T:.---.VX.,'.'-v . -" M jaaai-if - T jk tA.?:cj m. L J. SXTlTvTAT, lntijur. ; ' ,VJL Vmniiliilti NtM 14 aMtotea,; , 1 'T hllr "wpel- lisssss; s4 Srhawweshlr had teal U 9M- a ae i I ,.i.. . , '., Mim' ' ;i ;Xtr. At ySU OiismeiS1 Vr arrlUac w assasrtd ! :.. bauw thsU " I s-sins .--,,!-,., -I,, I t lbttM-,ar WwUsalWe Will ss , VOL. IU 1 -i NO. 5a TJVaUKMXyTUIsarMMnaMisU "jr - x"'. J . . --r'A ' - VPK- U '0:, ill. LI .a 1 . I at--- - I ' a r j-VI I I J v i-J . . : w A I.J LJ'I ?7 SJ rritwWsHM rstol wa4 ,r-Mrn m. ' f TtRaTM, iw ADVAlrrgT owe - .. i as . Mia ' x -, -r -Wheuatk-d tfti WUm Uihehtw and, principle ef 4lree nmai w pUetkUy u('t 45or ' True w- ' titer U uBseolubl eternal r a anenee . indefinable, a inimitable, imlwiw -eseary to ttr happier ef hajnanlty ne are , th Inexorable" laws of , Attraction end telston .which together operate to auetom the wnnilars of luflaltodu, Bellevtnf;' iyriowtnfrthI tfc true, "we enunot advocate the prlucipU of frodl ene..' ItoA humanity aeofUn " err hst It mini that peopl Moai nWbtUeHiptuaUof homatbrploe, - tWf mb4 MMiamt IifM iwtav Hence, many aUsew .( in the Ax Utlng 5UfTtpiyJlck teem to niake the enforcing of Irrevocable Uwt Impossible As long a BtW toartlajrt ar made, Joat ao kmf will It be foaod mmaaary, lir many J, to rtfulaU tltoae bonda. " " -'. -i - . '' WhM a maa f lurtjr, ilUrty, or vea twrBty-flva, marrlea a chlU of fourteen, r mm of th great haraaoaJal lawa hu - man life la attaawtuUy ylulafawl, and tha rvault la aul JtfKatluiLJn d band and dtwiiotlMti Ufinnr tha athar. Kooawr or plater thia atata oi thluga la ioaoifaatad, ' aiJ the vktirua of mlamat,ad matrimony - muat pay a fearful pmalty;y y 't When helpleaa woroanptha' mother of numeroua ehUdiaai, only laaa belpleaa titan beraelf, bacnmia tha Ttctlm of a t braottad wrote h, Whodlagmaw tbanann of huaband, H la indaed a anael mookcry . of Juatloe to keep bet In kia power. ',. Wuen a man neglecta hla (amity for the gambling table,' the billiard room, " tae "melodeon, tbe rink,' or area the roetram, tUo pulpit, th legialature, or elub, or lodge,. wCVugiam, habitually karlnc them In dlaootnftrt, and aften ttmealnVant, It aeema hard, lndeeVlf divorce fro"aurl moBatfealty.yet we rrl terete we cannot adrocate tree fir vorraaj jTkimnadiaf faaaniea r' too fearful, too. glaring; the oppor " tunltle gtmt't mear aaa wamen to marry without reflection, or with ho In tention of holding to tbetr owa for life; the fearful wningthat Would thuaaoonie to chlklren the many deaerted whrea; the many deaolate Areaidea, all eomblne to cry out agalnat tha flagrant injuatloe of removing tha marital reeponalbllity. AVa believe that, Instead of advocating : Tree divorce, It la the duty of everybody who poMcaaea one apark of human phi lanthropy to advocate no marrUgee ex cept tfioae that are baaed upon tha moat ordinary prlnclplee of common aenae. Jirt people act with aa much Judgment : v tn chooalag eompaniona for life- aa they exhibit anihnpakThMrefl-nml nerpatua ting different race of animala, , Let our lawa, which, to he perfect and harmon- ' louav aaant hamnde h hah jnennnd women, be ao .framed and enforced that children of tomler years may net be per. a a a - . - 1 4 & . 4 "milted to marry. ' . Let drunkenneea, )f- centtouimee", Mleneaa and utter poverty - become legal Jbarrlera to matrimony. " JU1 llioiaare evlle which may be nma died or dieeaaea that may be cured. Let wen people wait till they can ennae up to auch legal atandard aa the beat wla dom "trmill rftW- ybinfc alwmy Flaw imma by the comtTnad wi- . dom of both aexeaahall eatabllah, regu late and enforce. Let people who' are dpNualflc4, .. by, - long nonrlahed -v hwa, from becoming athera and motkere af healthy, happy and uprightly children, be denied the boon of marriage. It Will be but a curse to them Instead of a bleaa- . Ing. Thane who how the wind muet reap the whirlwind. , . - But the huaband or wife who U atrug- gllng to break the bonda that he or aha may now endure, will And email eonao - latkw ha the, above icgulatkHia, m lUch Imleeddo eonte too late for them. , To iueh -we end InhJitdnaaa and aeMimla-r- ation, we beg yon to endure the bondaw - I(Mrw?pre,-Mt4i-h Vnnd kvc haa -beenihe Wa of k marry whrertunato women -and.. ehlMren, la a dli hoUtrbr rreateYI Tw tam- TheMctlm ahouM be eared for by the Btnto aa are -the- uofortamte laraataa of an nayknn for the Iriaane. If they are able to work, - their labor ahould be for the benefit of . their taftnaiak? uevf tkoW wrew hhould haveno mare richt. to divoroa.than w4vea or other vktlma of monomania.. The woman who wukaa toahnowledge of her vwMlnff but deHttoiled woman- hoi1IaTfeV having' Hired for yeara In lawful adultery with n man, wa dared, Vundi aattctlontif Uw. U nutrnge the dfllracy af her chllUliood, la more to be 'pltbjtl than auyThe mnrrjngf "noh r ehUdimv aatoa nftor the reault of the " arliemlng of ohler people; probably par. -entri, whcaotitpMUy 4nd Igneeance, Mike