f- J- --- -JUNK ia, 171 ' ' We kad made uHMMt to rUil the Ktale Trmpera" t1nveik at fiem t-day, kt a sudden-end tocw asdnd ancallsd for attack f erysipelas, hkh b raarnifd our anfortuuat phyalognonty Into the Btpeaahc af a "iiarr" Bsimpkin, ml prostmled aa tut no one can tell how many day and ha caielkJ e to tornadt a few nf ear remark Intended for that Occasion upon paper for the attention of oar -. .- fc t i --; ..- We ar mark rTjolr4 at tho BalBatio uaoRgifunjftftft6 croak or at tea pmoerfbo tba enrroar k-meut-of Ittekafsrnal BBajesty, eld king Ateobol, and w ahowld ka aaaoh better pleased to ar their amlertaklng en 'cwaafuL Ne inatlerwlarre yon goTthe levi table aalooa te ur to star at too, sending tU po tlferou perfumes Into the air yo breathe, and poisoning the "otherwise moral ataxMpker of It vi cinity with oath and sUmnierings and babblings and obscenity. , . Wee nt tba aoa of woman whoa natural inclination or enriosity prompt them to exptec these myeterle I Bod new of ryes and trembling of limbs and dAtlrtlon of pocket -fbango aio the Immediate eunee queue symptom ,wd.leh.wMMlJs """the fettered another and make her wall . Uiiwt over tba iretiv Ula rain of tho aoa of bar periL de- - rctva and 1are hint to turtber Intimacy wttk tho win which uVccivetk when It gtvetk tU color ta tke rap, and which at tba teat blteth like a aerpen, and Unnth like aa adder. i Woo unto that mother who lta by - powerhaa to -aid by loglalaMon, oravan . . . i i . . by her vote, ta many pisww , wba Ma would aparavrr fba fearful nHen T tear and auOrrlng which the advocates of Alcohol entail apo herself . ami eblldreavtx .. ; ,- A . ' --. Woe nt the wife, aa she waMiea tha nwager earalngs of her poverty, as they pass from bar powerless nanas, wrougn ' the niter of a drunken husband's Bagcrs, tat tha aoflferaof king Aleohol I . AwTmaacullaa frlenda of the floated aMr-Wout-numlir thefriewls of total abklaene at leaet twenty to aa notbiag but wonaufa political " uowor ea better her canditki, or ro Move from tbo patlr of the drunkard . or the feet of bis aoa the temptations rto tntemperanc wbicb ow beset tbn - and which ana' aloa has felled td re- : mava. . Thwfeat muiUiJy Ing grog shops attest tba fellure af ma t accomplish his murk needed reform. That good try to arrest the progress of lutrinrl neraac to gratiTylng: uuu iney ua hitherto met with but Indifferent eess is not surprWlng. Their aralegton. lat them Invoke the votes otlhelt-fiii woman, laber jrlrta-1id dignity and , snail answer uw oni a she aumly will, O brsthrsn, when Knt srlll kie themselves to eeilsrs and hv-way a. whore they will graduany eoma aaaothered out of employment fun lsk of gnaneUl aappori. Intern ueiante would langiilahi fellj and nub " ... ... . . . and die riaht aaoedUy had woman hut a Tttlrt. aa y h ahoubl kave. la making law for tha puma, ami pn. - vate weal. Invoke her eo-oprration, O men of imJiL nu longer M bar stand at-the door of tern- r I atom lint Un slisrs of her noUtlcal power that you ilava usurped, and aba w ill aid by her purity and wladoni to substitute joy ami gladness fur waa and drunkenness, and - proJHityaml-tcaor fet poveHy and Trife.l... it-. a - "'. , ,v-i ; H mote It bet ,, "" , BMawweMm- lllSHirt Or riMtXM' W1TE8. The, fermer, who"ls"alway busy with ' tb rouUne of his business, who neyrt M-la the need of aoclety, bees use his various occupations bring him 1 daily rootact wttk other me, la nwat forget that kte wife Is a social Wing. lie to fall to consider that she Is not - machine, ami therefore ataads 1 need of cbang aad rrcrsatsaa. The. rainy aeason Of ttiU eoontry Ja particuUriy trying apo tba mind aad body of a farmer wife. The farm bouses are generally remote from each other, and the winter rains make the traveling disagreeable therrfor the wife for aaaatha and montba remains at home, not seeing the face of a single lady ffWad. We have oursslf Uved, during foonr aonaaaatlva winters, pn fen wbera, for for month of aacti yvaiTwe did not ac tha fee of a woman. Xo body nved tell as' that such aetatoef iifc hT natural or rightWe kaow better. Let tha farmer reawlariyi wlll. tngly and cheerfulty tbvm himself up, at least aa oftea aa once a work,' and take bis family to church a to ar the neigh bors. If Jhia wiftsTrom her long r! use naidU, appeal anwllllng fo get away from home, let kUn.rge ker to arconi ar Bim amp nrr o dm rmtr ooca aad get ths house n onk-r for thelf departure, and let him am that oppqrtuutttee r regularly give brr FRIDAY- bath ; The bahga In food fe:4 laskniUbla vaIu,aa lt waken op the I ri)7"'" Atmispt awetito. and lends aww im- -pub and vigor to tb worn-Vrwri con-Mltutlo.:- . '-' Let the fermer never ferget that bts wife tha beat friend ka has alkaaarth of greater money value tba his stork or tends that she lu periled ke life for kte bappinessv ami give ap ber privileges for kte pteasure.. -Itcment-bering thU, 4ct bim strive to lighten -net hardens end teamr Ian noUBd ' Inge beautiful, aud be will are that bU reward will be beaHh and amllia mr4 'v ' : ' i . ? .