BREVITIES. Zack is in town. Zack is in town. Zack is in town. Zack is in town. 31.25 hats at the Boston. Geiser threshers at Kunkel’s. Get a "top coat.” The Boston. New spring shirts. The Boston. Big sale on Slippers at Teutsch’s. Drag and disk harrows at Kunkel’s. Closing out dry goods. The Bos­ ton. J. E. Nichols, of Milton, is in town today. ’’Mayflower” Shoes at Teutsch’s, $3.00. New line men’s sweaters. The Boston. Douglas and Hanan shoes. The Boston. Shoes repaired while you wait at Teutsch’s. Panama Hats, all styles, at Teutsch’s. $3 50 and $3.00 Hats for $2 00 at Teutsch’s. E. Ripper, of Echo, spent todiy in the city. Miss Margaret Mumm is visiting in Helix. Belfast mesh linen underwear at laer & Daley's. Miss Della Crigler went to Milton jn a visit this morning. Persons wishing to raise mules «reed mares to Big Ben. Infant sets in blue, and pink cel­ luloid; fine toilet soaps. Nolf's. E. J. Wilbur, a prominent stock- man of Duncan, is in the city. Moline wagons, rubber tired bug p. m . and at midnight. Try the hot free lunch at the Mer­ chants* Cafe, 12 to 1 at noon; 4 to 5 p. m.. and at midnight. H. C. Willis, recorder of Echo, left ’or his home this morning after a few lays in the city on business. E. L. Ditty, of Morrow county, who tas been visiting in Pendleton for >ome days, returned home this morn ng- J. J. Roulston, of Adams, is in the city today on business. He reports 'onsiderable damage to wheat in hat vicinity. Miss Cora Schroeder will leave • ery soon for Chicago and other Eastern points, will include :he World’s Fair Mr. Pierce of Pullman, accompa­ nied his wife as tar as Pendleton on her way to the East for a protracted trip. The two were the guests ot Dan Bowman for a day. Fresh garden, field and flower feeds in bulk and packages. All his season's stock and sure to pro- luce. Our seeds are suitable to this limate. C. Rohrman. Court street. H. G. Hurlburt, civil engineer for he Irrigon Townsite and Irrigation Company, is in the city today on bus­ iness connected with the Teel and Hinkle irrigation tracts at the mouth □f ButteY creek. WILL CDNOÜGT THE ELECTION CHINAMAN HAS TROUBLES. Educated Celestial Tries to Serve Two Gods at Once In Baker City. FIRST RUSH OF (. harles Emow, the educated Cblua man. has troubles of his own, says the Baker City Herald, ills p««ople have issued the edict that Charles shall not worship God and Mammon both at the same time They put it TRADES ASSEMBLY TO HAVE JUDGES AND CLERKS under a different head, however. OVER 200 TICKETS FOR ST. CHARGE OF CELEBRATION. APPOINTED BY COURT. They say Charlie shall not bow at LOUIS SOLD ON FIRST DAY. GRADUATION EXERCISES the feet of their great joss and at the same tlm<- worship th«- Mellcan man’s: in M ilton schools Precincts of Umatilla God. Public Opinion Favors Appropriate Thirty-six Palouse Contingent Numbering 100, County Are Furnished With Offic­ Exercises on July Fourth—Trades They are willing that Charlie may Passed Through the City and as Headquarters for ials to Have Charge of the Gener­ follow the American plan of worship, Assembly Handled Labor Day in a Columbia College and Public School Many From Points West on the but they declare that he must get off al Elections in June and Novem­ Graceful Manner and Business Will Celebrate Commencement This Main Line—Many Expect to Go of the fence. Charles was sailing un­ ber. Turn Over the Fourth of July to Week—Successful Term of Coun­ From This City Later—Excursion der two banners of worship without Their Able Keeping—Very Little try School Closed—Local Talent in a ripple in the way. but he went too Party May Be Organized Here. far He struck the breakers yester­ Adverse Sentiment Exhibited—Ac­ a Theatrical Production—Social The county court yesterday ap­ day with a dull thud and received tion Will Be Taken Monday. Movement in the Fruit Town. pointed the following judges and notice Immediately to vacate China The first rush of St Louis excur­ clerks of election for the 36 precincts town or bow to one God or the^other sionists passed through the city on in Umatilla county to serve at the alone. Milton. May 10.