The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 07, 1871, Image 3

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Evrmcft,1 t4t iiiJlenrA.'frBMi.
The Oiatorio of Esther, under the au
pervleloa of Prof. MeGlbeiiy, u given
for the (hint (Jim to a erewded house on
rWurlsUhmfeto-aV tUHil pee-
fanMim fully Justified all the goad
later one.1 fcouve ot the tfiify kadi
route very much exhausted, awing to
eu-ltraee4 mmI the tinaawaliy ,waam
rtterf and tlmreJbre fM f eibjbr
wlnUrtt M W displayed upon
iracr mcuIom, bat they aeemed to
prorewded, Bad the choruu af the last
twa ecoe ws odmlm Wy -TetdriyjdL
Un. MrUUrtf; bo QaeMlMT, t
trred Into the eplrlt nf her role with
vivid puMrpttoa of her port. Ka words
"ea do her justice, Mr. Montelth, a
M orders I, eang nthr temeiy. beeauae
he ni tired, wo suppose. He baa pe
culiarly Aaa tenor but ann-u-
... Vt... t ii ni. awaariU him a-ama
. m IIU , aaam esau, w e aaaaw iwi a
v Immennrlx la th banquet ifwie, wIm-to
Quern Kher point mit tb culprit Ha
Vak a'-!4iJ'BsO ,aBa 9QVfla y
nrt. Ilia exhibilioa of lnteuae anger
was Jatigfcabla, , We wgront that It
Us little auryrlaa and sorrow with hi
ravings to-morrow wwaat. Air. War
' ten, aa Hainan, la. a eotnplrte eutweas.
He atiuU wpoft th atan whto wnt to
-1- lila praise ara sung T anu the flei u Hah da
. ' Ilk-lit Wth which ha listeria to the plot-
liars of Zrtolk. hta wife, for the destrue-
tktn of Morriecst la inimitable, HI
Esther and the laagha.Ua rauttiira of
Ahaeueras la capital, ana wnea ue ro-
tlm tranblincT frum Um aUga la tha
ruatotiv of the King! gtiaid, wa are Un-
praanail with a ftmllng tna lua acuug la
vivkl realltjr. " Mlaa CardlaU aa lroph-
ioai aang cxnuiaiteiy. e never
heard anrthing nner thaa her rendithHi
f "nsVatfalSiM" lkajBltoglaV,
thla maa-nitloeut rantata la the flueat en-
tertmlnntent aver given la the elty. Wa
lMta UaBlWnMa UaaMs6ev
4iahad wife ntayllreionittolBatnM-taad
guide the amateur muaJoaJ telent of our
wi aamualf r d -Jra. to t (haiiaktha
-eruwded houara their uerfurmauvra are
drawing they will receive ample remua
t eratloa firthaUWlftt Dr wing to tna
Learta of the puUUe. B special lnlu
tioa LhU cantata will he glveu a gala to-
morrwuawHiagaai at taiMTat '
The New Am mica CvctorKMA.
mXaH lardylbiet WlA'a rtMc'idf'ao
'Much luiportance and Inlrinalc ValQe aa
eompleta In alxteen rolumca-i(iejr
aubject that caa ha though of. la eia-
taiua a fund of . practical 'tuJuruXnbu
rlJf'VeU" fyV
library la Itself a kind of universal
: dtetloaary la which yoa eaa la a few
. 'wotoaaU OM arrtratt KatwMi abfat
anything wbleb you amy aVaata aia ia
vestifaaa, twaAaraaaaifMa la.
exhaustlbW fund of krtawladye which U
" of litest imable value to mlnlatera, Isw
trrv e4mrnirtatfeoBX 'Kvary 1a
telllarnt family la the taitw'saMukf pn.
amlt. Um of aur wealthy luhsUt
' aata have libraries which cost thoue
aads of dollars, and which of course are
unattainable by he wialoHtyuf oar rlt-
m ofu-aaad tbeaiael vea la aeed
t Important historical or oUSrr wstrka
" lor which" they csuuot aflbri lbs ex-
Lrt such pi rsu Burebase thla
jz eomiihrta CvclopstUa. w
- -thumenta ea brjrf JL'bury vttbo-f Ita
. . tiwww raw A aM tia-auataaai aJklcb
1 ara alphabetically arranged, aa that any
Innsnustioa that Is Weeded unoa anv
subject eaa be found' aa easily aa 1lie
words la an vnabrttbred dlctioaary. The
msahaaleal axaoaUwa aa the work la of
the blithest enter. The type U lanre,
-' nlaai aaut, pleastasj' imL IV
'worst la vmhelhwner lynul wa I
engravings.' Any volume sold arpar
ately. rM ay auuaertpuoa amy. ik
ApiJetoa t'., publishers, iw, IRI
: M Grand street. New Vorx.
KoiTATIOMAL-The Albany HrffLtcr
saya the annual aaaslon of the Linn
Cawaty KducailenaJ Hociety will be beld
atr- Xiebanoa, . commencing Thursday,
July 12th, at 10 'dock A. M. AfVlrecs
aaiD jitsxtad' 9mm owt takorcrrst
. nromlncnt aJucatora, suckaa. lU:vXri
(Jewry, lief, W. It. Uiabop, and others.
Uaestlonaof Importance to the edues
1 lional Interests it Um country will be
isTncvurcjLsJ. FAia. -Hie first
bAKaf ifkOiyT The Via an TMlent
. dhuilay of artlclea competing for pre-
-' mlums. and the Society -deiwrT a great
credit far the lMUgwratloa of thla new
feature-la our Mate InetitutTons. We
- am aorry to learn, bowever, thai the
- teeeipta wiU hill essldaably abort, of
meeting ih4 iUUmiefc-10 .
rria Fotbtth. The rourfb oTTuTy
wa observed at East Portland, quite,
a multitude repairing thither. Wa
- aaderetaad that a good tlaae waa bad.
, The usual amount of cannon and anvil
firing, betl-rlngings peech-making, etc.
imiuigaa aurba oaat
IntaTbe oaatlen
by Una.
puluta up the valley. ... .
. ." IIau.6imMUUA ballaiirtt rareatly
vlalas4 UaagUa aawtionapklaa eoa
waaw iauWI, .up .whlok ,a
Inebeat la' alrrumfrencs,- gose pf The
sionea wuiinth fin auca aree that
they pcuttrsUd the gruuud tu the depth
. of km Intdtasw Wm Jaaaa tsssa.ssi la
., track of the'Storm werwaMppeaVof
lea res and small branches. . ,
wsaured -aiaa I .
