r"xiUQT i Tinn v;i sxtru " -.kn m tsc' ui mr 3: SzYixuis scc2it a5i;,': .irnjiif 4 jyjJTrifx-.- . v - ,AIi j '.X-.- :... -J. - - - i-1 '1 ;-. .U um ana a., tv atuvtr. I a vtff V v! aaniaai as ia 1 nana ir4i. aa iaifnaa;or(auiWr. la4taaiiBt la lIIUa aa4 Malta!. ' ' iU M aftj 'pre t ay 'iit T"eavl BkallaOvpaalBCaadgMattolgniM - ' 4l JU. fji , ijui V. i.Ti ; 'tuv la -' "-': ' - ' ' - -" St hi a i Mit.ttM I i - - sw T WTMfll II p W-W .1- TT " wWafc )9SaTai f4 a . taw4 j, dllar.se ne sllaaikss will aa, f Ivya te ssaamsslmllaaa. ' ' ' '' tair . VI :'" ' " ' "' ' - - ' " li - i i - i ' u : - H i-.u.mi 1 - r : iMuiij. 4 o-v 1:1 a in h r m v t.avaa. a a f 1 aii nil itj i. a lb i . a 1 u a a u a a t a t a m ai at a . t . ' f.j WJa laiiiut a- lr-l. : '-H'tti. ?15'.lJ-Jtt?..t .i 'Jl-' -.tii-lr ifSV'iwI.i-H"il Mir t ,i miasTt V toanm i sintba mid .,i .d .i ,.' HU. ' ' - I t -: .:. TIm &U WXafafwUhaa lDvtad or ympiMitowdoptaprapaa llloalntheacw Cmtetrtofloa submltt the Question of wooj n urrg to, roto jtf tuna a4 and ywni .Tr.l.iu : vts -i.Wa aJl fJlaJweclad attention af the WWUCH matter. -iJtegn-to tbia Important Wben -negro enfflagu . fm at Issue before the rnuatry w had not tn least doubt bat (At t H wauld hare fallen of ft own wetgfcf bad th question hn submitted ton roto of wbito end eohired me. : What tt la Id th MI heart af the genes masculine which make him dmad th !JUcIpowwr oli VhiU BbnMM UM Beg tfltm Ki that ha kaowt ha win boV Jbh.aajf JoIhJ gUrinn M mnut i- hay.lgmMJagtajgggnu - tha4 vkair wha aha aht haUotr divaaed oj atvoout of hi oppoafttori to any thing ' 44tdag' whl4 VWta ma nay tadla la aa bia apaalal hto .Tbcmcaof KWaaka an'td'lvote or .acaluat , aomaa afpa. ; womaa aaa to hara aapaiata patlawhata thy mi to wperamtad to vota pa tha jajoatloiOyi ne.fcral to;toto ' apott tW ahtHoit ff ttjaetla iaC tha aaviMaia OaaaUtothm, hut tha wata ara not to ha permitted W rata ft any . thtaf Airther thai ia aay ln jnncctloa with thehr maateit, Uaok, futd vhlta, ' whether r thay are to have iba loaa rtha aama iNahy ,fkmatltto,T?T'-H FamatChwVa, arharn real whirV they ar denied by Whlt toeH and mxroaa tha rihi if mt reject. Sapaaaa tha Uhkm waaa hmoaaila Ka traah,fc fcaywaat that whtta aad Mack men were to tranoWtha doto which thay have thua aivaooetad ft tha othar aes, aad that aax to tara abjaaM aser elae thr ta-WatlTa wbkh' fcoW t- antnad by whlW at 3rt7eai wf poliUoal panaaaa t . V' -"STan't ritbta men hara a)moat ex- ' halted (heir atock f tut)ld devloea'la 4 tha determinate to baM tha balatwaef power; aad that thejrdla hard la hot ao araeh to ha wondered at wban we aa alder that they peratat In hnttlft their ej-a to the .future political baryta en I awaiu tham aa aarely aa att 4heir aatt-wMMhwiflVaf arbemei will tiltl- mat ety rame to nanyht Ita " AwaUan; af : beyond tha rejrfM aad fMrndpltoaa wall ha reatoS M fbahetta' at woman luf- S?!t ' i ?jj!'JiStJ!tftf S4atorw Nanwaswaa -wUTaitry youl right I lika ilia aaa la-aaaaaaftw.t ... .. mi ..1 vale of happtoeet are reached, all will wander that they aa loaf aad peralet ' ently ahat their eyas and andentandlng to the peaea and parity that awaited them In tha era of woman' emanripa- AIIW -ACTS " - in 1I0UT "IftlftTTTWH oai.dlaIMl3fJrWol formerly of Orapi eoanty, haa ateueh. a lead ia London with bhi Honn af tba Hlerraa,M Ma hi aaaortod to ha aha la teat - net of tha beat critical and tnetlcal au thorship of the town; the ana-Hale of tba UuaetUa. of Morrta. af Jama Inn tow, , and oUiera. The principal paper hare : rlran . hint . landatoryeriticiam ;ianl Kraade, tba hlatoriau, BwUburna and . Hoaettl are ta ao Uta amea lo DM tn aome other loading revlewa. . Jadaw hlUler'a wife, wa nnderatand, - reeentlr obtained ar-dlrore from him. Iiecauae, aa Mr. Dunlway allegea. ha aiiant too aaaoh tiaaa in wrlkinff aaan tblM ha termed poetrr. - lan't H nnaat' Ible that the late Mr. Miner waa a UtUa naaty 7 How will aba.mlau awlmmlng adown the rutter of Time with Mrs. John Milton, Mr. Lord Uyroa and the obatrepprooa wife of tlie author af Baa f 7The above 1 clipped from the coTum n of our man' righta contemporary, the Bedrock DrmonraL Wlille we are prood "of the renin of Mtrcoantrrman. and are rejoiced at. hla poetical are not dUpoaed to brook the Byron-Uke lnatabUity, tba Milton-lika moraaa : or tba Xnckena-iika pompoatty or any literary araat,. Mra. Miller haa bar .aelf a poetical gcDina af the hlgheet or der. It n-aa her Inspiration that nnt eroked.thcjitumbcr1ng talenta of her InoonaUnt lord. Bha toiled ander pain, r- rineonveocnoa aad porerty h pooinoto th beat laawa of thla American Jean -, Ingelow did brother Abbott know Jean waa maratf-toml W, wrA ftmnd bemetf aad enMdmn daarUd.'and her hnaband pursuing another woman who thought ilk advance capful fun. .did ba, tha outraged wife anddetted tnother, glre p Iter rUlm tit AoV Mr-j-oaqoln Miller, and another 'Ttdy quite aa dtwenredty high In poetical rauia