WEEKLY EDITION. • • • • • • • • • • • l nawayed bv tear, iinintlu enuil l> favor, the East Ore- gou'.ati Will t.il the truth, the Whole truih about ruuill». stale ami aatiowal affairs It is fair. absolutely fair. to • .lose who differ from hs views. as well as to its friends. • •os • «•••• • o • • • ' EEK1.Y EDITION • • • • • • The East Oregonian of Pen­ dleton, Oregon, la published In the heart of the wonderful In land Empire. You will And that it la readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accu- rately and fully. • • • • • • •••••••••••••• VOL. XXV111 PENDLETON, OREGON. ERIDAY. JULY 15. 1904 CAPTURE IMPORTANT DEFENSE TO THE PLACE Three Hours Heavy Firing in the Night Explained by a Russian Na val Sortie Followed by a Retreat— Japs Said to Have Invested the Main Road to Mukden—Return PARKER OF NEW YORK Delaware. Tillman, who later joined the «-onferen-e urged the nomlna’ion of Daniel ot Virginia stating "It’s tf«ii<- the Somh pan recognized." Ihe tip ix strong that Harmon, of Ohio, will be given the uominatkm. N'.-arly all the delegates in th* hall ■ lalm hls nomlna'lon is certain NO. M VICTORIA ISLAND CATTLEMEN AND DISASTROUS FIDE SHEEPMEN WAR Will Be Harmon, ot Ohio. St Ixtula, July 9—The conference on vice president broke up nt 2 20 without announcing a definite <-on- Interests of Pendleton People Massacre of Defenseless and Rome, July 11 Agenzia Uberax* Chee Foo correspondent reports that Parker Chosen Early in the Morning After an All-Night cluslon Statements were made, bow ever that Judson liarmoa of Ohio Fully Protected From Loss Timid Sheep by Dogs Set Clung Tao, the key of the Port Ar is practically the uuauimou* choir.- of Railroad Magnate and Very Wealthy. Session—Idaho’s Vote Nominated the New Yorker. ihur defense has l»-en captured by t bo«.- present Japan« Fighting proceeds along By Insurance. on by Cattlemen. Dutuls of Idaho, is xar.astu *n the .bain of bills beta* ■it Clung Tao treating the matter, slating that and Pon Arthur. The report adds availability for the second place that the Russian battleship Ketvizan CONFLAGRATION IS HERDER HELD AT BAY AT of Age and for Many Years Has Been a Valued and other battleships wen- destroyed. Vote By States and in Detail—Bryan '* Parting Shot Wax to Remind the M-eme<| to depend on whether the candidate supported Bryan If he No details are included in the report ENTIRELY SUBDUED THE MUZZLE OF A PiSTOL. Counselor in His Party and Influential in Financial Circles—Has Been Reorgan.zers That He Polled a M iluon More Votes Than Any Demo­ did. said Dubois, be iHartuon) Is not available a Delegate in Six National Democratic Conventions, and Declined a cratic Candidate for President H id Ever Received and Was Only De Afraid of Cholera. It Is said New York has definitely St. Petersburg. July 11.—It is fear­ Second Re-Election to the United States Senate—Started in Life as a declared for Hannon Conferences Most of the Heavy Losers Ar« Ten- : Fortyseven Sheep Killed and Nine­ feated by the Defection of the Crowd Now Supporting Parker—Hearst ed the . holera re|>orted in Manchuria are proceeding all through the hall ants — Island Comprises Seven teen Missing — Owners of Sneep Brakeman and is Now a Railroad President. may reach European Russia this year I Will Support Parker. and there is a rumor the silver men | it is aptmachlng from the Far East Thousand Three Hundred and Have Aoout 9Q0C Head Upon Wn>cn will try to compel *n adjournment ‘ and Persia. until 8 In order to allow an opportu­ Thirteen Acres—The Victoria Island ' Taxes Are Pa>d in Umatilla County The Liao Yang correspondent of St. layuis. July 11.— At the 11th most acrimonious debate which last it Louis. July 9—Amid scenes un­ Texas-Parker 6. Utah—Parker. 6; nity to rally forces The heat in the Company Carries Thirty-four Thous­ the Novosti reports that a Japanese —Warranu Are Out For Three Men hall is fierce, and enthusiasm Is at s '; Kentucky, aye-» 26; Louisi- revolt within five years, aud all Chris- » inia gave him 13 aud Washington Other totals a* follows Hearst, j oria Island wires that the Pierce in he employ ot Frank Darin and Ely the Parker bidding He was elected ina. ayes IS. Maine, ayes 7. noes 2; tians iu the kingdom will be massa 1». making a tlital of 689 Before 2ÙU; Cockrell. 