. to ine VcwUtatamiauifVi Wkae oe-
i plea hat bla ajknTllr.Oarka aTma
presacdatated.-' Its'-J'l jaiaaia-4 have
' rommitted the aaaattitvader,, f
siltetl twuauer. .JLa we w aa-Mte-eW hi
- team aiasl, wa aVeieato- eKoMnetne
- bene tit of, H
a. HrariAJ.PBkaltL'A NrHtet ta the
H7aasW m msiasgnlng hlmaelf
ja'.t-bflkrh al tSe aet Utarfcfalr a
premlam ta tb firt wader 1 years f
aa who wUl put and make the best
ealkw dress. Ibr tha. asennd beat.
anew, oy a n aaais late
Kb? by ah4aabja the aaaoe age, $4;
IiuraiKa!-Tuaulkwraealvad by
i M um Meant
Wmrn. WaUIads,. Ruperitrtenrleni f
' posed to be lucoasUlerattlc, are of sa
y- sermu a euuwMeetbw k4a at stUsns
l! . OUU utateuamiasli rasmtioa, frssa Nyt-
i at necessary ta fete reewvery. u
.Asjorajw WaAja-Xba.Ak JUgkf
Uemvmit aaya aGoaraatent road is to
be made (rota Camp Folk, aa the W. V.
AC U. Waaoa Road, la tha Cascade
Mouuteina, to con sect with tha Khuav
sth Uka lUd on tha ttea river.
ThUhisU done Immediately, under
tha aupervialoa of tha Indian Deparv
La bob km Waktkp. There ascim to
be suite a t shad U4 (.AmI U borers.
at premnt. v Oea. Ppragaa, of Um
Northern Pari Ac R. U. Co.. and Mr.
llailet, eontraetor for the Oiejroa and
California ltailruad Com pan v. both ad-
veruaes lor ftamls.
Wor Yom - Gbudfatb. O.
BcbwatAa, of Oregon, w be grmliiatml at
Weak FUat "Wltb tha eUas of thhr yea,
will return home soon, fie stood ninn-
ber twenty In order of merit la the grad
uating ruus.
J'AIXED. Durinjr tha week past we
aaNaa sjLeaaWaaaaIef 'aUlw laBBB krtaaalssr
J. K. Kelly, Mart. V. Brown, of the
Aiuanv dJrmoaar. anu Lap, numparer.
of Albany. ;
"VffKXKD-T Methodist ebareh at
Kahuna waa burned on Monday but.
tha halldlag catching lira fnaa tha
burning woods.
ZLLU OLITICOIE. amewtar aaasar'
ate ef tae iseesn sf Ike a aw Nosrrawtar Is
ss, aseositb sad eif!? tmptotiabls. r II Is,
bosrrTsr, kiundrd npca bets whlrU are only
too Irse, lbs aaaice oT the psnuBa sad ptsars
sy apttwof wssouwss. T aitaetpsl earn
suaesfwed pases lo their ashes bsve toa
bc ysMa mm ssrth. Arrsws.
"Tuwfc her not aserarally
' Thlsk of fcrBowjntuI)r,
UeMlv aa4 hsmsalr. '
WeSat ssstslaaa hart
Ail that ran I si sf her
Jtew, la part wesssaly.
anfortaitoua clrenmttanee not aa re-
gmrda thla rWi km aali, but la re
bUioa ta another eauae which will aooa
be - apparent. Hhe waa the reputed
daughter of Joha and Elisabeth Clay
more,, but her manner, -her form and
eomptexloa, plainly showed thai she
Hrta hnMtd-WMi the) UleaO-pf lhM-
rtglaea of tha Rlrl. rwt that Joha Clay
mr. avaa not her father. The amail,
goaalp-iaJklug, but aevertbehjaa aelf-
ealled extremely moral Tillage of Al-
llngton, situated not a thouaaixl mUeal
rrom Haa rraaclaeo, la wbksb Ulea waa
and raaawd,'waa ladaad apnotpiaea
for iwh a being of "outragnuua lortunw"
to develop any of the finer rtrtuea or
feeling of the human aat
,IUt ha traa that
rat ara visited apoa the child, tbea did
El lea moat heavily suffer tha punish
ment ef her mother's tmneareaslon.
hTBLoWy aitet TJUn'TrrO. John tlay-
ajmppearwl, a ad left the another
and child to make their awn way la 1I&
Mrs, Clay snore waa altaated eoaaibrtabty
aa regarda pecuniary aflhira, bat happl-1
aeaa Waa never tha visitant of that poor
aKrtbef'a heart. -' ' '
W Mto-99sni etirsiaae eould
acaraaiy baa aoUued. aa aba waa phy-
taa- sjrttaBawv awhnol mat aa. that tbeas
betweea btr and lua
fitlrvr sistera.
But aa ahe grew ohlur
ti nHTiilB-a mimfTmft tl m.lf . n.T I
bscami baa bieaMlly ao
aa that finally they would takea
aotioe of ber at all, anloea It were to
taunt her wtth ber aafbrtunaie situation
and aim their flinetod lokea and nana at
. m a -.
VswWd ta a feeUng of almost insane
madman,-bat never returned a word.
tW'eewiw-iite a iMiacaf aradatlT
so mach aa being ahanned or looked
by our follow mat
for Um future career af EUea Claymore,
with ItelitcfbrTor rrulnesW Vnd woe,
tba over-ftldloua damea of Allington
are eertalaly in aa small aVaiwe resiika
AlUa. H waa tbalx teaching and axaav-
pla that weed the fife of thla toar'firi
rwr Barren diitrtj elevead af am aaau of
sTeeat or a tvf reshtna; aprlpa. --Mad
that It should ba so, and that the
olijert of their aversion should ha af a
hattord'aa aeostllva aa U bead aay at-
ff wpr fMrbraa or lnclrUlty.
i hr arrived a aha aaa ef
bond Jtthm JmmI asauljedaanaxscatlon
betaaa. far bettar. far bar bad aaa never
leamd a fetter, of the aljihaUt far-
a . i . 1
uiment or mask, lor as aue grew aeaoaa :
ptlsbed aba left moat excruciatingly tba
uissTajwMrVfeht bir -ftU b vice la
UXaftrtim4 aTaWair.Vfo
get owa.'ft a ! i.w h ovf
-vtuai," ana raaauana .-am au ineaa
MeompUshmente ta me me, a ereature
apoa whom It seeana aa If Uod aad na
ture bad'aiaajr tbejajrtthelr idla.
rxrswntx aCaratveCr
Ue44dhr ma to
Into tssvasarid asaaavMe kaaw my
Ufa would ba aaa of, bamtUaUoa. awl
T uTJnnlPMM aaa-t-
oCitm Uioi uiMUr mar. Livutals.rlr-
BataaBn J aaayaf imva iaaaaia aay-
Wim at ana of tbe,laoat gifted had We-
eaaniIUheL Oh, my thwll why each
kie j XiMwa MwtaJua. mdUug lor
bat the cap of wormwood and gall
and I will drCAft ft Ca) bitter dregs."
