The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 05, 1871, Image 2

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    4 '
i 3
rrr-p. - and we
..MAY ii IWt
.,. . . azsut ouimr.', v. .. :
U eeaUac brfor th khmUhC public In
7 Ut rapacity ef editor end proprietor of
newspaper, and presuming to occupy
ground which - Ma' heretofore , been
MHMfwfW ft fnUUmum, we feel the
leopnasltdlltj irf r I and real
1m Um aclty of making our' work
T mm MP practically to Um high stand
ard whteh eteaealMaJd satisfy lb gteaa
er after truth. Aaoor work belong ta
: Um public, we feel that Um public ha
" riant to know KMuetblnc about bj to
"w will Indulge our mWi lu Uw W
lowla account of our stewardship:
TIm nd Bin yer f oua, marrted life
were spent apoa form, abef, aur
roanded by growing family, we biUmo-
lUUngty perforpied prodigies of labor,
doing anything nad verythlng that
cam la ear way, Ul health h te-
. troyd and cons tltutloa brokea. W
ar netarally aauteitiv, ealouteUag
end torn ef aeUre baste life; and
though M th na W had work enough
r- f to, 74 wry knrt wtfc kuf
that her work te eonaUterad wholly
. a i . ,
-:- MMllBmuri o bt a ucru nr
earned. Wa juw Bot complaining, bat
imply tnUng fort. Befer niarriage
ma bad teamed aonM of the werU of
MeunUrr IndepMnWno, fbr wo b
Uogfatacbool sad mowed dr wklng
ul iMr.lWitBlli w
Md bMbnnd. w otragfled U bo rom-
tratcd nd rrnMln upon Um turn. To
icImto our ncilY brain wo bgn to
: acrlbblo, It lwwya mm war fbrto, and If
ww bad bora nu, W4 barrluur an
odltoti poaltkNi and bandaooM aalary
t-twcwtyoM.- HkwtcbM X now
umi: with oeeaathoal powma and let
Im oMvoiod uafura wbilo, but healtb
entirely ftaifrww ""P"1
-mil bnttrf oaekHMT-4-iHinlng
4J . . 1 .1.. fc. t
linuar, wUB UM prauo w nv
drra, and oerupW wiUi our own Intern
tbougbU. Wo hod rMrlicd tbo od
Taarwd age of twenty-two joara,
at which moat boyo rater eullego, and
1W. wo war, a wl and aaother, but
a biokra-dowa, jrot hopeful, spirited
lld: nothing-BVrs woOUng
Wbra Urod out with hoiMebold carwi
t M Um abU to alt an, wo would
vllnn aDoa Um loungo and acrtUble.
r wJ. a book. W publiabed. It
WW w w - ' -
. viri
WOUM WOO na im" I rr- - -
wrlewea, i Tbo Uilng -eror na
.wt.,Mnaur tlian ouraelt wa
tirtrrtitaal otbinaw and a good dcoJ W
' kui tt ranUlned many Im-H
nLrwcUon of our own and Um puUlA-
crVaad w both lost atooey - Wo do-Mrvedtotoselt.-
Misfortunes following as, W Wl Um
farm and engaged 1b toaohto achool.
jlare omnMnced par-JsaLbattto with
lies. : Strong men, wh ""tolght
CT- h better employed N making
ndbn opposed Bur work, J
-JT-LTaod socceeded. .Wi taught
I boot for four years, having had under
mrr ewm-nrtag UMtlmesonM uunam
hundred ehndrehTTIeanh tailed again
triad mimnery ana art m-
W Bwseeeded again, ana
mird our health.
,W hare served a regular appeentW
hl at working wasJUng, aerubtdng,
patehlng, darning, rronlng, plain sewing,
raising baWea, milking, ebBrnlng and
poultry raising. We have kept boarders,
taught achool, taught music, wrote for
th awwapai- Ph "5
rUd a aa BXtonslT aallllnery and
..mkiag bu-ln-. Wo Van prove
by the publle that this work has been
ireU dona, 1 Kow, having reached the
ag of thirty-el x, and having brought Bp
B temlly of boy to art type and a daugh
ter to ran Um millinery store, w propose
to edit and publish a nwpapft and w
Intend to establish It a on of UtTper
aaanent lasUtatkms of th country,.
We started out In business with
trung prejudice agalaat Mfonc
mdsd wonMn.H.lr1neandeoiB-
havw onnmirea iw prejw
AT W see. antler the exlsung cwa-
Bt'Uti bwliwaa 1b a ii i t Jl ' "T1"!
- - tonmsy. I-" rfTfiowomeli
"y4 avor-taxed and underpaid; hopilss, yet
mraggtlng toUor in. in worws nr
ery; while Um other half are frivolous,
Idle and xpnlv. Both
dltioas of society art wrong. BoUtbav
rUted fiwm wwtomC-Uek of political
. nefwalarr and nwral iw-
vato woman, wwiw'j -
aad the warU buvm newer, i-w, ,
happier, at UM aim w .
IWtWm. W ask n lavoi. as a
erous public.- W ahall glv value re
ealvwi forerery dollar we obtain. Midf
thai w har pUaaed to do w eannot
(mwraaawrate; hat w shall peore to
yoa If yoB WlU enatala ear paper that
w. are net only ta earneaf, bat that we
know last What we are abowC j
""Westward the, star of Em pi re takes
IU wy.H Ho aang. the poet long year
ago, a In . hta . song-wrapt vision be
penetrated Um event of eomlng time
and nv In th .dim promeHlv. th
- ' I . , ' Mvrlad M Um human rar that should
U.s, la BsatriB shore. And yet,
O poet, greater thing than thou didst
'ever dream have ben ana are; now
i-rr. bring achieved. The wave of human
i TT- ---l atartlng
: th thmne-rursed klnrdosas of
Europe, an4 hrlhgln: wlUi It In Its on
'a Tr ward rarge tbf Vlr w B fergef free
doiB and the prompting-to a . Bolder
-- manhood, hi gtven, to Um worU an th
continent of America the nearest ap.
