The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 07, 1871, Image 2

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.JULY 7, 171.
'-We do ant B4inHlLtMw whether
to laugh trvwp vr 'b aorabI 1g
anisac f the great asaes mt humanity
'upon thtalmpostoatqaeattoa. In Idea
. toasts) tshlegly pw-jlent pat
wb rtatnly nght to know better
that th alas f equal right agitators h)
in tT-"rlrJ "MflU ' w wni
mmx woman,. ..rvrolwlioulM society,
; osuaanisJBlo beeoene ' second or third
into actor la tba drama of Ilia, turn
connubial biles Into btttt rotas, and all
tba swart awkamienU' of' bom Into
blcksriags. Tbey JW to throw
tba kul aflfiiw of fre love,w,engen-
dered to often, w fear, from thaif awn
patracwt Urn, around and avar tba
thoughtful aa4 feartea ant and mnwi
tof tba age, who, aharly anprshsndlng
. tba argent nerrsity of a reform tri tba
limn rf TninTTr"j rt
Ian, bar arisen la their purity, dig
nity and strength to 4o battla for tba
right, with ubllin iwsolv U dtore
gard tba scorn aad ealuasay, tba oa
temnl aad aalawpiaaiatattna. . I tba
thoagfitlaaa rabble, who are vr ready
to attributa any other than par tuo--tlv
to tboaa refoi-ssers who foe tba
ordeal of their criticism. ''.':
Wa ara willing and anxious to be
- charitable laaww-vt aajdeavor to
attrihate tit , rntl-H'
saaay ae to thonglilli m aad If
: noraac rathe than untiV or epleeu
yet there ara ao many who wight
and ana know better, who yrt affect
ta believe that equal rights
rial confusion, that wa.aiaoat toss all
patleaoe la dealing wlth.tbeaw We
bare abowa tbeea, Ubm Aar Uata, the
Ireal object of this great reform have
advanced arguments they cannot refute.
and nvade assu tl sas 1 whleh they dare
: not gainsay f yet they blindly reiterate
their aU-Uma expletive, nuke werp
lng assertions that, eaa nevrr be eoo
atraed Into argument, and bagging the
I again their stale aad rldleatoaa mUI-
tadea, aad ga cm their way aa did the
alaaple derate af oM, Whoea folly bray
lagaerra In'moriar Would not
' wjKperv
Kothlng eaa be done, with such peo
ple bat to letlheae Uvaawt their al.
tatted Urn at Ulleii 'apbf the great,
aorflng aea .of homanlty, and when
they are gone there , hi bppetltai their
ehlkleeawitl ho more thoughtful, reaa
oabia aad aagarkuae. im ms
are, Wa ara happy t any. fhona-
cager lmpslraa; alter truth wha
aaly poatpoaa theaspaaaal of tbU wark
atil they aball hare had aaapW appor
taalty to InveatigaU Ita real and nttt
aaata ahjerla, Hueh people, befit not
too' wfce In Thelr bwn conceit to linteo.
ta the rendering of a it on, we rejolee
to aay we lad dally.' T them we aajr.
' dearly . aad; aMpbatfraHjf, that .the ab
uf tlM.amaa poremont 1 to-Oevf
rate all hamanlty t to make JUm worJd
batarn eer aad happWr;V to
jwnin, whaJa-hy-aatura and
ton the beet IHead af maa;hia aalltleal
eual,' that thereby both may rHr
the eiiaal beaelf of the hvt by abtcb
both ara equally gwreraed. ' The object
of the tnoreuent Is W abolUh the In?
dulgonoe of aaea aad woaaea to.tha alat
of adwlteryr laUaape ranee, war,
Ueide, aaarder, abacenltr. prefaalty ami
. taJaaUe af arery dianiria1hwi,t-.M
'Tbe asfUtorand earneat warkere la
tble ntovefenent do not expect a speedy
rerohitKia tbat'-uill arrtr.row tbow
;: Mitch, cberWted Julqultle ; but they do
expect by wwe and careful Ieg1alalea,
by eaualng aiea and women to
skis by. able! la ,thla' rewrnv and by re
arganUlng aanfftj; apoa a peeper aocUl
to att modify land change ths
iaa made ardcr -of taring that
all hamanlty attain tfj' ommfl on
seat, baulah the piedonilnaat InlauUlea
of the present day( and that throughout
our political and boslneaa. domain, a
wai) aa la oar charaaeanat aooh and
parlors, men aad aamia ahall sheet aad
I by the barrier af peejodiee, wbMi
to woman, "Thus far shah thou
eoma. and ao lkrthr.
!j"tTe demand fha halM tW Vomaa for
laan'e sake,- ae well ae her awa. We
demand It tot hat hscaaas by it
: power to benefit her auatly, hewelf
heehaahaadwUI be lasismidt
by Its aid aha eaa bring aa laftoeaee to
bear spa the rlainf generatloa which
aba-tanast" aaw'seaiassud.' '
- SAahd li as an Inalienable right which It
to her duty, to ass, aad, that aba wUl
I aad wield It wa art periVetly
5 (rw 4-iri-4
,ikt 1 1 saasa""B)SBBaarw' ,.tii
Miixmft or riixxxr with
' alsrjy farmers' srlrea are- areworked
' thraugh ih ftllare-T-anlnUar kmal, or
Ineaaaldeeate, rather thaa ana ealdabl
ea jba part of the husband to pracarS
aaaassary help la huay aeaaaaa. Tbe
wtra may get along ta eompsjratrrerom I
luf unaa-aeoiaeey
there ar but few hired, mam
Upon, but la baring and harvest time.
la apple gathering, omit drylagar la
toga asaaaa, wbea tba waekiag forea I
aagmeated by aumbera of avt-donr la
borers, but little If aay help la added to
' the household ecoaomy. 1 Th Wife then
aot only attends to her aoUaarx duUaa
a asaai, but extra easrtloaa avast be.