HCSaCAysSOk, W&Ci&-
hlae;tsiiis4aocmpsny m
area 4WlaMHpuU&
aal BVsaSMab.
gwsyTronv buiaa trssit ,.....T 1
wumem ' nntrsvieaaathuss-nun.Wnr
Aeteung aecurred ta aiverairr
thesataay AbaTtMar Tlfc af. b
Hrartori. and Mrs. -ClavhinrB and vu
dangliteT WAfantayamUiia
day a saiaager aaid : ta sea Mr.
Clayasarn, his ablert hehig aatmaahly m
purchsAe ram? ratals wbUb JsjIongedT to
her. ' Ila aald ba waa a wtrangef rathe
vleiulty, bad but 'arrived eV finr days
since, aest -was anxious ta bay aome
pwprrty UtJ4 Tfe t Kelng fnAneed
tbAlAlUugtoaiAiu Juiurt -WoM bf -
Ufy tj InvesTneent,; The trraw for Ute
the irrtiacf waa !wU3lng,ia make
any arrtftjferaeatMra. rhvyhvarr rAlght
he euMed with, Bever lateadlag ta
pleta tha purchase. JIa anaonaeed bis
aame aa Arthur JVyUm, and said, that
as aooa as he could hear from his part
ner la Baa rranciatn, he would have
tha papers made out fur Uta transfer of
the property.
44nfiiwartpa(j all. ha rteajaeas
aeeesaary, ha launched aat la aoaveraa
Xioa with, a desert pt km Of California,
and of Han Fraaelaco la particular lie
rave aa aeeount of bla travels la Call
eaOakVCMtg jatt "-
people, etc delivered la bla blandest
elined to encourage his conversation, aa
Bueplrtoue and aa, yenned . from the
work! .had they become. -. Tha stranger
noticed but did apt bead thr lack of In
terest. He was playing loo deep a game
to be beaten at tha outaeC ftoft words
soon both mother and daughter threw
away thai. iataWw. kikt Ikasidw aVeply
Interested. . Peytoq succeeded beyond
his exec tat tone la aooompllahlrur. Uta
obM t bh vlsli When his eWo
go he waa Intlted to"emllTglitllUl
calls oa business and pleasure were fre-
qiictxt trora UUa tlme, and Well did s)e
prwpara tha aat 'which waa ta auawara
bia aaauapectlng vlctbav
"My partner," be said 4a Mra. Clay-
mora one evening, after It waa fully
time ' Uiat. ba hoold have beard from
u Fanaansaa "haa aia;lectad ta aa
war my lattat aa aooa aaldeaired, but I
will certainly ,r?cclTt ? gBscf ftracH
What the nature of bia baali
la flaa FTanctaear ba did aat aaaaanaa,
bed the thrti Ukt na proaperous
aad ylekliug a ha
AjUtaiWrabig lULMm najabore
neturnei to EUrn and proposed a walk.
It waa aaa of those eoul, delioious avaa
ingaaftar a bot w.mmar'a day.., EDen
aad rVyton walked urj long after )ba
twilight tataed, si-t-?3 t-Hrr.
. fayiua tuld EUea bU Ulaof lava (pet
baps told 6ftcu 'before), and promised
her a home was ru alia a aid be respect
ed and treated with eouttcayrfter ue
bad finished ba remained alleni. Kao
tioaai(Ww11ctng and t rwerfal arat
teranca wcje warring wlthlber breast
Hba did W Vlatf Wfcrtrf -an allUrica
wUb himibjr Whieb ba wouid ba dls-
graead, . fib loved btak wUb ktf aflM-
hm aa pure, -ay entirety disinterested;
tnat she did not wish la bring apoa
U bring
the Uast lota of .reproach, even thodgh
ljtwawtl bapptBssa be aaciiflced. "And
yet, as alia tboaghi, bar
ehanged to a mansion of wealth, with its
brown atone mmf Ind III yard of green.
Tba littla village where aha bad lived
vanished a way, and, a gorgeoua dty
aroaa,' Tha flouta aad. jeereaf Ailing-
ton wsrs lest in the frl aads and eamJorts
af thaoMcB Otyv!- Those aad um-
berieaa other Uioagbte came rushing to
her braln"Nrltl! ttst VafHinaa of sun
light.',, How UaturaTtbat UUaaoor,.
befriended glrialoat whose path there
bad Bavar.beeAlaxteodad a helping
"'V a Imn bulg WM aeeAd Bevar sollyii
hadtyrarboav ear ' bad beaa greeted
WBB1 ana BO
af mankind, aad whose ejtbrta to raise
brjweU aboyeaUirjrhlchbcsnd
bar were suet with Icy eoldueea or aut-pokra.oLloquy-raboMld
ove tba peraoa
arha wwatd aura Um psoas) world's aeorn
Jor bar avka and that la bar aAcibm
for bltq.hhe aVJd lor "wltb! a lauwte
aJnasst asassjdleaa; ! At baat aka)aflavasrest
P 1 Juaa yway bat yau aad I had better
to. 'a. uarrlaga with yea by
wkluh yaar name waasd ba la tba least
Urnjahed.'. Vou ara' the only ona who
baa eevToutJttaM .a word ta ebeer my
lonely life. ' I thank you for tt more
thMiaaj) tauV:;' jx.
' Hba would have proceeded, but tears
aD4aBkwaaj Tawlgibitg nntkl 3 '
..JVytoa soUy anaweroil I , u You wUl
aVae-aUiigraee toaae, y darllagv- Any
aa, and you aluUlbaaayHtrideemaRrt-
- What, aa soon raakaA'' V'i'
":,'.'Vaa," U answered. iIt la import-
UnT that T abould ,ba lit 8aa rranciaoo
aooa, aad you most go with. me. I wish
our majtlaga- 4fcfirrrti. antu we arrive
V9 r n a o o n a y j i m a t
Jkimv aralhad as atewty baana, KUaa'a
heart -thrahMag with a mew fcami Joy
bad bar eyas beaming .arltk lavaAr
rlTed at the gate aad preparatory Ho
blddlaai bay taai ntuiA rwt isai' scntlv
4tSJ"&0 5 A QUI Mi 1 0 1 X 11
'ivUafv dcaavl whOt yaw mother Ut
to know of what haa happened to-alght
antu we ara man lasf It wlH be aarb a
pUaaant aurprlse to bar.' .
