The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 02, 1871, Image 2

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    !.i . -
Hiimirf cr rixnss .wrna.
We hope the weU sasmniug farmer of
Jregon wll b Upw4 tofoJ leniently
'with u while we Ulk to them In spirit
of good-will about the ttardsblp .bat
j daily endured by the wive of moat
Of theUVt
A woman who la engaged la the try
ing tank of baailaf and bvtagtaa; :"P
family of children, ahould b allowed at
leas t some of tlx icanon af rest and re
laxatloa which all net, with common
consent accord to tbalr brood animals,
that seem to bar a direct money value
exceeding that of the mother of their
children. ....... . i..Za ...
la thae time of ma lv maternity,
thoananda of women ara never, really
.wall. Th constant dcmsnds upon their
' constitution In the exerci of the pe
. collar functlona of maternity and nurs
ing, to ay nothing of the constant oar
of a haaaaftil of babies, who Inherit the
mother's luteasely nerVoue condition,
. bl and always half tick, aoabaorb their
rltaj forces that they cannot perform the
. "... household diwdgcry of n (ana and do
their duty In their maternal reaponslbll
' Itlea without drudging oat an existence,
whoae misery cannot be over estimated,
and which too often end la aa .early.
death, by which the children are robbed
of their beat and trveet Meod.
We do pot my that this state of thing
la the result of man's aelflahneea or per
versity. It la the natural consequence
of their thonghthtnniii Ignorance,
Women, who never own a dollar, cannot
of coarae exercise their tndlrldual
tastes. They ar not at liberty to hire
help when It la needed, and many of
them, from long habtta of scrimping and
boarding (So secure means for a second
wife to scatter), cannot themaolre
dure the expense of hired help. . -Every
obaenmnt maqknowa that a
Ttat I brofcM ia uppa daring
the night by minting, reatleaa, crying or
ailing Infanta, until many' of them do
not know the privilege of an uninter
rupted nlght'a alecp for many conacco-
tlvajrcara, Ko feat In medical rlence
la mora fully demopatrated than that It
aufflclent aleep la the speedleat road to
lb grave or mad-honae.
JM no man who haa one apark ofjin
maa aympatbyar oa lota f-human
jHlrBMt,aliow-hia Wlfi tol waVed
la the morning. - Let her hare her nap
out, good friend, even If your great lub
bers of hired men do have to wait a Little
longer for their breakfaat. It won't
hurt your, hired men to work a little
- before brcakfttat, and It will vastly help
; the mother of youf.chlltjran io get a Ut-
No fcrmer'a wlfa who la -mother
ahould be allowed to do the-waahlng Uit
' . ' the family. , Thouaanda of women have
-r actuallysbeeacrnolaed by thewaah-tob.
W ar going to-aay aomctung neve
that Will startle you more, w fear, than
our announcement that w ahall vote.
"Waahrng la not a woman's work. It la
pecullaiiy trying upon the moat import
anjJncUoraVp tha ieraaUv-eTiiat
vnc. It-la eapecially weakening and
trying upon tha bark, and lolna. The
hot-suds excite perpl ration, which
leaves the aystem In a condition to eo
gewler disease peculiar ta women. It U
labor that requires strength equal to
blacksmi thing or making rails. Yet
w have known many a strong maa
who would grudgingly -devote a hall-
- hoot to the fretful toabyhoVa crying
lor it natural nourishment, while the
Jfflmcl1"" was struggllag for life at
the wasl-tuh, overheating the baby'a
food, eowlng seed for her own and her off
spring's prematura decay lb maa
. neveronc Imagining tliatitwashladuty
to let the win ait ar 11 down to rest
with tha baby while he ylfforoualy: ap
tha "anas of hi own elbow' to
the ridgy waahboard... We hav also
known men wha Invariably help their
HT-wives at thU hard -workr and In our
- heart of heart w bUws them for It; but
woman'a overwork at the wash-tub will
" : aevof eeaae till ah exercise her own In
herent Immunities, and, like man, en
gage la tha work, which beat sulfa her
capabilities or tncllnatlon. -
P" iiiui.ii ....fijax.j iij - W
. Mr. Duuiway would. hav -it-that
"- Judge Miller 'Meaerted" hla wife. ThU not comet. Kh "deeerted" him and
' aPIUied for a divorce and olrfalned IL
- W ar told thai tha Jadoa kloliaxl hla
wife, but was not in circumstance to
liv up to ner standard of affluence; in
other words tha ft' warn waning, XTer-
, : low, w are Just aa much opposed to
. a woman who ran after strange gods aa
w ar to a man who leave hi wife and
ftunily In destitution while be flirts with
the object or hi early love ' spending
money for her In carriage hlr and the-
--: ater going, while hla outraged, wlf I
Mrnggllng Under ttobuitleiuof mother
hood, to earn tha money for him to pub
lish a lot ojfjnooraMna and fustian
ahfch be mtatakc for portrf, .It ta of
thUr that wa accua "Joaquin." . Mr.
MiQer apfUied a divorce on accoont
of rfeserwoa and obtained rt-and la
aowtrarrllngtonpport tlM ehilJ rea
of a truant father, whli haia lionUIng
hlaMal--or tanagtaas ha hv-4a. Oa city
r liondon. If a woman had don this.
bow the Unruiy would hound herliretiecnt as the grave.
ufwn avuwy, utra jutumnn ajugni.
Masculine free lover arc gloating over
the rumor that Victoria WoodhuH I a
'woman aftef . their a ww heart, W
.humbly bop they' ar mistaken, yet,
;hould thle aorrawful ahama prove true,
aa, alas, it ao often doe wber. men
high In political, asptratlons arc con
ovrnsd, wa ao rvason why . all pro
greaal v and nobk4nlndsd women should
be made to bear the approhrium any
- mora than w ar why MoFaruuMTa, or
Crittenden's, or Key's tibkllaoa pro
rllvltleaalMHtld IwafctMlderedaa burdens
upon, the backa and conscience of all .
