% STARTED ON A VISIT OF the big flocks appear juat above the • íX^éJ^^SyíiXgXíTj^ÍléXií* M* ' • /•<••• uorizon they look ‘Ue «warms of MONTHS TO SCOTLAND. gnats they are so tuick. There are a good many hunters coming in from instant points. The Horse Heaven ♦ One Case Typhoid Fever—Visitor wheat flelas are thick with the wheat From Hardin, Missouri—Mrs LH- The EASTERN OREGON DIVISION feeders and shooting 1« good OREGON MUST TAKE INTEREST sor H m Sold Her Farm—Dentist's had Couer d'Alene pot-hunters CF STATE ASSOCIATION. IN LIVESTOCK CONVENTION. geese hung up everywaere, on the Vulcanizer Exploded. That pay their losses rafters, on the floor, on the walls and al) over ” promptly. Our companies Milton. Nov 2U —B A Bray is quite Three Days Session in Baker City Douglaa Belta, President of Oregon | 111 of typhoid fever and under th« stand at the head of the list. Next Week—Liat of Present oen- Woolgrewsre* Association, Urgss care of Dr. C. W. Thomas WILL SCOUR WOOL. cera B. All Stockman to Attend Meeting of and Program—Prof. E. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEwen took A jmc U i their departure yesterday for a visit Hartford fire loan rance Co.pi2,2W,U?e> Conklin Will Attend. National Association in January— Spokane to Have the Only Scouring to their old home in Scotland, They Alliance Amiiratioe Co Plant In the Northern Idaho and It la Oregon's Opportunity. The public schools will not be dis will not return until next May or Loodoo A Lancashire Fire Washington Dietrlet missed for tbe meeting qj the East-' I June. Insurance Co . ............. 3,644,WC' Douglas Belta, president of the William White, of l.aa Vega«, N. Mrs. Raiph E Gibson arrived hern North Rritb-li A Mercantile Oregon Wool grow era' association, M. , who passed through this morn­ e.n Oregon division of tbe 8tate 19,886,974 Co............................ | Tuesday from her home at Chard, was In the city yesterday evening, ing on the east-bound O. R. A N. »eachers' Association, which will be 1 Crie Acid tn the blood cauan Sciatica, float and Mearalgia Royal Insurance Co. 22, h »7,I6* from hi» home on Birch Creek, and train from Spokane, will start a wool held In Baker City next Monday, ' Washington, and is visiting her «Is- 1 ter. Mr». Ira 8. Troyer. Tuesday and Wednesday. reports the weather very favorable scouring plant In that city to cost ki-muw th, <» um Pna, (a -x- A poatal sard will bnag < m little Loofclet ia*l Ml«» Bessie McDaniel of Hardin, Prof. E. B. Conklin will attend the for feeding. about 110,000, which will handle 3.- meeting from this city, and no fare« I Missouri, arrived here yeuterday and tells tbe Mory KEX KHUCMSTIC CO , Mr. Belts says stock are In good 000,000 pounds of wool annually. LOUIS HUMZIKEK. Agent. Pendleton. Hartford, Cona. i« known at thia time, is the only will spend tin- «sinter with her broth­ condition to begin tbe winter, and « At the present time all the North­ teacher going lrotu tbla county. er, Kyle McDaniel. Mias McDaniel AGENT I the stockmen are very glad to see ern Washington and Idaho wool must p an early spell of cold weather, as be sent to Montana points- to be Prof Nowlin, county superintendent, at one time lived here, having taught it usually presages open weather, scoured and balled, and the amount is vice president of the as-tocia'.ioa, In tbe public school, and ha» mauy later in the winter or an early spring of wool handled at Spokane justifies and will be in attendance. The ex­ warm frltgfd», who are pleased to ecutive committee of tbe aaaoclatlon welcome her back. The Oregon Dally Journal can be Sheep on the foothills in the Birch the industry at that point. 