- r-s. ; : -- sunlight at home, and thai hi wife and children will bonur blm for bis eunsktv eratten and kve, ' , Thar am "period la tba Uvea of all omen when, ejnfer thtr peculiar or ganisation, they arf liable te fjetfub Irvr-tJIttv ami Massesl iL urss Ion. Not one man la a thousand know? or rare anough about woman' mm fortJjiijHjOilcnllxB4bl and. o atderat at aurh Umos to at that aha 1 not overworked. Tbo Terr natar of her dUaadt ra rsiufc re her complaining at aycfaiiarlaiai Impracticable ; and If . . -TT 7. . . . railroad, via ML Oenla TanneL f 1 1 ""J "1 waaasre) sOTay-has- Ur aaa runulHi igalnT loro awlrcare, nobody wllL. and aba c n v ..... .. ndfrara, nobody will. at mrjflo on, suffers on. eixlurr and dies, when to bavo been "protonted" aad "rlMrUbed" would bar aared bor Ufa. Man owes to tho wife of his booam a frettnr"if tettderneaa, tupport and sy m pathy which abould far owtwvtgh proAt and loaa who they are placed ia the balaaco . aralnat tba writs. re of the mother of bis rhlUlrea aa to her mind, bvlTWaJ&rfloa7 , Ilea bara Ukra to drinking aadrr tbo prrtodlcal vlsiutkm of a wife bad temper, and bev rommlsrratod tUera- tut by jus and woman. How much mar tba anflferlmr. woman needed help and pity than did tba fuotlah and un stable man, k-t tba conscientious and clear-minded physk-iaa toll, and let ua hart doos with tho nnpnai that aver- arorkad, and consequently IrriUble, women drlva good men to drunk- - FUk, Jr., enjoys au uullmited and re ckerx ht suitul of tha most ekvant fe I male acquaintances, while Voodhail lliustratea the Amiability f a highly progreasi' mind by living happily for tears in the name botMeb4d with two usbamls, from both of whom she has been divorced one of whom. Dr. Wood hull, lias the honor -of giving bar bis name, while tba other, Mr. Ukiod, ; joys honors even more substantial. The Fink, ir.niosL Vasfwealth and aeema to do just-aa be pleases. .. Wood bull, equally ftrwqieroun and progrcssl ve, does equally disgraceful donb without show of saint I Ilia or attempt to scree be rat If from contumely.' I The first si us because be like It, the secoiH beeause she dares. Both are hybrids between tha harmonlal axtremea of humanity. Tliat auch horrible sent intents exM and pros)icr la evbleuca that times are sadly out of joint. : Wise and good men, ihuLLJ h. krLia khjI wnmn i..TOTI or tneir niranchiscnieut. but they failed to make and enforce wise and wlioleaonte law. It Is quite tlnie that good women arise In their purity and leeMlate for the overthrow or the grow, lag'and aadly flourishing social evIL Tills sin presents too many attractions to man for t-lm alone to k-glsUte It down. Bad wome will not try to avokt It, therefore' let good women eome to the rescue before It Is forever too late.' 'T ... ...v, . We have sometimes been puulsd to understand the reason why the few edi tors of Prego papers, who are not per sonally yum iawmnajiaufDaM(sxs yet ao wary about giving It encourage ment. , The other day white our Mongolian Ml ill Hns" luuunt tttetanmrtTOifT ,tl1,r""r 1, with pots and trred the little Cliloes and Chinook at aar en remand aad begaa ac venation. We might have talked good Aagm Pania anil Iiit iriiiiKbiTT understood aa I . ,, 1 A . . I. tll. Unit a well, but that 1 neither kere nor th ftaid wat tanking aundwms wise, "Why UAt dlcss byas cloae liksa 'Mclieanauan V Wbleoiea rolled the tlgtag eyra, aad upward curved the classic nose of our culinary bead., J'Me Ukea-'Melica elo va' mut hee. But weak boots, causes (lilnamsn too mauy lauglu Of eourea kte reasoning waa eoex-lu- atva. " lie had not the moral eoorage to wdMr "tb rUlUsile-of his eomrab Aad tkl Is what la the matter with our bretbre of the pre Each Is afraid to lsddly speak his own mind I favor of the woman movement, although be "likee It velly ruiK-b.,w bucauss "editors la maay kwurh.' m -; " .Ve anowledga a pleasant call from our personal friend, Hev. K. U. Ueary, off Albany, occempaalsd by Revw I sr. Undstey, of thteclty.Theee gentleme stand desivvedly high I the clerical profession, and we believe (though w say It aaMy) ar almost persuaded to advocate feminine equality. Rev. Harry Taylor, of the Baptist Church, ha also visited us; also FAIeT K C. Adams, of Palem.' and Ber. Win. Jolly, of lltlteboroT We're not . afraid to speak right oat la lueetln' when We say that the- grntlene are thorough advsraara of woman' stuaoclpstion, as well as noble men and ahte mtnttfefCt When tlie churclics jacknoalodge tkenswlvea eoavvrted, we alialL have little difficulty In converting the world. And we bcllev tliat Investigation: III result In emvrr1ontVt where. Our new converts, the Ifrmlil aud the QVre very Weak worker. The for aier has "gone back on his Blbte,naravlilg jnterprrtatlons of ik-rlpturaentlrsly to aursctf, and the AWf artk lcs on tlie woman question, not being ancb as It BssutaUy bargalne4 for, are to be dls- enntlnued. Brethren, yo need tlx praysrs of the right, '' - What's vua 1 'sic What tlte ase of whatnhey sayr' What' t lie I "if w siiKiiis.witu tlie aia kind remark of eome atlse friend run- nlng through your brain like forked lightning r What' thevse getting into a worry and fret arrer gMsip tliat afloat a your "disadvantage4 by U Is set meddksoaMe busybody who lias moiciajl.4 H..i IJU Lse hsir.adilB as ths than' eharacterf These tiUiurs can't possibly Injure yo, unless. Indeml, vou taka notice of them, and in rom Mttlng gira them chararter and stand lag. If what la said about you is true, set yourself right at once ; If It Is felsr let it go T what It will fetch, until it Ok i.t lahatoui wtt!!!!