built, all the new building being con­ fined to residences, many of which are substantial and costly. Cloyd Oliver, of Echo, i* In town Mr. Mayberry assisted in capturing today. OF LOUISIANA. SAYS’, a pickpocket at the O. R. A N. sta- J. L. Stocker, of Prairie City, THERE IS frO FINER MEDICINE THAN PE RD NA- tlon at Milton. on the day of the cir­ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1*04 here today on buMlnew*. cus at Walla Walla in August, and Is August Tanke. of Freewater, I* here a witness against the criminal, whose on a brief bu*lne*« trip. trial will occur this week In the cir­ |{ J Hoddy, the Athena butcher, cuit court. drove over thl* morning. lie says school teacher* have been Pres* ( oniniilt,*. S1XTEEN PENDLETON WO­ \( < I *11* « »I H«*R*I *1 I. XI.- ||M. \iitl-Sal. Except Saloon League. Sixteen ladles representing the De­ B. F Mills, of Milton. I m in town en Warren Stephens, under Indictment an Increase of (’« m III ii Moll,—Will The report has been unanimously route into the John Day country, for horse »dealing, i* gone and the gree of Honor, (the auxiliary of the Inspect Millon Nursery Slock To ­ Ancient Order of United Workmen.) Indorsed by the Ministerial Alliance u here he expert» to take government officer* of the law do not know of went to Weston this morning to at­ of Pendleton and is now being circu­ land. day. hi* present whereabouts This after­ lated throughout the county. tend the county convention of the noon In the state circuit court Dis­ The Judd Geer, horticultural commis­ It is as follows: organization. It is expected that ami their brother Edward, who have trict Attorney G. W Phelps turned sioner tor the Eastern Oregon district As the question of prohibition Is been in town for a day or two, re­ over to the clerk 11*00 cash bail that about 40 ladles from different parts was in the city this morning from at this time before the people of this turned to la ho thin morning. of the county will be in attendance. Stephens put up a few week* ago to Portland, where he lias just attended The Pendleton delegation represents county, and many giving It serious a regular meeting of the board. Prof. W. C. Howard ami hi* family »ecure hi* freedom and thi* wa* de­ SO active members of the local lodge, consideration, a few facts relative to He was eu route to Milton to In­ returned to Milton thi* morning. clared forfeited by Judge W. H. Ellis. the fruits of the saloon may be of In­ which is the strongest, both in point spect the young nursery stocks in that They have been the guext* ..f Mr. Stephen* Is believed to be somewhere terest. of numbers and financially. of any His mother rewidea in vicinity, as the state of Washington Howard'* parent*. Rev. M. V. Hoar- in the east. First. Defiance of law.—In this re­ Degree of Honor in the state outside forbids the importation Pennsylvania. ard ami wife. of nursery spect the saloonkeepers of Pendle­ Stephens was . arrested Tbonsands of the world’s best pso- of Portland. stock not accompanied by a certificate Tom Mathews went >a*«terday out charged with taking horse* Pendleton ton are conspicuous, and apparently Those attending from belonging from the state board of horticulture pls have found Instant relief and apeedy l»» hi* Butter creek ram h. The fam- without an exception. The Sunday are: Mesdames J. W. Privett. H. into that state and Oregon to Frank Hanna and Charles Barber, ships a i ilv occupy their winter residence, cars by the «se of Caticon Soap, Oint­ Stewart. Angle 'aw Is constantly and openly violated Gillette. Lottie For over two month* he remained in large amount of stock there. to give the children the county jail, when Grace --doors are open and drunken men having moved In tc ment and PlUs in tbe most torturia« Humphrey. Dan Shockey. hi* mother ap> Mr. Geer says that reports trurn «cho > advantage*. Hicks and P. C. Peterson, and M isses every part of the state Indicate that are boisterous and profane. and disfiguring of itching, burning and peared and secured hi* release on W W. Whitworth has sold a farm cash Lai! of I>00. The money 1« said The law against gambling has been Edna Tweedie. Ella Peterson. Lizzie the fruit interests