The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, December 30, 1904, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 3

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Unswayed by fear, uninflu-
er ced by favor the East Ore-
gonian will tel; the truth. the
whole truth, about county.
state atui uatioual affairs. It
is fair, absolutely fair. to
•aose who differ from Its
views, as well as to ita
The Ea«’ Oreyoniar. of Pen- •
f.n, Oregon. ia published ta
• 'he b< .rt of the wonderful In- •
• lacd Empire. You will find •
| • that It la readable, reliable e
• and progressive, and will give •
• you the news reliably, accu- •
Isrs Some Sen«utl<>iu>l Development.«
—Dixtrim Attorney Jenriiw Reeum-
•uemls That Dodge. He (liven 111«
Liberty ill Order to Secure a Con-
I'roin Him. Connecting
Otlier Men of Wealth and Promi­
nence With the Case—Brief History
of the Principals in the Case.
Opened at Portland.
McCain* C.HistructhHi i . mium . iiv Bids
<<n Items and Offers No I.uuip Bid
for the Entire CiHitraet—Bill <rf N.
J. Blagvn for S247.OOO is Immedi­
ately Rejected Because Too Higii—
If Wakefiehl Bid of Si35.000 is A< -
copied Total Cost of the Road Will
Be 91414.000, as »13.000 Has Already
Been Expended in Right of Way
and Surveys.
I rnh and Clnrk Commlasioii I, Elainl
Over the Prosjax*«« for an Extensive
Exhibition of IhiHluci.M I'roin Every
Stale in tin* I nion and M om of tlx*
leading «'ountrie« in the World—
Kansas and Nebraska Were Consid-
crcd to Ik* Among tiie Doubtful
Staten—Other Doubtful state* Are
Ex|M«ne<l to Swing Into Line.
s Lyman of Astoria. Dlr-- After a
Lingering I Ilia*«».
Foi tlaipJ. Ore . Dee. 24.—Horace
|s Lyman, one of the foremost edu-
I «alors Iti .Oregon, and a hlatoilan of
note. died, at the Portland Hanltorium
at 7 o'clock Thursday night, after an
Illness of several months.
Mr. Lyman was bom in Polk coun­
ty. near Dallas, In 1855
1855. and knew
Oregon as few other men do.
was an active and energetic student
all his life, and the author of »le­
man's History of Oregon.” a conipre-
hensive work In four volumes,
Coming from a family that had
settled In Oregon in the fortlei his
father, Rev. Horae
Lyman. being
pastor of the < •ngr «rational church
In Portland at as early a
1849 he studied from the | practical
side of life.
He prepared himself
for t he ministry', and filled several
pulpits, but the greater part of his
life W'aS spent in the public schools
ot the state.
Through his «fturls the
text-txxrk s>»tem was adopted.
not until he had made a campaign for
superintendent ot public instruction,
and aroused the people to the neces­
sity of a change.
He was for several y«-ars superin-
tendent of the acKools In Clatsop
county, and had beer, In good health
until he went to St. Louis, several
months ago. to take charge of the
educational exhibit at the fair. He
returned in falling health and lapsed
Into a comatose state aorre e time ago.
and could not be rallied from the
New York. Dee. 26—Brought to
Portland. Dec. 26.—The list of
this city last night from Texas through stales and countries to exhibit at the
the persistent effort of District Attor­ Lewis and Clark fair is constantly
ney Jerome to face a charge of per­ swelling and the commission Is elated
jury in connection with the Morse- «ver the prospect
for an excellent
Dodge divorce tangle. Charles F. show ing from every part of the Union
Dodge, former husband of the present and all parts ot the world.
wife ot Charles F. Morse, received his '
Practically all the stales will cun-
liberty today upon the recommenda­ jvay their exhibits from St. Louis to'
tion of the district attorney, who per­ Portland, thus insuring almost as wide '
sonally appeared before Judge Cowl­ a display of products as was seen at
ing in the court of general sessions, ' the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. |
and asked that Dodge be discharged
In the official stocking of the Lewis
on his own recognizance.
i and Clark executive committee there i
This turn in the case follows an all- , was dropped, as Christmas gift.» the
night conference at police headquar­ information that three more stales
ters. where Dodge was taken immedi­ and the Dominion of Canada are to
ately upon his arrival and during participate in the exposition. Partic­
which it is said he made a confession ularly gratifying are the gifts because
that will lead to the making of seri­ they come as a surprise
ous charges in connection with the
The executive committee thought it
Morse-Dodge divorce against seven understood some time ago that there
m -n of prominence in this city.
would be no possibility of the Domin­
Dodge was the former husband of ion of Canada participating In the ex­
Mrs. Charles L Morse, wife of the position. either officially or commer­
banker and former head of the ice cially.