ai tTtUttUWaflhe fCaaaWua, .: : , - are at pndcut engaged U rearlnf the . V. tleaerted eblldrea f thia new dltoaary lion. When thle a- torwMVl ha malt hf ttpllilaad tha world wlU yet Wr-troui thant ewaetor poetWl sm atralaa than hara been wafted to a from aormt tha AUaaJaf krlaaghjaja laga . ". anAfathet.wbvto, h, frrtnrk Demomti ntay wall liken to) Jaa wnatia coofto Vraama af ah Ukrk phaaralatha lire of Uluatrlou Byron and Imnmrtal ; Hoc. TnfTTfta UTTTT nrm a jaVVVa WaMV I Mai A X M M Km.. .An extremely pracUeai genUeman, i wboe Jutlgment wa.W tn'btgh'aa: teem, gratified oor vanity recently by aamirimr aa that atory-writ lag waan't ftirtel ' Wa aaked if atory reading -wee til fttrte, gad found It waan't, aa ha r bad not f Jlowed "Judith Beid." - Bat haying freely exprutta J hi adevaM aatoto af a oortaia lady Itrtog ta th ritslaity af Balem who anal tbe. atory lb Um Siir Momrm thanugh fcomKu. two to No. nine at a tingle attting, who lUM to hi at upmt that tha exrrinee JadlUi waa ranr aaatb tha 'AyiJtTa4.naaalaa toattftrta to aaach of tha aaaat ! riaasa f aad ata bat mftaq tlyhahad by wMtato aa waU aa wrttara Jmw Mat It WtU ha batoa tha "ant of tha atory To ad ami tajr that va aa nat wrttiBt h aaanrfcr aflhotv hat aff troth' aad that tt thai takes tha haaito mt waenea la to tha hlffhaat aoailhla omUaaaat that Iia . P"a ? 'J JTJ0! h.'-i.1- '.1' iuaiBAmni Thto department af tha Vw Xoth- w-EBf u tola ycgtttetsry&iieiFtor - ehangaofldaaa Botnttrbiac aiyand all matter that may be loeltlmatel'dU- oual auraolaauiaJ FtotUnt UactJ- cally lmpoaalhla to awr aach arr. poivirat by prhrata fetter w mnfi thla jnoda.. a , comonuikatloa' to.jwva ouJr frtaada tha dlaanwlatimmt -that mkl r: : t otbarwhiaaoaimritrmaaTlMbmtytoaiDmilwa 'rafUaent.,k awerthHr nncrlt.' We cordially Inrlte avarybody tbat baa a qiwaUou to aak, . auggatka to make, ar ajootdlng to glre to tsontrtWitt'to the' Column. , 1 name VWa. McC, la artportAilty In formed tbat hi communicaUon 1 de- cllaad, f Kvhlently the- gentleman haa not lmprorad knaeh la nttltography aipce he left the-Albany Collegiate In- atiiuia to jmraue bia further atudlea Jn tha alaaale abadea af Foreal Grore.n a ) Wa don't aaa haw you. aama to aueh a eoneluaion. W haraf . twrw meant o wagf arupoa7'nue. Wa arm aorry jrow- aq undemtoad aa., it la tba- afaafi aa of "snaa'a rlrhhVt whtoh weoppoae, and not the taea Ukemaelrea; wbo after all are only rrlctl m of clreuin- ataaeaa aad a wrong education, t Wei da net think wa erar arnak of the maalt of "maie lnflaencea. We (peak of men aa mm ana not a,,maiea,'I, .a term which, aa well aa tha noun i"Rannh" ahoaM apply to Inferior ereatorea. "f e agree with yw that wamB aulTrage Jwinni-JMailyJwpportew.l men, and wa think a earafnt reading of wa am diapoaed to honor theni fat their enpport and aympathy t "Man made lew," to which wa ire; ae deeply oppoaouVand ntan' Mmlrale,w whkh. wa deprecate, are the doluaioiif we would exorciaef while our beat friend warmest . ytnpathlaer- are . good men, a-ho ara fiometoua, and fbr whoa anpport of and frlendahip for our growing freaaa we are aaiyly grateful. Thabralna of both nrxeenf thl nation ae oit oor . , -. - . -i - .,;.-,;-! ft it. - ; D. 1. X., Baleait You are flooding u With communltjationa. - If yon win per a . a " a a a a nil a to jpuotinea a noaen letiera tnio one or two we nhall be happy to gira your exoelhmt idea an airing ihrougti 6ur eolumna. "We think joo lire too much alona, and tbat thi writing haj In toaneqnaaca, become a memio; We bare bad the mm diiwrder to mir 41ne and eannot mlataka the ymptoma. Tou ahouU aalagU freely with aociety.that yeor aetlra atlnd may thua hare, rank i Sv, H. 04 Atorla;" fWry.1, "Tour p pen warn aeuC' by mlataka to aaotuer poet-ofBee. . If yen hare miaaed the back number' we will arnd thenv ; L. 11.: Be patient. Judith Beid will tell hat own atory la bar owa time. ruaa B-Ct tV'a aWt know how ad- ton eaa be expected to know arery thing. Wt toaka an pretenaton to abl renal knowledge, and having' tkater aaan aa adaaliar, apt to any dlaoipK af laaak Wattoa wa aaa not prepared, to glv joU inf Information ' iboafl. ' Hi eruol aportofngjjng. ' , Wa ha vf been told that the beat want hr r far bay to g a-flahlag waa when ft wato rainy to go lo achoet; hut aa weltaTrnercf Wen a boy wa W' apeak from experience, Fhthina la a maaeullue auort far which we claim ho right," In Which we (aka : Ballla O.i Wa at ao reaaoai why you ahonld be offended. If yoa Mmade ma of fellowJto hl foeLnd b gare Ptt the eat direct, he treated yen Juet a you danrrrad. With tha ad real af wanW potnicai right w ikop vnr coto er extermination at all timea to be oour- tcoua With gentlemenT Good men hara aatoral high enaa af bn. and white aha of them In krra may lor a time be mad ft Vepoeaey" of by'amarT young gtrla, ha wlU auraiy aome ta hU aad ' then took; out for toMe4urntng. OlrU are often JuaUy compelled to waW tow their own