Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
■s WEEKLY EDITION Unswayed by fear, uninflu enced by favor, the East Ore gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county, state and national affairs. It Is fair, absolutely fair. to . aose who differ from its views, as well ss to its friends. e •— w I I WEEKLY EDITION 4 I o PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1904 VOL. XXVIII 25.203: Debs. 17 O»3 and Parker. 1«.-! 278. WORK OX THE III H.D1NGS river 500 lluiiinM'r« at I j C w I m I Delaware Goes Republican bv Four Plurality—May Contest Election of Folk in Missouri. uim I uim I Saws Hu-> Clark Fair Site. Portland. Nov. 10—Since the I^wls and Clark exposition was projected there has not been more activity up on the extensive grounds than there was yesterday, with more than 500 hammer« saws and shovels In action. The progress made on the work of construction during the past week is remarkable. Four or five new buildings have been started and the finishing details have been applied to the skeletons of buildings started months ago with remarkable rapid ity and fine effect. state The ce'ling of the Oregon The building is being whitewashed, process Is one of the most Interesting sighls on the ground« Men work 200 feet above the floor on’rafters and scaffolds. pouring on whitewash pumped through lines of hose by an engine on the ground floor. It would be Impossible to whitewash the build- in* by hand. In this same building the skylights and dome are being fitted with a substance known tut translucent fab ric. a combination of oil and varn- ishes which serves the purpose of glass Before the work has been finished there will be 15 boxes of this material used, and each box contains 32 sheets, eich of which measures eight feet square. Roosevelt Has Three Hundred Thirty-Three Votes in the tlectoral College Beyond Doubt SO to 75 RepuWkwn Majorit). Washington. Nov ».—“What’s the use? It'» getting worse.” said Chair man Cowherd, of the democratic con gressional cam|>algii committee, when asked this morning for his estimates of the republican congress. Cow herd had just received a dispatch from Missouri Indicating his probable defeat In hl» own district for re-elec tion Conservative estimates indicate the republican majority in congress at between 40 and 75. NO. 101 IN5TINT DEATH CENÎBIILÏ LOST Of t. F. BM Hopelessly Defeated Most of the Counties of the State. in 0. R. & N. Passenger Con ductor Mangled Under the Wheels at Kamela. < <4on>du Ri-publkau I Denver. Nov. ».—The republican HELPER ENGINE Ns Itcpubll« an Major it) oí Kight>-Í*»ur in tlir !••»«•« un«l Twmc>-foar in üw ticket I» undoubtedly elected by »000 OREGON iX>K lUHtoKILLT Republk-an« Mill Elect tltc Next Senator in Mi-«o«tri—Colorado Carried . * * with Peabody running 2900 behind Senate a» a M«—nil of T1Ü» Elrciion—Cowherd DrfraiMl in Ml««>uri. An enormous nuriilws of scratched bj Kuoarveiu But state ballots will delay the returns until Broidbiou Majority in Milton and lYrevtaler Willett Que-tlou Efflca«’» of late this evening. in lie RepiibBcnn—Closr Virginia—Result nor of Missouri—Montana leuislature Mill •Republican* Make a Clean S weep In West Folk 1« Elrvtcd Capital Contrat in Wyoming. Baltimore Not Certain Till Offlc tal Count I» Made. St. Louts. Nov. 3.— Returns ili is morning Indicate that Folk is elect- Reno, Nev.. Nov. 10.—Sixty-two a plurality of 14.553 and Folk a* ed by about 30.000 majority and the Thia count includes all the out of 17« precincts in Nevada give 35,131. New York, Nov. ».—The greatest was given McKinley. The president’s rest of the democratic ticket by a re Van- big citie« and is most complete, so Roosevelt 3289; Parker, 2083. surprise of the election was given to plurality aggregates 204.000 Parker duced majority. Roosevelt carried Hl dusen. democrat, for congress. 