The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 09, 1871, Image 1

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    i'i U t I
. A Joaraal gsr lb PeopWT ( . " "
lWvpd to Ua JsjMMajna'ot Baaaaby ' V
" IndeneSMkid la IVrilUa aad HellgbMt.
Allv t all lie lase, Aad fbimabyly
Radlunl W'Oppoalng and Eapoalag tb Wnsaa j
tares meat make know a IWK i
Bituur.or a aosauua wUI b gleea 10 I
T' , : :T , i C0ME8P0IDEICE. . -
f Tbla uVpartmeni ew ine aw kotth-
WMI I WW mww mm
rhtnp of Idea concerning any and art
wom i . a- a mi mm mm wiHiH'ia mmmr aKa
matter tharmay b legitimately dla-
euaeed In bur column. Finding It praetl
eoJly lan dido to aiwereoch unw
pendent by private tetter, we adopt this
mode of communication to uvt our
frtoniU the disappointment that would
otlierwise awruefmm our Inabili ty to n
ewer ttfcdr queries. W cordially invite
everybody that h a question to ask,
euggestlon to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to the ConespomlenU'
. Column. .( , ---(
Mr. E. A. II. DeW. la Informed thai
'nether and child are eloing weU.
Men of old saw a star In the Kant, but
women of lite present day have discov
ered tlio "Sort a western" atar. and by
'-ito light, assisted la their course by th
HHIiriMI t.mmvmmj . j tmmj mmmw M mmmmm
never low It power, and may the North
western light nerer grow dim until intemperance,-
llcentlousnea and all tin
righteous abomination aha!! , be east
r with death aud bell "Into tb lake of
. - I I 111... : If.- 4K-
" Are, which la tbe aeeond death.;
A clergyman, writing to u from the
f i ii i m.. n
- IIIKlluTi WDIITW H.M mm rmmmn vmm mpfn -
cHlieix." Uood. . Minister are rapidly
learning that women who are agitat
ing the equality of the exeare-"eoun,
not to destroy the law, but to fulfill,"
aud It give u great pleaaure to chruul-
' .1. II.. fS,.m Ik.t W . t.l.
v mm .mw mmmmm vmrm iiiii.i i . mmm m-
rated member of the pulpit upon tbe f
coast are not afraid of them, ...
Hallle A,: We ahould be moat happy
rUt yeu, but our time I ao thor
oughly occupied that w caroely bare
MM HRlh' If M . I.E 11 aua I II"
west become self-sustaining we hope
to have a better ahow tor life; but a we
are now tiiUMMM, um wwr upon to p-
la llu rrf n . I. . A mi. ImwUtw
.Mr. D. A,: Of eourae men are dis
gusted with a woman' plain talk when
it verge upon facta, and our own talk 1
certain to do that. Those same men
who met yon with a double emphatic no
wlien you aked them to take the paper,
becaua aoma of th -vital interest of
humanity are therein discussed, do not
bealtot to introduo la their mmlllea a
line physician in ib most trying
hour of the live otJhck wJyevjMrer
thinking how shockingly Immodest taey4
are. AnainoaennNoanasarenoianacaea,
either, when their eone And the "Phyal-
. rai xmm ai voman"; in aaiooua ana oin
ee it to only when their wire and
jhter beg hi to get miCoTtportunrt
1 to learn the leaaona that moat part leu
larly ooneern them that tbey are eelaed
with a aplrit of eelrrtghteou Indlgmv
lion and paamodla aaodeetyr- Cenale
tency la a Jewel but men seldom posecss
c..l--U'.r,'..r:.---:.:::. ;,
BusleCi : It ia not oonaltlered polite
to neglect anawerlngyour letter, nelth
er la rac-Ji neglect excuaabl except whenT
aa rarely lappeua, it ia utterly impose!-
. ble for you to write. But there U no
god tt aaon why you cannot find time
to oand a word of apologyrf nothing
-Mrs. I I.I Make your grey ult with a
baaoulne and orrrsklrt. trimtnlna: the
whole with reversible ruchlnga, frayed
out at in edges, or use aui pleating,
bnumt-wlth black, rlbhon upon the skirt,
witn a
fc-ant flounce at the bottom,
Uulpure lace Is always taalil
Marr: -liarxaJllca frfnn trims nluue
j dreaerery handsomely -7 It la quiU
faahlonablt. . Or you.eaa,uae.trap,of
mm m i mm n.t fttiMiuiiii, mornvmA UJuu J uui
drea at Ineinmla.' throerh -which tou
can run black or any other eolor of rib
bon thai may suit your ftincy..JTl can
oe remorea wnen ine ares is wasnea.
Jenny A. J- A gipsy bonnet, made of
laoe, with butr and blue trimmings
wvhij w icaviuihk mmmm HJUMlt .
r. pt ask :.'What b leveralbl
lwL and could vou tv ttie Ane r "A
verslUe aliawl ia a new American In-
entloa similar ia"apiMraneo-ta the
PaUly shawl, but haa the double adran-tore-of
U"w price and being alike on both
auk, u scan gt-t one from twelve to
to twenty uVJUra, according to quality".
Mollle: Ooetha" b pronounced gtr-
fa, and 'iapplique" ajtpiiJmp. , . . -
Other letter will be
- Tlie press of tbe country haa 'struck a
rich lca.1 In Woodhull, (laftln 'A (V.
and la Uborinir hard to make i'itmI
aenaation out of the sayings and doing
of a -crai v vld bvtr. who baa bm hi.
ployxl by a lot of biackmsilcrmJomros
-money-out or i hat nrm, who eomplained
that one tVl. Itirsid was lllojrallr llvinc
m 1. WjC - t . . A S - 111 V. mm -
wiiann, murrai n ooonuii, and stat
ing Tartou otlier wlekeil desiU ewmmit
tl by those New York women brokers.