made to feed th atra farm for, aad
' aha mast srraaipUah all this work
atdaii Ins Mto aider ehtldrsw, apaa
whan aW eouW depend fftr help about
the laevlUUeJKftx .and lt toeihlng
predicaa nratem busy swuna, ,are
"bow braughi Into fequWUoa, to, carry
watar aad laanh to the aehi, ar to gather
fruit or vegetablea la aaaketa.-- '
TheVWr and mother strogghw bravely
oa, and sueceeda la keeping th douw
preapeeous aad Bell-aalWled baabaad,
pareeiTlag pa Jar or disorder sad bearing
aa greriows om plaint, eooelodes that all
UwelL Bai by aekdby the or eUaMe
step grows yaheak gsnws
paler still, tba aaday lose tbar lufttre,
taa worjMHil ohr laaguiabeaandthe
wile a t otbthes elthas heeoibes a eon
firmed Invalid, lingering oftea for years
Ih pal a and wflWing, or la aelaad by
enma avermaaterlng dlwcanc." Which
sueedUy retvaaes bar from the acroa of
her struggle and toil, and aha hi bora to
her home InUkexhurcbyaMl, white the
aaadsaare wita bae aeeord pity the belp
liii i iisiltlia if Ui Hiiag an whin
prop has fallen."- - - . c ,i . 1 7
. Woman have tbamealeaa to blame
for cnor-b of their overwork upon, the
fkrm.!, We have Ourndf often worked
fill forced Vy shaef exhaueUoa to lay by
and rest for daye togvtberv hsraait we
were too plucky to eek aaflieg to pnv
cure the help that we thought lila own
ssnss of Juetlor, and bis oWsrhleh of
protctlon(T)totbaaoUerf hie ehth
drea, should cause hloSie prorure witb
sines thaa, aad know much' better haw
to aunaga- tbeae gaaeVaatered, well
meaning creaturcd "called men. Tbey
are murh better at heart than ' their
wire glr tbent credit for; and If girls
ara taught by their another that men
must be met upon a plane af equality
rather than be looked trp to as protect
ors, they will have atore asnas than w
had, whan, with a laaa bach, aching
feet and threbbtag templea, we waukl
eoukt stand, bauauaa wa Ignored be fact
that ear hnebaad eaald not know af
half tba work that w Were compelled
to perfornt, and of evurse nwikt se,o
injustles la our Uie of drudgery. ui:f
Weniea aiaatr faara to take ear af
themselrea. ' TTiey mat, leant to de
mand regular appropriations for dome
tie sspnaaas. Tbey mast jeara that the
woman wha helps her ho hand saoat la
the one who best prt serves her youth
fend health, and oanaequeutty W enablwl
to brtog up the beat organised, health!
eat and happiaat' aunlly. They asuat
learn that thla romantic, Mprotectlon,w
which Is so much prata about and so
sweet to dream over., to aoUtlag but
moonahlna, aad then they" win 4Htoa be
as sensible as tbelf able-bodied lords,
wb Mr help for tbentaelrearlMia It 1
aeeded and. who beook ao iuterfcrlag la
their legitimate business. , - f
vs 2 -iTElT.EiJ-
nin our WttoMsal. friend of W Halent
Alrmtrr ietfi a, wbstbas, dghUaed
bbr We hma-toakad 4haaugb our
Taut Imnm for si.y of bis soalled "Ra.ll
eaf -otriiMa by which, w auppua
bua a mean wttatevor i bvraU to
the RepuMleaa and eppoaadjja.tb
views of the Democratic party and w
mmd confess that we can't 94 any Be-
pubileaa or Deiaecratle dovtrla la Uia
I per. - Tle burial of these partiea hi
"none of our funeral;" and w sliall not
be sorry when both are dead ; and when
from Uia st)i,of both hilarUcayw
rrpnrloed by the ire ofpaal aspa.
tteae aad purged af the pettetto that
stains the once, proud WcotcheoH of fheee
al, demoralised poiMtoal silveiasrsMMnQaadlmnsalsd krethwa are ftf
a.pany taa awaii orgemias aaour lae
baaaer of equal rty; Jamie aad fraternU
ty, heralded by fre jtreav free speerh.
frea people thsa aad aat tiif thaa shall
we nurarl lb NaW NoertHwarr la aop-
Bortror any political. organisation or
aarty.whatover.Ialbamcantlnte, aaa
pabila .J aallai, wa-khaii maka
notes aad eammeat vpaa enaraelera,
ivaats or" hwue of the day as seem to a
right and proper. W aUaU maka those
notes aa fcsrlssily and eosacientioualy
a We penctohn the fnepel of equal rights
for all humanity; , aad If any parfy, sect
ar set of shaU feel aggrieved
ranai of oajatricturea, we pwial U
fkfr and courtenos trttnient, rtontattet
What their, y )ewa may be aa long as they
We are not prepared tm believe. that
our friend Of the Jfffcurj ro bolder (he
ruffia',Watklnh) as an average example
or. .pereoalaqatioa of . th . Pemeeratie
party. W an't kellev that h wlH
olantoriiy shMrlder that load. Ketther
did we rrltk Ue Jtlaa act of our honored
RaawMtto la piaeiag hiss ta aav'tiaport
ant omoa-n piaea for wbkh he-fWat-
kind) has jrpved;tlmsctf utterly aa-
worthy-rHw the set of the TVtnncracjr,
but ae th act Ctha (iovaraar af Of
goa waaahoald aiak the partlaaa lata
th patriot after election, if not before,
and who, we .doubt not, wouk)hav
Kept uuu ruraaaiy taiiiy. la, the back-
ground altoavtbtf liad hat wife ar aom
other equajry estlusible wooaaa eWupled
her, proper pUce a co- worker la the Gu
btraatortal . -ofnos. t J thia what . has
frightened aurbmthevf ' '''( r
a The tru iaUreeU af tba aaxe are aot
aaUronlMle. ' We kre aomellmee' sari
prbjod St (ha touaulty with whteh toca
of laielUgeaea oliaa to tWmllactoas
Idea that the woman msvtaaiat la V
lined to tower man fa the scale bf exist
Tbey that women
1- tH'tt't th Ihraaa nf
aadpowsrlathelrfavor. There
Is nothhts; tarfbet fnan the froth thaa
this. ; To the'atteiupta of a 6aian to leK
tor her eoeUUaa, aba h) very p from
oasidertag the womaa qaaatioa oary.
