RETURNED FROM CALIFORNIA. Its primary purpose is to celebrate the centennial anniversary of ’he Southern Part of State Suffering Lewis and Clark expedition, one of From Protracted Drouth. the most interestlug and important ?vents in the history ot ibis country A. D. Stillman has returned from a Im ~ __________ FRIDAY. JANUARY 15. 1W4 It was the most powerful factor in Calltorula, where he Lut> been for DIFFICULT TASK TO GET J OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT FOR 'hi- chain of events that ultimately STOCK SALT 18 NOW several weeks on a business trip He resulted in our acquisition of the NEEDED NUMBER JURYMEN. went first to Hau Francisco, and from Moat people have an ides that rbeumatim 1* cuntractad ilk* * cold, ***** ths SUCH AN INSTITUTION. CHEAP IN PORTLAND. Jregou country, comprising now the there to Stockton and Los Angeles. «lamp, chilly uir penetrates the muscles and joint* and causes the tern j I c ache« dates of Washington. Oregon, Idaho and pains, or luat it is something like a skin dmeaae to be rubbed away with lini­ Mr. Stillman 18 satisfied with this ment or drawn out with plaster»; but Rhuematism onginates in the blood sad i» and parts of Montana and Wyoming, Affairs at the Poorfarm Are In Very state, as he says that the lower part Concession* the Farmer* Must Max* caused by Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritating, corroding poison that settles in ma; a region unsurpassed in natural re­ All Brands of Tea More Active on of California Is burned up and every Flattering Condition Being Nearly —Expert* Will Show Them Meth­ cle», joints and nerve«, producing inflammation and soreness and the sharp cutin,« Account of Prospects of War— I sources—in the wealth of its forests, Self Supporting — Board Contem­ greefi thing is fast withering and dy­ od*—First Two Crop* wilt Be Sent pains peculiar to this dutreseing disease Oregon Produce Coming to Port its minerals, its fisheries, the fertility ing. There has been no rain at ail !n MAPLE BROTHERS WILL Bowlin« Gr««a. Ky. Exposure to bad weather or sudden plates Erecting Two Windmills some parts of the Btate this winter, to La Grande—Investigate n Show* >f its soil and the salubrity of lisi land Markets in Great Quantltlee— I BUY ALL THE BUTTER FAT. chilling of the bodjr will hasten an at­ About a y««r a«e J was sttacksd by tout« With Which to Raise Water. ?limate and the fruilmen are suffering to a That the Echo District I* Admira­ tack of Rheumatism after the blood and rhaumallam la my «bouldara, arms aad Potatoes and Onion* Are Firmer— Ie«» wic« iba kno« I oouldaot rslae tuy great extent. In (be Sacramento val­ bly Suited to Beet Culture system are in the right condition for it ircc to ccuib rr.y t«ir. Dootora f>ra«01M4 Eggs 25 to 26 Cents In the Metropo ­ Th«< county court has been at work ( ley and iu the central part of the BREVITIES. for ma torovar two montba wltbool giv- to dec elop, but have nothing to do with By a Process of Development Ascer. all ___ day un n have been of late, on account of de ­ Athena trom where they go to Hillt tory. tem 1» punfied and cleansed, the aching muscles and mand in San Francisco but prices year, and to see that all was conduct- learned, wore blown 40 feet by an dale to look after the condition cl jusiness this morning. i he gentlemen made a thorough joints are rel.eved of all irritating matter and a lasting 'Phone Lane * paint shop when you have not advanced, as dealers are ef ed as it should be. The trip was a explosion of giant powder and both their cattle at that place. Georg? auvass of the conditions jrevaillng cure of this most painful efficted. the opinion that the demand is only tour of inspection, and at the same are now in comparatively good con at the places visited, and are very Maple has just returned from Boise, .aat window glass put in. 8. 8. 3. ia a harmless vegetable remedy, unequalled time to look into the advisability of dltion, having received no permanent temporary. ai a blood pur: ler an i iTigorating pleasant tonic Book on Ph**!—!