Iioblc, ami prognwai v and aspiring
I The Kkw "tfoBTHWEiiT eonijjjslns
k iMMiif vnirwB am Bud ifwimM
eo,ual pay for equal wwk. We think
they are; so tar as th iHisJnran of type
art lii ij( la concerned we kaow llurnt U no
discrimination. Wotuea receive the
mom priw per l.Ouu nil that maa re
ceive. But it la complained of thaan by
publisher at tb east that gtrle cannot I
oa railed upon aa regular nanus, oscaus i
they stand ready to rxrriarirvtnetr easst
foe A hnshaad isn the alia Id ant -UutaU
cation, and that u th test of litem ia
Uia printing office. Can Uia roHTH
vm renieJy this finjlurt rfanirVr-
Just ao loaf aa men claim a control-
Wives, Juat so Jong will tha wive re
main unabl to fulfil! their contract. t
Ho wonder "if the last of woman In
the printing hoalnM. when their hue-
band assign them to tn utenen ana
kerptham thra.Xct wemaa axcrclac
tha mm right a maa to follow that
bualna 1 which, ; may suit her beat.
Tber ar tew wba will voluntarily
abandon tha printer's earn and IU smofc I
umenu mr in waan iuo ana us naca
ache. - We do not sea but that men
marry ion the aUghtcat pro oration"
qulta a oftea aa woman da. Indeed,
w sometLmaa conclude, that it take a
man and woman both to eomplet the
marriage eontraot. We do not recollect
that we aver heard of a woman getting
married unlea soma man was on hand.
The Dctnoerotic Era 1 the moat read-
abl paper w get IU articlea npoa tha
wamaa queatloriait more voluflnon
and very nearly as good ..aa oar own.
We someUmes think I hat it U hardly
aeeeaaary to run two equal righU organs
In one community, and have ' af most
made np our mind to propoe a coiieoLI-
dation. .Tb following from tha Erof
Haa Francisco - cocrcsriontlent Is plain,
practical and to the point; --
Bo far aa lam concerned individually,
f would b very much gratified to have
the women vote If they ao dealred. Ev
erybody ' else vote, . why ahouldu't
women r witn au lit noise, ami oiua
tcr, and prcjadlce over, about and
toward the aubtle eonati tut tonal ques
tion, one' common aenac . tea'hea him
tliat hla wife or daughter is quite aa well
fitted to vote as th ignorant man, white
or black, who exercise this preelou
privilege. This voting la a manly pur
auit, of course. But at rubbing, washing,
eouklug and kindred purauita, are manly,
and yet no one objecta to a woman
usurping hi rights In this direction. I
have aeen. for example, a poor, weak
creature, inclined to. consuniptlon, on
her knee mooirfng np the tobacco spit
from the marble floor of a loteL and I
never yet saw a lord of creation grow In
dignant "at such encroachments upon
what Ood Almighty Intended he ahould
do. On the contrary. I have sera thase
lords of creation stcn over or around the
female thua"ngaired In" abominable
uaurpatkiu, with aublime Inditlerenee,
W h
giving ai
ve purpna'ly alxtt slued from
opinion eouoernlng the Fair
rtner-thaa t aondrma the
histful and hearty eagerne with which
so many Wenia f tB pre hav rol
lectcd every revolting relation of tha
aahajiowed lust of the sinful parties and
scattered them, broadest aver the land,
tliereby sowntta seeds for further vio
lation of law and decency j but tb fol
lowing, from th N w York' Herald, con
tains a point which la ao sharp that w
must cau our readers' attention-to It?
"Tbeainrpl fact UT MraTFairrowuiDi
herself, took a guage of her wrongs and
Judged them with her own Judgment
Had a. father, brother or husband, or
some mala-ereatare settled the matter
for her, bow different would be the pub
lic filling; or had sUe followed the noble
example of man, and taken for her Vic
tim oaa .younger than . herself one
Wholly unacqualntedl.tbtu. waye-of
the world nl, lnsteexl of nobly killing
him, left him -toib Tharltlea of the
world then, lndeed,ah. might have
hoped for a molety-af clemency from a
Jury not composed of her peers." V ...
To enforce, tlie Amendments to the
Constitution, Congress passed a lairy la
19?Q Imposing a fin af and dam
ages to th sani amount, and the ooata
of aevaral months' Impriaoament, upon
any one who ahould obstruct any cflirea
front Voting. - Therefore, wc my, let all
women voter--If any one forbids them
ha will find that the full measure of the
law win be meted out to html But w
look for . no such thing. Gentlemen
know, too well whkh aide of their bread
to battered to commit tht folly. There
i not a match of a pen against women
voting nor a word eonftrig auffrag
upon men to b found la'th Constitu
tion. Bex hi hot mentioned, but per-
sons are declared eitUm who are borftnati ekllL The next JSomm will-ae
in th United BUtc or eubject U th Ju-1
-i-.nii ... ,
runwa r, omen uare, inere-
mm, tne same political righto as men.-1
It I an old quip upon women that
they eannot keep secrets; but tiw fact la
they are the only part of humanity that
can. A wife keep a husband's secret
Incomparably safer than he does hers.
Wrcalculato Uiere la one drunken wife
to about four hundred and ninety-nine
drunken husband. In gambling, Mora
Mouanesa, lying, cheating, hypocrisy,
covctouaneas. titer la pretty much tli
mineproportloa, Vetof UteAmr hundred
and nineiy-sjUaa wives, four -hundred
coiiroal, eoTas ap. sitentry ' endure tb
terrible sarret. whila the one husband
mourns over his wife's fralllf-v In the
study of hi pAsTorand to the car of -his
Mend, and fWdashryroarplatns of it to a
court of law. It to tit same between
brother and sister. The secret that a
womantalks about are of ilia klud that
are unimportant and mostly agreeable
to her. But-of arrioua secret site to as
That to our ab-
arrratloev and in our Various relatloaa
of physician, minister, ami nnonlarncd
lawyer, w have haf run for a great
deal of observation.-. Het9 MammaL
y coukl keep the ahotre Uit a aecret,
audacccilf tomytnawHA wman raa
not keep a secrvt 1 , iMnh It Is
best ta rduta all iiucl, slamler And
wa ar pleased to see the rMM nt k.