2345; far as made. day when It was learned the vote of secured 33.000 plurality In Greater Louis by 13*4 over Parker 23»». A. S. Yerington, republican. the "solid South" had been broken New York outside of Brooklyn Roo The republicans have made a clean Roose?ell May Visit Fair. by the great Roosevelt landslide. sevelt’s plurality in Brooklyn Is 1223 llocxevrit and la Follette. sweep, carrying nearly every county. Washington. Nov. 10.—The fact With Missouri In the republican col Milwaukee Nov. ».—Early returns Both parties claim the legislature. that Missouri surprised the country umn President Roosevelt will have l*arkrr Tlitol in Nebraska. today show that Wisconsin goes for by swinging into the republican col- The vote In 27 precincts out ot 8« 333 votes in the electoral college. Lincoln. Neb.. Nov. *.—All doubts Roosevelt by 45 0*0 and La Follette Colorado in a Tangle. umn may cause President Roosevelt In Umatilla county for president and While both sides claim that stats, by 34.0*0. concerning the state tickets are set Denver. Nov. 10.—The situation in to reconsider his refusal to visit the SNOW IN MIDDLE WEST. vice president Roosevelt and Fair which for 35 years has been safely tled by the later returns, which Indi Colorado is still in a tangle, but there World's Fair. A delegation of expo- bank« 8*1»; Parker and Davis. »77; democratic In national election* tats Cowherd Krrleird cate the election of Mickey republi is reason to believe Adams, demo sition officials started from St. Louis In IX-tera Nebraaka and Western returns this afternoon place Miswiuri majority for republican candidates can. for governor, by 15.000. The Kansas City. Nov. » —With St out crat. is elected governor by about last night to again extend him an in over democratic, 1(42. under the republican banner. Missouri of 13* precincts in the fifth congres- republicans have a safe majority In 7000 plurality. The Roosevelt electors vitation. It is believed the president That Joseph Folk carried the state The vote in 33 previncta out ot 3« Kansas City. Nov 10—A light the legislature. Insuring the election district to hear from this morn carried the state by about 20.000. The may now accept, in return for the for governor is not disputed. snow fell here early today. of Congressman Burkett to the agn ing. Congressman Cowherd, chairman in I'niaiilla county on the question of plurality returns are still incomplete, great compliment paid him. Fur prohibition. It«*; ate. The congressional delegation Is of the democratic congressional com prohibition not 50 per cent being counted. Ur»l Virginia Republican against prohibition 244«. majority In Itastcrn Nebraska. solidly republican with the possible m-tee had a lead of »00 over Ellla Folk the Only Democrat. Adams Surely Elected. against prohibition. 42*. In West Virginia the returns come exception of the third. Roosevelt's Lincoln. Neb., Nov. 10.—A heavy St. Louis. Nov. 10.—It now seems snow fell In Eastern Nebraska this In slowly, but a republican victory is plurality over Watson Is 75.00« Par PrectaKts in Umatilla coanty that The election of Adams Is no longer Parker Carrie« Kentacky. seriously disputed by the republi certain that Parker. Cook and Allen morning, the first of the season. Louisville. Ky.. Nov 3.—Parker’s will be ' dry ' as a result ot the »tac Indicated. ker Is the third man In the race Freewater, Milton. Meacham. cana All other candidates on the have been defeated in the state, with The landslide Is augmented by plurality in Kentu< ky Is estimated at tion Encampment. South Athena and In democratic state ticket appear to be the remainder of the democratic tick 15 000 republican plurality of 400.000 Winding Up If fair« New Jrrae, IxurHlvd Ruddock elected. The republicans thirteen to et. except Folk, in doubt. The repub Pennsylvania, and the impotency • f Indianapolis. Nov 8.—Chairman Quincy. Mas«. Nov 10.