The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 02, 1871, Image 4

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1 1
P 1fi Hrf L
rV 1 7 " ..
pass aaaatsiiikas aifciaas leriffaia-.
i tela It.
.gwtWm .atas teha
-i I- 'f -
HhMta, skins Sad ajoeklaes. nsti aad pawts-
r will 1 " w tfcfafc M T
t ' ... !
. ,
- -., t
h-Sha-THIe-ae frssi Baa Say,
Aad kT scans ss k eaa llv-r ,'
' M alwsjrs Mnaday.
Aad Ikarsl Ika mmtm, "Urn
Aad asast ftetkartlh k4 f I
And kr. Bob wsata a fcottoa
WktokwajrakaUlkslun-lBf f
TU Ubm Ik naai M ta
Tfce tnS aa- werkd I
- i ?mnj
. Oh daerl la fcekjru waKlat t f y ( ,
Okdaarl-fP aaa . ;.
Aad Sad Iklaea latfcla -". '1"
B.H J tacia aa4 toll a all, - 7;- . ,t
Afcsetklsl-ljra.Blhst.i ,.,y '
Jisv bms ear awa-a asr te -. .' . i.a. I
Her dlaaar a! war lead- - ! "- 1
Eased? wkee the dinner Ml waf .
- haafc.dsaslMHa rlmr. i ' vt '
Aad Ihea wilt sbsm saaaa kast- ward. . . u
BJMaaaBirrUlaklar- ..
Tasj mmj a mmmr -row ir WT . , -.!
alitiae awa ledflaklss. , ,
Ewlaa.llesiamklsrwFt -IT"
Thai sase akaald laka ta alaBlag,
BsrsaM a weary. kiUMIok win V. 'f,
- . Caa aiwyi sash a wtaarag t Ct.".,,.','.
- irkaa I in ihk I aaat taaata -t-ll'i v
-r W llvtaa kkMi Mm
Ka4 ftotaaa aa4 aorktt wmf ioa, ' T
A4 kaara al lalMua toaala. m i
I arrrr 4taaaw of aaek 4 fete,'
Vbm t a laatt waa aoartMl-
. fc pT, efcaaihwiwaH, laaadwa, alry
. , womma and anmbtBOTall7,datn(Uwork
- n- af ata, r-777t.xr-t T ... iT t i '
! rarthaaBkaef krtat aapbatla. : -;" '
- A TU ttj PU1 ftt
' ffatH4, wmardlnt la tba AH of Omwai, la
' Ua raar laTl, ay Ma. A. X Paalvar, M Iba
- OaVaaftaa IJkiailaaf Ciimi al Waaalaj
laaOty.l r,. ..; -
r --rvi- cftmi v.- ---
Tb taatttuU for young ladle where I
. apMl thraa yaars of my young Ufa de
aerrf pwalng notice. . Tha building
- had orifinalljr ba- charrh. - It - aat
- upon UUU eminence la iheout-aklrta
rf .the - Tillage, balf-blddMi y foreat
' traea. It waa ftwhlmied alter the aever-
eat node! of clieap archJteettiiA- with
high, manjr-paneled wlndova, atnlght-
baeked long, high aeaU, narrow alW,
and rrim, frowning pululC There were
no anta-rooma. cloaeta. or other modem
"couvfnWnoerTh teacher Sraa ft at riot
. dlaulpllnarian, aa Arm ftnd unyWIdihg
t a my fatheff had erer baeav ! Ilia whole
r study jftaemad tabe o Invent new and
" better wayi to appeaae the Wrafh ofOod
Almlghtyrille niftde im flnnly believe
TthaTW' wWcfcuatin or anatt f lufttan
avenging God was vec watohUig m to
find whereof he omiU .aouae iu; that
he.alwayaiadaaMoll ready lITwhfch to
record oar many mladeede ; that he waa
darty j'treaaurlng up wrath agalnat .tlia
t iU ralh.t CT4 In Wpry4 be
- would addreae the Petty ga "wUe and
tnerolful, alow to anger, plenteoua In
goodneaa, wbowllletb not the doath of
the' wicked, but tirefomOi that an
Laboahl turn to nlm and lire."
. ChUdrew aw not rery deep
but more than one of aa aaw differ
ence bet weeq the character of the Ood oflr
adipr talked gvi away oft-n from ftonw,
Uod be talked to a about But we be
tiered thai the aame God, with dlffcr-
. ent and variable moods, waa evev pre
- ent, and It was a daring piece of foot'
haidmeas In one of , us to attempt to
crltirtMellllm. 1 Ho we prayed regular,
ly at home and at aclkooL appeased our
conscience and. our Deity by pious pro-
feaelona. more or - leas sincere, and
cheated our teacher and sometimes mir
eelres into the belief that we Were para
gone of piety. - - r -
rf- Our atudlee were. alr plain, prao
- ticeJ, sensible, such aa were destined to
fit ua for life's sober, earnest, struggling
taaka, ' I doubt if ajbrtter course would
j"be fboU'toayj hftoK the iapaf barf a
eeatury, than that plain, unpretending
one ef thorough stly-WTigUlly
br iuyta.1 A i t J z
Wiser syatema of aocUl In
flouriah In many V plecca. Theae
one aeaedand eonaequeotly, one-sided
inatltatef are gtvng place )n tlte. natural
and moresensibb) economy of social and
W hew aVjrte arWby 4ksei4 lU
" be known only as a matter of history;
Boclal Tnlkreenin between the aexea.