42. Olney. 37. Wall. 27. I At 3 Hill, Murphy. Daniel, McCar tercets will lose but little by the fire Eyraud. was obliged to remain mac- on the first ballot which resulted. Maryland, ayes 16; Massachusetts. cred." is the opinion ot ltev Kenne- ills could be announced. Governor Gray. 12. Pattison, 4. Gorman. 3. Mc­ ren. Shehan, Campau and Tillman as they were heavily insured, but ti e Wednesday afternoon and see bl* * stampeded by dogs. The sheep Davis 644; ex-Senator Turner ol ryes 32; Michigan, ayes 28; Minne- dy. h<-ad of American missions ni the Do kery. of Missouri, withdrew Cock­ Clellan. 3. Miles, 3; Towne 2 Coler ar. still in conference "Nothing Las that renters who tailed to insure their *:led over log* in heap« and 47 wer« Washington. 100; Congressman Wil iota. ayes 9. noes 13; Mississippi, Far East, who has just arrived after rell's name and moved that Parker's ' 1 •hare 6t rb«- crops will !b»e heaTily been decided," said HUI. liams of Illinois. 115. and ex Senator iyes 20; Missouri, noe.-- 36; Montana. three years' work in Japan. China r ttnination be made unanimous This Idaho Washington and West Vir- Elgin, a renter, will lose about 500 *:..ed while 19 are missing as a re­ Harris of Kansas. 5s. acres of barley. It was on the iand sult oí the stampede ooes was done with a yell, and a demon- glnia thereupon changed to Parker I Parker la a Cheerful Swimmer Nebraska, noes 16: Nevada. and Manchuria. John B. Anderson of West Virginia ives 2, noes 4: New Hampshire, ayes "The Japauvse have been prepared s: rat kin was started Everybody was giving him a clear plurality. Dockery Dav;n and Eyraud are residents of Esopus N Y . July 9 —“la that so’ ,ea«ed by Elf.n that the fire broke presented the name of ex-Senator S; New Jersey, ayes 24; New Y’ork. for war for more than three years, too tired, however, to offer very much, exoed to make the nomination unanl out catching from a thresher at work Wssbingtoa. living near Walla Walla, cheerily remarked Judge Parker s' 7 Henry G. Davis of the same state for • a 78; North Carolina, ayes 24; tut must necessarily yield before the and a motion to adjourn was greeted mous which was done this morning, emerging from his Hud on the crop The barley was yielding and Lave about 9úv0 sheep. Their vice-president. North Dakota, noes 8: Ohio, ayes 31; superior number ot the Russians, wi h a howl of affirmation as ll.o>sj sot. river plunge, as the informs .-.« irom 40 to 50 sacks per acre, sad waz animal* range in this state and taxes Ex Senator George Turner's nam» .oes 6; Oregon, ayes 4. noes 4; Penn continued Kennedy He was receiv­ spe-c tators and 1000 delegates made Bryan’s Last Speech of his nomination was given The one of the finest crops ever raised in are naid here Rubai! had charge ot was put in nomination by Fred C • ylvania. ayes 68; Rhode Island, ayes ed by «he mikado, Kuropatkin. • m- haste for the exits a fiock ot 6u>M on Mill creek, about nominee's curiosity went lo the ex that portion of the slate. St lx>u:s. July 9 — Bryans 4 o'clock Ru >b:ns of Washingtun Senator Du 2. noes 5; South Carolina, ayes 18;' peror of Chita and other Eastern Mr Stillman wires that the fire is fir* or six miles from Clicker spr.ngs. Bryan's Ineffectual Rally. tent of asking for details of the fiua speech Eight years agr» the demo ­ bois of Idaho seconded it. now en'lreiy extinguished and that Eyraud reached the city last even- South Dakota, noes 8; Tennessee, dignitaries. Bryan fought to prevent Parker's cratic convention placed lu my hands vote, but be retrained from makir the damage to the peat .and will be Judge Parker sent no further mes­ »ves 24; Texas, ayes 36; I'tah. ayes ■ng and tsd s conference with H E. any comment the s'andard of the party and gave nomination and to do it rallied ail sage. but his leaders on the floor •>; Vermont, ayes 8: Virginia, ayes Debouched But Retreated. "I shall say nothing whatever on • ery light. First