The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, February 12, 1904, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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Unswaye d by fear, unin­
♦ fluenced by favor, the East
♦ Oregonian will tell the truth,
♦ the whole truth, and nothing
♦ but the truth, about county,
♦ state and national affairs,
* is fair, absolutely fair,
♦ those who differ from
views, as well as to
The Bast Oregonian of Pen­
dleton, Oregon, is published in
the heart of the wonderful In­
land Empire.
You will find
that It la readable, reliable
and progressive, and will give
you the news reliably, accur­
ately and fully.
In Honduras. Martial law
is pro-
and a number of arrests
made, One vessel from the Pacific
squadron will probably be sent to
protect American interests.
The San Domingo Row.
News today from San Domingo re-
ports continued fighting, Officers be-
lieve Morales will win
Vote on Canal Treaty.
Washington, Feb 11.—The senate
will vote on the Isthmian canal
treaty February 23.
ON $3,500 PER YEA.l.
Owed $30,000 Twelve Years Ago and
During That Time Banked $70,000
—“Padded” Purchase Price
Lands in Hia Earlier Testimony.
Land Fighting Begun and First Engagement Results in Rus
sian Victory and Capture of Chemulpo.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
St. Petersburg, Feb. 10.—Cxar Nicholas this morning issued..♦
♦ an official declaration of war as follows:
"To all dear subjects:—I declare we are anxious to preserve ♦
♦ the peace so dear to our hearts, and did all in our power to..*
♦ maintain tranquility in the Far East With these peaceful aims ♦
♦ we declared our readiness to revise the existing treaty between ♦
♦ the two empires regarding Korean affairs.
Negotiations were not carried to a conclusion. Japan, without ♦
♦ awaiting our reply, broke off diplomatic relations, without appar­ ♦
♦ ently considering what such rupture meant, and commenced war­ ♦
♦ like actions.
Japan ordered torpedo boats to attack our squadron at Port ♦
♦ Arthur. After receipt of the report we ordered the governor to ♦
♦ reply with arms. We hereby make known our decision in a firm ♦
♦ trust and help from Almighty God and assurance in the unani. ♦
♦ mous readiness of our true subjects to stand with us in defense ♦
♦ of our fatherland. We call the blessing of the Lord upon our ♦
♦ brave army and fleets.''
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦
London, Feb. 10.—An official ac­
count of the Chemulpo battle hes
been received by the Japanese em-
bassy here.
It says the Japanese squadron, es­
corting transports to Korea, was met
on the way to Chemulpo by the
Russian guDboat Korietz. as the lat-
ter was leaving Port Arthur, The
Korietz assumed the offensive and
fired on the Japanese torpedo boat.
The latter replied, firing two torpe-
does without effect.
The Korietz then returned to her
anchorage in Port Arthur harbor.
Early next morning Admiral
commanding the Japanese, formally
demanded that the Russian vessels
leave the port, adding if they did
not comply by noon be would be
compelled to attack them within the
The Russian men-of-war left port
at 11:30 and battle was immediately
given outside of Poiynessian Island.
After an hour's engagement the Rus­
sians took refuge among the islands
and towards evening the cruiser Va-
ring sank.
About 4 o'clock February 10. the
Korietz was sunk by her own crew,
who, finding her disabled, blew her
up. The officers and men of the two
vessels then took refuge on the
French cruiser Pascal.
There were no casualties on the
Japanese side.
Japanese Victory Confirmed.
London. Feb. 10.—The Japanese
legation confirms the report of a na­
val battle at Chemulpo and capture
of two Russian cruisers.
More Fighting Imminent.
Chefoo. Feb. 10.—A Russian tor­
pedo flotilla Is reported to be at
Thonton, Haven Island, 50 miles sea­
ward from Port Arthur, and a bat­
tle is momentarily expected.
A Russian land force is concen­
trating on the banks of the Yalu,
where a big assignment of field guns
and ammunition recently arrived
It is predicted the hostile armies
will first meet at Ping Yeng in North-
ern Korea, as was the case in the
China-Japanese war.
Japan Captures Russian Troops.
