WEEKLY EDITION I I WEEKLY EDITION ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦ ♦ Unswayed by fear, untatlu- ♦ «meed by favor. Th« East Ore­ ♦ gonian will tell the truth, the ♦ whole truth and nothing but pul , ♦ tbe truth, about county, su O'egon Hum • ♦ a d national affairs. Its | Society * ncaJ ♦ gtessive fea'uies make it a iJsr’ ♦ per for the ...asses. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦G« I VOL. NX VU I he refused. The sea had gone down somewhat and the passengers could i have been transferred. No one was I taken from the steamer when ehe careened and roiled over at the eli- max. All »ho were rescued by the tugs were ttken from the water. — - - - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ’ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO.. OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1904 gt neo caust» tho government to be­ I lief«, the s tuatlon in the orient is extremely t *nse. Japa Conciliatory. London, Jan. 14.—A upecial 'rom Tokio says the ministers who attend ed the recent conference state that Japan's attitude was extremely eon cilia to ry. direction before tbe interior depart­ are holders of stock in the company. ment have so far l«»en without effect, In addition to receiving handsome ad­ but I believe that if our request to vances in the price of livestock, will have the division of forett reserve« receive a material dividend each year, transferred to the agricultural depart- which in itself would be a justifica­ j ment that tbe stockmen a« a rule will tion for stockmen to subscribe. have no further cause for complaint. It Is the Irtention of the oflJ. ers ot this association to make this the Wool Hides and Tariff. asks for appropriation I have to advise you chat 8enatur zreatest organization in the United OF 24,000.000 DOLLARS. Japan's Demands. Lodge has Introduced • bill In con- States and one which will accomplish gre«« providing for the removal of the pnriiose for which it was organiz­ London, Jan 14.—Japan's reply to tariff on hides. Should this bill be- ed. As I have already stated, this Russia's last note ii a modification ingenious Argument to Prove That upon many points according to Min come a law, the loss would not fall cannot be done unless It is support- I upon the importer or manufacturer. ed by every livestock organization and the Proper Expenditure of That tster 8ayashl, who received a cory of but upon th« man who produce« the every livestock grower and feeder Amount Would Be a Measure of the text today. It insists, however, animal. The average tariff being With this object In view. I hope tha’ Economy—Declares That Cost of upon Chinese sovereignty in Man- 31 26 for every bide, ft would cause each one of you will consider himself churls and Japan's sphere of inftu Transportation Would Bo Reduced the cattie raiser» of the nation ’o a missionary for tbe pu-pose of secur­ enco in Korea. Practically the rein­ on Highways Sixty Per Cent. lose 112.500.-(Xi annually. In the ing additions to our membership roll tlon* of Russia and Japan are un event .Mr. Ixtdge's bit! «hould meet | 4 such organizations and men aa are changed. Sayash! believes ths nego­ New Hampshire toe Greatest Cro«me»>»Al*t« of tn«. Entire £«sV -Jerry Washington, Jan. 14. — Latimer, of with favor at the Latul« of cungre»».. not now upon it. tiations liable to be prolonged. HAO ONE-QUARTER NUMBER In conclusion I wish to say that to« there is no question but that an at-' Simpson Makes the Hit «f to« Day, Recommending Leasing Range Approaching a Settlement I South Carolina, mad« a speech in the much credit cannot be given our tempt would immediately be made I OF INSPECTOR* RS QU .RED. senate toaay in advocacy of his bill Tokio. Jan. 14—High Japane-ie of IS FROM STATE OF IDAHO to remove tha tariff from wool. If a worthy president for what he baa Lande Under Clo«« Restrictions—Foreet Rsesrv« Question Precipitates creating a bureau of highways and ficlals today make the statement that law of this character should be en­ dun« In your interests, in all mat- a Hot Debate—Eight Hundred and Fifty Delegate« Are Preeent. carrying ai pronriations of 324.0'».