BREVITIES. New Knox hats. Roosevelt's. It went on lhe operating table last summer. "It's steam rollers. Dago laborers, roi k crushers ami all the other para­ phernalia that goes with street re­ pairing that has done the work with my horse. She lias been frlghtene«! so many times that she has nervous proatrallim. and I find myself witli a steed on my hands that, while she looks all right ami is a good goer. Isn't worth shucks, lamk at her out of the corner of your eye nowarlaya and she takes a trembling fit ami is »»ill of commission for the rest of the «lay. Iler name Isn't Maud, either.” Big line Stetson hats at Roosevelt's. Douglas and Hanan shoes at Boose- velt'a w »3.50 ladies’ Gloria sh«»es at Roose- i ’R om M<>\ ui ix nil«: i ist . velt'a luniies' skirts. »2 00 and up at Teutsch'a saw \\ l>eat Tluit T'lirc-lutl Hut 3 to at New children's long coats 10 llu-bcl- tuul T<*-te«l But 40 l<> Teutsch'a BEAI TY AROI ND NVE 50 I’ ouih I-. iu Kan-a.*«—IVople H. P. Lewis, of lot Grande, was in IS NOT IX THE MYRKET. Rail* Never Heartl of Iz'ui- an»l Pendleton last night. t lark Fair—Urn liupron'im-nt- Only the very best in photos to be Made in < oiuilr> Di-lrici- In 10 Fall Kains ami Open Weather Have ■ia»l at Rembrandt Studio. Year-—Bllzsunl on (h-lola-r 30— J. W. lawyer, of Walla Walla, is Grown a Splendid Rangt'—Anotlter Nelii-u.-kan- Burn "Biiilalo 4 lii|>-." t attle Firm Wliipii Believes in the registered at the Pendleton. I < l^l1 s| I' iihiiii :- min i-.i I l i i í«h» V 1 x’<«»»«»niy , of Xevv Fencing ami a Blacksmilli YiItlllhHi—l'our s«‘«<-r < oiineetioii- The St. George restuarant, open .............. I3c shop on One Farm—Fall Feeding day and night. Mis. Cooper, proprl- 1*. Temple Hint he uouhi not exchange Y\»»rr Mail»- Dilrtiig III«' Monili of I'matilla county for a whole state in \IHI s ’ XI u 1 M 1 1 i >LI 111. 1 i Ida » E* orioni} Beeves for Spring. ..................... etresa ilie corn belt, as a home. V*»rk guarantee,!. XI u 1 U 1 « OLI YR. 1 rl E< «»«ioni) Western Art Co., wife and daughter and sister, Mrs B. C. Reeder, of the firm of Reeder 7Sc 4.i»i*n llclow. an, 1 rida) I xitrioniy . . . . tages and drawbacks of the Central ing. "I am ready to do all In my said Col. K. C. Judson to the laif block south of Court. stockman. states. After visiting anil becoming power." lie says, "to assist in needed Oregonian today. When aske*l whether anyone in the Kev. W J. Hughes, of Baker City, ”ln every farming community familiar with the tile conditions of the legislation for the city of Pendleton. X 1 •»«I ROY Yl. Molti UST I 1 l < < IRSI 1TS. I ri Econotuy ... Nve country had sol»i out this fall who was here yesterday on business, common people, people. who own small and if there are any changes wanted. iuuud men who raise just a few bush* out Mr. Reeder rvpiie»! that r.o one left last night for his home. homes anti who have been ill detit for I desire your body to place the matter els more wheat to the acre than their there could be induced to sell out. as Col. R. C. Judson, industrial agent years. lie Is not am prised that so in shape for presentation to the legis­ neighbors, every year, tlieir u heal 7'.. VII N - -8! .. I.4'9»n<>ni) 4*' lan»i values have »loubleii within the of the <1. II. A N.. was in the city testa» Just a few pounds n many of them are rustling to the lature.'' past year in that portion of the coun­ this morning on a brief visit. Dr Smith's offer was referred to Just a little l»etter grade, West. 3 ¡«ir N s lit \\ 1 ¿IH* — MI 1 I’ YY '*!•!.< IM MIX Irida) 1 ty. this statement applying more par­ ing on exactly the sain«* groumi. lor 25c he saw- the committee on ways amt means. A cor.lial weli-onie to tlie public. Mr. Temple states that ticularly to the range lands, which a 'This is not chance. It is not iu< k The session of the council last night Rembrandt Studio. 