It embraces the best tntereaU nf all ha
manlty." Women deeJr th ballot pot
nly becaaaa It la right iie4 they sboakl
have !; Ita peyer. they
wtfl be sM. Id help .JneB? well as
women, to bebatU the. ual van.,. They
demaad It that by itooH aaah laws may
ko anode ot alaUl paaeVlka tae wleWl
Hcss and dthkatheryof bxsnklnqVjind
hot bacauas the ar arrayed agalaat
each athar. i !. eT v-"'? i m
-Oae eex cannot beeeto fadepi iadeat
of the oU aeltlu-t) It right or dWr
abla.' that each ahauld br th ease.
Womaa has nerer; naked the privilege
to sears maa's pasrogattva.' 8ha baa
- -'' -, !'.. t.,nt-,-uii f-
aever dealred to do aa; but eh
asked, dose aek, aad will yet
equal Chert wfch himself ta making
tkw taw tiywhVA hatp ar governed,
and to tb asaklag aad enforr'ng It
Which ahadaatrlbataa much to py tie
iausmry aypweas. , J J
xo(zxTor aTjsnci
The mfllanWalklnUw bue lafs annua
iriy resulted Ja tb . death
af the latter baVIng gone through the
be at -ones plead guilty and wraa dle-hio"
eltalgeJttpSa tbepaj njenToT sTtrifling
Anaof twwhandiwddollam hasreeutoed
hU former prod table and responsible po
sitioa aa ruler over batter an than
Lluiiwlf la th psenteatiary. i . - t
- Had this burly rtrttUin been a woman,
and had Mr. .Clarke been a bland and
smooth-tongued libertine who had
wrought her ruin, bow different would
luva been the so-called flat of Juatios!
Th press and people would with an
accord denounsa th wicked assault, and
for-thrreatalnder-r her life Ue tou-'
vlct's eeU would be her' port Ion f '
. '. 'L- JI-LLUJ J
It baa been auggastod that the Wom
en's Christian BOcuUleae be rrpreatnt
ed In the general equal rights eonven-
Th Young. Men Chriatiaa Aaaachv
ttoa eertalnry needs the eo-opsratlori of
good, activ and.. nelent ChrUlian
women. If young men ar to be con
verted to Christianity there la ym hn
man means more potent than the Influ
ence of Christian women. ; ,
...We aak that the aexcebe exhorted to
work tsgtthsr la these Asseetotlona for
the promotion of the genera! welfare of
utmyouyn, -, - -,r V
Lib Insurrection in Algeria. wil ouow
b supprsssud. . , i .
i AU the Italian ministers have arrived
In Rom and been Installed ; In' their
aUnlslry. T t-p-!" -; h.
', Th . Keprcarntatrvea of : Furtugal,
Urosoa, Brasil, Bwitaerlaad aad Bava
ria are also la the dry; (Xhr Ambassa
dors ar daily ajrrivlngvt, mi-i
f ayr.dBiea that the property W Ah
gerlan Inaurganto has been connaeated.
Tha relations af Austria with all for
eign nations are reported friendly. : .
- The elections la. Parts oreoeeded qui
etly.. . JWpaLlksMsiBBi reported tsiamph
ant 'Troops are having; the fltyjn atnv
fonnity with the treaty of rrankfort..
'r Tlieamclaigasctoof (lavltailaatov
erarnant ha been'toanaatrred to Romew
- Kmperor WllUasl Is evaleacerit and
again able to transact bunluews. '. It
j,Tha issurgeni Oensrai, Krodiirtos Ca
vata of .Caha, baa been captused aad
tokea to uerto PttnHpe for trial, " Hi
execution Is certain.'", V'r'", "T
. A daatntctlv Hi has devastated Yre
ka. . Over one third af thoatty has been
destroyed. ' Loss, taon.Ooa ' Xot ever
$ 10,000 eovered byjmurance. -rr
A Or at White iW to reported in
which Pun dl MrOm, ailll namera,saf
btmt besw Insa.'
' Newseomes from all. quarters
Uatoa relative to Fourth of Jaly fostlvt-
tins; aver tbe" 1st ;'npleasantne.
All anlted In enlisting under th rW
Fpangied Raaaar to mlebrat oar natal
daw rt i"" ' t '''t''",
A The RepuUlcans af California have
nominated vjlon. cwtoalhiothaW
CUvoraor, aad adopted a psatforas la
which they take ground against Chinese
Brehm gives 4 curious acoounl of tlie
instinctive oread whhJt his monkeys ex
hiblted toward snakes: but their curl'
osltywasso great that they could not
desist from occasionally satiating, their
honor In a most human bullion. ty
lifting ap tbe lid of the box tn which tlte
snakes were kept. : I waa so-murh ur
pnsea at-taia account that i ton-s
atuffod and colled-p snake- Into the
monkey-house at the Zoological (iar
dena. and the exeltMaent thus esiuu.1
was one af th most eurioue spectacle
which I ever beheUt. .Th raa species A
trcopitneous were ine most alarmed :
they da idled about their cages and
uttered sharp algnal cries of danger,
which Were eMlerstood by the other
aaoakeya,-1 A few yaaag moakeys and
one akl A nobis aakaia atone took -no
notice af the snake. I then tdaeed the
slatted speelsaon'aa tbe grosnst I a one of
too larger eompasinvsaisyrauier a tuae
ail the monkey oolkcted vound It In a
targe circle, and staring Intontty,
fwoaented a nsast ladlersus appearance.
