The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, December 04, 1903, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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Copies of the SEMI WEEKLY
Cannot be b«U*r spant than toy aair
OREG >NIAN will bs saut you in
one yea- for un­
tile news of the
interest you.
i'i IW
scribing for the WEEKLY E a BT
OREGONIAN for a N*r. Ju«
think, (146 gives yon all tu.« naws
for a year. Try ft
It prints
big 24.187, and the loss by emigration
amounting to 40.190, there was a de­
crease in the population during the
> «ar of 16.008. less whatever immigra­
tion there was. of which no reconi is
Possibility of the Adder and Moccasin
Being Lost.
Norfolk, De, 3.—A terrific stonn
rages off the Atlantic «-oast today The
government snl marine torpedo boat
?\»\-asin is in distress throe miles off
s- loro The submarine boat Adder. ’.»
t- «tiding by. apparently under control
gxnboat De >ru U i.yiug for the
J'.ur-caein. Ltfesavera at 'he station
ate watting for the sea to subside
v Vh they will (jo to the rescue
Sending Relief.
Washington. De» 3.—The navy de­
partment has rushed the Yankton ic
tape Henry to aid the Moccnain and
Story Told by Melville Stone Before
Inveatigatmg General
Cuban Associated Press Cor
respondent an ex-Convict
From Florida.
Wood—Ctaima He Did Not Know of Farnau* Fiosnc cr Accused of Obtain­
Bellaire' Bad
Until the
ing Money Under False Pretenses.
New York, Dec. 3.—It
Present Year—Bellairs Was Wood's
ca the street a new suit will be
“Stand-in” With the Press.
brought against the United States
Shipbuilding Company, in which J
Washington, Dee. 3.—The first wit­ I ierpont Morgen will be named
ness this morning before' the senate among the Jefer.uants by an interior
military committee in the Wood case nanufacturer who alleges he invested
wae Melville Stone, genera, manager (¿u.OOO on Morgan’s prospectus,
trade false stat -ments. thereby ob­
of the Associated Press. He was call­ taining money under raise pretense
ed upon to relate the circumstances A notice of suit will prooably b* filed
connected with the employment by In a few days.
the Associated Press ot Edgar Bel­
lairs to such an important place as
correspondent in Cuba, and such ac­ Fifteen Cars, an Engine and Two Mer
tion being taken after it became
known he had been a convict in the
Dover. Del. Dec. 3.—A dynamite
Florida penitentiary.
train exploded at Greenwood near her
Bellairs, through the position, got
today, and destroyed 15 cars and ar
on intimate terms with Wood. Wood's eig ne. None are reported injured, al
opponents claim he had knowledge ot tKo ivh f-e shock was felt for a radiu?
Baliairs’ past history long before the of 30 mile«
intimacy came to an end.
Later—Two trainmen were killed.
Stone testified that Assistant-Gener­
al Manager Associated Press Diehls
had rece.ved a letter in December,
1899. from Runcie in behalf of Wood, i
suggesting that Bellairs be retained
as correspondent. Acting upon this
letter, Bellair« was kept in Cuba some ;
time, and afterward »ent to the Phil- j
ippines as Associated Press corres I
Stone admitted that not until some
time this .ear did he learn anything
about Bel airs’ previous character, FIGHT UNDER AUSPICES
reputation or verar'’. . The fact that
Bellaire? was an ex-convict he claimed
was first brought to his notice in a
letter sent to 8enator Htnna from
Florida, which Hanna immediately
sent to the Associated Press head
quarter«. Stone afterwards went to
the Pinkertons' New York office,
Have Documentary Evidenc
where he had no d.fficulty in learning
Csckare the Issue Is More
Bellairs criminal history.
Stone subsequently sent a man to
tro» Than That
the Philippines to take Bellairs' place
Roberta a Seat ir the House.
Colonel Diehls will be summoned
aa a witness to substantiate Stone's
Washington, De® 3.—A meeting of
statements and give his
women's clubs and others op. reed to
knowledge of the affair
n-ating Senator Smoot, took place this
morning in the Chureh ef the Cove-
; oat'.
They Will Retain Dewrc aa Manager
, hesolutions of protest were adopte-i
ef th» Various induatnM.
