x JC.NK to, aWL s. lira, Btaaioa ud Mia Antbeuy am gaming. y Through th gallantry' and liberality ef Mr. llolladay w " abled to aathortae tbe.abov worU-renowned women to avail theav , aslvsaef tha privilege ef a Am la MttfMiHimiw to tale pert.. W ' Kail aooa ba able to Ml our n just when they will cent and tow liiln thry irfn aUr. lt ,sexy' town that . wtabea toltanor lUellUetw by honoring thee asHarwra nuk speedy pfrpaffcUaa ' la secure' their acivlcea, and j j i iimas I- r 'Vfi bsspmk lor them In Portland tmyOaa a kaqitac tha entcr- prise, iMMlUlitjr aad gawd mm or c " r. t ' nMBBamBWaBSBBBr3BBI ,,W KZiwi or. riwcnj' viraL T5 WaweU rranember thM w once ei tortarned the ye popular theory that wives wan mora healthy, hp- - py aad awtaiad (baa ftuy atbat iea of twrni. - Tbaagh urongtu ay en a ihrm, with tba vision of ear pala-nteud, . weary and evar-iaxsd mother ever ba- fan ne, tra yt Jailed U analyse tba dif ference between bar 'Weary form that ef our city visitor, wha alway paused her many deUcede for tba to Ua, and wha appropriated, aa by pre rogative, tba aeolaat chambers and nle aaawt .waaw. Hu HmllTriK (oU farmlmuae, Never did Ira JlWj - mntU tba brant of all each hardens earn Upon oar own shoulder, bow thankless - aad hopeless la tba never-ending toll of woaaaa wbaaa btnln it by la be botb 4radga aad lady, attaaxUac la tba Manama wan la of bar1 raaay gaaata, ,borna down by b miBeripg and toil - and weakness aitandant npoa and la- afmrabta oaaa tnc t awt waterulty ; ' ookif nka for a aonoowr of hired ' men, and waahlna;' and acnabbinf avaiyboirjrjTTlua him reaviar un rou- tlna of theamaihi of iknnetW wiv. j j Tba remit la UW early death of niora half, of them, and ba aeniling forth a poa tba. world fatrga familiea of arraaa anVprinc, who, In "their torn, will ba yet mora poorlytted .' for tba reaponaible burdena of life thaa j.. were uu) -WcahPTar-taird najltam, - whoae Uvea warn aanatant aanaraataa ' of aaflerirtg:' i- , J 7, 'J Kow tbera la-too bred that woiiiea abouU emwra ail thia. Farnnre' wtvee, front their apparent' npportaaliy taj breathe , pure air and eat freah and wholeaoma food, Ituutd really puf ' bettar baalth than thoea waaanJwha live la prat-ap ettlea, where the air n 4 Tltiatad, tlie habita nnnatnral and the food often anwbolfomo, itraHM deeiy lna;andaUhvi i n -. ' ' rTaya Da. Hallt - Many! a former' 1 wife la Oterally worked to death In aa Iter haaband.1 '' ," I'-'ot , ' ' huil Am tJ tnfmmrJ wW, ; who mtbt hJiraan hour'i help trt the Oaring tho whole ahlld brartag twa at noat, Ju4 uUuiiorio4- i only bear all tba dread, naxtety and aaf t frrlnff Incident to ntahjrnat rcaponalUl- s lty, bat tbey drudge and drndga ouUI Uteirbeat friend, the monaW, Death, 1 frant loll and aaflerlait, and - bye Utem down With folded handa and TnlWat heaete-to J'lActy the ken that ",: hnowa no waking.'' -. . .ti -i We da not wfoh aa arerdtaw this aael arphorrpictara. 'Talona of rnddy-foeed ' and happy farmer wlm Joaomettmee flit before aa, nnd we tbaak the careful ; and pravMent baabande wba shield and u comfort them ; hot wO now that aucb ' wrtraea do not ayatentaUnally perform deabU -and trebla menial Ubor all " well kept horse of tba many men whoa eara-wora wlrea conld wall endure a titWW tbeenreand vwrention that I - , Ungmdglngly gfren tbera (tha horaea), by men Who netcr once aonaldrr that -r tnetr wire naan aqnat protect toeu 1 - , oux malu or mua. -rOn btat SabWtli arternoon, lui oaraelf , and hnabnnd were oat on tha atrar, rn -roytng MUM wall, aur coarse Woa!: aabi - nnntat n nanrt " avkkl yiUOAY. ' ' we had read aa much durimt It awnw.tb wW ,u f aantraotUiv and aanoernlng which ' '- .!-. aear anpaetatlen wee BenatJuaUe, Our Itaga jeaaajaAl la galhraagh Iha Ivafkl J Ing with as, and we of coarse conaentad. Tha building is baauUAilly si tasted pon high, aloptng irfoand, aotnnianding an axeallent Tlewt of tha r and anr g rounding country. Tawing from the "s vnwu waui. parforatad. Jiy tha aatloan antranaea to ' dlflereai eounty oflWa, we foand the ,V1 view from tbe .rear uWway quit a I- asagnlftceniaa that tram tba frout. jle tHs4nf ear sfays,' wa prwdd aythe ' HreularsUlrway and entered tha main halt, wbera, had not tlte funto of putree ,. . aent amber skkenad n wa saoald bar b been, dallirhled with tha orderly ar hUMMMMt AH mm-M . .. , . " "'" . v . nrmpm esr ana ai avary Map use nana - --mtfrntU qaM ofnJs oaatreised aUao tortea. - Wa wera mvorabry tmpreawd by tha -fofty cellinf,. deep' windows, , broad nialra aad aeanfortahl aaaay af . aaata, and bad tha. pleaare-n nastily T FftrtBg a'aotne rtX dnoameat T7nhal lay scattered en lb tablaa.;; - '. .. Then we laradad tha dnraalna af . legal trliaali, apendiawan-wmoasesta v ia the grand snd petty Jury roomn, and while tbera lost aQ wonder that men - navnn drted f. tha near ad rent of ' wwawnjoraaa. ' On thing I vary toa ,t ant to net they ihn-t purify tha flder t and Walls of these Akgeaa rUabfeaof , Vinlty and algnrity lfora tlwy ore flt ptaee eg