London, Feb. 10.—A dispatch from
the Tokio correspondent of the Cen-
trai News. says three transports in
the Russian volunteer fleet, convey,
ing about 2,000 troops. have been
captured off Asan, Korea, by the
Quite Inconsequential.
Paris, Feb. 10.—The official ▼er-
sion of the battle of Port Arthur yes-
terday received here declares •Jie
fight was inconsequential. Merely a
few shells were exchanged and two
Russian officers and 80 soldiers were
killed. The cruiser Pallada will be
available for service within a week.
Just What Japan Expected.
London. Feb. 10.—Minister Haya­
shi this morning said:
ments at Port Arthur and Chemulpo
are merely in accordance with plans
of long standing. As soon as our
forces landed In Korea we looked
for an important fleet action rt
Port Arthur.
"The Russians vessels will proba­
bly He close beneath tbe land bat­
teries. but by going to the Chinese
side our ships by high angle fire can
shell them out. The Russian admi-
ral may possibly, like Cervera, antic-
ipate his fate and come into the open
of his own accord.
“Present events merely show the
utter uselessness of Port Arthur
from a strategic viewpoint”
Speaking of the Hays note, he
says Japan will most certainly agree,
but so long as Russian troops are in
Manchuria Japan cannot regard it as
neutral territory,
While Japan
anxious to assist and maintain neu-
trality in China proper, she has
every intention of waging an aggres­
sive land campaign in Manchuria
Chinese Gratification.
Washington. Feb. 10.—The Chinese
minister called at the state depart­
ment this morning and expressed
China's gratification at the Hays
note issued yesterday to the neutral
When the minister came
from Mr. Hays’ office he said he un-
derstood Prince Ching has issued an
edict to the
viceroys of
China commanding them to observe
the strictest neutrality.
Minister Cassini, of Russia, called
at the state department and notified
it of the official declaration of war
and yesterday's battle.
Russian Victorios.
Feb. 10.—Private
dispatches received here state that
the Japanese forces on the Yalu
river were completely routed by the
Russians, and also claims Chemulpo
has been captured by tbe Russians,
who are now occupying that port.
Chinese Neutrality.
Hay still declines to make public tbe
text of his note to the powers. He
wants it known, however, America
wants China entirely neutralized,
even if it becomes necessary to eject
Russia from Manchuria.
Japanese Troops in Korea.
Paris, Feb. 10.—A telegram from
Tokio states the Japanese landed a
large force at Masampho, Korea
which is but a short distance from
Fusan. one of the terminals of the
Japanese Fusan-Seoul railway, which
leads to the Manchurian border.
Russian Claims of Victory.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 10.—At 3:30
the new-Bpapers issued extras cialm-
in Russian victory at Port Arthur.
Three Japanese warships and fonr
torpedo boats are reported serious­
ly crippled. One report says the
Japanese battleship Shlklshlma was
sunk. The people are demonstrating,
but there i< no official confirmation
of the latter report.
Japanese Very Hopeful.
Rome, Feb.
10.—The Japanese
minister here today said official ad­
vices show Japanese plans were so
carefully made it is safe to predict
that Japan will be complete master,
and have troops pursuing the Rus­
sians through Manchuria within a
Washington, Feb. 11.—The cross-
evnminetion of Machen was continu­
ed this morning by Mr. Conrad. It
elicited the information that although Asks Great Britain’s Permission and Also Wants to Send Her
he owed $30,000 when he arrived
Baltic Sea Fleet to Fight Japan.
here in 1891. he nevertheless, from
1891 till removed from office, depos­
ited in the Westminster (Mu.) Na­
tional Bank. $77.000. His salary dun
London, Feb. 11.—A dispatch to feats are posted everywhere today.
ing that period was $3.500 per year.
Router’s from Tokio, dated 7:10 yea The people are jubilant.
Machen "Over a Barrel.”
terday, says a non-ofhcial report io
Jape Capture with
Russia was
An attempt was made In the cross- current there that the Ruseian fleet
examination to impeach his state­ hae been deetroyed, four battleehipe
formerly declared the Russian steam-
ment that the $25.000 note was paid
The capture of and Mukden and
him by Lorenz for oil lands, He ad- and three cruieers being eunk, and
mitted he only paid $2.200 for the that two Japanese warships were ere Ekattrineslov
lands, and also admitted he owed damaged In an engagement yeeter- the whaler Fossia are confirmed.
