The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 14, 1871, Image 1

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41 li-m
eVMaTVat, gtaar i
ia iii; v
VA..H;: t
1 -..s
"4 ...n.r
isavatwaif W.TaVw.aWI ndvC0
tlr e sU Ivsjamat, is Ttewoagsht
ailia ra Opaoalag sad apuataf 'tit Wrongs j
M .jf no hi
Ons ' ' - -- n ' 1 .
hi a i
-'if -a ii.' l4.ifc.jA
' 4
fortat oncGoiil aJuiiY 1
vr J
lailor, r m mmoo wtl as gresn to taslr '.
mi i a i i t m s ww x a a a a av a . t . a. ,v a . an w m a a a a wje -w m i i
I I I 1 JL i t m aV-a .V V l'aTlV-! 1 XX Tj'X f ' - W X X ' 1 1 1 I X ' ft ii M I . . T, 1 lb, m ft awT-X" I I '
''" v 'i f t i w L a: i.i T-7A ; i i ri i ; - r.i ri i 11 r i 1 1"; r c i
.' fT"l , ''l a T!JjOS j(i't V U
awes ssast assks kaswn ikalr fta th .
now-a-day wttheul vewtljatmg
- upea the woman question which b th
live tesu of, tab decade our vivacious
contemporary of the fUnmm give ft
- lengthy opinion, although It be ft bor
rowed arawhtoa waareejolcad to no
tloa.'-' t . i ' ., h'ij""
DrItelteadytbs autlw oT lirAHrcIe
la qutloaMshloh b Credited la Sarib
Mr1! Monthly, make ft charming vol
am of poems, but ft very inpglcalstoto
man. IIftialm t., ; ', ' . 'u,
First t Is M of aay ssswtical advantage
to hava bettor Un, aaUl the averag
morality of the peopb U aufneieat to,
nMitoWwa whhb wahnveT n ,
- rteeoadi la tt right thai womeaabould
have sa equal or a aVatermlning votes
la tha enactment af bar which tbey do
not propose to insist la executing, wbbh
they could net execute If they would,
and which they expect men to execute
octiwntr u.i
Third rlnppealag that womcm
gtv ue better laws than w bar (i
b not evident), waia would be the
that wowm waaid
i tha prac
tical advaatag to than or to a, ao long
' a they anus rely apa a to execute
them upon an, who And It lipo lbl
to enforce our owa tew, aome of tha
. best of which am thr outgrowth of th
pur Influaaea af woaoaa la haato od
aooiftl Ufa t ' " . vr. n rf
-W ftkrl aiMrwer to tha-tot qwao'
tlon, IT th'"avarage morality of man1
ba ptovaa Inaufflobot to 'Vxeouta tha
law wa already hare," If that b sot
(. beta an admbaloa of InabUltr oa th
part of womb to adequately repreaetit tha
Inherent Immualtkaaf hamaaltrf Car
" talnlv kta tAmid Uth Unuwhthut
ftoral jreaKiwaa---,--f----,v .
C (' Second: -Who a that women Vb not
i -i- proaoaa Jo Mcui"Llha bwT.llow
;; doe he know "they toukj not axeeuta
ii uiej wouhi," ana oy wmi pmr;
Uy of reaaonJoc daaa be reach, the eav-
'elualon that they would "expect uea to
ekeuUlhe'bwa faf them," .yhaa, man
have tailed to aWato-tbear a Iht
tolacat . -
' r Third: If "aoinaof thebeatof eurbwa
' ' are the aattrawU of womaa'a pra-
arrlbed aoclal Influence, why Bot aa
' large bar opportunltba for Influence In
1 mat pollUcal and Judleial danala t
- Ajralathe
t -
, Fliat: Wootd ft lack af all
rtak and reponlbllHy, on-the part af
Utoaa oeiegatea to etaDiin ana pra
nount$ the policy of the nation, tend to
prudent eouneela and careful decUlon ? V
j Pr. Honand! We're aatohlolied at you!
Jm U poaalbb that you are ainoere In your
minHnn AKa4 Mtnun l&ilr all MMnluf
TlUlly euaawa thaaaaelTaB, fhojirfatbara,
huebanda, brother and onJAh.lryl
"" IKUa rack tha baary haarta. tha wria
' Ing angubh, the deep privation and the
harrowing aunaa that tear the aoul of
- woman, when her father, buaband, aoa
and brother go forth to engageln deadly
41 .1 L. I 1 I 1 1 . kl I
fair might and no doubt would avert.
-,Ye nMy -WTtto readabb rtnoonahlne,
r which paaaea Well for poetry, but you
can't, apprabtex.Draetcal juai aenalbb
' womenl , - , I
' Again; you aayi1"
Vina tenth af the wa&Uli ttltrtUU
b In tha hand of buatnra men, whoa
puraulta have peeially nttod them to.
.. govarn, eta, .i . , r -j ;",
How did they get thb wealth nb
' by neurpatlon of power, ay and prlvi-
-1M thev haa ftbialnait iwuilml nf miurh
as ... . a .1
inac ooeo not KgiumaielT-Dclona tol
Women have alway done two-
u third of th work of tha world.
How b
r it that man clatma nnoTeonlrobnlna
tentbaof thapayt
j - We must dlawht to yaur kbaa of
rtataamanahlpfcWhen, after baring made
; tha above aaanrtlon, you conclude by aay-
W And that the ballot a It stand io-4
- day, with Ita privllegea, raapoualblUUee
and limitation, aecurea to woman eom-
pleto preterllon In tha enjoyment af
revenuea whkh are. prayed 4 be lw j '
menae, ail drawn from lana and aea by
the hand af men whoae brgee teeUllea
aiiae or iruur Ktye ana tneir munificence.
