WEEKLY EDITION. WEEKLY EDITION, 104 Copies of the SEMI WEEKLY EAST Cannot be better spent than by sub OREGONIAN will be sent you in scribing for th« WEEKLY one year for only $2.00 OREGONIAN the news of the interest you. world It prints and will for a year. EAST Juat think, $1.50 gives you all th« news Try it. for a year Try it PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 1Ü. 1903 Is Fighting Capital at Many Points for Recognition and for Better Conditions CRISIS HAS BEEN REACHED IN NEW ORLEANS SITUATION. Democrats Confi Crusade Against Corruption Failed to Ma­ terialize. St. Louis. April 7.—The intense in­ terest in today’s election which was expected to result from the crusade against corruption in the municipal assembly, failed to materialize, The vote was light and the democrats are confident. Johnson Elected. Cleveland April 7.—Tom L John- son was re-elected to the office of mayor today by a majority of about 7.000 over E. D. Goulder. republican. All the other democratic candidates for city offices were elected. Republicans Win in Mi*-higan. Detroit, April 7.—The republicans All Labor Interests Connected With of Michigan yesterday elected their Cotton Shipping Will Meet Tonight state ticket by a majority estimated —Strikes in Rome and Holland at between 35.000 and 40.000. The justice of the supreme court and the Said Not to Be General. regents of the state university were New Orleans. April 9.—A crisis has chosen. been reached in the labor situation BUILDING FELL. her« and all longshoremen who art black have announced a walk-out. A mass meeting of all labor inter Cave-in Causes Bank to Crush Life <-st* connected with cotton shipping Out of Two Men—Several Injured. will l»e held tonight. It is also rer­ Stauuton Va_. April 9.—While Va.. tain an will strike. It involves s.oo- moving a bank building in Harrison­ men. Commerce of the wharves will burg today, a cave-in caused the be paralyzed by tomorrow aud ■ very building to fall while 12 men were ship in port will be helpless underneath. Two were taken out d«*ad. two were seriously and five STRIKER KILLED. slightly injured. Belgrade. Servia. April 8.— King Alexander yesterday executed a couj> d'etat. He issued two proclamations, the first decreeing the suspension of the constitution, adopted April 19. 1901, repealing objectionable laws passed thereunder. I retiring senators and councilors of state, dissolving the skupshtir.a and re-enacting the laws as they existed previous to the con stitution of 1901. The second proclamation restores this constitution to its former valid­ ity. The kiug says the senate and Skup­ shtina. created under the constitution gi anted by him in 1901. j>assed laws which proved impracticable. -C United States Court at St. Paul Gives a Knock-Out Blow to the Big Railrcad Merger. EXPERTING BOOKS. SUGAR BEETS PAY. County Records at Walla Walla Will Be Overhauled. Walla Walla, April 8 —The expert- ing of the county books, which the board of county commissioners has bad under consideration for some time, was yesterday evening brought to a head by the board entering into a contract with George P. Clark and George W. Buchanan, of Portland, to expert the books from the first Mon­ day in January. 1897. to April 6. 19*3. covering a period of six years Messrs. Clark and Buchanan imme­ diately executed a surety bond in the sum of $2.000 and will receive be tween them $15 per day of eight hours. and railroad fare from Port land one way It 1» expected that It will be two months before a report will be ready to file Prominent Farmer Gives Some 8tat«s- tistics From Washington. Walla Walla. April 7.—John Rob­ erts. a prominent Oregon pioneer, but now residing at Waverly. Wash., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. S C Mc­ Guire. who is dangerously ill at her home on Russell creek. Miss E. G. Roberts, a half sister of Mrs. Mc­ Guire has also arrived to remain with her Mrs. MtGuire has been Hi since last June and life is only prolonged by artificial m>-ans. Mr. Roberta was in town today He is greatly interested in the beet growing industry at Waverly, where D C Corbin’s fa«.-tory is locatad and expressed surprise that no deter mined «-ff> rt han been made by ettl- zens of Waila Walla to secure a fae- tory. "I have |,er»onally examined the soli in the foothill country and one «ould not tell It from the best bee*, land around Waverly.” he said. “The be«-t growing business around Waver­ ly has reached large proportioua I Ast year there were over 2000 acres planted to i>eets while this year the acreage will reach over 4000 acres and possibly 50«, ” Asked as to what revenue was de­ rived i«er acre Mr. Roberts cited the venture of his son last year, off 25 acres. "After all expenses were paid, including the seed, planting, labor and hauling the beets to the factory be hai just $575 left, which was pretty fair return. He will plant 40 acres thia season.” he said under the jurisdiction of the Sherman anti-trust law. The state of New Jer­ DROWNED IN SNAKE RIVER. sey