728 Cottonwood, w heat threshed in Northern Kans.»» average year ago were hel»i at an i Ilf MXIXD that made from but three to 19 bush­ »'«.lisi-ted of the auditing of bills for it is nut a happening may come »ne-halt block south of Court. figure of $4 per acre and cannot now- < OX'OMi to any man. no matter what his farm­ For Sale—One-half section wheat els per acre and tested from 40 to 50 the month of tx-tober. and the read­ be bought, except in exceptional One ing methods. It is the result of intel- land about six miles from Helix. In- pounds per bushel. Corn crops this ing of a few comniunicatlona cases, for »12 per acre. season are very good, although tile from Balleray z» MiH'ourt. represent­ iigent study of nature's laws and the tuire of Charles Bella Helix. Ore. have 150 Reeder & Rouniagoux seeding and ing W. S. Byers, re.tuests the council application of the knowledge so gain­ cold spring hindered head of beef stock. 20 of which they James H. Howard, secretary' of the Cat- to fill the street Intersections In By­ ed to the cultivation of the soil and some of it will not fill properly, are full feeding for the spring mar­ Golcomla. is still in the city on busi- tie are very cheap, cows selling in ers' addltl«iii where the petitioner has the culture of crops. kets. All the beef cattle owned by ness ,-onneeted with that property. “Deep plowing, frequent harrow­ many places at from 115 to lit per filled up the streets to the grade this firm are mixed Shorthorn and Enterprise, head. Calves are worth from IS to of Roy Kuykendall. The report of the sewer Inspector ing and rolling the land, on the turn* Hereford, with the preference given Wallowa county. is a guest of the »8, and heavy horses in the Chicago showed that four connections had mer fallow In the palouse country to those showing a little preponder­ Hotel St. George, while in the city market are about the same price as tH*»-n made during the month of Oc­ produce« a I larger yield of wheal than Ulli Kl II 1’YY'TOTRYDE ance of the Shorthorn. They believe on business. in other w heal growing districts in Pendleton. Mule colts are worth tober. in the composite, but also in the pre­ who resides two »50 each ami yearling mules are sell­ B. C. Kidder. The balance on hand Septenilier 30. where the same methods ponderance of the Shorthorn in some miles west of the city on the Umatil­ ing at »80. Very Few Western horses according to the treasurer's report practiced. degree. The firm owns a registered “From la river, and who has been ill for sev- are seen in the markets of the Cen­ was personal observation »7.32» 4». Amount received Shorthorn bull 5 years old. and a *ral days, was able to come into town tral states. from licenses and other sources. ,5 - know that these advanced methods registered Hereford bull 2 years old. Increased reawed crop today. intelligent men, of the 427.7* general fund »741» »7. called of farming produce In« 'T met Reeder * Roumabour are showing The increased increase*! yield in O. A. Rhodes, recently of Athena, best business ability anti standing, warrant funds. »14.17, levee sinking yield«. 300 acres of wheat for grain, and SO »2*53.44. general sinking than pavs fur th«* extra labor, •re.. Is now- at home on his home­ everywhere." said Mr. Temple, "who fund acres of wheat for hay this fall, This «ides the extra cultivation leaves year they cut 100 acres of wheat that stead west of town, where he is busi* had never beard of the 1-ew is and Ing fund »4. Total cash, »10.5*3.38. The following bills were allowed land tn a much better condition averaged 30 bushels to the acre, and y engaged putting in his fall crop.— Clark fair, After 1 told them soine- It conserve« thing of It and explained the scope G M Froome 11 Tallman Ot Co. *5 Muccredhig crop». every bushel was of the finest quali­ Madras Pioneer. «trent reduce 1.1« from the very moiature stored by this [ oats that weighed 104 bushels to the the popular engineers out of La Northw est. they promised me that if 40 cents. H J. Stillman »9. Hohbach of the 1 tis-k lH-fon- January 14. 