The rhlvalroua proirtttors of the Han
Frenrlaco dally n could pay heavy
UHrraph bills to get these rhargti
Mar the public, but they can 4lud no
rwm to state tlio fact that the 'New
Ikf T?u ntll"f that Mrs. Woodhull
and Ciob, Htond hallmn married ft tbe
and that Hi botummI ttarttM l.l.4 2
W . . . . . -
Had bre
mall tliat had been .i..
them. fZrrkanfft,
M . .
"-Js It not a shame that woman 1...
an equal chance with man to earn h-r
iTiua r i r it ia a qu-i. la it not dc
ei4calle foe mart to orowd kw am ra.
Jtrt domn, bar her out from place of
i-iupio.Tnvriii pai sn oisy, Cotu Jnte
' A review of the following ilud, can
did and aenslble letter, from on of the
pioneer of Christianity in Oregon, an
able wan and an efficient worker in be
half of humanity, will be found ou our
next page. Ed. Jfrw Iohthwkt.J
McMiwviixR. Oreiron, X
; - May auth, iWl. .
As to the avowed object of yourpa
aerIIuman RlKhto, I will say I sm
for maintaining all the rights of God
and the human race without regard to
age, color or ax, and if I can at any
time see that the right of any are in
truded on, and It la in my power to giv
redraw, It shall be fort booming. . I have
paid a little attention, and but little, to
the complaints of some tcomm. Home
of the complaints are well founded,
but often th cause, aud the remedy cd'
tended toe,' are not so apparent. I be
and sex their proper place; and all the
misery- that the whole . race suOVrs
arise from tbe unwillingness to All the
place that God, In his word and provi
dence, assign ua. ..-
But inasmuch as the Bible seetiu to
place woman in a subordinate sphere to
man, many, If not all, that contend so
warmly for womau's rights, as they ' are
commonly Called, deny the-autliorlty of
the Bible on this subject, and I felt . sor
ry, truly sorry, to we (hat you, as well
as Infidels, charged the Apostle rul of
writing some things on this subject from
thr prejudice of a bachelor I Now if
Iui wrote trout this or any any other
prejudice he was not Umpired; and if he
was not Instil red, none who professed to
speak by Inspiration were inspired, and
the uibie is of no more authority on
this subject than McCormkk'sAUianac!
- But I asy. without any fear of morcie
ful contradktion,, that whatever rirhto
sver liirhuu,.,;
women do posses they aro indebted lot
the Bible for. and where the Bible I
discarded or unknown woman is a slave.
It i true that Iaul maintained the doc
trine enjoined by our maker in tbe be
ginning, trial tne "jiuxini is tne neaa
of the wife,'1 tlist lie is to "rule over
ner," that an Is to be In auujectlon. .
Ua the part or the nusnaiMi. lie la to
'lore hia wife as he lovea hlmself.n and
still more,' be 1 to love her as Christ
loved the church; that is. If need he, to
Ur down his life for her a Christ laid
down his Ufa for the church. Mee Kphe
lana, 6th chapter, S3i Veres to the. end
of tbe chapter.
i. minx mucn or tne eompuinta 01
sata -ariapa from the fact that they
forret lliat J'Uia- twain ahaU - be one
fleshJXlla iwLdcny Ihat-ntumen, and i
twn. too, sutler many wrongs. Aa to
thesi wrong being removed by giving
them the ballot, I think a douWul ex-
pennient; Kiioukl hustiaiMl and wife vote
aiixe, n win envct notning, anil can
l. ml ,1 . jiai
ent shies, a they doubtless will in some
,1-. I. AH 1 1 I
nwiil U not ereate family Broils T
mmiM not serioualv oljert to-old
maids and old widow voting. I would,
however, with Paul, advise-youns- wid
ow to marry, and then theywllt have
one to represent them. '
in conclusion, I will asy you are at
liberty to make any extracts from the
forecoing you rlioose, with any remark
you drSr, with the exception that my
name is not to do uaeu in connection
with tltem. I hope tbey will be received
In a kind a spirit as they are given. '
lowrstruij, lm.
Tomax ix Society.
Mantra WaIe"foricJclf7-IIe can'
live in solitude as a dlve lives umU-r
water, ami a miner exist under ground;
but his home is in fellowship with man
kind. - Hot let y I the atmosphere lil
nature was made to breathe, the sun-
that tWviopa la l-iing intobeatrty-HVdrrrhi
and rlpenes. The monk ! never a full-1
crown nian the hermit uuriu tu
flavor of his humanity in hi cave ; the
recluse retire rrom the iietter part or
himself, when he-quits the world ; and
fur every devil he leaves behind hlintwo
angels. - - ,v
Woman i mors social than man.
Her affection are finer and stronger,
her aensl bill tie are keener and more
delicate her aentlmenta are deeper and
ncner tnan tnose or man. rtociety u
her necessity. Only a man can be a
Koblson Crusoe. Oitly g mau can be a
Ktrlltea, standing forty years Un
plflar. It take men to makeTraimista.
sliuttlng themselves in a convent where!
noue, but tlie master speak ; and only
ence did a brave girl put on man's at
tire and follow ber lover Into the Order,
where she lived with him unrecognised,
sharing bis silent frieiitbihlp, watching
overjiim In hi juVkneas, until death
unseaietl her secret. tituan he Ion as to
sot lety. Tlie fibres of her nature are
twined around other hearts. Khe In
rooted in humanity. 8he reaches her
perfection only when she feels the hearts
of friend thniliblng In unison with her
own, and breathes an air electric with
sympathy and vital 'with love, - The
poor, wan creature who IncarceraU
ihemmdvesln-convents, merely ex
chsnire a large society for a small one.
Woman, far nior than man, lire
with others, for other, and in others.
Hhe ilepereb, npnn others (or support,
enlovmmL. tnpM4inn -
more tlian man. Hhe think far moniLfl
V . . .. "liniona, and attractions
of society than he uom. Hhe pmira out
her love upon line world ..
exliale Ha frarrano into le
" aawuninuwi uhsc ror Whom ah
live reef prorate ner devotion tk.
lkrger pari of woman' culture come
rrom . Intercourse with other- Hhe
belongs to society a the bird belong to
congenial aplrits reepontl to her noU-s,
tsoictna jigt - .. .. .