reanrt aaritj -mrfl. -otnnvWa acknowledge that we were a great Jburry to aacapa (ram those a w frU that it would Indeed sully as tot, -f.v.TUen waHhougM f eur XTOwla jus, V!"'b Cr Iha) ; ey would aooa 1 1 ujrC ataaw ti ayloa a men. and wa a W for thjiwnWnl Ing InClrtM, of noman to ouV eonrUof Jostica, and wa bops and bellrre that this influence will permeata and, ptiriljr ItotLXgrti )r'"-t par bftaiir -jwri shall ba old enuuat to become anllled by aontaet with the rile cribbllng that na blnsiyngtv .show itself apon the once pari wsjierthes now morally polluted We enraaatly ak aanalUo man all orer tbe Und m? UhelWrt tba Jlr would ba any Munr wrrtaof yaatlea Iff It ware not for the renoratlTa tnflnauca of. wlrea' and.' motbemT .Encoorc thoaa wiraa and matbaia to expand thla Influence, O, man of noble purpose, and wnahall am If the nonmiilated Alth of eentorlea will net aalah aa by magid, and la 1U atead ahaU ariae tba goddeai. of rarity, who ahaU prorlalm the fiad tldlnsa of moral decency throughout tba broad aif of ou laJkbd and political domain, ' - " '. - 1 9 jnmaMnBjnMtjeJwja t Oimtlemef conipUia of tba frlTollry of American women. Tbey aay that tba average woman thinka more about the ftiehionable cut , of bar. dreaa, tba atrUaf her hair and tbe height ef her khoe beela, than aha doea of the a Skin of BUte. the rrfonuationa of aoeiety, or I ta dlffi-reuCnvenuea of trade and com- Wa grant that il these asaertions are true. M'ar anrry 1 ta admit thia, hut the fact is everywhere diaorrnlbla, We know no remedy for the existing frlvol. tty of "women except lncrea of moral and pecuniary rssponsiUlity. , . It I naiurai and alaa perfectly right thai woman ahoald, bestow much ear apon her, personal ' adornment. tihow a a., woman wlta hM M regard for etesBllnoss, keaaty, or erea fsshhni, and wa will show yon a woman who 1 Is sort of natural monstrosity a disa- graeabl compound af vinegar and aqua fortia, or else a vapkt speeimea of hu manity who cannot arouse herself suffi ciently to form an Intelligent 4nion. Our Idea af a perieoi wamaajw that she anoald be pkfuaat, sprljrhUy, areeabie, anergettp; amMtloos, affectionate that' bar linmsat Is world is ia -her hoaiia and hoiiseboU., jorlag ' bar husband , and loakJaar npan him aa her eqaal; fovina:. raring for and Jo!lrfua.!yigoYernlnir her rlillilrvn, hrihglug them to enjoy all tba little eniknmisnl of a wis motber'a Ipva, thai tbey may' never let tha germ of human kindness decay In their heart. " Bat this ' 1 not H that w riaim.ibrJasfcWauaslra that aba be ednrated ta same trade or nrafisalan t thai aha ana tha' natural endowment of barlirala a soma ramunaraUva kYoca af all mat tors ef Is porta nee In tbe country nnd under the Uwa by Which aha la governed ; that aha St herself to Uvatedepeadantly af aaaa,irnd be by hlaajsVyif aa Incliaadf ittonlJ'abcTJtowTterseir toTewn clog or bindrano to her hnsband.' Jliiilhajnamnf UDy Arm from th trammel of caatont and ai rt. their rresoanly prerogative. t Men mast help them to throw off tbi state of fernmine frlTotttyi aod-raarh fliem the ImpbrUnoe of the high dutlea that nevniva npan tbam a tba mothers af tha raea.Kneoarag themv dear brethren, to iMm pot1ttcaJ taporn4UIItfca, 'and we aball soon hear less ef that frivolity, at af Toar ssenpUint that their minds ran anon trifles. i " ' - 'h u 1 m apon 1 , vtr it : -4 ' tuiiiaXTniTip enrnxm. '.Many ,pl go plodding through this world with rueful visages and pouting lips, havtag an awaBienl aim oAcnex. homtr hf all outward demon trauana af gUdaesa..; Such people are wend af aooat-ty; tha dread of all children J Jhe abaualaaUou of the rthUhrevrinjoa whota" tbey al moat invarlauljrjSepenU for uport, and tha Urtan- Inmmatiuu af ail tkinaa dis agreeable. Hew we pity the fata nf a ramiiy or young, rxaoerant, nappy children k be am doomed to spend n liat wauhl etuerwlen naiha sunpieatiairtof pberareHrciMlored by a superannuated reUUve of the fortieth . degree, whom I wnere he or she Iseloriga. - We most em phaOcany declare that such relative do I not hare claim enough upon th righU af children to cause- tba basl Venn af their life to be embltteeed by tbe fault- gmllnga of t he Vlnegar-tbaged dead- ut& psapUw wba nealectad in their early Ufa ta provide against the a .a . , . r . wpaiHi'ati ar nga ay marrying and raising amtlleji of ehlklren to call them blessed, and thereby felled la learning nso'ssarr Ufa lesson af iova geniality; anoaht be eared for at the puTdlc exjtenseV Inflnuario should be mtaldialsMt for,Uta- in every Bute, wbes they asight kave na posalULeea- porauvty la turn the cream' af happy ctitt.r..-d Into the buttermilk of die. eoain.