The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 07, 1871, Image 1

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    ' I' a -i --i. V mu." Sy i'" -y ' '. .'.T .1.,,4l ' ,SVT',' ' '''n J"-'''''' JC'- -f- -t'Hr.aNU.,li-4. rwt
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1 AHawaiimifmpw. "
Llasraadliaaaa maaaala astmMssiBs ?ST
laliaisJtat ta raaBta aa Mijai j
'. alive an 'an gave tusia, aaa. TaaseejaJy
iMMka) a tair"lt aa Bag i Bag iaa Wiaaa
" J. I-- -i 1.1 - 1 I W. ;
i lit .,1 "I 1 . i
r BfTU.1V . TMsa ae WMMiM'i
,41. .1 - 1 ' 1 .t'
mt lita
;'tt "Ml f
,! u- i ii nMii iif i nvi'i.
fill arnatba
raa Iiea, Vaa
matfag hasfi
. .-J .Jr .iH' TViO Si
,F0aTIiAND. ,OnEG0N, FniDAY, JULY 7i-1871i
AO. 10,
g4Ba,ar mm atlaslHa VUtaa given '
it I .i
XUUmf tJlmH" at la looking
ever tha MttnW Jane eta. 1 And
UaU Mr. WUiMll,ttMTMkt Wmmm
KlgLte woman, wIvwtMM "HpttltMftUa
and 'iw Lore la Ita hlghsat, puaaet
mm." -New, bow-ata Je-rioa or
nuritv toibat laeaa aatrlBT-Aad
jrrl tfii woman with her corrupt Jdeae
AUiv4lfeSM Wsaarw 4W'WMtB'4MMW
ber I her warae than folly. liave we
imt had sample of each being la the
Fair trial T Wbti true and bonsai
womau auuJJ 4ndhear the
testimony Hi Mm4i ease We answer.
Bona. Na woman that traly desire tha
elevation of her sex will lulluw tha x
stnnle of lira. Woodhull or Laura Fair.
Asisr a our righto are concerned we
hare all that la nrrs sry to make ae
hippy. l our fathers, husbands and
- brother make the law and govern tha
-Ration, while we attrnd to our homea
and our children, train our nana and
fcuitJeiC fo4i lMaati vWtueea,
: Instill In their minda iha doctrine of
truth and chastity, teach them la ehua
the society of libertines and adulterers,
- and la my opinion society will improve
footer thaa if womea were granted the
pritUeaei of votlnr to-morrow. ,
if tl iUW W BA.
Aa wa are alwajra aaxloua Jo give aa
alrlnic to all aldea of tha momentous
question which la as aerioualy dlaturb
lnf the advooatea of mas' a righta, wa
-irlva plaoa to the above, whleh wa flip
BMetimottkam, aa wa have learned lately 1
aomethlnir of the editorial 4waya that
.are dark;" hut whether the work of man
or woniaa we aee nothing- remarkable
la ItajHloartaiiaxJauUtltuiJttwatttlalt
U the editorial commendation. which
the Bulletin aeeorda It We renpectfully
Uggeat to the writer we'd aend him or
Iter thja paper 11 we Lad the nanie-that
thaOrroaajaa U Hot the journal which
- give the correct venflon of tha woman
qneatlon. Read the Nrw KoaTHwaar
aitd nd oat what la tha legiUmata ob
li'M of the mavemeat: lwnre TUU niMn T
iuio pnni aa iim aavaraarjr.
? Ami ttuAlmh madhl UmMal
it aa a inrur fmri tltat woi
it aa a ngur fmri that women, aa a
rule, will not confide la a-ttiivaivlaa of
neir owa aex. " j ner wui lata io a maa
ill tha moat delluata avmptome inci
dent to aickneaa, and poalUvelr rrfuae
- the eame lufurmatkm to a womaa doe
or.- , . t . i !' - :
We And the aUre balderdaah going
: the rounda of the man'a righta preaa.
It would Indeed be a alngular tact, If one
at all, "that women, aa a rule, will not
to usmx ati OWEOT.
nOde a a phyakbui of Tnfrf jna;Meijfty wirlnabtlttytBto
TJluf we Inow" H la no 'true, whatever
. jMKitmn or Ancrma bmh-bww jour
iJiaU miXrwUimJoJh contrary, hot
wlthatandlng. Women of natural deli
cacy deeply feel the galling degradation
of being compelled by enacom to eabmlt
ucb Information to a maarnllna phyal-
tla oftea ataeary to tnaura their
afcif. Wi Un iftia ana
' tha anaolirlted Iteteaer to exmieaalona
from ladlea concerning their allmenta,
arhleb they fell that they-could not da
-aoribe to a pbyaleiaa; aad weherebyin
digaaatly refuli tha wholesale alander
that la haarladraaailaa aaa hrefa above
- day about tha angelic purity of woman.
, wheataaaoajl I uW aJaajalmiaMew by
polltlea, and Uiajrer.jvllLag come at
tw with ao me low fllg about her lack of
j attattyfcaUtoB..aUaKear. aa-Kloaaj Bar
. ahame: that they are ao'ooeJhav autTCLal
- their et I mate of womanhood la In real
, We tVar tliat phyalclana aa wn aa poll
tMana are (making fn thelf boota aver
tha praapaut.of tftvlding amolumeaU
with wnaiaa; elaa they wuahl not raaart
to acamial and aubterfuge In their en
deavar tokeep bagpy or Jptlnildato the
mat lanaiaaing aaaabeaa af wwmaa phy
. ak-iana. "-' "
Woaiair SrrvaAaaTa.TIe Nnw
WOTH wldrr contalna a eorreapomletirf
-from- afra. -Kmily Pltta-Htevena and
John A. Coilina, Han Kraaciaco, ao
tlfVInf tha public that the celebrated
Womaa'a Rltrhta Uctarera, Mra. Wlwv
beth tdy HtanUm and Miaa Huaaa R
Anthony, will t In hfka r iaia Maw on imt
about the 4th of July, and they may.
. waiter ewnVioat lnduaameat viait linrt-
land ami other pointo la Urrgon to lec
ture. They are ladlea; let them be Inr
: .v I ted and a graceful reception be accord
dd them. MfWto..
