WEEKLY EDITION. WEEKLY EDITION VmVÌVàW. • 1 • • • • • • • • • Unswayed by tear, uninflu- enced by favor, the East Ore- gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, about county. state and national affairs. It fair, tu is fair, absolutely ..lose who differ from its well as to its views, as friends • • • o » The Beet Qregwalaa of Pen- Ileum. Oregwb la pabilabed In the bean of the wonderful In Yes will tad lar.d Empire that it ia readable, reliable and prwcreealve, and will give you the r*wi reliably, accu* rately and fully • •••••••••••••• • • VOL. XXVIII. PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO. OREGON I'RIDAY. JUNE 17, 1904 i WILL BE TRIED IN SEPTEMBER Grand Jury Indicts. Coroner's Jury Refuses to Find Against Her. TO SUCCEED KNOX NO. 57 i t STOCK PRICES Successor to Succeed Quay. I New York June 13 -When told ut Washington, Jun-- 10.—Th« pro* her indictment by her la»yi-r. Alix- pec-tire retirement of Gen. Knox baa Patterson collapsed and seeno-d started th«j cabinet makers to work 'about to tail, when Mr. Levy, her The names heard in connection | lather, « aught her. Coroner Jack with the revised cabinet are Spooner son hastened to the woman's side of Wisconsin, Warren of Wyoming When and administered stimulants and George A Knight of California, she. revived sufficiently to be led | »ho will make the sev-ondlug spe«%h H IS back to the tombs : iu th«- republican nailoual conven­ Jackson said the young woman tions. Henry C Evans ot Tennessee, gave way temi>orari!y under the former iM-nxion commissioner, Henry strain, but the illness is not of a se Cabot lx>dge of Massachusetts, who. rious nature. ’ however, it Is likely, would consider The trial cannot take place before nothing except a state portfolio September Meanwhile she must re- William l*ay, present assistant at- main a prisoner in the tombs. lorney g.-neral, may be given the fo- SLAUGHTER ORDERED BY TEMPORARY SURPLUS WILL CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES LAST DEPORTATIONS TO District Judge and County Officials A me ng the Number to Suffer Eule. Not sltton temporarily. Coroner's Inquest, BE SLOWLY REMOVED IRADE FROM THE SULTAN, f FLEEING FROM MANCHURIA. The coroner’s inquest into the TAKE PLACE TOMORROW Failing to Include the Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee ON THE TRAIL. death of Caesar Young was held I this Forbidden to Hold Meeting: morning After hearing the* I testi- wst mony of Dr Edwin N Riggins, of the R A N I Tiam Robber* Reinforcements for Kuroki. Who Will Troops Will Be Withdrawn This Unloading Deported Miner* on Kansas. But They Turn and Head for Soon With Bloodhound* Hudson Street hospital, who attend- Stockmen m Reaching Available Vast Quantities of Christians’ and Issue on Liao Yeng — Force the ed Young, ami Dr Phillips O'Hanlon, Week—Portland Mine Will Not Be Colorado. G-.«-n»'«‘d Spring« Col . Jun. lf - Resett e- Range by Giving Extreme»/ Moder Property Destroyed Russians Abandon All TeA-itory (he »■oroner’s jury brought in a ver­ ihirsuit of the remainder of the train Allowed to Reopen if it Employs dict simply stating that Young had robbers wax resumed this morning ate Rates—Surplus Stock in the ment of Devastated Village Forbid ­ South of Niu Chwang—Chinese died as the result of a pistol wound Union Men. and All Union Men by a posse Cripple Creek. Jun« ’ 11 — Wholesale .M iners decided today to appeal to den. and a Vast Region Is Terror- Eastern and Centrai Stock Produc Mrs Patiersoa, who was in the Spy From Port Arthur Says the Will Be Excluded From the Dis- During the night the outlaws es­ coroner's court when the Inquest be­ de|s Gradually Going to stricken—Furtner Massacres Fear­ Bloodhounds Place Can Hold Out for Two gan. was removed when the coroner conditions In Colorado. Secretary W trict—General Bell Declares the dsy. about 2W) men being sent out D Heywood was instructed to send ire on the trail and it is thought the Market—This Same Movement Will ed in Other Districts, and Ar* was notified of the finding of the Only Months and Their Hope Is Whole Trouble Due to the Social­ ot this place and adjacent camps. men will give up from exhaustion the following telegram: indictment against her. Young's Gradually Extend to the West and Probable. Kuropatkin. The troops and Citizens' Alliance "Hon Theodore Roosevelt. Wash won. as few ranch«* are about from ists Controling Miners' Federation. widow was present at the inquest. continue their raids, and new prison­ ington, D. 8 A duty devolves upon which to draw sustenance. Relieve tne Situation. The body of Tom Ross, killed y«^- ers ar«- brought in fast as others are* vou as president of the United States TACOMA MASONS. deported. to investigate the terrible crime* that •«day, wax brougtt in from Newcaa- Constantinople. June 13.