✓ FWJ WEDNESDAY’S LOCALS. the winter and at the beginning of DLQTftP WHO WAS BEFRIENDED fall many of the farmers of the But- rMOlvIk BY AN EMPEROR J. W. Kay, of Gunlane, la in town ter Creek country refused $9 a ton today. for the hay they had stacked, in an- ticlpation of a hard winter and the A. C. Hemphill, of Pilot Rock, ih chance of selling at a larger profit, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1904 Intown. e METHODIST REVIVAL and now that the season is so far IN DEFAULT OF BAIL HE W. H. Cargill, of Nye, la in town advanced, the ranges in such good IS IN THE COUNTY JAIL. today. AT BLUE MOUNTAIN. i condition, and the danger of a long A. B. Stephens, of Umatilla, was in cold spell so remote, they are be- LITTLE OPPOSITION Developments Reached the city last evening ginning to offer their more than $9 Interesting Enterprising Business House Gives a hay for $6 and can find but little or M. Reeder, of Gurdane, is in the During His Preliminary Hearing — HAS DEVELOPED AS YET Benefit for Columbia College — How To Find Ont. city for a short visit. no demand for it at that figure. The Ten Years Since Opium or Any Musical and Litertry Affair at the Fill a bottle or common glass with your sheepmen believe there is no need Max Stalker, of Camas Prairie, Is of Its Variations Have Been Ls- water and let it stand twenty-four hours; for a stock of hay now. and will not College — New Cashier at the in tbe city on business. Proposed Change Would Be an Es ­ a sediment or set­ gaily Sold in This County. buy more than they already have Bee Hive — Gone to Salem for a M. Milla, a farmer of Juniper, Is pecial Favor to the People of Ad­ tling indicatesan on hand, and some of them will sell in the city for Visit — H. D. Fulton is Traveling unhealthy con­ a short visit. ams, Athena and Other Northward •part of mat. The Chinaman who has been re­ dition of the kid­ W. Mills, of Helix, spent the day for Denver Fitr.t. corded in police circles during ihe Points — Will Effect a Perpetual / neys ; if it stains Iiam few days l>y the names Tung. in the city in a business trip. STOCK IN GOOD CONDITION. Saving of Time and Concrete Ex- your linen it is Milton. Feb. 3. — H D Fulton of Toon and One Lung, was arraigned Will Wells, of Athena. Is in the evidence of kid­ penaes—The Only Deterrent Is the Denver was a guest Saturday ami Camas Prairie Cattle Are in Good this morning at 10 o'clock and given city for a short visit with friends. ney trouble; too Sunday of his cousin, Dr. 8. A. Fui- Probable Heavy Cost. his preliminary hearing on the frequent desire Condition and Feed Is Plentiful. Frank Spike, of Echo, wax a Pen­ known charge of having opium in his pos­ dleton visitor yesterday on business. ton. Herbert, as he was to pass it or pain * - There is a petition out among the H. D. Connell, of Camas Prairie, session contrary to the laws. The here, having been a student for sev- in tbe back is 8. A. Pennick, a well known resi­ eral years at the Adventist college. also convincing proof that the kidneys citizens of this district to the east- is in the city today, having come in case was prosecuted by Dan Smythe, ward and along Wild Horse creek, for supplies and to bring In a few who appeared in the place of Dis- dent of Adams, is |n the city for a is now traveling for a shoe house of and bladder are out of order. What To Do. asking tbe county court to grant head of fat cattle for the market. trict Attorney T. G. Halley and the business visit. Denver. There is comfort in the knowledge so permission to build a road down Mr. Connell fed about 15 head ot Clavln Cole, a prominent reside it Joseph .Miscelll, grand master of defended by John Me- Chinaman was often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's .Vild Horse into town across the Lee cows and steers this winter, as the of Juniper, is ln the city for a short the Odd Fellows, paid the local Court. ’ Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, street bridge, making a saving of market was so dull in the fall that lodge a call Saturday night. The Mongol alias was bound over business visit. fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, he did not care to sell at the prices Rev C. R. Howard of Dayton, H. A. Richardson, of Adams, was a paiu m the back, kidneys, liver, bladder about a mile and a quarter over the to the circuit court in the sum of here, atjd every part ofa the urinary passage. old way. and dolfig away with the offered