trust. His wife In 1*96 secured a di­
It was also conceded that the stales
vorce from him and shortly afterward of Nebraska and Kansas would not
married Morse.
r. <ke an exhibit
Now things are
In October. 19V*. she applied to changed and the people at exposition
hive her former divorce annulled, headquarters are rejoicing.
claiming that she had discovered that 1
Director of Exhibits Dosch yester­
the summons in the case had not been day received communications from
served on Dodge, which fact prevent­ the states of Wyoming and Nebraska.
ed him making a defense. Supreme Each communication asked that space
Court Justice Clark annulled the de­ for a state exhibit be reserved, and
sa.d that the exhibit would be made,
The ease has since been reopened if not by the state, then by commer­
on Morse's plea to intervene as an cial bodies more interested in the
interested party, the annullment Mt state than the state itself. and the original divorce up­
As the space of individual exhibit­
held. evidence being offered that ors was cut some time ago to permit
Dodge had been served. He was In- ail to display, so the space reserved
dieted. went to Texas and was extra­ for the states that do not Intend to
erect pavilions pavilions, will be cut.
The rearrangement will give more
states opportunity to make exhibits,
Japane-e CasualUe-.
Tokio. Dec. 26.—It was announced and will be particularly gratifying to
today that eight officers and 66 sail­ those states who cannot make an ap­
propriation and whose representa­
or« have been killed during the ef­
tion will be made by commercial
fort of the Japanese to destroy the
remnant of the Russian Port Arthur
Apartment House Burned.
Chicago. Dec. 24.—In the destruc­
British ship on the Rock« .
tion of the Wallace apartment build­
New York. Dec. 26.—The British ing on Jackson boulevard by fire to­
steamer Miumeisor bound from this day. 1« families lost their homes
city to Havre. France, went ashore Several families on the fourth floor,
on Fire Island this morning.
It Is hemmed In by the flames, were res-
now in a perilous position.
wlth difficulty
In the presence of Governor Cham­
berlain. members of the Open River
Association, and attorneys for the con­
tractors. seven bids tor the construc­
tion of the pottage road were opened
at Portland ou Saturday ufternoou,
the bids ranging from 4155.UUV to
The lowest bid was that of Robert
Wakefield, tor *1 ¿5.000, and it this
md is accepted, it will bring the actual
cost of the portage to llis.OOO, the
sum ot 113.vou Having- already been
spent on right ot way and surveys.
The bid of N. J. Riagen. tor *247,-
ooo, was at once rejected because it
was too high, and the bid ot J. K
Bentley, tor _ *1.6.000, was rejected
because it was not accompanied by
me forfeit deposit, as required in the
advertisement for the bids.
This leaves five bids as follows, for
the state commission and the open
River Association, to select from.
Robert Wakefield, *155,000.
Smith A Howard. *200,0u0.
Joseph Paquet, , 166,900.
Nelson and White. *115.000 tor the
grade alone, without any ot the roll­
ing stock or equipment.
McCabe Construction Co., on a
quantity basis, as follows. *22.75 per
ton tor rails; ,650« each for locomo­
tives, *410 each for fiat cars, and
<625 each tor box cars.
It is the desire ot the portage com­
mission to let the contract tor the
complete road, including equipment,
rolling stock and locomotives ratner
than to let it piecemeal, and be de­
layed by ordering small quantities of
The bld of Robert Wakefield ot
Portland, is the lowest bid, and is for
the complete road, ready tor opera­
tion, and it is thought the contract
will be let to this company, as it is W %S JI STInED IN HOLD­
well equipped to do the work, and can
complete the road by May 1, the time
limit fixed in the specifications.
Russians Want to Return to Was Out Twenty-four Hours
Territory and Protection of
and Obdurately Refused to
the Home Goverment
Find a Verdict.
< i »tIO»
S < R<»44 I»- 4 44 AIT
l NI» <»l
PITTI l|M>4 < 4«,
< zar'« < «mwrvaüxm I« llopeks* and Judge Reim-tanü)
Diaci uirgcd
olMlurule— Mikado < ongratulat«*«
Jury. Uliicii «uawl Six tn six for
ami Against Vqulttal—Mie* Pat-
Vilmlral Togo—Gain New
icrwui'« l>l**p|<olniiiimt
Ma- Ex­
ami Important Podi Ion« < low to
trema- ami bhr \a-ari> t ollapwal
IN.rt Arthur alai tlte Dea III of Two
—Ttw-re Ma« No lii-cn—i.>n |>) iti<-
R ii —tan twnvrai« and Wounding
•iury a« to i I m * iH-gicc of ILuitla-iale
oí limitier I« Reported—4 «Hinter
— Ipimivrit
Hr m «vu
Attack lte|Hil<<«l.