v - proaeh to a model government that has
'r i yt been realised. , Tree It la Umt many
Um erada wpersUtton aadru-
TT dlce eeunemered by Um dVspotUans of
mm hav brew angraAed apoa Um
1 r-i. , v. ,,
Um Wot Bat Umoo maot one mud an,
aomw of thom alroady hare, flaally
woar away btoWa Um growtag bright
of Um 4ajT walvonal iratol
Kor ha tha eaward
h if lm-
aroreaxat beeW auyad M
broke apoa our Faatfra ahotea. Wwty
but rarely tt-haa traanil Um Bggbty
pralrtoa a la theoldra Umo ar Ibahon
eroaMMl tbo acaa, and at laat baa roarbod
Um raeln,' wbere, kioktnc aema tbo
bright tspanaoj Um alvggWh barbartam
of Um Eat loom ap In 1U bidooua fn
porOoMi aad wboahall aajr bat , that
this talaeuec, ataruag rroaa um woawra
aboMa oTUM Eastern Worbl,eaw4ag
tha oceaa and sworplag away Ufa tt
hoathen rate, aball aut. rotwlvtag aero
g new Impulse, extend Its oareer of eoo
aunt ntir Its banto apoa Um Old
World T But grand -as aro mm rtw-u-
already arhlovod, others aro y W fpaao
that win oompteteiy odipso eiw.
Mssora. s .
Ahwady OBoraRroad, stretehlBg away
talroa bands fraat Um AUaaUotoUM
ParlCe aeeaaa, has boea comptotod and
nrovad la every way
tore, one to traverse oar wvners awo
the oUmt our Northern boaadartea, are
already la process of eoaetcwcUoa. Wtth
thetrooniplettoa mast xcwaaniy
Nanwrtaat ehaBgea, The eVyelopaMat
oUOs atoat weatenTpart of oar country
I wlU be Immensely accelerated. Great
Httes and marts of trade will spring op
aU along our eoast. A mighty pupula
tkm will And homes la owaew sparsely
sMtled valley. Ia Oim, right here la our
LL la th mrxt bwadTOd years 0
eome. proairies at mow
meat wlU bo achlevod wtUMWi a par
aUet hacwoild'a history. ' V aw,
who are UM plofieere of thU new Wesi-
era Empire, toy IU nunuauons wen,
Uwt thercoa amy arise a netton at once
"M mrr iit miiw.
Hnms time last wtnter waJMrcd
L ior fraea Hoa, J. H. TK Henderson,
..nlahllas that UM OSCr, WKB
whh h ww were at' that Nine assoelated,
lib. nalltenla no Pen. had boea
euUtr of apoeopriaUag Um eredlt of Or-
egoa products and thereby detracting
front Oregon nd her iwaircra, W
aont the fetter to the iloaeer. which w
heliev was published la that journal.
Whereupon Um editor of Um Otympla
Trrnnmrloi. feeling bimseM aggrieved at
UMasserUous front th pen of Mr. Hen
derson concerning our reeoureea, puts In
t Twrt
say many senalioe uiinga, ioo.
nrev to oar friend of th TVansoWnf that
.as mwi
w steady-goliui denlsen of the land of
red apptes at wUlrag to give erexui
where credit Uue, w give Um pith f
hte artMM. near iuss. v
other wftedOregma"ri:- "T; - 7? 7 V". "
Ian start In fuU chase after Oregon
laurels. t Our columns ar open pjt tree
dhvumkNU -. - : r,- ' '
One slaale atlll on Fuget
shin more lumber to Baa Franclse In
twelve montlMUuuiUM whole of Oregon
oomUnad; and as for salmon, nearly
the whol amount shipped from the
northern eoast Is put apda Washington
TMrltorv.and arariy th enUm amount
cared and put Bp on th Columbia river
I an th Washington wruory wa.
fart- r- w' be abirmed-la
barrels, and they have also been exten
sively caaaed and shlpied to all part
thm world, and wne of them the
product of Oregon. A for, oysters, the
ralveterbJppd tothafeaa Frands-
jMfe iirkC frnsa th norUMrn coast U
from Kboalwater Bay, wklch te in
Washington Trnrltory. TlMyar being
xtensivly shipped by raterprbdng
nrms who hav mad it UmIt Huslness
for many year past, and 1th!, with
rare and attention, grown Into h prof
itable business to those euragwiUn It,
and much credit I due Um parti
gaged In th devehpmeniof thtsim)
ant branch of Imlustry,
J hi not anfrequenUy Um! the.
of Orewm-orjCaUfornU claim
every Important branch oX Industry
Um coast, and, Uk Mr. Henderson,
Ixnor Washington Territory altogether.
The day 1 not tar distant whra oar Ter
ritory will be better kaow a. Te w not
wrtda Ul be akln oat htmber for
sparv ahrpBlldlBv eto. WlUi a
bmtthy 41mato at all asaaoaa, and Um
most delightful summer weaiher Um
world atbrihv toay reasonably soon
expert large accewslnns teanr populatloa.
While wwd not fool jeaion ear nrtgh-
bara, w do feet eailed apna M pra
Uct th Interests f oar awn Territory. H
- v 4
oixaoi'i aixi un pop bxitioi.
W am compiling a carefully arranged,
serlea of re41atte statistical paper, cn-
talnlnc valaable lufomathm for laual-
granta, ,W nek anybody and everybody
who may foe an interest m uu wpaw
meat of our Wr, to contribute am
ltemliof.tooriraeori0n rr
aouree of Oregon aad Waablagtoa Ter
ritory as they may deem Import! far
the public guod. ' 3j 'J"
The Htate of ,Oregon couJprbie aa area
of Z74 square aaik. The mind dot
not at mtcernsp th magnitude of tats
vast domain, bat 'when w Institute
comparisons we aaa easily realla ear
extent of territory, as compared wtth
that of many oiler Mates, whose popu
lation exceed oar by numbers almost
Incredible. --.1 ...
- Oregon, with a pnpnlaUoa of about
000 souls, coutoin aa area equal to that
of OranecUcut. IMawara, KeW.uamp
shire, New
Jersey, Teammn, Vrmont
and Wtoronaln sva Htatea with aa
afrgvegte populaUoa of 4,4Braf
Our rllmate hi unrivalled for salubrity
and bealthrulnem, and our soil hi rick to
the vary mount la top. The fame ef
our egrteuUuralprodiMt I spreading to
the remotest quarter of Um I'nlotu and
from many ae ciuwiWd region In th I the Us assertion that ah k. lsped
AslaUaaitd Itropeaa world UM tide oftta lavor the hkleew doctriae of "Five
emlgtatlna I fiowiag oat, and longing
eye are cast toward thlBTetnal lafoL
where, "relte the mighty Omgna. i
,- 1 . f.f . a ,r;. v...