- the belief in official circles is that war acted. it wouid mean a loss to the terspwhfrh 1 have undertaken for yonr Only Superficial Examination« Ware with Russia will be averted, and say sheep Industry because of the reduc­ iMMrit. I have been greatly aaaisted Larg««t County Delegate« 1« From 000. tion In the price of* wool of at least i by bls eoun*-! and advice. Possible—1 wc Tubes of Klifyro the He said this amount should be di­ concessions «.ave been made on both Umatilia G roa t Entoualaawi Demi sides 333 0>».00u per annum, «nd we are| Thanking you tor the courtesy I vided equally between tne states and tbe Fifty Seventh Congress providing Portland, Jan. 13. — (Special to East Only Defense Against Fire at the It Russia insists on a neutral zone i nates to« Gathering, Which Maa territories according to population, Oregonian.!—The forenoon seaston of for fédérai .inspection on all Interstate justified in saying that t ie price .«f I have received at your hands, Iroquois—testimony Reflects Upon the minimum allotment being 32$0.(.>00 In Korea it will end negotiations, but the livestock convention was devoted shipments of live stock, passed the »1 eep would be reduced, t > tbe figure ’ •rusting that pnosperit) may be with R«c«lv«ri a Hearty WM^ mn « From each and erery one of you, I am Japan intimated to Russia she is Mayor Hz’Tlson—Chicago Is Hard to any state having leas than 750.000 ready to recognize Russian trading to reports of stock conditions iu diff senate and became a law The en­ which prevailed under th« free trade I Respectfully, c«n ’ s ! that Portland —The Proeirian*.'« Aridroas law when they varied from 98 Inhabitants. It further provides erent states and territories actment ot this bill will be an .in SECRETARY. Up in Every Department any state ot territory receiving euch concessions in Korea providing they to 31 25 per head The roll of states was called and tn«-nae saving to the live stock ship ­ a Masterly Proeentation a* the are entirely without political slgnlfl Woolgrower»' Association. benefit mu> t contribute dollar for ivaiKiuaes made by representative pers of this country. • T renspo nation. I Tbe following are tbe newly e.ect- Chicago. Jan. 14.—Mayor Harriron. dollar from its own treasury, thus cance. Negotiat.ons have reached men. Right« and Opportunlti«« «f to« All other measures which we had During '-he past year 1 have receiv the point where peaceful or hostile “d members of the executive commit­ Fire Marshal Musham. Alderman doubling th« fund. New Hampshire ia the only Ea*.- n Stock Growers. before last congress failed of passage ed a great many letters from ship- [ settlement is only a few days off tf tee of tbe Nation-! Wcolgrower»' A» Mr. iAtinier declared this would I Inspector Mayer and Building Russia Insists on a neutral zone, war state represented. L E Wright. Of because of the deadlock In the sonate ¡«ere, complaining that tran»i>ortatlor . iociatlon. »e» crai member» trom va­ place a surplus in the government Pori land. Or.. Jan. 12—(Special jo Laughlin have been summoned by is inevitable; If she abandons 't, that alate, read a paper showing bow over tbe panama canal and Statehood companies failed to furnish the neces rious »late* not yet* having teen treasury of 3266.000.000. "which real the livestock Industry had been sup­ bills. These measures were re-intro- «ary «-quipment In which to transport I the East OregocJanj—Tbe aevenJi peace Is practically assured. Coroner Trigger to appear before the ly belongs ta the people." na.xed annual coaveation of tbe NaUoaai Japan expects a conciliatory reply planted by manufacturing, and gave duced at the beginning of tbe special stock, often necessitating »hipmen’.s! Arizona. E 8. Gosney. California. jury thia afternoon in the Iroquois He declar«>d it wrong to hoard the statistics showing that the creamery session of the Forty-eighth congres«, to be held fur weeks near tbe load | Livestock Akaociazion met thia more. from Russia. disaster. peoples' money. It is not necessary industry of his stale leads th« .