The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, January 08, 1904, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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Unswayed by fear, unlnfia-
e.'ced by favor, The East Ore­ ♦
gonian will tell the truth, the ♦
whole truth and nothing but
the truth, about county, state
and national affairs. Its pro.
gresslve leatures make it a pa­
per for the masses
Inauguration ct a Big Fight in
the United States Supreme
time to avert loss of life. Part of ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
the cars were thrown from the struc­
ture into the street by the force of :
Intente Cold in East.
the collision.
Washington. Jan. 6.—Th®
O’Brien was found where he fell ♦
from the trest'e Almost every bone ♦ weather bureau thia morning
was broken. Sullick was caught be­ ♦ rays the New England stotm
♦ is «bowing an exceptionally
tween th® cam and crushed.
Twenty injured were sent to hos­ ♦ cold wave. In New Yorw tbit
♦ morning the weather waa with­
♦ in two degrees ot the coldest
♦ ever recorded, 22 below, at Al­
♦ bany, and 30 below at Blag­
British Criuscr Meets With Terrible ♦ hamton. Harbor traffic is ak
♦ most entirely at a standstill
Disaster at 8ydney.
Sydney. N. S. W., Jan. 7.—Forty-
three persons Lave been killed by th?
explosion of a boilei on the British
cruiser Wallaroo
Tno Wslloroo,
which xLi pro-ceding to Hobart, ste-
nailed Montag«» Island, renortlng the
disaster, but giving no details.
The Wallaroo is expected here to­
The naval authorities are
advised that one boiler burst and :he
killed are assumed to Include the
Action Is for an Injunction Prevent whole shift of 23 stokers and a num
ing Cooperation Railroad Officials ber of deck hr.nds
to Secure Certain Ends—Minneso­
ta’s Immediate Interests Lie in the
State Lands.
Washington. July 7.—The case of
Minnesota against the Northern Se­
curities Company alleging violation
of the state laws and asking for m
injunction, opening in tho supreme
court today.
In this case the government has ><o
direct Interest. The original inten­
tion was to bear this case prior to the
hearing ot the United States case,
which was recently argued, but on
request ot Attorney-General Douglas,
of Minnesota, the case was postpon­
ed until after the government case,
thus enabling Minnesota to take ad
vantage of the masterful argument
by General Knox.
Minn«*sota is today represented bj
Attorneys Douglas and Munn, of St.
Paul, and Wilson, of Minneapolis. The
Securities Company is represent®«4
by Attorneys Bunn. Clough. Johnson
Young and Glover.
Injunction Demanded.
Minnesota demands an injunction
to prevent the Securities Company
voting at any meeting of the stock
holders of the Great Northern ot
Northern Pacific in participation fo:
the management of the two roads, oi
permitting any officers to exercise
control over the same, and from
holding stock in either company,
One of the state’s strongest argu
ments is that it still owns 3.000.000
acres of public land travers«d by the
two railroads, and that under the
merger the roads would cease build­
ing spurs into these lands, thus pre
-veuting increase in valuation,
causing loss of taxes.
Defense's Argument.
Securities counsel offers an argu
ment covering much the same ground
as in the case of the United States
against the company. The main con
tention is that consolidation ia neces­
sary to extend the trade of the Unite«.
States to tbe Orient, and that it u
essentia' to have an «-astern con­
nection, which was secure through
the purchase of tKe Burlington.
Blockaoe Around tan Domingo.
Washington, Jan. «.—Minister Pow­
ell cables the state department from
San Domingo that the provisional
government has established a block­
ade of all ports save San Domingo
City, by means of sailing vessels ca
pable of firing solid shots only.
Ships sailing from the West Indie«
are given 20 days in which to clear,
while those from the United States
and European ports may take <5
days. It ia believed in Washington
this government will not recognize
the blockades.
New York for Rooaevett.
Washington, Jan
7.—Among the
president's callers today was Sena­
tor Platt, of New York, who assured
Roosevelt be will have the undivided
republican support of New York in
1904. He said not only would the
state send a Roosevelt delegation to
the national convention,,but it could
be depended upon to give a mandsoms
majority at the fall election.
Want 8moot Expelled.
Washington. Jan. 7.—in tbe senatt
today Penrose presented a large
batch of petitions from Pennsylvania
for the expulaion of Smoot of Utah
To Fight Cotton Boll Weevil.
When Morgan’s resolution that th<
president exceeded his power in de
daring war against Colombia, was
taken up, Mr. Morgan took tbe floor.
