The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 21, 1871, Image 2

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--JULY , 171.
, libs Aathoay im M ntanloa am
aieklng aa lmma scans Warn la Baa
. , Fraaclaeo. Wa have Just received
aerate af letter from Han Francisco
to tat fur publication la thla Issue In
Which lb IMKWMM Bad SUCH -rf
thea eminent champion of. the right
ere agreeably and graphically portrayed.
Tb Cult aad Atta ipk la glowing
terms of Dm lsdtea. Wc at Impatient
. for thdey to mom whoa we ess aa
' aouaoe th exact Ubm sf their advent la
Oregon. Ho, fur progression! "
r ' : Hub. John ATBlnghsm, of Ohio, was
announced to lecture at ths Court Ilouae
la this city aa th evening of th lath
last, and we availed uraelf of the longed
. Bepabllcaa praised aad Democrats m
vlled. Tb doclsmstlon-was of that
character which w bar often heard
from political tump orator, but it was
Interlarded '.' with maay excellent
thoughts, which weshowldbc plea ssd to
rive oar reader verbatim. But we for
got to take along ourjottlng jwper and
could take no ante; tbnor wo quote
front memory and the On omvm,
. The speaker this froni memory U a
thla-vlssgcd, - hook noosed, Ifcht-com-plexlooeJ,
middle-aged man, who looked
. Uk anything bat the fierce murderer of
Jpoked furXronx what th MtrnmM -had
painted. He alee looked like anything
else thaa the great maa we might hay
expected to aee from what wo had read
"1a tbf IaffttanjO-W. were glad w
- did not rely too much on partisan paper
foradeeeriptlonof hlnv
II gay mm highly eulogistic opto
lona concerning : ear Btate aad people, la
which "we, the people," eeemed to coo
car, for they applauded nproarloosly,
..though. wsjhought good tents should
bare taught them to bear th honor
meekly. - Then he grew eulogistic orer
. the progrem of our natkm Bine the war.
-and drew many beautiful phaataair of
our coming national greatnem. and
among other thing h mid the "Cov
ernment wa made by tb peopU forth
peopl. A big negro near by etamped
ImmotWraUly, bat a very . tateUigent
tody anting near we VouUInt IL"
Th epeaker quoted from tb Four
teenth and " FUWnthTAnwrxlroenU,
proving very forcibly "that f7 jw""
-In th United PUtc we etrtHW tejOJ
tb tnimunltie of cltlaenahlp lrTnpci
" Ire of rooH, eotor or premium! etmdUio of
trwiimd. He mid that thee Amend
ment being ratified by a majority of
" the BUUe hav become a law ; that e v
ry oiliamnf the United Btatea lato be
: awafeefed Jn thwai of Inhiwnt lm
. manltlea. ThU sounded atrangety to na.
comlag a it did from a maa high la of-
Woodhall UemorUl, which declare th
thlnga, and which Longh
and Butler triad la' vaia to nh
. lag th error of his way,and w euapect
that a reported matrimonial engagement
i between hlmaeuand thewerid-renowned
Anna XMckenaoa baa. had much to do
t with theesAeaingof hmbatbonwapoa
the Amrndment issue. Of course he
didn'4 allude to the woman movement!
Not he! Like the Dcmtocratto En be
ha more Important matter at
thaa th beat lntoresta of all humanity!
Wa are glad that W hav mel th
Honorabl John, but when our eyes be
hold the illustrious Anna w hop w
ahall not be so badly disappointed la
ber personal appearance. W know w
ahall consider her more consistent la th
application of hvuwndoctrUMav
' Uoraee Haynard wa called to the
front. W were glad for tha sake of our
growing caus thai this angular.
gainly and old-maid-looking specimen
' of humanity wa mascuUu. . If h bad
been a woman we should have begged
him not to have exposed our Muse to
- rtdioul by standing aa there as a earlc
atare upon humanlty.But It wasn't
our funeral aad,- we enjoyed It'im
aaenaely. Horace mid many rt-tynt
things la regard t what he bad aeea of
or vaycy or tn wuiamette, approrl
aUng, by a singular accidcaL th met-
aed la our last article on politic,
eusw si ulng Arcadia and Raaselaa, only
he didn't make exactly the mm appli
cation. II speak well, but h
hi ewa time aboat It
Juatlce Miller,' of the Supreme Court,
waa called, and reluctantly bat happily
responded, mylng that it waa not hia
t address meetings of a ptilitieal
i bat bawlahed only t eswroberat
what hU friend Maynard had said about
, th beautiful Valley of the Willamette,
and the hospitality of it lababiUnU
Again our hoapiUbl lahahltanU forgot
r .go4 UU aad applauded. . ,
The Jastlo ta a 'rather enrpaleat,
Crnad-shouMerad man. with a ahavea
1 w" fore-top, jver which he
aid Wwka, wlthaaefct of oddity that
, , m no nnicniiigj v wer more fa
' vorably Impressed with- his appearance
.,-rUma that of either of taweihot eekbrK;
-flam-- - -v ,
We etarted In on thU artlclJntnd
.. Jng to quote somewhat from tb Orpoa-
aV butforgot It Oar reader mut
look ap that paper fay thomeslv.
W hav reoclved a enpy of tK Air
ftonof ifamifor, published at Brooklya,
Kew York, by th 'Kvnsolidated Bap
t4t Mlsaloaary OMventloa and the
Amerteaa Educational AssoclaUon."