*»«*—> wifi where he has been on a business tri; G. W. Bradley, of Athena, was a much pleased with the outlook. They Eggs have become firmer under a erecting a couple of windmills on the Injuries. be mailed free. swirrsp^CIPC CO., ATLAMTA, 94» and he was accompanied by his brott iendleton visitor yesterday. are of the opinion that the country / place to raise water. ’ While rioting their work for the lack of receipts anu all that about er who is the manager of the Mapk Rambler and Crescent bicycles— arrived are being worked off at 25 to The different things in connection day their tent caught fire, and ’he visited will make one of the best Leaf Creamery at Payette. Jugar beet belts in the West, and will .904 models—(25 to (40—Nolf’s. 26 cents. Cold storage eggs are con with the farm will lie discussed, and men were hasten ng back from 'he Jo all In their power to help the peo­ The Maple brothers are largely In D. J Kirk, of Milton. is in the city sitierably cheaper, and holders are de­ a i eport made at this term. tunnel in which they had been wc:k terested in the creamery business h The court is greatly pleased with ing to extir tufsh the fire. When ple to make the industry a paying on« or a short visit transacting business. sirous of working them off tiefore the «f tbe inhabitant* will take t up. the state of Idaho, and are always oi R. T. Motley, of Milton. was in the Oregon produce becomes too plenti­ the now farm so far, nnd finds that within fix fot of the tent the explo A mass meeting has been cilled the lookout for a larger increase fo it has been nearly self supporting st ful. don of 15 peunds of dynamite in the ■ity today for a short time on busi for a week from Saturday text, and their business. They state that the; this early stage, and the expectation In groceries, teas have become tent sent th< m 40 feet into oblivion in the afternoon of that the lai :“C*e. will be willing and are anxious to se is that in a year or so. when all the A CHANCE IN A LIFETIME TO GET A Starkey wi.a bsdly cut about the •rande factory managers will meet R, E. Porter, of Meacham, is visit- firmer, a* a result of the impending land Is put utder cultivation and the cure all the butter fat that the farm ng in the city for a few days on bull- struggle between Russia and Japan system Is running smoothly, the poor ’eft side of tl* face, a large gash ex­ with the people who are interested ers of this section have for sale, am English breakfast and gunpowd’r tending over hi* eye and hl* che «k in beet culture at the hall at Echo, will buy it of them at the best figure; ness. brands are aff‘-cted, a* well as the of the county will be no drain upon *>one and car being badly cut. Hi* when tbe question will be uiscusaed Mrs. M A. Rush, of Athena, is the the market quotes it the farmers wil the county treasury. Japanese article. ■»yes are both swollen dreadfully and .row both points of view, and If an niest of friends in the city for a few bring the material to the express of Eastern oyster* are very firm, the ’h<> sight of the left one is gone, Closing-out Sale of my entire stock of Ruga, Art agreement can be reached between flee in this city for shipment to theii days. PENDLETON CIRCLE NO. 527. Baltimore pack having oen short this though the doctor say* that it may re .he factory men and the farmer« it Athena, is Miss Alberta Rush, of creamery at Payette. Square*, Portiers, Lace Curtain*, Matting, Fine season turn If the concussion is not too ke- will be but a short time until the W. L. Maple, the manager of the • ¡siting friends in the city for a short Stock salt is considered a good lustaltation of Officers Last Night— vere. Pillow* aod Feathers, Picture* and Frame*. All 8cho country is the center of a thriv- ¡me. creamery, will return to the city in * Hard Time* Social. buy at this time, as it is very low, and The younger man is not hurt to ing industry. must go legardbss of cost. Call aod *ee. few days when he would like to talk Mrs F. E. Simpson, of Athena. Is there are Indications of a settlement An Interesting session of Pendleton «peak of. only a few bruises being Of course, the tarmers must know over the creamery situation with the '! - it ing friends in the city for a short between the two combines Circle No 527 Women of Woodcraft, sustained. He Is deaf in consequence :hat they will have to make some I farmers or those interested in the es time. was held in Secreta Society hall last if the explosion, but will doubtless ."oncessions to tbe company 1 In the tablishment ot a creamery here. It J. L. Roe, a prominent resident of evening. The officers for the ensuing be all right in a few day* RETAIL GROCERY PRICES ♦ «tart, a* the company intends to do is his plan to buy the butter fat of the Freewater, is in the city for a short Coffee—. ocho and Java. best. 40c | term were Installed by Grand Guardi­ toward them The company has a farmers of this section for shipment visit. To Have New Trial. oer lb ; next grade. 