The bouse committee on appro:>r
ations reported the bill providing
3250.0« for experiments for the de­
struction of cotton boll weevil would
be considered tomorrow.
Jury Has Engineer of Rock Island
Passenger Under Flea.
Topeka Jan. 7.—The coroner's jury
of Waubaus«-® county convened th!«
moroir.g and began investigation
yesterday’s Rock Island wreck.
They met in an office over the aa
dertaker'e, where lay 10 victims.
Twenty witnesses, including the en­
gineer of the ill-fated train, on whom
the blame is cast by his superiors,
are subpoenaed.
Says O. R. A N. Trains Will Not Rm
Into Seattle, as Reported
New York.
Portland, Jm 8—President A. 1-
Mohler. of the O R. A N.. on his
return from the East, denies the re­
port that the trains of the O. R A X.
will be run into Seattle over the
tracks of the Northern Pacific, as
stated In the Portlanu papers
He says all he knows about the
matter at this time Is the press dis­
patches from New York, which have
not been confirmed by any Informa­
tion from Mr. Harriman hlmnelf, and
which Mr. Mohler-believes to bo un­
Mr Mohler would have nothing to
sav regarding his candidacy for the
office of president of th* Union Pa!
Fast Running Chicago and San Francisco Limited Collides
Head on With a Freight.
Murder and Ar ton.
Lincoln. Neb., Jan 5.—The
charred texly of Night Wttch-
man Crawford was found In
ho kicked ove? the lantern,
company thia morning v'ltb
lite bead wounded. The iioilce
believe the robber.« attenptel
to loot and Crawford re iste!
and was struck, in the flgat
be kicked over tto lanter», set­
setting fire to the factory.
•ion is ths; of S. B Ward, who was
shot near the Jesuit college on
gicvnd which Is outside the new city
Topeka. Jan 8.—Fourteen ps»»-?n- wen- rompletely driven into <-a*h aid ccunty it Denver, but officers
g«*r> were killed in a collision of a' OtlVT.
from IK nver did most of the worg on
ILxJt islanu. CUieago a Han Praocto
Twenty Dead.
th® cate
This is a tecorel «4 uoc
co limited and a freight at 1 ’.his * Ot 20 dead recovered the folio» i tg killing for every seventee.i days « f
morning, five miles w««st of the city. are Identified:
•he «ear
Twenty peopl«- are 8**riou»iy lnjur-
John Black. Chanute. Kan , Thus.
ed. flv«> ratally. and non® ou bourd Small. Topeka: Z A Wright. Kansas
th® train escaped injury
A relief City; Jan«* Griffin
Claremont Mo.;
train has arrived here with 20 i of 'be W Martin and William Weil». De­ Idaho Town Excitsd Over Report of
most seriously injured, •nd I two Kalb. tu.; Gall Fuller Jacksonville,
New Survey in Their Locality.
A second train Is coming Ill.; Mr» H<*nry Kliwr and child.
Grange« llle. Idaho. Jan 6 — The re­
with th«* dead and injured
Another Germany
Six untd®ntlfi«*<l chlldr-n port that ORA N surveyors were
report says 20 were killed.
and five unidentified women
In the field surveying the road acriss
Th* passenger »a« runvlug io min-
Camas prairie was denied here to­
Dsatruct«on to Cattie.
utes late at a 4U miles an hour rate.
Tbe treigbt had several car» «•f day. It Is believed that oa account of
It was run by Willard
Tbe engin
cattle wuieb were slain, injured and several men who have formerly been
eers and firemen ot both trains jump­
employed by the O. H A X company
strewn over ,*e wrecaage
ed and were unhurt
Tbe locomo-
now members of the surveying crew
tiv«®s and first cars were telescoped
engaged In the survey for the I^ewlr
Couduc’or Nagle's statements ««bow ton A Southeastern electric line, the
The force of the collisicn »as so
great th«- smoker jumped high In th*> a misunderstanding of orders caused report was started that the railroad
air and landed on the roof of tbe first the wreck. Thirty passengers were <<>mi>any waa again In the field.
. bait car The seeond chair car waa injured badly enough to require med
telescope«! into this
The engin«*» | leal and surgical aid
Bottle of Beer Causes a Murder ■ n
San Francisco.
San Fraueiaco. Jan. 4.—In a qua i A. L. MOHLER MAY BECOME
Senate Committee Favors the Appro­ re! over payment for a bottle of be-
.. .
Edward Richards, a liveryman at
December Statement Shows a Rsduc
Visalia. this morning shot and kill«--!
ton rf >11.818.530
Portland. Jan. 7.—Harvey W Scott Joseph
Martin, proprietor of a salo >n
telegraphed to«.ay that the eena'e here.