Inewueable nnd rarpabie, wrecked the life of the child whom thy aboukf have able Vied, ; Hard tndeed la W f ?vtM wa . not laaThaw :"r7 eouioatuir their condition by dl ; ' won U Uwm aaaert Ukdr awwiy awaaene4-Womauboo4 Jtad, command the respect of the apnller, who dtcrree . not the title of huaband, and let auch I - husbande knew.ihat the day of their , Aimlnlon over .them . haa jwaaed , v away, 14 them not deaeH auch hus ' bandar" often that "1a Vhatthey r-Vanf; but Vt them, for their own dad tlidr ehndren'e ma, endure unto the etxl, training . their chlldmn Into' ' . , knon WdirV t flie fut(WmeQial.Jaw -at com n Kn humanity, Uiat tliervly theg. --at loaat, ;ny uaaapa- the mmlatram of cJnJagM miaery nnd dlaoord and ahama. ; oouiTor mam loaia ! We'laat week looked In rain tor "little more Oopel" from our new too- vari, Mr. Pwnnoyertof the Portland Iter aid. ' At laat we pleaded tor even a crumb, In the moat pereuaalve tonee at our command, but were doomed to aia anpofnlmaat. -1 . , j. ' vY ' The Herald myi "Did lat wra WUT ever analder that our aUenoee might be attributed to our eouHeay aa well aaour taabtllty f ' To which wa heartily anwer, . of oourae we dhl? When man, without provocation, be Maaan aiamnaiit with aenu, he ia certain that an eaay victory awelta htm. ''VVauiDtt.' the defcneeleaa,- charming caaaturaa, know nothing U logic," he atwnca, and aa he laaattatea not to begin the eouUet, ieeling that he haa all the advantage, But when he meaaurea In tellectnel eteal with 'woman and geta wnratedonr vanity eompela aa to. nay that this" "often"' happena he la then aelaed with fit of toourteay eonaid-emcdiartlonUh-better part oTlralof sndrgTvea It wp; really baoaaaa he nan. not help It, but oatensJbTy beeaaae (we mete the Herald), "Courteay demand abouM aaeede to tbe HKUee lat point; and grant them whAtevtr they We know a "goad looking lady" wboloally Impoaslble to anawerwh oorrea- I going to "come along and aak him with a amlle" to vote for EUaabeth Oady Stanton for the next Tremldent " AVe. have the editor' word for It that "out of pure courteay he will promiae to com ply with her requeatn Then, leat he ahould be ao uuoourteoua aa to retract hla promlae. another baaetlful and apb tted young lady la going to aak him to abide by it Up will go hla hat! Of oourae It will! Heaaya aof lila eour- teay wlUeonquer hU poliifcal prejudieaa, and, aa a man of honor, he muat keep hla word. TT iladlea, we reiterate our laat week'e aaaertion. The Herald eonvcrted. i.- Berloualy, If men are aa Unstable, If- logieal and Ineonalatent aa the Herald admlta, It la not to be Wondered at that they thna fear th political equality of woman; neither U it dealrable that they ahould be permitted to bold tha balance of power. No wonder they get Into po litical mnddlea, fratricidal ware and corrupt corporation. They are, by the Herald' ahowlng, InoapahU of even governl ng- themaelvea. Are theee the thing to govern women 7 7" t " , WCT'UEItniw-OTEl-Tiril tw. have been much amuaed ainee the advent of our paper by the exhibition of trepidation upon the part of ao many ktubamd. They Imagine that the Naw JTORTHWMt la going to take their wt vea away from them! Who ever beard of anrthlae ao' rkUoulouaT Why, breth-, L. have been the feUhful wife f I one man for almost a score of yeara, and intend not only to remain hla wife until part nay-but we -ahall do nil in ear power to puiwuede your wive to May with yon. we have no oouw but manfof You feel that your wive aught. In Justice to themselves, to leave .mi siul innrfcr iKnisU-a kad mm. dren a reepectable living; but Instead of our counseling them to dojeo, we. ahall eantent' ouraelf with' doing all in our power to enlarge their opportunitlee to benefit their families, hot even exclud ing their frightened lords. We really were h before aware that so many men Imagine that they bold their wives by potetr rather than by love and high and Ikoly priori pie. Kumbera of men who have read our paper are aatoniahed that they And nothing In It that la dea- Urted to destroy the marriage relation; land have gratified 4Vir wives by sub scribing for It Dke gentlemen; other are reading It a while on trial, and wa are anUncd thai all of them, who have one partivle af eJaua In the holy rehv tkmnhrp of matrimony, will yet appre ciate the work we have; inaugurated for their wel fare, j rjrinxen ro ladies. Thto topic wiu aiway onmmawJ a great deal of puUlo attention.' That there la no great harm without aome ih'giae of nerompaay tng good' may be aaid of the chancing fashion with mete truth thaa can be said of any other ap parent fully. When we think of the area of thousands of people WM are kept tn employment by the demand for artificial, flowers, we rejoice" that they are ao fashionable, so nlentv and becoming!; and we are almost read-to consider the wearer enrtnf public phi lanthropist, although she may not have a thanght Wyoad her actional gratifica tion. ; When we note the fact that thousand and ten of thousand of women and children earn their bread by . the manufacture i of strew and bonnets, we are glad to aew the de mand Incrcaaed. r ? - When wt.lhlrik o the durability. convenience and health that accompany the small hoop skirt (which fashion ha tried In vala to banish), we rejoiorthat by their maaafoctar Uienaanibi af peo- ph) earn a livelihood. Bo of the manifold varietlea of aw terisa, fringes, buttoeav' eocds, loopa, gimpa and what not, that art exhibited and. sold by merchants everywhere. We are glad that the thing are worn, though we by no Approve of unat pessary extravaganr lnhaUtUaU of many laeaUUea.