It la an adeeeate of Hamaa RighU, and
-:: tela this respset tatahore many Joar
ah) edited, and eontroUad by whit
people. We wSh the colored people
r eaerem la every hunmble attempt to
.-elevate theif anfartaaat race. j
Our highly reepected bat very
aided neutral cuu temporary of tha Or
pmdoAejaote eyU-oJvcry from th
Coriaae (Utah) Juvnai, a maa'a righU
organ, which endeavor, by portraying
th eondltion of voting women la Utah,
to prove that women everywhere would
fall to avail themaeir of th privil
ege of th ballot . rteyeth .Amnio
W in kU fhat we ahall introduce
moral elMnent Into nolltica with won:
an. Are the eataMmVed fewttoaooi the
aexe la L'Uh ludicaiiv of hlglt and
pure moral f where polygamy, the
wont form of woman alarery, ta not
only enjoyed a a religion duty, mi
where decency ta etiU further outraged
by th tolemuon of Ineeat t where men
iUnn vivo or take nw on aa often
aa they tire of tboae they have, and are
true to nothing nut tnetr own erinaa
InteraaUf .where men past aeveuty
atarry girls or nxteen, ana wnere worn.
en are fed on th ahurk and buska
upemtitloa Instead of love T
' We respectfully aekthoOT3fand
Ortgvtlam how they can expect active
participation la public or private affair
from a eummanUy where "polygamy,
tbe wont form af hamaa slavery,
gained each ascendancy over the worn
ea that men of arvent year may
"marry girls of fifteen, " who are so in
fatuated, Imbecile end superstitious that
they accept Wweka't and "husks' in
stead of lore T r
Many of the women are utterly Ig
norant, and all of them are ujheld by a
fanatical belief la the gtorle that await
them la a future rxltcnoe, where they
Insanely expect reward for a life of de
baachary hcre-What fully-to-expect
ttem toJsvnlnUoBtM anelety I And yet
the Jomrmal prates that It Aotf bojted
something from these women, but was
disappointed f r Ko wonder the -"result,
so far, w UUhla dlaoauragihg !
Then, to show . bow , very . exacting
maa'a rights organ ara,
And ber is a place for Mr. Btantoa
and the Teat to begin the eoroest of
th country. Lrt tbera retrieve tiie rep
utation or their aex In Utah, and tbrougb
that aex. They have got all they aak,
ves. more, lor a man burn aoroaa most
lire In the country tve year before he
eaa vote, while the poly ram 1st of I tan
have decided, albeit deaiilte the law of
the United Plat, that a foreign-born
woman ha onlv to marrr or be
ried t a saint entitle her to voU at
once on landing. MraBtevena Idea of
having Miss Anthony settle In Utah
and run for Congrea la a capital one.
Let her com and bring her disciples
and maraDal a majority or ta women
of Utah to th polls and vote them
against polygamy and Incest, enjoined
In the name of religion and submitted
to with the. Unit amis of aheen, and she
will hare don soenettilnir to Ax the. at
tention of men. Site will hav foreed
men toaoknovledir the Justice of wom
an's claims to superior moral stamina.
or Intellectual acumen, or true instinct,
or whatever It mav be. and the ellteacv
of this occult power for the correct Ion
of the political ills ay which w suffer.
If they ran persuade their sisters la
Utah to throw off th ahackira which
"man-made revelation" have fastened
apoa their limbs and mlada, they will
nave lime irouoie eisewnere.
nvretrieveth Treputatloa nf
. i i mt-i. mx ,.
fair aad Just they are, to be sore 1 Let
themaelvm worthy to vote,
begin with th penltentlarioa, the ea-
loona, th, brothela, and other pit
whkh-thelr wwa tmuda hare digged,
and let theat purge theee lok of man
made pollution from off tb face of the
earth if they wooM be consistent in their
demand npon equal right women.
' Can tb presumptive arrogance
th genua man yet farther go f
W think It high time for them (
appeal ta enlightened women for the
removal of this ,- terrible . polygamic
scourge. - Yet bow absorb, - view!
women from their stand-point
nabl of exetelalna' ordlnarvnolltloal
immunities, to call uponJtlils Alncana-
bUr" cbwa to remove the horrible result of
man's powers of halhlclnatron frrmrthrT
ooroera or iaivw nen tne wnoie uov
ernment of these t nited rotate has ex
pended Its power, civil. Judicial and
nilliuryi ta remove this curse,
tn ujr attempt!
"PLaHTEAIXa 18 SI01-
W notCe some stricture apoa tbe
Ksw XoBTitWKH .la.ih last issue af
th iYosncfealer which are good aa far aa
oar langaag toward his "WerxT of the
JMerjtHse waa rather strong, and we
willingly admit that It waa, Bat be
does not my on word t a cohdemna Uoa
of the vile Insult from hi "friend" of
the JMerjirit which rendered that to
na, disgust lag eastlgatioa i
We believe tb SMjJrt wjltt wot re
peat the Insult, had we assure jUe Ftain-
aVauVr that, unless compelled la self-de
fence to resent Insinuations against the
private character af eo called 4trew
BUnded' women of Portland, wbonellve
am blamelem, and who deeply feel the
degradation of beiag classed with the
weakling who defwnd ' upon weak
atlmled and Impure mea for support la
a lit of shame, the JCxw Kosrrawmrr
ver has aor awvev will chastise any
body. " W think oar brother of the
Tnasrffwfrr shouM consider It his datv
to- reprimand th man's rhrhts Journal
which evokes such caatiaation by re
peated low Insinuation, rather thaabe
eome norror-atricaea neeeua tn inauii
is rcavnled.
r- ronTXAxn, July lTthr fs7L
Kanoa KsW rJosrrs eawT-
As It la (f Mry rare occurrence that
mea treat their wives a mentioacd la
th enclosed, aad there rare moat pleas
yosj to Had (occasionally) evldeno to
prore your assertions, aad support roar
aaftria r vsmu'i rtghaa. I send
the enclosed oall4 ream naehatera pa
per) that von may hare some subject to
awralisefrom. Yeura.ete, .
