FRIDAY MAY 15. 1903. SHEEP AND CATTLE BEING DRIVEN TO THE MOUNTAINS. Winter Losses of Livestock Quite Small—Winter Wheat Backward— Improvements Begun on the Hidg<3 Road—Summer Logging Begun. REAL ESTATE. LIVESTOCK AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS. FRUIT PROSPECTS FINE BEAR KILLED RECENTLY. An Interesting Collection of Neigh­ Clearing and Breaking of New Land borhood News—Only One Case of in Progress—The Ground I* Rather Sickness in the Vicinity—Buyers of Dry and Is Needing R*in—VYas Cavalry Horses Here. Nearly * Fatal Accident. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. NEW TELEPHONE GIRL FOR THE BARBED WIRE LINE PART OF COLVILLE RESERVA Happening* of an Interesting and Progressive Neighborhood — Fine Concert by Meneley Quartet. . . Government Ha* Ordered an Investi­ gation of the Statu* of the Allot ment* Made Several Year* Ago. Kidney trouble prey* upon the tuiiul, (ambition; lieauty, igor and cheerful­ ness wx,n disappear when the kidney*are out of order or dis­ eased. Kidney trouble has | liecome *o prevalent tliat it is not uncom- 3 mon for a child to be liorn afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinate* toooften. if the unne scald* the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should lie able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet- ting. depeml upon it. the cause of the diffi­ cult v is kidney trouble, and the first step should be toward* the treatment oi the«* important organ*. Thi* unolea*snt trouble is due to a diseaseri condition ot the kidney* and bladder and not to a liabit a* most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney »nd bladder trouble, ami lx»th need the same great remedy The mild and the immediate effect of S warn p-Root is »«xm realized It is »old by druggists, in fifty- cent and one-* lol Lar size bottles Y<«*l may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a H-—• a—wss-fo»* pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Roo<. including many of tbe thousan«!* of testi­ monial letter* received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N.T., be sure and mention this paper Don't make any mistake, but remember the name Swamp-R*udk-M>< Helix. May 12.—.Miss Emma Green, Ft. Colville, May 14.—An order that Ridge. May 9.—Professor A. M Uro Echo, May 11.—Mrs. Dunn, of F ob Briggsou. May 11.—Georg,* Piiyue. teacher cf the public school at this may have the effect of throwing open zier, who is the teacher at Guid-u.e. ter. Is reported seriously sick with who has been quite sick with the grip, place, was called to Portland on ac­ to white settlement many hundreds of is visiting in this ne«ghb<»rho-i I at la grippe. is convalescent count of the serious llineu* of her acres of choice farming land in the present. C. W Albright, ot Portland, is here -Mr. Gillis lamily moved up from father Later word wa* received that Colvfll«* Indian reservation has Ju*t T. B. Simonton, ol Gurd.iuc p»ade 1 in th«‘ interest ot the Champion mow Athena lar.t I ue*day to s|iend th«* he had pas»e«i away befor«* her ar­ been issued at Washington. D C.. and trip to Pendleton on business last Ing machine. summer. rival there. while It may not meet with the ap­ 1«. Stubblefield, of Seattle. Is here week. Bill Wilkisou ha* a stump-puller in Miss l^ura Griswold, of Wallula, proval of the Indians, some of whom operation on hi* ranch thiB week, We are still having d-y weather for more cattle, horses and hogs. W. H Moser, of Portland, is doing which I* doing very good work He came up Saturday to take charge of may be forced to give up their valua­ Thursday and Friday belt»«- cool, while the town today is making a vast Improvement this the barbed-wire 'phone ^change ble homes, it will be a grand chance today it is nice and warm Mrs. L. M. Thoni|>son came in trout spring, clearing and breaking out Mrs. John Peck, of Franklin county, for some hotnesecker to se«-iire a farm Winter wheat is ve-i backward es Portland this morning, where she ha* quite a large acreage. ha* been visiting friends in this that has already to some extent Is-en pectaily winter sowing. lteen visiting for