H— £ — t ’ by parsimonious government for -M — OREGON l\ \ B\h LIGHT. ■» f liiiiiuhs iv.iding his 1'iipei in the day (this Is a very low estimate), we find Frankly. HOW n hat do you think the that the people of the world ulto- gether irtinually occupy time equivu- East thinks of Oregon, today? lent to luo.oou years reading l lie pa- What would you think of Massa- pei s. chusetts. i d .Montana. Deports last night lip to tip. was brought to town today ♦ < lalnis thut the woman found mut- I Ivy Charles Keyes of Melrose. Mr I $18 |x*r year and .ill expenses. Indicated that the severest «’old in the ♦ dered on Cutler inountuln, near Col ­ Keyes killed the animal yesterday stat* 1« in Northern Montana. At ♦ For the hospital service, surgeons reoentatlon of one of those states Guard thou thy thoughts! Hugh A. Jamieson, a IVnnsylvanla orado Springs. 1» itis wife, who dlsap- Havre it was 25 helotv and at Great near Callahan's sawmill. 11 miles west should be brought deeds we do. and every into the public For ¡physicians ami nurses between the millionaire, who has heavy Interests poured from home several days ago. Falls at 10 o’clock it was 20 below. of here.- -Roseburg lieview. word we speak I ages of 20 and 50 are wanted at sal­ vi« w as defendants In one of the gre.it- In Oregon lumber and mines. I» dead This is the 14th man to claim the I There was very little more snowfall Are outcome of some picture of murdered woman as his wife. I aries ranging from $1200 per year for est smuggling conspiracies of the at Warren, Pa. In the northern section than In the the mind; ♦ è Seven vessels belonging to the Se­ ♦ The maximum punishment given hospital assistants lo $250 per month century? vicinity of Helena, and the cold snap ♦ And thoughts are pictures. Then attle Commercial company are now- Dimension lumber of all 4*- let thoughts be pure. for surgeons. è After you had learned that these any of the rioter« guilty of the Kish- frozen in Hie Yukon river, below Daw­ does not worry the men who have cat BAIMI s-rlptlons Hash. Doors. Blinds. Ineft nuuuuicre In May. 1903, was 170 tie on the ranges, because they are in And as each Image shall be pure son. with every prospect of being I Civil engineers are wanted, from 25 conspirators had been kept in official day» Imprisonment. ♦ Moulding. Building and Tar Pa­ * goo 1 shape, nnd a few days of cold and good. In all its «t*i;«. ground to atoms when the Ice breaks « So will It be expressed in word • to 50 years of age. at salaries reach- positions for years, while their cor­ It has now been decided that the up in the spring, they lielng in the wlli not do any harm. per. • I Ing from $85 per month for chain­ rupt and dishonest practices were be­ murdered woman found on Cutler «'wing to tile fai t that the telegraph or act. * jiarrows, where the ice gorges are ♦ offices in Eastern Montana close at ( clean»-«, •kX/ti»*« «nd r ✓ Thoughts rule our life, our » men to $300 per month for chief en­ ing conducted by stool pigeons and mountain. near Colorado Sprinic*. i" fui ious. I o’clock Hunday evening, and the cold U m - d!•*-•*' d mernbnif «• health, our happiness; BRING YOLK BILL TO TA Tu<» “society belle«“ of Portland gineers to have charge of surveys. tools for the officials. In daring fear- M is. Beaaie Bouton, of Santa Bar- wave did not begin to move until llcureBCAUkrrb aruldx ^ • bara. Cal. And as we think, so are we. so were detected In a theft of flowers AND GET Ol K I IGI'ItEH. Steani shovel engineers and steam lessness. wouldn't you take a doubt­ about that hour, it was not possible to aw ay a c<4d in tbe be become. A h tht* tcMiilt of the bitter factional from a grave in Lone Fir cemetery. g*t the temperature In that section u> « fluence the «»lection <»f the next nixed and claimed by friends who afternoon from east as fur as Mlles I $220 per month. Frankly, now. wouldn't you? and a cure fuL«/««. It i« txX dry:nif— City were to the effect that there was United Stale« senator. hud furnished them fur the relatives ii«.t prTOCKMAN. of ti little child who had died the day u light snow arid that the thermome­ Fdwat d < ’ . Uokv w.ts* killed Sund.iv or by ru«il; 1 ruU Sil*.