Dt.ITo1u.ihJ ba yet to barn aad
prebend thrflrat nfittmento of cathetk
JuaUce. . ... : '
. apwwaBPBsajfBHBBHrrw '. '. ''
' We have been aad gone and borrowed
.KVT.( Ih QoiiM for. the
purpoae of reading up 1U ianlilv bat
Anally txpraaai.vew npon' what It b
plaaaa to aaUjajaaaan. rjguta.! Aa
tha- editor b eeurteeua, we thank blm
for hb artbUwa .would thank him
aba to aend hb dally paper la exchange
we how proceed to Intenrbw hi
opuilona. ........ I-.;-1 1
II probata that ba "beUerea" thit
bla Mr, Woman" Ja gat-uiaei there
for be aara wa wetaWVwrtaJ.aly ia emr"
alewt that Irttai'aneTlg
acknowUdge It dlfflcult to find a way to
eon vert, A. 'belief.'' Into a Ver1alnty'
b.aritbulL imbu Mnr v4,fhla U .&&.
rttlJjie lotiff. and w mnat aecord It diiJ,fc f' d
' "IU mji fliak Srbea b refon U tba
"woman't rlgtili rtahf Wba partto-
' rfrrrar "to the WonaBan-rtallla
m . aj,a - . r.
und, whoae1 groa and debating the
aHea," eto etc, would bring npon
deoaaing aaorala, dtra teJaaalUee and
dadryetbn geoaralU.. ?iow,. we I
mm, in an candor, why lt Ta, when
"peaking of thlancatioaVUal Ito Am
not voluntarily rvfer to the Kw
!Kwth wictt ebaa af woman auOraghito.
Thb JoornalJia jauat. aeknowUdg,
give tha Views aad entlment of the
' very peat and wlnt peopb of. thia gen-
ration. It pro nwl rate doctrlnea that
ba- cannot refute, argument 'that be
oar not galnaay and bgb which be baa
aU along tacitly adrnlttad.; " ;; '
Thb publication baa aald nor again!
to.'bjabent doctrine ( Cre lora,-"
agaJnat drunken neaa, profanity
abaeenity and corruption J mora agalmt
all manner of abuaa of Ufa, chaatity and
bnman happlaaa!, aa4 naoaa to laror of
rnMtat, inorat and portOcat f i won,
In lb flnt two uoiith of azbtenca, thaa
baa yet appearad In the JoomalUtL?
earaar af tha aaaaa eight' journal, the
DaBf Orrgom ftulirHi, wbteb beaat
lb aecoad' volume la It one luitdwd
and flflbto iMiaabar.. ,t, '' a 'ii
the pernlaloua dootrluaa af Woedbntl
ami CUAln who da Bot Juatly rrpre-
t the great naaaaof Intelligent, euaeto
and wettanly women ha have naekbd
to wbld the franclibe any mora than
you object to our denunclaJioiui oX auvh V
Hpahtlcatloafaa Jtha J3Mf'jav w
MUX OoaaNav W rejoba that
baa only aaaayad topubllah ana immoral
journal, wnerea .man ha auUlabed
nandrada t and wa atao sajoba that
women hare better eenee af Juatiea thaa
to cbas all man' right advocate with
tha organ of aoelal Baomiraalty which
aradbpbyed erery day by ami' right
nten at the entraocea of our booketorea,
until reapectabb women b a delicacy
In entering theeeln. A: '. i ., ; : -
Wa reapeetfully aak our friend et tha
BulUil If he believe that such Ubld
litons publbationa would reeelv tba
eaacUou of bw If tba good women af
thb country, who apend th brat part of
their Uvea th "training their children
la tha doctrine of truth aud-cbaatlty,"
anly to ba aullled by msn-mda saa
elation aa soon aa they are aid enough
to read a picture, were to have a voice
U making aacb bwa a are neeeaaary
for tha pabtto waalf - t . -;.
Whenever man' righto - men or
woman either throw- Woodnuii and
CUflln at the beat and wbeat men and
women af tba age, wa foal a daalr al
dom expreaaed, but often thought of to
cover their Wroratricken eyes with
tha debetahb pietare la the Day
Doigt and iWtoe OtuHte, which by
their silence tficjr ettdorae," tltofeby
proving ibat "there "are many people
who, while atralnlng at a gnat, baa! tote
not to swallow camel. , ' r! ' :
00 017 XL
prite baa captured tha JhAUHitt "wom
an" and copied her bodily Into 1U col-1
unma, accompanied by. all editorial In
that abow bow readily theee
"man' righto nalea graap at atra wa to
natain their perbhlng platitude. Go
on, Mr. 'Woman I" CUra them yet
mere of your debetahb chattering, and
we aliaU ba delighted to copy your IV
logbal eoncluaions, drawn aa tbey'ar
from prembea baaed upon the imagin
ary fabrication of Mgh toned aad weak-
mtndod bjpeda who dread the Inroad
af tba ainm-nilnded aalt af the earth
Into tha domain of light work and
ready atoney, which they (the weak-
mliidedlhave jQloogmoooDolisad.
W repeat our axajorUtlon i Oo.n. JJx.
nVonian V1 r. ."" .:;fv.' '
Thb brtment of tha Saauojmi-
WBBtotoba a general vehbb for ax-
rtwnga of Idea eoncernlkig any and all
matters that may be bgltlmately dla-
euaaed In our column, Yl ndlng It practl-
aally impaaaibb to anawar each eorree-
pondent by private letter, wa adopt thb
moua or communication to art our
friend tha d laappol n meni that would
etberwbeeeera from oar inability to an
swer their queriea. W cordially Invito
to make, ar a eaolding to give
toi aantrtbwto to tba .Uarreaparabnto
C II., t)anon Otyi Many thanka for
yonr kind oommaalcatioa, which, -wa
regret b ay, U too lung fur pubUcatloa.