Has Had W>de Railroad Experience . Washington. Jan. >.—The monthly
hetattrmeut of tbe public a«*bt snows
“ommittee has agreed to report unan
on Many Roads—O. R. A N. Suc- that at the close of business Decem­
mously in favor of tbe Lewis an«!
c«ss Largely Due to Hie Manage­ ber 31. 19"3 the debt. !«■•■ cash in
Clark exposition bill.
ment and Forosight—Would Not the treasury, amounted to 3914,150-
68". wbl.-h is a <1«*crea»e tor tbe
Retuie Presidency.
month of 311.818.830
Th® debt is
A National Committeeman Declares
A. L. Moh«er. president oi the O. recapitulate aa followa:
R. a N., may be promote ] to the Interest debt...8 SOI. 747.
That He is.
presidency of the Union Pacific, in Debt on which Intereat
Kansas City, Jan 7.—Tbe Star to
has reastM since ma
place of President Horace G Burt,
jay quotes National Committeeman
turity .............................
1.19s. 519
R C. Kearns as stating that Senator
3X>.582.025 ’
Debt bearing no lr’er't
nectlon. which was secured through
The announcement of the retire-' Totai
for th** presidency Tuesday next.
. 31 “•I 525.775'
ment of President Burt came a» a
This amount, however, does not in-1
surprise, but was quickly followed by dude 3935.328.889 in cert: .cate» and
gossip as to the probable successor treasury notes outstanding, which are
Some of the Eastern papers yester­
Senate Committee Haa Taken Up
offset by an equal amount of cash on
day coupled »-® news of the resigna­ hand held for their redemption
Panama Canal Treaty. But No Ac­ tion of Mr. Burt with the mention of
The cash in the treasury is classi­
tion Probable for Some Time—Im­ Vice President Thorne, of the Texas
fied as (allows;
peachment of Federal Judge Wayne A Pacific, a Gould road, as succes- Gold reserve foDd ... 3 15fi.000.000
cf Florida Is Demanded—Contest sor. In Spokane the railroad m*n Tur(sT
»35 334 549
think Mohler has an excellent chance '
From St. Lou la
for the position
In National bank depos­
Since he entered railroad service
itaries ............................
Washington. Jan 4.—The Carmack
resolution calling for a congressional as an office clerk for the Chicago A |
SERVICE OF A SUBPOENA. investigation of the postoffice depart­ Northwestern, at Galt. Ill., in 1848.1
Total ........................... 31.4«4821.982
Against this there are demand lia-
ment. created a flurry today when Mr Mohler has. by bis energy and I
I fifties outstanding
amounting to
Lodge moved it be referred to the ability, won steady promotion.
His railway experience has includ j
Hia Personal committee on postoffices
. ...
____ i leave* a cash
un haw. of 3379.374.695
Friend, Says He
Mads Diligent wanted a mors thorough inveatlga- ed ocejear as station agent. the next %*;»r
as clerk in the auditor’s office, two. The cash in ths treasury was in­
8«arch for Mr. Heath and Return- uon. Mr. Lodge declared congrenafon
al investigations clumsy and wrth years of service as traveling auditor 1 creased during the month by 310.137.-
ed Subpoena Indorsed “ No Serv­ .ess.
ai.d pioneer ar«mt. two yr-ars as chief 485.
as largely due to de-
ice”—Denoun-ent Follows Reports
Clay aggressively charged Perr? cl®rk in the freight department one -reasew in disbursing offirwr»
That Heath Has Been Hiding.
Heath largely responsible for corni p year as assistant general frelgb* an ces.
lion tn the d partment and saiu : a rent, six years as general freight
flufoljs for December.
Salt Lake, Jan. 7.—Pe-ry 1-ath ■Why are sub irdiaatee indicted, but a cert Burlington, Cedar Rapids A
Washington, Jaa 5—Tbe month!)
ippeared at the Tribune offie*- st principals allowed to escape?“ He
statement of the government a re-
midnight and stated he had jtui re­ shook the Bri tow rvrort aloft and general freight agent of the St Paul. relpts and expenditures shows that
turned from Denver. He denied he said: “If this Is trutl Perry Hea h Minneapolis A Manitoba, now Great for the month of December. 1903, the
?vaded the service of United States in his office t rlginated tae postal Northern, of which road he waa aub •otal receipts were 342 747.592, and
consecutively lard comm • tbe expenditures 333.255.804. leaving
frauds from tn ginning to end. If te
Marshal Heyward.
