— And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of “Dhtitr't This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses ‘ Mother’s Friend” aeed fear the suffering and dangei incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and _ M H M a good natured. Our book F “Motherhood,” is worth |ff||| I ||r H its weight in gold to every ■■■MR ■ ■■ m R v woman, and will be sent free in plain ■■ ■ V Ml RISING BREAST i THE "■ DEMOCRATIC OUTLOOK. The I.ewiston Tribune, an indepen­ dent. conservative and influential ps per. and one of the closest students of current politics in the entire North­ west. in s|>eaking of the deniix’ratic outlook this year, says: "The factional and fratricidal tights In the democratic party lead most people to think there is no chance for the party this year, and the approach ing convention at St. Ixmls is there­ fore looked upon more with curiosity than as the deliberations of the great historical party of this country having as its object the adoption of a living creed and the selection of a national ticket designed to be more In sympa­ thy with the ruling purposes of the people than those of the opposition party. "While at this time there is noth­ ing to greatly encourage the hope of success, it is well also to understand that under any circumstances the mi­ nority has tremendous odds to face that can scarcely be overcome until there Is a general revulsion against the governing party. "To begin with, most of the states are incorrigibly wedded to one or an- other of the- political parties. like New England, the Northwest. Pennsyl­ vania. etc., to the republican party and the southern states to the demo­ cratic party, leaving a very few that are the real bxttlegronnd in the con­ test. (eresili are not secure in the hands of a democracy. The minority must bo protected agaiiiHi the majority.” These two men largely eontrolle*! the convention Governor Raadfilph said that "the government must be protected from tin- turbuleni-y of dem­ ocracy ” Thu« we see the »pirn In which our constitution was dratted Our government is not democratic hv the spirit of the Hamers of the eon- stltiitioii. but by its interpretation an*l ptibile opinion 1‘rogress. general news . PHYSICIANS. C enturies COLE.* OffFI' E IN JL'DD A sheriff's posse captured Jam* s build*:.« Office bwirs. 10 tu 12 a u> ; Salvers, »ho murdered Mack White. 1 to 5 p a* Teiept***c**a office main In a temi ai Jackson, Ky 1371 ; real4et*ce, main 1341. The di « as<-which has brought tnon nili-rin.- <1egr.i- Fai otti* ers limi migra* **ful horse- I t»KM. SMITH A RINGO. OFFICE OVER melt will not hereafter In* n»slgn<«l to I n and disgrace tijxm the human t.** *• : the - .un­ the l>udleton Harings Hank Tel» to day that it was centuries ago. it i-> * ailed * <*tit.igious th** cavalry at West Point. phone Wil ; residen*-» telephone. main Blood Poisr.n. -'The Bail Disease." and is given other ISSI. W F. Firth, general passenger agent of the Hock Island was found names, but among all nations is r< '.*r;< ks frotn bail to •lead in his oftl*** ut Fort Worth Lb) »Liai* and surgeon óffl* e I l J add n / / b'llldlug Telephone» ótri*», blk'k 1411; n followed Th** New York garment workers' worse; the little sores that first appear arc reridaore. Mack 24. tieiip Is report«**i to lx* complete. Be- by others ; the glands of the I u au tl > i poison, and the beat THE COST OF WAR. groins swell and inflame, a doctor» u.d io*? no vith t«*«en 35,000 ami ]o.****** ar*- out o*»-j. thoa^D I took the:r treat­ bl: D i M FAIL JUDD 111» K I ELL faithfully, lx« f*. -.1 .c*l to vrow wor<* pboti». malí* »31; reside«**«. LIB'S 141 Miss lira**** Emery, of Salt latke re*l eruption breaks out <>n the ment all the while. I wu ; dltih'-^rti ne«.' ior it »e* tned Buskin, in on*- of his eloquent City, was Is y* ars old May 1 July I laxly, the mouth and throat that I would nev< t - c jd . 1. At th«.- udv.