th«> past month. Il .1. Boddy moved to his mountain city. Thomas McEwen i- driving st ige J. W. Walling, of Stokes, spent last home from Athena last Saturday, cultivated by the Indian* Mr. and Mrs. J. B. .Montgomery are at present between Uk an and Nve night here. He say* that real estate where he will engage in h'ncfng and making preparation* to leave for Ida The government ha* ordered a gen­ G. F. Jones, our roa-l suimrvi. or. l>« is quite active at that place. otherwise improving hi* ranch. ho on Monday next on a visit to Mrs eral investigation of the statu* of In­ gan work on the ’li-'.g-» road 11st The party front Lewiston. Omaha Sam Rose returned from the Con­ Montgomery's mother. dian allotments, which may result in Thursday. and St. Jo«- are still here and express nell Sheep camp last week, where he Mr. and Mrs. William Scott have C. H Horseman, of Gurdane. m*d«* themselves as delighted with this has been engage«! for some time the cancellation of a number of such moved out from Pendleton to their a business trip to Pendleton this country- They will Invest if price* shearing sheep. tarm southeast of Helix, to remain claim* on the reserve, and the throw- are found reasonable. week. J I- Nowlin, county school super- until harvest is over. ng open to settlement and entry by William Simonton is getting out Elt Spike went to Pendleton last inttndent. visited the school* in this Roy Penland, from Pendleton, was citizen* of some of the oe*t lands in logs for the Banks san iiii*l . h 1 U night to make arrangements for the vicinity last Wednesday tn Helix last W«*dn«*sday. «-ailing on ter creek at present Eastern Washington. lutll to be given here next Friday Ralph McEwin. ot Athena, spent a friend*. B. F. Ogle, of Athena is a1 present night. few day* at this place the i«a*t week. Allotment* to Indian*. Mr Modena and Ben L. Iceland looking after his interest in this part. Robert Stanfield came iti from Port­ A nice little shower was the order drove over to Athena Sunday. Preliminary to the opening of the He reports good crop pmia-cts .ircoid land this morning. Saturday and Sunday, which made Misses Be*sie Raymond and Nlna Athena the tarrn« r* in this s«*ction look very Dorman, who are attending the busi- reserve to nomestead entry several Market for Saddle Horse*. WEDNESDAY S LOCALS. years ago. the Indian* were given al­ George L. Horseman, of Guidane, Posters are out announcing that pleasant, as all are about through ness college at Pendleton. *|>ent Suu- made a trip to Pemil* ton taw w.-« k Herman Metzger, who ha* the con- seeding and th«* ground I* rather dry day at the home of Ml** Raymond'* lotment*. and the claim* thus taken C. E. Pruitt is confined to his room nn business. up Included the choice*t lauds in the tract of supplying the government more so th*«’ ' -* been known for sev­ parents In Vansycle. with the grip Mrs. T. B Sitn*>nt<»n ,ias l«e.»n v’lt*1 J. King, of Weston, l* at the home district. with cavalry horses, together with the eral year*. As a rub* the spring* h«*re Half-breed* and quarter- C. J. Mark, of this city, is in Walla sick, but is a'jte to l«e ab «11 .«eain are very damp. of hi* daughter. Mr* Ben Dwker of bre«?ds ar«- raid to be numbered among Walla on a business visit. <•1 P i. De • h . examining board, will lie at this place Miss Bessie !. Og' James Cargill left yesterday for I...* city on May 26. for the purpose of pur­ the allottee*, as ar«- also infant child C. J. Miller, the livestock asent of Is teaching ,h«* Nve school tin-« '■;*' The Menelev Quart*-! gate a very ren ot th«^e Indians chasing such animals as are found to Pendleton where he will attend the the O R. A N. is in the city. Adventists' camp m«u»ting Livestock to the Mountains. meet the requirements. This will good conceit at Huson's hall to a very The principal question* to be deter Henry Fanning, of Cold Spriugs. Mrs. Marr E. Morgan is visiting J A. Owings' the Kopp broth«»rs and evidently bring a great many persons t ze audience Saturday evening mined ar«- In«l the Indian* tak«- »!.