-, 10 Cent«. in body and mind, of splendid phy­ York, and had a family needing a ter was gradually falling Helena In­ night at Springfield. Mo., by the col­ before. £l.Y BiW/1 iIKKb, U W wt « b StreK, New Ycrt ♦ dependent. ♦ After reading the accounts of the sique. because of the enervating cli­ home on the public domain, and that lapse of a folding bed. Coke weigh­ Opposte W. A C. it Depot. The resignation of Rev. Artur 8. Al- ♦ oppressions of the beef tru,t in the mate. and of splendid morals because this news concerning the theft of mil­ ed over 200. whm a cripple and was Irn. pastor of the First Baptist church « Branded \noll>cr Man's llorsr. r at Monmouth, has been requested by state of Iowa, printed in yesterday's of the horrible temptations of the lions of acres of the public lands of unable to help himnelf. « his congregation because of srandai- Joseph A Stench, the Round Basin Ex-Pi evident Sam. of Hayti, haa East Oregonian, if Western stockmen Spanish towns on the Isthmus and in the country, by rich syndicates, ous reports circulated about him. The nnd stockman, and saw mill Johnnie been sentenced to life Imprisonment « ♦ « do not assemple in large numbers, at close proximity to the canal zone. through the connivance and assist­ for itmuing fraudulent government church exonerates Allen from the Tribbett of Monument, had a pre- : the Denver meeting of the National The only examinations to be con- anee of ati I'regon congressional del- charges, hut thinks the results «nul l llminary examination before Justlee BLACKSMITH bond*, with the proceeds of which he ♦ be unsatisfactory should he remain in Rea oil a charge of larceny of a 2- Livestock association, to prevent ihe ducted in the West for these posi- egation. should reach you. wouldn't undertook to leave the country. ♦ Horseshoeing, general repair­ charge longer. > ear-old mare belonging to Georg» ♦ trust from gaining control of that °r- tions will be conducted at Cheyenne you be "sore” at < iregon and her de­ < *ne of the most severe snow storms « ♦ John Rinehart, station agent of the Irvin <>f Monument. The animal had ! •ng. wagon making and rapai r- ganizatlon. they need not kick at in years k now raging in Northern and Denver, on January 10 and 18. moralized citizenship? Northern Pacific at Frances. In been "found" on the rang* and was EXTRACTED BY TOE MOD- ♦ tng. The way I have built up t'ulorado and Southern Wyoming, and future oppressions of the trust. Panama will be the most intolera- ♦ Wouldn't you ask yourself. "What thousand* of »to k on the unprotect­ Franklin county, «an found d«Rud in claimed by Mr. Fteach arid had been ♦» my business Is by doing noth- 1RS METHOD. 54M bed Wednesday morning He hai branded In his corral, but not with his The national association Is to be ble climate ever tackled by an Amer kind of a set of thieves Is that In­ ed ranges are doomed to perish. Prlcea rea- < ♦ Ing but goo; work been Invited OUI to dinner and not branding Iron according to testimony __ . ... but ■« ........... sense, ........ rigid .(..J I — .«I. reorganized from the ground up, at ■ J lean, If common mil 4 festing Oregon?” Only 1<» states cast more votes for I making his appeararu-*. Ills friend, and Tribbett was among lhe men who, J sonable. We are thoroughly equipped * : the Denver meeting, which convenes itary discipline and the most strict What. then, must be the public sen­ Swallow, the prohibition with all modern roe' ->4a and candidate hunted him and found him as if helped In the work Mr. Str-ach 1« , «or ColtíHIVíesI Alta St ». on January 10. and if the stockmen and minute sanitary regulations pre- timent concerning Oregon, in the for president, than «li- lake place in Madrid, iate in the by '-ongres, and the Indian commis­ bond» -Long Creek Ranger. sioner, they must attend only th* spring. x A new lot of pianos and small As* rtatkHi Block Where this Infernal trust can cause ( eries and Intemperance among all main of the very land of which they ••iliopterifcs In «erkiflekl. musical instruments for the Mrs. J. C. Squire calmly waited In Alaskan wh'HJi, eatabllshed for them Telcplmne Maia IMI artificial depreciation of livestock classes. are In such sore need, must feel a her kitchen in Tacoma and when a Several liave been denied admission Dick Nelli today received a copy of HOLIDAY TRADE These will kill men tn better di­ keen pang of hatred for the conspira­ burglar entered she fired point blank to Ch*maw*a recently value» as it has done in Iowa, for the the Goldfield New», from Charley The famous Warren i The i paper -a per carries a: ait ad for at him with her revolver. De didn't ' purpose of depressing the industry", mates, aad if followed, will soon end tors. down deep in their hearts E«I 90 IN-.q.l«- Banner. Philbrick & A Fenner, and tarry to investigate or to explain his j the primrose path in such a spot as STEINWAY AND EMERSON ♦ and