—The Ar­ Niu Chwang. June 13.—It is re- Cripple Creek. June 13.—The situ- Nothing la known menian Patriarchs have received ia Bell doubled precautions last night are being perpetrated in Colorado in I«- this morning purted the Russians have suffered a They Dedicate a New Temple With betause of be bitter feeling aroused the name of law and order. We wUi »f his antecedents. C J Millis livestock agent tor the ation in both districts this morning lunnatkm that the irade Issued by O R * N , who is in th* city attend- is practically normal, The authori­ severe defeat as a result ot an am Imposing Ceremonies. by the coroners verdict in the dyna­ render every possible assistance to be sultan resulted in a wholesale bush at Pulanben < Publication 1 to ties, both civil and military, expect -ng the wool «ales, is hopeful of bet- JAPANESE HANGED. the proper authorities in such Inves­ massacre and destruction of Arme Tacoma. Wash . June 13.—The new mite case. the rear of Port Arthur. «r price* tor both cattle and sheep no further trouble. Bel! aays about 4"oo men will be de ­ tigation to the end that the people of nian property. Rus- Masonic temple »as dxlicsted In “du«- The Japanese attacked the Another ba.ch of unionists will be Ater in the season, and confidently Killed Two Men and One Woman, nied before martial law cloae* the country may realize the outrage* The irade prohibits the re-set'Je- and this will sians. then drew the latter on a form ' today, th«' ceremonies being deported tomorrow­ -xpecta * good movement ot stock at- The coroner's jury is continuing the that are being inflicted on innex ent All Japaneae. ment of Armenians in the village* -r they are placed in better conditio* wind up the military- campaign of »eigned retreat. The Russians were more elaborate and imposing than any i iquest behind closed doors ¡lerson* by those in temporary offic­ destroyed. before seen in this city. rapped, and are said to have lost Folsom. Cal , June 10— Hokichl To- »or market, on the summer range*. driving men from the district. ial power villages May 15 and June 3 IS St Helens avenue in th«- vicinity of 800 men killed and wounded. The lidaka. a Japanese, >u hanged here morrow the mineowners will issue Beginn.r.g at the Missouri river," Exiled Officials. “W D HAYWOOD. were destroyed in the district of i (Signed! »he temple was elaborately decorat 'bis morning for the murder of three a statement defining their position Russians fell back on Kai Chow- aid Mr. Mi...*, "ail the great stock ■ Secretary " Chetaas. district ot and 22 in the Denver. June 11—The following •1 with bunting, flags and .Masonic regarding unionism in this district. it was further decided that a bl* Japanese, one a woman, in Sacramen ».hetass. and 22 in the district o: .reducing state* of the west are mor* emblems. The dedicatory services Teller county official* are exile* from Catholic Missionaries Flee. with siock. Ban on All Union Miners, tory of the labor trouble* in Colorado o a year and a half ago. He claim­ I'iuhava. Half the population, ag ar less overcrowded Rome. June • 13.