Nagasaki. Itec 24.—A report from
Dalny states the Russians at Port
Arthur have proposed to surrender
to th« Japanese under General Nogi
on condition the garrisons and ships
b« allowed to return t«> Russia. The
Jayan-w rej«-cted the offer
Did X< h Mak«* Psscr Overture'«.
Si. Petersburg. Dec. 24.—Th«- te­
pori that the czar has made peace
overtures through France, is official-
y ìenled t ere
MhiltM« Will <*q Bu.y.
IttusMls. Dec 24.—It Is leame-l
that the Russian nihilist committee
met here Tuesday and decided to
recommence terrorist activity In Rus­
sia unless the czar grants certain re»
form« within a month
Jap- Gain New Piajtlon«
Tokio. Dec. 24.—The Japanese yes-
terday stormed and now hold the
heights east ot Houyangshukou at
Port Arthur
The prisoners reported
that the Russian generals
g-nerals Kondra-
tai.ko and Lima had been killed, and
general Fork Is among the wounded.
< uunter Atta*A R«-pul*«i.
London. Dec. 24.—Baron Hayashi
In reporting the capture of Hou>ang-
•hukiu Heights says the Russians
made a fierce counter attack but
were repulsed
The Japanese occu-
pation is now nearly assured.
weights are one and one-half miles
south of 30, Metre hill. The bo ra­
bardment caused a great conflagara-
tlon to th- north ot Fort Heltayang
x’a'i Patter-
the ptUon-
ourt building
greeted her
he to her <*n-
Knots ot p«»ople st«
building thia ruurulni
I the
terdlct. others watcl
ot Sighs to catch a
of th*
black-gowned actrem a* she passed
on her way from the Tombs to the
court building
At 11 o clock no w
from the jury
The «counsel waited
In the room adjoining the court while
the justice remained in chambers.
At 11 30 the Jury was brought In­
to court
It was announced they bad
not a* yet
agreed and
were sent
< amuH Ptsaslbl) Agree.
Before the Jury retired again. Fore­
man Harmer addressed the court as
“The pusaibiilty of
reaching an<
agreement is absolutely nil. M’e have
gone ah over the evidence upon every-
(•oastble point, and have argued this
Some members of the
Jury are absolutely not open to con- '
victlon or argument.
The possi bit-
Ity of reaching a verdict la very re-
mote, indeed "
Nan Patterson was on the verge of
collar*« several times while the jury
was In the court,
She returned to
the prisoners' pen. where she
Joined by her father
Di*<agrr««l and Dl«chargt«l.
The jury disagreed and was die-
NK sk I Six to Six.
Foreman Harmer said only
ballot was taken last night. It stood
mx for conviction and six for
quittal. On this ballot there was no
discussion as to the degree of homi­
Third Trial l*n»bahle.
The prisoner collatsel completel)
v hen the disagreement
was an-
nounced. sobbing convulsively on her
father's shoulder. On motion of the
prosecution the prisoner was remand­
'd without ball. While no announce­
ment is yet made, it Is expected the
young actress will hate to undergo a
third trial.
After the foreman had announced
they could not agree Justice Davie
"I f«*el that you have given the c »re
possible sol
all the consideration
that it will be Useless to detain you
longer, It is to be regretted you ar-'
unable to rec< r.-i - your rain ída to •.lie
evidence, I thank you for your p-i-
tlent attention
You are dlacharg-
The judge instructed the clerk to
have the prisoner remanded without
ball, at once. As the girl arose to be
led away a deputy warden seized her
by the arm to prevent her falling to
the floor.
t'sar I'ncmmpomUlng.
Ixmdon. Dec. 24.—The Berlin cor­
respondent of the Central News is as­
sured by high authority that the czar
rejects all peaceful advices that are
being tendered him. The czar, it Is
said, has sent to Pans through the
French ambassador at St. Petersburg,
an important letter favorable In lone
Reynold«. of Condon. Appealed From «tate Stall*Irian Declare« • 12.000.000 with certain reservation. Io the ac­
ceptance of mediation.
tlx- In «-pert or'« Dici-don anil Then
Have Been au4«-n From Iowa
Brought Chief of the Bureau of
Native« ot Samar Kill a Lieutenant
Stockmen Through
Artificial lie­
Japan«-»«* at Doggwlamk.
Animal Industry for tlx- Northwest
and Several Enli-ted Men.
cline in Price« of Slock—Forty-
London. Dec. 24.—The publication
Washington. Dec. 24.—General Cor­
Ttir««- Bank Failure« and Eleven In St. Petersburg of the statement
bin commanding the department ot
Certificate Because of Symptoms of
Salddes Traced to the Opf>re«Mon that Hull fishermen have voluntarily
the Philippines, today . officially re­
Mange—Inspector« Are Charged to
of the Tru-ts— ipjs-al for <x»vem- deposed that foreign torpedo boats
ported an uprising ot the natives in
were among the trawlers oft Dogger­
Be Cautious in Examinations.
nx-nt Regulation.