Yaur hbaa of tha franchbe foe woman
are axeelleart. .When, wa-gei Uma to
wmdenas them ta unit our column w
hall bs happy to give them a place In
the JSew KoaTnwcar... ; Hop to hear
yau freqaeatly; bat do not forget
that our motto for newapaaer art idea
mual b mmltwm (a parvo. In thb day
of many newpaper nobody atop to
read a dbaertatlon thfaogh If Heoutoiaa
mora thaa a ooluma of printed matter.
nutsrllf W thaftkyon for your
una remenibranoa. Wa Aettir appro-
A "lwdcnt
think theas patent dm modeb are af
any great utility. Aereaa-maker win
cut yoa a reliable pattern for tea thaa
u wuint yon juataaweU or bettor thaa
yoa Just aa well or better thaa
yoa can-be fitted by the model. This b
tnf advice of an expert asms arvas-mskrr
and b given gratia, "(
JUS. at. C Ct can sand yau aa
elegant black grenadlna for 1 a yer
yard. XUack cbambrsy b not mors thaa
half ao expeaaire, and makes a dreae
that Wa tike better. . Plain black linen
bwfta are abo aiaatlral anal darabsty
- Musicbnt AtmjrtatS? b a poarartet
to towab. "Oratorta" Is a sarrad drama
u ik. k.v .TT. . . .
b tba, better ana to an la apeak Ing
. -J'-( VfW9atyi! u sVMm, . u
though wa belbve wa have
term in our deaariptba af the perioral-
ftPOfjk , . ai . 4a i i.--. t 4
Inquirer: B-iU-iVVWreUy pro
nounoed aweet, aa the Governor and hb
tweet,-" a "sweet' of room ate,, ate.,
though person of cultivation often pro-;
nounee tha word fa, and H really awn
to u tha preferable pronunciation.
Lelaura baa tha accent of Ion:
though cpelled cear.i
"Crltb:" We" iia glad to' have your
eri tic lama upon the story of Judith
W are not attempting to picture
foot woman. W don't belbv
any each beings. Yen abo aay
Boreal la cannot be seen on ft
moonlight evening.? .We are
abep too aouadly to make reliable ob
aanrattona. Stay a wake till nine or ba
o'clock some bright moonlight evening
next winter, -when
tanda at uln otten degrees, and sec if
yea) eaa't observe tha tongue of blue
nam that aheot up from the north and
northeast , This b AJtTa,J3urcalla, and
you can observe it If you will make the
A "vexed bouaekee'perw wanb to know
what makes be 14 aakea stbk ta tba
griddle when aha trke ta turn1- them
overIf yaubatterb too thin the
cakes will not turn nicely, neither will
they ba light and whobaoma. If they
are toe thick they are tough and Uato
bas, " tf Juade with sour milk and soda,
too mavh or too iltUe of the Utter In the
"batter" will canes them to adhere to
the griddle.1 J3ometlmes the griddle b
rough, which cauaea the trouble. In thb
ease, eeour brbkly with aait, and yau
Will hava no farther treabb from thb
aouroa. ; Experience b the beat gulib la
An "attsteae watcher" write: . "b it
true that all tha shining lights In ths
woman movement have been jooas in
nwab aJthertori- What a queationt
Some of tha purest men and women
that tha world has aver known have
are to-day' numbered among
ita noblest worker. "Bhining lights"
In every movement that baa yet stirred
tha world hayebeen round who hava
been loose In morals, bat that boo rea
son wby thoee raforma aheuM bear the
odium of their private character; neither
b It any reason wby other shining lights.
or Indeed tha main body of tha peopb
who honestly espouse these moyrmenta
hi mass of their utility or worth, ahoufd
WeralfuaThat on political party say
af another, we'd all ba on the highway
to Jndewionriro.r.lUtfcbn and the
press have become ao much accustomed
to .abusive epithets that they, cannot
apeak the truth concerning political op
ponents, even Jhoogh they be w men.
Othar fetter will ha-aas wared, next
week. ,J ? -; T - - iw-Fj-
There . b tlttb. to note aouceruing
enanga af raahtons for
The heavier fabric of dreae good am,
or course, giving place to airy textures
sultabb to Uts season. : Tba inevitable
and inexpensive calico still hohb lb
favor, while llncnit, bwns, ' organdies
and grenadines are nigh in favor. White
drasse are much la vogue, and their
gives much employ meat to
HUnamcn and bundry women. Fans
af Japaneea ami Chinese work are
pretty aud aheap, aome of tham being
quite naveria ahspe and styia.-Bread
sash ribbons,- In delicate eolors, are la
Tha broad, black aaahet also
retain their favor. Overakirte are as
extravagant ' In bngth, purling and
trimming aa ever. . Baequiue waists and
wide, flowing aleevea are . much worn.
iMtawb 'of Lama mea are being warn
considerably. ' They are aba wsed aa
drapery, in the form of verakirte, and.
ar ttany w aufabb aad never awt of
tssMoa, are raally awt axteayagana, al
though: their first cost b considerable.
- In millinery there . b nothing new.