"I eaa't deceive my mother," aba amid;
and besides bow shall we leave without
.0 BOM asMfoUjahh JUgaVaT Ua
going afl oa a aeuralon for a day. I
bava my awa earriage, aad wa will ga
lata." la twa or three day she raw eia
aa aad ahare oaf Botni'' '--.
"Bajtaa yoa.wlafa i I aaa aVnyywa
Botblag now. Iwt I would rather
MM aarewrrwr haa he
i beea alms
aBeraaTKnrl8? iVt " TArt wTHl,lK I furlir-Hy be rtraMh'ty i; jitaaikid, aad
B'1j this'ralL adventure? An uneeWaeaaTband Hleu aaotber' there, her foea
.w. . .c I pervaded her miasT wa aeeount af PVy- aptaraad to tha sky, ber hair wet with
laved blm aa. deeply, and withal so
truatlngly'-totr lbTrrWy that aba
Armiy aelirred Jat.wuadd au aatarimaa.
Ia adhaJtHbtAaadaaa far-
aiahed room la Baa ancap a wad-.
being performed.
El lea Claymore to tba bride, and Arthur
iVytoa tba brhbrroom. .
aware ef darr tmau a Wbeaj aha asked If
kaBSOtber wereeoaalhg, Pry tea eaarsA.
ty told kaarbsJmBpaaax aba wauid
ears ta am herwudhet Bow, bad In-
TRM.MLbet At ti iH r Si irrttife Vak "h
j aaarAary.r ba arathlsad. not In jWrrt
this waa aome consoUUoa to ber, for
aUU aha' Krred htta.-'t0ke aaed a few
lMntar,Jrorang tear aver t!r graaa.of
her alttaa, gave ap all bxaa aad nae-
pared fur. tha . worst. Her applea of
gold as she iducked tliem from the tree
of'fJi& tUMtut
brarejy resolutely , aba enJaa vured U
araab tha nmd natidpstieaM of tha paaL
At length she was aroused to tba con
arli.aawHaf'af fhe fart s srsaae
aerted. - amaaama alii as i sal i la her
njry. phewjsVaJesr escapel but
whose doors, In letters of Are, should ba
Inscribed, Iave hoyi behind, ail who
changed ta tha meat relent lam hatred,
and aha. vowed swift and nummary van
geanea apoa blm. --
aaattera rem I rued -a ahaoa twna,
when Ellen waa take sick and almost
passed within the galea of death.' flhe
tbea wat4tfligOat aVaSiaaJatr tba first
V j ;)()() " r. '! r f I Jr. '
Mm. Claymore, ppon the dlsappear
ance of bur daughter, made every effort
possible to'flDtr irblUWahJf bad gone,
without any mUafactory autnaa. ' pba
knew her daughter bad gone with IVy-
hastened to the sick bed of ber daugh
ter, bad ber removed 'frmrtbd den of
Infamy, nod for weeks . watched with
of the Invalid. W hen Ellen's
health permitted, aba waatakea name.
A gloom seemed lo Iroojf ater ber spb
Ita. Tba ha ri a leal )y-d isposed moral
pppabuhm af AHmfctoa, shocked atWr
aonduet, abunned ber aa the plsrue.
.TTtbl ahe aaald aat eaansW 8ha told
bar aaotbat aa aad aald aba waa gains;
away. la anxiety aar motber asked
7 "Aaya here, aaetber, auywbf ra away
from herav 1 ' ana . ataad U here bo
kWeWatf ..Ikmm t!it .baej send
Mrs. Claymoia.trVuLhard to persuade
Iher from ber purpose, but without
rthtOJ rU a wAe Waging shortry
after to fir'rWacneti' waa, Indeed
gone. Hhe hal left a littla note In ber
bed-room for bc'r njoth In the follow-Infrworus-r"---.
: ' ' .
Mg Aw JotAcriood-bye and for
ever. Hefbra you ara ma next, If ever, I
shall have passed from this world to
Uod aoly kaasre wheee, but I hops a
better ptaca. ) our awn H" .
Mrs. Claymore would bava followed
mi tlaferyar alia aaalfaagtsstt eras
ImpoasIUew Sbebad no doubt aa to
Ellen'a ' tmader eVwdaatlob. 4 -Tna
moththough burnt by the candWa
light,' only ta receive greater punish
ment. And so H Ir-wtttr alt a VW.
dsatri Mto eWtwra uW'miat'from
the path of virtue f Ins I sad of making aa
eflbrt to . regajnwhat they, bava mat.
way prongs suit weper m vortex
of sin and misery. This Mrs. Claymore
" The stsi
sUre from AQlagtoa to HaaL
Incass-wuM Wot tea ve again Until
arty the. next morning. I This waa an
doabtedly the eeaveysace la which
Ellen bad taken ber depart are. Eager-
bourn ta wear awav iintl
atarong anouut
dreadful aprehensioa of eomlng'evll
that aha started again, ta find and
If possible, bar, daugb. . T
Finally saaAitto'tiny'parfoa and pro-
aid. "Bat 4t -traa- tna sale.
Thaiynight a murder waa committed,
daringan4dyperata, -Aa Arthur Fey-
bm, la company VI fb mnof hlslaeot
lata enmpanlona, all ben apoa aome
mtd-nlght jevel,' waa'ramUlng along
the streets, he met . womaa clom ly
uauuled and her featurea r naralil hVa
aaih- la hla tuaabi laadjlai1 aaj ba
the -Vert froartftT bet Csce, ex
claiming i "Who bava we heieT-
Tba report of a pistol echoed out on
tha midnight air for and wide. Arthur
feytan. fcltnyUpayaaseat aaortolry
wvubmcu, wiiu tua worua in uu mourn;
"Ellen, O Hies ftoymurer
He bad but littto time to Uve. The
avenglngLWTinian hail arnt the barfen
Bueasenger of death surely aud swiftly ta
bia heart. Ills companions, taken, by
aarprbei, allowed tba womaa to aaaajr.