Samar and the killing of one lieuten­
bank when the latter were fired up­
ant, one hospital corps man and seven
on by ships of the Russian fleet Is
enlisted men of the Philippine scouts.
Portland. Dec. 26.—The findings of
Des Motnea. Dec. 26.—As a direct probably nothing more than a repe­
They were boloed.
Dr. E. N. Hutchinson, inspector for result of the manipulations of the tition of similar statements emanat­
ing from Hull and appearing In Lon­
Ku.«iiing Reinforcements to Samar.
the United States department of ani­ livestock market in the state of Iowa don papers the last tew days. These
Washington. Dec. 26.—In reply to mal industry, in the case of the Rey­ by the beef trust, there have been 4 3 are circumstantial, and it would cer­
Taft's query about the trouble with nolds cattle near Condon, have been
bank failures and 11 suicides in the tainly appear that some men of the
the Pulajanes in Samar, Governor
affirmed by Dr» Hickox. chief of the past two years, it is alleged today, by­ Gamecock fleet have made statements
Wright cabled from Manila: "I re­
before the Russian consul.
western bureau.
state statisticians.
gret to say that Corbln'B report of the
The name of only one of these has
While the expert who was sent out
loss of a detachment of scouts at
He ia the boatswain
It is saJd In the same report that been revealed
frofn Washington to make an investi­
oars and Dolores is correct.
gation did not find actual presence of Iowa farmers have been robbed of of the trawler Ava. and said today
Puiajanes of late have left the west
he was induced to make the state­
the mange parasite in the scrapings over *12.900.000 by the artificial de­
side of Samar and become active on
ment while he was Intoxicated. He
of the Reynolds cattle, he reported the cline of prices in the livestock mar­
the east coast which is practically
admits he received a certain amount
presence of strong indication of ket, In the same period, and that un­
without a harbor and is difficult ot
of money, but now says the state-
manf<- Dr. Hlckox held that Inspec­ less the national government takes
MMt ha nvi h-’is untrue
The extra­
access. Orders were given some time
tor Hutchinson was justified in re­ some steps to regulate the beef trust
ago to strengthen ail detachments on
ordinary tenor ot his statements or
fusing a certificate for transportation
the east coast, but unfortunately this
the livestock industry in the Middle any other has not been revealed.
of the cattle out of Oregon.
was delayed by the wreck and loss
All published reports from Hull
In last August It was reported that West, will be utterly destroyed.
say positively that these statements
ot the coast guard boat cerrying a
mange was present In cattle in small
were secured by two agents ot the
hundred constabulary. The men were
sections of Oregon, and Inspector
Russian government, but the Russian
saved but the delay resulted in leav­
Hutchinson was sent out to examine
embassy In London tonight repeated
ing these small detachments at Oars
the suspected herds. He found symp­ 7I&.33I Acres May Be Filed on By
aid Dolores, isolated and consequent­
the denial communicated to the As-
toms of the disease In several bunches
Set tier« Next Spring.
aociated Press on December 21. say-
ly they were lost. All east stations
of cattle, and among those held up by
Washington. D. C., Dec. 24.—The Ing that there is absolutely no truth
have been heavily reinforced and we
him was the Reynolds herd, near Con­ president today signed the bill pro­
in th« statement that the Russian
are still sending men in. General Al­
viding for the opening of the Yakima government or anyone In official ca­
ton left here two weeks ago to take
Mr. Reynolds was dissatisfied with Indian reservation, allotment of lands
pacity has been endeavoring to se­
personal charge of affairs in Samar.
this action, and he caused another in severalty and the sale of the resi­
cure statement« from the Gamecock
I am still further reinforcing him
examination to be made by a veterin­ due of the lands, amounting to 715.-
fishermen In support of Russia's posi­
with constabulary and am consulting
ary, who reported that no mange ex­ 351 acres.
The bill appropriates tion .before the Paris commission.
with General Corbin, who. if neces­
Mr. Reynolds complained of *53.000 to defray the expense of
sary, will aid us with troops.
S im « t « at Ruwia.
the action of Inspector Hutchinson, classifying and appraising the lands
The sensational press of England
and Chief Hickox came here, accom­ and to mark the western boundary of
panied by Dr. R. H. Tracy, an eg pert the reservation. The reservation will directly charges the Russian govern­
from the department at Washington, be opened by presidential proclama­ ment with using underhanded means,
Tlx- Tliird of tiie Leiter Sister« to
by bribing and Intoxicants, to secure
to make a thorough examination.
tion some time in the spring.