-7 . ,. s tha aialsl dipnrtmint aftha aired 'giundrarents of ha pry htmily with the exaragUllevueasef tit bach elor greal ancle who depend npan their distant MaUvea foa auninrt. aad ba warn. X mew nd wncnea' whose elougvlska take an extra atretch h idea of. Wins hampsrej by a hunlly, fcg j-ff wetj 1 1 il i 1 1 resolve la agitate the vexed question of what sliafl ba done with these, enkberer of the graund, nutU ahey ahalUw deaUd th privlleg at tha haaneaf all distant tela, tl re af turning any more af rJUhThooif qream In buttermilk.' '.' r . , , aii jnuiii. ,. uiiiiii y ,.Wakiarnhniha Wyoming TVftMw, pddihe4 kt riteyenna, that Mrs. P4aa- ton lectured ntUeuTer on the 3dand Ukn Aatkony on ;,th ,5Uh,af this Bom wnVOed ossdreped, In pass la ap Waabinr tm staset, laU aa r)a- oeday nvenlng, f f" -. ., wi' i a era frltend and 1 U-t" oa r anw -t I 1 iu. ;i tot 1 w 1 1 (Mi tbe Kiv Nor xwawr J .taelf and lent It trt; .ringf is - nnatwraJy acan? Hoar Mrs. -i- alway wtalied alia Were a man, aa sit aoukl do a UtUa cuingM, la an appropriate manner. ' ITba abor "choict orsdLU-tJUwl from tha eolumna of our courteous neighbor of the Jlormld, Whose poUta nam will not allow im ta earran aa ssthettd srfWmetit with k Wy eoiiUln'' psenT f t srtmiy. Ihra art iaatttl ajewafl tit jj.lv ' xxcoid or iicsiT lroii ; Iakorar In Jamaica arsaepertsd la a starving sandlttonw Uvi t . r ; JJma dUpatchea atata that an exteu- tenaiva casi mine ha been dWoverad an tha Bailviaa frontier, laibrta ta mpres tha Bollvforevo- latlon are uwnmeasful. , V , f'ananaa dates to Friday last announce that V Mwrtxm aw smalsVit theOovernment tha they will heveaf ter it-fuae to pay tha annual amesemcat ef a aaarter million of doUara, and olkr Instead ta allow tba Government n esr tsJa proportion, of tba proreada. Tk Bogota Journals are Urging the Govern ment to complete tba railroad. - 1 Tha fiailaa army enrpa system will be adopted by Franca.' ' v ' ' iKapoleon think hi son will be lls sueseor ta tba throne of France when ha arrives st msrity.,j:,i-i . Oambrtta recently tlcflvcred a apeeth at IVrda4ixn ibareigaulMilou of francs. ' ;;: -mr -.-Vr -f., A London dHpateh my the Fenian Burke was released an condition of re portlag yearly to tba maglstrsteav, :'r, Tba Oammaalsta af Faria ara quiet, bat the organisation la kept vp. " . Marahsj Serrano ha been entrusted with tba organisation of a new Hpaniah ministry. T " h v;h.,-i.j - There I some prospect of a fresh eem plloatlon n European ' afialra. ; ' Oer maay and England are pa Ing-shnrp diplomatic words la rthrtne to whkh I th beet entitled ta tha possession of HeligoUnd, a small hOand In tba North See. Tba possibility of a war betwaea these power In not aa Improbable tl t Tba California Democratic State Con vention at Bacraniento on tha (1st and tad was very Immonlaaa fathering. Oov. Ifalght was re-nominated by ar- CUSMUVSi .;, r it - miit j ui si wm LETTI1 -FBOK KOi. i. v. virm ; "? ': ' Hoaa Hiu, Jane tad, 171. ; JV.t Al, j: Dinfvag Editor JVcw AortAsMaf .-HFivauasiBg that you are the person who ia Baosi la bkune for sending to my address tba weekly Issues of your ably edited Journal, I take this method af my Ing that "yon did not mistake your man, and thai yon ana rofetlno my name Upon your books, alwaya remem bering that V I do not prepay, X shall not grumble at being charged tbe extra tm wmw T tSt when I Bnd heard oTyour ventnie lata tha arena of Joarnallam, that a le w words iawgamali ean mm myllft might not be oat of plena, aad Intended to wrrta.ta yo f thai spirit,' bat tha ntoet easual perusat af, tha flrst .two numbers of the If aur KobtbtwkbT esn vlnead m tlial )aU ra auifoatty-abl to take ear of yourself, even 1q compo UUon with those redoubtable knight of tha quill, Beetl CmndaJl, CUeke, Mc F1ron,rVmple0eeofaJiyotkcr editor an tha racUlc 81opa. w :',! 1 Indeed, If aaythlng In Uat direction had been aeedsd, Ua-asis, manly and eeurteoua laJroductlon 'which you re calved, from oar mvtua and esteemed friend of tbe Orgokm ivadered. aay thlng that I eauld my wholly aupcrtu- Of eoura li In unnecessary for me ta write to you that I endorse tha Krw Koumwaar, with its nsrlared grsat I thaa do more 1 1 shall sup- portomeUmaa by .agreeing with it opinlonai Brothers, bjretikh4nglude partarra, If It una anyv-r . ;t s 1 i From an intimate acquatntano With tha principal Journals iha. VnlUd htatea, aad cspiciaUy with those af this for, th last twenty years, I km fast coming to the conviction' that we I Nobtmwbt. and other jJarnale edited anu aonuouea nr snoa ana iatiiimit women, aa educators of tha psoitis for . 1 a.... . .i. 1 . r ... uae luum, svu society oaa nsrem so impravea mat a man euitoreaneottauet a paper and be fashionable without allJlna; Into tba dVlauchlng. train of habits that never talis, aoone or later, to separata him from hlsortjrJnaliy high and proguisi Irs purposes, and carry hini away Into the euibracanf babbit hr pop ularllv. Madam, pi ease take a few ob servations on the course of soma of the ablest ne wens peri that wa have known, ami odcmm 11 1 am not correct. The common lot of man editor In the city, and you know that is .the place wiMre euitor "most oo congregate" Is tlptainc. awrmaavlUiiMr. druukemtesa. d4wachery; and I might go on with other words expressive f the exact truth, but I will end this sentence by earing moral