consult with tba most high ly educated female physldaa, aad yet ha may consult with the ntoet Ignorant masculine ass In tbe medical profession' The victory of tbe women physician la HaarrraiH'lacn liss bfjminfrkty Ihllowed by a nmra signal one la tbe rVnnayl vania eUata Madteal HodHr. which rot- e4 bkt weak by a majority of ten to one ta- aomis woman axwitors. It nas Txn tweoty-tw ysara since tba Pennsylva nia MMlioai Coilcara for Wemea was founded, and It baa take thia long time Att evea yet lad HiiUdelnhU County ta bring taa bailie to It conclusion. -HM'itjly Ja ill allow ila-memlxT to eoa- it wun ine most vartwbie ounces, kit vafukin them rermiaaioato ex tend the same courtesyto yomea so t!s UngwUbed aa Dr. AnnI'rewtaa and Dr. EuUUna H. Cleveland, tan not these ateipid 4otors aw 'that they - prevail nothing? ,. The aopla aon the. lea connda bvakillful woman physicians. eators7' ' , , 14 Dn-Mary P. ttawtelle take eouraga. On by one tba Women arc storming the stronghold of bigotry and prejudice, and winning for tbe marl res bath feme aad money. Ken thare am la plenty, good meq;-twVand trnr' whosirlrgTe-sottled scum ot Juttlk far ouUwabjba ail minor eonakleratlon af mlAsh IntoUrauce, By the side af such tba women of tba com- tog era wiit tie pi una to staua, wniw mrt baiow, gnashing tfeeir tseth ta impotent raga, tba woman wna aaaarvd and the men who anred prow riba tbemT wlll , ta getber chew tbe tvl of bitter discontent. amvamasmFe't h': Tlifc apartment of the If gar JfoarrH- mcs-r hi to be a general Vehicle" for ex obangaaf alsaa anncarnlng any and aU asattem that may ba Wg1timan.-Jy tli rwaSed In earcolutniis. Plndlngltpracti catty trnpowiblfi to ansver cacK corres- pondent by private tetter, wo adopt this uamte ad asmimmientiea (a mv our friends .b dbappntntmrnt that Would otherwise accrue from oar inability to an swer ibair t;ueriea.l'e oardiaUy Invite every boty that has a question ta ask,' a suggestion to make, or a scolding to give ta contribute- to the, Oorraspendsnta Column. Ly. r-jH ' 1 1 Mrs. A Albany, writes t -I do think yoa arc mora than a, matcb .for. all the editor af thisenast. . If you hold your awn as yea bav Wgan yoa do not need any belp from outsiders, but, when yoa need tt If ever,' you shall bava It right to makes law whereby If a auaa Urea of bU wife, which Is oftea U eaaa, be ana learn bar and takeaway the chit drd af her peril ffor they are AU by law), )eavlnf the aad mother nothing but bcartaclie and anguish T' Ws think tba spirit tst tba lawia thia, a watt aa aatny other lastaticea, Is better than the tetter (hereof.'' Otrr law that govern th aftaJm'ss, man and women in just aa good aaaana aided aad cansaaaaatly ia- barmanteus,' govern meat could make them, if women alona wera to njakr the law we bellera they would be amr aaJuMto nvan than man bava bean to Of course the 1 w of which von t eomnlsl aTIa iwitrl l.t tnt m iui Kjw-, (hsi nn -,itl ...V. twt. bjwgthaalajaw axtet..,,,.U eetaa botdry to tbe Iron and da their dnty by orft ring tbcfr votes at every poll oa tba nail rrmidcntlal aUctlon any, Wa can Utna aarrnonloss.lT great prfaeixde, and them Is not a aha awaf aooastbottbat wa shall beanc assafnl. . , ft.y a- s. 1 4l; l-inrT', ' i, i; Caaarisatteaa, from a llttla so Uof- e oat near the monntalns, a buly wba ada and thlnka'Snd inalvaea. wrilam read and falnka dnd inalyaea, writes "Do you not fear tha poUttcat