—Miss Earnest inc It is now almost certain that Pen­ June and November elections: No 2 last evening, about 100 r. because lumber is cheaper which occur on the lCrb, 17th and s s judges; Thomas Delaney. Frank Han 18th of that month Union. Baker and Malheur counties. Our line of summer footwear is now in, and in readiness for brat ion. now. and they have to do more work It is ho|«ed by B E Wolf, city I • Mr. H. R. Hogue and Miss Ida Grit l^eon Cohen—My position on this Ion. P E Johnson, clerks for tbeir money.” you to make your selections. Fulton—H J Taylor, chairman: fith of Walla Walla, were guests Sun question has been expressed so often The Washington .MUI Company rw- ticket agent for the O R AN. that ' s Prett est ideas in day of Mrs. J. L. Williamson. that it seems useless to say todaj John Bahr. Walter .McCortnmacb. ports that business locally is good, in excursion forty can be arranged I Mrs. E. P Greene, who formerly >nce more that I atn in favor of the judges. W W Jones William Potts, but that owing to the late spring, from this point, some time during the! • «ummer as a large number of peo s resided here but is now living at Pas elebration aid think we should be 3. C Schroeder, clerks he ««astern demand is not good s OXFORDS, LOW SHOES Gilliland—Ed Carney, chairman; J co. Wash . is here visiting friends foi gin now, by giving the Trades and The William Musser laimber A pie have signified their intention to • a few days. AND SLIPPERS Labor Assembly all the encourage V Hubbard. A B Hanna, judges. Manufacturing Company reports that go from here. Th- sal«*s days are arranged as tnent |iossible They can handle it John Q Peebler. I»vld Horn. John busln«*ss Is not as good as last year Graduation Exercises. gracefully. us give them every Wynn, clerks at this time, but that it la pretty they are. once each month. In order o for and gentlemen in tans, patent colt, v»c< and other leath. This is a busy time for Milton. be Helix—W E Potts, chairman A good, and will pick up again in a :o give th«- companies an opportunity ers. encouragement. ing commencement week for Colum to return the cars from the East, for • Myitek. John P McEachern vhort time. Geo. Darveau—Pendleton should P bia college and the Milton public o ?elebrate by al) means. It makes udges. C E Bott. B B Richards. T There are within 200 miles of Spo if the sales should be open all tne o schools. Saturday night Miss Dover ime the rush of travel eastwar«! o W* Turner, clerks riends for the town, encourages our «ane about 200 mills, ot which about assisted by some of her pupils gave Hogue—J E Arkell. chairman. A 60 per cent «re not running on ac­ would be so heavy every week, that .'itizens to look forward to this event a play entitled. -Mr. Bob.” A large ;n each year as a time of pleasure ■ Buholtz. Swante Anderson, judges, count of their not being able to dis it would be impossible for tbe rail­ and appreciative audience greeter GOOD SHOES CHEAP. ’Phone Main 1131. inti enjoyment and we should lend d M Fix C W Brown. A J GUI pose of the low grade of lumber The roads to get their equipment back the performers. The play was a fair tur assistance to the boys who are1 ierks mills that are running now will av- to tbe western points fast enough tc e ly good one and each one acquittec commodate tbe traffic Holdman—A B Cooley, chairman; etarting the movement to celebrate. aUiu: SSOjfiM feet per day themselves admirably. Sunday morn A great many people have asked W. E- Brock—Yes. sir Let us cel H L Harp. W L Purcell, judges. About 15 per cent, or about 48.000 ing Dr. T. B. H. Anderson delivere« ebrate. without fail. The labor I> N Vanskiver. W N Claypool E feet of the entire output of the mills the re-ason for making but three ex the baccalaureate sermon in the new la good enough to be marketed e««t ursion ticket sales ;n each m«*nth inions handled the labor day exer ” Johnson, clerks ♦♦♦♦♦♦»«♦♦♦♦« 4»4-»4e«« «»««♦♦♦♦« »♦♦«♦«« 8»« >ee opera hall. He is a very logical Juniper — Frank E King, chairman; jf the Missouri river or in competl and the company makes this «*xp!an -ises last year in a graceful and sat speaker and held a very attentive isfactory manner, and they are the M l. Morrison. Manuel Fre-idley tion with the eastern pine This »tion By placing mor.