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About The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1871)
(5 -7- "-' ' C- .. - ' 11 mi ii. .naanajiia - . . ' . ' aaaai aaaal I la, f ' T?. r.Vf T V ,. i ... ... . l'UU iu at.i .in I ..l w.i btnl .yam n I r i 12 1 if l: r T a. su -, u. f .1 Jl rt 1 ..-,! ., i '. . ... I. ... ....... f - tBa f .m r a ;;' n ! TbW SaonABs... V rf . ti t- - f-t. ti Atn-nTMrnnrni Immm i wnx oacfTWT to iett. Mn tn, af the JkVaverp, In an aa title aiming toahow aunto Ttaoori for witUUokUwg nomaa het Unatona ble righto, thereby proving thee ana editor at toast U mat no "wtoe la hto own rncIChQt thathe towinirlgtd ren- Oct a reason, u eey UuiCual euflragc HlitwVi MUU WWI IWfMNMiLlUitiM." auSamglat altliUHW frrtin ttlo) I this, I H MJr "wr r dineUy If IW vatan of tfata rnptry.'i Ur4nx war al claiming 1U prravnot a awMtrUOitK 44nb) eimJ lua iUai "Iwiim, f ' ttnlUtail to bear lie equal pniMrtkm of the. duiigrr and ttaM4lla ofwarjlMiukl nqC t clolhwl wllk povat. to Jawlva bc jnaWaalxhr bow to Hnil imvi and atiifo, woeaaW Ix-Taetf haa iMMhlnf la oHnmnn it JWeay thraach aU ' 1U rtetaalfdaa, allaara anil aa forth, mud hare lrantd ftxou. its rolanin that It F Mf W pDpU rk.MWrrlril Um ul of anr mmgwm vkMt haa at currod lu our day la Um Ualted Rtatea. aad eojMeUFjttly tb onljr oue of wLict we aaall nam eaaaW-Our beatbar aaWjoaUawer- yralataaHy laid tha 11 af 4aa war , upoo a taiinodt Is the -natlun,TaiM r- never Legaa to fear tba aawer ef Ua 1 people tintll woeman bona aa aiaka aia quake la hie faaeta. Kaw he J "It aenCpnoniwa ta' ivaj,tae tallot to : " wuwaa 1 with it aba aaav aeeoai4iab . nathtnrr i tkerelira, If aawata tba ballot, ha eowrludra that -will Irrr war, ami then ait back Ineaae and ban. ptaea and lei bum beat tUa burdau lu. . wbleh "abe haa noihifiy ha roouuoa at ataka,' ml t" t tlrval ileaven l wuuu uutbiuf t ataarwnea um iamb ot bar M, the . -rhubnad af 1m boaom and tba alilldmi of her peril go ont to dq .battle afaJna each other? IIa aba' nothiaf at ataka. wbea the waUaof the waunded antl the hrieka of the drlnf, wboaa feaittri priee ' of life wontan, who gave It, alone tan i knew, ren4 the Iiateuing air (bat hovwra above tba bkiod-etaiaediWd, what J man haa aurMted an eamager - Ah! 1 brothei Vpton, roa ulatake .the noble' lapylitf wlvwandaaotbaw when voal f ebarcathat Iber woaM avy war. raa ear trely, "It they eeuld accem- llah one .Jhlng ttu'ykcootui4iuJijWr haMbawl In the hallowing giary of tnaihen " i 'I'liiak ma that it w m. . ... . - But Mppne that wten aiMl , war la fonl upon Hum, ata yan lav Um aiaterte all the tarta that atanr at yea to aay to an eta lightened people that woman would ahirk. Ita i hurdena Aak tba wiued ufferera (ram a hundred baatle nVad i who It wm that fotlgwrd while tla ga-ed la butchery, ta bind the mangled Irmba awd tlo the meretfur deed Oiat reartted them from 'death? "Aak them who Bought not to buU-lier, but (o heal uai to aggravant the hnrrore af war, bat bat o aaathe Ita MflVrtng awvutoiaTl Aak: the men' who Went bravely to the front to emlure the bary-hlpa of war that aajlad, anil rttaaela. and -waerlied, and waitel, tending the mt,kltwt-a4 hiHMet and "hearing the r. ? T . cruel agMiyTjnf-auiinenai and the aliarp 'pang of privation and apprrheualon, " "juring the "Weary year, of Jhelr ab--, Vaenee?; Aak thoae men , If theylUlnk 1 woman will vote for a repetition af theee honorar.Mtak h4!Wlaaiwhae huP ' band ahepa ty an unknown 0ryj upon; the tkHituern piaina, uoa aona are now arrived ad naanbaoaV-waHlMrUwanid leey-war aAaa M(anal vl'Equal power and pririlegoa," ear oar brother, "ahould only be .enjo ! there kmrrpapondencepf reaiwnalbUlty follow." .Have. thara la a, aama blUty t Bit even were there not, to It not fair, and" ju-t; that woman, who perilB bee life when man to born, ahould enjoy Immunity from further peril when men rhoont ta kill and malm?, , , " iat wiau'wU, good friend, and war, aa well aa Intomperanca and proe tltutlon, will Boon U known no nom. IEB-Tl01taJlr Pomehody, who name oWa not an. ' prar,- haa favored a with aome toile of a journal bearing the above title and pubUidied lu thctlty uf Baltimore; TnV ( f 1 paier, whk-h I a J - of the New Noi I J v; enough In nieclu .l.yr ' oppoaed to the en l' J .' A a asm pie of about one-thlid the eiac North wgar, to crediuhle meclianlcai execution, but la Emancipation of woman. imple of Ita wonderful loele (?) and enidUevleW of nuttirt Jngt-al T . ere qm4e tW foltowlng fronTan xddmi " by llev. laird OUIWrf The woman . nw-eiae4C dAul J W Aiaaaft AiJUiM i I IX J r 1 T T. T r 7 t T m V i - to no one. lu great wonder to tlt IlTthe ' fatherland yoniarlt Oi ve Mr. baa made an lltyiehadway. The mo-t Itolbutoy a chanea. We'U warrant he dlfflcuIt'apheN.aiKl