NMitMV acknovlHlrlnt rnnuh'.
hllity in a xllrection where alia la aa tU. I
niMimwuiKK'naarw ana so comatonly
sWtlalWaL .
W booked, the above selection, and
Its sensible remarks from a copy af the
Dallas IUpmbtktn which w found aa
ni in tne rortiana Horary moma. I
Here's. ar hand, brother UrpWien
Long may you flourish, 1.7 . ,"
W wonder If gvary aspiring "alnner"
who comes to Portland tollvs 1 left so
drstfUite of tha mean of graea aa wa
hava been? ot ana member of lh
FurUaial clergy has, as yet, called npoa
us exespt tha honorable pastor of th
raltoriaa chureh. v ' V.
Brethren, If w are doing a good work.
w Ihtak yowwilght Tom akmr and
giva as a iMUe gisnsl, Kara
are not doing a good work It le year
duty,' aa soinUUf af -fha Oospal, ta
and eaavaTt as ta better thlnga.
If you 'are sot ertala( whether oar
V fh tnlook
aftar It and make a decision. Oar
preaching already reaches tha eyes and
andcrstandlng of as many people as th
eomblnded effort of the whole of you;
and, as w only want to exercia aa In
fluence for good, wa think It I year duty
to counsel us that we may know what
you weald hav aa to do. , , . .
i- At last wa are rejotowl to he able to
chronicle th supprassi on of th unhappy
Paria laeurrccUea, Th Comman,
which W nnderstand to mean om
tLlng like our communities of laboring
people, becoming freasled by th loaf
si eg and their consequent privations,
In a spirit of uncontrollable jnadueas,
desecrated their newly acquired free
dom, and forfeited their right by Insur
rection and revolt,- For weeks, the tid
lags that dally reach us, by telegraph,
have revealed a tale of honor which w
And it difficult to lniaginaBut, aa wa
go to press the glad pwana of peace to
proclaimed la the doomed city and the
fratricidal war haa ctaaoL Kamerous
xaoutious ar being made. It 4 re
ported that Rocbefort has been execut
ed. It Is feared that sicklies will ensu
on account of tha effluvia arising from
tha great number of dead bodies in.
around Faruw.
Ballroad are resuming buHlnes; vic
torious troops am marching back to
Versailles; and Paris, under military
restraint, will have a little flat to col
lect her scattered senses and survey her
wide-spread desolation.
The vandalism that .would destroy
such a historic monment as the column
la the Place Vendomc; the recklessness
which would plang their own, long
bolaaguered city Into utter desolation:
th frenzy that prove" Itself Incapable
of rational aclx-ootitrol or reasonable re
election, alike proclaim tha melancholy
fact that Franca to not capable of self-
government, v ..
- The legislature' at Versailles has an
nounced that all aapitulatlona made
daring tha war would be laveatlgated
by a council of war.
There arc reports of the discovery of
letters of leading members of tb
Commune disclosing conspiracy against
Betgram. A plot has fortunately been
discovered, which, Jtad the Csmmunlsu
proved successful, would hav enabled
them to eecape from Pari and proceed to
Cnisseli, where--the-horrors of Parti
would hav been : rrpeated. Victor
Hugo has been banished from Belgium,
the Government of that country havln
become con vlhotd that h waaconnccl
With the plot h ;
A-TH6ia "specUr sayst "I walked
across Paris last night and never saw
anything aa desolate. The saddest fee
tare to the condition at the women and
children.'' v i-r.'jLu..
The public debt of the United fttatea
haa been reduced S3, 000, 000 during May,
Vic Presides Colfax who baa been
dangerously til Is recovering; ; ' S
lajkag Ooavcxtioa.
c As we go ta prras tha Pacific Blope
Woman butTraga Oonreution la In ses
sion, and will probably closs tha sea
slon this, Thursday, evening, it third
day, though argent requests have
pressed on tha manage ateat to eaatinn
it for another day. This Convention
has bsea rharattrrlscd by far the largest
wemaa raffl-ag gal boring ver hhf la
this city ar n thia aoaat lto interest
hai been Ida r Basing from it mrgaiuaa
lion to this writing. Th deh-gatiofw
nava been anaaualiy targe, particularly
from th diOerent eountie In this Htata.
The sessloas ml Tuesday and Wednes
day were devaasd to bunlnr., and the
evenings of those days to epecches,
which were entartainlMg and spirited,
inatracilva and.-aloaaent Prominent
amomt tha speakers ware Revs. Messrs.
LI let! too;- Usn, Mmith, fjavaland and
llarkness. Mm. Denio, Mrs. Htoveaa,
Mrs, Hnew, Mr. Mnkhowee, M ra. Ben
edict Mm. OoUina. Mtoaea 11
Kimball, Hamphriea and Ctbdo. Mias
McAeti gean from narganc "Woman
who iareo," - witn artisue ana tm-
fT7 ' naasewmw f x-
www nsni a ia nswuiin, an
another column aaay U found a brisf
report af th iraaiatioa of tha Con-
Vtnllm ust:f U numerous totter
read from disUngatolted workers ia this
mvawai la the failed HUtee and
Ureat BriUla. We pabllah la thia
number only those fcom- yioeanos
Kightlngala, Rev. Hamuei J. May, and
Mrs. Elisabeth Cady tttantoa. . t
'-Keaoiutiona : amhracing nana fun
practical pointa were adopted, first
among wbfeb was: :
- MThat tha woman suffrage nkbvement,
as It name imports, to a pMie one, and
1 aetdgned to aecare political enfran
chlsement woman; but It contem
plates no war apoit religion or any af
the established institutions af th conn-
tort Humbert attending this
fafid enthusiasm, the somewhat altered
ion of th pros, demonstrate that the
cause -of women euffraire I rapidly
growing In public- eon Alienee on thia
coast Jtmrrr. Mag iwk.