Tney becaaaa - extreanelv nervous, ao
that when a wooden hall, with which
tbey wore fomlliar as a piarthtar, waa
aeetde tally saovod la th strawnuder
which it waa partly hiddesxr they all
lastaatly started sway. These saonbeys
vary eUntoantly when a dead
other new on-
Jvota were plsetd 1a their cages; for
taouga as ana mgatens,
ary reached, .hsadlsd aad oxamlaed
thenn I then thaa ataoad a ilr
ia awaper bag. wkh the aaoath i
closed, la ease of the taracr eomaara.
atonta. . Oae of th monkeva Imaiedt-
asaiy 4jtoanea, enwtioasiy spsaesl tbe
as,. pMinsa in aaa-raatassuy
dashed away. . Thaa A H ii what
ay. , i nea a
Brehn has desrrtbed, fur ssonkay nftor
asonaey, wua naoa rsiatn and turned oa
ante, count no reaixt taking aao
tary peeve Into th anricbt bear.
at tbedrvodrui atbvi lrmg outsS ad tbs
nrHionef aootortosi
affinitW far thnaa kept by Brehm ex
hiblted a atranae, thourh mists ken.
toatlnettve dread af tanoaent Msantoand
frors. ) A a orarrr. alsn. has been known
to be math a tanned at th first sight nf
n. -I'tn. w I r-1 . f .i ' it,.'
i . i ii i Hi n i' I i .
- It la related of a eolpnrtoar sent so ra
the palmy anya af eolpgrtoa by abe
Trast esarsety, cnaw a aabasi
Arkanaaa whatdaaailasitliiaa
shtapidatod saoklag' assetlsay
igasj sK ''' - ' '." ! "('
atrasuref.n sra thof sardr.
S Hard-Kbsil tiaptba, baa (beg
aer oee. Jttt pot ' .
I SS),., su, ... . f
be suppart a saaed, wnald
ansst ls ths Mba. sVllbesntsv
and letfnct eaa-iatoaa of our lattoaal
od anerai posrasa. inaaaarir rrstlgtoa
daadltaat weapon tor Ua ladet---.-ejs.
otofW . .. . si. .1 ( ; ., , .f
lidaksng at thaa anhappy men wlioaa
wives and aa'"r have permitted them
to grow up sraaosd, aturoee.
bia, durnioeerinA illiberal, oae ntxbt
sk lake Xlavid la bis baste, aad ay,
sasV be'aood by graesv Vet j suspect
there U ao eroatare ator aniaoia to
tralnlint.aa there la certainly none mors
oepeauenl upon training, lima man.
Tlta irreclaluiabls are few. By far tlie
greater number nilgbt, byjlrm, jrenjle,
4. 1 m . I r-m t 1 1 .. . t 4 t . Mini, am m .. .1
agiOMrbavia th eortl um m they are
in the eaaual reWious of life; might be
Domlbllltr -raJiVJentla tn-almentl
ntahs thani
nu guou, ineu, aa 1 uava al-
ready hiai
stad, tot heruie treatmant make
them auaenisalra. lie re out Ulna avails
but a eouraga that aasounta to recblsso-
Beaa. fau women saktom bare Ull tbe
last gua tsaraa. Tbey are mora arrald
of pa bile spaaeh thaa private auftering.
Tbey will .toil and aaoll, coax, ator in,
varreach, ooatri ve, argue, shame, amid,
but keen aa. aad the
aUad the teasing aad seoldiag, and deea
aot know of the overreaching and con
triving, aad easily earas for nothing at
ail ao tongas tba wlfa keeps en. The
only thing a would ears Ur she fines
aot da- Has does not plant herseif fair
aad aquare, without worda, but with aa
aaeitorabl woalatinw, oa her nm i ed
right,' A tanner wUl go oat In the
BBurniag wttb three or four blred teen,
aad toav his wife without aay servant,
toenail tbe work, waieheho doaa isW
eomalaiaof; but also to bring ta wood
aad water, which aha doss oowpUia of.
Now, it. Instead of complaining, and
briniriug woadrond making up fur-lost
tiaaa by extra hurrying, sba would leave
Im cooking-stove at th practoi point
wbr wood or water give out, and
spend the rest of the morning iw pleas
ant-readlag, v.Iooovb her huMuaad
wbea he eaniss home hungry to dinner
wltb that cheerful asnilotuat wa read ao
much atmut la the newsiainvra. ami at
pleasantly "Charley, dear, you did not
Uav ass any wand. I wilt be setting
tu mbto wlill you are building th are
again, aaa wowiu uaveainaeraU ready
ta two hours,' how much autre likely
would Charley be to HU. the woodbox
aext day . before ha drove his Seam
aaeid I A masse rir iasaHtytty Is more
BVetiv thaa aaokling. if a wlfobtoa-
atod seeras to a aowar over th eonimoa
lasoaie, aadasteadaf at riving to keep
up appearaiMwa aa, a aigganiiy anl
gradged allows ore. would swiftly, doft
)y, aad emphatioaUy bring dress, ublei
hasband, everything down toth aMow
aat a; wearing oary caUco gowns, awl
pinning a towot around ther children'
neob--ptting tbe aaAcienciea, thst ta,
wbee bar buaimnd eouid rw revive Them
1 think he would apeedily relinquish
his solitary mndeur. mid nrav matUm
to booome chairman of a eosuutiUee of
aprrofristliin. Oaae a man gave hi
wife fire dollars to buy a little lad's
ft ret eutlt. Mas stretched It aa for aa It
maid be stnorheaL cut uivaer own eaaa-
brtogowne, and for the seat assumed ta-i
dlm-renesvj and auwta after all a bra
diaptay. Th Bvo dollars waa, periutp
assougb to buy one little sirp. Hdpposi
now, ana had brasght the little allis as
ultb-reneo, aaa auMto after all a brave
Iik and
said to her haalejnrti tJHt fct to ha hoped,
my ehar. that aas ana will bring a-he
ay Osaatltuttaa wltb bint, aa snero it
aothiag awatiag hiaa tn tkim worbl but
n rroeX; wbJeb wilt protstbly
he nurse, aad maka lively talk
g tba Bsiiarbbora. liut. If ou like
it, I have no objeettoa, and M elooht
therowlll ba a eontribntlaei taken up
ur ii in laenuria bentre winioraetaiar'
wosimiarrr. Kriocsm er wa
fVaHVI SSV TVm ifclll -nj
iTbeie la an lastkai uf UHs-rontlnVht
causauieor anaontoT uia reaeh of anp
plies esmnttal totb am HtlenertU- The
eoai mines of tba Itoek
"v a sersimma. . a saa
Laakv nMMmiains.