'A new universal Woman's KrsixblBe
Hoclety was organised in Waaliington
being to shut out oll and triol leattcra,
w-ji as it. siary vtaixer. nr. 1oc.k-
wood,- and Others, whoaa seal haaMiawd
th aoelety, a now constituted, to be
known, there aa tit Hippodrome. A
full complement ofllcera was elected.
Ia balloting for dclegatee to th National
Convention in New York, each woman
present r?elved one vwts. Pending a
eonruaad attempt to explain till cu
rion, raault, Um aueetlac a-ljowmed.
' I ... i ,
. roe lb 9ew Korlbwest
I HUt.
av UAsav vavuis. -
Oh, the gUiriotu aunllbt fallln Aowal ' .
Aadthsheaalirul.apHsg-tlmedar; '
And a hill Hurt alapea ftoat MS awa-IM erowa
la veeaast IMIIuwsswsxi ' nl-
Aad a leader Ms aa the vallejr'a breaac,
Wbeis Ibe rtmt winding tmrK. .
naahas.aamltotbioaibbeedelleata raial, -bike
asw bald tbroacb bee velt.
.Jadtml anlsa, aad awaet aadi
WHS a baas sabdawd sad kmw,
Mellow aad fatal, reading tbe bill -
from lb baajr elty below j .
Onlr th hlrda.aad the kairdld rail,
Aad tbe waring feni aad nowera.
Aad a mftm a Iwella
II, .
lae aarpi4iaM Mum
Ab, I fcaaetb worid la tbla bsautjr rare I,:. '
AJMt ssy SjTerlab fmUm reat .
Like s ehlld'a that leaves hi pettjr ears .7 .
Aad dreaau OS bla awKbefa Itrraat.
Are. abut oat tbe world, wblbr the sautb
That dowa Ibmagk tbe teleaaa aessp, , ;
Are Birniarliia. alglilug and alnglug ta ate,
i Use a lattafcy wooing to sleep,
Well, wU, mu to the eltjr awajr I ,
for this worfc-a-day world Oemsnita
Vat hpsrt-work and dreamrurk boat, B
-dajr, '
But tks work oT lh head and tUc IuimIi;
But th lhoat, tt thrtlla ate, that, aula
WMtdsjr- - 1L - ,
My lril will aiitc tlowa Ma smmI, . '.
Aad dream thraaah Ktvrall' InflalU dsjr
-f Us evsetTsra Moaalalaa at Uodi -
-'--1 Iw Thing la Wsavins;.
The It ureamv la I entbuMiastio In the
description of aliew loom which it aay
wilt revolutionise the twalneae of weav
ing. We quote : "llie Inventor Is a Mr.
AbeL of Vermont, and lie calls his ma
chine the Weft-Thread V Loom. We
liave studied its construction and ope
ration, ami ran say to the more than sev
en hundred woolen manufacturers whom
we addrcs by our journal, that It I a
most remarkable inveution, and" baa
Imperative claims uisin their attcntloiij
A first-clasa Croinptoir loom will weave
thirty yards of cloth a daye" A machine
of tlie weft-thread pattern of tlie aam
class, - will produce, of equally jrood
fabric, three hundred yards daily t The
Abel loom la aim pie In construction,
and can be math) of any else required.
For cloth of ordinary width, the extreme
dimensions are nre feet by six, or there
about.-- Tho movement 4s easy a lad
of fifteen being able, by a crank attach
ment, to supply power for several uia-
r hi nee. It make no more Jiolae than a
Wheeler fc - Wlltton sewliur' machine
ami run a easily.' It motion I that
of knitting ami weaving eoniblucd. Tbe
yarn la taken direct from tbe bobMna,
which are plaoed in a aeml-lreu larmrrn,
frame of llie loom. On these bobbins
tlio yarn Is wound with ease ami speed,
on a machine InvrnMnt lux the purpose
beaming, ppoollne. or wsrtin
1M .iwi.iih mm, .
vi hiuuk mmm mmma muiv uuumn
aa tlie we ft-threads, and tlie product of
thirty yard per hour is so Arm, strong
and stocky, ft cannot ravel; while in
smooth, even aurtac it J the equal or
any cloth we liavoaeen maikt. To these
advantage it adds tliat of economy in
tne aaviug or waste, to the extent or at
I least fifty tier cent over anv ether looui
in usei its lmplicity of ewnslruetlon
will make Its reiieJre easy and of slight
coot. With these -advantagrwrtho ma-
ehine weave also every variety, of it
tern In plain, fancy ribbed ami striped
good, and use any material ia silk,
cotton, flax or jute a well aa of wool.
In fact, the range of it production ia
from tlie coarse gunny cloth for cotton
bale, to th mort elegant-cloth -of our
mills, Kast or West." . ' T
t - Vomaa' Spbartv - - v
Mm. LJly Deycraux Blake, a grauuV
oaugnter of that oui nre-and-bnnMtone
JonathaTTEdwartK lke
piece" st th Haratoga Couveution, In
which ! bewildered tit rrtiorters with
her fluency, and confounded the op
poser of woman auflrage with her wit.
t?!ic said, among other things:
"Men had an idea that woman' ml
Win waa to 11 v solely for their benefit,
There waa a good deal of Jurisdiction for
the arrasnf of that-conundrum which
aake, -What were we mad for? and
which, Intending!! pun on a business
firm, answers, For Alani' Kxprcv
ltempany., Men think women are mau
for tlwm.-4-They talk about the ivy and
the oak. She waa sick oUhat sort of
Bonseuse. - Women were educated a
vine, and htinttwrlcs number of them
foaml tui nak ir rJinar 1st aiul -h
they did very often tlie oak were no
better than potato sulk. Men talk,
too, about being natural protector tn
womfD-ri tiieyf Who is It that Wo
men fear on lonely roadaat night f la it
their own sex t h, no. It to their nat
ural protectors. Tliey talk, too, about
woman' apliere, ami acem to oenslilerr.