• was tecently visiting at the hom«- of Mrs. H F. Hendricks at Baker City. :he Simonton brothers have taken , here as there are still quite a number land for a ,«tmanent home with the TEN DOZEN RABBITS. .Mrs. Al Drollinger will leave tomor ;heir cattl«-» to their mountain pastur ; of such animals in this vicinity ana his wife’s parent« Mr and Mrs Abra- view of severing tribal relation«’ I* tow for her former home at Roseburg ige they are said to be in good condition. '.■amson. of this place. the land mon valuable for agriculture Narrowly Escaped Death in a Tbe Helmick brothers and John Well, Z. Houser i* in charge of this matter. Roger* Furniche* Garre for the Judd J. F. Lindsey, traveling freight than for mining or other purposes, Henry Goldburg. well known here, agent of the Illinois Central, is in the Blackburn, of Ukiah, moved their «at Echo Banquet. and were Allotment* taken for the tie from the Columbia, where they Echo. May 13.—A Mrs. Dozier, who had a narrow escape from instant city. Yesterday evening Judd Rog« r*. benefit* of infant children taken tn have b«»en taking advantage of th« — ____ _ who ha* started a eugag A R Martin, of Clay Center. Kan., ?arlv spring rang«» They were go. ax v, as cooking for Newport A Son in death a few «lavs ago. * While rabbitry near jood faith* It the inner to any Ot these quo* is in Pendleton looking over the to their mountain range for summer. the outfit car on the Nolan sid« track ed in digging a well on the farm of Ecbo, brought to that city 10 dozen yesterday evening was seriously hurt Lewis Hagen wh«*n the bucket was young American nare for the citizens' tion* are fo md to be in the negativ «-ountry. Their cattle look quite well and they bv the train running into the car. being lowered, it lu^came detached I anquet to be given tomorrow aft« r- the Indian tray lose hl* home Mrs. Eugene Tausick. of Walla report only a small loss. Due car was badly smashed and from th«* rope, striking him fair on noon Walla, is in the city the guest of the Anton Vey and Joseph Cooney, of thrown from the track. The woman the h«-ad and rendering him uncon­ FIVE DIVORCE CASES. Mr Roger* has engaged in the bu* Golden Rule Vinson, sent their bucks consisting received a severe scalp wound, but scious for a number of hours. At last iness of breeding and growing ths C. W. Avery. manager of the fa- of 15<> head to Thomas Gilliland's. n«-ai is said to be improving at this time account* he seemed to be doing nice- Amerkan hare for market, and hi* Family Trocóle* Being Aired in mons Biugham Springs resort, is in Ukiah, this week for summer pastur­ A Mr. Fieldstead has purchared •y entire output will be used by the Circuit Court. age. the city today. alsiut 2.6< h I head of sh««»p h«-re and Mattie Fanning will come to the Echo Cannery Company Judge E!Us. ot the circuit court >1 starts today to trail th«‘m to the Yaki . mountain* with her children to spend J. B Keeney, of Elgin, i* in the city The rabbit become* very much do making a specialty ot divorce* tbi* INVENT A TIMBER SAW. I th«* summer at the hom«* of her i>a mesticatea with a Utile «are and ma countr«'. on a business visit and is registered at ae«-k T»o decrees were made yes­ A Mr. Meeks has purchased quite rents, Mr and Mrs. E Abrahamson at the Pendleton tention. and where a uniform, nutri terday and one today; ou«- case i* In- A Device Valuable to the a number ot sh-ep in this vicinity and At the present the outlook for fruit tious fe«-,i i* furnish«-«! them the meat Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Perry, of Walla m « w on trial, and another is t«»mpor terests. Pendleton, which he will ship to the of all kinds in thi* section is excel­ has an excellent flavor. Walla, are in the city, the guests of inly >ontiniie,| until some de|HMition Montana jiasture lent. Buds are putting Ila r ley . C E Balesliy and E. B of forth and the Hotel Pendleton. The plan of Mr Roger* is to inclose E. N Hutchinson United States straw berries are blooming this city, have perfected a unique in­ With no a large area of land adjoining au al □I testimony can be taken, when the State Senator James E Hunt, of foi stock inspector. e up from Port lat«- frosts the yield will be very fall* field. Thia