WEEKLY EDITION WEEKLY EDITION ♦ Unswayed by fear. uniAtto- ♦ vneed by favor. The East Ore­ ♦ gonian will tell the truth, the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ whole truth and nothing the truth, about county, s a d national affairs, its gresslv* tea-uie* make it a Per for the ..-.asses. i Oregon I Historical Society ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I VOL. XXVU 1 he refused. The sea had gone down somewhat and the passengers could have been transferred. No o.ie was taken from t.ie steamer when ehe careened and rolled over at the eli- max. All »ho were rescued by the tugs were tiken from the water. PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO..OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 15.1904 gence cause* the government to be­ lieve the s tuation in the orient is extremely t mso. Jap* Conciliatory. London, Jan. 14.—A special 'rom Tok io sayi the ministers who attend ed the recent conference state that Japan's attitude waa extremely con ctllatory. Japan's Demand*. I.on Ion, Jan 14.—Japan's reply to Russia's last note is a modification upon many points according to Mln ister Sayashi. who received a copy of the text today. It insists, however, upon Chinese sovereignty In Man- churla and Japan's sphere of tn flu- ence in Korea. Practically the rein­ lions of Russia and Japan are un changed. Sayash! believes the nego­ tiations liable to be prolonged. Appreaching a Settlement Toklo. Jan. 14.—High Japanese of ficials today make the statement that the belief in official circles is that war with Russia will be averted, and say concesstons «.avn been made on both sides If Russia Insists on * neutral zone i in Korea it will end negotiations, but Japan intimated to Russia she Is ready to recognize Russian trading concessions in Korea providing they are entirely without political signifi­ cance. Negotiat.on» have reached the point where peaceful or hostile settlement is only a few days off If Russia Insists on a neutral zone, war is inevitable; if she abandons 't, peace Is practically assured. Japan expects a conciliatory reply from Russia. Russian* Watching Japanese. Pon Said. Jan. 14.—Tbe Japanese cruiser Nlshua. which with tbe cruls er Kasage. recently -purchased from Argentine, was received at the on- trance of the Suez canal today. Tbe Kasage started through yesterday. They are immediately preceded through the canal by the Russian war­ ships Aurora and Donskoi and seven torpedo boat destroyers. Other Rus slan war vessel* are expected here today. Thia proves Russian vessel* have been ordered to keep close sur­ veillance on the Japanese cruisers NO. 11 dlrectlou before the interior depart­ are holders of stock In the company, i ment have so far been without effect, in addition to receiving handsome ad­ but I believe that if our request to vance* in tbe price of livestock, will have the division of forest reserves receive a material dividend each year, transferred to the agricultural depart­ which in Itself would be a justifica­ ment that the stockmen a* a rule will tion for stockmen to subscribe. have no further cause for complaint. It I* the irtention of the officers of Wool Hide* and Tariff. this association to make this th* ASKS FOR APPROPRIATION I have to advise you ihat Senator 0.00u j»er annum, rod we are) Thanking you for the courtesy 1 vided equally between tne states and the Fifty Seventh Congress providing Portland, Jan. 1J. — (Special to Rast Only Defense Against Fire at the territories -according to population, Oregonian .)—The toreuuun session of for federal .inspection on all interstate justified in saying that t te price .< [ have rece'ved at your Landa, and Iroquois—Testimony Reflect* Upon the minimum allotment being $250.000 the livestock convention was devoted shipments of live stock, passed the st eep would be reduced, t > the figure ' -rusting 'bat proeperity may be with each and every one of you, I am. to repott* of stock conditions in Jiff senate and became a law The en­ which prevailed under th« free trade Mayor Harrison—Chicago 1* Hard to any state having leas than 750.000 t Respectfully, Inhabitants. It further provides that erent states and territories actment of thia bill will be an ¡tn Isw when they varied from 98 rente SECRETARY. Up in Every Department. any state ot territory receiving euch Th«, roll of state* was called and mvnae sating to the live stock ship­ to $1 25 per bead Woolgrower*' Association. benefit mu>t contribute dollar for ¡espouses made by representative pers of this country “ Transportation. Chicago. Jan. 14.