repor's said that Cobier, the deputy district attorney, urged Davis aud this was taken as .’4: Washington, ayes 10; West Vir- Tokio. July 11—Togo reports that the favorite sons of the anti Parker me a commission as Its candidate the subject until formally notified of the p<-at land on the island would be this morning He stated that the Four years later the commission was forces He urged each to try to hold an indication of the nominee's desires -inia, ayes 14; Wisconsin. ayes 26: four Russian cruisers, two gunboats seriously damaged, but the sluices steep were stampeded by three men. his own men in line The anti Parker renewed 1 come tonight to this con- the nomination," said the judge at his Wealthy and 81 Years of Age. Wyoming. ayes 3, noes 3; Alaska, and seven torpedo boat destroyers de­ people played for time all night, while ven'ion to return that commission bom* TLe nominee cordially gree-ed and headga’es around the levee in- the names ot whom be believed to The early life of Henry Gassaway »yes 6: Arizona, noes 6; District of bouched from Port Arthur harbor dosing the I»:and are so arranged that be Davis and Wood. He swore to in­ a number ot newspaper men Davis, democratic nominee for vice- Columbia ayes —; Indian Territory', Saturday morning, preceded by at every opportunity they hammered and say that you may dispute whetb Judge Parker retired last n.gbt at th* entire arm can be flo«»d*-d if nec formation in the justice court before er I fought a guod fight . you may at Hill and the |»eopl* back of the prescident. was spent in obscurity ayes 5. no 1; Hawaii, ayes 2; noes steamers clearing away mines. In the dispute whether 1 finished my course: 1<> and did not show himself until eseary and in thia way the peat beds Judge Fitz Gerald this morning and He was born of humble parentage at 2; New Mexico, ayes 6; Oklahoma, aftermxin. having reached a point be­ Parker boom sere protected. warrants were Issued. Not being Bryan in a flr*y speech seconded but you cannot deny I kept faith as 6 this morning, when be went to 'be Baltimore. November 16. 1823. He ives 2. noes 4; Porto Rico ayes 6. tween Svnsikat and l.un Wen Tang, The fire on the island affected about sure of the names, Mr Collier issued river for hls usual swim the party's candidate and 1 did all 1 th« m>m.nation ot a!) candidates ex received his primary education at the To al. official, ayes 744 tfbes 191 the Japanese torpedo boat destroyers | acres of barley, the remainder of warrants tor John Doe. Richard Boe could to bring success to the party country schools, but was compelled at acked. whereupon the Russians re­ «n than in 1896. and the Parker were so«h men These candl "My friends, we purposely made Heavy Loss. Mitigated by a Tnree- plantation Tiring of that occupation r?ompris*ngeax>ce on the sheep. Besides the presidency of the West he question of the monetary stand­ perpetual ¡-ear* will never come Cloudburst m Baker County. that I tailed, but I defy you to say tered J. W Duffy, jointly accused ard. owns the island, carried Insurance to Virginia Central A Pittsburg road he They bad three dogs and set them Baker City, July 11- A cloudburst that 1 have been untrue fo any trust, This eulogizing the doctrine of brute with White, is now out on bonds and the amount ot about 834000 on the >n the sheep The animals piled up Now. my friends. Judge Parker holds a similar position with the force, and this presidential candidate at his home in Athena or false to the democratic faith Do occurred on Sunday afternoon, at expresses his opinion for fear some ­ share of crops belonging to the com­ ■n heap« when they stampeded and Piedmont A Cumberland railway He for re-election is presented as an em­ Will la Roque and Ward Stevens pany. so the company s k»s will be 47 w*r* killed m one pile betwen two is also at the head of the Davis Na body might think that you did not Wmgville. 