'!1 —1 WEEKLY EDITION WEEKLY EDITION !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Unswayed by tear, uninflu­ enced by favor. The East Ore­ gonian will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, about county, state and national affaire. Its pro­ gressive features make It a pa­ per for the masses ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 44444444444444444 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •? ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i Particulars of the Disaster to the Passengers and Crew of the Clallam. FORTY.NINE ARE KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED. A Night of Storm and Horror—Loss of Women and Children PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO.. OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 15. 1ÍMM VOli. XXVIII ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ft ♦ ♦ ♦ Japanese in Texaa. ♦ ♦ Honolulu. Jau 11.—Thirty ♦ ♦ ♦ Japanese sailed on the Amari ♦ ♦ cau linei Ylaiu for Texas, to ♦ ♦ work in the rice fields They ♦ ♦ are part of a large colon! ¿a 4 ♦ lion scheme to replace negroes 4 ♦ who refuse to work in any con- 4 ♦ s.„enable numbers in the mala ♦ ♦ rious rice swimpa since they 4 ♦ can obtain employment else 4 ♦ where. The Japs will contract * ♦ to work by the year, and as ♦ ♦ they eat practically nothing ♦ ♦ but rice and fish the cash out ♦ ♦ lay for their remuneration is ♦ ♦ hardly -id per cent that which ♦ ♦ the neg-oes demand to stay. 4 ♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ the Surging Seas. iumbia and United States. ON HA6 TROOPS PANAMA TERRITORY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t. Clallam ” houndered Last ♦ ♦ Night in the Straits Near ♦ ♦ ♦ Poit lownsend. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WORST WRECK IN HISTORY ♦ THE NORTHWEST COAST. 4 Innocent Man Jailed. Returned With Boodler. Si I xju I k . Jan ¡1.— Ex-Couu i llamii Kratz in i barge of of cers, arrived here from Mex­ ico thia morning There was no demonstration because when Kratz tied to Mexico he forfeited bond for ,20.000 It is lielieved the new bond* will tee not less thsn $40.000 Kratz was indicted for acceptance of a bribe to give street railway grants. In which the boodiers combine is said to have dlvid- ed $60.00<' The prosecution expects Kratz to turn state’s evidence when confronted with th«- full volume nt evidence against him San Francisco, Jan. 8.—Jean Haplque, who has been 10 years in tue county jail fight­ ing tur a trial, was r«-leaa»d this morning Hapiquo was ■ ouvicted of forgery and sen­ tenced to three years in the penitentiary He petitioned the supreme court for a new trial After 10 years be was today set aright On his ap- i*-arance Judge Cook said the ♦ man was entitled tc bis Uber ♦ ty and .eleased him ♦ ♦ « I 4444444444444444B Mingle With Those of Af­ fairs of State. 4 ♦ 4 ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OF Tales of War in San Domingo APPROPRIATION TO 8TAMP OUT COTTON BOLL WEEVIL. Believed at Colon That Colombu In­ Number Lost Variously Estimated Pt i Due to Leaving Were Almoat FAVORS THE MALHEUR AND RECORD AS A SOLDIER, There Will 8e Bloodshed Between Co- COLOMBIA DEATH OF GENERAL Powerless to Rescue on Account of Indications That ♦ 4 Swamping of Boats After the Steamer—Tugs ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ One Thousand Case*. Montreal. Jan. 9.—T itéré are approximately 1.000 cases of typhoid fever in .Montreal and half dozeu smaller niunlcipall ties which join it ol the thr*«' sides. In the city proper the number of cases is far leas than in the suburbs. Policemen are going front house to bouse distributing printed warnings urging house­ holders to boil their drinking water and to make lnqulri-> as to the condition of the da; ries. NO. 11 HARNEY rJUNTY PROJECTS tend* to Fight Rather Than With­ From Twenty-slx to Sixty-five—Tw. ly after midnight, a short distance sut-u his semi annual statement cov­ partment of the government worse Seattle. Jan 9 — T* six !..