Wa think tha styles of tlib season have
been a vast tmrwvamant aver thaaa of
bat year. The flowers are exquisite and.
considering their quality, are reaaoaa
Me in prtos. .? Broad ribbon arenot
mnoh Used for ties, the width known to
dealers as "'o. r being the taoat Cash-
! Fiwcy saws are mneit worn npon the
shoes, wklch,-w ar sorry to my, are as
high In the beet and as trying upon tba
' A AnoKxnrrnors MoncTAiw. A
silver mountain hae been dlarnrcred I
Oolorada near a llttto mining vllbg
known., aa tteorgetowft. The ore w
ftrwt dlswtgHMt1nrTbeaide,w audaf.
tenrsrd several - valuable todes
track. 1 A eorrespondeat of tha Penver
Arwe was shown-pieces or mineral.
aversslna from two hundred to three
hundred poumb each, taken from thb
mountain: which when eaaayed gava a
return of from 1,500 to S,ihn ounces per
ton. As the mountain was near a til
lage, tha discovery could not be long
Jteutaaeit; and aa soon as tha news
got out there was such a general rush to
tba Place of old and young amateur and
profeaaloaal miners, that at a little dis
tance It resembled a mammota ant niu,
at least aa says tha Aew ioru.4Msv
Just si tha eve seeks to refresh Itself
by reatlng on neutral Unto after looking
alitrllliaat colors, th mind turns from
tha . far of, intellectual brilliancy to
tbcsKiara ofgentb dullness, tlx tn
qullli lag green of the sweet human
qualities, which do not make us shade
lour ,ItB lb paj1cs of convma-
rfiirvtl fymnasta sjmI t.gurantea. Oirrr
there Are
afraid you;
Boji fti famera.
Boys in general would be very good
formers, if the current notions about
farming were not so very different from
those they entertain. ' Whai paawa for
bztneeal wry often Un unwillingness
to farm in a particular way. - Ker la
staneet Home morning In early summer,
John U told to catch Ue sorrel mare,
haraea her Into tha spring wagon, and
put in tha buffalo and the beat whin, for
Ifalbcr b obliged Jta drlveavar 4v-4h
uorners, "to see a man" eeusomeea
tie, to talk witlUhe Koad CVannilaaionev,
to go to the stare for the 'women folks,"
and to attend to other iu porta nt bua4
neas; and very likely he v 111 not be back
till sundown.' It mast b very pressing
bournes, for the old gentleman drives
on In this way somewhere almost every
pleasant day, and appears to hava a
great deal on hla mind, ' ' "n
Meantime, ha telb Julm Ht he1, can
pby ball, after1 he ba done Bp the
chorea. A if tha chorea coaLI ever ba
"dona up" on a farm ! lie b first to
ekan out the home-tble; then, to take
a bill-hook and cut down the weed
from the fence rorurrs in the mowing
lot and along the road towarb the yfl
lage; to dig up the dork round the
garden paten; to weed out the beet-bed;
to hoe the early potatoes; to rake the
sticks and leaves out of the front yard:
In short, there b work enourb bid out
for John to keep him busy, it seems to
blm, till he come of age; and at half an
hour to sundown he 1 to go for the
owa, and, mind, he don't run 'em !
-"Yes, sir," my JohnTa Hiat al! J"
"Well, If you get through. In good
season, you might pick over those pota
to in tha aalter; they are eprvuilug:
Uiey aln' t fit to eat" , A . f "
John b obliged to hb father, for if
there b any sort af chore mora cheerful
to a boy than another, on a plaaaa at uay
It b rubbing the sprouts af potatoes. In
n dark cellar. And the old gentleman
mounto hb wagon aad drives away
down tba enticing road, with the dog
boomling along beside the- wagon, and
refusing to-coma back mv John's call.
John half wbhes that aa.were tha 4bg.
Tha aoa: knewe tha part of tba farming
that suite him. Ha likes to ma nbng
tha road and sea aU tba doaa aad ether
people, aad ha likes beat of all to lb oa
the store atopsat thaCnrneia .while hb
bona Is dosing at tha post and
tstor is taiklnar Dolltica la the
store with tha other am of hb ao-
qaalntonaB, anapping at mutually an
noying mas ami indulging in that da
Ughtral dog geasip, which b e xpraaaed
by a wag of, tha tell and a.auliT f the
aose. - Nobody knows how many docs'
aharaoters are dastroysd la Uds gossip;
or nnw a aog may oe aiMa ao iiminuato
suspicion by a wag of the tell, as a man
aan by a shrug af tfb ehoulleior sniff
a slander aa a ansa. aa suggest one by
raising n is eysoeowa. . t . . ,
John looks after to old amUlnmsn
anvingon in km, vhd uk odorous
missio robe ana uie-new whip, and lie
thinks that b the sort of farm In 1m
aVparting pareut I . . ?
-r-yMiy, nuier, aa- i go over to Uie
further pasture and aalt the rattle?"
r.. . i . ft m s - . - -.--
Jeanr know that ha anutd Spend a italf
a day vary pleasantly la going over to
; aastura, l
ture, looking lor birda' nests aud
ahyiagatredaijulrrebon the way.
and who knows but be might t'see" a
sucker In the meadow brook, and per
haps get a ab" at him with a sliarp
stick. He knows a hole Where there is
a whopper; aud one of his pbu la life U
to go some day and snare m m, and bring
aim home In Uluiiin.ltuerefirw, is
strongly impressed upon his mind that
tlie cattle want salUng. -, Hut his father,
witltout turning hb bead, replica I '. ,
"No, they dttn't aeed salting any
naorVn you do F' aud the old aqulaage
goes rattling down the road, aad John
whistles his disappointment, -v When I
was a boy on a term, aud 1 suppose it Is
ao now, cattle were never salted half
John gnes to- hb .chore, and geto
through tba stebb as soon as Jay can, for
that l-li'Mf'M'ili-n l .ny
to the outdoor work, that rather dnur.
Ther are ao many things to distract Ute
attention, a chipmunk in the fence, a
bird on ft near tree, and a Jieurliawk
elrollng high In the air aver tha barn
yard. Joiia lose a little u ma in atom ng
the ehinnMSak. whleh rather likes tlie
sport and In watehiag tha bird to find
wnere iia'iieM ia, ana ne convinces
himself that ha -ought to watch tlie
hawk, bat it Bounce anon tha chickens.
and therefore, with aa easy aonsrbuce,
feeattende nrteen minutes in naiiooing
to that dbtont bird, and follows it
away out of slabs aver the woods, and
then wtahca tt would noma hack agala.