duly to ihkb'anv will brine the Oermaaa. If von will -human being ta bora t Ih.l of wife ailcrmi.ier the vaet expemllture of time a Aner giving , Utterance, lvtertUn,,Wrt-MS the learned Iteverend cvmaolea our wun- jeniv aanNur ejr aayia f kluiU irrteraaake pbd' it to to be hoped that htoeloqaaaaa jatlU not ' toll nor hto fount af byievwa dry. Jiut he will tjfi1t Jt a hard to pmve aa kxlbm 'iisiW a jt haa ever bean, Ay he doeen'i know what he aa nravele naVthaa. tw ii. HaW vt I docaa't know that "man t of womanr, .lhat "the life of the raaa.to4a gtfi 6f -S ' iinijiwagBBgaag. ii i i - - in -u.x.1 .1 L-La i-nii ,-. mil i 11 . . ' T: ,! W i ' .i !. . - .. ........,. ,, ! M .... VOJLaTl woniaa U ia Una kavpiu of wmtamuV Bm4 ara poi prrparcd from tlx tii eatfa wonaaa la ua aatltof man, W U to a bar aaaator. Tti BwwM x HMindrr farther aay t oV not deny that iviuuM'i placa ta kaM.T do bat a-oudur thai- nuuir art vexed, aad I 4a wuiMtar ttiac tawa ar 1 limw.' 1 tnolu;rjrjBpfftrui a lvea than huabambv.. Ian knowa lit tle. af the viuartotM uitY aad arief f women t Irttbtaf her broken nlfthU and weerr Ilmba; and he to a brute that would not bary tb ta the outalde UwMaf ha pawera, and then heeawbl da bat IHtle.'V Vat the Keverend ea- Uivlr Ml tV point a Xmrfr 1 the hvlplaaa Wuuiau who U In the power of etich a "Uwto.w; lie rather eaka to throw a frlanioar of aalntllneaa over the ufTi'ring of women aulJrt to the do- ailuloa of 1 brutee by aaving tbatjae rtflee at ealentlAl." . Then, anoonaclooaly to hluiHelf he appliee the lullowlng epe- clea of tialia lntendsd for men to the brntaadhearta of aufllrinf wnacnrIle wba auflera moat for other 1 moat Uke the dirineet men, moot Uke ChrM and": God." Tbyrelure he eounaela wojiu-a. to bow cheerfully to h roil, to ponaibU diitiea af wilaaad ntotbrr, to be taaubjtctlon to man forgettiHK that ntc-a wax worae with every new liceuae to Indulge In brutal naaaieue and uabwly appeUteat fargeUing that the political pnwt-r of .wornnto"the only effectual remedy for mau'a' niUttake. He eouik aeia women to be content and awfler wiangtha they - may reap a beavetily rewanl'M'hat U to'. Wonie6f men, in the ! f utoiw aUte, who luakrt no acrificea apou tint aarlh, 'tlia aleek eaaled,' anft-tlnirerwl, aetf-rigliteoua aa- vant doca not dt lirn to tell a. " Ilia ar- ttcto-wndterapnaMeration tlmaa with the iuUowing beauUfal tribute ta the mother af Oeneral WeahlngtoM - 'Tlte mother of WaMhlngton did riot go to Congreaa or manojuvra an arnij and (boukl yau aak her to-day, aa aha al um ber In her grave, what aha did for the world ahe would aay, with a mothei'a greateat pride: 'I gave the world bay Oearge. Yea, onto hJa valna waa panred her pare blood It waa hie lib of her life and Into hi heart her noMe conviction or trutu eua uuiy, bu umi a mothei'a full mri when ehe-wraicd i IWT ITI. mim TinninrinrnwiK'ii'i m !k....l.lLI .....k.i.iiril and Integrity." If all men wertaa para aa wi then rn Indeed would woman have no need to represent herm-lf, but, ahus man-nuule Uwa have eutaad the world till woaaan U toe often a heipleat Tlctini of rum and ruin, ! Boentlouaneen and1 nyphlliUe taint to be at afl certain t bat hlrchil- I-- i III L iiMra . .1! U (MBMi joa. mrroi iip miss abthoit "It to with ""no ordinary 'tcellnKw of pleatMrrethat we are able to announce to uuTTeader that thoas two champion of womau'a elevation, emanclpotlon and pcdltlral enfranrhlwment, Kllranetb Cady Wanton and fuan R Anthony, are on their way to tbla Htate andeoaat. 1 bM-turtiig on the mad. They will not weth our city till mhw time la July.: Their etay on thla eoaid will not be tenirt hyr- It M therefore of the grratiwt ' importance 'that" we wM enable tliem to reach the greatest number of people ftoadble. ? We thank thnwrof our IrietHla realdlng In tacalitie where the! eO)de are anxkwe to hear theae ehiquent women, to promptlv addreaa "Agent, -eaae Mia. Emily PHta Mevena, Haa Krejectaro." totlu the ala af hall, the prk-e for the taeeatae, aad the arobable altemtonne jVaiew. . f - Wi tannratnlato CalifornU Open her good fortune, r Then are thou a ml af men .jud., women lu Oregon. who arc anxloua b hear and au (heat wonderful eatobrttlea. TTa cordially Invite thoa frieudtf af the woDtaa muremeut, , lu rurtlaud ladle and euaJeuMn.whe dealre to Be en re k vllt froni' theae champion af the right, to meet at oar parlor on Momlay evening next at eight eVIuek, to'dWua the paealUUty of avcuriuir thUraervkea for a brief aeaaon, ,We doubt not but that Mn'lloihutoy weak! cberfully aa atot tlieni la the Journey,' aa be dnea. other great eelebritlea, and lliere ere aurely (Hemla of equal rigbta la the city anflWapat to laanre them a happy aa Joara among w ' one that aha 11 eanw them ta go Itari to the Kaat with a de tided pmfereiiejaiiW tlm great Karth- waat, whoae keadquariere are at Pert- land, Xetn.