subject of course to wlae family regula
tions, for the perpetuation o( avxieaty, la
heeded by both boys and glrla. Hils
law bj natural ; one, and cannot be vlo
Uted with Impunity. ' '
Three years passed fubjkfy away, and
my arhuul-days were over. , True, my
-education la now considered nVyvrjr Unv
itadennr Aexl.waw tnsttv inorwaa-h In
. ' f laiiaiauli ii Ill l i i n I Ti i i
. r ' t . w. j . .
t LmI IritlimU U-V.l . I I .
H wear need bfrmntket ceeirharrly
read ana what would It have profited
her If she had known all the books In
m wurld? X "TJiook reamkaa ;-M,
viewing the matter from hex stand-
point, ahe was right
Wo4 glad I was to get nc4ner'rtree!
L.J ft.. k.4 .!
years bad brought many changea. My
mother bad -grown paler and . more
weary looking: than . ever. " The' boy
Were boisterous and rwde. Harah was
" rosy knd strong, the other glris were
' perfect'tOfn-boY, aAtfthe twin brothers,
who had come to our household during
my abeence, were rolleklnf and Cat.
My father atooped Utile, now, but bis
-'brawny band waa as strong al ever, and
bis Iron will, as before, law. -
1 had grown Uff aAd angular. Wit
. I was or ever would be good for waa
'more than any of na eould imagines
WyJoiigreU from-hard work: and 1
wool-tickJug had not Imbued ma with
a retlah for auuh oocupatloua. My
uotUar bablea wore trained to reulre
ao ilte fmft Ahaj U waa naufeary
fur 'me to apeud muuh Qme wXth'lhe
aptnnlng wheel. waa proevred for
me br -my father, from' the proeeeda of
Uated Into the frugal Art of aifnitlng
remained contented with it had it been
more rdifflcuit to perform. But there
was nothing la the work to excite or
grew aisguateo.
1 One dav my father took me to town.
n4bav''Vnnted wi 'ah'Hrt phaVss nf
prints to llnlh IH'lw 1U,,H
oukf nut'lrnel Wfaer leAfment
In roe selection. ffenMt delay, caused
by procuring ft. quantity of blacksmith
fiV connected1 Vlthvtls work W the
farm, occurred, aad It waa quite dark
before I mounted the high erst bealde
him in the' ene-barae wagon andi w
started 'touieWkrd. I X nad net cr seen
e-atcamboet A Mne of steameve had
reeenUy been started on the river, and
mr father said I wwuld soon see one.
Presently the, "panting, beauty -came
down - the rippling river, near which
lav our road, aat I obtained rlvklMew
of her. Bbe waa all ablate withHgtaL
But what
lung line of burning eindem firm the
amoks-stank, -that- sssmed ee, ef-they
wouH envelop the beauUful erail la;
inflames. - .: . (
;;Tn, inyktrjer. tohTmetbnf cTmlers
lew In the earn manner from -ibe
smoke-atacka of railroad engines. lie
mid that forests, bonsea and farms bad
been destroyed by them eometlmea. :.
"But," aaid J,i.,4wby -bot make
frame-work of wire that 'Wttt catch the
cinders and throw them 4eck Into the
furnace agaln.' Td "Halt It I could only
be a man. r - -j r,. ::
2f onseiise. child. You're as crotch
ety aa ever. If you'll do well whatever
work la andgibi yu,ir nit the world
will require of yon. I dare my some
body would have Invented such a thing
long ago bad It been, practicable to tme
ItatalL" -
That certainly waa a damper to my
suddenly eoneeived Invention, . but J
could not give It up. The ride home
was finished In silence.
-How to make a 'model "CI nder catcher"
was my new nobby, nut I iua not aare
to apeak of 1L-. My mother aontrtved to
keep me busy all day long at the wheel,
and It really seemed as If the huge
mountain of long, white rolls grew no
smaller, spin I never so deftly. Then
tlieTedloustajrtrof knitting Was always
before me. My sisters; to do them J
ties, shared my-work sometimes ; but a
district school had been opened within a
mile or so of our dwelling, and in good
weathr they spent most of their time at
sebool. -' -'- -.-' -
One afternoon mother went ou( vUlt-
iug, taking the twins with her, and
feirfltaf mylonged foe opportunity had
ottme. My tank bad been aaalgnod W
Imra.mother left the haeae, awd I ww
eertaiu that. I oould finJab It In ume to
make ft model 'cinder catcher' - , But
the hour rolled by, and the work went
eo alowly. In reeling mjr thread I
managed to Vcheat' until I waa about
half done.. Then I abut Wp the bouae,
leartng my work unflntabed, and ran
down the path leading to the Falls. I avl
dnm went there how for I waa far too
On the margin of the little river grew
1 kind of taxnjhywildi gmaa, the seed
sUIksef jrblobl used for wlmt buthey
were too ahbrt loiiae without 'Vjilklng,"
and to one ;hoae nine waa both stolen
and llinited7 the work aaemed doubly
slow. I persevered, however, and In
about an hour I bad nretiared ft sufTl
elent quantity of vegetable wire to com
plete riy Vorit "Here troae ft newilim
eulty. I needed ft circular foAuatlqn
er frame to. which to ntUeh my net
work. I pondered awhile, and then tie-
thought me of a loom hoop belonging to
one of mother's butter-firkins. I ran to
the house to fetch It, and also appro
priated ft spool ef cotton thread to ex
podlte my work. The model rapidly
assumed ,the deal red shape, 4 1 fastened
the end of wlre securely to the
boop wlthpiecea of thread from, the
spool, and wove and formed the frame
work in a very ingenious manner, secur
ing the whole to the boop by wrapping
the nda tightly; with thread. . , The
Whole, when finished, looked like a
bugelnizsle ft an Ait,' al fee treadetb
out the earn."