The Paclfle Hlope Woman KufTrag
Convention which commenced on Tues
day morning, the lath Inst, adlaurhcd
foe da at on o'clock P. M-, on Friday,
May, lAth. having held seven business
sesMians, bmrdea three large evening
meetinz. which were devoted rtclo-
slvrly to speeches. The Intcreet Urge
at the commencement continued to In
crease to the last. A strong effort was
m4le to hav th Convention continue
tt session thronah Friday and Hatar
laV. but th large Hall la which It was
neat nan heea let for a concert on rn
day evening,, and a continuance tbcrv
rr was oeemed tmpractlcabia.-tK r.
if oweer, Mag 3MM.
' i ' t ""-f. .
yuan Francisco hss mr manufacturing
establishment vth $lA,&33ra4Ul,
wa" si a a ws"s" j wwajaH aj
'Woman' bclples dependence npon
maa degrade her la every ajbreof Lis.
It Is her dtnieadeuca unou man tliat
naklea him to secure her Implicit lore
aad aonnVJcaoa, and Anally ruin and
turn her aa outaaat apon eot-Mr. Ii to
hi positiaa and laflasac la sA-iety, am
her want of that auslUoa and influence.
that toserprrto hla deed of infamy as her
eternal aiagrace, wnli si vine sain time
nis atanaing in soetaty is not ra tne least
a ranted. Klnstsiia I small a of 'ta
vicxims of nraaUtotioa haa ; been
brought ta their nreaent njtsery througb L
thd iafamy af men They otdalnsd their f
. . . . . " . V-
deeMMt love and most Implicit confi
dence, and then Illustrated their boasted
guardianship of their honor and fata by
ruining theiu and kicking them down to
th deepest etuks ofluhjuity.1 And they
oav ao roar n noia npoa aoeiety
for relist And sUirruen say that th
vot to not tli way for them to obtain
redress. Will each men tell me bow
they ar to obtain their righto T- Are
liter to expect man to grant those
right when they do all tliat they can
to defeat them in securing litem ?
Men officiate la every capacity dawn
to waiters, clerks, souks, ata without
an objection from women, but the mo
ment a lady undertake to exhaid her
fkdd of nsefulness, these ehlvalrw guar
dlana of her destiny exhlMt their
modus opemndl of guarding her luter
esta by shouting, "strong-minded,"
Hdae-stocklng," "dirty ' skirts," etc.
Courteous style- to treat ladies, ta it not T
I hav aeeu In a Haa Francisco paper the
epithet of Vlrag applied ta a lady of
respectability, because aha dlflbred la
opinion. from the writer llyreof in the
derision of th Fair trial. On of the
strongest arguments- against granting'
gainst granting.? A ""U,fmr busy in nmaing a 1
poUtkr are too"1 ailpaere for bar father, sal
uiKta that an irnr voung compaiiliMi near bcr,-"i
!uta that can b P cry lucky, yon' arc; your papa ha
. . ...... I mnt dm lm. ' r '
woman tne vol is tnai
corrupt for her. ' I look
of the stronirwt arxumcuta
offered In favor T Kivina: her tha vote
Woman's moral Influence Is an absolute
necessltytn Utat sphere', of society, ta
order to.cleaa tha Augean stable.
The natural prerogatives of human
being In no way depend for their exist
ence and sanction on the Incidental
clmumslaiiois of place, condition ar sex,
and tlte institution of art hav no right
to violate those natural prerogative.
& f, Jttmetr. r
t , i , -
A writer In Bcribuer'a Monthly ' uses
the ' following strong language, which
will be reapuatded to by th women who
have suffered all over tlie laud: " Of
tlte worst foca that women havr ever
had to 'encounter. wine stands at the
head. Tlte appetite for strong drink In
man has spoiled the lives of more wo
menruined mora hope for them, scat
tered more fortaaee for them, and
brought them to more s haute, sorrow
and hardsbsp than any other-evil that
Uvea. The country numbers ton thous
ands oar, hundred of thousand of
woman who are widows te-dav, aad ait
la hope lens weeds, because their hus
bands have been slain by strong, drink.
There are hundreds , of thousamla of
homes scattered all over tlte land, In
vbw wamaa liv lives ar torture, go
I tut through ail the change of auflWriug
that ii- between th extrcmea of fear
and despair because those whom they
lore, lore win better than they do the
women thev hav sworn to lore. '
- "Tli -re worn In lltnnaand alio
dread to near at tne door tn step that
once in r men utera wiut pleasure,
because that step, haa learned to reel
ander the Influence of the seductive pot
son. There are women rroanlna'. with
pain while we write these words, from
bruise and brutalities Inflicted by hue-
nanus maa maa oy- anna, mere can
aa no cxargeration in any statement
made In regard to thia matter,' because
no human Imagination can create any-
thing worse than the trulli, aitd aqpenWsii, suine teatle think mm ws and
la canabl of portray lug the truth.
me si
aonow and the horror of a wlfa-wilb
a drunken, husband, or a mother with a
drunken son, are as near the realisation
of hell aacaa be readied In this world.
at least "The shame, the Indignation
the escrow, tne aeuae of dlsgraoe lor her
self and bar children, th povertV-aiML
not unfrequently. the beggary the fear
and the fact of vloh'nee, lha lingering,
liiS-ioog strnggia ana nespair of count
less women with draakea husband, are
enough to mat all women.- cure wine,
and engag unitedly to oppose It every
where as the worst enemy of their sex."