and intellectual death, which b enough, and infinitely more uwa ougnt 10 ue true. , It is morally Impossible that a man who spends his aiiarbU awav from his iuuiyr ta tne neer aasannv tn tn ntmjy gunly saloon or fancy house, can lung run a Journal on the omtlr of human pruansslon. Kow and then wa And a man as strong la th Individuality of - L.U. - . resist all assaults of fashion and popu lar! tr. Oreelev. Birant aad Beeeher are isolated at goo( example of this pnioumnts Wreaaried right but they nave ignojuv raiien tn uie batue or lire. Thi nk wahad not belter Inr to act aur friend Clarke to take that back? .. Please to take his case knder treat meat and are wrt ran be don for him. It Wa once LaulonaLla lor chlvahHe rVaUteeaer to rawhlJe xHlors. f waa. drr how our friend Ukea that Aukosf itn many wlshaa for your aurccss, emaia Yours trn'y, Hear Clarke, of the ittrmmi a, , said la bis paper a lew days ago that a man (L r., etlltor), mbrht as .ueli be out of. the Wa-jiaJLI mil vii. aaJT Vsml.Laaa - i 8AiM,Orsgon, June5- JfL. , I JkVs. L Mra-Dear rrtrltt was aUklug with a friend yestertlsy alut a bJy of myaaajualntance,wbo waa left with several little children to maintain, and ne one to betp' ber. MKh due nut anderstand dreas- slng nse elm ikus hg beaidesf her heaHh-weuVJ haKBy admit af her engaging ia either OCC tl pan" der ber from teuchlmr, had she a rift for iCTKow.'whal can aucEa woman do' aid L-- .i a- s. "Marry again," aald my friend. K i "Hr ex has been ton- sad to4 make that aa intltlng prospect, X re- pileuV "rJhe 1 smart amt attractive, and might, bojIouU, do wU if she had tba advantages af good society, but what poor widow with a fomlfy-of -dependent children, and she' struggling Ant food aad clothing, is likely to, be poshed for ward Into the society of the ' better class? ThJa aald I , the atronjojnf in toe woman question uuat J ursTawif naaaan aouid get awuat.aay for equal labar, aad And easy access to that kind ef labor for which abe ha a taste and a talent, would it not be far easier for her to take cam of herself when the need oa me a her so dolus-?" "But women," replied my friend, "are not naturally as seif-reliaui as tnea." "Ah," sai-I I, "do you know this? lias she not been tanght the V-llnging vine theory until she can hardly be mid to ba her natural self? VhiuHmh of -such- education mnst' hare had Its natural effect upon womankind, and like wonder t that she tr even self-mllaut" "I think most women who are so are generally coarse and unrefined."- . ' Mlm yon mean that for me T asked L -Ithln-4-am self-reliant. 1 have embarked tn - au enterfrlse of vory diMibtful success, which require cou alderabia money, and I have canted that monejjrjMvself, besides taking care "I give It an satd my friend." ; "I see you are In favor of 'woman' rights a qnestion I have ttot had settled be- "Wen," mid I, -I am glad you are sssneuj-ana youauy-think -a yeutrirtbm. aiid'muie-worUiy tlie . . - T . - . 1 a ; -1 !THcaB Aid. - ' T. . i ' Of course every farmer must have a reaper and mower, a huiw.nl muA a drill, and all the other UlwrYinJnsiaoarsaneasof thia Jiyaiiiliass, aacji venttona, lust as rankllv aa' ha ma dbv for them, even tboujrh Uiey are stowed away as oV-a.1 iwojierty th greater part w aw jir, rucu tniUiCS are and tlie wlfi pertaii. jret along with a new dress less, that ,llut huahaiaUway have a labor-caving machine. Butbow atsxit labor-saving machines and Inven tions la-doors 7 A tmaawho ha a sewing ntachine, a machine to do tlie churnlug. and one servant as "help" is usually lite most- favored boUM-keeper Isj the neighborhood. You may look a altole township UiNHih, and In nine eases out af ten. the Ishnr savins- eftkJrs are brought to tlie help of man Ind. . It " wower inti goon motnem are so srarce, Kcpmotnera so common, and invalid women not a rarity. A worn aa'a work is never dane,1s a true proverb, with Jiy far too many house wives. "-yT- rr Ho aceuatomcd arewomen tn tabut their work in the otl-fahloned way dt iu, imiw virtue or naca ana emow power that they look axkance at new nmrrea inmys, aim twUeve H bother to use 'machinery than to do the worn in tne ora way. The saving f I physical strength seems an ntihna, mm 1 authougSI of thing Ho kmg as woman easi urag arouna ana usually doco, ai thaugh aba arouses as many at-hca and pains from their lairs as there are wln- aow panes ! the house. " - arg acpnait or exeetieni aioncyv Women da not begin to 00" oueTlr rasiryarvenalbhi. Thim.mile quarter tbe Uma for recuperation that ' at Dale Creek, is an ak aUant meu do. - bleu sit araund evealnaV read, smoke, day games, or gnssip; while the women of the house sew or knit, dsrn nd evenings, read. I stockings, ernchct, tot. or are tusy ln other ways. To etiugrle down Into an easy cnair nefnte the Ore, and play with tlie tassel of her apron string, ar simply tteteu to some one's reali nr. would Sm-m s most farmer's wire aa sheer laxlnesa arwieaea waste or time. ! ' , We do not believe women are so Well