MDdabU spirit of enterprise la the
eHbrto they are aiaktaf to Jaee reliable
lufsiatatioa helom Ibis tafUujr temaa
tog liailawiHsai j ' -'yr ;
Mr loUaday,; Whose wxtoastv re-
are betag a esteem very etrra-
by which Bfly Usrasand tn-
edrriy OatwtaM ar to seek
anwmg a .flomtTejqwarter
of th rnkm wa krar of crowds of people
who' are aumlag,- and etr.'mmf
brtnaw nassenaers ta numbrr never
ajaywalMfora.: V, '
AH Uvls took UkaJaxlaaay and Um
ehUd bora who will a th day whan
TBBate!n aid ahall IiIismswb a Um
boast It
MnaJartorl; oar highway ahall rb
aasrnaed la traveling melllUes, and
fruits, aad grain, and vsgetalilss
mart tSjT rTt
Sound, where steejuer from Um mighty
of Um crowded world shall
reset ve and transport tnem to um
ofwahlng mttllona."- "
There s nothing
be seen or endured
tha earth the
tt he a
h wnaaaa. Jloth are monstrosities;
kybrkls between Um two harmonlal X
tnmii of hamaaity, and both are stum
bling blocks In Um highway of human
A w write, an eflete specimen of
feminine BMseuUnlty 1 seen passing
down Um street. II part his hair la
Um middle Um darling-end he twirls
a ran and sports a moustache' a very
Incipient moustach H ta to, but It I
th beat h can produce, dear fellow, and
w must be fhsritslde. He duean't be
lter In Um equality of Um sexes! Not
be! ."Women are bora lobe protected,
he loves to ay, with an air of import
ance that can only be equalled ay
Bantam roaster, , II glances lovingly
at fats Udy atttrt froftt and strokes bla
aMBstach with a snowy handkerrhief.
His waalker-womaa needs her pay, but
Um darling "hasn't theebange, to-day,"
and the protected (?) woman must do
without It There I a 'cigar stand on
th earner; he ha some change now
and b take Um vsoented Havana be
tween hi daluty linger and m
down Um street, while half a
eveeilnMsed young ladles la th hotel
parlor window gaa at him and go Into
rhapsodies. We Involuntary listen to
bear him craw. Bat he passaa' out of
sight and by way of contrast w must
call the reader1 attention to yonder uae
eallae voauui.
Her vote la feud and coarse, her dress
sility aad Tf nral appearance repsl-
i-hard bawala she la drivtoe with th.
fflfeenTgffOCtl'a MMl
la Um dUwctloa of Um window where we
sit wrlUag. Hhe giving v "flta," w
know hK. J dossa't bstWve in
otnal right; not abel Bat agree with
th feminine man on Um voting ques
tion! believing wtth him. that wmen
must aot be allowed the franrhls or
they will neglect home lateresta. Hhe
te fart teul arty at ham When dilaUng
apoa the proper Hpheren of woman;
yet h stsmbi there wanting Um enough
In bufsti raaa talk ndjrawenanljnden
ouirtraUon iT h v gone to the polls a
Um. No wonder that gentle-
dlallke rack specimen of fcmialn
aarastroslty) and w only ask that they
give a equal Ilbery to dislike wpologtes
of atanliood who are quit a numerous
as masculine women;
"l am willing to glv women all other
right except Um privilege to vote," said
a conceited stripling of twenty
mors la our hearing UM other day, la
Um presence of hi mother. ,
"How dkl aar right and privileges.
political or otherwise, happen to com
Into year piissesslna, my boy T" i
UmkUy asked. y, r ' .
Of coara he eouUa't answer, and w
could only pity hteeaandng nnw-
ganea. It te Um malt of boys' eduea-
Uonthat they are aa abominably eon-
Tbey, aa well a - mea
ar the victim of prejudice.
Th Idea f a alaipl minded, laexpe-
rieneed, pert young stripling of twenty,
wko-bw hta Vry xtetene toUMltfo
and oevwUon ar a motaar wao aaa more
wbxlom Umb he will be able to reeJlM
foe Um next tweatjLyears, gravely talk
lac to her and her lady friends about
the Hrtjrhte" he to willing- to give and
the privilege h BMMt -Withhold, la at
sa slsapl antT"-absurd
wore It not that long asUUtehed
ha caassd weaaaa to oTarlook rarh
pr sjmptlon, we shnuld have been able
to teach him a lraaaa Bpoa ImporU-
neaea. As H ta, Um boy prids hlassrif
Bpoa h Incipient manhnnd, and boa-t-
lagly teike to .warn en who have reared
him about withholding Um privileges
Wblchhe hold la prnspecUve.
If we eould part has such atripllaga
at UwSr real rain and dtepos of them
at their awa tpprahwmeat, we'd be eon-
teat to rrt Um neaspapat bariaim, and
tarn oar attenuon
bm.1 piiti rmni
A a anmber af Oregon nwiapis
haveJolBciUhe ha aad ery of the Man
Francte co netl-a dalUa agalnrt thl
iBMlato, gifted aad high ptrited 1UU
woaun, wha wa aa aBartaaate aa to
Jola with an aadlrara la bmaki- the
rule of B Court af Justin, BmI yet a
koaorable a to acknowledge fhe warn
aad pay the fine Imposed, -fhlhr hm
maaeulla compmnian mraprd the In
by ly lag. w thlak It foir and Jurt to M
bar apeak for b elf la par celamaa,
W kaaw he to be B VlrUoua, iMmara
ble wanm a, rafuUag by a 111 af ahaaUty
Lev," Which many frighteMd
k to amr anianadve woaMa bvi
latod la oar
""f them a tboug
way Usaiterand
- . - t - - r .
though they WeraiBll
8aa rrajtrlae teneer, with which we
for a Um held tmstaem retetkms, and
Which we aroakt Bow hold wrr tt not
thai tt aw am heat to eamm P
kospUmtabl Journal rwnnlar 1b th
mstrepoUa, while ear work bsleeg to
Origin, oontaln aa aoeount, wkfeb
wUl he taaad elsewhee la oureetamaa,
of a matter which ha been extensively
ffbvalated la Um Oregoa Paper wlUi
quite a dUturent lac apoa it. m, no;
eewgomlpl - i , - ..