- We are (lad that ladiea haa than.-The aaaae y be aaid of pnraaola, enxbroMertea, lanea, ribbone and cheap Jewelry. : We hope that gentlemen will not Infer from the above ramarfca that we are at all dlapoaed to uvor fAcfcr tolUea'fbr the aake of the publie weaL Tobaoeo and whiaky do give empldymentio thouaand we won't deny it but their nee if de moralUlag to n fearful extant. far In ea eaaa of any good that may accrue to the lUfenturera, who may, If they choose. raise' cotton Instead of tobacco and bread In lieu of rum. Wa don't object to their canes, and rings, and opera glaaaea, and bearer hatband lavender kida, and killing neoktiaa, ';. Theyxare pnbtle lamarartora when they pay. the cash for these, but when they ao largely patronise other toUiaa, forvwhlah we all pay double taxea, we think H poorly become them to deride that pub lic philanthropy which haa for IU title the Fashion for the Ladiea. . , , I OOEXZS70XDSJ02. - This department of the Xaw IfOTH nar i to be a general vahicio for ex change of idoaa aotioernlng any an4 all matter that may be legitimately dbt- eiisse4moureoluin.ua, rludlngUpracU- pondvat by private latter, we adopt this of roommuaioatioa to save frlonda the disappointraeut thaTwOuhl otherwlae accrue from our Inability to an swer their queries. We cordially Invite everybody that haa a question to aak, auggaation to make, etaaeoldlngtogive to eou tribute to the Oirreapondcnte' Column. . ' ;i , : W.'W. la Informed that hi or her qoethoa will be anaweraT when he or she makea known hla or her name and addreea to the editor of thia paper.. This rule la arbitrary."""", . - , , .. "Dear Mra. punlwayi : Will yen be aeklndaeto tell me what I will need for a traveling outfit f I am going to Ban yranslsea and Derhamv-to-Kew York by way of Chicago), and wantny cloiltaato be becoming and atylUh, but not law expansive." A very neat and appropriate traveling auit, and one which is certainly attainable by any one able to take auoh a trip, I water-proof urea ami atreuiaT eloak, to match. -The cloak ahould bo made with a hood and the whole lined with flannel ...Lot the lining be a little larger than the outer matcTtekand. pink the edgae-of each, finishing the whole by simply atltohlng the part together a little above the on aide row of scallops. Let trnr hood lie large enough to make a complete cover ing tor the head, and- when not needed for that purpose It forma a trimming for the eloak at the back. Hake the draws without trimming; or, If yea prefer It, use the piece that are Jell from the cloak, and pink out two or three row for the skirt, letting the colored flannel edge show Just aa they do in the cloak. You will weed n suit of buff linen for weather, which ean be trimmed with ordinary alpaca braid. ; A Boule vard underskirt la better for traveling than white oncawftlrh minim frriTf-t washing. -rA drab straw hat with plume la better than white or black to eonatant' wearing. Provide yourself with a heavy berage veil and stout boots. Q. C Ct If thoe aspiring poetaster who desire to Immortalise themselves through the Krw NoarrewxaT will re frain from .pilfering the production of departed-bards, we shall be pleased to bear thant, -We don't pretend to aay that we have read everything In that line, but we know that we have aome a her ' seen the beauUful line beginning, 'viusmvsmasniiwaM,' Then, ton. fw have' aeen aome ot the tondardJchool frndcr aral admired the poetical aelectfcma. , . W confes that such poem ' a Oray ' Hcgy have a somewhat, familiar air. JVe look for "Hark from tha Tombs'! as the next ef fort at an amateur. r-A yaaaag ladyH aakat NWeuld It not really Improper for me to unawer auch an advertisement aa the matrt ' ene Invybur laat IssU. , It struck me aa aowtethiag funny, and my finger would hardly keep from anewer Ing; but I don't want to be considered Imnjodcat.' If If nothing but fan you are after, we don't know aa it would be worth While for you to answer. You pntfht endanger the gentleman' happl' nee, irjjcrribl to be JlKed.