And thesi a carriaa with two Jjorsra.
and a trunk oa bahiad, goes along the
roaa, aad there ia a girt la the carriage
who- took out t Jons, who b sudtbaly
a wars that lustrowsers ar patched on
each knee and tn two place beJilml: ami
ba woader If she b rich, and whose
noma is on tha trank, aud bow much
the barms aost, and whether that nice-
looking gentleman Is tba girl's father,
and If that boy on tlie seat With the
driver b ber brother, and If ba ha to doiwlll ba just aa eerafortaub for one day
chorea; aad ss tha gay eight dlappesrrl
John fells to thinking about ilia great
worm oeyona im atria, m aiues, Ana
people who are always dressed uu and
a great maay at bar tilings of which be
baa a dim notion. And thena boy,
whom John knows, riilea up las wagon
with hb father, and the boy ..makes a
face at John, and John' returns the
greeting with a twist of hb own visage
and some symbolic jreaiurc. AU these
thinrs take time. The work of cuttina
down tlie big weeds gets on slowly, ai-
I thniijr.rL. lt Is nni vrry rtlaagrsaabu! ar
would not be if it were play. . John Im
agine that yonder big thistle 1
whiskered vllliaa, of whom be has read
In a folnr book, and he advances on him
with "Die, ruffian !" aud slsoliea off hhrj
need vim um mii-nook, or he ruargea
npon tba rows of mullein stalks a if
they war rebele la tha . regimental
ranks, and bewa thein down without
mercy. Wbst fun It might lie If there
were only aaotner boy there wr tirjpl
But even war single-handed jrets to be
rtreeoaiei it U dluner-tlme before John
flniabee the Weed, and It b aow-tlme
before Joba has made much impression
"Thb aarden John hm no fondness for.
Ha would rather hoe com all day than
work In it.. Father seems to thluk It l
easy work that John can do, beoanae It
bbearthebouael Jolin'sconrtnualnlan
la this lifs b to go fiahing... When there
comea a rainy day; he attempt to carry
It out. Itut ten chance to on hb
father ha different views.- A K rains
so that work cannot be done oat of
doors, It b a food time to work Is tha
tardea. Us can run Into tha house .be
tween the heavy showers.. John ac
cordingly detest the garden; and the
only tims be works ttokJy In Ills when
ins ttefoas the lAaarth - IfXs b
spry he can make an extra holiday, the
gunpowder and ball-ibyiiig I When I
was a boy, I supposed there wa some
connection 'between auch and such an
amount of work dorm jBnldia AanttdifWetf wUh Os will tell lt,an.-wc
our national fruedotu,. ldoubted UlZlZ.1 TT UVVM
trier eouid be any fourth of j uiy ii my
tent was not done. I, at lesat, worked
for my Indcjiendcace. t I).
aera aasf yuam..- .iti u-;,
. -i w'S'r.i J'ia"1 I i ;
.1 l&bolftiraTiabABsrba.i;
Prof. ' Agasslx.' In a 'naner tsjbllahed
la Uw Aifcsstas Afssas)te,avyK,'-, ....
"1'iis slooea of thalkwhsay ramre.
wherever they, have been examined.
are glacler-wom to the' very top, ' with
the exception or n lew point; but these
paints aaa aaaneiana-to grva aa date -for
Uia aompatMon.. Mouut Washington,
for Instance, is over six tlioiiHHnd feet
high, and the rough, unpolished surface
f its summit, covered wttb loose frag-
to, iuat ImIsw tba level of whk-A
cemes to an end, telb us that It lifted
its head above the desobte wsxte of ice
and anew. In thb region, theu. the
thickness of the sheet eaunet hava been
much less thau six tbauaand test, and
Uiia la takeetituc with the same kind of
evidence In oilier parts of the country;
ror, wnerevcr me mountain am much
bsbw the sis thotwtid test, th t I
seats to have named tUrectlv over theur.
while a few peak rising to that height
are uutouched, ami while we ran thus
sluk our plummet from the summit f
Mount Washington and maasara the
thickness of tha mass of feel we hava no
accurate indication of iSt extension in
the undulating Una marklug the south
ern terminus of thedrift ' -
I have shown that tha moraines mark
tha oscillations of tba glaciers la Jiu
rope. When auch accumulatlous of
materials took pboe at Its terminus,
then we .know the glacier must hava
held Ita ground .Wmg .enough., to. allow
time for the collection ,of . these dWri.
In the mme way we may trace the
southern border of our ancient toe sheet
this continent by tlw limit of the
boakbras beyand that Una . it avioeutly
did not advanee as a solid mass, since ft
ceased to transport the heavier materials,
but as th outekirta of tha Ice began to
yield, and to flow 4T aa water,
tne nigner .portona .ox uiaarm were
wept outward, and hence, we -find a
sheet of Jtoar drift deposit, mad and
gravel, mors or less distinctly stmtirted,
carried to greater or leaa-d I stances, and
fading late tlie ttouthern Htotea, where
n mingles 1 w IXH tns ruost rvocut river
deposits. . . , - , - . '
One naturaflv asks, what was the ua
or mis grea engine eel to worn ages.
ago to grind, furrow, and knead aver.
is were, ute sariace of Uw earth 7
va have our answer in-the frrtlb soil
f on " aa globe.