1 f r* T*iOr-A Mrs. Mack Hardesty came down found on sal. at Frazier*» book store The new store car never be M has prepared a program for the oc­ Creek country are being fed now, Mr. White operates a large scour­ casion, and the meeting pron^ses to ! Wednesday from her home at Delight, known unless It advertlaee /A Lx V | r and the frozen ground make It excel­ ing and baling plant at A.buquerque, lent feeding weather, as stock eat up N. M., and will locate permanently be very interesting and valuable for ’ Wash , and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John H. McQuary all the feed thrown out. and none is tn Spokane, if the business opening the members. Mr«. F E Wilcox will leave In the Tbe present officers o( the asso­ "soft" or muddy prove« to be encouraging as it •P wasted as Ln morning for a few day» visit with re­ ciation are as follows: weather pears on the surface. President, Superintendent J. A. lative« at Colfax and Fairfield. Speaking of v_e coming meeting Messrs. E. L Smalley and E J| Pay ton of Baker county; vice presi­ of the National Livestock Association COLD SPRINGS CROPS. dent. j. F. Nowlin, of Umatilla Davis came over Wednesday even- la Portland. Mr. Belts said he expect­ ed to go and take part in the deliber­ Pasturage is Good, and Condition of county; secretary. Helen M. Stack; ing from'their home at Walla Walla treasurer, Nellie G. Neill. Iat Grande; and attendee a meeting of the ma < INCOHI’UHATKI» I NDEH THE LAWS OP THE STATF OF NEW TOR IL) ations of that body, and hoped to Grain Crops Excellent, executive committee. H. J. Hockin­ sonic order. see a good attendance from thia coun­ Thi» morning while Dr. 8 A Fui Established Three Years CAPITAL $50.000 W. R. Campbell, one of the proml berry. I-a Grande J. H. Ackerman, Before tbe Public Ever) Day ty and all Eastern Oregon aa mat­ ters of vital importance to every nent farmers of tbe Cold Spring« Salem, and O. M. Gardner, lx»tine. 1 ton was doing some dental work in Tbe following program has I bwn tbe laboratory, his vulcanizer explod­ NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO stockman in tbe state would be con­ country, was in the city for a abort SARATOGA WASHINGTON ed. breaking out window lights and arranged for the occasion bualness trip. Mr. Campbell is well sidered at that meeting. hurling things in every direction pleased with the appearance of the Monday. November 23. He especially hoped that all kinu Mrs. J. 8. Richey visit«« friends at of livestock would be fully represent­ crops in his part of the county, and Opening exercise. Walla Walla Tuesday ed at that meeting and expressed the predicts a better yield for the coming "Requirements for Graduation in Tomorrow night tae W C. T. Ü J wish to sw cowmen from Eastern year than was had in the harvest Our High Schools." H J Hocken- will give a dime social in the opera ' juat finished Oregon, aa well aa sheepmen, lend­ berry EVERY WEEK A WINNER IS OCTOBER hall. A »bort literary and musical Ì The grass In the pastures is good ing their assistance to the great work "Socratic Questioning.' P 1. program will be rendered and light [ Axerage Profit Earned Weekly on 25000 in Oct and growing rapidly, but the num­ Campbell. ahead of thia organization. refreshments served S50 44 Total Profits Earned on (5010 Oct $201.75 At tbe meeting of thia association ber of stock In the country la too "Tbe Boy," W. E Wlnebip. I Mrs. Thomas Lessor baa sold her in the Bast, the southern and south­ great for tbe acreage of grating The Secret of Discipline." P property on Basket mountain con- land, and thia with tbe necessity of western cattlemen predominate, but Campbell » sistlng of 16« acres of fruit and pss- the delegates from tala atate have feeding and the high price of hay. "The New Arithmetic " A. E Win * lure land, to Wm Clark been principally sheepmen. He be- takes ax «y a great part of the ship. •ievee the movement to organize and profits in tbe business. “Geography." Mary L Ferguaor. WILL PROVE UP SOON SABATOGA OB WASBIN o «ON. operate aa Independent Packing "The Soloist, A. E Winship Company, by the stockmen of the MORSE* TO ALBERTA. l.e t Address of Welcome. W. S ON IDAHO HOMESTEAD. United States will be a great auc- vena. ceas. for the reason teat it ia being John Day Stockmen Will Ship To- Response, B. L Milligan liberally supported from all parts of "A