then. $250. which he was unable to furn­ business visitor in the city yester- spent Saturday and Sunday His steers brought • cents per and ----------------------- tiresome hills that __ „----- ----- are the guest of his cousin. Prof. W. C. It corrects inability to hold water two long ish and is now in the county Jail, day for a short time. and scalding pain in passing it, or bad now so much in the way ol thoie pound and his dry cows 2% cents, where he will stay until court meets J. E Steen, who has lieen visit­ M. Reeder, of Gurdane. a promt- effects following use of liquor, wine or who have to haul either into the city and he looks for still greater advan­ on the 15th instant. ing at tbe home of his nephew. Dr. nent farmer there, is in the city for ces in the price of cattle this spring. beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne- or out. J H. Kennedy, left Sunday for a One Lung, the name under which a business visit ot a few days tessitv of being compelled to go often A great many slock cattle have been Disadvantages of Present Route. visit at Salem the man was indicted, was held pri ­ during the day, and to up manv J. 8 Manning of Pilot Rock, a Dorsey R Hill, who is employed The road as it runs at present sold out of the Camas Prairie coun- marily by the evidence of Jerrold mild and times daring the night. prominent stockman of that vicinity, try this winter and the numtier held as salesman in Blackman Bro«', the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root goes out to the east of town, crosses over is much less than usual. The Tuttle, of the firm of Brock & Mc­ was in the ci'y ti oay on business. store at Walla Walla. Is visiting nis , is soon realized. It stands the highest the river near the railroad bridge, range is being eaten out year by Comas, who is an expert on opium Dr. and Mrs. D C. ijizier. of Ari cousins Mr. and Mrs. C. E Berry. for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ and thence goes over the hills and year, and it will soon be necessary He testified that the stuff found in Mr. and Mrs George DeHaven of tressing cases. If vou need a medicine onto the Wild Horse grade through for stockmetf to own their own pas the possession of the prisoner was a ington, are guests of the Hotel Pen­ dleton for a short visit in the city Walla Walla, are visiting here vou should have the best. Sold by drug­ Adams and Athena and the olher mixture with about 80 per cent of J. H McQuary went to Pendleton gists in fiftv-cent and one-dollar sizes. little towns along the creek, After tures in order to hold any amount pure opium, and this testimony, in George M Hays, of Huron, a You may have a sample bottle and a getting out of this city a few mites of stock. returned yesterday, connection with that of several other prominent resident of that part of Sunday and book that tells all it is an easy grade, but close in it witnesses who were present when the country, is In the city for a short bringing his little niece. Madge Mc­ about it, both sent free HOG SHIPMENT. makes a swing from the creek bed Quary. with him. having adopted the man was arrested, was sufficient visit. by mail. Address Dr. her. and climbs up a couple of high hills in the opinion of the judge to hoid Mr and Mrs. J. M Kern, of Helix, Kilmer & Co., Bing­ Miss Jessie Frazier has accepted a and down again, making a hard B. F. McElroy Received Five Cents him to the higher court. were the guests of friends in the hamton, N. Y. When route for the farmers who have ’o Be » Per Pound From a Sound Buyer. One interesting thing was brought city today Mr Kern is a prominent position as cashier with the writing mention this paper and don’t Hive store make any mistake, but remember the haul grain into the city and hay cr Bev. U. Stnbetrvwll, of Elkhorn, Wls., Is pastor of tbe Fvangeltoal Lutbenffi J. C. Lonergan yesterday evening out at the trial this morning, and farmer of Helix M Im Cora Merrifield < aui/- over name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and other produce. These men always shipi>ed a carload of hogs to the Se­ that Is the laxity of the druggists St. John’« Church of that place. Kev. btubenvoil la tbs po»ws*or ot two bibla* W. M. Slusher returned yenter tj have to hitch more horses to their jrestwrdajr irom Walla Walla and tbe address, Binghamton, N. Y. attle market over the W. 4r C. R. and others concerning the law gov- from a visit to Nolin. where he weut pnrsntol to him by Emp*-ror