The alacter va
Ood'S" first pbugb, and when thrice
vanuuished from the fnce of tlie. eartll
ik ici 1, it prepared ior ine iianu 01 me
buabandmau. The bard surface of the
rocks was ground to powder, th -ele
ment of the aoil were mingled in folr
iHormrtlona, . granite was carried Into
the lima-regions, -lime was mingled
with the mora arid and unproductive
sranltediatrlcta. and a s41 was presudltlsl to a woman as to a flower.
nt for tha arrieultural use of man.
Therefor itiiink we may believe that
God did not shroUlhe world lie hml
made, In snow and Ice, without a pur
pose, and that thia, like mauy other
operations of hb providence, seemingly
destructlv and chaotio in lb first ef-
feote,-b nevertheless a work of benefi
cence and order.".'-:..;.-.i.L:'i-!-'' '" "
-To BtoaTJsbg Tabaoca. ..
Dr. rIo IBwirmyr'uoiTeeiio
the voices of tlie wiae ones of the world
when I say that tba aacef tobawio istra'
Ijrma and ritnckriii tlie rnrsl ssnslbillsia
more than any other habit lu which
civilized men Indulge.- Gentlemen,- !
advise von to clean Yourselves and oult 1
I would give it up. It to nasty, rl-j
iwuag, siunuus nswib h nuuhiwij
says, '"can't give it up; I want to; and
have trieiL but T rwuTdrt Tt.1
you T Then I wouldn't. But K you are
really as enslaved that you oaanot get
get out of your chains, I wlj
jp to-nigiit; uoifl use any
morrow. The lint day will not ! sou
very hard. - You can get an pretty well
tha first day, as every sine knows who
baa been through the mill, aa I have
been. Tlie seeoiMT-day to prettyhad.'
In the afternoon of tlie second day your
memory b a liUisdoablul: you cannot
exactly say whether It was two or three
brothers Uiat osiiie ovr, you cannot
exactly asy whether your grandfather
came from the East or the West when
ba settled her But ba patieat on the
second day. On tba third morning
comes the tug. .Now go and take an
olr-fashloned alcohol sweat, until your
sgin 'is neany pwrooiiea. ' ines jou
aa yon could wish. There b no dryness
af the mouth, no dlturtanre of tlie se
cretions. You are liertertiv comfort-
1 j - r
bMrfor one day.. THe next oay you are
In trouble again; but not so-bad aa -the
day before. Take another sweat, take
even a thlrdor fourth one.' . 8 wearing
doe not hurt people; sometime rt b
rood for them. '-Take three ar four
thorough aweata, aad than you will gooff
under easy aau, ana you wiu nave -no
further trouble front your enemy.
nrinting afllce one day. and aveing
pile of papers lying an tha table. It bring
publishing day, aaoeramordousiy neiped
Limaslf to a cony and mid: .
"I don't take any pay fur
Just one paper T" ' - ; ;
rtnoruy anerwara ana pnnier aniereu
UMBiMrlual'i. ilan aiMi-e&lled- for a
iound of raialns, which Wssquhkly
weighed out to him. Th printer took
the ain,saytngt ' -1
aannose van don't charge when ft
follmeiitea't take but ana nuuad T'
No." said tha grocer, after, aeeiag
the dlidvantare under wlih-h tie was
placed wy bis awn stingy Itllberality to
ward the pMater, abdseMt, . .
1 "Wbea I mt any snore newspaper
from a printer, j'll pay ftwjbem.
A gMitVemaa In New York City nd
ertiaed tha other day for aa aswbteiit
bsofc-ksener. salary ; fsuO ner annera.
Tbrsa days sfterwsjds ba bad rseetved
shout seven hnndrvd appllaatlon fortlie
snuawon 1 ur . ; jr..
The' Inoonvenlaaea of tbe pablls la
not being able to get a drink of water to
the atmeto when thirsty, 'Is, no doubt,
ths find
y f many , neooming
IWng hurriedly through the streets,
attending to bsninesa, wa become dry;
we dou't waat to ba seen going luto a
drinking houae, for we know someone
iu oe aesuown aa s tippler, and ua
irortbyths coiifidenee of Uios wa deal
rlth; then we, ourselves, have conacl-
witn; 1
f ntlous scruples about doing what wilt
nduce mt It Sriah that whlsh nimstui
ally sumuutea. . We think U b wrong,
and tliefeiore doat eto-Mtrage the spp
titewa are afraid of Jt. , . r
In many of the cities of the Kast, pub
lb drinking fountoina bay been erect.
st aasi of tham aaa utogaatly gotten
Wa cannot sea why there ahoutd not
be a publie drinking fonntatn at every
nr plug, where the figwra af a water
nymph mlgtit be boiuiug -a.pitober
that, by a touch of the hand, would nil
a metal.cup for the thirsty passer-by.
The rsuAlng of such a figure aaceob
tolnsd, tha sxsenas wastld not be very
great to- multiply - tba number. Our
temperance people should take hold of
thb matter. Lrt some man In the
good Trmpbra, th Hons af Temperanea,
of Ibaiiawaya, after a resolution raising
a Joint Committee to look into It; say
from the Daha ays, Teuton, Templars,
'Vi''',.l!!''f!'e' fm!l
mittee of three, makiug twelve; tet
UMm act promptly tn kriatrtus I
ter befors tlie Hupervisors, and see that
the systein Is luaugrated; public oln
iou Is rliw for It, It only wante some on
to take bald aud start It, Who will do
ItT WasliaU eee.-The projector will
te blessed by many a thirdly good man
In the future. Hb name will go down
to posterity a ft beneikeion JtaAoa?.
Tba first Instinct about ft new featifon
la iiis true oue,- LfcMt't wait till your
eye- baa lost thb arvursev and vaur
judirment its edge. Hutdeot aha tiling
at once to III g-nrml rtli, nl II..M, t
tlie declxion. .
" 9d." What suite one' pemrin. does hot
Ulllliuilli., Vn. i.i,e '' ... . .