The afternoon had "by this time so far
M waned that I was afraid to start borne
wltlbiytreaHhleMtekntoiof the hi ra
lly should see it. - So I bid, it away
and burrled back to the house, where.
nervous and exhausted aa I waa. 1 flew
to thrwteel Thd struggled to make up
time, ao that X might escape a
scolding." When mother came home t
was dcmfteVly apianiag ft way -as though
I bad never thought of models or In-
I ' i . . . . ,
.iYiHioni to ueneni namannr.
1 r
rXaTld-iel attempt to show m;
tor several days. Mother, poor thing,
was Sadly out of aorta, d I had hut
little, hope ef sympathy from her, while
father had- discouraged my attempt la
ItoflrstlnwUlonw''' " t
seised toe, and for several dars I waa
. . . ... . . . . .
A fit of vMent, nervous beed-ache
lftngMd and miserable. But my Inven
tion seemed so Important, and tl
Iprohabllity nf future wealth so great,
thafT ed.( 4 IA. '
So I Ma-dosra awe dav aa Lhl.l(n
.: . . ! , c ..""'"Hvwt lu eohieetie life aext the
plftce ,of my treasure, and called tokjy
fatler.wh wafresjclng.near by t
Mow and see It, Ife manifuded mrtfe
InhTest than f ti l anllcfpatcJ, tmt was
by no mean sanguine of its sir r i
"Vou am a poor man's daughter.
little Judith, and yur Invention would
not be noticed at-VBJdTtngVA,
Bnt wouldn't yon -buy a nice wire
net-work and frame, and k( me, make!
somethiug that will eommand ftttten-
Me shook bis bead. H3oukln,t eflurd
it," be said, and sUrted off with Ids ax
his shoulder, leaving me standing
there, diacmiraged and aaxiona, I waa
fairly stupefied with disappointment.
and it waa with ft heavy heart and most
dire foreboding that I Berried the model
home. Mother waa sweatlnjt over the
sUte Wi
aidfe'aoCtf-tog VWh T Could
Imagine, but which all
mothers experience, with more or
Intensity, during the first months of gve-
tatlon auffrtrig whkh wholly unfits
them white under the curse of "bringing
forth children In sorrow,' to bear man's
euros al "In theweat.ofJ3y brow
thou shalt eat bread."
- No wonder that mothers, under this
double curse, often my and do nnreaa-
sometimes endow their ipflbpring with
ungovernable tempers and feeble consti
tutions. Men have In ail ages proved
themselves lamenUblyjbsfleienTln per-
fon-dng tbetrtf-e-wimed obligation of
protection' to the "weaker sex," who
"bear the heaviest burden, and walk the
hardest road."
.tlometblnf bad (boijed evec fn M
stove," Ailing the low kitchen With a
stifling odor, rendering my mother's
Irritability doubly ungovernable. Just
at this unfortunate moment I entered
with my model. I knew that sums-
thing was badly; out of norta with my
mother, but waa not prepared for bet
outburst . of temper,.. Ilwldljr "J adr
vanoed, held up my womlerful Inven
tion, and endeavored to explain.
"You good-foe-nothing hussy I" was
the poor, dear woman's comment.
"You've spent many an hour over this
piece ef tom-fbolery when. you might
bare been helping your mother And
she took the pride of my ambition Into
her toil-worn Angers, held It aloft In the
smoke and beat, surveying It with ln
eflkhU acorn. Then she discovered the
whereabout; of the purloined spool of
cotton. IUge'got the "bt lFer of discre
tion. Heixlng me roughly by the arm,
she snatched ft long switch from some
nails on, the ,,kJthei wail Ufal -proceeded
to belabor my quivering fleah.
I became frightened, tlien angry.
stood for moment recei ving the blows
and smarting under thrfnflIcUonThen
I snatched the switch broke It Into frag
ments, scratched X'k wild-cat, and
may Ood forgive met In mjr freniy I
eonquered my mother by superior
strength, and Inno very gentle manner. '
I am certain that I did not strike her:
but J threw her to the floor and held her
there, whlliny tongue must have ut-
tered unhUful aboraljBaUonv It ss
U kel act of my life, but I
passed beyond my own con
ng the melee my fsthcr came In.