Maa. FAta MoTtoM ron A New
Trial. Tlte attoneys of Mrs. Fair J
have served apon tlte counsel for the
Htate a copy of their statement aad bill
of sxccptlona, on which a motion for a
new trial. to .based, Th document
which ajipeara In detail In the Alia, I
quit voluminous. Tlte summary ia a
foltowat - , ,i,
- The defeiidaht asks for a now-trial on
II be fulktwliui xroundn; That th lunr
recclveU erltc4K-e out of vounr otiier
than that resulting rrom a view as pro
vided by law; that tha Jury separated
without the leave of tlte Court,- aad
that they were guilty of misconduct
tending to prevent a (all
i fair and due conaid-
eratlnn of the ra4e.
That the Terdlcvwa decided by meana
etiKY tnan a rair expression or opinion
on the rt of tit Jurors. -.-
That the Court misdirected th Jury In
matter of law and Its Instructioii and
charge. . - - '
r Tliat It erred I n refusing to give tb In-
Utractioa asked on th part of tha de
fendant -r-'-r" 1 . j , "
Tliat the Court erred In Itoduialon
Upon question of la w which am upon
and during Utecourse-of tlte triaL- ,.
That th verdict to contrary to law ami
evltleitre, . k
Utat the mtnus of tb lunr were rreU
adiceil and bbvtcd against the defend
ant by - means of th Aa af $240 iaa
pnaed upon her la their press no and
hearing. .
Newly discovered evidence material
to the defendant aad which aha coukl
not with- reasonable. - dUlgeaca-hava
discovered and piwfuccd pt the trtak
That some of aakl Jurors had expressed
aa anqualifleil opinion aa to the guilt of
avtemiani at we time ney were accept
ed aad sworn aa trial. L ' " . '
-The mother of the Rothschilds, the
widow af aid Aciselm, lived to tlie age of
four score and flOeea, tn aneenes aoa
brirhtest af old wamca. la tha year
HM, aa American traveler wa explor
ing th antiquities of Franxiora--ue
Maia. . The JewV qaartar, then and now
a specimen of th intolerable vexation
to which tha hated race wa subjected
for many years, contained, within a
narrow, ill-paved street a framed build
ing of singular neatness, apon which
very Improvement It would admit
seemed to have been made. Heated In a
large arm-cblr,' behind the small, diamond-shaped
pane of glass that filled
tha windows of tb structure, was a v
embW lady engaged In knitting a stock
ing, cioc aad outliveo, tare genera
tions, aad yet-her eye wae not diss,
bar mind doodad. It wa th ai
tress nf th Rothschilds th mother of
Meyer Ansrlm Kntharhlvl then eight-
years oca a tn uneai nana oi ino
.test commercial family known to th
world. t TV-. "t ' ' :
Out of tha six mUlloa awaera of real
estate la tha Called Htatee, morw than
two-third are farmers, i '
Mnc France
Anne KembleliTja'
v Uv Logan to thirty-twoyeanold
Ilatual friends Keroseaa aad ooro-
s. ... ....
The hire eiaas Uborcra.
The lore
slsss scimlars. -
A clerrymaa In Connectiant boasts
th llUc lUvlIrackiahAiikllc,
a lady 7 When it begin ta patter bu
lhabaclt. -
. gtar are tUlHMaatronomre, because
they have ataddud th haeveueslnc th
creation, ;
"Well, Bridget, can you acour tin-ware
with alacrity?" - MNa mum, I always
scours them with mod." . i, .t ti
H who has not forgiven an enemy
haa never yet tasted one af tit moat
uuusm iyoucuia w uiv, j ., f.
. 1 1 . . . m i r.. .. -.
' Tb Enirierorof Russia will go thia
year to Germany to attend the silver
wetknng of bis sister, theijttcen of vt ur
temburg. " ..; ' .
Punch an "What In a woman Is
called curiosity, la a ntan to graiMlilo-
qaaaUy magnified into th spirit Of In
quiry' , . ,,,:; ; :v
An advertisar want girls for cocking.
One that know what he's talking about
replies: . "You would Ilk them raw
when you get accustomed to them.T
A man Went Into tit office of ZimW
Jtifomte, la Portland, and inquired Jf
Ms V.lnm w In.- U.'waiUMl
ta "tlow him up about not getting his
A little girt busy In making a palraf
iiuaere for nr lataer, saM to
on are
has only
got one leg.
A remarkably hard drinker, who was
cXttiring, begged on of his frteiHto to
bring him a goblet of Water, toiling him.
"On our death-bed we must be mcoucllea
to oar ancmica,"
- Kv wa tha only woman who never
threateaed t go and l lv witn atamam;
aitd Adam was tlie only man who never
tantalised hi wife about the way mother
used to enoav .
"Pomney. said a rcntlcman to lit
servant, "I did not anew until to-ilny
that you wHra'Wblnped last waea.'1
'l)llu't you, niasns T' replied Pbinpcy,
. ' . j. . . " ....
"i auoweu tryisi ue nine ii occurreu.
A m-gro ttrcacber, referring to tit
Juflgment Day In his sermon, said:
"Bredren an' sinters. In dat day de Iiord
shall di wide d sheens from de goats: nn
brcasde ltrd,.a know which wear
Ue wool!"
. A little girl In Ohio, altout three years
old, afte being corrected tit other day
lor snntcuung ana nad done, mid: rum
I wish whipping cost samcthing.'1
"Why V replied her mother. "Be
cause," aald Attic perV."yoO never givaiAntes, "but I U4d Iter tliey were vours.
nt anything that coats something."
New Jersey ha on railroad ta every
eigitt square miles, OHIO one to every
eleven square miles, Illlnotaneto every
sixteen tuare miles, Iowa on to every
thirty-nine square astlaa. - Five rant and
wast Unas, la const ruction or completed,
carry jreignu to uieaaj..x;.
TAn attomcyL' one asked Lytnaa
BCet lW'r: 'rtupoaing that the parson
and tlte devil should litigate a case,
which party do you think would gain
rtr "The deVII, no WAibt," repllji'd Mr.
Beecher. "a ha would have all the law
yers Oil his sldc."f -a.-f Jiiif;i l I.