-ge-rioualyi'if you are en the lookout for a husband nnd what girl Im'tr-there 4 no Impropriety la aaylng so,' "A gcnlh man will respect lady who candidly express ea her aspirations much nx than he will reaaaot an afleoted eoyueas, of which ao many girls are guilty, and through which their real motive la aa plain ae enytlghl. It nay be very Bh romance to attempt "shrink! ag1' from the matrimonial advance of a man you are "dying" to catch, but It Isn't very good bums. ; Dou't Imagine that we ap prove ef indeUoaoy, familiarity or f wardncs. Alwaya preserve your dig nity and never eompromlse your elf-re- peotBut, If yen want to form the eo qfuuntaaoe of a geutlemaa with n poasl ble view to matrimony, sayaoj land If hj'a amrih iiU. I ..'II . l It. . i vtiu, ... M j i , i i Economy want "to knovr whether she ahall. ..purchase a Brustvu. three ply sawpei for bar living iwn. Three ply earpeU are more durable Uian Bnnstla, - They pcaueea; the advantage In their uae by persona. nt aLle toaflbnl them. I fan. also Ooaupy the kill and time of a large portion' of the of being ready to turn after one aidu 1 almost worn ouL'T "The. dlfferenoe lu priue la almost nothing. -X,..t ... . .... Fnqulrcr(aay?'! ?What u ' 9 nalsa fV It 1 a hmg eeok eloak, gener ally hri'f fHl'-g at inn back, with eoat aleeree and btanl5'-- MlnuWl7ChangeaUealikaare again becoming faehkmablei h . " " r '''Aa' amateur ,'ukW' aays; "t "Can yon explain the meaning ef the weed 'miserere and Vontrn-alm that eeonr la your 'very Jntorcatlng aerial story T" We dun' kuow whether you would like to poke a little fun at ut or not; but we do suggest that you procure a dictionary of musical, terms. Fro. McGibncy or the Vieaxtempa Brothtr will give you the desired lntonaatioil. Olad youllk the atory. ,,; f, ,,7777 Farmer's wifei Ke; we da not think It pay for the moTacTTtr tittle children tospcndUcrtlmelnknitting. We've don "Jots'! of it, and mutackuolaIgtha It mrrer tadd. KniUIng, waough ap pa rent ly light work, la really very try ing upon the muscles of the arm and back. Msn never fritter" away tlalr lire at such work." That b one reason why. they have ao much strength,. ;fWIl your wool and buy atockuigw., .You can get them at wholesale price for n trifle more than the worth of the raw mate rial. jacbJdayerlMuJjoordV'of thein. "Merchant;'' We tatV looked through the atore of OulduUb Brothers, and And that they havean Immense atook. If they'd advertise wttb a we'd like to pair them; but theyjdoii'fc Oet yAur good of Jacob May or. jle keeps an ex- ceiieat stock and ie very aoopmawwlati ng. Other letter will br anawemf next week. - -' ' - - -- J x - . '.'.',h i . a i . u. t. . ..t,.,-Ea JpxTfcAXD, Dreon, EMToaKxvjroBTa' The advent of your newspaper I we timed; It demonstrates a aometlmaadhv puted fact, that the world tloca move, and that we live In an' age of p rug-ruts. It la an event worthy of eamaaenwara ttea,tbaM far eff Oregon, the Oem tf the rtttyle, a daughter of Columbia la unfurled the banner of freeilom, greeting her Atlantle atatem with the elf-e vUent truth, that woes a wrH a manpwaY endowed by her creator .'with natural anj Inallenahle rights, amawawt which am rife,' liberty anrf tba -purrott of hap- nlneaa." "'1'' ''Duty la the aubUmest wont In our language.", ; .; -T llamau virtue ahould be emiel to human charity. . Montcequieu truly .ooserve ! ;'Th safety ef n cMaie depends en the virtue and Intolngenee ef IU women. ' ' "r To write an essay Upon1 woman, and do her Impartial Justice," la an rmposing and delicate task.- On no ether subject have writer run late grrttef extremes 1 or differed ao widely. The most nainvt filHlls'.fiilsrj'..ahe kmmnl Atu,iiirfTheTa-iryns the nssst vindictive amUhemae have been showered upon her In co)loua cf union. She' meriU none - of theae. Tha man who. flatter U apt to betray woman r and be who -condemn the aei aa a pedes, and t ever ready to ex- pre his contempt show tla he ha bean anfortunate In hla association or hla advance, perhaps both. or thai h haa'never been favored with the so ciety of Intelligent, rv fined women. Whsllslirst FUhmN tostelh about sad draw tnmtt air rrusa Um m lime, or (ass Bitoa ths sbbI Tim la br trrm f Jtenlade, a cltireu of Corinth, pur chased Dlogene wheu sold as g slave. lie naked the tub philosopher what he eouki ikx MCommand. freemen V the promiit and, leeooi reply, which ao pleased hi purchaser that. he imn dlately .. net - him at liberty. -' Inde pendence, aa U usual with true lover of freetlom, was a strong trait In the char acter of Dlogcnea. Alexawler Ue Oreat once Visited him. la hla rub, and asked htm "what favor he could bestow upon him, - "Oct out of my auushlnc,' waa hi quick and earnest to. answer.. , The eeaMiueaar or the woru turned to hla courtiers and eald, "Wr re I not Alex auder I ahould wish to be plogcnea.'