Japs Occupying Seoul,
$30.000 when he came to Washington day off Port Arthur.
The Japanese got
from Toledo.
Seoul. Feb. 11.—Japanese occupa­
Russians and the entrance to the tion of the Seoul district Is progress­
harbor before the fight commenced.
ing rapidly. The Koreans view the
arrival of the Japanese with sullen
Che Foo, Feb. 11. — No further
War Probable Soon With
attack will be msde on the fortifi­
England is Neutral.
and Macedonia.
cations ât Port Arthur by the Jspa-
London. Feb. 11—The king today
nese. as they are content to wsit
Paris. Feb. 11.— La Patrie today
for the Russian fleet to come out signed a declaration of neutrality m
received a telegram from Bucharest
from the harbor, when it will be in the Far East at a meeting of the
that Bulgaria has commenced the
privy council.
easy matter to conquer it.
mobilization of her forces, and all
Japs Fail to Land
at A Port
Arthur, io
Another Warship Damaged.
officers have been ordered to hasten
from its
l-ondon. Feb
to their posts.
Word was received
here today the Central News Bureau dated on
have that the Russian battleship Poroe- Port Arthur correspondent. Japanese
been ordered from France. War with viet, not mentioned in previous dis­ Wednesday night, says the
Turkey is expected In March
patches. was also damaged in the fleet attempted to land in
A dispatch from Lyons says word Port Arthur fight Tuesday.
bays around Port Arthur yesterdav.
is received
there that Turkey is
The landing parties were protected
Russian Finances in Bad Shape.
making Important purchases of ar­
Cbe Foo. Feb. 11.—Russian finan­ by cruisers. It is officially stated here
tillery in view of the imminence « f
ces here are in bad shape, the Rus­ all the attempts were unsuccessful.
war in Macedonia.
sian bank being unable to honor it* ! A dispatch from St have been in-
says AlexietFs powers
own notes.
to the powers
The America-Maru.
Secretary Hay's
note in official dr-
11.—The caused some
Island City, in Union County. Ex­
alarm for the safety of tbe Japanese cies.
from Tien Tsin confirms
periencing a Serious Epidemic.
liner, America-Maru.
A dispatch up of a Russian bridge
La Grande. Feb 11.—The public from San Francisco for Yokohama. the blowing
The correspondent
schools at Island City have
been January 25. is not felt by local offic­ In Manchuria,
unofficial report is received
closed on account of an epidemic ft ials of the line, despite a dispatch adds sn Russian steamers Nonni and
sickness, principally diphtheria, al­ to the contrary, printed by Eastern that the have teen captured by Jap-
though there are several cases of newspapers today.
At no time has it been feared the an esc
scarlet fever and many severe cases
Rumored Jap Loases.
vessel, which has on board many I Paris. Feb. 11.—A rumor Is rife
of grip.
fall into the on the Bourse today that the Japan­
There have been three deaths n Americans,
this vicinity from diphtheria within bands of the Russians. However, if ese loot eight ships in a battle In the
the past week, and while there Is that should be Its fate, the passen­ Yellow Sea. The rumor la uncredit­
no probability that the school here gers will not be seriously discom­ ed.
will close on that account, the grav­ moded. because the Russians are
Japanese Victory Confirmed.
est fears are entertained for the bound by international laws of war
WasMngton. Feb. IL—Minister Al­
to safely convey them to the i near­
spread of the disease.
len. at Seoul, wires the state depart­
est neutral point, which la Chee
ment details of tbe battie at Chemul­
The America-Maru, running
on po. confirming the destruction of the
Yo- Varwig and Korietz and also the cap-
La Grande Office Has Been Over- schedule time, would arrive at
kohama Saturday, but as she de- ture of Russian transports
whelmed With Work Since the parted with orders to make the jour­
Russia's Baltic Fleet
Berlin. Feb 11.—It Is reported this
ney at top speed, she may arrive to­
afternoon that the czar has notified
the morrow.