-- -1 J- -A 1 L- JL1TE FATIITCE. We are that our frirnd,of the ItetiAd rnmlglngtnagrowl aliout Sir. MoU hvday'a (jk-nuaa lmmlirratian, liar patience, Mr. imat We daaht If yen eooVhhtirry ap that emigration from f wen a money tliaauch a huge etbonte t,l,,,k,r" T perhap yon tea be 1 lnla,d to wmit. W l-m tliat ma will epare na the eccufatioo af rannlng a ;i lulfaday ortran;" but we think It folly to aeek to emlarraa a man 'who to do In; more for Oregon than every oW Ore gontoa la the HUre, and we are no Ira praprtety In anr iaylng an. ; V wbUi Uf. Ho11alayt-nranme other man who ki aaVining aa he luuf, a huudred mil Uona to axpead upon eur tailwaala and nnmigrauoa ebeaaear - t t-t 1- rrom a letter 'Juat ' feetJvedl 'from Laura GeForce (DoruVn. Ue eioqueut aitdjogioat lertrer w aaaaUed to announce that aha will vbat Oaagiai thla aammer. 8he it ronirng overland and 'request 1 the ' woman, auinaglaU along the Oregon and California rtt4tlon for forming-bone, blood and mua road route, who may wlah to eecure berlcle. y:r : ' . V T;."i ;. ti I a, t '. aarvloaa a a lntni.t t tt,.. the eerileet peMdMe ntotnent at Chios, (ar7 until the nJufieTamTlhelf k4torwlll receive prempt aUeatiou We leapectfully eulklt our brethren of the preaa to giv thi notice publicity, aa we believe their local pride wlQ war rant them tn Jofulag with to give our lecturing eelebrillea a favorable opinion ef our Ptate and people, whether they may agree with our cauke or not. '-h , Men, In aneaking ef woraaa and the ballot, alwy aay "if we give (he bal lot Ui wtMnen,wmnlylng that Hi a hereditary paaatraioa of aiaa a baoa to which he to entitled with power towlthi bold 6t beatow. , We want to know how man came Into aide poaMclun of Uda Inhareat lnihutnHy- - W'herrdid he get It, and haw did' he happen "to manopo lixelt? How did he come Into poewcaa km of oar prlvltogea, and by what iu- berene right dota he attenie,' to pro!" aerihe na f -The f Vmtltotion tkie rwt eouier the ballot, on klm ludlvldually any atwee ha upon, woman. iThe Hi- bto aaya nothing altaut voting, tbervaira It cannot come from, thence. . IU the Udiea lu.lp ua to aolve thi problem? The gentknicat havwartod aad faitod. -- Mm. Orenruuv of rtaalada. Wah Ins- ton Territory, recently took a cargo uf lumoer tovuiua. aiiu uaa reiurnoi. hh to aharpcr lu' the lumber buiucta than any other mill owner on the 8oumt, and cot at kaot tea dollar more ler tkous- aml feet for lumber Uian waa ever jaid at llong Kong .before, JierAaxye. - UejumriH:wbet dq yoa think uf that? . Ian't it n pity thi woman fonwta borne dutlea and pend her time- Tn making money ?'lfpw; her huabaudV maat k.beed darning ami haw much bettor aha eeual ha can ployed la waahlng hla ehlrta and roantiur hi mutton I (, woman, woman, a hat will you not do awstf 40htbe neglected, eu&Vring men 1 Let aa err I ' - ' l- TIie'ItoITuior' mau'alio to frprawant the true-worn aa, and wba , miaarahto mark ao aadty, aayas ""FoT' twenty, year the theory o('ik'nt cu- tempt' ha. vailed: unUl now w. have Jto meet a real danger wbieh mljcht !j?rBwe theory Inaction. - Home encmice.or pue.cou oi wpiu thought Ihai hi proaaf Kilug fdaoe waa the aepnlchaa, bat when he rose In apHeof thel vlrnanee knd asaerted hla "rlghty the only exeuaa thoaa waioh- ff eoukl gt- m "Tli tft"y Hint away while We slept." i a -i- COXIXSPOIDIICJE. -' Thni uViairtmenloiFthe 'Jfw Koitfu wget to to-W a general vMe luc ex rhangwof ktoaa eonoeranig any ami ail natters that may be legitimately dis cussed tn our onramiuk, t'lndlbg U practi cally Impoaslbte to aaawer each eerrea- potuletit by prtvatn ltar, we adopt this mode of emrmwolcathn; ! aate wurf frleua the disappointment that w otbcrw toe accrue bomawinaailityloMir aarer UMlrqnertoa. We cordially invite everybody tliat, haa, a Question to aak, a auggeaUoni to.make, or a scolding to give to eoaUUsuta to . tae. Onraaaiwaidtnt' Oduaaai a i j 'V f tv.i,, i - , lvhr: We da nut know the name ot thw authag ,of the work yea) aaeatioa. WO cannot fad It at the hook etoree or public UbriW: ' ' " - Mlm MliM-CtM Jenny Hon atonoa are eaasiaered equal If net awae- JiPJLio ihjlilhlgkerliig by tome mini. clana.Tbe worth of a Jlno depend moch npea Ito popular Uy, or . gather upon tlar papnlarity oMta name You can get a very good plano-one that arc wen every urpoe of a persou of mod erato awane-aw 1 30a Of emuae them u higher prieed and hwrinaVnlry bet ter InatitimerrK :bnl roa' ran at anv rate teara ujv Ipvf er prkel pUna.. Henry nakai . "to ' It .right -Car my brother to tryn every posHihU manner't out companion Iq jnale fuB of aar;l.aa jromigar lhaa b to. and 1 weUattwaJtgH 1 do; my brother la each g tea that