—The Vatican is in­ jegan a-. Io o'clock this morning and their homes and will not return to ed the woman promised to marry him rboee tn the west being more *eri- It is expected the ban will only be formed that a number of Catholic *ere of several hours' duration They Cripple Creek while the military I» shall l>e taken to Washington by an ecured hi* money, and then married .legating 5*->> and 2wv. were killed Massacres are feared in many other ausly affected in thu way. than th* placed on the Western Federation of missionaries i in Korea and Southern *ere conducted in accordance with in control, owing to reports that the emissary and placed In the president's another. He followed the couple and astern and cen.ral states, because places, and shop* have been close«, M mers and ail other organizations to Manchuria, to escape persecution. he Masonic ritual by Grand Master i i izens' committee, which Is cooper­ hands «but both In attempting to male hi* ! their ist'.ation from the great mar- It was also decided to appeal Pres be- .or three day* past at Bute*, while the metaliferous miners which ave taken refuge aboard French. Charles D Atkin*. assist«! by other ating with the military, intended to ident Moyer's habeas corpus case to escape be killed another Japanese. set center*. At Diarbekir and Sassoun reserve* long. force them to resign their offices rand iodg»' officers German and Italian warships and in­ it happens that the surplus for uave been sent for by the authorities The troops will probably be with- ended to claim indemnity. 1 strict Judge W P Seeds. County th* United States supreme court. STILL IN THE RING. he past few year* has been held on m suppress disorder. drawn from the district this week. Judge A S Frost County Assessor P EFFORT TO COMMUTE. he ranges, which cause* only a tem­ Nearly all mines which closed Mon- J Devault. County Treasurer D J Started Back to Colorado. Moving on Liao Yeng. Hesrot * Manager in West Affirm* Hi* porary congestion FOR BOISE BARRACKS. Clerk F P Man day last after the Independence ex­ McNeill and County Coolidge. Kan , Jun* 11.—Three of Seoul. June 13.—Twenty thousand Desperate Attempt to Forestall the n.a. "The country is gradually ad jus t- Candidacy. resumed operations this plosion, All of these official* except th« Colorado union miner exile* ar Hanging of a Woman. uen have been sent to reinforce Ku ­ Chicago June 11—A. M. Lawrerce. ¿xtena ve lr orovements to Be Push­ mg Itself to the ondltioe. and morning. The Portland, the pride of Judge Seeds are in Denver rived here today Ninety-one were .here must be a mo.^meut ot stock the numerous roki. who is thought to be still at Cripple Creek and Hackensack. N J . June 13.—A ed to Completion. unloaded at the state line, about two manager of rlear*-.'* western cam­ » supply the increasing detrend. union .-eng Huan Cheng, and has pushed his paign today eni|'t*:;cally denied the other leases maintained by inference of Acting Gov.-rnor Wake- Democratic Chairman Ordered Out. miles weat of here, las’, night, an Washing’on. June 1€>.—Secretary of "This sluggishness of the market tru - h of the retort* circulated in the men, will not be allowed to resume »dvance guards among the hills. lers and the B«-rg«n county officials 11 — The wo- all excepting the thre>- mentioned Crij !« Creek, June A'ar Taft is now considering the im- is not a permanent thing It was these forces which Satur­ a ill be held at Trenton tomorrow in H.s'ory ■ es: that bis candidate will abandon as long as the soldiers are here. , rowment* to be made at the Boise. day at Mollieng Pass encountered an effort to persuade the chancellor ui-n s auxiliary of the miners' union hav gone west into Colorado. ,-a.s itself :n ’he sheep i and cattle the work of securing delegates Lawr­ Bulldozing the Portland. ' the military has been forbidden by Mayor Standish has made no ar ­ a?.OOO in “People declined to ship out their feet sentence Anna Valentine, who stab­ demo« ratic county central committee, their want* been forced to leave camp, thus forc­ .uen. • he .mprovement of this army post. surplus last year and the result is Activity is curtailed somewhat bed to death Rosa Salxa. who taunt ­ by v as called before the citizen»' depor- After unloading the exiles the Col- ing that company to employ non • h:ch wa» recently placed ou the per­ hat the ranges are overcrowded and de- Kuroki's plan seems to be to 1 asked . rado trooi s fired a volley and yell­ the fact that Hearst ha* already union help or remain closed indefi- iver an attack on Liao Yeng simul- ed her after taking her lover, A des- ta’ioa commute«- today and manent list he eouatry fiiied up with sheep that cured all the endorsement he coeid perate effort of the societies of worn- concerning bis sympathy with union ed to the victims to hike, a* their nitelv. Q ianermxster General C. F Hum­ cannot be