' - Ajrri oXAS'saioRTKBlaJl. -A
drankea brat at Pvtroleum Orntr.
Penn.. shot hi wlf several timea. J una
Jth, and, after be was arrested, begged
to be permitted tn sew and kiss her be
frre she died. Mb) wife bad supported
him and their twe children.
We don't are how wa could Improve
on thy above, En, Sxw obthwest.
W', hav received a letter , from
proaiiner) rXcpaolloaa polHIciaa of fen
iem, who seorea as fur having criticised
tha k-WatUad trial, U which
trial, ear friend assures as, Watklad
received ratnns fully equal to his de
serts. Our correspondent my that oar
nnj est opinion af Watklad
beea farmed from th perusal of th He
len flqfeeman, which Journal doe not
seem to ha vary high ta bis (th writer's)
esteem. . Our opinion of Watklnda Was
drawn from th few copies of tha Balem
n-rrr irhlrh It waa mir mlsfnrtaa t
during its iihumiral exhnenee, and not
(roaa aay opposition paper, party
eliqae. That opinion eras la aa way
heightened by th affray which
seamd this discussion. -
We wUl not be anjaat to a ay body tf
we know it aad we .have song sin
learned that there are tw aide to all
polltleal hwamv aad taar"poUtleal pa
per will toU the story Jhat suits thrlr
party, whether It im true or false, and it
Is pretty ear to be the latter.
Of Governor Grover, Judge Thayer
aad other prominent Insane. rats we have
th highest personal opinion. W
liev them to be gentmen, aad tbeoaly
point ta oar stricture upon the trial
was ana which ear Correspondent,
well as the Marmrg, either could not see
or utterly ignore. W now proceed
sharpen th polaU "If the wife of Oov.
OroTcc, or som" other woman equally
qualiAed to sham tha Gubernatorial of-
Ooe, bad bekl Joint eooupacy of that im
parmat plans af pablie trast, ear worthy
aad -we believe exceiamr-Oovernor
wosdd have and bold a better man thansridnmdesagoo We,
WaUlnde or Xlarke either, for a ugh)
we knew - la aa omce of emolument
aad trust" W are ao personal, friend
Mfrt.Wfar-Vfr am fma tn eonfus
that wa don't half Ilk him; bat that It
aa reason that a man, high la amelal
position, should he permitted to t
hide aad shoot him with I mpanity, even
if he doe defend himself. - r
While w thank oar friend far hi ex
planatory letter, of which we cheerful ty
give Mr. Watklnda th benefit, wa must
abide ear first decisionthat mea who
prova theassetves Incapable of seif-gov
ernment am not the mea to superintend
peBlteatiarica.: If this be peculiarly
Republican: doctriae the pablie .may
make the moat of It W didn't know It
in he
la spite of the oft-repeated deelaratioa
of Ibis and other Hamaa Xtlghts Jour
nals, mea are determined to be consid
ered martyr to th eauss af th coming
We rarely meet a gentleman
who eon Terse upon this all-absorbing
topie bat be my la subataneei "Men
will soon be compelled to- tak a back
Women will hold th reins of
Government s sooa aa they vote. Men
will be compelled to take ear af ehll-'
1?l,Tr!!!! TfTT
..-t""' " sowsw" an
host of other Just such ridiculous, half-
scrlnaa, half-playful expressions while
laafly-bThimyTEal wel rcgarJThem
a "brutee" and "animals" aad aU that.
which wa certainly neear aaht, aad
which we are satiafled they don't be-
lleveaf as. IaTEe comlnr era of wans
aa's polltleal emancipation shain take
ber plaaet not as rnler-r actator w
, but by bis side aMfls equal Bhe
not eome to destroy th law, but to
fulfllL' IlowafCen must we' reiterate
this palpable truth before ear brother
forego his oft-made declaration
to Injur him? ,'
Catherine E. Bcfccber, on of tb anti-
Hi firs g "lost rVwldee.TM.MW copied
by th Inffefaa, aad of eoarm endomed.
Bbmyi "la behalf af th women
wbosevoices are not heard, I entreat
that no such duties be enforced upon na.
aatll we are better prepared to discharge
all that belongs to woman as tbe prime
minister of the family state, and chief
educator of our race."
This "lust lleaid," being the only one
of the Beecher family who has failed to
"become a .prime minister of th Camny
state," now calls apoa her slaters who
ve succeeded tnThlsTiuslnsaf to post
pone exerendng their Immunities tin
can overtake them! Webegtede-
r, aad to tha mean time shoaJkLLc
pleased t see Catherin bent ap that
sufTrage Wea id who was asked la Cal
ifornia if sh had any children, and who
answered la the negative, and go and get
a few, and then give as ber views apoa
waaJ sVsSaAsiaBa X ' e. t
ixcoxd or xrern rrrm.
