The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 28, 1871, Image 2

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Mrs. Dunlwsy, editor and proprietor
"if this papery to lrent TWtlm at
Tba DatlM. Botne commuulcatlojie, on
as uJ etlrwtoe, bave not then
lore received the oustotniry prompt at
(mUm.' h wUI ahortly U i( bar peat
gain, when all them nttera Will be
Immediately attends to. ; !
HlTp XTt
" " What terrible political oopey U feared
by ao nanny maa'a-rlghtere In connec
tion with the woman movement, .y
cannot Imagine t bat If U la Indeed true
that the political arena la ao dreadfully
Tito aa they consider It to be, wa women
-: wUI ba compelled toetop aaecctol lag with
.J an meA who yote, a least until wa have
ouraelvea voted Into existence purer
poimoal atmosphere than atima yet to
have dawned apaai Uiaaa tanlmia Tto-
time of their awn political debauchery,
But wa don't belleva that men are
half ao bad aa they aay they are. . We
are Invariably the recipient of kind.
; pleasant and respectful "attentions la
- our travels, and we know1 theaa aame
; gentlemen, who with reaped
upon (teamen, In the stores, in hotoie
1- and en the atreeta, would treat ua Just aa
respsctfully at JdhellJtfayj. tbprelf
la alwaya at the poUa, and who. alwaya
represents good .women, alnee they are
not there to -represent ? thetaeeivi
should aaaay to treat aa or any jihegjwlWOWcJu Hie handsomest el to on
apeeUble woman with aught but
Fentv theee aame fenttomen would very
aoon ehaattoe them Into a recognition of
our right to the "equal protection af the
law." Knowing this, wa have ne per-
aonal fear of the rowdylng elaaa at the
or any where elee. But we deplore
their political power, Whieh la at present
and haa been for aa many yean the leeer
which move our national aflhlra.1 to
the almost complete extinction of good
men's Influence. Therefore wo ahall
hereafter uae the Influence we poaaeaa to
Vote out of existence the rowdylng ele
ment of newer that haa ae Jong ruled
the fetbera, aone and brothereof women,
aa well at the women tbemeeiTea.
We met a man on board the Oneonta
who eould hardly apeak KngtUh plainly
. enough to be anderatood, and who baa
: little more Idea of .the ethlca of good
goeamment than onr two-year old little
toddler, the yoawgeet nf the atx. NeT
ertheleaa thla man'ceaayed to fire hla
oplBtoo, about 1 the "proper place for
woman." Nobody naked for hla opin
ion or cared a atraw for It, bet we aeked.
Juet to pleaaa him, what quaUncationa
aa a Toter that were -not
Ibyna. - -. ;. i
4 Ta t male, madam, and you're
- Which, by the way, to the nanly reaaob
. ever yet glTen by the wtoeat ralera ef
' tbe land agnliiat thrporlfytnjfTnBueDce
of woman la our polltl
How did you get the right to Totef
-.we queried, eympathlsingiy,
nataratUed, tua'am, Wa the
quick replT.
ef Age And natlTe'bom,"
the rejoinder.
Everybody laughed,' and
feQen friend dropped the anrumenrUke
. avJuot potale, a nd stepping out, leaned
against the guards and pufM away at
hla ' meerschaum In supposed manly
dignity.'," " .'."t.''.!..', :,', -.-P.
Wa . don't believe our : gontlemi
frienda who heard -that conversation
wlU my again to us that their rigbVte
vote eonslsU In. being
xxnAjrro. oiur rriiTor.
- "Thla heroine In the cause ef
tr "emancipation la Winning new nutrels on
the racifle Ca ; We hope ere long to
" aeeber fooeto feee, and bear her plead
the cause nf equal tighta for nil before n
- Portland audience. The Ban Fraactsco
; BmiUli of a late date has the following
notice of an eloquent appeal for
an flrage made by thtodleUnaUehed tody :
"Plait's hall waa crowded Tuesday even-
Jng by an Intelligent aodleoce desirous
of hearing the notable end abic adveente
nf seenanennTaaje, atre. Krwheth Cady t
BUntn. The lecturer waa warmly re
- eelved, her appearance an the platform
being the signal for loud applause.
Ptantsn'a p araenefre to ton well known ta
need description. Bbe looks to be the
very lrpe , "of wT whole eouled, vwm-
hearted, motherly tody of fifty or aUty
'i yearn. Net a Uneament ef her features
' Indicates the harsh and masculine char-
arter wtoh to universally attributed to
- the fftnttt one Wtu not a motion or
Intonation but apaaka ef her. ae ene la
L whom Mroeatnesa hai not destroyed the
traito Which go to form a noble wife
aud mother, liar gray halt la gathered
regardless of the rewvalent fashion af
r the day, and the appointmeota of her
; attire betoken the aame Independence of
- cttanctor. Her xtoa to calm, aaeured
aid earnest, but without the tmpae
atoned earnestness ef II ba a ana pick-
naon.Bbe Impresasa the andieneewlth
depth rather than force of i-tnm
. Bbe attacks prthrlplea, not'peraana, and
ridicules In a kindly rather than a vin
dictive spirit, r tobe . apvrsetotoe the
- - priaelpto which the- majority ef the
ad voce tea af tbe enfranchisement of
wunieerCltoot "ap4recUto, that the
7 prejudicea af the world are not o be
overcame by harsh and embittering
words. Therefore, aha uttere her
teneea In a kindly aptrlt, and substitutes
1 logic for caustic Uradea. The etoeing
portion af lire, BtejUona taaaaika eon
tatned . many passagia af atoqueaca.
