' I WHITE MIN S SIN “go this fall, when the family moved t<» Washington, where they have since resided. Her husband I n a brother of Giant Elgin, ami also of AUen Elgin, of Lincoln. Kan., und of Judge Elgin, of St. Helena, <’al. markets, principally In New York, Philadelphia and Boston. «if peu« h plums there were about 150 tosis, valued at »2250. Ot apple», 40,00«» boxes, at approximately »39,- 000. Chi-rrli-x, 80 tons, valued at »3.- 200. Beaches. 35.000 boxes. »15,000. Grapes. 150 tons. Over 5000 boxes of pears, »3000. The quince crop Is not large. perhaps COO boxes. an uccident to the boiler forced a. postponement of the work, which will be resumed this week. Joseph Cunha, of Ech«». will Imme­ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1904. diately build a dipping plant whh’h COMMI R< I %L X.ssoc I VH<)\ will be one of the largest in the Northwest, its capacity being four an­ BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS imals at once. He is getting the ma­ terials on the ground at this time («• Wriic-np <>( Pciiillclon ami l malilla I’einllclon Vi-rlc Making an Active WHISKY PEDDLING \N use in the tank, and will prosecute Of America Use Pe ru na f ®r All « nni|Hilgn for McinlM-rsIlIp—Ortler < omit) Will 4,o Into TI ioumuh I s of I NM1TTGATFD CVRSE. the work as rapidly as possible. lie REV. VAN M YS REPORTS IIII. M IIGOI. I I ND Catarrhal Diseases. Ea»t«*rn Now Ila» lino M«-uibers Io This <’lty Houle» — lloiiic»<-ek«-rx ami A PROFITABLE SESSION has »»ver 2000 head of his own cattle \ l»llors al SI. I ahi I s Fair Sa> thè —NN ill Begin U h , ErecUon of a New to dip. Cliarles M. Robinson Bitterly Con­ and The dipping which will be done by Greatest N«-«l TlH-rc 1» More West­ Hull ul « »iHv— Man) l iuutlllu EveryIxsly Has Heard of California, EvMiigrlitll«* Work Will Ik* ProM*cut- Uum*ti Steplx i * m F<»riclu*%<*r Ore ­ Fonili) New»|ui|H'r Men Will Take ern l.ilcralurv—Wrilc-up Wlll He I to tlx* Amount of >dOO Were to Indians—Says More Hell in tine voluntary, although It will be con­ < ullforida Is A«Hertl»e«l Eiery- gon During the Coining Year— tin- M)»«crl<-»—A Slrictly BeuefR «■lieti I ree to l ’ emllcton ami l'ma- ducted under federal supervision. The 1 <»lk*«*U*«l l»y Ten» tfi < ir- Small Spot in l’endlelon Titan Any­ wliere. But Oregon Is Unlward of— I loancee am! All Ollier Affairs of « »nier. lllla «olmi). arrangement of all details Is accord­ « nil < ourt—Mont Profitable Tenn where Else on Earth—Enough Ing to the strictest requirements Pendlelon Indian Itols-s the Only U m .* ( Iiunii In Most Gratifying P« ndl« ton Eaiiles are preparing for of < onrt Held hi I malilla County Work Here to K«*ep Reformer» Em­ which the government makes and « »regoli Product Seen In die East— C oim RU oi »—Rev. Van Noya a Dele­ a big rally to take place on the eve­ The officers and niviubvrs of the which experience has show*n to be for Mali) Vtrars. ployed for Years to Come. ning of October 31. one hundred Crying N.ssl for Oregon Idleralure. gate lo frenerai Anw*n»hl> — Next valuable. The dipping by the smaller Commercial Asot'iullon of Pendleton »andidat« N will be initiated into the Pr«*«»byler> at PeiMÌh*ton. have imiursed the enterprise projvct- aerie. feeders is also voluntary, and In all Rev. W. L. Van Nuys returned last Speaking of the increased sale of cases Is done for self-protection ami ed by the Oregon Daily Journal, of Jersey City, N. J.. Oct. 1«.