-u being aa follows: "A Bill Providing Ing point; that rate« hav- been ma­ Louis Alcock, Colorado. J. H. Hal e/; Ing at 9:30 at th« Baker theater. It Russian« Watching Japanese. New Mexico. Solomon Luna; New sensational .o meet tne public debt before 1: Inquiry follows tile tire East. is estimated 500 delegates are pre« for a Clasilfied Census of Livestock." terially increased. that ti e time in Port Said. Jan 14 — Tbe Japanese charges made by Building Commis­ and current expenses are al! provid­ Arizona. Colorado. Kansas. Mon calling upon the president to appoint hauling to'market often .lid not ex-' ) York. W. H Markham and J. Howard ent besides 1,000 visitors la tbe city Davidson; Illinois. W. W Buicb; sioner Williams yesterday to the ef­ ed for. cruiser Nishua. which with the cruls tan». Texas. California. Idaho. Wash­ a commission to investigate and re­ Th«- de.egates were slow in arr.v c«-ed six or seven mil«*« per hour; I Ohio. A. A Bates. Montana. T C fect that the city has only one quar­ He conten led that better roads are er Kasage. recently -purchased from ington. Oregon. Wyoming Utah and port upon the forest reserves ani con­ and trains were sidetrwrked and de­ »tower», Washington. J. C. McClem- .ng aad tbe orchestra of tbe Baker Argentine, was received at the en ­ ter the number of Inspectors required a national n« cessity anu proper object New Mexico all responded with brief ditions of the arid and semi arid lay«^ for dead freight, thereby raue theater rendered music wtile the vis­ ent; Oregon. Douglas Beits. George itor» waited and that only the most superficial n- of national aid. As the rivers and trance of the Suez canal today. Tbe .-speeches on the general conditions of states, with a view of agreeing upon As the dei.-gate« filer Ing great loss to shipper» by reason A. Young, a ternate; Utah. Jesse .1 harbors are improved, so should b«> Kasage started through yesterday. livestock. spectiona could be made. into the hall tbe orchestra began some bill for the amiable adjustment of Increased feed bills and shrinkage; Smrib, Heber Smith; Idoha John Mc­ playing "Dixie,” amid iood and hearty They are immediately preceded the highway«. Speech of Jerry So ■f Pleasant Armstrong th« man nun Hill at Portland, offered prayer. Chicago Short c< Mon«y. A. L. Mil s. Portland Banker, Pres tne cattle and she«; men. and combi­ mission ii quite satisfactory and jo have a standing before the ther movement of equal inter«?» and matter and ordered the theaters ark the ruined ras tes by limiting between rif«rested parties. n Baker county. His counsel object one ot the hardiest, happtosL most at Its last arnual meeting as opposing closed, He says Chicago has not a systematic campaign of extortion is far-reac Ing res -Its as that an the number of stock per acre. o the execution by the sheriff of Ba­ oyal aad stanch daa« of duzaaa— The Anti-Sheddy Bill. for personal gain. any combination which seeks to cor .he ititial steps were taken in this money enough to properly conduct er county, for the reason that the always openiag sew frontiers aad Afternoon Debate«. Tbe Gros vet or Anti Shoddy hill trol the price of livestock at our lead ■tty yesterday afternoon. any department. waa also re introduced nt this session. :ng markets and also dictate« pr.e*t aw under which the death warrant blazing trail« to new emMres to W S. U Ren, C. E S. Wood. George The afternoon ses» ion !» devoted Bank Robbed. Trying to Shirk Responsibility. as issueu has been repealed, and rie said thia coavenuaa should The principal opposition to the pas­ of meat and meat prodacta to tbe Santa .Monica. Cal.. Jan. 14 — M Orton. F. T Griffitue and Th >mas the consideration of resolutions. hey also object to the banging «4 promote and complete plans for an Chicago. Jan. 14.—Building Inapec- 3. Green issued a < al! for a meeting Tbe chief subjects discussed are sage of the measure conte« from mfn.- -ooaumer. and recommending the - m Mon Sawtell's branch bank at Santa heir client by th* penitentiary auth independent packing company to re­ tor Loughlin, accused of declaring the ome weeks ago. to be held In this forest reserve«, cheaper transporta­ here of the National Association of tablisbment of an independent peck rftles under the new law providing lieve tbe stockmen from th« exaction» Iroquois theater ”O. K.” declared De- lea was rolbed last night of »200 Ing plant as the only method by which tty for the purnose of orcartxiog • Wool Manufacturée» Their argument tion and cheaper stockyard charge«, fore the coroner today he never made cash and a small amount of eecurl- direct primary league, the objects of aster