- - Fear anticipate enndiagnlfkw future evils, ixcoio or icrrr etists. Sign of tho Uwea aeem U Indicate that franca will eoan resume tba uao arcblal bra of Uorerument. It Mams to b4)t only furm under which aao Is capaUo of prospering. ' The British House af Cbmmoaa baa passed a UU eadarglng the power of the Uovernmont fur the aupptaasiuaj of vm tf oce la Ireland. French prisoner am rapidly returning from Germany. ' - Trains nror the lyoaa and bfedief. Btarrlng PrutMlaa bar killed and eaten fifty children. Mr. Howard, who Is trareUag axtaax airely with his adopted daaghleraj ia to L. . f . . iti ' . uv iwuriiwu as s guis of vm jfmxnoa, si C4nataaUnopbs by the BolUn. ArrangemenU are being matle by which the President to U vWt Oregon. A rumor reaches aa that there has 4been -ew-attempr ar re-UuUon la the city of Prru. . j . Vreka and Hcott Valley bar be visited by a' heavy wind, accompanied by thunder and rain, unroofing several buildings.,. ' -r- Lightning struck -the telegraph line and act the office at Jlougbnd-Iteady ea fire. A remarkable occurrence la that latitude. .-W------ -TOMUC IUIT11GE BAZAX. 1 a) SBSBB " We ar ImWbted to the Baa Francbwo Fhmerffor the" following graphto and pleasant description of the Huflrag Ba aar. - Never did the slgua of the time prodM a speodler j'k'tory tha the com ing one, which eve now perches upon tha banner of prognwainn, . Wems teck money; that is why their work seems to move slowly, but such a Fair as U here described will doubtless prove prof itable. Oregon Is a little way behind brr slater SUto. but la her own good time sue will throw off ber lethargy and her - women will work r for their emancipation i Pacific Hall last evening presented brilliant appearance. The Itaaar tVm ailttee, through tlis assistance of the ladies, arranged the tableo and the dif ferent departments with commendable skill awl excellent taste. Titers is great variety ofnicio both for use end ornament. - They speak loudly for the industry ortne laoiea ana present unmistakable Indication that the wom en of California are not only dlsnusedto airea boo. Contributions of rood ami monev have been ant ia from Nevada,' Hacre mento,' Hoiauo, Contra Costa, Nana, Atemeda, HanU Clara, Han IMtwn, Lns Anireles, lniu, Han rk-rnanTtlio, Kuw- nu, Han Francisco, and ather coun ties. . - - Hie Post Office Is a decided feature of the r sir. - We beard several gentlemen remark' that the letters received were Worth a dose postages. Madam Koahuck. ensconced In her beautiful Oypsy tent, did a thriving1 business, iter pairuna left ner charmed circle profoundly Impressed with the graudcur of her gifts, rihe excels In the liepartment of lovej marriage and buai .The army of little pentde will douU less enjoy themselves hugely I their snrlins experiments tills evenlna at theftsh-pond. TImmv In hot ope condition mnasaiy W be observed I on U-r to ah- tain gowl game and iilmf x .f'f It, al that is, plenty af bait Th pond U rich In Its great variety of tha finny, feath ermt, metallic andsacx-harine tribes. At Jaenb'a Weil. Mb Rebeuc. eos- tmed tosurttheselon, tilspmiseslptB, csin orWahiiv- axauMto tteveraa than srer tls-i -Jf r ,bIH'J&.t ytryl wltha fekTTrarlotfnBuriiMm tJlh. drt andmore delicious Utaa)rin-thereof thcAmrix Ms.liellUct nimiVLtkat "kahssa waa alpped by Jupiter foam em Idea cuisx WeVadvIss the weary waltaera aud prutfienailera to. pay their particular respects to this depart meat af the aar. . -- - - -.- -- The ivsVrshotent devartmenta are flne- I erram sr strawberries can be reodllr oi talned. The ladies are ready to serve ami amldtisua la please.. The wax flowers are vrrr natural, ar tiatic and beautiful. Tlie large vase of wax fiowets and the pool of pond lilies wwre aimkrky farpu af" Mra." tJerrbdt. and mteet crwUt both a teacher ami aebolar. The lanre frame of autumn leaves la wax. contributed to the. Fair by Mrs. Oerrish, has bee greatly ad- miret, : Tha AN nailery te richly worth a very general patronaga.. Among nansrroue works of art, too numerous to particular ise, there are photoavapkle tin-tares of many of the most aiatiugutabert eufrre gtste 1 the aid and new world. The telhe superintending this deparUtient will b but too happy to furnish each tograph of each suffragist jvpreseuted there. These photographs are also ele- Cmtly framed. There la dear Lucre la ott, aa abe looked when slie was young and charmingly beautiful; as she looked n yean aiaco. Sou aa site looks now, Here Is also the great ami good Oerrit Mmlth ami Mrs; Davis. Wendell lhll lliw. Ralph Waldo Fnerson. Anna Dick- eiisoa, au numerous otaera. The r kiral tstanil is another very Im portant feature of the Fair. It is ft ted up with excellent taste, tha flower are artistically disposed, and It Is really a thins? of bceutv. We understand, bv xne way,uai met wui e an e xniotuou of living pictures to-morrow (Thursday) evening; but of the truth or .the rumor we are unable to vomd Mr. John MrCullous-h Is advertised to give one of bis pleading reading till evenlnar. Alleu's Band will discourse delicious music every evening during the - wlek. In our next, we hope to be able to give a more particular idea of the va- tious iaiies ami their conti'Dli Vinia IliiaV n.,M fc - t ..itsr i V Hum of Vinuie Keam'e Itmnan work. jast arriveil