tra«t of land will be tase will be decidwi venlion anti left this morning Multnomah county, is in th«» city the Yewterday in th«- ■ «»• of Georgfo Meacham, where they have the c<»n land on this morning’s tram to in great. divided into 'runs." breeding pen* Alice Hidy vs J F Hidy the < uurt guest of Dr. C. J- Smith. Fay La Grow, assistant cashier _________ tract for sawing logs for the Minnis spect th«- sheep which Fieldstead and of ami i«a*tures Different kind* of nil cave th«- plaintiff Georgie Alice Harold Warner, one of Pendleton's lumber and logging interests ot that McMaster intend to drive to Yak! th«- Athena l>ank spent a few «lay* tritiou* • rops. such a* clover, millet mail carriers, is ill at his home, with ■llace. Th«- affair is a large swinging ma *t Biurham Springs recently and re cow |M-as ami alfalfa will be grown Tidy an absolute divorce and award- an attack of the mumps. pons th«- killing o< a larg«- black for them ami the main object in ear­ * infant daughter of Mr and Mrs them as fast a* possible, a* tney vrIH Rapids, Mich., was a visitor in the *re found in the woods, cutting them city en route to Spokane. nto the lengths required for shipping Regular Venire for the June Term of Alex McCorkill has been sick with no! fatten so fast nor gro* so large «*. B«njaai!n Franklin tbe or and that of a somewhat low cali­ will take a vacation from bis position the defendant not appearing to coa Hugh city last night, to remain a few days ber. But organized, and subservient as agent at Echo. soon, for the pur *e»t tbe caae farmer S. B. Calderhead. general freight NEW BASEBALL MANAGER. to the order of the "tosses " It may l«ose of promoting the industry ;n C. W Knight. Helix, farmer Tbe as ? of and passenger agent of the W. & C. Higby Harris North Milton farm readily be seen that they have the Eastern Oregon town* heard tbe first R. came over from Walla Walla to- R. P. Brown I* Now Captain and Wo. er. power to become a positive danger to continued for more evidence day. Also Play With the Team. the state. Citizenship is too lightly BIGGEST ENGINES IN WEST M M Johns. Athena, fanner. The court is today hearing evidence The Pendleton baseball team has a Walter Adams, the local agent of .1 F ’ Temple. East Pendleton «api «ranted by the republic, because in on tbe case of Hendrick* v*. lien the past the present dangers and *o- Northern Pacific Receive* Two for Jrtcks. a Pendleton • as«- which ha* the Washington A Columbia Rjver vw manager. Otto Boetchei has re- talist. ial condition* have not confronted railway, is quite sick ai bis home on signed his position and R. P. Brown C. H Rosen burg. Fulton, farmer. Use an Mountain Grades. attracted much attention in thi* city ’¡as been elected to fill the place left it. and it 1* certainjy time to cry a Bluff street. T J Kirk. Athena, farmer. T*m for the purpo*«- of further consider- A. Dozier, who resides a few mile* lay and the contest is expecterl to be fanner. properties with a view to buying and pany is making a number of track im .ng the proposition at which were Thomas Campbell. Ea»t Pendleton, It is probable that in the fall he will provements before sending out the a warm one. west of Pendleton. The excursion tram will be large farmer monster* Bridges and false work are •resent Hon Levi Ankeny. W G locate here Gus Teutsch. brother of I>-e ■ranger of the Washington Irrigation John Herndon. Weston, farmer. It is Mr Sanders' wish to buy a being strengthened to stand the addl- Company., E Teutsch. is here from Portland. He enough to accommodate all who de- F Benson and others William Clark. Valley, farm«-: lire to go and present indications tlonal strain and it may l«e some time dairy plant n«-ar this city a* a depot travels in the interests of the Cudahy Mr Granger in the interest of the .Matt MoRgrove. Millon, farmer are that a small population will be in before the ¡-assenger trains are haul and point of general distribution. Packing Company. Irrigation Company, Washington James W Hyatt. Mountain, farmer where he will keep a number of cows, ed over the road by the new power ■ole lossession of the Garden City