candled at a profit by the aneously from the east and south before convection hanging en will be made to prevent train pulled back to 1 a Junta Eighty- I m on his General Bell, in a statement phrey has re-ommended to the secre­ t>nyer* The fact that all the coun the woman Mr Hamilton a knowiedged that he nme struck for Holly, two miles in action deporting the miners, attrib- tary of war that an allotment be try be'ween this na; ■< omtnenda for improve- extend to the far west and the aud- RAISULTS DEMANDS GRANTED. vn officer said they were retreating uration of the Canadian Pacific'» sum- : ♦* cates from the county to the reren: di nt taa not yet taken up the Colo­ at 3 30 yesterday afternoon. De­ .-t«nt* as follow» pius. it is hoped, will be marketed rum Tsaichow. convention at Pueblo. mer *cherts from ail sections of the county PORT ARTHUR HAS FALLEN. ton wax picked up. UP AGAIN NEXT MONDAY. . ’ ort Arthur flour mill is grinding a with capacity of about 70 men One will take pleasure in assisting I* car- Harbin Springs, Cal., June 13.— be wheat crop of Morrow county this argo of wheat brought from Seattle cavalry stable with capacity i of With his injured knee in bandages. year will be something like 2,000.000 •y ing ore r th# stock until suck time animals, one quartermaster's i stable 4s the market suits the owners." Steel Block Paving. Jeffries wen? in for a little light a a French ship. bushels, the bumper crop of the coun­ T ao Important Witnesses for the De Th* Report Lack* Confirmation. But training todav. While the knee feels Mr Miilis > rejoice* that wool prices ty. Farmers in general say the stand It is reported from Bordeaux that «ith capacity tor SO animals, one All Serene in Russia. St. Petersburg I* Greatly Alarmed fense Have Disappeared—A Pawn­ strong, the champion is not taking is good, although the cool nights the an inventor has submitted to the auth­ hospital for eight beds; one small are better 1 '.tan they have been for St. Petersburg. June 13.—Michael ,-ast few days has been favorable for and Praying for the S uccsm of Rus­ orities detail* ot a new process for guard bouse; storeho-ises at the post il years in Oregon The active wool broker Testifies He Sold a Revolver any chances. He feels confident he >avitt, who is here investigating la- ut worms, yet no material damages will be in shape by Friday night. sian Arms—Japanese Are Dislodg­ l«aving streets with steel. The steel are barely sufficient for a garrison ot 'rices and I the good prices at which to a Man Answering the Description or conditions, states that the stories o the grain has been reported from one com ¡»any. .he dip i* being sold, takes away ing Russian* From Many Manchun- is formed into blocks, which are of Caesar Young—Little Probability broad that the Russian masse* are thia source. Munroe on Hi« Mettle. much of the uneasy feeling that would scored to, prevent horse* from slip- That Mrs. Patterson Can Be Proven ■ an Towns, and Destroy Sixteen .ga ‘ ^.->t the war and that a revolu- HOLD-UP FAILED otherwise prevail in the stock altua- 13.—Munroe ping and motors cars and cycles from San Francisco, June ion is pending owing to public dis- Guilty of Murder. More Submarine Mme*. ion in Oregon. and in fact, in the skidding The cost of these blocks is practically on edge, He has more For National Bank Report. Workmen, untrue, his content, are is $2 a square yard, while the cost of William Allen, of Huron. Knocked >ntire west. confidence tnan ever over Washington, June 13. — The comp ­ were confi- Down in Dark Alley in La Grande. Over 125 cars of sheep have been chances. Betting continues 100 to 40 wherever Davitt went wood paving In Paris la over $5 a troller of the-currency today issued ■lent Russia will win in the end. New York. June 11.—Nan Patterson St. Peteraburg. June 11.—A Muk­ for Jeffries. 1 a Grande, June 10.—William Al­ ■hij ped out of the Heppner district a call for the report of the condition was again brought before the coroner den dispatch announces that Kuroki s yard. ien. a wood dealer of Huron, was as­ his season, with large shipments now of the national banks at the close ut today. Methods of Marking Sheep. army has commenced a forward CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS. saulted by a thug in a dark alley in n view. Bancroft Resign*. business June 9. The inquest was. however, post­ movement Small outpost skirmishes Tattooing is growing in favor Portland. June 11.