Bbe aeptotod the d land vantages women
labored under by not having jnUtkeJ
-power, and ttarrtwngee that wouM toke
place by, the desired diange. The lee
- tare fhrougltout gave the liveliest act-
UnvctloM to those who did not Indorse
Z. hr views, as well as to these who did,
rrca rcsTms vr tsz ooLinc-
Ion the UMWrlagof the 2Jd W. we
aTaltod ouraelf gf the pfdeerkUJ eap
tality of the O. .& Co., and aft flw
o'clock wept aboard tbe t earner On)
ontn, a Ann, Urge aleaaaaa, which glres
ample erUletKe of signal service In its
fine, but now much worn, though still
weU-krr4, furntture and carpets. r A
aUlTltirveae n aTXioe-Iug up Uierlver,
and the early morning air, though ex.
hilars ting, waa chUly and dlaagreeabto.
The atewnrd at ftst hoet waa untiring in
hla nttanllnna In lha gnaala, pan fTs ring
coflee In advance of breakfast, which we
declined, and a aeai la tbe rear saloon
over the heated machinery, which we
were gUni to accept. ' Breakfast waa a
well cooked, well ordered and aubstan-
wbicb appeased the appetitea
of all, and warmed the chilling Teina of
unwonted early riaera, of whom ouraelf
Taanna. , , .
but company
ctoL but among them all waa not one
champion for equal rights except our
humble sell . Opportunity for proselyt
ing waa freely girea, and we eueeeeded,
aa we alwaya do, In. convincing our
brethren that we, at .least, have Juet aa
much right to a voloe In making tbe
laws as they.
But we left Port land to get away from
newepaperdom for a season and enjoy
the acenery of the OalumblaTTTiis
river sceniry swpassne raagnlfVwnee
anything onreyee had vrer before 1
held. It waa our flrst trip up the Co
lumbia, and we fcH a childish eagerness
to see, admire and Interrogate.
ins nyer, ana we uay -win -eurety
when It will be a very Important town.
Of the a &. N- Company's works,
one railroad bridge at the Caawulea waa
Injured by tbe recent high water, and It
creaked and groaned unpleasantly
our train aped through It, but the other
lmprovemento along tbe portage
In a good atate of preservation. Tbe
Company's boats are In perfect order,
ana ine omoere ana men . are very
obliging. .They are Justly proud of the
river scenery, and aa we gaaed at the
ever-changing beauties of the mountain
slopes, are felt a atreug desire to mount a
Cayuae lVgaeua and endeavor toln
Toko- tae- ebanting numbers of
alnging Nina. But respect for "Joaquin"
MUIer'a new-found reputation stayed
the whip and spur, and kept ua In the
old and beaten path of dry and plodding
The Bridal Veil,onpMLJU?aJbanke
tbe river, with Its preripitoua fall of
nine hundred feet, to indeed a rare reve
lation of tbe bsauUfuk:. Using a glass,
we eould aee vivid rainbows all the way
down tbe fell,1 which, long before It
atrikee tbe Tale below, aoattera Into
a foaming and misty spray suggestive
or Its appropriate appellation.
Castle Bock, on the right bank of the
river, to ajiothertodightrt la said
that Jay Cooke haa purchased this rock
and that It to neweeiled Cpefe Castle,
but wa don't suppose the owner will
ver care t pt-eupy lta a homes toad,
It to massive, wild and wtord and bean
tlfuft bwt at a Willamette tralley tenriet
mid, "A mighty- poor place for ratoing
Leaving the steamer Onewnta ejtd the
accommodating eara, we i board another
at earner noeve tne VascnUes, and are
aoon in Eastern Oregon. trees now
give place to pine, but for a long dis
tance the timber la ao far a Way that tbe
ansa tod eye cannot note the change.'
Farms and fornt-lteusea sleep lexily
along tbe foot of tbe mountains at In
tervals, giving forth n picture of rural
eoenfort that to specially Inviting to a
long pent-up Portia mler. Everywhere,
upon either hand," the undulating
mountains mil tbemeelvea back inhe
distance, while often bold-browed hills
rise perpendleutorly frorathe water's
edge, to aaj amaalng- 'altitude.' Occa
sionally aotue enterprising pine tree
flourishes la Iheae forUdding rwha.
proud result of perse verauee under ad
elreumetanma. And, last but by
least, the mighty t"pper Co
lumbia, In 1U never-ceasing course,
strikes ear plsaswl fancy nan living Joy,
He grenoeur will abide with us aa a
aever-IaUIug memory. . ;.' '
,J out jt'clm a r, au, and we arrive at
The Daltoe. This ptoaslng town
as ecu evidence of , present twoaneritr.
has many ; marks of the
past miulng age,, when housea
thrown ap in a day aad abandoned at a
fhncy.' Many of those ahelto
of bulkllnga are yet staidl tig, unten
anted, nnkampt and ebeerleaa relies ef a
ty-goneeea. ,We ahould be gtod to see
empty houses demolished or re
paired, and hope the city fathers will
aba get the aide-walks
b ! tti. .11. .1 I
As the-guoet of Mr. R. Iwnttond
hto amiable wife, We ato hospitably en-1
uniista ta n enarming marvel or a cot
tage bouse, among a neat of trees, high
up above the busy town. The air to de
lightfully dry sad para, the breeae re
freshing, andtho scenery grand. In the
quiet and country-like solitude of the
gueet'e chamber we alt and write, our
thoughts going out wltW yearning: soi
Ucituda to the loved ones at home.
whom we bnpn aoon to meet, refreshed
and strengthened by thla brief respite
f neual toU. 1
XU, UTlIXS'a 011S. u
We are not fully advised as to all the
feeto In regard to Mrs. Bawtelle, being
rafuaed a diploma a) Batom, and will re
serve full eummnnla until neat week.