preacriptlon. TMaappolniedi": Ton't,"w; beg yVm, aoll your womanhood by ault fa breach afpromlaa. W ahoukl be pleaaed to be the eoatt h? yaw did. Yea Nlamaga' would aurety bt a hearty congratulation arer your mlracukHi' eecape, VoulJ yea daatm to aouer a aaan into laatrt BtanyT Wd ptry ynv If roa ahoaM aa oact Jo, wa comdder a ult for datri agalna bfaaub of promUecaaaoneof the throanrhwhloha could be diagaed. If thediaap- polntment ! real money can't hllay It, and U U i h'Ufued yoa don't deeervt the mau'a mouay U bUa It Mat hie fnture wife. She'll be pretty aam to aaad Other letter wlM he aaewered next snail tariLLR sonoiu wJGca Maw Kntwat I heard that yea waa a prtetla a pnpar, an that yon want the in to rot, and to be fast like the man, a hohlla affla and ma kin apaeehe an etch. Miaw I waai to kaaw If that a aoi If It la yett're to ha pMad. Vow, fre heard that yau waa a tntoUlglat woman and antld toch anbadA)' hue I Bhaald think obaddy Weald wane their girl to: go toarhale ton wamaa to toch them eieh ' ataa 7-Xew,I Belera In wonwm id tea. j think aery arl haa a Bightto hae a man to feeridefbe he!, aaawary watn haaraUtototalM aatuaf hot Chllrrn an boas hut IS thay iwind a rtotta and paasUa I toipk they battor ut a tha rrkaat tolOwct. .r- Haw wtmM yga fcl goin ap to tha Pulea with a lot af men en? I hart to"toDrlutiigli minnlt, to ke-4n jingun'aikt' teirhdy Fcfr-i- to! thafmydartaT afaa'a-got more adkw tloa thanxJBA. and aha ear: t "Law. Hnotherf - Yott ortp't to write ao toi Mia WaU aw , I raaid to Laiiadr; Foly "tJomnlwdyB to nor, aa you aaedn't taud up hi lui fuat tbiug you; know ynu'l be wantln to be geUla JJWJ'U biforaTlue ateiv'h .&nm wlmmin M't aatbiaouj with aay flag; thay think thay ortn' t to hare to mlik and naka butter to P yifm 4bJf .toarrtod, and hara babya; 0.aad tf . they ! have : to ehop woad they Uhifc tta arfuL r J wonder If they thjuk thty to be kep la a Hand Box; aad tbey-think (bar ought to be equal .wUh tha- arn. aa har property aa ait alch., J9h Lelindy Fely t hank If no wu to. go wllh men to the Petal thad toga to phmtoaaa ateh, bat I knowbet- nd ah tbiaka-wlmmla aouid man Juat aa well aa man much aha kaowa about Jtaad aha thlaka wlat mljB should ha adlratod aa well at mea. eos aba aaya they' ht toaia intolliglat, and hare amrtrf bllam i Jtot Lalindy Y Foly, ahe'a aort p', atachj m m aWi bean to venule morea me, and aba bin" a reading tba Law of Life and the c- oUfio and alch letufT, and I'm. afeared alie'l be wantln to rdteor print a paper or aome etun- Uiiuif. I'd like to-knew how a woman aa hai the Tolear )np hin thay aasl hindet and but they' wtmnuaaa there' farm, kepea hired nandx, and they aay ahe Hen. ' M think 'she'd want a man manana it far tier. : Ahl mev what'a tlie warki a eomla touawrMtolhialwa. Don't rou ihiuk you Iwttor be mlndiua your younguna and looking after your old man than to be a prlann a paper. -1 am an aid woman aad bare aaea a bean of tha world, an I hale to aaa wlmmin git out of their ephere now don't be fended, ena I mean It for your good. Bl'aAK HOMLaKoraOl A HWUtMMI." -r-t e Fakit I III llll HIIII III r FkmVa Henfe like her Writ I lyja, Fanny-- Fern blunf. aiul aavs her eat I brueaua ajHl , aud aays ber aaWltltout regHnl to "Whom he la hltthig. Tet'uiKlcr- naath title htnannamaa I amt blnntneaa tbara la a tambmaaa aad ecad afteeiiocu a ram for those wite are ta any way pe ixient upon ner, a rrneroua niaui to tnoae who, atniKKiinr to obtain a foathofd Ik Ufa, aome to beg either for iryaanathy ar .salriew; riha rememtam too well what aha had ia eudure before alie' came ,to her present position, for care and porerty were her close compan ion at one time, and ft waa ander their combined pressure that aba won her rep. station and remierea nereett inaspesni ent. A coaler, home one could new to YhltUhaJt 'licra,. 1 Al pretty ataeni front awuae.'oa East Klne taanthatmat, Kow York, nut lama, but Just Urge enounh for tba, family which inhabits It, J her home.' Everything about tn nouae apeaaor culture and an artiattooamuaaa daUy eare. FreUy pkxamaan the walli atatoettee aroaad the room, flower almost alwaya la tba rases, and try trained carefully over the orrp-wiDfTowa. - ne ecno or a cnuu ratca at aaaaoat! tha flmt aaund heard. aad. aeeptog airly .into tha mam, ta a lovely little girl, with lam, seft, haa ami wonderful brown curia. Thia.is "Mtttt the pet of the honse, : Patasi'a maadohud, the cblU Jof oead dauaktec .i A dainty, delicate I Mr. dead daughter. A dainty, delicate little thing she lv with a look of ber 4lead mother ia ner eyes, and witn iter pretty wiiiul ware, ane ruiea tne. entire nouac hihliafoaX,artatiafv;..t 4. ..Ci The Cot-l'Mtu A RrvKJ. Tha mltthty river which ha given its name to the Ureal nam la a peculiar a It I grand. No rtrer srenerr In the work! will pam With that af that tola mhaav In tba rraiuleur of Ita rallsatkw in the hr-Wrht of the mountains -throuch -which it