The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 09, 1871, Image 3

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: Sew JIcrlptsL
.JL'NK V47I.
IWO KaA YU.-We want to aey a few
idnJu worda to those desiring to
tribute to
columns of the K
"WMI wt deal re an! ur-
eetrtly iMlWctelrfMioM VoVH
. suae ao tlinpnxd to favor ua, we want
thru to be albert. xxUhytana to the
point, stating th.jDMwt tjhat ran
In th feweat words jioaalina. Brevity
la often tb aoul of fwmnw aeaaa aa
Well aa. alt, eiidpartk-uUriy solo writ
- In for Uwr eolaaaaa of a wide-awake
weekly aewwper. Umr, labored
mi profoundly leejned eaaaya, no tuat
- tor hoar potent the argument or con
vincing the togta they may contain,
- are poruIUrir Mnaulted to our columnar
Iaw aad atuJW efforta ahaaJil Bad
their proper plac la the alower moving
ami auore lumuering mooUjlj nwv
lineal' The reading public do not, aa ai
general rule, fellah long article la the
roluuiaa of a. weekly axrwapaper. They
Ilka variety, ami It ahaolJ
deavor of fhoe writing for the praae to
roaaUutly bear thla fart la mind. Of
course Utla rula, Ilka all athara, ha ax
cedloua I but 11 la very aeldom lailaad
tliat the IntDortaaoa Jot a aubject calls
for an article axeeadlag half or three
quarter of a column la length, and wHtm
tbea It la quaatfonaUa if It Wera aot the
bettor way to aend U la la twa ar am
. installment instead of preclplUUng th
whole at eoce upoa the reeding commun
ity. Ho turour coutribotora hare la the
mala hea wjr raaaaaabla la thai re
spect, Ve only apeak of It bow to
avoid the' necessity of rejecting otuer
wla OM-ritortiMM aoatrlbattoaa on ao
rouat of tkelr extreme length. A won!
to the wkt la aufflrienti
: - -.n - r ",
Tlix Water Moiorotv. TWJZrs4
after iinoutn-lng ihecircuUtlon of
a ivruonatranoe against tha ewroach
menu of tba Water monopoly of Port
land, -aaya, and w know with good
bow of reaaon : MWa do nut believe that
there la a ritiaen of Portland but what
- win sign tba rettKHiatranro, aad It la the
: duty of every one to do ao. It la a
hrearb of faith on tha part of the Water
(UMnpMy attT people at their own
rxpraae hara attached plpr to their
raalna, aad after they have BrgUotod,to
ro-kle' tbemaelvea-wlth ciatorna'aud
- walla, -aad have .depended- upon tba
Z: Company fur watr ur that Company
to now ralae tha rat. The people mn
-. right la aaking relief, aad the Coaacll
. atuat grant It, Let thlaarrngaat Cbeapany
" betauicht tliat if they do owa one or
- two Cbu arilmen, they do not yet own
V .the alty of Portlaad.' Wa hope that
ererybody win'aiglt tba remonatraaoe,
r -t rJWuMAt PaoaracT ist Lnr Cbrm.
Tba AXXnEegMer aaya.: 'After
rarefaUy eataparing aotaa, wa baiiev
- tha artaatloq a tat aoanty la aboat
- UiUu tprlng wheat genmlly'at this
- writing never gave better promlne of an
being predicted that tha yield
will be greatly
In axoaaa, ahould no
unfavonje.wcatlrr. Intrrr-gieJbetyactf-
thla and tiarvet ; of any former year.
Fall grain haa not fared aawvlL TUW
aom fanaera hava pleraed .up all of
tbelffall aowa wheat, ataera have a fair
'altdwlng fur a half rrop, and atlll other
ctaln that their fall rrop wlU avenge
with other jaara. Indication r that
tha fairgraia will aot yield, generally,
an ararag rrop." But' tba loan, If any,
auatalned la tha fall wheat, will be fully
- - . . . - M V - '
mana up in uta extra y teM ar aprtng." -
PoBTUurD Raiubjoad BaiDUK. Mr.
H. R. Leonard, aa experienced bridge
builder lately arrived front California,
and undrratood to be tha contractor for
the bridge at Ilarriaburg, eatima tea that
it Will roat 1V,000 tovonrtru4 tjhprffii.
poaed Mllroad'orktge at thfa point. Hob-
- arriptlona are already la rirrulaU-m and
- a eonaltterabre amount aaa beea eub
arrlbed. The partlea having ehargef
the matter ar oonSdent that the whola
um will be aubarribed thla eeaeoa, -
- IUilboa!) OrxaATioxa. Th Al-
, :. bany Drmoerot aan that naada are al
ready at work clearing away the alto of
the bridge at Ilajrrlabarg and preparing
lortna rerrpuoB or to Umber aadlx-
'- turea. The brtdga aad treatllna? wlU be
two aad three-quarter aallea longhand
will probably occupy about four aaontaa
Ita ronrtructlon. It Win be ahnnt tm I
aad a half nillea abov UarrUbarg. '
dmirr of June Sd Bay 1 "The Vatpqua
river, during the laat week, haa bren
"higher than waa ever kaowa at thla
aeoaonoftheyenr: 1 lladtheeoateMiplat
. ed river ImprovetnenU beea madty all
the freight aow lying at rVottebtfrg
rould have beea brought to thla jJa."e."
lAin carAin. ilia aaaaaaawm aaya
that the Mtate Uxea af Baker ami l aw-
. tilU court 1 ice fur MTO iare yet unpaid.
Thahalanrva In the Hiate Trraaury are
running fciw, aad there are auly about
. enough fu7ula onband to pay the aa
; tl'teyi warram
Oanmlaaiua. i r' ' '
.Pla Road. The Kalama iWon
a cvrtijany haa Ucn orgaaiara fur
to puroae of eonatrwtlng a lnk
ruwd'irt ween Kalanut ami Vancouver:
The dUUitoe 'weea the twa pntrrta-1
jacnijr'alx milra. -
IKATHorMaa. r.AV.