Seeing' me thus, "In combat ' with my
poor motherhe Very rlgUUou-Jy gave
me blow on the aide of the head with
his beirnlean h,knd, sending me reeling
across the room. Belling my unfortun-
ftte . toodel, which had unwittingly
caused the fracas, be tore It Into shreds,
thrcw-lha. fkagmsnls lids lbs stevri
scolded at na as tliough we were a pair
of quarreling children with whom his
superior wisdom ' waa diwgnsUxl, and
strided out of the bouse with the alt
a sovereign who bad performed a mant-
bai duty. Mother gathered up her
weary form and resumed her cooking,
while I skulked away to my spinning
wlieeL dlwruatod with patent rights.
-Thirty years rolled themselves away,
and I had' the doubtful mUxfaction of
seeiae mv model in general nse, and
learulng that the fortunate patentee
bad made a mill lou of money from bis
I believe to-dVty that If thy lrothef
histead' ef myself bad Invented and
made-that meuV4--be- wwuM have re-
celyc4prai-hdehd of blow and de
rision. - .-t " "'"- -' . "
f'Jude field's patent" became ft bias
ing and by-word In our neighborhood,
and I was so mercilessly ashamed ef It
that nothing further In the line of la
ve niton was ever afterward attempted.
(Ta baeonUnaed.)
About ehrhtv mlhw above Walla
Walla, on. the Columbia, river... the
mighty stream flowing between nerpan
dleutar wall of rock two hundred and
fifty feet high, these Walla being built
by lite Masters nana -of nreeeia. amva
dabXd. basalt and lava, the voysrrr by
canoe looking upward will see half way
to the top ef one of these fares of mar
velous masonry a Iceneee tree, "With a
rind of asbestos Instead of bark. - The
gentlemen of the Hu-wo'i llajr Cbnv
pany nave neen in me nanu mr natr a
century, as they passed this fbsfst-legacy
of a "dead and buried epoch, to snow
their skill with the rifle by drnpptng
Into Uwir ranoea, with a blow of a be
pNnee at ine eairemiMea ei inrnnui
The tree le wholly net rifled. It Iw re
tained. Id Its Isolatoil saxpeaaioii, by the
sou ee us issm, twiasM am iMenucaeei
In the seams and crevice; between
layers of lava of different eruUlona. ft
U ene bumlred ami -tweatv-flve -foet
aliove the river. tiff flood maid have
dpoaitini-4i there. ..Tkf .tustlmony nf
the IwMei ami Httertwined ronfa Uiat
the tree grew where It stands. Is con-
ii,... . ,in ithuwuhi ' wuutu fr i. .ii - i a
tin leuuuuuy . woum i j. imniway, - iartiana, umroefc- 'ine
be ennetosiv, too, tltat thcljnimlicr ns evlncaa- ability . and
fter being TflllcffTcd. was denuded
rrouv IU voioaitle matris by waier-ae
tban likewbie that the (-eaubia has
guttered down through the lava to ha
present kveLAnemcf H UJketo, m U
Thirty tliouxand women eneaavd In
factories and handicraft occuntion la
New York City I What trash It U to
talk alwutnmansupnorting the family.
How many of these women and girls
seMinrt fawi't-aeraMlaeoHrte Hi be mis
" tathemr-ir the WTniiaif find her eal
influence of hnHA the times must be
wretciierily out ef Joint, liemeuiber
that, besfclre the thirty thousand, there
are the army of servant gtrls, Temale
cierka awl tlie mlsrllaueouly eflw
woven. - Wlietiter euflrage ehaU twaent
their eomlUlon remains to be proven ;
but sum It tothnt they bave no show
now exceiit otxin and hv the rrace of
Oe M'ood hH tllWe WtrWy. -
A cartlees wa(x;h Invited ft ," ylgTlftut
"Trin EY-.-A vast reoyiW has been
saade In recent tlmss In Ut trsstwwl
of the eye when Siassswt. . HIgbt eaa be
reaLorea in luanv cases which were for-
mcrl y gl ven up as hopeless ; orat Ions of
exceeuing ueiirarj- hiwukkiiu; --t-lorsaed
avtthv ewscesay and. the. pisisial
prineiplee of earing foe and managing
theeyearemucniteUunuenuKNi. iw.