: t»r transmission to ’he
Chicago. Dec. 8.—Zion City is nearly
norma! this
Faith in i Ain -ug those making addreaee«- were
Dowie's ability to raise the coin is i Dr Sarah Elliot', of the Woman's
etill good
Cos nr-il. a former resident at Salt
Employe? of the iace mill» and >th- I a L«, now living In Philadelphia
er industries accept trade orders on Mrs Charles Owen ot Utah, of the
stores in payment of wages There la I Am-rican Bureau <>| Information.
a great rush at the store despite the
Chartae Owens who is a civil en
banks remaining closed Dowle has gineer and resident lor 20 years of
issued a notice that “vipers of the Sal: l.ake, visited the meeting He -s
press" will not be admitted in the city pro.lded with a quant ty of documen
I tan
ammunition to be used
I by
The court this morning lswund an t Smoot's opponents In the senate
order that bowie remain in charge of ! Owens claims the fight is so hlt^r
the Industries, aa he 1» better able thar Smoot's r>-«ognltlon means" a
to manage them than an outsider He .grave calamity to Utah. He declares
must regularly report to the receivers. the contest of gr-ater moment than
thai of Robert» who wm refused a
IRELAND STILL GOING DOWN. - sea: in congrese
New York, who have tin right to sell
the property umler foreclosure pro
reedings December 15. because of the
nabllity ot the corporation to pay off
a loan of (*».<K*o.u00.
A length; conference has just bre:i
held here between counsel for both
interests, and the Speyer rpreoen.a-
tives stated ai its conclusion that they
will notify the reorganization commit-
tee in a few days what course the
banking house will pursue
The time for making payment of the
(1 assesAment on the hank stock of
tue consolidated
company, which
«ould have yielded (3.000.000 if sll
the stockholder;- h.-rd paid. expired
t he result will be report-
•4 to th,- reorgan .a ion ,-onimittee
today. Il Is,said many who i*aiil the
rtret installment of the assesement
d i line.) to pay the sei <>nd and third.
They gave a® their reason a Indie
’ .a; the plan would n<>i lie, ora? uper
Heid That Emil Roesai is Victim •f
Another’s Influence.
Chicago, De»-. 3—Emil hoeski. unc
of the car barn murderers, will plead
hypnotism when placed on trial fur
his life
His attorney this morning
ittnouneed he had the opiuion of sotne
-tr*Ftt» about Roesk on the subject of
byir.otism. They belieye he had been
and still is under a spell exerted by
Peter Niedermler. one ut the gang
Roeskl la a passive dull-witted degen
•rate. 18 years old
Italians Admit Existence of
Philadelphia. Dec. 3—Fifteen I tai
ans have been arrested for sending
threatening blackmailing letters to
•talian merchants ,n this city. When
vralgned today one admitted that all
the members of the mafia were ir
■tnbination. Other branches exist in
several large Eastern cities. They
«ere held in (1.-.? bail each for con-
ipiracy and carrying concealed weap­
Prospects and Term» of Settlement
In Colorado Coal Field.
Trinidad. Col., Dec. 3.—It is gener-
i ly understood today that Mitchel!
md the mine leaders have agreed that
the operators m ist concede the selec
tion of pit bosses and camp phys'e-
ians. otherwise the strike will be
made general over Colorado
Net Lose in Population Laet Year
Sixteen Thousand.
London, Dec. 3.—Ireland is a eoun-
try which still loses thousands of ita
natural increase of population by emi­
gration, in which more boys are born
than girls, and the most fatal epi-
demic Is influenza.
The population of Ireland in 1902.
according to the registrar general's
return, was 4.432.274. The marriages,
numbering 22,949. and the birtus,
101,863, show a slight increase on
the average of ten years; the deaths,
77,676, were a trifle below the aver­
The excess of births over deaths be-
Th.» Year’« Oi tput of Cotton Lew
Than Last Lear.
V. ashington. IK
(.—The i depart
tr.ent of agricult iral estimates thir
reason's cotton crop at more that
5«oeoo bale« be:ow last year
Trial of Daniel Meyer«.
New Tork, Dec. 3.—The trial of
Daniel Meyers formerly president of
the Manbattar. Fire Instance Comps
ty. for mlsap; opriation of (40,006,
b -gan before Recorder Goff today
May V indicate Dreyfus
Paris. Dec. 3.—The council of revi»
ion wh-ch will consider the argu
mente favonug a reversal of the set>-
te»< e against Dreyfus, held a sitting
this atternooD w)
« iosed doors
Warship Grounded.
Victoria. B C. Dec .3 -The British
«»tab p Flora went aah<ire thir morn-
ling in a fog on Denman Island Dam
I ase unknown
ton's Re mdorBement.
Says That Charles Cunninghem Made Advancos to Thom
son, But Was Igmred ard Made ThreaU.