A Drputation of the Aawrieaa Evsn-
gelical AJlianc has presented an address
U the Caar of Baaaia, ia which the
nevolent decrees of ha Imperial Majesty,
Is) reference to serfs, are highly complK
aad la which I also expressed
the deep sympathy of the Alliance with
Russian sabjects la the Baltic provinces,
wb are prevented by existing law
from openly returning to the Lutheran
faith. Th address exalte la tha relig
ious freedom of American ritiseos, who,
la every respect enjoy equal rotect!oa
la the most diversified jvUaioos opln-
Tbe Caar Is lasploswd to grant alt
Rasstea snhjerts equal protect loo la the!
full exercise of religious liberty.' 1
i nreats nav aeea maa against a
propoatid Itallaa parade la Una Francis
co on aext Sabbath. We hope Baa Fran
cleoe will leant wisdom from tb late
New York riots; hal ve thlaklthlgb
Sunday parades, excursion
and celebrations should he made to post-
thelr hilariUse . aatll Monday,
Mea and animals need ana day af rest
tea rapidly rs topee Into
brutality when this rate Is dlaregarded.
MarysvUla, Cat, bee' been Visited by
dsstractlve fir. '; -'f . - . . '.
TU political csuUrsn Is bolUag at a
Uvely rate.
f . POIT. ' - ,
" - ' Hong Utu July'plh, VSTi.
JCareoa Wsw Wearavawrt
On th 6th day of last May the Health
Refurmers of Marion county met at
Aamevllle, and organised a county as
sociation, auxllllary to th Oregon and
Washington UcalihIlcluruL.Aaucia
lioa, aad at that tlms Uournd to saect
on tb 4th of July, and have aa Intle
peswiene picale of tbe Health Befurm
pevsaaaroa St Horn BtO. ' ' ' 'HI
has eome and gone, aad wlthitasmach
that was social and agreeable, morally,
Intellectually and physically, a could
be well marshalled Into one warn sum
mer's day. The house waa full and tbe
cherry trees were full, and, as a conse
quence, the heads, bands, stomachs and
hearts were not empty. We had read
ing and speeches, songs and toasts, s
geaulne feast of wa sen and flow of soul,
without spirituous liquora-or scrofulous
pork, a good aad wholesome gathering
of both sexes, old and young, and alto
gether the most pleasant rational and
beautiful Foarth of July that It ha ever
beea my lot to witness. : .
Father Wilbur, ae of the old apostles
of temperance, had a declaration of In
dependence written out expressly for the
cession, aad the ladies (or women a T
prefar to call them had som rsaolutii
and toasts of a poiuted and spiey charac
ter, which gave ton to the proceeding.
As usual a all good works th women
faralshed store food far mind and body
thaa their masculln aseneistea. They
wrote aoarty all th toasts andreisolu-
tha men, may as well tak them, a
equals to all departments of lite, and
lone sud repeot and admire them all
th arars aa account of their ability iid
worth la all human pursuits. I presume
the to the end of time there will never
be aa occasion for hnmaa endeavor In
which them will not be a full halff Its
requiremeute that cannot be performed
better by women tluta men, Every
human spbera require th eo-opcratiou
of both sexes to make It a complete suo
I should Ilk to giv you a mors ex
tensive report of what was done and
mid, but I presume that your space can
be more profitably employed In educat
ing the maa editor of Oregon and (alt
foruia, and all others who do not thor
oughly understand the definition of hu-
-1 will give you one or two toasts, and
not forget to mention that we were not
free from a sharp and wholesome eriti
clam during the time of our meet! nav
Oar neighbor, th Rev. Thomas U.
Small, a forcible and eloquent speaker,
was present and elicited a good many
views and 'point that otherwise might
have passed unheeded. I believe he Is
the only person of note In the county
wno uar. mee as in aeuaw upon nose
problem! relating ta MealthJfii
1st The Oretron- and Wsshlnirton
Health Reform AssociationOnranised
five years ago hy asms 11 baml of earnest
ewtars ana now nuinuering arswii loo,
msy It prove a nucleus around which
will y rally thmnamts.
td. Our temperance platform The oa
rv trae one la existence, eomnrislna tem
perance in all things, with the complete
end entire disuse of alcohol, tobacco aad
l jioroe iiiih A sptcnoia Mac to
hold n Health Reform Fourth of July
celebration. Inasmuch as the house fs
spacious awl commodious, the orchard
fruitful, and the boat, with hie mother.
rental and hospitable to a remarkable
degree, .-r -. i
4th. Tus Nxw Sobtuwest Tb8tar
that has so recently appeared la our
horixon. May It steadily and boldly
march to Its senitn, ami become n fixed
(Mar that will eel Ipso ail those satellites
of our Western heavens that bavf re
fused to shed a ray of light on woman's
rauavf the cause of alt mankind.'
Tbe foregoing la transmitted for publi
cation by order of the society;' r ' -
- " . T. W. Davkxpokt,
Cor. Bee. af Oregon and Washington
H. It Assoclstlon. ; : i i J i.
attention of the reading public Is
called to tbe communication from Kola,
which appears an th first page of this
ne. The article was sent In substance
to the ifemry for puldlcstlon andwa
rafused. We guulTy give It place and
hope to hear again from the mm writer.
A BTajL w.gPmrsarsyi.' Just
show how the wind blows: I was sit
ting fast new at thw window of my ho
tet-ruom, wnere J clianci to be simkI-
tog this i'perfset day" of June, deep to
the dusk ofrtenuay-timticiite ami twi
light when to came tha worshipers
oar-Psotestsnt vespers "evening
mr i ting" anwontciiiy exciteu.