power af tbongbttesa and Ignorant women . J think we ought ta try rather to Indue woman to properly fulfill her prlvanaan tlea.f Tbough fata not opposed to tba rranehls If It will make bar bertea, yet I fear tba result of casting a lajye,naMsV seated and thongMleaV voting desneat apoa aar already iguomnea-caraed badw politic" ' Wa "fear! fl political pawnr af thoughtless aad Irnerant' Vwareav but ib ycault af that power baa ant been an vary appalUng after all. ..Man have ceased 'atellng 1 and deriding ooiy-bcadad 8amba,t sad now nobly Thl ia kinitt that ha aimaary aecrned ta him nam the alcoUva fnniThlsd.' Itwffl do mom. It wlU rnaas him ta rise, In Uma,lfeam tnaaghttwar Ignorance to a ssnm aT Suoral rmiionalLlUty, with llisaghtlaar and ignarant w W mast try to educate woman to tva- 1y falflll bar private dattes but expe rience has taught aa that tba only way this ran be doe U by giving them poBrl cnl tndeTudenea aad thereby increase K wonder n are frivolous aad Ignorant. They bava no impetae ta became otherwise... Mat! :fe: VaWyour green alpacoa dram with a broad flouneaat tba bottom, Wttfe' alternate plain and pleated Intervals, placing a band or bias fold across tbe pleated sections, and edging the top of the flounce with kilt pleating, narrow and full. Make WldV-aleevea ami long looped orersklriT trimmed .io match. Coat sleeves sliould b worn andar tba wide one when tbe weather Is cooL T lira, U JE, M,t. C-rpet rags af bright colors are bard to obtain at present. Had sMwhitellsAoelrags. can be praeosad, but are expenslvcr-froiu twelve to Afteon cants per pound. IVben tba clntbtem feUaupplyof naa aete greater variety will be In the mar- r tit.it -,..'; At l" ! v. .1 . A "lady friend" writes that her tins- band nd hired man are furlflos owrthe 13th chapter; of "Judith. jUtli Their aaodusty fo sheas ad, their imlty In suited and, af eoarsel, their aasetly pra- mgstlras am smlsaiinBltWeTlp lady rrknd, k-t's let 'em writhe. ' W dlda't axpset mm wbme tanWer pUabad wauht wasjrrha sitae ykhant wincing. Let 'em ninety Tba physi cian who thrust bis lancet la a barrid not asmplaln If aba patient hurt anathemas ansa bis derated hand. The eonaelentloBS and duty-driven snejt or woman who essays to lane or cantor teathaaaaml nWwm that curse doairaile happlaem mast boar the saaladlcttesnnf those who most need the physl-aani treaUnent. Other and better men will not ba abacked. If th Ma a of Xassreth warn ta earns apea tbe earth to -day aawH ten tbe people the plain truth about 4ns tlveraJiijQouaBjrr;lKjM. waald gladly eracify blm. - JuditfcH Ileid" will bava her say. r Abuse will not Intimidate bsf, and for mock-mod eaty sli baa norsspaU. laqulrvrTe'sB.nSuTia F. Young's ITomtm' PnrlfUi Vomf JomrmntU devot ed to heuJth reform and .woman's phyl-caiebrt-atlonand Imnravctaaat.. It I aa abte tearnat, and every aoomhold should powsoin It, Tboumnds of pcole are kept In poverty by. dorter's bill '.Which tbe tench lags af sncn a tearnsi aauld pr vent. - It ts not a woman suffrage Jour nal,' tbough Its editor Ja an able cham pion M uif suoraga moveman. , rDUaiJBtlrti jrOU'MBawrwLexti waokt -.