Tba polk-e endeavored to obtain from
tba dying maa aome jnutkulara la raf
BOt Whatban) rramded aaat aaaaad
tba diwadful tragedy, but but attlvering
llpa refused him the power of articuhv
Uaa H f fownutas af gaepi
ing agony his soul paints from earth to
reader the traa account at tba bar af
Ood. ; - : ; f
' EUea traded taa juWra fai thi tow
and made good bar escape. Tha aext
day the body af a waaaaa waa foand
Tba feeaaa waa eneiveyad noma, and
la -.TftitlatAdiiaf
seaaetery Hlea's gava was made aad
though the people of ADartow shaaned
ber1 war living1, (hey rea net aeeo
etotea la tba alfeat tomb. - ,
A few msrnlars after EHen'araneraJ
r llftle tjoj wh4rrTbarTbroug1inDtot
gravryara, aaw a numaa airm lying
EUeai's grave. With eblldlab
the dew of tha morning, and a world
sorrow depleted apeak ber nruntrnam
The child, frighteaed by a eight eean-
aawal, baatraad lo spread the tola la Um f
vllleam Tkay aiaat Issr aa taw hey had
mid, stark and aUff la the arabraa af
death. The erring aaotber waa' bat-tod
by thaaidaafamTmsagaaahtcr. The
tarf baa growa greea above them aaaay
A year. .X taenia at pel ate owt ta
strangers who aleew beweath, and their
klatory to nearly forgotten. - I-aa
hope that tlfo Orr4'Jo,Vrdm ha. not
paaaed aa arvara a aaatCmW apoa ifaem
'Awmag B..u.s-whd-wa.A ta see the
CarrlilT aat ia Hww , Mavwa . waa a
aniddU-ered aaaa who had tost hla
brother by a hiTsterkma dimppearsnce,
aad who waa heard ta murmur, aa he
ate Plied aaaekly tmrUftistslaP'4-
rnve. it waa witn iL.. i. .... .A CA
T Valti oa Oaaoax I-akpl
Thla drpende aa two things its cbarao
ter ana fneation. imud timber land.
aaavaaaaM aa aavigaaur atrsaama, or
streams arhera ksrs aaa ba driven, is
aur a twins; in value: so also, if located
aa the rallroada. fYalrte landa ara
atrarti ly advastclBa:. aad ara ant aa-
aibly aitnetad by i.MaUoa aa the timhar
uuki.. Ana this kind afJand wUl
tlnue to advance, - The brauilful prairie
forma ia tha Tualatin and other valleys
will ajwaya eoiaaaenU asaay aala aad
gooa prtosa, laey . win au
ibelr Uitriasla ar pcuduciug value, ba
rauaa or tnrir location and naturateou.
vtahsjce and value. ' Hay lands wlfl be
seass awry-vainhia La
aoant af Um want af rata aumstlmm
tha summer. , Tba Usavcr-dam huuda.
tield at ana hundred dollars net
aere, ' -will coettno4a advance for years.
It is aaailr aemonstrated that
such toad. In either maadowa ar iragetay
bla gardena will pay Interest on even
one thousand doflara per acre. ' Theee
iajtda .aee ai-ame, aad will for that rva-
ba MUesl and aoiw. aa vary high
krnianatM, , r,.,,w , -TI,. f-Bt
a A rntaMi vmm aftatt In f ait yhittjtft
ParUsad for the Brat -time, and 4a hfa
msanfUrirura arouad tawa ta .ace the
airbls. waaderad Into aa eturiae
After gaxing at the steamer anma-trmrr
hataraed Inquiringly to one of the hoys,
and said: : Hsy, mister, is that a hrasa
tsMMir'. AM petar ' aasweesa ia tna
negative and bdd what it waa, . ba con
tinued: "Well, what do you do with
rT I abould tike to see It work,' but
l'veisot m v mind aa abraaa band, and I
Ukoagia wus was Ik" j.i,.-
Whatever Is,', la rlrbt except your
Lift KavuI rut frwil '. ' , " . '
is ii i i.-fa yiaai aaeeett i j ..:
Ml Huum, an4 pfumrad s mrw nut SI it i
maa iSi 1 isi laasil aaa tias lalily
Iniaa lUllunaa. atllh all Uia lata
aarals la U aft, I mM ruuily fnviu tha
Um tala aad iaiilaiaa af HtcUand seat vi-
rUillx U call mui lull aijr mrw mmii. Mavlns
haa anarn h" aict is -Mi me I
araanlc Use, aal baviua tha Brat
Tus-IJsht la Um rily, I will raaraalre a lm
iMiismphB, eaaiurl
ae aa eaan
Irsaa, lla
law iaBa v
anal al Jr4uw4 totlaaa.
uaiy sua aigui oc auuia. nraieaaatT w
ssl www ream napees, onwi a hut ai
. ? - wao' raavr' T
tpm wM-wl 'n --Mi-. I l '"
Way, vay a7 am a awiBf
l,i-,i r-H'l r'eail I liiii tni
las Marhlae, wUh lilac-S Waiaut taWe 4UMl
trilla. aloly.aaiahcd, - ... v
....... -'-'.-ftsBsyarat ' ftr Btg T ' ',nl
a till ilsii Maartaa HarhhM 1- aeaa stnurbl
Kcadlet audi-r fc-ml 2 niakra T--h MUli-li;-Bsnamsa
as an aU BvaMIv awtsa as
ecu aaaaf aaarmaa la the aiarsia. . .
' A Bw Bne Aeraia waiitnl l casvaaa euus-
Uaa ta4 hahea as- the liaassnea Haaat Ma
rhlae prW, t) la On ana, Wiudilluitua aad
ilaay. .u. . i- J I .
Cis. wr. vail km.
' aaeal Asaat, lit ma HL, rurtlaad.
ROT At. A BMTTH Aaoata .' ...'..'Jla
tin. n. C HltX A N. Aai-am , AlSaay
mm, wnatuan, itAirut, nt.
Ctmw rsaat sad TsMhtlt sueela, Dnlssjd.
- t nt
aim the Ira, nUin A rr,
aWawAJbaW- earkaBBa VJalaMassV sWshm rsHbVM44Mal
UM mlagftlkHI mjhm iMaaiast Ubtt tafia ggMt
VThne lis haa - alt atanv aValmhl lirlt a
sad Haildm rranMa,aaa WUl aiaa
aiarad n t'allartioa. sVulna Mni Uei
.ana V
icawr aaaUMaa. v. w. hi
I 1 .II Vii"
al r-
tHMi hatai Asaat. .
Th -TttHuse his as'h m wliailli
JtBsrseAPBB. lUiniii iHialanilraaaanr
Miau. ar al err -Ml im mw Important hatilr
aM. steesrljr sdvavdaT aarev aaaaMafaMset
sV-rWIiia. onarava lha amrrattlasa at VcMtsrraa,
af ltuaaii. aad nf I VmrrntKm. an-i rr-
part a aa Be alBrath all lha lirau a Bas
il invrrai. w aava pam one aay-a bmt
lasaaa adrtarw saas hv aahla wr
aw thaa mi sallra ra-li4a lor lha haae hi
vhkrh Maa sdvlrra rrarhrd aar Vrailwa. If
laviah aaHlajr. BBlaaiihB Hsllaaa. aad a-
bmaadrd ffellh la tha lllx-mlll and
BaSu( the fradlaa nahltci arlil n
ata ha a Jwiiwl ehaifc haa an ananrwir Is th
annanaBSBB af aaakSsAadm aht sBaAaaA ana aa aB.AkAA
aaasraaBsrpa- w vwrervy aaaar wwwww wwwaw wwj ram wMaagasss
ui-ininai awaii aa wwtm yaraM. ; i
' la Asramllaistad th nth rva-nt arts, W
hawe aavatfa. ead shall aaraadraay di ih ,
Bmh BHiaaa and ceaar than aar at our rivals.