Cuaosmlag Um amour, the Baarder,
Um trial, the vwnilrt and Utemnteoee,
we. are to latensery dtegwsted to spealL"
AlihertiaalMsmrtaiskOe, hU aeoom
plto Is aisetlng hers, aad th wife and
Bunily of to dead mB are to be con-
gaa nmwmBeaan
the IgfaUng around
Part between
Um troop of the Ver-
eoatlaatd with bat UtU advaiUage ae
aratoc to either sid, though what prog-
resewas mad rums it to be In tavor of
UMVmsMllsta, The new
te n by telegraph I a bmss of almost
antotelllgtbl ribbarteh, AH that Is
kaowa for eertala te ttmt IgbUac koUy
oaniealfd, te caaataaUy' going ea, and
Umt UMbsst blood of rVanc Wdiencb
Ing her soil Who can fores Um nd
of this terrible rtet of blood T Perhaps
again bobm master mind. Ilk Napoleon
L, nerved by amUtWs desire, wlU
arte dictator of unhappy, mourning, 1
humiliated rranoa, and end UUs fratri
cidal atuggte. The Republic te little
better than a myth. The peopte of
Franc do not anderstand the true
meaalag of a Itepubll. They are not
yet educated up to Um standard of ap
prectatrag and maintaining free laatitu
tkma. A Kepublla wlU be raeeeasfully
Inaugurated by their more practical Uer
man brethrea long before the ona-luan
power has teft Um Oovenimeut of
Next week we ahattegln Um pabU
ratton of aer t tterr, entltted,'njdini
Raid, or, Tbo Plata Ktory of a Plata
Woman." theetory wltT bC6otlnued
from week to week during the year. If
thl serial foU to Intereat the leader, or
foil to convey and Impress the whole
some lemon Intended to b Imparted
through It pages, ww assure him It
hall not be from lack of experience,
haste of execution, or a dearth of obvious
facte upon which to build the superstruct
ure. a W hav outgrew the senUmen
tallty and "moonshine" that ehaiwcter
laed souse of our early productions; we
hav learned tram rigid experience Just
what life forewoman rroHy- te; w hav
been a close observer and keen analyser
ef everyday lite, and we are engaged la
coneeutraUiig and grouping these expe
rience snd observation la th proposed
form for the benefit of our numerous
patron. WlU veeybadLwhe eserivca
thU aaouneement send wa onc er two
new subscribers, that thereby they msy
have the beginning chapter of this ta
torsstlag aertaL and help a by doubling
our already Urge circulation T
Ood saw that It was aot goad for man
ta be atone, ao He created a help-meet or
JU for hltt a woman, who ahould share
hi lot I all the relation af life. Hus-
bantte and wive, fother aad mother,
brother Bad sisters created H them;
and-imUM mgnltml f Hte-wtedonr,
placing them tha aid by ski la the
fomlly aad social relation, dkl He moat
clearly exemplify the great economy of
the whole unlverm. It I vbdbte In all
type of animal and vegetable creation.
Man, alone, 1 iasbaad with Um hie
that hb Omntectent Father wa the vic
tim of a mighty mistake In thus placing
the acxe aid by aid, and la hi effort
to mod th Almighty' work lie ha ar
rogated to hlasartf Immunities and priv
eteges whk-h he am flt to deny to the
kelpHnccf for him, which Uod saw that
It was not good for him to do without.
Omrerning th effect- of thU effort and
partial rawjun of maa to separate the
sexes la our IjuhIiii and pollUoa we
ptwpo from Um to Um to speak aar
mlmL, ' 'L .
The Wyomiag paper my Uiefcwnple
ef that Territory are about to abamfoa
womaa suffrage a both mtaebcvtoa and
We clip the above from the Orrgenfair.
It I quite Um that Journal stop thl
whoteaate "dipping'' af Irfeeperndble
gosalpw Will the Qwyoaian be kind
epougfa to give authority and date?
ridiculous apoa the "papers," and It
mount to Jui as much aa though yon
had laid th mm apoa lb boulters ef
the venerated Mrs. Orandy. Weadvlae
Um Qcrfftttn mvaat ad all ethers wbe
havw read Um trrpealbl nonsenss
above q anted, to tend aa article from the
Laraatte Stmtkul mi leeeat date, which
Mrs. M'Ul ma said la a anch laHaa
Fraacteca recently, that "she knew a
woman In the East wha was a dart.
Khe wa thBMthrf foarchlMiwa, aad
a he a the youngest wa a babe, her hue
band left her. At that Ubm mm had no
profandon, bat ah had previously
teamed th harnras mkr trsl la
Iowa. Hhe wsrfcsd at that antll aha
had mved money ennagh to begia the
study af awdlctaa.. If ow she own two
houaMaadkda, and te stlU aeaetlHnir.
end la epportiag' another hnsband.'
CUtklt gt alotie: without th hasbaad,
Wll, awppem ah eoaMa't, or dtda't
tot What of It ? Do aaybady
questlna aajtwomaa'a right ta'wch aa
tacBmbraacat Pnrat everybody my
it te thoeWy mt a wmnaa to hav a hus
band T M hy flout her for It If she's abl
to own aad support Um artteto ?
'Tbos carper, wha
to lay Um
spirit equal right by
aafownded mm-
serttenabota flying
caase," ar f
to tend tha o for a c
Coast rffrag CbaVwCwa JbUid tatlw il fo pay If you pay thept
thl week' Isswb. They win arc the
ntof maayaf ear mart dlUagalhd
bmb attached to the a0, ta eomaaay
with a large aumbe af th most Ini ara
t 1 wins, apra th i uat."in aa aai
UTklag. mmlbimsa j V
1 tm. , mim. a - - .