We are aatlafied, hoerever, that had aha
bee a man tbe diploma would have
bee cheerfully awarded. . Mrs. Raw
teUa to enUrely dependent upon ber
ewn reeoureet for n 11 vellbood. and It to
an ee)trage that her eSbrto are met with
each bigoted opposition. Bbe will yet
ere the day when her name aad fame
la her ehoaon iiriaHaalsa wiillke (-
shine these 0 aotae .nigh 1a position ie
the htedknl Faculty at Batons. ' -
Thla perseTsan3-fregenian haa at
last ploughed hla l.TrtT the English
pricua. '.."T , t- t t .-
The ruU XaU OittctU. aWtoClcal
wbloh stands Wh' In literary rank la
bath Europe and America, thus speaks
of tbe Oregon, poet, whose first literary
ettbrts culminated la a fourth-rate Coe
val lis betMiomsdal;whosesecol jjt-
UiiupTof any magnitude waa a collection
of moonshine and bad grammar, pub
lished In Portland, Oregon and whose
third and final aehlereeaent, up to UaV
a volume nf reeaackaUy gaod
poetry, uneven Terse, wayward princi
ple and bad gin earner, which haa buret
like a rocket upon the amased vision of
EnglUh Writers, who my that It to won
derful that a man fresh from the re
gions of aeml-dvlllaetioaran write po
etry ! . ' h.-4- . '
CaUfornla, the fair and voluptuous
daughter Of thegoId-mnged, aeUlng
sua, may well pride herself upon thla
naive allusion to the appreciation In
whtoh she la held by highly-polished
old Brittanla. No pun Intended., 1 ' l:
But bear ' the Putt Matt OautU:
"Mr. Joaquin Mlltor avows with sim
plicity that up to within the last few
niontha, within which he baa traveled
to London for tle sake of publishing,
California and Mexico were all ids
world." , Let repudiated Oregon bow
down her bead and weep! ' Her glory
hath departed?
Hef native poet efue4
eth to acknowledge hla Buotherf
"Last aummer," eontlnuee this poet,
"I crossed the Rocky Mountains, and
for the flrst time saw New York a great
place for eheewbooka, and n big den of
ainan thievee.rTf course socai '
mark aa thla last would be sufficient to
establish the literary reputation of al
most any American in Iiondon.
: But our poet la really deserving of
high appreciation. Although hla IV
gasua .la -an . untrained Cayuae po
which dashes at full spued aver tbe rug
ged Btorra slopes, bounds In broken gal'
lops through the eunkeu valleys, climbs
fearlessly through deep ravines 1
leaps front crag to crag over mountain
gorges, he to Indeed n Pegasus, and
bears hla wlld;'erratlc rider with a proud
disdain of all the rubs of measured gait
yet recognised In aoag. '
- "Want of Utarary eadsum,'' eonUaues
the Qatetff, ."extends to hla grammar,
and makes even that -original aoi
Unsaa, and Involves him oiwaaionally ta
the drollest aolectom or bathos, and con
stantly la a mow or torn Jerky and-dia-
Jotntod way of tolling hie etortoe. ( . But
did any one, wrtUng with ae tittle Uter
aJ7 culture, ever show k much stronger
inalnct of poetry V eto eta. . This tost
aentonea to Indeed high praise, coming
from, the souses It does, and we
proud of the showy parade of our badly
trained but spirited Cayuse.
- The Stmdajt Tkmm to out with aa etob
orate review .rhioh .we are pleased to
my la both Just and generous. But the
the Blerrae" being the author'a "first
work.- Not more than two years ago
Oregon was treated to an opto from this
public bard! and be haa often heretofore
evoked abort lyrics from the mystto
Nina. ' Hla ejrJortunlties for : Teres mak
ing have been ample, extending even to
tbe neglect of jibe sacred duties devoir
log by right npon a husband and fit thee
When a wian barteri cnnnubial
atancy and natrlBoulaI honor for poetic
oie we are iree u ooniem uia. ua jmsh
paid all that the awbbto to worth t
we greatly err la Judgment If our bard
idoea not II vn to see the day When he will
realise the fact.: .
ArUomkm, which, contrary to the
English critica, we believe to be the flu
ent of our author'a creations, contains
-xssaegiiiai.erseasBase sue raw we nver,
Wlsl Im aai ar . aa wtt ares sf mtm. T
Uyalrk, JsmIiIs h dmd, she Wlsa maMer,-
- - - - - - - ,
As waa trnse iKHvnieutiaiitwt, Y--
Curvntc mm sarvUn.aftUMi asjUei aaS hither,
bsw sae MssinH sa a nvsr
It to a pity pur poet's Pegasus con not
even: aoeoenplish. an. nrlginal fiat like
that without sliding hla verse In sham
rbtoa, which . rcautt In a hobbling1 gait,
sriggesUveof tonicrhoaieirleTisaliii
knee Joints. 1 " '
Here to aaversjfc simlmen of
author'a powers of description, nnd one
of the nsost perfect and easy fiewing
etanxas ta the book!
Tts sxira. BeauM Um fciatiy aiir sow ian
Tks ssSra wait ef estta, wttfe swvei la kaaa.