We reapectfully aak tha public to
contra-4 the above eenalbte and gentle-
; contemptible thruat from tha Ubkllnoua
of our otharwlaa reapec table al(Uborlitg
cityarf iha Kaaiaaalaaaa aataumnthe
two fsmf ideaa of decency and common
nee. rt:1i;f--ipf.,' .-rrr-si " tt
- Krom (he wambee af the kind e! really
tavfarUaad. aad -nneiJtrlag ibclr prea
peeHy. we ahouki judge there waa plenty
of roMttarfca tm pirt T4 they
are tuMHamrne. Irtlaad cannot any
that aba baa failed tohold out 'Vuftl. lenl
inclocetnenUr' la thla kfaw i1iaataeaal
bealdea a liberal watT-Mt.--9r rrr
'. TheTTMl la Indeed a pitiable
, tiitrrprlm. and altaaalbat tearath the
aoatenpt, tfym, Uluetrleua ladJea, wbota
; It thuaaeeka to brand jrltV tha ailgma
Tofita nwnatandard of 'WOoWl lajluee-
aalHtkfT - i, .
i.WAf-',,Nonirnr.-.Mra. Victoria
Woodhull and Miaa Jeaaie Claflin, aia
tera al WaU etaeet Urvkara and .VSom-
- enr l.:iht advacauaa, Ure.Mhrbt a
a , a i a la . ,m mm. . -
having puTilialiad ia tLmJCmrUttm L amm
Mra. Htowe'a new novvL 'My Wife." In
-whjk-rr" tiro- rmale -eharartera -flrnra
IwkWh It-. Ja -alleged amltitawdad to
taiaiavnt thane tww ladiaa. Mm UrUn,
Wa ahoaU think Woodhull had bad
JK(or1efy enough to do her A whUa.
CoKISa. We aro. credlUr lafiarmad
inai Miaar'uaan Jv Antaoay ana Mra.
Kllxabeth 1'adv HUnlun will ahortlv
vialt Portland and ruhab!jc.ather Ore
gon riuoa rvr tna purpoaa or Jectartna;
upoa woman uttraanl kindred kroiua.
Utey are both ladiea of eminent ability.
and are eald to advouate tholr elaime to
the ballot with .much fun aud reaaoa.
Hera la a fine otx-alnr fur a diNibtlna:
niaacuune iijl tbe writer to be euur
vinced of tha error of Ida waya and to
enllat undt-r the wewen'e . Uuuuua.
M 111 our very amiable contemporary of
uie a tw rvonTH a kt pioaae reaerva u
a rront arat, atxl nave a euautua apreaa
at the "mourner' bench" for our eapeeia)
fyeantltlMtxiHf&etmmcrut, , 4, Vl1
i iace ya earaaot adopt the ew de
parture" ef th imoeratle party, wa
weleouif jrtu wJtfc apea araaa (figura
tively apreJUng, you know) to our latoU
leetual Party of Prlaelplea, aud, lnatead
mi proclaiming yott chief, moaner, wa
ahalj be bappxto. glvejfou a ceaapipq
aoaUlea apoe) the rnairum, wneea,
baaag tha proud obarrred of all obacrv-
era, yoa may alt la tata at Bioderatorof
oor find great politioal maaa meeting.
' What Rat"w tvixat will our
dear friend of (ha Vkw North WEaT
pwaae luforra ua why aha baa withdrawn
her journal from our aaurtutu aancio-
rumr we never knowiniriy dkJ anv-i
ii"itmi t iv ncr or auy one. cixe,
and If wa did we take It all 1mm-k. We
harvat had an opportunity toraae udou
the liarMlMoma tmn and vtty face of
the New KoKTHWKfT fur threarwerka.
and we now rvnectfuUy dofr our glim,
pull oar forelock, and ak what wa have
none to merit auch neglectful treatment
from boaoin Ttvut.MlMutg Democrat,
We reauecifully aaaure our "boaom
friend? that tha malt baa not been with
thla efnea. i If avarybody whoae com
meudable thlrat fof kaowedg prompts
him to ' read . the. Nw .oaTUWaarr,
would aomply with tha terata pmpd
at "an-weta to correapotideuta.' wa
hotild bear no mora of thla complaint
from rightful uwmjra whfallto getThe
t Mrauaa aome etoaa nattt but cw
rtoua aan of Adam arroprUtea It -
Thla driiartaaent af the Kkw KoaTH-
WWrr la to be k araeral r'phb-U flr 1
hanga of bkaa cohoefWng any and' al
mattera that may be JetUnately dla
mm la aeareatamiMV Finding It practi
cally Impaaalbla to anawer each eorrea
pondent by private letter wa adopt thla
mode of communieaUoa to aave oar
frlentla the diaaa-wlntment that would
ewer UteU pteriea. We eordlally bavlU
aamyWry tltat haa a attrition to aak,
Io cotitrtlHita to. the . CfarraapeaiWaita'
CXdamtUiii .i r'iif"tifc ..- tii
lira. K.Wa Mm had many aucn
complainta. Iha men who are eeaax-
to read the paper waau aubaerfbe
for It, Aa they angfat, Inatead of purlotn
btg tt from the poat-offlcea and froni the
deaka and counter af rightful owaem aa
Uey da, nobody weald be wronged by
tha action, and their timely rettntUncca
irouhl be of groat benefit to our atrug
gllug aaterpraM. -We aaahat era why It
WaartaWBaagtopnrtoia awwapae
per aa ether property. . Borrower are
Bnlaancc alao, equal to tht petty pUAu
era aiMar praaeaA eaaaideratioa. -
-Mra. R irTOf couraeyoucan'Ilvcrr
Ualtof AJrrvara)udcnt whom yoa aaay
Uke a laflcy to, U yoa hava each laou
nation.-. There to nothing wrong or lav
proper about It "Ton ailghl aecure" ai
eTlglbta companion, la that way, who
would aot oUterwaMT knew af ywar as
laaaaaias -1 --i - i.1 m;iU4 t .v
',Ati Itaexpwieaced aaaekaeaetl i Yoa
hava no right to be lMpcriered. Yea
ahouki bav learned your trade luoat
thoroughly before commencing lib with
KaaytKn'tatyitocAL la trade. Bui aa
yoa dada'lL wanrlll what wa can to
aaahtt yaaj, wow that yoa are lo herplpx
fry; 'Doing ap your huabaod'a ahjrta.'f
wuioh you call tha "meaaaat ftmaglaa
Ida Inh la ant an haad altar nil If von
only know bow. W ahraya" aticcceidl!!i(AI,0N Mcr were lO.Ouo luaane.
beatvlth tartaV', vbich la lim
heat with VuLt mtmrnt, I.
ply aaa tiaiaanaaful af aorMnoh atareh
to aaa half-plat' af raid,-cleat water.