"TTW. Folaoni, of Eugene tlty, aa eatl--mable
tartT, Uurtitof Wltll.m ..1
IWbeera Uale and aUt. r of the pnie.
V tore of the H.-.-irg .aV, dW on he
. SOthof May lC --J-k. ,
' -.. ; .v' "A-" " - ; h ,A j ,
-AaauTTAT temwK'Vr. JCj
riieraoa, -faratorly Kute Priatorj haa
becomo ajaoHatoJ with Mr. 1. JL t
bm la eaadut-aag oe editorial rol arena
- of the rtalvm Mtrtmrg. .tL " 7 r--. t ,
I Tun PatiutAaoaic But-imr's Coa-
lur, tin twai 1 ua ; vim - a
aioule rJorlety laat Friday evening, tha
Sd laat. la thla city, waa a very One eu
tertalnment Tle; rto
drred la a Very creditobla Manner In
deed, upward of furty ruiree participat
ing la tbeaa. Hunta very Ana aUoa,
durta, troe W qtaarteta wera aung.
A aunjl" of Inatnuiaental piece were
abn given. The Ora Fiao Theater waa
eoautdetoly ' tiled, ,'auoat all the aaati
having beea reaerved early la the day.
The eaneert wilt be repeated one week
from thla (Friday) evening, when the
prograniaevof exrrvWee will be eomo
what varied, parnely any an who at
tended tb concert laat Friday evening
will fall to be prearnt again.
Goxb raoa Eabth. A letter Juat re-
eelved from Albany bring the aad newa
that our aweet friend, dear llattl Mor
gan, la no more upon the earth. Bbe
died at the raaldenee of her alater, Mr.
Partoa. of lung fever, after aa Ulneae of
twa weak,, f -,h.-',A",'t.-.-jr
aar hvracolir an, f aaerl,-
Te tha hava fUMbleal; '-
arn ftaaw aar paiaraor owowr
A a tha aaiy ae at rmt,m
aawUy hty haa'i mail i- ,-.:'
laaawa eaaaaUaahiaia.
, tbe uf; cvattto raathOT,
I tha few. thM Ihaa thf ehtM ha4 a the I
Jiaw Towa. The Kalama Beacon
ay that it la reported that a company
at Haa FmaciaeahavepttrchaaeJa traet
af land four milra below Kalama, for
the purpose f atartlng a town, Tfaere
are many rumor of contemplated Im-
plWdlt 11 tat ilk?li'BBlttOf) -4a,4
grain elevator. The enterprise la under
tli aaaariaUledoa of iaj4 Wlaao
wlto haa contracted with the llainier
mill, for lumber and aved -material
toaonatract a tKttuaand fet of wharf. 11
r. R.K. Ce' Jww bunding at KaUmat
intended to be ueed aa the headquarter
of bualneaa for that company in their
operationa on thla end of the. route, la
nearly, completed In all it dt-taila. -, The
company wlU aMonungiy aooa maae
It thalr haadquarter. Tha atructure
la three Btoriaa highland I quite a fin
IlKAX Estatk Pami-hlxt. Mr. DBtTh 1 pound waa na.le Btrong polea.
vldaoo, the Irrepreaaible real aetata
dealer, Jaclrculatlng a comprvhrnalve
compilation In pamplilet form, laaued
by -authority of tha ritlaena of La
Urantle, giving a deacriptioa of the nat
ural raaouroea of Laatern Oregoa. Mr.
Davidaoa merita hla well earned posi
tion of public benefactor.
A'xarroaa.-Mr W'. H-JSeward. Jr
aad lady.and Mr. J. K,Knappand lady,
arrived in Portland laat Friday eeealag.
They are making a tour of the FaciAe
, They aalled' ea the atoamer
Oriflamme Wednesday for " Ban Fraa-
clara, after vUltlng tha Dallea and other
polpfwi the Columbia.--
Caktata or Etntsa-Mr. and Mr.
McOlbney are making great eflbrta to
odaer-a full.ti ua t watt tralarlTtnalrirac- becauae
voieea for tha grand Cantata of father.
Frequent rebearaale are. held, and w
predict that their perfbrmanc wlU be a
complete mrw eaa. J- r. -
,iUrrrauiKn. The Carvaltia JatU
aftaouncM that Iter. A JIanna, of
the O. K. PreabyierUa Church, waoJha
beea Eaat aome tiro fur tba purpoaa of
laltlne frieada and worklne fnr the in- or eonaiam onnaera, ami 11 eontin
.f -y,in n, WWJti ttt oflw-- tn m frw nhort v ear win
tereato of the Albany College,
Iujckm. Wa aerioualy regret the
eeat arvere illaeaa of our friend and ea
irkar, Mra. Ueartai Kaxtoa. fche is
aow ao far couvalearent aa to be able to
bope aooa lo lnr of m r oomplele re-
oyery. .' - 1 ' .
. rxtuioK A U-M r. I'pton, of the HeJem
ifrrrurV. 'nalUL auJ aa : raktrfday.
UUd to aaa alia. He brgaa aoaae antl-
aaffrage argumenta, but we asked him
to rearrve them fur hi paper." IIc'U
riTaAwaxaaT FaarriVAi. We leant
that the Order af (food Templar ar tol
give a atrawnerry Jeatlval la the Ht.