wrecking the markets, to what Wouldn't youT Th* o'al Salvation Lrtny corps »«nt give» »«-r-ire me tlon of the arriv- errand. limit would it not go. to place the en­ Panama. And when they know that public pianos. New styles are ready Colo- Now that the four months drouth I ■■•it 27 boxes of fiowl on f'hristmas al of the Kitchen ext-edltion We have located a «ranch office in American sense and discipline havi •e servants and public officials hlgh hi tire stock Industry in its merciless for your selection. Latest styles formerly of is broken in the region of the Ohio I lay. coittalnln* dinner* for »0 people, nel Frank V. Iirake Pendleton, and wlli make collecting and designs in lace curtains, made Havana a fit place in which to the councils of the state are Involved river, that stream promises lo go to I j'«tlier rifts were also distributed on Portland «xx-uples a w hole lot of grasp? defunct bills a specialty. No ac­ portieres and rugs. Agent for «hat day. and the poor were made spac- in an Interview i and the card of live. The same virtues are making in these disgraceful and count too old for us to handle. flagrant the other extreme an*s company, and found claims tablish this association high and dry i hopeless cripple and sufferer, went n«e Van AlMine-GordíMi a to. Mer­ Every effort was st. ke ! four deep, most of them being treatment. ing such salaries from the people, into an undertaker's establishment four people each above the reach of this octopus of the cantile .Agency, H. V. Upe a • !e to reach the ri'.ost needy, ar.1 th* rank««t of wildcat* However. should prostitute the public service, selected and paid for a casket and , packing house interests. More Near Bridge. Co, Mgr«. far as is known not a worthy poor Warren »ay» there la heap» of ore In Now that the thing has happened th*-n T^hng a pistol shot himself and f imily was mli •d ‘ ‘ by the messengers, th» district and It look» good to him. IS E CcHirt St. Telodewic Main Sil- Now is the time to do it. and not a and Daisy Leiter, daughter of Chi­ degrade the state and drag down the fell dead beside It. tHHHtHOHHHH i»HI standard of official life, in such a year from now. The association is to cago's Charles M««'usker. Jam»« Merry ignorant and boorish old shameful manner? be reorganised now, and the forces butcher has tacked herself onto the and Joseph McGill, of Philadelphia, Just put yourselves in their places who celebrated Ohristmaa by a big that gain control at the reorganlza- fag end of Suffolk's worm-eaten and drunk In their ro«»m at a lodging H tion will direct its future policy, and scandal-besmirched dukedom. Amer­ in the East. house, were burned to death while Just imagine that your children determine its usefulness to the stock ican newspapers that have published ♦ : were growing up in a narrow life, de- helplessly intoxicated. interests. columns of rot about the wedding and prived of a home on the wide domain It is possible that a whipping r»ost : If the trust reorganizes it the trust have run pictures of all the Leiter « W .-'..■ gt- D II of the government, and that rascals will direct it. dog. with millions of dollars and thousands C., in accordance with a recommen- ♦ ♦ family, including the house dation of President Roooevelt, to pro- I : If you don't go to Denver and as- should hire somebody to kick them of acres of land already in their pos­ vide »ome a«l*Kjuate means of punish­ ♦ ♦ sert you rights, don't go whining around the block. After Its all said session. were engaged In wholesale ment for u ife-beaters. : *♦ around hereafter, about the oppres­ . ♦ and done, and the old butcher's corruption, to still further narrow the United States senator Fairbanks ♦ ♦ sion of the trust. vrll! become a M«u*on in one day He money and daughter have been set­ opportunity before you and your fam­ :t will take entered apprentice degree An independent packing house sys­ tied on a foreign "title" that will ily. wouldn't you feel like taking up in the morning. become a fellow [ tem, capitalized, directed and manned give a pedigree almost equal to that « a red flag, as the anarchists' preces­ ciafInman in the afternoon, and take | by actual stockmen, is the only sal­ of a good Missouri jack, to the next sion passed by your low. narrow dour, tb< masters* degree tn the evening. vation for the stockmen of the West. generation of Leiters, what doe, It ■ and demanding a little more justice, Hit hard, while your Iron is hot. or all mean to a sensible American? to follow a Christmas spree among | < ►' a little