Vtmm la s awwis ease af swltae llsht
tJks a kla iaat aas realase als taeene. ; ,
He wan his Srsselag lt)i Is IsU Jf , -
Aa4 laws wUh ansae the aalvstsal xwltL"
The following wlU give the -reader
Idea of the moral status of the
Well may Hngllsh critica aocuae
him of "Byronlara." so Jar. as blae
pbemy goes
-I)ail I'4 ears las eans af the esaalsoteat
OoI :
Iw salM s erneXjl af we whMee akalta,
AaS step Ihmft w te we ipMiil moo,
Ami thaes le Mais sa4 seaital saaa;
Thea with eae graa4 sae talghty lea woaU
Vahlaaersa ea the ahssesefths aedsef eU.
iMmn Istasad. anbaretsad
I wuil Mjta4 la lha riiin ml Um Ud .
or Omm. aad wars, ea the Jewsled laser side
The walla ml Haaewa, earrs with jiaiasraa ..
WfSi, hsjh eey a saa sad UUsd asms
Thai uaao aor tide esaM hsarh er aara nev ,
Aavthlac ea sattk, la hall er haavea. : . ,
Wa aslect another "Byronlsm,'
for want of apnea are compelled to dose
our quotations, although there are many
others which Wo shea Id be pleased te
give one readers. The American editioa
will aoon be out, aad our frienda will
have opportunity to Judge for
at - l.: :
"Oh, I wllTWIa a Uveal wreath ef bub, '
TtMMsjh n he e4 with hload sod Muer tears,
taeata U Suva a fwUle hatsl .
Aad ssllia as IS Imt ear aad nssaiv path.
Ta MiU Ma smm la her staM.t
Tbe gifted but reawdietod wife af this
amUUons hand ean nmlinland the
above, tf English erittoa fail ea make the
- eve iiMm tTUVT'f
Tbe following, from the Ban Francto
e Btlldim, In rrenoe to the bUunbt
Iknean, to so r . pmprkUe that we i ve It
In our eidumna, nhatia aad
oonieaentary npon the purity f. oar
poUtiea that euctrereaturas aa this man
Bow eav Congreseman though he be,
the legiUinate eeussnueners
of his erimea ttimaiirh Executive rlem-
TTTXi f'-ii .1.: . " -...1 u'i 1 t
eth a thorough and radical purinoation:
"It aeeina.that the pardon of Bowcu,
the bigamist Caugnn n wtJle ft re
llftyn rnm jnmlr1"" t! t r-t
alter the eObc ofjthe.yerdict of (he Jury
that hla marrUrejwilh Mrs. Pettlgru
King waa Illegal; in bet, no marriage
at all. Upon this depended rhta Inno
eenee or guilt, and It was the principal
question passed upou yh Jury. " Hav
ing been decided, tbe decUion canonly
be reversed, If at all, ou appeal In the
slune"cac71he1utUxllle rule of tow be
Ing that the decision of n Court of com
petoat Jurisdiction eaanot be reheard or
modified, except In proceedings upon
tbe original osse in which that decision
waa made. Mrs. Fettigru-KIug to the
tost of the three now living, from none
of whom be has been legally divorced,
whom Bo wen undertook to marry, ami
In which he ewetnoifed ee fares to be
guilty of bigamy. From her personal
estate she funiilted tbe means, to pay
his lawyers and conduct hi defense, and
iroii.h he exsrUons hto pardon: Was
xxii wilii tut, uus intswiauMi
woman haa felled to aeeure him as the
life fong' partner of her Joys (TV Not
only has Ids niarrlage with her been
judicially dec seed Invalid, but should be
again marry her, wlthoutflrtoitaiulng
a divorce from his lawful wife, Mr
Boweu No. L, he would again be guilty
of bigamy and liable to conviction jaad
punishment. Aad H to hardly conceiv
able how a man iiresrnUng himself to a
Court In such attitude as hto, cwuld ob
tain a divorce. vBet Bowen'e troubles
do not end here.-' He has yet to answer
to the Courts of New York the charge of
forgery of the record purpurUug to be
decree of divorce cram hto' first vile,
which forgery Was adduced In hla de
fence on the trial for bigamy," and ft u
reported .that UoMraot. Hoffman
about to tonne n requtotoaf for
on thla charge. ' Yet thla maa Bowen
has the audacity to claim a seal In Con
greas, aad as we learn from the Wash
ington despatches to preparing to con
test the election of Dv Large, colored
member from hto District, - We trust
the House will make short work of Bow
en's claims. Proper self-respect would
seem ao require mat vxMigrssa anonld re
ruee so ssnsiasr taom aitugetasr."
We puUtohed a letter front this lady
the ether day, In which aha takes ground
against the female Buffrage movement;
whereupon the editress ef the New
North w KMT charees us with indorsing
eenult us U say that we publUhed the
Miier nmrw as news man ooctrtne, ne
itovlng that our rewtera would ponsibly
be entertained with IK We did not reIl
that letter, and don't Intend to, although
ww dKt read -andTery much enloy
"Beerber'a Dow Ktory,'' which Uprila-
j . k mmmm mmrw pea oncumeui,
Uenrr Ward Beecher M a tnma an
energetto, entertaining gentleman, and
we are sorry we cannot my aa much for
nis sisters, woo persist in writing very
poor books, after the style of "srhat I
know aooul cooking," and selling
them on the reputation of their brother.
- But We are digressing In the absence
or roe enreor, who would po-llily In-
do not care to express our views thereon.
We wilt ear. however, that the Naw
KoBTHWKst to a good newimaner. mora
entertaining and readable than most of
tue weeaiiee in tne ritate, emitalnlng
utuctt practical soanu aense that the
people ought to heed, and a paper that
everybody who wants to keep tin with
tbe times ought ta aubscribe for and
read, no mailer whether thev believe In
no mailer whether they believe
JIauy lhaiikaand our beat bow for the
FcomplimeuL Li.v .j.'r-
As the editor for the time being Is
alraid to commit himself we shall have
to await Mr. CMeera'e rvtura from the
rejuveaatlug oeaaa aweeaea of Yaiiulaa
Bay before We caa find out what Dosltton
the" lsWrTa-takes on the letter afore-
1 .it.' - "a-.'. 1.1 .