able to endure Inoessant labor as tneti are. . And if it Is not good for mm, turn sra more pernicious is it to the phye- ear-iieuitn or women r rto we argae that sshnr-euvlng machine should come Orst to tbe house-wife, because she I th weaker, and becanss ia ht-r health and comfort and lusppineM,' the happincea of in wiwtf nnasenotu lies, mom tOa IU tnai ot any otner member of It. Tlie way In which very many people -onanrcu iTOMJir is Quite ii a oueis eating more than he needs, for the "sake of saving H. That whb-h saves health and time I economy. That which oou dure to haman happincaa Is Dirin economy. ' That whk h Is a saving la the end. even if bb extra exnensa at the beginning. U ecanomy- boueettHld tuHfniirmwwvnuMiinmoi wnicutn two paramount ones ar those of water and wood, v -r-.. ,-t Wa fori the wrath In ua wrlggTlng Itself to pownca down Upon those llen tliea who, year after year, postpone tha wood house nrratigentent, or the Mters uuiiuing, or nnnging Uie water an Ui well to a errtliacd grt-atahle etatn. A man wha allow his wife to be a hewer ar wwxl and drawer ef water to an Un aided extent, aught to be well, exennt manieated from hi church on rubrical groundsi for a man who has bUImI ta provide for his awn bouse hoki, is worse P We knew n man once, (be Uvea yet: mmim a if iMm ' ... t - - B. a 1 a . a . . . m win lean in is para grape) 1, wis Kiyew nigni ana morning, prrarben: on ndaya, and was a rich farmer beHldea, Hi wile milked the cows In all sorts of weaUier, eat most of the wood, bollt the res, eherae-tennaiwlssd" and died of eawsumptioajaaha prime of life, lie pat a-weed en bis hat, tried to-real ew Umself to the dispensation of Frovt. deneu, when he ought to have been tried for Woman elaairhter hi the ami dewme and aeuteneed to r hen wessj and miis caws in uie rain an tn rest or Us lifo. Wa doa'l nutta believu ha raniial punish meat, which la why ritda't suggest hemp and the nUowa.iftrg . is, d. wagrr, M JAsriH Acsr rortrr. A RiHgi-lau RkuxdV. Vtlieaevee Burke found hlmsrtf indlmtsed. be a dered a kettle of water to be kept bait ing, a wntcn ne araaK targe quantinra souicUn.ee m much aa eveu four nr II v quarts In a morning, without any mix turn oi Infusion, and as 1m 4 aa he could bear. Ills ananneewaa to iour about a pint at a time Into a basin, and to drink It with a faioa as If it bad been eoUt. Warm water, .he said, would relax and nauseate, but hot water was the finest stimulant and most Powerful re storative -la the world, lie ecrtaialy thought It a sovereign cur for everr complaint, and not only took it himself, but prescribed it, with Uie confidence of a Hangrado, to every palietit that same la hi way. Vmbhn I WrerWfy, ' ; : - a . Cnrxr faaarax.'Did youV atudy tha chsanstes of some nleasara 7 Bkks aue. lk you know haw little It take to snake a muKUode happy? riueh trf ea a a penny, a word, era smile, tr tue work, laera are two or three knys paasinir along give them each a cikgstut-it, and how smiling, they iookt They will nut be arose for son time. A poor widow lives la the heigh- nornooii, wna I tn motner of ball a doaea olilldren. Hend them half a peck aTaaart aiaea, and rJteywttt't)STtnis(p . t' A child has lost bis arrow the wrl forUIl to him aad he mourns sadly; help him ta find It or make him another, and now IquklkJhr.wlit UasiBish warning oveB his srtber bice I A boy has ss much as he ran Oo of woodr asalst him a few moments, or sneak a uinaaant J11V Ml m HHP! W f.Lword to him, and he forgvt bis toil, I a iid work awar without mlmllnr it. Voar apaaentiro baa broken a mur or eat Che wet tea targe, ar sligntjy iniuren a piece of work.' hay "You sooundrel." and he feci miserable ; but remark, "I am sorry," and he will try to do better. You employ a man; pay him cheerful ly, and apeak a pleasant word to him, and he leave your house with a eoutcut- ed heart, ' to light up hi awn heart with smiles and gladness. ' Aa yea pass ajona taa atreeta, you meet-a famiitar-fotwt you my-Uood morning, as inougn you r-it iiarjiy, and it will work admirably In the heart of your netaiibee. lleaaura k-heaa wno,,wtu not iiestow it uoenuiri . if there are amilea, suiioblne and flowers all about ue, let us not grasp them with a miser' net, and lock them up ia our hearts. Net rather let ua take and scat ter them about us. in the cot of tha wid ow, among tha grousi of children in the crowded mart, where men of business eoas waste. In aur numilsss, aast overy- aMie. We esa maae tn vrrec!u4 nappy, toe otauontentea cueorrui. uie a filleted resigited, at au excewllnifly ciieap rate. Who will refuse to do it ? Otve of tba Iiondon ma ratines notes as among the oihl sochvl ptienouieiia of the pfiweat day the cbsat of women who are the professed jdasplser ef men. This setaf modern nmu-bater k recruited from three claiwca mainly those who have been cruelly treateu by men, ana wltose faith In one-half of the human race cannot survive their own ant aid experience; those reatieas and ambitious Demons who