"Ifyoahad heard Mr: speak to
airht von woaM nave titoagat a woman
could- preach of do anything V '
Hut 1 do," qUieUy.
'llut you woVi.'r P
"I never heart anything like It
thing like it We
should all have been asleep If U hadn't
beea for ber. Hue spoke aa U slie
went Inspired. Everything dragged be
- Tlist doesn't hsppen very often" Oe
preeated the passor, and be awsiestly
spoks the truth.
"And sb snoke. and saved tbe mcet-
lng r finlaned tlie enthusiast
VxmM Am .Mb SM f'-t-
"Oh. Tea."
"And voter'
"And pray T"
"Io UsryalwaysaW aawelLaathUr'
"They are always the strength f )he
lag: w could not get akuig with
out tbein." ' i
Nrrw I write of n Orlhoivx CVnere-
rationaJ church: a large, brisk, WelMo
aVa and ' weii-doiag New Fgland
charrh, - not aa emigrant's lid from
"Hhe spoke and mved tbe meetlncJU
"X'ertlv. thoua-ht L as the Hsmuavi
dank dropped into tbe ttundsy nlsht
. " .J- . . i
aa. I tbe Hunday talk grew nasncii, Mie
wtU speak yet, and save the work! V
tor, a smanfs yosrwos.
Anew bee to an of the. Rldavfleld.
Osnsv, Hunday school. who eras asked
who made the beautiful hills about him,
replied that he did not know, as his
parents only, xnoved tot town tb Fri
day before, , ; s. -, - ,
i. BJlaadsalk fecial IrO.
"The verdict retamed snm Uas sine
in tha i alr-CrtUaooVn trial wilt we
trust mov
check to that devilish device of depraved
We regret to my that them is aa evi
dence of any favorable change en tbe
part of masculine free-lovers. We nave
not learned of the closing of oae boas
af sssignalloa ar peoatltuUim onaoeouut
of that verdict Tlier is ao diminution
of th numbem of tbe debauching class.
Op Frktay but 1. Hoilsnd, at n naeet
higef thelioard of Health, gave notice
"that at tbe next meeting of the Board
ha srsjaid assW for thesr aoswsissratioa a
law drafted by himself, which is in
tended to regulate the Hoeial Kvll ia a
manner similar to that pursued by. the
Rnard of Health la M. Louis. " .(.
Pretty bold step,- this, on the part of
Dr. Holland, especially after the eo
eallod nt Louia system has proved a
dead failure. No men In this city, no
matter bow rrrat his talent- wealth.
position or Influence to the Interest of
saasculine free-lovers can successfully
engineer aa odious srstem for tb regu
lation of the Hoclel Kvll, which will, ia
H operation,-subject one sex to Inspec
tion, registration . and license, while
at the same time it will allow th ether
and the opposite sex, embracing bank
ers, importerm. lawyers, doctors and dls
tinruislied officials to cross the thrash
bold of th abodes of moral and social
rotten lies, as their beastly passions
msy direct, witliout niedicel examina
tion, registration or license. This sys
tem msy be tolerated Inths monarrhial
governments of the old world, -whleh
are controlled tn th Inter sat of a very
small class where man, aa each, is
regarded as a useful apcndageto the
ruling few, ami woman vastly Inferior to
him, both as to character and rights-
are say. this system may be tolerated.
and to a eertaia extent succeed, ia
t be olt couiitrics but In th United
K tales, never. The man who ahall la-
1 bor to press a sickenrng, brutal system
useiion.ineMty or nan r raaciaoo. or
the city government which shall labor
to establish and enforce it noon it Peo
ple, will damn both himself at id itself to
Infamy. A -system, to command etther
puuiic eounaeuce or respect, must con
tain the rerun. or eo alltv audiustlce.
If maaculiue free lovers must have for
their own special gratification and. con-
venienc nouses or prksAitutton. it
fivius that they sliould bs subjeeted to
the same regime ss are their partners
In sorial uVhauchevy, f If the puMIc
health demantwht aheSeT shalTTie
personally rxaminel aul restrained, be
cause vatvlnated with the 'virus of an
ennameable disease, it mast be obvious
that the public health denwnd aimllar
examination and' restraint from those
of tbe opposite sex. ' If the public rood
reulres that those of the accommodat
ing sex snouki ue reesieteu, ere era un
able to perceive way tnoss or ine mx
aooommodated sliould not have the!
names, age, condition end place of busi
ness registered also; Hit be necessary
thst t he government having jurisdiction
sliould derive- a - revenue from the de
basing and corrupting -commerce of the
sexes, we can see no res son why the
burden should fall upon ihav fsshls
bunh'B should fail upon tnav issuie
pennlleae win, of tlie department
whv the' rich, well-to-do and th ac
commodated sex sliould. he allowed to
escape without taxation why one sex
should not l required to ret out a 11
cense as well as tlie other. We shall
keen our eye upon. Dr. Holland and
those of tbe saasculine waaaiow Who
shall glvssneuuragement to his style of
suppressing the Hoclal t-vlL & Jto-
nrer. ,
Dorr was an actor of some favor.
high up, but above tha level-4ook
part sometime of lrrssrible father and
pmulanms villain and the Western and
nnutnern anaiences uxed him. He
rather Jealous of bis cast aad straek far
hia rights. He found himself at Pitta
burg, advertised to play with Forrest in
"Metamora,' In the small part, aa ha
conceived It, of the captain of the Puri
tans, ana uwi uxe it Uomlngoathe
stage foe rrhjsu-sat lq ths mociVlnif,
was eaung aa ipe, wnen to great
irsKTxiisn snariea out: -
"Mr. wnai's-vour-name. wiun von
hav done eating your swill, we will go
on with tlie rvlu.rsat" .