—In th • Republican electora, according to contest the state vote, alleging fraud licans have at least 14 majority on Tammany is evidenced by the loss ■ f Heerie«« Evra t'asc I Taggart left for New Tork today to in Denver precincts. The democrats joint ballot in the legislature and will presence of thousands of spectators Brooklyn to Parker. New Haien. Conn . Nov 3—Ruo«- returns from 87 of the 14 precincts wind up the affairs of the democratic control both branches of the legisla elect a successor to Senator Cockrell. th- battleship New Jersey was eur- Marked republican gains In con evelt s plurallty in Connecticut will of Umatilla county, were victorious State Republican Chairman Neider- fessfully launched at the yards of gressional districts and the change national committee, after which he approximate ture. 4« the heaviest and with the exception of Gilliland Permanent precinct the democrats were second are the Fore River Shipbuilding Compa of complexion of several stale legis will return to Indiana inghaus and Cyrus Walbridge vote ever cast In the slats. headquarters will prooably be open ny. at 12:14 today. Mrs William B in the race. In GUlUand. Parker re most prominently mentioned for the latures have firmly established the Baltimore is 4. Jose. ed at Indianapolis or at French Lick Kinney daughter of Governor Mur ceived no vocea ti*t 3« ballota were place. republican control of congress by a Oregon 40.000 Majority. Baltimore. Nov. 10.—Unofficial re Springs Taggart declined to make phy. of New Jersey, christened the Hooseveit majority of »4 In the house and 24 In re- cast fur Eugene V. Det*. Portland. Nov ».—Complete turns give Roosevelt a plurality of any statement today vessel. Delaware 1» Republican. turns are not In. but Roosevelt’» pls- received 25. the senate. 12* in the city. The official count I'omplet» returns from the several Late returns Indicate the election rallty In thè state is nsarly 40.00*. Wilmington. Nov 1*.—Roosevelt's will be required to decide. There is Democratic Governor. precinct* of the county are slow in of republican legislatures In Nebras plurality will be about four vote« a possibility that each party may get coming m From six the vote on pro- Boston. Nov. »—From late returns ka. Washington. Connecticut Dela Drmocrats Claim 4 'oloradu. The republicans have the legislature a part of the elector« Denver. Nov. ».—Ths democrats hibition tat» this afternoon is all that ware. Utah. Wisconsin West Virgin it Is estimated that Roosevelt's plu- It re The republicans and democrats by 33 or 34 on joint ballot, Three precincts have ia and Nevada, with the possible ad rallty In the state will exceed »0 000. this afternoon claim Adams is sleet I» obtainable quires 27 votes to elect and Senator have three congressmen each. not beer, heard from at ail Douglas» democrat. for governor, ed by 3000. Addicks will be unable to control dition of Missouri The vote tn all four of the Pen Among the democratic senators has 4» OOO (that number. May Contest Folk. dleton precincts la strongly against — of likely to be retired Is CockrelL Walla Malta Count» Mixed story Kansas City. Nov. 10.—A prohibition. In Milton, where tile Xearij 2000 Plurality. La FoUrtlr Elected Missouri. and Gibson, of Montana, Opoctal to the East Oregonian ) from St- Louis is to the effect that prohibitionists have long held forth, of Chairman Cowherd, The seal Complete returns from 30 of the 34 Madison. Wla. Nov 3 — La FoUetts Walla Walla Nov * — With the ex the republicans will contest the elec chairman of the democratic eongres- carries Wisconsin by 45.000 plurality, ception of the two commissioner» and the town will remain "dry ' and the county give tion of Folk on the ground that he precincts of Umatilla slonal committee, is also likely to be running behind the national ticket by the auditor, the republicans have car popular vote has succeeded in closing Roosevelt and Fairbanks 3113 vote« SHELLING PORT ARTHUR spent more than 55000 campaigning. its twin