less protecting partisanism for . i* • - . . :.i«- V. •• t* r A-.al a«a t- ! forever after hold your peace! It is not an example that an Ameri­ rascals, a little more severity in the < X > emy. Intoxicant* were smuggled Into I < >♦ can girl could Imitate in good taste penalties for such crimes? the rooms of students and a drunken ! A CENTVRYS COST OF WAR. and it is a consummation despised by Really, is it time to do something carousal aas ho-id by about 21 highly I I connected young men. The New York World says if con­ English girls. It is simply- a business In Oregon ? i X > deal — an exchange of million« for a A young woman aged about 21 < X . gress should pass the resolution of The nation is pointing its finger of flung herwif from a fourth story Such "weddings" Mr.. Bartholdt. of Missouri, for the gold brick title scorn and disgust at Senator Burton, window to the pavement, in a per­ should be confined to the clearing compilation of statistics showing the of Kansas, who took a bribe from a fectly nude condition, in New York cost of war and war preparations in houses and should not enter the sa­ brokerage concern In St. Louis What city Tuesday, killing herself instantly cred sanctuary of the affections and • > all countries since 1800, it will be is the state of political morals in sentiment. In a room against her wtu and found that the price should "stagger Kansas, where Burton halls from? ed to the pavement to escape. • H ► humanity." That's the question on every tongue. Louis Chapkowsky. of New York ' ♦ < < • > Never before In Oregon was there Charles Summer said in 1845 that Think of it. City, labored for five years to get hlsi such a chattering of official teeth and it would be "difficult, if not impos­ brother Abraham out of an Insane i a creepy feeling down official spines The paper trust has raised the price asylum on the grounds that he was not I sible. to arrive at an exact estimate as now, while the federal grand jury <.- all kinds of news and mercantile really insane, and even If It should nt the cost" of.standing army. navy, ls handing out indictments as if they paper. until it will be necessary for be proven that he was, he was harm- ' fortifications and arsenals and militia. were bouquets. It will have a whole­ newspapers to increase their prices or less He succeeded, and Abraham shot . < • To these, he said, must be added the \rirr Itavr wr plaord on «ale •ocii grrst valúes and MMdi a Largx- aiawlment oC ander niu-din». some. healthful effect on Oregon. go out of business. While the facili­ Louis, wounding him until he «rill die.! IT1 ’ • man. » • ■ enormous loss caused by the wlth- The state has been one sided, politi­ ties and raw material for manufactur­ fined $10 for drunkenness on Christ-i OBSERVE the vartciy of the garmenu we offer and notice the enei lent flnl-di and larinl Mylex. It will convince you that brxne drawal of "millions of hardy. healthy cally so long, that many of the belov­ ing paper are better and cheaper than mas day. In New York City. On men, in the bloom of life, from use- •«•wing la the lerieM drudgery and you will »umirr how wr can wdl tl»--e r««ls *> «-heap Emouoiy tell« you to boy your umWwenr learning his circumstances and that ed politicians thought their depravity ever before, the finished product is ful. productive labor." Stager had five children at home, the would never be unearthed, at least higher, and is reaching still higher. ready nuwle. when you c*n buy at ■nidi kn* prio-- a« we «rffer at thl« aale.. Mr. Summer found that from 1789 judge remitted the fine conditioned until after their death. They did not This is one instance of the oppression entire upon Stager spending the WE HAVE DIVIDED O< R 81.000 STOCK OF IN PER Ml MANS IN SIX IAJTS. whl 4. will make it a grvat deal enelcr for yon to to 1843 our government had spent reckon on the fearless and startling of a trust that is felt directly by the amount for Christmas presents for the $$48,(20.055 tor all civil purposes, etaona tie garments yon want, and will are tint* for the cost of the war of 1812 with Great NORTHWEST M WS. ords and political inctlty that he does paper, must bear the increased bur­ Britain, had spent $1,335,000,000 in ♦ ♦ not stop to ask a man's pedigree be­ dens imposed by the trust. If the Burglars stole $20*0 worth of furs ♦♦ preparation for war, plus $400.004,000 ♦♦ fore throwing the harpoon Into him. newspapers are allowed to exist. It from the establishment of H IJ*bes • for militia. Eighty cents of every dol­ full length, if