It some circumscribed space, to be de
fined by the lords of creation, A man
may take any sphere, ta Muueltthat be
can get 1 uto may be a comet if he 11 kes
but a woman's snher I bourn kd on
the north by hr liuslwntl on the east
by her baby, on the south by her mother-in-law,
and on the west ty her mai
den aunt. In toi contracted sphere ah
mmmmwr aII li I 1 1 1 1 1 . .
w"J wmm m i. w mj . iiui, eiep
out of It, andhe I gut It r of ahorking
us smiiiHiiires ot ner gallant protee-
toray ien are apt to rmignig.
preciate tne pleat woman. I liai woman
tht.riiustwork ami toil, the woman
that mirst, single-handed, fluht the
j-worlL tbe woman who iuw neither
wealth nor beauty, they do not, thiuk
of." ....-i ...
A OMAN' Pa FEB trr CoxaTaKTiNo.
PLK. In ContsBtlno)le a new weekly
periodical baa appeared, ' written In
nrndern t.reek, ami entitled AVrWiU
It is ehlefly intended for female readers,
and IU aim Is to promote the Intellectual
ovirtorreirt ef wrrtrteu ; with thl view
a aerte of live of women dlstlngulhe-l
l?,lJ.l"?,H'', ""S will, be
pubtlahed in Its katgea; and the first of
w WlT J?M'U "'eulofrtMie bio,-
tody, fcmllta 1 Imiiaa, la the clltor of
tl new-peri.. Ileal, whleh, when we
remember that It la pohlihe4 In Con
toaUnopt. may be considered a remark
able atgn f tbe time.
Tf m aaaaaBaaMfWaManTamBlawawawnm .lixM
A veswel of wrath A man-of-war. 1 "
Tse'EeifmiaiBaC' PrAat. "r
"Kiwi Fortune, may thl mersers ete
dure forever, smile thou out ov till lov
ing eye upon this On bunt ov mine.
Htrengthen nil husband, ami may bit
faith arid hia money hold put unto the
lnt,rt ' t al'i'lfKi I. tt. . ..
lraw the lamb wool ov unsuspMou
twilight over hi eyes, that my fllrta
ahuna may . look to bint like vletorya,
and that mi -bill may strengthen bit
prut ia me. -1 i ? -t
1 Bleaa, ohrrortunes -mjr wlmror
I and friz x lea, ' and let till glory shine ou
mijnaint sua powuer. - '
when i walk out before th gase oe
vulgar man, regulate ml wiggle and add
uu grace to ml ankles. . .. .
Kmll thou rracioualy; oh) Fortune,
upon my nu silk dree, now In the bands
ov tho manty maker, and ma It fit me
awl ever lik onto aa the duck' foot fit
teth tbe mud. '" J-.. r-
Deatmy mlneennemeys with theraul
of Jeloay, and eat thou with the teeth ov
avy awl those who gase at ml style. "
Hove me from rinkles, and 'preserve
ml iJumniwa ' :v " 1 -
- fill both mt-err,trr-yortune7wrtn
tne ptainuve piaen ov inratuaanun, that
i ma hi out mi Tictlcme, the men, a
knvmb as Image graven.' -
-Iet the lilly and the rose-strive to
gether In ml cheak, and ma nil nek
swim like a goose on th buxsum of
krvstel waters.
.Blen awt drl gootU kterks, milliners,
nianty makers and frlzrern, ami glv im
mortality to Lubln and hi heir and
assigns sot-ever. V - . - . ,
Leed me bt the shle ov kolone'ws
ters, and ratten ml calve upon the bran
ov thl luv. - : -
BI Inter, oh f Fortnne, with the beet
ov thl wrath the man hoot ret Ix onto the
trale ov ml garments. . 1 t
Take ml two children frunt oih ml
hands, for tliey bother me, and take
tlu-in to be thl ehlltlreii, and tiring them
up to sute thlitelf.
When I liow mlaelf In worship grant
that It may be with-. a ravishing ele
gance, and preserve unto tlie Ust the
lily-white ov ml flesh and the taper ov
mi fingers.- . . ;
Knals-I ' me, oh ! FortunC,to wear
hu eT!IUleu
awlkonia and bunyoiia; f
Bles Fanny, ml lap-dog, ?."'
down bexom ov destrukshun onto those
who would harm a hare or Hckter, ml
kltteu. i - -
Itemove far from me' awl the WaU
ov the sorrowful, and shield ml scnaltlff
natur from the klamour ov the wldler
aiul the rank neccslty or th furlorn or-
Hmtle, oh ! Fortune, rnowt sweetly on
to IMck, nil kanary, and watch over,
with tlie fondneea ov a luutbcr, ml two
lily-white mice, with red eyes. -
Kiiabei the poor to h Irk fur them
aelfa. and aaiv me frunt awl lulshunary
begirers. .
Hiiea me utt oe -thl xountcnancctrrr
diMiiumiH, ami keep the moths out uv
aahlcn I beseach the,
;Ulr me xtrcngth, I "pray-Uwe
dura th alto of yung Dobbin' alx-ln-
hand turn-out. am
...i.i. .1.1 I
wrath awl the snolai ov the period.
I hav alway been a friend to thee.
oh ! ' Fortune ; therefore hlvs ine for
ever and exet.-r-JomkJtilUny.
':;',--.-,. a..,, ' ;".', I-t '
- TnH ItoT WHO (ITRW TTf - PI! ' Om
TI.KM a w.4 You see, I am ggentleman V
aid Will Tliompson. "I will riot take
an Insult," And the Utttoleitow otrut
ted up and tlowfi In a rage. H hwl
cert ihrowlng-ktunea at-t'etof-Joneafj
and he tlKHight that hi anger proved I
mm to oe a gcniicman. -
"If you want tobcagentlmn, Ithlnk
you should be a fffuHe boy first," aald
bi teacliet. "tJeuttcmcn do not throw
atones at their neighbor. Peter June
did not throw atones at you ; and 1 think
b 1 much the more likely to prove a
gentlemen.". '
-Hut he got bah hei bh Til knees,
aid will. 1 ; ;' . I
TtairTioTnerjioirt keep a btiy from
beliiar a gentleman.'' mid the teacher:
!buta-bad temper does. 1 Now. William, i
tu : , . J'.'-.'
ru jto wain to oe a - gentleman, you
must Ut a genu boy." . ... . . v
A llttje fartlier on,' the teacher met
little Feter J one. Home atone had hit
him, ami he waa hurt by them. ".