35c per lb; low( r an Van Orsdall Ba follows: .air proposition tor them and will do to the creamery already established "I »Imply killed a horse thief, that'* ill that it can for the betterment o Past guardian neighbor. Mary John­ Miss Blanch Horn of McKay is in trades, coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.: and convert it into butter at that he city for a short visit with Pendie- (»ackage coffee. 20c per lb., 3 pack son; guardian neighbor. Alice Miller; all.” said George 8. Miller to a Herald tbe conditions there, not out of a place until such a time as the pat­ adviser. Martha Hays, magician. Min­ representative before starting back t- ■hilanthropic spirit but because it I* xges for 50c. ronage will warrant establishment on friends. Near the Bridge Rice—Best head rice, 1244c per nie Renn; clerk. Elva Fletcher; mu­ Burn* for a second trial. "Colwell to its best interests to do so. As yet Jonathan Talbot, a well known res- of a plant in this city. sician. Carol Van Orsdall; inner sen­ had nothing to do with It.” b ; next grade. 10c per lb. city .dent of Milton. is visiting in the not known just what can be it Is It is the opinion of Mr. Maple The men look the worse after hav lone, Sugar-Cane granulated, beat (6 50 tinel. Cora Evernham; outer sentinel ight by past exper based on his experience, that it would for a short time. May Krebs; manager, Ada C. Ross. Ing served 20 months In the state fence that the company will be able r>er sack: do 13 Ibj (1 Permits for ministers halt' tare take at least a year to build up a Arrangements were perfected for a orison, but th« granting of a new to pay the owners a cash rental of (? Salt—Coarse, (1.10 ;er 100; table creamery in this section to the point tickets have arrived at O. R. & N. 12 50 per 100. hard times social to be given at Se­ trial gave tn< w great hope and they an acre for tbelr land during the first « where it would have sufficient pat depot. Ministers can get permits by Flour—B B. (4 25 per barrel: Wa­ cret Society hall on next Wednesday willingly return to Harney county year, and perhaps more after that if « nonage to put it on a paying basis. It application. ters’ (4.25 per barrel, (1 10 per »ack eventug. to which the public Is invit­ for trial. ♦ the farmer does not care to work the « would take nearly one thousand cows Baton—14 ff 1 Sc per lb ed "It has liven two long weary years." land h.mseif The amount cf rental * Sugar Can« Hay. to make a money making institutiot s At the close of the session the whispered Miller, "but my wife ha* and the value of the land depends Ham—17018c per lb of any importance, for the cost of in J. A. Steacli. who returned recent­ Coal oil—31 65 for 5 gallons. (3 ¿-x ; members spent a pleasant hour dis­ stood by me a* only a wife will. She obviously on the amount of water ♦ stailation. the price of the milk used ly from Kansas, brought a sack ot per ease « cussing plans tor the »«-venth anni­ has kept things gol.nt at our ranch that can be put on the land « and the incidental expenses of the sugar cane seed and will sow a part Lard 70c 5 pound*. (1.40 10 pounds versary campaign, which has juat down in Harney county and at tne * It the farmers wish to undertake plant would eat up the profits for pf it for hay. Mr. Steach says sugar op-ned. SOW'«». and doing full Justice to a same time ha» given my case every to work their own ¡and the company some time after starting Therefore cane is getting ;o be a popular bay in ♦ .ull box of bon-bons, the gift of Mr noment's time that was required it will keep m«*n skilled in the culture ♦ VEGETALLES it would be the best plan, and the one .he Mississippi states, It is sown Inin«*, of the Delta. Four candidates '» through her persistence that the >f the beet on the ground. wh>re they Carrots. 2c per lb surest of success in the estimation of broadcast and sufficiently thick io were balloted on and accepted lawyer* Lave kept at work in th« cam be tg ysterday co definite flan for the Cranberries. 15c per quart : PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVES. habitant*. operation of the mine was adopted. • Appointment Made for Every District) : I but it is understood that about tbe Tbe company is in earnest as to ♦ LIVESTOCK A.’