Wed Aero* tlie Waters.
false statements from men of the
In the interval two shipments ot
The Rus­
Washington. Dec. 2«.—At noon to­ the suspected cattle had been made STILL WORKING ON DEMOCRATS. Gamecock fishing fleet.
sian consul at Hull tonight said the
day Miss Daisy Leiter was married to to markets Inside the state. While It
Earl Suffolk Yale in the Leiter man­ Is not charged that the suspects were Another Batch of Sentences Ground boatswain of the Ava was brought to
his office, but that he sent him to
sion in Dupont Circle. This is the disposed of, it is regarded as possible
Out at Denver.
the commissioner of oaths, where, the
third Leiter girl to marry a distin­ that most of them may have been
Denver. Dec. 24.—For participating consul nays, the boatswain swore l>e
guished Englishmen. The only guests shipped. The remainder of the herd
present outside of the
Immediate was examined by Dr. Tracy, whose re­ In election frauds In the recent elec­ saw a Japanese torpedo boat with the
family and most Intimate friends were port upheld Dr. Hutchinson in refus­ tion, the supreme court today sen­ trawlers. The consul says he knows
tenced Isaac Goldman and Edward of other trawlers who are ready to
of the British embassy. The ceremo­ ing certificates.
Under the rules of the department Sweeney, democratic election judges, make similar statements, but that
ny was performed by Rev. Roland
Colton Smith, of St. John’s Episcopal of animal industry an inspector must to four months in jail, and to pay a they are afraid of consequences.
church. The earl and his bride will refuse a certificate for cattle in every fine of *100; Clarence Dixon, a dem­
< ongratulate« Togo.
take an early steamer for England. case where there are “symptoms" of ocratic election officer, geta four
months and a fine of ,260; W. H.
Tokio, Dec. 24.—An Imperial re
Hunter, a democratic judge, has script addressed to A’lce-Admlrul Togo
jumped his bonds and disappeared.
Constable United His Hook With a
"We hear with great satisfaction
An Ohio Sin-riff Will Escort Him to
Old Sailor«' Home Destroyed.
that our topedo flotilla engaged In
Woman ai«l the Wild Man Bit.
Cleveland, Ohio.
New York, Dec. 24—The chapel of and did the work required of them,
Lodi. Dec. 26.—The wild man who
Albany, Dec. 26.—Sheriff Barry of Sailors' Snug Harbor, in New Brigh­ and In so doing had to brave the dan­
has been appearing absolutely nude
before women along the road in the Cleveland, today failed to get the nec­ ton. Staten Island, was destroyed by ger of storms and shells by day and
night. We especially not« their brave
northern part of the county was cap­ essary papers for the extradition of fire early thia morning. Eight hun­
and loyal performance to their duties,
tured by a legless constable, named Dr. Chadwick, who is expected to ar­ dred old sailors turned out to fight
and express our appreciation of their
Keeling, of Acampo yesterday. The rive from Europe Wednesday. Judge the fire which was confined to the
gallant behavior."
wild mart gave his name as Paul Joyce this morning declared the pa­ chapel. The loss was *300,000.
pers in the possession of the sheriff
Mother Wants Her children.
Vast Cave IM>«covcrv«l.
Keeling used a woman as a decoy were defective in that they did not In­
Dec. 24.—Former Crown
while he lay concealed In the bot­
Is not In New York state at this time. cave has been discovered near Rev­ Princess Louise left Leipsic en route
tom of the buggy.
It is reporter from
He therefore refused extradition pa­ elstoke, B. C. Charles Deutchman, a to Florence.
A railroad is to be built from Ma­ pers. Barry left for New York saying tourist and a guide, explored the cave Rome that she has engaged rooms for
nama into the Cascades, to tap the that he would get Dr. Chadwick and for two miles. It la a thousand feet her children, whom she says she in­
Santlam mines. It will be 28 miles In give him an opportunity of going vol­ deep and the Interior la of great tends to have brought to Florence at
all costa.
untarily to Cleveland.
«1 • It« sain- Her «pirits I mh-r A-«ar-
„>«v- ItsMi'. Her (ounwl Heit she
MliL He tiranuxl a New Trial M l>i< i>
Mill R«-«ull in Aiquliul—
R««T4«lng a latrge Numh«-r
l«-r« asal
I«i«gram- El
New York. Dec 24.—Nan Patter­
•on spent a restless night
in the
Tombs and is quite depressed tn spir­
its today. After she arose al
*. -hr as seized by a «»ere at­
tack ot nervousness. A physician
was summoned and after being given
a sedative she became more quiet
Laayer O'Reilly, of Mias Pat ter­
aon'a counsel, visited her this morn-
Ing and told her a new trial would
■■•on be granted, and acquittal La as-
This had a controlling effect
up«m her. .«'.ie has received a large
number of letters and telegrams ex-
preasing sympathy.