there is an odor of crime < In Portland. Sunday night. A Co is now a notoriously thankless busi­ lar raised by federal taxation in time lingering on his official robes. Here­ Astoria fishermen have decided to ness to publish a newspaper, and If of peace was a tribute to the fetich vsk for an amendment to the pre*ent after. if you would hold a federal job the exactions of the combines con­ fish law», je-rmltting them to fish on of war. in Oregon, you must be good. If tinue. all prices must advance. The federal government nowadays Sundays. Roosevelt does nothing else, during appropriates about $200,000,000 a During the year 1914. there have bls entire administration, than to When Baker City gets to feeling been 93 violent deaths In the city of o year for direct warlike preparations, clean out the government land frauds blue and g^um. and wants to say some­ Seattle, most of them suicides and In this kH you will find beau­ or in seven years more than It did in on the Pacific coast, he will have ac­ thing mean, she revives the story murders tiful devdgns in lace atul eni- Drawer, the first 53 years of its existence. complished a work worthy of a life­ that the M «'-rande land office is to Mrs. Eugenia V. Hogan, mother of How about the world cost of war? bmkler) trimmed U aid. time. be removed to Baker City, at once. Kat* Hogan, the well known elocu­ The debts of nations given in the tionist. died Tuesday at her home in < bneti While this do. s not do Baker City any skirt. World Almanac exceed $30,000,000.- Drawer* The bureau of animal InduMry has particular good, it makes La Grande Colfax, aged 70. John Mi Grath, of Vancouver. B. C, 000. These do not nearly represent indorsed the action of Dr. E. N. < .<>w Q.«4 feel bad all over, and thus the object was accidentally shot killed. and 1 the cost_ of a century's wars, but only Hutchinson. in refusing to grant a cer- Skirt* of the little thrust Is attained. Baker while out hunting with a friend M«>n- that portion of the cost which remains tlflcate to cattle affected with the City will get the La Grande office day morning. unpaid and a charge upon the people. mange, and that action was perfectly A. C. Murray was held up on Mor- w hen Cabbage Hollow gets a Carnegie Only in a few cases, like Canada and proper. U the government does not neon street. Portland. Christmas night library. New Zaland, does public debt repre­ "set down hard” on stock diseases. and robbed of $8 within a block of sent other than war expenditure, and they will continue to spread and In­ Tlilrtv years ago, the people of Or­ three policemen, he claims >' > Roseburg cltlsens have called a these sums are more than balanced fect the herds of Oregon. If the gov­ egon l>egan the agitation for a ship mass meeting to consider amendments by "left-over” debts from the 18th ernment could reach, in some way, canal by the obstructions In the Co­ to the city charter permitting munici­ * century. the Isolated and secreted cases of scab lumbia river. This is a long time to pal ownership of lhe water system. The earth has 1,487,900,000 inhab­ which are known to exist among Ore­ wait, and the wheat farmers of the T«n •dylrs < H * From 9 o’clock Christmas morning If you have any doubt about itants, or 297,580,000 families. Its gon flocks, the counties and the state Inland Empire have swelled the divi­ Ing until 9 o'clock Monday morning, < ’♦ Two Mjlc Drawer, permanent load of war debt is $1000 at large would benefit by Rs treat­ dends of private monopolies by sev­ or 24 hours, 81 arrests were made by < « > great talue for little money, ar»' of the Portland policemen. most Two ,t, le. UalMs for every family. ment of these cases. There are know n eral millions in that time. lot 5 ForMet Covers Drawer*, V charges being drunkenness. Two «tylea skirt. to be whole bands of sheep in differ­ Skirts and Gowns, in a great Th government has issued orders « » > HO, FOR PANAMA! When you read of the blizzards in ent parts of Eastern Oregon affected for the purchase of iOoo h«-ad of cav­ < X > tartrey of style*. the Central West and the freezing alry horses, to be bought on the Paci­ The first flush and novelty of the with the scab, and yet they pass from snowstorms in the East, are you not fic coast, for use in the Philippines. h > war in the Philippines having been range to range, with impunity. A lit­ glad you are a citizen and resident of The order must be filled by July 1. tasted and cast aside by adventurous tle more government regulation and Axel Harmon and John Larson, two