It atrikee aa very forcibly, by I
way, that Mrs. Harriet Beeclier Htowe,
Uie ailar aalliraH, -hasnotIeen
very materially assisted JL'lu.wriUng
very poor books" and "selling them
oU the strength af the reputation of
her brother," by any tldpg that Henry
Ward Beecher haa ever put forth before
the rending nubile. ."Norwood,'1 the
great literary attempt of Mr. Beeclier,
certainly r bears no comparison with
the Tarioua wrltlags of-Mra. fetows.
Henry Ward Beeaber to a Tory goad
pens aher--prolstbIy none excel himbut
the writer Ih the BullU certainly dla-
playa singular Judgment In ctoadng hia
literary eflbrts higher than those of his
gifted aiaterrWe are airs Id be to prej
udiced against her because she to so un
fortunate as to be a wnman. nnd com
qnently, In hla opinion, "out ot her
epneer' in writing books,
i C111IS r. T0UTwvr
Fr-YoungrW tbe Womttrft
fnrijke 0oef Journal, to at present lec
turing la Oregoev A letter xrom her
pen appears la another part of thla pa
per. Bbe will probably be la Portland
a abort- time. Bbe to n popular too-
all aboald bear her
' A paragraph relatlva to Almlra Fowl
er. It. IK. one of the sueeenaful women
doctors, baa been'gbltag tne rounds of
tne newspapers. Tbe resHients 01 tne
pretty suburban town of Orange. New
""T""1"! "llug nuale with a view to n union of the
Jersey; know well her horse and wanJloeed .e-Ua-. tlwr. it-
and gond driving. Bbe. le out, at aU
noure 01 tne uav and nlxht. ana nae an
intimate acquaintance with the btob
ways and bvwara of the villere. Iler
wagon la In the habit of atoppmg pretty J
often In tbe Dovert v stricken ousrUr.1
ana to we sicjt and sutlerlng aneap-ears
ae an angel of mercy In a waterproof,
etoak. It la aaid that ale makes from
fifteen to eixhteen thousand dollars
yearly; and w e can afllrm, from post.
tare anowietrge, tost no one la more
worthy of the golden frvore of fortune.
We are sorry to alsaprlnt our sadly
frHgutened friend ef ll .siem JsVnwry,
wrevk-jatly has a I h ambition to
U .onie di 4 tor to le Naw Nobth
wnT. If aesbovLi anend our time In
sullying the brigt t and pure pages of
our journal la atanng up euca aume as
countered the tost Meremrtf, we should
feel that oursetf and Journal should be
banished to the abode of swine and bus
aa"lrJf aTwJfoai nuaar
by Jingo. Now, the fact to, we did not
want la limum -Mii-imtor" Cor tha N tw
UiarnnrjayB but aiaiiry taade the su-
getiui, lu iMirsuanee 01 our eolicituHe
for the wetftre of that paper and the
long life ot its eUUreas, that U at least,
be not too haxtr In espousinc the cause
of those monsters of hideous mien like
(lorernor Butlec of, Nebraska. AkMem
Hertmrg. t-x r-.r. -,:'- ....i..
1 In pursuance of our solicitude for the
welfare Of the Mtratrg and the long life
of Its editor, we would suggest that It
aeaae te espouse the cause -of socb, ,vlo
tatore'of law as Watklnda has proved
himself to be, and endeavor to place
Itaeu on tbe plane af common
The Meitwg to also Informed
Naw Nokthwkst has not "espoused
the causa" oi.tiovornor Butler er any
other "naenaear of ttldeous Baton. "We
are alike opposed to tike Bewene and
Watkiuds of mankind, and them where
wa may, and will express our eandki
opinion of them, unbiased by any party
predilection, aartbmal lateesst or pee-
Jspnal feclinaV- Can the Jssreary say as
much Tj We are not publishing aa anle-
dillflsn sheet, however, nnd
enough glaring wrongs af tbe present to
expose and attack without ra n sacking
the musty reords ofth pas V as the
editor ef the ifrrciry would lain have
us do.
editoxiii, (jojroisnoii
rurr to. utu cox do a' a cadbsty- or
f ' 1 " -Uaiakb, Oreeon,
""ooday7 July Wth, 187L
: Visited Mr. (Wlon's celebrated Acad
emy af tleotog leal H peel mens. Bpenf
an hour very happily and profitably In
investigating hie numerous, wonderful
relies of the mystic Fast,' Haw a pi
af..ryatal amber with files of aome ex
tinct species eatlwtkled la (be solid mass.
Haw n great variety of fossil remalna of
woods, leaves, animals, teeth and, tin pie
men te of. tbe Industry of bygone ages,
eta., etc, Which We si toe Id be pleased to
are agala and learn mnrh more about.''
Baw teeth, tuakaw-JojifJhJgh-
bonea and akulto of animals whose once
unwieldy bulk must have as far exceed
ed anything ef tbe elephant or rblnoee
ros kind ef the present age aa those ant
mato now axeead ear common aheep In
else and strength. ' '
Mr. Condon to naturally very proud of
the actentllto reaulto of hto protracted la
bors, and we are pleased to note the high
appreetatlon In which he to held by the
genial ctttaena of this romantto town.
wui.v- iu jfisrwui wi aviencw , nis
tereatlng Babbath Behool giving ample
evidence of hla aJwIdulty: la hla eoeleal-
astlcal work, .x.', f .,.1.5
We hope Portland will engage hto
vtoea agala nest winter for a aeries of
scientific lectures and exhibition of foe-
ail remalna... ... .-v-j y
xeqoxd or ixcext irnami.