la New York, iMctwdeo a Hfur or risiiM and a nrsiiixi rcnea. sentlng the s4rit of Ike t WulvaL vTbe former IssVesrribed aa a full tenata 11 rum. almost completely jhwiied the" iismla are i iu il la front, and aim hokte In the ribt a sty bss. aitd U ths Mt wseeHI f pspyrns, o whtcn Is written, I tJreek, Ue won Is from ber w poem t "Thoa LJiiM die, and no meoMsry of the shall remain." At ber feet Ilea lutet her tanlc la di2Vt with Ureek ambroMerv. .Iw. .wl. U mtmm luie tl mnA II etemteefrect of tlie whole. "The Carnival figure represents a young girl seated, ami In. the art of throwing rrslh of flowem, ber far Ht up with a Uughlag grare. An antique flowwraUintL from whirk flowers are overflowing, Is by ber side and a mask is throw ml her feet. A mosaic pavement aad a broke capi tal of a column, over which a shining liiiardteerawUag, rrtnijkls us at once Of Rout, . . - . . v.- ,, . . ..' We have received a copy af a news. paper bearing the above title, bail lug Amt Deer Lodge, Moutanai We thought. w were doing something orig inal when we eboea this rsptlo for oov paper, but have Warned that we were mistaken. However, w are not one whit aahimwl af ear prototype. The papse is eiadl labia ia every strtieular, aad la sssued daily and weekly by Capt. MlUs, at the moderate raU of U per year for tha weekly, Wa clip tha fok lowing' good thlug,'' entitled "Sunday nostug front tba teo- of May ITth, which lies before t r . - Wltk lauds bis purpose th prlnHi nouses of tieer Isxhro . hove agreed to close their Honrs on Hundsys after June 1st, v know, andrsO des4 evary one tamtuor with the. mining country, that the closing of stores on Hundsy Ja a mining camp, is rvsrded oiulnoua of decay aa a sharl ark In a shlrVa wake Is of death. Ithaatieeoma a belief, firmly fixed in ths culudnafefci Paclfio eoasters, that 'Sunday closing" Is an evidence that the glory has gone oat -of the-phwe, and tb closed stores are the proem ting cells of the bats and awls that will aoon hold sway over Its crumbling walla ami deserted streets. This is a belief foumiod on experience. Tha key to It is the fact that "Hun. day closing" has rarefy been heguu un til nusineae nau ueriinru, anal, lu many place, whete It had almost ceased to be worth while to keep open. - It has usu ally been the deatb-bod-retenUnce sort of morality that lntiatd the observ ance of the Ionf 1 Uuy when there waa nothing to lose y lt.'No-, If there ever waa a town differently situated, Iee Ledge is the eao. Hie la UieTcry vbrnr of inHiefous arowtlw and dniiur treitle tlie bUMlueas II ever did before. White a great many goods would be sold 0 HuiMisy, aud it may lnoonven-itlte lent some w ho would otlierwiae prefer to come ia on mat uay aim buy gowis, it te more commercial tlian a mining town, and our merchants rralise that oua day ia seven te neeiled for rest. It te a concealed fact Uist this PrTiJiortlon of rest Is essential to all, ami the HaMtatii Is tlie proper day. We Is-llcvc to Mr. W, liirvlns, -"-smf the teatli nu nier chanta, the credit ia due of originating aud eonsumuiatlng this movemeut, and that It met with cheerful eequlesrciice. A i now, If IK lie done, k-t it be kme wholly. The feet of elusiiig the front door ami doinjr buHiusss all day through the back dour is a farce. We once were In a business house that waa rellglouoly closed on all holidays exoejit that tlie Irani uoor was kept open a lew inches lust I let could slide lu quietly.- We have worked rrom munuug uu ntgnt many rourtn of July and Christmas ia that store, and put It up that holidays of that kind are a (lece4tou and a nuisance. If the "Hiiuday closing" Is righteous let it be observed to the letter. If it In to be a dead tettctr like tha Huuday statute of Montana, it had better be rescinded. - If it won't work, often the doors and shut ters, and sla In tlie full light of day, at regular rate and la tha regular Way. Mai.k a!u Female Immtokm. The Unpreaslon has become public that the Aaterioan Medical Association, -Which lately eonvAied In this city, expressed animosity toward female medical imtc tltlouers, and pronouncetl the "tslioo" kgalnst any asale physician Who should eousuu wun on or ine feminine per sunsioii. Huch Uniircaslon is erroneous, - . l ... -.1 ... t ... . a tl. "7"; r,' .1' :r. 'l..i ' . . tjnuTinvet feature has never been entertained bv the llilladelphla CVtllega of PhyskUns and Hurgeons, which represents tlie el.hwt pmt lllhaw-irTBhC rtlaU?Vaite Americ mfnsi ft ISontli American Medical Association merely to Impose dictatorial edict upon those of the Pennsvlvanl nmf sors who have ostracised women iW-tont, aimwmg mem to govern tnemseivea by their htcnl ami ;HusjesT1llesr Any i .V. u,.,. 