are in a most scaly humours, ecsemas, raatieik itch­ Bertha flagrantly violated, and It Is reported a mile east of Echo for S75OO. to to hat Peterson. Mary Mathews. been furnished by the pri*- lugs and mdanKuauons. thrifty and prosperous condition. ph R m mo*. He will not move oner*« *l*ter>ln-law and a farmer, re- that the most vicious methods have Hicks. Dollie Kruger and Edith Thousands of tired, fretted mot hers, In every part of the state enormous Indians. Cuticura Treatment is local and com «1. . ne for me. For two months known concerning him. tunered ith Kidney and I her Trouble I in the city from Milton today. Owing to the exceptionally warm stitational — complete and perfect, Second. Loss of life — Man shot at NEWS OF MILTON for Twelve Year»—Ptfu iu Cured 1 us lit faithfully and then felt so well weather of the past summer, the cod­ Lehman Spring* by a drunken man; William Robinson, the Echo lum- pare, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the lln moth has been propagated in in­ habitual drunkard found In the rear berman. was In town y*ster«lay and Him—feel» Better Than tor Tweot) I w» Lke a young n.aa once more. affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap Visitor From Indiana—Blacksmith numerable numbers, especially in the I of a Main street saloon In a «lying to.lay accompanied by his brother. F. and hot water to cleanse tbe skin of Years. • T. .- was over a year ago and I have not Removed to Condo«»—W ill Visit in vicinity of t’rion and at many Wil­ | condition—died thnt night. had any trouble since. Although I am E. R. Mukrs T«M>k VujruM Tsnke ’ s crusts and scales and soften the thick­ S Itoblnmm. of Grand Rapids. Ml« h Baker City—Rev. Coouibs is Aiwisl- lamette valley points. ened cuticle, dry without hard rubbing, Pur*«- Fr«xii HI* P«M-k«-< al Millon. Hon. William Watson Washburn. in t, «.-seventies I feel better sad more Third. Attempt at life or assault. The latter has been in Umatilla <-«»un- — and apply Cnticur* Ointment freely to "Ws expect to rigidly enforce the I —A young man under the Influence ty about a month. ing in Corvallis Revival—Attend­ While highly El*as* l with the country am! Its pros- <-eny from the person and must serve Club, and a very well known «.- -n «-f tion, and soothe and heal, and lastly not be necessary to make an example | saloon. a young woman In drunken I* ■ t» h* ha* no lntenti«»n of locatlns M -t derangements of the kidaeya are write* from G7T < anal a term In the state penitentiary. The New Orlean«, tending State K. of P. Convention. of any one.” said Mr. Geer. take Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool due to catarrh« f the k dney«. P-runa | condition, shot herself. or of Investing. jury that heard tb< raae in the «tate street: and cleanse tbe blood, and put every "The state of Washington has re­ Milton. Oct. 11.—Tonight the la­ Fourth Crimes.—The best author­ “ 1 am satisfied that there is not a finer ie a catarrh remedy. Th;« explains function In a state of healthy activity. Mrs. H. <’. Willis, of Echo, paa*e«l circuit court yester«lay afternoon waa dies of the Methodist church will fused to allow the importation of any ities Including the statement of the medicine placed before the public t.*day why it ;s that Peruna «-are* a great absent from the court room but 10 More great cures of simple, scrofulous nursery stock not accompanied by a ilstrl.-t attorney for the pa«t two through the city last evening en r«»ute and hereditary humours are daily made serve a chicken pie dinner from 5 to than Peruna. J bars been troubled for number of k.dney «¡.«eases in which minute*. to Walla Walla, where she «111 attend certificate from state boards of hor ­ terms, testify that for the la*? four by Cuticura remedies than by all other S. at the new opera hall. Stokes was arrested at the Milton newly twelve years with kidney and the u,ual remedies fall. J. L. Simpson of Francesville. Ind., ticulture and this will tend to make years 30 per cent of the crime« in the fair and visit with friends for a depot Aurust 19 Mood and skin remedies combined, a Hy .q do not r«-e»-iv* prompt and »atie- for picking the liver trouble, and at times I have -«-n a short time At the Walla Walla fair le set being often sufficient to cure arrived here Sunday night and is vis­ Oregon nurserymen more careful, as the «-ounty can be trace.! dire% tty or p -,r* } u hi- va-uabl* ad- competing this year In any of the ► ei- was gone. growing settlements and irrigated been the guest of his aunt and uncle, hum «1 •*.. (fc- Dw* CSmtav be attributed directly to drink Of hl bits. away from him and he aelzed the office w hi*h I read in a leisure hour. I vw- gratis. tawm.