Lme on tbe rail rood» with I». that we seek to prevent the maru- omi«etitlon may be haa and thereby ar executions there, and passed after of tbe beef trust, aad amid chair«, such a report, and denounced accusa­ tie«. be Baker county murder was com said Portland should be on« of th« A-hich would be to circulate petitions stock trains, and a resolution asking facture of shoddy in any form The:r secure for poth the producer and con tions against him aa false. .nd secure the passa.e of an amend the government to take fire year promises being false, it follows that s..mer an equitable price. It is ar nltted. claiming that the act is ex Srst citic« to aecnre a packing plant, He said Building Commissioner onto facto, and they urge that the owing to its prominent poeltiozi in New German Consulates. their anromert against this measure undisputed fact that the decline in ment to the constitution of Oregon, ivretock census««. Williams is trying to shift the blame. Berlin. Jan. 14.—A committee of providing for direct nominating pri The debate of the session was on is eminently unfair aa well as unrea­ the values of beef animals during the lefendant cannot b« executed at al! the market« of th« OrtenL He admitted he visited the theater the Reichstag today decided to ee mariea^ard doing away with political the forest reserve policy of the gov­ sonable. This association seeks only ast IS months amounts to more thar The case was argued this afternoon He Invited all th« delegate« to re­ the day it opened and found neither tablish German consulates at Atlanta on vendors, composed of a small pro­ ernment. the almost unanimous » to have manufacturers stamp their JS per hundred; hogs, an average of vr.d will doubtless b« decided by tbe turn to tbe Lewi» aad Clark fair la marked exits, fire extinguishers, hose Seattle. New Orleans and St. Paul. 19C-5 and bring their wires aad fami- portion of the voters of the state. tinrent being against the policy. goods, giving the percentage of shod­ 35 per animal, and sheep from 76 ourt in ample time. or alarm boxes. Did not report this lire, and «ee Portland al her beet In response to this call, a meeting Consumers dy tbe same aa manufacturers ot rente to SI per bead. Arriving, Delegates Still because it was the duty of tbe fire was held In the Mining Exchange tn Delegates are still arriving and •t Oleomargarine are compelled to stamp however, are paying the same price inspector. He did report to Williams the Chamber of Commerce building th«ir product. The manufacturera al­ tor their meats as during tbe time .a estimated 550 are present today. that the structural work was all right, Mayor George H Williams follow esterday afternoon, and the Direct so object to the section of our bill maximum prices were realized tv Will probably flniah Thursday even ­ but called attention to other features ed Governor CbamlMrlala aad wel­ Primary Nominating League of Ore- providing for federal Inspection, «he growers The loss to every man ing. which were violations of the ordU comed th« delegate« co behalf M on was organized, with the following clalm'nr that it would be a detriment who fed cattie in th« feeding states One Interesting paper today was I to their business to have their mills of the Missouri and Mississippi val­ nance, and was instructed by Wl) Ponlaad. FoUowiag th« aridra«« ot officers : Pre* dent. A. J- Mills, pre*l Hams to “Let it go.” Mayor William«. J. L, WiMon. ot dent of the Portland National Bank, read by J. C. Lowe, of Honolulu, on filled with three officiais It does not leys during the winter of 1W2 and Texas, responded ia a happy sp««ca secretary; W. 8. U'Ren. of Oregon he livestock lndn»try of the Hawa seem that thia argument should have spring of 1963. ranges from SIS to 330 EVIDENCE ADDUCED AT oa behalf of tbe livestock convention City, vice-president, George M. Orton, l an islanua. He said two-thirds 'it any weight, for the reason that feder­ per head, and the tote! decline of live­ aad Senator Warren responded for treasurer; F. T. Griffiths and an exec­ the population of tbe islands are non­ al Inspectors In all of the racking stock in this country during this CORONER'S INQUEST tbe woolgrowere utive committee of 25 to be named meat eating Chinese Japanese and hone«-« ot the country, oleomargarine period amounts to more than |75n.