1 i Aasuciatiou. ' Another error tliat baa Iteeoate public, te to tba eft'tvt that Dr. Toner ststcd that of the W,W medical praetltkmcraiu.tbe l'nlte.1 Htats only a,iaaj were nmmrtiis. The fact Is, Jir. ftnrer nni Titaia eeiii inai of the any uu phyatetans la country 4.000 bonx- opaths paid Ikvnae. The Women can be 01 root 1 nearu They are not excluded. and are gaining ground gradually In the flekla of medicine and surweiy." Aa no dally journal ha deigned to give the exaut tacts, we have made a note of them for 'public Inforuiallfui, AVfafrr : Brt-niMTT-nr vttu Qrarv Bice. I paper read before the. Lnmloa rlo tnnkologlcal HoL'tety, Mr. itasbucough mkl: - ' k -' "I have aacceedoil in anrcrtatnlnr that la certain case the quern be will er than six ecasona, whereas the worker bees only liveaiiout elK'tt mouths. A sliifrle queen bee had pnnluced as many aa KIH.UUU eggs, WhU'h W0lLhl. II Slutlll "pWkala year, buttlie greatest niount of egg was dcMsdted during the first two years or Iter lite, oniy aistut m,udu Os lo laid during each of the latt -three years, -w , -1 " -- - To this a writer for the Ixttvlon rrm era Journal retlles, - tbst he thinks the life of the queen bee doea not ex ceed four years; and a Id her fcewad- Uy.h"y Heal l thy. vbroroua aueen,rat the bead of a strung ami pmsiierous colony, a well proimrt huied hive. Instead of lay ing only bw,w nit I the eaurse f her natural life accurdlnatath author J six years wiU lay much nearer iulinri ergs In one season. I have myaclf bad hive I which I have bee quite certain that thwqoss haa laid a least, eggs la a ninKte year; aad I kave kad ami brant of otlwl lilies III W Ilk U I have noduubt the numls-r far exceed that MMMt I kav also had occasion to notice that the fertility of-a queen is most abundant la tha third eraaon of her life, a great cbsncs for the taking plsce lo I"- ftsirth or Tlte Is-st ututlily of niucibtge In tlte t market la made by disanlvlnf clear glue 1 ,eqM volumes or wanv ana exnuur vlucaar. and'adiuic ane fourth of an equal vuume aVaicotHil. sikI a email qiisutlt V of a aolutto of I Jam la water; TbeactWtf the vinegar te due to lite asrvtia arid which it coouhts. Tlile prevent a the Hue front relalLuUiiut by I cuoilua, nut Uie aairte result may oe ae eomlishetl by adding a small quantity of nitric acid. rVaneof 4hspcisrtlms offered fur aaie are merWy boiMHl starch or flour, mixed with iiijrte ocM to pre vent Ui gelailuUiug. . j . A 5or York rellaioo newsrapcr, de- acriblng Hex. Heury Wartl Hee her, la a jtswss and . rather ..graphic manner, oeaka of bim as the Booth of the pul pit, the llurton of tbeaaiw-tuary, and the IJaa Ilk of the Plymouth fhunh. Anew style of ear-rina te the shape of tambourina, the bells of which Jiajfle pleasantly at every movement w the wearer neau. - " ce"" "-77- HT" -r-; j " jgeatur, ar a quiver of the tip, reveal eurviva and deposit eggs during not rcw.ft.td.leVfcvlinKs: flentlnwwlss7tfe Operation af ta CJ.' -braia lanraaianoa. Tlie CnUfornis Bmu tlisalo held IU reruUr ejawrteriy ntec'na In the partor of the YtMiar Men's Christian Associa tion, yestetUsy afternoon, Rev. Mr. Turner, wiai Fresideat,! tathauiiair. T uit to ttot'aju or 'lurAM. . Tha Visiting Committee umt af enaelderabte iemrth. which la.4hs mala waa quite eneoutaging to the co use I which the Mlssto is engaged. The ttommittee - have-hssd eonieimtViisi with a large number af females who reside la the haani af prostitution a Waverty Place, iJupont and MUx-kton street, aad reosived hougful aaranees from many of them. - ' "Mni. -Thompson spoke V n-wwnaB a ho keeps a bouse of lit-faasa w ho aa presses ssire to reasrm, ana i leave bv will ti,WU to rhsritable eacletlm SA of the astmey to the ites- cue Mission; ' . .. A kuly aaid that they called on tha "Fire Queen," and were eacouraged by tlie promise they, received from that unexpected aouree. - 1 - - iThellrsxnctai tnnibriLe anrlcTy was reins rait, aa tha pfospecta of obtaining room for Um-MlssMm du cussed at some length, but no Anal con clusion arrived at. -r- Mrs. Hall spoke very feelingly of the death of Charles Ik Carter, statin that be took a great deal af interest in the Mission, and waa the first life member. CXTMIIUfCB Or AX ILUKOIUAX. - Mr. Turner asid that Rev, E. XL Heu- lana rmm. rtpnngficia, Illinois, waa presrat; that Mr. H. was very jnutU litterostod 1 the work, and had a tenre experiene la the reformation of fallen I women, and we wouM Ilka tohear jmhiic Ha Mr. tiratand experience. . '"" atr. ttewiami asta tnat news ilellirnt ed to be present and heaf what Ood had dohe for tha Mission : that he beaau iu work by becoming acquainted With a lew uniortunates who were Incarcera ted la a anbtlnoaet aud waa led on. ate oy step, unxu na uwcovereu urns these persons wear cruelly nerlecteil ; . he tliought the Gospel could reach thin class aa well as aay other. He had held meetiiigs from time to time-in those houses. si4 the Hpirit of 4id-dtd resrh them. They bail bought a comfortable home In Hpringfiehl for and 4hen the only drawback was a goad matron ; Imt tio-l gvm them gnurM. - After th House IumI Uw Iu operation for six uionths they began to enlarge, and now tliey average In inmates. Including matrona, about forty. Mr. lieu land tlieu suk at ennsiifumbla ksngth ami with, muuh feeling of tlie different aban 1 lotted charactera a-haiiad bee 11 reformel knowthatthcyTth rough tlte Influences of theHitrinenvld . ivrtw.