- cars In aerv audience for one hour and a half people to take charge of the celebra- udges John F Wyrick Andre* Lar- eaves 85 jw-r cent of lower grade ice during the rush, the companies Monday evening the music pupils ot B v sd -.:. lumber. Probably about 25 per cent can handle the immense traffic with tion. as they have leisure after work • Miss Myrtle Plant gave a musical Nonh .Milton — S H Christenson of the remainder ot the lumber can «ase, and also get their cars back In hours in which to prepare and dis ­ which was highly appreciated by all hairmar. . W Hopson. Wtr. I.loyd, be sold in Dakota and Nebraska — time for the next rush. Open ticket uss the matter thoroughly. I am Last night a banquet was given by tale« all the time would tend tc leartily in favor of turning the mat iudg«»s. N W Mumford J N Bas Spokesman-Review the undergraduates. Tomorrow nigh! block traffic all the time while by ter over to them, with all the en Utt G m A Cowl, clerks the graduating exercises will be held handling tbe traff«- In this manner South Milton—I). J Kirk, chair­ Band of Horses Orowned. 'ouragement and assistance that is there being 23 from the different de man; H I- Frazier. H .M Cock burn necessary to make the event a sue A Land of horses has been drown there are* rush periods, in which all partmeuts to graduate this year fudges Robert Still. C O 4l>>*man ed in Snake nver and it 1s regarded the rolling stock of the eompsnles cess. Rev. E. L. Fitch of Oakland. Ore. Ed Besthorn—We should celebrate John Walden clerks as possible that human life may also are tied up. follow«^ by periods of re presid: ig elder of the Southwestern laxation In which there is time tc Mountain — J E McDani«-!. chaii this year, so the people would not have been sacrificed.» Columbia Conference of the M. E group the equipment at the western man; John E Walden. J W HjratL forget that there is such a holiday The news was brought here today church. South, will deliver the ad is the Fourth of July. We shoulc Judges; John Oldham. J Z English. by J. H. Dobbins, who counted more • rmlnals for the next ticket sale dress to the graduates. have something appropriate to th» W H Gould, clerks. han 50 bodies of horses floating rush. Thursday evening the lower grades All the western roads are In excel McKay—Alex Hudson, chairman: down the Snake river below the «ize and importance of the city, and of the Milton public school will give lent condition for the fair rush Cars > 'harles Hein. S P Hutchinson I am heartily in favor of the work mouth of the Imnaha He watched an entertainment consisting of mus and engines have been groomed for judges; D K Bell. S K Yftes H A. ngmen handling the matter, as they for some time endeavoring to learn ic, recitations, dialogues and drills made a success of I-abor Day las’ Faxon, clerks. whether the bodies of human b«-:ng» the occasion and the service will be On Saturday evening the graduating The latest improved two-wheel, side-hill combined harvester has Pendleton—T B Swearingen might not be tangled in wi'h the better than ever, if possible. In order rear. Give them all the encourage exercises will be held. The class this to me^t tbe many varied require* '-hairman; W S Perry. J A Horn, proven a boon to wheat raisers It Is be most successful, most •nent possible. mass of dead horses, but failed tc year consists of 20 yenng ladies and ments of such a vast array of people Casper Van Dran—I am quite sure lodges; S S Darnell. E C Anibel. 