It erema ae If I esawver lur t,e Urt off0"1 Wef,;nad itouUlos. think w ia." . To wuluh w hearUiy answer, It to net right for year elder bent her to- tease dyotl, neither to If tight tot you to rctord auger, , Brothem and aislera should he very aarefal to nenember the Oalden Rule,' ""Id all thtof- whatsoever ye would that men shouM do unto you, do ye even, ao unto them. They-ahoukl be JnM aa Jealous of. each athec honor and repeethllity aathetirwwn. What- from the warki Thay ahauld bear with earn athev'a folltnirA rememberiiur that none are perfect. ' y ' ' IwiUirer aay'ai ; MMediral works aay that light Isread to rotten and uuiiealthy. Do yon think mr' Fcrmcutat km to a roUlng preaes. -Tim awaeteet, purest and MiafrBently heahhtosi broad that can he made to uuWrened byany other than tmospharieftlc,.jrauLly rapid Klrring and quick bakintv "Oem ssKa'' .are eealhnt for thla purpoaa, LcltUttove and pane be hot, then mix. Graham flour with water and a little aalt (a a batter, not toaaUfCand whl" Unntll H bntibleaor nteloprTin the pan half full of thU hatter and bake rapidly,, Yen wtu ibaa aotatn. nam baiad, with all the dtfltoeat enatblna -Tle eloalng naragraph f-ur rPT3 ,rtt" h:U " '"glhMeoenty, looking pqt a route for Jhc to auapta t thai Cutao" arruw mu 14iT railroad. A lew weeka aga liigi ne aojnaUHiy I T " v.- vi Tjucla: We have-not the honor "ot a peraoual aoquaiatnnue with aur ewatrt- aiaalal earreapandent. HI advert la ment came t ua with every evidence af good, faith, tbe bOl waa paid ami we kept Ma arend. ;We ahall not, eeonraa. reveal it. If yen are "ao anxlona ta know more about him," addreaa Mm aa directed, and we., will aend him you let ter without a ebedow e euriewtt y caa earning Itaeonteiita,----; " "a ' "A (armei'e wife" aayai'ily hua band won't let aa have the Koarrawiurr any longer, becauae you aay ao much about the lmrdMlilp of farmera wive. He returned your lat paper , to you with aome. inealtiag word ou It. I hope it won't hurt your feeling. I aend IM -letter tn apologise, : Of eourwe 1 can't take the paper luynrlf. for he won't bring it Croat tlie po-tfne.' KVon ahall have the ier. Hend a the name of your - iwarvnt iu'lj.'UUr who take tluT ii-r aud we will em kjaaJt to him 'or Iter. ' What would your hne haint aay If yott ihnrti cut oft lilaanp pty of tobacco or Ja hlky fDOn't tube a-maaa" with him. Jumlittamiyt hint. Theae plahealed men Inu-t be' iter- onderl that they are enjoj lng 'Utclr "right." Take phJlaulkropio : courage fruut thw aet that thtwa aim4 maay aaeh aaua-ia the waekl, arl the-few there are muet lie ont-generaled. JLi;L Mm, M. A C: The' Home KlMtttof"!!! wotlona of the aurveyiug partiua. ttewtng Machine to exeellent lent : ' Qtlief hlUr will be Hwwilt-d next week.,:', i- ; .u; fivu .:-...-, r,mamwami riSHIOia FOB LADIES. A" very cheap, pretty aad durable waahlux material Ar. . ladka' aumater eaaea to a kind af eliambrey In line line at ripe or thangeahle In t o color; warp f . traaUug hn. Taia Material aakea 7 up'? Ueautlfaiiy in all the new atytaa of ru filing and ovcrxklrtandbi u4 tooex- fPoye an-the mo emkally !- cUatHl, and - tovka tarty mat atyiiabToId.' enough for any body. ' ' ' ' ' '' I ,.11 rued up at th,e akk;, linad,and trimnuid with bhu-k ribbwu and flekl flowera, to eoquettiab, atylUb and pretty The glpy retain It favor for full dretuj; and, the aeiiMilta and be- eoming ban u t bat to much vwa. skirts are long and pufhMl. JmwUeulUrorjuuejto pretty, eoiwisthig af blouse and. knee bfrecbea, the former buckled la at the waist by a glrdhyw .black or colored1 morocco. . little gtrtooviatr pufllnga and trinH minga aseMborate aa thoae ware by their mamro." Large flowing alrevea are wonf over coat sleeves of ihe asm ma- jtj M the dreaxw. Kshittoolu s biumUh m bMtnalnv te receive attention with the return of teasant weather, Mother at huge tamllto of Xpya will I be pleased to learn that colored abirta are mare toahlonable than whltf nea Their use will lighten many a burden at the wash-tub ami Ironing table., f i i Calioaas, af which we. have before made lax-arable uienttott, are I newest eg la tovor, and, If posstblcyln beauty, j" ; LETTS! I0af UXTQUaV! .V OAKULxn, June 4th, l8?L' .The Oregon mist atlll .continue, and lmpqna'a grala.nekle wavsTirpleiiteeaa and green luxuriance." Hen chicken creep with wet (all and wing through dripping and tangled grasa; lir young duck and gosling, with (irootlng pta feat hem, rejoice In the abundance of their favorite element Oraa to ptouly. Cattle and alsiep are looking welL Oreat exeltement prevail' In the waH market "Ttlvet ; mcftrianta vie with each other la clvllltlea to guitokaa Una era, wh stupefied aad woafosalr4toton flrst to the one and then to the other much calu mutating and .fair promising