( K1& !CLtXABTE ITS ITT ITaJTOI Tbaima rraacisca Bmlltii af a recant date gl Sea the accompany I ng epitome of a leoturedcUvcmd by Mrs. FOiisbcthCady at Jlatt'a; Hall la that atty. Fat depth af aigament, purs, rfouannea antf vivacious Wit Mrs, Manton ba a superior among th speaker of Ante tie,' as 1 amidy rcrlAed byjba ft4- lawlnc Ua,ZZZV--'.vVu'-7j v.t. -it; t t. JIBS. nAXTaaT. i; s" Advanced amid apdanse. Kne aald: Aitnongb ttbiak an of wwmaa'a rlgbu lata crow aid, I must asv that Airs. Ktevens gtvw sw a little too ton a time tn watca ta gtww oki, wrtea -ana an 1 bava taiaing g oa waman'a rigbUa A aaarter would have a century. been mawa right. ( Laogtiter. It wa In Ma. that 1 art bessii my worktn taa aanees" -fl-then want before tlte Len islet r of the ntata of Kew York to get a biU thrswgh graaUng to woman the righto of property. My father was op sisnt to araenaa'a rigtits, and ao waa J. K. Wramcar;' I aften had a talk with bim oa the ewbleet. avi be arte said to as. "The aVxrtswa wlik-H yoa advocate mans m tsremt.bj.'- Ma mid If aach a bill anamld pam R aroaM divide aeary beavrth stoae la the tend. That te iat what yaa thiaft ts-day of tba Woman KtTtaa laana. Bat the hill became a . v .a . . . eay aiaos that it te a most .bajseAcent UU. Bunta year after Impeasagel sset Mr. iTpaneerand mid to bias... "Alloa me toeondole with yon oa taa sad re sults that bava foiktwed the aansrs of that bill, lour besTtb-ta must have bsouut unenJuraWe, . .. wimnl manUon It to klm. rismcr,' be rrpliwt; "Vhe never nas aws.ru oi iu" - 1 Istawbler. I . I don't- suppose mora than a ran drad waanen know to this day whastan taws ar tvwaaiting Utcsr rbxbt of roi- atty . And yet, tiiat we j . t 1 A WIOWTT ItaLVTlAW,- ' '" Ts ' wrkb-b nn1tlliwb trlil.a mn.i orphan, wembroagbt from a position f utter dependence to ona of compara tive affluence. Now, to-day, In order to realtea the foT! beneflt af that Act. w i astktnr to ba aUaared-ta carry oast th princtpte, and to raaUas a true it, P-Wi: ? Just .government, can be turmed wkhotrt tba eonsent-of the goT' erned, and without giving to every eitt aan Use ligbt to a trial by.a Jury af bis or bar awa peers. 1 bav been asked since I arrived, la Baa Fraueiaoo if the advocate of woman suffrage bad adopt- -.nww PKPAn-rraft4 '"' f Laafrbter. J', v. . n uti-i . r jlm of aer pnrum amataaymg aver wa lav oivwd ia ana new neparture, u Is fair io believe that tlta Woman Huf- rrajr movers bra ' dolnr likewise. I sjaarttiy ftonavatalato the Iemncrata af tajuaraaa-ast tMt adfiptioa af tbd partura duL-triae, In coming up to th tltuation. . 1 am glad they indorae the thirteenth, - fourteenth and fiftcctifh aniendmente to the Constitution. And before tba death af Mr. Vsilsn- dlaaas.-tha lajmoamla of .Otila csiue out and. occupied tlta new ulatform draa h up by hiraw-lf, and it has sine trnnsptfed that tie taboreq three noun to nssanaiV tba UamocraU f Ohio to mrt tba Woman ttuftracviaaak In thctrt piauurm. it uta senicrau ol fsllfor- nia want a new departure that a ill ena ble bheaa to wtn, this is the one for Umxu to adopt.' i ' i Jt i , i- i ; . , , The auaatioa of Wontau Hu Bra arc la bound to come up until It Is carrUsl. -It U being agitated all over the civilised world. In KagUnd, and even In frigid Itensasy-tns wisam aei awakening to wwiww4, Mff inirii iuv i-sune nambers amit of the ahlwd cbamptona. i . . . . . ft.!.. i . . is rajisti, f--ar aiui ueaii iwwtr. ful blow la its favor. CiaribaWl in It aly favors the cause.. There am many ttermM thtnkeiVWboscT name ni not wiiu-ri-annw wv ivinrum-r, nisi aMTJ gg.I In rt .advocacy. Chief Jostle Cbawa and a hundred outers in America. . Than wa bava tba Church