Charlca UotollalkUag thla evening bat
we hava had a afltoial notice of the
Yaqcixa Bat Raixjboad. The Bea-
aaya that negotiation are
pending with a view to the coaMrmUoa
of a railroad from Corvallie to Taqulaa
Bay. ' ry. ' 1 ' r ' y'.:r '
- BEArfiB Moaicf y CoarAar, The
Beaver Mniaer Campany, JeflVraun, have
bought a lot of machinery of the Kalem
Woolen Mill and win art It top at JTeOVr
"V -v -
- Kjclabocd. The Dalle XlountnUerr
haa been eulargrd to . a twenty-eight
cohimnpaper. We are glad to note thl
er kleace of Brav Maar pfaaptrlty. .
aana We ac-
k no v ledge the receipt of com4inmiUry
tk krta to attend their annual picnic, to
c.n offoaTueaday, Jane -13th. . . j ,
ItBAb ET atk. The aalca-uf real ae
tata are not quite ao briak aa a month
ago la eity property, thooglt- aiany
aaaawa- aVff i?wwaJ 4Bwa " lLt
iDEXTinxn. Mr. C M. Martin U Irv
tmed that we have idea U fled hint n4
hU bird. We mbaook Jdm tor a,
BtxrxxsQ Vr.A larg, number of
arttlcr ar Bucking Into the Hllver Lak
couatry, aorae fifteen Jallef .back af
Kalama. -. ,
Huia WATta. The Willamette river
at thia point ta atiU rWng Irom back
water fronx the. IVIambia. . "
;l 1. 1U aadrattj. ...
II waafJhriatmae day, but Kate atond
by the wim1iw, looking out oa the
tailing a now villi a very auber facta.
"What ta the matter, Kate? naked
auntie. "Why don't you play UU
your new dull V '
l 4W care for her now, 'auatli,'
Kate aaid alowly. .
"Why aott.Ithoagatyaallkedher
rv rnirh Ib nlvlit .
"Ho I did, but my doll haa a china
head and a erimaon-4hibrt draaa; and
I've Been Mary Urant'e to-day, and It'
ever ao much prettiert fcWe a wax
head, and ahe'a dranj la blue ailk. I
don't like my diahea, either i f wanted
gllt-and-white lnatead of flowered one.
And see, It' mowing, and I ahan't get a
rttie to-uay." s
Aunty thousht a few minute.
"Katie dear, aha 11 I tell you a little
etory I read butt Chriatmaaf
Kale ami led. "Yea. auntie. plae.n
"A little girt named Patty lived a-tth
her mother I11 a baaemeut-ruom one
room, Katie In a large city. They
were very poor, and the mother had to
go out to work, leaving 1'atty . alone la
great duaL (Jirtatmaa eve the poor
woman waa ir4nf home from work,
looking la at the llirhted atore wlmlowa
and wiahlng abe could buy a gift for her
mtiegtrt. Hhe-dlctitot think or ncraeir,
though ahe ahivered with cold. Hhe
waa not going to have turkey or roaat
beef, pudding or pie, fur dinner aext
day, but ahe aaid to heraelf they ahould
not be hungry, aad that waa a good
deal. They had bread ami milk anu po
tato?. And ahe apent one bright pen
ny U ane coukl niiarc to get a aura
of mint candy fur Patty.
"But aa ahe walked along ahe
Bomething white on the pavement IShc
Btooprd and picked up a piece of rlav
rlpe-only a piece, Katie ( You don't
now how plcaaed alie waa. Home ahe
went wita a cneeriut neart, antiwjicrji
the little girl wa la bed and Yaataal
alia alipped into her atockinK the ca
and broken - id lie. Very -early 1'atty
awoke, ami ahe fairly creamed for Joy
wbea aim muml tuetiu
"r or haumof tliat day alie blew bub
ble, happy a a bird.' What would site
have aaid, Katie, to jfour Chriatmaa
gift T" , - - -
Kate looked aalianicd. "I waa not
good, attnth," ahe alL -1 don't dwaerve
my pretty thlij. "
Auntie kimed her, and aha Went to
hur play with a bright tace; and kept
it. Childrm't Juw. - - - r
Frank Wilkceon, a young eiirinecr In
the service of the Northern Pacini 1 tall
road, thii deacrlbea an Intllan aalmoa
trap : "Thia weir waa a etrong fence of
rod aa la rye aa your nnjftr, t'lKt reet
long, act diagonally lo-n the atream,
with a pound at the upper corner next
tne nver-Mna. 1 lie riaia aiopea uown-
ward, and were out of the water four (act.
With roda act Irj. tbem,whlch rawhed
the tMMtom or tue on, the upper
Idea, but which were a fuot 'from the
bottom on the- lower-able. - Thia open
waa the door for the aalmon to eater by.
Now the. aalmon, in coniUf UP the
ativam, atrike the fence, and not being
able to paaa through it or under It, ttiey
try oua or two luiiipa. But, aa I aaUl,
the fence kana down the atreanvao tliey
atrikq It about aa,.aonn they leave the
water ; tlierefore they follow up the fence,
and finding that they can get under it at
the pound entrance, la. they go aad there
they atay. You wlU think it etranaw
they ahould atay there. But they do.
They never tliink of going back. Whea
lathe trap, they. anead their time ta
trying to Jump over the fence' and they
follow that paati-ne uutit the Idiane want
Homkb Mkw rta Orrirr- It Ujf naafe
to truat any man wbo asea Intoxicating
liouom with Uie Bianaeement of public
buslnraar" bccauM the man who uae
, whea placed In a
aa evil Influence
publie office, exert
upea uxoauaunnyr anu aapeciaJiy
upaa young man wlo are rauai aaaalr
todueuued to Imitate the vfcos, aa well
aa tha virtuea, odour . public men; and
again,. many men who go Into oftlue aa
Bioderato drinkera, and for a while at
tend to and diarharge the duth-e af their
omoeafaIthully, will moat certainly
(ualeaa IIm-j r' the habit) become
become drunkarda, unable to reaiwt the
tomptatloa aurroundlng their' official
tat ion; and Juat In proportion aa they
aink their manhood by the nae of at rung
drink, in that aame proportion ar they
mnderea arauue mrvanta or the people,
liable at an v moment to do publla in
Jury, the erfecta of which WlU lire long
aner tney are nutmeg to tuetr iaat ree
Ina niaee be the aaa of Ikiuoe. It la a
duty the eoher. law-abiding cftlaena owe
to society, the Is children and themalcvea.