issued their charter with the un­ ATTEMPT TO CLEAN OUT derstanding that the Northern Se- Old Timer Loses His Life by the INMATES ON PACIFIC STREET < urities should not set at defiauce Overturning of a Boat. the laws in congress Weiser. Idaho. April 8—David Law Took Twenty Policemen to Separate Anti-Trust Act Violated. rence wes drowned yesterday morn­ the Infantrymen From the Macks The suggestion that the decision ing in th«- Snake river about six miles —Fifteen Badly Beaten. against the Northern Securities Com­ beknr Weiser at Westlake Island. He San Francisco. April 8—Forty in­ pany would t*nd to Interfere with the was in a boat with two other men fantrymen trom th«- Presidio, loaded constitutional rights of buying and when the boat capsized. The other up with Pacific street whiskey, this selling is viewed by the judges as be­ two men were res«nic-d by men who morning an«l ran amuck with the wo­ ing worthy of little consideration »ent out in a skiff but IAwrence at­ men who frequent the district. Th* The < on'cntlon that the securities tempted to swim ashore He sudden­ women «-alle«i their men friends an«! < a*i- due« not come under the juris­ ly sank probably caused by cramps. it took 2ti police to separate the cun.- diction of the anti trust bill for the He was an old time resident of Wash batants. No shits were fired, but the reason «hat It held a majority of the ington county and has been in busl 15 soldiers in custody look as though steak of t»o railways before the bill news in Weiser several times in the they had been through a Donneybrook was filed, is characterized as absurd. last few years. He had been in the fair. The balance got away. Soldiers Fire Upon Men Who Refuse SETTLERS GET THE LANDS. The judges will neither affirm or Seven Devils country lately. He leaves a wife and several child­ deny that the combination Sn a broad to Leave Picket Line. sense Is beneficial to the public rath­ ren The body has not yet been re­ Oregon 4 California Railroad Loses TO SHOOT BUFFALO. Rotterdam. Netherlands. April 9.— History of Merger. er than harmful: that the motives in­ covered Its Case. Soldiers guarding the offices of the Judge Thayer in stating the conclu spiring the combination are laudable President Roosevelt Will Be Permit­ Washington April 8. — The United transportation companies today fired Saloon Robbed. tion of the court. t<-eounted the his­ and that the organizers did not enter ted to Hunt on Antelope Island. upon four strikers who refused to Stats supreme court has decided two I a Grande. April 8.—Two robber» tory of the merger Th«- amount of th, combination to protect the im ­ Sait I.ake. April 8.—John H White leave the picket line. One was killed. cases involving the right of the Ore­ par mense interests commlted to their were found in Gus Behren’s saloon at gon A California Railroad Company owner of the herd of buffalo on Ante­ stock acquired is I i''7.000.000 | 2am last night, having entered by to land taken in lieu of other land lope- Island, near Salt lutke. bas no­ value, which »»s purchased for S 12*10 charge, or that the combination was removing the gia» from a bark win­ Rotterdam. April 9.—Ninety four I er share. They increased the boi il- an initial step of stndendous designs upon which settlers had previously tified the reception committee that hie per cent of the employes of the Dutch «,! indebtedness of the new cumpa y which if conceived would be of Ines­ dow. Before the night watch could reach the place, they both escaped lailway company have otered to re­ located. before the lands had been sur­ herd is at the disposal of President to $2«Mi.noo ihm . This stock includ d timable value to tbe communities. veyed. The court held that the title Roosevelt and his riffe on the occa­ sume work, the switchmen only stay all the Burlington route purchased y These are characterized a» que» Only a few dollars in the cash drawer of the settlers was the better one sion of his visit there next month ing out. Carters and iron workers Northern Par iff-. the Gr« »• Uona of public policy which «on gres» were taken the and affirmed the decision of the court refuse to join. Northern acting in conjunction, A must d«Hermine. The sole question below. Famous Trainer Dead There is little chante íor a ornerai Electric Plant for Mme. single owner was iOrmed in t.,e was whether the anti-trust art had Union. April 8.—The Sanger Min- strike. V Northern Securities Company, with a been violated an«i the judges reply in Lexington. Ky., April 9—F Tillman's Trial Continued. Ing Company, which operates the old the affirmative $1C capita' stock of $400,000.000. Hull, for 47 years trainer on In Rome. Sanger mine 40 miles «st of this Columbia. April 8.—The trial of Woodhull farm, died this morting. At present the securities ccnioa :y Rome, April 9.