Period of Transition. P L Stockman Moves to Athena to Send PTYOfTOW» the country. Children to School—Visitors from C: J. Officer of John Day, and R. Campbell. The truth o. the matter about the Tuesday, Nov. 24. R. McLain of Alberta, Canada, are Colorado Returned Homo—Junior years of Independent Packing Company, la in tbe city with a band of 50 horse« What Are the KasenllaU in the lag «isa Endeavor Entertainment — Rev. that the stock could have been ob- which they will sh.p tomorrow night Common School CourseT" E D Res- •bowlM :ained In Kansas anu Texas alone, the Evangelist, Cannot aler. Updyke, over the W. A C. R. for Alberta. without calling upon another state, "Taking the Initiative." R r. Roth Visit Athens. The men report that the snow has but the promoters would not con­ been falling for nearly two weeks in inaon centrate the business in this manner, •The New Geography." A E Win- ! Athena Nov. 20.—Orange Chamber- tbe John Day country, and that feed but wish to see every state represent­ is scarce for tbe cattle and horses ship lain of thia city, left this evening for ed among tbe stockholders. •The Preparation of the High I Weiser. Idaho, to prove up on hie in tbe foothills. Coming over they Mr. Belts thinks that Oregon stock­ had to jay |20 a ton for hay from tbe School Teacher." P. L. Campbell homestead I men should attend thia meeting en farmers along the road for their Personality of American Au­ Mr. an Mrs J. N. B Gerking'al masse, to show their appreciation of horses Some of the hones in the thors." A. E Winship. __ ____ _______ ___ _________ daughter. Mn B __ D. __ Saylor aad fam- - the honor shown the state, and to "Expression la Educational Work," j lly of Little Butter Creek, moved in- : bend are above the average in weight ■ benefit from association with the and will be sold for work horses Mara L. Ferguson. * to this city Nov. 19. for the purpose 1 leading sp«rita in the greatest in­ while tbe rest will be sold for tbe The New Relish." Z — “ A. “ E Winship nt sending their children to school.: I 3 dustry in the West, who will take "Rascals and Sants." A E o* A. Win-' Mr Saylor is one of Butter Creek's I pert tn the deliberations of that ship. most prosperous stock men. They oc­ body. It will consider the questions cupy the cottage of Sheriff Taylor Wsdnssday. Novsmbsr 25 I« NEW MAILING HOUR*. that most vitally concern stockmen, Miss Susie is on Ute sick list this IS "The National Educational A mo - and Oregon stockmen will be able i week with a gathering in her bead. to hear these queation» discussed PostofHcs Makes Schedul« to Can»- elation at Boston" E. D. Resale- Mrs. Barto aad family of Cripple - Leaves From a Superintendent s pan Witt» Train Tims. by movlag spirits, and able___ i, and te Creek. Colorado, after a two weeks 1 N«e Book." E. E Bragg is will receive greet benefit from the l-ader tbe O. R. A N traln ecbeduls i visit in the city, returned home last "The New English Standards A the United States mail will close at week .. «3 E Winship t tbe followlng boure: Child s Heritage,- P L Camp- The ,JunK,r “ The Mall for No 1, west, close« at 8:30 ■ entertaluip’-bt Friday, November 20. IS b«P a. m. A E Win-: tiM> “*7 Uhriatian church, admit New Teacher. ’ TThe I »1» »*3 Mail for No. 11. west, close« at 8 »SS1TS ' ting none ove r )5 years of age. ship — — p. m. New offkers for the enauing year I Rl' Jenkin, announced Sunday be Mall for No 6. esst, closro at * p. m ail. be elected and the place of meet h«rt reeeited a lett.-r from the great MaU for No. 2, east. closes nt 4:25 ing next year selected The associa aaeocla. e n met in this city last year and It'h* woujd »* » abandon his MaU for No. 8. north, closes at S: 30 1» thought the next meeting will go ntm.