with as, and tlitsrs mid to ia sum to eavrrv am cause. lieeclter, lUsbep Bimpann and a boat of otnen mignt .na meniioned umlur thia category. Bbahop Hi m pson, when asked tostwak an tasnrssrahea, said i "I am tlrodof rnaking teniporanea speeches; tl nave najdca we wiu ever earrv titans trine until mother can coma to tba noil and vote amt drive the rum bolts and gatnldlny bolls from every oorttcr rsf tha atsest." .. f AnoUuscI -.Nos. what I the question of latpor- tanoa between the two partlra to-day ? tsctsariy wan-a aaa as umm wui in scribe tba issue of. woaiaa auffragaan tbclr pisiform first.- W hstever ens does will aurely carry the election of'73,.! anVvpnnVUannV ,'-.a--.--' . a. jiu . ,.oni knew- tha .Banubbmmr aald they would not have ewforsed Grant had they not feared tbeTVttMicrate wwald have done ao." The same jntson, should. arge ma adoption u tba ouau suf frag ptaak La tba Demoemtte aiatform. It would ba a muxi eanl of tit Demo crU to blot out their many dsrk ra- eonis-af -ha- f-aat f farnghtiT.f'Tha KepOTttcamrTiavB evrrraru'liUed the ne groes, nasr tet tne,: lf r-nit stretch forth their right band ami eufmncai 30.0ttt.0n9 'of their crrantrv women. . I bava someainma wondered which f the great polltteal parties wauld ba the first loadojit thl plank, and have-ridediderof lltrllantcut at inai ine iiemoeraiie pany wouni na tna vt ay r-- aweaasa wwi in ait itov been purifying tliat aarty by tlte fornaca of affliction. .1 Laughter. He has kept tbcm In retirement for th last tea yesra. Ttiose In retirement am atway la a position to atadr raim-lpla. Now tba Ur moo radc party have taken king strides in Utelr endorsement or tbe Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth -Amendment, and tt vooM sarp, now that they bava advanced thus mr, lor litem ta use ta women as wen tlmghter.) . v ; Tna wanaa airsaaqi When tba Fifteenth A amendment was uixier cmtslderation : In Cougnsav - we sent In our petition signed by fifteen thomrand persons, prsTinir for tlic right or women to van, inan rtevfiw siki Iloneee Ores Icy told as, i hop yoa wnen will not maa anv movcnient la this matter until we get thLs amend ment disposed oC ' Tit negro te ail we can carry on onranoahler now. liet aa gat bim in, and than In the natural order of thiiurs tout turn will TAncblefrT r- I h- tela harmony with tln-Jr wishes "ws waited, and when Wa aent in aar pett than to tlta Ite(ublina Uiey sent it to the clerk, and thrreft stood. We asked Mfi nrooks, a iirmocrstic hicmner of tmgiyss fronk Xaw York-, "how can wa cat aUrnttoa loaurpt-uitoar' r' "rknd it to tlta Domwrate." he mid; sow changed our jiollcy and flolrd the Demorrsta VttTi petitions, and for twa year no a ltopaMieam baa risen to speak la ateocacy of anivsnal suf frage. Bnt soma Democrat has asked why they did not nitrace women suf frage la tltelr prior roles of mHversal snf fraga.' .t iMgbtrr.) Tha HeuKwiscy bav been tagjLba ma-aXavurabia to our eeiise. ; , .. The Arloo, a Democratic Journal, has made taithfai advocacy of our claims, white tha Now York Ywit, a leading ltepqblran paper, baa dune nothing but to ridicule a. Th Democratic I -g sta ture of Wyoming waa tire first to grant towsmsn tha-right to votes and to a trialbalnnr.nl ,, , ... ; or i ''-: k- yt ns lev ar ute menu .. at utc cane which has recently convulsed your own Htate, yoa have no right to hang a a nntu ana naa .been, tuged ay