Oregon, despite the horrible humilia­ young Americans, the next world-fa­ government severity would be whole­ sailor« from a British bark In port tion of the land frauds? mous clime to be conquered by this some. at Portland, were drowned while ca­ indomitable race is Panama. It Is hoped that Newt Williamson rousing In a drunken spree, in the X > The only instance on record in The same thrill will fire the veins and Charlie Fulton lk out for Ore- Willamett river. Tuesday morning. Eastern Oregon, where the citizens of Charles E. Franser, who was injur- of the young American, in thinking gon postofflces In Washington, while a school district doubled the tax ask­ ed in the wreck of the Elka* excur- of the dash to Panama, as filled hie Hermann and Mitchell are attending sion train near «'hehalis. on August ed for by the school board, was re- tèown. Iatc~t styk-w and xhapex. If heart with hope and his mind with to urgent business In Portland. 23. 190$. died at St. Vincent's hospital corded when Pendleton granted the dreams of conquest, when he march­ at Portland. Tuesday, from his In­ skirt., you fall to supply yourself now school board SCO,000 for new school juries. ed away to embark for Luzon. you won't get another ciutncr. houses, when the board asked for but Drawer, A smoothing plane, made from oak Men are wanted in Panama— A statistician ha, learned that the Take a few while they last. $30.000. The spirit that prompted from the hulk of "Old Ironside«,” the strong, staunch, hearty, robust men, annual aggregation of the circulation pioneer fighting ship of the I'ntted Gown», skirt*. Drawers. Corset such splendid public progress will not of the papers of the world is estimated of physical prowess, horse sense, mul­ :A great >artety of Mylex. Covers. complain at any reasonable tax levy, to be 12,000,000,000 copies. To grasp States navy, has just been added to > ish tenacity and bull dog nerve, all of the collection In the Oregon Histori­ for the continued improvement and the Idea of this magnitude we may cal Museum In Portland. which ingredients are found in plen­ state that It would cover no fewer maintenance of the public schools. Ho < > Oregon capitalists, principally from tiful supply on the Pacific coast. than 10.450 square miles of surface; whatever the decision of the people Baker county, are said to hav* form ­ that it is printed on 781,000 tons of The government wants clerks, today in the tax levy, the board will paper; and, further, that if the num­ ed a company to buy the Weiser I r. bookkeepers, timekeepers, surgeons, be heartily indorsed in its policy. ber ( represented, in­ smelter. The smelter has a enpaclty assistant surgeons, hospital experts, of 100 tons per day. and will be used stead of copies, seconds. It would take nurses, doctors, civil engineers, expert If everybody gets into the collar more than 333 years for them to lapse. to smelt Seven Dei Ils ore. If purchas­ powder men, mining engineers, ditch and digs for the gymnasium fund lec­ In lieu of this arrangement, we might ed. lians Knutson, a Scandinavian sail­ engineers, steam engineers and all ture to be given by the Commercial press and pile them vertically upward to gradually reach our highest moun­ or on the bark John R um . was wash­ classes of laborers to oversee and Association, ine boys will be enabled ed from the bowsprit Into the sea. tains. have charge of the monstrous task of to clear $150 for the fund. This la Topping all these and even the outside the Columbia bar. Tuesday, digging the can*!. better than begging for it, isn’t it? highest Alps, the pile would reach and was drowned. A heavy gale was For this service the government Of course it is. and everybody must the magnificent altitude of 490. or In blowing and he was not seen after he round numbers 500 miles. Calculat-1 fell into the sea. will pay the highest salaries ever paid lend a hand. | Ing that the average man spends five] The prisoners in the Oregon penl- {¿»♦»(((•(•♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•••»♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»O» • •••••••••••••••• » a : : Nasal CATARRH ftfr** I : Ely's Cream Balm a • •••••••• • ••••• 1 Building Material Grays Harbor : Commercial Co. H. M. SLOAN i TEETH : Just Arrived t X White Bros Expert Collectors Jesse Failing ♦ Muslin Underwear ♦ ♦ SALE ALL THIS WEEK : ’ F LI 1 •I THE WHITE WEAR SALE OF THE SEASON LOT 1 LOT 4 13c 59c LOT 2 LOT 5 19c 79c LOT 3 LOT 6 29c $1.13 % 8 < '4 Lee Teutsch’s Dept. Store 4 Main and Alta Streets i