The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 23, 1871, Image 1

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    f ' JjJJjjj ' ""' - ': ' - ' - '..Ai- m iJiOTfT asnBnBa
li W ll t I ' . ,.f ' tftrTrr-MaiMima '. : " ja-wss. ,-. a .-. . ... '. . I
taaaear jar!
XXastfmaTtortasrnyis,' 1 .
Iferotsd n Um Intmstef HasaaaRy.
InaVseadeM 1 Potntrs aad KHIoa. f ,
AUv i all lira Imam, aad TboOMifhly
I la. Otla aad gpnalag the Vr
si 1 1 14
. CormsonaeaU wrttlnc rf sasuiaed aleea
tuea saaatnMtaa aawwa JJurtt aalttes to IliS
Editor. ar ae aMmUaa will be glrra to ISalr
maaaaaBleaUusa. ' .' . 1.4 - , . , J -
VOL, lo
14-- -ZZZlzzr:r- lzi 1 , o-j .... -i - - , i i j - "t - - ; ' :
II i - - ' " i i ... ' ' rm nil it rn rmii " .. .-i- 12 ; v... .., .,!.. .-
-J it .i ., -1 1 1 1 11 i ' -
' 4
1 ; :.
Kil l U82TS V03UI1
, 1I0?T8 . rK5 , L0TE1X. L
Out ld frhmd.'Ur. Abbott, U tb
Grande, h beoora aerioaaly exoreUttd
over tit vexJ queatioa of "vooud'i
ribU." , II Mjra: MW do not Mrtoiuljr
wlb to Mite Into a diacuanlon pt the
omsnim Rtght morroient, tint Ve ki
Mm.-PuiUw.y. jidlUtfif Auw I
women of her rlew go nrtrr? If the
Woman' IllgliU thaorjr la rljfUr, whjr
dp ao tUMUj tf IU advouaioa iu44uwb-
ialy pnxvbiina Umnitvea adTomtaa of
free love, alia free loat 7 Why do Uiejr
... We ahall do what ve tan toenltirhtea
the darkened ' tHMk-itttandiiiff dt 'our
doubting brother. 01a4 indeed Uaee him
CtvioCHtvldenoaof a deterwMrtlpa to
Invaatrotak -tv? u n-;-. - i i;-r
In the flrat plaoa we are' not an adro
of "Wotiian'aBJfhta." WabelW.
In the Inherent rljchta of all humanity;
therefore, we find It difficult to' make
our poeitio understood either by man'a
tita or woman' richta advoeatoa. . .To
the forrorclaaaowbrMaer adhere, and
In the Utter (which 1 but natural;; he
take mueh Interwt. . -"- -- ,f:-r
Bt to hia guerULW will anawar
tltem by aaklug otherai If the asan'a
rixhU theory la right, why la It that ao
, Warty uen of Mr, TAbboU Tlewa go
.aatnyt If the anaa right theory b
right, why do ao many of IU male advo-
eatea uubluahlnglyprorlalra thenuelvea
- ad voeote of fro . kre, atlaa free lut ?
Why do they praetieo Itt
When oorbrother anawera our quea
tlona, w will be able to further anawer
;liUvWe aire perteetly ready to fully an-
awer them now, hulpreeVr, Inaamueh'aa
' we prvmlfiJhat he haa never before
luuktxl mt tiirn mimiXitrt In Urn m1 Tlirl
. -i -
lowaii ft f hina to yonder -our ouerieel
and uae the maglo of hi owu Wle In
'-"Mhelr-eliieldation before weahall prweed
to enlighten hlra further upon our own
reapunaibiUty . ; j
-Our brother la dreadfully tu4h dark
about hia Bible. He aaya: MTten tlie
Alm!gbtyr created man he7 told 'the
r woman abe aliould be In auldectloa to
him." Now tho truth la, aeroitilag to
- tho Bible, that man wa treated flmt:
L that be trkde poor work of getthif along
- alaoa amJi Mtur work that flood too
compassion on th hclpleaa ft 1 low, and,'
causing a deep sleep to mil -upon- him,
He took woman from hia aide, next his
heart, and aaad her Into a doable
fined and beautiful vrratare a hetp-
tbla lord, followed and otxyed, even to
llta wtlngnf tit aWhhUlon fruit, avhh h
. ah ate, Ignorant ly, and gave to him;
- and he, knowing thejearfuleonaequenc,
"dideaU" ;
. , When Ere waa created ah was pro
nounced "boo of hi bone, and neah of
hU flesh." - ;
rhreftw ahall a-man leave his
rather and hia Jootlter ant) ahall cleave
to hia wife, and they twain altall b on
lalh W V - . f . v. I if) it
W orea4vh goriptwn Tajother
Abbott, and are not, therefore, pre-
to endorse the man-mad doo-
r trine that you 'preach when yoo' aay
that Qod has omlalned that -man aliall
Tnilt-umiand-th head, " Have
- -ryow never heard of a "united head?"
Think you that it Is not possible that
two beings, equally interested and
- equally responsible Can be equally fro
and equally Jaat? . ;
: - It la Indeed Be wonder that advocates
-of "woman's rights,' upou (ba on hand,
vMklrk Md sptt upon th flat of the
, advooat of maa'a right" wpoa )h
other,' There la a moan between theae
' two extremes, good brother, wherein la
harmony, wisdom, purity god tnutugf
rnneeaalowfml rbe ranee. Upon this
mean we have built our foundation, and
Its aubstratum I7 ao ootid, It area ao
broad and it regulations ao Just that all
-, humanity can raorgania upon It, and
bulkl up a purer lit and bolter aim to
benefit themselves and each other. .
' "Mana rights" har fostered th per-
nk-loua doctrine of "free love, alias free
4; 9-h-Ij tmx
cuiiue auyoraiea of tltla borrtbl system
lr thtomaa'a rhrBU"
I -a. 14
But, we are sorry to my, th "woman's
rightist' r booooUucmora.juJnDrn-f
, , ewaia, and not hip but the bnauleal mi.