—(Editor I of 11 « rirfhr »al < anea before the Il I m the intention of the Eagles to liquor to Indians In this city. Charles to insure better results during the Portland, whose field correspondent, begin work early next month on their East Oregonian.) -On May 15 last. I night from attending the Stat* P l*er term of the atate circuit John E. Lathrop, is now in Pendleton Hynod at Portland, . conviction« or pleas of guilty M. Robinson, chief clerk at the Uma­ winter’s feeding. new' hall, The lodge r«?ceiitly pur- left Oreghn to make my business byteriau brings with iriim the echo of g None of the stock which is to be ior descriptive articles of Pendlelon chased (he ulte ot the old Wheeler secured except in three In­ tilla agency, in writing to Rev. C E and Umatilla county to be horn«* in New York. I incur por- determined, on enthusiasm and a record of a 1 dipped has yet been in the fee»i yards es. One man was acquitted and Battalle of this city, says: building ill Court street, where the ated in u special edition of the Jour- forfeited heavy cash bail. The hall will be« erected. The building starting, to learn to what egtent Ore­ •U(<«-MMfui wesMion. “Of one thing I am sure: There is a or even near them, and will not be nal which (hut paper proposes to will have a frontage of 5V feet and a Mr. Van Nuys states that it was id rash bail forfeited amounts They gon is known In liutt section of the great work for a willing reformers in until the dipping is finished issue soon, The Journal is making unanimously agreed by laymen and making it or^ of the moat Pendleton. Our Indians become will be put on full feed for the win­ no charge 1 for the space aligned or depth of 100 feet, with an ”L” 22 Unite I .States called 'The East.” and clergy alike, th;it this s**Msion of the IAÌOI sessions ever held. feet in width at the rear. maudlin drunk there. Some of the ter immediately afterward. the result of my investigations is here synod was the most profitable and Both the dipping plants mentioned the expense t of III un ( rat Ions. Htephena. under indictment Pendleton aerie now has a mem- saloons have tables in the rear, and Sim e arriving in Pendleton, and enjoyable ever held in the state. and stealing, forfeited >990 bail. Irershlp of 300, an»! expects to have state«!: a button-and-bell arrangement for will be operated by the deadfall and looking ..jg over the giound, Mr. Lathro)> During five months I have tra vele I Its membern were veterans who have George Weston, convicted of horse fully 400 by the time the new hail is calling out an inhabitant of the saloon walk out system. has decided to broaden the scope ui seen service in the Presbyterian •dealing .«nd awaiting notice of ap­ Government Inspector Iatntz states begun. about 5000 miles. I who will furnish anything drinkable have visited the plan, and, instead of printing This is by far the largest lodge Minneapolis. St. Paul. Chicago twice. church in Oregon for over 40 years ical forfeited 1300 cash t*al|. John they may call for. for the price, And that there are a few cases of cattle merely two page pages on Pendleton an»! It was also the largest in point of at­ Duffy paid |15 m for <-attle stealing yet. it is a felony to sell Indians in­ mange tn the Butter creek country, vicinity, , the Journal will devote an membership in Pendleton and the Detroit, Uieveland. Indianapolis twice, tendance. Ralph Ward, convicted of assault, but only a few, and have been for new Eagle's hall will be the largest toxicating liquor! Pittsburg twice, Philadelphia Ihre** The synod without hesitation rati­ laid >123 fine John Woods and some time, but that the cattle men of entire section of the paper to this • nd most imposing hall in the city. ”1 do not know ot an area of times, Buffalo. Albany, and the dis­ fied the request made by the last ses­ Harry Kelly pleaded guilty to charges that district are putting themselves on county, and therein set forth compre­ The Initiation to take place un Oc­ ground of equal dimensions in the hensively the resources and advan­ tance from New York to <’hicago has sion of the Eastern Oregon Presby­ fined 159 for gruss lewd- andidates from Umatiiia county Will Bet on Turner. north of Webb street and east of Main the East to selected lists of well-to- last summer. mm and John Wa-lletsie, an Indian, newspaper men will be inducted into city, and in the large cities near Neu (he lines suggested S. S. Bailey, well known in Seattle in Pendleton, including the closed al­ fto i»e<>ple of all classes, mostly farm­ York. During all of thia traveling I The