JerTrU,-of Boston, elves some excellent
blot in Hood lleullk as to management
where the eye Is In trouble, and none ef
aia. ad vtoe-ia wiser than tmnvma U
ennek .-n ntsilita. -nistruma
nurace prmoritAioita- and consult a
respsetable oculist at once. The eye Is
loo ouiieate an onran o oe lamperea
wlth by nnskilled hands,'- Burns from
II nan, pjaseaf eg mortar am very danger-
eua, ' 1 ne eye ahouM be immediateJy
washel out W ith a weak solntltm of vine
gar, and olive oil dropped Into it imme
diately after ' If burned by : strong
acids, the eve slioald be syringed with a
saimton of Ive gmine of bUmri-mate of
potash I n t wo tab lespoonfttls ef water .aiid
sweet oildropjied between the lids. Tle
sore eyeaef new-born Infanta ahoulJ be
treated by washing with n syringe
every two hours all sorts of wasb-nnae
only narmniL
t Hires on the lids should pot be poul
ticeO, hut keit anointed with some
simple fatty substance em
bathed with Ae watee. They ehoaid be
epsned When fully rips, AU tight from
the aun or any artillclal avurve sltould
eome upon our work from one aide and
not be reflected directly from It to
theye. If the eyes are weak aome-
thing is the matter whicJi raqutoas atten
tion, i Oogglse aa nenaral thing are
burtfuL . KuMiked aud green glsssea am
not dealmbla. ' Tte proper color to reat
or protect the eye is cobalt bine. - It la a
receni aiseoveryinat mue asaiau tne
eight, by altoriag the character of the
light LUat comce .jto.ibe reuua. ;ina
siwfial shaoe of blue neetieat In any case
must t derated by ft surgeon.'
Is It not a aad subject to eontenadate.
that so many of the men of our country
have so lax an Men of virtue, and thai
our gins, compamuvvry innocent,
beeoaae w rves r men of
stnmnt t- i'r? ..h-"'.-.-; :
. Aryeung man who would reply to the
seductions of the siren, as a certain
youth did centuries ago, "How em I do
this grtm increawcss ami sin against
Uod!" would be laughed at by the vouuk
men of this enllghted ago, eailed a
"spooney. and "given," ami would be
very hard to find at all.
-1 ask In all earnestness, what right
have men who have yielded to the so
cial sin ao common In fashionable life,
to take to their Hearts and homes pure
minded, delicately-reared sirls. who
would turn from them with aversion, If
tftey anew au r -u-; -
oung girls, be not In too much baste
to marry. - Htrive to set an Inside view
of your suitor's moral character before
you trust your, wnoie. ruiure in nia
hands. Young men, - in the words ef
other, I Implore. yen to "keep your
selves pure for the sake of the women
Who will one day love you." J. Muort.
Mrs. Fawcett. the young wife of the
aistingmsneq nroieseocnr political ceone
my at t anas-Kige, ana member ef ranm-
ment Rtr Brighton," is creating great
enthusiasm on her leoture tour through'
out.Knglami, Hhelsbseutlful, poasesaut
of a sweet, clear voice that, ss some
one aayf, carl find Us way beneath tlie
"iron-ciaa niannram or a conservatives"
has studied Kngllsblaw with her learned
husband and John Btuart Mill, and U
thoroughly . conversant with every
of its crooks and turns. Hhe Is untiring
In pointing out tne glaring absarnitlee
of the Married Woman's Property Bill,
by which, for Instance, a "Woman can
own a sewing' mar htne purchased out
of her alnl"r. nit ivt a p'ii"e Kiw-
enberby frieixls. Mrs. Faweett le do
ing a great week in exhibiting to her
TfoteTlie law, and instructing them
eotintrywemen .their, nuer-belpu
that woman sutrmge Is their only safe
guara auu protection.- .
York, last week. Mr.'. Ijocktngton a
woman of extraordinary physical power,
paid ft Visit to a low saloon of that place,
where card-playtng and drinking were
being carried on. After rescuing her
son, and admlnlsterlflg to him, with no
gentle nana, proper ana paternal pun
ishment, she-. directed her energies to
demolish the eoutenU of the rum shop.
by overturning the table, breaking
bottles,' glasses, furniture, etc, into
-.! -r i... i.a.
and wfttclied UMgeneral dissolution" of
his tblnir through- the window. ' Hhe
came out into the street In a short time,
and scattering the fragments of the perl
of cards among the crowd, said "Here's
your gambling bouse." Bh should be
immediately appointed police-woman.
We have received So. S of the New
NoftTHwnrr, published at IVirtland by
Mm A. J. IHinlway, a lady of consider
able talent, who "got her start In Yam
hill," some years ago. We bava been
afraid that the venture Waa n rash one.
but am surprised to see that the Nrw
North wkst exactly Alls a department
of literature that waa entirely blank,
and so will not be at all crowded by
other papers In Portland.' It Is neei
and newsy, "peart" and pugnacious,
slid the editor sails Into the JJtraid,
fHatmmmim and other batters in a at vis
that indicates that she means to give as
good as she geta. . The subscription price
Is three dollars, and there to liberal
list or premiums orrered. irrsf atulf.
Cras ron Pr tumHtm. An Fnat
era paper gives tits following reoeljit for
cure mr drunkenness t wuipnateor lion,
Ave grains; peppermint water, eleven
mine; spirit ef nutmeg, one drs;hm.