stater. Freewater. lost to the democrat« against 1353 for the democratic can 5000. The legislature will be repub ried everything in Walla Walla It Is claimed they can show he spent Tbe fact that South Athena waa WITHOUT ANY CESSATION. didate* It will be impossible to se lican on joint ballot, but Senator county. Mead, republican candidate *70*0 through one bank alone. won by the prohibitionist* will not Enornxxi« Sodalirt Vow cure the complete vote of every pre Quarles is doomed Congressman for governor, lost the county by 1*1. stop the sale of liquor In that city. cinct until the vote Is canvassed. Chicago. Nov. 5.—Leaders of both Babcock, who fought La Follette. Is Following are the officers elected Brat the »«eKinley Vote. North Athena where all tbe aslnoaa The county court will appoint an On the face of Commissioner»—George Struthera the republican and democratic par- apparently elected. are conducted, remains open. Columbus. O., Nov. 10.—Based on election board composed of two jus the returns he has only a plurality J H Morrow. ties are -taxed by the showing made complete returns from every county Prartnct ReWTsa tices of the peace and the clerk to Superior Judg*—Hon. Thomas H in Chicago by the socialist« The of 1« vote«, and this may be reversed in the state. Chairman Dick today es Following are the returas trias 33 canvass the vote. The work of go Brent« polling ot 41.534 votes for Debs. in timates the republican plurality in of tbe 3« precincts of Umatlita cean- Male Ttoket In Doobu ing over the returns will be com Sheriff—Charles S. Painter. the opinion of local leaders, presages Ohio at 240.000. menced tomorrow. ty Clerk—Dorsey HHL Important changes In the Ilne-up of 8t. Paul. Nov. ».—Roosevelt car Helix—For prohlbtttaa. 33: against The question has been raised by Treasurer—P. B. Hawley. ries Minnesota, undoubtedly, by 10*.- political parties In Chicago, with a Wsst Virgin!» RepabUc**. Kooseveit. «7; Parksr. 3*. some of the saloon men that the vote County attorney—Lester 8. Wilson «4. possibility of the passing of the dem *0®. The entire republican congres Wheeling. W. Va.. Nov. 1*.—The for prohibition in Freewater and Mil Meacham—For prohibition. 3«; Asoeseaor—R J. Berrymar. ocratic tarty as a dominant factor sional ticket Is elected. The guber democrats concede the election of ton will not prevent the sale of liquor Superintendent of Schools—Grant against. 14. The Illinois socialist vote U ex natorial contest Is close. The repub Dawson for governor. The republi in those precincts, owing to the tact Echo—For prohibition 53; against pected to reach 15*.**«. This enor licans still claim the election but the 8. Bond. cans cl»to« * plurality of 4894 for that the petition for the election in Che Foo. Nov. 10.—A shell on No mous gain has been at the expense of I ! Indications point to the election of »8. Roosevelt. 3«7; Parker. 8«. Surveyor—L Loehr. Dawson, and get all congressmen. Encampment—For prohibition. 8*; : that part of the county. Included a vember * demolished a land mine at the --- democrat» —— : “ Coroner—W. D. Smith. Johnson, democratic. by a narrow Be Roosevelt. 38. Parker. large subdivision that failed to carry one of the Port Arthur fort« Senator 18th district—Fred M. agalnsL 18. margin Roosevelt and Folk. w*ra 10. However, the law tween 400 and 70« Russians for prohibition. Pauly; joint senator 11th district — Mixed TlckeV- in Utah It is reported Ell ton—For prohibition. 38; Kansas City. Nov. 10.—Incomplete states that any precinct In a subdi killed and wounded still in doubt, with O. T. Hudson, of Itoosevrii Carrie« Missouri. Balt latke, . Nov ».—The repubil- against. 53 Rooervwlt S3; Parker official returns from »0 of the 11* vision securing a majority vote shall the recant assaults by the Japanese Rltsvllle. the republican candidate, Chicago. Nov. ».