rilh the port, ! m-t- lay.' - I 'itw hsriw asaM I hvalth ritm Wis Btel laaetbT aVar r hsnnae from SJ to 3 eta. per to ffsre.1 for krooL. Uuslieared "sliecp sell for fi 25 par bead; elmarud $1 60. . Cowa tut 10 tot- per bead) yearling caivra, tllto tU ; two year obis f 2V " -f J '".. " Country plaoui are aln ays aomeahal overrun with , poikUers the grvaarfit aulas nee pnssiWe - When 1 hecoiiM a kavor to get a tow pesaul. which sImU make peddUug pautohabtog an afleaee agalnat the mihlkiwclfalfy. Thla valley I vtolted, ami It people taken lu, by every Imaginable .style of ptHklk-ra peddlera with baketa oa their" mrmn, with bundles on their backs, Willi packs on homos with boice lu lurgien, with kiaibi inwatrouafwlliug every eoraiuud tty from sa.klle, (i a ware au.1 Isiuks, lu pictures-ealicoea and hu-e. They Inva riably cheat and In every iM!blc ar ticlefrom damaged coflea to iron table knivea. They tell yon Ihw w44h aa ef frontery that would do credit to trie father vf lice Mmal, , Some IcglaUtlon aurelrito neacktd upon tbtoaaUeei tturely the gentlemeu a h paid m h at aelkto trivialities like the-fhlna-maayamade af wearing tit hair, might have gtoaea aome af the lima ajwnt aa valuablyc?! mul. exuawleeVy JuaAU 8tate to protecting iu eoile from liu puHitkn and chariatanry. ' " 1 eioinethlng about rallraer aarveya may at be wtiateaantlng to your read era. ' lien. llolUuiav'a urvt'Vir are iaakl to be in the northern irt orT)iig: City had high hope of being theeouta era lemuiiua of me mad lor at kt a aumber of Tears, In cuiiaequence. of which high hopee real eatate in Kueite roa auddeniy to double iu former valae. Old di lapidated, hoaaea ami little patched of lliat pebbly, cltamoiuile-covemd lit tle town aold at from live hundred to a thauaand dollar a lot a purely flctl eioua value, aiiaw any one can are that the jtnwiaav of a railroad ! mm ttttt reaMy make chamomile any better or more UaefuLi iU.i j. A 1 1 . i - But the Mirveyura canui Aoiher aoutk through the (allfornla and the YonraJla Valley, to about three rifltea aoutliaf Oakiaud, where thev:r-ucoun-tered a hiil, into which they ruaaevcral UneH,' but failed to aurmouur. - After carrrprnga tew day and tookliiga( the granml in diwr direction, they gave the hill up aa uiMunuouutablty. and having eouMimed all the, lxm, biUU'r aiul ham In - Yom-atlit, rctrmx-l their marcn to r river, ami tarti-l ilown that at ream, where ikev are nv bunt ing a ruulakrwn Klk river to U numth. I T.1"tkat ut tow. I,f .M." '"'J" aixl thence up tJie rniioiua riverw"rrr,,r" Tn '"nm' which will taki the rallnat.! armiud the Ui ?" n ' Y'er, au.1, I'mpiiua Valley and through, the moun- taina. ThU little detour will make the roal aiMue aixty ndleeioiigvr. but aixty i Ilea are uotliingtoa railroad, inuce that dUtani- can bv eccoimIilutl lit a fcw boura. ' , We OaLIaiafseote BUhJHvC lhat U survey UowuJk river U aome audi alkarn nluu to raJju uuu'i rnuuiuLiui ami ItoMi'burg a a aa pcaciinud-ao auu-i cewruuy on roiffene ami JlarrkdHirji:; but although tlta liiciluatiun af our law pie to goo.1 money ia aranw. ud all that could M.contrU'Ule-I by thi JittUt town would Bcanifv amount to more than the expeiixe incurred by the dclib- . 'l'e.''n'fY,"?..".ve lw Idcaaant rural KtVlC. A beat little tamo fctnve. wild the aid of a Jolly sou of Krln, lirnn off amietlzing array of teiiiitting edible: their bed are fornuKl of bluhlieUaprcad over lieapN of fir Iliulw, a hi Jo tlu- teiiUd t-canopy above their ht-ailanI encircling toot lira, inni luill jiui roilun tk-, amm.lug.aiKl very ndoyabie Imai- ne. A rpk'wlid ieaui of juaua. driven y a garru i.utt nuitii ,rT..iii.,i. ...1.1.. haul a aulmtajitlal a a ... J ... . ... v. . . v w. moU iii:ll von- r, eMiiprie aim. talna their worl.lly giMHlit and elwiUvto. j rt". AhirteetUta num. muni even-1 m- of char- j acter taciturn, rruve. -oiiil.-. LI ' .'. s r - il hov-i'""' Whte go Lien rurla andmtnr lieekt n- Nlluil OIM Of tile JUVthical iiinlil nt 22 ' . , i&iriincli eiuTE u Mrr" Tarmr. vf rtlrnilnrhum. . a V . -... , ... lonrswv wir free hold land socletk's, nyf: to a -mart to kep aohcr, I I nemuade rthlm that with cverv uuaii. he coo- sumeanitrtck.