to place aonermea la orace. rr- --
OaaooK'a JIbioht JVrrnK. Th
Raeburg iXutg haa the tallowing re
mark i . w r- - ; 1 . j
All over the State we are evidence of
improvemeat. Tow na and' village are
nriagipg up all around aa. Immigra
tion ia flocking Into our rtate, and In
all parte of the nation iaqulriea are made
about trregon. Latvia are itaereaaing ia
value, and becoming acaree along the
mala thoeuUgUfarea. Tlie Oregoa Cen
tral Uaalroad ia 4iallng end extefMling
itaalf ap thmagbr tle valleya, and ere
long we ahall are It paming through
I'aapqua, flndlng aaoullet to the great
loBiibenUU liailwar to California, la
email towna along the road, where tnta
were rated at hundreds, they readily
all tor aa atany thaaaaaa. gatara
captiauaw are among usaorewoiy ar
laung on ailea mula, taetorlra, etc.
Our people are Jn Ulan t ever thia audilea
change from KgrpUaa darkneaa to
light. . Kvery land iuUder value hla es
tate at hundreda of dollars Increaae.
C Piiencer. autlior
of the
MProblenM,- and on of the ladies
tried recently to vote in Waahtngtnh,
haa written a moot amuxing fetter to the
Chnmitte, detailing her experiences.
Anmng other thlnga, alie aaya-.
'W went to the polls n election
day, and the great crowd parted before
th Beers' wand lUefda waTea of tlat
obedient e in olden time, when Mea
lifted up the rod; and we went aafely
and quietly up to the wlnilow, oflervd
our vote, aa we Intended, ami were re
fused, aa we anticipated, and If anybody
waa hurt we haven't heard of It. True,
a few aniatl hoy foil lowed ua, ami one
very small Uy, indeed, ran before as
and openeil hla li tt le mouth to my some
thing, when, to bMkatooianment, down
rams a blue-alee red arm and ahut that
litlia mouth, and moved that-little bny
ao quickly taat I am arraM he dbln't
again aatU the elect ion
ever." -, v
Mr. Puniway, la her New Nobtk
wrmT of thii week, haa a virorowe arti
rle oa th "hanHJiip of farmer' wives."
Hhe say that many wlvea . never have
a dollar, and cannot hire belp -whrn It
K nevileil, and their live ar devoted to
toil anddrudgery "to Becurw means r a
aeeood wife to aoatter. A pithy and
toiUag way of Mating both a wrong and
iU rraulta. But thia ta not tbeW-aa
merely with farmer wlrra; it happroa
Mlm Anthony U hoaae aJa la Rseh-
eator, enjoying herself hiigely with
doaamaker. tuilUuer. and stiocmaker,
buoy repairing the damages of th wha
ler campaign, ana gruiug uie -nxutga
ready for the May merUng. Her play
peil will be all to abort, fur ah ia booked
fr Broukviile, Pa., June did, Moux
Cltr. Iowa. June lita, and- (tusrokee,
Iowa, June luta.- After that ait caaUl it
am oa her way aver ahe BAouataias to
theUoldea iiat. Tiie friends on the
line of the Pacini railroad, who wkdt a
call from Mlae Antaoay (aad wa Wt
douht taat whateyarymaa, wasnaavaad
child, luoiudiag truthful Jaatea and Ah
81a, all tha way from Council Biuffa to
Mtn Franciaoo la both aaxioua to hear
r great tuaeraat eliaasptoa I,
give her early notice, aad be
wlU please
sure to direct to llocbtjetor, Nw York,
A man went to Oreetoy, the ether
Lday, and told him be waa deatitute, he
U klii I even nave a ceat. ana wanted 10
know what he ahould do. Horace
acrata-hed Ida bead, aad thought a mla
ale, and than eari Til toll yea what
to do. Yea buy a ton-cylinder Hoe
preae and go out to aome atation oa the
Pacific lUilroad. away from rtviliaatioa,
aad atari aa eight-page aaoralng paper,
and grow up with the country."
' ' vi.
Thb Nrw Kormiwaat-We are la
ranelnt of thla new neper of the above
title, publiahed by Mr. A. J. Dunlway,
Portland, Oregon. It la aa advocate of
Wanu MnfTrmm. and la a nrat raaiia
ble and haadautue pauaWVe wiab. it
aounoant auuiaaa. Axgrae journal.
1 141
"Are the picture which you brought
home from .Europe li buMiacapra V
aaid aa artiat ta Mra. bhooVly one day.
"Load bleaeyou, no," replied the Indig
nant lady ; ''they're II paintln'a T!
f AXi rACTVaXR A3t KiUi 1 -
twtti. ifjaiimt wwm, m, -
foraer tiat aad Taaahlll atraata. rarUmad.
A nrrriJMArf aawl twaetjr-ava. aa4 la
ud arufcM.lMial urarlk-a. ilnlPM U Mk
li atxiuanuuMW af a allila alrl
avn -ft" wrm-at wita a Ttrw m wf
. " Kqbtmwiow Orrw-e.
; 1 rani
1 with tit Bna ol Kull A Kvrnr.
tha atUnnue af Uta PuMM u the atat that
HE HI t 10 C4TI1 AT I AUI1A,
Where ha has Sw ! mAy aMlralle fta
a him ami lteatana rntfmtm, ami will tan
atHft4 4 44uUoaitlt nlliif nd Uaacral
Umrr MM - I'. W. 1(1
' - fit 1 I'MtMl Atffllt.