—Messages receiv on Estshan fort have been repulsed. cans claim that Roosevelt will load 14. counties In Missouri glv% Roosevelt prohibit the sale of intoxicant*. St apparently In the lead. the entire republican ticket, though • ed by Chairman Tawney from PUot Rock—For prohibition. 55; Representatives 13th district—Wil Louis today state that Missouri is ■ this is not conceded by the demo Steady Bombardment. liam R. Rudlq, E. R H«nder»on, against. 187. Roosevelt. 1*3; Parker. republican on the national ticket by RECKLESS BICYCLE RIDING pany expects a prosperous business, is too M. Rome. Nov. 10.—A dispatch to the crats who contend the lead plurality. The republicana representative 13th district—William Owing to l® 0®0 and there Is uo reason why this dis North Pendleton—For prohibition. Glomale di Roma from Toklo says small to justify the claim. _ .— H Webber the heavy scratching the judges in however, concede the election of Folk covery should nag bring about great T< Roosevelt. »0. against. 358. RIKER PHYSICIAN SVICTOBK the bombardment of Port Arthur by . The some districts are still working this, governor by a safe margin ly Increased profit In ths lumber Parker. •« the Japanese is proceeding without Missouri state republican chairman business all over the Northwest. morning, and there are no complete V ansy cle— For prohibition, Interruption. Preparations are now IMJter City, Nov. 10.—One of the Is quite positive aa to the claims fur Union—For prohibition. on foot for a fresh general assault on return* Rooeevelt has »000 plurality Roosevelt- moat unfortunate and distressing ac HUNG HERSELF. In the suit*. against. 2». RooaevelL 34; Parker, the Russian defense« cident* that ever happened in Baker — 11. City occurred last evening resulting •0.00« Plurality. Prominent (Tiicago Club Woman In- Ukiah—For prohibition. 37; against RepubUcun Gains in Indian*. More Troops for Far EaM. in the deM& of Waldo Bowers, one of Topeka. Nov. 3.—Roosevelt’s plu 37. Roosevelt. 44; Parker. 84. sane 1'rom Overwork. Indianapolis. Nov. ».—Returns this St. Petersburg. Nov. 1*.—The cxar Baker City's most exemplary young rality In Kansas will reach 30,000. Vinson—For prohibition, !•; Chicago. Nov. 10.—Mr« Henry arrived at Lowlce. Poland, this morn morning Indicate th* state is easily The eight republican congressmen against. 1«.. republican by 50.000. and may reach Donaldson, wife of a professor In the particular«, aa learned, were ing. Replying to a delegation of No The ran even with the ticket. South Athena—For prohibition. ««; found blemen his majesty declared the as 75.000 The republicans have gain was that Bowers and W. B. Swackham- University of Chicago, against. 88. mer, an employe of the First Nation dead In the basement of her home surance of bad times should serve to ed two members of congress, carry Bryan Ha« Plan*. Milton—For prohibition. South The wo- unite as in a brotherhood. The cxar ing the second and 12th district* al bank, were on bicycles riding to today. She hung herself, I’ROHtliLV FAVORED BY Bryan has organisation plana but 141; against, 44. RoooevelL 152; were Hanley for governor. Is running 5000 ward each other on Center street, man was prominent in club circles, reviewed 20.000 troops who BOARD OF EDUCATION. Parker. 3®. intends to stand sponsor for them and when near the Nugget saloon, and had made a study of neurology starting for the Far East behind Roosevelt. himself, He will make public Ms East Weston—For prohibition. *7; they came together with terrible with her husband. Overwork led to in an editorial political purposes against. 33 Roosevelt. 1®(. Parker. force, throwing both to the ground. nervous prostration. Russian Attack Ret>ul»ed. Clean Sweep tn Iowa. I M<-a«nrv soon. 4®. Bowers was carried Into a nearby res Toklo. Nov. 10.—A report from Des Molne« Nov. 3.—Returns from catcd by North Millon—For prohibition. taurant in an unconscious condition RAN INTO WRECK. the Manchurian headquarters of the the second district, the only doubtful Portland Agaln-t Prohibition. 