!T if JlrrrrV 1
instead of beiag a mere. Jlgaita,
aaarly sappossd, have, aa oxptorattons
havo progeeaard. devetoued beds of equal
' .
oensiiy wa fe- lanawtnns or an'
thraclto, aad af aqaally .good quality.
Wyoming lomtary la in largo part.
ouai basia. Un iget riouad. aa.1 Just
where the want of eulanMrme uioat need
If, on ltUligbau Bay, extensire a
eoveries have been made, and it 1 saore
thaa probabla that ia -a-few-years tbe
Pacific alops will And sxhanstiva eup-
puenaquai s anytatag in use lvaaarrn
country..' Aa Imaaenss bed has jest been
discovered ia West Virginia, as larrs to
area aa toe enure eoai Aside af ituglanrf.
and the event will be apt to eilsaulat
tba. population of that1 enterprbdnc
Htato to new efforts and indteurtos.
And ao ties progress goe on.' JEvery
new scittamant Immusi tlie advance
guard of new dlsnnverv. Tim tree las
prairiea. sra,no.iunajsr n garded wttbf
dread.,. The fuel omotiun ia'anlvlnal
inaiif. Jka it aes4;uen in rompletB tbe
conuaeni ar numan use ia every dealr
able essential Iron ia found la lueaaura.
less abundance In nearly evorv oectioa.
while the pm-tous metals abound over
aa are urger than in any other eountry.
The atimuiua to exertion is nowhere else
on th globe sa waloiy and wonderfully
dlflUeetL nor the development sogvuersl
ami wins sprasq. ,j ( .,... i
- lloraee treeley, In one of hss letter
to th New Yarn - Iriaone regarding
Texan, saya: ! f i--v-i"- -----
u JTtna baa iraBaaagh-toivkto-tbe
earth by rallraata into agtiawa tan
mues acrass; not ao ton sr n was ever
amaltsd. rdia baa at least 6,000 square
aaiies as eoai ipruuaoiy muoa more);
but no ton of It waa ever aaa; for sale. Wh
has gypsum snuugh to asii th Hintl
aaat aaaaaily for a eentury; bat tt lies
valmdme a-waste of earth-eovered
stone. . Mba bss aaoro land good for
wbeat than - biransaota, yat Imports
aeariy all her Boar? aha baa million of
aeaas.r oxoslient . Umbe yat toillds
natal af nia nova Loobmaaand Kinei-
da; aha spin I to (Milo for her hasaa and
to New York for bee twitter, and would
unpen berries and fruit n hr p
had aot laarned. White they were a
toiaai4e. to do without t beau If
tlmusaad aorthem farmer would aat
ttaluat kslaw Houston and A vote them
aal vaa to eupplrtag that eity and thai
wna iraaa juiuc. hotter, etrawmrraaJ
raejasBrrtes, aeocnes, grapes, ate., they
might rharga dnwtde prices and get rich
faster thaa -an aaanv oottivators over
did bnfura. : i . t i i i L
A genttenMnbane evening, wa Seated
at a tovaly yoaag woman, when the
earanaaiy arauad 'Wtve rvMnang vn
smadrans to eaeb other, .Twrntag to
his eomrstabas. ho saldM "Why. to a
bvty nnllkan mlrmr' Hh gave It un.
-Because," aatd tbe rude fHhiw, MnVlr
re ssttorvs without aswaklor! b tady
apaakewlthout iwaeeslag.' "Very weil,'"
aha sabi; "mmw answvrma. Jtliy br
a unlike a mirror?" of-eoanM teH
yon." "atomuae th aslrror is polished,
ana Xbo.asaa fa r1 ''" '
i i i ii i J
A elerarrman . ra IVwianrlvania1 teas
Jnst received hie salary tor all montlaV
ceevseea., It eoasbaedst tenfoetefstov
Cipa, two paper f ora stareb, three
eaa of varnish, one paper collar, Bar
palin leaf tons, aad w hoodies of bed
elate. t4A,4 t
What la harder thaa earning money t
(WtaestagR, '' - - '
...ii - - - mi md
peoplerrt n fers. '
r jae.
' - Aaoisat
vA well-known aieaa af eluding news
raphlly. In a country. with, such bad
reads as Oreeee, was bv trained runner.
Thus wat are told that Pbldipptdea, a
ofwaiimal eourtor, ran from Athens to
Sparta to beg for aid, lust befora htara
tbon; arrived at tba latter city at tba
end of the eecoad day; and this waa a
distance of 160 miles. . Tbe constant
gymnastic training in which Oreek, and
stieclally Hpartan, soldiers ketit tuem
aaliisa. ansbhul ahuia arniiea to maka
very rapid, forced Uiarcbea. In tlte
? resent Instance, the bpartaa army,
hoorh alow to start, vet, when It did
anarulu nerfaruied tba ttistsjar In three
flays. rVy heM (Aaasears de Viuren-
aa niiSa.l ttgbt uuops al tba t rsaun
army, were traiued to make aolrt
marches, by running one on either aide
of a ' cavalry soldier, - whose stirrup
Wethers tbey caught hold of. ...This, . we
Iwlleve, or something like iLls still
kept up among the hoaavea. - The e
aode of the "Fiery Cross,'' in the Lxl$
of Ok IaU, shows- how quickly a dis
trict may be srouaed by a wvll-orgniilsed
yetem ofrunnlag messenger. InuVed,
th swiftneaa af nuivor is as proverbial aa
its exaggeration. lady Ihiir ttordon,
in her voyagoap the A lie, found that
the news of her approach Invariably
out.trlpped bar movamente, rapid as
tbey wca. live eurtoua story given by
lirrodotus, of a herald' statf fouud
floating on tbe aea at kf yeah, and of
tbe rumor that stralgbtwsy run through
tbe Ureek boat of a battle woo by their
countrymen in Ureece proper, that very
day, (at Matje), U also a case In poinU
la eouatriea mure favorable for speedy
traveling, muoh ua waa made of borae
ea and other auliuals. The adutlralie
system of math) aad pasta instituted by
tbe klnga of Persia throughout their
vast tomtaious-.'ths pasts that sane
, amm mules and camels.'' aa wa have it
f in the Book of Esther, excitotLthe won
der of Herodotus, wlio aays emphatical
ly Uiatnhere ta nothing In the world
swifter than JUmms maaatngsrs l" . At
the present time an Arab will not un
freueiitry travel a hundred miles In a
toy oa one of their untifiar horses.