La Grande, Feb.
the kaiser of a desire to send a
Damage to Russian Vessels.
opening of the land office here. there
fleet of 15 ships to the east through
has been one continuous chain of
London. Feb. 11.—Lloyd s Shang­ the Kaiser Wilhelm canal from tbe
applicants for homestead
filings, hai agent cables that it la generally
Baltic Sea.
proofs and other land routine and believed Japanese
warships have
Siberian Railroad Work,
the office force has been worked o sunk the Russian steamer Mongolia,
St. Petersburg. Feb 11—Con tra c-
fullest capacity.
bound for Shanghai. A Dalny dis­
Many homestead proofs have been patch adds that the three Russian tors are under promise of a $: B
held in abeyance »’nee the close of warships, damaged by torpedoes at per day bonus for each day gained,
and are ruahlsg work on the tern-
the office, three months ago, and the Port Arthur, have sun_
porary railroad by ice across Lake
applicants are now making the sec-
A dispatch from Paris says ’n-
ond trip here to complete title.
formation comes from Port Arthur
Tbe minister of finance baa issu-
that the Czarevitch was not serious­
ed a bulletin warning the people
ly damaged and will be in commis­
against a panic,
He says events
sion again within a short time.
may create
temporary difficulties,
Calling Out Reserves.
but cannot shake Russia's economic
8t. Petersburg. Feb. IL—An order power.
was Issued today for the formation
Russia and the Dardanelles.
of a third Siberian army corps.
London. Feb. 11.—A report is cur­
Jubilant at Tokio.
rent here this afternoon that Russia
Tokio. Feb
11.—Rear Admiral is negotiating with Turkey for per­
Uriu. who commanded at Chemulpo, mission to send her Black Sea fleet
reports the crews of both the Varwig through tbe Dardanelles and Turkey
and Korieta, Russian cruisers, sur­ is trying to gain British consent to
HIBITS SLAVERY IN ISLANDS. rendered. Reports of Russian de­ the procedure
SULfflH’S intffl
mountain canyons searched, but no
trace of the women were ever found.
FOR FOUL CRIME. The developments in the case are
awaited with keenest interest by the
River citizens of this locality, as it was
Two Women
one of the most mysterious occur-
Hotel With Him and Are Never rences of the past decade.
8een Afterward—Lived on Adjoin­
ing Homesteads and Mysteriously
Veteran Worker Will Hold High Po-
sition in Lewis and Clark Fair.
H. E. Dosch of Portland has been
appointed director of exhibits of
the Lewis and Clark fair and will
have the highest position In the ex-
position outside of the officials tn
the management.
Mr. Dosch has had such a wide ex-
perience in
held responsible positions at Buffalo,
and Char) ston, that he is the logi­
cal man for the important place. He
will arrange and place every exhibit
coming into the great display and
on his judgment, selection and good
taste will depend the ornamental
and artistic features of the vast pa­
vilion and show grounds of Port­
Those who were fortunate enough
to see the Oregon fruit exhibit st
the Ogden
Irrigation convention,
will appreciate something of the
good tastes of Mr. Dosch as a deco­
rator and director of exhibits. The
Oregon exhibits there were placed
at the very entrance to the pavilion
and wers the cynosure of all eyes.
Dropped Out of 8lght.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•• *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
The Dalles. Feb. 9.—Norman Wil­
liams, formerly of Hood River, is
under arrest at Bellingham
Wash., for defrauding the govern­
ment in a land deal, and is also
wanted for murdering two women,
near Hood River, in March, 1900.
Williams Hved on a claim adjoin­
ing Miss Alma Nesbitt and her moth­
er, and one night in March he start­
ed to take the women from Hood
River to their homestead, 20 miles in
the country, by team. After the wo­
men left the hotel at Hood River,
with Williams, they were never seen
Williams has also been missing,
until recently, when he was arrest­
ed in Washington for defrauding .he
government out of a homestead, and
when questioned about the murder,
said he could prove that the women
were seen after he drove them home
that night in March.
Soon after the women disappear­
ed letters flooded the Hood River
postofflce regarding
their where
abouts, and from that time until to­
day, not a trace has ever been found
that would lead to their discovery.
Three feet of new snow has fal­
Searching parties were at once or­ len in the mountains in the vicinity
ganized following their disappear­ of Kamels and Meacham, during the
ance, the rivers were dragged, the past few days.