X would-be school teacher In AJahama
recently replied to a question by jn of
the examiners. "lk you think the
world to roursi or flat V by aaylng.
soma another, and I'll teach round or
list, Just en aha parent please." . 7. t ."
A young gentleman, after having paid
hla addresses to a young lady for some
time, popped tlte question. - Tlte lady,
in a frightened manner, mid, "You
scare me, str." .-The gentleman did not
wish te frighten the lady, aad conse
quently remained quiet for some time,
when alt exclaimed, "Scare me again,"
"There i a maa In Buffklo who has
registered a vow never to make a "bu
manu. sociaty'tror himsrlf-agaln.H
took, off hla coat and leaned Into th ca
nal to save a lady from drownine. when
a pickpocket stole ten (lulls ra front the
coat, and the rescued one got mad !-
cause he pulled her chignon off In getting
Mrs. Lurretia Mott who la now draw
ing nigh her eightieth year, haa lately
formed a determination to make-with
her own bands, Slid to preauut to each
of iter children, a nut carict A ai Pro-
tost against the too prevalent gray- of
tb Quaker style of ornamentation, Mrs.
Mott to making those carpet of bright
rags. -'. - - '
An old My. slightly blind, while en
gaged In a futila attempt to sew buttons
oa young Auguntoa' new Jacket '
marked! "Drai these buttons! I can't
And tlte boles,-and they spirt all to
fileces every time I stick th needle Into
hem." To which replied young Au-gnstust-"Now,
look 'ere, granny I you
lust let my Dcpperml nt-d pods alone.
J You've split mora than half of- them al
ready." . ; , .--J- ,- -.
Thn cantala af a schooner on Halt
lake mya hla Veasel wa recently
caught in the vortex er a
At on tins tit deck was
th water outside I he whirl
kvwer than
Iripool, simI he
ascribes his escape to a sti
iff wind which
came ap at the tune. Thaaotseaf the wa
ters a 4hey descended denoted that a
mighty, airless .cavity below gave
strength to the suction. It to natural
to supios that there to a subterranean
outlet to ralt lAke, as it Is fed by several
coaakivrabie atrsams. ... i
Proi d or Ilia Mornxa-It wa i
Leold hlght in winter. Tb wind blew,
and the snow was whirled ninousiy I
aj-out, atcklrnr to hide Itself beneath
eUtaks ait.1 hoods, artd Ht the hall uf
lunar a no were ouw - a aininruiMiri
lecturer waa to speak, ami notw-ltludaml-
ing theatorm, th villagers very gener
ally ventured forth to hear hint. - v -William
Amnealy buttoned up to
Lla rhlu la hla thkk avercoat accom
panied his mother. It wss difficult to
walk through th fallen snow agalitst
th piercing wiad, and William said to
his mother z, - . ,
Couldn't yoa walk easier if you took
my arm r
Id," his mother replicilx
aa site nut her arm throuarh biik
ila, and
drew up as rkoae as possible to Mm.
Togvtlier they breasted the storm, the
motherwnd the boy, who liad oace been
pcarrted In her arms, but who had grown
aa tell that she coukl lean or hla. They
had notJ walked very far before be
Mld t . -i :
'l am proud to-night mother. - --
"ProoI Utat yao can take care nf met"
site mid to him Uh a heart gusiting
With tritdcrncss.-
"TTtls to tlte first tints you have leaned
Bpnu me," said the boy.
,- There will be a few hours In thai
child's life of more exalted pleasure than
ha enjoyed that evening, eveq if he
should liv to old are. land should, la
hla manhood, lovingly ptovhi for her
who, in hi hclpiem Infancy, watched
aver nun. . K- -
'Ma, wlerc my alcd T i "
I Jltle Tona aters liovnAred It this
aftrnMa to draw his dt rover ta Mr.
Brown's." -..
Where are my ttlne-ptnar mey
ar'n't in tha ahjsct".'.
Bessie has cooinany IB lit panor.
and I raveVrjniiiWn topuy.-UhJ
tltein. . - r . -
rweii, where are my stales j i aup-
Cii iiaiiln ly saantsd liasa, I I'mia
chrtd out of all my play," said
Philip la a very iU-natared ton. -
"lour muter ooa uteenio ute snop
thia morning to have them 4ttsdcd -for
your tiatunlay boll. lay," "reified bis
asather, taking sat lbs gingas saspuhi
had Just made from the large pan, and
disregarding' her son's petulaucsv - But
lltll's temper was roused, and even his
father Ihoughtfulu failed to fnolllly
mm. i -
" don't care. I
Uav my things ai
wish psopl would
' exclaimed ut
rmaa uoy.. . -..c . , ,
"PhiUp !" said his mother rcproach
full-,-- . .
" Welt I cfo. What's th aa of hav
Ing things if ooeenu't get tha good of
Mrs. 'Ames had observed 'for some
lima Pf.llln's sfuarina mlflahaiaa and
th u nreasoiiabh-nees whioh always go
hand la hand with it had pained Iter
frcuuently of late. Hue bad hoped It
was only the couacqucmw of too great
ludulgene during hi atokaaas, twa
month before, ami a fault whkh ah
could easily check, bather effort than
far had been unavailing. She paused a
moment after he had' spoken, end
f 'lanced at hi handsom faos. at that
aatant seeming positively ugly by ma
sou of the aulkiJicss w hk-h oveniitfead
It" Then ah said cheerily l "Well,
my aoa, there to no reason why you
should not hava your awn things m to
yourself If youcbonssv Of soaraeif you
are to have the cutlre enjoyment, you
will also take the entire care of them."
. "I arueas I'd be glad enough to," an
swered Philip, a littla aurpriaed by hiaj
mother'a maltcr-of iac-t way of taking
hla remarks. .