JU01D jDt XECI1T XTnTt. .
lae Mea was hsmesa thst aetast
M at
a VeanUMsa Nmese MmBi He
saiamar. wamai st sr
ser mm fsiailateM ef la trtf sUsalsllna.
sBst w sir la i e i wl srUua till I, laas
s wIsSIUS lawaaaseset.
f aaasuase ea
af Suisse due-
Umg M Ibal the rvU IMM a-i
ta Ike awnili of Ael IX
af BrW s-e MfaiM.IS71.tnaja)Ta. Uf,
nn mt mmmt Ima Ummrk lt, IM, to Mars
m, sTVMK'IMIAtMMBal4 wit be
sate dertag May.
It la rveoftMl thai Hvefetanr Fbh U rnlfi
Uh aue of Becepuwyar aboal las IX of
Jaa. tela " rli nsliliat.s s wc
MMud aier, to winllass la W aatll In JmIbI
His Own tin Ins, Sow la em, esW
mm tor-.
i Th Utol ml te. Tmit la Baa raetee,-i
l .udwW Urttlesite. ewa euafaf Irf.
Mirprtoe, sa the wllr-Biaie Is the rl
mamr aarpetiw. Ths IMWir, uwnn
hpm riiBlH aatle will the retail. Her
i tkai mt km tutltr sanuaoar raratati
a aa la that atoMHd bs hf sll
oM vtulals 1m taaetur erf Ihs B rrlafc rr-
Th aMMMNloa Smmw OMwaaallae H
UaMOaaaa JCatel a t will Irave Maa "
m aP r will ii so aalsM-y Meat. arla
wd frrlaM at rmlaseJ ralm.
lfn. Bteveu' Aeoout af tha Tim IapMd
mpea ner.
(From th K T. Ploor.l
At tlie verv Arst It was evlttent U
J the t'ourt ami Iter disliked to have
th women present. Ihey all eeeuMMrto
be untter mure or less constraint. This
dteltke was manifested In a score of dlf
fen wave, but eaaUy and readUy un
derstood by a sensitive mind. At this
writing, we have neither Um time ur
room to present them. For seXersl Uys
this aiiiM.vlnr cotMlltlon or IhliiKs ittn-
United, till all Interested parties of the
masculine render seemed to lose their
natienee. Sod with It their self-eoiitnd.
There was, doubtless general feeling
that sometMnif quick, stmrp and deete
Ive aboukl ne dune to brill malb-ra to a
crisis something that sltould degrMle
and frighten the women from Uie trial.
Two of the-morning paers were not
IsM-kward about alltsiiua to the women
VvT altelncr 1 Biaunef'to' briug
tliem, Into public couteint, lioliig
therebv to drive them from the court
room. A larae numlier alio frequent
the eourt-rrmtii and deslan to have
goi4 time generally In th examtnatteu
of erim. eon. cases, cannot coenprahend
what right a virtuous, dutiful and tarring
wife or mother, steter or uauirhter, win
knew her iroi-r silicre and duslgiied to
aonfln lierself within It pniscrned
bound lias ill that court-room, the ex
luiT battlo-flebl of masculine bwy.
Judves, Jurors and clients, to deraiute
their plans and disturb them in the en
joyment of buNivtou chatterinjre aad
amuUy Jokes. The Iter grew reetlem
and Impatient, ami evidently the rinhI-naturett-Judg
sympalhteed: with hi
nrofaietoiial lirethren In tlielr annoy liie
misfortune, anddtsjlitleaaroncluded tliat
the disturbina; element were nnsexlng
tlicmselves, and ouirht in sihim way to
lie lniierlv relMiked. Tt wfclrU
m KhMfT-all chanaea, nie to the
ratMrfrTfteTfcart. Oa the 4th day of
Aas4l and theitth day of the trial, Mrs,
Fair brina mT th witness stand, Mr.
yoa any
Not the slightest, sir, I lied no reason hi
use It (hysterically. I am sure he
was Um only prnteeir I had In the
world: ' I would never have desired to
harm him. (Wildly.) If h had been
living, gentlemen, .when Mr. Campbell
j JnsuUetjnlar
maae M r. tampoei t, cm nis oeuueu auees,
apnlogl for It.
. Tills bit of by-play wa rendered with
truly dramatic effect, and served to
bring down the house. Cheers ami
tamping Issued from the lotby, ami a
number of ladies Inside the bar Joined In
theapplause." -
fThe AIM Onliforitia of the eatiMdate,
giving an account of Um affair, lias the
following awl tlie correct version or the
applause, wnien was general an over tne
court-room: "The test sentence of Mrs.
Fair was delivered In an enuJiaUc man
ner, ami waa followed by boisterous ap
plause by the audience."
The tlourt Mr. Koerlff. bring those
parties forward wlw eiipteuded briug
them every one rorwaru, ami nave uicin
The rtheriff went on a prospecting tour
among the aiiectators, ami lmUlse of a
Ereat many If they had applauded. But
e could find no one to say- "yea,'.. He
snent- about ten minute lu this re
search, ami returned, telling the' Judge
he could find no one.
- The Court Well, bring them all for
ward, and let them be sworn ta answer
Mra rrudir, perhaps I waa io
blame. I should not hav said what I
dll It was not their foult.
The Court It la not your responsi
bility; you are not to blam for what
The Hheriff fastened onto, and brought
forward aa unlucky wight, aim tiew
tried like an aspen leaf, an whose fee
wa as white as a sheet. He was xworn,
and gave the name .of Francte M,
I hs court Ind you e-iplaud T A. No,
i Did yoa see any one who did ap
plaud r A. iso, Mir, i mi not.
TIm Court (To (Sheriff) tlo aad Ining
some one who illl see some one applauil.
The Hheriff whispered to tlie Judge.
The Orart Bring her forward.
The Hheriff then advanced to where
Mrs. Kmity Pitt Hteven Was aeatwl
taking riote for the IHtmer. He asked
her If she aindauded. Hhe waa bdh to
reply. Several b.vstander)asserted tliat
they saw her aptaud, upon whkh she
rose to her feet, ami advancing towards
th bench, mid, "Yes, Judge, I did ap
plaad; I did not know It waa against
the rules of the t wurt,"
The Court What la your name, mad
am? A. Kiully Pitta Rtcven; I will
pav my fine.
th (3ourt What did you do A. -VI
aid "good." and stepped my hand down
on the table; 1 did not know that I must
not do It. - .
The Court-I will fine you fl.
Mra. Fair (promptly V-Iwll pay It.