Heyward, who-is a close friend fl is slandered, we want to know it. U »loner, general freight agent, gener­ a surplus for tbe month of 310 401.-
Heath, stated he received a subpoena he te guilty be ought to be punlsL- al superintendent, assistant genera! 788.
manager and general manager
or Heath a week ago to appear in ed.”
Tbe expenditures during Decemb.-r
When he left J. J. HUI he became decreased about 34.300.000 aa com
3rooklyn as a witness in the case of
Took Up Treaty Question.
the United States vs. Dregg», former
pred with December. 1902
The ex-
Washington, Jan
4.—The renate
xmgressman; that he had made diti- committee on foreign relation» this A St. Louie, and then came to Port- •«•ndlturcg on account of th® war de­
;®nt search and yesterday afternoon, morning for the first time took up
partment «.«■cre*M*d during the mouth
of th«* OR# N. Tbe remarkable, 13.800.000. ar. the navy departm *n:
tix hours before the arrival of Heath, the new canal treaty.
he returned the subpoena to Brook- . Money, of Mississippi, and Clark, of growth in business and earnings of: increased about 31.245.000.
that «ompany is largely attributed lo
lyn. endorsed “no service.”
Montana, both ill, are absent.
his efforts.
The denouement follow» the per-
In view of Senator Morgan s pro­
Mr. Mohler’s ability and record
-listent rumors of the past four days clivity for a lengthy discussion of
that Mr. heath came to the city in anything oerudnlng to the Isthmus have been widely recognized and on Law of 1003 Makes it Impossible to
'ognito and has been in virtual hid­ affair« it ft expected the committee a number of occas ons in recent years
Collect l.tora T* -n 10 Per Cent
ing at the home of Senator Kearnes will be unable to report for a consid­ his name «.as been mentioned In con­
in thte city. Not many people in erable period
Salem. Jan. 8.—It te anticipated
ern road® He has heretofore refused
Salt 1-ake claim to believe that Mr.
to leave the O R A N.. but as the I that no little litigation will arise as
Heath has been wilfully a party to
a result of the sales of Marion coun­
Th® ptesident sent In the nomina­
the frauds in the postal service, as tions of Captain O’Neil to be rear ad­ Union Pacific is also a Harriman line ty property on the -rbnqucnt tax
"lairned by Bristow’s report and de­ miral, and Cun.’uaadero D»-lmo and
presidency of the latter line if of. roll, which took place at the court
tailed tn®rein, but bis extreme agi­ Wadbam to be <apta:na
house on Saturday afiernoon Every
tation over the Bristow report, and I The house committee on elections 'fered to him.
piece of property on the list waa sold
his ambiguous actions of late afford s®t February 15 for the hearing Of
the rate of interest having been bid
his political and personal enemies a the Reynolds-Butler contest from St.
from a disagreement between «.he ranging from 15 to 12o0 per cent, the
»reat deal of ammunition
president and Mr. Harriman, chair­ lattter only occurring in one or two
The bouse committee on judiciary man of the board, Bert waa a strong cases
According to a law which was en­
today decided to send a sub-commit­ advocate of piece work in the ra!l-
tee to Florida to investigate the road shops, which Mr. Harriman has acted at the regular 1903 session oi
Appoint charges leading to the impeachment
Directors Union
the legislature, the highest rate of
ordered abolished.
Interest which can be charged is fixed
of Federal Judge Wayne, which was
Burt's Successor.
at 10 per cent. and. It is believed,
New York, Jan. 7.—The directors recently demanded.
when an attempt is mac.® on the part
if the Union Pacific today accepted
of the purchasers of delinquent prop­
3urt’s resignation and elected E. H.
Experts Complete Task of Examining erty to collect a higher rate of In cr­
Harriman president.
Walla Walla County Records.
est the owners of the property will
Attorneys Fils BUI of Exceptions to
"*Walla Walla. Jan. 7.—The report of appeal to the courts hnder the new
The Oregon Returns.
Baker City, Jan. 7.—The appeal In Expert» Buchanan and Clark, who
Portland, Jan. 7.—The steamship
tor seven months have been engaged
Jregon iirritod in jr-rt last nffht, af­
it exporting the books of past and
ter an absence from here of several ed. Jude® Robert Eakin approved
Great Slump In Stesl Stocks and years. She is under charter to the and signed the bill of exceptions this present Walla Walla county officials,
will be presented to the board <>t Denver Boasts of a Grcwsom* Record
British Consols.