-. Him ,n 1 tic inuiwsi s UK u wss truly" heartfelt, wbk'h they cxiiresmil aiier again assuming a ivspertkbie pisa- uon in society. "I know." mid 3ir. iion in society, "i snow," mut 3ir. I lleuland, "that under tlte surface, away I nown lUf wa. beans of these woiim-ii, there te yet honor and truth, and all It needs to develop this nwliu thing to love, a heart that beats in ay Uf rainy wun iueira ami utal they can trust. " Mr, lleuteml spoke of " one woman Who lad a life of altaste br years, but whom he finally rescued from deem- riutlou, and new . abe te foarried and living In this city, as fine a woman as be ever met. ' Hhe desires to heln the work along, Bad itroffer ber eervMe to the Mission. . "What you need most," ssid lie, 'Is patience untiring patience: with this we can accomplish, all." A great deal of Interest waa manifested by those present in the remark of Mr, I leu I a ik I, and a number were frequently ll to tears. At the conclusion Jf Tact" What te tact ? Whit la tha I - f.T.L I uwuwwwun was and another doee not? which enables on to avoid disagreeable Issues that others, apparently quite as keen aighted, quite as wail Inairmed, quite as experienced, are Unable to shun f fa"" ltMrj TaWrf hmcnt ''. We oflon beat It asid. 1 enmntendatioa of some eminent man. that "hs Is a superiar-toct for buninesa." etc. The primsry meaalug of the word " tact " Is touch-Tfeellng. . The figurative ing which baa been attached to the word la dlfftcvlt to accaratelvdeflna. II baa beea defined aa, pevecptkm. peculiar sain, or mruiiy, msoernment, hut neither or these deflnltioaa te complete ,mLn'Z!: ",.wnrn..?r "Z he-had sufrictent tact to wUhdraw,'' do not mean that he had skilL or lUsfemasent, or perception, aufneient to prompt mm to wtthdrnw f-tiierer te something more subtle .Involved than thew definitions express. There te noth ing aa good as the primary aneaala-af the won! touch, feeling, (oncjeive thei mind to be aide to touch, to fed other fmlnda, ami yo have ant It exactly. The mind has assay subtle anodes of expres alen. . An elevated erebrow. a aaated look, a modulation of voice, aa Impatleat ULv Tact enables lu pnmi ami to Im mediately reenralas these ladioatloBa, narrv . m.u aau m suspe s comuuet acrocm T .'PnooaKW. One fine avenhur week we Impaaned to be near the track when the, afternoon train from Portland naiated throurb the town. First, the great locomotive, with It breath of fir, and Its nerve of steel, piunAwderss tha street a here we were standing then we counted, one after anotlter, nineteen ears. The teat waa a passenger carewmfortaltly filled. The most proem Inent artkaca ta tha Una affreight Were three Una thresh lag machines, appar ently all act up and ready for work. The, were painted a bright ml, and made a very striking appearance ae the tralu swept by. Riding a those high cars, with the brijrbt an shining on them.-they looked like- three mtrhtv ntnqucrom gdnaj forth to vktary.' And Uiey were Just tim kind of rouuurhtr ever stand ready to welcome. We felt like taking off our-lia and shouting when that train passed. Less than ten years ag, when we were talking la our boyish cidhmdaem iiot the nosnerts of a railnstal scoms th couiistetit-and TTiroUKh this valley, we were coolly tld ny a prominent inni vionai that we wwukt be under the irround kmg Itefoea aay of these dreams wet aattsed. But Wears on top of the around yet. Ho Is the ilmuM profiilrteot. hKlivHssL In awis- ihiip,w Kars as i remiecu no Has sui-ceetted In lire better tha -w. -lie haa iteki mnce vRliwa and nuwl more asoney t lint ha Is no proiitict. Ye were riaiit then, aud are gtad how. . Our eyes have seen tlie dawn. :lragresa, progress I Jnrsaec. - . OautoM PnoiHH B. The Han1 Fran else CWasscrcsrif JArWd of Jun 3d mv: t . - .lite receipts af aertola articles of Ore eon pnstuos from January 1st to data, have been as folktwst' Flour, or skm. 3K.7w; wheat, ska, 2K.217S eats, akn, . sslmott, Mds, t,Ki ; kf bltte,7u: bbbvlfil; ea. 3D: hams, pkgs, l7; batter, iisgs, , UMU, nags, at ; pork, bbls, kUB dried apples, pkgs, 7v; rip do, bxa, ,. . Ood kamkt gift to them to others. whisper Ontli'i Paskiaas. Oentleme WlU wear Inn 1 11 am coats With sleeves. .They wilt ope and but ton in freut. tOuats bvttoning behind now meet with no fevor from kite atrirtly fashions Ue rlasai. Coats for evening and dAsoMaioiis,'1towevr, WUI bj-n behind a well aa In front, toil 1 1 try win not ope all the way up the back, unless 1 ease of aacident. Pantaloon will he worn on th legs. as Jut aaaiak, aadxhey wllLrjat kbskt the knee. "w-ss( VesU will be war under the coat this winter, ami -will have pockets. One of these Is to be apprqaiaged to the watch, amyi b jyf "('B aliamloned, as It is . now cousidcrvd neither eoavenieut nor atyiisn. w . . Cullaia will be wun aruuud ths taack. aa hut season, and cravats w ill tie lu front. . The 'Ureelcy" style w, however, an exception to this rule. It te consid ered thseitrrwt thing, asaon aentlemen of posit km I th tsshlonahl world.-to wear a cotton or linen shirt umlcr their onllnary turta. Oniy a email portion of this garment must Iwexpnaea part tlie Imshbiu, kmt luat a nee. jtomikoreuscBi should be heiitluetl. , tucklus are to be worn, this year, under the boots, ami although a different arrangement may be allowed to old reutlemen, lu icy and aleety weather, it is not oausklered prouer to wear woolen or other stockings over tlie boots at evening rtie or other social reunions. Black is the favorite color fa? boots, aad the most rocAcrcA and eonvrnient style te that la which small loops are planed at the top or tlie boot-leg, one on each aitie, ao that thev mav lie drawn on after harms been taken off; thus avoiding timnessssdtyof woarlng iiMtm at all times. Any one who dislikes sieepiu - in .