1 make any such discovery. gentlemen. econo mica: and easiest machine to operate ever built. All of the horses were evidently as will see the fair. I do not want any celebration unlesr E Earl, clerks Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pen ► These harv ¿sters have been given abundant trials right here at North Pendleton — George Buzan. from a bred-up band, but the brands it beats the last two we have had r dleton. will deliver the address. Still Another Fraud. If the committees give us our -hairman. J M Bentley. W S Bad are unknown to any of the local home and all users are highly pleased. None bare been dissatisfied 8 Ir. tbe early part of January, a man > money’s worth in the show down, al' ’ey. judges; J P. Walker. Frank Fra stock or horsemen The Snake river A Startling Text. NEWS OF ATHENA. zier, J. S. Kees. clerks is unusually high as a result of the by th«* name of Shapley visited 8 aud all are high in their praise. To save a life. Dr. T. G. Merritt, right. As a matter of fact, conven South Pendleton—C. P Ford, chair rains and it is supposed -uat the Boise, representing himself to be the ► r Moved Back to Kamela—Horae Cut it No. Mehoopany. Pa., made a •ions are more desirable than re-gu The Holt ride-hill harvester on a aide till la able to stick to at ion celebrations anyhow, doing the man; L. E Penland. M. .M Myrick treacherous and shifting bars and xgent for W B Gnmmeaux s Maga 5 on Barbed Wire—Going to Minne­ startling test, resulting in a wonder This agency was. so 8 the side of the olll, while the header will slip down the hill The J A -Drake. T O Yates waters are responsible for the eradl tine Agency •own more good in every respect. sota—Some Wheat Killed by the tul cure. He writes, “a patient was cation of some < r«>ssing —Wallowa he said, located at Hornellsville. N 8 main wheels are vertical, which bracea the machine to the side J S. Whittinghill—If a majority of clerks. attacked with violent hemorrhages, East Pendleton—John McGinn, Chieftain. Tw and if a certain number of sub- È • Freeze—Ha 1 a Hand Lacerated— caused by ulcerations of the stom- •he business men want a celebration hills It works equally adapted to level land. scriptiooa could be secured by Mr Come From Willamette Valley to ich. I had often found Electric Bit­ all right, but we are not hankering chairman; G W Brown. W. B Hale, judges; H. E Cook. J S. Beckwith. Shapley for any of the standard mag­ 8■ Recalls Old ' imea. We really do not think the results Reside—Returned From Washing­ ters excellent for acute stomach and The Holt barvesteni are sold exclusiv«ly tn thia section by are liable to justify much of an out­ H. J Stillman, clerks The first pack train of the season azines of the day. a much better rate ton—Visitor From British Colum­ liver troubles so I prescribed them. Pilot Rock — Douglas Belta, of subscription could be given the will leave Boite tomorrow morning, The patient gained from the first, lay of either cash or time. If those chairman. Herbert Boylen. J S. subscriber. His plan seemed a feas bia. tnd has not had an attack in 14 who have been here longer want a Cherry, judges; Frank Done. Oliver bound for the Biack Warrior dis­ Ible one. and be secured something celebration, though, we will do our trict, near Atlanta There will be 60 Athena, May 11.—Mr. and Mrs months.” Electric Bitters are posi­ Knotts. John Harrison, clerks. animals in the train, carrying 6.000 5ver 100 subscriptions, most of them Charlton, who spent the winter in tively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, In- share Prospect—A. B McCarty, chair­ pounds of provisions for the mining being for magazines costing $1 The H- E. Bickers—Really. I prefer a Athena sending their children to llgestion, Constipation and Kidney man; R M. Alcorn. W. A. Marlow, publications were to arrive tbe month school, returned to their home at Ka­ troubles. Try them. Only 50c at celebration—one that will do the judges; D. A. Peebler. I^ee Beam. Ira camps A large portion of tbe freight following 216 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon town credit, of course — to keep the will go to Mr Max Mayfield ’ s claim«, mela