Dr-aorve' the aUrch,rratbcf V ft
thoroughly la tha water, catch -ap the
boaoaa ami wtlattiaaaai af tin
abtrtf'aad wring them eat of thl prcpa
Uon aa drily aa poaMble, ami roll Lem
up 'over ntght la the morning they
wilt ieoa aanaatbly aad eJearfy. If ya
wlib t Iron' ldunedlatcly kfU March
mg, ran the ahiria, with the linen part
lnaid through jroaw clathaa wringer.
u yew baae no wriagcr, get one. -Taot
had wtB not work WlUwut Vonrr n
lra toiaVfcnitjrna ahouVln't , , .x . u ,
Mm . C A. D.J W dnat toNera one
wa inf that nortaenae. " Yftu ' heedn't
tell o (hat maa 'Siapporto bis wit.
Wbera her lin to aa andleaa roue lew af
eervue haaaenaM labor." Baa?baaaa
auj'jwi ta hcraeHJ od ton aftea ner hua
UnI and children aa Wt tt. We do not
abject ta ttc work W weeaaa ; I?
aaarbt towrk, And ww at glad to an
fbclh able and wtlllng; wit we da object
to ao much cant about women being
"aupiorter by buabanda. when thoaa
very, haabaada wtwU eon be. awt at
kaeea aad elbawa If they tbould law
thoae detradcutC?) ' wivea, 4 towhoat
(hrU and AjreUMag)i( Ua-y ewe. what
aeat aaraeaiaeaareeaa la Ufa that Ihey
- tthle fi. iU- Voar goeed waiiiiagaait,
"to be a the fiaalUoa,''. ahaald ba made
with toag avatakiK and elaborate trtm-
aaingvr A baaqolaa vmlat la all th
Trim your UajaeiUea averskirt
With frlnga. . " ,t-Ai.'-m' r. ;..
Battle' CLi 'iTha Daw atyU ahoea, with
ail ver tlpa, are priaxJ pally warn by faat
women, who live off of the aambtned
earning of pcrtupa a doien of our that
auea thoae men hoot w may raiaark,
aapeet to have, pore, chaate, economical
wlvea. -We would not adrlatyvu to wear
'. Milliners fVtin la not ao faabkiiahle
aa formerly, .'roa grata 'allka bar an
aeiaedetl them Aw trimmlag. Tbaaallar
hate are out of aaarket. . A
JlelenaCA' Jw Pwara la the
uiy aultaMa firaaeat to cecal va Cram or
beatoar apoa a gantletaaa acauaintaoeo.
A gentleman reariecta a Udy who phkcea
htiieelf under no obllgatioua to bun;
aud ha may hare oflVrud yea tha a-atoh
Juat toeeetf yoar Jiad tnffVlcnt adf-ra
Martha K.: . Wa cannot advtaa yom.
Aak yonr aaother. " ..''r-l.y
ancy Aj .,Hi aboukln't be at. toe
great A harry.-. If tha gaatlemaa la
thy of yoa, he will give your fkthertlma
to In veatlgate bla cliaracter. , If he la of
warthy,.hf, aril I naturally dealra to
. , Mra B. f ! aldu i w . wUhout moucy,
wifJnNita trade or pteaVaahitv and with?
any tr.tmr to rely iom bat fbnrttv
Ue children; haa heavy capital Clieer
up ana be eourageoua, : , .t ou made a aad
niiatake tliat you did not leara aome
trade before aaarriage, but Ita never too
lata to mend. Your children will arotuw
you to the neceaalty of work, and we
can" luggeat number of avenuca fur
your untried Ulenta ; but yea muat but
axpacl a Urn af caae and eVpcadence.
Tha god help thoaa vrh herp thenl-
acrrea: Call at our offlea whenynu vuit
tha city, aad we tha IL aaa what aaa ba
doaalaryan. '
- Othef Mteri 0Tle anawercd next
week. r.- . - .; '.
Ktn-.y aataaiaai.iiiaaTriiaai i h l
U'A tTanlKjitll IhiuUat mlntder livtii
aomewhere oa the frontier of Ml-aourt
wa In Uie baUt of aaylug to hla family
and to bia ehuruth ,
"Krluuda, you need not take any an
oaual care about vour II vaai lh4 tint at
your death waa writ before, the fouixU
tlon of tha world, aad jroa cannot alter
Ifc" . - . . . -4- 1
' frt wtfA Atiunul IT 4i l
Ua aatoaday la meet one nrtafroptleTl
lmiaaionarTntaa nMjnta.ttat hadreaaed I
the Aint of hu rifle with anuaual care,
put In Jry powiW freah (owrand took
every pafof ta jiiake anna that Iho-gw
would gain caae he came upon an Indian;
It truck her one dav aa alia aaw him
In the aadtlle with hla rule. upon hla
ahouklcr, that hla conduct contradicted
nia teactunga, ana he aald tolurar
"My h-ar, why do you Uke Uile rifle
with vou T If It Wa-n't wrlt before the
foundation of tiva norU," that yoa were
to ba kUled durina? thla triw br aa Ia
dian, that rifle la unncocaaary. ao.why
uae it wttn you at an T"
"Yea," he n-pllcd, 'to be auro, my dear,
of courae you are very rishU and that la
a very proper ,via-: uui aea nera, my
a a T" "
acai-aw raaiiy -ia vuet you aee.
my dear to be aure but Uicn auppoae
aliould aiot-t an Indian while 1 am gone,
and hla time haa come, and I hadn't my
nnewitnme, wnarwouia neoor Ye,
my dear, aae maat all -eontrtbwte awr
part toward the fullltmeatof thedeceeea
of ITOvWeOa. V -... m ni-rrnta
rMrurTAVWyeaisK ixr Tobacxx.
What I no longer doubtful ta the part
taken by tobacco la the . nrogrcaal ve
development of mental nialaiuca. and
more eaperiaiiy in the etiology or that
form of alienation ao varuel V denoml-
datcd geni-ral, or progreaalve paralysis,
and which for a ccrtaJa buuibeV of yaara
haa Increased aa aa to encumber la every
direction the aafna tanle and lu
natic asylums. M. XL lluUUIn and
Ilagnn were tlia'flntt to point out the
double Influence of totacco aiul spiritu
ous liquors oa Uie almost anbeard of
development of thla disease, and the
following staUxtlc . aeefn , to Justify
tlie opinion1 or the Belgian physician :
From 1S14 to KH the" production of
tobaceo being JH-WWOO kUoa, there were
A0TO Insane. " . T' i ' . ' 1 Z'. "t-
n iv-s uie huim iiivuuii ot-ing ao.r
... v n win . . ... iiin.nn
tt the eame rfotu't belnr ML
I . Irt '
flm,oiD kllaa, there were tS,tm lnaane.