It to to be token twice a day, anr will
not barm an excitable and delicate sys
tem. It acta as a tonto and atlsaiilaVst,
ami partially supplies the place ef the
accustomed spirits, while it preveuU the
physical and meats! prostration that
always- follows ft suthlen attempt at
total abrthienee.
t Nn Xorthw-t.. Thl Is IheDU
of a very neat and spicy twenty-eight
rights, txlited and published by Mrs. A.
editorial tact worthy - the cause I
which It to engaged. Hueeees to the
enterprise. ' We regret that the 'first
number did not reach our office br-
We have received i copy of the Srw
Nonriiwiarr, published laPortland. . It
Is typHrmphioally ft flne paper, the Se
lect d matter is rarv and. well chosen.
and the original articles are s)4riled and
entertaining. - We never dread the eb
vation of the- female sex. aa wherever
civillsaUon achieves Its grandest sue
cesses Woman bae the greater erdoy-
Woman have a much finer sense of
the beautiful than men.- They are, by
far, the safest umpires In matters of pra
priefyvy A mere n-hool-gM will be
IbinUngknd wrltlna: about the beauty
of birds end floWenv whlleJsse beether
to robbiag4he nesss and sWa-TOyiag the
Dowers. - rt- . i. ... -. i
r . . . T , -IH IWIUm
.- - 1 . !.-
seau-t- nl-
lows that person's superiority,
-:7 -.
- Vs r-T'jjcf; ,-Vi i , Xti'i
tl-'i?; J-C'l ,,-4 m t"-4 ii r. fc.;i"
1 sa e -'. f
T t nmU tomh al. . ,, . 4.-
I f .. 1 ..M.I-V. .Itil',l.v
A.T i-W;-1. f ..4 T.ivI- '4-u I ,
0srlslag--s lalssl mriss at f-rwssl prises.
U-Jil-ii a -HMni mii ; -f.''
. Wl I A4..X .-iL m.i m nr
' ' r . V
-- - lames ix tint eccjrnrr-
. 0sUls te sslsrt tinSn ta ear lae aaa
have Uwlr ardsei U4 at all Usms wllh U
asms a- aa4 aeearaey aa la tries, fttaesa aa4
qeallty as
Is seal tallea fo. tht agsaa soasptssUanf Us
H'ii: "J' TJ. .j" ti-
FtrtLsiLtr Attnatien Paii U CU Lw
iwSj. ii--Tt:t WA-t V ' , :i f .;TT .'--I
- v t.'f ' ' U11. -' f' i
- V'i,-Bm1 hl Z-M 1 -r.;r;i,
krt-ai se fl g ftauin fsrst il
wt-rit"rji.i.- 'A-n J -'1 -?.X
t.; ' , ' '.. - : .(.Uk-i-
auu kixtw or muw poopblkacbkii
:M Mhf-vr'r i ,v! .-mi, J-J.: -r
Al a savUtg af Plnper seat le Ike vsarw
la the eoeatrg towaswlll fta4 tttahatrasV
vaalaas ta 4sal wllb as, ss we kaewfaat what
la assd, s4 ear nea-rtaaHles le ftll srSen
srs sneiuae4 In aay nlaes ayflb " aaa.
fi J,t-...--; - ii v-Jftf-r"
tADp e TitTow,
-A. Z.Z32el.Os Zi
'niT :.Iju ' - 1 ii1 ' 1
renun , ' -jumi
XnttktIlailM4. 1SO.O.
vvKPTMirn nnvivru Awn Af-jutinni
r apc aiii.i-rt laeasra oa draR.
THI'nT n'NtM, la aas af OXI OU4Ut
NONET l.tAMEli oa iHnnl -aaatM.
Boada, Hkirka aaA Mkw valaaWaa isealvee
11 sVitnMl Sir Mfr kepliia.
iVilieauaaa suds aad
la-MtBMats la neal Kslale aa4 ethse
Hlf aMl tnr aartl.
Might and TM-trahWi Rsohaae aa Han Fraa-
am aaa im Aiiaane wi-ws lur sale.
UonraBMH HurarlUra boachl aad sold. ,
As-M tnr the -WMvSna of aH ktads of t
smaanam mw ear, aacsma aaa Tiaan,
ra vow merARRD to do mtujukiit
aaa MMrlwui m' all US
raaeesa. 1
mauapiBC sae pinkiac doas te erase.
nna. n. . ars-nrr.
-vam as rotnm in men nrrtirn,a a
j wuti soueaf l or-u- limn Huudiaa, nasi
f. . tin 4 r. arli dav.- - '
s-rissauns oivan tn fiisssram fann
, ..- - 7 . . at -
;i -ui 4mm:mX -dt ftseAs-lt
WAMHiifoTON nnuuET, CMrrAlan,
UuK Ikmmw raiiniHos-naia .
imalila Umu i baai Meals Ike ssaaUy sa
tt9 JUT
T8 Kill i?J "JtZMJjZXtl I
(23 tfttbyn CimtU lewiif TZluto
, Mhrh Biiks oa bntk sMsa, aad l las aaly
IWaa-Kd KhaUl MsHilas la Ik tTaM-d tmm
tnr l Ikaa tX II aaM lbs OlrlvMod U II
oa rwd, aad km ark-rl-d-d-- ml a mm imm
lafhiOMraMrksA -
Dm nm ir Mo-aiaaaar matt aaa i-rai-v
Mtni rraa,.