147; against, lit Roosevelt. 333; flow ami Seemli He never regained consciousness and army states "on the night of Novem one in the state, show that Dawson, Parker. «2. Portland. Nov. ».—The count Is not died a few hours after the accident Reported That Many Were Hurt in ber 8, two companies of the enemy the Best Fai oca republican, is elected over Wade. complete for Multnomah county, but prohlbiUon. 24; Mountain—For occurred. attacked our outpost« but were re democrat, by 400 plurality, Roose- the Slate—Ilan Pennsylvania Wreck. against. 43. Roosevelt 44; Parker. the last figures on the prohibition Mr. Swackhammer. white badly pulsed. All 1» quiet In other direc velt's plurality In the state approx Oregon liktory for Useteos Studie«. 13. question gives 4700 for prohibition McKeesport. Pa.. Nov. 10.—An bruised, wa* at last accounts resting tion«” imates 140.000. Every republican and 13.000 against IL with the offic North Athena—For prohibition. »7 —Choice of Authors. as easily as oould be expected under east-bound Baltimore 4 Ohio express candidate for congress Is re-elected ial count to be made yet. against. IM. Advices ran into the wreckage of a freight the circumstance*. ConMcripl» Make Trouble. In by an Increased majority except Umatilla—For prohibition. 15; here say that none of the counties In train six mites east of this city at 2 Vitesbk, Russia, Nov. 1«.—Reserv the first and second district« Roosevelt. 23, Parker. which a county prohibition vote waa It is re port o'clock this afternoon, Awakening to the need of knowl agataist. 23. JAPANESE PRINCE- ists today plundered shops and rob taken carried for prohibition. ed many were injured. edge concerning Oregon, among Ore 5. bed pedestrians. The police were re- Adams—For prohibition. 45. Capital Contest Close. gon pupils, the state board of educa CouMn sf the Khapsror ot Japan Ag- Inforced and subdued the mobs. Roosevelt. 54; Parker, Iralslsture Uncertain. Cheyenne. Nov. ».—I-ate figures tion will perhaps Introduce a course against. 82. FOR A NEW PARTY ri>M at San Frandsco. give Roosevelt 8500 plurality: Men- Kansas City. Nov. ».—The World's of study of Oregon history in the pub 31. Peace Proposal« Rejected, San Francisco, Nov. 10.—Prince Bingham Springs—For prohibition. dell. «500 and the stats ticket from count shows Cowherd Is elected by lic school curriculum, at the coming Tom Watoou Wfll PtaMJc g is reported 3®00 to «000. The contest on the cap six votes, with one strong democratic session of the legislature. Fushlml. cousin ot the emperor of 1; against, 1«. London. Nov. 10.—It Plan to T%M End. to the Gilliland—For prohibition. 13; Japan, and special envoy has unofficially ital is very close. here that Japan precinct to hear from. Incomplete The Oregon Teachers’ Association Nov. 10.—Thomas made Augusta. Ga.. to Russia. Roosevelt. 35; Parker, United States, arrived this morning representations unofficial returns from all sections has repeatedly recommended this against. 17. through here this looking to peace overtures, passed which on the steamer Manchuria, and was Watson of the state up to 1 p. m do not di move, and realising the dense Ignor 0; Deb« 10. West Virginia Republican. Watson were rejected by Russia and are not Hogue—For prohibition. 5; against officially welcomed by the Japanese afternoon for New York. minish the probability that Roosevelt ance of Oregon among all Claeses of Parkersburg, W. Va., Nov. ».—Re consul and the port‘officiala Hun will address a meeting at Thompson, likely to be repeated. has carried Missouri. Complexion of Oregon people, especially concerning 18. Roosevelt. 33; Parker, «. turns are slow, but indications are McKay—-For prohibition. 