! "OtLani qf msr auaiwe,l' we would fu pectfullv suinrrst ae a motto to ha In scribed en the banner of thiswecond Ihje- laratfcm erf intlependenea-'und bill" of ruruta. i A l votrr. myaeir, I aay give iiffun v Ainvri uijwiu a ' women n ehana to hne their oNn the avenue of arMettsaatotrad and businesa, Including the eo-eelled 'tearned peawaiilona,'' a booori4e eacnpetitlon r-nn dlarrfmhtaUon m m ssnnt of aen tar re pre ntoUow er taxa tion. ' Wenre rtad that already la manv parte ef eweouaary the Hirht and aMI- ity of womwn to engaaw in the learned rawawsnosje aeos9ueo, and I n many Instances they have honored their pra nwadon. The aaost disti nrul.bed doctors of medians In obstetrical practice ad vise the eaapiojaietUo aa acnoueheusn. and we preaam no inteiltswnl nun will doubt woman's sstaptabillty to 'treat auweeawfuily sii the diseases ineidnnt to ber sex, wre qwuinea by medical doastlna That he ts erraallT ad anted to ttaTltrofeasiowja of theology and the av we mina wiMae ieenneiteit when wk take laaa ennauieeatten known appreclaUenof theeardiaal vir tue, faith, hope, charltv anri iuattem. Her qnlrkles rtfJt-rLi4,,n has long been acknnwrledfrof, and we think her "glftof galrwlll not he dl-puted. Thai aha haa proved uccesaful in some of the moat dlfflctdt'andlmpnrtant branehea m ousuieaa, ucn a teacungf lecturing, oopying, toawhahdlahag, banking teis- gmniiUtg, tyneraettUNC, juut vmi tl. Uug, baa been m.'iiuuatrated. e cite tcasalw point, - Ahwly of our aruuslnt- ance, about twenty-fl ve year of ajre, haa lor in laat nv yearn aeten aa taraea agent Uaaomoeat tbejiruotioupf two of the most Important railroad lu New KngUnd. where not lea than aeventy coupon ticket are daily sold lortiiHtant point, inauiMgaiaaviiuiiiiii r rne is also telegraph operator for that station, and haeiite aeuutatiaav of haiaar ana of the twwtaouiwf reader on the coutluent- I Another marked featum In the case is tlmt tmvelrrs alwaya aneeive from her a pjuanpt and elvil anewee to queotioue for information. Ho far, vomau'a ca pacity to grapple with the stern realities of life can no longer be questioned. But to allow her the elective .fran chise, and theraby qualify her to asso ciate on election occasion with the rab- bte that congregate In tlte character or American torerriffnt, , lsoiilng WKh their neatlferoua breath the ataioapuem arouiMi the ballot eX why, th very thotujht la. horriQ iug lAwdsUUlcs same oftjecmrs Will invire tiHir lany friend to the theater, picnlca, Fourth of-dwly h-hraikma, rtti , ami era ever ready to (lance attenuauce as uuur pro, tetitor. when there l no ihuurer.- But aay these champion, "We could not un- aenaxe o prmera yon, www, www. tiers, siatcre, daughters, aweetltcarta, friends,: at the txrtU." Then picaae 'get out of their sunshine. !" . , . "But what will become of the hal.le when their mother are untie to elec tion V What become, of them -uow when their mothers attcud churdi and filacee of public resort T My brethrcu, t I for the purpose of reforming the abusea of aaciety that we ciam tlie bal lot for woman. We n-gard It already reduced to the allude ouestion of expe diency. Then let us put K to a prac tical teat, or else atop our inremai prai lng about lnoapaWyfto veto right, -In aiireformatory meveiuwuta the co-operation of women haa been sought for? Then why not ecceit it In this? . From the morning of her creation she haa figured extensively tn uie urama or me. Many rUiaksperiaa readem claim that the greatest conception of 11m immortal poet wa hi "Menhant of .Venice,?! lleaf Portia, in the character of a doctor of laws, discourse to Hhyleck in Act IV., Hccew L--rsad Ifc n We think it will Mtmnwra faVorablV WItnth cclcbraieu OWCHjeU lT AJI1K , rNHUluuu, WH . . Vl . A...I CKIVfJ tJfl-tUVU n-r 1 a "sVssf -" vhlcb tuu teeu baHtkHl downy t4 a. v d. 1 1 mmMi I laBiiits sfa ss-n- Pum JumZlmX T . m . 1 . . . ...... . . .1... I ivJlllT atromrest- mfea-uards of society. aiuL In MuiHM-tlnn with th habeas cornws. Con stitute tile bulwark . or civil nuerty. Un am tried by a iury of their peer. Women am not albiweti to have even a pertpf the Jury of their own sex. Owing to the Jleeus rranted attorneys to In dulge hv tirade of obaoen vulgarity and . biafiluruanUm...ih poor, teen- biiug,' and it may be inuot'ont vlotlm, is denied the csnsolaUon of Hie society ther own sex tn-1 lie hour 6r tier sorent And ahouid there be an Iwie pendent, nobte spirit willing to pass the nrv owIhoI. anil tie ner preseiwe nicer and comfort- the ' rrisonnT hc knowathat ahe must brave Uie tauntt and Jeers of counsel and rabble, and last, u not teaat, tne eriucisma 01 au tue ooo horse papers In trumpeting her name a a " si rong-mlmled woman, woman' rlvht advocate.'' and expressing under &ublleaded captiona their holy horror at a woman -tieiiur preaour durinu the trial of on o( her own sex in a court of Justice. . By a construction, or rather a nctlon, of ine saw wmy tdiiuih i opposed to knew and mtdcratand all it Inlreclee, a she la peid aineiiable to Its penalties. Then Is it not evident that under the present system of excluding romen from the courts ami luiie. ex- eept it be In thocha racterof nrl-piHT. 1 that calls ft wonwwi's ballot t eorrwotUt for their cldklren. Women gen- To my mind ther n valid reason for fonrer withholding the elective fran- ebiiwfrom a m in. There- tenodaneer