E. W. Bartlett, register of the pledged their earnest support in be- liter.the train has gone. Each of the new locomotive* I* as many as he can find pasture for. Grande land office, accompanie«! by half of the proposition, both offering BARTENDERS ORGANIZE. A teature of the train will l«e a to supply the local trade The bulk «»quipped with electric headlights of land and water right*, beside* giving Mrs. Bartlett, passed down the O. R Pullman car. for the use of a seat in Sun candle |>ower. in effect the new of bis milk, however, he will bring A N. to Portland last night. which the sum of 25 cents extra will Thirteen Charter Member* Enroll and from North Powder, where he ha* a light is a* < apable a* the searchlight* the matter their Individual attention. Mrs. Osborne, of Woodbine. Iowa, be charged. This is a new departure Elect Officer*. ranch of 1400 acre* of meadow land of the navy, and will illuminate the Inspector of Surveys. was in the city today en route to by the railroad company, and prom The liartenders of the city met at He can secure rates on hi* milk from track for miles ahead, on straight Spokane, where she will visit her ■ses to be a success, a rate of 31 Painters' hall on Sunday afternoon that place that will enable him to put road L a Grande. May 13.—M. P McCoy, Small electric motor*. *et be­ son. a resident of that place. for the round trip has been made. last at 2:30 o'clock, and eff«-cte«l a it on the local market as cheaply a* tween the smokestack »nd boilers of government inspector of surveys for Robert Starkweather arrived over P«?ople wishing to ride in the Pullman ¡«ermanent organization. the engines, furnish the current and Eastern Oregon and Washington, ar- any milk now sold Mr Mc­ from Pendleton this morning and is ••'ill have to reserve their seats. The dairy business at the present also generate the power for the In- rlvid in the city last night The purpose of the organization I* transacting business in La Grande to promote the moral, social ami time doe* not fully meet the require­ can«!« scent iam]«s in the wngtne cabs. Coy ha* just returned from the Imna ha district and other sections ot Wal­ Caledonian Picnic. today.—La Grande Chronicle. financial welfare of the members and ment* of th«- local demand Owing lowa county, and expresses himself FOR A PLEASURE TRIP. Preparations are now being made to bring them together in harmonious to the scarcity of milk producing pas­ .Mrs. R. A. King, of Hay. Wash, ** being very much pleased with that has returned to her home after a for th«- Caledonian picnic to be held action for their g«-neral betterment. ture in this vicinity the local milk region, and that the day Is not far visit with her brother. F. J. Morris, at Athena, on May 2»; and 27. The The <>ffi«-ial title of the order 1* the men < an not produce- milk to m«»et the Coming Event* for Which the O. R. & distant when Wallowa will take Its bonnie Scots of Athena are leaving Bartender*' International Jjeaguq No. call if their patrons This condition N. Co. Offer* Very Cheap Rate*. the cashier of the Savings Bank place In the front ranks of the coun­ nothing undone in the arrangement 114. and it was organised with 13 of things Mr. Sanders hopes to over­ Caledonian picnic at Athena. May ties of Ibis state. He expect* to leave Mr3. John Vert will return this of the program and entertainment charter members. Twenty-seven men come by shipping direct from the val­ 26th and 27th Padfi« Northwest evening from her tour among the The O. R A N. has maile a special signed the application for a «-barter ley of th«- North Powder, where the Students* Conference. Y. M. C A.. soon for Malheur county, where he towns of Eastern Oregon in the inter rate for the occasion and there prom- ha* a large amount of work tn do and all will be enrolled as soon as abundance of water giv«»s fresh l«a* Gearhart Park. Portland, Oregon. «•si* of the Order of the Eastern Star. toes to be a larg«- attendance from they can find op|>ortunity to attend ture the year round. May 29th to Jun«- 7th State Encamp J. A. Green, of Echo, was iu »he here. GOLF TOURNAMENT the meeting*. Mr. Sander* returned to North ment. Grand Army of th«- Republic. city yesterday evening for :i feu Jame* H Doty was ele< ted presi Powder yesterday and will visit Pen- Portland. June 25th to 27th. Washing­ hours, making final arrangement* for Cunningham Wool Coming In. «lent; George Ernst, vice-presides!; die ton again in the near future, when ton Chrl*tian Convention and Camp Increasing Interest and Uncommon th« Echo banquet to he gi».