«* Was a Georgian by Birth and Educa. laboma. will not open today, d he ernment Operations in Umatil'a from Smith's Island, abejut 15 miles Ush«ra' Conduct Contributed Directly ering the period of six months end­ making tbe hours of the employes ■ -urte were k»st by the foundering of th# has appointed Hank Examine tion and Was One of That State's from this city. About 50 persons, in­ County Now a Question of 'When to the Awful Loes of Life—BuHd.ng ing la i tnbir 31. 19M, showing the from 9 to 4. adding oae-half hour to The llabllitl-« and steamer Clallam .n th»- straits near vant as receive cluding 36 passengers, lost their Most Gifted Sons—Was Wounded The order Will They Get at it?" Only—Is Full resources according to the Nuvem- Port To* »send early th lb mommy Inspector's Examination of tne receipts and disbursements of the tbe time now la vogue lives. employe* Eight Times During the Civil Wir veral funds during that period, and appile« to ai. federa. of Vast Possibilities for the Lower ber statement is approximately Th«- vessel broka- down soon after Building Was Superficisi—Text the amount of money left in bis hinds tbrougbout the country. —As Commander of Confederate List of the Lost. 8160.400 leaving Victoria yesterday afternxn» Umatilla River. mony of Theater Engir eer Shoes rm January 1. 19v4. which is given as I Tbe bouse today, by a uaaalmoua and drifted before a tprrific Htorm Captain Thompson, Thomas Morri- Veterans Will Be Succeeded by Marines Landed I at Colon. »nadeouat« Fir« Protection. vote, appropriated 8250.MX) to slam; $819.202.3! The funds on band at until she met her fate. She liegan A. Valdeme.-s. sou, George Hison, Chief Engineer Newell, of the fc-; Stephen 0. Lee. of Mississippi. Washington. Jan. 9 9. — A dispatch the beginning of the period. July 1. out tbe boll weevil. Mrs. Rose. C. H. Joy. R. G. Campbell. lamation service, has made public th*' from Admiral Coghlln at Colon tolay sinking shortly after midnight Chicago. Jan 8—The coroner be- 19"3. were >1.278.096 42; the receipts Situation In San Domings. News of the most terrible catastro W. C. Rockledge. W. Chennett. R. T u Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 11.—Lieutenant- report of Engineer Whistler, who w.is states the Dixie'» marines landed, phe that has ever occurred in these goa the examina:.on of v-itnes»w-» to- tur the six months $945.953.43. an! Washington. Jan 8 —Commander ner, G. F. Jeffs. Isaac Hewitt. Miss reneral John Brown Gordon died at in charge of tbe Investigation of th«« and that all Is quiet. the total di: bursement» »1.445.847.33 | waters was received tn this city at da? .«>nceruing the lroqu< is fir» Dillingham, of tbe crute-r Detroit, Harris. Mrs. Charles Cox, Mrs. Ro- hit winter home near Miami. Fla., at feasibility and advisability of govern­ Although there is a very be» !thy S 34 thia morning by a marine ex mona. W. B. Gibbons, Eugene Hicks 10:05 last night. His fatal illness, ment irrigation near Echo He pro­ WILL EXECUTE ORDERS The official list of dead reported fund in the treasury , < ver and aoovej .ent the oUowing today from Paerto change In a telegram from th« mas­ Flata San Domingo: P. 1 .»plant, Mrs. R. Turner. Mias which overtook him last Wednes­ nounces the project of diverting the OF COAL MINE OWNERS ters of th.