Favors Abrogating the Treaty by
Which the Sultan of Sulu Drews a
Regular Stipend From the Unltco
Statee—Senate Public Land Com-
mittee Recommends a Bill Donat
ing Five Per Cent of Land Sales
to the State in Which Land Is
Many Cases of a Malignant Type,
With Scarlet Fever Also Rsging.
I-a Grande, Feb. 9.—Several cases
of diphtheria, of a malignant
city, and while no deaths have oc
curred, several children are very
One child died with scarlet fever
yesterday evening, and a half dozen
cases of this disease are also under
The Baker City council is In a
muddle over the first sewer assess­
ment. The sewer system haB to be
partly paid for by assessments on
throughout the city, and the property
owners misunderstood the meaning
of the law, and now object to being
10.—Thurlow W
Parker, the- forger, who was chased
all over the Northwest, was finally
captured Lt bis home in Deer Lodge
Mont., and later escaped from Detec
five Joe Day, on an O. R. & N. train
near Arlington, was yesterday sen­
tenced to five years in the peniten­
tiary for bls crimes.
Before sentence was passed. Par­
ker made a speech to the court, and
Instead of begging for mercy. ask»d
Judge Frazer to Impose the maxi­
mum sentence on him as be realized
that be »as guilty of more than *r
ordinary crime, in view of his aver­
age intelligence and family relations
He lamented that he had caused
the court and bls relatives such a
great amount of trouble, and said
that by receiving a long sentence
he would have sufficient time in
which to think over the error of bls
The maximum sentence for his
crime is 20 years, but Judge Frazer
said this was too long a. time for a
man to serve for forgery, as it would
deaden snd remove all his capibfll
ties and would leave him a helpless
machine on his release, and that he
would give Parker but five years in
hopes that be would become a bet
ter and more useful man.
Washington, Feb.
10.—Taft was
before the bouse committee on insu­
lar affairs today. He expressed an
opinion on the Patterson bill to abol­
ish slavery In the Philippines and
to abrogate the treaty made with the
Sultan of Sulu by General Bates.
Taft said: "By the constitution,
as well as the law, slavery is abol­
ished and a congressional ac$ would
offer no solution.
"The question is of enforcing in­
stead of making law.
He favored
an expression of congress, however,
toward the abrogation of the Sulu
treaty, so the payment of the regu­
lar stipend to the sultan
cease." Taft's suggestion was adopt-
ed and an amended bill was intro-
duced by Patterson.
Donation to the States.
The senate committee on public
lands today made a favorable report
on the bill proposing to give to each
state 5 per cent of the net proceeds
of the sales of public land in the
This, it is estimated, will involve
the expenditure of $8,000,0w. A
total of $8,000,000 derived from this
source is now held by the states st­
fected, and the bill proposes to ab
low them to keep thlb money.
Judge Frazer Surprised to Hear For­
ger Ask for Maximum
Instead of Begging for Mercy —
Given Five Years With the Admo.
nition That He Reform on Hie Re­
lease From Prison.
George A. Yielding
New Warships Will Be
perate Because He Could Not Bo
Near His Idol, and Blows Out His
Brains at Spokane—Florence Rob-
arts, Who Had
garding the Canal
Caused His Die*
missal at Seattle,
She Heard the Shot That Killed I
Him—Left Hie Company at Port.
Larger Tnan
Appropriation Will
Executive Session
lution Imminent In Honduras— San
Domingan Rebellion.
Washington, Feb 11.—The comp­
troller of the currency is advised that
American Exchange National
George A. Yielding, the actor who Bank of Syracuse has closed its
played tbs part of the vllllan In the doors, with nearly $1,000.000 assets
"Mummy and the Humming Bird" at and liabilities.
the Frazer last Friday night, com­
Tidewater Florida Canal.
mitted suicide at Spokane yesterday
The senate baa passed a joint res-
evening, by blowing out bls brains
olution directing the secretary
with a pistol.
with war to survey and report upon
Yielding was
practicability of a tidewater canal
Florence Roberts, and left the Paul
was across Florida^ and
Gilmore company, which
$25.000 for tne purpose.
with in this city, at Portland Tues-
The doors were afterwards closed
day night just before the perform­
and considering the canal treaty
ance, causing a serious hitch at the
was continued.
time, owing to the absence of any­
The house naval appropriation bill
one in the city who could take his
was reported.