40; dreds of Japanese gathered at the Ga., Nov. 14, outlining a policy for th* legislature uncertain. the early history of the state, and the that Dawson, republican. Is slscted new political Roosevelt. «4; Parker, docks and gave the distinguished vis the formation of a “After Port Arthur Falta'' expedition of Lewis and Clark, the against. 51. itor a rousing welcome. The prince party. London, Nov. 10.—Baron Hayashi governor, but by a small majority as OregtHi by 85.000. board of education has seen fit to 17.' Pendleton—For prohibition. *1; is accompanied by an Imposing suite. thia afternoon said that Japan do.-s compared with the presidential tick formulate a course of Oregon history Portland. Nov. 9. — Late returns against. 189. Roosevelt, 15«; Parker. not want to go on fighting forever, et. He leaves for the east tomorrow. MAN AND WIFE DEAD. show that Roosevelt's majority will be study, to be introduced In the public 50. but would welcome the efforts of the practically 35.000. or three times schools from the sixth to the eighth East Pendleton—For prohibition. Suppose«! Murder and Suicide From United States, Great Britain and Greet Republican Increase. OFF FOR PANAMA. grades. In place of some of the super larger than McKinley''« A singular 7«. against. 203. Roosevelt. 30*. France In the direction of peace. Fargo, N. D., Nov. ».—More com feature In many districts is that Debs fluous studies now on the course. Drunkenness. Nothing could be done, however, un plete returns show an Increased re Chief Engineer Takes Immediate There are two late histories of the Parker. 51. Los Angeles, Nov. 10.—The bodies ran ahead of Parker. The republi Reservation—For prohibition. 51; publican majority of more than 25.- cans make a clean sweep of the state state extant, one by Mrs. Eva Emery of Robert McCommon and wife were til after the fall of Port Arthur. Charge of Active Work. The opinion is expressed In high 000. Roosevelt. 53; Parker. Dye of Oregon City, a volume of against. 47. legislature. New Orleans. Nov. 10.—J. F. Wal found in their cottage at Frederick« official quarters that Roosevelt in ». whose Oregon stories are now Includ near Los Angeles, this morning, both lace, chief engineer of the Panama (; Ruddock—For prohibition. tends to make an effort to bring the California Heavily Republican, ed in the list of supplementary read It la supposed McCommon Swallow'» Vote Equal» Parker’s. canal, arrived here today and will shot, belligerents to discuss terms of peace ings for the public schools, and a against. 1. Francisco. Nov. ». — With only an his wife and committed aul- killed sail for Panama tomorrow, to make Portland. Nov. ».—Swallow's vote Yoakum—For • ; prohibition. In such an action Great Britain will • few precincts to hear from. Roose- small volume compiled by Sidonla No cause, except McCommon Heaviest ProMhtUaa Veta. his permanent home at Panama un cide. in two counties equals Parker's. At against. 34. Roosevelt. 34; Parker be glad to participate. V. Johnson of Portland. velt's pluraltty In California is be- noon reports show that prohibition la The greatest majority » scar s* M til the canal is completed. His wife is said to have been drunk. 4. all Intenaely Mrt Dye's works are tween 45,000 and 70,000. The election lost in a number of counties, but the the prohibitionists in any pisujntt goes with him. Work on the canal South Pendleton—For prohibition American Hospitality. Interesting, and have a atraln of ro of eight republican congressmen Is republican national gains continue. la tn Ruddock, where the vote stands Chicago Grain. will be prosecuted with vigor. 54; against. 1(5. Roosevelt 147; September, Nov. 10.—An officer of assured. mance running through them. which The district, which is in 4 to 1 for prohibition. Haddock 5* Chicago, Nov. 10.—December the Russian writes Parker. 50. cruiser Lena make» them especially for fitted doubt, now shows a majority of seve on Meacham croak, abovs Bingham la Follette In the Saddle. wheat opened 31.13%, closed praising San for the BY-PRODUCT OF FIR Weston — For prohibition. 