Monday. Tailman & Co.’s. Miss Alice Elkington was one of people from flocking to the moun Perkins, clerks. although the merchants at Atlanta B. F. and Thomas Ogle have re­ Reservation—A D. Blue, chairman; will receive a consid«uabls quantity. those who subscribed for s publica­ •ains and to other towns who might KH extras for Holt machines on band. turned from the former's stock ranch Don't Want Saloons. J. M Cornelison. L. L. Mann, jndges. as well be kept here. We can enter- The train will be equtpel at tbe tion. her selection being Harpers at Willow Springs. They report B. F McElroy, G A. Hott. T B < > Bazaar, for which she paid Mr. Shap- Charles Parris, who has an appli­ >ain a large crowd here, and I thinj Falk mercantile store and will be in grass fine and cattle in good fix. cation before the county commission we should get It here a».d do so Hawley, clerks. charge of J Urquidex and Harvey >y $1. the magazine to be delivered Ruddock—E J Wilbur, chairman. Baxter. There will be eight men in he first of February. J. W. Jenkins, pastor of the Chris ers for a license to sell spirituous But for goodness sake, kt us go at As the time came and no magazine tion church, gave an entertainment and fermented liquors at the town of it in such a way as w 111 Insure a Fred C. Davis. E S Wilbur, judges; the party. H A Blair. S Swanger, clerks to the Sunday school at the Christian Touchet, will find some opposition to success, or let it alone. The road over which the train will appeared, she grew anxious and Ulciah—E B Gambee. chairman. pass is somewhat broken, although wrote to tbe publishers of Harper’s church Thursday evening, using his his enterprise among the residents of N. D. Swearingen—If it is done Frank Hilbert, Henry ljuinka. the travel has not been heavy this Bazaar, the well known firm of Hsr the place and vicinity. stereopt icon. right, all right; if it is not done Following the spirited example set right, it is all wrong. This firm will judges; J. W. Galloway. Ray Harpole. early in the season The coat of per Bn»., in New York. George Lieuallen had one of his In a few days tbe reply came say fine mares badly cut with barbed by the people of College Place, the not give up any more money unless Frank Boynton, clerks transportation by park train is 5 Umatilla—W R Parker, chairman; cents per pound — Boise Capital Ing that the firm knew nothing of the .nhabitants of the neighboring ham­ there is better assurance that it will wire a few days ago. John Swftzler. S. A Saylor, judges; W B Grimm«aux Magazine Agency, Mrs. Manasse's brother, Mr. Cohen let have started a petition, and are be well spent, than heretofore. We J. W. Duncan. J. N. Seever. H. J News. and that no subscription had ever of Victoria, B. C., is a guest at the reported to have many names from must have something in sight. Burnham, clerks. been forwarded to them.— Boise Cap­ the town and tne surrounding coun ­ Buying Baker County Cattle. C. E. Roosevelt — I emphatically Manasse home. Union—Siemeon Betherx, chair­ try. Rev. J. T. Barnes and others second the motion that the observ ­ E L. Thornton of Lexington. Neb.. ita) News John Adams will leave this morn­ man; Eugene McCulley, D. Howdy­ ing for Elgin, Minn., to attend at prominent in the religious circles of ance of the Court if of July be turned shell, judges; H. H. Harvey. Edwin a cattle buyer who has some ac­ *••••••••••••••••••••••••« Mining Under Difficulties. quaintance in Eastern Oregon, hav the bedside of his aged father, whe the community have taken charge ot over to the I^abor Council. The Hughes. Elmer Harvey, clerks. the circulation of this document, and unions can and may be trusted to E. Adams, who conducts a little ing been in Baker county in 1899, at is not expected to live. The old gen­ Valley—W S. Goodman, chairman; tleman is 86 years of age. Mr. Adamt it is being largely signed.