*e cf DK T M HENDEItrujN. PHTRKTAN ugex. •l«MlareH that «ar would quick­ •■lie eoutes Into an inheritance of $2,- lx conic ulcerated .the hairand friend I then took S 8 H and L . to improve ■ nd surgeon *>tri*e tn Haring» Bans continued the medicine, »uli. • .red ue com­ building, r-exa 1 ly vanish from among the civilized na OOO.IHHt. Giri*-» pt***ne. mala eve brows drop out. ami ugh I pletely building up it. . I e ip. h and increaeintf xny lions if ihe gij-.ii Ixxly of women yellow blot* lies make their appetite Altho .i . t ‘.; a % ‘eu v* are ago, I have 1411 ; residen*», rad 1222 Bronx. N. Y., burglar* two could once uith**r telephoned the a common high resolve ui>on their À O ( I sound spot anywhere, .tag ion HI! LENA ALLEN BOONE. OSTEOPATH |»rt to be true to the principles of authorities asking them to close n the blcxxl must fir t la pur.f w ill do itesldeftee, 'flMjitapttua street. b*tw*et* the church'« great founder, the Prince stre«*t to save her sick baby's life * ai»4 Water 'Pbco*. bia> a this so quickly and ■ of Peace, war ami the military system request »as granted. not be relaxed The stranger cannot lotc l*K I. FRANCE« THOMPIKyN. orTTEo regular feature in the life of the com- In the l'nit««l Stat*-» from accidents patblr pty»l*Uu>. gradoata A T Still mitted to the home circle. si:!l more a yjravated monwealth of nations. iw-loaion of fireworks, etc. form. S. S. S. is guaranteed pureh veget:.'*! -r». »Ide entrane» office day». Tuesdays, FRIDAY, JULY 1. 1904. rbnraday» a od Saturday» nothing so diacouraging to the worker that it contains a mineral ingr* >'."-nt V humv-treatment txxzk, formed that a list of young girls that l*«-ar blight is ravaging the or- for the peace and order of the world, ■ hards of California <»n a scale not t»e- and learn all about Contagion« BI<««1 I’oi-* n t >»-• t !• Nocharja ' ’ will be available for future use is now VETERINARY SURGEONS. as the easy readiness of multltukl*- tore experienced In that state Th* tor medical advice. TH£ SWIFT SPCCIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. of Christ Ian « hurches and ministers crop will be a total failure this year. • i in the hands of Portland procurers VETERIMAICT MERGeON I»K b <* As the time ripens to make use of to folk»« the multitude to do evil; to M'Xabt Of.tr at Ta.iaaai dr&g To a Waterfowl. Th** wife of Jack London, the ta stare abdicau* their ideals and high fun* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ them in beer gardens and dance halls There is a Power whose care tlons when their nation is once em­ nous author, is suing for a divorce Teaches thy way along that in the cities, they will be quieUy sent naming Miss Anna Strumsky an DENTISTS. * ore bark««! or once bent on unjust «ar ♦ pathless coast— Th«- lamdons have I wo OB. ♦ DR M S KERN. DENTAL Rt'IU.EóN and turn with the crowd from the stxmdent The desert and illimitable air— ♦ ♦ It is a horrifying thought to parents harp and organ to the drum ami fit*- laughters pular but ♦ with growing daughters It is some « E A FAl'GHAN. DENTilJT OFF!« E IN ennobling and commanding duties of ham from Nebraska City, in Cali a He who, from zone to zone. thing that cannot be lightly passed ♦ J *44 b**H4iL« l'ìe*c». r«d 1411 moral leadership are forgotten, and tornla for his health, fell from a wag : ♦ Guides through the boundless by Every true nian and woman is >n at Fresno, and broke his ♦ neck ♦ th«* selfish motives and liassions of BANKS AND BROKERS sky thy certain flight. ♦ ♦ interested and must be on the alert the people are condoned and white­ killing him. In the long way that I must ♦ ♦ FIEMT »\ATIOSAL , t A.NK or athl . xa washed. and mid prayer and song th* ♦ Guayaquil. Ecuador. Is in the hands tread alone, OrffRoa rapita! »>.*•»' »an*:*», asd ♦ worse is made to seem the better rea *f an uncontrollable mob of the pop The only man in Russia who dares Will lead my steps aright. prvAta. ♦ lat»ra»t «■ ils» 4» "Th«?se doubtful stat«*s. or enough son. ulace. which is lnc«-ns»«l at an esor ­ ♦ ¡watt» ¡Mala la f-óltf» a&4 4-*me«-.L' —W. C. Bryant. to speak the truth about the czar and of them, are where the work is cen­ « esHMiftc» <*4»llertkMM We have sp«*nt $3oo.(Kk>.