> rww siw wkrb. S im,, is C il m iSm left for his home this morning. districts of that state. 350 persons taken before the mur ici- man The purse was found In the then decided to give Peruns a tria. and A . ir«*s I Hartman, Prevujeu« of "The coming season will see a rig­ pal court in three months. 141 are Mrs. M. P. McRae, who has been latter’s breast pocket. Catarrh irxl Hay Fever. i Th* Hartman —xnilarium.l'oin* •<: .«■». found that I ! - a I here on an extended visit to her orous enforcement of the laws cover­ claasiHed straight drunk »nd dli Stokes declared that he picked up Liquid Cream Balm 1« tiecoming daughter. Mrs. N. A. Davis, has gone ing the subjects of spraying and In­ derlv; 106 inmate* of hous*s of ill the purse from the station platform <«xitract* to Teach. spection and Oregon fruitraiser* must fame—closely related to saloons: 25 «julte a* popular In many toeallUe* a* Mill Ix-sel Nearly «0 Acree. to Baker City to visit relatives. Etjr*« Cream Balm aol*d- It I* pre­ and placed it In his pocket, and In­ Contracts to teach were filed with Dr. «’. J. Smith will this winter Mrs. J. E. McQuary visited Satur­ co-operate with the board If the high gambling joints In saloon« The va­ pared for u»e in atomiser*, and i* tended to lum it over to the conduc­ the county school superintendent this hax* between 56 and 66 acres more day and Sunday with her daughter. standard of Oregon fruit is to be grants and fighters addicted to drink highly prised by thooe who have tor on the train as he was going on morning by the following W. O of h«s Echo ranch leveled for the maintained. We don’t wish to be will bring It up to SO per cent. Mrs. J. F. McRae of Walla Walla. to Walla Walla. ■n accustomed to call upon physic- Read, district 22. near Milton: Geor­ purpose of putting It under water J. D. McKnight. who for the past harsh on any one. but the law must Fifth. Iiemorallzatlon of exi-cutlve Ians for such treatment Stokes was represented by Ben K. Many phy- gia Anderson, district 4. near the from the Courtney ditch, which now three years has been employed in the be observed. The fruit Industry is one department of city and county.—This «1) ns are using and prescribing It. Davis. District Attorney G. w. state line. W H. Musselman, district «ut'plle* 76 acres of the same ranch. blacksmith shop of his brother. Mr. of the vital Industries of the state Is evident In the met hoi pursued In All the medical propertie« of the cel- PheljH» appeared for the state The 2k. west of P«rtidleton and Alcy Fc The entire acreage of the new land A. E. McKnight. left yesterday for and must be protected and improved, dealing with evildoers, via: the fine ebrated Cream Balm are con talned jurors were: district $6. Warren station. will b* planted to alfalfa, Condon, where he has obtained a po- and the board of horticulture has system which is practically a license in the leiquid form, which is 75 cents. It lies J O. Hales. H. Whittaker. J. C* definitely decided that the careless­ of crim* sition. three and or.e-half miles west of It seem* to have become including a «praying tube Pritchett. William Srhrempf. W P. All drug- IVrrhrroa **tailk»ci Sold. Echo. 6 Mrs. Mary* Edwards has arrived ness and diffidence of Individual fruit th* settled policy to collect | IT 50 gists, or by mail. Ely Brothers. 6 I^-ach. A. L. Demaris. L. Neff. J. Th*- McLaughlin Company ha« *er ■_ not be allowed to monthly from the lewd women and from Michigan and is visiting her growers shall Servers w W S. Radley. Frank Byrd. a Fereherori -Gallion to Moro where Warren St.. New Tork- threaten the entire industry In any 375 or 3100 periodically from 1 the aunt. Mrs. Elizabeth Hopson. Joseph Wurzer, J. I. Joy. he will t>- on exhibition for the re­ owners of games. This m*thted to fruit and garden, and also Mr. C. D. Walter. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral over b*'-s at i*v of Josiah Barter Cea. de to water stock The pump* will be Crimes resulting from drink minister. *«**< and to Frank J Parker. Frank J. Elmer Chastain is assisting In the recent rains in the southem por- ers To cure an aching back. 60 years ago. They use it put in next week White. Bessie Cort. Ere y* Cock. .Karo* greatly Increase the court expenses of Chastain’s pharmacy during the ab­ tlon of the county. The pains of rheumatism. F Smarter. Mr» FIore&ce Cort and SyiTta today more than ever. They Mr. Coombs is in the city for a few the county. sence of V. H. Chastain, who has gone lairgr «M-tHMd inndlmcnt. The tired-out feelings. CottrllL der^e*» and fcca!e«f* nased ta Onirrx l*n»hiblij«»n Election. days on an annual visit which he pays * »... of tbe *aid J-wtah Farter Cax. de Cittien« of Echo apeak in the high- You must reach the spot—get at to Seaside to attend the K. of P. erased. GUSTING to the county seat, to transact bust­ W X-I.l IMI LINED »50. The county court met in special the cause. e«t term« of the present management grand lodge. IX THE NAME OF THE FT ATE OF news and lay in supplies for his home of their schools by Prof L. W Keller session this morning and ordered a In most cases 'tis the kidneys. OEEGO.K. y« an! ea-h of you. are re for the year. He says it has been the *tru«-k Albert Jrnun on lltwl With and Mia Pooler, and state that the special election to be held November •*d and b*-rrt>y cited to appear st tbe Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kid- PERRINGER WILL BUILD “rtober. 1904. term of tbe aboee entitled driest season ever experienced in th* Rock, Making Bad Uound. enrollment is by a considerable the < for the purpose of voting on the neya. FOR GEORGE FROOME. southern portions of the county, but Ci *:y Ceart. to alt at 11 o'clock I* tbe question of prohibition throughout Mrs. J. Brynk. who lives on Star John Wa-lletsle, a Umatilla brave largest in the history of the place. formooa M «day. tbe 24th day of Or rely upon ii for colds, coughs, that the rains of the last week have the county. This action is due to the • «ber. a: tbe Coaaty Coart room is street, says: “Doan’s Kidney Pills Elegant Brick structure tn Re Erect- who struck Albert Jensen over the bronchitis, consumption. started the grass until It really looks head with a rock about two months I tbe C*. urt Hvnse of Vatatl'da Cooaty. <>r- petition recently filed by 10 per cent are a grand medicine, as I know from Feeding I**» t attle. egoa. Is tbe city of Fbadlit— la **id of Court ed at Southwest Corner like spring In the foothill dtstricta They will tell you how it M B Gillette, the Butter Creek of the registered voter* of the cour- experience, and I have no hesitation ago. has escaped a term In the peni­ •*>_tity. thea and there to show raane. if Most of the cattle are now In the tentiary by pleading guilty to a stockman unable to get and Thompson, to Coat »12.000— noti- hold of ty. The county clerk will ary exi«-. why tbe ask! Coaaty Coart in saying that any sufferer from back­ hells inflamed lungs. *t old not grant tbe prayrr of tbe peti “ T ► »r4 » very h»d fre *hr*e ache or other kidney troubles who Will Be Finest Bam In Inland Em­ winter pastures and are doing well. charge of simple assault. This action enough I'matiHa county cattle to full cet of the coming election not Uter TN»4M l • Areff*» * tberrv JNYtor* M • re 'le of Frank B C! opt « no . administrator Very few cattle are being sold off. and will give them a fair trial, will be »«•• were »«*xi oeswied my ¿retyped of the «state of Josiah i'artw Cox. de- pire—Equipped With Elevator* ami the increase last spring was very was taken late yesterday afternoon feed thl* winter. Imported about >•0 than 12 day« precedine the electlon. »way.