The Uoeaans with their etralgUt roads,
the primary oljw t of which, (as of Hus.
elan railway)) waa eieed-for-mllltory
purpsaea, provided, wa may be sure, the
means for making tbe utmost of tbeBk
In the times of the empire, post-bouse
were set up along the great highways
every five or six mile, with about forty
at earn; an utai a uemts At
for luatauve, using these re
lays, niljrht easily Journey in hU -chariot
a hundred lulk-e a aay.-VMbrrS
Jonntmt. .J 1 Mi n :f t it.r.r'H
... .1 .. in-' , . . I -?- r I
!1: s " i .
I sm sorry to say that I lont believe"""1
all boy to be augt'Lt, splto of their doting
motnera. . .. - . .
. I saw, the other day, a poor old
with white hair. taeklasT hie way
fully over a slippery: nasi, hardly able
to hold the poor bundle of raga under
kU wrnlh vw tottering - not with
drink, but with ok! are. . A group of
well-dressed lads passed him; then they
mail a targe snowball, and with a about
aimed It at hi hst. knocking It Into the
mlislHi or the street, "nuaiuei" erwn,
a I went 1
lie thanked me, but ha had no hard or
bitter word for hie little eowanfty perse
cutors. Ills sorrowful took at thent Was
enough as he went decently on bls .wfty.
I call attention to this trait, because I
fear rhenarentwof hovsdonot ufflolehtly
mnaiilcr It, Now "fun" Is s food thing
ror noys. i uon i neneve in soictun
boys; but tt Is base to triumph over and
iuMilLokl age. . It la baae and cowardly
and cruel to torture dumb animals for
ffun." I shudiler when I see chlklhood
I don't know thst I ever saw a rlrl do-
Inr such thine: and that Is why I snoke
. . . . - x i . . a
perticuiariy or tu being a boyian btuiu
rthink the prtUxthusUrols sml fstliars,
Fnr m-lirm aa.-sh bmusk.I' anah Tv .a f hln .
aiiviu w a a aaa avnsvM utisvius aaas K
la the papers, must have begun this
way. I think every mother should look
well to this, , remembering that Some
fresh, young, trusting heart will some
day give Itm-lf to that eon of bera. '
if other who any to thetr daughtera,
"My dear, do this or, "don't do thst.
for on dayyoa wyt be a Wifi', should
oftcner say, "My son,, you will sum
day ak the love of some good girt you;
wish to make your wife, lie worthy of
that love." Meantime, till they are old
enough for this, look to these little be
ginnings of tyranny toward th defence.
1. ,' " ss , ' I r ., j-
i-A "Lono" Acor x i jtta irvT A
tleataa writing of a "toi
a nee, aays there Is among
Joysa "hlgh'L
snoe one, at least, who enjoy i
repn tattoo, fof lie tanU over seven feet
t , i
VJr 1 t.TM,uh . fefc?nU.' I
hlehibcr of the bar, hs Is a good-natured.
nioiit( ciuxcn. pom years ago, when
the Broadway (!C. Y.) Theatre was fAe
Uieatreof the town, he ar fit to wit
ness the perfwrmance from a prondnent
scat in the.parqoette. When Ui cur
tain rose bd the actora advantwd. to
tttetr position, aery of "Down In rroiiir'
necame general titrougttout tn au-
dumce. 'Their attention wss directed to
wards the tall B- , who, feeling hinv
at lf the object, of rvnisrk, Uiought be
Was required to settle a little. Looking
sa it nc wouki nxe 10 settle tnrongn toe
, mm s uui an mnv mnpBU mj a
standing position, la such a manner.
however, aa to oimvcy aa Impression
t lie re waa no end to htm. ' At last bs
did get straightened out to his full
length. When slowly KUnrlna around at
t ba astonished audience, he said very do-
iiueraariy r- 'Vfe-nuenieu, to musry yoa
that I u sluing down, I will now
stand upf - A bund of laughter and ap
plause suororrled; the aodarnoa and ao
tors Isjcnm convulsed: th eurtsia de.
awvKled ranktly: tlta nutnager, with
beam In; face, came forward, end ambtst
the wildest aiqilauae comlucted the gen
Hcmau to a private box. :..r:-- -
Livtxa ix TxxAa-Whtrfhor It hi a
roraninMiMiatioa.or not. I iour that it
as rvquirod Jeaa effort to Eve in Texas
Uiuu many other ritauortiie L aion, .,
-The -coiamoa . aayinc ''It oust no
tore to rear a cow bera than a ha at
th NortiV'T-ls Utorally traa. . Th ew
ws nevar fed. never sheltered, no mat-
tor how cold or stormy the weather; and
yon might have ten thousand hand of
tattle mngiug th prairiea and open
iuga wUbout awning aa acre of toad oa
earth. Many a diss has thus grows
rich without effort and alntaet without
thought... lUcbt but to little present
purpose ills bom was a rude cabin,
with Bttle sr sn gtasa In lu windows
and nothlua but dirt oa 1U Sonr. ills
rhildton gnear up ansebooled and tvdo-
nercd. Ilia wlfs WS alatternlr. da.
prived of society and remtored unhappy
by momorlaa of better tianw and nnaw
coiigeiaal aassr la t tons.. Man liens as a'
hard-iasa aislaly oa horse lau k in the
opeu aic, often meeting aoqaaintantwe
and atrarurura; woman, being confined to
ner kiui,iw eamo, aannq tberela
no sohww or vomfort. but In lsar ahil-
draa, .The partaarahip waa aot aa squial
one; there was no aUuUorily in its eoa
d i lions.- Than are proud and happy;
wires la Texan, as elsewhere, hat the
rancher's life has. aat tended to awakei
them ao. I ara glad I eaa see to the1
end of. U; and I trust that the ranch-,
merfs wives are even stodrr than 1 am.
nrf vrvvrry.
ii. .1. I ;
v aaYasaaOaaTJa,
Ws clip the following trdh. the
mis JuJe" .Vcwfl. ona of. ear
valued axchange and aarfwhioh la per
fketly sound on the womaa question.
iUu htottr, JunefHli, fAke'eHlppo
droino Olympiad and Mamanoth Circus
will gtv its first performance ta our
etty, remaining bare fur one day only.