- tag« Sea Li on and K chard by him maxes the mtnbtr 868. The •xpeaaea. this statement shews that "The k.oraie« gunboat comiaaaaer Bellies, E. Boulton. N. P. Shaw, day. was congestion of the stomach water from the Umatilla riv*r beliw . first list »»« 59!. but this was caused there has be *n a very material fa ling Hoile k Th«- former brought .1 sur­ delivered an ultimatum aM threaten­ Mrs. A. J. C. Gallackly, Guy Dennis. and liver, following an acute attack Pendleton to irrigate the Butter «roek i >fl in the « ’ rplus fund over last .'ear vivors an 1 th,- latter eight to Port by the idantli.cation of budte- under ed to bombard Puerto Plats after 24 Charles Thomas. Miss Gill, R. Case. if indigestion to which he has been region, postible. He also recommend* at the sam< time. The receipts irr oours' notice. With Evictions m Colorado Townsend more than *?ne name roncurrvecs Mrs. Reynolds. L. W. Davis. Mrs. subject the adoption of the Malheur river Wholesale Tne coroner today is assisted by a the same pe-iod last year were 94M.- of Commaaaer Robertson, of the Eng­ The lat<-st telegram state« that the Campa by the Mil tar y in Defiance Thomas Suliins and two children. and Harne county projects. New ­ Biographical Sketch, *33.42. and the disbursements tl.*12 H. W. Laplant. Charles Green. H. D ell’» report shows that at the clmi* cf tn» civil Authoritioi Mother” Clallam foundered while tn tow of large array << legal talent, including 202.61. and the balaace of hand. Jar.- lish cruiser Polias, such repreaeata- The famous confederate leader, of the pre#'«nt fiscal year there will the tug llichard HoQieek. between the state's attorney and city anu tions were trade to both sidec that Manley. Mrs. S. E. Boulton. C. W Jones Vary ill With Pneumonia. Smith Island and laingen.»* SpJL county attorney», as well as a score ■lary 1. IP"’! was 81.122.796 11. show­ the gunboat agreed not to bombard, Thompson, Miss Gallakiy. H. Buck­ General John Brown Gordon, was be ?!i.OOh.O'K) available for the recla­ Ine tug was alongside when she of lawyer* rv*ain«d by relative* oi ing a falling off of 83r‘34»3.7». A and the other aide will not fire oa tbe ner. Miss Murry. C. G. Birny. E. F. was born in Upson county. Georgia. mation of arid lands. Tbe Arizona Cripple Creek, .'an 9—Colonel better showing was made for the six guaboat*. Feoris. A. K. Prince. C. F. Johnson. February 6, 1832, graduated at the and Nevada project4. wMch are now Vardeckberg and all the district post sank, but on account of the terrible the victims The testimony brought out today months previous to this report, ead "All nghtiag will be cocited to the Mrs. A. H. Laplant. Mrs. Leonora State University, studied law and was inder contrict. will nae about $€ '«W>.- 1 commanders held an executive coun­ storm rurn.ng could save less than It ■ July 1. 1963. when the receipt« end side of the town in the futnre. Richards. H. H. Swaney. Captain T admitted to the bar, practicing at At­ 000 of this sum. leaving $ 18,005 i cil of war this mon lag and dec'.dtsl one-third of these atmard the door.cl antformly agrees that th«- exits were for • - period amounted to ll.'.$6.- vessel. kx lied by ushc-r». who e ’her resist­ sad United States interests are »a Lawrence. Ed Tennan, Guy Daniels. lanta. to be used in other states. to ignore Judge Seels Injunction I* in September. 1854, be married Fifteen women and children and ed the attempts of ■;»*« tators to oj»e. 334 75. the disbursements. 81.040 - -ured Mrs. Diproae. Part of thi« amount .will pro! ably sued last night restraining them from '■caving a healthy balance of Mis» Fannj Haralson, the third be used on tbe reclamation work , In 10 men w.'-e them jt aid nothing to restore orde; mostly. poteengers “1 have «mall parties loaded at So- The Survivor». 