* • WEEKLY i-eased. atth tbe wii: annexed, filed bere- and State Circuit Judge W. R. Ellis head from the Interior, and will thia w««. T'R a BL R tds . Gvthrto CetT* H Will Have Basement and Two lull heavy, making an unusually large Imposed a fine of 350. which the winter feed nearly 4(»0 head for the • n >-p'esber K 1>>4. «Lere,a be pray* lUiÿin« < all Or la» irei! more than satisfied with the results. IhUMe #• *- J • MTBWCO for an < nler and decree of tbe «aid Coaaty number to hold over this winter. Stories. B F MeCMneii and F W An- N - * ■■_______ C I suffered for three or four years with prisoner paid. Wa-lletsle was arrest­ spring markets. oocrt. acth nxlng and directing hi* ta for M ___ ’ -_____ u • • He says feed Is plentiful, and un­ ed on a charge of assault with a dan­ drew*, of Butter creek. have been pains in my back, which became '• a ; of tbe real property *gt*g to George Perrlnger, who owns the • e eMate Of tbe deceased, and al! of tbe \cw lte«Mrnrr at Echo. ■ buying stock cattle In the Iiee acute when I attempted to bend over, southwest comer at the Intersection less a severe winter visits that sec­ gerous weapon. estate and interest which be. a* a «te ini* Kcbo has a new furniture dealer, i country and other interior district* or to lift anything. Besides. I had of Thompson and Court streets, will tion everybody will have sufficient Albert Jensen, one afternoon found rat«, ran lawfully oe itati.>n Is i«*«.*1 and pnblutbed pursuant to order of tbe above entitled For sale by all dealers. Price 56 very soon for the clearing away of to arrive. Mr. Holdaway Is the In­ deep gash on the head. •ounty court -nad* ■« September 15. 19«H. cents per box. Foster-Milbum Co.. this dwelling, and immediately there- ventor of an agitator used to correct Wit: -n tbe Hoooraoie H J Beaa. Buffalo. N. Y-, sole agents for the after Mr. Perrlnger will begin exca- lira, y Rain* at Nolin. adze of said county court, and tbe seal DO Y ’ OU SUPPOSE that a company with a capital of $500.000 00. paid in full, and the proud reputation any tendency that seed wheat may- thereof, hereto attached. at tbe court United States. H. L. Freeby and wife were In town vatlng for the barn. of 3B years of continuous success, would make such an offer and not earn- it out to the letter.’ have toward rust. house In IVndletosi. I ntanila county. Ore- Remember the name—Doan’s—and DO Y’OU SUPPOSE we would jeopardize our standing with the public and our The barn will be very nearly If not unty Court of the State of UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER’S GUARANTEE of PURITY and Notice is hereby given that a spe­ oughly modern. way comes here for the purpose of Freeby's arc en route to Ritzville, Oregon tor Umatilla County. cial meeting of the stockholders of AGE, and “y'f’K you the big profits of the dealers. That's why it's best for medicinal where they expect to spend the win ­ It will be built of brick, and not In th* matter of the estate of Introducing it to the wheatmen of this the Goiconda Consolidated Gold purposes. That’s why it’« preferred for other uses, That’s why we are regularly ter. Their son. C. H. Freeby. and his James P. Whittemore, deceased. Mines Company will be held at the merely “come inside” the fire ordi­ district. supplying over half a million satisfied customers, That's why Y’OU should try it. Your Notice Is hereby given that the wife, who went through to Lend with office of Its secretary. 119 Court nance and other regulations govern­ money back if you're not satisfied. ... ter- Kne-l has filed his final report them, about six week* ar*. wilt re- street, in Pendleton. Oregon, at 2 ing its safety and that of surrounding Ixieatcl Iclnlio land. «1th the above entitled C«xirt in the o’clock p. m.. on Tuesday. November properties, but be built with every main at B**n*l. George Williams, of Milton, In in above entitled estate, and that the Sth. 1904. for the purpose of submit­ minute regard for Immunity from .tuds«- of < -.id Court has set Monday. He has just returned ting to the stockholders of this com­ fire and have every possible consld- town today. To Collect Printing Bill. November 7. 