Pendleton Presbytery comprise* was fined >30 for aswauit. ley. if testimony is to be believed One as a capitalist. business man and ers. who have evinced an Intention to the mysteries. George Lamont and Edwin it. Among the press candidates to be have enjoyed conversation with a Umatilla, a part of Grant. all of missionary could devote his whole shrewd political observer, who is now »•me West and locate permanently. great many business men an«! fellow Crook. Shern»an. Wheeler. Wasco ^tokes were respectively sentenced to initiate«) will be Elmer P. Dodd of the taking in the races in Walla Walla thn< his Sundays and his week days The Journal asks no bonus for this travelers. Morrow and Gilliam counties. The (hr*-*- years each in the state peniten- a's Baaevuleat laanriaUwa af his days and his nights, his working has telegraphe. ity in attendance and condensing the eat >uff*-rer from iti«»n. Illustrations and all the work interest. the evangelistic found It in Ely's <'r*am Balm, about Mr, Halley is one of the best known consisting of J. T. Hinkle i and Con- weeks I was fully restored.”—Henrietta sins until the white men came atnoni thousands of Eastern men I have work, was the topic of almost para- *( preparing the matter will be at ra»! Platsoeder, is meeting eight years ago. and wre have beer» wllh un­ them. Now. alas’ they know- It al 'u tters on election results in the state he Journal's expense. A. 8. Marsh. met and converse«! with, appeared to mount importance, or at least was twunded success and the cíase of fast fríen r since (Rev.) R. M tn I his judgment on elections has La Grippe Is epidemic catarrh. Pere­ too well. Whisky and scrofula, wit) know that Oregon was on the map. made such by the universal interest Bentley. Text *>ff Ute lml»»r>rnM!‘nt. *w • > good in the past. His confl- in didates is t*eing recruited rapidly diseases, are deci other more dread but ever> one instantly said ”Gh. yes. and enthusiasm concerning it. Thl* as is of national fame as a sure cure for M« hwt * Ely Bros : —Fin J encio«*»i The Eagles is Mrictly a benefit or- l*hr signed indorsement of the ofii lev .. in the . lection of Turner is sig­ mating the race. from t'alifomia ” when I mentioned feeling the genera! assembly is In catarrh in all phases and stages. cent*, for which please send me !*r. paying 17 era and managers of the Common lai ant. — Wall«« Walla Statesman 59 weekly benefit, nif “Drunk to blindness, the bleary the Pacific coast. full touch with, as is evidenced by th* If you do not derive prompt and satis­ yoi ir **ream Balm. I find your reme- kssociall<»n. t«»gether with the signa­ furnishing free a physician for the eye notes not the approaching train tact that it will send from the Eas. factory results from the u»e of Peruna, < alifontia \\i»k-l> Advertised. dy the quickest and most permanent tures appended, secured today, are as members and their families, the Exhibit of Mar Ei*li write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a nor do the dulled ears catch Its sound Irately I have been investigating luring the coming winter some of th • cure for cold in the head, catarrali. monthly dues being but 75 cents, Th re is being exhibited In the di*- follows: till crash —and eternity has claimed ablest and most forceful exangehs*- full statement of your case and he will Yours truly. Dell M Potter. Gen. “The Oregon Dally Journal of Port-1 Life membership is furnished for the ’’why” of this seeming lack of its own. Or the unsteady foot totters Pl- pistol flashes, and another unpre- Washington to the World's Fair at »lustrations setting forth the re­ Wl DM MN UA volume and high character o The obbed of 1200 in .San Fran Francisco. irs. fruit statistics, and the fruits • pared soul is launched upon the bil­ St. Louis and exhibited In the fishery sources and adxantagfs of Pendleton themselves but nothing from Ore­ work which the renerai assembly Tuesday night, while “seeing th* lows of the great beyond. budding. The collection was prepar- and