Th "swill"
llalahed. but
tbe insult stuck
tbe throat That
did his best roaring tlie "Big Injuu" to
eveTjuwiy-e saiuuacTIOB. Al last II
came along to the part where the Puri
tans visit tn wigwam or th gent I
savage, and enloy an Interview, with
tlie charming JoAnuotee, the wife of
M ft ft jtwif fi, tn the ahaenewwf her lont.
He ttHurns. and, to a raire, as he stamis
before the Intrudere, with his finger on
the trigger and his eye glancing along
the barrel of hi gun, shouts:
. "Whleh of you bar lived lone
enougu t- . , - '
Of wiurae. the Puritans sr to dim 4a v
projieT consternation, but ltorr, looking
down tbe line of bis company of supss.
ssw uist ills ena man was a very slim
and attenuated little fallow, and to re
sponse to the qnwtiua: -
"Whlcaj nf yoa have Uved long
enougnr' pointed Jjha
satiu, with a gesture thst the bouse
took, and was convulsed from gallery to
m. is was sometime aesure tn lOav
wm pn ns iawuinui. - . , . 4
...i i i . , , i . .
Xlu-rs bUmmI Uie erval JfrtoauiM srllh
his run to 111 shoulder, theeantaln nt
tn rontans rnung-sethe Httle supe.
the house boilimrrita-Ms mirth. N
maa ever made a more successful bit to
a part, teit tlie next morning, early, be
left fit on a flatboat, not daring
to meet Forrest on one side ami tlie
peopte oev4lie other, kapwlng how ca-
pneious peopie are. ,
Mas. Fata na rxm jrttL A r.
Phrter Of Han Franraanaiias liHl.l
Mrs. Laura IX Fair, aad in the course
or ner cooversathm, site Uttered tbe tVaV
lowing as her position on the frtw l.
doctrine, tlie Interrogator having asked
her, "lo yoa believe In tb free love
aaas you auvanosd en the stand V said
uw coiKiemneti woman: ,
"I anrancMl m iimK LU. -1 - T
aonm oenere in ire love doctri nee.
Mr. Crittemlea With me srhnl
heart and sou I. - If 1 had believed to the
free love doctrine, why would I have
in elided for seven king, years for a mar-
ruge with him T I had bis love and I
bad Time and agala he to Id aie
that 1 'was the only woman he ever
loved ever could hive. I ought to hav
oren nappy, not I wanted the snnctus
of tbe aiarrinre tie not that for a aie
gte moment 1 have ever cmadleved that
I committed sin with him. I did not; I
loved him as a wife- lived with him..
wife, I loved him for Id mind. Had
be been paralysed and- helpless, It would
have been the same to him II was not
the body J loved, but-tbe coal. . Had I
Nswi the PMkriatar-enual wmnan
they Sttenil4ettemake bm out I -..i.i
hav naturally preferred a young man.
" r seven year n was my all I
spoke to any on else.
Judge Campbell confused nte In my tes
timony. - In tbe Sight of God I feel that
wa were man aad wife there is no mar
Msgs r here there U no love. Tbe mere
ceremony does Wot Wad heart toreth
ervi ; ' .
Petitions to bankruptcy are sBeraJly
followed by partitkmaT ,
'BobblsEsli; --,
Th ssnalleet brownest bouse la the
village .that was tbe Widow Dunn's.
And tbe brownest, best-nstured boy la
tbe village that was. Benny Dunn.
Hornet I me the wklow took boarders
from the ship-yard, but Just new It was
a dull sessna, aad what few asen were
st work there bad gone to tlie Widow
Webb's, it was a little, bed now, too,
about the milk, Oeuerally, Benny got
a pint a day for driving ( a4aiu Cutter's
cow to pasture, liut Captain Cutter's
cow and calf were both deed, and he
hadn't got another yet ho there was
nothing to the Widow laaun'a cupboard
but half a peck of pot toes, and half a
peek of meal, and a plate of pork-fat.. '
They always had wood enough, l
cause llei in y could pick up chips at tlie
ship-yard. And shout shoes it was no
matter, for be liad rather go barefooted
than nut They were well off for
clothes, tooi Mrs." Dunn had another
calico dress beside th on sh wore far
common, and you'd be "surprised to.-!
"w miw iuo wu'itea sitoweu - tn
llenny's trousers, seeing they . were
plain cloth . and the- trousers were
clieckeiL Ho they were not so yery poor
after all; only boys will be discontented
sometimes, even th best-natured of
- "Don't you think, mother, a few eel
would fro goov ay for; brruAjatt,
mother V . asked iWuay. munvblns: a
orust nf Johnny-cake with th ewlish of
anungry uoy. .
"Very good, indeed," replied Mrs.
Dunn, who was soaking her Jolinny.
cake In a cup of currautleaf tea, . "lw
yoa suppose there are any to the dock,
"fa. replieil Denny, swallowing
ta mat crumu or iina-rnst and tuaninga
M of ctotb n called his ran ea ais bead.
"Why the water, ia fairly riley with
'em I If you'll only let m ro to-night
mother I You know they'll bite heap
better after dark." r- . .... -
Mrs. Dunn gave n troubled look at the
overclouded evening sky and tlien at
Benny. "I. any body else going Y site
asked. .--
"Sow, mothcrr' cried Benny laughing,
I'll I any 'no,' you'll say you.arw afraid
to nave me out alone lor rear soinetiiini
will happen to me: "and If I nr yeaj
you'll say you don't like to have me est
nights won outer nnye."