-l FRENCH FOREIGN OFFICE Between «ach number on th« pro­ VLADIVOSTOCK PORT from different counties by the presl- native». They raise 10 crops of al­ factories, distillerie«, «te., do not work 000.000. In view if the fact that the falfa each year on land, owtng to a detriment to th* business. I invited ration is as prosperous a* at any time TAKES THAT VIEW OF CASE. gram the orchestra played ««iecuoe* Captain Roberts Refused to Take Paa- CLOSED TO SHIPPING. dent. which were highly complimented Uy A oil! baa been prepared to the the rich soil and favorable climate. tbe Hon. C. H Harding, president of during the past two years, the home s«ngers From Clallam Onto Hi« Stock growing is limited to «mall tbe convention, being tbe first city tt voters asking for the abolition of the and export demand for meat products tbe National Association of Woo] Were Rescued Were Tug—All Who political convention and the substitu­ bolding* on account of tbe enormous Manufacturers to attend this meeting as greet as ever and there has been Japan Has Accepted Russia's Counter which the convention was ever bcl» Russia Must Modify Her Demands Or Taken From th« Water — Other tion of the direct nominating primary, value of the «oil for sugar growing, or designate some person to discuss no material increase in the number Proposition«. Which Is Tantamount to furnish a large orcbeetra during War Will Be Ccrtain-^lapan Will 8teamers W«ro Distressed—Majori­ the entire program. Senator Warren all candidates for public office to be and tbe stock Industry has been this question with you. but he re­ of head of livretock. these conditions to Declaration of a Settlement— Not Tolerate Such a Thing as 'A nominated by vote of the entire peo­ xlowly crowded out by sugar. More moved a rote ot thanks to tbe citf are uncalled for. tbe only apparent ty of Those Lost Were Women and fused. Rueeia Recognize« th* Validity and and orchestra for th« music Neutral Zone Around Korea, and ple. all the schemes of the conven­ and more meat 1» Imported each year. reason being the unjust manipulation Children in Boats. Unloading Tima Limlt i Binding Force -f Trade Treaties Secretary Martin'« Address. of prices at market centers, assist­ Expects Russia Will Back Down— tions to be wiped out of the political Pre Biden rs Annual Addreaa. A bill has also been re Introduced activity of the state. Mario With China Governing Com. To the members of the executive 1 ed by the lack of knowledge on the A Settlement Not Far Off. Victoria, B. C-, Jan. 14.—At the cor The annual addreea^t Preaident providing for extorsion of the time pan of prodicer* as to the visible committee of the National live­ mere« in Manchuria. oner's inquest into the deaths of vic­ Springer was a mast able paper. He limit for unloading live stock it tran­ supply. These conditions will VANCOUVER PROCURER. never stock Association tims of the Clallam, which comment New York, Jan. 14.—A special from commended the stockmen tor their sit west of the one hundredth merid­ Gentlemen: — change until the stockmen thetn- Paris, Jan. 12.—The foreign office loyalty to tbe organization in th« past ed today, evidence was given by Ed Port Arthur states that the Japanese ian from twenty-eight to forty hours: selves take decided nx-a; tire« Frenchman Attempts to Escape From to re- In making my annual report to .he persists no in the belief that peace will ward Lannon, of 3. on tana, that are leaving. More than 100 left Dal­ «nd rejoiced in tbe promise of the also a bill transferring matters per­ move them the Authorities, members of the National lJveetock be maintained in the far east. OSc ___ distress signals were made by the ny in one day. The n.ussians regard reture. taining to forest reserves from the Vancouver, B. C., Jan. 14. — The po ­ Association. I shall go into a detailed lais say the news today indicate« that Officers and Director». steamer Clallam. the Japanese seizure of Mekphe He mercilessly scored the railroad« Department of the Interior to the De lice today raided the residence of statement as to tbe efforts put forth About 4 o'clock, an hour after the probable, with the object of making for taking free transportation from Prompted by this idea, a number of war is definitely averted. partment of Agriculture: a bill com­ Desire Bothler, a Frenchman, and during the past year, what the stock­ women and children and those in the Russia fire the first shot. Trains the st ok men returning from market, Japanese-Russian CompromiM. pelling transportation companies to stockmen met In Kansas City in the boats with them had been drowned, a from Russian Europe are crammed found a dozen girls, all alleged to men desire of the association in the haul all livestock in trainload lots middle of June, for the purpose of Paris. Jan. 12.