1905. cultivation and bring« return« in dol- I rates were reduced, they would visit Bros. *4. Maple Bros 24 cents. Good ­ sack. toe* ar» Trande. has accepted a position as 1 was dumb- man-Thom (.son Company 14 40. Pen­ lam and cent» when the crop 1» turn- I The firm is building a blacksmith helper engineer at Pleasant Valley Oregon next year. sack. »» III HIM. S|<- Maple Chiffoniers, the latest tools and appliances for morning that the visible supp Engineer Q. M. Curtis. of la* “Another thing that might be done st greatly minced price-. doing all kinds of farm blacksmith­ Grande, is now running helper en­ who average up well w*lth farmers Lal>ue *2. James Hooper 15. w D be gone before the middle of by farmer» at a great profit Is the ordinary repairing. They gine No. 171 out of this place, tiuk- and business men in any community Paieram 4*1. Gus Ludig »2. W. C. ing and ter. and that Yakima potatoes w Sewing Meldiits warranted to Is- in planting of only the largest and most are also stringing two miles of wire ng regular trips on freight trains In the L'nited States, should have Minnis »4. Fred Stickler »115 . John woui.1 p: perfect kernel» of w lieat Th«- »rreen» ’ after never heard of our exposition F. ami de-.notion-, from *5 Sr IL Sellers »52. Mrs Anna Smith fencing _ and have stretched two from here to North Fork and Ka­ pound by i in the fanning mill» can be u«ed to lhe large amount of publicity that M Murphy »2. G. A Moon »2 50 miles of wire netting at a cost of 17 me la. separate the large kernel« from lhe ha.l been given it. through the press cents to the rod. as a protection Rosalyn lump coal, the old reliable and through personal correspondence «mall- The small kernel« «re Just as against sheep, the netting bordering WILL GATHER MATERIAL he cheapest and most satisfactory marketable an the large ones, and “The people seem to be at a their lands along the highway. H nt THE LEWIS AND C1AKK the large will yield two-fold more uel in the Pendleton market. »4.50 standstill.” said Mr. Temple. "There jer ton at shed. »7.00 delivered, is very little push and vigor among kernels of wheat much heavier NEWS OF MILTON. ’rompt delivery. Roslyn Wood and them. The terribly hot climate seems Operates I ndrr Authority of tlie straw for feed and stand drouth and •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e♦♦♦♦♦♦ ----------ttttttm County Cour* ami of the t omnter- ccld wreather much better. 'oal Company, near W. A C. R de- to stultify them. In a measure, and Try ’hi» Moling from Walla Walla to Pendle­ M>t. Phone Main 241. Seed i rial .Yaxa-iatlon in tlw Collection of experiment on a small tract. they have not half the energy that ton—Moving Front Milton to Spo­ Grain«. Grw»-«-». fruit» and all I y«»ur large and small kerneled wheat C. W. Orrick, a new arrival from people have in this country' I side by side and note lhe difference "I know men in Southern Iowa, kane—Will Winter on Franklin Monett. Mo., has located in the Pilot Other Product* suitable to lie Put at threshing time Couaty HomeMead—Hate Returned Rock district for the winter, and if who have resided oil the same little on Exhibition— FlrM Trip One of •* When a cattleman waves a bull satisfied with the country will invest nai row tract of land for 18 to 25 From Month - Visit in Kau-ots. M LAV1L Onlj calf, does he save the little, scrawny ind permanently locate there. He Is years, and are just now getting out runt.' or does he separate out the Milton. Nov. 2.—Paul Mestel. who well pleased with Oregon, so far as of debt. If they make »190 or »159 ' / Dair.'SeppO Active work in the gathering of a for several months conducted a he has investigated, and will be the per year clear of expenses they are ccunty exhibit for the Lewis and biggrst. most beautiful specimen tn butcher shop in the Strain building means of bringing several more set­ doing well. In the school district Clark fair will begin tomorrow morn- the herd? Does the sheepman choose moved his shop Monday td Freewater tlers here, if he locates. where I attended school 25 years ago. •»•<. a h Forshaw. wno is commis- the weakling to be the sire of his fu­ Harry R. Hogue, formerly of this the same old house is standing with­ «loned by the county court and the ture flocks’ The same law applies in t I <.IT \IH I - Miss Dora Smock. Southern Pasiflc place, who was formerly with the out paint, and with the same old Commercial association to wheat raising. In com raising In po­ Oregon, seats In it. that 1 sat upon, and whit­ Perdleton Sherwood, Carrots. 2c per lb Drumheller Hardware Company, at ypertator at tato raising and In fruit growing It > the materials of grains, •ware Potatoes, new and b Walla Walla, was here yesterday en passed through this morning from the tle»! a quarter of a century ago. That gran ■e and fruits, will begin si Md- is all a part of the science of farm- She visited between school house was built in 1848. and I He lb. route to' Pendleton, where he has ac­ St. Louis fair. *•>< and must be studied and | ton. trains with C. S. Haynes, O. R. A N. has been »constantly used since then, Cabbage. 