*>(ri In the bitant raise ta the water rates and • jo * promptly pr*H«*«lr at*»o help the world? Was Sumner right, races by saying the patriots who iff with Tolstoi. His criticisms of the ty. Many ymnt ago a street musi* tan tune Mak«* “There are 600,00* officeholders in wgs I***n«fellow right, or were they In t-ondon bough* an old violin for wrote the declaration of independence government are too true to be ques­ term# Ln. Ax F MaìSo^k. Tkffprw tioned and the czar dares not arouse this country, outside cf the army and not. in claiming that. If half the $6 Afterward he sold it for »125 did not mean what they said. nahm , H "Of these, say one-fifth, are demo­ would soon be no ne««! of armies and recent issue of the London Times. Americans entering a professional ca­ Europe has reau.led in a fl*«xl of «-m crats in the solidly democratic states navies-—Edwin D Mead. igration But Very little of it I reer. They will imbibe a disrespect I Tolstoi roasts the czar, his govern­ that are not affected by campaigns. ment. his military rule, his oppressive permanent character—all ar re «xne ra u»l e informs- for the stability of American institu­ I RATE WAR i»ts and visitors «ho will rv-t This makes an army of half a million Hon about dairying that means taxes and the needless war with tions from such doctrine taught by paid and trained men at work for the money in yocr pcckel. If v The rate war between the trans-At- fall. men in such positions. They win Japan and yet lives to face his irate Jackson Taykx an assayer from steamship companies. which party in power, with money, prestige laniK w-.ah to take advamai-t of on sovereign. To the American, imbued conclude that if one American prin­ N* w York neentiy sent directly from experience and ad «ice. mas! and influence, while their opponents brought the steerage ra’es from Eur the Eastern const to an elevation of with the idea of freedom, the restric ­ ciple can be set aside for political ope down to and even below $10 a the attached coupon and thia have nothing but their democratic head cauaed an enormous influx of a 10.000 feet in I'tah He was orertom*- capital and mercenary gain, that all tion of speech in Russia is the acme information will lie creed to work with and plead for. by the high altitude and di««! «ithin of oppression. There is no further most undesirable class of immigrants of those principles can be subjected • you free. "So in the doubtful states It is up They an- cumin« over by thousands 24 hours. limit to which tyranny can go. than to the same sacrilegious treatment John G Milburn, who was ¡*re> .lent and Ellis island, thereceivin« station hill work at best. The power of place that nothing is sacred in popular gov­ to deny a citizen the right to give ut­ the BuffaJ** Exposition is dubious ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. and patronage, when developed as for immigran’s. is terribly overcrowd­ of ed If the influx continues much about the re-eieetion of Roisevelt. ai ernment and nothing is safe from the terance to the thoughts that nature they have been within the last few and God implant in his mind. That *.' K TROUTMAN. ARCHITECT AND longer. It will be necessary to erect though he 1» a radical republican He touch of the despoiler.. No. of cows - . - st»»'!»«-, rosca 12 liM Moek. Russia has succeeded in stifling years in this country, are enough to tents on the island for the accommo­ stares that the defection of the labor being milked .etc«. « rregcA Is it any wonder that anarchy is speech and thought, and independence swing the determining vote in close dation of the immigrants, who are union» la undereatitnarc-d by the re on the increase among the poor, vic­ among her cringing people so long, is contests in the close states detained on the island pendin« ta- pffWimn manager» realisation Fortunately the evil car J B Tyler ts dead In Chicago He ious and ignorant, where the sacred one of the wonders of the century. "Of course, stch a vast power as ried its own cure with it So many of •••••••••»»•»•••••••••••••••••••••••s»»»« principles of freedom are ruthlessly That the people do not openly revolt, is now centralized in the hands of the the steerage passengers were refused is believed to have been the y >un«ea Confederate soldier who serve* set aside by the highest officials in is the second wonder of the times federal administration Is subversive admission to this country and had to through the civil war and carrie* a SUE EK a COLE. O INTRA* TOR« AND the