3 R. & N. company and will run on morning, and Armstrong’s attorneys
for Fast Twslva Months,
New York, Jan 7.—Steel, common. .he San Francisco rout® while the are now ready to go before the su­ county commissioners either today
Denver, Jan. 6—Ine death of Mrs.
or tomorrow. It will be an exceed­
Is quoted at ten fifty thte morning iteamships Columbia and George W.
Amanda Youngblood makes 22 klll-
There are Just 17 aays in which :o ingly volumnious document.
The general opinion of brokers is Elder are being overhauled.
Contrary to an Impression that has Ings in Denver In the year Jujt
rescue Armstrong from the gallows,
that the dividend on common, of
This is th® record of the
which 3500,000,000 worth of shares ENTERTAINMENT OF DELEGATES and his attorneys do not think they been current for some time, there will
need half that time. He is sentenced be nothing sensational In the report. ’’murder book” kept at police head­
are held by 40,000 persons, will nev­
It will contain no record of any quarters, in which all killings of the
er be resumed. The public paid >40 Portland Prepares to Make it Pleas­ to hang on January 22. but his attor­
neys do not regard that as a serious defalcations, the experts having dis­ city are recorded. Not all of them
to >50 per share. This half billion is
ant for Livestock Men.
date for the noted murderer. They covered no traces of any crook id can b«» termed "muraer" according to
wor'b about fifty millions.
Portland haa prepared elaborate think he will live to see many Jan- work. The examination, while it has the strict Interpretation of the term,
Brokers this morning offer to wag-
but in each case one person was kill­
e® even money that the next preferred programs for the visitors and dele uaries 22, so far as legal executions lasted since June, 1903, haa gone in­
ed by another, and each slayer is
dividend will be cut.
Errors in accounts have been dis­ charged with murder until the proper
Great excitement
turmoil sociation meeting, which convenes m
covered and checked up
but it Is authorities have declared him blame
characterized the morning
session, that city next Tuesday. All the com­
claimed that In every instance they less
when the board opened with a gain of mittees have their work completed,
All ot those 22 killings, with a
two and a half over yesterday’s close. the funds are just about raised, Two Men Killed Because Motorman's were mere mistakes on the part of
various officials, the discrepancies in single exception, were committed
This was caused by the warlike sit enough rooms have reported to bead­
Revolver Would Not Work.
within the city limits. The excep-
no case being of much Importance.
uation in the Far East, and a decline quarters to accommodate all ihe
Salt Lake, Jan. 7.—Owing to a rua
in British consols.
seems to be in readiness for the big ty revolver not working in the hands
of a motorman, 'wo hold-.upa shot
Portland fully expects 2,000 dele­ and killed Motorman Gleason and
AND PANIC FOLLOWED gates and visitors and has prepared mortally wounded Conductor Brign-
io care for mor® if they come. It is ton at midnight, and got away. Tho
impossible to say just how many will recent epidemic of street car hold­
Part of the Cars Wars Dropped into 'O from Umatilla coumy, but a con­ ups on the east aide the police believe
•ulta is ready for the inquest, and 140 wit­
Chicago, Jan. tL—Th® first
the 8« est—Three Trainmen Killed servative stockman who is In touch they have traced to soldiers at Fot
and Iroquois man* nesses are subpoenaed.
and Twenty injure Persons Were with the industry In this county, ea Douglass
Orchestra Escaped Easily.
agement wore filed today by Ivy
Bent to Hospitals—Accident Wat in tlmates that at least 30 actual ato-k-
go. Jan. 6.—George Dusen-
Owens, whoso mother and sister lost
men will go from Pendleton, besides
bury, bead usher at the Iroquois, who
the City.
the business men who are deeply tn
their lives. Ten thousand dollars Is is charged with having the doors
t erested and will attend the meeting Stats Engineer Killed In Ruins of dvuianded in each case
locaed, and several other attaches of
New York, Jan. 7.—John Sullick. for th® pleasure and general inform­
Capitol Building.
David Jonos. superintendent of the the playhouse, were examined by the
yardmaater; James O’Brien, awltcn-
ation to be derived from th« trip.
D m Moines. Ia., Jan. 5 —While tn
man, and William Ferguson, foreman,
Fuller Construction Company,
who fir® Inspector today.