Ml. Hteven Thanh yoa.
' Anothcrhvly here Jumpeil upflwmtlie
side of Mm. Htevens and skid: "Judge, I
ay tended, ton. I stamped my foet."
Th Court-What Is your nroT A.
Mr, lteoth.
TIm IVnirt I will fine you $2V.
Mm. Fair I will pay It. .
Mm, Booth Thank ytm. : "
Tha tourt fin- Mrs. Falrli-You will
Mra. Falr-Itou'l think tliese Udhw
emteratnod IVJmtrc.
Th Court-Well, they on.len.Uml It
Thla Uttl eptendc occuibd aliout
teen minaiea. , r-. - r
Wf hav Bo UtersMilkia to romnlain
vf the Court for making a vigorous ef-
W S5Se3na!toS2 -H-l-i for thlays, or
tZl 1 r'M iletttee; If tlH? o,vlon shall so require.
! .?? & &lml. hmT W.nnan HufTra- Wr4etWrrect
; r what weJ a- a inVarll n ro7 Invited to -end delegates maTtn
?k n?M .ajrl.1 dlvfduals, favorable to tlie ol.Ject whjcb
1 , V'V-TVAnKi ,. 1 thte tVmventlon I designed to promote,
tonuCTyraTnyusTn? ftW- JP?
fort to inaiatalB Mev or for exarttag
mtmtr oisnliciice to authority; hut It
looked to asthea, au4ithatlMaiuaa
Cat still, that Judge lwiaeiie wa
pjy to beiag oObrcd an opportunity
to rebuke the women In attendance an
th trial, ami, If possible, dlcme their
Farther pressure, ine oy, previous
there wa anplaa , hat neUher rebuke
nor fine followeil.
la tbteparthmUrluatancetrieapiiiaUsr
wa general, larth within Um lobiiy ami
wlthiath bar.. Tha atea who applauded
bad neither the luanllnesa nartlie honor
to step forward and acknowledge tlwir
partteipatlou In the apple uee. Twa
women owmnl up, and were lined. Th
lumesty here manifested wotl be a
valuable auxiliary in tegisUUve, Julical
ami exeeutive drirtnient of (lie (lov-
Tlie re U an4her curious fact asiut
this tin lug tlie women, awl that te, I had
the Jutlve, wbcu lie aauM not lu-lp no
tb'lng that the aplause was general, lit
a hall erowdetl with men, aiidrwith only
seven wouieu iwvaent, ahould satisfy his
coiwrieoee and sense of Justice, by fliiiu:
two uitnilM-rs f the prwsciiiiea ami im,u
votlng class, and allow all of his mascu
line violators to gounrebuked and wn
nunlalusd. Here te anotlief Imaortent tact In this
case, ami luai i, uu um Jtaige mwmi
impose a nncou two women wn rranaiy
aikaowteied tlielr offi-liue. but ptead
innnuMS ui nwn mi, "inj n
. . r . 1 1 . 1 1 . ,1
And time cither had been present st a
eWlual trial, ami expressed rerret Uiat
tliev had been betrayed into th cC It
looked to us a tiiougu tne JUtige, r
. r- . . ...... . .
the moment, sunk th geutleuien in t lie
Call for a Pacific Slop womaa 'i Saffrag
7b the. friemU teoarKts muff mi ft nmiding
Im the Stat ttntt Tvrritiriea of Ike
.Wiite Slot.-
The California Woman' Huffragv
Ansoelittlon, at Its annual meeting,
lmpn''a'd with the (treat lnisrtaiM of
aecuriiiK Um Istllwt to Woman, as an
efficient Instrumentality to Improve her
Industrial ami ciluratloital, moral aim
social eondttioii, atMl at the same
time obtain for tlie Hlate the benefit of
her hannotiliina-, retlningaml isjrifylng
preseiu-e ami liinUeiM-c, that tlie ik'baw-
Inir. deiuorallsriiir and corruptlnx ten
tlttiM-iea irf twrt v
politic may is? arn'steii,
awl leflUtlve, ludhial ami exeoutlvetovMrtniH,, rf w,h n fl-Uil hih-Ii Well-
lteifrlt v le
CHtaliliMlieal; am feeling tliat
the time has arrived ami the cause at
talnett such a growUi ami Importune,
tliat tlie frieiute of iiroKreMi In this
westeru section of th Federal , Republic
should meet for consultation, mutual
understanding and organ I nation, amior
theedurtioBTa Han for future otirra-
tiona. tliat there may be a oneneea of
ourtHMte and hamiouv of action through
out the entire Coast, with Bl view of
securing mm-Ii local ami nathinal Ier1s
latlou as shall be kemed ueccisiary,
InatructNl the Ihstrd of Contnd to ror-
resimnd wlUi the leading friends of the
Hallot movement In dim rent panta of
the Pacini Hlos?, to secure tlielr aavtee
and co-oHratlon In calling and tolding
a Pacific Hloie Woman's HuOrsire IW
vent Ion. the umtersianeii tn-rvKin,
memlierMofsald Itnanl ami others, a se
tiame are hereunto annexeU, Unite lu
Invltinr the rrlemlH or Woman's r,llt
ImmX 1'iiBisililstmsat la all tha mats
aad Territories of tlie Paetftc Hlope, to
meet la convention In laciflc- Hall, In
California Tbvatw nulldlng, Bushslrect,
la th city of Kan Krsneinoo, California,
an Tuesilay morning, May IHth proximo,
organisation exists, are earneetly In-
v I toil to h prrMant ami participate' In
it uncecdliura.
'Iilstlnguteheil advocate of Woman
Huffrage, both In the Atlantic Htatea
and Kurnpe, have been Invited to be
present to adst In the deliberatkm of
Higned by John A. Collins, President;
Mrs. Hophle K. Walsli, Vtee-neaalcnt
Mrs. K A. H. Ie Wolf, Co sjioiiding
Hicreto ; Win. M. Rider, Iteeording
rkiretary; Mm O. ruller, Ttcaaurcn
Mr. H. C. White. M. I).; Mrs. Mary
J. Collins; Mrs Mary F. Hnow; Mrs.
Carrie H. Hper, Han Francisco Ofncvr
ami Members of the Board of Control.