2c to 3c It- ■ickJ if farming is brought up • *> cepted a position. ”1 will not collect any stuff on my Onions. 2c lb. iiiim; out atu.hed coupon vou Mrs. C. E. -Berry will leave tomor­ operator at this place, an old friend with very little repair. first trip." said Mr. Forehaw. "but in­ Vlghewt standard.“ Miss Smock had G reen oni< row for Spokane, where she will here­ end acquaintance. "There Is little change in the per- tend to go over the Freewater and will learn something to your advan­ tOc. after reside. Mr. Berry being em­ -harge of a party of tourists from I sonnet of the settlements. Chil- Milton neighborhood for the purpose 4 ORMER MINI-TI R NoU tage. Don't miss this opportunity; Southern Oregon, which has just vis ­ Turnips. 5s bunch I dren grow up and buy a trart t.f letting the people know what 1 ployed there In the Frank Bros', dry­ t I’ll» >-!■».KOI - MINER Tomai»»««. I ited St, Louis. New York. Chicago I of land in one corner of goods store. the desire. 1 carry a number of recipes it is absolutely free. H>. I old home place and raise W. A. McGhee left yesterday for and other large eastern cities. their for the preserving of fruits and will Rev. W. J Hughe-. f»»mwriy Pre«J>>- Popcorn. I families there, under the shadow of give out cople« of these. his homestead in Franklin county, to SEIT INJR DIVORCE. terian -umla> School >ti—o,H»ar> I the same roof that has sheltered two spend the winter improving the place. "Fruits will be the first thing gath­ I three or four generations. Mrs.* Ida Keen of Walla Walia, FRITTS. for EaMern Oreg'Ui. Now Manager ered The county court will give spent Saturday and Sunday here vis­ Mm. K om * POIT TRY Formlung the pulpit for lhe pick Mrs. Della Hughes, returned Monday serted him. Such actions are unwlfe- I grown to manhood in Western Ne- personal direction of a committee and shovel of the prospector. Rev. The following prices are paid from a month's visit in Kansas. I braska. *ho never saw a pile of cord from the Commercial association ap­ W. J. Hughes, formerly Presbyterian like. and he desires a divorce. Ac­ leaiers to the producer. tion was instituted in the state circuit wood. pointed by President J. A. Borie W. Sunday school missionary for Eastern Chickens, hens tc; I>i-a»trvu- Wrecks. •The worst blizzard I ever saw- oc- D. Hansford is chairman of this com­ Oregon, has become one of the lead­ !*«en; roosters. 1303.36. court this morning by his attorney J. I curred In Western Nebraska, on Oc- mittee. Carelessness is responsible for T. Hinkle.' ing mining promoters of lhe Sumpter Rutter. <0c cash; 50c trade. The snow fell, the wind many a railway wreck and the same The Roses were married in this city I tober 20. district. Eggs, frejih. 3u cannot brea He was eminently- successful, and package coffee. 20c per lb. I overcrowded country is some whole- ineaa resume of the Eastern Oregon ignation is no longer necessary. Mrs. while he had had but little experi­ hill line .4 Ra< Sagar—rXine granulated, bent. 14.75 I some literature about Oregon. to State Normal School at Weston, the Lois Cragg of Dorchester. Mass., is Will Appeal to the Courts. ence In prospecting, he located se* - per sack; do. 12 pounds. »1. b»-th wood and I open the eyes of the younger genera- board of regents will meet there with ­ one of many whose life was saved by If the city council does not harken eral valuable claims, one In Ix»sl Ba­ Rail—Coar»e »1 per 1*0; table vile you io call Dr. Kings New Discovery. This to the petition of the residents of I tlon and get them to thinking of get- in the next few »lays and confer with sin, five miles from Durkee. In Ba­ t2 50 per 100. French. The ex­ great remedy is guaranteed for all Pendleton in Precinct etaolnananau I ting out of the old rut. Y'ery few of President R. C. li.e saute before ker county, known as the Oregon Rice—Rest head r1< *<*. 15c per lb.; throat and lung diseases by Tallman Pendleton precinct to abate a certain I them are satisfied with their lot penses of conducting the school are Free Gold mine, from which 3800 •text grade. 