land? Is it any wonder that the No wonder the public sentiment of of republican institutions, especially be taken back to Europe at the ex­ arm- He «a» a cavalryman and er MMm bt.aata» fwaiabaff «■ aban «•Ore. J«A wMt a «pw taty. Pxwapc pense of the steamship companies, listed in 1661 at the a«» of 12. in th chasm between the helpless and the •ervw« et«> <* Bl off street, »»ar Ms.a the world is with Japan in the present when wielded by an erratic, impulsive that 'he latter concluded that a rate First Maryland cavalry. powerful grows wider and wider and struggle. The Japanese, emerging and ambitious man with a meek and war does not pay The differences D A MAY CONTRACTOR AND BTILXY that oppression of the people by the ft Eatiaate« furwtabed ow all l.rxta from barbarity, is more acceptable to muzzled party behind him, but still were quickly settled PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS a *■< aaxmry. -eaeat walba atuoe walla. monster syndicates grows apace. municipal authorities have at the thinking man. than Russia, with there are enough free citizens left to la» The made —.*■ Leave arder» at Ea»t ■ -eg*.alas af a beginning by appropriat­ where the custodians of the people's her fiendish heart under a «bite skin determine elections whenever, as said, ing one tn.¡lion toilar** f**r the estab­ C Fatterwhite, of Portland, rights thus seek to excuse wilful dis­ there is great dissatisfaction or revul lishment of free public baths Consid­ mitted suicide Tuesday by taking car­ T M KELLER. F1-ASTERING AND CE regard of the fundamental principles Dentltkg Ceæat walk» a aperialty ering the fact that the territory of bolic acid. Damages recovered in money for sion against the governing power. Eatttaat»» free Week gsarwa- of the government by such fallacies? loss of life, can never restore the William J Loughridge. of Sumner —1 I*ra»e orden at lUd cy A «»Acer a "Such revulsion may come at any Greater New York includes hundreds « 'ut»r store. Ma n stnet F O box 104 Taft is scattering seed of disrup­ vita] spark nor rebuild the shattered time and may not come for an age. of mil«-» of ripanan or seacoast lines, Iowa, was drowned In the Wtllame I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBlNG GOODS AND FIRST tion among the American people by household altars. It seems cruel and It is even possible than the St. Louis the scarcity of public bathing beaches river tn Portland Monday MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Is remarkable Scores of plans for Harry Holt, a printer «anted in such doctrine. He justifies a “bolt” debased and heartless to measure the convention may present something such baths have already be«*n sug«est- TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED Chicago for attempted murder. TELEPHONE LIVERY .«TABLE COURT from American principles and if the loss of a child or parent by such a more acceptable to the people at large ed. but it will take some time before arrested In Salem, Wednesday. street. **v-i*o»t-.« cwt bows Bowen A Sow proprietà» Always good twrMwta. law students to whom he lectured in meaningless standard as dollars and than the strenuous man if elected, the problem will be actually taken up Mrs Maud R Barton, of LewisUm, • Psbilr »r«M Pboe«. mala Ml tor decision. this strain follow out his teaching, a a a*, poisoned by eating ice cream cents, and yet it some fear of pen­ would be, with the glory of election a OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD they will become aristocratic anar­ Tuesday. She is in a critical condi ­ • alty did not restrict the corporations to inspire and assure him, relieved of borner Me»-. Alta and Lt tilth atre«* WAR. tion chists, despising and scoffing at the A A. Alloway. propriété« La-ge com on land and sea, more desperate risks all restraints and with fresh sensa­ tortaMe »tail» At the 51et graduation exercises of FSvwty of feed. Hr»« principles for which the patriots wll- would be taken and more criminal tions to create and more records to He went i»iy to the war that day. rives careful Slteatloa a the Portland high school to be held 741 MAIN ST THE HARDWARE MAN." lingly surrendered their lives on the To the swinging bugle song. carelessness would be practiced in break. that city Wednesday. 