—Mayor Harriton. dollar from Its own treasury, thus Tbe following are the newly elect­ men All other measure* which we had During the past year I have receiv Fire Marshal Musham. Aiderman doubling the fund. New Hampshire is tbe only Ea»«--.-n before last congress failed of paasage ed a great many letter* from ship­ ed memoer* ot the executive '■ommll- Mr. LAtimer declared this would slate represented. L £ Wright, of because of the deadlock in the **male pers, complaining that transportatiur: .ee of tbe Nation-l WK-lgrower*' Ae- Inspector Mayer and Building I that state, read a paper showing how over tbe Fauama canal and Statehood com;oclatkin. several members trom va­ Portland Or., Jan 12.—(Special to Laughlin have been summoned by place a surplus in the government treasury of $260.000.000, “which real­ the livestock industry had been sup­ bills. These measures were re-intro «ary equipment in which to transport rious state« not yet* having teen the East Oregonian )—Tbe seventh Coroner Trigger to appear before the ly belongs to the people." named planted by manufacturing, and gave duced at the beginning of the *pe< !al stock, often necessitating shipments annual convention of the Nations. Arizona, E S. Gusney, California. jury this afternoon in the Iroquois He declared it wrong to hoard the statistics showing that the creamery session of the Forty-eighth congress, to be held for weeks near tbe load Livestock Association met this mom disaster. peoples' money. It is not necessary iLduatry of his state leads tbe ««n being as follows: "A Bill Providing irg point; that rate* hav- been ma-1 Louis Aleork; Colorado. J H. Hal e/; ing at 9:30 at the Baker theater. It New Mexico. Solomon J.ana. New Inquiry follows the sensational .o meet tne public debt before 1: tire East is estimated W> delegate-, are pre* for a Classified Census of Livestock." terialiy tncn-ased; that ti e time in ! charges made by Building Commis­ and current expenses are all provid­ Arizona. Colorado. Kansas. Mon «-ailing upon the president to sppoint hauling to market often -lid not ex-, Yorn. W. H. Markham and J. Howard ent beeidee 1.000 visitor* tn the city Davidson; U'lnol*. W. W. Bui ch; sioner Williams yesterday to the ef­ ed for. tans. Texas. California. Idaho. Wash­ a commission to investigate and re ceed ala or seven miles per hour: I The delegatee were alow in nrriv Bates, Montana. T C fect that the city has only one quar­ He conten led that better roads are ington. Oregon. Wyoming. Utah and port upon the forest reserve» an l con- and train* were sidetracked and de­ Ohio. A A .ng aad the orchestra of the Baker ter the number of inspectors required a national necessity ana proper object New Mexico all responded with brief dltions of the arid and semi arid layed for dead freight, thereby caue ' Power», Washington. J. C. McClea»- theater rendered music wtlle the vi* and that only the most superdcial n- of national aid. As the rivers and .-speeches on the general conditions of state«, with a view of agreeing upon Ing great loss to shipper* by reason ' eat; Oregon. Douglas Belta. George ¡tor* waited As tbe deh-gatee filet A Young, a.ternate; Utah. Jeese .1 spectlons could be made. harbors are improved, so should be livestock. into the hall the orchestra began some bill for the amiable adjustment of increased feed bill* and shrinkage: . Sm-th, Heber Smith; idoha. John Mc- the highway». playing “Dixie." amid food and hearty Speech of Jerry S-mpeon. of tbeee difficulties In this connec­ also that railroad companies had de-: MLlaa. E. Two Tube* of Kilfyre. Ortnsby, Texas. John Mc- He dec!ar->d the average cost of The hit of tbe day waa made by tion I am glad to report that tee elded to withdraw return transporta ' ymount; Wyoming. William Dally; cheers from the entire audience Mayor Harrison will be examined transpcrtatfcn per ton over a mile of A* the convention waa called to or­ Jerry Simpson, on behalf of New president compiled with our request, tion to shippers on January 1. and I Ml Ligan. relative to the report he received on dirt road It. America is 25 cents, der President Springer and many Mexico. Yesterday evening be spose and on November 3<>ih appointed a. *e were asked to seek to have these) theaters in November, showing that while tn Europe on reads Improved prominent visitor* and officer* took briefly on "Shoddy" before the wool- this commission Iton. W. A Richards, condition* changed for the better. 