Umatilla county, and having Ml*a Mollie Green haa gone to revival work in thi« will put forth in sights” on Barbary coast. gon. or almost nothing Seventeen such deaths since I have e,l by J. D. Hillsbery. of Seattle, who manifested a commendable spirit of A iama on a visit. I have diligently !» un ted through state during the cornine few month* been here—only a few years! It is «up piled the exhibit for Washington liberality and a disposition to perform R K. Reek, of Holdman. li In the many dally papers coking for Lewis is the resuit not so much. if at ail. usists of 131 13! specimens of the The legitimate functions of a newspa­ Ity attending the institute. terrible. The white man sometimes it c. -•usists and Clark fair advertising t»r news a feeling ot necessity, as It is a dis- publishes! In chief per pui»lianen profeaadonal burin*«« today. passion. Every preacher, minister or ■li^tnal process of Mr. Hlllsbery. Th, of the vari«»u« region« Sunday issue of the Newark. N J., the harvesting of a ripe field. At Mt«« Hester Kate«, of Connell. Is without charg»* for the space utiiiz»*d priest in Pendleton owes It as a duty exhibit is attracting a great deal of News, have I been able to find a line time in the history of the church I 'iattlng her sister. Mrs L. O. Orrin w* the subscribers hereto, members to himself, to his deeply offending attention. this state has its finances been or even a word about the fair of the board of managers of the Glenn Nlxdorff Is III at the home race, and to his God. to get busy and such stable and sound condition, or Orrgoa I'm It* Not Known. <*om mere tai Association of Pendleton, •f hl* brother. T J Nlxdorff. with fight this curse to the Indians. Dirt to lly on Portage. its membership so Large and its ex­ unhesitatingly commend the project ypbotd fever. I have visited several of the largest tension work shown such gratifying ”1 am today sending a case to your Dirt will be Tying on the portage Do you like ynur thin, rough, calc ulated to forward the interest* groceries in Newark. 250,^00 popula ­ district attorney for his action, where­ road at Celllo within 30 days. J C Mt«e Elsie Rosenswelg of Athena. progress» as during the j ast year or short hair? Of course y< i popu­ more. in a man who came by the agency on McCabe a Seattle contractor. 1« on of the city and county. ■ In Pendleton to attend the teach- tion also in Elisat»e!h ‘We suggcM that. In order to utilize •r»' Institute lation Jersey City. 3”** OSS popula­ business a few days ago went on lnt«> From November until the general don't. Do you like rhkk. the ground with the engineers, and pr<»p«»eed »pe< la I edition and we­ Pendleton and obtaine»! whisky, al­ will probably get the job and the te»! New York «vb<*ut 1AH.H*., ¿jcsembly meets next May an active Fred twter ha« recovered from the heavy, smooth hair? Of re results commensurate with the though it is a penitentiary crime t«» looking for Oregon prunes and other < ampatgn w ill be carried on in all Open River Association Is busy rais­ ort and expense to be given by the typhoid fever sufficiently to be able «»regur, fruits and the invariable and (arts of the stale. During those course you do. Then why give or sell it to him. and become s.» ing 140.among the farmer» of urnal. it would be wise to *** that to resume work. drunk that he sold his brother’s horse unhesitating r*pl} Ivas been that they months some of the greatest English East-rn Oregon an»i Washington, who E N. Smith, a farmer residing at never heard of Oregon prune« considerable number of copies are for a third of its value so he could •»peaking evangelist« who labor under by the portage are to be benefited it «11 rediy to known homeweekers 713 Coable street. Is aerioualy HL I have. however. ordered eight the auspices of the Presbyterian buy more whisky road This sum will make the amount n the Eso 4 as well as to the St. !