—A dispatch from St and rebuked in bitter terms the rail­ have recently been innocent girls of future, and tbe condition of tbe or ­ steamer passed within a mile of the with troops. Paris. France, now leading a life of ganization. with the hope that this In­ of ten care or more at a minimum of discussing this subject. Several other Petersburg rays It is report« ’ ;n dip way traffic managers whe arbitrarily sinking steamer, whose fires had sl­ Vladisvoatok Is Icebound. twenty miles per hour. We have al­ meetings were held which finally re­ iomatic circles that Japan has ac raised freight rates and held Western shame. formation may prompt tbe member* ready been put out by the inrush ot coffee so given our endorsement to a bill in­ sulted in incorporating the tndepen . epted the last Russian counter prop ►lock on alow trains while Vladisvostok, Jan. 14.—This port ’s Bothler was arrested charged with to give it the support and assistance water. No attempt was made to at- orange spe<. ale." ~t«a Icebound, thus effectually preventing ’tiring girls urder 21 from France un­ which it deserve*, taking into con­ troduced by the Interstate Commerce dent Packing Company under tbe laws oaltion. This decision was arrived ai specials." tract the attention of tbe vessel. naval operations from this base at der false pretenses and selling them sideration the fact that it is absolute-1 I jiw Commission which 3 crimination of Transportation Compa '■anks and C. J- Buell, South Dakota: Japau is unable to accept thia, and and the woolgrowers bold a Hinn Yesterday evening C. E. Stubbs, a als, while the mourners are obliged to nies,” L. A Allen, of Missouri; fur­ W. F Hslsell and R. H Harris. Tex- la now preparing a reply sending out this afternoon, attended by d«l««aiy« member of the Colorado legislature, resort again to street cars In journey­ ther consideration of resolutions; an is; Jesse M. Smith and M. E. Parsons. suggestions. If Japan secures what of the Livestock Association. delivered an address on the "Horse ing to cemeteries. address, "What Shall We Do With Utah; R R. Solway. Wyoming. It is she wants. Korean negotiations re- The failure of employers and em­ and the Horse Industry,” which prov­ Th« weather is delightful and Port­ Our Grazing Lands ' 1 J. E. Stubbs, of !r tended to elect th «president dur- garding Manchuria will take on a land is at her beet. Th« dslegatM ed to be one of the most interesting ployes to agree on a wage scale caus Nevada. F. H. Newell, of Washing­ more friendly tone and the crisis will Ing the time of this meeting. papers of the convention. ed a resumption of the strike. are all accommodated and no graft­ ton, D. C., in a brief address, "Policy be considered passed. At present it Per Capita Subacrlptlona. ing is reported by the hotels or lodg­ He reviewed the origin of the dlff of the Government Relative to Forest is impossible to say if war will re ­ A. A. ROBERTS OR RECEIVER. Portland. Jan. 13.—The Dally Jour. Ellis, of this city, and has been ing bouaoa. The desire of the officers of this Reserve.” Governor Wells, of Utah; erent breeds of horses, and traced sult." prominently Identified with the le company is that Mauj usttors and delegatee are the stockmen address by Gifford Pinchot, Washing- their dlstnoutlon over the earth, Hitchcock Approve« of Hla Selection, nal's Washington special says: visiting th« sit« o( the Lewis aad baa recom- publican party of the state for many throughout the country shall sub­ ton. D. C.; "Our Pony, Its Uses and among the different races of men. The Oregon delegation Charles Denby Dead. and Will Nominate Him at Once. years. Clark fairgrounds scribe for stock to the extent of one Abuses,” Hon Mortimer Levering, of He showed that