Addnas ' - wrtm iPVtnSMSW, '
ai ., whw
') 'gft m SA,
ijr-Hino ?m rnn-nisa rotrg to
A tail sad -aiH saa-k of MUHaar a
jttmm rtmm mm r.,if nm. r.
aa aaad, Uk aW addMtoaaowrjr aamta.
a nraaaaiwa aaa nooaae Umi,
ilkaar.taassa. ; ,. a , al
Krwaaus ps was, aajsiwaa.1 .-
Dr. htr 1 MiUJTfRnr' Ann TAwr
' Alksar. tMmmam, kaa al esi'Hd
mm !-. ta-irfe of a-w -, Mrb raa
afct kWHU aad Mala, VolvoW, IwMnaa,
Trimmlnc, -, mm mm- mmm la-lMo ta mm
traiMa, nf bis ldiM ml AlSaar aad rtrtnmm.
Has saada will mw auM as saara M pa 1 mmf r
lha miT mmmm oa. rid la laM arSrl,and
-IIIMnes- nasi siisiiIiim
' Work kiws al EKAaW Aftl JC RATEW. at
. snAAC nnssu-iAn. ' nf--"','
r mr msast
it;',"-,' X't 1 i'.'li .T-t
f' i. . --f " '. J nifl'' Vll'M
iU .t t nit. .t-j ,.,,'. .i i ie
. Biait 4 lieaitcu,
.f! - ....-u-j T-rmr H-r-
-(.. -!.. I rti '.;.';.
t ' .- 1 .- .- -
ar n a tlMlr rafd 1 lausis.lsg ka.lsas.
' rsessfaS la ,1 . .i . ;. ,. . . ,.
isvtnVmm (jni'
' - -O .v ' L.iV l I' sc-t,..-.
Miartrr aaaasUs ghek-aai staai. '
n' . j . '-- ; .-' u, " . '
- k f-h Tt-
i,:,jr ri'i fiAvnm 4xsu a H 7 .'.
v;"t Tt:-J t" l'l . 'I. '-J-t '.'
--Lars Cgiirnnn. Pbm
mi ortsam Acancarr ir mr rm.
mr-. U ' i .:tl it : Je-4oM-
Taearalraady wall ssrkd EalaaM-lMaeat, pa
srs vrrmmml le do ell klads af work la UM
IMarf Maaea aad S4 i . , -v - rgri-
: :' '-. " '-f.'.. Vf T. Mi ,.i..t4iftM .
at jouq wit aori't
-- ' f'. !;- f.t T'-'-PVl alii
Oa .Cltlrd &ttrtt
Itsrsiiaa, mv Men nM
e . - ;. :
, rmW-BBIIgCI BSISS, Ike Ben, Weas.
m mm t-mtdeen. -' -j :
rAVILT Mb ausen ad Jtsawr 9e
-. " - ,
Ann msi
' at' kmm ftn.ns
- eJ-a- 5-' ' " mmTm t " - f .. . g
f-vtin smxTt n Motrrt,TWEW.sadaisnd
witk aal nmi le ssllass,aad Is
awe aVi4 at ike , ,
" umst irvMi ttra m umT
ItaaawJ FCny V -as .
':'-;! -: . . ' ' 1 ' "
', - ' 1 " ,.1- . .-
: : -i 1
' ' ' "-' TT'- S'T'.T s. -
"V..r-!f .,-'' .1 'i Vi rl life a ,.!. Ji-.Ti
' t- -' .'. .'-.. i r.:., : . j
::i::7 jttixt
..)--!rt-V.ifJV't- V .bil. ''
T ...V -X"r ' -.'rir' ' . v
r Ooedlne, IWmldlat,' Ha-ailaa.T)i,t-T
I III Ilia, UftUa aad lalks-lae. (
ftmPUt, b-OaVAMJE, eOKV-JETEt-r
Kqaally rnnd t PIm or nwvy Work, sad
naaaajr I IMl I H.bUJW -4 niL BU
"!" Oratal Ajsat. IB gjaat Mu, fan laaaV
A A B-r-.ll IB
TUIrd aad Ws-kiweiia sswria. wfcera
k alll fc SmumI raadjr
l aoaii aiaaa
ttmmmm a i-l-i-lil at ft llnias SBBiaf-a
laa lait ial- mt jra lilma. '
d)' nnssm naasrrraa.-, r at
., . , ,...--( f i aejtaa is i .
4 rtcrnnn nuMM ait molmxu-w
Xs. n f-sd ala-H, laaar I--M aad TWua'S
. ftaak) rWtlaad, Orreaa.
icest M mm, tern tet e Irals Usee
. . . .... , . ,
Jgtmt for Ormrrr at 3oW. . Srwimg
MmALmmm. -
'.tfm i .1.1 u 1 -i t t i -f... ,w; t;; ... x-
; ,r:-i-: Jr.'7 2t 1 ' ' w----aa -aa--a a " '
' !' ' nurn-'!.., T X:T7rnA lln?K AlrvgTiniirmr.' v T
.... f.r,-i. 1 "' ; -1 . I J, n----T-------. p- .... ..