- errlse of (he Inherent Immunities of. all
humanity, will save th world frail lib
. . first womaa'a unfortunat luiatakev and
. th firat man' deliberate, transgression.
Ne tape to-War frow our brother
again. ; , .
"TMawar. hWii . .
-; jouMiLisTioiurniiisM. "
The press all overUi State contains
eeounta of tit recent irrprvhenaible af-
4 bridhara, of Jit
Vttuaeburg Jtmilgnl and, r. .Thompson,
of the 'fWrjrr.I, in) eamcatlng
; upon thiaatTray th Oregon Statmi
made the followlmj minfble'remarka:'
"The recent affVa tt'ik-i Jnrali;
. In all eonsctcnce. but titer, have bcea
- many ' such.' The present on lllua.
- !r , , d"nlppf n anticipated from
V? fW.vathsa Mnbri.M.pMuu.
The blooil of the men W n ttt moral
eharac. r 4 iregn wi (a a 4al at of rufr
;.. fisnlm w osoaat. wli ouL and ie
mamU That the unbridled license of
-"Journalism ahall yield befcr a rarer
nd hlerae- of bUor.
J,wa a r-mr at of etvillaatloa
- wium mm 4t uuody etxtlllrt raa uke
, eUlaensj aod It shows no kosa misera-
bio etate of denaorallsatlon when newa
papem are at liberty to paraw towarda
eaca outer a eourae or reekleaa aaaertion
and alajMleroua aeeuaatiotv,
But the editor of the Sfotemwn waa
bimat-lf the very . next recipient of
an aaaault. White the Simhmmem
very Juatly eomlemna all apeelea of per-
onal bllUngwgatet.U haa -found it prae-4
UcayyJmpuaNibl to practice what it
Dreachea. We do not oblaet to the
aeorlng of aoeh a man a Watkinda baa
proved hlmaelf to be, but W. do object
jo the eoura of oar rospected Elate ivx
eeutivo la pUcltoffaueh a man la a re
sponsible official piMttion, thereby ren
dertug ' It . noceaaary for a reapecUble
journal to not io. him lultaoulunna. . ,
jmelbtvn of toe press, aooner or later
you muxt accede the point that woman
muat vote. Thluk you that such broils
a thee would ooour If tho wlvoa and
daughters of reapactable gentlemen were
to permeate by their harmonlilng prea
MVf tho whole body politic? .Think
you that If tho political arena were on
vast aoelal clrde, where men and wom
en could mingle freely as tltcy do In
tk church or parlora of our most re-
apaetabl people, that meM would be al
lowed by pubMe license to carry Derrin
ger and deal out destruction? Eren
profanity '"i tiaok and lililea wltan 1
ra approaeh. Would not murder
and aaaault as well? Tt'
Would our Executive appoint a Bill
Watkinda as tMiperlntendent of the
Penitentiary -If hia wife were aiwlat-
ant In hia office of Governor, and aa
such would be compelled to treat Wat
klnda as an equal? We trow not. II
would rather choose, In connection with
hia natural counselor, a man of honor
and Integrity for an office of emolu
ment and trust And If women every
where but permeated by their pressure
and purity th halls of legbdatlon and
the -counsels of -th law. rumJru
would proscribe itwll and law and or
der, gaining new courage from th help
of Justice, would prevail right apeedily.
Whit men'ulk aboat the barbarism
of th heathea Chinee in own! ng women
and Inhuman acta toward them, hot It
seldom enmea to th awriae that there
la a all of professional white men who
are meaner than the barbarous Olestlal
waa OevelopM im the ivllm mt
Portlaltd yesterday. - Cria and Emma
Bortev awBording to her statement, were
married In New Vork city etc ven years
yeara. : They nave lived In rortland
aome months, and while here, at least,
and tar soma llm.hcftire-liho.iiasa.Jxn
compelled to work In a lager beer cellar
lor wage, wnicn nave oeen aquanoerea
bvCria. Herhealthhavlnrbeehrreatly
Impaired by Uita course of life, and hav
ing been badly abused by him, she
could do better without him, and re
cently took mom with Mr. and Mrs.
iteamer,. on tne wet,i(J -or neoono
street, between Morrrtaok and Yamhill
streets. : By t hia movement her husband
(?) waa cut abort of ker earnings, and
not furnished with th means before
commanded by him to spend at ntro and
atrial red amunemenia, a circumstance
which he could not quMly submit to.
Accordingly, he visited Mr. Heamer'a
place to otala pi eslon of his afoee,
and tlie result waa a disturbance, after
which ho Inlged complaint' at Police
headqiiartera, and had hia wife and Nr.
were fiaml each $-V but tai waa dla-
riiargeti The woman aHars to be a
daaervlag object of pltyratnd at btutt tike
aymnathie of th nubile should b ex-
teasled to her. ethe eaya she la tired of
living a ah haa been compelled to live
4a in poor health and cannot any
loagee ataatd It. ' rXhe has nothlng-
amall amount which ah had Saved from
her labors and deposited It with Welia.
Kargo Co. haa been ot4alued from her
by false representation bytTlivand
uaiHiereu iy uiiu at lue rnufiiui
Aiueitdmeutfisloon. rihe aaya her hua-
baud r"jp?t?'i'g. iHit haa ik'iH""1"1 1
upon Her to pay tue itouse-reut, buy toe
pfovUlVm, etc. and haa treated her
worse than aa ouUset , vben she. has
becq unabl to do Hihvt 5 ,7 , .
Tk aaoe la copied Boa ta Wtmtlg
Btftrtim of Jan 13th. Can the proprie
tor tell B why we do not get th-Jy
JinUHM, jBvery dally awwapaper la tlie
Wat aome to u la esrbaage but thai.