.O POULTRY. Also Decreased Dur what they wish to do and ar» amply same force will be employed for th. wool Chp in the County and Bond Fixed. Plaintiff Allege* Breach of Faith and The foliowlug prices are paid by present as is now at work. The mine ing 1892-1—Depression Character tble to carry oat any plans that they The county court has appointed the I Unaccounting for Money, Both of lealers t the producer. Is said to be in good condition and i izes tb« Industry tn Every Depart may adopt. They will meet ’rith the road supervisors for the different dis­ Turkey* 12014c. to have ore in it that will pay with arm-rs at Echo with the intention Receipt! Capital and Current tricts and placed their ¡ onds. m«nt—Average Weight of Flescet Chicken*—Hens. 7c; (304 per dot- the proper mrnagement. and It will >t doing business, and if th< people Asks to Be Made Secure In Hie ln- In former years the road supervis­ n; roosters. 4 to 6 cents I* Also Decreasing. ■ be the aim of the present board to if that section se* fit to take up their : : vestment*. ors of each county have been elected Geese, per dozen. (9. ; see that the management is of the “reposition it will be bat a sh.«n time : by the residents of the differnt road Ducks, per dozen. (3.54*0 4 The national association of woo' kind that will bring results tntil they have furnished the seed i Butter. 50075c. good districts, but at the regular session of A suit was filed in the clerk's of nanafactarer* estimates the number tnd started them into a buslr.esa that I Egg*, fresh. 40c. the legislature in 1903, it was ordain fice this morning which will come be SUIT FOR WAGES if sheep oa hand In the United State» will increase by far the value of their ed that on and after the first of Jan ore thejiircnlt court at it* session o Npril 1, IN'S. at 39.284.000 head a* '»nd and tbe size of their tank Je uary of this year, ail of the road offi CHOICE SEEF CATTLE. ET XiSitS. z Samuel Bonnette Claims *200 Princi­ k ces in the state should be vacant and next week, in which it is asked by igainst 42.184.122 head on the aan.e k Steers, (3.2503.50. pal. Plus Interest, the county courts of the different Z^wln Ripper as plaintiff, that a re : Cow*. (2.54*02.75. Samuel Bcnnette filed a suit this late in 1902. a decrease for the year Good Example to Emulate. counties should, at their January -elver be appointed for the Echo Ilog* live, 44465c. k m'.mlug against James Brummett, in •f 2.900.122 '..ead. »ay* Bradstreets. Dayton. Wash. Jan. 13. — Mrs. Syt term, appoint men to fill the offices. I And & Lumber Company of Echo » Hogs, dre**el. 6>4O7c which he endeavors to secure pay The wool clip ot 1903 is estimate» ia King, who lives on the Tukanoa In accordance with this law the court Veal, dressed. 6G7c m>nt on account owed him for wage* and that the partnership now existing today fixed the bonds o’ »»*e supervis it 245.450.000 pounds of i«-* and ibout 14 miles east of Dayton. I* In Sheep, (202 50. performed. eccipt of a letter trom the Maule ors of the county at (30o each, and betweer the plaintiff and Maude Rob 2,000.000 founds of pulled wool The plaintiff alleges that he work 'eed Company of Philadelphia enclos : made the appointments of the offic­ lnson, the defendant in the suit, be naklng a total wool product of 287. ed for the defendant 140 days at the HAY AND FEED. Eg a check for (50 which was sent to ers. dissolved and an accounting be made Chop barley -322 54» per ton; 1%C rate of *1.50 a day. and that there (50.000 founds in the grease ’.er as a prize foi the largest and The men appointed are as follows: if all of the moneys and notes and The corresponding figures for 1902 has been no part of this paid except ter Ib. e»t specimen of the improved Ruby Ukiah. Frank Hilbert; Vinson. J. N other assets of the compary. 310. which was cancelled by good* jrere 274.341.032 pounds of flee-, Chopped »b<«t. 31.4fi per 1M> Cing pepper which the company ie ft Sulste; Willow Springs. Frank Jones; The plaintiff allege* that in Augua’ wool and 42.000,000 pounds of pullet, plaintiff asks furnished, wherefore Bran, 6f> rents per sack. -elved McKay. S. R Yates; Hogue. A. G. Bn- 1902, an agreement of partnersbif for a decree for (2u0. the amount on vooi. making a total for 1902 of 316. Short*. 31 per sack. Mr*. King also received a prize from holtz; Adams, C. C. Darr; Union. D. was entered into between himself and the balance due. together with inter '41.032 pounds. Oats. 144 cents per lb. W. Allee Burpee A- -.O. for having a H. Nelson; Prospect. A. D. McCarty; the defendant by which be was to put The est.mated decrease in the woo eat on the amount at 6 per cent from Alfalfa, loose. (13 per ton North Athena. W. H. H. Scott; South 31 000 into a lumber, land and gener lip of 1903. as compared with that o. -ai*e>) tb«“ largest and best apecimen ! No matter what you destre, be H an the present date. Wheat, loose. (18 per ton. if potatoes of the Vermont gold corn Athena. Clark Walters; Echo, Frank ■ al merchandise