'-i.v-!---': .1 rTiTTT- fi -'7-7 i.L'' -".r ;"- i ; ,! C: i -
MAT-t3Bt1A9Tr.!i BIVUXS-I A Cfl-
) . . .. f, - I . 'I.I - V - . ,
aa-rB-s--BsraoBB-a 111 1 , . - a
1 na CAXX. at ta oatr aa eaaasiae kiim
rareaa-le. , ,. ;t . ,
,;( 1
! e;,...
7 fcirnar in rc tztixT
Ine f " -"v.-iJ ijo
Hats axq O-jit Fvunaniv Ocoua,
-e -:"?' ft'j-1
j (
I S r- t ;
--u - JhlltBET-k';- 131. -.n-- '."
'1 u '
rraasM, BraUs, Cord, Oraaaisata, Ftoer, .v -
kK CeMbr Tftftkfw lav
'7 liens, Ktr. '
UkUm' Clotki, Cloak Trim
mlflBtf KtPa ,;, , 7
, ' MTbtA-CO. ' "
-f I .1 ' i ' '' . '-Jf .
l .yr Stock V ZfWrfi rra-isai JIcvi-
aers, TW-cerf oatf fnWineree
.- ' Omstoiiy ", 1 - ':T"
Tt - - ' ..
m-m nv nrnT nrsAB
rAirricvt-tn - at run now rai -ve
,..., - ai
PUTUS9 CttTHtXt f ACT01T -
' 5 r ! ; .y . 1 . v ' f
Doy-tJDloUitaiir miorlum
... .a ....... . . - '
- rOBTt-UTB, OIWII.,1 y spill lee
EE. 4. A. fTHAPMAM HKhKti ''.
kls ruM.RM--, frtrnda andhs aublle al
jslhalkabaa tar-luuwd Iks lara axita aa
tlw aonkawd eura-rof Kind and Alcl-r Miaela,
mmmn mmy fc aw ad la ekalr ta laasa, sad
mn Mlnr artlot aaaalljr luattd la a Bnt-elaas
rataA Mars af this kind. ' - "
als.-faal Tromatllis, a ft-d-elsaa' O-naaS
Aeutawary. will attad lo Iks enapoaiid
lag af all rrs-artsllsas. la lerasaaviva-k,
WpaaUk aad tinalUk. at all haura. al .
.Hinftr-IT a aWW,
. !' aaALsa IS -
refiTiT ree(-.rm isi TE.maua.
fvweer of Tklrd and Waoklnflne MraHa (ab
anall Pfbjrurlaa Ckarrlil, rmland,Unnnf
Knnds drllvarsd Ut all Mfitaf UMsMr i'UKK
OF CHABUE. - al .
fTOWTRAf-rrrUK Hl Kfr-.T-rrn--,
J l-aruaalots and Bulld-ra, Vain 1 1 lea, aad la
ftMdall a ho -M,ilra h-lpof aay klad, alll Sad
U la thaw advaalags to sail and law Iholr adV
drraa. J. IL WITHEKKIJ. .
P.H, 1 kave alas susai Una rarass aad i-ws
aa ... d. m. w. ,
J-J:'tBrBlAT' A-TBnPnaTr"-""". -
T)RtiKiit-N auu o-tm-k-thiiu av
I V kMwara Mla.oa soi) Mala, eapualle tk
Publia SHitara. -
Valla euaadad la aaf salt af the Hjr.
Ballnia fiir aala and Inalrw-llona f1S aa
Iks a af alestrlaliy ss a Keat-dtal Aasal. al
w. j yuxax. , a. a. wear. . a. a. -saa .
' Ke.mrromftrartlaad.
1 A ' ATTESDEO TU. : , .. ... . ,.
' ' 1 -J jrurn-fisre JrVufe fa Onfiv.1
f 4 V r.t 1 I'.'.;
sf -serf I
r- v-?.v.t,-i... if,, y:4.-
- - " :- . ' t. . .- - --
to their Largs mark of
... . . i ,,wap aitl n4 f-
lJ-rira(, Kaglba, rrrnrraV CrrawE
i---t - r-t:-r--
' r l ,irr -: :'i J . . -t- 1
-I --it ;. -!-Mfn i. 'u '--it t
.. TttkM 'Mftliaa nTliU Qosda, . v.
."Ti-. ---i v. ; rtf ;-.v j
- . - . iu. - u . - - A. ''
ii- . s!-l lf.' -r ('
WHft-n thet orrtnt at the- Iowent
t...-.n ,.i) 1,..,. . ,-t;tj .l.-- -
( r'i'ri' '.'. -. '' -f'..V- ''''
t-tAMXn TEgCE A raW-j.
... 77r:n-c:;:wi'-.77-
W a r es aa an an A i Wt-nun m tn n aa-ar
ba aad nanw.a.t Cesss nf alllssi
.-..; ".
?7 f 1 V 1 ;rt w-,--! fa1;'!1'!:..,:),;,' V ;
Va. SB naa-nd f - fi r l ri Inl i si Ins IWls.
f V
. .-
t.V f fc --7-a.''V '
- - - ' - . ' 1 ' . 1 - . , .