-en Friday Skill Manifested. Charles Cunningham. the sheep Paul Witlock, chaplain; J D. Shell, he will. In all probability, make defin­ M«*etlng at Walla Walla. June 5th to I afternoon. king, has begun to ship his w < k >I dip secretary ami treasurer; Walter Hop- ite arrangements to carry out the de- 15th. i Oregon State Teacher*’ Asso- Th«* iw-cond round of the golf tour­ IL J Miner, representing D. Jones for the present season. Today one l»er, inspector; Dave Carlin, inside tails of hi* scheme rial Ion. . Portland June 24th to 27th. nament wa* played yesterday after A Sous, of New York, manufacturers lot of 75 boo pound* was brought in guard, and Wynne Krebs, outside Grand bodge I O O F al Walla noon, the player* ea< h playing over I of shirt* and gentlemen's fine linen from Pilot Rock and taken to the guard. SEEKS DIVORCE. Walla. June 1st to 4lh. Nineteenth * nine-hole course, as on the day pre­ wear, was a business visitor in the Pendleton Scouring Mills. The othet I Wealthy Nebraska Farmer Annua] Tournament Sportsmen’s As vious The matches played yesterday city today. Came Eva V. Mill* Allege* Cruel and In- soclation of Northwest. at tali of the dip will be shipped from Dayton. resulted a* follow*: West to Invest and Locate. E. C. Shari«e of Portland. Northwest Echo by train to the mills here to be human Treatment. Hartman vs. Moorhouse—Hartman Wash., June 35th to 27th The Saen- manager for the Paraffine Paint Com­ scoured. The woo) is all of the first L. Ma*on. of Pierce. Neb., accom­ An action for divorce was filed goriest at Walla Walla. June 5th to won. 5 up. winning the match by four pany. of San Francisco, was in the grad«» and of an average yield. panied by hi* family, was in Pendle- yesterday with the county clerk by Sth Grand Ixidge and Grand Chapter points. city yesterday evening en route to 1 ton for a short time today. Mr. Ma- Eva V. Mills, vs. Harry E. Mills. The of .Masons. Grand Chapter Order East­ Dodd vs. Judd—the first amt second Walla Walla "Grandma" Munra at Hood River. ; *on i* a large breeder of thoroughbred plaintiff alleges cruel and inhuman ern Star, at Portland. June 8th to round* were both tied. The tie will T. P. Lund, of Pendleton, was a "Grandma" Munra. who managed ! short horn cattle and ha* sold out tieatment. and that the defendant 10th. Oregon Pioneers. Indian War be played off this afternoon Rinehart vs. Berkeley—tied the Walla Walla visitor yesterday, over the I-og Cabin eating house at his ranch in Nebraska and come West called her vile and vulgar namtw. and Veteran*. Native Sons of Oregon. Na­ to se«- the ‘ ball “ game between Walla Meacham for eight year*, will take in search of improved condition*. He struck and choked her repeatedly. tive Daughters of Oregon, at Port­ second round; Rinehart won by 2 up. Keller vs. Dickson—Dickson «-on. 3 Walla and Pendleton —Walla Walla charge of the O. R. A N. eating house • *av* that the people in the East The plaintiff ask* that her maiden land. June 16th to 19th. Tickets to above meetings will be up- Statesman. at Hood River in the near future. | know nothing of the resources of the name of Eva V Rowe be restored to Wade vs Lambrith—Wade won. 3 John W. Veatch. of the Boise Capi­ She has been at Huntington. ln : West and think it uncultivated and her and that she recover cost* and sold at one and one-third rate* for the round trip, on the certificate plan. up. tai News, accompanied by his family, charge of the Pacific Hotel, since the a waste inhabited by Indian* and disbursement* of the action. Brown va Clopton—Brown won 1 Attorneys Reeder and Perry repre­ Tickets oil sale three days prior to jiassed through over the O. R. A N. O. R. * N took possession of it cactus. All of hi* friends in the East remonstraterl with him for selling and sent the plaintiff up. the opening day today, en route to Salem for a month's last December. starting for such a wild country. He In the ladies' contest, Mrs Clopton visit at their former home. had 42<* acres of well improved land and Mr*. Johnson played a tie game FRANK HUGHES BOUND OVER. May Be Insane. SHEEP TO THE MOUNTAINS. Bud Smith, for some time past em In the second round, Mrs. Johnson James Craig, supposed to be a for which he realize«! 