flows In the number of now-elad peakaj wniea ateraaiiy gutter uae surer apnn the mirror of ita waters In tha rarietr and columnar majesty of tha baaaltic mrmatton tnroucn wiu'u it na new a Ita deep channel la the volume, eoht nesa, and arrstal clearness af Ita water s ita mighty Mrto' to theHprtng aad early: Wumaier-la tha rarietyr force ami Iwauty of lla fall, rapid, and cades the Mumble Is entnmned abnre eomnartota) with ail tha rtver of the work.a;.T- ITiawwa to ato t'Arsatom imoa , . r ...... ' , , landlord recently going round to eoUaat tostont, aent Ida terrant ahead to prepam hi tenants for the rialC . tn rem blng tlte Ant house, end eeetnjf his arrrant taking a ennrey, apparently ; n quired "WhatT ie matter, John T la Oi iLmr hnltMl V "liit .1. replied John; but lite tenant evidently haal. - - 15'ounirunaran ro tol .A Z- .. ,u i..-Ii.lt .iZvrod evaat lmTMm km hawk acata. ,but IHnrty Kely alM thlhk la lausk;. window uf tha.ar ftoBtna I'eie aa weU I SZTT vhi.iHT,JL-l f-' . 7 alieolalned amh a wl.le. new outlook tin I atia aara the yaaawuna anamVfATrf wrr f:Ti7Kf -i.Y. mi-J!: ' rffTti a tirlct. trir to-liimi line ami ihem from doin what they LZ. . ""u.:? TTi '7 ' hat aatlra mwawtolna, al.tftlnc iWa 're orfOttmUTt hoW-Alav wanUnaTZ.""?- .".i"'?8'-".'.. t.. ik. ..7.r a...ll v ,TiBh.J I,. aavdommw and .fob. Why". K,"3i EVTIK a woman out here that manaiie . "."r.rtr: irr"r:h,KmmMA in taa. , a Badand'arenn o'' 1 a0paBnrfc,, , ff n fT1 ' t - J SF ; fVnm aa a auaaea, aaaa.atetu w" t jxit C. nBaaaaertlraoaaetMaiii, , v., ' Aa4 pica Mini aaaadvwa, tnmh U'l new. T And avaatr, wiiuMaf rttla.' i ' (!,''. " i 'J 71 .a n-md-x- "Draw bm a h,wiih HUJraa fair; r WaHa Uaaba apoa tbatavat' ' -1 A aaMofaaaat aa awwa Mwra -T AH la atoaawi agwa.i r.v ,U z nawwaUafeaei-aanvataatetf Ut aeaoaa Jbnai r4,hj a amrajra 't , PaaaanarAMtsaeaacwa wWM , , BlinntMt.i1ilirialr;, , Aa I ataaae hew U KwaibWd quh ' Tlanaa fliiluna aa the Wain " aaaBWBBaBewansaMaanana i v A. duinj'lm8ii tk ftirfav Them waa to be a weddiag among tha falriea. The bride waa a dreary little thing. andTeobodywomtered why thlMMToai vmtwi to marry W. Her iuu w Caa a, aad aha iMlotured to the family af JUonothlng. , Hba had t it., luiM.. uk. i m k.. Zvim l..ir .. i..' .ml k- mouth wai drawn dawn at the eornera. at arylngu ; ah nivar atawa w f, rnanoum ao. L leanea neip - 1. . a a . M ber aapport waa, the aotaetlmat reoeired atln Imm a waan. or waa ' " a . T. I rer by a rraas-honiier. - Konei i .. -i.i-t. Tha tokfc-BTreoaawsa a Atarax av-llOW, mit.h oUUr tkan tha hrkia. lis looked cross moat of the time, ami it must be f S ..urilTllfllEllI if confessed waa not charming. ' H 1 name w.VSiftSfC wTamvtiato , waa mVt9 ha beaangedtotha famlr determination in them tbat rerr bleaaanf toaee. He never on anrthlnr. aa toeor CkA't did tun net laaaaaaaa Maaayaaay aaaa. i Xha mirr uueen ami all bar court felt rerr anxious about -tha marriage. ,.Ju-k acou, tnere was a time wnen ute queen I t umneht mat ncrtiatM anemimitnroiTiia r t It. fcbo waa rerr matoaua that, bar subject should ba aappy, and bad made It a principle never ta interfere iietween liovew; but inthl oaae bt belUted Ion tl met because It aeemed an yrry 1 aafortonato for thoae twa peoaiaaf bad) dlapoelliuaa aa marry. Ow tba wMte.1 sue oecMien so am ue saai mar iwwHm car to taaarowu impatiently await- May wa nhnaan fur the hrtiiai montn, because it waTjuuned IW A.(amily con- nectlon of Mte and groom: - The name waa wrattea 4own on the anoeatoal Une Of each. .-1, .'I. ,(-, ! ;r. ... j f 1'oorCait'L WlioaevtrUlMXlanyUang, erled a little, and said to to ovei , i , and said to hi loraf tuuesu,, a esn a urn- j , , inSe"ht3 wm ,,MMT Wr - nrl i it - HLnuIi'Tf uTl' iii L,,Y.' hi,Mr afi-aaded r'at. aueh ' it,. f . k . knniJl would not eouaent to nut off the weddlayi. The ntgin eame, aim a moat lovely one It was,, Even the blade of grass bad put on orerakirta of gaufs made of tha ilnaal kind of dewdrona. .The falnr kittar. quean and court warn dressed ia tholr gayest areaaes. .Anorooeauswaspmosu " a a . ' a a i . a moesuawaapiaoBa ..rTuefrogsplared k'ioloufellos. while took the 11 pator a UtUa in toe tUatanoa. tha hasa rioU ami v hundrada of luat-et , took tha Up fmrLa. lit waa rather ashtmn and music, nut tunc auiwu me taste o a bridal pair, aud was quite la kpbig with tha uceaaiou., Home of the fairiea wanted a danoe; but the bride and groom bad no spirit to lead oft. so It was . i .. ... . given up. Tlte refreshmcnta were very" del leal. It wan toe early far aome af tba tooset dishes; .but they had delicious Jelly, m.L it Oia L.w tha atrawhoirv liloa. 