are 'leas than1 women. greedy of notoriety, ladtflVretit to noma lite ami bokllng Immus iiuues in u 1st lain, with strong isvwlous rather than warm - . '" W affections, with perverted instinct in uanie tne awrr anu innse woo are the worn vests is aanara. wnaa mor- I1 - wU below tlie sweeter sympalhie tlie atroidiy of their-lisaincta as tlie other class aae by tha pewersloa and ar held to be oniMvasors and enemiee: and even love I ranked as a mere mat ter of tbe aensea.;; S.ii-i. , It may nut be denied that women hare luxt eauseeof complaint against men. They have many, and.ao htng aa human nature la: what It is, strength wilk at hums, ua brutal rather than pro tective, and weakness will avenge itself wltn mora craft tban tatienoe. Hut that la a verv dlflVeent thins- from the sexual enmity Urn sent tent tnan hater assert, and tba revolt wnien tney saaxe it their religion 10 rjreacn.j 11 women will believe that, on tlie whole, men wish to he their friends, and to treat thetn wttn BMrnwas ana generosity, tney will And th work of ealt-rtrotection much easier, and the reaoncilensent af otHMMlng Interest greatly simplified.-- jraaamgron tutor. . I"0! MAXfrACTfBB AT Cmkykxxr. The town of Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory. the ' "Uarte Cltv af tha rTaissyPha pomillar sad natural foal 1 1 iron, pnssi'ssfd byrfowutber points in tne country, iuisso asawloTLwe PJopoaa few facts aad ngurasti tne country, -i nis aomewnai sweei thsteaanoW la our BPiuionj, bseoutreverted. ,. - JAcven or eight miles .south of Chey enne, on the Denver Faelfla Railway, is BUrpiy xeu. ucmama uot ot uie nn. supply ofj' est qualify. .Twenty miles to thcjiortli , Is me en-leoraeert Chug Mountain, antu exhaostablfl maw of tlm pumst mag- ncllc ore yet ulsoovered. This ora tains over ninety per cent. af the pro taxkie ef iron, and is tea percent, richer than aay ora now used. , These three varieties comprise ail the ore lit gen eral use, ana ar combined or used et-p-stately, as accaalon ' may tequlra, la maaufaotaring the dlflbrent grades aad qaslities of iron.. H'gomaV Trsbaina. , , . f-, , ' ' : Tni cm wir w Awmtti. The best and cheapest mode af advertis ing ia the world is thai in tha papcra. Every aarneaaful " aUertUr rulll my thia Heed strews, there If the seea ara gooa mr anyining alwaya to Ing tip a eswii of aoej vaiue, general ly a.huaNhW fold, rhunmlnsr dead walls and showering hand-hUl .among tne peniHeare auxiliaries in advertis ing; but It Is doubtful whether, aa a rule. Usry mom than pay tha expense, while tbera la na eVmbtihat tbey are a nuisance. The blankest of dead walls is only disfigured bypoNten, provoking, &- wAk r4 naefJMstataWf I tnta 4ft svWOstsW lit' avarston to tha man wha an advertises, and iha articles upaa whoserxcclieorlcs Urn expatiates; wlUl aa to hand-hi lis, nothing so prejudice a itien against gulag to sea any show ar buying any roods as the agiy slips ef naner Uirust at him from all quarters eloquently rerom-1 menuing mm to ua mass Uiiaga. tArw 'ra Jvurmtl twnissi Ilia. V f MrV Gordon has been labarlii; Contra Custa since the closine nt fa tha Itecar; andha tirgantxed a !w iBrage roc,Icty in the more eastern part 0 that oountry. Tlie Woman auf fragists Inarm slout tba town of AnU- orh now have It In contemplation af celebrating toe rourth of July, not to burning gunpowder, beating dram, or In making boyish noises and clatter generally, or In boasting of rights snd liberties nomlnaJlr pan sis' d by has than hair tlie impuiatiou of the country, but by scnull.ljr demonstrating their an- preclatioa of liersonal freedoin and of national equality and liberty, by meet ing and considering the beat means to be alnited to secure and tansserve Him "wnuwe trtrasinvs, iHrfn r, them- selves and tlicir fellow altisMsi. r Ute lakes to the (lull; and from tits At lantic to the tiaanc Ucoan. & tJv acrr, Wop, lees wilt never cease, -. At ' least we.s Judge from the following Para gra.h In the New Torit rimea; '. t "liriseon votera viewed with astonish. merit two women dMributina -vote rwoofllie poUs In tbattity m election th chief womlet alot tbe aWe U fliat it slmubl excite any Wander at ' alL Whyahowkl not women as well aa man ba at-tii iwdl on election Hay? Are they not eltiaeiM? Hare they not an Interest In tins Com mta wealth ? Are they not governed by the laws ? sva they; not an inteeeatr In the law by wbi. h they ara governed? ' 11k JlVeoir Ws owly reg ee ahasrt the fact ineiv ttoned by the liases la that tbe women were simply "distributors" of votes; tney snouH.ua Ya bean actual voicrs. SMvuriitioa, . How to Ptcic Jrvst. Ptok applea before fulSy rlWy pare all ever, slice from each tide to Us core the thinner the eliea tha quicker they will dry, and tha libber iwice Uay wKI bring. All parol and lioed fruits sruuld be dried U tha shatle and out af I' wind, to pro serve a lifhi color. V i4ch very much dtronda, the prkv. , ' IW-hee should be picked before toa rips,' 'a. co toward the eenter. aa thin that when dry the alley will not be taaFfeaaaaBBtaaxaVsa Be very itarticuiar and dry them a light eoor. Dark peaches ara alwaya dull sale at half price or lass than bright auea. Peaches, if qq peesj aissjuhi ba cut In h aires. f - Wthe - aeeCl out rabevTla-BTlMry4 witnout any aimixtur at euwarar syr up, and dry thoroughly." The daniper thg. are, the. ba priea they selL nt. Cherriee not seeded are oi Uttle, yahte and dull of sain. .. 