a lC tlteame product Mm LSL
1 there Vr g2,mo Insane.
n 12. theaame product being IMCT
Drmf. fbttw,
AX KxTixt-r HraxiKav It ia an old
atory. hut rcfreahing in those dav a of
simple-hearted honesty and roe!ghforly
faith, that to told of twa honest rvao-aj-hraala
lmleh former t Hans had or
caaton to want a hundred dotlara, and
applied to hi nrtphbor Frit. He mid,
a I want a bnndred dollar for three
moat ha." - ! have got 1t and torn ahall
have-K i ndgtibor liana. TliCcoln araa
duly counted eat and placedla Hni
rtucn, wnen ne nppcn( to remember
hat It waa cuatoniary In auch casta to
give a ajeto, aad ara wa wrlWett otrMa
the rtart.'MFor value rerelveA. I mromtse
to pay, fit, ' Neither had any definite
Idea ae to what ationld be done with the
dorvmraA ' ltat after deep rngltetton,
Prtta, tha lender, settled tt, Nrlgkbor
Hana. roa most keen the note, ao that
yea wllf htmv that yn ewe mra hundV
rt noriaTH'" neii rae rnree montn
bad etaraed,- tha money waa duly re
lumed. And the nomt a to the dlraad
of thenoteeameap. Xl(fhhor Krit,H
aald HanVMyo muM keep-the rMe
w, m iiw jna tiin mimw I ua a in
ewe you a bnndred dollar, and have paid
It r ''.'.'' ' -'
' "- ,i i ii i ,r t - 1
' There l Mn aavlnirinSAeka ma an mnch
a that which 1 hear very often,1 tint a
not know bow to pass hla
time. It wMiMhcbru tort Illy spoken
by Mrihnaelah, In the 4n rrtinftred sjid
sfity-nlnth year af bl Hfe. tba-fcy. 1
lVirrowe.1 " thooghta, Kki Wrowed
uwwrj. VIII w itioh
eompelled the ken.
money, only reveal tha pevarty that
A Hiaemia lcBa-Jf raio r A
DmAlf Preaa, af Taaaday, 14th iaa., telia
tha awvet aad aad aaory AWtowlar: Oa
Haaday haat, aa tha venerable Chief Jan.
tioa wotoerteoa, atneaenaa ay tna aaaa
af death, lay almant laatailblo to tha
world, whioh ha. aeemod mat leaving
foawvar, wkaU tha flgaacie brala, whteh
aayjfao-nuiay yemMthrobbiKt grank.
ly to tha iaapiraUaa af hla geuiaa, bara
iy fluttered with the ua iilnuian i af
Ufa, ha eieriaatd a deaira to bear Miaa
(atry atng tha ballad Had Tolka at
Uom, aa If Um atmlna ef hie favorite
anelotly woaU have power to cell back
hia auul faom tho partala f aha gvave
whiuh ha waa Awt Hearing. JTlie wleh
waa at enea eoatmnnaeated to Miaa Cary,
who wuuagty nnnntiii ta aw aawihtog
ta her aawertoroaea thaabUngaarieM
ef life ia eaaa whe, aa a atatiaaiaW or
jwriat, haa fciwna bat Ajw rivals imrlng
tna courae at a long aaa evvncrui life.
Oa reach lug tha twddoace of Judge Hot
artaon. Mia Cary wmaat oaea nattered
Into, the ehaninor where ao maehef tn
teiiert and leaniiag waa fa gU-berUig
oat Into tha darfcnea of teaaanawwa
hereafter, aad without mwompaatmeeit
of any kind raiard her rioh eontralta
volea- la the taaohinc worda, 'Way
dowa upon tha Hwanee Hiver,' bat be
Awa alia had aang three lltiea,:erke
dowa In the intensity of her emotion.
uuming neraetf aua agata eaaayaai tna
whihrthe veaorabla aaentrwbaoluto ailence. If yoa could enly
atrickea aaaa lay drinking nor gle
riiiaa atahwly, pea red eat herwheteeoet
la r at mpte atarrancca which gave- ao
maoh iloaMure te one whoae rial it ra
toUect nad ia daya agoaa AMCtiuuted the
moajlaU-utrdnf tla hi ml.
When ah
baa eeai awt
Juduaw liobortaen eowM
axpreaa Ida gratiaeatioa by
algaa, yi
aigained a dealre tttat Miaa
Cery ahoald alug ; for aim, Me
tary aaoaiu aiug fur aim,' Heme.
Hweetliome.' Twioe did the ri rteat arUat
try to eaaa ply with tha ruueuat, hut her
waa loa anat. anal aaiokea
with fwliiur, aha waa ewnnelled to leave
the rmmu-a'he whole tneaaaiat waa ana
ef the moat touching aad affecting epi
aodea Uiat ever marked the death-bad of
eWpertiag griatnaaa." m- . . . . : 1
TfiB Baurr DaiBKJor aedeufarv
perantta, m no lea ana
ate atiMMTth, aad UmU at aaeai tinaaar tt
la tha beat drink at taenia forall who are
faat fifty yean ef egei all earta will tiva
longer by the aae of theae aa a beveraaa
weaay tna aaa or com water aa a sever-
The fact a ebmrvatfle with tha
aaked eye, that a glaaaaf eald water dim
ina a meet arreate aUgaetloa inataatiy;
wntea pre era aaa only ne aaaamaa wbea
eald water ef hftv aeareea. haa
Kmg aaonirn in tna atomaoa
heat aaflWieat fraea Um hotly to wra tt
ap to a buadred tegieae,. Thai hot
eapef tea aaa nMaaeWa revive a aeaaoa
WheaaeM ee aaatita, ee eoht, r. aired to
tha daily.mperieuoa af mulloiia If a
healthy pemoit greatly deelrea a drink ef
cold wete4luitaffaaee!, let him take
taajwUtaUha aaaaa-ai anv
tha haeatuai aad aarga aae
lie.ea .n u-
always beaeaWat, to always reviving; If
new ami taea taete ia aa exeepuoa, it
ahnuhl ba aot atewa aa a paaauant y or aa
Mtosyacreey Wf eJmmmt mflimatth.
.i m l mi m .,.r-n
Jack need to ateal rtifrkefr Wt TTcSl
Hla master, having vainly tried In ra
rtoaa way torare hint of hla evil prof
etty, ahalrrhaa g new XperinietiC
-jaca, yoa raarai, rnma nerc. I am
goiag to make yoa a Christian, to stop
year stealing ptga Kneel downi' ttow,
and my year prsrers." Jack got down.