Tbla department of ttta Nrw Kobtr
wwrr U to b a general vehicle for ex
cltahgeof klcaa ouvrnlng any andill
mattera that nary l legitimately Ula
Cttswedlaourtwlutana. WiwUnpltpraetl-
rally Impossible to answer each corn-
aondent by private letter, ws adopt this
mod of eommunlcatloa to aav our
I l 11. .11 d nlniunl tlial wiaiUI
JLll-Ii V ' ',77
wer their queries. We cordially Invito
vveryltody that has a question to aak, a
suggestion to make, or a molding to give
to contribute to th frrepomlentsj
Column. '
.. Ja. IU Yon will e our nam as
Editor tmd Vopriefor at th bead of
our columna. W Mippoaed th word
"proprietor" would tell th whole story,
Uit It didn't. It Is amusing to watvh
th conjecture as to whether or not w
edit th paper (ouratlf or get earn thaa
to writ It upv. Our brotber get the
credit for tit financial articles, our
lather for the praotlcaJ ones, a eertala
lawyer for tit witty ones, a Judge for th
deep one, and uraelf forwnne of these
lecUona that aoma whnacr deema ob
JeCtlonabU. ,W. did not pronlaim our-
aelf erttor until we aoumled public opin
ion ato whom Would b attached the
credit, but Ut credit la being seat tared
M much that nobody haa much glory, and
aiw hereby ahnounc to our eorrespond-
eot, and to all others- who may har
been In doubt, that we writ very line
of editorial oa any and all aubjecta.
Our father, brother, husband, aona and
daughter haying other business; lawyer
friends. Mid, worthy Judge also being
otherwise employed. - CorreMMtndenU
we. have, and oets but our editorials
arvourawa.' if ui.f -,:-..:,
. . . i , . if...
. 'aaMqF-CUW think youx hahU. af
woaring Ua hair baa aanrh to do with
your constant headachea, Braid It ttp
over night and eorab It out la the niora
Ing, letting it haag Juoae aud wavy, and
thereby promoto th otreulattoa of rhel
blood. The monstrou rolh? and braids
with which you load your poor achiitg
brain would eraa any man. It would
eras a woman butfor ueraorpaaslng
Honlton btce In
tit width yen uettUoo b $U per yard.
We could get It for yoa, i j . . , :A (.i i
Knqulren ' TTalnsook dlflera from both
cambric and Swiss muslin. It laatst so
thick asthe former or ao thin a the latter.
It la, peculiarly aoft and pliablei goods,
though the taxtur la firm awl th fin
ish eseellent It e not tnoreaxMenatve
than rambrie or twlaa uuslln.' . We
ear get It for you at frouT at to iO jrtsT
per yard, y . . 4 ; t -. 1 y ..j-
'Country cousJa' V wooiWr your
aide arbeal If everybody should epend
aa much time a you aay you do In "ly
ing on the lounge; with a noveV they
would all be sk'k. - Arouse yourself and
help your mother. - Oct used to som of
the hardships of life before you take
upon yourself tit task of working all
your daya forJfllSbaiiArrTIr:.-.;
A friend" writes: ; t? husband Is
delighted with jrour paper, II aay it
la tlie only decent family newspaper we
get, and" we Uke tlie - , tit and
all Oregon newspapers. They
contain so much personal slang that w
think they are not good for the children
to read." Glad you like our paner. but.
If you will send us some statu as-to pay
postage, w will send you some Oregon
exchange, aa apeelmen copies, that are
perfectly free from billingsgate. ' There
are plenty of them, only you haven't
happened to get the right 000.. ffi
agree with you that personal slang Isn't
good itr rlilMreev or grown- up people
either, for uiat matter., . ,
Lucy aayaC 'T aw going tobebridns-
mald. How shall I dress?" That will
depend upon tb4lresa of .th LrideJf
ah wears the IhahJooabl silver gray,
wear simple white triuidln. With flowers
In their, hair. - If the brida la to wear
whit mualla, ywa should wear aome-
Shlngjlght jnd glry, lnit imt-whltaJ
unmwniiiM gr uuoruinat upon ma
wedding occasion, and should dress as
Uch. ' -r-'r :r r -
A "reader" wrltear ."Ar lite JlerulH
and th Era really In favor of the ballot
for woman ?" Incline your ear, dear
reader, while w softly wUlnjwr, "not
much." They ar "oh the lenc," how
ever, and we're pa t ting 'era on tlie hack,
encouraginr Jem to Joirrp over, and We
guess tlicy'U Jump. -
Otltey letter alll be 'answered next
C-f orryoeo. Tha treatment of
this disease, -hyrtewrcally.-should be
Soverned by th degrr of lutenaity In
tcatad by lb symptom . To allay tit
heat, redrtes and swelling of the ttt
fiamed part. It rmrst be kept, well cov
ered with aiepki pool or eold wet-com-preaa,
often changed and re-wet or, as
some pefrr. the parts ma v be coA'crnd
with a cranberry or tomato poultice, ja-1
eweo every one, two or tnree. Iiounka
lsrTv?SuIsnetlheft''CT and heaTif
th body muat l controlled by the wet
sheet tsuk, ails Or spnng bath. Tit
abdominal wet-glntlca, ' in cotipectlon
a 1 in in two laticrysonictimea WlO-b
found sufficient. "The bowels must be
kept owa by warm wtLU-r nemaa, th
thirst allayed by the Imbibing of pure,
cold water, th temperature property
regulated, and plenty of pure fresh air,
supplied by proper ventilation, Theae
nteana, aowmipanled with food hunting,
quiet, cheerfulness and, abundance of
patience on the part of The attendant,
will prove aocoetwful In curing the
1X$&2y ofthecaaea.T,.CV
ahav Auowa this iliac . to 'he
broken up In Its first stages, by a alagl
Turkish Uth.-rJrrai.l of JfcattK .,
U have had Uare case in
Vurvil twa.of
tbeae by ewaating
eopteue water -drinkiag,
jivar maaantati
berry Jnie a a drink, with dry graham
crackora fur foanV . Th third ease, had
to ,,H,lih-s wlili oranberrlea nW the
tor to th body. In addition to th
It yi
two weeke, If. i. U JWnnt, . . 1
' In leas than on week we have recov
ered from a never attack of erysipela
In the face, by simply naing a poultice
of dry flour. This aim pi remedy I to
efficacious tluUVlU mrilU pltould be
wkMy known. - ...,..-;.
bison On.-' A the season -for pic
nic is upon u many prrsous ar iu
danger of becocnlag affected by. poison
oak. Aa eflVetnal remedy for this dls
tresMlng vlltTlbn I an-application of
thick sour milk to th porta arToctoL
W have never Jinowa It to fail even In
aggravated rosea.