Halil«- «M-currcd N«-ar TtnitnM-Um—
Mluaiion Scri«»UM.
Tangiers. Dec 23.—As a result of
th« differences of the French a»«d
Moorish governments over the dis­
missal of Moorish officers, the pro-
J«ct»-<1 French mission to Fez la aban­
doned and the French agent at Fez
Is recalled.
The gravity of the situation Is de- i
f*j (js-.J
Th- French government has
ordered to the coast of Morocco “»■
French families at Fes where the ;
dao<er is considered imminent.
Haiti«- N*ar Tlmbnctoo.
Paris. Dec. 23. — A dispatch to the
Temps states that a battle < curred
near Tlmbuctoo between ths Mx»r>
ot the
( «•Hat Man 44 III X«* Danger P«-rmit
**akxm in Hl- Premia«.
Colfax. Wash.. Dee
44'ilman. owner ot the block in which
the star saloon, considered one of
the most notorious resorts In the Pa­
tou— , ountry. is conducted, has ex-
and yesterday
bexoited bls tenant, C. H Coryell, all
th- ix>oze and ot her paraphernalia
into the street.
Wiin«an dee lares that never
another of his buildings be used
saloon purpo to.
The Star is
In the county an
kne >wn as th- ' slaughter house.”
îhr io so many murders and rale
beer committed there.
Ne»«l Another Ju«lge.
a. Dec. 24.—A bill will be !n-
I at the coming session of the
for an addi-
ia! juige f<i
Fifth judlcfaJ
tri#*t. The
uness of Judge Mc-
de is groulr.y and It is almost Im-
•l ble for one ju-ige to attend to
At the session of
legislatur- in 1(95 a bill was tn-
trodmo-J to divide the district, but
’ :• r«:-t with opposition from Clack-
anu..« and Washington counties, as
th-y did not want to Jose the vaJua-
*. * •♦!-»-!< ea of Judge McBride. An ad- judge Is necessary to faclli-
•ate the business of the district.
Oiadwick u> Face tlx*
Cleveland. O
Dec. 2 4 —Goremor
Herrick •►day »««wed re^aiiiiion pa-
fers on the governor of New York
for Dr. Chadwick, who is Indicted
tn connection with, financial opera-
Hons of his «rife, Chadwick is ex­
t-ected to arrive In New York from
Europe next week.
rarely and fuJy.
NO. 10
liti N< H
II • *
At That Time Those to Whom
F. W. Schmidt is Indebted
Will Get Together.
ni.F u
nw«w All Hate < lalm» Illesi ai over
ime Hundnxl lioilar- Ead»—The
l-argc-t < Lalni Is Srven TlaHiaond
Doliarv—TI m - Tool Irulebu-dnew» !•
fucrity-tMo rimUMUMl DoUars 44 Iti»
Amounting lo
Thoamnd Ix.llar« Milli WUcti lo
Mr«< Tt*rm—Deciared Bankrupt.
F. M Schmidt, whose drug store
was < •»—d two months ago by action
of < reditors. was yesterday declared
a bau.krupt by F’ederal Judge Charles
B Bellinger. Schedules were return-
•- I th'« fnom.ic to Thomas F:tz Ger-
»)•! -«feree In bankruptcy, who has
set January 7 at IS a. m.. for the
first meeting ot the creditors. There
ar- - «re«lit,ni named la the sched-
ith ranging rrom a few
dol' rs to more than ,7099.
total in-lebtedness hi about 3'2 990.
with assets of perhaps ,14.999.
F- ibjairig are the names of tboee
: s Lal ms amounting to more
than I109
Pendleton savings Bank. ,311.35
First National Bank. ,1969. Joaepl
Busier, ,29-0; Noggle Brothers. ,406
Fir«* NaUonai Bank of Baker City
,1509; N E- Crar-ston. ,764*; F. B
• Lopton. ,1599 A. ft Grant. ,259;
B .mauer-Frank Drug Co. ,129* *2.
Meyer Drug Co.. *492.92; Sanboura-
Vell a Co ,419.41; Sunset v.»«»-»
,244; Stewart-Holmes
,593 14 John Weyth A Co.. , 147.44:
A Bauer A Co.. ,249.43; A- Varwlg.
,197 79. M Se.ler 4k Co-. ,141.22; A
S- igelm.n a Co.. ,117. San Francisco
Sulphur Co ,119.45; Lutke Manu­
facturing Co.. ,234.40,- A. T. Van
Clew ,399; F B. Clopton. ,54*52:
Pendleton Building Assca-iaUon. ,175;
Paul Brinkmar.. ,,34; F. & Younger,
1194 IS.
rbrrr-1 Mirth* 19W, M allow« CUp is
Enterprise. Ore.. Dec. 2*.—R C
Maya, who is buying wool in thia
cour.ty for the & KoohLand Company,
th:» week closed contracts fpr over
599.904 pounds
more wooL
makes about three-fourths of ths to­
tal wool clip of this county. Including
l.ft9v 090 pounds which he {urchased
• st week. The total «dip Is estimated
at 2 90S 900 pounda
With 14-cent
wool and the prospect of a substan­
tial rise In cattle, good times are
prophesied for the people of thia
county next year.