1 hIj ik. trfli& r . ko . M.iii 1 uniweraal law of eoiatWMmttmi hoila geiteroua ktodnemjin,,,, and rery te fcea of apple and peaeu pioasama Taa wmaa weeessj vm let and waet-lriarj riy aiarilaw and aloa v . .. .. , ., .k . ... ,,"'. ., It waa a quite A relief to tne company when the time came for the bridal party to start aa their trip. A large Macon av nst. bMn nnna ao eerrr tnent. lie had been waitiiut an a clover-leai tor aome time, waring hi large wngH and wishing tha bride WoaM hurrr.X At lest stream end the giwaaa put bar aa tha pilUun behind him, tbett mounted himself. He chirruped to tba Dragon fly, wared hie hand to the company, and ther Were a. 1 " f Nobody to wanted an the wadding- trip; so wa will not go wua tnem. t j . ; The queen, wbo was rerr gracioufe and affeotlonate. resolved to have a rrand mrrrmaklar. to wetenma Home the nair. While tl While thay -warn goaa, he-anAlmornlnr. rHo weeomesnd ftv Them her makleaa exerted their tngenuity to devise all sort of deugnta, teat would be ImnnsslMe for any one to refuse to be S leased. You are theti were obliged to tkj very anretol pato aa amount of iiJlZh" nbAppy7diiiHsrttW timt nd Ufuli It n a l. f r , a- When the evening came fbf the efe, all ware a this 1 d amund taa attest' thswtte. waJtina to expertaUona - - Alolet, "iWti a wish Ikie are a Ut imii Ua more cbeettul persons W.IL. etaa. .1 W -m&W 1det. "It 1 forlorn toJ.o-uJ huaha there tuey air . . -.- . Hare enough It waa CWt and Wont, retarnad an thenhack -mt tha tmlthfnt Dragon-fly -They- aprang anV..and miiuhI mallr clad to lie at Iiome anln. They hla-wl the hand of the queen, and answered he toqutrtoa la a rery efteer ful manner, aaauriag bar that they had passed a ' --"r"""' - After this, they turnod to greet their rarloa friends, and even smiled. In re spnnse to thrlr kind wcleonu?.1 , "Wkr,' what ba happened?" Wub pered the falrle antong thrnmetves.'' ?olly (ould hsTI wliaX had ovurml to chant tha brbartor of their old friend; but it wa ertdenf that maf- rlsee had Improved themastoniahmgly. Tnara waa no oniecuon maoe.io dance on this reiuntr. which waa a merry aa yoa plea tr.fnjey. After ward, supper waa announced... The liriile's health was drunk In a tivr, and the bridegroom ret anted thank ft her. Thenhaaaldr r : .' T "r ' ' rvar oueenTkndTlTraur Mends: I wfh to hiaks a eonftwlort. Mr tweelJ t wife ha well a uaa asaeu nte miwn ner, aai; umurw ymtr for myself, when we ttarted oa brtatfc. And earfi tmmrmA aaa a.ioM awx 1 learn to aama.i.X waa nanr touNLraiaV and ouorungiuy -utaagrneaMe md auy Uear wue wa weu iut a uiue waa le w minded and deeponding.' I do not like tn eay title, and beg yoa to forget M. Wa were troubled when wa thought af our future One day 1-aaid: f ' ?r- t f ' t M 'Dear wife, aupuoae we, changa our namear ' ' r .l-Clavnga fair mimm yiiiwnwered. but.il waeauld, what good Wall, dear 1 sald'pprhaps then e rht behettor. if-- lyhl ' What aoakt we Uk r aald ahe. . " We niigbt lo have Vhe'same.'lhoV we married,' I reNMi; "ana, aawa aotn a-naaawa -mt aatam, way not na Mr. aad Mra, Try r,j .. . !.-.l I , ata ivtil a .! ... V iflai wm snrv 01. witpt wvuwu tons. rUuoe taenvwvamaieurhaa cona on bsautlfuily, i a neyer) say won't In -VL mTformer -"i wifenercraaTaOi lonner Tad tatiloi mnnny vr Can't, Inhere.- Together we am mraw st m nana a w ir frry best w can, and be uavptr. At la t'iJ - Wug to fli how eMy U is toglye ; t77. Jt.T.. "i'ihiw . w - " - r , tidsa Ilia I .et.l.uBaultl aTlaaiaaaal lin I tl-1 ti 2JV; that tha taruaeaof her mamh roseirea In a amiln, and the rht thatsetUed then to ht-r eyea k" ft.J ..1 ,1 ..1.. ,1.. , 1.ufl , lu. afmi - r"wrr rrr. rr.'r intavea tnere mrerer arter. 4 - -p r t" - rr "77" T"r.f,J."' Lr .T7l? "umpreTw y age, may 1 was aong. a well aa 1 couiu ueark 1 1 41 uian Advocate:" yntMnw Tha Baafc flatiii . 'The' WfaWteaj at aurinir 1 mitlinerr obltoedoarfrtoad Pally to ukea trip to tfimagftoui tswotasns aayvr,itawwhami up porfn a jn-iaut-tnua naa run aa fite tnuk' or A tianJrar ttpen Inontiortunelr" ..uvmiwval siwith nf ttrfr-nmal tMnn had iutnaened. thai- wlwn the train appeared bsUiitd xiiHrtt atfarad tmlyt lug ita arrival. Of course there waa a (rad AmertoMt rush for aeatsJ " whWMlWlalrt'towptth-and .ki.t. mJL .-At aa -tthitiMiM lhU wnrkl arortit an-Astasias; tlm,,f fo hrnL lf onllm-d tn take ith. back acaU-ahst nucontfortablellttlef thm ik .uah.t .; finable little tbmmw. anaaire awaunied y tha bealidered foregi--r,unua.1 to tnr4. However, ahe had h o u self- llaal liaf a 111 T mnjima awati wnwinw wot ' f ' ' 'TVoim hfliv W Utor airnwf 4Ahiw, mmm " -J - - - " "but . najiaiafaa hi aril . . Ina rilMfT f . Vnar am alatam mass lit Tlw, . . . a ; but. ha T-A-lTardfirei JBowme. to JSVfAent CVie- rveiKVM 1 t " w wr-awasj vs. , tJy tif w-r aim mSA! pweenwy antHwcoverti umweraal law neat the aaeadowaepwad eat isnih sale in ilie sunliriit. riie - saw - ail tlie 1 willows Xyirtlruthy tlMtthittk'MdiiL'l har With their tender' mfst , Uby new tearee, the btack ptasas to tha " - i! in I . There waa, a curtain fe-tdneUou, too, n wah-hiiia the track unroll Itself from Ik-neat It the ears, and speed away into UtadUtoncc naw pleasing tote deep gorges,,, than out aver high euibeak nieitta, tnrougn