'Well, Peter, what' tlie matter be
tween you "bind Will, -thl wo ruing?"
asked tlie teacher, aa thee met. -
I was throwing a half at one of th
boy In a play, Hir; and it missed him,
and hit Will Tnompson'cdog . i-.
"Why did yownot throw back TV
' Because, Sir, my mother y, w b
a grntleman. I must be a gentle boy:
ami I thought It waa beat to keep out of
his war till he cooled off little." 1
The teacher walked on after praising
Peter comluct, but kept th boy In
hht mind rami lie lived to ee Will
Thompson a poor outcast, and Peter
Jones a gentleman, loved and respected
by all. w
- Hemember, my young friends, that It
take a gmttr boy re nwitr w ffnulrman.
Hatui of JJiums irrir-f, r -r-tt
Jrssik ixii Jfint ritmi M J
Washington letter' writer tells thist
-Mrs. esele Freimmt looks as yoothful
a ever, but her half Is prematurely
white, and IcikI additional bentitr to
her face. Khrw mafrtitt to Mr. Fre
mont much against her father wishes,
but the old gentleman, who, by the way.
was Thomas Hart Bcntn, or Old
Bullion", as he was called, Ilnltwi
Ptatc Senator from Missouri, allowed
eral Jackson' organ, bo requested its
Insertion. Mr. Blair read owr the man
uscrlit, and tlie following dialogue en-
Blalr 'Colonel, Hit U Hot In Uie
usual form of marriage not lee. It now
read that Mis Benton married Mr.
Fremont. Permit me to traiqoe the
uium." " ' .. H
HonPiu (vcry'emiiluilfc-) "Xo.'-slr!
no, sir! - John Charles FrenxHit lit not
marry Jessie Benton, sir! Jcaate Bein
ton married John Charles Fremont, lrr
The. announcement appeared lu the
urooe a it wa wnucn.
r.liaaoetn Alary rwwwii, lately m
toaeberat Vaiaarl'llew, lias lanmlnvlt
ed to benotne aaancla awtdi iit paator
of tbo Free Ooajgregatbsaal rswlety of
rlorenca, Alaaa. Chariea (X- ilurWlgb
A been Boi paslor of that etMareh
hitherto ever since it wa organiaed. ,
th rrtlMlflte WA tftka llLattHs lit hM tiaTII . . k ... . a . 1 k II t . I
nu ap I bouse. After tt waa ou r, nr: n. TIT.HTTkJ . n, m-hU.iT lt it. nm.
7 mi - a- - -- i I Tin mniP W anv 1 m XXI-'. imilfttS l!U i . a a
wrote out the marriage mitlce. and took l-i.i . .i..n ... .... 1 women
It to tha Waahlnon ffJieoftlr. II. ...I- .,,MM"' .V-TV.? Z 'f :,"r.'l'":'F t't their
i .V J.T, : 'i. ...; .7 I ikiuot is ii lieu ir wie iut h-i ii,,.,
Ing the m,Ucc to Fmncla p. nialr, Hn., u and I1.W for third: ",lm1.
wno-wastne editor of.Tne jvtfHie. lien-1
Etaltk aad B canty of Veaef -
lady, writing to ladles, saya : l
think there I more vitality aud ulival
cal r rength expendt)! by our women in
wearing tight shoe and! corset than
there la by men in bulldliwr upa fortune
fur their famlHe. What the man doc
1 healthful, labor; what th woman
gain la not only a haa of health, Inrt
siteiecoine a burden-to-others.- Now
Uii U really a very serious matter. By
. . - I I Mnit m..wv-m ,n, , in umii I" I'm k-.i-i,
npapratsfth fret become white and tfele, and
tnea com, because tne Moou ha been so
pressed out of them that It too longer
return to hut a very small portion of
the foot. With the tight abne that
destroy proper circulation In tlie foot,
to alao tti elastic band which Impair
that of the leg and destroy Its symme
try, and the hand arourvL the wlt
which Is neither elastic in loon. How
In the name of common ene ere we to
have women with gtiod health under
aueh depressing Influences? ' The first
effect of tight clothing Is to stop the
circulation of the blood ; the next is the
absorption of the muscle, iieeane there
U no blond rtfcutatltut "IrTTt " Tbijn we
have spinal congest ions; for no m uncle
In the hitman bsly can be made Inactive'
without at once afTVctliur the- nervtms
renters, and tlie spinal column la the
gt nfTYnin Bt ttvII r-rr" Hnr cent re
of largo portion of the. body, j Hiiutl
eongestbHis in .some form prevail to a
thousand tlmea gsrater extent anHMiv
women than we are aware of. A noted
physician haa anxcrtcd that among live
uumired women lltere are not fifty who
have a iarfc-tly healthy spino. ; ;
- "It aliould lie generally known tliat
this Is a eomlitiou which tends to Insan
ity,' and Is of Itself a principal cause of
liutauity. Must of tlie serious tsrvW-or
mental depression io Which women are
sublect are due to spinal congestions,
anu 'these roiureatloiut are prinelimlly
caused by tight clothing. Bound hand
ami toot ami waist liow can a woman
have freedom, bow can she lie active?