Portland. Or, De<
— It is a pit!
able thing that the court has to listen
to siu h testimony as thia." said Judge
C B Bellinger in the course ot ths
trial of Asa B Thompson receiver of
the land office at La Grande, this
Glen H .paling one of the
government's wltutwaes was on the
eland and bad Just stated i >hat
hat when
he made affidavit to his compliance
• ItL the regulations regarding bi*
homestead proof, he was out aware
of the questions and answers as set
:onh in the pap-r
L alias O’Hara and Baling Lad both
sworn that they had not resided on
their land, had not built hous«M or
and did nut even know the ex­
act location of the property
they .dentlfied their signs!urea U» the
proofs of their calmi
The witnesses declare«: tb««T were
not aware that they had taken an oath
wboQ they signed the affidavits
Turning to Saling. Judge Bellinger
said "Don't you know whetb«M- yuu
kn« w that you were sworn when you
signed that sffldavit’" Halla« a hook
his head
"Will you say under oath that you
know whether or not you are com-
mitt ng perjury?” was the next qu«*-
tion from th® court
After a moment s silence the wit-
:ws replied that he du know at pres
ent what be was doing.
Both Baling and O'Hara swore they
heard Thompson tell Asa Rayburn
that it would require (S' each for a
avorable decision regarding their
held-up claims, and that the receiver
further stated that ’he money was
□ot for h mself. but tor Edward Bart­
lett and someone else, th® name they
did not remember
The witnesses said Cunningham
furnished the money with which they
made thetr »ntries and that there
was an understanding that the sheep­
man was to take a mortgage on the
and a;ter their title» had been estab-
The only other witness called thi«
morning was Jew H Parse«, of Pen-
-Ikton. a real ««late dealir. who also
roadnets an abstract office.
teatlmonr consisted
mainly of the denial of statements ac-
recited to him in a ronv. raation with
Special I r spec tor Green
Parkes ad
m.tted making inquiries concerning
be claims of Sailng aud the rest, at
the I a Grande office, but dened ever
going to that piara for the cipree»
nr pose of seeing about their held up
Th« cz-urt room !» crowded
Review ef ths Care.
The federal grand Jury convened la
Pot’.land Octouer 24 Indicted Thomp­
son upon three counts He le charged
with asking Char)»« Cunningham, a
sbe«pmaa. to [*y (&<• ap? re for la
vorable decisions on th« final home
stoud proofs of Mark Shackelford
Shelly Jones. Kat® Jam«*
Walker, Ethel Thumpaun and Ora
, Hamilton, and of rrauewting a like
sum from Glen H. Baling and Dallas
O'Hara for favorable decisions re
i warding their proofs
The homesteads upon which the
i brit-es are alleged to have been re
qu« »ted are in the trightorhood of
Pilot Rock, Or
Witxeeeee who test'.fled before the
grand jury are
Charles Cunx, ngham
Philadelphia Creditor» May Forwcfoea
to Secure Loan of Over Five Mil­
lion Dollar»—Trying to Raiee Three Supposed Murderer Had Moved Onto
Million by Acaeasment—Result In
the Premise« Immediately After the
Old Folks Disappeared—He Exhi­
New York. Dec. 3.—Uncertainty
bits Deed» Supposed to Be Forger­
hangs over the future of the (100.000
ies—Hi» Sup posed Victims Disap­
000 Consolidated Lake Superior Com­
pany. says a Herald dispatch from
peared November 20.
Philadelphia. Its fate is now in the
han is of Speyer A Co., bankers of
Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 3.—lae police
this morning discovered the bodies of
Franz Frehrs and his wife buried in
a shed In the rear of their residence,
from which they mysteriously disap­
peared November 20.
Their skulls
were crushed witu a hammer, which
was afterwards found in a shed
Charles Bonier, who moved Into the
house the uay after the Frebrs disap-
peered, was arrested at Erie this
Portland. Dec. 3—(Special to the what it would cost to make further
Frehr and wife were past bo years
East Oregonian.)—Asa B Thompson
of age.
Colonel J. H Raley then took the
went on the stand in hie own behalf
The supposition of the detectives is
star d. He waa reported to have been
today. He made a complete denial of in conversation with Thompson when that Bonier murdered them to gain
any conversation wiu» Charlee Cun­ Rayburn engaged the latter in con­ possession of their property. Bonier,
when arrested, claimed he had bought
ningham or Asa Rayl'im, in which he versation. Colonel Rak,-,- did not re­ the property rrutn ,ne old couple, pay­
Informed them that it would cost
ing (3.20?. He exhibits deeds bearing
Regarding the talk with Cunning
them (50 apiece to insure favorable | ham in the Bak»t office, Thom; eon Frehr'» signature, but the money has
decision on their held-up Anal home­ said that Cunningham remarked that not been located. The detectives are
working on the theory that the signa­
stead proofs
“I ought to pass the hold-up claims,
ture is a forgery ano that Bonier 1*
He declared that it was a month for we had slwaj’s been friends."