-boots will apprechtla. this arrangement. O will le maale with eetsimte cotnnart uu-nts for the Augers, ami few year the otd-faaliioued mitten at the opera. The bext faKteiiinioi forjpiitlemeu s clothing will be fouiKl to tie tuittotia. No gvutle nian. havinr trietl theKC. -will be anv longer eutiteut with hooka and eyes. rvncaai-a, , ... i-T . Tiik'Tk:tii or a Homhk. At five Veers of as a linn Itss furl r teeth. re IwculT'duar mobtr law teeth. twelve tm-isor er frout teeth, and four tusks or canlue toctli, between tha u to ot rs ami Incisors, usually - wantina iu the nutrr. At birth, only tlie two nip pers or ini'ue incisors aiiear. . Al year old, the im-iaurs are all visiide on the find, oruillk But. - Before three years the iicruiaiieui uipiteis nsve cotne turouirn. At fttur years old, the permanent divi ders next to' tlte nippers- ars-out. At five tlie mouth te per Ice L, th ascoiwl set of teeth having ieen completed. At alx, the luillowuink-r the nlpiKTH. called thamark, has dtsamarared from the nip pers, ami diminished in the dividers. AC seven, 'the mark haa dimppeared from thealviders. and the next teeth eorheTs, are level, though showing from tlte dividers, and the next teeth, or rthouch showlna no mane. At eight tlte mark na gone from the corners, and tlte lutra -la aaM to tie agvd.- After this tUaeimleed, good authorities aay .five -years the age or a norse can 011 ly be conjectured. But tlie teeth gradually chanire their form, the Incisors becoming round. ovaL aud then trtenguter. - Iteahtrs aome times blnhop the teeth of the old horses: that te scoop them out' to Jwlute the mark. - " s , .-: .. But this can lw known by the absence of the whit edjre of tlie euamel whk-h always aurroumls the real mark, by the ahape of the teeth, and other marks of age about the animal. - A Fixe ItkAunv Kiev Th rl.w.ln n good story; It says: - - A How often 1 It tluit a rosy-clteeked man, who never indulge In tit use of a.uTi.a eiailm.- I " WUJCH, 44mT oT tt1tlti m . . .. "T. 1 which took place yesterday verifies tills ISCT. Our aid frleml, William Lock, passiug along Fourth street early after orefcit, wnea nis proirress waa noiltel v f arrested by a We 1 1 -Jrecd. -w ell-fed ren- tleman from the ouuntrvr wlthr "Kir, can you inform ma w here I caa procure a lew gallons of Qua old brandy 7 I wbh to tak It out to my place for pri- . "Well, air said Mr. I. 1 am I formed that Mr. H Uie Bank Ex- change, U am juit In those matters, ami rill supply yi 80,1 , after sin towing the stranger where. ns-Lunin Mw aiKi tucnr An ceurreuc Mr. H i i was to lie found, be emttlEwTFeriwnd waa emlsii'rassud. not having ueJ: . . .1 - ou have ihtr ad van tog of me 1 don't know you." ., . -2Cor do I know- yo, replied the "w, out tou mux use a man Who know a lters the best bmmly la town ia to ne lounu." . f . . , , Mr. Iuck liowetl to lite stranser. and passed down ths street, niutteriug that he did toot know which excelled the mau' poliu-neas or bte lmpudenoa, . Maw Axn Womak. flail Hamilton, in ina wn'invni, . nmiosoptilses on v Oman's ilighU and all that, aa follaww I laatenlug to sumo af the arnniesits against woman suffrage, no wight UipMe tlure was ibtitger lest the sexes hul.! Income dlsfTi-ctod toward cskHj other; lest women sitoukl be able a t rr"T themstlves In masculine armor as to aienlat tha regard of men. That will never lie. The Minnesota farmer were far nearer the real state of ilia case in their comical Fourth of July Stentl- mcnU" , - j, ; . . . 1 t . , , V VT1a-HuaBarUissaa)iletlaML , . Hliall Man In Vap a'JHI brrf We. sn: ss SntifM eiase '. ll'll do as K' a S4h'tct ' knraarl,'aerkaaliewaas;- ' r ' Twill s tha Umw ma sow; ...... A4 nM'1.,rWahii-f ' ' ' .tnsibMisiswanrhovr -i -' ' . It te tMN beauty, nor w it nor good ness atr tW attraction exUts hsk imimI. cut of all these. It Is simply wutusiv hood. Man pay dVft-rcnce to Wiaman.. itlnctirely, invnluntarilv, not be caasa atie is beautiful or truthful, or wise, or ftilUh. f.r twV1ii I rr sms o Is soman, ami be cannot heln.IL If sluv descends, be will lower to ker level; if eh rises, ka will rise to ker helirht. .Tills Is the real dammr'.nnA thst she. will drl- him front her, hut tliat she rviHHof drive him from her. Ot g, liajt'jx) Enn. Large sunuvf nicstey r ami much time are-sneat In n " . . 'r. 'V". tf' '.uTth? 5" Tl4 tM' cullivatitm of exotic flnsrera. We snnU fltid net this, but woukl aa v all In our powvr to cucouratw Ik But whv not. at the same time, oc ikdiigssnnethlngto nrcsen-C nd lui in i ve out na 1 1 ve flowers ? rue, tne importtM ami cuitivatct How mam mtuv cmudv ami frairrnni than tlte WlkliMtives. But there tea wonder ful variety In our wihsIh. ami we believe many of litem are capable of Improve ment by cultivation. Wkatrnore pleas- ant or is4ltahte instlme edtakl be proH- tmscd to the yuuug on tan sn the or to any oue w bo has tb time, thawto trausplant ami cultivate, and- stn.lv, a few of our native rkiwsra 7 Who will ilo ihis and report 7 ttrmrr. . In tit tleptlis of tlte sea tlte waters arwsl ill ; tlie heaviest grief te that borne In silence. - Tlte deepest vw flows through the eye ami touch. The bursa joy te aiuMkablsw.Tb nmat Imprea at preeclieT at a funeral te the aiUmt on w nose up art cold. Why ;.a CLA;aaUAiln-l:n Mia IlAiaAekgyinanln Maasaehuertv4 who had era his two ecore ami