—Postmaster this city last night, but in the scuf­ poned because the grand jury had not are occurring daily, the Russian out­ CASE DISMISSED. Thousand* Pay a Pilgrimage to Mrs. mong the western flockmasters for fle which followed, cut bis assailant Premier Resign*. yet finished consideration of the case, posts falling back slowly before au- Bancroft, who ha* been under officia branding sheep. It consists of prick- vith his pocket knife and drove him Eddy's Home. investigation for using governtnen - and also because two important wit ­ perior forces. Sydney. Australia, June 13. — Pre ­ ng tiny holes in the ears of sheep apt. Healy Cannot Be Held for Trial Concord, N. H., June 13 —Several «nd filling with indelible ink, the mier Sir John See has resigned. Col­ nesses, J. M. Smith and wife, brother­ funds belonging to the office, hie re >S in New Yo--k. Allen had hired the man to cut thousand Christian Scientists attend­ holes forming letters or numbers. onial Treasurer Waddell will form a in law and sister-in-law of Mrs. Pat­ signed his position Dislodging Russian*. New York, June 11.—John He*.'*, wood at Huron and had advanced ing the Boston meeting of the moth­ 1'hese characters are permanent and new cabinet. terson. are missing. When the dis­ lim money with which to buy a he Alaskan promo.er arrested in Fusan. June 11.—Four columns of er church, came here today. Three annot be erased or altered. They Mis* Morton Dead. trict attorney tried to serve them with bicago. brought here on an indict- ieket to Huron. After hiring him specials to visit Mrs. Eddy at Pleas­ lo not disfigure the ear in any way subpoenas it was found they bad the First Japanese army passed to- Paris. June 10.—Miss Lina Morton Allen then left him and started to a ■lent alleging that Healy transferred ant View were not permitted to enter ind are put in more quickly than me- given up their apartments in the St. day. reconnoitering the roads toward lied at midnight. 8 of the Central Alaskan Exptor- ivery s able and was followed and the grounds. Later the faithful saw allic labels, while they do not cause I' ih '. hotel and left no address. It Is l.iao Yeng. Hia Cheng, Saiman'za and uon Company's money to his own issaulted before reaching the place Mrs. Eddy as she took her afternoon lore ears. A few days suffice for the Siuyen. dislodging Russians from the possible they will appear when they The thug gave the name of Rob- ¿count, wej dismissed for want of drive and gave her the Chautauqua omplete healing of the minute find their testimony is wanted, but It towns, with Japauese casualties of bins, and was identified by the cuts urisdictiot.. salute. is considered strange they disappear­ 65 men rounds made by the tattoo marker. ae had received from Allen s knife Each character or figure consists of ed. «dug arrest«-- in a saloon 10 minutes WILL TELL HIM STOP. HARRISON ON GAMBLING. A Sixth Avenue pawnbroker sold a i number of points Imbedded in metal Has Port Arthur Fallen? after the assault. He is now tn jail revolver to a man and woman the which slides into pliers and the in- Paris. June 11—La____ Petit ________ Journal st Union irmer an Outrages Provoke Ramon- Mayor of Chicago Taboo* Public Bet­ lelible ink is brushed over the day before Young's death. He gave has a report this me mi ng that Port strancss. ting on Horae Racing. a description of the man, which bears points. The tool is put in place in Arthur has fallen and the Russian Sudden Death at Walla Walla. Constantinople. June 10.—Th« Brit­ a striking resemtdance to Caesar Chicago, June 13.—Mayor Harri­ he ear and the hand is closed, which ILLUSTRATED IN A NEW fleet put to sea There Is no confirm­ Walla Walia, June 10.