>»ul* Typhoid fever Is threatened. box*« from a friend In Oregon and < hurch w ill labor in Oregon, and “I am willing to aid the owner of available for building and equipping W. A. Storie Is at Burnt River, they will be plac«rd on the tables of some o/ them will reach Pendiet«»r. recover the horse, but only on condi­ the eight miles of road »200.000. the ■x¡«.«ID»m w here, according to state- | not be pleased? Ayer's Hair went* by citizens who have returned looking after the new steel bridgi eight well knov n men living in New although it is not known at this junc­ tion that the one who sold It shall be other portion having been appropriat­ hereto jn. a heavy demand li i met for which is being Turk an J New Jersey for I am de­ ture who will come here. Vigor makes beautiful heads punished. These terms will be com­ constructed there. ed by the last Oregon legislature — literature concernini Oregon. plied with, and that means only an­ City Attorney C H «'after retum- termined that BOMEONE within my Among the several new church cf hair, that's the whole Walla Walla Statesman. J. A. It’iRlE, President. other penitentiary victim Hundred* e»l to Portland this morning, where circle of buMnees and personal friends building» erected during the past year story. Sold for 60 years. C. E ROOSEVELT. Vice Pre« of such cases have come before me. A CASE OF IT. his «rife I* receiving medical treat- must b* able to aay that “they” have in this state is one at East Portland \fter Owner» of Dive*. - I ¡Lav* t»*-t Aver • Haf fee a V* c JOHN F ROBINSON, Secretary heard of Oregon prune« and hav* —a large and beautiful structure “Peo was one of the brightest In­ mer»t. t H a »'«-Serfs. US Warrants for the "men landlords." ra'qr’ib»* *t • kair kU »t F W VINCENT Treasurer tasted them and found them good. Man) More Like it in Pendleton dian chiefs, a consummate orator a All th- year there has been * vteadv • :.a Marwh. of Wtrtun. ar* I SfaCL't U p«V* '£< • 9;l!irr>Ju4 vs* mu lend the •rwoiont of the teacher«' in- kle on the application of E E. Demp- many similar occurring dally in Pen­ got enough to reach the top. and now C. J. SMITH. Manager. vestigations relative to Oregon pro­ _ r __ <** The first session of the Pendleto:' stltute. for W. J. CLARK. Manager. ducts in the East My latest effort Presby teryr win be held tn April next dleton. It is an easy matter to verify he is a physical and mental wreck— sie and Attorney Harris Baldwin. Th* Rex Exert on. the new Congrega­ has been to discover if possible «orne are accused of per- w. E BROCK. Manager. its correctness. Surely you cannot ask will probably end his days in an asy ­ "men landlords" tional jailor. 1* expected to arrive on of the excellent products of that at Pendleton. mittlng the "women landladles" to He ALEXANDER Manager. The next session of the State Synoi for better proof than such conclusive lum—all due. as the physicians of run houses leased through the "men or about the 25th. and will preach on great state advertised tn the Eastern BERT HUFFMAN Manager your own town pronounced, to alco­ win be held at La Grande during Oc- 2.-» evidence. the 30th. which landlords" undfr conditions LE N COHEN. Manager. magazines and other high class pub­ tober. 19<8>5. holism.” are forbidden by the state law —Spo- D. W. Cook. 70 years old and retired Rev. W. M Trieach. of North Vak­ lications. such a« the Izadles' Home F. E. JUDD. Manager. CHARLES M ROBINSON. (TTATIOX. Rev. Van Nuys kane Pres» ima. who has been the guest of M Journal, Satur-lsy Evening Poss, and mt loner to the from active business, now living on Clerk Umatilla Agency. Grata and family, returned home this i others. U the coaaty court of tbe state of Oregce. Main street, says: "The dull dragging L \kl » It %l»ll M lit» 4 I Ml VL w hicb meets next Returned From Iilaim. for L'aaUUa couaty morning. I have found one gloriou«. conaplc- Ind., during May. pain in the small of my back felt as PILOT KOC K HAPPENINGS. in tbs sx&tter of tbs «state of Jcslak W L Simonton haw returned from J. If two giants were tearing me apart, Carrie* a rge Cork. WUUaai Cock. Bessie and at times I felt so miserable that Two Telephone Line- Being Con- Idaho and Wyoming, where he spent with the intention of going into the speck of lI m * Frci'i«»*« Mineral. >1 ll'l » !