Wa aiaa ta aaahv the Wreh I y THhsue aarh a
ImanMrre lMr hlapntlttr hiay dlnVr fna
mwn. Ar msi-ta M the Csstra,, rea
ds aad thmrral Markr. an an lull andaa-
ra Met mrmwmtmwt Um mnmtwH
rail I as. aad aar rasularmnm-taul th rarmara
im aaa Binarr saiar, las . ara an irw rif iss
anaa waa paaae Banner win aaa i
ail nr tit uii-'MI.mi aad r-wuvl, in
ehb-h ha
aaa aat pada hjninaal vMlmi aaalUra uad
arrhaai ba. Wa aril the Vk to l laba
Ba h-a thaa Ma yalaa ta derlllnr Sir traata
pa ir: , Ihaarh Ita anaai riphiia taalmidy
H-r larpr, hrllr that a Half Mllltata
Bin I e aHlltahaU almnaiii H atmlt hr
aniaawaiUd Sa tlialr aitraianvv Wa ah ear
trtrada arrryahrr Is aat a hi sa ssaaaund
B.n i '.hv - tl auiiii ;
4 . ' vap ,,-. ---.TT--
"laiUy Trtha-r, Mall snlnrrlWrs, tttsarsi
'BSSav ' l. i . i... '--. -
-Mrat-W-rhlr THhaae,
ft are annnm rtva ana Ira a
eaars eaes will ha aal fas evara- alwh af taa
arat ! at aaa llmr; ar. If prrfc-rrrd, s mn oT
e Uaa: ar. It prrfc-r
Bmallnlliiuaaf sBaar Idnhhs-Mal
. vaBwaarvwawaaaawxvamvam f
Ta Mall Walii ilhara. law faar, B)
SSiait. Bat dve SaM, mm rear, BJ Hiai .BA
Ta Una. A trira. M St aa tatiifflni tra
oifnra, tl M ra-K; remit rfil, (I Jrt aarh;
Mr i i a, at saaarn, aad Ane Kasra tfasrea
aars rtun, Ta nainra at at a
a ma si a'l
mn ai a ' Te a
r,l at aarh; any mplra, tl lsarh.
r. lira var a aara rlaa. 1
atlhrr t ll tTtlliiwIa honha.
taa m p M i ldHfcyy WHnrnmnf, hy Har-
aa Mwn iii-iar t'aiuir ar mm, ar r. r.
tfaiaar Tha Mi is i Bla wt Asihalaara, hy Aes.
sa,eura v '-'- 1"- t'i. !i.ii -mill
ABVSSTisise BATaa. . , t
y Trlhanr-aasL. ehe BA . Ta
na; -ta ml wriy Trujsa
Wkly tVMjsaa, BA aad
j ana
Wsahrr Trlnaw aa. as
fn aaha-rHjara wtrhrng tojuwaanrs Mrt Or
- maa mi nWrtat I KB'tV nf Farming ,
4 whatoay tna rait axlaa, t a., I a. W-Dal I r
SJ nil Wisahiy.W e ha J-SVaaAlir Tatti.
." wa will saad hmnl aiaMjaiiJ, u a.
rat a atad at aM Urar at abarr1bins, r
, A. II J 4m ..... . . ! - .i .
TnaiM Alnutaar iLaurlal." Aaaa aa ISTA
tent, riatfhnaad.a . '
HI in ar a Waaj'-TirnV- try Hnraaa
. Vni.aa airarai at hasdwts. Uhtit,
It I L
aV-SCjr. Ba aa. tlAil M..n
inrarra) an JVy
as ea.. , . ...... . . . ,. .1
. "Awhank't Ilraraalka aad, . Marhanlaa."
mUrr-ttUt -4ttV. larrr orlavn. 'Ik, 1
' 'ifaaiTajiri
- limiaia a As
EdllMMk 4ah,M.
Iwalnlna ar It
amlih sad rrultl tfartaa.
Onth.aa aa. - -
aa ajailnaraa aia'as'i laai aata
rw turs.aa-a l-i-t-tatlr M.avry (irdar.
wnaaiMa. W arra aarthrr T Ihraa as a Iw
aaant.aMM Uat Binary, aat alwaea ta a
aaaa hni-i -Tin rial' sins 1 h
a aaaa o 'a rmw, m u ai ra i at arii
Waa a Baa bara Bihad tr lha anaiai aa.
thartilra ta ha WnyHt aa shwitina ariSM-ttnai.
aaaiaat taaara try raall. All haaran arat
sialaad h fashaaf trtarfs w ara raminU I la an f
la - w It. i . .
Addis "Th f una,-J- Xsah, it vfeH
I tha time of t Kiki.wa"maal,:A '
' ' : - .I a.M.t!.') 2
li krj . ' 1, f .,a,! arr'W-ia .
' I' ' . t-J '-I'il M-t-ll
i.u Ji.'u ,..,- f r',. .. ' . y,", ,s
- V-. -t' i . ' avj ; t t"v j i
in i- . 1 ''.JZ ,'l.a
yj r i pi., , i
i "- r- ;- '""? -',.,
'.' : - 1. . V
TiEr" - ' '"--i-n'mr it ic'
' ' '"' . . 5- -S.. ).. , t
"' 1 -J- .! V .i,l rn v j.t.n
'." V.- ' 'X a '-T trr.Ji iSnwr
.1 .1 lull, J i Ii i I lliH.l. ..III II
, i. . . V.'.ji.t '.. : . j,.n
. '
' '''( .;ni.Jl ' I f'. t''fV
: --t-rthtitt- -irfr w4 ' i-w:an
atrtTa n m afftnm m 11111 1,
- -,,in-jr ii'.: 1 ..j i4L j .u r IjM-
. 1 t-mm i iwMi iaul -f
'il--r.i' 1 i i i (i-S V.i i,im-i
aster Marian...... .. ... f .
.a 1 :J r'ijih -it! ini.,1, iii'f!
..' .. ii u.t if .-ii"
Our BBteamir Islirs iBasetel mmrZt.