business, and that the 1902. I* therefore 28 891.032 pounds * Timothy, baled, per ton. (20 ,-ariety. These were raised on what Rack; Bingham Springs. R. C. Hi lereadant was to contribute (300 to The per cent of shrinkage in *cour SUIT FOR DIVORCE. is known as the King ranch, one of ger. Yoakum. B. Hopper: Vancycle. E vards the stock of the company. The ing for the 1903 clip 1» estimated ut LOCAL HIDE MARKET. the most productive and well known : O. Casey, Valiev, Charles F. Weiss; amounts were each supposed to draw set for any room, or for an otrtftt for in. Plaintiff Allege* Non-8uppOrt and 10.8 per cent for fleece wool and 3 ranches in this county. Mr*. King The following are the prevallng I Pilot Rock. F. M. Smith; Alba. Josh interest at the rate of 8 per cent on fidelity. □er cent for scoured so that the total « io me time ago also received (100 a* t average price* for hide* in this mar Clark; East Weston, Harvey Martin; the investment. yoor entire house, or plain fur niture of Estella Hoadley has filed a suit for 1903 clip as expressed in terms <ald for lighting Baker I 33 per cent for pulled . ’ or fleece and seas and that one child. Gerald Hoad ­ oor large and complete collection oí and size, from ,3 to _ wood. J. W. Toner. The supervisors of the partnership paid more than ng to quality ley, a boy of 5 year*, has been born woo), the total 194*2 product of «coured City Is not high when compared with for Meacham and Gilliland have not 3150 into the treasury. He further 315: coon. 55 0 40c; horse, (101.25; Î price* and conditions tn cities of like to them. The cause of the action 1* wool being estimated at 137.912.086 new goods. Most attfactive and largest yet been appointed. 'omnjafns that A. W Robinson, who sheep, green. Cc: sheep dry, 744c; «ar*. perfectly well. Thanking you for Acksr’a English Rsmedy the speedy recovery, I am greatfully We are prepared to con­ Ixiwlston Tribune. High Fries for Poultry, lamy. a locomotive fireman, of Bur­ under a positive guarantee It will will stop the cough In a night, and yours, Francis I. Cannon. Vancouver, llngton, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, alwaya cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic trlve the cold out of your system. tract with you for your went your poultry of all kinds I . Wash. For sale by F. W. Schmidt turkeys, ducks, g uess and ehleken*. Estray Notice. without any appetite and all run poisons end all blood diseases 50c Klways a quick and sure cure for winter s supply. We de­ A Co. \sthma. Bronchitis, and I all throat Came to our place, 1% miles below down. As I was about to give np. I and (LOO F. W. Schmidt A Co. and will pay you the highsst prices liver coal or wood to any ’1 does not Send to W. H. Hooker A Oo.. Buf­ Com* in and sss me. L. M. Lyman, Echo. Ore., on the Stanley ranch, one got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and «nd lung trouble*. If it part of the city. your falo, N. Y., for a tree trial package 310 Bast Court «treat. u Bishop Thoburn, the Methodlat ml# «attsfy you ws will refund red 2-year-old steer, two slits in left after taking It, I felt as wall as I (Nothing Like Them.) ear. white star In forehead; no brand ever did in my Ufa" Wsak. sickly, slorary, after many years absence, is rnoney. F W. Schmidt A Co. visible. Owner of above described run down people always gain new again in India. He reports great pro­ Lost—Bay mare, branded "B. H. Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden on left shoulder; strayed from Bailey animal ean secure same by calling life, strength and vigor from their gress made In missionary efforts Are guaranteed to cure any case of Rheu Roes* pasture, st Meacuam. Reward at our place and paying all charges us*, Try them. Satisfaction guaran- there. In one district where were 13 JOHNSON BROS.. Price 50 converts 44 years ago. there a • now fail to cure Rhsumatism. For Sait by Main Street will be paid for information furnish teed by Tallmaa 6 Co eastiem - Money beck if they fail. KO.lWI Christians | *• C. Koeppen & Bros. Agta. for I endl n. cent*. Bcho, Ore. A C. Keeppes * iree., '*■ rwdteto ed to Otto Boettcher. Pendleton. Ore. Rheumatism Is Not a SKin Disease. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE I PIANO and ORGAN AT COST! JESSS FAILING, 901 Main St. I I Closing Out Prices Of Goods : Remnants Remnants i Remnants Busy Boston Store YOUR FURNITURE WANTS Let us fill them a ad save you money 3 : í BAKER & FOLSOM 3 YOUR PLUMBING! BECK, THE COAL Suffered Eight Months THESUREWAY Money Back iyjW ROCKSPRING COAL Laatz Bros