81478.196 42 on hand July L 1903 laughter of General Hugh A. Haral northern Montana in diverting the interfering with or arrtrsring strikers drowned among tae panic stricken. «aa end nt the American consulate on vagrant orders Tney will beg'a There has been an unusually heavy on. of La Grange. Ga. The wedding waters of Milk riv«»r. Deck department—Captain Gt*ur^e Also that tbe ventilators above the will later—The list of drowned wholesale arrests of unionists to. dram upon several of the funds dur stage were not opened. Roberts, first officer; G. W. Down?y. took place on her 17th birthday, and probably reach €5 Now a Certainty. day Griffith. J The arrest of Maher and Nagei Ing :he past year, however which ex- H. Arnola. F. Myers. R when he was 22 years old. Th* striker» will be thrown into There has been much unceria.nty two workmen who tailed down the -■laits the great difference in the Jeffery. H. Johnson. J. Anderson A. In 1861 be entered the confederate of Whistler’« report tbe bull-pen at Camp Garfield befote WAR CORRESPONDENTS ventiiators of the room when ’he amounts of the balances, as. for in McKeen irmy as captain of infantry and rose as to the nature irrigation proj«t. The ! ary ten! steps can be taken, and wil Mance, the disbursements of the gen- HOLD ORIENTAL STEAMER. ¡»Hiding was being constructed. 1 Engineers’ department—Scott io to the rank of lieutenant general. At on tbe Echo -«mxidered by the coroner to be im era! fund for the past six month* Lauey. chief engine«-r: James Man­ Lppomattox Courthouse be command­ fact that be has reported favorably then b* loaded on special trains and potfiant. as evidence tending to show hare been 864.977.1* greater than for lock. fireman; John Atkins, oiler: Ec ed one wing of I>ee’s army and was upon it will probably result in the deported from the county Wive« and children of strikers whe New York Herald and Cel'to-te Week- ri.e examination made by the build th.- tiievious six months; the common ward Parker, oiler. wounded in battle eight times during rovernment constructing the ditca ly Win Signal Victory Over Captain tng inspector when tbe theater was •cbool fund, principal and interest Steward's department—J. R. Wat the war. being severely wounded at The importance of striking while the call strike-breaker» •cabs, or other insulting epithets, will also be ar- 1287.31341 greater than tbe previous Iron is hot needs empbasizing. son. steward: James Caldwell. Archie Lntietam. of the Siberia—After ths Agic nor la opened «as not thorough Our represe ntatl ve» in congres» rested. buR.penned and deportel The- ouvst sensational t«-stimuny six months, and tbe swamp land King. Archie Davis. William Jone* In 1868 General Gordon was tbe Lifted the Vessel la Held * Hours mm * the «tuner began the ingn .-y funds »7.640.51 greater. iemocratic candidate for governor of should •ee that no ston* is left un-; Civil officers »bo attempt to serre Ah Look. Juu Lang. for Two Men on a Delayed Train. ,>to the Iroquois disaster was giver lis native state, and as he believtd. turned to haré the government Lake - papers will be treated likewise. Purser F. C. Freer. "Mother” Jones Ha» Pneumonia by Robert Mtwr»y. engineer of be SEATTLE’S GROWING TRADE. Passengers—J. Norris. William was elected by a large majority, but up tbe work. It will not oniy res iltj Francisco, Jan. J — As on.» of San ih fated building at this mcffning ses­ King. H. D Bailey, Jack Sweeney Ms opponent. Rufus B Bullock, w.ia in giving a large number or men work' Trinidad, Col, Jan. 9—Tbe condi­ Month of December a Banner Mont* iwaided the office. General Gordon whose money will be spent In thi* tion of "Mother ' Jones who was ye», the thrilling evldascdu of th«« poster sion Charles W .avis, John Davis. W. II of ths presa, a nule Incident h».»psn He said the curtains were operated Grimes. Wi.iiam Le Plante. Edward was a member of the national demo- county and make times good, but It terday stricken with pnenmonia. >s for the Ocean Traffic. rank *f brigadier ed in tuia city yaatarday «Wenffite by hand and counter weight« Th« Laumer. Thomas Soolius and T 1-ar- 'ratlc conventions at New York. 1868. will result In a far larger mess-re unchanged. She