-nt to hxnd a protracted to la Grande Bupt J F Nowlin >“ ,h«‘ Christian church b<-re Mall for stage line closes at 7 a. m of this county will probably be «►¡°° ** ‘»J**. He dw ■« Mail for Hunt line clones at 8:38 lected for president of tbe associa- f**! aW*' to do hl» duty, «nd the I p. m. tton as the practice is to observe ' *»«*>»here <-lre Collection« from boxe» 6 a m 3'45 rotation in offlee and be being vice ‘ for an '■’sngeliat p m president is the logical choice "Jersey Jim" Johnson 1« dead at I president at this meeting NO CRIMINAL INTENT. Trenton. N. J., where he was born and raised He died from exposure SATURDAY'S LOCAL*. No Evidence That Carey Purloined. and starvation in tbe city jail, where Although He Abstracted. D. Brown, of Lexington, spent the : he was imprisoned for stealing a pair A. H. Carey, tbe man who was ar­ day in tbe city on business. of pants. He was a gambler and rested for stealing an overcoat from all round crook and at one time hart B. Williams, of Pilot Rock. «pent, a fortune of several million dollars. Harry Wright, was yesterday released ■ ■ - from custody, there being nothing to the day in Pendleton yesterday W Fisher, a stockman of Elgin President Cabrera, of Guatemala.. «bow that he had criminal intent in with emphasis and without hesita-. taking the coat He put the coat H. Pitman, of Pilot Rock, trans lease him. acted business in the city yesterday, Mrs. Cornelius, of Helix, was the MOVED TO PENDLETON. guest of friends In the city yester- Frank Martin Will Occupy Property day. Miss C. Stansbury, of Echo, is Ha Bought of Alex McRae. Pendleton friends for a few visiting ! Alex McRae of the Xhnatllla Imple­ ment House, has sold his resioenre days. Miss Jessie Smith of lone, is the on Franklin street to Frank Martin of Adame, for 11850, and has moved guest of relatives in the city lor a into the Nelson cottage on Fuat week I street. Mr. and Mrs. 8. I. Lisle, of Echo, I Mr. Martin la now moving into tae are in tbe city tbe guests of friend* city, where he will reside in order to for a few days send his children to tne school«. He J. W. Lu hr«, one of tue sbeepmen has been for many yean one of the of Pilot Rock, was in the city today prominent wheat men of the county. tor a buaineea visit. He baa leased «a farm. Mr. and Mrs Charles H. Miller, of «Ith flamwl Echo, are in the city tbe guest« of worked Rapidly. Medical Lake Salts Mtg Co. 8po- friend« for a abort time. Frost Queen SS*““ kane. Wash. mnevd with Fe-och fiannrl. Charles Pierce o( Weston, is in the Frri- t [nxc-'tli-n «tain«t cc Gentlemato—I was stricken to my rougi», rofcJs city for a short visit with relatives, changée bed with a vlolent attack of muscu­ all chvefarxl lun« troutUea Je •hüdxvo (ulne tn aciiooL Fike. 92.00. lar rheumatism. I suffered Intense­ and for the transaction of business. Children'» «taw 91.S0. ly and for 30 days had to be carried E. W. Allen, who is teac^.ag school JOHNSON-GEORGE. HOLD Bt to tbe Medical I-ake Bath«. In tbe in District 37. near the mouth of Birch Incredible abort period of three creek, will spend Thanksgiving with Both Full days was( np and about my usual bis parents at Union. , Bleeds From Reservation. work. There certainly is In my es­ Francis Roumajottx. one of tbe Milton George and Miss Rena timation no equal to the water of prominent . ¿raters and stockmen of oukk" turf laveataeat or coacerue af «iallar ci Johnson, were married yesterday by Medical Ijtke for such cases. TM? .»are beta reiabltohed aearly Urea years. Th Nye, was in the city yesterday for a SILVY ..xTLLY' Justice of the Peace Thomas Fit* subacribera atcaey aa Judgamt at experts, and 1 short vlait on business « Sxed pen-ealage fro« wlaalagi for piarla«- the Spokane. Wash. Gerald at tbe office of the city re­ eloae They are the Na polena» tn tbk line of tu Sold by Tallman A Co., leading corder. or eperuiatloa BAKER COUNTY LAND. I Tbe brute s a young Indian from druggists, and A. C. Koeppen A MEMPHIS EVENING SCIMITAR. Marrh 2. 