: Cholera Jwrf.wav Ooeof Ute beat rent-
ndian for Attaoka thU aaalady. as ai
mhttnro-of -Boor and aoft water stirred
to th aonatstc'ncy.'bf freahT mlll. f Iet
lb euflVrrr drink copiously af this add
be will x park do speedy relict
..... Vv DAHU 8X1. . ,
: ArVa, A. T. IHtUmmititadmmt Your
paper of May 6th baa been sent me, and
although w make it a rule nut to no
tice th various attacks W thw awflrage
prom upon our us of th right of peti
tion a directed agsiast BMMde-urlaxe,
yet I wish to correct your error of state
ment la regard to th Venerable and ex
eetlent Mrs.- Iltelne. J am sure that
throe asistakea were, wholly nniaaaa
tional, and that you wUi be happy to
mak tlte truth nown. There is no
on wh haa a clearer rigkt to make an
appeal In behalf of har eauntry-womea
uian Aunira jincoin x neiiw. ja
neetlon with her lamented sister, jLnuna
iintni, sue uaa uou a noble -sua a
life-long work to elevate h. aex. Tltoua
anda of our beat women have been her
pupils, and her educational works were
for many year (Ae text hooka la school
throughout the countrj-. . A widow, and
at the advanced aire of seventy-seven.
being hi th enjoyment af a handsome
fortune gained la great part bg ktr
iadWry, and the result of her Intel
lectual Ml, she haa the noble courage to
vindicate and uphold for other what
she eonoslvee ami knows to bo right.
Having been all bar lift a bruajaoalor
and ornament to her sax, she la entitled
to a rcMpectful heariuir. The petition
yoauattant to dissert waa written hy-
myaauv aim uaa -jaavtn iionor at -an
authorshl aaeribud to IU AeeAiatomed
to menu! labor, and not shrinking from
any work however tolUotue which may
be prodaeti vof goad to woman, we ar
eve ready to oo-operat tn all reform
wnn tucy tena to progress, 1 ula ue
inand for the ballot I lni one of these.
W omen need olucationai and Imhistrtal,
not political advancement. W beg
you to use such talents aa God haa glean
you and aid ua to bring about auch r-
lornis as are really neetksl.
WajsiiiMiToM, May Slnt, 171. j.-
. Xb Kotig, JgaBeaea)s w
: h - . . .... . -.. 1 1cr
Amour all th force, that ouerat In
the molding of sorlcty. n-mc l.Vo potont LrVZ.ZZXJA ...n! . u,,
as that af th atotkr. to. .uJ whiiT"41'" f ' U, W rxamlnlng with
aa that of th anther. N matter what
her faith, her conduct, her character, the
lient of her mind, or the laws of her
household her Inriucnoe In supreme, and
weil-nhrh-irnllmlted. I Humanity Is
thrown Into her lap to lie nurtured and
fashioned fr tint ami eternity. A
mother's Influence is often baneful Ig
norant or jllctctio and hyurlenkc prliu-l-plea,
lier clill.lrcn tx-rlih throuirh ncirlcct
rplne under ec4ve rnndness, mak
ing liomo an lUrmaty.'dlaeae a oocd
paulou, and life a burden. Mlsguidetl.
prejuiheed. or - hubnitell, - site - U st i it
motlier -the sunreme nrlcstctM nf t ha
eircie, planting in the doi'pest anil of the
harvet uf eruue and iiitcrtutuublv wots
Girls more generally inherit the quali
Itlea of their fathers, and boys nf their
mothers. Of moat how land ultimately
of men also) it mav be said, that iu more
tlian OTIo sens Uicy are th produuta of
I boy In the street, 011 -slight provocation
planglag with HaU oust feet Into his
fellow, th . matters of ,kis paruutags
education and dentin)'; :ar intuntly
anggeated t "Has he not kit Irritable and
queer mother?" 4a an of tho quetiotu
that Inatluctirely eoniea to tli surface.
A mother wlio love hiui lulcel, brags
of him, pi-tM hint with sweetnieuts and
rare IndoTgrnclcrTu tiefTIiaiit mmxl,
iMtt la her anger aba Nia w. t'slia him by
straug:imttS,puU Lis earn, and
thumsthia head. - -.- a, ? T
Jacoh, tlie su)iUtUr, was the com
plete daguerrtotyie of hia nuither. Ka
chel, wlto also inherited her fether'a
treachery, ller eouusels-wer never
q-tastloasdor rejeced..vrery datsiit 1 ve
spara irom tae tnaternal stent protiuoeu
a aieeily and reripruoal flash' In the)
mind of her hoy. He waa morally aa
rW4W"wMf hyrti'TWT1f'"'iS W4Jwew
and le sf Wfls.'' L.rU Byron
bad a bad mother, aad he became a bad
man. ,--. . ...
When you see a hnv with aoft silken
lorka, a frank and lovlne eye. a uiodeat
aad geutl bearing, that Is ptint, sjmI
slow to reslat inault, yua may conclude
mat PC. pa, pure, auuame, tugn
tn haled niother. IlTi after-life will
that th kindly, attentiuua and
1 af ta uurntrv" taavn not baeu
wasted upna him.-. Kverj'thiug exquis
itely moikwt. or benevolent, or viniHtus,
In- Fehruanr. President IJnenln
buried hia hraatlful ana. Will ia. He
waaovtrwbaliaed wltk grief, and sought.
u-srr a-MPfn-. fVtUw UVW UV KW 1
kHb . ....11. W Iha
oe-i.-avtn.hl.h.M-.n'reii.lnrf hln P-' nelver-fonrse If it hart
lLi I.'''.. - " .--ikim. aav awimnii 'loirt If " ' -
VZ7?rir?r? ?mor These brothem of vnur will
1LT..!.w".V7iTTr nn sagrwhea yoa hurt.