I I al ' Klm. W. T.
r. avaga
toMHOM Oaar
, .-
A. . WAXxiaa. '
Job Pa i xti no au Book - Bnnnra
Oaw rnwt aa AUw atrwUw
onx nnxi at tub bownwt utin
T ist or raRMn'im a tha rtn Khibk.
j Utmul IU itrwfm wia Hntetnural w
aaaai'i ia uta tujw ""
CLAan L-KRl ETaw
t - FltaC aarM.
ror tha n tu t aI tr ana vav
atlea winwtLr bbh4..hh....m.n tw
fr iha haa Batr vathllta aem My
arnwl ... .
for the boat cat varletr aarrarUy
I at 1 m
U - . ' Ml
rarttoahMt atw rdllnr.
, . BAaraaaBiaa "
gar th ii-la asather aaati ve
rleimeiMrripelly md Of
gor tha heat axir vartlaa Ity
una - . 4 t
Lfur tlia bri oiif varlrtg nirrailly .
aaiwia , . mmim a
gar tha hat aaw a Ullag - ta
rcaaara. -r.
Far tha "" aatahar eaog va-
nimiii aaml .. ......
gnr ll beat tuur varwtMa I
ratoa amueat naiaher
rletlM mrtTr4lx aiua
Fur lit saat
ummI k...
.. -'
11 Iha bnt oa vartaty aoriartljr
aaawrl .M ,. .
a t
gar um heat new redltag..
AN artlrlM la IhlarlaaaahaH maihrMta aw
aomianaa Weahraat raaa. mmi, raera ta eaaa
al rara aa4 saw eaaUllaea, at laart aaa s4at
hall a ahnwa.
fcalnuaea awe. .. CATW A. r. " .
; . auarttalaaSaal. ,
gnr th tana exhibit af (ahra wea-
t a
t at
i axhlhU. tt aarly But
taaaaas van ITl... ,. ....... tB
rorlha heatahltWWatae-. . '
at vartrty nt rkakarw IS
ft tha haat ewe variety a raw
bar ....... ... t
INar tha heat fahhaaa thr aatl
gar taa haa Vtlaaa (this, rH-'
ttxasar -
1 1
lLairaaea (raa. U J. MiaT,
, Ct.Atai IIL-rLOWKRft. ;
Beat axhUrit aa .Vaftatlaa sf Bowaaa
iai -Z v ta
g-at rahlhlt nt vartrtfra ana speri
I at
J 'at
BuatvahlMtM mUm al
anaaa tif nemililf ntwa,.-.
hVal MtitMl r VarttHIca at
tat aa aataaa.. .... ... '
Baat aihiMI narlatlaa aa arc. I
- ata n Trlnaa , w.
tVa rihlMt nf haarlns haabeta.. ...
Brat eahllMI of varlalaaa aa aaiiai
ancaa at Belimenci
1 ahlMl
. ml ranl
lelira and lp -
i"l fllilMtut iMm aad aswri-
lnMa nt wl.aailr
Brat aahthM at rm n Uaa aa4 aawA
aaafMT rmrnm Kaa I
Hrat luly 'wMaM !
I aa '' ' tn
rv-at aatnars arraali
le-r ranliiHt .
laWiiint wh
hue rarhaha. : w la 1
Haaaatardrahaia . I at , fa
Hrat a haa aaamitily aaa.,
(hlT mar...
IVrat yellnw aaraaihly .,.
heal anobta aaaaalaaa
firal varfealrd B' ia alaai . -
rat yartriy oraaaaaatat (ullaae
daa .. , . . IB
I m
1 a
I aa
I rihlltlt T IlllUa,
1 4 taaiaat td
aaliva tJayarua
lvr tat - a
- ' - V raaax-aa.
r"trartjt aauba aiud ha aaata baaa ilia
rhaa al Ihr Brat day of IHr rthlholiat.
jaa arrauaaaaH rawy a ai aahxax ea
rw by athar aavtat-a, . '
Kahtkittaw WHI ha baia -aa aaa awxkuiv
n A iu. va taia rttv.
KI.IMa will ha
"f-a ta tha ajaMtoeNaraaa;
twa aaya aaa ua
or tha ht laital.aa wamuMeg
All kkaiLi ol lueudius dooak
aiiwur 1
nr ilia hast aaa varVrtjr eamrtljr
aaaiml it'.iMUM ' 1
BmT8iw vrtfUea , ,,. I
Hftaaa warlelyi, . . t BV 4
va n I
war iwl
.1 L
A aaMrautAL raa tbik rcarLS.
Tl Til alTITUTI at laaUaTfT,
Will to baara aa rrhtay ef 'evary wark, saea
wtth May ith, ISTL ', . -v; '
jJ&K iataaf ty latgaaaliag aartal
A rtaAa
1 v-i
- ....
Will heala to Iha aext ham, afayUBh.aad ha
eoaUaaa darlaglh ramalyaar. Coayrlcht
aerafed. . " U .
r, .
ooMtrrKarr ooum or wRiTca
aaoaajraMairaabJept; o JalJc Jjurm.
,' tt la aar alaa te ntaka ear sapor arrows to
. wa hava alanad aut tn wia mi'M
Walntaad tw Saaaraa ll aaal.' ara know M aaat-
tainaule.. - - . . t ..
Whatavar tewda ta th aihllnrstha at tha
Warfclas raHl.h tKy Ilea or Wutueauahail
raratva Mwaaul Mamilua. - -- '
The Krw hitaruwwrr la aot a Woman a
Rlrhla, aarl a Hamas Kfcrkl unrn. devoted
to whaiaver aawr aaay p4Tanihry la aar ara
tha rrralaat r"Hi to lb tnal-at lia-Mbac It
fcaawa aaaas.aa aalllloa.aM rWUa. an aalrtv,
aa anhir. ao traad. lu Aaaiataa la taalaaad
aaiMi taa mra car l.iaraal l.llny, ralvmal
4 toaar Amm of Iha tvaDfiaalhllllv llial
aajaa aa, aad dataratlnad tadanar daly. wa har
ta ara mr hi fraava Mir wliat a Ltwrtala.