-- lohow him how, tu the enwrs ef two yea i. a t oir quart a day, lie ' - - " - J ' 'Jj "1'ian a? I d swallows a TfiiinyT'rk fcs si winililj ke a KTi." rOtt'agc. My old pralid-1 Tmtk? ratlterdieil when he wan nearly a hund red roar okt. IT tlvwrin one kou-e nearly eighty ycnrx, mixl at the'-tlme of hto death, he had mt so much as a'brick or a -ehlniiw-r-iint, ' although ho bad istm rent aii nw iiav rwwf-imrt ne s l longed to a ItUlkllng , iciy gmml- on might have been loiter off than he 1. ' ' - " . -1 Imvr aald that a quart bfale tsennal to tweiity-flve bricks, ami a paper of to Isteeois the mortar to tor thcht with. There-they are. Hie ta-enty-flve bricks I tat mm iiiwrvar to mr miTn wun, going frotn many g tuna swkct ; over Jhe puhlki bouae counu-r cwrr day. 1 ' Vtia U men vlfl never he IrerhoMcr. Tn lllr mJngban4 we baVe-lsMighf 7reelMl.t Ural at any rate of I. M. per vaird two quart of ale and a paper of tobacco X- m-t! '; . --r- 1 fetnemher BOTrte time ago, Vlljng the' eoal-hiavers ' and - the lluiestoiie qmurynienV In meeting at Dudley that every quart of ale was enuat to a half-yard of freelmld land. One "man got un at the tor end of the toom, and sain, - wrrni is mat yon V. Mister r Iicpltot "Whtymy dear fcllow,jwlth every iitiaffoT afryou ilriiik, yoit waT low half a yard of land." ' "Well, then ilil heT 'l havwrwalloweTl many anVrd la my time." " - ' i' - I'lsat a raleulntloh, we find that the' asa or money a lone to a man spending ed. a day for drink a pint of ale fir In stance amounts, at the end of twenty seven yearn, with compound Interest at Ave per eenC, to the large and hand some sum of Are hundred and ninety pound, sufficient to buy half a million of bricks, which would build, say tavn-ty-flre houses; or, at one shilling ami a penny a square yanl. It woulj purchase an estate ' of ao acre ofbuihllng ground, Af land emnigh for forty re spectable ' bouts! 'and gardens ; or It would pnn-hae,fhive gMK. bonT!t all complete. - ... l' LI... . . - i . , i oi siiiii ii. isMicrc ii"l arum1 in dupe ment here to have off drinking? Ilememls-r, that la the alsve calcula tion there to nothing. "Whatever, tut down forlisai of time ami health i ity wnnia amount t rar ninrc thn ual cost o( the drink. . A llrafTrsg PTOltT. .. gissl story to toki af at buMinesa tiM-etliNr among -r-' tab tjaakir alsaut a wnnoatsl canal, wheel rsne of the mrsat inltaefttlal men taearnt . raioai'd tlM prolscl an the grouiMt af its being a snrctlattHi., TliHt waa, eoafse,- aaasanaatable bsjt, anwmg other erieetlona, be went aw to say 1 1'Wbcn Uod created tlie woriU.if lie hat! wished eaaaU its vmdl have made 1 hem.' t 'pan thU a "weighty friend tone of their tennai rs Up and said slowly, ia the tntoning voi.o tn which tl T arwaya stwwk - in tiMetingt "Aad Jamb' dhmwl a well,' and aat ka-a. Tner tntlaeiitlal man iiaaaf diatetr rrtlnsl to priwla life, but h eongtit staua sliarra ia the canal for all Hum,--1 :.-.v- -.-i : ' Thetmsteea of a uhurhait rehieteryi In speaking of a receiving totuh bunt ndcr tbeir. .direction, are tnlmablv t ' , . . otutixa..? . w i ... ... , lht enthusiastic wben they aay In thefr!h'. nd Ruth remain at the old place annual report t The whole TIMth 41 n "-. '"" " ' '--r. v mnzematit of the tomb give a pheasant and cheerful tuipect to it." - ( no. t; -- - f taidope. j"tad.iue aajvln.jK'halfnf Miranda ana myacii, tium we Jtave high iyict for tlwae Wha cank nraucthiig rmaA, who areata and praaurve toir-aeitor tn houaea, and prere therein the ahlning ruiment for w.irthy iumatea, worthy tuc-tw Only theee fonctlon mimt not a Irmhrery er eWnrred naceanity, bat a nart-of life. 14 t'li- tk. btvvea home a hi to iWkmethare tiie up the rragrant loavtw. Iticv ih. L.n, t-e1l employ cat irttieebe7lone In thouif ht bh awr wiuinpf ( aw raaeanpo hi amre meant ( baker or a weaver olely Uuin Ulyaaea for a cattie-dcaler." Tle alove la a very pretty 4ctare drawn by Margaret Kullerapea, kudwe am aiavly to declare that Teaeiope la xaetrjraual In merit and intoivat to lywe. Mie not "a baker or wee verHoMy," but a home cruaturo--a beau tiful arttot making the fIio! order and beat eheerr aad awaetoat plaee for the waary, ami UMHtaUnu4ive 4aukgrouud for aoeial enjoyment out of her Grecian dwelling. ,r. . I f IViickipe Iiad Iieen merely a drudge, $ houfcetwdd mai'hiae, aa anatoua claa alcal Martha persecuted bv dirt anecka. a cook, bltotering her face forerer over the lire, a aeotd, nra gomlp, ahe never aouei mw come uoa'il to ua ao caim, lulling anil discreet, a nhe now tanda amid form of death lem beauty and grandeur.' -k ' liet w hope that n.vea prized the woman artixt tneiv in nt Home more tmm the brrad baker W the aeaer on tethat after dnot-kirk I. dr.Holnir ou Um kHiiige, or wliatever stood for It, dBM away the wlato evening, ..whit IViieloj sat a ith one foot on the cralkt, aiid her haiHto tiUHitl with the week's mending. ' Let 0 Imagine that tliere waa amue laMplriag dimuraa- buta-een huHhand -and-wile, perhapa an -high phlkmoiiliiea, the arU ami politk-nof the lirue, - luterxicrHed with,u.uic and cheerfnl ' reereHtk.n. When IVnelope akudfor allttle ruojicy ta add to the family nauiortM. k-t ua trunt llvsatw did not thrwt hla liaixia Into hla Utvt tout troilMefM iKket and say withe growl. "What did ymt 4kr with tiie--dnlir-! pave yea l4 vftft-AB' hard king r brewiugiay, II liu to Teto macbu was taken sk-k iu the night, let us rntortalnthyfileaslng lwie that the ttinl and ma-Krof theewtahlirthtucnt did not allow bia Uretdan head to ra- elhte.oii tlijr I alio w, while sometblug very likca claaek-a! snrc pnioveded from . hK 1 1 recitfn - imnp, a IViwIope walked tlMtlonr hour afte 4iour with ., ... ., ,,M t.,V,,.' 