71; Franciscans school work, because they do not be republi- ral hundred for McKinley, Springs, and has one box ear start so 81.13%; May wheat opened 51.12%, cordiality displayed towards the offt- Roosevelt *7; Parker. Madison, Nov. ».—La Follette • ab- come tedious, but ripple freshly and ngalnst. *0. can. The republicans have made no- on the railroad, at North Fork. W. Immense Value of Material Hitherto closed 81.13%. Cora opened 52% cers and men of the vessel, and says table gains In the senate and assem- solutely controls the legislature, , ac- entertainingly through all the vari 43. Swart, the famous flshernuui of 29% cents, closed 50%. Oats opened showered Con- cording to the latest returns. < the officers are literally Thrown Away. Cottonwood Precinct. ous interesting subjects of early his My. Meacham creek, la a resident of this cents, closed 28%. gressman Cooper may go to the sen tory and settlement. with Invitations. The vote in Cottonwood praclnct precinct. It la reported that 43 m Bellingham, Nov. 1*.—Mr. Willis ate In place of Quarles. The attention of the board of edu was as follows: For prohibition. 15; eight prohibition voters are going to E. Young, of the Pacific American New York AH Republican. Settlement Avens Strike. Volunteer Fleet to VladlvoMock. cation has been called to the wide against prohibition. 21; for Roosevelt. celebrate their victory by "dnehing“ Tar Company of Bellingham. Wash., New York. Nov. ».—Higgins Is Glenns Falls, N. Y-. Noy. 10.—The 200,000 Plurality. St. Petersburg, Nov. 10.—All steam elected by between 75.000 and 80.000 spread Ignorance concerning Oregon 37; for Parker, 4. Is authority for the statement “that the lone ~w*t" voter tn ths crash. Columbus. O., Nov. ».—Th* repub history, through the questions asked 55 tons of fir wood, such as Is thrown threatened strike of 13,000 employes ships of the Russian volunteer fleet over Herrick. Higgins' plurality up Returns From Atbsaa. and away or burned in the slab pile of In 30 mills of the International Paper in the Black Sen ports have been or state aggregates 157.000. Herrick In licans now claim the solid congres the press by prominent men Ths returns from Athena were not the saw mills, will turn out 1020 gal Co., has been averted by a settlement dered to start for Vladivostok with Greater New York has about 70,000. sional delegation, a gain of four seats. women in the East. Inquiring about available when ths table of the coun An incident of the election at Wea- ammunition and military stores. It Roosevelt's plurality approximates the Lewis and Clark fair. lons of turpentine, 57 pounds of tar. reached in New York this morning. ty vote waa compiled and is given ton yesterday was the tolling every 200,000. is declared the ice breakers can keep A concise, detailed history begin eight pounds of tar oil, 3000 bushels Roosevelt Irada McKinley. separately hers. six minutes of a church bell tai mem McCue Will Hang. Vlodlvostok harbor open all winter. ning with the earliest discoveries, New York. Nov. ».—The latest re of charcoal and 700 gallons of pyroh- The vote for Roosevelt In North ory ot dying drunkard« The wotas* Richmond, Va., Nov. 10.—Samuel Parker Third in Milwaukee. and running up to date will be adopt Athena was 333. for Parker 8*1; In workers for prohibition gathered at turns indicate that Roosevelt's plu gnious acid.” Hayti devote» almoat one-alxth of rality outside of the city will be about Mr. Young's company has put In a McCue was this afternoon sentenced Milwaukee. Nov. ».—Complete re ed. and it Is thought a three years' South Athena, for Roosevelt. 123 and one of the churches and prayed Ita revenuea to free schools. plant at a cost of 855,000. The com- to hang January 20. 1*7,000. Thio is 30,000 more than turns from the city give Roosevelt Course will probably be Instituted. for Parker. «1. during ths day. JAPANESE SHELL IN STUD) COURSE