guilty of deception and murder.
after the alleged Cunningham conver-
I informed him that I would not
aation that he first learned that he paar my own brother's proofs under
was charged with irregularities In his the circumstances. Cunningham re­
marked: 'If you are going into that Aged and Eminent Scotch Financier
He declared that when indicted he office and are going to hold up proofs
and Educator.
was not called upon to go before that like that, after I helped get you in,
Ixindon, Dec. 3.—The Earl of Stair
body, although he bad previously re­ you will be sorry you ever got the
quested United State» District Attor­ place.’
is dead at Castle Kennedy, He was
ney Hall to be allowed to do so.
“I told him be could go straight to widely known as Loru Lieutenant
of Wigtownsuire since 18’51, and also
“Mr. Hall never notified me when hell, and walked out.”
the case was to come up,” said
One of the minor witnesses of the of Ayershlre since 1870. He was
day wa6 W. C. Prui t, reporter of the chairman of the Bank of Scotland,
"Do you consider that 1 have done Pendleton Tribune, who printed an al­ and chancellor of Ulasgow Univerai-
you an injustice, Mr. Thompson," ask­ lege 1 interview with Cunningham thai »X- He was born in 1819.
ed District Attorney Hall. The wit­ brought forth from the sheepman a
ness replied that be did not think that very emphatic dental
the government's prosecutor had ex
Tlie witness swore that the inter­
actly kept faith with him.
view was substantially the same us Japan Outbid Rusaia Several Hundred
The defendant said he did not re­ given him by Cunningibam who was
Thouaand Dollars.
member having had any conversation drunk at the time
Glasgow, Dec t.— It is authorita­
with Rayburn on the »tree» relative
He sa'd the principal statement a, • tively stated this morning that Chili
to land matter?
credited tn
tn the
_ Cunningham
------------------ -----
— pur- has sold the newly constructed batt’s-
“I might have, but If Rayburn asked port-4 interview was that ha waa »or «hips Liberia« aud Constitution to
me any question regarding held-np ry th» Thompson affair had gon» au Japan for (9,(HA*.tou|1. being several
proofs, it was what further was re­ tar, and that th« case was a political hundred thousand higher than the
quired to get them through, ar else one - throughout
I price offered by Russia.
Pauan.u ih*< 2 Th«- junta this
j morning signed th«- Panama treaty
I without amendment
Then- I? great
; *at «faction among th® people
treaty will b« returned to Washington
immediately, where it should arrive
I Monday
Ratification Expactcd.
Washington De< 2—Mr. Cullom.
(balrman of the commit'®«- on for-
»•an affairs alter a long consultation
*ith Roosevelt, said
«aid he believed the
senate would take up the the Panama
A trea'y immediately.
• hen leceired
Monday or Tuesday
and ratify it
without delay
Canal Treaty Now Awaits Washing -j Priest«
NO. 103
Teachers, Student*
and Oc
meatic» Jump From Fifth Story,
Ottawa. Ont De< i —Ottawa Uni
*er»ity was completely destroyed by
fir, this morning
it I m a Komar:
Catholic institution
Losa, S2&6.000
Although many students Jumpe«!
from the fifth stories none were in-
Ju red Father Boyon was probably fa-
tally injured In jumping from the
' fifth story
He fell on a veranda
I , Fathet Fulham landed on bis side In
a fireman'« net in a jump from the
foi r’h story and was seriously injur­
ed An aired woman servant was
ly hurt
in jumping from the
Another domestic. MUs
hu'« • as badly burned
P. Hoff, First Commissioner
of the State, Visits Eastern
Mark Shackelrord Dails« O'Hara
v Rayburn and Gl<*n H ¡Ruing
The Jury.
Thu jury was selected u>
Horace Mlchelsoa M<-d
ford. Jackson county, w A Taylor.
M meter of War Asa» for the Heaviest
Mariun county, Beave' River Found to Be tbe Source
of Infection.
Hogele, Portland ii
..... ....
Dec ........................