12He per lb. A Co., druggists. Price 50c and »1. carpet cleaning apparatus, which LThey take conditions as a sort of met by annual appropriations me de pounds of quartz recently sent to the Flour—B B.. »4 25 per bbl.; Wa.1- Trial bottles free. they declare is a nuisance of the I unavohiable and necessary burden by tbe state legislature, and the com­ smelter yielded »2*9.78. ter»'. 14.50 |>er th ; »I .36 per sack. ing visit will be made to give the re ­ I and don't worry. will be worst kind, the civil courts He also located the Equity group Bacon— 14 0 22c. "In the 10 years since I made my gents sn idea of the cost of maintain­ of 1* claims In the Quartzburg dis­ COMING EVENTS. appealed to. Attorney Joe Hinkle. Bam— 17 0 22c. ing the Institution during the next I last visit to Iowa, there have been who represents the petitioners, says The Hardware Man trict adjoining the Standard Consoli­ Lard—70c 5 Iba.; >135 10 Iba In one nelghbor- two years. November 14—Annual meeting Or­ the peace and dignity of the neigh­ I but few changes. dated mines, of which Zoe th Houser, Stock salt — Il sack. »14 ton. I hood that I visited, At the last session of the legisla­ , but one new egon Miners’ Association, Portland. borhood and the future welfare and of Echo, is principal owner. November 15-1»—State Bar Asso­ happiness of the Inhabitants depend I house and one new barn, had been ture only »14,000 was appropriated Ore taken from these claims has CHOK E BEEF CA1TI.F. ciation. Portland. upon the disposal of the carpet built In a distance of 10 miles. The for the running expenses of the Wes­ assayed as much as »1.000 per ton In Steers. »2.40. I little towns are settling up with the ton Normal, and it Is claimed this November 1»-»»—National Grange cleaner. gold, silver, copper. Iron and zinc. C,»ws. »2. older farmers who are out of active amount has proven Inadequate. Six meeting. Portland. Mr. Hughes Is an Indefatigable Hogs. live. »5 0 5.50 thousand dollars was appropriated November 15-1»—National Irriga­ service.” New Mill Near IlaineH. worker and performs all kinds of la­ Hogs, dressed. »7 0 7 50. for improvements ami new equip­ tion Association. El Paso, Texas. Earl Stevenson and Charles Kent bor. from handling a drill to selling Veal, dressed. 4 07c. ment at the school, but this sum State convention lh*s week finished a contract for November 25-3' stock. His mining discoveries have DR. PENROSE RETURNED. Sheep. »1.7502.25. could not be applied to the running Port- hauling lumber to the Maxwell mine county clerks and recorders, been among the most important district near Business Conditions In the Hast He expenses of the school. land. tn the Rock Creek events in the history of the districts HAY AND FEED. Just how much money will be re- Good Haines, which is being used in the December 13-15—Oregon Three new. useful household aiti, s th.»t are a big lmprove- In speaking in which he operatea State« Are (•ood. qu'red to conduct the school Is not Chop barley, »22 50 per ton; Roads Association, Salem. a new mill, to take construction of t over the old style. of his leaving the work of the mlnls- known. The regents will make a Sun- the place of the one destroyed by the per lb. January 30—Inland Empire Rooaevelt, I» the A sure victory for try Mr. Hughes said to the East Ore­ careful study of the cost of educat ­ Chopped wheat. »1.40 per 100. day School Institute, Pendleton. snowslide last winter Work is being prediction of Stephen B. L. Penrose, gonian today: the number of Bran. 40c per sack. rushed on the building, the entire president of Whitman college, who ing each student, Pan Is free tc dirvction. No bending over In 8 in "For the greater portion of my Shorts. »1 per sack. force at the mine under the direction arrived home today from a three uraduatea teaching, the number of life 1 have earnestly followed the How’s Thia? taking up dust. Goats. lHc per lb. Dr. Penrose, . was students falling to complete the re- ministerial calling and naturally de­ We otter One Hundred Dollars Reward of J. E. Bacon, being engaged in the weeks' trip east. tor any ease of Catarrb that cannot be work of construction, The mill will | in Pendleton for a few hours this qulred course, the