The O. R. • N. has made a greatly
The witnesses show that the or­
were killed and several injured in a reduced rate for the meeting and as specting the ruins of the state capi- after the fire was extinguished went
tol, this morning, the supervising <n-
chestra played a waits through after
rear-end collision on the King’s Coun­
the convention promise« to be at­
ty Elevated road at Williams and iv tended by the leading spirits of the gineer, C. L. Tingley, fell 60 fret sud to the theater and broke out all the the fire started and then escaped
was Instantly killed
ventilators, according
to charges with ease through an exit under the
kins avenue this morning
stock industry In the United States,
made by the police, surrendered to stage
The wreck caught fire, the cars many will take advantage of the ip-
The Danish government la making
Two more bodies were Identified
burned and panic lollowed. The cur­ port unity to beer the interesting pa­ a census of th« Danes In the city of the authorities this morning and Is
morning, leaving only
being held pending formal chargos.
rent was turned off the third rail in pers and discussions
The coroner announces everything others unclaimed
NO. 9
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•’ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Is One Sequel to a Famous German
Scandal—8ln< e HI« Clvorcs the
Duke’s Daugt ter Has C led—Kaiser
Highly Pleas rd at His Coming.
Beriin, Jan d.—The Kleine Press®
today says the Grand Duke of Hesa«,
after visiting
America In au effort to forget his do­
mestic griefs He
“ «at divorced
his wife two years ago and given ths
' uatody of his daughter. Prlnceai
Elizabeth The latter died while wlt-i
him In Poland recently.
The grand duke expects to visit
New York and several larger Eastern
cities, then Ban
»here h® will return to the St Lx>uis
Exposition, after which he will go to
Washington Philadelphia and Balti-
Before deciding on the tour he ask­
ed the kaiser's permission, who in re­
ply said h® was delighted when any
ruling German prince desired to see
and study America and American
conditions The duke will travel in­
cognito and entirely without
First Business Meeting To­
night, at Which They Will
Be Considered.
Walla Walla County Citizens A sm for
Aid to Repair R,ver Banks.
Waite Walla. Jan 4— John Thoney,
Charles L Whitney and Harry A.
Reynolds. ap;«ared before the board
of county commissioners today and
presented a petition signed by 81 tax­
payers and people residing near the
junction of Mill and Yellowhawk
F ive Deatns Last Night Due to
'■reeks, asking the county to appro­
in New York.
priate the sum of
to assist in
New York. Jac 4.—Tbe weather repairing .^e banks of those two
has moderated to only four abo««- streams in order to prevent •hem
ze.-o this morning
Fire deaths d.n overflowing .n the spring,
It wai
to cold last night For the f rst uji stated that there was g'eat
in years the harbor is nearly c!os*-d of the tianks washing out and in that
event all the water «onia be turned
into the Yellowhawk. This would
cauiw that stream to overflow and do
much damage to the farmer» redding
along the stream.
After considering the matter toe
-ommissioBer» offered to gtve |2>»1 if
the city would contribute the asm®
amount, and the parties Interested
would raise |2<*0. It is estimated that
the cost of making the repairs will be
about 1400
Is Held Under Heavy Bond—Enforce,
ment of Existing Laws in Chicago
Will Cose Many Private Buenta
Houses. Nearly All tn« Elevators
and Practically All the Cnjrchss—
Iroquois Theater Horror Had EFact
of Closing Opera H oum in Berlin.
Easter® Capita ist Conceives Plan of
Establishing a volony of Beta •
Fermera in to« Desert—water Fu«
Chicago. Jan 5—Josephlu« Spen­
nished fron. Artesian Well»- H igh-
cer. 17 years old. die« of injuries re
■y Productive Land Where Once
celved in the Iroquois last night,
toe Desert B 'ffled Sett er*
making tn® number of vkt ms 5».
She was removed to her hone aft«,
Washington. Jan. >.—A previous
the fir®, where she died Tie pOiiC«.
did not know she was in the li»t <1 e<ter in this series gave a brief ac-
-ount of the ?acre alfalfa farmz.
injured until this morning
George Itusenbery, bead us ber. supplemented ty cows and reame:
charged with being responsible foi es. which a Chicago man thinks Is
locking the doors of the children« Just the thing for the lamds now be­
gallery when the fire started, was ar
rested la»» night. He confronts one ing lirigated on the Colorado desert,
of the gravest accusations of anyone ia southeastern California, and which
connected with the theater. His ac he 1« backing with his money by as­
lion is said to have cost half of «h-. sisting small settlers io get a start.
lives >o«t. U the coroner’s jury re­
These 20ac:e farm» furnish a
turns a verdict before the grand jury striking contrat with those of 320
adjourns, the evidence will be imme­ and 440- acres which are being ae-
diately presented to the latter The qu:ied tn the same section under the
coroner today issued 100 ruminons tc desert land law
But here te the
story of another man—one cf the
Dusenberry Held by Grcnd Jury,
richest manufacturers in the Missis­
Dusenberry has bora held to await sippi valley—who thinks that 2v acres
the action of the coroner's jury aad make» a farm just tour time« too tug
1s under IS.tKO bonds, which was tor the average settler who haa Utile
promptly given by the theater mana to :nvret except his labor and brains
This other manufacturer is N. O.