"To be sure, mother UtmU like
have you out nights anyway," replied
Mr. Dunn, anxiously. . - -
"Xo. ma'am, but think of the eels.
If J get more than we can est, CeAaln
Cutter woukl be glad to buy them," mid
Henny, wltn Ills Itead In the corner con
bnard behind tbe donr. "Her It Is I
Here Is my line with tlie sinkers all on.
Kothtug to do but fix tbe bob, Mee,
mother I Ivow you'll, M me go, won't
your" ue cneu, uacautg out wltn
cobweb en hie nose.g.r - -
'I suppose so, lk-riay. only I want you
to be careful; and don't be out very late."
replied the widow, trying In tlie fading
light t thread the point of her needle.
"Yoa may bring me my bonnet out nf
the other room closet before von go," she
added, putting down the halt bound
shoe she held in her ha mi "P If step
over to tlraatUoa Goudkins and ask
after the old lady'e neuralagy, now It'
too dark to see to work." -
Ia "tha other room" were six red
enairs, a straigut-oackea arm -dial r, aa
old-fashioned desk with drawers and a
sloping lid, that had belonged tn Benny's
rrsiMUiUher: and a tahl with th family
bible, the Life of U I ward Payson and
the Almanac aa It There was a bunch
of asparagus In the fire-place and some
peacock feathers over the. looking- lass.
On the walls hung a colored print of tbe
fast Hupper, a lilhouef te mlnstur of
lienny's father, and another of tlie whl-
ow with Benny, a bah eoher jap. The
heat brass- eandlestick stood on the
chlmney-4eee, with a pate of snuffers
uestuert,, ana a great eoucn-sneu and a
Broken vase filled with paper flowers.
There were ao curtains at tbe windows,
but a dim blna woodbine cast Its flick
ering shadow across them, and a Ulae
and suewbali tree grew close outside,
Henny always talked tow and walked
softly when he went to the other room.
It was full of. the small of. th lilac
nowers to-nteht and the tail, eiirht-dav
clock In the corner struck seven as lie
tip-toeu screes toe clean, white floor t
tlie closet that bekl tbe
in best
dishes, the
empty sugar-tub, a bottle of maple
nails awa, and the widow's black cottage-
imnnet to a generous bandbox, that was
the only tiling in the house which thsr
seemea to be quite enough of. .
Mrs. Dunn, tyln ber bonnebetrlnra
and picking them out carefully before
iw wnpn snvungiiin, "iAm'tget
si i-m water anu uon i re who 1Mb I lioya."
-"AlifhlHt, moUwrressieSMted Itennv
Oam-lng a little on his bead by way of
seuiius; nis ununa. .- ell nave a Jolly
breakfast to-morrow morning. AatL
my, mother, when I am maa I am
going to buy vjma a bran new. brown
silk gown, see If 1 don't"
Mranuma Uonikln's "neuralagy"
very bad to-nignt and Mrs. Dunn took
off her bonnet sod stayed, spaying bags
oi sw sfljn, slippery eini poultice, and
ber own south!
ma Jia
na Hands till Ion rsut
the time she called 'SiaylUrhtin," when
the last streak of red had faded and died
to the west, and the fire rites CUaiitng up
ivrww -VTW...MW aaarany malow
tlie oalv brlentnea under tha
clouocd Mummer sky.
Meantime Benny climbed out and la
among tn erasy, water-worn piers,
sure-footed aa n wharf-rat He rlimbeil
aa and . h etemhered. dowa; be aai
patient I v still and be moved n.ilili
sbout; IhiI here or tliere, or up or dowa,
It was all the seas, . Tbe eels mljrtrt bs
asleep, or they might be on a Journey,
or tliey might havw toat their appetite
mr worms. Any now Uity kept aliy of
Ine imMiing-tiaii al one end of tlie line
and the Hungry hoy at the other. The
town dork struck ehrht ami nine, and
ten, and only two bites. Htlll Benny
would wet sive an, and neither would
the eels. rw ami then earn a snlsah
of rain-drops and a Bash -of fiummer
Ufriitninr; out iienny dhln't mind thai
and neither did the eels. Nine t ten t
eleven i ciaenn was irom tit Uabtist
steei4e. -
"! don't bite as well when Its foe
nan: inars so," said Hennv at Iaat.
hauling to his tine with a Uav bahvi
at the end of it .
"ttoa. two. three I - Wall thai win A.
mr me trni motner. Jut enough ex
actly; ss slick as though I had pulled
em in on ue count," zss
Then be climed n the Mlst Lank
I'll dress A-m over nielit and have
email u g rswreadv to frv. first thin.
mother Sees." said he. rlrawlne a km.
f ken-ha tx tied Jack-knife from hi pocket
anu ueginnig io gnqw arounu in in dark
tor a randia.
The floor creakeiL and ha stumbted
aver the ehlpbnske and knoekeil dowa
tbe toagn, ant nm man: a sickly little
tallow candle to an iron eamlleatick.
and. taking It oat on tlie track stoop,
finished hi work by hi IVrble light and
In five minutes after was fast aateen:
with a heavy downfall. of rain paitetlng
th ronf clone etmve hia Jiead.
The next sound Benny beard waa' the
slssling and sputtering of tbe eels la the
spMer. - - ...