me. an.ica 01 oritigi-s, over brooks and nrera, now in tne depthe af awleam wooibi, now Just ski hi nunc tn eorner of an an . to!wiuHiae j then put tlie fruth-an. top ajadit wiitto bulltyaamtofrmiallwemdreainadj Then Polly eauerbt all tba a uer-rltm pa ce of people littie UU of human, ua tumaatiraly. itt--by-AtM eovupauts af front aeata. Bha. saw tba young man wbo kissed his band from the back plat rprm, and tne girt ne ten bemad ninr waring- aer n anna smites' rapidly widening apnea between them; the old man geUuig alowlr into his empty Wagop garjng whitfully after the train that was whirling hht hoy off to tlte greedy Wast y tha depot , fcmngem btaliy wleking up their feet and aaunter ing off; tlte men plowthg tit the fields; tha woman hanging' out htotheati the Irhdimea at work, an tha track going on acnla with the work.? iuierryptmi by the passing train; tba runaway borne Bunenng flown; tne truant ooya woo huITaheP, the train, climbing down rromthe fence And scrambling off to ward school. '?-.-4. ...;- "It la tike Ufa." thought Pollr. -Wno Mt In a particularly moral 'rein this rs a mum but, a taut artef ie)wnm Uwn wa are gonn, and ioj tlte world goo on Just the aume' - ,.-. t, ; ' n was errrhma to notiiv now every' thto seamed to eatoh the infection as nu. T r 1 ivui me .Fit iTT. tnrsss iswi whirled and leaped In the air; the rery sand, "of the earth earthy.' flew an the breese "aa if It bad wlnga," the sober old tree In the wood wared knd tossed red lAdyimg toftir bram-hea, ' and aeemed to strrtil their arm ouT Imworlnair tortng. "Take ua with rou. out from thla Sol itude and alienee. Into the.world of hur ry and bustle aad nib to a-hh-h'you And taie 'picture w lilwayi ehang ing. Polly' nerer knew what- mtght onma next. Phe decided that it was al- torether th best partorania "mm' ereTT attended. - fttM frit posltlrely sorry for tha young man With tnenmtiyninafei, red face, fn one af the heat aeato on the Mautr t( 'a Crewf, wao looked ao inisnv ly out of the window whenever a woman enterelthecArauUlsotueireirtk:man hsl el ten her a seat? aad for lit netghbor, that fat aad gcaflamaa, wbo aeeaiw.1 tha astd by burying m imwtwa Hews paper. Tl)y were fasing so luut n, situ they aerer knew It All this changing arena ar iim ana neaury, mam bhim mt tore, going on a round tltem, aaaV they nerer tha wiser ar better for It: entire lyahut np In tholf owaclhdi, db ereeahla salvea. ' ABv being aH,.n.fuoa yaiu. t uny . . . . 1. 1 , woodrred If tba ponl who tA the heck seats in lle, tkm't alwar have the hestefM: the pemUe wna aratiotla a fret aaaV butry, svnd aaady-l and butry, and asssi y As pus down and trample oa their faUow-trsrelers to scum the beat place, the highest pusi- I uona, um am nouoa, um rront aeau gen- braflyi alto don't expert much, are tud eager' to' thrust tkwnsrlwe ftarward, uVrnt thhtk mark about thmal vaaany way. Whether there waa not a certain nvace and arreultr always attendant an the backseat; a lebium from one self tltat aires rooih for A great deal of a tattle llrna - And, aft all, tha Journey la ao hart and ao awkfl that, raeUy, tite aeat eue aeeuplea ia of rery little eonae quenee. Tne people In tha back aeat rrawu to aud uce" reach tha Journey 'a end last aa aooau lluirw. ju) one ak1ww Um' came. There la, a way after to-day." That all should be gnod-aatured amtun ariaab, and Ipful tot nssaaa.th their fuHiw ista their awaanuMla arngera, peace, am the lm porta mt things. At least, it aeemed to Polly thl bright Hnrlng atornliig. . Tndra, at lrihan '"if I a ry: I (..nt vv, JTi i- To (.lem rpeU.-rMx W D, writes Ua tlxai aalU sprinkled upon the carnet before sweeping, will make It took bright! and eieaav Tbat la aam a rood fera Uva againei amUiifcI jt.aoat- towOnm au.-Take linseed all, put tt lntoa ciAsaa nrnua wita aa asucA alkanet root aa it will .rover. , Let It ou aent iy, and it wui uwoui or a V? rea eomrt wmwwui tie fit tor asm ir" :l f h w " 1 Ititflihl TnLItV placing a piece ' of laatto in tha end of a auiH. And whit H''u the siW t a point, any -uloth, ba. J0 "ii slightly damp with water, may im written on ao tiidellblyjtnat ; up , art Um iu i.:. :.r: .-J. I ,. - , be made aa Htowsr t "One. m nt af aioo follows- "Ooa tiint af aiooawL add twelve drop each, of oils of bereamoa. lemon, uerull, - orange peel. rrosentarr, mid one drachm of rardainon seed, . V -r"Tne pound or powdered taiphur In, two quarts aa waaeraur na eti nour. 'Ap ply wito a onaan www auu warm, amt you will prereat tlte damp and uawbale aome-ooxlng front the brick wall of yoa workshop. M'"'v'-r : 'lb 1 ifiraif tut or 'ron'' Wr.LeAky tla ar Iron war I easily and auioklv matadedby haianaettna; a small unit or tack of aot load. iU tha.laaiavatiatffl each aide, and rivet It down.' IU vet of eon lead or metai may be used to mend Iim kfCttaa. Ul Iran kKtlea, ete. 