—Judge M A. ish. French and Russian ambassadors Young. son today called on Chief of Police pricks the design in the inner side ation whatever. Calhoun, a lawyer from Washington. lave reached a Joint agTeemrat to YORK ELECTROCUTION. «where there is no hair to obstruct the O’Neill to prohibit entirely any sem­ Failed to Indict. D. C, who came to Walia Walla May present energetic re presec tattoos to blance of horse race betting within learness of the name or number. A NUMBER OREGON INSANE The grand jury in its return this 18. was found dead in his bed at the he porte to stop the Armenian out­ St. Petersburg Alarmed. the city limits, and especially on ittle ink is then rubbed into the fresh One Murder Was Committed Febru­ afternoon failed to find an Indictment REACHES HIGH MARK. Hotel State at 8 o'clock last night. rages St. Washington Park track, which opens pricks with the finger.—Encbange. Petersburg. June 11 — A feeling He had been drinking very heavily ary 13, and Another Thirteen against Mrs. Paiterson. This was a prevails that a crisis in Port Arthur the season Saturday with Derby day. surprise to the district attorney, who dnee his arrival lu Walla Walla For Washington’s Army of Teacher*. Our Coast Light*. Months Ago, and Both Prisoners said the Jury will again take up the affairs is rapidly approaching Many Month of May Shows 1.250 Inmates the past two days he had been siting Then are $000 burning light* and | persons spent the night 1_ __ GAS EXPLOSION. The work of issuing certificates as In the Were Continuously in Prison Thir- case Monday. at the Institution—Total Cost of and had not left his room since' Mon ’tgnals stretched along the American churches on their knees, praying for a result of the May teachers' exam day His home was in Denver, -oasts, forming a perfect link, ao that teen Month*—The Men Were Elec- the success of Russian arms Maintenance for the Month. $14.245 where he h'aves a wife Four Were Killed and Many Hurt in ¡nation has been completed by the CELEBRATION FUNDS. trocuted Thirteen Minutes Apart the navigator never need be beyond na;e superintendent ’ ll office. In all Chicago Sewer. —Daily Per Capita Cost 34 Cent*— sight of one of the beacon*. and Both Died on the Thirteenth Walla Walla Now Ha* Over $2000 on During the Heavy Shipment of Berries. Chicago, June 11.—An explosion in there were 1418 applicants, 51 of More Mine* Destroyed. 43 Patient* Received One thousand of these are located whom were students lu the state nor ­ Day of the Month. Th«- shipments of Walla Walla ou the Atlantic Coast, 1500 are scat- an intercepting sewer at Halsted and Hand for the Fourth of July. Tokio, June 11.— Admiral Katioka Month of May—Health It Good. of whom were mal schools and 105 strawberries to eastern points con­ tered along the rivers and inland wa- Thirty-ninth streets this morning Walla Walla, June 11—The Fourth reports the destruction of 16 more ««achers wanting to raise the grade tinues to be very heavy. Both ex­ terways. 500 on the Great lAkea and caused the death of Guy Miitnomer. mines in Talienwan bay. There were 332 >t their certificates, of July committee met last night and Sing Sing, N. Y., June 13. — Albert John Wrenn, Matthew Miller and »aleni, June 10.—The monthly re- press companies are handling a large „•00 on the Pacific coast. Of the grand went over the situation, receiving re­ had no expert- applicants who have Koepplng and Oscar Bergstrom were George Cunningham, and possible in­ ___ __ of the __ ___ r of the iniount daily Th«' Blalock Fruit Co. total, including light houses and ¿an­ superintendent port For Repose of Their Soul*. ence as teachers. successfully electrocuted here this port» from sub-committees and arrang­ jury to many others. Fifty men were asylum shows the largest number of is sending out hundreds of boxes each ger signals. 3000 are lighted, giving The total number of certificates is­ morning, the former at 5:55 and the ing the work for next week. Belgrade. June 11.—Ma»s for the at work 30 feet below the surface inmates in that Institution ever be­ day to «-astern and Montana points. fbrth their warnings at night time. follows: latter at 6:07. A general meeting will be held by re|M>se ot the souls of King Alexan­ sued was 863, clarified as I This company rixelves every evening fore recorded The htgh water Of these a score or more throw a One hundred and nine I first grade, Thirteen figured largely. It being the committee Tuesday night when der and Queen Draga wa» celebrated from Milton and Freewater an aver­ bi'«m of 100,000 candle power. To Suicide at Sumpter. grade. the thirteenth month of the con­ all committees will be expected to at st Mary's today. Contrary to ex­ mark has been reached. The detail­ 439 second grade and 315 third I age of seven wagon loads. The ber­ maintain the light house service a Baker City, June 11.