«• TURK IN«. went the summer and this morning Cork. Evelyn Cock and Mrs Flame , shining example Is the Pendleton I «rnuld not stand or walk and was Cork, wid^w «¡>f Fred L C-ark. ¡5*"eas*d While there is only about a half interior from that point and taking Woolen Mills, with their well con­ »tructed— New I w I hm »! H ou -«- W 111 to his Butter creek ranch. 40 miles confined to my bed. Urinary weak- government land. betrs st law of J Parker Co*, ¿k- out. With Mr. Simonton went to pound of radium in existence In a Be Erected. structed. beautiful advertisement for Town Ila» Marked A«Kam*gv Over ■eaeed. and to Frank J Parker. Frank J. ness set In, especially at night, and I George Taylor, traveling pa ween ger refine«! state. J H Koontz, of Echo Baker fit, in Some Respect». Foster, who made some Bessie Cork. Evetyu Cock. White. iMflBBfMHfiMl' “ ‘ Aaroo the Oregon Indian robes manufac­ was failing physically every day. At Pilot Rock. Oct. IS.—Glen Cannon Idaho L T. ag**nt for the Wisconsin Central, with F l*arker. Mra _______ _____ Cock ____ and Sylvia tured at Pendleton. A gentleman who came from Baker Cottrill, this time I happened to read an ad la building a one-story cottage that investments in that state, and may carries in his p<*cket the least shin­ - - ;*vatees - devisem and used - ta headquarter* in Portland. was In Hurrah for Pendleton and her en- City a few days, and has interests •be Si about Doan's Kidney- Pills and was will probably be ready for occupancy sell out in this county and remove to ing. flickering, piercing my of this ' it* «aid J *iah I*xrker Cox. Pendleton last night. wonderful mineral. terprising woolen mill and the In- there and here, avers that there is a ceased. GREETING much Impressed with the sincerity of by the 10th of November. John Royer Idaho. IV THE NAME OF THE STATE OF He is taking the radium treatment The mother and sister of Ernest : dun robes’ I have found two of the decided business depression In that the testimonial, which was much sim­ is the contractor. yon. and each of yon. are for threatened pamlysis and a small, Kinman, of Vansycle Canyon, have • robes in families living on Staten la- place, due principally to the decline OREGON, l*»t Micep Shipments, ilar to the one I am using now. I :r*d a ’ h*r«»by r!-*d to aj^ear at the __ Doctors Parker and Hume will be- steel-clad capsule, in the shape of a arrived from Indiana and will make trainload of sheep will be ship- A Ortober. 1904. term of tee ab»ve eatlked land and tn Jersey City, and I felt of the mines immediately adjacent, got a box of pills at the Brock A Mc­ gin work on their residences in tim** . at 11 o'clock la tbo 12-calibre cartridge, incloses an In ­ their home with him. on his farm. ped from here In a short time, which like shaking hands with old friends On the other hand. Haines. IS miles foreeooe <« Monday, the 24th day of Ot­ Comas drug store and they helped for their completion by the first of will probably end the shipping season finitesimal sj»erk of radium, which J. D. Toney has returned from i from my beloved Oregon. (I sent west of Baker City, and a town of but me so that I continued using them January. her. at the County »'ourt room tn until I had taken several boxes Then Work will begin on the new school in this county for this year. In a 1» strong enough to thoroughly charge Rake. City, where he has been for • both robes East myself to these fam- 460 or 5V0 people at the most. Is the Court House of V ma til ¿a County. Or­ egon. tn the city of IVadletoc tn said I could eat. sleep and get around house in a short time, the Intention short tjme a trainload of sheep will a glass of water, by holding the cap­ the p ort six months, and will resume • Illes for Chirwtmas presents some doing a thriving business in every de- ■untT. thee and There