aUn rsMla,
Aa aw todaeraat oar frtanda to mak
rtki la airara laiaa -ehiha tor Tha JW
Koam w Bar, wa aAhr tha Billow la Iiat af ai
aahla amnlumi i '
rat twenty aauw'iiuais. at n Biaarhicmm-
taa led by th ranh, wa will 1a InVlUlMK
HI TT1 KKWIMI M A( II1NK. wMhaatlw
hla, hraMinilly araamaniad. IT-....
ra tainy-sva aataarlhara, al tl B vaeh. ao.
ll!??S"mi TfX '
waiaai laaia, aeowaau aad BMeiy B:
www ainj- aaiiaiiiniia, aa ax aa aaen.
aan led K lhaaaah.w will ilv a H M k
TUK SrWl.KI MACHINK, Blllalard I
atyia, wna JHach Wataal labia
frtra. tat. - -
Th above anu Iss Marhtaaa, wti
tatad anav-rlaaa la avary awnlawlar. aaa ha
aaa at Iha adhw af Uaa. W. Mm, 1U r rual
Btraal, INwUaad. . , -
rur any aaiirtimra. myvt m aarti, a-nat
aaaied h tha eaah, w will atva a M MUI a
IlIUI IV MilrTftltl V ZiU.i i! & .
alaet taeaV, wHb Mark Walnul eaar, wnamatlc
hrilawa awall. twa Mw aadara, HaprMvad aaw
aav .rv paaa va, vra, w. iTfea. 9
aan lad by raah.a diaabla read HAWlX
A UAUU1 tHUIAM I raaaaiblaa th Brat
arnt ibat M haa alaa a kaaa atow. rVtea, f TA
riar avwv-av aalan nliara. at, t at aar h.
aavaaiyva aabanniiara. at.
aantrd by th aaah aad
aad tweatr-ava
Mfwi NHnpaw. wa
a addillnaal. wa will a-iva a MAaaJU A
arur, xLrtirm - a saw vatr
raovas aau.wa, -tb t iAjrr abb aaaa-
Iftu. rrbaa, taw.
rar wa baatlrad aaharrlhrra. tltia aaah.
aadtwaaty dallara adtlHInaial, w will rtv a
"" a nau.i urwiAii, ptvb aa-TAvaa,
nTiaMn.Twamnr aiaa.wHia tkkih i.h
are, laroMvaa aaAnaBa aair-aaan-anaw
aaa a iw ri IA. nlArAtaiSi
n iTt-TIUCalt UAKT. frw.tKtV v- i
' Thai whadraif In work vr tlira pmnlnina
eaa aaad tha aaaaaa aad nnni.y aa'Tnat aa ra
aalvad. Tha aataa-rita-ra will aa alarad ta laalr
dK, aad a aeoaah earn ar am merlvad
darlna tha yaar h amaa Iha araanlara da
atrad lhay raw ataaaaa a laaarraaawrtwaa, uf I hr y
WUI aaaaxlila to an nlv laraaty-ava narraai.
la raah af Ilia amoaat camiliad Aar thrlr lahnr,
raaauaia drainat lalhiawaahlir paavaaa a par
Urwtar dlairlrt will sleaa anlty aa. that w
aaay inililMh thaw Baiaaa aad tha dtawirt bbry
Iwiaad toaaavaaa, - r- - :-
Ar-ata aaavaaain Bar rah trrnilnata ar
aatillad tntwanla-avrprr ra ni., to h ttrdiieiad
by IlkMmarlve Iroia UiaMr aalaarrtplMwl tnaa.
w aim ra aiara ma w itaTM waaT la
rary family ta tawaaat aad Waahlasaun Tar
Th aam nt ry yaav aaharrlhar will ha
rat t lac ani iw mt a e-alball At'laaia'a
War It. whn will aaal that valaabla. almnf
aad widw awake ajawaaaaa-r Uiyaa sraUa bar
hrra aanaiha,ar watU ym frt rrady la aaa
arrlna Bar tt. ' . -
a ara aw tha aaa ra mat aad waadi i fal
buiiubbi rnanaaa, aaa xaa aa a' ''a yd.
rraaly aillwaH lllil
ha? th tlaaaa. - .-
Tha aaa graarlaaa rvina'r and KW gawra-
Wajrr will b aawt aaa yaar tar SI am
Im HrvnratMMi aad Nbw BaaUBW i will
tar amt nt yaar bar M ta . ,
. far la llnnaar. Hrvwlallna) sad KW XoartJ-
tan) will a ami ana yaar aw ta aa. '.'
W haw aar atrawvarvarhrra will avail
Wte'tAarlvaa tl tha raianliy thaa uA ra 4 ta
aaexra aa a targe drrulaLiln.1 : . , . , :
. . maaaaH. af Kalama. W. T; t ahr aw-
Iharlard aavwt w laau baajily, 1, - -
. A. X. Ar..M aaih.aiard In ettrwd tn all
bw.laaaaaaaaaat,.d WUh IhaKkf warraiwa
aa.Ajwxw,uania. ,. .... . t
won, t aj
n exira
ka ar war-
II j A r. t -k a rr A. x k t
C T I T Z t. A U I F t O H i
, v r
igratt far lat late af lot aad Btork la
1 laFnrrally daalrlna ta aiak SAKKaad KK
UAhlJC l.NVtXTalKMTa IS atKAL. fUol
IKK.aa baa lanva at thla Mm ta rail law
ailaalbm Ui thla laaarabr Tnact, whbrh haa
arra aubJKMad lata llaueka aad I.Ma,aiad la
wnw la Iha mat at. aa be antd la Alwtwat tota
and fllirrkl
Nn baaa-ray vtallad thbibadya Und aal
what will aay that U la tha aaaal eilaHde tar
nut iirliaa Itaalili araa af aay u rJ la thai
atarkat. tha laad havlaa; a ytwalaal ahm fiaaa
Mm rlvar bark In wavaataama NL.tavr brine
a aaaalr aay tUurfc bx lur aaur iraat aal whai a
r ir law uf th4-tty af Koruaad and tha WU-
lamrllr rlvar raa aa bad.