Irs. K Pitts Htevens, Preshk-nt Cali
fornia Woman KutTraire AMwiHiatlou;
Mrs.K.'. tainoun, M, r. Hocicty; Mrs.
Karah Wallla, lroC rfta Clara Co. Wo.
Huff. Hoticty: Mrs. Angle, iH-nki, Pres.
Holano Co. Wo. HurrT Hoclcty; Mrs.
Jane C. Hiulth, Pre. tVintra Vste Co.
Wo. Huff. Hoclety; Mrs. C, M. Pahncr.
Prvs. Nevaila Co. Wo. Huff. HWiety;
Mts. C. H. Hprague, Pre. Yolo Vu.
Wo. Huff. HiMdcty; Mn. K M. Wallace.
Pres. Han Bernanllnn Co. Wo. Huff".
Hiwletyj Mrs. Irwin, Pres. Marin Co.
Wo. Huff. Htsh-ty; John lxwellyn,
P sv Naiai Co. Wo. Hull. HiHicty, Kx
Offlclo Members of the Ifewrd of Con
tnil. Mrs. K Clark Hmlth; Han Bemantlno
co.; Mrs. M. r . Hnow, Han KranrlMcoco.;
Hon. C. It. IMito, Huteuo co.; Judge
W. H. Mrtrrae, Marin co.f Mi. Angle
r ger, AMmeoa Co.; Juilge K. II. Ialm
er, Nevada co; oo. W. HJimImuTI,
la co.; tfco. vr. HjatiMOl,
ta co. ; Mrs. U. R. Fjiiery
Ice K Hheer, H. tiara eo. f
W'. Hpraarua, Yolo eo., Vlce-
lunira isu
Mrs. Euce
jiKiirrjr w. Hirfrua,
Preshh-HtecwheTaiirornia Womau Huf
frage AsMoclstlon.
tlov. J. X. t ampbcll, Wyoming Terri
tory; Hon. J. W. Klnrinan, AsHoiiate
Justhw 1. H. Court, Wyoming Territo
ry; (lov; Kdward if. Mi-Cook, Colora
do Territory; Hon. C. A. Tweed, As
sociate -JUsttee V. K (Vnirt, Arinaw
Territory; Mrs. Harriet K.fiapp, far
sou ( ity, VIce-PiVHkOrnisliy cuanty,
Nevte; Mrs. K, (i. Baker, Virginia
City, Vle-Pislh-wt Htry county, Ne
vada; Hon. H. M. IbNiiMiflebl, t iiIihi
vllle, Nevada: Hon. T. V. Julian.
WliiiH'iuucca, Nevada: Hon. C. J. HI li
ver, Virginia City, Nevada; Hon. tl.
W. lawson, Heeivtary Ontriui W, H.
Hoclety, Hale in. OregHi; Mrs. A. J.
Buniway, IWtlaml, trrern; Mrs. M.
F, Krowii, (Hyiupia, VN'aHlilugton Ter
ritory: Mrs. A. 1. Wiggins, HcattleJ
, annininon ii-rniory; iiov. okI,
( treat Halt lake f.'lty, t tah Territory;
Hon. Jtdin Henisly, Idaho Territory;
Mrs; laura lie Kon-e (hmoa, President
Nevada Wo, Huff, Hm.lety, - '
" Th yrtarg Pxrffl lallroaA.
(By !Io. Mnhnrler INilfnX, la Uie Jtew Tk
Mhlway acroMS, tlie continent-r-at the
al of twelve hundred miles W lake
navigation a thenaami miles from lluf
fuk, the western term Inn f th Krn)
t anaL and a near to It bv wateraaCtil-
ra'fo a iiumlrsd mite wH f tlw Innyi.
tudeofHt. IulsorlaUn ltlie Vuiia
Mly iT JaiUith. th initial point of the
.ortlu rn racinc Jtllri. inat great
iwork, sr iwafnlncently endowed iiy the
lioverttmefir, te aireaiiy being iImI
rsnldl4wns!aril. undt-T Its encrertle
ttHitnillyrs; and before the snow file
next foil It Will Isj completed the west
era line af MiMM-ott where It efvmse
th litsl IM vet of I he NorUi whirh runs
nortba-ant A lake Wlnntnra ami one-
eltflith of its distauce. to Um I'sclnc
Ocea' will. . have been a omtillaheil.
tMuiuenetagi Vo, utls inma on its
wlltTOWWrorWie tiperatteiM tw1tteh.he
from both directions, aiat fong before
in nation ceieiirate Its Centennial An-
ntversary of laih-aendenr Um lalww will
be united tij troil hand with that Med
iterranean of our Urthwaa, Pugrt
' Of Um au4'iou ialluene af this en
terprise, which but a few years ago
would hav behcorfldlered aa dariug,
th moot sanguine of Its friend have
mirjrTcrarniIl rvalteatloa. Even
Uklng (liUw- as the starting poiut,
It will lw (VI M. raui, wiier an arui
of tlie Northern Jifh lUUroad la
jreaehedltwohuiMlreil mites hwadlstais-e
to Pugct Sound than to Hau Krancteco.