In committee of the whole the
Yesterday morning he made bls
house is further considering the
appearance in Spokane and impor- deficiency appropriation bill, includ­
tuned Miss Roberts to give him
ing tbe St. Louis amendment. Bur­
work with her company, This she
kett, of Nebraska, vigorously op­
refused to do, as her manager had
posed, saying he would rather put
discharged Yielding at Seattle about
the amount Into public buildings.
two months ago for lack of ability.
Increasing Naval Expanses.
Yielding became desperate and
threatened to kill himself, and fear­
Tbe navy appropriation bill calls
ing for her life, Miss Roberts hired for $96,340,000, practically $11,500,-
a Pinkerton detective to watch him. 000 more than last year.
While the detective was keeping
Among tbe other items It recom­
watch over Yielding In the corridors mends the construction of one bat­
of the Hotel Spokane, the crazed tleship, two first-class cruisers, three
man took a pistol from an overcoat scout cruisers and two colliers. In
pocket, placed the muzzle in his case the navy department cannot
moutn, and before the detective buy armor plate at a reasonable
could reach him, had fired, the ball price, $4,000,000 Is appropriated to
penetrating the brain and killing erect a government plant for Its
him Instantly.
Miss Roberts, who was In an ad­
Revolution Imminsnt.
joining room, beard tbs shot and
The state department is officially
fainted, saying that she had caused
Informed a revolution Is imminent
him to kill himself.
NO. 19
Baltimore Conflagration Burned to a Natural Limit and No
Longer Spread When the Wind Died Down.
Baltimore, Feb. 9.—The Are has been effectually stopped eo
far as extension into new territory is concerned, but the two
miles square over which it marched is a sea of surging, roaring
flame and falling walls, of rednot pavement and white-hot gir­
ders, safes and vaults.
The fire is stopped because it reached a natural territorial
limit not because the efforts to cnock it were or could be any
more availing during the last hours than the first. The boundary
is the vast area of lumber and coal yards, nearly the entire con­
tents of which were burned, but at which the firemen had a
chance to make effective use of water, as there were no towering
walls and shafts of flame hundreds of feet high to eweep ever
and beyond their puny efforts.
The convention of Insurance adjusters roughly estimate the
losses which they must pay at $80,000.000.
Dynamite was almost completely ineffectual as a means of
checking the fire, let alone it within bounds. The flamee
leaped the spaces left by the collapsed structures and rushed on
almost without interruption.
Only gross carelessness, or a violsnt wind can result in any
further spread of the fire, which destroyed almost every
ing in the business part of the city.
*+**¿04404444 4*444444444 '■ *♦♦♦♦
Baltimore, Feb 9.—At 4:05
phone request from tho mayor c-f
Baltimore. Secretary Taft thia af­
fire was carried over the lower
ternoon sent to the devastated city
'ion of Jones Falls, spreading
Major Burr and Captains Gillette
ice and Newcomer, all of the engineer
Cue lumber yards. wharves.
bouses and oyster | packing plants corpa, accompanied by a company v-f
for several squares, Chief Emerick engineers
Thfcy are to have charge of
however, massed his apparatus at racks
(hat po:n' and made a strong i stand pulling down dangerous walls, and
the otherwise assist local authorities.
and long battle to
p vent
flames reaching the tenement
Instructions From Pope.
trict. United States revenue cut-
Feb 9— The pope has Is­
ters Wlndon and Sentinel were
-ected wrh the hose service and sued instructions that all possible be
did valiant senice In assisting to done to alleviate the distress result­
orm a wall of water and drive back ant upon the <_saatrons fire at Bal­
te adv in« Ing flames.
At this point was maiaed the end
Spreading Stopped.
>f the fire progress, as the steady
Baltimore. Feb. 9—Acting Chief
wind which had hitherto tanned the
dames across tte city died away and Emerick, of the fire departmenL
he blazing buildings ceased to vom- made the following statement thia
Citizens of Grant WUI Discuss tn* t Carnes toward their neighbors.