' llai.v ! .i:v ail'
1 - : .j ' "
latattva. a. a .
nat a a 1 ( -jr-tr
I I ..i.I ' .Ii In II Tl 1.
WIN hhxia la hhs aest laasa, Msy lte.aa4 as
I yeas, rayrtrht
I Mil I i
anah ra 111
"r".' -f
A ''. " H- - ".j 4.'. .11: f,'.l , -:., ) 1 .li
have Been BMkis la assars Um
af a"ifi : ! 1.? - ..K . flu
j-,.-;,!. . mi !.- f ti. 4iia ,!tns.d
otaarrggrr oorw wttrttttt
1.:!-. .j ui! I- .iti-.-ri-r -- "tnn , . u
aaaa sarsa sflTal jeft et rablM latarrat.
. lIlHli'ill 1 4- ft. . ; v ii'.i.'.l
1 .t.;.:-v.;;;..
-ft ntr'J
t avsair Bias h Basks sue Baa a
Mrs. W kara -1 aa Waai
W. l4rad rl M, aad we anew U ha-
Warkla rMnrr,h they Ma er W
' ' ' - j""-k a, inwni. - -
Th In Vnamaaa a. 4 - -
Rlyhw, hat a Hamas Hishla arwaa, dovalr
teahaaraepnll i iratar ha a a
lha rraarat aaad ta the rraalaat aaaaarc
knnw au aas. bo rWlytaa, aa aarl
au eaba-, aa d. hraadallau Is Baaaaa
apoa in iwt ar F4onuJ lianr. t'al'
s ananaaiiaa aaa umubbui
tonartiraa.nt the rart.
MHtMllty that rrata
la dn mar dnr. am i.
atlnj frublh-. . i
I. FO,!A irr'J-'laiaia. -"- ' "it "tt
Aa an lailarrmrat Ba- aar trtrnda ia
salti lu a in tares rtnha tnr the Maw
L'iSST' rUUvwuNj lha at vat-
aabl an-nuua r
Par waatr auhasaUjsrS, St tints . sill SI
panlt-d b v I lt- .nuh. ara will u. w
aiU-TTI,r! M:WI. MA4!HIKR. wiraaaala.
erwaaaratad. Htra.a ., i
rw thlrty-ar aaaarHhra. at al au .h aa.
imr htrty -ahamlln. at "Tt te rarh, sr-nra
atyla, wtta aUarh Watwa) astds aasTese-e.
The Bla
hrrrlue ata
MsahMtas, ehh a am
an-B at th afflri of Una. Vr-..- naVl I
sterat, iNasiawaV - '! .- i.VTvl
- '"rJH1! aauarwrarta. MSB aarh,
aaalrd b tha aaalnaal wUi-s ahTl
UAHui hiirrtiu inn Js. a
AaVlM 4
aaiarwaawall, Iww a law mt
...a, wtia rmt, wii
rr prraanr yard y.J VM M rrara, tav
1 thaa M haa aiaa a haaa alup. aa,r.
W'W aevralylaa aatauata. at St aa aarh.
'rtd br.Wra aaah aad iwmlr4n
,awjf-,we wai etvs a MAaOM a
IM trMitA, at rrvB acrayaa, aB
laeauwaja asam vaaJraal a
aauaawa, Ta SHI' LAST ABB BBKB
htn. shsai - . ii-i .rT
ra aaa aa-arsd aam ill in. aa at
s haa4rad aaaa illidia, at M M aaaa.
i'y dnllar addltlnaal, wa WIN rlrwh
A MAMLJa UHilAN, peva envsvsn,
re, vwaaBTsas' aiaaAnnai nnavwN-
lvbb, apwuvBh ski.low. r.a t-LAirp i. V a if A - Y .1 . a . .
riva rmri, vara a ara ae at aatfaa nani.
f ifi-ne, tkicm c iXirr. ' ia 7""'
Thnaa w rn daatra ta waeh Bar thane aastaaas
"B."J54LiJ "' "d --y waaataes.
"T- Th aah.rrlhrra will ha Biased Baaheir
vt"lt. "IdAfArsJlt.
aeadla, aad a aaa-ajh
Aararar daartat will plaaaa atuair. ajaTihatwa
may aia.M unrar aaw .a and the dUarUI Ihra
AentiA-aaavaaatac Bar aaah a.aatlaaa ar
til I laS - - . - - -
hytritntii Ira, rraaa thru-aalaarlall.a tatai
Wa wmaa ta ptara tha Maw NoarrawiaW to
ni'ry. . ,
' Th Basts aWAaaar eaarty atraaajlaai arU ta
arnt la tha praaaltaui. at Waadhall A tlaBlaw
aamrsa "vvnPPaT M pWLW aPBUtf 4m
w; ait at ha eve ar ral aad B ia l.i B
BbMCIbbI 'aaajBBaa. fhswBa )g ftfeWm TAI toafik - Baaamaa.
' ai ill j.A-ltf trl!-T. (
"V" '. . at asm www Wm
w.u aaarataaa) raaw In M m
- aaya a-r aiaaa. arrrywaara Witt svsrt
sarars aa a torf alecalata-a.
':n --' aaa tn ii . m '--i t 1 '
C W". Ba-n L at Kalaaaa, Wtk m-
h ali S aeral Car that iHrailir.
. Anal ta aanlaarlaad a aMd to aM
.1; .t .-ii!.t-.l j.!i- ,.!- i
f' - .iU--ifr.i "j. tv
A rneAnjaaeey ag a p-, -
,V"".u"",':'t j?!-: -w t .f. .-. ..iiiil.'iV
I wa rear Mt bi annas lha an a av
" TrJrTl.T. s t ar prrai at, ar tn- y
wHI a anrrOad nt f-ralTa 1 - i r , 7
to aah at the ajawraM natllli , iw ttolahar.
ta Alhaar, 1 1 rap, a. t ; ,. . .-.--
1 V I
TfX - .I II. . se-
1 ataade. Bar L . i,, jf' I
ajaaiae. nasal! ,a Bad tVi lath alai- " T
Voles faJiurs aad aTaclas
.j..t I a
Is Ban aaa as la taaaiai uai r
Bany wwh ww itm a aar wrah, -r
madaan) inBrlM he I a aiaa la taaarai WUl a
isartad le Bay Bar aat-h Ir una aa II ra (I tra.
Madrau awiatias by th mm will h
snmil In aay tar la tarn la adisai -
ai riii a- is era a ill as es-
T bst tea jaat u, aat
rUAJwuM iw TJjnrmrtw wotal sfraif
. tUtt MAllarVUWllwl . .