is «2 years old Seattle, Jan 8- Seattle’s r\poC which callad forth mach com «a nt. When the ditch is complet­ making recovery doubtful. The trine fire-fighting apparatus consisted Oi trade by water for the month of De- ind at Baltimore, 1872. and was pres­ of good son. Ths steamer Siberia. one qf tBe pwo tubes of kilfyre 16 inches long Eight Miles From Victoria. idential elector for the state at Urge ed the vast stretch«»» of unproductive workers are anxiously watching th« ■ember exceeded that of Novetnbet cracker-jack mall boats of the PB< i* Ttere sage brush land will be divided Into bulletins was no other protection by 8374.708. These figures reveal The vessel had come within eight U the ejections In 1868 and 1872. mall line, was scheduled to »a.I otf small tracts of 20 to *4 acres and ■gainst fire ** tbe stage In January, 1873. he was elected ,-ie fact ths: last mouth» exports miles ci Victoria when heavy seas her regular time, at noon y-tatewlay will furnish homes tor hundreds of Tbe stand pipe in tne rear of tbe ■ ere among the heaviest of the year, broke in tbe deadlights, and the 'o the United State* senate for six INDICTED SIX. and made ready to leave the pier at thrifty and industrious fanners The had never been »upp.ie-t vM and that the Industrie« of this state water rushed in, putting tbe fires out. ’ear«, and took bls seat there March sage brush land is rich and with tbe Trymg to Fathom th» MurOer of Ma- that hour tur the Orient, ¿u one of hose at»l under tbe foyer there were md their products are becoming rec- Three boats were launcb»«d, filled I. 1873. where he was recognized as her most importan’ voyage«, on ac- l»ut 58 ivet o< two-inch Lose. Thl» ogtuzed throughout tbe world The principally with women and children, eading member of tbe democratic lifegiving and vivifying water will bW Bechtel. count of tee rush mail on toard fur i unstButed the entire fire-fighting -ondition of the foreign trade like and two of these were seen to foun­ varty, and one of its best orator« yield rich returns to tb«> farmer Allentown. P» . Jan 8 —The grand American minister« anu loueign ute ai*paratzi* oi ibat portion of the wise that of tbe coast trade, is shown der. all drowning, and the third >s He resigned May 2(<. 1880. was uom Melons, corn, alfalfa, peaches, will ail jury today indicted six who ar« aileg- ces in China. Japan ami tgu- Philip­ be*»* In tbe theater were four n the report of Pur. Wardea Jmsm. nated for governor of Georgia by the thrive there. thought to have met the same fate. Nature has richly «-ndowt-d thi» se-> ed to have been implicated in tbe1 pines «tnali rwH- $336.6X4 over November Shipmeots sengers and crew had in the mean- erm He was aleo commander of tlie ton. lauds which could be formerly Charles and Myrtha also Welsen- IS IT ROCKEFELLER! onrvhased for a few -lollar* an acre berger and Eckstein rlval lover« of the New York Herald, and Frederick Tb«e had «M-v*r been any drills for to the Orient consisted mostly of tim»- hove tbe cargo overboard and 'vnfederate veterans there ar«- valu«-d at $250 an acre. the girl. Paltm-r. of Collier’s Woehl) fires nuif no instructions were ever flour, tobacco, cigarettes, cotton, ma Sposane kept three line« of men bailing with General Lee Succeed« Gordon. The overland train was late ar J ¡»sued to ffiu «■aployes. The witness ~hinery beer, blcyclea. fish, rails and No further proof of the richnea» of buckets, keeping about even with t’.e Nashville, Tenn . Jan. 11.—General tbe soil is needed than the fact th^t t*e would not connect vgith -«a- Siberia, admit»d !>e «.new bow to use the lumber BALTIMORE A OHIO WRECK. Cotton shipm«-nts showed incoming rush of water. ,tepb*n D. Ijee. of Mississippi, com from flu- to a»v«-n tons of alialfa < b before sh.