Subject on Feb. 12.
Fire is practically a thing of the
Fireman Injured.
past. The ruins are vomiting smoke
Long Creek. Feb. 9. — The people
William Carlos, a local
fireman and flames, but there is no danger
of Northern Grant county are thor­
oughly aroused over the proposition <aa injured by the -ave in the first of it spreading farther."
of dividing the county.
The pro Toor of the Equitable building, a
Ascertaining Leeses.
ixteen story structure, the frame of
posed line will commence near the
He was
Turner, of the German-American
Beech Creek sawmill and run due rhirh was still standing.
eating the strength of the wal-s.
Company, was elected chairman, and
west to Wheeler county.
Hundreds of insurance represents- has appointed a committee to con­
Beginning again near the Beech
Creek sawmill it will run in a zig­ ires are in the city viewing the stitute a clearing house where the
They exhibit almost a feei­ big force of clerks and accooztanta
zag direction to the middle fork uf
will be employed to tabulate losses
the John Day river near the Thomas ng of panic.
Deposits and Records Safe.
and arrange paymenu.
ranch and from there due north to
One of the greatest problems is
Umatilla county.
A call is issued
Governor Warfield says the safe
to the voters and taxpayers living deposits and records of public In­ lack of food.
AU the visiting fire departmenu
within the above described bounder stitutions are believed to have with­
will leave today, but the local force
ies to meet in Long Creek on Friday stood the fire.
Feb. 12. to discuss the matter and
A dozen cities are sending mes is able to handle IL General Cor­
effect some kind of an organization iages of condolence and proffers if bin returned to New York thia morn­
to treat with the people of the south 3-ianciaI aid.
The city is not under martial law.
end in the matter of dividing the
City Faces Famine.
the troops merely acting as an ad­
county on tbe above named line«.
Baltimore will not seek outside junct to the police force. A tboon-
People from every pan of Nonh
This decision was reached by and militiamen are on duty, making
ern Grant county shouxl attend this
the city authorities this afternoon a cordon aro.nd the burned district
with the knowledge that 50.000 per
Property loss and Destitution.
sons are out of employment and
(hat the city faces a f_mtne.
Baltimore is beginning to realize
reached after a conference be­ the immeasurable magnitude of its
tween Mayor McLain, the city coun­ lose. Tbe weather has Uken a win­
cil and members of tne legislature. try chill, and workers who are idle
A bill will be ifit rodneed In the leg­ realize they will probably be com­
islature vmlght appropriating $25».- pelled to leave for other cities. All
X» for the relief of the destitute, estimations of loos today vary from
who are now practically the city's $150.000.000 to twice that amount
It will be months before losses can
A bill will also be rushed through oe adjusted, as th«y are eo great
repealing that provision of Balti­ tbe adjusters are dazed by the great
more's city charter which limits any work ahead. A dispatch from Liver­
STAND IN OWN DEFENSE. emergency fund to $50.C<00.
This pool this morning says tbe London
act will give the city's administra- Globe is fully prepared to pay the
Famous Shipbu Iding Trust Case Is tors unlimited resources tJ cope millions of losses which It sustained.
with the situation
The special agents of all ln\porant
Ended and No One Is in the Pen-
The working people seem to be companies went tnto special session
Circuit unrealizing the extremity of their
at 11 this morning.
They know that the com-
Court Renders a Decision Adverse -waltion.
Dynamiting Ruina.
to Augustus Heinze — Another mission houses are in ruins. but for-
At 10 this morning the ruined L aw
get that the city is witbout 1 food
National Bank Failure—Senate Is
They surround the fire lines i in building, facing the new and impos­
in Executive Session.
holiday attire, charmed, with the ing courthouse, was dynamited by
torching ruins, lapping flames and naval experts eent from Washington
Washington. Feb. 10. — The sen volcanoes of smoke and fire.
by Secretary Moody. Fifteen thous­
ate today passed the diplomatic con­
and pounds were used la a series nt Relief Measures.