1904 at 10 o’clock In the from Idaho, where he went to locate pany a proposition to organize a new Action to collect 3253.65 on an as- after in regard to the eration looked forenoon, as the time and the County company for the purposeof takng over government land. He has not yet. Court room In the County Court all of the property of this company strictly sanitary aspects of the invest­ but expects next spring, to take farm­ slgne«| account was Institute«! In the house in Pendleton. Umatilla County. and paying Its present indebtedness ment. In every respect it is to be ing land about 25 miles above Em- state circuit court this morning by B i‘rvK >n. as the place for final hearing E. Kennedy against F. W. s«'hmidt. and properly equlping and operating constructed with every regard for mett. in Canyon county. He state* •hereon and all per*,«-.* tnterest«-4 said properties, the stockholders of cleanliness and safety, and will cost, The complaint all««** that the ac­ that very mu'h of the land represent ­ are notified to then and there appear said new company to consist of all the exclusive of the cost of the ground, count was for Job work !«erf«»rmed ed to be valuable, I* really too rough and sho» cause. If any they ixave. present stockholder* of this company between 311,000 and 312,000. by E. I’ Do«l«l. an«! nssigne«) to Ken­ • a hy sal«! final report shall not be al­ and barren to be of much account, al­ who desire to take stock In the new When completed it will be occupied though here and there are small nedy. who was formerly a part owner lowed. the executor discharged and organization at the rate of three and of th»- Tribune with Mr. Dodd. his bondsmen exonerated. one-third (3 1-3) cents per share for by the well known and veteran livery­ tracts of excellent land yet In the Dated this 29th day of September, each share of stock now held by man. George Froome. government's hands. 1904. < nlcdoiilnii (¿Mlliering. them. an«l other persons: the prefer­ S. A. LOWELL. The Caledonian Socletly of F oam II. ence right, however, to take stock in BITLDING IN MI1/TON. Suit Against Snyder ('onUnunl. , Executor. such new organization at such rate In preparing to give* an elaborate » en- The suit of the Minneapolis Thresh­ tertalnment on October 27 and to be given to the present stockhold­ Over »7000 WorUi of Residence Prop­ \DMIXI*TR VTOR ’ S NOTICE. ers of this corporation. And also, to ing Company to recover 3750 from erty Now Being Built in U>e Honw Joseph Snyder alleged to be due on a Prominent Scotch «peaker« and mu- authorize the proper officers of this Rician« from Portlan«! and other O re­ company to accept said proposition or tn the county court of the City of Umatilla County. promissory note, which was set for gon cltle« will bo Invited to tAke part f« I matlila county. to sell, mortgage, or otherwise transfer trial this afternoon In the state cir­ and the event will b* tip to the usual W. S. Mayberry, a prominent srhool In the matter of the estate of Carl all or any of its property, and make Muller, deceased cuit court, has been continued until teacher and contractor of Milton. high standard <>f the C’ale<|onlan such necessary conveyances and Notice is hereby given. tbst ___ ____ __ _ tbe __ nn<4er the next term of court. who is In the city today, says that meetings. other contracts as may be necessary '•*:n»d ha* been appointed by the above to m«»et the present Indebtedness, or between 16000 and 17000 worth of ■•ntltl.d court, administrator of tbe estate continue the operation of the mine. Iiii|s>rtiiig Stock ( little. .f < ar! Muller, deceawd. and baa qualified elegant new residences are now in Son Was Horn. vs the law dire ts All t»er*on* having The above notice is published pur­ course of construction at that place. H. C. Rogers and Barney Sherhlan There was born Monday night to lalCD« against said estate are hereby aotl suant to resolution adopted at a No business blocks are now being of Butter Creek, have each Imported A. ('oilier ami wife, nt the home Ted to present the same, with proper meeting of the board of directors voucher*, to me at my home near tleltv ■ EXPRESS CHARGES PAID IT US. Mr*, (’oilier's parent*. W 11. Hus- from the John Day country 150 head held at Pendleton. Oregon, on Sep­ ’(UBtilla t'ourtN. «kegvm. within atx of beef Stockers which they will full n and wife, a son. Mrs. Collier is *•»«•. tember 2Sth, 1904. non