—Walla give us an economical and honest James Kirk, R. T Mobley, judges; which time he purchased a large restaurant on Mill street, went out to Walla Union. expenditure of any funds that may number of cattle, is here- again on the the Greenhorns on Sunday. He has has not seen his father for 15 years UONDtRFLL be entrusted to them. Judging from C. F Weiss, E rteccord. Ed Blod- sam«- mission, but what success be some mining claims out that way. i Mr. Adams will ilso visit at his old gen. clerks. HOME No Great Damage. Lalccir Day. they c-an give us a cel­ will meet with is problematical and an offer of 92000 has tie.-n mad«* home in Minneapolis, and at other Vansycle — J. A. Creswell, chair ­ TREATMENT G W. Rigby has been out to his ebration with novel features—one man ; E. O. Casey. W. J. Stockman, since buyer and seller are widel' him. while his price has been $25o<> pointB in the East. llLie wvDÓerful Cbl- Rev. W. E. Armfield made a busi ranches east and northeast of Pen- that will be allround successful. judges; W. H. Dale. C. A. I-ogan. separated as regards price, says tb He thought that a trip out might, teeter it c*Ue patient, while In a serious Horseman, judges: John T. Ogle, M. annr write iness at Helix. The business is an acres of wheat that was knee high, They’s the best in the world for liv­ old and wel lestablished one, but It and Food Commissioner Will At­ Regents Go to Weaton. Purely frosted to the ground and killed, and er, stomach and bowels. tend Farmer«’ Institute. that wheat of other farmers is badly vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at is Mr. Leland's first venture in mer­ Fancy Clover Leaf Three members of the board of Ladies’ Capsules Gardes chandise. A letter from Colonel R. C. Judson, Tallman & Co.’s drug store. regents of Weston Normal School damaged. Lady Aganta Wanted. of the O. R. & N., says that J. W. — Creamery R Alexander, chairman; F. M ♦ In order to accommodate fishing Bailey, dairy and food commissioner Safe, reliable. Absolutely guar­ Will Finish Dipping. ♦ Saxton, of Baker City, and William parties the O. R. & N. Co. will, until of Oregon, who is also a candidate ♦ anteed to cure leucorrhoea and fe­ Butter Blakley — went to Weaton thia morn John Sheridan, of Echo, is in town close of season, have train No. 2, for re-election, will attend tne farm­ male weakness. For particulars ad- today, making final arrangements for leaving here at 5:45 p. m., stop at ing. where they will complete ar­ ! tress Mo. Prop. Pharmacy. Lock Box ers' institute in this city on May 26. dipping his 3,000 head of sheep. He North Fork on Saturday evenings, rangements for effecting the im­ 123. Kansas City. Mo. For sale by Intends to do a good thorough job of and train No. 1, due in Pendleton at provements planned for the Normal A. C. Koeppen A Bros.. Pendleton. Why use gelatine Successful Operation. It, and will use one-half pound of sul ­ grounds — grading, fencing and pave ­ ■pend hours soak 9 a. m„ stop at some place Monday Mrs. J. M. Blair, of I,a Grande, ment. They expect to let the con­ phur at each dipping for each ani­ morning. This arrangement will be sweetening, flitvo 81IISCR1BEK8 TO MAGAXINE8. IF TOD was successfully operated upon last tracts today. J. W. Scriber, of I ji and coloring when mal. want to subscribe to tuagaaiaee « aexra- in effect Saturday. May 14. evening at St. Anthony's hospital for Grande, was expected to join the papers In the Vnlted States or Europe, E. C. SMITH, Agent. at Our Store a tumor. She was In fairly gTod remit by postal note, check or send to For County Physician. gentlemen named thia morning, but the EAST OREGONIAN the set pob- health before the operation and is did not come. Dr. W. G. Cole appeared before llshers price of the publicatloe roe de The O. R. & N. Co. announce a doing as well as could be expected produces better results in two minutes? sire, and we will bare It sent yon end Everything in the package. Simply add h<4 the county court yesterday with an rate of $1.90 for round trip for the under the circumstances. I)rs. W. ♦ assume all the risk of the money being Postmaster Bancroft, of Portland, water au