Then I will resign an care of yoar
property for tlie future, or at least as
long a you wtsh." said M re. - Ante, In
quite a bualneas-IIk tone, aitd gttiitg to
the parlor site substituted a book of en
gravings for the nine-pi us, and bronriit
the box to l'billpw.Preaently Tom Wa
ters also brought tb sled, axprcsalng
his gratitaxU) for the favor in a very earn
est manner. "
' Philip was quite eltcd,by Itianew au
thority, and played nlne-pina oa the
sittlng-rooin carpet for at least tea min
utes. Then he saw l)lck Jones on the
street and ran cut to speak to him,-and
coasted until tea time. He came In
tired and hungry, to Had his ulna-pins
scattered from one end of tlte' room to
the other, aa he had left them.' "
"Pick 'em up, Bess, wou't yon ? I'm
jh? " ":' ......
viM-ssie. wanieu 10, ramaraeu Mrs.
11.1 tuu pmvmu tw iMcnnw .uriu.
Plilfnade no answer, but crept ander
the table and chairs to gather them up,
while tha family sat down to tea.
"I broke my sled, father," said Philip,
aW trtomtng-the edge of hi hanger
with a uVlleious bisrultwnd left It at
the shop for yon to bring home with my
skates. -.
His father looked Bp with an expres
sion of great surprl-, an I answered "
"Tiiat to very awkward for you, PhIL
i our skate arencrc and are not mend-'
ed, I Itrought them home for you to
attend to yourself. However, you can
have your sled mended all the same, I
awpiiuae,n- ' '
"itut th money," faltered Phil, a hor
rible - suxplclon creeping over him.
Iln-wtrail I pay.ibr It" . r
"That's uour hstkout of ronrae. Tha
stetTls yours, you know," responded
Mr. Amea with the utmost conlneac
PonrPtiill A choking sensation be
gan to eertoualy Interfere with the prog
res of tliat accond biscuit; but he had
saved a few shillings - for missionary
money, and the thought of thia as fur
nishing a way out-of hla dilemma re
stored his wan ted serenity. An for. the
akatcs, ihey must remain unmeiided.
That hlgnt when llilllp was undress
ing, ha did what boys are want to do.
wrenclted one or two button from hi
clothe, atid calling doantuhia nrnther.
carelessly Informed her of the fact and
threw his suit down tlte stairs for her to
mend. Tlte door opened immediately',
and her pica-tent vokwaaalled up to him:
"Here, IliiUp, I have-put thread and
ncfdlcs and buttons on tlte stairs.' They
are yoar clot ties, you know, and I am
not to mend tltem, of coarae."
I'hll prctcralcd not to hear. But Mr.
Antes waited, and finally asked: ..
"I to you hear. VbUlo ? .
rkoSj-Tna'anV answered tha poor
boy, re-resning a great sob. Turn door
closed, and Philip, feeling as solitary
and deserted aa 1 he were a hundred
mile away from the dear home, dropped
hla head between hi hand and cried
bitterly. After a wtdl ha crept softly
down stairs, and bringing up his new
and unwelcome possessions began his
task. . It to ncedlcHs to tell bow many
times the needle broke and the thread
knot tod, , .before the Work wa ended,
arid how sore hi flneer were with use
less" staha, and how th buttons buret off
tne next morning because b bad sewsd
them on with single thread, and how he
HMe! rue ciouies and waa pricked by
the pins cruelly all the next day. v
He could notskato that Katurda von
I account of bis broken skates, aant when
ne went iw nia aicn, ne aiacoverea utat
he had not enough money to pay for It,
and when he entered hi room at nlaht
It wss in theaame disorder la which he
bad loft It In the saarnin-. IIiIIId
completely humbled by hla miserable
nay, -ana ny tne prospect or always
wearing otothea . which were pinned
together, and of aircping, night after
night, in a tumbled bed. Worse tha a
all, he bad seemed the whole day to b
Lu.! ' .
am ..I i m mm rmn. . . M,hrftai
m, mother haJ also endured th. nun.
litOlka1 at lrktif aval ,) aarai at ail .Ia Ia iLna
It. and with an aching hi-artwnt softly
' A. ah. ,,.w.a
th door, site saw Phil with Ida bead at
th lai4evublnglike.a homesick boy.
In a moment her faithful- arm were
about him. - -''r- . .
sy darUnr tired af hi sctflsh-
ncm r' ,. h mked.-... , i
," Give 'em all a way a'nd-tak
roc Imm bVJ aobld ItiUlp, ' :
-too you see that we aeerf ofAcr to
make-a comfortohle and happy, ami
that we ought to give a well as fake ?"
win yes I lo,"answered Phil witn
est merer.' T . . - - .
ilten hla BUdheeananothed th fbm-
bled bel snd mnoe the diMmlared room
tidy and leautiful, aa mothers know so
Well how to do, ami Phil's lesson, wa
never forgotten. ' ' A.- W. A. -
' Mr. Itr.NiwAY's Kiw NoaTHwrji-rU
The mvoml nnmlsr-r or this sprigntly
ami vlvnoms Journal la tit Interests of
wamaa anftraga ami aifavm gcnerklly,
Jittt stsrfl in Portland, Urrgona wr
than rtjusls our exisx-tAliona, which'
were very eonshkrable; The editorial
are well written, abort, pithy and to th
point ; th aeicetiona Indies ta Industry)
taste and god Jodxment ThisnumlMrr
contains ific'opcuing of a serial story
entitled "Judith IU-id,-or the Ilain
Htory of a Plain Woman," whteh proph-
esic wen wr m luture napwra . tr.