-Aaathar advanlaar thla aaaayarty trtW hava
Bar rratdraraa : Ka hhrh water will vr a Hart
tha dralatara af th any.
the o. a c n m, eon kew rtrjiaT at
la an max In rvwalar hrlpa frnat Iha amt af
r HI., tatr-h Addiliaa, t (ha ftajt af Waanw
KC, Uolladay AddlUuw. --
Aalda from fliranile Imiwnvrawiau aw la
malrmptallno by tha. HMIraad tViaiaaayla
th nmalrunloa in Wbarvra, W aw la amaa and
Marhin MhcHW. nuw a aemarr afrUiaraa will
nawraPa ararinis Jrlaa Haablanraa aad Ma
Inaaa Hoaaaa. Alatft, alraat Inipnivamrala, aa
daraoairnrt.bysradiaaaBd .laakinc Hdladay
A vr waa Ua riitlr Iraxlh, b auaanl with lh
Mandy naul. We ran aay that at Iraat Half a
Million In U ara will b xaamlid la aurmanrnt
lmpfvaAaia,.sai thla Addtaoav tba fraaaal
forty aar rant, eaah dawa f ! iwl ajr
BMala. alx sad twalva awnniha, with talawval at
la raxa u tan par oauVr aaaua.
3yoqrE8Tioy 'AAjgyjpiLE -nrnxL
it jmon
ftAVr Bar aal a liv amnhnl nt nirtTfJtTvn
Will h aoavayvd hi llarta aad amm lh aatn
fra tn rharaa and at all Uaaea ta MiU .tha
ejaxvatitra at nar palnnta. v
A lars a moan l ih r!ni-r r.HMiaiI.Aim
Air aala llaalad la Maliranauah, A aahla ma,
Varuhlll. Hoik. Rriiton, luaar, Marlua. l:la- h
niaa. and nHurr ananlira cmT IliU HI a la. . far
flUCE luWT call at our otMr. v
raa BALEt ."z
Elrhly Arra tAthn'aala.adiulalac llolladay
Addiilua aaa Ilia aaaC Apidy ta HUta( A
frraad Tea Ana Lota fnr aal. Biljntaln(
Kaal raaaaaabl temu. Apply ta
Kilts! A t'pinn. ' i , - v-
'! and Twratv Arr Iata aala wa Iha
MrAdamlard ia4 thrr ml Ira atmih af lh
city Hatha. Apply au HUtaal A VpUnx, . t -
" rARfca t atcaiT. ..
Wa have a aaaihar oT tmavwvrd Parma, aliar
alad In Waahlntzbax ouaty,Aoaa tuaruara ta
Iwrnty aillnuf t'orlaiuQ . - , - (-
WABTtTJB. - - - .- "V
At' that aaa, lmaadUatly, flaw Twa ha
Thra Huailrrd Irarlllna lluuara, altaalad la
fnrtland aad Kaat HarllaiMl. Traaala walllaaj
at miiui. inuii.
am. Ohm iis A aril ta. -
k Aor.xrv Krii ur iakk a tx.
Harrtal Aemta tn tM-raiaa and Waahlnctna
icrrui try Aa- Uialia-aa of tWiaw I, I la luaar-
autv l luiiimny. naviHC iirra uiKimioinaa on
lhlaln MarrW 171, Ihla lalollvr autlaa that
I hava till day aptadmad J. li. htaaarva and
W. A. I' iajrtland, IHvwinx, Hpaolal
A arn la Bw IbiHlata and TrrtiKwIaa adanlna.
nald MramrrA I'pina ar aathortaed aad will
alia-ad to all laaaraare haalnem eimnaetad
ar hia by Ah ttwartal arra I a, la-aka a Ha.,
aaaa aaarnaaa Baa bat a muy ana amiaia-
turAy aatilad. M. Pi tdoKriK.
ta'rraral Aat and Altoraey Bar AJutm Utw
Inaaraaaa 1'aimaaav aT Hartnirri. laaa.
H. R. AU aayatrnla on IMbdaa af lamor- t
aar is xw t uuiuaay aiHMiaa aar ar ana ay
rlllarala nT trrnm or WaaHlwyina Tarrltaary
hi aa mao innnum xiraara, xfaarrv a t a-
pnriat Amia al Pin'llaiidthaijp-jJ
Bv aaterrrrc. " a. biixib.
aatATTtt-at A HItUI,
PrirR-I! rARRmitBRirK. anath Id
t I Waahlfiatne
wva l auMl aad
.-. - altt-
t. 2 km. . I I . .
Pupil IacielTMl XimWy
A. BV . BL ,
- BBAtuvrr
VkW4NUflDIIID f0rrLlf
- - v .
a, BL tUaVAVat,
' riATB a ab raawnaxw,!
1 T I M
ttfTlrg-rviR eb- rBn-rrA k h iAH.
INwTOB HTak, rultTLAtt '
ara. lira in Haa franrlaro. 1 faalrnmiipii'at
t k rirat Claaa War ta ail tM-atat imam
Ibma. - ...
KMttafarttoa roaraalrrd.
Uuaa oxlda ml mlalatrrad.'
Ik. x'm il.i.h. lata n w Iimib. w
wLLWmnm'm A aril Bx, I ' - - . - .jr:;
I toayh
aratal-vV . . -.1. - . .
I. -SV 1. J. ". "f",
; . A 33.3D 10 T I O '"-CV
7 - ) -let Btraat, .'4- ." .
I ' - - I .
wi-tTH.T.. Jdaaara gulmhy and fVrklaa, wnd
Mr.laalway.f abahxw Bwarawaa. -hi
. T7 "
'K - WaBatVtt.K a. vii tam
. run ui tieviUTttit
alaia aad
HT rvwrr
BwilIUr Htlttt
Alaw -r ...