—William La­ Of the certificates issued 40 were on demned men's imprisonment. 13 con make report. pectation, there was no disturbances. ed report for May is as follows: 1 328 ries are hauled over by four horse corps of over 4000 men in constantly vin, proprietor of the Gem saloon at papers from other states, 35 were demned men were in the death house Funds excoding $20o entiro crop will ficiency ed 5 ..................................... blowing out his brains. Despondency the manuscripts arrived at the slate Local Option Won by Seven Votes. the first shock was given Koepplng, 1.350 have been a thing of the past, Cher- A modern American light house of Number remainlug Jun«* I due to heavy drinking and family office.—Walla Walla Union. BUFFALO FAILURE. the current was turner) into Berg- Baker City. June 11.- Local option Value supplies consumed $ 8,235.02 ries are coming into market and sev- the first class costs be:we«-n $100,000 troubles was the cause of the act. He strom's body. eral large shipments have been won in this county by but seven votes Total payroll ....................... 6.009.98 niade and $200,000. and of this about one- had been on a protracted spree ever Sheep shearing is now ail over in Largest Department Store in the City I'nion county carried by 83 and Uma to Montana. Emily Bergstrom was killed at third is spent for the electric light since the election and last night he Morrow county and the sheepmen are Goes Under. j (ilia by 93, these being the smallest The Walla Walla Produce com and apparatus alone. Total expenditures 114,245.00 had a quarrel with his wife that re­ getting their flocks away to the Mount Klsco Eastern Monday last Buffalo, June 10.—The Anderson I majorities recorded on either aide of Beside one of them Egyptian Cano Cost <>f maintenance i>er «apita per panv's shipments are also very heavy sulted in their agreeing to separate. mountain districts for summer range. year because she threatened to have the question. and they have a large force at work pus, or Rhodes' "perfect idol, with month, 110 61; per day, 34 cents While the ranges ar« overcrowded in her husband arrested to prevent him Company, the largest department The general healthful conditions at loading cars dally.—Walla Walla profnlgent brows.” whose rays stroam most places, the grass is so much carrying out murderous intentions al- store in the city, has failed, 1.labili- ' Large Attendance. ready expressed. ties, $500,000 ed down the purple seas to Mizraim. Plague in Peru. the asylum are Indicated by the fact Statesman better than usual that the difficulties Berlin, June 13.—The international would shine as tapers in the Mediter­ that at the time of the report not Koepping ut this condition will be greatly ellni I Koepplng killed John G. Marline Gtiyaqulll, June 11.—Bubonic plague Women'« Congress opened this morn- It is definitely settled that the Na­ ranean night .with no place among the Parla Bakers Will Strike. l'ng*with a large attendance from con-1 inated. Generally speaking, sheep 1 at the latter's home at Port Jarvis | has broken out at Palta. Peru, causing one of the 1.350 Inmates of the insti­ Paris, June 11.—Four thousand liak- a panic. Ten-died within three hours tution was In bed on account of sick­ tional Grange will meet in Portland seven wonder* ot the world, and hard­ tlnental countries the United State* will *U’t to the mountains in good February 13, 1903, bh the result of ly worth noticing Or., next November. ness. ers voted for a general strike May 18. after being attacked. _ and Australia condition.—Heppner Gazette. ¡a long standing quarrel. Perpetual Ban Placed at the Russians Lost Eight Hundred Same Time on Ali Firms Men by Shrewdly Planned Ambush. Who Employ Union Men. Question of Militid and Vigilance Committees Aimed by Citizens’ Alli ance Are Scouring the Country for Victims. C. J. Millis Hopes to See a I he Unspeakable Turk ” Advancing the Banners of Bribk Movement at Fair Figures This Yeai the Prophet Mahomet.