Hsw -eau she use iter iiraln, or have a
full ami entire control of her nicutal
faculties? ' - --
Hhk Had
Ttie Xew
following: " -
' It 1 not alway the iiractli- of r..i
ladies to wuar veils. Not even coquet
ry will dlsiieuse with tlie pleasure of
showing a lovely countenance, ami the
most modest ami retiring iwauty likes
to be admired for the regularity of her
These Prflm'tldns iiamAl raiiMlv
through th mind of a well known uihk-
Istrate rblinar up town recently. Hy his
sit le sata tody who, Iry a single glimpse
of ber countenance, be iiuauiuvd that lie
knew. At last be venture (lie remark
tliat tlie lay waa pleasant. '
"Yea," murmured thesfrmsle. '.--''Why
do you wear -Tu fU-4Miuired
the disiieuser of JuatiW
fswt.t attract xTtcfil IoIl"
"It la th province of grntlctrten to
admire," relied-the gallant insii-of
rhca they are linuTitdT-
am ai -
UUnt t am
- '- -
' "Imleettr
"Oh no: I'm a bachelor r
The lady uuietly removed
the veil.
dlscloiilng to the astonished magistrate
t lie rare of his mother-in-law. He hail
bualnca else where auxklenly.
Hkavimithk I.UAH. Any one trho
ha traveled -on the MbwlMippl during
low water, .baa wttneimrrl the process of
heaving the lead, ami will see where
th tough come In In tlio following,-
without much difficulty
The waa coming down tlie uper
Muwabwlpiii loaded with Pir lead. Aa
ahe wa guiug ovr a shoal place the d-
hit gave tlie signal to bcave the lead.
Tli only man forward at tlie time waa a
toeen irlahmani
1 ny oou I you neave uie m-'i . -
"I It to heave the lead, vourilouor?
U'luMlatH , , .
. . . i 1. . .i t . mmm
Overlssird, your ll.n Xhel V1 1
Tlie Irishman anainliwl up one -of
plga of bed ami threw It overboanl; the
lost his balance and frtl Into the river.
mate W enueavurnig preveu iiiiu
- Th captain,' running to tbe edge of
th roof, asked, "Why dou't you heave
the lead and aing out now mucit water
there la T , -
"Tlie lead to heaead, your Honor, ami
th mate's gone down to ace bow much
water tbto Is? reepomled Pat;
' ; " - -lit
a genial
l climate, tn in y skies.
e ale- aiineiliM tn thai of anv
other Ptafe In the eur girl are
not sound that is, they Are com plain
ing: one is nervous, tlie next has a head
ache, on a slde-aclie, one a sore throat.
the next one, a poor appetite; some are
wbeeir others pale. Iook1ng them
mrww mmmm rmwmn mmm mmw mw mm Huuirwij
unllffht.-. i ' . ...,e.-.,-r
, Turn nen-ou girl rlrink tea. Hue
read too many storiea staya In the
ahade. Water a potato-plant with tea,
keep It in the ahade it wiU b Just as
pale and weak aa eh ia,- . r .
- The girl with a aide-aclie aUi-ps on on
alle. in an unnatural biisltioii. She
sMs one-sl.led at the table, siamls more
on one foot than on the other-in ber
r lasses and in enurrn, rnm nes tne noi-
tom of her Waist, ami, by eating too
mu hcake, pastry.. and lutter, over
work the liver. Nature's rotest K
side-ache," with an ocraatoual twinge
of pain to Jog Iter meniory, Womrtn'l
IS. F.) JimrmiL ,. ,;
and to liable for any damage or.luM In
curred ia person, property or In his faus-
llyr lrm tlse one inuixicaieu ny tne iiq
nor. Moreover, the as loon building in
whleh tU Ibiuor Is sohl ami its owner
am liable, wbll the leas of tb sain la
forfeited at once, ( There is Justice in it.
What rigid haa a man to sell (Miisoa to
another, which .erases bla braiu ami
makes him an evil in the community,
and then pocket with Impunity the gain
of bla uuholy traffic. lvaurl,
At a aebnol In tlm country, the sen
tence "Mary milk llie cow,'' waa given
net to lap parsed, and the last Word was
dbqinsed ef as follows: "Cow Is a noun,
feminine gemter, singular muulier, third
neawHS, and starnle . Mary." "Htauds
ht Mary!" roared the excited peilagMriu,
'bow V you lusJte that mit V "Be
eausa,H nnaweted tbe tn Mil rent pwptl,
If tlie eow dfcm't suml for Mary, how
eouM, Mary toUk her T" t
if iw e. .v
TTtji hi-Ht' ti Htifrfttt tAiiaar-airuw la
A Earn of Tnr Own, .
Manv a young man who live from
year to year on a tented farm, sigh for
a quiet spot his own uiat ue can ini-
frove with aome hojie of reapiiig the
ruttaof hlalalmr. But now It ia m-e
alsMit every Miring, with tbe hope of
bettering hi eoudliion,nd Uie tons and
exiieuau usuaUy eat, up what little prof
it lie may nave maoe,
Urn,. W.. ..t -. kl
w hat was wasted on tobacco and lC(d-
leas clothea, ais I laid It year by
year,, in tbe savings baukl he might
now own aueh a snug little homestead.
Now la the time, bora, to save up r
later year. Dm not squander. -your
dime in boyhood, but lay them by for
some good and definite purpoMerend you
wilt not have uchnan un(lirirty man-
Htrict neatne in your clothing
plcuiiful use of clothe ami blackiug
brush, will go farther toward making
you presentable tliarr the most Jaunty
new hats and fancy necktie." Anobllg
ing Manner- ami the riutatiou of be
ing sensible aud riswly for every fruer
gciuy, Mill do more than clothes toward
making you a favorite In aoelety. It Is
npr to your credit to have it known
tliat you have a auug euin in tbsaavlnra
bank, than to wear tlie finest broad-"
cloth, whlnh It will toke half your sum
mer earnings to pay lor. J(teh men aaa
general thing, go about ordinary dutiea
very plainly dressed; while- flasliy
cloiliing generally .is taken by. keeil
alk'lited peoiile as a type of an empty head
ami general worthleMMticns or character,
lieu Vour rortune la made, vou can
atlurd td gratify your taste aa well as!
yuurtinnpfli iiuiii luv- iinw'lll 11 M It?
of finance tuste must noftt too liberally
consulJed. - ChiHwe for' a htiitnate a
sensible, imiUHtrpMM gin, who can look
elegant even In a tasteful calico, rather
than a daahy miss who iiuts every c'iit
she can earn iuto gaudy clothing. The
lied taste or th latter will be a sinking
fund for any aniouut you will be able to
earn. t ounlrw fJtutlt mum .