1 Bbttkberrlea, Wbortlvherrie and rtasg beertes should not, -tn ptcklasT and dry ing, lose any of iaelr Jaiaat tha pulp is etnovaiue. ! , . t ..r.. Damaona and other plum sliouUl ba dried Without seeds. ? '"- ,j Ken tens beey .that neither arn nor cherry saw Is, appl cores or neaUnge. sugar, syrup or water, will sell for dried rruit. r try crrirBiy-or intentionally leaving or putting them tn, yon wlki In tba prio have to nay for aorilaav where it can bo dona, anl lose the amount pal. I for ireignt on tn portion or no value. Keep tlie fruit clean, and do not nr gvt the fact that tlis better it ta rrparad tha quicker it wUl sell, and the high er price it will bring, lastly, pack, in nioa, cluan barrels, boxes or baga,, . Warn warn 8rr pons naw'Srt. TbafoilwWIng graph ie pssssge la ream tha description of a aoaue witnaassd by n Mr. t auibell autl bis party, in the north of Norway, from n cliff one thousand ttoi above the aeat "Tne eosen stretches away in uncut vastneas at our feati tii sound of its wave scarcely reachea our airy lookout; away In tlie north' tlie huge, old run swung low ta th horiaoa, like th alow beat of tha pendulum lu tba tail dock of our grstwifallnwrs uarVMr corner. We all stood allcut look our watches. When both bawls came together at twelve, midnight, the full. round orb hung triumphaatiy abaww th wares, a bridge af gold, luiming do north, spanning the water betweon us and him. There he ahona inallent majesty, which knew na netting. ' We I a voluntarily took otf was said, tionibla if ; If you cau. th most brilliant luuris and sunswt you ever saw, and its beaatlca will pal before th gorgeous coloring which now lit tip tba ocean, heaven and mouataiav In half au hour tbe sun had swung prenep tibly on its beat; the colors chauged to those of mornlnrt a freah breeae rinnLjd over the flood; onesongstee after another piMd up in the grove uehiad ua; w slid Into another day." . " '.- UntH.-wamaiv ahn iMrva great ami worthy oirlcrUr-Vrcuiploy Tier mfiai until the luora of tha nanicraua depart- menta of sociHy, suuli as edecat ion, art nd production, law, medicina and di vinity, commerce, Invention and gov em men t, shall be as whidy open to her enterprise and amMtlon aa to man wa- til site shall, like her brother, ba eweaur aged tobeoome lndlviduallaeil, as If -supporting and self-reliant -wcman will, from a Axed Uwnf he mental and mcs ceestUtntioB, 1 be characterised for aad tlmidltv. abowlaea and frivolity, gossiping and artfulnesa. When this freedom UtaM be granted her ir hen she stiall he al rawed to gravi tate to those departsnantotiy Iha tow of Inclination, taste and capar-itv. instead of being forced Into employments by customs founded upon the ignorance, ia- X and preJuUica of tlie rtnmlnaat claxsihcn, andnot Uli Usvn, will wo. man OndT. her Iirppcc ;sjdeea'-Juf. LVtKHS M (S)C iWHfTT, f ' ' . " : ' " 'trsssMStisaia; i in A sttsl tomiishsd htwyersome Uaae aao told ua that a reuag Irish girt bad eailed aenu him to Institute a suit ! breach or promise airalnst the ' man who had Jilted- her.HlWy had m quarrel, and In tnia quartet iter saver naorstraeK oc Whstillrt ha UHks vnu wllUT 1st, rogated oqr friend lila handx 'HI boot.' she n-nltert. -"IIU bootr dVmaml- ei the lawyer, did he throw It at TWIT 'No, aun his fut was In U " eke replied. W then ne 4ybeirvyou7 ; 'iea,sarf And would you marry a man who, be- fore nmrrlagat would kick yooT- 'Faith and I Wad, surf foreura It's tit Uagrace for a girt not till ba married ! ", - The above atory, wliich the Riming IXtpntrA tella, contalnrtha creed of the average woman, both af -high and tow Ufa v Tba dlsurarn af marrylac a brutal or vicious mau avoni lm la her eyes esrOnaaY rnnrtJt. The aum-" bar of lones broken la tha Kngliab Isk aatleAsyluma baa civen occasion foe a curious sclentlfle Inquiry;' and It to now Bsarnaa tnat tne nue or crasy Mka ara mom brittle than the ritoWtheaane. Dr. lleaadon InstUateti nn examination of tb bout of twenty petieuU who died In the Carmarthen County Asylum. In nine of these easee "tlte very frame work of tke cheat was found to k in an abnormal and diseased state." .. In two tnatancssr tbe hreat-boDc broKTlit re moving It, and generally tha bones wees na atroawrr than atasM ward board. In ana ease thq surface-bona wa m spongy anu suit tnat 11 was easily cruuibiea up between the Angers. Home of the ribs were canny cut witn a common knlfn. there being, thraughr the aeuouof Um diseased hralu, a naatUig away jaf Uie ' .J--. l-ii illHf ri .! IViI.ITBaKaa. IVtlrteawaa la n samltal which paya bettar