William of Germany. Upon the fly leaf of one at wagons than are necessary on The ‘:*ent tie day with her mother. Mrs The stock had been bought of B. F. erning the handling of opium. It |S some day« ago to look after bis OX H M Merrifield the bibles th- Emperor has wnuen in to» own iiandwrlting a text. greater pan of the road, so that they McElroy, a farmer living near the provided In the statute« that any tensive sheep holdings. MORE EVIDENCE. This honored pastor, in a recent letter to Tbe Perun a MediHne Cka, at Cola* will have power to climb these two U1 as Rundell of Ipwa arrived city, and the price pa.d was 5 cents person in the state who wishes to but, Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Perunat Mr. and Mrs R K, Sparger, they get near Pendleton, hills when i;ere yesterday and is a guest of Mr. handle opium in any form shall first It is Coming Rapidly in P«ndl«ton. a pound. Umatilla, were the guests of hr and Mrs. C. W Thomas or so they can get out again with The Perun a Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. The hog market is about the same obtain of the county clerk of the Hotel Bickers yesterday tor a allori Evidence on the following subject the return load that it is generally R O Hawes, who was formerly county in which he resides and does that it has been for some time, and Gentlemen I •• I had hemorrhages of the lungs for a long tltn^ time Mr. Sparger is one of the best employed in Stone's drug store at will prove of interest to every Tex- the custom to take to the ranches there is no immediate change in business, a license authorizing him and all despaired of me. I took Peruna and was cured. It gave me known irrigationlsts of the eastern Athens, will clerk in Chastain's diet on reader. So many pe> pie go when they start for home sight, for the demand is not greater to handle tbe drug and further pro­ part of the state and was in the city strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It increased pharmacy. By making the new road as wish­ through the same experience daily. than it was and the source of supply vides for the keeping of the prescrip­ on a business visit. my freight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well. It Is tbe best This public statement should be proof ed. the builders will cut off from Mrs Edward __ 2_:.- Baillie spent yester- tions issued, so that they can be in- is the same The farmers are not positive to every wavering doubter the present road where it crosses | day at Walla Walla medicine in the world. If everyone kept Peruna in the house H •peeled by the officers at ___ any time feeding their hogs to a great degree FIRST WOOL AT WAREHOUSE Read it carefully. the Wild Horse several miles above Rev, W. B Eakin, of the M E. would save many from death every year.”—H. STL'BEW OLL. It is further provided that no person here for selling purposes, though I Mrs. C. C. Hendrt a, wife of C. C. town, and follow the bed of the i hurch is holding a revival meeting in the county other than a remi la r- Hendricks, insurance agent living at stream down the creek to where it and there a man is throwing the Rugg Brothers Lead Shearing |n< *. . --t Uh » Miuntam Tbou>aci> of people have csLarrh who U you do not derive prompt and satl«- ly beens«sl physician or druggist Is 08 West Court street, says: “When empties into the Umatilla river a lest of his seed wheat into them I for try This Season. would be surprised to know it, tw-aose J. E Nl< hois went ! factory results from the u»e of Peruna, to Athena yes- authorized to keep the drug. either I first heard of Doan’s Kidney Pills short distance above the city, when an early market. The first wool of this for sale or season s terday and assisted in the burial it has been callM some other name than write at once to Dr. Hartman, ¡riving a I had been suffering for over a year they will follow the river down *.o catarrh. Th- far-t u catarrh is » atarrh full statement of your case and he will By the records at the county clip, was brought into the Furnish service« of Mr. Augus McDonald MAY LOSE AN EYE. with pains in my loins and back and the Lee street bridge and so into Yesterday the Bee Hive was wherever located; sad am.ih-r fart be pleased to give you his valuable ad­ warehouse today, when the firm of clerk's office it is shown that the with a weakness of the kidneys, and the city. for the which is of equally great importance, 1» vtoe gratis. t Taking a Daughter to Portland in last license issued to any one in this Rugg Brothers brought 75 sacks of closed sii day preparing I therefore decided at once to try the Possibly Expensive. Address Dr. Hartman, Presideut ud pills. I got a box at the Brock A Mc- city for tbe sale of opium, was given new wool in from their ranch near opening today. One-tenth of ail the that Psruua < urws catarrh wherever Hopes of Saving IL The Hartman Sanitarium, CoUunb»»«. f • time in the future, but they en­ are high and rugged, and it will be yesterday while on their way to Weston. May 1!. 