Trad with Portlaad.
'. It lias always bueu a mystery to us
why it was that our nittvhants ami
thoMCof Hie interior preferred going to
Han Franclaco to purchase their suppliea
instead of Portland.- A few day ago, a
merrbant from Uanyon Xtty-tmlied on
ua and in the course of the ixiuvcraathin
e asked lilin for Information in relation
to Wtis matter. He Informed us that he
several years purchased hi
Portlaml, but tliat an aceddent
which her learned that hie
neighbor had purchased his goods a
fiiod deal el tea per in Han Kranclaco. : Ho
i had deteniHiieti on going to Han
Francisco to purchaae hi dry good.
chMhiKg, bouta ibtslamsi ami atodf hard-
ware In the future. Uotefics ami heavy
hardware be could burcita in INxtland
a hiw aa in Han Fram tson. "W bal
iipiaMHHttharibe wbolcasies houses of
l'urtland were able- to compete with
those of Han Fram-lseo, emiechvny so
when tltev Import ilirect from the manu
facmrlubrWt W XlT sorry to aay, eXeepT
In a ff w iiistancea, this is not thje case
Werxn wiirrycanfiy)e" L6Ie-
aale meifhanta of Portlaml should not
control the entire tnuleofth Columbia
Basin If tliey managed this business
proiierly. should much rather ace
our merchant sjieiid tlielr money In
our own Htote, ami thereby assist In
the building up of a large seaport ity,
tliat in time" the people of Oregou could
be itolhI of. Iiisleail of aiding to enlarge
and make ImiMirtaut a city of a rival
Htate. Itnllei MtmiwfnfHrrr.
A Nrv Hrrrnktui Joiunau Tb
Nbw Nohtiiwkst la the title- of! a
weekly lN'wpaier, alxait t wo-thlnls the'
txF of the 'ftimrer, WonMierihd edited
y Mrs. A. J. Prtlaml,Ore-
gtui, having for Its motto, ''Free Hs-ech,
Free Prcsa,FTce People, and ldc voted to
.Woman' ms'lal. bidiiHtrlal ami mental
emanelpatlmi ami political enfranchise
ment in particular, ami tne cause of
tbtiMraee ami reform- generally.- - The
initial number ou ourjanie is, lueciiau
Ih - allv - a tine aneclmen of the Printer's I
art. A might lie expected, tlie editorial
department exhibits evtdumte of great
industry, excellent taste aud large abil
ity. We Joyfully 'welcome the New
Northwkmt a an Side ami efficient co
worker, ami congratulate the people of
Oregon ou -tlielr good fortune in poa
sesMing so abb) au advocate for right,
truth, Justice and progress, and trust
that there will be sufficient local pride
on the part of our web-foot neighbor to
afford Uii camlbUto for their patronage
a geuenMi weloom and lil,ersJ su'iport.
The term or tne ew .xibthwmt
are $.1 a year. We commend it to the
patronage of our reettrrw. Aotirrs Airs;
A. J. lui4way,T puMUlier," ilHiUnd,
Ongfin. Tbe prcsa upon ourcolumtia
has erowiltti ont Mrs. imni ways aatu
totoryi but It will appear in our next.'
0:. 500Cr. -'.!.). W, !"! i
i -f-
riArtiiiTKHs. An Intelllirent writer
any lt Utipt posHlblr to over-estimate
the advantages which would result from
men In trade and professions allowing
tlielr daughter Mm participation In
the daily work of their tires. What
girl want I a larger observation of the
world, ami a deeper know ledge of human
nature. .There are; few mer-
etianta and manufacturers and profea-
siouai mew a iiaosiiu hvi inrgeir arau
tlMmselre of the cn-lce of tlielr lu-
eatod ami competent daughter; and ln
such service could b rendered Mrteraliy
available, It I not ton much to nay
that a wilier ami more social life would
arise for mankind, Man's occupation
tn IU1 sense Th1 prejudiced, whlTst
wouhl at once nmt that outlet
facUlUcs for which many of
have-been so. long striving. A
responsibility would Increas
their self-reliance. A capacity for earn-
1ngwraald remove tlie sense of : depend-
euce; a-., tienmie occupation would
bring both health and rheerfulnes ; and
the larger experience of life would give
goods at
character ?m-U,teum 'rmUonftmmled printer7rS ; -
A cheerful lnHisvlKild Is peculiar nelth
er to the city nor country. It I found J
win're uise wno reside oem-sl li tlie
am roof reoogulae- the obllgatbm of
each to ctMitrihute-to tlie happiness of
all thereat, and where love Is the rullnr
spirit. A determined etlitrt, coupled
wrtn mucn ionearaiM, is necessary to
IToduce litis result: but wUeu enee It
ins been attained, it-will repay every
ert'ort and tbe homo thus .graoed by
rlteerfulnce aud lirve; will rvcr lie cher
ished a Imlesd the SVe.rrnt spot orri
To protect th chest Fnt a WW on U.
: tF tb Hew Mnrthweat.1
vJTbt rlgna. Mappy Vmm.
Dear mother, I diwamed that aa eaaei ,
Tvmk aoAly tbla pal, waal ad head.
Aad saMrevnaaetetoeesgbMM I
Th alalesa, the bright, kappa I
Obi emus, Ibr Ha ahorse are all btwtdr,
Aad got Jra aa aaaablae Ua aedt
Tbea be bmk a robe par aa lb eaow-dtiA.
Aad aa Ua aon Mdt Sseebed any huama, '
wa sane a1 T aaea Ibaer rania '
A fcsMng mt rapsaae 4llcsisi, -ii.t.'n.
Mo rhangef, and ret BeentlSg tb ssata.
He M m Ibmaab vslsa pin wb reedura,
. Rjr alrounlew wbnae allverr aaV
Ttsbled annijr e'er beds ij pore'eryaul, "
As, dreamlty mrmartitg ow,
Aad playrally asbablBelbs nablae.' a..