f it eontaminatlng the oaowis. i-Thel real danger is that they will elevate tue standard of morals and politics to a platform ao high uat-tu occupation oi aome of our awouern Othellove will be anncv Aa It ts only av question or Um, si iIl w not now gracefully extend the hand of political fellowship, aexL wltn th sent I meat erf Ingomas and Partlie nla my, "Twe enuh With but a si Bate thourht. two hearts that beat aa one." I will eooctod till rainMing. article bv merely namlnt woman ae a phllan thropist. ' Wbo haa not heard mt Mlasi Dorothy Dtx, ct ewr awn aauntryrwho for more than a quarter m a eentury has eVeUuted Iter 4Jme, htv fortune and her talent for the amelioration er uie eon- ditkin of the uitfoitunatnin mtfwytama and the Intrratncttoiie of retewna m the artei nm of the United Ftatee. 'Will she not eomnam favorably with n Howard T and Florence Nhrhtlntrale wMh Wllber- forceT W snm rmtarmsMKUsr 1- stawBss .women xemoUTvla than atpartan hem tarn during thw reoent great elvll war, by ndnisterliurto tNe wanta of ewr eien ana HsmDi snwiiwrs to the enmn. flew I. hwwpltal nnd prti IH the aaarble and the brass racoril tlie deed Of ssliers; their will live When the last hiM4wtawaa4ald aak his pen, and th ehlari hae forever felWn frtmt the hand of the erureaor. U. iU L Mark Twain. In hi duer4i(ion of a bwhionabl I tall he once aUiKictl. says: "Mr. W. M. waa stUmi I a an tiegaut ttalt aVete irrns, made- expressly lor her. and waa s really adiulreil. . Mis ts had tier hair don up- t-he waa the cen ter of attraction for th xcntleineii, and the envy of aU the iaaie. Ails u. . w aa Usiefull v dressed In a tout entcmltlr, and waa greeted wlUidafrnlngaipUua wlierwer,. alia went. Mia 0, . wa snnertilv arrayed in white Kid slot- tier modest aud engaging manner ac corded well with tlie utipretcn-itiur sim plkiity of her costume, awl caused her IO a rrgarueu WiiU anvniiux inieren bv vrv on, klis 1L P. with that rrpugnaucw to ostentation lu drw w hich 1 ao peculiar to her. wa attired in a simple whit lace oolUr, feateiMsi w ith a neat pearl button . solitaire. The rliirmln VI Ua XL 41 B aiHMSaml 111 Uuillingwtrfll...JIow buuitiful she was! Theradiaat and yll4ika Mrs. F. wrore hoop, be showed U sod advanten. nud ereatetL a sensation whsruTsr she, sppeared. Bli gajast ofjhe gaj., a :,. u , BBawwwsasauwwwasawaWanwanBaaawwaaaaaas ATOUng lady, at an examination In grammar. ,wa anked- nuy tu noua bwchelot" Wa sllwuiar. - Klie tidid Immediately, with great naivette, Vlte- It I Terr alnxnUr they don't set mU .... y ... -.. "-r,V. KM.- TICTOI I TUTg., From a long and Interesting article In the Democratic Era Mr. Victor we eontlclise the following. Our apace doe not ndmlt of the whole i " If men -are- good enough' to be-the fathers, bruUiem and huabanda af good wouwu, titers ia no fear that they are not good eiwMigh to be their associates lu other ''relation of life, including businesa and imllUew. If they are aln eem. in, thinking thmuanlvea mint for such con tact, the deepest wrong they can U w women tliey do w hen they proiose to tnem ao intimate a relation skip a nmrriage. If woman married to baa nwn-aeap-emteminaUonr why shall it be feared for them that they shall be Injured by buying and selling, or by voting In their company f - It does, we confess, eeem absurd to attach geiMktr to the question of human riKhte. Ahsohiteijr aluLnUhuut reju dice, (ne human Iwiiix can have no tight which do hot belong equally to all other, human beings, circumstance Alasthiteljr andniUiout beiiui'. equal. - tJMuuwstamia I Aye, tlun's th rub. KxDedlotH'V orlnexne- Uleucy, after all, must Tver goveni the n uestlonof right ; for, morally speaking, the moment that we discover a thing to l inexpedient we lose our riiibt to do it. The ruiitrage ia the onn great right for w bh'b women are now contending, anl wlietlier they are Justified In demanding It or not depends upon It expediency, and that akMi. Wu haver then only thai to ctMiHiiler in detcnululug, the propriety of Woman HufTrage.-" ; T ' lew pcrwons would feel Justified lu aascrtiiig that any run of .men ought to bo restricted to a certain round of occupation which ahould le denomi nated dutitt and be maue Dinning upon theiuio tlie exclusion of everything else, no allowance being made of dlflerene of taste. Inclination or capacity. No one . would deny that auch exclualon wa a specie or slaveryv mental aa well as social and physical, nor that It would in the long run urely dwarf the capacl ties of th class so enslavot If, slowly and brdegrce,tbey lattled suoiesfully witn ine tyranny which neiu tnem tu ImiMUge. and nne little by little to free dom and nill development, great would lie their award or praise, uut not wnue tliey wem In the struggle would tliey receive commeTMiat low. ateu are siow to praise anything whose success t not warmnted.