One Mill 4 aitatale Certain I««w-« of Youtq* Man is Repentant But Reso­
Bond- 44 lx-rcln tlx* Strict Lrtter of
lute ami I»eeUre~ H<- 44 III Y’et Win
the la« Ha- Not Been Complied
thr t.lri—I*arvnt« Broke Up Ar-
With—Tlw otlier Will Obviate Ha*
rancmietit* for an FTofirmwtt ami
Xcx-wdtj for 4ckn>ml««lging Deed«.
a < tiri-imaa 44 «skiing—An OwkiamL
■«boplifter» Di*-vr«w*rd.
Mortgage—. < ertlfkwte«. 44 arrant*.
< allfomia. t.lri. Running a Ckaae
Spokane. Wash
Dec. 24.—Three
women shoplifters were arrerted here
yesterday with great quantities of
stolen goods in their t-v't—ioa after
Sak-in Ore Dec 2 4.—To simplify
On 4Vedn«»«lay night Benjamin the p-- lce department had made a
matters do away with
■d tape.” Boynton atttempted suicide in Port­ syst-nsatlc hunt for them for thee
They are Mra Stetena who
land by taking chloroform on account week»
and to avoid the confusion that fre­
of parental opposition to his getting keeps a comer store In Union park:
«Jenerai married.
His life was saved by Mrs. Rachel Stevena aged 19. her
Crawford lias drawn up and will of­ prompt medical attention, and now daughter-in-law. and Miss Magdalene
fer to lhe legislature two bills for he declares he will live to win her Stevms, her daughter, aged 15. The
store «as searched and revealed etol-
amendment of Laws now- on the stat- heart and hand.
Hazel 44’Hson. a pretty 14-year-old en article» from axes and hardware
utes One of these laws provides the
miss, is the object of his affection to Nik skirts and children's under­
manner in which school bonds shall and despair because of the refusal of wear. The women admitted their
The women did the stealing
be Issued and disposed of. the other Alls« 44’ilson‘s mother to consent to a guilt
requires that all deeds, mortgages, marriage, caused his attempt al self­ by going into crowded stores together
etc., executed by the state land board destruction
Boynton is 21 years old. Two would wear raglan coats, full at
be acknowledged before a notary the son of B. F. Boynton, of the O. the bust, and would stuff plunder
I ubltc.
W. P a Ry Co., and Mis* Wilson ato IL while the other engaged the
The present school bond law pro­ in Trem«w,t. a suburb near Mf attention of the clerk.
vides that when bonds are to be is­ Tabor.
Onkmrrt to !*-avc !’«•«
sued by any school district, the state
For several months young Boynton
land boatd shall be given first option, has soucht the love of th« young
Tangier« Dec. 24.—The British
Ill 4 I Xi.I I I I. CHINI M
board does not take them woman tn the case, and he desired minister has instructed the British
GAMIII.ERx IX 1«»RTLAXD and If the
they may then oe offered to private that Christmas be their wedding day. consul and all British subjects to
But the parents of Miss Wilson ob­ leave Fea It is believed the other
Ila- l'oti-ntialltJc« o( a HlghMn<l«*r«' Interests.
Another provision of the same law jected and succeeded in having their legations have received similar in­
War Exist« in il»c Oregon Metropo­ is that when the school board of the objection sustained.
li—Th«< Tong Ila- Ralwvl Money district about to Issue bor is votes for
latst night the boy took poison in
Formally Expelled.
to Rcwuril A-wpsrtn« Who An- Iti- such Issuance, they must vote whether the parlor at the home of George H.
I.lepzic. Dec. 3,.—Former Crown
Mrii<i««l to Manier s«-ld Buck and or not they will sell them to the Richardson 84 East Eighth street
He declared, dramatically, that he Princess Louise of Saxony, was this
due sue. MctWiant« Who Ilan- In­
The least rate ot int«*rest that can could r.o longer live without the M’il- morning escorted to the frontier by
be charged by the land board under son girl to keep him company, but "ie poll.-e and formally' expelled from
Portland. Dec. 24.— For the death litis act ts 5 l>er cent, and It very often medical aid was summoned, the poi­ the country. She will go to Florence.
of Seld Back and Jue Sue. prominent transpires that school bonds can be son was pumped out of him. and he
merchants ot thia city, there Is a re­
King Alpixmao to Marry.
ward of ,500 each, offered by Chinese less rate. It was not the intention of of life.