to show cause. If years ago I wish it were possible to partment of her affair*. again without suffering the least bit being to have it ready for occupancy be sent East from Heppner, which sule over th«* glass for about 90 sec- his oh! place in Millet s grocery. any exist, why the said County Court will close the buying season In Mor- of physical pain, I endorse all of by the first of the year. Haines has tar more farmer*— «hould uoc grant the prayer of the peti­ Mamuel While, a brother-in-law of j send more of them, not especially to of Frank B C’.op: n. a ix»nistrat *r row county. t just make present*, but to let more the claims made for Doan’s Kidney thrifty and well-to-do tributary to tion Only one minister of the gospel has Jack Brigham. has returned from f the estate of J wish I'arkw Cog. de tiled by this simple. "miKmshlne" Pills." regular appointments at Pilot Rock Allwrta (or the winter. His present , families back here know of at least her, and the roads make the place ess.'d. with the will annexed, filed here- I*,«ltlliltg .Willwml |.hv«i-«-. treatment, a, he calls It, he would Intention L* to For sale by all dealers. Price 50 now. That Is Rev. Robert Divan, the far more accessible to these farmers n oa S-'; ? ember 8, 1!*M. whereto be prays ultimately go to Al- one «»regon product ’ >r an order and decree of the said County ents per box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Presbyterian, who preaches in Frank Martin was arrested by the be skeptical in regard to the effect lw*rta to stay. than is Baker City, an»! the result is eonrt. Wliat*« U>r Matter With Oregon? the authorUing aud directing hl* to of the mineral, but he say» the treat ­ Bufalo. N. Y.. sole agents for the old Methodist church. Mr that Haines commands now a far police last night for peddling Jewelry *• a.t of the real property (►'. n 24 : :he east half of the east half of Returned From Albcrsa. The poles are set for three miles oectioa 14. and the east half of the worth cial meeting of the stockholders of W. T. Rigby has returned from Is valued at »200,000 an ounce, and health, making her home with a stores'* Why doe* nobody know of City. east quarter »f seetioa 23. being SiO the Golconda Consolidated Gold north of town and ara being placed the brother-in-law. Mord Jones. In to le.saeas. Is a most difficult arilcl« af the smallest needle and absolute­ last summer and Invested In a dray 100.000 magnificent souvenir books, small. Innocent looking piece of paper thereof, hereto attached. at the court company for the purposeof takng over tion of the line by contributing labor bouse tn Pendleton. Tmatllla county. Ore­ invisible «<, «he best naked eye. >>’ line at Fairhaven. not cheap stuff, but a beautiful book that has been to them a heavy bur­ gon. this 13th day of September. 1904 ail of the property of this company and supplies, such as each furnishing l lr»t Snowfall. Attest . FRANK SATING, and payfhg its present indebtedness a given number of poles and a cer­ Frank Bailey and family have ar- that any one would take home and den for the past 12 years. Money (Sea! » Clerk The first snowfall of th* season HR« Ik IN kN FF CAP. and properly equiping and operating tain amount of labor digging hole« rived from Detroit, Mich., with the read and look at many times and was borrowed to help build the said properties, the stockholders of and setting the poles. All the neces­ fell last night and yesterday afternoon Intention of remaining here, and all ponder over. How many did Oregon church and It would seem at times to said new company to consist of all the sary cash expenses are pro rated. Wynne I «*11 Into I xi-aiHiioii arel are delighted with the tow*n and Its distribute at the St. I aju I s fair? To­ the struggling few that the cause was at Kamela and Meacham. O n* .1. VOTRE OF FIN A! ACCOUNT. present stockholders of this company Rrxvivetl Severe Injuri«-». The new telephone line will connect N. cars coming down th* mountali. environments. Mr. Bailey Is