1894 It is thus shear sheep but the firm has sold a program will be given by the sted- tirely relieved me the backache and necessary for the builders to blast Portland, where they are taking nearly Id years since a person in the large number to James Wnght. the ents of Columbia College up to this time I have had no return the roadbed from the solid rock for their daughter to receive treatment county has had a license to handle North Yakima sheepman, who warns of the trouble. Only the other aay I some distance. This win, of course, for an accident to her eye. Som? opium cocaine or any of the vari- them for the Washington markets. AUGUS M c D onald told a lady friend who is suffering be expensive, and this expense wi. days ago. while chopping a piece ot and as they are for immediate deliv­ tions of the drug on the market DIED JANUARY 20. from kidney trouble to try them and ery they are being clipped before be the only thing that «ill deter the beefsteak, a small piece of bone flew have recommended them to others. I young county court from granting the peti- from it and lodged in the they are loaded, in order that tbe Was ’a Prominent and Highly ECHO IS A CITY. shall continue to do so.” vary lady’s eye. wording clear into the owners will be able to save tbe wool. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 tion. The estimates of tbe coat spec ted Citizen, and a Resident of interior L. A. Esteb. Attorney, Elected First cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co.. to a great extent, some of the men Athena Nineteen Years—Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Williams brought the Buys Raley Place. Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the interested placing it as high as (10.- Mayor. Should be equ pped with proper apparatus of Popular Young Folks —Th as. sufferer to Pendleton, where they 000. Tfhis amount the court will not Colonel J H Raley ha« sold its United States. * We supply everything in the Dairy Ma The vote on the incorporation were advised that the member would home property to Dr T- M Header- Ogle is Recovering—Visitor From Remember the name—DOAN'S— consider, but if. on tbe other hand, chmery line—best quality at reasonable proposition at Echo yesterday, stovi have to be taken out. Wishing to son for $3.000. The property is sit­ it is found that the work can be and take no other. San Francisco. prices. •» done for less. it will be given seri­ save the eye. it was decided to go l-j 28 to 18 for. which makes the bunt uated on the corner of Johnson and a “city.'• Write for our new catalogue describing Portland in hopes of finding some Alta streets It will be used by ous consideration. Dr PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Athena. Feb. 3.— Augus McDonald There were no disturbances dur­ I Henderson for a tWsidence Twentieth Century Dairying and our un­ one who would undertake to do it. Fifty or More Petitioners. died Saturday evening. Jan. 30. at ing the day. though the feeling was matched stock of Dairy Apparatus and Sup­ tbe home of bis sister. Mrs Hugh The petition will have 50 or more to put it mildly, intense. plies. Worthington, in this city after a signatures by the time the court The protestants against incorpora Agents for the fameus De Laval Cream two weeks illness meets, as all those who have to haul tion had economy " as their shibbo­ Separators. Mr McDonaid was taken sick at into the city from that direction will leth. urging the expense ot maintain Glenwood. Colorado, about • two CE LAVAL DAIRY SUPPLY COMPANY. be glad to see the change. The only ing a municipal government as a weeks ago but fortune farored him opposition that has been heard so 9 and 11 Drumm 6t-. 