92 pupils will a ‘XiMMFRi'tAL STABLER. G M FROOME All stanch and true In bis suit of blue. In altar of freedom. graduate. "There yet may be a way of pre proprie:*« Fise L.rws. x*>d --gw. handling human freight Suits will And sturdy, brave and strong. ••••••aeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeaeeeaweeeaaeeeeaaeeaeeae best race give« traasteat stork * *pw If one principle in the declaration be filed against the owners of the senting to the people the main «round, Mid the tramp of f»«*t. and the loud William Ross, a farmer, was drown­ Hotel I Tod let.« 'Fbowe. wain 1S1 ed «bile attempting to run the rapids ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a of independence can be thus assailed Slocum for damages for at least a por and apparently the only ground, drum beat. I on the Columbia river, at Wilbur. CITY LIVEKV STABLE. ALTA STREET And the ringing of the cheers. it is all an empty array of words. If tion of the 1000 lives snuffed out upon which to defeat the nominee, Caraey A Ketuwdy. 1‘ropa. livarj. Wash . Monday. as There were none to see such a one one of the basic doctrines of liberty through their disastrous carelessness. and all the desperate plunging, court­ atd aaìea atable. Good at all tiaaa The White House Inn, the famous she • 'ab ilce la rx.anectiue Ticae, main T01 can be thus subverted to the lusts of If the right laws prevailed and were ing of dangers, military heroics, in­ country hotel and resort near Port­ Wb<* could not s«-e for tears. plutocratic government, none of them enforced rigidly, insuring reasonable ternational senaationa and the fever­ land. «as totally destroyed by Are BOARDING AND LODGING. are safe from violation. safety, such death traps would not ish stress and storm the next four And Lack again came the marching Monday night, loss $20.000 WHITE Hot SE LODGING HOt'SE. 301 men. The Corvallis A Eastern railway Taft has made a mistake. His zeal menace the public. Instead of mik­ years may witness but the outlook is I South Mala etreet Cieu. «»||. With the bugle singing still; ha- b*-»-n sued for $12. l "*<* dams«»« by * t*t ».;..' * and faroLsbel bvu»«A«eplag for the success of his party has driven ing laws to recover after lives are good and besides there are too many Yet the music's surge was a sighing ro- tn« Mrs It L 11 ■aa-.ingto®. prop Mrs Sarah Cleland, of Portland, who him to this extreme sentiment which lost, If people would turn their atten­ people who like that sort of thing as dirge. •'«» injured on the road some weeks THE XTANFIELD HOl'RE. 313 SOITH the American people will resent. tion to more Intelligent and practical long as the gag- is not picked up and All sad and alow and shrill. Mo- Ma|n street. Mrs L Mi hael. prop Koeppen’s famous I~e Cream cao again be obtained at the old fa­ soldier The* Wasco Warehouse Milling Com­ tjrr». <-le«a. f**«turuU« r*, *x*» ; beet Nothing is more sacred to an Ameri­ legislation to prevent accident, these the costly penalties have not yet been For a woman wept, and «»»:• alt b. rooklag Board. 44. aiao slept vorite Log Cabin Soda Fountain pany has let a cont ract for new can than the guarantee of his liber­ horrors would be reduced to the min­ brought home.” furni«be«l housekeeping rooms In the dn-amless. silent sleep; buildings to increase the output of ties and he will resent any attack up­ imum. The people are to blame for And the bugle song had a measure the mills from 600 barrels per day to HOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND WHAT IS DEMOCRACY- Mi l street» Board by the day or week on them as If it were aimed at his inch disasters. They tolerate law­ wrong. 