This eohaaal combination of ail that Is
Lrara and wondrous ia tbe professional
world, Is under the sole nuinagemeni or
Msilsm Sgnss ksts.sisdgot
and culture, who has, by a atrtotandja.
dictoua eouducting of her buslaaas, 1
gained for the company, which bears
her name, a reputation tliattt indeed
enviable. When her husband, the cr le-
nralsd aaawa, Mfc-jVas-4oay
cruelly .murdered In kilssourt. the
Madam waa forced to take charge of
and control the maatadon iastltutioa
widen be liad managed so long and ao
auceeasfully. To her tbe uiKlertaklng
was novel snd arduoua. but with a de
termination that would honor the stern
er aex. she has proved woman's adsDt-
ability to control and manage any occu
pation uui eirrumstances may make it
Imperative Tor her to undertake with a
heroic resolve to tree the clrcu from
many of IU traditional vices she
succeeded In making It a respectable..
una BTTue same-time, legitimate boat
nese." No gamMiuaof aay kind ta al
lowed on the circus tot; no throe-cards
monte thrower; no Jewelry cneea: In
fact no devic of any sliape ta practkd
tadeeeive or swlndis lb searary, nrin-
iK-ix-aia utnguaga to onentt tba t
With a dcterinluatloa at the outset to
rid the company of the many 'vices that
usually miuw in in wake or large ex
hibiUuna, oho dsvided to maka itrw
spat-tabia or abandon It. , Mow well she
lias succeeded, we are only euabkal to
judge by the continuous success that has
ftdiowed in her wake during the entire
tl mesne hss aad control af Mm great
aliow. Madam Lake, with a dtarrye nf
liberality heretofore unparallau, baa
gathered In one vast combination all of
the many atsmlallisa wba have become
famous iu their, profession, awd o-day
ah has atUacbeu to hsrcouipany a cou
gresaof artlsu sufhclent to fill th a
tire bin of any six ordinary circuses.
'Aw'IXflfJEKT. Ai'vi went
meeting, between lights, a woaMavrot
Into tlie omul bus wiKim I InatanUy
marked a one of the bad. The hard
lines of sin alKine tliough tlie paint with
which sha had sought to rquvenato her
face. Hive took a seat, looked around
for a victim, and fl scd on a pretty young
girl, of whom she sought information aa
to how th fare waa to be paid. Thla
wan given without leaving Sa opening
for .farther eouveraaltoa; bat tna lu
quirvr failed to cnuipreliend th dims-
Tluie passad as w enanaed th
squarca, and Ilia wpHiansvlio was ao
hraoraat of ihe vraya nf- the world that
she did aot know how to nay her oanat-
bua far passed on with us. Th driver
called down from his Derch. when a
very respectable looking nutu explained
to licr what waa required. lie had to
count tiai money on the palm of her aa
gloved naau, ana ah was so Inexpe
rienced ami helpless and dependent that
it .11.1 1 -II III! I I 111 III I 1 I
tba polite aae wU wbtob ho tnstroeted
tt to lhlm!tbfr tU lartti tdai toiods Used by-that
wiiiukjaj- aurjainTJiar aasos. iu natiy
who was. with niu,..wnbipered that alie
was aawmisnen people would permit
Inexperieis-d- young-girls to" go out
alone at that boor. ' But that nertleutar
pkeoa of iuexperlcnc left tba amalbaa
wiut tn msu who bail taught her bow
to pay her fore; and, as they psaseil out
of sight together, ! thought of Elisabeth
uarret tsrowaiag : ci
n "Tlarrs as serins -
Wni lakM U. pmoxr rban'p mil ailll tn erhnr.
If sns rsns an lbs ami sr ihl a-n id.?
The crime of teaching aetpleaaueM and
depemlencn as a womanly virtue, nnd
deurt vine women of tbe moans of self.
help, hrone that has been productive
mmmm finnvioin suiy otner rsiss mil
Uiat ever paaeetfeurreiit In th world's
marxet. Mn. SttHamhrim. -,
tv-.n, IS ' r
Abtkb1 pa Wa ana Last. The a4-
sowing a said to bare been th h
tfaiiHt written bv Artemaa Ward. ;
"I nt II quite recent, Tve been a heal thy
Indivtrroal.-I'nrnearty- sixty, and yet
I'v gat a maaale tuto bv arms whVrh
dont snakomy flats resemble th trade
of a canary bird, when they fly out aad
hit a man. Only a few weeks ago I was
miimiiir in puavnarnn. in a
buibtin' wbisU bnd bean ffhrmeef mm.
tphHi-liyg pngjli i ana al th feibis
what hit from tba sJioubler, and teach
es that manly Art of aelf-defence. And
he entn and Bed hs was snln In frL
eonaaquene af the prsvteusly ockepylng
m bullillnVnUh a large ysller skHr.
lLvaed -Oh. . ami Taei lhZl
. . . . - - . . . .-
Ua sed. IM yon want to bp-gmaiul Id
P l wden, t rlorlf there Ts S
powder i
, handy when he
me a dixarustinsr blow in ni b-fl m.
which caused tiatNkuccm to cbise at
aac mr repairs; nui be mdn't hurt me
any more, fori .wsat rorhhn ataierit
toally. Ills parciits llvoil aear by, aad I
win auiqiiy state mat niteen mi nits af
see I ha1 VBfM for him, Ma mother, eeein1
to prostrate form nf he ssej apvananh
V"e oouae onto a aueiter, carried by
four luen, run out' doors, keerfuliy
looked him -over, and aed: My Sou,
yoa have been feolhV round s thrash ing
esaaheen.. Von wctttTinsit Xha and
where they put th grain la, aad earn
out with the straw ami then got Bp la
the thlngumaglg and let tbe horeee trod
e yon, didn't yon. my eon r You earn
gtoe by this what adtmgwtabto par
I mm when I'm angry.',' r. j 4,;.
nowroMAKB Fabsi Lira ArraAtv
Tivav--1. Bytamlnudwwra. harasses
aftan nndertoh snore than they aaa do
weis sin , nuosvaneuHy worn top aarty
and too tat. ' .. , , .