, Recent electioMlnrPajrtoaorei-
wbelnilngljt Ja.-favor-of the
Kenablican inferc-ifa. Ov
moderate Republicans In the Aaeenibly
wun um judical fcett. i r , r v, , ? ,
Marshal Berrano has organised a
Cabinet In Bpaln, and the nlembera bare
tokeu the oath of office and entered upon
Weir duties.
A movement to going on In France to
guarantee the Pope tomporal sovereign
T OTt, nuca. -,Tha Tope wUhee to
publish a syllabus lU regard to theoccu
t a l" as s m. .
patlon of Kom by the Italian Oovem
ment, and declaring that amaftrea wlth
holdinr front him all tetHtioral msm
are void. Btcpa have already been taken
in Boms to prepare for the choice of tbe
next Pope. It to propasid to ebeose one
who may be moderate la hto Ideas, and
not unfriendly fb Italy, and bv this
ae effect a com promise with - the
ltalUaOoverHjuent.-tmrdinal Camillo
de Ptetra I mentioned.
A Special dispatch from London, dated
the 2ttb, aays the Pope may leave Home
any day. ' Prejaratlon are Baaklug for
nls reception at Chateau Corte, Corsica.
Mr. Yaflcry,' owner ef the Chateau, has
an ueMtorstenalag with AntTiwlll.
aud it to to rajtoced at the disposal of
tne ivpe.' " ' ,
A aeries of severe earthriuakrs have
recenUy occurred at tbe Phllllpinw Ist
amta. Mere than two handred
were awallowed ap by the earthquake
every one of. I hem belnjralnhaet lnstantlr
killed. Blxty bodies of tot dead wlU be
recovered. The rest of the Inhabltoata
have fled the Island, which has been ut
terly depopulated, . ... .. , 1 .
The recent riots In New York atlll en
gross eenalderabto attention. - The evi-
denc before tbe eronera Jury clearly
snowed that tbe mob fired on the mill
tafyfirstTTAfter full Investigation the
Jury returned the following verdict i
"WrnrnT that theee parties came to
their deatlia .on the 13th Inst, by gun
aflot wounds Id the hands of parties to ua
unknown." ; . -. .
OflMal dlf-patobes from Admiral Roda
era and Minister Low ecniflm thelele
graphk dispatches heretofore published
in refute tbe flrst day'a fight la Cp-
A private letter, dated June fd,
mya a tltat when . the - aurr eying party
, J. ZZil
gorernment effioera, wbe Informed them
that there would be no objection to tbelr
work, but when they went further ap the
river they were nmdupon oOcees hav
ing acted treacherously and as decora.
The natl vea are represented as somewhat
bUng ear Indian trilMav-
The minora In Amador rounty, fjf-
.l a aa wltt il-.w-l0 Braadwsy" a fult-rinted metra-
fornla, are still dlsaatUAed.
- . . . . J 1
uvuwe ta armosntiea.
7. . CurtAO.
fj&. ZtoMvWy. ILavs asen but two
copies of your paper ; there rare I do not
know If my husband wrote rou or ir you
have made aay mention of my visit to
Oregoeur I am -peaking on Heeikhljop-
toa, Trmperrnce nnd Woman HuOrage.
In every Instance where It to put to vote
tbw peupto ow ta rywsreleetoeTWn'snBnT
BufTrage, and most lively Interest to
manlfesteiL, la my opinion, Judging
from Bouthern Oregon, te prif Ikce
tne naiioc wiu in tins relate e msrn
moraT' cheerfully 'accorded "TJT" wouJcu
than In Californto. Ood speed the day
when the patient, over-worked wife and
mother aliall be recognised aa a citlaen,
worthy to step out of the ranks of Imbe
ciles, Insane people, criminals and In
fanta, and take her plana with inteUW
gent, raeponaibia,' atdf-goverulng esti
whsTwhoTbavlag epiittona, dare to ex
premand defend them.. ' ,; ,'.
Could you look into the fotwa ef trem-
en aa I bave in tne last tnree weeas, aau
aee then -at flrst curious and ooubtful,
then, ne tbe arguments develop and ob
jections melt away Into misty nothings,
eyea grow bright and faces fairly ra
diant with Internet you would tnore
fully realise that glorions hopes will by
by and by blossom tuts bright JualUlea.
I am delighted with the Mate, the
people aud the genial olimaXs.. My
haart to iu. tbe wwrk, mitd my-atrength
equal to ' twenty-five speeches . each
month-BirtU-tW- rainy ssasen sum
mencea. ....,. 4 .
.Have you any Work forme todof -.
.. Cab ni a F. Yor. r
1 X 1 H raa Oar tnaaa
L ....
A correspondeiit of the Wasldngtoa
ChoUal thus writes of an tnetileat on the
Bueton and Albany Railroad notmany I
weeks ago: ..
. I ran auroaa what first struck me aa a
very aingular genius on my road from
Bpringfield to KoaUm. This waa a very
stout, btock-whlskered man who eat
Immediately In front of me, and who
Indulged, from time to time, in tbe most
strange and unaccountable maneuvers.