Nelson of St. l-ouis. who conduct» a
Wholesale Closing Possible.
Chicago. Jan. 5—Notice »erved y model profit-sharing industrial town
Mayor Harrlran ot a possible whole- at Lerlaire, Illinois, across the rivet
sal® closing not merely of theater», tram the great Missouri metropolis.
but of churches, store», c ffiee build­ Mr. Nelson is a genuine philanthro­
ing». tactories. hotels ana private pist. though of a practical kind, sine«
resldeucve has aroused the city. Be­ hia idea is to help people to help
lon* the mayor proceeds to extremes, themselves and to show them how to
the city council will be given a become independent Instead of de-
chance to revise the laws and stnke 1 endent.
For years he has l*en < asting
out provisions which are held to be
unjust to property-owners and not eyes toward the desert» of th«- West
He was looking for a place where
essential to satisfy
As the ordin n
ces stand at present, strict enforce­ poor people who are out of health
ment. it is said, would paralyze bus­ psrt:cu!arly with pulmonary or throat
iness. professional and industrial in­ diseases, might go and forget their
ills while engaged in profitable out­
terests of the city.
Churches are mentioned as flagrant door pursuits.
Health in the Desert
offenders against the buildlt g laws
They an* accused of overcrowding, of
He »aut«*d a very dry place wh-*re
placing chairs in the aisle . of bar­ the air is filled with healing balm
ing inflammable material on the plat and where the sunshine takes the
forms, especially at ■»uch clebratlons place of drugs and artificial b«*at He
as Christman, and ot not having the found thte ideal spot on the western
proper number of exits In some edge of the desert, about 12*' m.les
Some congregations, it Is east of Los Angeles.
Here he establtsb«*d th*
said, worship in buildings which
would be condemned as firetraps if Health Camp about 18 months ago
used for large gatherings of people He bought a tract of land which is
irrigated by artesian wells and ptxs
for any other purpose.
reeded to erect cheap but comforta­
ble quarters for his colonists whom
he had no difficulty In securing In
In Hurry to Finish Work Clerk of the ample numbers.
Mr Nelson believes that true pros­
House Mads a Mistake in Counting
perity in the land of irrigation is to
be had by the intensive cultivation of
The til! introduced by Representa­ If:tie farms rather than the wasteful
tive Edwfds, of lAue county, prohib- tilling of big ones, And at Indio he
i'lng the killing of or having in one's believes five acres are enough,
purrssion Chinese pheasants, except
On these small areas his settlers
fur or®«ding purposes, until Oc’o’H*r, are raising table grapea, melons,
l.'OC. f.iued to become a law.
sweet potatoes and other products
lr. the hurry cf the work the ’ead which are readily sold tn nearby mar
ing clerk Inadvertently announced krts at fancy prices. In that favored
that 31 vote« had been cast for the xi-ct these garden crops mature ear­
bill. when In reality there were bit lier than elsewhere in California and
ai e therefore very pro tit able.
The check marks made by the clerk
The Indio people believe they will
opposite the names of the representa­ achieve indep«ndence before many of
tives, and filed in the office of the their land bung™ neighbors, who aie
secretary of state, show Iteyond a acquiring from bi to 128 times es
doubt that the bill lacked one vote of much land under the desert land law
tne required number ot votes, hence a« they are buying from Mr. Nelson
the bill is not a law as has been im­ at <ust price and paying for with the
ported lu various i>apere throughout p.-, - eeds of their land and labor.
The truth of the matter is that the
tue state.
The senate and governor, actiug on p«H>pk* of Indio are making homes
tne house report, duly passed and ap­ and tilling the land, while their more
proved the bill. The above mention­ acquisitive neighbors are speculating
ed discovery, however, invalidates the In the public domain
Tbli speculation will go on as long
whole measure and the law. there
fore, remains the same aa in the past *.i tbe land laws continue to favor
human greed rather than human
Lee Sang, a Chinese merchant, le- need, The desert land act not only
cently locating at North Yakima, has enables the acquirement of large
been ordered deported on account of tracts of governmt'nt land, but it re­
bogus papers of admission to *he quires no settlement or residsnee
whatever—William K Smythe
United Stat««
The :.*•» council will Lo*d its first
bnsiiie»» meeting this evening at
7:30. st which the reports of the ot
fleers for the year w„ be read and
lAssed upon, and the bu*lnee> of ths
city in general for the year that Las
Just closed will be looked over and
th<- accounts audi.ed and st-a.ghten
ed into snap® where the» car.
wound up finally.