Pray, yeu ' block tcl "Pon't
kaew how,' maasa; nobody done tola
ne ' "rtay thla, Jackr : UuCPather "
Jak repeated Um worda-- whtch art
la Mawa," centlnaecl the master,
-What, arid Jsok, "fa ary Fader fa
Heavea Yeiv-yea,- ga en with the
prayer." 5 "Bat please, Hits, let a poor
fellow UiVaUrr1 rlht you aay Ont Kadet
la Havar ,': :Yei-ywaaf1-my
rt." "What t your Fader and mine,
toaT! Then, twsmai, yoa an' I Is IjcudVlers,
ton'l we r yeyer twlndthat. Jack;
en on with the pravar.' 'lay kltigdom
ciims1 Ka, msiwa, 'one ting at a
timer ta' yea an' I brmblerar fVme,
now, I'll spit out de prejudice and my H
lfyeawill.v-ir.jr. yrfeane.'- " -
la tha atoto af Wlravania taete' Are
Uwbabiy aot fewer than twenty thou- L
anu women at wora in tna aeui. mey
are not ealy tiliriaaiai, Irish and Hcan-
Uaavlaaa, bat-YaakeeaJ an! ealy the
tnenaaaiti at u nor
igent classes. When the winch
eoaiea. 141
for alrta to hangnn
um retimg-niaw aOu aa i
liag-piav ahua aw the plane, aad
gatoUM hehiand faWa. their astherS.
They tide a reaper aa skill fuHy a a maa;
they raaa aad Mast as-xtmooly; thet
direct the caUiratnr) aa the threatUag
machine; they pitch the band lea; to
axtreroa aeed, they eu give tbctr arma
aad iageaaity to that aorolie aretuea
Mr W,M:U".?'1?. io,"ll ri'
yl'f' r
It&SZti Atlaha
are,: iMiUiUnat-tae fcawtaiMi stark. -A
aad Western woma are warktng la the
aeau ua waaoa. ii.i-aw-M, . .
-in i. mim ii i . m . ."
- rti'an.iTAn- Aarner. "an yoa draw
at ail, . young aaan T aak ad I nets
lUphacl of an applicant mr private
laatroctioa. tUh I yea. eonsiilttpable,
mpiieil the eaadi.iata . "at tea yean af
ago I aaald daw bear, elder, er a sled an
kill! at twelve, a track loaaed with
eabbagev at ailean, a prtaa In a ktrrv
at seven teea, aa lafeeearei aad at twenty,
a bill af aiaange If 1 wws , aebav
I reckon I could draw the largest kind ef
a house: bat I'm eateg to I a teacher,
ami ahall hava to be eaaitent with draw
ing a watery, the bagger the bettonH
"Well, yoa anay enrw an aetialrand art
dowa," aald l trto Ihaihael, wm-eaTU da
for a beginner-" Hon aaaT Yriy.'" 1
" a i a ,i ,. it'?'
A Rm r MtTt Ttnay raisilai
aa well aearaanaiaa totarrat wtU ba a
Cited by the aniniuaiamsnt that aaa af
tha ring of rtara wtth-wbath the
yoa a treat - atadenta ef . aatmn amy ae
kaatuar. haa dimr-ptarsd, The mlastag
ring la the Inner one af Mrse Mta
ertoolasirad,and theariraaaaairHtarva
haa haea watohieg far yearn ita arrrarh
to the body of the pleas, apea which It
haa efoaaa Hke a aak af ssesinsrareat
vapor, toaaatrtfagai faree aatoaenttiw
ly avereoaaa -. u : .-i . - . . . -,
' , i n as ii i ii W l.iin
Akaxaadee the Greet bring asked new
be had cob aa in J eaeh vaa rerions, and
auvte aa great a name, replied 'l asol
my enemies ae well that a anaaiaallaal
them to be my friends, and treated my
frieade as foithfullTThal they Bat Bail I
u iruua mm ssuiiuiy iaa Uk
aaaltorably attached to me."
City Qibia The girUof the priaca
nal cltiea la thla country ar noted -aa
' Baltlmera tha naralanmeat. a
Hoaton the meet latetleetuat :lf Ttr .t
Kew York, tha faycat aad moat ta
nenaive la dreaa. . - . ;. , . ..
Waahlngtoa tha moat airy and Miper-
moat refiaad and
buivllka. . J
Cbicago. the faateat and moat dlat
Toledo, tha blggeat At l
. HL Lou la, tha meat rackleaa. t .1
New Urleaaa. tha moat traveled. ai
Cincinnati, the jjreatcat jfJJrt.
Lulavllle, the troult,
(.Detroit, thewlktoat. -.-- n rl a.l !1
. CUvaJand, the meaaaraaoful aad a
tertalnlng in eonveraatlon. M
Ran Franciaco, the moat Indifferent.
Klchmontl. the . moat anxloua to be
laved.- m-:...,.'' . ; )t : ., ( t.'i -
Moblhv tha moat UberaJ eatertalnera.
Itarttort tlie leat mua
7HuT4Io. the Uulleat.
1 Kweaw ater. tt lonajret ha
I Taarirlala tlte ountry far maklag
tha beat wlvea, M. ,,-( . :
Tmk Ghkat CaKox or tub Yrixoa.
rroac tt meat be area to be fen. The
aene of danger with which it leapt hi
yoa ia harrowing itt Um extremaw Yoa
baaal tlkaa aaff aw al Ilka I f laaa I
hear that -gwrpttng rrrtryjn uld
ae a living iaaa iaa ax pui -taaawtu
you; If a bird would fly paat, If the wind
would move any otilect ln the awful
to break Ant a aaotneut tha
aolema alienee that rclgaai there,. It
would relieve that touaioa of tha nerves
which the aceiie haa excited, aud you
would raiae from your proetrate coudU
ttoaaadthaak (tod that Ha had irer-
mlttad, you to case, aiduunnvd, uaoa
thl aiajratio diaplay of natural anhi
tectnre. Aa it hw avmimtUlilna- in
aplrit with tha deep gloom of the aceue,
you - crawl . from the ilreedful verge,
ecared hat tha Arm rath give way ba
neatn. ana precipitate you into ui hor
rid gulf." 7 "
T1e following la a atierfHflon ? 1
City of Ceriaae, wlaehhlieaea
araiers .within aba .dominion i. of
Halnt ltrtgham: - ... ,
'Her length all aver I " fcetj
breadth ef beam, t feet; depth of hold, 7
nan hen, ana aaa
.... I
i sera. Hna is nrovided with nneen
Im h cylinder enginea of four and a half
Aa4 etreke, manuaVlaied by (rrrard B.