4 d" hi Id la her weary anas. daylight, kindled a Are iu e KiK iicn m ove ami iMvitarctl the break rant, only to be Informed br llva- m-n, a Ito bad creit out of bed at the toat "''""t" "" "waarimjjijw v": ".- . ' v 'r 7 11 wouki siwu t lie pretty picture to 3 1 iy w nmiv.iiig . low Jorc aiHMH jr.. . i - i . Jwmmm or iriwatlog auy 4 tlie diMir- n,"or iriwatlog aiiy the diMir r )nrla sj the davr with that nnhUlMiuitjhobU-'lWra, iu the "UC siinuy atiiMMiiiere of an early are. is HP flHHK' n'lll'kWsTTlW(t-ftlTf fif eluViC ful lalMr, fove, harrmaiy, peace ami Joy. r.rrrv wamaii ariiti ffuns.nt laws dan i um J rightly, ami create the,proH-r awed 'ami spiritual atuiis-iJiere,-to sutJi "au nw, ivueios was as true an ar list In tier way as though aim had WW-" tea liala or bad oaret the ! i of m . "a J w"" sMBaaagaBTaa waaj i SlkIiatTiiigeliH uf aiut.i Usv pivturea.. of lUtphtiU . . . ; J rwfAt-m M'urrKr-The irrookfrn Hnfftr, an aide artkdo m "Newspaper Work and Worker," trutlUuliyremarka lust mere in no ollief pruteswlmi t, ei't joyrimuiuuilies frtiu oistcrvatiou aa to w ItMsk's. The prtweher wrltea in the privacy af hto slady, and can vorreet plat itaides er bad plagtorhMn that wauld elite ruin m the editor and retstrter. Tlie lawyer consult hi client and or ganizes bin csnilgn In private,' tiring- ittg into mmrtanly aa muah aa makes for hto cause and against the cause af iito adversary. The doctor pile hto po-i. Hons a lx I lauiM-ltc hla lancet tn sei n t. If thertsitient recover, It may be the inexttciis. or it mar be In solte of iMtUea, It mar be tha mlto or iWrt- k-nce, tlie physician to scathleas. . None of tlie-b enie to light that fhelr deed may Im reproved. . '(. -. luivorer, the work af iha pee i ara tliiuous, a mall annlsiillypublic. There to rm jttcaeeiuour war. There to no rest. fir the weary space to no more annihilated by telegraph than time bv Joaruaitaai.' The evmiag and naiinrtiig arejiof merellJpe nrat dajr, but ail aev eiu Night Is auuihito'ted as to. all its qualities of rcpia Kvery minute of every hour of lire twetdjfoni to occu pted by eeme worker duiugaanae work that allows Itself in the .nersatpcr ef the day ami afternoon, ICepetiiion to a lmsiasihle aa rest.-. Facet are ever new. tvmmeiito maat be aa -.fresh a facta, and tbaeiUtinn to a iraawwerle giaut tluit rata up alt the aecomls. The maklng of a ww-isiiier to perpetual mo tion .in a thousand lipkto. In auch a atltUug na pause, exacting eterwei .and- ever varj lug exercises, It is linnosHiuie for wheai to be btunixed Wlthr hufj, iur accuracy not to be Inipalml bv mistake, for liduatlce- not aveaamnally to he rci.y,' in hls.Ulry, dshsi HeptemW, 1Wl UIf aald: I in.i ctKi tot v etrp or toarra t biiut drink), of whtoh I had never drunk--be-fore,'L he, mar "any other manr" Httte i. ...mi, I .-jfM. i.t il tmde In ta. should eulssMjnently assame. Twetitra,re thoasaad eheate have come to tlik-ago by rail from Man tranetooa "Within tao jnontlat, representing I,, nil pcMjruto, all exclusl vcly ht tins West cm trade, while 8,n rfswda, or three million rsatmto, jaMsed through ClUoage during tlie aame Ume, an their way to New Vrk and. the ether Eastern mar-4 ket. But very few rajde ean nowa j OBJ sayJF"n .i r . ITpya, tlialvat is a 'Klilna drink, Which they never .trunk lafnre and Which, la auiasa qnently telU.n In his dlarr t In a a entry ntMrWHTr veam Uteri, - Mr. PHtieary b-lht hto wife .n Very rl t" drink tor her rvdd" ete. .: The wi.brW uf John ftrown 11 n Ilumhohlt county, fatlAartiia, with her en Hsimrm ami Lrr aSuirhtem Harab and Klh-n. Anne, who waa' with her tairierat liarpct Kerry, I married In tallfonila. The two aona, John and Jsarm, live In Ohio, Owen In lnYsjr ti How waa Jonah pagiabed f WTiaId. I laarfMMleal U ruiltia WJ AVIWrlua. IbuhVai Ik tHesalnl aad Rxaoarac Is Wi Vraage of tKa - '- . J -jU-t- W I Ul."-r n ti.-f r' -.....