1 all were violating the city ordinances, it is 10 cen'.a. seat* on the *tage. including Cover ¿rowers' meeting and announced he commissioner of tbe general land of­ Transportation r-ompat-'.e* wnen ap­ lue coroner will ask why the ordi­ ARMSTRONG IN SUSPENSE. He denied that the government is nor Chamberlain, of Oregon; Cover Gifford Pinchot. Chief proached on these subjects did not • would deliver hie usual four-hour*' fice; Hon nances were not enforced as soon as liable to be bankrupted by such a nor Welle, of Utah; United State. Forester of the Department of Ag.o seem to be inclined to b<- willing to i speech today. the discovery was made. Instead of project. He said $ would To Hang or Not te Hang Is the Ques­ Senator Warren, of Wyoming; Mayor He reviewed the livestock industry culture, ard Hon F H Newell. Chief entertain any proposition look‘ng to turning the report over to the city put all the main roadg in good condi­ DIRECT NOMINATING PRI­ tion Agitating th* Mind* ef the William*, of Portland, Gifford Pla of the United States and «corei Engineer of the Department of Geo- a reconsideration of tbclr ruling* • council where it evidently landed in tion and require from the governmar-t Legal Fraternity. chot. United States forerter; J. L MARY LEAGUE ORGANIZED Wall street, the beef trust, the rail­ logical Survey, with instruction* to claiming toat rates were not too high a pigeon hole. but $50.000.000 per year for 10 years roads. stockyard*, trusts and other report at tbe ear.iest possible dste. considering tne service rendered, and ' Salem. Or. Jan 13 —Captain Sam Wilson, cf Texas, and trnny proaai, Continued testimony by stage em- ployes today corroborate* that p .-ao- Same Refcrm Force* That Carried agencies for squeezing the stockmen. This asso-iation desired in addition that cars were furnished a* promptly . el White oi Baker City, the dis rict nent stockmen from all over tbe GOV. CUMMINGS' MESSAGE. to th«-»e three one practical cat'le a* possible. Tbe only way to secure ittorney. cane to Sa.-m yeeterday country. tically the sole available apparatus Initiative and Referendum te Sue He said tbe industry had civilized the After brief introductory remarks ay man and one nractlcal sheep man relief seems to be throug ■ a bearing or ruing to appear befo-w the supreme West and enriched the East. consisted ot two tubes i of kilfyre. cessful Tsrmination. Start Anctner Make* Chargee of Extortion Agatoet He recommended an Independent but the C lef Executive did not deem of these matter* before th» inter»tat< otirt. in op icaltlon to the atton eys President Springer. Rev Edgnr P which proved ineffectual. F-irmer Official*. Equally •* Important Movement— packing plant, co-op*ration among thia advir xble However, this com­ rommerce commission, la O der >o •f Pleasant Armstrong, the man .roa Hill of Portland, offeied .»rayer. Chicago Short c* Money. A. L. Mil % Portland Banker, Pres tbe cattle and shoe; men. and combi­ mission 1« quite satisfactory and ao have a standing before the -ommis lemned to te hanged In Baker City Gevemor Chamberlain** Addrsaa. O overnor Des Moines. Jan. 14. Mayer Harri _n on the stand ud­ •d this Cummings* nessage. delive ¡dent; W S. U'Rsn. Vetsraxi Re nations of stockmen to fight combtaa- doubt will be of great service in reach- sion when a bearing 1* a >ked for. It iauuary 22. lor murder. Armstro ig’s Following thia Governs? Chamber milted he failed to take action on tiois of cap4tal anl railroad* and nig the d tai red conclusion. I desire is necessary that tne care be made itton.eys tu ve made an applicattot lain was introduced and welcomed former, 8 xretary. Commissioner William'* repor. other afternoon, is a sensntlcn. 