her awa peers. . ..i .j . Tba lU-pubiicana have been looking ahoat for ennte issue for the coming Presidential Campaign. - Mr. Duller has aslvemrting a wsrwlta Kngland an aecwunt of. tba Ateaamaewvima, but tlta Joint- High, tamuio-ion, s-HUcd that.""""" " T '' ..v Mm Wsodhull laA Wirrfcr Waa the tai-waraaa wba was1 admitted W pett lion on tlte Boor of Ut lioas. Mi Set forth that the Const It ulion nve Sli per nms born or naturalised In the 1,'iille.l Htatea aad sahtect ta taxation the right oT riliseeehlp, and that tbe Fifteenth Amendntent leu uta. uas ngut of ciu sen Is to votes . ; jm Mr. Butler mid women were ritiaeua, and1 tf they wee ettlaen they bad a righ t to vaaav Mr. inpgnam arxaedihat woman wera not persoian 'tjf evun-s be had to take that around, because wben be allowed that they were persona, thry warn cltteena and had the right lavote. 1 1 sagti lev. l wi -i ) i ...i., t . We pay tax and we. pay the penalty of aur own critneOjW am not. going We am mdnr to take a new at Oor plan ts this take a new departure. . I LaughurJ tmrpian n this: w prnpose clairoliuj that w see estiasns. ; Vfa ssvaxswtoro to tit polls, and Ut ga la every, reirMry orThv in tle htaUta titat bava a. rt-glab-r mw, ann oner to negistcrour names, and rf refused wa at going to soma of the oforoas. Tbesswysea vnrywnere will aiU rujotea to bsar thia, i Laughter. I5ut tht Jf Jwut not nkbe fsss."&vr we hyr rlrls belnge.lmsle1 In the pro- fcmtna of the law wlwt-WiH Itleal our 1 os aaa. lAtLsaMe.) A have mlreaHy In our far or the Chief Justicw at tha Ha- prcme Court. . Home may tljuk thte te miner a short cat; but It waatnthiawav in Knartend that tna areab-t ctafrrage trvform waa lanxudit abt-ut. -iord M aiis- fTlilJ devkted It couxtltutloiULl wHbaut any amendment to tbe Coriktitutlon. -11 was Just aa In Maasarhnsi-Ua. ' A suf frage twforht waa btxwia-ht aborst by the Kuprcme Court dwisWn,. without any anu-uUutful. to'livr Couslituttoii. - A waa taid -ao In SlamacliUHOtts. .-Aa fmira reform was baangtst about by the BuprcBM Cupri dsfeks--sritbat any asswlnhneiit. to bar CuustlUillun. u It was Just so when tlta I'liiverMiiy erf Mb-blgaa waa opened to the daughters of the wtssyvTne- Coavt swt- a. new reading, and deckled .Aba bteek lNys and glri I tail tha right to attend. They put me gins ancr ine uoys in orttar at rveadcnce.r g (InnrfiteT. 'Ho you see thia te not a now iduav After the rrvai ltepabliuan party- panasi ita decree of maiinooa unrage aui ueuied wumau bood suffrage, 1 decided Hist I never waukt potitten again te a liesrishttire booy when I mw a( wtut aMterUls tlary ware to ba eompoasd. 1 pretrr to Aght my right out in Cuurte thaa aa aa humble petitioner before male whit and necro law anabera, I am erten told liaatl ans represented toCaartsand la Uudativa balls. . I am told that we are repreaeuted. If not by our fathers, husbanda and ann, then by their aux mate friends When. the eteutb com plaiaad tba sba waa not njvas anted by a Norihcm majority, site waa not mtls fltVhen I an told that 1 of Kew Vorit "am -rrprenented by Hon. John Morrtemy I ass nog satlsned. - (laugh ter.. I would a great dead rather b reoreaented bv aema intclliownt waanaa Ilk Mr, fttevens. our talented ailltor of tbe fitmmrt, than by Hon, John Mor rteaey. of "ew - Yariu kibe ran write batter articles and make a groat dual bet ter speeches than John Xorrisaey of Kew torn. tAPiause.j ine assertiort tuat rTaxaTtow wtthoct jSKracsKKTaytQ-i - IS TntAXJtT. . .. ffaa caused much Tiarsn' debate la tba, ahl world and the new. . Krrrf Fourth af July. oca tor aaa trass petad this rioc- tnna nam an men ana women Know it by heart. , Yet tlte women do not np nreciaie tna oenens rnat wouia m rrsan mia auvtoa. n vv nave got one ptooky-wldAWVln Kew Yavtwba had never jssld aceutof tax for ten yearn ana oeciare sue never win until sue naa tit right ta vote.