10 miles west of here, de­ not compel democracy to choose be­ bodiment of that ideal For two tween milt ’ arism and plutocracy; do crops, leveling fences and stroying charged with horse stealing, were ar know it. There was not in all this Ight. Mr Stillman wires that he will logs Nineteen sheep are missing and tional bank of Piedmont. not force us either to acknowledge tbotutand years the doctrine of peace It was after he had achieved pro- vast assemblage one single, solitary rendering roads impassable over a the god of war or bow down to the has been growing and now the ex­ raigned and entered pleas of not be home in a short time, and taking were probably run off and killed by large scope of farmnig country. guilty. They will be tried at the Oc­ t for granted that everything is now the dogs A* soon as I learned of the ncn need success in the business man who did not already know that god of gold. Give ua a man of and governor of the greatest state in the tober term of court. settled satisfactorily. Mr Pierce will vwalr 1 started for Pendleton with the world that he entered into politics to Judge Parker was a gold standard union presents for the office of the for the people." not go to California any extent. He was made a member man. I have been one of the most .dea ot having the perpetrators of th« president of the greatest republic, a Bryan's speech threw the conven­ of he house of delegates of West Vir­ consistent. persistent and perhaps outrage arrested man of granite and iron. tion into an uproar, but the plans of -adical silver standard men in the ginia. the first political position he There is no doubt but that the YOUNG BOY ACCUSED OF "If the president believes with his the Hill. Belmont and Murphy com ever held, as early as 1865. In 1867 in the United States, and I knew he deed was committed by three cattle­ bine were too well laid to be shaken sponsor at Chicago that wars must ’ STEALING A GOLD WATCH. was a gold standard man and he men two of whom are named Davis 69 he was state senator, and was settle the destinies of nations, that Unavoidably Parker. and Woods. The name ot the third United States senator from Virginia never made any attempt to conceal it peace is but a dream, be is a danger­ Is a Saloon Loafer and Has Been in It was a case of Parker on the ous man for our country and the I do not know. They have from >X>0 from 1871 to 1883. He declined re­ fro manybody. He had supported our anriidates and had said that although Minor Troubles Before—Was Ap­ to 3<«X' bead of cattle on the ranges first or second ballot or Parker beat world I believe he ought to be de election. en. so it was that Belmont. Hill and feated 1 believe he can be defeated, prehended W th the Assistance of a tear the border .me. In the democratic party of his state he did not agree with us on this Shehan brought toge'her the forces and if the democratic party does whs: ' "Before leaving the cattlemen poll­ he has been a leading figure for years. dank. he was still a democrat, i Ap- Lady Friend—Defendant Is in Jail organized during an arduous cam­ it ought to do. 1 tielieve he will be ed down Rubails tent sad demolish­ In the democratic party of the na­ plausel. —He Claims Ahat He Traded a Ho­ Tillman, of South Carolina. and W. A. HOLMES IN HOSPITAL paign of months In supreme effort to defeated. ed everything m sight except a few tion he has been recognized as a man COURT FINDINGS NEARLY bo Out of the Timepiece — Strong cooking utensils, which they took of broad intellect ad wide influence. Bryan led an ineffective but vigorous WITH SCALP CUT OPEN. land the New Yorker. "I tried to defeat the republican At a final conference of opposition party as your candidate 1 failed, you Circumstantial Ev.dence Against away with them." He has been honored in many ways light against the Williams resolution, EQUAL TO ACQUITTALS. leaders It had been determined to at «ay Yes. but I received one million by the national party. He has beer, with how much avail the vote above Him. In a Difficulty With M. J. Cane, on tempt to wear out the Parker forces more votes than any democrat bad a delegate to six national democratic given shows. A grasshopper story . Roy Hutchinson was arrested last conventions and was one ot the Amer­ O. R. A N. Bridge Employe Re­ and force an adjournment until