65 Front Street. deterrent against voting lor the in­ to live long enough to Ret get home tar is from those who live in the vi­ corporation. The liquor question San Francisco. Cal. Portland. Ore where he gradually grew worse TIME LIMIT EXPIRES cinity of the race track, who will be was « side issue which was recog­ PACIFIC HOTEL COMPANY I Mepfeeai A Coa­ cut off from the country road by the Mr McDonald was born in MONDAY FEBRUARY 8. nized. but which was not organised, LOOKING TOWARD THIS CITY tario. Canada. Aug to all iplrttuous, 1859. 4uors la )«a inan change .as the road branches a short and it is understood that the bulk came to this section of the country i io a period of six distance above them. of the strictly "dry" element refrain­ Stock Shooting Affair. Several Exhibit« are Complete and ed from voting for the only ticket In Extensive and Wealthy Concern Has In 1885 where he resided the rest of HE IS BETTER. bis life. He had no family, but HELIX HAPPENINGS. A lug st bead of cattle, all pierced The young child of Bert Steele of will be shipped by him to the com men—O. W. Campbell, 31: John J.P. Pouad Pul ¡man. Wash . Feb Í.—The third Misa A ret a Saunders is at home application to Mr Bowman to l»ase E L Hathaway with rifle balls, The shooting IS ar.nual meeting of the inland Emp re Juniper, who is very sick with pneu­ mittees having the matter in hand Dorn. 34; C. J. Gulliford* ' 31; Joel F T O’Connell visiting relatives. supposed to have been done monia. has been removed to Helix, in Portland. by Registere-i Stock Breeders' Associa­ Halstead 28; W. T. McFerren. 31; the building, a representative of th« Thomas Ogle, who has been sick not Ä' e r ' herrby where it may receive better medical For marshal. Mr company was seen on the O. R. * for a month or more, is getting bet­ farmers of the district, and is not tion will be held ta Pullman Febru- Adams. Ferndale. Athena. .Milton R J. Oliver. 28 the result of trouble over range be- I ary •< aad 25 treatment. It is still thought to be and McKry now have their exhibits Hammer received 11 majority over N train yesterday, and said that thia A large attendane« ter rapidly. would probably be done sojn tween sneepmen and cattlemen — sad profitable meeting is expected quite dangerously ill. Will Benedict. ready, and all are in the city with Miss A B Stone spent Tuesday in Antelope Herald The Pacific Hotel Company nas Mrs. German and her daughter-in the exception with the one from The meeting will be held in the new charge of the hotel privilege« along Walia Walla law, Mrs. Clyde German, are here Milton, which will be shipped K. OF P. AT ADAMS. by livestock pavilion of the Washingtoa M rs. Chas. Wilkin, mother of lx* the Union Pacific lines and formerly visiting fritnds from Wallula. Not Good Enough. the school direct to the committee AgricaKnral College which win be Hiteman. of San Francisco. Is visit ­ Will Organize With Seventeen Char. operated the Pacific Hotel at Hunt­ Henry Hill and bride are expect­ in Portland. inrtaaliy dedicated on this occasion. Failure of the state to bid yester- ington. and is one of the most ex­ ing at the Hiteman home in this ed to return to Helix today, from an ter Members, . ----------------- Pendleton is not yet ready, but is day on Spokane's $2 O.OAei scbool -. ■ —atsr-y city. CONTEST NOTICE tensive and successful eating house extended bridal tour. A reception working bard and will ship direct On Friday next the Knights r.f bond issue is disappointing, The Miss Winnie Gerking and Roy E. ■ concerns in the West. will be given the couple at the home to Portland, and Westbti. Pilot Rock Pythias will institute a lodge at Ad- It has a line of eat.-g and rooming Beck, both of this city, were mar- , best bid was equivalent to an inter­ of Mr. Hill's parents. and Helix will have thgir material sms with a charter membership of est rate of 4.20 per cent per annum. Frank Albee will be absent on a together Ly the latter part of tbe 25 or more, Seventeen have already house* from Omaha westward along ried at " the Christian church Sunday The state has been buying school st 1 o ’ clock. Rev. Jenkins, pastor ->f the entire line of the Harriman sys­ visit to his home in the Willamette week and ready for shipment. signified their intention of joining The bride bonds in other counties audacities as tem. and has a trade among the that church, officiated Valley for a short time. The time limit set by the depart­ the order that night, and the cere­ traveling public that is fixed and was beautifully costumed in white, low as 3.75 |ier cent, and if it had The infant child of Marshal Rose, ment for the presentation of the ex­ monies will be made a great event. that while the groom was dressed in taken the Spokane bonds at who died at the home ot its parents hibits expired February 1. but owing The members of the lodge here permanent, and which it would hope, rate it would have met a saving to black. * There was a large crown would follow It to Petidieton. in Juniper, was br_mgnt to Helix for to various causes which delayed the sre making arrangements for s spec­ It makes a specialty of catering io present to witness the ceremony. this city of $900 per year, or $18.