Ijaandlpjil 'suing tbe abartowa tbey eaCt-i .'
In Beid. glad wlib Made aad awaet btosajias, V
Thai teal Uutif pentask is tb ate, . . . 1 i:
Were nmny. Oh ! ntaay sweet apuita,
.Ttial aeeinsd to have never a ue, .
Their fares all rsdlsnl wttb awaahtne, -"
TbeU-saissaaU aa piilliaaaad bar. - -mt-
O nMdtiert each Joy and siarh breur ' "r,,r"
Mr laogaaea esa sever asseeaet . - . - -Wbonrxar
sag dsUgbled M waadeeeaf ,'-T.,
Waa naagbt but th purest and brat . . .
ofatt tbaUbe aiml rould Imagine.
The bairnooueevaceoahl gaeaa.
I A lt, Ob t ao aad aud ao bmeiy
Wbra I wakened sad hmad tt s dream; ,.
II net the aky Is all darkened with absdowa.
Aad Nature ao ikaoaur oVatb seem i ,...
I 'wlb,bl 1 wkb J nilgbtalumber
lfeversf blla I enuld disnT-'
" MM-k.
GlMlliliek. - ;
father of the cereals "Ip
Hlclglitng all day Is aald to be killing
time. -
"Iiung aud successful rclgu" Ttis
Miss Fowler Is the leading physician...
of Orange, Ny J. , r -'" .
Can a lover be called a suitor, lien
he tlou't ault herT
. u - ' . .
- How to spoil a chll.l Hfnl him to
Hill a llghtvtl keronene lamp. - '
Ttie less a man thinks or know alsnit
hie virtue the better w like him. '
Pnu'tbebsisiireof yourliorse. but you -
maV have a lioraeHriioer for a conolde ra
tion. . '
' An Atlanta paper callca Pa re pa Rosa
"tlie magnifient and motherly aigtitln'
gale". S ' v;. . -
Miss Virginia Townsend tlto Wv41-
knowa authoruas, liaa become a
turer. . f
lie t not ouly Idle who loea mithliig.
bile w Iw iiilgbr bt btttcr em-
Mails to Anna Blidiop , with the abl
of a rctiorter, constructing an autold-
I I tn i a ibat iiiimiIm
WWllFTtlWT . . m. l
change their mlmui often never get a
gooil one. ; .: '
Idicy HUme liken boy to vinegar
the more niotlier in tlrem the alia rjier
they are, - ' ... r . i ' -.j ...
Mia Nettie. Hterllng I aald to reeelv
l,.V) a year at Hymouth Church,
Ilrooklyu. , ....
" "Mgiiree won't lie." Won't titer?
Doe a fashionable woman' figure tell t
the truth T
Miss Vliinlefteaui "has lust sent to
the fW afiiiejuedatlbinorMr. I'auline
W. Davis." -, j
Primdiile lit the Wing run triumphs
over policy lhcn'fors priiiclpU hi jhe 1
Men nisy Judge us by the ailocess of
our- ernirts; thnl ksiks at the eflrt
themselve. .
TTe'wIui reeelvea a good turn should '
never forget it I he who a on houhl
never reniemiier IW
The cliapUlu Tff tlie Kansas fttoter
Prisou is an obi tody of aevenljr year,.
Mr. Lydla Haxton. ,' - . , -
The lu-ns, (town East by vlgoroua
laying, have defeated the recent mwcu
iatlv "corner" in egg. ? '
Mo I of the haow tliat crosl our.
path -through1 life are paused' by our
standing In our light -.. ,. . v 'f,- -t ----.
Mr. Dr. rVrmea, wife of Carl Forme. .
baa linen elected member of a medieal i -eolleg
in ilUladulphla, .tffy -
: A lady horsethlef" ha been esmytcv-1'
d iu North Carolina. Another ,eton i -
in the woman movemen)., . H, A,M
Its v lheh A. Hanafosd, of Kew H- '
ven, la writing "Note from my tudy,"-i,
for Uie Nantucket 'uirrr. A ,tvltlr
'.' Mrs,; 1. Watooh, who la toscribd aa ,
a young widow, intellige nt ami wuart, , '
ha Just lsen elected Hupcnlsor of
Hchool In Pltuton, N. JI. ' L '
The laillea connected with the Toufi
omcn'tl hrtstlan Asaoctotlon, -M
rtaiumor,; are about to establish a
Worklng-womeu' Horn in Uiat cityl
I 7 ri J- I . e . J , 1 1 T
mm irmt rwwn-r, a miwr nt imv oihib
gubilied New York phreuologUt, la prae
thing medicine In (Jraiign. Her Income I
TiV"'a year. Hhe U forty year old.
Mm. - Henry, a popular preacher In
Missouri, act aa Pastor, does the ainrlnr
foe tlie ewiigreetioW.XTItvwCfrgthr-e
t lairs a week, look afWvtlie moral of
the members, ajnd toke rare of aix little
chihlrcn. .r. , Njn. v;; , y
A gi-ntWnien lcserMng'La wedding,
tli other ny,g ofl the folhtwing
xtraordlnary sentence In rcganl to tbe
Wri.le : "In ner 6oy face the twin rosea
of health and beaut v shone." Ha prob
ably meant to say-Jioawy," but "the
Quito ami hia wife had a bit of contew-
tkmthe other day. "1 own that yon
hav more brilliancy than I,"
I have the iietter ludg- ;
I,, aald gullp. your ,
age shows that !' Qullp r
menu" "Vea,"
ehnhw tn marriai
wa Informed tliat he wa 4 brute.
-A Hhaker ehler held forth in Ibifset.
VC, llie other day. Heesrneout strong
for bsnaU'serrrar. end exhorted Ma
hearer to withhold their Mirfrage troau"
men of war. ami from men wlo would ;
marrv. for: Ihuiuleml -tie.
Wlioevrr .
writ -marry -wtlt-flght. Tb-bm"
larrly oer Im lnied ll pntrrum
presetit. ': i ' -,1 ".
"77 :