X . By more ayatem. ' rtirmera should
have a teas to bsgla and atop labor.
They should put aiwee mind oml na
rhlnrry iroo tieU w-ork. rTWy- ahoutd
thenrtte ss well ss practice: and let Unh
go together. ' Ksrnilng is '-. healthy,
aaoral and respectable, and la tbo tong
run, may bs ( toads- prontobkwi The
farmer alioukl keep goml stork, and bt
ontefdetd. . '
i l Bi bUOaWcara of lieafth.' firm.
ar hsva a healthy variety nf sXsralsia,
uui ion oiiea neglect siaaunssa,aat. ir
regularly ami hurrsdly, and WpJqJU
T-mtiuti-u anrmentM, and exposa
- . By adorning Oas now. Basks,
rir, pictures, musks ami geadtog,
should all he brought to bear a pan the
to-doo enaertalnrnetias; ami aeatnese
awl coiMfortr-order, slrabbsT' aowar
ami rruit should all bsraaooias without.
' There Would ts fjwer dssurtUtus of
aid houndandM, If pains were taken to
snaae . tnem .asweatiav mo, oeojer,
baaith aad beauty era eosnvaxtUd with
farm life, bod were ardaiaed to g, wltb
lt". '.TT'ii i' i ! '"' ' I
"A Ultto' Bvv-year-trld loy ' wis bring
liitis tad bs aanmta Irr bis araadmotli.
r.i Th oal lady told bint Hast all such
mm Mt.7 mJIv l I M ft l.l.
snd nut iinie neuartnan any profanity.
In fact, sii said ywa mdd toll a aavjfnna
oath by the prelis, "by.M, All each
werenaiha. "Well, then, randioother,'1
aid th little hopeful, 'There't a big
anth la the aeWspajier, "By Tebratah."
The old tody gave it s and th hoy la
bswUdeiniuorata.r ; L
Jpsei4reBiiinv. , y K
JUL Wktfmtt IfassTM 'hetWh A rv.
No. fti f ront street, rYwtlaad, have
niaeedlamr hands. a ids saddle to bo
Aered as a sperisl premium at th awne)
ntata rair, ana arn m iresr to name the
oraneb of tnvgon Industry to bs stimu
lated thereby. After ntsture reflection,
this ta tba choice T hsv made. 'If win
be gl van to tbe pesaua wha furnishes th
largest bumlier of scalpa of th follow
ing descriptions, ' staling upon honor
fliat tbey were taken rrosa thai animal
sisinw ira person competuaj,. aithia
ajertala time, eomaaeoring July 4th.
aiai reainx u-umdct atn, is7i:
squirrela, Mas Jays, anal gopher.
ava larti!'' lt!lw Liu!! so
let us bear good aarouat errau In this
enterprise, l uipieen. Hon M. 1. Dea
dy and ex-rtoceetsry Minto. T-
P. B.---Tte'narars af Oeaaon will eon
for n enatdal Savur a pan th boys, by
C blaming thtaohVr. i would also stats
it a number of other eneclul nttml-
ma have been Ml with me t arleet the
object tor whtoh they ara to be ofjeeedL
e 6 1 B E M Y ' SC N C E R T
ilt..!-.-l I",! '-!"'
' M..S-U
if tf-r rrmnr-TTTi Hint. "v- yt
'nr - i
r-riTrffryt7' -cg.t j..;iir ".it--
,S -JL: S ' til ..f -
1 .V
,1 1 ..
Kt r-P t ara Ilgtlti
l' 'n,:tftHI ';a, ti
T arrrt Ai. airoarr. "
. r( riJT -r.t r-. . ..,!
i-i ill H lJl i. .it.
l- i ! i i,..m .i.,.:fhir,i:i
i-t .t:.; tji-'t:-;- i:,'v'! .i
"yi I ! I i i:o'',- t t-t,:.4'-$-f-ft ifni' "
fr -.44r ttf-. tci-t' -r'iTMnt JTn
i il.;'.:lji. :.!..? l "!: :J.. ?!,.:! t--'.W"wtiUtm
OAVtMOtt, '
-ail.a mr:mtWmitmT!
rr lOaV-aYa. M
XS Iarttss4,ni ess aiast OsirtiU looaiMles,
pi rtlM 1ST lmi. TT A BLui ks miu! Bi
IXlxtsrsovas ITars bsH VALi'.BLit f'w-
ciLVivyraptaaa, Inassi laattaarts sT IS
"f, 'a-.1?r-;.l....v"'T,.,i;.
i RBAa ICaVAvaanS athse PfussrUr sawihaiiS
Sir Corm.uuiMl-uU, Is uui I'it ssJ lbrlfli
ass sits nvATMs ais Tsssnmsnsi, wtth ft ml
ttofsss ass Btoaaa Ijiaskis pnAS VsodVi
nTSS and fliae or am. iinraiPTSs
rwaaiev4WaiAs-rsss s unsu. rissjr- .
I'lAJ. SS AttBJM,' nValBSS 11MTJ,
Aacjrranrthl Orrira ts all la Cmniwl
Tows Hi Of oeava wt my It- iNssilpl Sis nt
aaa) rsueao I s4 Ss f ass, ts la
SSuv addrca. " .' . ,v . ., al
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