2 It is ascertained
Tallman Linn county. Charles N Ga
Butler I’a lie, I Sixty nurses
First Report on Oregon industrial Can
hie St Helena, Columbia county. W arrived in a apeclal i»r from f hlladel- today that the minister of «ar'« bud
! ret «ritrlng this season will be the
diticns Will Be Tnorou^i and Cam
K South Lacomb. Unn county. Wil­ phis this morning and nearly
its. beav.est in the history- of Servia
liam 81iwh, Portland. James Hum« physlciars are here now The i, ph- <1
to1«’*—Every Industry Will Be Clas-
. an dmrnt will be aakvd tor (240B.-
1 tan county;
L har been trared to Beaver riv,r fn ni
for the pur, bam- of the most mod
sified anp its Surrounding Condi
Smith. Wasco, Sherman county T B • Lib the city takev .t» water supply.
lern qu'rk-firing run« and str.muni
Churchman. Sheridan, Yamhhl coun­ Health bulletins have bw-r. H-rt o al! I tion
torn Given in Detail—Visits Union.
ty; C. Tystrop. ReedvBle. Washington towns down the river The phyeiejans
Baker. Malheur and Wallowa Coun
County J K Fisher Ha n»s Baker sa> then- wt)| probably bi n< t i«-ss I
’han 3 * >««> • aw- before 'he epidemici
Jurors Refused
One Killed and One Fatally Wounded
G P Hot! Oregon s first labor con,
»he jurors challenged were
on th s Streets
tn.Mioner arrived in the city last
Euwsrds Dundee. Yamhill county.
Chilesburg K.
2.—Henry evening on a 'oar of inepecti « and
Jam«* K E*ing. Portland. 1 A Allen
Special Train Carrying Railrcad Of Gray and I»uie 8kaggs fought a pis­ a, qL>afnta&c«
through East
HicKrral Polk county. J M Duncan.
tol <l>jel on the -treet» tms morning era Oregon
ficiala Kills Three
N'ytsa Malheur county R H Graves.
Mr Hoff na» visited most ot the
Mahony City. Pa. Dec 2. An ■n Gray was .nstantly killed and Rkasgv
G.oson. L'mauila county. J B John
mortally wounded
■ :tle« and localities in the Weetern
s«.n Portland; E L Barnet’, Athena gin and private car carrying Phils
portion of the state, and will now fa
Umatilla county. John P Cole Bar- i lelphia a Resding offic als th • f, e-
mil arize h mrelf with the conditions
nocu in a ::«r mow«-d through a gane
low. Clackamas county
in Eastern Oregon countie«
,,f irackm, n near Gilbertson, killing
Mr. Hailey’s Remarks.
on, aad fatal.y Injuring two A epe.
Mud in Central Oregon.
Mr Halley, tn opening the caw for ial brought the injured to a i.o»; ital
t He expr«««ed the sentiment thi»
the defense, spoke of the good charar b«re
moining that Oregonians do no' know
ter and excellent reputation borne by­
or appreciate the magnitude of the
Mr Thompson, who. he said, was born
»rat® until they g«n out and travel
and retrod in Umattila county, came
from one end of ft to the other espee
from one of the oldest pioneer fatal Both Men Dr.nking. But There
ally in a stage coach
He has just
lies in ’be state and had married into I
Been No Quarrel.
me in from a trip mo Morrow. Gil
am and Sherman counties and found
Dunsmuir. Cal Dec *.—c J Me W ijm Not Increasing m Proportion
"He draws a salary of «3.<W1 a year Kmzie,
a gambler, shot and i kll’ed
that al! th® mud In Oregon U not
te Living Expenses—Focd for La- con fined to the proverbial we- roan
ax receiver of th® land o®ce.” Mid
John lnhoff last night wh le dilnklnt.
the attorney, "and be« de« that he
borer»’ Family Cost (13 More in 'J m of the Willamette valley bat that
nearly blowing the top of hts h ad off
owr.s several hundred head of stork
’902 Than for Any Year Since ’S89 Central Oregon ha? her share of th!»
There was no quarrel McKenz e tried
and ha« a large amount of valuable
article, but he rejoiced to thirk that
to commit suicide in jail after being
land There Is no motive as to why
ak<n in tvstody
There is fea» of
Washington. Dec. 1.—The invest! ' ail good soi! make« mud. and that it
he shocld demand a petty price ter lynching
zat: n made by Carroll D Wright '.» no disgrace to a county to a«w wag
favorable passage apon the homestead
the United States commissioner of ons stuck in mod hole« in real estate
labor. Into the high cost of Uv;ng worth («•• per acre
"It wa-t Cunningham who approoc.’i-
whl< h now prevails throuf bout the'
Mr Hoff »pent the day in "endle
ed Thompson, not Thompson who All Vessels From That Ceuntiy
Will «•untry will lnt, rest many people— cm getting acquainted with th« differ
went to Cun ilngbam
Be Rigidly Quarantined
especially Go’er.xw la Fcllette. of •nt institutions, and getting ir toach
arkr-d why th, proofs had not been
Th» Badger state's gov wtra the labor situation here
He is
pasted and wl n Thompson informed Ian epidemic of cholera Las broken ern-r although a Republican, is a rat her!ng data, and laying the fon»
him that the applicants had not ful­
ttorn tn the Best, of such rock-ribbed dation for the first report or labor
filled the req 11 remen ts of ths law. out at Nagasaki Japan. Ord, re are and regular" m< "»hers of the party I road tfoes and tn du» tries ever aa-
las.:«rd for unusual •ig.iaz.,» u qua/
C'luningham eicla'med.