-tIriuMaArtt wM. butt!
lr.TSV ErTs-J.JlaU Ut same, and It hurts 1
Comforter. Lis deefwst agonies be I tV w.?J yTJ Z ,, I
-k r4.i.,nni!l. i.aI1os your brother in tills w
ha laid la a rod Indiana gmva ere he
has) eempUaed aus-tenth year.' "1 re
member Iter prayers-'L mid heiand
they have always followed me. .Tliey
hare clang to m all my On
another oreaataa, with toara In klssyea,
h waa heard to xrUlm: "All. that I
am or Iwhi to be, 1 owa to my atuo4
hiot her Itlesal ngs on her memory." .
Nearte all ttm rfrat and rmrl m of
lha world hava ImxI mat snialtota. , Th
Wssleya. tan VV OAlUaatona, th ltoalna,
th Beechers, and a thousand ot her ex
amp dsnaunatrat tnl taxo. We oflen
baa psnpl Inquire, aadly l HWhat baa
become W tk naanv ma tamlUVa that
were ao 1 sitae aes) both In Oin-h and
pMat in ilt gonemtloartUHT tunad
Thon great aw left aona, ail know, but
they ar seldom neanlof entalde of their
towBawilna, aaloss oogaisjonally for thclf
ertmea.. A nsea wto tna narsery, now.
ever, selvae tlie my atry, . Th giant
bat no real aamssanra, brenaso their
partnera la life wer not their equal.
Th world now. as ever before, lacks
great and gil nun, but thia want can
onl ha supplied ay rreat and. eooil
women. . rifsirua aotie are bora only of
riparian aaotnera. . . .. , )..- .r.
. Tn prsrtleaJ conclusion -wblen we
would Impress upon the minds of thon
wh ran over this article la thlai While
giving due attention to th culture of
the boya, b aur to more tknmughig
mmi moUdlg jdtrat th ptrU. to lm
wi ve and mothers worthy of the name,
they muat know aak besides croquet.
rnictietlag, and tne use of th plana.
Mcneol and fhrilttle for their mental
eultar are now tolerably abmaiant; It
remain for their mother to adnoam,
their aoarts, teach tlictn hygtena and
develop thetr phyalral fnme. Th
rngrm nf taw world aarpenda largely
anon th proper culture of thw rlrhv
Jin. J. . JivJummd. to tk JUoaUor.
f- Smatkiaf Jar tk Otrla. rr
I auppns you really love these rough,
teasing brothers of yours, but don't yoa
think you might abaw -it a llttU more
pUasautly ? J eaa tell you I know all
about boy. I waa brought up iu a
house full of them, I have enough 'In
my owa house this very minute to keep
thlnvsfroiu ruttlne dull anaVatamld. I
know bow rough, and noisy, and heed-)
Wks they aro they forget to wipe'
their feet on muddy daya, throw their
caps and, scarfs on th Boor, and leave
uiearaoaa la tat qwt rant pU ata, to ae
huated Up to th- last mluutoUador
school-time. I know how they whittle
on tlte carpets, paste kite on the ehalr
aeata, daub the talde-eover with paint,
and spill mueilareontaabedaaUbareau.
I know how they com la with a whoop,
aud clatter up stairs like ao many fire
enslnea, the moment the baby aroea to
eieepi and bow they are always leaving
tna none opon, aad cutting, and buraing.
and blowing thentsel va up. But for all
that we ecu Id not snare them from our
homea very well, could we T aud Isn't
irter aometninff wrong-iir th family
when, aister. u call their brothers
"nuisances r Yea, that'a the very word
she used, aud r ve reuieuibered It these
half dosen yean, flr the speaker waa a
pretty, delicate girl, aad 1 was a mod
deal aelonlslfd to hear her aayi ..j... ,
,. "A boy in a family of gun is a perfect
uulNanvc." ,
Th nulnince" Came home from
school press ntly, a baarty, gaoaVnat ured-
tooaing aoy 01 eierea or twelve, whis
tling "Kingdom com lng with all his
spare breath. He stopped sudilenly aa
he 'aaw me,' and came forward awk
wardly estoairb topeak to me, for he
wa vioUJy unaceustiue4 to uteeting
com j way. t nrortunsUly hia foot came
in contact witn n la eUk-r alstera dress,
faolling It allghtly;
"Youclumsv thlnrT' waa the lmnk-
tlent exclamation, "you-ought to be
kejit In a cage." . . .. r
I looked from lite rrihixori face of the
"nulsanre.andt tried to-fancy- how
sweetly-tho slater wsald have asaured
an older genlleaianithat it 'was of no
conseauence at alt, and wa entirely her
owa fault for taking up so much room.
in an ann-cuair. on 01 uta younger
rreat interest a new magazine. An
exelamatleai. of delight bniwrtit her
brotber to her side, and he waa aoon ab
sorbed in tlie engraving, looking over
iter anoumer. -
' 'AVa lust a second ," he hegged. as
she waa turning a page, -vto. - -
. "un, you always want to aome
thina." said th alstcr. fretfully. "I
hat to have any' one look oyer my
snoutoer.r - - , - . ..-a
Ho It was; from morning until nltrht.
There waa aot a place in that house, so
far as 1 could are, where trie ioy was
wanted, or apprsnnwha'ante! "IitmT
and I wondered If the dear, dead mother
not mak her heart ache, even tnlieaven,
to See it. 11 in sinters walgeil, or rotle,
or sang, or played croqrK-t, ih one ever
lnT. P-V.' rr",l.'.HK".
suppnse tisey Unuarttt na and not as re fur
their laughing, ami teaahtg, ami sulslu-
tng, Just because btra a a boy, and was
too brave to show that he cared. -1,
found out another thln, ton, and that
waa that tn "nuteane" Waa very coti
venient when th pony waa to U Itar
neased, the tdteher waa toh filled with
cool water, a big bundle to-be-Tarric1
dow a town,' or a dbatirreeabl; err ml to
be done; yet I never lieard any on say 1
yon, Johnny it Was. kind In
you to take the trouble." '
Ho douU he would have stared If they
hod said so, but I think he would have
liked it, anOJL think It wonkl nave
helped him to I polite htmaelf.