Every now and then ho would get np
amlhurrv awsv to the narrow imsraitt.
which leada to the door In these draw-Ing-mnru
can, and -when be-thought
himself eeonre from observation would
fell to laughlnjr In the most violent
manner, and continue tlie healthful
exercise until he waa aa red In the face
as a lobster. Aa we Beared Boeton thaaa
denmnstmtione liM-reased In vtolenoe,
save that the stranger no longer ran
awav to toueh. but krit hia seat and
chuckled to himself with hla chin deep
down in hto shirt collar.- " "
- But the chansea that those portman
teaus -underwent I He. moved them
here, there, everywhere: he put them
behind hiaa. in front of him. on. each
aide af him. He wee evidently ceUina
readjr to leave, but, aa we were yet
twentr-fl vo miles from Boston, the Idea
of sock eerir preparatioos was rldtcn
AT We Had
entered the city then
the mveterv would have remained nn-
aolved. but the stranger at last became
ao excited that he could keen hto eeat ae
I longer. Berne one aimd nelp him, and
laa 1 waa
the nearest he selected me.
Huihlenlv turnlnr. as If I had asked a
questtoiiTTie" mid, rocking himself to
-'Bcen gene three years P '
41 Yea, been in iuopa.
expect me for six months.
Otss ooa
s ye. a"i
utrough and started.
them at the but station; they've got It
at w-r irx lain aerta
bytblatlrneLi'':'"i -'-- ' 1
Aa he aaid thla he rubbed hto handa
and changed hla portmanteau on his left
to the right, and the one on the right to
the left again." 1? ' ',..:7r
Htot a wlftr said I , .u...
rWdha btiCWb and folded hia overcoat
a wi eaas-a waaa w vsiipiitiu tea ivsjiir-M
anew, and hung It over the back of the
suet. :' ! . 1-. 1 ( ,
'You are pretty iwi vsaa wverthc
matter, ain't you ft' I aaiL watching-
uis nogeiy. mevanwinis. -
"Well. I ahould think eo," he replied:
"I hainvt slept aoundly for a week.
And do you kuow," ha went on. glano
na; unmmi at ine itaamHiirera anu sneaa-1
ins in a lower vnte, 'I am almost ret -
tain thst this train will run off tbe
track and break my neck before I get to
Moaton. well, tbe tact Is, I Have bad
too much rood luck for one man. latelv.
The thing can't tost; taln't natural that
it aaouht, yen know. I've watched It.
First it rains, then It shines, then It
rains again. It ralua ao hard you think
it's never coins: to aton: then It shines
ao bright yon think It's at ware going to
ahinei and Just ua you are fairly settled
In either belief vou are knocked over bv
a change, to show you that you know
inns atieut - -
acco nllng to that philosophy,"
sad I, "you will continue to bave aunA
"like iterause you- are expecting
atonaV-,ri-- .rr--: r :
"It'a eurioua." ba returnaiL but the
only thing which makes ate think I will
get in rough safe, la because I think I
woart. --"-"r"wr -Y ' '
"Well, that to eurioua," aaid L
"Lord. Tea." be renlietL "I'm a ma-
ehinixt tnaito a dtoco very nobody be-1
ijeven ix ii; spent ail my money trying
to brins it out awwtgasxxi mv tons-.
1 as. a . . . . a
all went. K very body toughed at me
every Doiiy nut, my wire spunky little
woman aaid she would work her fin-
rem off before I should e-ive It un.
Went to 1-jifrlaad -no better there;
came' within art ace of Jumping off Lon
don bridge. Went Jutoa shop to earn
money enouah to come home with: there
Bart the man. I wanted. --To make a
long Vinry abort, I've brought 0,0i0
moo wnn me, ana nere 1 in,"
"liooil for Tout" I exclaimed.
of It to, aha don't know anything about
It. I've fooled her eo often, and disap
pointed her so much, lhat I Just eon
rhnled 1 would aay nothing almut Jhla.
VV hen I rH my money t hoe eh. tow
better believe I at rack a bee-Una for
"And now Ton will make her hs-rmv."
aaid L, - r-
. "Happy r be replied, "why yon don't
know anytblnc about It, Hbe'a worked
like a dog while I have been gone, try
ing to support herself and the children
decently. They Bald her thirteen cents
apiece for-eneklnr eoarae shirts; and
tikat'a the way alte'd live half the time
8 he'll come down there to the depot to
meet mo In a einrham dreaa. and a
shawl a bund red years old, and she'll
think aba's dressed up. (Mi, site won't
have no clothes, after this oh,, no, I
guess not r -'
And with these Words, which Implied
that hia wife's wardrobe would soon
rival Qoeen ictoria'a, the atraiiirer tore
down lite passage way again, and get
ting in a is om earner, putting it is moutn
Into the drollest - Shanes, and thea
swinging hinmelf back and forth In Uie
nolltan baaai snd m m tiki bm anliJ
Into the depot, and I placed, myself on
"... aaWBmmWSBBi
the, other car, oiueelte tike etranger.
w w .mi a Maasa.A. wu him,.
bad destwbded and waa stentling on the
lowest steia, ready to Jump to the plat-
form. I looked from his face to the
faoaa of the aeapto before as, but aaw ua J
siBtaiuf reeoguiUoa. Huddruly berried,
I'lVre they are, and toughed outright,
butinaatarieai awiaa7raavay,aa.ha
looked o ver t Ite crowd.