as Senator John Spoooer. Postmaster the r.zed by the ■tate of Orogen. and
“ If you don" know any better than I antming and inspecting all te«ae.» General Henry C Payne and Assist­ fully appreciates the enormity of his
* from Japan
to act like thi.t. after you have got
ant Secretary of the Treasury Horace work. This visit ia more of a pre­
into thio pò» tion. I vili make you
A Taylor Mr Taylor especially wa» liminary rature one in which be will
wish you had never been la the of
highly ndtgnant recently when La ret acquainted with the owners of the
Sc* '
FV'I ette went up and down the state ndustriM. ard the leaders in the la­
"It »M Tbcmpscn who was indie­ battleship Misaour. was placed in making public speeches, in which he bor c rganizaUons of Eastern Ore
cant and who walked away from Cun commission today
dec aned that, while the rate of wages gon in or^er to get aatbentic Infor
ningbam. as we will prove Ask any
had advanced somewhat since 1896 rater for hH> report later on
one in Pecdleton or Umatll'a county
the cost of living had advanced 1n a
Win Report Every Pha»».
who know« the latter and they would
vaa>ly greater ratio
Mr Hoff will go «0 the bottom of
brand it as perfectly ndtcnlons that
Mr Wright's Investigations Wtll th« work assigned him by the law
Charles Cunntngham should be Insult­
male "mighty • nterestmg reading
resting the commiMJocer of labor
ed by a th ng like that."
for the governor
In these investiga- 'or Oregon and his report to the next
Mr Hailey went on to «ay that be­
tl>MS. which will soon be published •fflalatur* will contain brief reports
fore the case was »nded the dHsnse WYOMING MINES BEING
in full by the department of com- on oery conceivable phase of the in­
expected to prove that every cent of
FILLED WITH northern MEN me rce. Mr Wright does not go into dustrial condition of th» state
money used tn the proving upon the
the question ot wages, but he does wlh give the number and extent of
land held by O'Hara Bating and the
' w that the cost of food has lu­ max.ufsctunng concerns the number
rost mentioned In the indictment, was
cre» ~e J by 16.1 per cent since 1896
put up by Cunningham
that the Agent» of Coai Magnate« Quieti y Hi- conclusions are based on data ot people employed m ’.hem
wage- cost of living conditions sur
»b«wpgrower d«*s:rod the land to add
culh’cted not later than IBM
rounding the workers property cw&»<
to the thousands of acres he already
Miners to Colorado and Wyoming—
Mr Wright say»—and he ta a dis- by the workers. p*r cent of aavingn
owned and that Cunningham has had
Movement» of tee paj-donate investigator, unaffected by
and every other Item ot interest and
from 1J0C- to 1460 «heep grazing on
po! tin;, that the average coat of fact connected with each sdustry ta
Agent»—F iling Stctkora’ P'aces
each claim in questk-n
living for each family tn the United the great state
"It wui be for you to say bow Cun
Spokane. Dec
»uxruing ; States in 1896 was (296 76
He will also prepare ar. elaborate
ningbam got the other thousands of nr«« was about tuda> that the coal were workingmen's families
acre» of land that be bolds beior® th « magnates of Wyoming and Colorado over. the figures are based on accu- report on the agricultural tadnotry
trial Is ended." exclaimed the attor had an agent in this city, who. for ■ rate data obtained from 2.567 sepa- the number ot farms, their use. prod­
ney. "and 1 think by that time my the laet week. Lan been hiring men tu ■ rate households In I9e2 the average ucts. value ot those products cost ot
production farm wages co»« of living
friend Mr Hall. here, will feel like
go to those region« sr.d take the: cost per family per year had ad- on tarms value of farm land», co»'
the proverbial 30 »ents
varced to (344 61
p.a-.«* of the un on miner*
The year 1896 of building materia), per cent of sav
This man could not be located te . wsh the year of low pr oes. although Inge on farm produce and ocher rtta!