'itfrp::- tone.T Ulrcerlne and llthargestlrred to a paste hi ardena intoUy, aminsahse a auttabla eemeat fbclroa npoa Jaoa. far it wo atanaour. ftvCM, and, especially tor fastening Icon to stone, ' The cement is Insoluble ami la ttn attack by strong aetda. "' , F'P'- Boil twenty-fl re pbb nd of tried arcane In two tmiU of atmntflra. Nakt day add another pailful ef bot lye) also on the fallowiuaT day. if there ia urease ou tlte ton ox the soau.. Aftor- iAe- r Vrmii?Mf . Kenv mat, ap4ied by means of M moistened cloth' ta atevss.. waU afftjetaally keep iiu'w nvm rusting uuiuig 11m sumtaien - ft la also au excellent material to anttly to aH Iran utenalla used about tne farm. iiou u r.1.111 Give plows, cultivators and tha like a coetiu k isss they am mtt awar to tha &Mm . CVsfaw'.-To aaa quart of milk Jtake four crjpT set the milk on-top-w .rlis stove ua-nehaan rmmif; then srtstr- ato tha ers,beat the whrte Into a ktlffl slip the wultua an tha top of the milk, tunung tnemorrrgenuy so toat tney will cook; toen lift tlteut out and dish; whip p tha yelks with tablesponna of aiarar; pour' Into ' tba milk, stirring rapidly all tha time it is am Ming, r Taa very moment it 00111a to the bolliue: p.intUrt ItofT; Ifltlioilslt will curdle. Whew It coohi nfnclently, jmnr It lnhJ tits float dish with any lUndnfflarmtng, Boiind IFAemWt la noasibtr nut aa well understood aa ILauould be, among bousckaepera: that a healthful . gnd uutritrve food may be prepared by boil ng wnsas. sa as -eaten wnn auia ar molmsa the farmer to he prefsrred hea attainable. It I a flrst-rata thing for children, while adults ma; tv u It to adrantage.-' - Home -: have tha wheat cracked in a mill aefbtw aaing, Which la perhaps the nrefombla plan, hut It will answer welt "without this preparation. A UMir eormaponuent of tne unto jrxirr com??omtont of the Ohto ln rr-1Tiawfaeat alwuhl be W'caaywr cracked In-a ntllL Take Mat quart and put it into half a pot af warm water, and let It stand upon Ute store sereral hours; then boll slowly, and stir It occasionally, unit tinea and pat tn a band ful of aahWl'Var eiilhawm H ran with milk. f left atondlag Uii eoot, it bt rery nke -to rut in slluee aud uswl with cream and aurar. or fry It like matar: tha tost mentioned 1 prefer for minora Use, mm m eaa aw prspare as various ways." , w.-.-.,i 'y;-r-. ..r. II boned. wnoie tna.wneat aimuia ue allowed to soak la tepid water before boll ina-, tltat the- geaia may hara chance to soften; aad nsrali. Whea itrouerlr boiled aaa with milk awitaN seawmed With salt and pepper, tAud ft Will be fottnd a nourishing, healthful alafmlAtAtomsL-r?i:.r--n. c-,--.TO-rr .-g.iv!t'i;f'i' .a;' 1 1 Hi a f Mrs. IMsraeil la aerentrnlne ream old,- sixteen yearn' alder than her bua- bantL ret site would be taken for a smart seemly. In early life, mrs Harper's Htumr. an waa a eaceiearut aauiinar, and married a Mc Ltwbv what dying. ten Iter twenty luouaand dollars a year, rtilolxiir lAHaxl "la IHuul 'I Bonune. mkkea a nice estate.' and enablea them to keen uoaomsottaMe saxaMtahaaanto la both tow a and country. Their ataa. lied life tta been an epeclAlJx. nappy one. Tha old lady Is rery fond of him, and the yeuug man sdpeye it witkt the most touching gantry., , At Jiof ripriha' Arkanms. a Vuiri(d S-1 lady detmnlned tnxt hef tttnonltYuiMon sbuuMitaraa Aouaeaf worship iu the i4aa'. lty aaslduaua labor Uiam waa soon erected a neat and aoaunodinas meeting-house. , , Arrsni-emeiits .. were uext made with t minister to preach In 11 ance a atoma.' Ta result is a cnarea of tidfty ar forty isvemlietavaad a.imw fcsM art ambitious youlkVne day to a iwng Udyj "Don't you think Td bet rou ter dr mr mustache r caeeastng the amstaena r careasiar aste e pro-ray..-T think If yaa 14 will dT Itstlf, " aaid the faintly rlsiUeproeay.rMI think If ye let It alone 1 llmBmmaV Allastly to twlWat . , (iemwr-etaetaf i4rt 'f f 'ttoatr aksse ass asrutar ') d)iw .! ; utm Ost msat tl e' : ..iiTintl 4i-. , . - .u.',toemets u, j Or Um rawls BiaUt) ZT- " the sutr bans mtwl ' WMb she batg MamV P'yltM-rW-'f ''nsahedWtltassamwiaaareWblM '' ' TTn-aVai aitaiai afTSfl -JT.-Ti. .''Tr : : ) wans as arws stewasma, jtii.i ;r! witoa toat blag aower , 4 w ,J. X UUjf arteaiiom HsUK, . ,Sll V AtHl Aa4 staiiCS! real at tt4'm t,t.-,U!.. .1- ,tbM.a4'a. THFonWJ?aHoariTAi-XTicH- 1 mo IxriDKJrr. On nt last rlslt to tlte Foundlln UoaTdtAl. ia Waahtnrn - Hqaamv I aawa saraty child not quite .. two roar of a one of tha deaertod. little one wbo am ao klmlly carvd for by tha goadfiister Of Vihdrnt, who " awakened la my heart t Beatoai . tnax preaalbla aiiar. iThe Utile fallow aat in a a email rocking chair,, and attracted by ,. n wontM'numr urmuuiui um, uii uor lr IbrtniHl hemUL And attrmiitrHy ( er- lt,aaaa1ilaTi ff .