--T-- . Thcreaent desire or women lor pol It loaf right la founded In their conviction IIUKDIUIII , AI.U lltl . III., Tl l.l..U. ail IIMI1VKIU! eauHeiK-e n w in ,iiu w attempt" th accomplishment or any worthy oblect The antaoonism which ex tut in. the mind of men toward Smjecta iultiated by women must ever i-foat their usefuines In any but the HONcrlbod field, ao long as men -only lold the votlnir privilege. It ia perfectly uwlesa to define th - cause of thia aptaaronismi the mct-ot' iu existenee ia patent and cannot be Ignored. If, then, wmucn,baving found out that t tiers I work for tnem, guon paying wore in which both inciinauoa ana prorn alive 1 heneaa befhrr they have, poll rally, never been hnrnVwe do not know orany good and sumcient reason wny they should not begin to exist In this new sen. The motive commonly ajhwed la a fear least women should neglect those peculiar labor which rrovMence ha assigned them tn tlie beartnr and "rear- ins chikimn. . And nere indeed we ae for ouraelveea great apjiarent disquali fication fr those pursuit-which are most profitable and hmioraUl.- 'ot that-w 7'yyhtt ""T children ahould lwctect them, or turn OKHiKterw - of unnatural indifference to affection svnemllv. But there is a very Tcrfoar that they ahould overtask theiiuwlvea'lhrouKh the diwlre to do the erally are mora umqiaring of them selves tluhi men; aiwl could they ace an opiiortuulty of swintng money or any otlier row by the eomrdetr aacTi- llce of Uiomseive tliey wouui ue uauif to tills sneciea or seii-immoiaiion. ' Ami vet would not th rhrht to make iawa. if conferred upon women, be th surest mthodvc eormtlrur any evils that mhtht grow out ef the new order of thi ngs? Ccrtal ujy women m ust see for - themselves I lie Hiantrers mat might beect them, and beMhe first to avert th peril by emu-ting laws hay Ine ia view their own preservation 'And that of tbelr ofrMtirins. If In the family. tlie schoolroom ami Uie church, the ad vice and co-operation of women naw Bern asafiil whe-not ecnuUly ao In affairs of every kind in wnicn tne mutual luicr- ests ol men ana women are invoiveu 7 Men too often talk as if what women wished In ohUlnlng the right or aunrage was notoriety meruiy. W't believe them to be uujust lu thl estimate o( uie f ui frairUtM. Wohicn naturally and by custom "dislike notoriety. . Tlicre cer tainly are exemptions to tne rule, out tlie rule remain. Aa they Ware, by universal ounsenh the rouxher and more publie contests of every -day life to men, Very gladly, ao they Will leave those po ll t teal ouestiona and national cotieern lo which mea may prov Ilia wisest lixlrea to tnem.- iMMiew uicj uesarw otuy to nave n vosrw) in una) miibwiii which eflect their own and their chil- a . a 1 a ..l . . . t. , . . V 1 wren-e welfare, and wnura give narae-t ear aud ekirtiuf to tbe mora. Of uie world. If there are some Who are am bitlous simply r ambiUon'a sake, they fiiui few aympaUilser among their own sex, and would nnd little eejeouragw- ment weretneyito oner tnemsoive lor palilie paaiUnawhiehttiey are unfitted Id nil. ' - -- " HaTirBvlulxu Tliere are no less Uian aeven varUHUw of timber enumer ated by the Han Kmnolsoo board of under writer aa suitable for whip building, which are to be found In abundance on pnget Hound. IHeb rosin and turpenr Una of a superior quality have been pro duced in, and exported from, thia local ity, ttael and iron are both at hand in abundance. The facliltlea fombtain lu epam ami ship' knee on the spot areiHTfecC AU Uieae alvaitres, adlel to llie extensive aluire tin of the Hound suitable for ship yards, the clieapnesa of labor, bed and lumrwr, potut to ingei Hound as the great alilp building center of Uie Pai ine tstat, Thia industry nad SUH IIU IBUWrjUH very ewawlderalile pro he itraseoi universal de m shipping interest be- aires ty reached uortiona before tbe dine of American ablppimT can: ami rwreful esilmafea.imvie- by E tlcal fdilp-bulHers and confirmed experience, slwrw beyond quetkm r 'vessels can t built and equipped ooiudderablr protierly Juyjer-rent. rlieaper on I'nirst HKMid Uiin anyp here t-lse in lb l ulled Htaua. .... v swju ; - fTiei asrlfcasrs atewUUy.l ... r RUwk wwda mt wtnU, sMs sad nslst. . i VtiMh aet ay rat wiUi rr suuswi hmtU, tterltwdrs ,IJSwdsrisslrtna. , f-osseUwsaa4 tnewdloas,s4 itarrinf lfiaud. bmmubw ay u wans iry wklpsorUMraiMf . t wsader, aarlora, i my roUI wsy, fsrestliaafaarlsyaswiairssaiaat hiwi, . Toofws te fewssl sad tea awwfry ta ara.. I teak stalls slsaily sslsssHks4w1llwa.' ' TUsl lias wUk aUr asaadswr th sssnvsx , lUwsdj ..