".cw, rnotner. ain't that nicer JJan't
they smell good, though T' b cril,
pering aisMit on one amt Tra
proper rlad I went last hlght"--
Mrs, imn naa spread tha iiUte twd,
blue-edired plates, and a couple of kaJv.
and forks that had aura better day."
Tbe krttl nf potatoes were hwghing
themselves nut of their skins vu )l '
crane, aad she eras heading t take the
snide front the coals in the Wide fire-.,
place, While Benny looked on a-ith bis .
eyes as big as the potatoes, sud his
south already open, a hen tliere came a '
shambling step Uofl the threshold soda -fumbling
rattle at th latch. Immediate
ly tbe door opened and la came Jske
eawnder head.. Jake Ha under was a'
good-natured, lacy old hulk, who was
l1n everybudy'e mess end nobody's
business, n as the sailors my.
UmMdmm, wfcidsc. latching weath
er T' aaht be, thrusting hia shoulders
after his head. . Then be began to snuff. .
"What! Kels for breakfast T I don't
know vAea I've had s meal of eels. I've
a good mind I'll tak my breakfast with
you this ammlng. widder," he euu
liuuod, following his bead and slioulders.
lleuiiy looked at tb three little nabea.
out dp in nicely browned. aiorseliCJand
at the grvat-UMMi Uied, evergrowa luafer,
w iui a pang or msuiay mm a g-sal many
cowla. But Mrs. IHinn it auotlier
piste and knife and fork tmi tha tabid"
with unruffled bosiiltaliiy. . . ..
Three Uttte flabea, and Jake ate two of
them I ,
!'?t.'w" 100 rful mean, mother
mid Benny when Jake bad finally"
shambled -off to look after the aext
neighbor. "And there you sat and
looked as wiliingt How could yoa,
mother?" " - -
"We don't want to be mean because
other people are, my son," replied Mrs.
Dunn, cheerfully. "
Benny was a maa long ago, with
ships that went to sea and came safely
borne to hlm. He did not forget tlie
"bran m?w brown silk gown" Tor his"
mother, aor a thousand comforts that
have made tbe evening of her life beau
tiful. And to tlilsj day be jroembera.
the delicious shtcllof the eels on thst .
far-off June morning, aud bow disgusted
he felt to see Jske riaunders cat them.
But be has ramembered shm never to be
mean because other people arc
1 To. Gkw 4tn or-Kuan. The i
of tlie dried leaves of a pumpkia burnt
on a bright fire, will cause flies io quit'
ssy-apartmeut instantly or it will kill
them. Birds must be withdrawn be
fore the owration, and persons should
abstain from going Into apartments
immedlstely after, aa tbe smoke causes
headach. Th eni4oynient of laurel
ait 'to else -i iiiwistrrgagsrtuit
flics, as
they can not bear th smell of
"Sir. you have the advantere of me."
"Quite right; yoa are quite right, sir
everybody of common sense baa,"
' T Kaarr iarriax pabm.
Qu Ntrsaav Arrsasooa Wsxt, Jctv Bn.
laa lay she Weetdt
ssssar ta kst eerhretted
wm m n, m in. and Monr:
kr elal xessesl, will Mu Tks 4
LalnM-a MmmmI.1 I, k,
Iranian wsrsim,
CmM, mmt uie
ropi is-haaie kmr
Th Lsst Caaase to as tfcls
s naa sun .
woauwlui Maa Calkl.
"i-Ts take steee dariac ta aOennea, '
or-icoaKr writ
Adaili-iloa. S sesu; CklUUea. ealf ertes."
Jtestl lasitnto .Xostl
errtos-sf, m
roBTiABts. bbu). .
rttrttaae. tm n axil StrsMs WiIiUm.
enwl.ilaa mf Us, Uau Mum. as a4 SMtu
Atn, laraovrs Ftsss snt V4tciaLB Tn-
rri.nvAvsn taM, kwsis la i
aials, tut sale. -
i ail sans of ta
Rsat KbtavS sad alhee tSu is mm,
mat OMfNHMMlaU. la rsul'iit uJihmrt.
rTATYM ana TKsarraiss, WHS (era
aa ike Hi Aavasvaonuve Tanas
orem aaa ann'ss'f sissn Vjuaa Wna.
riTk.u aa.1 or Ai-i. Iwwaievivsa
misrTtT 1 M.i,iiiTiii. ml a ilotiii. rmu
AomrnrofMiBi I
Twmla fheMvars will fwwtv4nrrls4Nu of '
w rii mmm tmt a see m mmim to tha
eWveil , , - . , ,; ... mm
Havb rnnpr.nTY wrm salt iw port-,
laal aa tkusannl ue issiiairy.
W ess Vt ; 7' '1' ' "
a Pnrekaseri af Real Bstale.
Asa evarrtkma Ikat BSMalns S Iks ftaal Em.
late IUiiv-a alloaOanl Ul Ilk proMalaasa.
iciai rapos vtmn am AsUiwitMU.
table with a eisaa hrowa
. J. tU A V lit Saw V. Jlatary PaMkv . . . f . '
fc. . r ABBTIUWV - - . .-4- -f
ax -. - :i TILCat Wswwabbv-- ; 2
a, a rraas ac, a
rX)VTXAfTrRA. pm4 Irf, r"".TV
Urt sUrwSf. reaoir h-lm nt snv kiss, will
U mm taafcr aSvaalags s esll iri
ms. - J. R. WITHkKklJ.
r. a, laavealasi
Weed t arats a as IjU)
. -A
al - i. a. w.
.- - . ;- .r . . . '