. "Why didn't you thank that hov for
bringing your hat ?' I asked of a pleas
ant little girl.
"Why.", site axiJalDved. "tbat'sMtr
Tom V aa if that were reasou enough fitr
not being pout t biro.
"I wish I hod a sinter " said a liov to
his companion,' la -my hearing. --"It
must he so nice to have aister of our
awn." ;. ;
That'a becauae Sou "Ami knttw.
said bia companion,, "I tell you therl
Haa aw a-ieiiow nm worss way, ami ute
kothar nf It ta, yon have to take it, be
cause you know you dareu't lick Vm."
That made me think of a little fellow
wlmm I once charred with crneltv for
pultingant tMlonglegaof agrasa4tnpprK'
-i'lMi i nr atav'trw ntsjuah nrs;
win'tamit of Julc In 'em. An' he
them by
icy feel It
n aitotlier
way, by gradually chilling thetr bw for
yon, and am k las them hard hearted and
and af th on)fort of nthera, .x. . .
tl l 1 a
afford to
your brothers in tbla way. lou
need them, and they need yon, M aay a
bay ana gone tnap bad company, and
yielded to evil, degradlag Influonora,
simply bocaus there was no stronger,
purer Influences at home to draw hint
away front It.- Mak yonr brot Iters yr
aoaananioiai aatd tVlenda. and never be
afraid or aaltamed to altow-yourlove for
;.f- ,;.J77 Z
ea Bmmdatr uuesthni
1 briefly tltls After a scries of JwrotU
tlons,' Great Britain and the I lilted
Htateaagreed In IMn that the boundary
alioukl follow th Fart v-nl nth parallel
of latitud "to the venter' of tho Gulf
tlte channel which ae pa rate the Conti
nent from ' Vancouver a laland to the
HtrslU JuandekWr.? ThU treaty w as
differently InterpreteiL The Knglish
claimed that th eastern channel was
Indicated, while th A mericana cl tinted
that th western channel coasting Van
couver' Island waa meant. The bdands
Ivlng - between tho channels were
therefore la dispute, and a almnltaneoua
military occupation nf Han Juan by th
two powers nearly ranibs(Jinv.war la
i.jh. in lite eoo. nowtjver. a icace'ie
J.dnt.oorp.llon waa agrre.1 upr.n,
til the nuestloiis involved coubl b-set-
tlrdby negotiation, knd a. treaty wa
Under conaiik-rstlon when th lleitelllon
broke out In ll. " '
' ''J ' , 1 1 - -,
- r-nooia is Tax. Tlte IglJature
aa Teas ha ah 4ed a law which re-
alrsa every ehlld la the land to attend
a-hool at least four moattia la th rear.
, I TIib mi
af admitung
talaUiausa iwK w iiu iu wnues w
Mt t th achoid directory who at
1 act to the matter a, to them aeema
beat for the iffoaperity of the school and
the good of bvUi coiura, , .t
Albany hi an tmwruoeatod rJtr. id.
antly aituated on the eaat ttauk of the
Willamette river, one hundred miles
almve Portland by way of the river, and
elghty-tww mile by rail; is th county
seat of linn ronuty;- has a suuaUuXUl
Itrlrkt t'ourt lioua which nail lil iiai'
a Jail In couraa of aonatmction, ahu-h j
will cost about (lfl,u wlien eoiuplcted;
four churebea. on eel Ice, and district
aehoolhuuaa wliai oapacitv for IV) rhl
ora. utre or aiur primary echoo, (wo
saah and door fartorlea. Ilva l.m..p
sumtUed .with spouting far ahlping
grain direct oitlter by eara or steam
boat 1; has also two good hotels, ten dry
goods,- three grocery, one hardware,
three drug, and three tin and Move
stores, together wltn all th neltnioa
and ahnpa usually- in plac of similar
I sc. There ar two weekly papers pub
tiehed In Albany, wpw suiting the two
great political parties of the day; eoeii
giving generaJMUsfsction to their re-t
spei-tivf jfrienda. ao far aa wa are.
1 iacl.
Alhany la more favorably situated for
receiving and ahtpping produce than
any other point In the valley of the
r . , .
uuuueii, aiMi oeiug aurrounueu uy
the largest and best Txxly of farnilng
bind in the Htate, we can ae na reason
why it ta not destined to bsewn a plac
of eonalderabl Importance.
' Iartle visiting Oregou ahOultTnot
think of kwving tlie Htate until ..they
nave aiynAllsinyand thai beautiful
farming country by which it la aur
roumled. - YAi Carter haa a number of
fine farms for aale within a few mile of
thla thriving city. Call and examine
hia tteglster; It will alwaya b pleased
to see you. and will take pleasure' la
giving you any Informal ion In bis imo
aesaion with regard to Oregon, whether
he sells you any land or -not. H, K
Special, .