- burial Saturday last. It is schools that have not yet submitted ial car Friday evening. commercial men. and operates its The bride is one of Athena's most < rn > in tbe 2o years the bonds are to The Helix postofllice is undergo- their exhibits, the county thought that about 25 people will co ■uperin- ladies, and the run —Spokesman Review. ing repairs, and will be made a lit- tendent has extended the time for from here. J. W. Maloney will have houses on the most progressive and charming young groom one of Umatilla county's beat modern plans, and has many patrons tie more convenient. one week, and on next Monday will charge of the ceremonies at Adams, Brick Johnson for Trial. The drug store building formerly ship all of the material ■ent him to and will induct the new officers into among the commercial fraternity, teachers. Sheriff Shackelford returned Wed- which patronize no other hotels, owned by G. W. Hewitt, but now be­ the people in Portland, who will ar- their duties. nesday with Brick Johnson from where the Pacific company has a MISS COLLIE BENTLEY WEDS. longing to tbe Sones Hardware com­ range the state exhibit and take it Billings. Montana, and has released house. pany, is being nratly fitted up and to the fair at St. Louis. VERDICT FOR PLAINTIFF. It is a wealthy concern and would Daughter of J. M. Bentley Marries him on the required $8r<0 io appear will be occupied by Clarence Knight, «----- at tbe next term of circuit court. equip the Bowman tn an elegant Washington Railroad Man. the Helix pharmacist. Result of a Suit to Recover on Ma­ NINETY-NINE YEAR LEASE. Mrs. Johnson and little daughter al­ manner and would lease the entire Miss Doi lie Bentley and William terial and Labor. so returqed with him. "Brick gave building, it Is said, having its own PLENTY OF FEED. Pierce, of Ellenaburg. Wash . were . no trouble at all and say« he is go­ Is in This Cas« th« Equivalent of a The case brought in the justice Marls* Corps • f tbs Cniud Statai as • privats bar. news stand, dining room, lunch Warrant/ Deed. court by Henry Wade againsi Henry counter, sample rooms, and all the united in marriage at 4 o'clock this ing to put up the Ivest defense pos- aoMisr, Mfieer, seaman or martns. during tha afternoon at the residence of the j sible. take what comes, and try to war with Bp i.n or danng soy othsr war in Rang« Good and Stock in Fin« Con- W. H. Boyd and wife and I* A. Schumacher and D H Schumacher, modern conveniences M a first-class which the Cnitod States may be engaged. dition—Outlook Excellent. bride's father. J. M. Bentley. Judge do better in the was settled yesterday afternoon by fiiture.—Wallowa Said partlet are hereby notided t • appear re- Esteb and wife of Echo, for the con- hotel. G A. Hartman performing the cere­ , Chieftain. Charles Cunningham has re- sideration of $25 gave a lease to the jury after having been out but ««d of er svidenee tonehlag aaid al- Pendleton has now three of the .«Mntmrai 10 o’clock A. M. on Febrary 27, ISM, turned from a trip mony. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce will to his sheep Toy Sam Wo Lung, also one of .he a short time. A verdict was brought belore Joe H. Parhea. Notary Publie, at his best hotels on the Harriman system otliea in Pendleton, Oregon, and that dual ranges in the Pilot Rock country, progressive citizens of Dr. J Eugene Jordan, of Seattle, awarding the case to the plaintiff between Omaha and Portland, and leave on the evening train for El­ the rabbit bearing will be held at 1» o’clock A. M on and reports the outlook lensburg. where they will make their is being sued for $85u alleged fees as very city, to lot 5, in block 2 of the in the sum of $65 together with the March b, PMM. before the Regieier and Reeelver their accommodations are taxed Froni $500.00 to Not Koontz addition. align Uiu od Btatee Lead Office In La Grande, promising for a good season, costs and disbursements of the ac­ with the slightest