Allen di Caw Ut. Xouia. .eUaa-alan aon
taina water-tank capacity of t4,tu trai
Ions, to supply water for her Iwilers,
which eonsUt of ta'Cnty-flve flue bollerK
tnrty inehea la dtajaeteTi and twenty
fur foci sang.: TIm boat la a. stern
wbeelctY nJ be aommaniled
Uapt. H. M. Uowe.
uKirk" af Hoetiand enrwdleeorarad hai
wue aaleep. la the midt of bis hemily,
too ins ruii.ii
Um j
steady and aamewliat mmotonnis flow
af hla aanry, ha broke forth aith thla
personal ldrev ahara audciaar, hat
very deliberate i"uss a f Huaaa
opened her eyea and ears in a a Inkling,
aa did other dreamer in the bouxe
whathori ailrap er awake. taaaava, I
dldna marry ya for your wealth, sin y
hae'U nous! aad-1 -dhlne marry ye tr
your beauty, that tlie -hall congregation
ran aer. 'Ann tr ye nave no
awvaasaoa put aaa is aargaia.T Hm
si umbers aeia cfleataally broken ap for
lor inai aay.
deavariaa to mi
vreryUdftg ttka aas.pTJgJMT fg
vim, rounr AtiiHtml eauoclally. ahoald
ba careful not to hill Into the opposite
extreme that of prislery. ThVre Is
more lncerfty, If there be less Dk-ety,
In thecowlart of a really virtuous sroiu-
aa thaa there la in that of a prude and
some deaTca
of freel m, so far from be-
Ing Inooiupe tibia with, the strictest vir
tue, la one of its prlncipat privileges.' If
B lady la obliged ta receive company
en dnhabtlU, It la a lgn of hir good
breeding If ahe appears perfoctty at case,
and make little or no apology for her
appearance. A person alio chaagia ber
manner with her garb must be innately
nlgar,"r ,. ,''..y -,,.,,...; .," ,,;
. . '. '. ' ' ' .. : ... r. .f '. r.t
Greelev wrota a tetter ta the Iowa
lVasa Assoc 1st loa, la whVh he asisb
: I have hominy; earn U aad R. b tie
mere than. I aotild ' ateve wlth-elght
tra,:lf eaie are Uiahtod, due. them
early.. Aay Insinuation that . brick
ereiia am dntigerou to halaa give Ba
the horrors, Uirrlry. . . . ,-. . . .U :
That Jsvthey read it sa. They, have
learned tuaa anal 4m meaai to
aay wast. . ;
. lliavaaa aaany serve and ihiti raa
mreaana nine piii
lb the weight of year,
sitae neasty every ra
aaa ever a day jean
us on me uwu, wun iaa areii
I feeiatalged toBeel
vitathm that take
try. hroin heia,'
Xlorvoe4roM'iii.i Ixii-..m e.
f- Jt ' ; j "i I as a ji j a ' J-
i A mUj waathir beatew trpar wa
eeantM In atoag tha aaarn street af aae
af ear Weatera vtlsMnre oa a raeeat
taaantaryw scanning la frantef a meeUng
haa, for a amaieat he went In among
ae aangmgaiioa; i m prvacner
aiawoarainsr aa 'Tbs sheen aa
wet vaa. sad vtiieatly had been draw
lag a eoatraa Vraaia the twa auMeeto.
Maya ha t We who ia mMe here from
wvea to weak, aad doaar daty, and pre
form ear part,ar the sheep; aaay . whe
than are the walvea V A namey aad
ear Arlend th4repr Wwa to hi foe.
MWaat, stranger, rather the a to aaa the
Um play Mapped, I wMI be the worrea.'
.... . a.aMte i!if'
"Aa Iowa paper priiiu" Um foUowlng
tetter from one ef UaoU pron-pay lug
tatrona: , "i'lsase discowUaue my palar
from Um Urm I hava paid ap to. 1 do
aot atop It because I do no want It, bat
.to get rid of aa Intolerable eld bore that
ton-wlcs hla If into my hue, regaM
baa af tlaaa m elivsias'tannta, to est fat
aa. hoar ar.taray thee ar foar tlsaea a
wash, to read mytopmv aad - whe la a
thaaaaad timea aatre abi to take a aaa
erpaperathan I am to taheaeev If tha
nnlaarioa fa atomied I ahali erad for- tlie
. i n
e i i'.i;
It hi related thTk soma frieaila ef
taaawbeJL the aathtwotllohaal I athnt,"
ware iaa ring baa ream after a lata aap.
pr, oa mi Ui nessher bail the BlaNa
toae to
a toag Aiglit af atatra
The in 1 1, alarmed by the aolaa, erteaed
. . U . tJt UmIJ , I.' I ...
uuvtlerrt' "Tlal, hir, rolling rapidly,
waa the 1m mediate laaponea,
called oa
Michael Aagoto, who waa Aaiaklag a
atatue. -Huatte time afterward ha eaiied
airaiu; the wulptor waa at ill at hia Work.
Hla friend, looking at the figure, ex
claimed t 'Yoa have been bile el nee I
aaw aaa lant,H.,;j- -t-'T i- ?
. "Jtv no nai ana " aeulll lha amilntne
J.''I relnaciMd thia ft-ator and Ltvuxhi
out inia nraarie; nave given more
toiliUliiah.u .. . ' ,,. ... ,
"Well, well," aald hla friend, 'but all
theae are trlflia."-, -
1 Tt may be ao," replied AageUif-Mbut
recollect that trifle make perfect loa,
andthat aerfocUoa to aa trifl.v CWoa,
'' '..-
" Til Rioht Kjxd or BaiAuiox.-rl
want, aay Uncle Nick, a reUgloa that
not only bear on toe ainraineaa or an,
awt oa the raaratlty ef KUir aat ataah
lag a rellgtoa tliat. baniahea pebbiea
iroin cotW'U uaga. aaiM rrom eugar,
chk'kory from eofne, alum from bread,
lard from butter, atrydinlne froat -wine.
ana water mom mua raaa,-um retigMa
la to advanoe the world will aot
put all the big atrawberriea and peaches
on the ton and the lmd onea at the bot
tom." II will aot offer mora baakete ef
foreia-a - wine thaa tha eon Ulrica rear
produced la bottle -,. t ' t ., .