ltmithw I lila. vessels from ttte tlolden
tiato to ttilaa aall on a t t te called the
grand eiev-le, instead of In a straight line;
aut any one testliuf this by a string on
a plot! will oe urr4el at uu mmu,
If the have not nrevlou y studied fhe
cttort of the rotundity at the earth, and
its dlmlalahed protulierance aa you go
north ward toward tlM l"ul. Ilence,
from Han Fram-isco, Uiey are only one
hurxtivtl miles rrtail the eutrsnoe lo
lUK.-t HmiimI: and thl striking fact
shown the ativautaae this route will
hav In eimimaiidlng th through traf-
ne or Asia with our Atlantic Male, ur
that portion of It wbh-h will iaas over
in sou or uiis uatiun on Its roau io
or te this all. Iievelomeiit U tlw
great duty of tlie Republic, after all Its
recent trials. Iteaourees are the gift of
the Creator, Iteveteping them depemte
on the work of man. Along the line of
the Nortlieru I Wine Railroad, as It fol
lows up the aster course, the Missouri
and Yellowstone on this slk, and de
scends by the valley of the Columbia uu
Um other, a vast body of agricultural land
te awiUng for the plough, with a climate
almost exactly the same as that of New
York, exeept tliat, with lemisiiow. rattle,
In the larger portion of it, -an sulavlMt on
Uie open range lu winter. Here, if cli
mate and fertility of soil produce nat
ural result, when rallnsid ftU'llitlesoiieii
tUils now isolated retrioii to settlement,
win soon lie seeu waviiiK gram nenix,
and iMppv homes, and gmwinjc town;
while ultlmaUiy a eHdon of prtmperous
H La Lea, teemiiia with populalteti and liiii
In Imlustr' aiwl onse(M-iit wealt h, will
occupy tliat now uiHlevcloiwd aisl almost
lliucvemible iortioll of our colililietttbl
an-a. - 'i(
Hut this row (I U fortunate also I n Its wlh
way across tlie two ranges of iiKHJiilsins
whichtebtedsoaeverely the facitlc Itnil-
roaxin Hum on tlie central line, aii(l;tne
titt.aer'ed luaior uii Uteir eiuTeetle buiM-
eiu-rget I
era. At the Imt limlge lium, in Mon
tana, where it crosses the ItockV
Mountalus, Its altitude sbm'e the sea te
SrfM foet less than Um I'nion IV-lfto
ItallriMMl at Hhenuan, which Is said to
be the highest point at which lucouio
Uve can be found lu the world. And on
the Pacific slle of the continent It Is evei)
more fortunate. From Arisona up to
Um Alette Circle the Columbia te the
only river which haa torn Its way
through tliat mighty range, the Arnica of
North America, which in California is
known as Uie Hierras, but which In Ore
gon etMUgcs It name to the (ancadea.
Nature mis thus provhlcda pathway for
tlie Northern Pacific roud through these
mountains, the sealing of which, on tlie
otlier Hue, at an elevation of over seven
tliousaml feet (ktnost wonderful triumph
at enineringV cost the Central I "acinic
Company millions of dollarw, nd com
pcllol them, for seventy miles, lo main
tain a grade uf over one h uod red feet to
the mile twice the max I mum jf the
9teabcrn Pacific at the difficult point ou
Its entire route.
It is fortunate, also, lu Its terminus on
the Pacific cost. No one who has not
been there can realise the beauty of
Puget Humid and Its surroundinga. One
hundred mile king, but so full of Inlets
ami straits that it navigable shore-line
measure evMteett hundred ami sixty
mile, dotted with lovely lelctv with gl-
ganiir tree ainwsti to uie water's edge,
with safe anchorage ever) where, aud
stretching southward, without almabi or
ban, from th Htrait of Fuca to the
capital and centre of Washington Ter
ritory, It will be a magnlnoi-iit iriKr
Jut Ifis eiminii rn nf tliaTTrraTwTman
of the work 1, the Iaclflc.
s a s The tend grant of rheTTBUcir ""'
Htatea; exceeding fifty millioiui of acres,
la Um winter wheat region of our nat ion
(ten times as Urge aa the area of Mis,
chusrtte), is doubtless sufficient for tne
completion of the road; but boshlcs this
millions of private means arc already
Invested III it. Tha bond based on the
land grant, and a mortgage on the road
Itself lu addition, are being sold a rap
idly as tlie money ia needed, and as in
vestments, yielding about eight percent.
isr year in currency, rank already WlUi
tlMlHwtclaHaofrallruailst'curitiea. Aud
thus the grnsl work will go on with un
checked sU'it tii Its final uonaummatlon,
carrjinir the bless! mra of srttt n it,
development, eivllisatlon and Chris
tianity with it in Its progress, ami liter
ally causing the a ilileriiew to bhsssum
as the rose.
heartily cudors Vie following Jmllctoas
article froni the Han Francisiw 0Mm
Em cotM'eruinie Press ami the Fair
tragedy Jf-
"Tbecurseiojr the itelly prvs. with
otieor two exertions, was slni4y dis
gracefuL Thcrisiblicaiteii of the details
of an amorous Intrigue wa not essen
tial to a full understanding of the case.
There ta no rtMkre exeuee for the publica
tion of Um tetter of Mrs. Fair and of
Mr. Crittemleii, than tlier would be fora
ftaah sheet Ilk Um dead Mittrjnxt Jo
chronicle the eveute of a ntghtin, lioua
of Ill-fame. It was simply pandering to
a rapposnd desire oa the part of a ir
tlon of Uie public for prartent matter,
Inspired by motives si miter to that -which
prouiuta tit uabUeation nf sueh
sheet a tlie bttittg and o titers of
It rlas. For three week there waa
but on daily pais In tl(te city fit to
put, In (he "hamte of a !nwpertabl
woman. TIm Hmminrr declined to
publish full court M-nceedlmr. rlrinv a '
ynopsla of th chief points of evhlence,
ami ruling of the court The Attn re
frained from the jblktlon of the am
orous bdtcr of the guilty couple, but the
HHri fat tk iwi ami Um CAroaM
gave their reader everything Indecent
ttikt came In tteir way. Homtlm
aiUiln a week or two we may took for
editorials from each of theae paper,"
Vkdbb CraaxsT iwthx Mbditk
avkax. It has hmir Iwen known th
a current Is constantly flowing lucff the
Mediterranean rrretn tlie Illark.'V ami
from the Atlantic, beside Uie numerous
river pfiurtua ialway abundautly,
ml theUestlon haa, often been asked:
How la it tliat the great mM-laml
ones nut w rot ever-fuiiy' Th an
wer te: Hexwuse, white a surface
stream flows In throiiKh the strait of
nnreilsr, a stream ik-cp ilown is eon
atantly flowing out; ami th exlstepoe
of ihte u sster current Is sahl lo have been
rovod by a ca4aln w ha sunk afiasket
of stones, by a rojw, to a considerable
de4h, where, In-Ihk acted upon by a
stong stream, it tottJ the boat out
against the surface curreirt." N evert bc
less, the ext-Jencr of tlie umler current
has mim often miestliined. Ihr. (hrpen
ter, however, alio ia recently returned
from dredging cm tee In U Mediter.
ramwn, states that he tWk iuu. li paiiu,
to Investigate this noeetlon, and that lu
sl''rt UiUC bf WlU fmbllsh an aeeaunt
talncd tliat th out-flow lue; umlerewe-
rent nor really exist.
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