crowd in the city. future home. Mr. Pierce is an ém­ due two detectives whom the doctor Oregon. $4,000 00 a luonth only is the range' good, but •he hired to shadow his sweetheart. Miss There is nothing strange about tion. This is the case brought to re­ There is room here for just such ploye of the Northern Pacific. The acid eoniootsat having, la a proper aH- ----------------------------- can be tnade bv davit, Biel October >2, Si«, Mt forth facte warm weather and lack of storm is the transaction except the length ent per annum. In the follow­ • he country. The consideration was German Syrup. There are so many cuit court charging from your druggist and see how much him with at- ing described real property of said es­ over the proposed water syytem. l'oie« thia l«th day of January. »04 good it will do you. It never flails in tempting to assault hls divorced 11.500 and the purchaser thinks that ordinary cough remedies made by tate. to-wlt: ______ CHARLES B. W ADE. Admialetraloe. druggists and others that are cheap He thinks so favorably of the propo­ Lots 8 and 9. In block IM, In the Rew cases of Poor Appetite, Indigestion, wife with an ax, and he will he held he has a bargain in the deal. erv«tIon Addition to tbe City of Pendle­ Dyspefiaia, Constipation, Kidney Ills, rely upon it for colds, coughs, and good for light colds perhaps, but sition that he makes an offer for his until court convenes; on the 15th of Administrator’s Notice. ton. Oregon for severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup firm to take up the bonds and fur­ (.’hills, Colds, or Malaria, and has been the month. Hsffnar-Bathsrs. bronchitis, consumption. wm M c B ride . nish the material for the system Administrator of the Rotate of Mary E. endorsed by physicians for 50 years. •Miss Leonora Heffner and Simeon —and especially for Consumption, They will tell you how it lalike County Coartai the Stale of Oraaoa ttalnvltie. Deceased. tor l malilla County. ~ Bothers were married Sunday at the where there Is difficult expectoration The city may get her material of Son Was Born. heals inflamed lungs. In the matter ol the calale ol Charlee ChaaA- and coughs during the nights and them, hut the bonds are not sold yet. home of Rev. G. W. Rigby. Both f A baby boy has been born to he “ I bait • very b«4 cnurti tor three year«. ler decea>ed. UnnbV Rack If Oiland Sweet mornings, there is nothing like Ger­ —Adams Advance. Then 1 tried A,< Chert, l*e<-tor»l 14« -ore Notice li> b-raby given that I. the under- wife of Wesley W. Harrah, of Wild • he principals are well known here, /▼ItHItry DOVR Spirits of Eden lunio were eooa bealeil aud m, ova«b dropped •tened, u. W. Hani, wee on Tueaday. the lath having lived in the vicinity for a man Syrup. The 25 cent sue ii as awaj." Horse. The little visitor will claim tail to cure Rheumatism. For Sale by deyoi December ivas, duly aKolaled by the Reg- just been introduced this year, Ap soon ss all names possible art ot the state of crrgon for Urne February 1 as the day of his birth. number of years. They will reside ular size 75 cents. Tailman * Co. A. £. Koeppen & Bros. Agta. for Pendl'n. 2Be.. w »1 I v iTitoi. residents of Walls Walla county lilla admiiilttraior et ike retate el the said on the ranch of the groom In the loiar.t AHdnmleta. . Charlee <*hond 1er. dece-eed. and all pervouaare can be secuied the 25 or 30 odd pe­ for vicinity of the city. hereby notified to pre-eat their ax coa a ta throughout Secretary Taft has approved Maj titions being circulated reused aa required by l«w. italo« the -etau of Charley Chandler, deceaaed. to mo, the un Agent« of the Japanese govern­ or lAngfllt's recommendation that the county urging the enforcement derolgned.at the office ol Ballerey A MeCoart the ini- of the Sunday closing law will be witbin atx tnoathafrom the tret publleatkia of ment are buying large numbers of $5,100 be expended upon be- presented to the county commission­ OMAysr'i MH at bedtim« insures thia notice, namely, the buoeath day ot Jas Willamette horses in British Columbia and Al­ provement of the t H Uary. 1894. ers—Walla Walla Union. tween Portland and Oregon City, berta. a natural action next morning. U. W BUNT, Ada’alMralor. SAVED BY PE-RU-NA ■V TbMsiRds Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it A * % An Up-to-Date Dairy MAY LEASE 00WMAfi I i sua LEG I I iNVESTOBSI Æ/ers VICTORY Cherry Pectoral HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Old Coughs