'PrrTtKo Orr. Have yoo a habit of
taittlng nlT till a better tinny1 little
mattera that aaem trifliaa;, bat which
you abould rweily eoaatde w.twU ef
cliaracter? To such we aay, fJglit thl
Incttnatlon with a pradMcut airength,
which will take ao denial, If yoa ever
wish to be or to aesatapllaa any thing ta
thla . world : fur. met aaaured. It ia the
little fox at the foot of the viue, which
will nibble away tilt every bud and
hloaenm of tha future at nil be cevered
with mildew aad bllghhAwaMg Ikrn,
Alexander 1 1, net f8.230.0U0 annually.
of .( per day. i-.
-i- riaaaia Jaoeafi weWve tvt.noaiaja an
anally, or 13a per day.r . ---. . ,
Fmleriek WiUUm U laid $3100,000
year, or $R,21 per day. ,
- Victor Fnaiiuel manage to get along
It) lardy oa AaJw,a a year er f7,ato
ier dav,
1 . .. I.,, i , r
Victoria .mlevimuly AJLow a
ear: but she owns aev
trsl large dairy
iriaa, and her busier enaiaiaada tlie
highest prio in the LiHtdoa nuu-ket. -
The new Grand Ontral Hotel. In Wew
v l. i- uk-j ja -,h.4.uki
Prb rBcnojr. A' friend
MO" aBRerT"a,aa w iiiumi um.u, w ain uuw..
ia m woriu. tor neeriy lit jreara as
or more men wars couunuaily emiMoyed
In Ita erection a gigantic work, for thla
huge atracture swallows si most an en
til bbicB. About foJ,noO,000 ware en
pended to . rvar , thla auperb . edlfloa.
Within ita a-ioua walla araacoommo
dationafor ndtflr4wa thousand guest.
a number antwralleled by any baud an
aimer iMxnwpat-n.
U" 'lsf tofa cmetory ta a town la Sew
4 lot cVihUhir Bve rravea. one In the
center, tha atbr near by at the foor
potata of tha eompaa. The ascri pUoa
on tha latter read resprctiveiy. after tb
after tb
name of leceeed ; "MY I. Ifc," M'
II. Wrfe," "My Iir.-Wlfe," "Mr ni
Wife. whhV the eeatral atone beam tha
brief but ajoaacnt axii ri aiipn. X4r Hu
hH, - " - rV-Tr- '.'.n
Credit Miaa Kattaaton with thla:
Jahn anaara Mill- hiarriet Martiaraa.
Jacob Bright, and other English sU tea
men assert tliat womeu amieiatand po
litical eeoaamy-better than ' man, be
aansetaayiMiva been artstast an tna Bear
It of besbendlng amali namirria. Woaa
ebttged to basband very amali re
sources In the shape or tlie men tncy
v jibacox- WAT 1 ncr , waa a iieacoa
In New Hampshire by the name of Day.
by trade a cooper. One Munday he heard
a number ef hoy playing la front ef
hi hoam, and. went to atop .thmr Jtohs.
batb-brtaking. - Aasumlag a grave
countenance, oe-wakt to tUein "iioy,
do yoa know what dythU tat ""Yea,
replied aa JkiyJ!Dm
tWm i ii i tr pi .. ... m. .I I
llay, thacaofjrr'i.r( !.t i
Jack's Ijttiji FK'xt. "Pa-'i know
what a flllt,oster is.- --Well, Johnny,
what t b flllbaaterr- It ta grere eh
veri"- "OrrBwhatr, 'Hlreen clovsr,
iMscauaa wbea, untie Jack'a littU Ally
foundered herself, he said a little more
green clover woaai a' aaarea ner; ana n
tiw(wwftiMiFiw n mw tmtm
"tie to bca, cBUtit go ta BrOi'
At I.ynn. Ias.. the shoe business Is
lively just now, ami It la reported thai
there ta all tha baatle aadaetrrUy iaei-
dent to the preaaara of order freaa duaVe-
eataeettoaaatineaouairy urgaoua, it
ig time alnee Uie -macninery na
driving with auch rapidity and aa
y nam employed aa at present.
'. r 54 m m m ii ia i u. ituwn-.
WoiiMB am mnMlv nrnrchinB furwsnl
lA Mimitlut. MMAIud Im(L A Tlllt Irill
ami wrll-ihaated yaaar tady haa juat
earned -a Urge beot ana alsaa atoratn
llilladelphia. HIm has thm girl etorka,
They all aai Httl faaaa aasens. nuvde
of leather, aa aa to toon buataaa Ilk
and pretty at the same time.
; ' 1 i a i i . i . i . ,:,
Anna Core M owa U Ritchto waa a
Hwatenliorglaa and a Arm believer ia
spiritual manifestations. . Bbe Baed to
assm-niost -aenouaiy inat in- au ner
trials after Mr. MoeaU'sdc reaassh waa
la direct aammaalcatlen with him, and
that he auidsd ail tha tmiwrtaot action
of tu-r tit. ..... ,
Dm no WBLt-Wa ahoaU at way a tost
mthrfled with doing wetLeed let ether
talk of ua a they pieaee. Bar tney can on
na ae Inlurv. althouch tliey may think
tliey have found a flaw la oar proraed-
ina. aaa ar oearrminea io nam oar
downfall, ar proAl by ear lnjary. i
The raol IrrWeene! Kew Hamnidiire.
haa had aa regular Inmate for severs!
weeks, aad the karri a" aaya that a all
tha rogue am aofoly iaaked anaade, tha
InsUtutloii might furntah a piassaat
borne for a few honest people of a reiir-htgalspaattloax-
' - . ,
- Agnea Larwla. Um yeaag girt, ixUa
rear old. who aaa thla year Mewed one
hatvrred acre na her father' ranch;-
near Aattach, Cei.. la B rauatn or Ida
liTWla. the Grace Darling of New Ka
(Uad,.i YiUwd will tell "
YlUTTHT-hied by
tt. y.. - . - y - . , - t -r x- r- r
Ibaatar of truth.
no man waa ever led Into error. It I
by taming Iron tha light that b it b
la and aruand (bean, that aoaMtade
tall by tha nay aad perish.
i l';l; I t.. t, (.1 mm. ,-1 '. WnaU.
a lUUaseaskia Um Mat i u i,.
-- tattarMsfimnl.
" TB kaaamgm Bs Bess
' Vaa I gy yoa aaaP,rrp; -t-4i--
ktyWaJit seSeaSejaa . "v
t- ettB ttst ess sf aa asataasa aaaa yaa rsi
'Ml '..,! .-
t rar
1 aBalt ant ksar. ., . . .