- I asked bar one day how she m ann red to evade Ik Hha aald site liad a good frtetsi who lufonucd her wnen tna eoiiecior wa coming. Mb would ao into the rarden ami rallier -na an tno utensiis aim stow (item awavoui at signs, ami sa moment tna lie en-tor-other gate sba would poke Adama, JenVraon, latrlck Henry and the Ttiim him until be wa glad to get away. Not king after r I met tna taa gatbecsr ami askea blm bow he got along with (he litte widow. He all;"Mte talks to ma ao that I am ashamed to RQ aear Iter, ao I stay away and put my band In my pocket and pay her taxes myself. ( Lauffhtor-) r we talk, aoout .wgmrn aeiaa reniw- enttNl by men -. Do wa And wen who will my whep a woman ia going to be Hiangvd, f prtw nt this woman, bang I dun't stiiMHste tbcm is a rbit maa la thl city wlw woullmj, rrej reislfc scut tltis woman, tax ntc." I think If wa a can twv tax e raa eertalnlv to to the pulls sitd isspostta rlwan ptem af paper. r 'Votiko ajtd rmnftan. W have already heard 4hat women should not vote necanse they a m-tmt abte to fiirlti. Thte la what Horace Ureeley ssl.1 when wa asked him to take the word "male" "out. f often thought we and iba nogra amritt to nave., stun tngethar. I Laagbter.) , . lloraoe ti reeky ros la tha Convcu- tlon. aa-Horace oulv knows how to Use. and ssld Ttcmenbev -the bullet and tbe baUot gaaa tM-ether. Ar von will ing to Aaiit aa weU a otf'-t4Oerf. UinlyMrOreeiey,"-1 r-ply i-J'I am wining to rurni as yon rotignt nurtiur the late war.0 - (treat laughter. - aaid l tswamasd not a half dosen of tba members of that State Coirvenuon had seen service. - Wa inquired, and three only Were fouwl, who carried marks of battle, tt Is not-true that the balk and bullet go tosrKlter. At every etas-Mast w asja nan wltb one ey areat hand vating. eswjjret they ar tm com polled to fbhU .The Quaker votes, but doe nnt fight; the etergy vote, but they don't fight; the paupers that you gatbev np so rerersuuy in yoar iMtroucnos ana teke np so tenderly to tba polls on elec tion day i ota, but they are not obliged to fight. '.' . ' ,-. .'. ' i - ' Wlm sltall my that th nobte wansan during th tat war did a4 do aiietr part well? -Tba whole sanitary arvsni satlon was tba Work of women. 1hey went all over tha field aUnlsterlng to tit necessities of tba dying. I ask If It is not aa nobte to bold lL bead of a dying aoUier aa to pat a bullet Into a oytna; aouuer aa w put a duum living ooA- Applause, J : Many t did AgbW aiawsing death with sweetheart and brother thaa a women I.IWTI , life of uselcssnem at home, and many warn dismissed as soon as their sex waa dis covered, and Wera not paid for tit last mnnthe at Utelr asrvnw. wnen yoa bav paid thee nobte Women what yoa owe them, it Is tint enough la talk of this duty to fight If they vote.' 1 there naagfat etee for which yoa awa women t v aw niw as mm ma ittu feat of our aohUem to walk? Wna .flrat taught their little heart tolov their country? and