- left the pier The cor­ greater partlor. of the fire appara'u« an increase of 2.975 bale- whlie the After the Clallam was taxen in tow nandi r of tbe Army of the Tennessee now raised with one thorough flooding Engines Smashed and Several Train­ respondent* bad wit4d ahead to th« but neger ha«i instructed bls assist flour increase »-cording to valuation. the water came in taster, and about vill succee^d General Gordon as com- local manager of th* steamship iinv- ants on Butter creek. was lees than »5.000. men Killed. 1 o’clock Bhe went on her beam ends nander-in-chief of the Unit«>d Con I Another advantage of government to bold the vessel until th* arrival The exMs were dra|«ed in red plu-h Coastwise passengers to the num and filled fast. The Sea Lion had er ederate Veterans, pending tbe elec- ownership of irrigation project» 1« ! Cumberland. Md.. Jan. 8—A Balti­ of the train, so they could embark curtains. J»ut were held outside ♦ ber of 67,488 were handled, 33469 he rived meanwhile, and the two tugs Ion at the reunion here next June. more a Ohio double-header crashed for the scene of the. Russo-Japanese heavy iron doors, barred, bolted and ing inbound and 34.019 outbound that if it is divided tn carry ft on it set about saving life. Thirty-one will be carried to a successful ls«ue. into a freight at Uavltt's creek «»arly war The manager wired back to wjierated ».fit- levers Tt« witness Of the total of 101 deep sea veo- were picked up from the steamer and SAN DOMINGO REBELLION. There will be no uncertainty as to this morning. Both engine« were de­ them that th«j steam«*r would not be admitted that no one unfamilllar with seis engaged in tbe trade of the from planks and rafts and brought the completion of the project, no fear» molished. Flrtman Kefauver was in­ held, but would leaw for the Orient | I, this system of levers could unlock port 14 were sailing and 87 steam here this morning at 9 o'clock. Cap­ Continues Unabated. But No Damage ->t abandonment and no extortlona’e stantly killed and Engineer Roberta on time. | the doors 15 less than in November. Seattle tain Roberta and the officers of tbe -harges for water, as there 1» too apt died shortly after. Engineer Humph­ The correspondent» were not so be L N<> signs appeased above the exit* sold and shipped to coastwise and to American Legation. Clallam, who stayed with the steamer rey was seriously and perhaps fatal ­ defeated in their determination to p There weiw three locked exits ou local ports during December 82433,- Washington. Jan. 11.—The navy de- to be when some grasping individual to the last, were all saved. Captair hurt and Fireman Conrad »erious- catch that vessel ata! land in the Ort-' ¡iewch of the baleen tew and fonr pairs 641 worth of merchandise. artment received a telegram from or company secures control of auch ly Roberts sayB he thinks that he had ent eight days sk*d what he expected ’o the safety of the passengers, partic­ he legation yesterday. of the company, wired for the Siberia ' do in case of fire, he said h> depend^ President Roooovelt Ha» Been |nv< This Morning, The state department received a ca- Umatilla county. ularly the women and children aboard to wait for the overland and permit ' ed on going to the front office and legram from the minister at Mon shln- ed to Address th* Portland Conven Ballard, Wash.. Jan. 8. — The was looked after, and in boats prop these corri-siwitydents to make con­ I vising the telephone. He said he CHILD KILLED BY LIVE WIRE. evideo saying Uruguay is passing gle mill, dry kilns and 3.0MI.MX) shln- nection. erly manned all wbo desired were put tion. never saw the skylifiits op«med hrough another crisis. The govern gles belonging to the Nicholas IxirJ- off from the steamer Portland. Orc Jan 8—President So the big mail liner, due to '.