370 an acre ployed as one of the day waiter* ai He will visit in 8pokan<* with hl* son. Must Stand Trial at Portland, Charg­ thus winning the match by 1 ixilnt. the St. George restaurant, ha* re­ track walker on the O. R A N.. I* In and from there a* a base, look over Garrison A LaFontaine Flock* Being Mi** Strong and Miss Cameron the county jail, under suspicion of in­ ed With Selling Liquor to Indian*. Taken to Summer Pasturage. signed nis position and will leave to played their first round yesterday sanity. Hi* examination ha* not a* th«* country. H«* expecta to return to Frank Hughes, accused of selling morrow for hi* home at Roseburg. Gu* lAFontaine is moving his afternoon Their second will be yet been belli, a* hi* condition is sup­ Pendleton, with which place h«» i» liquor to Spokane Jim am! Charley C. W. Smith, a nepnew of Theodore posed to be due largely to drink. much taken, and investigate the fa sheep to the summer range, Two played today. Shapeless, was bound over to appear Danner, is here on furlough. He i* After he ha* had time to sober up cilities of the country. Tne gentle­ bands numbering about 4,800 head. The final* will be played Friday, at a member of Company 62, U. 8. Ar- he will be examined and if insane, man is very enthusiastic over the pos- passed through Pendleton this morn­ before th«» November term of the fed­ which time the championship of the eral grand jury this morning. In the "lllery. and receive«! hi* furlough for will bi* sent to the a*ylun> i.lbillties of thi* part of the West, ing Ismnd for th«- old Boettcher place, local club will be decided VJ) days on account of ill health, He and will make his home here, going near Meacham, where they will be sum of 325o. Hughes is unknown here and is a i* stationed at Ft. Worden. into the busine*» of raising blooded kept during the summer. Next week Will Locate in Pendleton. Several day* ago he For Sal*. two more bands, aggregating about laboring man The large banner orderetl by the A. B. Galloway traveling represen­ short horn stock on a large scale. was heard by Berkley Halley, the Three-quarter sections of good 5.000 head, will he driven to the same Progress Club, announcing the cele­ tative of th«- Blake-.McFaull Pa¡»er commissioner's *on. to offer to pro­ wheat land, ot which one-half is In place. bration of the Fourth of July by the Company, of Portland, will local«- Real Estate Transfer*. cure whiskey for the Indians. Mr. grain, and all lies five mile* north­ The sheep have been ranging at the city of Pendleton, was put in place permanently in this city, this being a L. E McBee, of Echo, ha* sold to Halley wa* notified and arrived In east of the city. A dwelling, two by the committee today and is now centra) jsilnt in the Northwest terri — ­ George H. Stevenson and H. .. ...... Despain gulch, and The Well, about time to arrest the man and take the F. Con- barn* and other lutbuilding*. and a stretched across Main street. tory covered by Mr. Galloway. I MraJ ner for 39,500. the southea*! quarter 15 mile* north of town whiskey from the Indian*. Hughes good water system. Call at Oliver Mrs. Ida M. Wool, of Six Lakes, Galloway is exp«-«*ted to arrive about and the west half of the *outh<*ant pleaded Ignorance of the charge. He & Co.’s grocery, or at the home of u. .Mich., visited friend* in the city last May 20. Real Estate Transfers, quarter of section 22, town«hip 2. claimed to know nothing of the Indi­ W Rigby, 704 Thompson street. evening, leaving this morning for north of range 27 east, and the north­ W. Nickol* today *old to Mrs Helen an* and swore never to have given