for services like thee am the moth eraaf yaor ssMlem not to bav tbarirht to command their aon to aa their Arba- ln a hen the necessity eomes. ( Ap plause, i ut war is not tn. normal eondittoa vaf tba net foot, and a better state of thing will com to pass In which Them win b na wars, tit Is slslamd that ' f . - - - -"wongw wttx pmroaAUtv. pnurua.' On tba other .band It te eteimed that politics will dewmrails women. I e-m- tctul thai riel titer ia true. What Infin- ebca bava women bad wherever they bss. smassf , Lssdt In tailforate. not but . mm urn. sJsswst at: boat the Infincne of pure women's society, and to petition any more. I n a state of eomp ral 1 v barbarism; names) caam, taA srhat a ahaage was worked, ik-was a trmnd tlilna ahk-h wraMniasnan in onagntg stit tth rcast. ,Uk what an influence women bad on Utemtur Aaaooaas aba took the field such im- Kurs authors sa Bwlfl, Fletdhtg and mottett want wot of tba nubion. Ten or fifteen yean aga it waa aoaaidored ainmst dmoraiisiug for girls ta attend our colleges and seminaries of learning. bnt with higher Ideas tt baa come to he tbe a at venal teat that 1 1 arsaaioaa and a higher grade af settotamitlp am an sppli cable ta glrla as to boys. . . . , " Is It not far to sopixn that a blglter grade of. pmitiee would frit low womau'a auvana into in asat i . a' sknvt tmnx woman- te bettet than man .but site supplies a ditt'en-nt etemcut,whteh I , needed tU the rtollUcal wt.rlX I know many man wbo am aa noble and high mmded aa I aoakt wtab. . Bat ga Into a room Wbem men am talking aogether alone aad their ssmvatsation is not ss reAned as when a woman Is preaent. I don't think you hava any thl aw to fear rrstn woman eMaaatag pmitiravs II pol itic am aa low aa you my, yoa can't drag them any lower; and oa tba con- wary, yon etit't aemnraHac wmneii by KUihlWbaiara pollti.f yotiifng" t tha science f ewvaraamnW' Do you utina it wouKi nun woman to tbr aside the frovlitle of life and give ber mind peanny acuviryT Vouid it do grade th wweaen af i wiifornia to read that- great Work af John Muart Mill on Amuice and monopoly quesliuiis? Do you think it would dcrak bar to take a ciean -yiiee of paper and deposit -Uta tha ballot hex? 2io..: Than what Id! Yoa my for Iter to be mixed up with men. What a libel t Ar we not mixed up here to-iilghtt Are'w not-, mixed hd inar cnarwhmT The men even bav tha awdac'lty to aente in our bouse. ; t bavetomtmybrtwkiaat with a huslstrwl aud Ave moils six men I Only think hoV ttehiorallaed 1 must be. Ureat merriment. ' ltt yaa way you am witling onaagh to tot tba Intelligent, educated, reflned woman, vote: but If we let all women vote, the good wilt ' stay away. . That abjection Is1 a very strong org sweat ta aur mvar. If those women wbo wrap tba niantlo af coin-. ptacency around uicra could only see the multlttnte one pour forth from garret ' and cellars, old wosaen and young, with bony hands stretched nut for help, they - would receive a -few aWcrent hieaa or -real life. When you obUn-t do yen remember that Tour daughter may ba draawad up for etieae af inaant tattle to a trial by a jury of negate and teres pon- sibt whlto men 7 When women have the right to vote they will make a moral , entle the same for women aa for mem ttema my w don't want ta vtv Twenty Ihouannd petitioned for It yawHorao Greeley says when ail women want to vote tney ran nave tna right. Tna great i de round