to­ ver received before, and I failed i Leniency W«th Parr Due to His Hav­ night on an information charging him day. but the Parker managers were ican delegates to the Pan-American EXPRESS LOYALTY ing Saved the Life of an Indian Po­ *ith larceny from a dwelling, and Farmers of Morrow County Are F«ed ceives Serious Injuries — Trouble not long in discovering the antis' Why’ Because there was some who congress. He is at present a member had affiliated with the democratic .ng toe Pesta to Hops liceman—Parr and His Brother lodged in the county jail. He is ac- Arose Over Accident Which Injur­ plan of < ampaign and with the dis­ TO JUDGE PARKER. of the United States intercontinental party who thought my election dan­ used of stealing a gold watch be Once Shot Up Athena and Adams — covery came the statement In grim R F Hynd. who returned Sunday ed Yardmaster Cane—Outcome of railway commission. gerous to the country and they left ; longing to Mrs. William Baker afternoon trom a visit with tnends on That's ' Beer Was Found m Bellinger and Wt-en 3»> years of age he was mar Holmes' Injuries Uncertain—Sever­ Sones that if ft took until 4 in the me and helped my opponent It is slated by the authorities that Lower Sand Hollow, reports myriads morning the fight would go on. It why 1 have no words of criticism for < Parr's Possession on the Reserva­ Tied to Miss Kate A. Bantz, a daugh­ Hearst Sees A Democratic Victory al Stitches Taken in His Scalp by sh.le the boy is the son of honest >t grasshoppers in that locality, says did take that much time, and then them Ahead—Cleveland Admires His Ex­ ter of Judge Gideon Bantz. one of But friends, if I failed with ! tion. Dr. Cole. and highly respected people, he him­ he Heppner Times some more. the most distinguished jurists of the six and a half million votes to defeat hibition of Honor and Courage— self Is a ne'er-do-well, and has spent Everything that had gone before in The little pests are literally annl South. the republican party, can those who Ex-Governor Francis, of Missouri, the most of his time loafing around hilating the second alfalfa crop and convention affairs was preliminary to defeated me succeed In defeating the Joe Parr, an Indian, charged jointly W. A Holmes, an employe of the this trial of strength. saloons On several occasions he has gardens and even stripping the or­ Believes He Has Said Enough and republican party?" Parker a Gold Standard Man. with Charles Bellinger, another In­ been in trouble for petty offenses, but chards of their foliage. of Said it Right and All Should Be bridge and building department Ten Hours Fight. He denounced as false the story he dian. and Steve Russell of Hood . St. Louis, July 11.—The crowning has been allowed to escape prosecu­ the O. R. & N. company, was struck Mr Hynd says they are so thick Satisfied. For nearly 10 long hours masterful had tried to be a dictator, and went River, with taking liquor on the Uma­ tion on account of his youth and out • on the head with a shovel at noon sensation of a spectacular convention n th« young alfalfa that a gunny on to say he still believed In the men. leaders of the party, battled tilla reservation, was virtually ac­ of regard for hls parents. Esopus, N. Y., July 11.—Among the today by M J Cane. O. R. A N. yard­ was sprung Saturday afternoon, when sack full of them can be gathered with all the strength and ingenuity Kansas City platform. quitted of the charge yesterday by A short time ago the watch was within 10 minutes The farmers are it became known that Judge Alton B telegrams this morning to Judge master. and a serious gash cut in his that long years of experience endow­ United States Judge Bellinger AH missed from Mrs Baker's house Parker were one each from Cleve- scalp over the ear with a possible Parker, democratic- nominee for pres­ land, Francis and Hearst, The latter fracture of the skull. ed them with, to win the fight. Twelve Had Not Slept for Fifty Hours. three men were allowed to plead guil­ under circumstances which pointed scooping them up by the sacks full and feeding them to their swine, ident, sent a telegram to Mr. Sheehan said: I hope and believe that battl- St. Ixiula. July 9.