At the meeting this evening M J.
Carney wifi be installed as marshal,
and William Scheer as deputy mar
Mr Carney will aisc
mend Doc Houser, the brother of Zoe
and Perry Houser, as his second dep­
The new man has b**en for
some time employed as cm of the
carter» is the Houser butcher shoo,
and in the estimation of Mr. Carney
will make a good marshal.
At the meeting tonight the record
er’s report for Lu® year will be sub­
mitted and from it will be gleaned
th® financial condition of the dty rt
the present time, as well as the way
tn which it has been running for the
last 12 months
A Email DeftciL
The total expense of the city *ZZ
’he year has bee« >31.833 17. Ln thto
is included a real estate purchase ot
>1.023. and a purchase of Ire appa-
ratua amountinc to >1.484.»4. aad
unce these are still tn the poaaaaatoa
of the city aad form asset» for the
-ity. the real or dead expenditure of
he city will amount to >2>.06021.
This te balanced by a total receipt
xccount of 130.793 74
In fact, the
ity ties run behind >a its aeeoust
•or th« year, though pan «4 th« aa-
->ense will not be a toes tn the kmc
Tin. but will perhaps more 'han pay
or the dttforenoe at this time
At the Seclnning of 1903 the el’y
“.ad in its general fund »» 705 02. aad
rom thia aad to be paid P.279 70 ta
interest and the health ptysiciaa’s
D) of >280 which left ».179J2 ‘a
•ewer warrants >10000.
The sew«r constroctloe Las bs*a
the great item of expense.
In the first pine*, it was ««tee a*
moat of the general fond, and there
ire now >10,000 worth of newer war­
rant» out on interest. Thte to te
fact all of tbs warrant debt that th«
-ity has. and this has been so tsaffi
that it will be easy to hand)« and
win not embarrass th* adalatotratioe
In any «ray.
Bend«d Debt «f >150400«
The city now haa a bonded iadebt-
edneM of 3150.0«. Of this amount
>71000 to in bonds to cover the g«s
eral debt, and three paper» were to-
sued m 1198 tor >0 and >0 years. The
levee bonds amount to >40.000. and
are to be called -n 1907.
The water commission to handling
the bonds issued against the «rater
works of the city. The sum to Hk.-
000 and the bonds are to run >0 and
30 years from 1S9<.
The last bond issue was that of the
sewer construction which call for
>3*i,000. and whicu brought the city
at their sale 333.012
Added to this
bonded debt to the warrant debt U
310.000. which is to be paid at th«
rate of at least 32.0« each year, and
more if the council »eee fit
The total cost of the »ewer to giron
at 343.571 44. and me 310.000 that te
held against the city in warranta for
the last payments tn this construe
tion is all the live debt that the cl*y
has to handle.
From this report it will be seen
that the city te In fairly good condi­
tion financially and undar carefol
management will hare no trouble In
making up the losses of the pest rear
and adding to the treasury such rum
as will help tn a great degree the
final settlement of all the debts
Unmarried Ms® Hunt Week.
Salt I-ake. Jaa 4.—Tu«
Mine Workers* Union has withdrawn
support from the unmarried striker«,
urging them to seek work elsewhere.
Living Expenses Are Very Hl^» in
isolated District.
L A. Wayland and C. W. 8talhnga
have returned from Thunder Moan-
tain and report that the outlook te
very satisfactory and that much da
velcpment work will be carried on
during the winter, oays the Spokane
While me mines are «tell stocked
with supplies, it to feared that a
shortage will be experienced before
spring, a® tbe merchants fulled to
have their goods brought In before
the heavy fall of snow. Flour to now
selling al >10 per aack, bacon at M
rents i«er pound, condensed milk at
318 per case keroeene at 3J0 par
case, and other supplies la like pro­
There are 25 different properttoa
operating In Thunder Mountain this
Reason outside of the base b«4t whsre
several companies are «rorklng Large
Tbe Dewey ia working day and
night with a foil fore« of about 30
Tbe reporta from their upper
and lower tunnels are very promis­
ing and great results are expected
from thte property
The Bunnyaide.
under the management of Lee Ab­
bott. la working a fair fur«® uf 32