—The strike here, so city, will install a $75.000 electric Tillman for the murder of Gonzales i.ged 76. He was on c f the mot fa­ bolds 96 per cent of the North, ra far as being general, has failed. WALL STREET SURPRISED. lighting and power plant this season Many more shops are open today and has been continued until the next mous in America. ll«' developed Paclfi- stock and 76 per cent of the The mine employs 60 men and has term of court. The defense claimed Maud S. Edgewood. Belcont. Haic.d Great Northern Thu destroy--d the militar. authorities seem to have Northern Securities at First Brok produced over $1.000j000 tn gold an absence of witnesses every motive ot competition r.nd other great turf starr. control of the situation. Four hand­ Case Expected to Be Taken to Su* ’ We must conclude." run« th«* ay diviuends to th«- Security Com­ pany. The Northern Pacific and Great Northern stocks «an I m - returned to the previous holders. By this decision tbe greatest rail­ way merger in th«- world is «-«»mplete- ly knocked out. The decision is the most sweeping ever aimed at combl- natlons or so called trusts. It was rr.anim >usiy agreed to by Sanborn, Caldwell. Thayer ar.d Vanderver’er . ndge Sanlorn wrote the decr«e Results From Different Parts of the United States Show Little Change in the Political Situation. SIX SHERIFFS HUNT OUTLAW M’KINNEY He Killed the “Cowboy Poet” and Deputy Sheriff at Kingman, Arizona, Last Week. British Government May Send an Officer to Accompany the Turkish Troops. TURKEY IS SUFFERING FROM INCOMPETENCY Balfour Thinks That if Auwtna and Russia Are Unable to Cdpe With the Affair n Is Useles« for Other Power» to Interfere. Jx>ndon. April I.—la the house of iommona thia afternoon Balfour said that if Austria and Russia were un­ able to cope with the Turkish attua- tion it would be useless. he believed, for other power» to try to avert trou­ ble Secretary Cranberne replying to a question of John Redmond, said: The British ambassador at Constan­ tinople had Insisted on the porte’s carrying out the reforms in the Bal­ kans with weariness monotony Tur­ key u suffering from incompetency Not only are the Christiana misgov­ erned but the Mo ham medians as ARTESIAN WATER. well." He said the British govern­ Grar.de Rood« Farmers Will Try for ment was now considering whether as a guarantee against excess a Brit­ a Flow This Season. ish officer should not accompany the La Grande. April 7—An attempt Turkish troops sent to repress the wil be made this se*son to secure uprisings. artesian water in this valley. The at­ tempt will be made on one of the Mc- ALBANIANS MASSACRE Ctinnell ranches on the Sandridge by farmers who reside near the farm A Men. Women and Children. Who Are man from Sait lake who has had much experience in this sort of work Called From The.r Homes at Night. has been eevured to superintend the London. April 7.—A report, as yet work and will »«xm be on the ground nearer and -»n con firmed, from Sofia, with the machinery and within a tays that the Christian population of short time the people of Grande Ronde Gxhnda numbering 11 has been valley will know wheth«»r or not there masacred by the Albanians is artesian water underlying this val­ It took place last night. Men. wo­ ley Should the venture prove soc- rresful. other wells will be driven at men and children were called from their homes and ruthlessly slain feet above the lake's surface. It is in a wild country The nearest city FIFTY GERMAN SCIENTISTS of any site is Mocastir which has a TO STUDY OUR METHODS. population of 500.003 Attempts ar- being mad-.- to gam news through the Special Car* Will Arrive «r Pendleton latter city which is 28 miles from June 5—Stops Will Be Made in Okhnda Farming Communities to S’udy Fire in Coal Mine. Crops. Marshalltown. la Apnj 8—The Fifty leading faimers and agricui- ture scientists from the German Em­ central coal chutes and Store keep­ by pire are to visit the Pacific Coast dur­ er'» warehouse were destroyed ing tbe coming summer for the nur fire this morning The toes is $25 ■ !<«se of inspecting American farm •MMI. methods. MUST SERVE SENTENCE The party is made up of professors of agrostology, animal industry, chem ists. practical fanning' and scientists Es-Audito* of Whitman County Who from the leading German agricultural Embezzled the Sum of $1753 From colleges and represent a society in Br-doe Company. Germany some* hat resembling the Walla Wall* April 7—C G Raby, Royal Agricultural Society of E t g ex-auditor of Whitman county, eon land. The special car in which th« party ricted of embezzlement and sentenced will travel will come West OTer the to eight years tn the state pentten Southern Pacific to Portland, and will tiary is expected to arrive at the then be taken over the O . R. A N pruon this afternoon to begin his sentence. Raby's case owing to the lines from Portland to Spokane A special effort is being made by prominent position he held as audi­ Genera! Passenger Agent A .L. Craig tor of Whitman county, has attract­ to arrange short stops for the party ed unusual attention and much sym­ at the various points of interest along pathy is expressed for his family, the route, and on arrival at Pendle­ consisting of a