For several days past peop,» it »is also s year of low wages, as »tat «tic» on the agricultural p*ir»wlt
bar,- noticed a great many cockneys everybody
Private Enterprises
THROES OF BANKRUPTCY. around the city, whu stop over here Wright's report doesn't say so
riaea Heavy Penalty for Fo'ost Ri­
individual industry m the
In 1»96 the average cost of living
for a day and then leave over the
se rv« Troapasa
Northern Pacific on the Burlington for each of 9«) families in Western state will be classified and the mmut
1-Secretary Has Gon« Into the h « i 3a of a Re­ train
Most of them get tickets to sta'es was (297.M; tn the same states est detail* concerning each will be
Hitchcock has sent to cvngre«s a
ceiver—Industrially a-d Commer­ Wyoming, but their destination it •n 19"2 the same number of families given in full, m order that the out
draft of a bill authorizing a stricter
These cockneys st-at an sverag, of (322 43 for food «Ide world and the people of the state
cially Haa Good ProapecU and Can evidently Colorado
control of grazing on forest
have spent but Coi ml-sloner WrighCs figures cover may know the exact status of every
Be Mad« to Pay Out With Manage­
Th« -«ill imposes a fine of not tc ex-
a lew year? or months in tht» coun- ea<h vear from 1890 to 1902. inclus industry and those employed in each
The output and product'on ef each
,-ee I Jl.WO or imprisonment fo, .».i
rhroughout that period it is no­
Ferm®, a coal camp :n British he
longer than one year, or both, upon
Columbia, is where the most of them ticeaid» that the average cost of liv Institution will be given, the co«
Chicago. Dec 3 —Receivers in bank­
all persons who knowingly pasture
ing in t very year subsequent to 1892 abor in each industry, tn different
cum® from
any livestock on public lands within ruptcy today took actual charge of
While in this city they seldom »a< sma.'er In the Western states portions of the state, the coat of Mv-
forest reserve« without first obtain­ Dowie's property at Zion City. Dow e leave each other, but travel around than in the United States as a whole inc in different portions, and the dif
ing permission from the secretary of aen-rts the corporation solvent, al- in a crowd until their train is ready In 1890 and 891 the coat ia the West­ fering rond tien» surrounding each
branch of labor
tnough the liabilities exceed (3.000.- to leave, when they gather their blan­ ern states w.»a slightly larger
the Interior.
Perdieton will come tn for a goodly
Secretary Hitchcock, in h s letter 000.
The food o workingmen's 'amides
kets and other belonging? and depart
After an all-night consultation with
of transmittal, says the proper control
They are very close-mouthed and cor more in ,902 by at least (Is ,wr •net tion in that report on account of
of grazing In the reserves demands lawyers, trying to borrow (1.000.000, although very willing to tell one year than tn any year since 1889 •he various manufacturing !ntere«s
that there shall be no overgrazing pending the receivership, the court about Brlt:sh Columbia and 1 their Fo* the last at.- years the cost hxr ¡rowing up here, and Umatilla county
and ezpresses the opinion that legis­ has Issued an order restraining any strikes up there, they absolutely re t..«iily increase'. Yet the pu.-r.ias- will be given liberal space on account
fng power of the ,-eople has increased »I her great agricultural interest«
lation he recommends should be creditors from prosecuting suits for fuse to say whither they are bound.
of The farming communities of this
No data aie available
promptly enacted to check an abuse debts.
When the question is pressed they
A monster meeting of Dow lei toe will
•ourty may be taken as representa-
that Is becoming general in a number
maintain it is Montana, but investiga course, for 1903.
'ive of those of Eastern Oregon coon-
i be held in Bhlloh tabernacle tonight tion shows they go into Wyoming and
of states.
Posters announcing it are all over Colorado.
Fully 100 have passed
Zion and portions of Chicago today.
Mr Hoff will gather al! the data
-osslble from the county officials and
I Dowle will appeal to the faithful and
days, and union men who have
xfter this source is exhausted will
• give all bis possessions to save the
them finally became suspicious ano
Taken from ths Riv»r and Thrown
American Ownership.
•nake a persona! canvass for further
' city from the creditors.
Washington. Dec 2.—Senator Pen information, if it is needed to com-
Among stories current ia one that
with the result as above stated.
rose, of Pennsylvania, talked with the plete the report on the different
Canyon City. Dec 1.—On th» pub­ when his wife departed for Australia,
That the owners have an agent I resident this morning relative to th» countie«.
lic highway a short distance east of she carried with her »7,(HK),000 in ne­
here has been suspected for some proposed treaty ceding the Isle of
John Day are to be seen fifteen or gotiable securit es.