sular appropriation bill without de­
Washington. Feb. 9. — Emrich of minea
Chicago introduced a bill In the
No Looting as Yet
Overman of North Carolina made house this afternoon
been decided that aa uo ap­
a speech on the Panama canrl treaty 11.000.000 for the relief of Baltimore,
▼ote to be used in sheltering the homeless peal has been made for federal
explaining why he would
troops that none will be brought
against a ratification of the canal ind clearing the streets of debris.
from New York. Those from Fort
New York Chamber of Commerce. McHenry were ordered back to theft
Daniel Introduced a bill appropri­
New York. Feb. 9. — The Cham- post today
ating $3.000.000 for an exposition 'o
her of Commerce, which gave $1,-
There is very little trouble tn
be 1 held in Jamestown. Virginia. In »00.000 after the Chicago fire, is one
bolding back the crowds. No at­
of the first to ask if financial help tempts at looting have yet been dis­
duced a duplicate of the Daniels is needed.
covered. although enormous wealth
senate bill.
Regular Army Engineers.
Is buried in the safes and vaulte In
Machen on the Stand
Washington. Feb. 9 — On a tele- the burned district.
Washington. Feb. 10. — Macben.
on the stand today in his own de­
sequently there has been considera­
fense. vigorously defended his nec­ OFFICE OF RANGER DYNA­
ble "gun talk" of late.
subordinates affixing bls
While there is no clue to the dy­
(Machen's) Initials to vouchers, be-
namiters. the editor of the Ranger
buslness. and also asserted the
money paid him by Lorenz was In a Bad Blood Has Existed Between Fac­ will swear ont warrants for several
prominent cltlsens, he alleges, whom
private transaction involving the
tions in Interior Town—Charge of he suspects of complicity In the de­
sale of oil liens, having nothing
Dynamite Throws
Contents of struction of his office.
whatever to do with the govern­
ment cr Groff fasteners.
Newspaper Office Into the Street—
Shipbuilding Case Ended.
"Gun Talk” Has Been in the Air MORE
Judge Kirkpatrick today signed a
decree adjudicating the Insolvency of
the shipbuilding trust, and also ap­
pointing James Smith as permanent
receiver. The court declared
litigation ended and therefore no
further hearings necessa’T.
Decision Against Heinze.
10. — The
San Frarclsco, Feb.
United States circuit court of sp­
neals today denied A Augustus
Heinze a rehearing suit against the
Butte & Boston Conosll.lated
Ing company, In which he sought to
gain possession of copper property
In Montana valued at $3.000.000.
National Bank Failure,
Washington. Feb. 10.—The comp­
troller of the currency announces the
closing of the doors of the Equita­
ble National Bank at New York, on
account of bad loans and injudicious
No other banks are
Resources and liabilities
each approximate $750.000.
For Some Time.
Long Creek, Feb.
supposed to have been placed by en­
emies of the Long Creek Ranger,
the oldest paper here, completely-
wrecked the office of that paper on
Monday night.
The explosion was heard all over
the little burg, and when people
rushed down to the scene, type
desks and all the movables in the
office were lying in the street.
The press was not blown out of
the building, but was badly damaged
and will probably be replaced by a
r.ew one. The building itself was
not destroyed by the explosion, only
one side being blown out and the
roof shattered
Bad blood has existed between the
editor of th« Rangd1 and a certain
faction In I«ong Creek for some time
and something desperate has been
ThouisB Barbee, n pioneer of I.ane expected, but It was thought the en­
county, died Tuesday, 76 years of emies of the editor would take re­
venge on him personally, and con-
Lande on Salmon ane Little Salmon
Lewiston. Feb. 9. — Tbe Unltvd
States land office at Boise has re­
ceived telegraphic Instructions from
the interior department of the with­
drawal of several thousand acres of
lana in Washington and Idaho coun­
ties for forest reserve purposes.
This means that the land has been
withdrawn from settiemenL entry,
sale or other disposal, excepting un­
der the mineral law.
The minute dlscrlption of the land
withdrawn has not been received,
but it is tributary to tbe Weiser.
Salmon and Little Salmon rivers.
The description of the land with­
drawn Is expected to be received In
a few days when the land office will
be in a position to know the full 4*-
W H. Allison, a prominent mining
man and promoter of Dutte, took an
overdose of morphine. Tuesday, and
died from the effects an hour later.
He took tbe druk to Induce sleep