than auy other. In vest men I known. It can le acuuirad be any one without price, and when prop erty exprmicd pay a most extravagant interest. . it I surprlsliMB. that any one should fail to aaouira nsu of the stock. Htrang as It is, however, It to nevrrthclea true; and some peo4 are every day seen who have not the eaal leal amount of It. They are rough, aneoutli, anraindftjl of tlie (eel lugs otlwrs, and devoid of true friends. But t the polite person, na matter what bis fault may be a degree af fortes ranci to aawMxIrd, while hia popuiartty I such a to secure toJiim acoree of irlen-ls an.1 admlrcra. This being true and patent to in. wa wonder wliy any one should Beg to lie polite and courteous tnall bJb fel low beings on fay and ail occasions. -rj " ttifcrxKEM AnotT EntTomx It ta a Treat mistake 4a aupDesv- thai adltors keep public rratiina roUrni; that they nave Plenty of time to talk to all and everytosly; that they are UVMrhted to get aaythlng to flU aw tha paper; that they have plenty of Uaae to ewrreot bad manuscript that they are la duty hound to pulT every Imdy; that they ahnuld know everythrng WheUier' Informed of It or not: that tney haver is atvaf mon ey; that they should notio every scala wag itist travels, tnat uy auoukl bare news when there Is not new: that tkev should I rint every man' name wha at. temto a dog .tight; aad shea Id Keepvery WfureMic Police court. Adko-nge. A Cleveland waxa wealeirfeannwiL fled at bla wife's ask In bin foa naa a. I j money before atranweps that be l .'alioot her twice to keep her uufcC had to Ta Jot-ajTY er Line T shall never farg Aim. feeling I bast onea akVu cliuibinir one of earth's great pyramids la KgypC When half way up, my etrensth falling, I feared I should never bu-BwJe to ascend to fcta aUmmlt or get back again, and I well remember the help given,' even by Arab lis mis, to draw me on further; and the step I rouU . not quit make myself, because too great for my wearied frame. The little help friven sue -soeoet i mee'luor and semrlisaes less enabled me to gO Bp, ' ten by step, an til at last 1 lunched the summit, and breathed the pure air, and had a grand lookout from that lofty scuiaeuca. . And aa la IkVe lourney. we nm climbing, wear ascending. We are Stein? 1 a uwie neip, ana. u we nave risen a step higher than some other aua, let aa from that cmlmmec reach down for tha brotber's or sister's hand, aad help .a . a I 1. ai a a. U.T snotner to suiki unw wa .aa, JuftsBd hand la hand,' wa shall go on conquering, step ay aterv uiuu ne glo rious aajunamw auau ne giam.uuop ' To varysenplojrment to to rest. 'si. a i-if r. .t 1 ,trte-ftj -tl..: a lt,,. rinf ,t-.t' ,. v j-,. f MOU4. ATTtatO ViJ-?iv a . 1 11 1 . . T DcGIDEHT'S CONCERT 0 t--' . ; 1 Ij ..I' V!l.g...t.jL ww.: au (Bslarssr) rawing. J ) .U a. .i. .1 7 GRXN6TteU,JATA.;0 WYII, I f Hen's rti 'iO rt f. J j; !. lM JHWltl'tiK MttCCfr-'.f .i -ti' I"' ''' .ti t-i ' " .:...2.jL3'.!! :, Ilatll T At Or ITlBIO . H.aasxTiln tJurrTtMB, 1 nit' .f-. t. ftn rii Unfit J :! H it ttr --i'wv-.w TTTT; urn il jih ii m-i slut T! j. -:. ;-;u.-. xrt'J r ati iH -ifr.vK?J fclf ;M'-".-.'w ' - .:-,;. , , WiMJAM OAYlDtOaV,? Iteaai i.TiSBi4tas'.-flaalavr.- M f FF iPa-uTa, an Fraal ntaeet, '-!r' WaaTTIaAa BBKnV nWM. WerAYIt tn THIS) ITTY AHD KABT 1 rwtlMial. la Use BHsa InlnU, karmlHlM. foniiatlas of laum. Malt Uuirin an hi. ocas. Iliursss ss assaaa. r,T"T""a"T"".r., 'Alaa, twenevsa Passu sad Vamtsslb Pb . rviir stk I, sum. Is sll setts tsl.Bir as .. Itr ai. Rstavs aa4 elkee Pmenrty pserliased BwCiiiissusiliaai, h VMM C'n-v aad taesasjli- 1 lb asset Ar AarTASSOi'l Tsaas ocsas ass Menem f.KAsra, tOAB Haoe eas ass OtAissi as all. lasnwtpvsuss Pwiamt oLLsa-rniL ssl .k k isas- ciAii aad Auajiw Bums ss TsAMSACrsaa lids Pt Is sll Yawas la tae srm sail mi s i nil n i V Ass hnruni aast fcsrwsr lbs mnmn I he saove aa-irass. -. ',.F- a ?f-?l tfea f-isi--:c rr.T TT' t . .l.i.Siit. ,' .an .1 Min .4 L' V' 4 ' ai it V- (; 1 , 'rf- . . . . ' . a T.IL ESTATE 1GEI1TS '4. mtr f-f'j-.-i- i-t Ii- yvwaJT-ai I '-. '-.ii,.'"' . Havb r-rWKTY ron balk, im rottT Ua4 asd lanauglMM,! Onwasi gsasraitjr.,. . WeeaaeOVr mrpKanon inowxigMcarrn k " f U j 3 - r.iei . a 1 . ... jew , sBUXaan av-BBaBaSBT M rwyiti-i tasi penslns ta Real Es-" itr ra WrTTa Jet Attxevitttn.: . ' . m ATMiaaan, Kauir PsWie. .'BV rtMMB, ' y- x Wi t ' P'tti . g rT, 'pat Sis, s, I fmilili is. amain, mm4 Is 0na-u.ra maa sm awi waa r,sii snsis r wr hiau. win sa W la lli si, aaUNssassU aas I r j air ssK , j. a. wiiHr.hi.i, r. a iMveaisesasnsuuaari i - .,U , .,.i!-.e"f .''.. 'i H-r-j-i- ' :' -.' 1J ,'--L'"S r 1'',u;iieh Tint ' '. '. T" f ygi5tg:- . -aa. Jt..:jg, v-. .... 1 ' ' r,. . 1 ?. a --'. .aJ l,;.,. ) ;.5'iV ' ..w; T,'Jl7r:r:: V '. ' ':' y.-'f. rj-r. A : - ; ,.-t ?'. - JL. aa rajDucMTKn , n - sTmnill 1IJ aBsf alaaJ H.aw - ua 1 1 ..titn waannrann. ... .. :-. ri n- ff- - i'r -:- " ' ' 1BXLQTIXEBT OTVieit- ' ' ) ato.' aa-reaadjs jgaski'i i " Bl J ry, - 3.T-- 1A y 1 lit. ' a 1 jLa .:; vr - twC ,