Manual Training in Schools
time, but he Is such a smooth individ­ Pines to Cuba
Penrose represents
The Dowleites admit great dlaap
twenty salmon that were left there
One important matter which vili
ual that his Identity has not yet be<T Pennsylvania cap’talists who are pro­
polntment that the (306,000 cruaaue
only a few days ago
receive much attention from Mr. Hoff
learned. From this city hu has la??’,
The occasion for thus handling so I In New York failed to develop Into s operating through British Columbia testants because they own heavy In tn his forthcoming report is the sub-
terests in that territory and want
good a fish aa the salmon after hav­ treasury fund. It appears to bave
l«*ct of manual training in the public
It Is also stated that mauy ot the
ing gone to the trouble to catch them I been Dowie's Waterloo. Dowle owes cockney miners leave for the South by American ownerah.p. If the treaty «chools, and to this end he will con­
is not understood, unless the one who (300.000, due January I.
way of the Jennings branch of the congress reserve certain commercial fer with the superintendents of the
Chicago. Dec. I.—As a result ot a
taught them suspected the presence
1 iff,-rent counties as to the extent oC
Northern, via Havre. Great cunceasiona.
of a deputy fish warden tn this vicin­ {formal Inspection of «.on CUy. Its re Falls and Helena
this work in the public achools of the
sources, factories and pledges from
»tat®. He believe» tt a matter of pub-
Dowle, the attorneys for the recelv-
'tc importance, and will make a ape-
Buy a good, clever her., and aha ' er» and creditors assert the belief that
"laity of giving exact atatistica upon
Many Hundred C.rds of Wreckage the subject
may lay the foundation of your ft»r- . Dowle will be able. If proper business
Now Being Piled Up and Sold for
Mr. Hoff is a genial gentleman and
brary Offer and Will Raise 82.800
is deeply interested in the work of
Per Year.
In the creek uottum between Hepp­ hl« efflee.
Walla Walla. Dec 2 —The city coun
cil last night voted to accept the of­ ner »nd l.»xington, are perhape more
Divora» in High Life.
fer of the Carnegie agent and agreed than a thousand cordB of wreckage
to raise (2.500 per ><«r for the sup­ from the flood, consisting of broken
Walla Walla, Dec. 1 —Dr A. L Lu
port of a library, providing the Car houses and fences, railroad ties, lum der>. one of the most prominent phy­
library fund was increased from ber, bridge timbers, trees and other sicians of thia city, was yeaterday
Baker City Dec. 1.—(8peclal to the
to (25.000
There were no relies of that disaster.
evening sued by his wife for a divorce
East Oregonian.)—vhlef of Police W. left h'm for dead, after kicking him votes against the proposition, all the
The farmers on whose property and name» Miss Helen King, a bock
vi<..ou»ly for several secund»
H. Kilbourne, who was murderously
the wreckage stopped, are now piling keeper fur the doctor, aa co- ros pood
W. H. Kilbourne, was formerly sher­ councilmeu being favorable to It.
It up and selling It at (I per load, an.. ent n the case. Miss King has been
lumaulted in the city jail funday night- iff of Baker county, and has served for
settlers from 12 and 15 miles in the boarding at the home of the Luder»
Freshmen Ducked.
by Jainea Welch, whom Kilbourne had three years as chief of police He is
Walla Walla. Dec 2.—Three Whit­ interior ot the county are haulln, until driven away by Mrs. Luders
arrested, la resting more easily this 65 years of age, and Welch, his as
evening, and hopes ror his final re­ sailant, is a strung, robust, brutal man freshmen were "ducked” by a hundreds of cords ot it away fur fuel. The parties are all prominent aoclety
On these creek bottom taruis is now people in this city, and the case hai
covery ar« now entertained by bls thug of 80.
Feeling is high, aud crowd of students Inst night, in a pond
near the college. No serious results to be found from two im hes to a foot caused great surprise
should the Injuries of Kilbourne prove
hia injuries were inflicted by Welch, fatal, a lynching will certainly follow. are expected from It. as it was not ot wash silt, and soil as a result o.
the cloudburst, and instead ot the
Japanese Killed.
who kicked him in the mouth, stom­ Welch was under arrest for being done In n spirit of "hazing '*
farms being damaged, they were great
The Halles. 1W 2.—Frank Mogata
ach and ribs, breaking out anveral drunk and disorderly, and after the as­
The Jewell Lutheran college, uear ly enriched by the deposit ot this Blit. a Japanese section man waa killed by
teeth, breaking four riba and injuring sault upon the aged man. claimed that
It will require considerable work -o a west bound ORAN freight
him internally. Welch
was being he was formerly in the insane asylum Marshalltown, la., burned Monday.
dear off the wreckage, but further nine miles west ef The DaUee, Tae»-
searched in the city jail by the chief. aud waa not respoaslble fur his ac­ L um . IJ5.UUU tu the building and It
than this the damage is slight.
ta believed a student was cremated
wheu he ferocioualy turned upon the tions.