'.-m - dkayar w sa a awsi a aa aadn aw. aw. .
y.f?l?aj?."i A V.,A--.- -J . .j
4-kyta, rkrahdaa A9 ): r, ft.
rrir.-irri-'-- -.
J Ma-aiSi ftaa. A-Miatayi sad
na-aainiajB,.i" ,V,..'l
aaaa MaMar.-. I la- a .Tassilajs aad rri
dajr.fruai(taTaae. a.
Hit I rial aw"awwf t "
wa snal I
em arhaaartadr tBesalaaajt-
llal aa apart es Bwaa aaaa bar ofauatmaa.
r"" wtaarthe Mhnrlaetaa.
' aa a-S at aha. sals I sdarahna In
A mrrtra, hieathrr with I hat of tha rntlr na-a
at Baraaat Tiarhiwi wlvh whaws wa had the
Stwal hsM to ishort " f a--i"e
arT er WirniBaoTA, Wisosa.'I
" - fiaav arATS Xnaa l nr-n.nrL, I .-
April U, IK7L . , j
' It aatoM aat rrast rlrarar ta hrar laatlairmr
lu lha hlsh Brraanal mm mini n I
af frohaatM- J. n. Maitlhray, whu Ba- tw yara
f-ry" "I V ara sad 'IVnteal Lullara'ui
I lila InaMtutloa. Tn a thnriMiih kaowlrdc ut
hy hat h-w, ha airradla an
as Whs as Hub, aad aa
lanawiwt Bad
ladaatry rarpanaiU hjr Boar. IU au rtur
rteaes oT more thaa a saartrr- at a Twain 17 la
that lasnwy.m whase eaarars at study Vensl
I aiiBUBAham aad tUaaBreUral wta, ansa
la imiiiii rara anwrr aa a taarhrr aad
arrhwaa, h the raafcdaaa at aM ha aaa aa-
prw latu th valnr in aim and ratloaal awiida
ar raiiaia m the valid- Bed mih raT er
gr-T-fiT'uu. it JisJy -
.-.' l Ml I I V.J .-,.,! jV. .
, I heartily euecwr la the shove, ' "
w itiii I' am,
tinalal MrlarJ ut Mlunrmi
' kl'uKMIA A. WHKrl.FH.
iiu -nuitoj iii J UojU4 ta-d-'nf il
N A 4 l ana, n "T n ii !) Ulf, a It l
r..-r I'Hti
It. all rf-,i, vatu tu I'M I- ig
Jtarri rrrtftttrj -.r r tri.
f eAsarwHa a laiaa ss s arlaadld tttaaA wt-"-r-
iZ-a a '' anaaaaaa'aaaa '"L-U HJlli
. .anaa, wBaeiis) ansa, BWISIIWata, 'I
" " A Uiaaay BsswUAal A'aMharat sr'' '
uuuiiiT Molt, iiiiiat,
saw- aafaaja.? Bhju--tKiiftt-trtf -
WS-erVystaaaaa.Mpa, rrr-
r?,v rila,7.i:r : v
iot, rAcy amtaaav mwiL. .
1 .'Oa head aaa sat as to srwrii-art
lltllfl l All llMlTI"ltlTlM
" df all dratdlaaa. "
.' i I 1 q III a.4tlU aiat-i
. wU
r u. . i
ai rftujA' f.-r 'H. t-' "!";'. riurtiia 14a.
LI fotafd rWrf - mrin fAar AaA 1
rtl-r-d-aHJ rt iaatf-1 -.r-trt W'si AfTff, v .
T7- rrfrlitJ -Pladstrar, rwrtlauaV
' . lvii -i?U 'aaa-li "inkiif .I'M
' atrry aiiaial I, , ! -4aar.
H:i.ii if; i nmi'S ,n af J".T i Ilir
hlin tiK e Irivijirtr tmnnjn I M i
( ii- VI I'm tit XI tv.ttK'' t rt i'i
-tr-rf l;uf .r'i-d pdh It ' Aj-rtf " J.-i3WHit
- ;JrtV Irta Tyil-.'a-i-rt-i l'J 1" rt Ji
""'?tt-aV CsIwt'i'CflJ''
-ttrrt i'l't fillS f.t.f k.;f7Tfc".-T
r.aL u'Estite "XnCrtEns!
r-lal rw i llf.l',' ,TTtll..,. I-.- ria
.) 4 1 m i. -t ; ,t rt Intt-
, . t,- , - L .'"iJi. .
tWtjAt.f!r,ki Carfali...M '
UTS,' ttltKt Attl IVtllfllt
H-r-Vt V la'nar, ltaj j II UII
ai-IUKtJ.'W'' -- '
i-'Tij iahntlt H-.Jja..aJ ta WiV"
City ! and , Eatt PortiaMti
Id vtri.-Akd--aj-l itt atijj'itrt tW
(IliY-. 7 !'1ti a fit . laiTn
.ft' t -tT .Tjt 3 . . .r.i:-f ft, ,t f sum '
ThrttvhtMit tfv ttitto
A t. 1 J
ara a .!. m.BBB-..i asi mMum
; WMiuauTM TUIUT9IV.;.. J
l-,,f4.CS J t .Mn..i tf4j tl U
aftr,' S'.. f .r as, ' ,.l
J-.i.r l-t-
-i,t v- nt
HJfcttl! tvt. .v rrLaU) fciia -ttiK ji:t
tM naU . tJ t J 1 i' li.'.j It ' :
l.trra-a.,f,:,4; it luiffv,
-f'rt"'1rrS),tM,, rffAtu f"'.aUrrj
! ..'ilt i'-V-lt'W l iWlff rft-tlJHr.
J.i .
fl -a r"in
, .T-i.X.v-T.tiA
a. -CAST AV'-stltSwtAttOtVV
. . . . . ttt . i .. i. ..
( tl air j .r.rwrrf-ra . ,t :-.mii'i-r
i I ad
A ",l l" VfijrA'tir
AwaaaAt '
r ,j gBBaaaBSasV' ' t- ti
ii -a aiaiw is'
Prtvala In mm I
Prtyat l.aa.. ta "KImum'sb",'",,,.. f e
' 1 Mitlin-listTians m h a w
Bach laras
Wiansr viaiam.riiisthsada.. wisi
. ; t."nriaTrrvrrrirt
The aimsl; In i mflu
v .H-.-jh Mara Aast aalui a j- rfHel .n -
"t"Ah are to Vfoai to mil sad ssaaiiMt: tiT' ' " . -:
Ita. 4tt rrnai atn-d luaajsaMa' Mat-Wa'hk'w '
Buh toua, t,-aiaad. - . ' .. n
.. . -r . . .