ths from the date hereof T. G. HAILEY, feed this winter on alfalfa and wheat ie wife of J A. «’Ollier, .the Fossil lasted thia loth day of September tfkM We will send you FOUR FULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER Attest: President. LOl lS Mi l ! EK. torney. who Is a brother of Deputy hay. for the spring markets. Mr. Rog­ SEVEN- 1 EAR - OLD RYE for $4.00, ami we will pay the Admlnlatrator J. S. BECKWITH. From the effects of over-eating is as­ ers was already feeding 200 head. Istrht Attorney ('oilier. of this express charges. When you receive the whiskey, try it and if you don ’ t find Secretary. sured by taking a dose of Hostetter's it all right and as good as you ever used or dan buy from anybody else at any Bid* \\ an text. Stomach Bitters. Pains In tbe Stoin- More Rambouillet Hucks. Crice, then send it back at our expense and vour $4.00 will be returned to you ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. S :|e«| bld* »re Invited until Oct. ach. Heartburn, Belctilng atul Nau­ ImsuM for AHMault. The 150 head of Rambouillet bucks y next mail. How could an offer be fairer? We take all the risk and stand '• for the removal of a frame school sea quickly vanish before it and fur ­ Walla all the expense, if the goods do not please you. Won ’ t you let us send you a from the flocks of R. A. Jackson, the Wnlla. (let. 11. Robert H. In the County Court of the State of Or­ house 20x36. to be removed distance trial order? We ship in a plain sealed case, no marks to show what’s inside. egon. for Umatilla County. In the mattar thermore, when it Is taken regularly largest individual owner of sheep in < »«born, «5 years of age. who con- >f two miles. Can either tear down of the -state of Gideon O. Gambee. de always cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia. the state of Washington, which were ducts a novelty store In this city, was If you don’t want 4 quarts yourself, join with a friend. «■eaaed. >r move entire, to suit contractor. Costiveness, Torpid Liver, Inactive arrest*«! yesterday afternoon ___ shipped in about a month ago. are and Notice Is hereby given that the under A Hayner quart is an honr*t quart of J» ounce». , to the ,«llon. All other high-srade Must be moved by Dee. 1. Address. signed bas been by the above entitled court Kidneys, Nervousness, Insomnia and kept by A. H. Sunderman, minuM lodged In jail, charged with criminal­ wniBMira are put up in bottle* that take 5 to make a galluu. We give one-fourth more m every W. M. PARRISH. Clerk bottle, really reducing our price ju*t that much. appointed administrator of tbe above en Malaria, Fever and Ague.. We urge those which have been sold off. ly assaulting a 13-year-old girl. The titled estate, and baa duly qualified as tbe District No, 26. Holdman. Ore, you to give It a trial. For sale by girl is said to have confessed to the ESTABLISHED law directs. IBM Id all druggists and dealers. All persons baring claims against Echo's New I’lijslclan. police that her relatione with Osborn For Rent—For two or four years, estate are hereby notified to present tbe Dr. Ackley, the new Echo physician have existed over several months. •T. PAUL, MINN. half section of good wheat land. ST. LOUIS, MO. DAYTON, 0« same with proper vouchers to me. at my and surgeon from Kansas, who has residence, near t'klab. Oregon, witbin six Plenty of water on place. Four miles begun the erection of an office build­ W. S. Berkley, a prominent con­ montbs from date hereof from town. Charles Hein, Pendle­ bated this l»th day of September, 1604 ing. expects his family to arrive soon. tractor of La Grande, Is dead. ton, Oregon. C. B GAMBEE. SKIN AND BLOOD PURIFICATION DM Of HONDO MEEIS HE WESTON Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills Cleanse the Skin, Scalp and Blood Of TorturiBg, Disfiguring, Hr nours with loss of Hair CMPIETE TREATMENT $1.00 (JIMENT hlllSPHAtf Ayers Pectoral Old Coughs Your money back if not satisfied Direct from our distillery to YOU Savis dealers' profits. Prevents adulteration. HAYNER WHISKEY AFULL QUARTS M TT Prompt Relief OUR OFFER HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY HORTETTIS’S STOMACH BITTER’S LEG