-fW Iks rilnaUMI arssaaeoand mt '
Aa4ttwBKaMesaararrar aar; "-
-Tse nay. laean am " T " ' ' 1 " '
sarrrtaa Ss aaaiasrs taee'r' wa.j.a
TAeiBe lapli a Ii an asawai n, ,.f
aaanMlaaaBaetaaast o .,,1, fno,
frWBMfSi MaaBaai
r AMUMlaaswaftasMtttatoaa-tf; TM.Cj,
UB, asm I M vary aaaak tm klaaaa
IraakfpaastlMasraaasalf '
1 1 'is alMitt f fcssr Bawsaee
r Mm gn line of heir rim.
"Htm Um aoOMB aieaa raat rrVarS' '
1 la tBaaararaarsf lss4swt , .
; Hawaasntknawmyeaa . !"
. yaaaMsasstwanaaaaaaaaa,
MjS,naaa(m msmwIm
Asa this laaeasl eTtt aUI
Of sty srsiUsc aa4 as
ftaty a HUM faneral pslt
it J ' '
as, : .11 . i.. 1 ,. i:
. Aaa enuay rsts ta
Oh, bsky, jr Baart laaere"
aU UiJi.'iis (ii
tfmr Um eeartsd Osaai ay ta sea ...
Twtxt tbea, my aU4. aa4 mta.
Yt.svsraitaUUtalMiM. Mn M Wu,
LylacaoaMlloe my kase,
1 (Baak M s ta kllsi af ra aVsj', H'
TerUM)ayartrMBMls(nes.'' 1'1"U
Tt.awaaW'asridaiMM,- -'
.- TBI warMUia ah awl na fcaow.
W aataataa aaaaataaaB aarSH ssst -
: ', ear A aeesaw aa4 aunat . A a, sat ;
: tiaftaenathsssaaaksfa :
, TS- oaiy aaiB M mmt rv4 . .,..!, ...
U UU vbkh feads frma Ber aoUiar arstiy t
"':" OlwuUBgt. -i'-V-
A goud eoin4nne only le superior te
. jL.rl&niV f
it toexpremtr.
AWtttlfnl external lift rrmhoUxr a
beauUful Internal Mle.'" . -
Tha virtue whleh ' maatrea ta be aver
aardod to aonaaiy worth aha aonUnal. "
i Tha lasVonleattoa) ef Bagary Ilk that
ef Um giaaavahowa a jto otlaas, bat
bldea us fsuiu ourselves. ,n vHlj. (
Mra, Anson ItorllngaiiM,' .wkbiw af
the lata Minister, haa returned Jm.thia
wuuti j m tug ifr
rlpnttl la cngagsd toainilnanmaiU
cerv giuaua tar tea petrornmwrea.
Wrarfha rtWTtKewramivaal
the Flft h A venae Thaatre,' R ew Xmtc,
May tth, for tha lament at her haa
laiaLu f tf n nil ,
"l aw aear alBnr m -naato tha
otherlay' mid HtauU. ta Br friend,-
Jiow ear' rwcU. I bad them half
Buledt"' '""i ". m u k i.t., n:i. .
ICo less ihan1.0da!nW ion oflce have -
been put I nto the resrrvot rs on the lain k
of the ,. Hadson River daring tna pest
wlatar, t ,i:-t ',ir)-)ii .vftiiila !
"What are.' RanhaeT Madnaaaa' but
the sliadoaraf a methrra toaa, nsmt In '
peruiaaeut auUia ravr?ril WMOt,
Tlwrs are in. the world about 1J0.000
miles of railway, that have cost
un,un ami give eropbrymeut to I.IMS4
r Witen tlM Viea m m
anything which can mislead the under-.
Manama a rest tee of Immadlat pee M
aonal ouacarament..
arimolaar haaTwrltMar
... ... , . . . .
a euniisjBwwua oa n naore, in waaat na
my it la an animal having four legs,
"one at each eomcn" ' -s-
MSlrnnie F.'Winini lijia.-hVeWsel
rnred,rtodvnvrran adilres Imfora the
MetlmrMst -Qeartn'r lal tmwtsr IV hoot
CanTentianin Ahaan, Ohha .fiT rnfrwf
-i Tha taanrarattoa of the tetegriibrf .
statu af ilWuaar Moras, In t Vatral .
wither tare, aa bean Bxad to tok
plan nB.tuntay. JujOth.,, M
i I tblak I am rather foad of alien! era-
bla myself; I cannot bear to live with a
person who fori compelled t talk be 7 .
iea na m my eampaiuon. iMtaaei.
Mynheer, -do yni know What for'na
aalt eat bey Haaar-'"I an naa, Vanity.
f'WaU, I toil yoa. ' Det reasea that wa
call ourboy iiau Is lati aamtty,
. ''John! I foar vaa are aaweltiaa aae.M :
mid g lnigbUryed coquette to her aw wt-' '
heart the other day.Yca, Hue, I liav -been
for grHing yoa them twa yeer." rt
. Jim mvrvi ma iiiaiuuuu wnrn
the forecastle stslrs r asked a aea ears'
tola af a aaa mi eta "Vsasmr, I can. .
If yea wlataad lswandeMI Un$,
J Mim Cary Ren, of Pblladilplila, laT
"high-toned" slnirer, If reports are cor
rart. - It I aald the ran aing a -toad -
and a half bbjUar tisMI fatapa, JXUasen
orl'Btti. 4 i, n , yi ( HiU.ttw''
farJahaFsaWrifk Wlrrmm HeracheJT-
in ouiy aun of , ta greai aauninomer.
and himself an astronomer of worUU
wide repate, died at Lnndon en tha tahf
at aha age at TA"" f A'-.rtm ;.' i-.
'A lergTman- nrhn Mvacheil to tha
eoavleta ia tb Kew York Ktato' lrtoorl
Ua eUsrr Hnratay, toaran by aaylag I I
glad, my frloixls, to sea ao ssoog a
It la aald tliat . to A. MMawiat '
woman, them la hardly anything more ..
t hooch lug ta thla life ttntnto r a poor .
bat airtueaa youvig n atragglang ta
hasp a foatW navaataoha aIlra.Zj aw. 7.
r Poabthssi the toaiaj why the Jteww i "
aaagfat their Ash nanatly by nets, ana
bacaus Maamexpraaaiy atatod to them
before they crossed the Jordan that they
eanld not make Bay Moabitea there, -' 'r-
.-ra;tlv but"ihea' aimr,'thui
drhad the tender yon th. "Oh, hear aaa,
thaa, nry yelon earn aith ifambUeg
lipaaad amat toaeA Indeed. I epesh -the
troth r He paused the blush o'er-
prea4hrheekaahe J)'wtj,Jrr f
much har yoa a ya T1-
i .