Spokane, where she will visit her sis I New Telephone Directory. west quarter of section 27 in town- Whittemore, through the agency of them whlRkey. but tn the face of the ter, Mrs. Eldred. Mrs Wood, accom Houser always furnishes good Ralph Wade is now engaged in *hip 2 north of range 27 ea*t, contain­ E. T Wade, lot* 11 and 12. block 11. evidence he was bound over panied by Mrs. Shoey. of Milton. Neb., compiling the new telephone direc­ ing about 200 acres of land. Send In your order. Market Raley * addition Consideration 35O'b Deputy United States Marshal Jack meat h*s been on an extended tour tory. An increase of 125 patrons dur Alta street, opposite Savings Bank. Proebstel, of Pendleton, came up this through Utah, California and the Ing the past six months is a fair in­ Izadles' half soles 40c. Teutsch. Have your shoes repaired at Have you had your shoes repaired morning and took the prisoner to Southern State*. dex to the progre** of the city. Choice moat* at Houser’s. at Teutsch? Try him. ' Portland TeuUch'a. Humane Raised by Cas Rogers on But­ ter Creek. Sired by a thorough bred Kentucky Jack. His dam was a large Maltese Jenny. He will make the present *e«> son at my place three milea North»' east of Pendleton on Wild Horae Creek Terms Ito to insure live colt. W. W. HARRAH OWNER BONNER N. B. 24702 SUn-lsM and Keg itereB. Kw ord t n. Sire st Ot* fo* xanthine, * (4). rhil ■- 2: >•,;!»,lltam C. 1V„ ■nd Chari* y *, trial Bay stall bu; 1C.1 hauUt hi<:.; weighs ijo noun *, fosted 1». Bred by Srnlin Batey ko-tetiutg. Oregon. I Will htaod Bonner N. B. for the SEASON OF 1003 1 nt the following places on the fol­ lowing days: i Helix, every Monday. Athena, every Wednesday. Adams, every Friday Pendleton, at City Livery Stables, every Saturday and Sunday ng been ■ iramlneai faetor in racing and vreeumg in th» mciim sln.e l*ws Harness Terns: 115 for season: $25 to insure J. A. J. ERVIN & CO , OWMUB Pendkton, Smith Oregon Farmers Attention! When you drive to Feodietco put your team up at the Agent ior Telephone Liier; Subie Court St., opposite Court House I matilia Hay, per Team 25 Cents County C. L. Bowers & Son 218 Court Street Alcohol Cpiunu Tobacco Using a * INSURANCE . ro4 , rwt i PfOPLt L ljjt rated ikSè”Z Flat Iron/ wear out 5o do 113,456,980 Insurance m Force H. M. RICE, Freewater Arcai tor Casatilte Conati J r. Walker. Qty Agant for Ivnjfo-.on HOMES Today I offer the following city and country property: 32b per acre tor choice l«e*cre f*m about one mile from city Matts new house 310.000 for 600 acres, part bottom, im proved; 350 acre* in wheat. £ a< res fine orchard. 10 ruinate« out. 310,000—320 acres of first-class whea' land. Improved; crop goes wttt place; only two miles out. 31.800—a new house and lot in hot tom. 3150 and up for lot* on south side A ni' e business w hich pay* for abou I1.ÎÔ0. Two other business open Ings N. T. Conklin. h duly quallfi»! a« the taw diraete all paraoaa having elaiaaa against aald estate wlu preaeal tba same, with proper »ouchers. to ma at tba olfica ot Hal lay ,t Lowell in Peadlaioa. Oregoa with n tlx from tha date beraoi Dat.-d lhts «Mh day ot Anrtl. a P )«o* • A LOWXLL, Kmamar. None ont the best quality of materials are used. DELICIOUS SODA DRINKS Try onr Mt. Hood Sundae Only at F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist Foaioflkv Block I'hoae Main **i Notice of Final Account. I* tbe County Court ui tb* «tau ol Oregon ter Vnistdla < ouniv. ! In ibe maller ot tbe Ertatr ot Mary A Still» man. ductMiMfe’. Notice 1» hcroby rlren that th« undervlnod. baa on tbe Mb dar 01 Apnl. twM. Blöd in tbte couao hia Anal roport. au< au order baa beon niade and entored herein by tbe Judge ot th* • t»ov* eullt'ed court. Bxtng Monday, tb* Mb dav ol June IDO*, for boor n* npon aald I m I rrport; and all parton» iniereato«l in eald roteio arr hernby roilded tast tbey anal anpoar on or befo-e aa d date. and Bl« or make anr eb- .»eetiona ihay aay hava 10 tbe approval of aald final repori and tke dlacbarsn ol »he Kxacator IDted tbia .**th day of April. 1904 A D. BTIILMAN. Kxeeutor of tb* L«M Will aad Taatnmeat of Mary A. Stillman. Dneoaaed i