work of the va- Alfalfa, loose. »10 per ton. sired a change of <»ccupation for a cured by Hall s Catarrb. rlous members of the faculty, and time. Wheat loose. »10 per ton. be up-to-date In every detail, and | morning. I-a nips are never overfilled. Air tight and easy to take oil F. J CHENEY a CO , Toledo. O. the other details of the Institution’s af- Timothy, baled. »20 per ton. said, "that ’’I believe,” he We. tbe undersigned, bare known F. J. equipped with the latest machinery. fr i. No tipping of can and no spl g of oil. "Prospecting being a healthful, in­ Cheney tor the last fifteen years, sad be­ —Baker City Herald. York fairs, Roosevelt majority in New tensely Interesting and very often a lieve bln perfectly honorable In all bnsl Xrw 1 <>. <). I . Ihiihling. Members of the regents residing In state will be in the nature of a land- profitable calling. peculiarly free nzM transactions, and financially able to A H. Falkestad has been awarded Emm Barbed Wire Prick. I slide. Everywhere. I went the feel. I Pendleton are Chairman II. Alexan­ from the Intense press-ire of business carry ont any obligtton made by hit firm No burnt corn. Every kernel of corn pops. Easy to operate WALD1NO. KINN'AN A MARVIN. Dr. Marsden Informs us that Chas, ing appeare»! to be in favor of the re- der. William Blakley and Col. James and professional life. I was strongly the contract for excavation, concrete nient to fill and empty. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O Miles, who was formerly employed at | publican ticket." foundation and basement walls of the H. Raley. attracted to It. Being fairly success­ Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, Odd Fellows ’ building to t*e erected Dr. Penrose was in attendance at the Alvord ranch, was brought in for acting directly upon tbe Mood and mueoua ful In my first prospecting ventures, surface« of the system Testimonials sent medical treatment this week. Mr. the American Board of Foreign Mis­ at the corner of Ninth and Idaho SAMUEL G. ALLEN DEAD. the resulting business has grown so free. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all STOVES. I t RM I I RE \ xd < iRrtrrs. streets The price bo ! • j Mr Fa!- Miles has a serious case of blood | along of the Congregational church. large that It requires all my time to druggists lawyer Dies kestad is I60A0. Material is now Tske Hall's Family Pills for constipa­ poisoning caused by a prick from a I which convened at Grinnell. Iowa. | Once Prominent manage It. ing gotten out. and active work on tion barbed wire. In bls left second finger, and was present at the National Drunkard and Pauper. "I, have the highest reganl for the The patient is now at the county hos- I council of the begin the first of Congregational Samuel G. Allen, at one time pros­ work of the ministry. My life is excavation will pital.—Burns Times-Herald. I churches held at Dea Moines. Iowa. Notice to Debtors. ecuting attorney of Spokane county. linked to It. and I cannot say that I coming week. Ail persons knowing themselves In­ The building will have a frontag I do not know just what is dnlnkldled November 1 In the Wayside Mis- have forsaken It.” Ninth street and 100 debted to the 'irm of Sones &. Walk­ Politics in Union County. at the college.” he remarked. •Mv slon hospital at Seattle, destitute and I Mr. Hughes was In Tendleton yes­ of 132 feet on The plans for the er, Helix, Oregon, will please calle G B. Dlm’mick. candidate for pres- trip East was not on business con- - — ’la pauper. Penniless and without terday selling stock In hl» mining feet on Idaho, the Republican I nected with the achooj. After my ---- ot^] * and settle at once. As we have sold i»lentlai elector on We have located a branch office In friends he was taken to that hospital proposition* and vIMting the family four stories above the basement art? 111 . YUKSMI I II well along but a contract will not be out our entire interest. All bills ticket, and J. W. Knowles, of La tendance at the board meeting and Pendleton, and will make collecting October 21 from a cheap lodging : of James Crawford, old acquain­ Ore- let until the basement nears comple­ payable to P. H. Sones. Helix, Grande, were speakers at a Republi- the council I went to New York. Phll- house. lefunct bills a specialty. No ac- He was suffering from ail­ tances anil co-workeru of Mr. Hughes Hcrseshi'eing, general repair­ can rally held at Hilgard Tuesday 1 adelphla and Hartford. Conn. In tion.