—Bryan's last ty as a matter of form, but Parr and strongly toward Hutchinson as the which fatten on them rapidly. Holmes is now in the hospital, thousand excited men and women cheered their favorites and jeered the Russell's sentences will be sus|>ended thief. City Marshal Carney was ask ­ stand in the convention was made defining his position on the gold stan­ ing for the people and for such prin­ where Dr. Cole took several stitches Mr Hynd also says that the hoppers opposing forces. They hurrahed, at the expiration of two weeks. Bell­ ed to investigate the matter. He gave dard. For a time it threatened to dis­ ciples, you will lead democracy to vic­ in his head, and be is now resting yelled and shrieked for half an hour with hollow but blazing eyes and a attack the grain fields and eat the inger. against whom the evidence a young fellow named Bowman 15 to blades from the growing grain, but as voice so husky it seemed to tear the The judge answered this in a very easily, although the outcome of rupt the convention, and it was con­ tory, at a time. They stamped until the very flesh in his throat was not so strong, was permitted to assist him in ferreting out the auth- they sidered possible that a new nominee personal letter saying: "Just a word the injury cannot yet be guessed. do not molest the stalk or bead buildirg trembled. >r of the crime. Rowman had a con­ of the grain, he does not think they Dawn shone In upon the sickly go on his own recognizance. Cane has pot been arrested although might be chosen. The matter was to thank you for your very kind mes- In ihe reservation on the main floor lightx of the convention hall, where That Parr was allowed to escape versation with a girl with whom sage of the case is in the hands of Deputy congratulations, and to as- straightened out, after hours of de­ will do any material damage to wheat, the grim leaders were calm despite bate, Mr. Bryan and his following re­ sure you of my grateful appreciation ” District Attorneys Collier and Winter, the awful strain and directed their thousands of people, weary to the so lightly was due to the court being Hutchinson has been keeping compa­ which is too far advanced. shown that some time ago he saved ny. in which he divulged to her that verge of collapse, sat and listened to who will await the result of Holmes ’ luctantly ami unwillingly accepting Cleveland said: "You must permit Word also comes from the vicinity forces. Their followers and delegates me to express my gratitude and admi­ injury before taking steps in the mat­ were alert, watchful and acted with the proud justification of the beaten the Ilf«- of Ed Brisbold. an Indian po- Hutchinson rested under suspicion of of Douglas, that the hoppers are very the attitude of the candidate. liieman. who was attackixi by a num the authorities. leader. "1 return to you the standard numerous there, eating the blades Following is the text ot the tele­ ration for the splendid manifestation ter. The girl informed Hutchinson that from spring grain, destroying gardens The OR A N. bridge crew was re- the precision of military forces in obe vgnies representing Portland Financier Dead. Davenport, Wash., July 8.—Mrs the views expressed by you in the tel­ Jones alive, but death is a matter ot He is a quiet man about 55 years 8; Ohio—Parser, 46; Oregon—Parker. New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio, Illi­ Portland. July 8 —P F Morey, old. Holmes has been In the employ 4; Hearst, 2; McClellan, 1; Coler, 1; nois. Indiana and Missouri went Into Theresa Wagner, aged 74, strangled egram just received which would pre­ but a few hours. Cholera Is raging in Persia It is clude a man entertaining them from of the O. R. & N. bridge department Pennsylvania—Parker. 68; Rhode consultation on the vice presidential herself to death last evening by tying financial agent of the General Elec­ staled that tn Teheran are 300 deaths Antone Habelt, of Oregon City, for a number of years and is well Island—Hearst, 6; Parker. 2; South n