«are School Boy at Lewiston Meet« In ­ ber Company, was,totally destroyed The heavily laaen boats were as nent party was attacked and put tc Roosevelt will be a-aed to deliver an the pier at noun waited for two .ep- SEATTLE IMMIGRANTS. stant and Awful Death. by fire this morning. Iz»ss. |25.vM). resentatlv«« of the press and did not corks, however, in the choppy sea. light their opponents. Several of the KILLED WHILE COASTINO. address before the seventh annual attar were killed and wounded. Lewiston. Jan. 11.—Bennie Riggs, \ favorable wind alone waved the and one after another, after succeed leave until 10 o'clock last nigh'. 10 iTtecteen Chine«« Deported from That session of the American Mining con­ the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. western half of the city. ing in getting away from the ve«s<-' gress. to be held in this city next Colfax Schoolboy Da chas into a honrs behind her schedule time. SPort During December. were either capsized or swampe«!. -IVE HUNDRED SEVENTY DEAD. George D. Riggs, met Instant death Wagon With Hie Sled. August. This was decided at a meet The 1.600 tens of rush mail and the yesterday during the noon hour by Seatgle. Jan. 8—The moothly re­ ing just concluded here of the officers Pope Turn» Down Sarsfoff. and as a result not a woman or child Colfax. Wash.. Jan. L— L awtuwcw 800 tons of ’ n itrates and »oo tons of port cf the United States imnrtjiration and executive committee of tho con Duchemln. aged IS. was fatally hart of all those aboard has lived to tell bastardly Conduct of an Usher Dur- oming in contact with a live electric Rome. Jan. 8—The Vatican de- ight wire near the corner of Eighth clines to receive tbe Macedonian, pig lead, waited for two sweating war bureau o« this city shows tha' during grew. at wh.ch all the preliminary tn a coasting accident thia afternoon. the tale. The apparent discrepancy Ing the Iroquois Fire. correspondents, wtio had accomplish itreet and Sixth avenue on Norma) Sarafbff, in special audience. in the numbers from tne list of fatal The ed one of tbfi nFi’t remarkable feats the trontb of December 332 alien» ar­ plans for the sess.on were completed Hi« b other. Ralph, aged 10 year«, Chicago, June 11.—Testimony be ities herewith is accountable to th« latter Is disappointed, as he expected in modern Journalism, by tying up an rived at this port Of the tota’ num In addition to the president, many bad a hip fractured and two ribe ore the Iroquois inquest today is sim hill. The lad was on hie way to school to thus gain many additional volun­ ber desiring admission to tbe Uni'ed other distinguished men of the coun broken, and two other boy» were fact that only such children as pxi lar to that given before. One witness Oriental steai/.er for 10 hours after and but a few moments before had State* E> w*e deported back to the try will be asked to address the con­ more or less hurt half fare were enrolled in the pa»4*.i estifled she appealed to an usher to -eceived hie mother's parting caress. teers for the Insurrection. tho anchor b.«d been ______ lifted for the ___ _____ ger list. The youngster* were coasting down most important voyage in her bls- ccuntry from whence they came gress " issist her to escape and he threw Tbe «Oicellent work accnffipllsheii At the intersec’ion of the streets Tugs Attempt to Save Vessel. tory. The organization has succeeded in a steep hill and loot control of the Bryan Returning. ter off Fifteen members of the there are two electric light poles and By the immigration bureau of this obtaining reduced railroad rates from sled, which collided with a wagon Meanwhile word had reached Vic •Bluebeard” company, who have been New York. Jan. 9.