young wife and two ton on June 4 or 5 the gentlemen wKl children. Raby was convicted of larceny by be taken ir. charge by Robert Burna, general agent of the O R. A N at embezzlement of a warrant for $1753 Walla Walla. A »pedal train will be issued by the American Bride com­ turnished and every opportunity giver, pany and was sentenced to eight He ap­ them to study the growing crops and vears ,a the penitentiary orchards of Umatilla county The O pealed to the supreme court Alleging RAN. has arranged for a sp*da! error in the trial of the case, but the visit of the entire party to the large verdict of the lower court was sus- Rlaeiock fruit and wheat farms, near tained. He has been anxiously wait­ Walla Wait* and a program will be ing the arrival of the remittitur since at ranged later by the Walla Wai* learning that the verdict had been af­ firmed and expressed a desire to be Commercial Association. The party will make an exhaustive cin his sentence at once. He is an report to tl e German government up- expert accountant and will endeavor or the results of their investigation* to secure a position in the book­ and every community in the West will keeping department of the peniten­ make a special effort to make a show­ tiary. ing in the way of fruit and gtair ROBERTS WILL RECOVER. specimens, and conditions which will be worthy of special mention in the Victim of Unfortunate Shooting at report. General Passenger Agent A. L. Wallula Better. Craig, in a letter to Robert Buras. The condition of John Roberta, who says In regard to the trip of the Ger­ was so desperately shot by Deputy man agriculturists: "They will use Sheriff Nave at Wallula Wednesday our line from Portland to Spokane night steadily improves and unless They want to see the best we can «ome unforeseen complication arises. show them In agriculture! and horti­ Dr Stiles says he is sure to recover, cultural matters Stops should be -ays the Statesman The marshal of made at points where they can see Weston yesterday visited the farm »he growing grain to the best advan­ where Roberts worked for several tage. and one or two visits to prom fnent orchards are desirable. For weeks and his employer spoke highly irstance I have in mind on reaching of him and expected him to return to work. The first suspicions of the Walla Walla, we will take them to the officers that Roberts might be other Rlaiock orchard than he appeared by his reticence "These people are. as stated, prom­ has given away to a feeling that he tnent in their line—ao prominent that was the victim of as strange a trage­ you will note that we are running dy as was ever enacted in the state. them special and doing everything Roberts expressed himself as sincere­ we can to have them see the country. •‘Please plan at once an Itinerary ly glad that no harm had befallen Deputy Nave from Pendleton to Spokane, having in mind showing them the best agri­ La Grande Land Office Report. cultural and horticultural features we La Gram’e. Or.. April 7.—Clerk Ed­ can. Where it Is necessary to tak? short drives. It seems to me that the mund Robbins reports the following people at that particular station business transacted at the La Grande should be perfectly willing to furnish land office for March: Cash entries carriages and a committee to point 2.971 15 acres. $10.335.50; mineral eu tries 283.27. $1.425; desert land en out the items of interest ” tries (3 ) 200. $50; 170 homestead en­ tries 26 283.91 acres fees $1.685; WELL-KNOWN PROSPECTOR. commutation $1.424 43; 16 final borne William Van Deworth. of North stead proofs 2.545.35. $95 45. N P R R ind list No 8. 33 256 23. fees $416; Powder. Dies of Heart Disease. North Powder. April 7. 7 William other fees. $338.54; sales Umatilla In­ Van Weworth. a well-known prosper dian reservation $706.70. timber aad tor of Eastern Oregon, was found stone applications filed 147 (fees paid dead tn his bed at his cabin in Spring at proof ) Total to record. $16.476 62; rereived on suspended entries. $7,- Gulch. Monday evening. Van Deworth and his brother lived 14557. together alone, and worked some very Indian ..ar Vstsrana. itch placer mines pear here. He was Walter and James Dougherty, of 63 years of age. and was one of the first men to prospect on the present Chico, and J J Bevans, of Fruita, site of Cracker Creek and Cable met yesterday in this city after a sep­ Cove. aration of nearly 47 year* Theae old gray beards served as volunteers during the Indian wars of Oregon and Will of Swift. in 1855-56. Walter Chicago. April 8—The will of Qua- Washington tavus Swift was filed for probate this Dougherty served four months as a afternoon. He leaves an estate of private in Captain Joe Bailey's com $12.000.000. of which $$00.000 is given pany. James Dougherty served as a to charity to be disbursed at the dis­ private and J. J. Blevans as Fist Ser­ cretion of his widow. The remainder geant four months each in Captain is divided among the family, the I abac Buoy’s company.—Enterprise Chieftain widow taking a third.