,t.-4 mjirm UxnMia .. ' ,JTl'Ail ahxxi , '
rTTTrrf 1 WHIm allMla,afaaattlh . , .
.!' . T - r 'V .'
..y. M VNIO a-r.-
TgRMa or Trmojrt .
giaaa rhrte a ablaat Oryaa ,
new uraea, aar arrax.
A4laaml tpra.laa.; M.
Mnalna. thnauaaa aad Call aaa lea
IV yaar.
tuaaauaa. hx tctueatlaa par Him
' Karh taim ta bra weak la taaethi Iha yaw
tundra aatrrlaa by lhaalnala an
xpartad ta pay Bar aarh I aa U U (ivaa. 1
la anlarlae by th Ha wUl ha
bikJ ta aa fcw th tarax la advaara.
auadats atanna by Iha yaar wUl ha eay
par ld la pay Bar th yaar la advaara.
CLahwe I! RirrTfrw. total atrai
asu VAtdHTttaaaxi,
Talaat aa tdloarn
aan Mraa t haaa a Maaaaya sad Th.
aav. aaa ta wim . a.
taaaa Mraa1a BTanr)ayaaad I
Bum la SVA A. aa. -
Vanaa " - - .ij
Thuraaaym. faaaa ax Vua p. n. J
Yaanc Maaam-a t.laaa B Taaadayx sad Trt
dava, amm ?. m. .
laalrna- f laaa-Wadaarfaya, at f.U p. M.t Bat
ardaya,at II a. a.
ktiaaaa' Clam raaarlayt, at tOA) Balaaaatyaat.
aii xar. a. - .
Clilklraa Clam (fbrllUl loU) Taaadayx aad
rndaya, at p. a.
. Wadaaaday raa Una, I
iltatja vial
.Th Baeaail Qoarbxy at taw
emnao nna wlta tha Braaaal 1
a a. It aaaa
aa aiant ptaaaara ta arkaapwlada th aak
tiai aapanrt at aa larva a aamaar at am
W tab prld ta ebMMBtaa; Iha ad rawlae bm
llaannuvl Ihaa awa tha antral adaralnrx la
laarrara, kwtxtyvaa inat at thaawiara aar a
Kaaal Tanrhrax with whxura wa had tha
grant hiaxar ta iahuei . : -
Wars ar Mixaamvy A. Vixiiba. 1
apni ax, xai u
It aAard at mat pteaaar ta haar trail ai aay .
tnlh hlch farranoal and pnaxaalunal aaalltlra
uf rrnlraaiw J. It Mruibaay , wha Bar twa yrara -
praaHtad wna auiira aarrinanaa avry I a tar
partmaal af Varal and lhyakral t altar In
Ihla Inatltntmn. Ta a llManntah knoaknlaa at
th Thllnaiphynr' tllalhutra
and X at
Tralalna iinnaraard by bat arw. ha anpatadila aa -
aiithaaiaatn drvotkaa ta hla paolraawa. and aai
p tw aaaaii aauaraa. par war, ., , mm mt
rvr t at
rnvat luiuin la Vwaaa CtUlar and auxglae -
Pralaan , . . t
rsrr Wrm ,, - - aa
tVlvat laaanha la '' ... a xa
r '
inauaxry aairaaai 11 ny anna, w txa aa xaa- .
rtr new ta twura thaa a eaartae af a aantary la
Ihla rrmnlr. In whnaa nntraraoC atady Voral .
Tduoh hat larartrrd a prnanlaant paallhnx, I dw
ma hralial to aay thai I hav avr atrl wilh -lb
parr af lrih mmtm AloUlhaay aa aa Uialrw
b1a thai laraartaAaul. -
Inwmaad him and hla Arallrnl wtrr.who
ar pa
mnalrtaa, ta Ilia run Ailtvna nT all ana raa aa
prarlnl liirrvataa id tmu aad raunual mini '
raliura fur tha rhlklrrn and yiaith Ia7 nur
...t a, r. 1HMM,
rrtaalpal. '
I heartily
r la thai
n v tIKTBlrl.
twpntimant 4 A aan aala.
Tha andrralrnad T' -Iwta ta th Vlrai fUata '
wmal KrlvirM ad Minnraida. eonrwr la tint
Barman-' inuuunuu m rrutnaw fbcipa.
1. . r MAKY V. I.KK.
.;-" : I .KI A. IIKK.I.nt,
' f'HRJaTKKK H. tli.LA.T, .;.
"at- 1 A. J. KAIUIKIt. -V-)-.
Tfwr RFTT'R'f ro ntov xw ra AX-
aj rxaaa with a laraa aad aptawdld Mnrk af
yiiiiitir loois, iiiioit,
- fina a-tataVXlaC ;
. ' or every vartety aad dimrtptlraK
at raw weaaA, rarasala aad KM tUatta
.- . .'. Of the toat assllty. -v- .
'nwrxtLaT. rrg '"aaBaWraTTraTT'
tllllltl fAII lirAITIMllTIII
Of all diarrlpllnaa.
wii mm rsBsxias atxe
Oowa Sold to Suit the nMM, '
ft rVrat atraat, awatlaaka. '
a-V)XMTA4TLT RelvlB Kw Bappllra
hy aarery wtaaamr. 1 ' na
2i , atctilA
. Hare far Hale i..V. :
tart, il'icks aii iwciuiit .
a Rveejr raa eg
TKis - City and Ettt Portland.
rThrrns 'Throughmit thm ttat
- - v.s ...... f , . r . . .. - :-'t ..... 4 ..j
KAIT1 sfrCNfl,
1 -.ixf.
nilaaal-vala laet ; tlvae " IUr,
, Bav Jaat tavyHvad a .
xxm "amUuXio - X
.I. iwiuk ,'- 'r --' 1. l tittir. .
. . 1 I "' ' ... . .'. ' '
i:? rT " rlHAaiwxletta,
UaaIJIitl),ratlaad. , , , ...... at
"V -
a U
. 'T f .