-Tub Ijkk or thk Kmpbimi Kt'uxxiK
atCiiiskuu kht. jHtrlng the last six
luontlia a lilainlv dresaed. rraoeful ladv.
areojnpanid by three or four attend
auta, . might . have been met any day
walking in th lane in and aoout t hit-
elhurat. w of titon meeting and fail
ing to recognise a familiar fai-e would
have Hiiwne-tcd. that one short twelve
month ai tic ahe was tlte Kmpawajuiil
wife of tlte ruler ever a rreat ami pow
erful nation. With the resignation off
royalty ah uaa ahandoued every ap-
pearauce 01 ataie. Jt.very riumiay Hue
waiaa to tne utile intnoiie ensnel,
whatever the weather may be, and It I
tlie raresLlhlng in th world to aee her
rtdlnK In a carrlaue. Her attire Is of th
aliiiplestrund site may aonielmea be seen
walk lag lit a puun aouoU draaa. . eUte
neither vbuts nor receives viators in
any number, bihL lidi-ed, carrlea .Iti'r
seeloslon ao far tltat when anllcltMl
liood, given for the benefit of her db
tresMxl ublo-UOf former veara. ah de-
cl 1 iMtd. l'ur yea rs tlie Km reas haa been
the leader ol fashion, and the least pe
euliarity Ad tit manner of dress,
wnetmraiuiiMonni nr latt, ,has liss
falthfuHy.mpled by every lady wltopre
teiidio IM-Ioiig In the ellghtrst degree
to The world of htahion. .Kven uow her
manner of walklmt. with th body
lightly bent forward, and. the amall
Btica wiiiefi ne iretitictitlr carrlea, t
Imitated by the Udlea of ChlselhursL
aud a reflex of It may be traced far be
yond that secluded vllstrict. Tlie feel
ings of the Inhabitants toward tit Km-
r ireae bihI the young Prince have, after
he first curlnHitv, aubalded Into respect
for her .wish to keep herself quite pri
vate, and she now attract no more at
tention thaa any ordinary lady. Tlte
only cflcct haa beeu to Itrlhg down a
lew peoiiie rrom lorvton on Huimmv
morning, wlio Visit tlte chapel for Ul
msa ot gaaing ou royalty.
XA ffftg or Joxroaf : rov Hoi-mk-KKKrrna.
It may-be eome eonrfort to
houarkerwm lu ltoatoil aud elsewhere,
wlio are 1 'tried to death" with servant
coming ami leaving; to know that oth
er In years gone by have an fibred aim I
lar trials, lleetlmven, th great "mas
ter," had a lively exiwrfeuc In tills re
spect. In tlte excellent biography of
him Jtel published by Ditaon aV (to., we
find th following? exit mm -t from bhvwUla-.
nr, whkdi reeorda thnaliariplln h un
derwent. It reatat thus;''- - -, - v -
waft. t.-;
Itlt AirlL Tlie klU'hcn-msJtl came.
A wd rtay. tTiils ntearra that he bad
mithlng to eat, becaua all th 'Virtual
were a pot It tumagh auag waiting,)
wtn atav sjiven
Ittth Msy Ti klh-ben-mald left, x
x HWh 'May The -woman earn,
ja iuiyr-Tn- KHctien nasnt unnt
xftth July At night th kitchen-aiM
run away. ,
JsKh July The woman
tjnnoin: cam. '
Tne foar bad daya Kith, llth, 12th,
ami tlh AugusV-liaed at Lerchsa-
feld. ".' .' -yj;.
Sxth 'August Th woman' tnohth
expire. ', 1 - ; ' '
tnnneptember Tn gin came
22th Uctobaa Th airt left.
. Lfth Itecember f h , kitchen-maid
Iftth Ilecemlier (Jivrn warntturtoth
kltehen-maid. v' -,
2TtU rteceniber Th new hoose-mald
eaiU..-''.'- ' : -
Gall HamllUm aay the faullofwpm.
en In society is that lltey do not talk;
they are tinthl not social ly. but Intel
lectually. They are afraid tolmldhe, or
to ciienab, or to enunciate Mean, iney
mistrust their own capacities andao-
qarrementa, and have mistrusteq tnera
so long and so sincerely that the mis
trust presently becomes final and fatal;
They hav too much sens to h sill),
and too little aowea to ba aeif-forgrtfuL
So tltey Uke a secondary Mad- weea
tncy ougni u ne in tne van. it is not
1 tM-ar i,,,, in nor w lienor-
-rllVJPt.?l,,! I " ft
a long line of causes. Women not
only Jvar men, but they fear each other.
Home genius, It hi said, haa latvly suc-
creie4 in Perfecting aa luventlon a hicb
a in revoiui ionise in avn -vtirr nuai
n,aa iii. iuiti h .r mhi. water, put ap la boxeaenn-4
tl '.M niaUriai
for sixteen ftiaaae of
th blarkaTaa iwvmkIi water a can be drawn from
any rountalav. -Tb powA-r I enanreo
with gas, tcocd and navored with
Pin appb
apple, orange, IrmoswaHiv, ray
for uaa. and a tuo-nl nartr
their awla fountain pjoeir pockebv
Uf I4 WekS .aslchbor ym las war it
Cm Miumiy tU la Um nun at prtna.
rwaaa Oorn ar earn Mm lorka ml ray,
inir. 1
Antl llatenrd I bear tne ItoMa aaa. '
Urr (madau plajrlu at aaalilra, lumped. '
M rear I ta span, as boy will be. '
Wed a saaae at aw r, wa at J
rrat eua a baaaU m aba applearss.
Carfkald tae graadsMMbev, aoi
aeaa,' ' 'f-r .. ,5r
. Mr sane bad bar, af th asvg PU, . '
r that f ttt-Bebea tl T
r la an uni imj.
Aal kw II nil a rha sou of sin
torn eaa ar lb atark oa bl T4 bmul aftn '
' Of Inw thularon-h a a SmfM H la. r.'
at poor bww rbaJJyat ar- Vi baiae
Mnl, ' it ''---- vw '., wn (..,..
' ntacia aa awatly nasa Math ta bash. . .
Vary aaar I la acart of ear tool - ,
1 a wa alUsslhs Umt like him !" -
'Aatear Ialdola acaatiral sarih,
af Ud, ta my Man a wall :
tCeb awo tkouabi la a M wherrwU. - - -
Taeoul aad Isaac lbs flrss of belt. ' '
rWas si btva. Ma raaaarapa aul, .
. TMraof plrr araeoulUicdvw, ,
X.mi dar la lha aaart of oar Ir4 ajw all
WbaauAVr irk klai la the too I hay ,!