— Boise Capital News gon. ■ount too old for us to handle. ments due to the excessive use of In­ in the Presbyterian church. ing, wagon making and repair ­ night. A vigorous campaign will be I spite of the fact that election is so Our plan Is: “No collections, no As Sunday school missionary for toxicating liquors, which resulted In i Nearly »50.000 has been raised in conducted In Union county because of near, business conditions appear falr- death. Doesn’t Renpect Old Age. charges. Suits instituted, judgments I ing. The way I have built up Eastern Oregon. Mr. Hughes' work Spokane for a V M C A. building, ♦ my business la by doing noth- ly good. advertised. It's shameful when youth fails to the close vote. Allen a few months ago attempted I called him to every remote corner ♦I ----------------------------- I “The weather has been excellent, suicide while tn the city jail held on i of the country, an I he has traveled which Is to cost »100.000. show proper respect for old age, but ing but good work, Prices rea- I1»c Van M-tlne-Gonlon A CX k . Mer- Real Estate Transfer». and I have had no occasion to use an a charge of passing worthless checks. every singe road and pony trail In just the contrary In the case of Dr. »-aiUllr Agency. H. V. l.lpe A sonable. ♦ I ♦ » » 4 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 I li 1 1 *♦♦♦♦; : J. R. Kilgore and wife to Frank umbrella for a fortnight, and had The case was dismissed through the I the mountain district In the illm'hnrge King’s New Life Pills. They cut off On.. Mgra <\»r. Cottonwood Aha Sts. maladies no matter how severe and Snider, lot 4, block 4. of Kilgore's| little occasion to don an overcoat." aid of friends who had known him In I of the duties of a missionary. He was Dyspepsia, aihlit ->n to the clt ’ o' VV»'lon «n- 119 E. (Nnirt St. Teleplione Main >11. irrespective of old age. once pastor of the Presbyterian better days. • ■ jaundice, fever, constipation all yield sideiation »1000. I ji NERVOTS PROSTRATION. When a resident of Spokane he and I church at Union and later at Magnetic wonder of the twen- Ben Teal and wife to Emma A. to this perfect pill- 25c at Tallman his wife, who has since secured a di­ • Grande. Brown, land near the state line. Con­ Hen Holt’s & Co.’s drug store. Dlagnoses with- Favorite Driver Can’t vorce. moved In the best society. He tleth century. sideration, »1400. Madras ITourlna Mill. Keep m *»I Ratiafactory arrangements with ELECTRICIAN. drink. By mistake of the factory the Gol- "I am able to stand civilisation and A draft mare, valued at »200, the tlie proposed flouring mill company den Rule Store has about three times Flour exchanged for wheat. or knife; and teaches the s,-l- Prompt attenti n given and all to establish a modern roller flouring as many golf gloves as were ordered. property of N. A. Elder, who resides modern improvements, provided they Weiser I’toiMwr Dies. Flour. Mill Feed. Chopped Feed, work executed properly. don ’ t come too strong." enee to others. Now located at remarked Pendleton, dropped Rather than return them, it has been 18 miles from Sol M. Jeffries of Weiser, aged 69. mill In this city In so far as lots and ■tc.. always on hand. Electrical supplies of all kinds. Elder's four- Ben Holt of Walla Walla, last night, died Monday In Portland, where h other privileges are concerned. Mr. decided by a big reduction in price dead this afternoon. > to close them out. You ought to see horse team was standing in front of "but I've got a horse that can’t.” Mr. was operated on for bladder trouble. S. P. Conroy, the secretary of the OFFICE—lit West Court St. E«»i: SAI L AT THE EAST OREGONIAN the time. The Holt had been discussing the street He was one of the oldest settlers in new milling company, la here an»! Is the 50c values they are offering for the courthouse at (Tribune Building.) Cull any time to Investigate. office larg,- bundles of newspspsrs. coa- 25c. and the 75c values which go for cause of the animal's death la not Itaving of the Garden City and the that section, having llve