1- re com- • a« in'.erri pted by applause coattnu- also to ear that tbe sentiment Is rap­ :p with a *uffirf*nt tiumb-r of affidi or a certificate of pro!Able cans: to the delegate« and visitor* ia Ma pe­ than referring it to the council. Said mends that 3:14 000 which h< allege« ourly as be male h imorous and tell­ idly grow ng toward* Individual con­ vita or witnesses who shall r .. per tay the execution of their cLeat culiarly happy manner He railed at- former 3 tat* Acditor M* rlam . lulcted Portland. Jan 14 -The reformers it was the custom that all antiquated trol of ths grazing land* of this coun­ «onai testimony, to justify the com ing hlta. ending an appeal. The appea: a teatlaa to the hnrdahipe of tbe pto- from eastern incurance compa lies as »ho launch -d and arried the I iltla and impractical laws should not be He recommerded the leasing of try. and It my opinion it ia a question -nlssioti in ordering the tearing. - m the oni er of the circuit cert fees for alleg«?d examinations, be re­ >ve and referee .u.a amend sent enforced. rarge lands under ther movement of equal in teres and ack th* rained ran ;e« by limiting between irfereeted partlee n Baker county. His counsel object one of tbe hardiest, happiest, most a systematic campaign of extortion st its last ar nual meeting a* opposin, is far-reac dag res .Its as that an« closed, He says Chicago has not the number of stock per acre. TM Anti-Shoddy Bill o the execution by the sheriff of Ba­ loyal and stanch ciass of ciUzsas— any combination which seek* to cor .he initial steps were taken in this money enough to properly conduct for personal gain. er county, for the reason that tbe always opening new frcnUere aad I Afternoon Debatea The Grosveror Asti Shoddy Mil trol the price of livestock at our lead ■ity yesterday afternoon. any department. ng markets, and also dictate* price* aw under which the death warrant blazing trail* to naw empires was also re introduced at this session W S. V Ren, C. E S. Wood. George The afternoon sea* ion la devoted Io Bank Robbed. Trying to Shirk Responsibility. ss Issueu has been repealed. an< He said this coaveauoa should Tbe principal opposition to tbe paa- of meat and meat prodacta to tbe Santa Mmica. Cal., Jan. 14.— M. Orton. F. T Gnffitus and Thomas the conslderat.on of reeoluuons. bey also object to the hangtng Chicago, Jan. 14.—Building Inspec­ promote and complete plana for an »sre of tbe measure come* from mtr.- onsumer. and recommending the -M 1. Green Isaued a call for a me. ‘ tin; Tbe chief subject* discussed are Mon Sawtell's branch bank at Santa •telr client by the penitentiary auth tor Loughlin, accused of declaring the independent parsing company to re- ome weeks ago. to be held in this forest reserve«, cheaper transpotts- ters of tbe National Association nt tabllsbment of an independent pack ritiee under the new law providing l:ev* tbe stockmen from tbe exarttons Iroquois theater "O. K." declared be­ lea was rot bed last night of ON Ity for the purnose of organizing s tion and cheaper stockyard chargee, Wool Manufacturer* Their argument ing plant as the only method by which, and a small amount of eecuri- cash or executions there, and passed after of tbe beef treat, and amid c h eers, fore the coroner today he never made direct primary league, the object* of aster Lme on the railroad* w.th 1». that we seek to prevent tbe manu­ om petition may be haa and thereby he Baker c-ouaty murder was com said Portland should ba such a report, and denounced accusa­ ties. ot th« ««cure for noth the producer and con ­ facture of shoddy in any form The.-r »hith would be to circulate petitions >:ock trains, and a resolution askteg _ t tions against him as false. ind secure the passa .e of an amend tbe government to take five year promises being false. It folk»«* that sumer an «•quitab.e price, It la ar •titled claiming that the act is ex first ritiee to secure a oeto facto, and they urge that the He said Building Commissioner New German Consulate*. owing to it* prominent ment to the constitution of Oregon, lveetock cer-suse«. their argument against this measure undisputed fact that the decline It Williams is trying to shift the blame. Berlin. Jan 14.—A committee of providing for direct nominating pri The debate of the session was on la eminently unfair as well as unrea the values of beef animals during the le.'endant rsrnot be executed at all the market* of the Orient He admitted he visited the theater the Reichstag today decided to e* mariea^atd doing away with political the forest reserve policy of the gov­ aonable. This association seeks only the tbe rich sol] and favorable climate. tbe Hon. C. H Harding, president of during the past two years, the home •angers From Clallam Onto Hi* Stock growing is limited to small the National Association of Wool and export demand for m