-.7;-, I fiuu-jr th brlchlacas a4 Wannth ut the I Th award, wHh Us Wis sad hW I see lb head bowed with a reveres! eu . l- . A Massing Is tewsthsd arr the ssaistauas " .Jses) '''SflTj-'V ' ' ' " '- :..:.1-' Wtil n rlsa te Uw ssraf ths aUUht rslhss.T""? ireJu-iJrof ths said, llaeU vsswnnsd's wyTt , llarkt sahtalawtl' Ta shlaas jmsi th shwnh- tower saavs as' ,. , .. -Drar sohnwBly dors tbrowflr th wtitrt at J Ifeos seuld bat psa thesasb the rM I law - Could slsrs thaw, sad drtaaa lhat It was iMihledsadwarwit . , " iOIts wsyr erarl.aanl let M thsoach W a Ulve wsarl fist tfBaw,aad wiads ra - jUri " : s . . - . w -Jia mum la Ifls Ihhuh? lot II U vatabond rhU - No mow la llhi worrtr ww aa aatrast ladle Ko room lu ITU dwrlllnf a mom la tit hftnjieiu WwwCsKlIt wrissas aw ha erlata. .. . . . , , j. ' h lam tooa la Uts bed of lbs ritrerifl wwdT, Uscp dowa by Ui pier, la the eos and the sllaiet ' " - 1 " ' . . r Muck sw, asaaUHa wladi . I saa teach hot aa . Aa hoar sd jroar blllsrsat wralh I derr ; Ml aos ban shut m out at Odd! booa swian( I will kwactt at th gate i W Uls skjri i.-.-r ; i- , ,""'Ta pretty af sihlngtoa. " The High Commission haa completed If work.. The resnlt. Is a treaty whose substance I a follows: A - to the Confederate cruisers: the British (iovernmeat frankly expreasee It regret at the Incidents complained of by the United Htatea. The settlement of claima la referred to ntrllwiial of five - vniiea mate, one oy ureat iintain, on by each of three irHicpendeut na tiona. Tlie treaty lay down rule a to ine reaponsiniiitiea or ncuiraia, Ui lie binding hereafter, and to be the stand-' ard of the tribunal as to what I peat, rYom the disclaimer' of the English ; CommlHsloner aa td the previous exist ence of these rulea, it niny be Inferred mat iney eovarsuostantlaiiy tue ground claimed oy Amerloa.--. - .- Mlscelhiueou claim of citUena 0 either nation are referred to an ordinary tyiuf IiriisircltlHiBa for hswss-aWawfthe U-I Uid-M-llioav. Til mmm tmf atudi la mi xeo commission. Tmsincioieciaim Uebclliou. Tti scope of such greatly limited by the rule Just an nounced by Kufrtaud IterHelf, in respect to foreign residents In France. Tlie sea Asheriea an th coasts of each nation are declared absolutely free to el 1 1 sens of the other. A, mixed eoni ml, shut; with- an umpires-appointed by a mendiy power, is to -decide whether this mutant eonoi inei givea any pre ponderaww of ail vantages to either party, ami ditermlne the payment of " -lheequal freedom of Uie M. Inwrence, compensation aecoruiniriyr Lake Mleblsan and th canals is W cUrwiL TIU peavteion and those eon- Aum ( ItaW ft la A wlVatSlaa ' J - - J .uj, tooVctlonofXnirnjandl,artlaV ' nte,, and at the Canadian l"rtim.nt aud A'nnee riwaru s island legisla ture. - The decision a to Ui north western rv boundary line I . referred" to the Ein- perorof tterrwawy. 1 f"'- Titm trmm.lv . -m-hAia antlla mrm Hum 1 given, w regard a fully meeting ail the Junt rxiK-ctatlons of 7uf i-ountry, ami a honorable In a hlirh degree to the wisilom and -wwswauiriiity of tha tw naifous. We beUeve that Its raU flcaUon will close a deplorable quarrel Itctween natural friends; planting over Its grave- aroonwment of Justice, and the foundation for itoblev relation he tween nation than have ever been seen. As Ainvrtcwa eitlsens, our most aensi- Uve isUriotlMinla gratined by Knglamr .... manly expression f regret. for the pas; while for (be aatiirfart ton stew material rights, wa leak with swUss swwfUieucc to A the Impartial arbiter- a ppointetL ..As frieiKls oTFJiKlaml, wehinr the spirit In which she ha met us. In the' Inter est of the whole worbl. for the sake of civilisation and fhrUrtlanltyj we rejoice tnat awen a rewuit naa neni rcw-nixl py auch mean, that ticms'filf 'dlapusslout ' haa wrought sot fust a "ettlemcnt of a great international difference. Vti trasting the dispute of Oermany and Finnee, with its trivhU cause and bar- ' batuan-anethoila and bitter fruits, with " this atllustmcnt, w may well take- heart for the worir and le- lieve that a better time ia dawning. UnrMtwav-tu - . x- rr4.-trr rrkirei-nWirai FnUter. in a' lanrs n-Hl. hmA ,:nta parish, had seventeen couple to marry at once In a (rrand common eervlr at church. In the coarse of th weddruaj he asked ene of th nam to pledge hint elf to the. wrong woman. Tbe man naturally proteateil, but waa told. "Hold youtjtonguef I will marry.you all nowi and here ; yen ean sort yowrweivee going bom.' .. v- . "osF-r'.-, :",.'-." A lady was passlns alonr a street the other day, when she wa met by a young maa roll of bad whiaky, who la starsvr- ing aast aiepped en her dresa. Tunifng to the lady, he remarked swdoicetlcally,. "Hoops take up too much pxiin." To . which the lady quietly replied, "!fot so much as wnmry, sir' and paased on. , . j 1 1 1 - r '.,-' "Never," aay a hen-pecked man,'' "marry a woman worth mrw than tlioU art. When J married my "wife I waa worth' fifty cent, and ahe was worth sixty-two eentot and when any differ ence ha occurred between Us site thru :' up the odd shilling. . , - , -fts'xs mys that Vermont la famous for four staple, "men, women, me4e auger ejrMlorse. ,Tlie first are strong, the last are fleet, th aecnml and thinl ex eeetllnxly sweet, and all unemwmonly hard to beat,'' r . ' "r- ' - . , ij,lil- . TTT, ? two font-rule Don't stumbl. i(''","7 : i.'i .. i-i. ., v 1 1-- - f ' ;'. , v -i L':J 7,lCZ7l 1... .'-.--.""- ., ,V i -i''" i"""',' 1 1'" A V '"' 7. -i