tlte dignity of tha powr of the uaiiob. j&.vea ut negroes sent up a petition - art to te enfranchise-1 ltta- wnmen rtow. jattd,Bn. a.poltlhlpsa wun innmiea, nnoa ana orimicnis. t want to gat oat of that raa gory. . Th bsiiot will do woman lust aa much good aa negroes. The . uWraitchlited eianea am always the dirralcf clsel A few yean aga the na iters ridiculed th Irteb. - Hoon 1-at bamsna n pswer, ami the found that did not pay TUcy then took nftthenvs-tw. K.lw hlk .tnii wooty nead, l,.ng heel and thick bones in lor rttlleuhv ..-' ...j TlbtW Ktl. la Is. U'..LUn. . ... the pajicra dam not rusk fun of blm. When tha women of this country can rota, the New York THAwim will find gnoa anrnatant la favor af Waman Huf- fmge. If you want to ba treated courte ously by Ute pfBwJi, get the ballot. If yon want- nmwMi cjontwHiaty by your hnsband, Inst befttr elect lorf. vet a vota. -. (Maariment. Inat went ten no not want woman thirty mlnutoa thait dbl not porrvlno ber she did - want to-ota. When' John Bright told the Work In men of Kngland they wanted tha ballot, thr irpl iff l,"lrm't talk to uaof tha ballot; , a wattt breed, "-r Mlla then wsvuo,. we wswte ursv.:'-rciinr men JtrWtttadstaiie and Juhh Ktuart Mill Itave tsen relocating tbe working men of luiglaitd, and tlMjy; have towitd out IIISI IMC . i... -ws-s w WWSPSS-WW wpswwswwsj Bwanar n Tub Bbadt Baxatnicav-Fatlier. An , van remember that motlnir asked yon for two dollar thia mornlngr " Yoa, my child ; what of it 1" v ivou Kmeinber that mother get tne two Ooi isrt 7 -rT9i.' And I remember what tittle girl don't think about." -f "What te that, fetaarriy , "1 rcroember tltat wa are not rioh Hot you seem In a brown stu.lv. Whst te my daughter thinking about f" - 1 was Utinkteg now tauten ana cigar OOSts.".-;- J. .. .. ,.r " hr. It ooste ten etaita not two dol. lars by long shoCM ' - flat ten cento three time a day te thirty aento",j u jw ti r "lltat's ail true by the mulUi-iostlon table.'' ' 1. "And than to str-k din In tha weelr." : -u -j -. r,i. "That's ao by tbe almanao."' "And Seven tlmea tblrtv neuts in twa hundred and ten rents, n . Hold an.- Ill aurrender. r Tf ere. Lake ths two dollars to yoar mother, ami tell iter tna i u no wiwout cigara fir n week.".-. r. i rr,.- , .. Thank yoa. father: bat If von would only my a year. It wonhl save more tsMnnnnomaaioiian-wawwpId all bava sitae and drssaea, and natther a ate iMtanet and teto af prsUr tbJnaa.'1 Well, to make mv little airi kairv. I wlU my n yaar.,- . u . "Oht that wiU be aa akrat But woaldn't hi be aa nice ta my always? Than wa waald hava tba money every' yeas, and year Una wwald ba ao much awa mt wnen yoa ann vm.-jmyrMag- lipm. .... ... .-, ' ... "Aw f jrjrirnptojr ASK an rcntAa old twUanr .. gJsVJ vary - teaiooa hecaaau.Jila, young wife went to a hall with a good looking tVttew,- Sod stsjrsd out until broad daylight. 'Iter aid eban want to a IWStlna or Ut pew mm swiu ui, sT winding np with "I want you to help winding up wi Mswfor -that to Ing I kbWtlo-gerto-ta. . "Well,'' my tba , - it it Justin,' "yoa can write down to noma of them IVxlJand lawyers, and sea If yon can't get a dl- "Dlvnrealroamil lha anrrv man. "who tba dickens Wanta n dl voce T 7- - 1 Th Justice l-egan to get wrathy. ' , "If yoa don't want a divorce, what tliedlekena brought yon fcereF- - "Why, I want aa tej Unction. to stop further procaedinga.' ' - , f"' - -j , : V'