“I am glad I did not succeed in
Madrid. Dee. 34.—It is anticipated
gamblers whose places have been the framers of this law. the attorney
raided by Sheriff Word and his dep- general says, to make It compulsory taking my Ufe." said the young man the announcement will shortly
upon the state board to take up the«e this morning, when he was able to made of the marriage of King Al­
"I was phonso and Princess Victoria, daugh­
The public announcement of the school bonds, nor upon the school dis­ return to his apartments.
offer haa caused Intense excitement in trict to Issue them exclusively to the mad with love, and did not know ter of the Duke of Connaught. King
Chinatown. Those whose lives are state, but rather to serve as a means what I was doing. I will never make Edward's brother. The wedding. It
threatened went to the sheriff's office for the loaning out of the state school mother attempt. I will live and win is said, win occur in June.
tor protection. Sheriff Word under­ funds on the one «ide. and to give the sirl of my love."
When Mrs. Wilson refused to allow
took to thwart any effoit that might the schcol districts the advantage of
the young man to marry her daugh­
be made to earn the reward by prov­ a mrxlmum rate of inte«cst.
4 Dumb*«' Fnrnier Inv«wts $100 in
ing the rumors against them to be
When this came to the
fusion which results from different to elot*.
Is'aruing That Wine and Woiuen
Arc E\|H*n»lve l uxuries.
Since Sheriff Word began his reg; interpretations of this law, the attor­ mother's cars she fell In a fainting fit.
Boynton, during the greater portion
C. A. DeMasters was robbed of ,100
ular raids upon the Chinese gambling ney general will seek to simplify it
houses he has made few mistakes in by merely requiring that the bonds of his life, resided at Oakland. Cal., at Portland yesterday.
The victim farms 200 acres of land
finding the places where games were be «ubmltted to the consideration of and while there he was the victim of
operated. The accuracy of his Infor­ the state land board first, and then. his first love affair. The pretty gtri. at Dundee and owns 800 more, which
mation and the certainty of a raid If seen fit. offer to private parties. there was Daisy Reed. He then came • re leased. He came to Portland
nt soon as a game w.<« opened caused This amendment will also validate north and forgot her. but she did not yesterday with his daughter and a
the Chinese to wonder as to his source all schoyl bonds which have been is­ forget him. In some manner, the little son. leaving his wife and six
of information.
Various schemes sued under the present law. where Iieed and 44'llson girls got into com­ children waiting for the Christmas
have been devised and followed to any doubt exists as to their legality munication. and there were heart- presents they were expected to pur­
throbs and grief
chase. Selling a load of produce, the
learn where he received his tips. on account of failure to conform to
An elopement had been planned to farmer sent hie children out to buy
Spies were put upon the tracks of all the strict provision of the law.
The state land board has found the take place last Saturday night. Miss presents.
Chinese who were suspected.
act requiring thvt all deeds, mortga­ Wilson and her lover Intending to go
They did not return to the Dewey
Then there was a meeting of the
ges. certificates, warrants, etc., be to San Francisco by boat. A detec- hotel, where the farmer was staying.
Chinese gamblers. The reporta of the
­!. and becoming alarmed,
spies were submlttei rn I It was de-
ance. and many of these Instruments ped the runaway match.
he went to look for them. He met
clued that the traitor« . must dle.
In the past have been exteuted with­
i young and good-looking woman, to
Each gambler contributed the sum of
out such acknowledgement. In some
Stuilctua Suspeiule«!.
whom he confided hla tears that harm
cases the Instruments executed in
New York. Dec. 23.—Four sopho- had befallen his progeny.
this manner have been accepted and more« of the party which attempted
The children were found gazing at
TipiMvl AlplioiiHo Out.
i ecorded by the county officials, but to kidnap Klngdon Gould, who drew
Madrid, Dec. 24.—While driving in In many Instances they have been re­ ■I revolver and fired on them, were a shop window and were sent to the
an auto yesterday King
Alphonso turned to the board for the necessary suspended by the faculty of Columbia hotel. DeMasters and hts assistant In
the search made their way to the
lad a narrow escape from injury. rcknowledgment
The amendment University today, until February 6
The wheel of the car broke and the will dispense with the acknowledge­ The undergraduates petitioned the Oregon house, at Third and Couch
streets. There he purchased a bottle
car was overturned.
ment. and will validate all instru­ faculty to reinstate the
suspended of beer.
ments heretofore executed
and re­ stude its. If the request Is not com­
He remembers nothing more until
Professor Kreutx at Kiel university, corded without the acknowledge­ piled with the student body will like­
he awoke this morning; woman and
has discovered a new comet.
ly strike.
money, about ,109. were gone.