—William J. Bry­ city anti Its insp«>ctor6 ba* been tbe wire between the«e bad parted all parts of the country and it is ex- Lawrence Duchetnin's ahull was frac­ toria of the Clallam» trouble, and ,eld under arrest by the coroner, mom ­ FIERCE STORM. an arrived off Sandy Hook thia The live wire extended from the highly commended by th* de|»ri- pected that as a result the attend- tured and there .» no hope for hie tugs were sent to the rescue. The were released, their testimony bav- ie de ­ ing on board the Celtic, which ment at Washington, «upecially for atce will reach fully 5.000 delegates recovery. ople to the ground on the Eighth Richard Holyoke, in command c,f fng been taken. the Began Today and Is Raging the vigiteinre in detecting the »omia and visitors, representative of all street side and occupied a position layed on account of fog. Captain Robert Hal), was the first to One hospital death this moruing Orogon Coast. gling of Chinese into the Uelt «d sections of the United States. Canada STRICKEN WITH BARALYBIB. reach the Clallam, which was found brings the list of dead to 570. Sever- across a pathway on a vacant lot at Turkey at the Fair. Porffiamd. jan. 8—A fierce e torsi States, few having proved success Mexico and several countries of Eu­ the corner of the Frank Morris rest to have careened partly over from al others are in a critical condition Constantinople, Jan. 8.—The sultan sprang* np about noon today and >e ful. Within a short time it Is tbe in- dence. The boy evidently reached rope are expected to be also repre Ex-Gwvernor Charlee Fsuter. of OM». the inrush of water, which had put and picked up the wire with the In­ on reconsideration has decided to ragingc Mong the Oreimn coast at all tentiflffi of Mr. Estell. the inspector in sented. All the energies of the forth Die« Tsday. the engines out of commission. The FOR NICARAGUA ROUTE. tention of removing it from the path send a Turkish rahibit to the 9L point* lueard from Vast shipping SM- charg»« of this' office, to enlarge his coming session are to be concentrat­ Springfield. O-. Jaa. 9.—The condì Holyoke reached the Clallam about 11 Louis fair. terete* are Imperiled. force, in which he has the co-oiu ’ ia- ed on Ibe plan for the establishment tloa of ex-Governor Charles Foster o’clock last night, and sent a hawser Senator Morgan Loyal to the Subst- when be received tbe shock that tion << tho detriment ar Washing­ of a federal department of mines and who was stricken with paralysis last cr*- tiro Oregon dMegatton. will cause Sunday morning. Ample sleeping No New» From Klohuveff. Victoria. Jan. 11— Inquest over oupils of the American Academy of Trial of whltaksr Wright. tary Hitchcock’s head to tho presi­ them to reft** to appolot any man E)4scopal dlixs'M* of CB’*Xon. observ­ car accommodations have been pre­ from Ixvndon, Jan 7 — No news eight bodies recovered yesterday is Decorative Art and were profuse In Ijindon, Jan. 11.—The prosecution dent did not mend the matter, as it ho kite "'ed by tlte d«lcg»tfc>n So the ed today the ftft'»tis »mnh'crssry of Kiahineff today indicating disturb­ pared tor all being held today. Rigid inquiries as their praise. of Whitaker Wright opened before was at th* direct suggestion of the appointment e>»»ite» »Vre received Grsgite office Sa one of the moat com president that the secretary declined Judge Longs today in the presence John D lurcher, an old pioneer uf an Minister Plevlnc today scoffs at are being made. A fleet of half a The Holland parliament has ap­ of a great crowd of those Interested to hold Mr. Thompson In office. »J- nilOated que the ides of a recurrence of the antV Wallow« county, died Thur»tey at hundred vessels, tugs, steamers and In int»ny parts v 'he coun- in the cuunclhi of the Orffir > d«dega- ne reona propriated S1.7SO.OOO for Krupp can­ in the defunct London Globe corpora­ though th!* - suggestion was entirely Enterprise , Remltic riots small boats is now petroling the vl- » M » V. unnecessary, as the secretary bad tion. try. non. « .« «... ...» » -