eu. was ctMiiidlmcuW est hte Us is and youthful looks the other day.. Hmlllng, k touched his USaxhsNMe brow hair, ' and retdted. "Yo know, ihejr have a wavof heloiu old men a little tin dny "-What r Bald Mb friend, jav " you bee eulortng your hair 7" -1 es," replied lie, -l nave oeen mung , what 1 one thought nothing would Ju- duce me to do. 1 have Isren turning ... my gray hair brow n, ami I will tell you r iaow 1 was brought I It. After leaving my position as, I proposed to go bark Into the ministry ami become a pariah minister. Accord insly as I hid op- ' porfulljfl urilied towjcn few nVBtH tua cWwnge, ami was gratified to beer -at the cotu-Ittsiou itf lOjr aervlcea, that tits peof.la were wall plesaeil with Miy prem-hUig. aud but for my gray hair v, would gladly have me for a pwdur f but " they eouM not think of so old man I " Well, while 1 was pda through tbte experience an kt fiirml aaggestetl to me to color my hair, and thus remove from the eyes of the teoite the reproach of bring an old man. --And t rnesrttr- flnaiiy, to make this experiment. Aaa- hat do yo think f The very first time I iMvaebed with brown' hair BIN ill on my nvavt, t was greeted witn a can to settle In the ml inastry. ami have ever slue been the happy pastor of a united and apparently perfectly satisfied peo- , He t" ,.)'-.,.,' 80 much for tlie color of tone halr-; . ao much la proM" that looks ar some-' " thing, after all, notwithstanding the old proverb that looks ar nothing and be havior te alL. .."-- - , ,- ' LaM4I0 Pact A notT WTncTb- extent to which water mingles with hodletL nitiaarentbr the most aulld.-ia Very wouderfuL Tlie glittering osaI, which beauty wears as an ornament, la only flint ami water. MH every l,3r ntu of aartk w hich a Mhdlont has in bte estate, 4JU are water. -The snow- r miumI auiiintlta tuTrVnowdtin and Nevis have many millions of tons of water in a snlkUAed m. In every plaster of parisstatu which a nuui carries through our streets for aaie, there te owe pound of water to four-pounds of chalk. The air wre hreath contains five grains of water to ch eabla toocaif iu bullu--Tlie potatoes and turnips, which are bolted for our dinner, have, In their . raw state, theolie Bevcuty-flve per cenKT Aaa te, chemically speaking, fortv II ve istundsnf eariton aud nitrogen, dif fuani th rough five and a-half paiisful d" water. In plant we flml water mln- rilns no leas wowlerfullv. A sanflower evaporatea ana piiU and a quarter of water a day ami a rnbbaga about th in I7i days about 10,0110 grains of water. A acre or growing 'Wis-ai, on mis -:. csiculatlou, dnwt and passes out about tea tons of water a day. Tlte asp of mass of water te conveyed. ; A Bim Max's Uiiiu Iler te n girl wlio liatieucd not vto be born poor. -Her father te rk h enough to II ve in Fifth Avenue; bat lie doea not live there. Ha ' gives- ber all the ad van tag a of eity education which alts chouses. . Kight months la the year ah snenda in homo ' duties, --charities, parties, coocerts, operas, 1 1 teat res, her own mualo and th like. Hut la tlte other four aiontha ah live ber own true life. Hha has found -k pure country town, nmliacovered yet -' by tourists; and there aha goes, with a ' bloomer dress, and live an a farm aad works Ilka a nirm-hand up in tno momin with tlia nfgg, In care of tlte animals, then to I ueiptiMT take the riellato wura wituiuem, ariviug tne axon ami hitejde of perfsrt earthly hanplnesa. It is to ralse.anlmalsjan. ji rtmYWkrm; kmlTIf site were thrown on Iter own re sources, I have no doubt ah would do It. No starving ever the nsedteer stoop ing behind th counter for ker.' Ami yet ahe. 1 no amaaou; but a pure, wom anly girl, without a grain of coarseness, a true lover of nature, with an Insight almost ilk Thoreau. Okid JJammilfni -Mrs. Blaine, the accomplished wife of the Hpeaksr, kad a -ill ffleulty-wttk Mrs. Htorkton, the charm Inr better-half of the Henaior, about a cook. Meeting at a -dinner with only tba Hon. Fei Wood between them. Mrs. - Htock JMM ' banlnir forward, mid: "I am sorry, Mrs. Blaine, that we kave anythiaar dlmgsaeabla between na." Tlte H " I bran I the Interesting story of the cook.. 1 wnmrrto i irpirnt. : . WILLIAM JDAVIOSOH, 11 etn I K si t n t Dotil rriOst-at. m jarrLABn. tTviCxT. rjci ttr i! I Ik cmsviss, i a 7lZ,T Uav"m . VJftXrr. IH TIIM f ITY-AUB r AST wmi ssstrsMs hirMiiM, I alt sun as as kui M, Ahn, f seaovKB fistaa astl Valciili fa- cri tit tTsn iisBss-saaaaanran i Htsls, lur asla. ... BaAk Rsrsvs sita stltve WnnSHv MirkM-A Bar tirfHisiMlHla, In this tYrv asd Ihiwwak- ss la i-rsrss ssl TssamMtiss,' VMS gnat srs, ss m Iks must AbvsrSiAoaois Tasas . Iluiam-Asa SfoarnXBssan, Ismss Kboo- . n t. ssnl. fi.Ai m r Ai.t. iMrtimum rssrvi.t Vllbctbss as4 a lasaaut I, isssr- 111. sad AOKM'T Kt SlKKKS TSASSACTBBb Ascirrs nflhla Omrft Is ill Ih- rmn tat : Tmrssm the STATS will rwvrsVaFrtMaiMr Canruui flrrl t ' Iks assts Is iss sbvv ssdrvMk . ' ' . a .rt" HEAL ESTATE AGEflTS Twmmi nwr. pBtimrtT mm jmm i phrt Iss4 ssl thraualMM iss"M tsT8lix, 'Warsa 6Vf I..' M' i t r tUPIKIO IHOUCtMKIITt te rwicsasrriBf Msal Knali.l , , v -J , tun PsAd., And svwTfklns that setialna ta IBs BaJ Ks. aa siissmmm is ana 1 ion rkPBt vaniijiif fimtmtMc. . ' ' Jt. B ATM taaa-, Vrtmtj rVBlle. v rABat, -p -awmer AM mm i . 7V X- s. , J ' -'"- T"" -t r.