1200. ass the bar­ •»♦•♦•♦•♦»♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•R J M BENri.KY RKPRERRNTR THE ber's examination, has begun suit to Can anything more arouse the right­ them. The pest never fails to ma­ of the fathers was not to secure more But when ’tig ours, at last, we find **lde»t and m*wt reliable tire and acci­ democracy, but less. They did not There's nothing In It. test the constitutionality of the Wash ­ terialize at the right time. eous indignation of a city than to dent ln»uranre companies. Office with believe in the people. It does not fol­ ington barber examination law. < ► Hartman Abstract Co. think that such fiends are being shel­ low that these men were not public We turn our sad. reluctant gaze General Miles is a modest. unajv Senators Mitchell and Fulton have JOHN llAll.EV. Ji., V s LAND COM spirited. They represented the con­ Upon the path of dtuy; tered? emphatically protested against the re­ Burning man, and can bend gracefully servative business men, those of prop­ Its barren. uninviting ways tulHloner. Specialty made of land Ri­ Such vipers should be bunted down I I moval of the land office from Oregon ta«» and proof Insurance and rotten to circumstances, but the long step ertv, and had little sympathy with Are void of bloom ami beauty, lion». Office in Judd bulldin«, room is and shot without ceremony. Such Y< t In that road, though dark and cold City to Portland, until Oregon City from the champagne of army circles file new ideas of popular rule. ha» had a chance to present her pro­ debased criminals should receive no ■f ne members of this convention Il seems. as we begin It, MISCELLANEOUS. to the town pump of a prohibition test. The Wood Shipper of Kamela. Oregon. mercy at the hands of courts nor jur­ were earnetit in the cause of liiierty. As we press on. Io! we behold— SEWER ' »’ONTRACTOR^lrjosrREED convention will tax the old warrior's All the prominent d**m brnine» h*.,,,», an.t |,rtra.e re«*J-^ bestowed upon children, in spite of all land. has disappeared and it is full nieasuremenL in his dotage. < » I.-ru,. reason»«». Lre,» order» « T. e The cheerful kicker Is a more use the sacred safeguards thrown around thougnt he has drowned himself, as * > laylvr» HarUwar? Stort1 The spirit and intent of the con von COMING EVENTS. Best Hound red fir and tamarack. < > he was about $1600 short in his ac­ the family altar, and in spite of all ful citizen than the resigned saint tion must not be gathered from the $3.(10 per cord on b.tard cars at Spring Spur. * > HKK YOU "UNCLE’* WHEN YOU WANT < > Eastern Oregon Medical Asoclatlon, counts. the heartbreaking toil and pains ta who suffers injustices to be heaped public utterances, but from the min­ money. < > property. Address R. B CUMMINS, Kamel a. Oregon. _ _ B _____ ___ _ <-w A Baker county man who has been T. Gurdalu. Fava Broker, rearing daughters in decency and upon him. Kicking is no crime if utes of the secret sessions. Hamilton Hot lAke, July 7. ■ * believed that the autocratic English National Guard Encampment, farming a quarter section of school ♦♦♦♦«■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ a ; ; Mtlarkey building. Court »trret honor, yet these murderous vipers you kick hard enough at the right constitution the best model govern Washington, Idaho __ and Oregon. land purchased by him from the state time. , l T.ING «ND TIT. creep into homes, unawares. ment. Give the rich and well born American Lake. Idaho. July 7-2T of Oregon in 1882, finds that the land ting a s|*eclalty t-rompt work Ratta- class the power in the government August 22-27—American Mining was declared mineral in character, Th* associations of young daughters faction guaranteed Mia» R Whin., »12 Main atreet *• WWtl *7- Fifteen Mount Vernon, N. Y., high and they will not be profited by a Congress. Portland. The East Oregonian is Eastern Oregon's representative paper. It and that he has had no title for 20 cannot be too closely . scrutinised school graduates were kidnapped and change, hence will give a good gov­ National Irrigation Association, El years, although he has occupied the leads and the people appreciate it an d show it by their liberal patronage. The vigilance of the household can- hazed yesterday. Only East Oregonian by carrier, ernment. Madison said: “Landed in- Paso, Texas, November 15-18. It Is the advertising medium of thia section. land all this time. only 15 cents a week. Great Money-Saving Sale of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing at BAER (Sb DALEY’S De Laval Dain PLUMBING and SEWER WORK LOG CABIN ICE CREAM KOFPPFNÇ Thr ¡YVErflLdlO Celebrate the Fourth of DINDINGER, WILSON & CO BUY YOUR WOOD FROM R. B. CUMMINS