- kt ail aahiaaaaal I si aaa. tsaaaal IVTaaajewaaaj -mf -. agaaawsg aaaraajp m aj ay ,PHawr WWn talking tbat sweut iwaensa. whkih a.. women and ao easy to chirrup to babies, I fried to win him to smile." Nerer" shall I forget the Utter mournfulnem of hto faaa, taa woadetTUUy dee blue.,. eyee awlramiag with unshed toanu tha ' rrieroil expression altout tha , wee rose- bud of a mouth, -AU toy simple art snd -prattle -were -to'rato. lTwdear-v. Histsr Theresa aaw my ermrt and kneaa 1 1 Ing batida tna.aaiU . fWUl apt Itouny ., try, to laarh a liltler UVar lUbby . ,. dear baby." - The shadow of a amlle nittea orer tne oeiieaw uiiie meev ww " It'Waa almost sadder In ita wsnm ivAat g it' waa almost 1 nam jtoati lite aet had preceded It " asked.' '-Yea,' 1 anUled took f crlef which ( , fi be oncn tnu r' 1 mnjtTia Jta, gT-"xH7Ji tiatr- rBarv. aatmi I aftoo think that ttte tbr -etuhf ; toeuti ww -- - tk a u.kAw ano In hie jronag lint tha mark aCida asoth- i, ta-a long. aurmwxUh.lflha pnen.who : work this evil could but see 11!" For dtyeertV r daub not but that theni a mebttoi . of , assmr iwhioh tha I ahaaast m strlekaa meiheridured wera atomped upon tne iruu 01 uer uetrayai ami ain. Trrk- taa t iQtf W.Aavtt.Ia rlew af thadtottgaaia eonrolty of aomn,,t rrlfaP city: the fd lowing Ineidetit Is lit atrtert A- gtr eauea at ana steiasns oi n asns UemAtt aav High ataeat, to apply far a 4 place in answer, to an advertisement,. The lady of tha house naked for her .r. ferenoea.- " -' . - '! bar lived five years t tay-tast hUce,' said the girl; "If you want to - know kny more," ask Father Hawley." Tba lady wa mraraury Hnprsast n wita A girt who bad Uvad Ar yeera without .- . . rlianglng , Iter idaoe, . but concluded to .., iti tot rather itawiey. r. ; . ,. . ' . -"Do rou know a sir! named ao-amf- eH '."( i ' MYaa.?' .-. fi "tMir -r'' ft t: 1 "She lived five. year In her last tnltAii "Ymmf" " .'iiii'tiiri J.'--dcrtfinii ij I -Aii-orract ao far. But as the lady .. turned to go. Father Ilawley inquired; "IVt y6a kaaw what her last ptoee Was?" - .f,ir-ii,.x .r(l mni "Na, aha dldn'tunenlkm that.r! t , , ( -"IlMMiAitltkf- Stain PriMtnA -The atory to a aood btie. buT wlsttl-i smile ta reading It. wa caaaot help aa Ing tlmaueatlmt what a' wumaav wh Is compelled to snow euon a rnoara or ner , rice, bt to do.' If all tha door of honest . employment are closed to her because' of R r-Um-Vort ComramL 1 ' l.. alt I 11 11I ml -T.t .ri. a M turf Krr t Pkixk. In the icraM 0 Health la an article iront wnicn waciin tne foiiowina". aa tltowlnx tha evil nf lnteuiianca in a new gtgn, ana arktutg arrHmT rrorrri and startling argument to the many el- read aaismiil agaiiait the aaa at 1st ' UxlaUugnuors;,,. iivum ne history of tour,- geaerauoua or a ,. , family, as k4ehed by M. Mond, A die " tlnguMied- Imr rrTter,-la fuB roUowatw r y -.if 1 , Uu lt.U i "First flt-ns ration. Tlie faUii-r was . an habitual drunkard; And Waa killed In 1 a swbtie howse brawl. "' nui Thtaomt fjkttmratianv Th 1 I ted hU father habit. Which cava rise . to attacks of mania. tcrminatlng-Jo namlrsls and death: " . v uThlrd Xleneeatton, T grandaoti faa-MrtoOv-anla-t hist mil mt hwmm, cdtouilrlcai and imaginary fsam of pwr. aeruttons. etc- and liad bomk-huvl ten, demdes.-" .'-T r" " . '" "rourth tflsaamtloa. ' TW ihurtk in rery limited toamligamia. - And had aa attack mt maiineaa when . sixteen years oUI, . UrminaUng in stu- pi.nry, nearry amnantirrg -to tnincy. - -Vtth him tha fawh Arabs! y bnamsa J extiaet, .1 Aad taua. wo, pnroicre tha-1 persUtencauf tba Uint in tba fact tltat . a genemtlon of slmolute lmperauce will m arert tne mtai imac. . . .it't1iiin 11 iiisj anTi limit i... I ( ' Ro:atbo. Bf -aaati'PkACB.-The fah, . lowing lautlful pamgraiih is from the pen rfalvln B. McDonald, of rh Oak- land jw ici t ' 1 - - -, . Hear th TnwIafVaU rUU ta th- Va -Momlte ValW-y to.tha grare af Uttto n girL . Hera aaa tha Arst aatoral deathrft f a White'person that ocenrred there, ' though tw or three had tteett -slatn hr tba Indians ia tha trat aetttomertt. ItT. I a etraair piaoa fat the Aatrel af Death to pursue his eonnuesta. and Is a Une awiua mj m tuim ma is ituriui jus. ia her rrttto erar an the haaka nf th Mraad. 'ths Utrstraf Maary. alnisst -r under tha toy spray of th eternal Po- hono, wbo pour his mlrhtyiiaritlsm aimr hundred feet a pott the aneitkngeabl raehV" It awiht af ar. race repai In'a emfkiha an majntia, aa awfal to to anrrmtadlnga. with tha Krldai Vail waring- above.' aiwl with , tba greey wateea thundeelne tkent 11 kd vTlf v ef - saneraatwral artifterr Hut aa aaWlme'-' lat At t:hriatiaa fslLh, wbisSi iwawireat-i ua to beiies-a tbat when her saM-ltsree the good angel of tlie resurreotliHi will t( not ntrget ner area in, uui win mnw and aidlft ar temh rfy and send ber"4 baatraaward, Ukaat tha -1 - , j ijemwuwwg Tha bbsaM Ikyhtbaruaa at the actsraaea at a Yaauin Bay to ariyoompleted.. It is,,, storlea of It hare bAra fitted ud la rood 1 style aa a reatihima for the k or per, . J ' r".-r'tAtAmmmmmmmAmmmtAAAmr. f ,ou-Krr- Tlie entire length af I ha Iiooeaa tun- , pel bctweea portal wlU ba S&fiUt feet. AYrftlwAta. .-i' ; )k. . ', 1' -'f - -., N -.1 i: - - 7