1 aad they «easily win. Prompt and proper acvonatiag to made of tbe result, but they guarantee no Sied proBts Tbe advert la» menta that appear froai tl tbe reservation, and it required the Bros. though tboae who have coatlnnotMly patronised them Tract of Sagebrush Desert Adjoining affidavit of her mother to secure the bafa Hot b«*D I’W«rtL Injured at Foundry Baker City Sold to Easterners. license as she was under age, being BT PAUL 1HBPATCH. February XS. 1903 Druggist, PuBi-utlloe Block, An Investigation of tbe met bode of the Maxim * Gay scarcely 16 years old. The groom is Baker City, Nov. 21.—A tract of William Clove, of tbe Rlgby-Clove l'houe Main K5L O ebowe them to be conducting their bnslneaa on one of tne young men of the reserva­ foundry. U carrying a badly maahed sagebrush .and, consisting of 2500 •t.algb I forward bnslneae line» They have bean eelab tion and Is the owner of a considera­ thumb with him and will not have the acres, adjoining the city limits on the ■e ble amount of land on the reserva­ use of his right hand for some time. north, has juat been sold to Eaatern Joirt Our Winning; Army tion, as la the bride. While working with a machine in the parties, who expect to plat it and Ruth perties 10 the contract wo foundry he caught the thumb be­ start another addition to tbe city. It The greateet rece mártir» la the blatory of the South baglna at New Orleana aobla a fortnight [„ «awaitode It will oellpoe all other turf gatherings of the past. Tbe Crescent City Jockey Club known this to be a banner yZr. aad has full-blooded Indians and have ocen tween two neuvy steel rollers and has been platted, but the stakes are prepared for It Bo bare we. If there are more horneo at tbe New Orleans racetrack than ever gathered there before, we married according to the Indian rites before be could get loose the end of all down and very little settlement have more expert "clockere and handicappers than we ever employed at any other meeting. They cannot mate the asme Bear this in mind when you too big for t» to handle. We move with the tlmee. for souse time, but there is a law­ the thumb was mashed to a pulp. rude upon It, and now the company need poultry and stock supplies If you want to get aboard our discretionary aeilee, at New Orleans, la which wo play daily those end octv thMe suit involving tbe ownership of over Dr. Cole dressed the hurt and It will hope« to revive the addition, it Is think Al betting propositions, with tbe privilege of not playing any homes at all oa days when ws evnslder eoedl hoi__ wo —-------------- and ask for the Internationa) 400 acres of tbe best land on tbe cause no serious inconvenience. light sagebruah soil, and at present inpronltlous. All fill out the Ptav tlona unpropltloua. —- following blank and forward your remittance to us at New Orleans as soon as yoa can Poultry and Stock Food. Use reservation brewing, and It was there is no water on it. If It could «III be begun oa tbe first day of the _ meeting. If your monvy reaches us In time: otherwise, we will begin piar the flint dev Kow Ku re for your cow trou ­ It reaches «» after tbe meeting baa ge<*» ------- ------------------- ‘ - I- Money should I» sunt by bank draft, express money order, ar currency tn rwte thought to be easier and cheaper to Twelve Warranty Dlbds. be irrigated the company would soil Uncertified checks are not accepted ’ bles. te.-ed letter have the couple married according Tjvelve warranty deeds were filed it in «mall farm tracts, but Powder to law than to appoint a guardian in the office of tbe county recorder river doesn't furnish enough water. for the girl, nence the ceremony. this morning, conveying tn Mrs. Mary To Maxlaa A Gay Co (Incarp.). 928 Cassi Bt, Mew Or­ 127-139 East Alta St. L. ljtnd the l-13th interest of each LAND TO BE OPENED. leans. La. GEESE THICK IN HORSE HEAVEN donor to a piece of land in-section 3 fa acMrSaace ir-tth the teme «ear ad to the PraSlelaa Agent for Lee'a Lice KlUer (Ora.) Beet Orepuet««, / racloee of township 5, north of range 35. be Township Platted on Snake River, Pellar». Pleaee be« fee mm d«Ug DiSare North Yakima Man Toils of Cabin ing situated just to the west of Free­ ca each eeteoNoa of «ear DiacceManarg Serto« al the A'aw South of Lewiston. Orleaiw race». Foe atnre to sea« aie eve., deg,