London Is four times more populous
thaa New York and Hk Petersliunr. and
twlcer-aa-popuhmii as Conntanttnopre,
naa iwo-cnirua niore jieopt tn 11 than
Paris, aiHlons-fourth ntor (haa IVkln.
It coutaiua aa many pewtMOas box laud.
twice aa many aa Denmark, and three
times the numlter of Greece. Kvery
eight minute, night and day, one per-
sn dice; every five UIIiiuUm one la horn.
Klaht hundrvtl thoMaaad have Uh'II add
ed to the population elnce 1H.M, Only
half a million of this population attenil
public worahifi, ami theen ae I,n)ki,iAi
abaiHiteea alto, if incliued ta attend,
would require to have tl new places of
worship built: Kmlissi work on Vuixlav;
there are ItOaW habitual gin drinknrw,
ni,Otiir Intoxicated persona every year
taken off th streets; biu,ijuu falWn wota
en lu,Uttl-. itrof,oaioiiat - gatoldefS-O,--
jflrti cbll.lrt ii-trained to crlmej !,
Hh levee and reoHvev'if atoien mawK
Thee ar ten tlsouaand nuldid faunae ;
an.1 heor sliopH frequented regularly by
nve 11 u in 1 red prraona. mere I one
Itaker for every 1,91 peraous; one' gn-
eer for every IHai pepwns; one rsdlee-
man every wsj iiibaiutanta. .-. in
every HUH of tlte puiulatkun, one hi lu-
saite or or interior intellect, tin tlie oth
er hand, out of jys. strecfiArah 9nn
litbl am mem aati eiry misslonarie, and
a,ua j-awaa atlvMiln wll4 ,am ei
iu ine lucairea every
It fa a world Iu itat-Tf."
Huinlay evrulnv.-:
iwrsvTe-lvesan aemont af the exten-
alve farm isT John T. Aleaamln, of lllt-
noia, who cuitivaica aome iw.unt acre.
(hieenrn field waa twelve mflce long,
and from one-half to a mil wide, cou
tainlae SJiov acre. Htandinv on a earn
erih, tlte eye could see over fl ve miles f
corn in oppnaite titrmuiiw. A tittle
Uy visited this farm wlthhia fullu-r.
and after ridlngirtttcrlie became thor
oufthly ttmd, and exclaimed: "Pa, -;
let a go iMtmo I don't -want to aee no
more corn, never."- During spring,
fifty-live plow ere' run conatanllv to
plow itelghteen planting machines
Suit In the seed, and twenty cultivator
Ireaa the rows. Tills field yielded HJU
wn IhimIicIh, or forty uumIicIs ix-r, acre.
A meadow of 2.WI0 aorea of ti iiKrtliy a nd
blue graaa yh lU 3,(SMI pmaof hay. - Kif-
teen nuach lire are run in'mnwinr It.
anx!1mrite-Prits sUM-k IL Tliaothy for - -
seei ts cut Wltu a Itaatler, coll Uta ten
feet wlikvwnd il arrow yield -3,0ml
buMhels. ' Tlicre are fl.tum acre of prairie
suture, and li weeded to tlioothy,.,
due grass and clover carry iuar nbaatsu
4,(100 head of cattle: An Uaauu uraure
hedge inyUaan S7,uuo tcn'. and-several '-
Interaert th farm, making n total
leiurUi of bsdiro iuai to tun mile. .
Tlie re am rslmiksi of board fcnee on the
farnu ... . . , .- , ;r. .
rlRrikNLoC'UMAT'KM Mam. It
la not geuerally known, but l Is uever
theloas true, that i a ptira,- nunieraty - -dry
air generally preibire great mental
spngbtllaess, erqasjlaliy witn full-btooo-el
person. A cloudy and moist atmos-
n?rc. on t lis other hand, pMMluces men
relaxation, and n1th many, melau-
ebuly. Thla eantaiaa why saloidc are
ao often when tlte aky 1 overrasp. .The
depressed pientalotate 1 thus furtlter
enhanced.' nilcnuvr rcpnrttht of
every ten auiddea wbh-h were com ml t
ted in Part during tsro years, d took
pise lalit rainy seawiit. . lue Influence
of tli climate la also well exemplified
la the ease af mountaineers. They are.
quicker, mors active and excitable. Tlte
Hwtsa naturalist, Ueaor, In a recent es
say, diacritic, th cllniaU of North -
America as very c-hahgealiie anil dry.
After having e(plaiiM-l a nnnther of
Phenomena proiluced by tbectimat In
reheral, be deplete IU Influence upon the
Inhabitant al thla count ly. ' lie derive ;
from, the climate his actlvltyAacntcne,
nt tan atature, nis eagerneaa' tor gam,
hi practical talent, ami his lovef al
venture. It I also well known that the
Inhabitants under a prepntrderatlng
clear sky pnam aa mora talent for srt,"
while thwe Ulster a gloomy sky liave
more ropenslty for .speculation arul
tlwught. , ; - , '- .. . f.
".Wht no AxryALa 3fgn fiAtT.-T..
Profeaaof Jame K Johnson, of Kcot
land, Myet-Cpwarda of halfthc saline
matter of blood (fifty-eevea per eon..l
const at of eommon salt, and thU. Is
partly dlsrhargod every day through.
Lh akla and kidneys: the necessity of
eontlnned eurlle of salt to th healrhy .
. . -, ...1.., , -iiu.
n' JLwananTnaT aafrnW ln-
gredlenU of salt f aa a sprelaland ''tdls-
pensable eonstltoetn, aisiawtar w
iHlla of th bodrv mint th aa
nl v of salt, therefore, anil neither
the WI be able properly tonsaist diges
tion nor th cartilage to Im built up
again as fo"t iney naruraity waste.
It 1 betb to plao salt wherato-kan
i Idrv ire accea u, ui o giy n
oreaaionally In large quaoUUea. They
will help tlatmaeivea to a bat lliey iwaol, '
If allowed to ilo-wn, at pleaMrret other- -
wksa when they bcrrmMr-Ssttt-hofMrry'
they may , tak aaor Uaa U whole