- arrlllms aapr aaMinsnl Uafta tarrj BjtH Btsks rsoa ttuOr aaates in Is 1 KUlior, or aa stwwiNB nn a gnu a as as ' enmmaafcsitlsaja), -.. i o j tut ssaaBaaassj-ss-BBS tlsa Bso.risa4 aaaa ewj- 6 T ., ..Tnr-i-ii-a-f,;,,,,, neaaaraa. .toaaawsr. .. j - Ite ta saMa tm Ifcs asllsa, . .,.,.,,'" Waea ta eoa sf waa U snia- 4um a; Aaant ar trees aoe and abtaaer , A rher brekoa sad nwsa. " Aht Ih tkraat af suek aaj Baonae d . i Aaa taat mrsa, avse jraadag, t w, ; Hi llss a siatUrimasrBt rrosi ) - 4r. "BanWiksaV.aabsisfaaaingai, ji,., , tiraalatilk a W1T Uiloei Awt Uts aaiaaay. lw na traaaM,'''" IsUag 4saairsra ta th sanaaj; :i o -: Wsn ia. j i.s.1 ot ! , . . ni MBstiaaf awusjt a kaaUng aaw . Tells roa of a Bsmafa im ' ' ta rhW toaetr.tnnerr Btaee.'' d U ;, Jfa, aat ia theret-thta U toMer,V' ""iwi""rr" ' wae las roktoa saaaraau slerwi ' Taer are atalaa aaoa i : TJtatasiUdl Br yar aurtw trrv , r BM aaoa tsjBt lug basld Aad Til k-ll roa how U - llatrli a 1 1 iMlimt Oio tmntm - loss vim atHt SMrrat ass. H ta bit aa4 hairy feiasasavM h Aa an n -ajBMmiair oa. rr aad he diOnl cast a flip For Ut IHlUof BollaWd rUlea Orrhs arirness aad srtal -' Indat eid. mt asjajiiiu.l. Ussilla ssa la tsiassy., 'j Hers a aUrhsd kit ts' at last, ,- I la disjs Ihtry simsht a fit ir-nwi - ' u-1 LI., .t. tW uu. O. lliMBd ami mr, rait Ivaolr sf thia, ' 1 '' MH bmI kkspai sal-srriJ Asatlhsaabm ess I Uatr kennel,. ,MI iT - kk ' u Vp aadidwaa ta awsatsit vunrrN aln lb. an. imiIm ma m mwmm bwm YvaeoaM km Ihetr sstt etinras. 1 '- X-arfBtlHMaatsai nana n. , mUWaB-sswlaf Wsita-,,, , Wvsward by UtertnT.oofT.,, - ' ' UuolirJ Um- auery war of tamo,"' ' I .j.,Asd lae fsllsat ehaae ssSin -i4 Hat lite Th(uanl of ImiHuermeaf, " H aeennua aad HMabsla,T.l - avvoaarnad aluaa tea vaiwr... 4t i..t, .. i .., yross ta amssilsln tu Uia, staiti ; . . T Aad (Ua Uva tm r rnwiw --r L iiwNm vwcta wild was lierw,5-'isr - Aad tae tsaai asadafcrtsasd aaa arKswd, Ik. WksMtsmalaaka(Mrat -V .. ... . As the sauijrHOui Utrutljrd aad IhaMderW Wlh the ImuJ aatsllsd alml. Am4 tb bfi-alh oTrlowltur anstHta ' " radted ntii asi tnut stw mi ansds.i . . Valutjr.'wfaea the shsiloar - Aad nun waaaa tls aaah; - '1 HsaaVsiU W hMsasra fear , , f? to It f ntsnuil ft truing i, , r -lark- vuulij fewl S lawny kaalera 1 tataailds)erartdieJitbaaiaaa, -IS. gar Mm taarka vara dha aad sold: $srtjuitfTOa,aailstkuf ; - iwuc aura iua euguts aioa, Uka ta attlah aAsr aalpsa. IVlea aad iLrtot It araa rvpeoioJT When M raa aeat Mr rae Barsk; - -sr - Aad sBeaasasi asm ss laaaiBsg n t ,,,.AaaMaaaaaUJMakuaasakM ii, , w Tuia baa a.iua -r Ih.l w. u.l " AmU kn--. wbea thr bugaa. . T saMaTa'idaTl!ir mLTin'iiuir' Then be sat wnfcM hareaMn, " vwea'(.''ia i i.S!rtirar. t'BWI Bias. ; ' imila whlasof BtiagarlMukri But as sat sad smuasd niisily, ' tt'MI. ........- . 1.. L. 1WI rst. vuaasad feht-wrat issnsMyi.. I ; AadasMsBMiMaimattaalot , - ' Ad Um eyruslla, WH.Dd flsrls. I ' . Cavrruraaank.aa Jrl.plnJw.t:-i""' -; Rank? tba aarufati sTMs aasjtere ' -'; , V sa losomuiaaai ia,i gnaws;, . -iW ' 1 i anc,, ;T; Aad ueciirk,ai(Jsaai4srHHV, "Was m wfli lx-a.1 Hlrx . IbM I u ffc aeM er fcaisjfrst asasr-''" -'a tTsai lbs erroTuoc o aVvtft " ' -(TjXwUs aUjht rat llitra JtJ j;r'i . Ahl tllf ed r nf thai orvr j, v:3(!,.. aTraa atM tuaai4alaliaaii EaHtlmt Well, ahtMld rslhar aa . suaa-ay as s ai wtsw.; at r H AM Aad IImHt Bsoatba war wat asl eHotoa With Ik Hrk, anhnly east. C aiMltMMta. aa Onaa kl If. Jl l:lft 'Ht "'' Itnnpraed by th place nnr day, :.' ! ;Aad a ktsttrm Mask aiav t t UM sUmss aavl sal . put a ealr racad UMtanaatarv- .-. U Ur at. M-rWO. sU s.luut. ' 'As aeartthrng, wln Snd aotSfleM1.''-".'" rfdaa aMdo. jmed saMi . "r.i. ""M- u. se. parksBa, Baa Msse an Maat r , . , V Tt asa a Ja UcruriiioOi. lla araa aar Itc.1 tir a H.bu 73 ' lni biwrd saslmrf Ins arlllv''? 1HaaarMaoatdkadd.Hasfl-2. ''vmiel Twaaaradaand kaaialr aarasrt,'-ti . WfUMawua sBMaa of, , -Urrs rba Hal K-Hlr-That la all. ,'-' ----- t i . H Uvea near ' Worccsh r now-!li2 meanesi man ami lies a deacon. tone age hie father and mother died, and hto heather buriod theaa. r-. Atsaait bair a luad of earth had. be be carted , away, "nd " the deacon " rhargetl ,.kto j, brmher fifty cent for the neof hUoxcn " aad east. , , , . ., , , i .... . -. 41 i a What to the iliirafenae Mween al 1 mr jreungeat i aiau r minute aaked a preeot'loualmyJ4rhis grave ancle. -"I tln'l knowi wliat toitr-was-Yhe- aneto't ryWhyr-aaa-i haarv-.. and the her ont Ann." waa tin staax ning exlauation , , - Theremark "bf an eicTange WhatV Many of rsar ancceasful towyrre rrmt numeral life ad pciarhera bt graoefuily eerrectoii by out of Uia Jegal K-tUU mu-u. who bm bar m tta 'i i..P I . Uf a an Infant. - . , ' Vra.H. IV-Htowe aava't 'Ofen need rXf . wlrea wbe are ta toe with thera.-'KiBa-pto ttstomnoe ta not enough to atand the strain of married life, and to got njrrlcI , wlien JroU'o not truly love to to commit " an act of dishonesty and Injustice," ; u : i ' a " . .l-Jiur"; A (tb-ego eneartmaa svwrttoed "a bny wauUsJr'-and beMM he gut dovm : ijwn bis servant met him breatlik?, " and told him thst hi wife bad twin boys. O, It pay to avtvertlae. i - r Aa TAslVman Wing bfld that the ilcatsf lawatl bad fallen, exrtoimetl s ials I iu nrst time i everroiced lu 11m toil of my beet frtend.o " T. 0m --- y y T , s