W.- Dress should he-suppbment good
Into and correct bad one. Thick and
Uiln, long. and short, are not all to be
subjected to one Procrustean atylsv- - '
, sth- Colors sImmiM ba- naraaaiitou,
Should be ina ml slmiiWI bs bMmlna.
Id eat, many littb points or blotches of
emor spnnaiea over a costume produce a
disagreeably pled and speckled effect, as
of h monstrous robin's egg, or a pinna
pudding. Una tint should prevail, re
lieved that by a contrasting tint. No
amount of fashionable prettlffe ran
make an untieroming color becoming.
"Mile graea" will Sou soma people Into
ors ngeisl hough twenty eninrsasisj ur '
its anoBMon, 1 ' 1 .' - . .
6th. - Lines should be continuoua,
graceful, and feminine." It b better to
look like a nmmsajU you bsipew m be;
one than like anything else even a
lasnion-piate J .
atlu fjritaiiM-nt muni be suliordinate.
Nature, with' air ber profusion J never
forgets this rundamental law, -.
7th, , Above all thins. Jta --jneasV
isuniy precuion and rresiinssa ia csacii-
Wh. Individuality Is tha rarest and
the cheaie4 thing in the world, m
nth, ami lastly, "tstyiish" iaofall the
wonis in the rurllHhTans-uas-a tlie moat
doadly. It baa sblu lb thousands..
. ... 7
Miss Hunan B. Antlwmy will vlalt our
tlie school house -te morrow evening.
We hava taaan aome lillW uelna te have
this ladvglva wur town a call, in her
InctiUI Journey, hecauMe we
to ne a woman or innuenee
ho-anuM and
Would exert soma of it for eur
if she were to sea and become
iiialnted with us. . Khe could have
been her on Monday evening, but that
was tha time -of the clrcua eihlhltton,
aud she could not stay till Tuesdsy oa
account of otlier engagenienta. We are
assured that her lecture will be suited
to the time and tha araana, 1
llversd In tha interest of humanity
generally. We want our people to turn
out and aea and hear this woiialerful and
tahtited woman. Wa want them to see
aadTsBeet an tba aflars of a whole lite
spent In battling for what site deemed
tlie right; In trying to free her sisters
front what she comtiWrvd slsvery and
thralldum, and all tlie time auldeet to
jeers aud ridicule; her life one aoatlnnal
struggle in tha moon to eaneM nee raaa.
Ml Anthony, -unlike many reformers
and martyrs, has the satUfaction of
having lived to sea her causa made
rcsjiei safta, and mm prophesy aba will'
II va to sea It rriytM. xtroMMC oea-
ftoef. , - . ' ;
When AbxandeV Duma the yewnger
first achieved literary fame by "fiie
iady of the Cameiisa,'' the elder IJunias,
who b Juat dead, wrote a fimnal note to
hb son, as If they were utter stranger
to each other, eongratutotlng blm on hb
earns m, greeting him as a worthy follow-
citixen in the great republic 01 tetters,
and exnresalng hb deslra to have a per
sonal Interview with auch a prom king
nounr author. -The son answered thb
eonipilnaeatart sffuaion la 'the same
bigb-nown strain, mylng that ns fully
appreciated tha honor -conferred npon
hlui, and that he should be most happy
to meet tha distinguished sat nor af
utotnlIonl Crito,"-bf whom h bad. often
beard, 3b father.
apcafLiljba very
highest term.
Mlchlaan ba made another Hrl.b In
ctvUlsatten and equal rightai - Tba-new
City Hall la Detroit b to contain the
Circuit Court, aad Judge I'atchlit, fb
inrumbrnt, recognising tne fact that
graduated -from- leS -Htate bwauhboL
rvoognlaea their right aba to site ad the
slttiaga tn his court. Ha baa aeenrd-
btgly ha.1 proper provlMions madel for
their comfort in tha newly aumpUHed
court-raom, and ntgnlfbd hb w Ullage
nam that they bouki attend the aea
slons at pleasure. It b no more tbs a
should be done In every court-room
throng boat theeounti j? r
A country auditor In New Hampshire
baa bad presented to blm for allowance
In a lawsuit a bill, which reads -To
doing your chores such as drawla water,
ebbpta wsnd and feeding, eattlo
week whib you by drunk, UL'l..',
. . . . . "
n il yl
1 T tiiU
. """-wssb ssrrrasesaqnjMS -fa 1
teaplaf like s sails' si alarV ,nK " ' "
Whsdlni, wtdaahur Ikranrfe ths valley J
nwgat wissnns sua swsr. h
t t.j v'Oawera ever, rn win tn.i -j.U
.. . hovel ner. . ,7 t
. softly mIIIm to Ike sell, 4 '
..... . .
i-.- nialssssBSssarsss,.' -1 ini -.u.
Sprtmrm pm vllrbery mitftf 1 Ml a iu
- asMsfilarajrlftraw1efni:
Onm SMrr kaasU Urlwrwr; .
Buitjr Sl.pU. oa thy lid..
Tkwmmgk tbs sarpl galea of atnrh fug1'
V" "aiais iteslas aaaesT '"-to.ksnma.yni4-JJl
, Oa thy Fte. ISSII. htei,MS. :!. , ;,.,
... . .WsiuiBs.askte... - '
1 ' TlnkUa. arteiklM, lf "U. I- -
iJbaM. voaun, ftMlt,tu.trHv. , ,
'j. Alwaya karitsa, irj; j. . t-t
'.'fTTT'' J sartod,;,- ;-tXn r- n:t7 --
1 t noon-ms
4 tr-rf-mi iryt
V nwinsiiclaraf tessk, . , , '
Llka Hum ,, k,w .r iu..1" " "
ISly la earSrauM tost Uf ' tt i' .
offs. . ia mnaoH.V,
.mstoyeuawassg,, , , .-, u,
WiMthlBCMuuklaeaaUaauMTov. .