the new day I received a folder done In most almost hopeless, but after long faith­ who desire to take stock In the new in the County Court ot the State of this morning ha»l a alight trace of artistic effect advertising the Spokane ful work they were able to burn their J. L. Wynne is at St. Anthony-» salesman nl Sullivan A Bond's. organization at the rate of three and with the Doug Helts Independent line, snow on top of the cars. The i Oregon for Umatilla County. snow*- hospital Buffering fr<»m one-third (3 1-3) cents per share for which Is about 12 miles bey on »1 Pilot the effects • • f Miss Theresa Brown has arrived fair this fall. And I have just learned mortgage. And as the flames were In the matter of the estate of fall Is about tw*o weeks earlier ' t ha n each share of stock now held by Rock, and which ends at his plan*. a broken knee rap Wynne stumbled from Manhattan. Kan., and will visit that thousands of these folders have consuming it. the audience reverently James P Whittemore, deceased. usual. them, and other persons: the prefer­ Notice Is hereby given that the In the darkn«* an»! fell into the ex- with her brother, llotner Brown, for been mailed broadcast by Spokane sang. “Praise God From Whom All ence right, however, to take stock in Blessings Flow."—The Dalles Chron­ unde signed has filed his final report vacation for Ihe the new John Schmidt a few s. and then with her step­ merchant*. DIPPING ECHO CATTLE. such new organization at such rate R«*tiirn«sl From Synod. with the above entitled Court tn the I tell you. friends. It's mighty hard icle. building. His H im left knee cap is broken father. H J. Wisner, of North Yaki­ to be given to the present stockhold­ Elder E. A. VanVranken and Rev. above entitled estate, and that the work to holler for Oregon, as I am ers of this corporation. And also, to Tltompsoii and Stan field Will Di|> 3000 B. F. Harper of .Milton, returned last and the llgiments of the knee are ma. who formerly lived In this place Judge of »«id Court has set Monday, doing, and as I delight in doing, when authorize the proper officers of this badly strained, it is not known yet < tail on tlx* Umpqua. November 7. 1S04. at 10 o'clock In the Heaf the county and In Grant coun- In the vicinity of The Dalles, says The Notice Is hereby given that the under Must be moved by De-'. 1. Address. ClinrSBiACkLLGVUCIM. signed ha* been by the above entitled court best remedy in for that purpose tomorrow evening. ty for government t land with his Dalles Chronicle. W. M PARRISH. Clerk. California*« fa run tr. the inoM auc- appointed administrator of the above en snch cases, It Harry Strawn. They He estimates that 1000 tons of brother-in-law, E_ lt<-al »>tate Transfers. The Interment wlll be made at once. District No. 2€. Holdman, Ore. ceastul, easiest used and lo»r«i titled estate, and ha* duly qualified a* the always cures Italian prunes, valued at 115,000, will priced reliable vaccine tnade Clara B. Dunnigan et vlr to G. W. without any services being held at found nothing to suit them, and the la* directs. Backer be boarder,string or pill form. U nit All persoua having claim* against said For Rent—For two or four years, latter returns In very poor health, be the output this season, not to in­ _ Davidson, land near Vanaycle. Con- this place. Vssiitief, g for free Black I.eg Booktrt estate are hereby notified to present the half section of good wheat land laistiag Sgells sidération 11200. THB CUTTFR LABORATORY With her husband and other inrm- being almost disabled by rheumatism. clude Hungarians which brought a I t same with proper vouchers to me. at my Mkie^*****' San PratKi«*«» Plenty of water on place. Four miles residence, near Ukiah, Oregon, within all bers of the family, Mrs. Elgin came Mr. Strawn wlll take baths at Hot fancy price this year, some of them ■ M IO ■ ■ I Our vaccines arc tor sale by moutba from date hereof from town. Charles Hein. Pendle­ Two masked men robbed a Butte to Pendleton from Eugene in 187«. l»