-1 foltowed his eyea and aaw some dis-
tance back, aa U crowded on and about.
ocrea away uy tne " -n- ri and-
elbowing throug, a little woman In n
faded dress and n well-worn hat, with a' 1
face almost painful In iu Intense but
luHieful exnreaslon. alancins1 rmikl.ll w
from window to window as the eoarhee . not yak naaav thaw
atranger; but a nioineiit after she raiight
hia eye, and la. another Instant he had
Jumped to the platform with hla two.
ponmanieaua, auu, niaaing a uoie in
the crowd pushing one here and one
titers, and running one ef hto bandies,
nlunin Into the well deveioued stomach 1
of a venerable lookhig old gentleman tit
peeteelea, he rushed toward the place
w hers aim - waa standi nar. I think -I-
never nv a face assume so many diiter
eitt expressiona In ao short n time as did
that of tbe woman while her buland
waa on hla way to her. Hhe didn't look;
pretty. On the contrary, ' she looked
very plain, but aome way 1 felt n big
lump rise in my throat as I watched bee.
uk t M.l .. , l..,,k. .... ril t.l
her, how completely site wiled In tbe "
attempt I Her mouth got Into the post., s
tlou; but It never moved ailer that, mve.'
to draw down at the corners and quiver, ,
while site blinked her eyes ao fast that I
suapset abe only ' tuniglit ' occaaiooal "
gllmpsea of tbe broad ahouUtred fellow
whojpluowed lUa way sa rapttily toward
her. Aud tlien, as he drew close and
drofiped those evertaMIng portmantoaua
site lust turned completely- round, with r"
her bark toward mm, nna coverea nor 7
face with' her hantis.. And thus she was .
when the strong wan gatlkcred her up in
hit arms as i
If site bal been a baby atal-
ImM her aobmnr to hla breast.- There
waa enough gaiting at them. Bee van .
knows, and 1 turned our eyea away a
moment, and then I aaw two boys In
threadbare roundabouts atandlng near, ;
wtptoa- their erea atxl boaed aav their
litt to cost stoevea, and - bursting ; auti? -anew
at every fresh deniouatratlon on .
tbe lrt or their -mother. -When I
looked at the atranger again he had hla
bat drawn down over hia eyes) but hto 1
wife was looking' up at him, and it
seemed as If the pent up team of those .
weary months of waitiug were. stream-
Ing through her eyelidA ' ;1 LL
, . . , j -i r -
-To PaiMT ow TtiT.When a "hand-
aome fruit la Intended to be shown at a i
fair or aout to a friend it will add some- ,
thing In the way of novelty to have IU '
name or that of aome person, printed In- -deUbly
upeet -rta awriaea. This may be "
done several ways, bat the meat eomaaon t
methods are asfollowsj Jutt before tbe.,
fruit haa attained Its maturity, cut from , .
tough, thin paer the name proposed, ' '
and pasto this upon tbe able of the epect -men
moat fully axpnsed tothe sun.
That portion at the fruit 00 vend by UkC '
Kper will assnme a diflt-rent color from
1 ottker, and when ripe the paper to -tMsoved,
leaving the una dtoUnctly r
visible. . On . aquashea aud melons, .
names and figures may be Imk-llbly im- ,
pressed by slightly aeratchlng the aur- 4
1 aee while they are grewlag. . . "
Bays the Canandalgua Memmpert . '
"A young lady, a graduate Wane of the
lea4flng InsUtutloiks of learning tar this
part of tbe Btate, drove her father's milk
waj-on escsotlv, owing to hto illness,
and supplied his customers aa well as he
didn't lose a blt of rewUUonlherelv! '
altbauxh scores would have dlailalned to
do aa much foe an asset. : Bhara made -
of the right kind of atuit and With bar -
eaecnninUMhiikaiil" aKa
ereme to
both grit and grace."
WlLLIAtat OAVIOtOai, I l
Xteatl IiZaitatteiDeatler.
. J OFFICII Me. 6 Freat frteeet.
l - -
labb. annaaw.
iv. ivi.i 1. tk.
XV mtniaiM.ia the mm dralrabla kmlttkai
r.iwinif ir, Haljt Uukusmi Biawsa,
Uotfaas and MeuMsa. ,
Liiei iiuijiu 1 .iLji 11 1 11. a. . .
I- Ai-a,Iaan mi f-ww sl(4'TLk.raxs"t'a"-"y- Tr
crtjrivan Lutliaa, Knatml ta all Barks af We :-.
Utah", Sjc sala -.i -"4.. .-r yji . u . j.
" RKAt. fVf-ATW aad otlter TiWly linrrliaMd
Sir t'Are-anaaUaiiM. In VMM Cm and IhtMaa-
aot tlM MvATtat aad Tanaiauaaaa, WMh ea
ate, aad an the must lysiAuMws Tuw ,
Hnesm ass Brnam IaaskB. tmAm Kaea-
vtaKj 4 i ittaa or tu jtaai sirrtoMa ( .
rauarn,Trei.i.M-tKn,knd uat risas
ciAasod Aesacv Binasaas Taamiacyaa,
Aoas-rsef this firun' ia all the CVnas aad
Tuwsx Ht ta wtat wlU N ld-crUnnBr
Ishms addn -aa
Fill rwir.KTt aad anul laa aaaia toiaa
1 ' . :
. 1 - -
. v ;
I.: I
Htorrnrr ni aij iw roar
laad aad thruusboul Orraua ,
aetalljF. .
faat asWaTemmmM'm fBa Btratal JteaweaBBa
-- ;.' Taasa
Aad ererylMtif thai neMsttM to tha Real IBs. "
nsiism ei m vita aenatasaeaarvf n
IMal PArTStf wTBTTlfi alt aCfkawlIia:
s"ATWlhas). Jtnlary PaMhv .
nua wroanwAnn.
a. a
yj Lafaeatsaa aaa wmmia. numHjra, aaa ,a
BuH atl aha i-iulre h'lp nf tnr hll, will aad
U a watr aJvaataa as call aa4 ImW t-(r ad-
raa. - , , J. K. WITHKKMJ. ,
F. K I ksve ale net Uuvd r"srtu and lot
. ( sTsMsm tisllselsa, V- T - ' ..
ni -i . - Jtaaaw,.laseesV T-
. avw, .'
. - 1
-4 fV-