- BrealMngrfatissce 'roajMlteda,. "r-
"" '1nMMu4r ' -
l--.:r- Mere aaa prmri ., . ,
llltaar aescrr wosM 4sami
li1 old on llusfc
wass . aaa wsihmwT" hmas Mr
Oa th ratriug watt of eesaa -'
ao tar aratteraa wV hall inmfTK
Mia tee ssarranrthais laati -.d .
. : MhaU ihr aUvst atsaa he luat, . ,, ..
Ubl thy gllmawrlnr nuh ofrladae '
MM-ka this rarhM lia of aila, "
ftaelas la Um wtM rarsvsr ? . i , .'
tessa m sloiriaa rthssf TlaM -VA "
...... Oawya .., I;
liival w r4M t T
7fiofily esllteg to tae'aVa'f f v Mr
" TnaetaarsnerS'Ua,
-t-i , j 4v ae traskW traaek oa tose,-t
Olsaalaga, t-y
A nooae-paper -A rnarrUgr certificate.
Jlowlo get along welly-have It dug
- ldccp, UMt.f-,J.,A'"-""
' The water of the Colombia river are
railing very rapidly. .
-Many msav aa worth notWagy nd
somaamwurth baa,. ...,W. ?!fe!;. .htx
! The man who took tha floor b to open
a limited lumber yard. - -j? -;
- Usa tha posacaser of a speaking eouur
tsnana ever bealleat f .... ;T.
What flower would furnish a drawing,
y A carpenter b seldom1 as handsome a
nis wirs, asaa it at in arai ptaner:
... Wny are raahroer vhawts ltk deaf
peopb f Oerause you rant make them
A well-to-do fbhwman. an hb daugh-
wdaiag-4ay, 1 lately? gava her a
t. ' . . '.fir T fr 7 ;
ihy da-latoxieatten-Hka a wash
bowl r - asked Ibmba.
"Case It am de
ln-in "
- The most warlike nation- of modern
tlmesJs yaocluaUou, becsuae It b always
Inarms. 1 " J
. Hallways are arUtecratlo. 'They teach
every man to know hi owa statioa and
tO Stop tlulfS. I' I I, I I - - - T rrr ,t
Itecauae rMim-eaire usetl to retrta, It
does not follow that they are unaffected
bv-svotraathar,: ir.- ; - -.jl .' -
A' coquette' b said to be n perfect tn-
carnation of Cupid, baeauaa h hsrps
bbnnu.lnaojay .J T. (,
A qaalut old Hootch proverb run
thus: "An ounce of mother is worth a
pound of clergy." -77 t '.' '
' Adam Hmlth was right when be aald,
"I believe the chief part of human bap
plneas arises from tlie -conaciousnam of
being tteteved."". i'l'v i .-i '...!
The annual fair of tha Clark County
Agrieultaral and Mac lis a las I ttoctety
will be held at Vancouver, on tha J.Uth,
91th aud Zlst of Heptember.-j ',
Houihey aald .that ft man'a abaracter
iay he judged of avsn toore un-ly by -
th letter which Ma frtenda address to
blm, than those wbldt A -wrato nim-
aslf. if J UH ' .. ..i . HUM. ' -
Tba only Iwuaa bft wninjurad la th
forest of k oamiubteaa was Wist of Jtosa
ltendeur, which, with ail 1U toologloai
nete, was carefully preaervnl by order
ofKlngWIinam. ' " , "
or iving rt iuibib.
' 'ltepk?Hj bvej i
form yon I've Insured 1
M.f IThn you ought (
lamhsppy toln-
my Ufe!" Ar,
you ought to be aaaamed or
aweh a seiflali action. Insurs your eaw
Nothing don,'oul mtnex JMwppn
It haa been esttmatod by Dr. Burka"
4 1 - . .
that aa average brain Is ceWe or 7 ,
holding ,l.Vi,7W,0UO thoughts, and Bat- -
loguafaa astlmated that the rrrenral
con volutions cowteln,0Ut -
nnlb ' ' " hi' i .1.1 1'" iH .i,r.i i ' Tk
ttUi . aaan la Uaabls to tell tha
Uma af day by hi wateh, bacaaae there .
are fire lianas, and ha doesn't know
wkL-h-tee-believe." It Is a tolerable
wee sign that hehs partaken of mora ;
refreshment thaa his natnra requires.
A1lttb'g1rln4!yvt twclva years of
aga wa brought before a 3w umsni .
magbtmto raorntly for stersa-walking.
u t .-l.l k. LU. M In., -.
ril WIU mWf UM-V-'I J J " .
"I was pushed Into tha street by my
aunt Jane Just three years ago, and hava
been force.! to look out for myaetf aver
since." Who can blame tha chihil
Ornndma to Urarunm
beard that atratiga stei
rr aanut
elimpkin's elopement r
lAUtt .
m 1 .
Omndmn: " 1 ndead f rV""V
baM what
. n .. wWmll.
VVell. then, I'll toll you I
a aaa wwanap-wv-eawa n anvwi
.rr;'r;w Wv lo-on for to-morrow V
a ytaag hvdy of OevrUrtd, Qhla,
airsd aV tha rvs of ber fed
dlng. mylng that ber lover had ft wife
..Jiwo 'children In s aelgbhoring town.
Tbe poor girl read tha tottar 1hough,
turned ber face' toward her fnother.
L.. m-mrrliiT
ifBXClalini ng. .va, 1
I fi .aw...uu .A tW ilkat flaMfcT.
"""ny zzzrr. rrr.".j .... ,o
: - - -v
1 v