Tlx law af ilichlian.- amamWd. ice
vide that eawry wksrkild, parent, guar
dlau, buslmnd, or mher person who ahall
ba Injured In person, property,
af support, ar otherwise, by any
rated urraDSV ar bV Nasua of th
cation of
any person, anau nava n nir
la hie macwanangaia
aw ar persons wba shall, by.
af actma
ng or giving any Intoxicating ll-7
nor, or othrrwlae have caused ar cost-'
tli baled lo the intoxlcatkisi saoh aa
aoa ar person: and in aa aarh action
Ut puinua sttau nave a rtgni ia
er actual and exemplary dai
And the owtteroT leasee, or iwraua se ae
sons, renting or leasing any waitdlag ar
Itremises, having knowledge tnai tof
toxica tliur liuuors are to b sold tbsveta
at retail i
uiVwtim, shall b tUble'
aeveraUy or Jointly, with th Person so
selling ar giving tetexketinff liqaara, a :
sfrmnatil. . Aad ta amount rannnw.
by every wife ar child altaUb btoor her
sole a lid aruarato' iroperty. The wom
en of Michigan wtU be galaev ay una
U be gala
s poUea
toes freqll
esof wltct
last law. and If tha aoiiea taaorda of
taat rtiata are aox teas rrwiucuuy nr
beUiahed with storieaofvitc blackened
and bruised by besotted hualiaittto, thr
vendors of "Arc waUi" can at toast en
mad to assart nad aatanly the vano
ora but thaaa wba tease buildings for .
this iniquitous traffic Now that two
women lo Mlenlran haTe-tnoisiea
ik u .... t . a.u. .!
dared lo maintain them at the polV
them to no danger but what Utey ana
their vhto-awak Bister will be apt
enough at taking advantage of thia new
prohibitory liquor tow. - .
Bow Wwtintl Is Ihts Vra BlrVIt -How
Wltillk aura a '
A" all mm, alwsa la naahllnsssl '
ul lals aersrtl U ntln.
One dn fcas aatt a aaiaw now
Hm, cmaln' at in Btf-iMr a
Waa aalaa and ateat k
Wra vain tha, thaw pall fcs thing,
rpwM an WIM, iitrtMiimU4 wlng
Mf iSanl ama das aad 'sa.
O snd t kwtt Ihls kind aV kla, 'v
Aad anrs aaav lh brand.
IM mmltt mf mut ut knlsey -
. Ia raas naaay ktwwj
. Onr rn nlanra snlsa "
llus aits wMk valswr kral .
Wadnt ihadrHlpM ll awa .
. Aad br uwaa srtl t ,
Ak, ysal nad t a see of wtega
Twsataruadsr mane,
I saea Ms feat aa III Ma laar
. , .inxn sow bmH nasi Jan, ,
Thiw wrlor ! him fs, .
Or Ha ta Maklln' rills fj--"
Ws Itoaa tea aauanlalaa ao. . , , ).
'Tha eases enole saoraal of llleeelar, M la
batdly acsesaary-a suna, la stnlan tnm ta
Mts?ntasraty Era." W dent knew was that ;
U hnss, gs w Naaarnvssv.j .
, It to rather bard toraspect old age
whan ana gU old on a venerabl pair
of chickens. . .
if,..- - a
m r AjrcrACTCE ahd dkaixb ih
1 taWTt, mrttfttm, mm, nv,
Coras rrant and TasaklU aWsila, rnrllsan.
-'All klads ul Bkradlag dona.
v -f - T saATstlXiamaaV
OKNTMCMAW, asd lawaly-avs, sad In
J gniHi proSMMikiMl .nrttr, Inlm an asake
tha ianlaaasa a smatala sirl ne wsaow. a4
ahiMit bU awn aas, srilh a vkw to asairt-
WoarnwasT Ormm
. IWiUaJ, 0bjsw-
.,.,1 'C f! -
.-'-' 1 r:
Ilcnl! E at in 4 e
-. , , raarrLASBv
Ir,AT. fxtatb iitthis) rrrr Agn t.aht
it. tSmrtlmntt. In thf not dealrahls bMallllrsu
aaixlas of tavs. XtAUT ilust sad I
Hui'saa and Hiuaua. . x
Alan, Inmnvrn Fsaas and VALC4BLB t'
CrLTfVAran Lasbs, loeabtd la all parts af tn
ansa, nun and Blba FiiiatHS sntibs
l lnMMiKlU, Invniat'iTT aad Ihroucb.
am Umt'TSVatrs snd TaaarTnaina, wMb en a
aars.aadaa lb ma AjWAJriastasua Tsaa
Hmsa aa amtanuPl.iLlacsk toasw Haas.'
tiatbu and 'i.iJ"eir all. iwjoatrTH.aa
rinam.Ti 'uLLBcratsaa a wkwmia, rinsi
CIAt,aadAasJH T Kcaisvo, Taanaaeraai
' Aasa-raaf Ibta Ami In JI InaCVriaaaad '
Towsa In tbc Utat will rmnHvrUm ripltona of ;
Fits rsnrm aad nsraars tan ansae aa inn
.! ,-J,S
tk rrvwffMtnf rem bamf T roajr-
aad tbruagbotni Urrajim saneralls.
tjKtoft iBtniociiCBrTa
tP asrsVtMs4aVtra) Jaf
And venr1btn Ibal artJns t lbs Raal Ks
saw Bailna ia BltsaawHe wKb fisnnlana -
teui nmt wvmtjn itiimiin.
rrsnrs; virnciiMVtif r D, mawtwo wrarw.
I nltb In Bran t HmmvII a Karrr,'
lUal Mats Acau, pxHIatMl.btwa leave t sail
I Hit UflTII AT imtfA,
Wkwi ba hsa Sa anfa msny atnir4rTna fnr '
Hn1aa and luwldwnea hirrw,t4 will alao
aurad l
kalaaaa, W. T.
snUHVdiaJIs) i.V ;
llltlll II III riAII IT Til
rCRMS ItKAMUg akjl
at WatIke),- 1 . ;
Job PanrrtKd At ItnoK lb id no
i - ..-.
r.-i i,
' KaTAatiaa a urr, ,---
trong tssiifi AT towTwr uvrvq
t Dealer,:
ar aaa. w inraal nramatL '"
ffrdb fcrtaata-r'iX -e
- I -, 1 " ,. 111 t I i " . ... - .
. . . a- aa vanaH -..
1 stATbab
'-' tf
r ' .- .-ar
... . ' -
... ..- j ""fct"r -. . -w- '
r .V-.