The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, March 13, 1903, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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Copies of the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST
Cannot be better spent than by sub­
OREGONIAN will be sent you in
one year for only ,200
the news of the
interest you.
scribing for the WEEKLY
It prints
Are Now Being Re-enacted
in the Mississippi Basin.
Alarm Now General Along the River
With Refuges—Many Suffering the
Severest Privations.
Memphis. Tenn.. March 12.—Alartr
is now general. All the flood scenes
of 1897 are being re-enacted.
number of refugees are increasing a-
an alarming rate. Steamers are con
stantly arriving, some bearing as
many as 150.
AjBny have suffered the severes1
privations. Hundreds who were ir
good condition, have had to complete
ly abandon everything. Early at
tempts to rescue livestock have beer
abandoned. The steamers are bus)
saving people only. The charitabli
organizations are taxed to their ut
The river here rose five inches dur
ing the lest day and is now two anc.
a half feet above the danger line
There are rumors that the levees
have broken in several places, but
none are confirmed. The situation a*
Caruthersville, Mo., is fraught with
danger. The engineers are concen­
trating their efforts there and are
working every available man on a
temporarly levee loop, but it is fear
ed that when the strain comes it will
be inadequate. This morning mer.
are dropping from exhaustion on the
Two Negroes Drowned,
Two negroes were drowned in the
Obion River this morning. Theii
house floated away at 2 o’clock yes
Settlers Stampeding.
Texarkana, Ark., March 12.—Set
tiers of the Red River valley are
stampeding. All property interests
have been lost sight of. The lowlands
are rapidly being flooded.
On Upper Ohio.
Huntington. W. Va . March 12.—The
Ohio River rose two feet in the las’
day. The lowlands are steadily being
Convicts on Levee.
Jackson, Miss.. March 12.—All the
convicts have been ordered out from
the penitentiary and put to work
under a heavy guard on the levee
Tents are being furnished for hand
reds of homeless families.
Rising Rapidly.
New Orleans, March 12.—The river
is rising more rnv’dly now and is
within eight inches of the 1897 mark
Forces of men are increasing the
East St. Louis Threatened.
SL Louis. March 12.—The inhabi­
tants of the east side are alarmed
over the high water. A general inun­
dation is threatened by Cahokia
Creek, which is out Its banks, On
both sides of the stream are countless
elevators, factories, railway depots
yards and small houses. There will
be great damage if it is Inundated.
The pest house at Venice, Ill., is
surrounded with water. Four pa­
tients are in the upper bunks and the
floor is covered with water.
At Paducah.
Paducah, Ky.. March 12.—The Ohio
River Is now 10 miles wide and still
rising, The water is in many build-
All Occurred in Mines Which the Op­
erator» in Their Testimony Declar­
ed Were Perfectly Safe.
Shamokin Pa.. March 12—Two
miners were drowned by Upping
water in a Sterling mine chamber,
One miner was killed and three in­
jured by falling coal in the Cameron
colliery. One was killed likewise in
Hickory Ridge mine as a result of
accidents today.
All of these mines were reported
as being extremely safe by the coal
operators when they were testifying
e the anthracite commission.
think, ,1.50 gives you all the aswa
Try il
Al1 the Flood Scenes of 1897
Gorman, at Head of Democrats, Wins
Great Victory—Great Surprise to
licans—Final Vote on Pana-
2.—The Cuban
ably from
the senate
foreign re-
lations today with
dment pro-
vidin g that its provisions be concur­
red in by the house. The adoption of
this amendment is a distinct demo-
ratic victory and is the first fruits of
Gorman’s leadership. It ensures, it
is believed .the ratification of the
treaty at the present session of the
senate, although it will not become
effective until after the house con-
urs in the tariff reductions provided
in the treaty. This it is expected will
he one of the first acts of the next
Surprise tc Republicans.
The acceptance of the republican
majority of the democratic contention
that the concurrence of the house
was necessary before the reciprocity
treaty, which changes the tariff rates
can become law. was a great surprise
to the republicans who have hereto­
fore stoutly held that the senate
alone, with the president, constituted
the treaty making power. Gorman's
victory therefore, is decisive.
A formal agreement for a vote on
the Panama treaty has been reach-
ed and was made public today. It
provides for a 15-minute debate on
each side on the amendments during
Monday and Tuesday. The final vote
in the ratification will be had Tues-
lay afternoon. Morgan is to be allow-
ed to make public his speeches.
Allison Resolution Reported.
The senate today received a favor­
able report on the Allison resolution
directing the committee of rules to
investigate the expediency of limit­
ing debate.
Platt, of Connecticut,
presented an amendment providing
that a three-fourths vote of the sen­
ators at any time could adopt an
order for the time of debate and time
to take the vote. The amendment
under the rules went over one day
The consideration of the Panama
treaty was then resumed behind
closed doors.
It is generally believed that the
present session will end Friday of
next week. The Panama treaty will
be ratified Tuesday. The Cuban
treaty will come up immediately
after the adoption of the amendment,
sending it to the house for concur-
rence. which will result in an early
State's Delegation In Congress Mak­ I
ing Slate — Radical Change* Ex­
pected in Five District*.
Washington. March 12.—The Ore­
gon delegation now has under consid­
eration the question of appointments
of registers and receivers at five of
the Oregon land offices to succeed the
present incumbents, whose terms
have long since expired.
Successors are being chosen
B. Moores, register at Oregon
J. T. Bridges, register, and
Booth, receiver, at Roseburg;
Bartlett, register, and S. O. Swacjt-
hamer, receiver at La Grande; E M
Brettin, register, and Harry Bal’ey,
receiver, at I-akeview. and Charles
Newell, receiver at Burns. Last sum­
mer George W. Bibee was appointed
receiver at Oregon City, and William
Farre register at Burns. These of-
fleer* will not be disturbed
Practically all of the present tu­
enmbents are candidates for rca p-
pointinent, but it is believed
many changes will be made, partic­
ularly at La Grande, where the pres­
ent officials have not renderol s«rv-
Ice satisfactory to the department.
The delegation expects to agree ou
«ome of the new appointments wtth-
tn a few days. and. if so. nominations
will at once be sent to the senate and
The delegation today united in rec­
ommending the appointment of three
postmaster« in the first district -J G.
Eckman. McMinnville: James Page,
Eugene, and the reappointment of &
S. Train. Albany. Page was unani­
mously Indorsed by the legislative
delegates from Lane county.
The senate today confirm«« 1
"omlnation of five Oregon postmast­
ers appointed yesterday.
Justice Day Very Sick.
Washington. March 12.—Associate
Justice Day is worse this morning.
His condition is so serious that Han­
na. who is a close friend, is at his
Measures to be Taken to Ameliorate
the Condition of the Russian Serfs
—Conferences to be Held In Prov-
St. Petersburg. March 12.—An im­
perial manifesto was issued today
which is considered highly important
in political circles. It has for its sub­
ject the peasant population and states
that measures will be taken to amel-
orate the condition. Conferences will
be held in each province where the
best proposals will be submitted, dis­
cussed and selected.
It announces that it is the Cza’-'s
intention to strengthen laws of toler-
ance, granting freedom of religion to
subjects bolding other than the or-
thodox faith and that the rural laws
will be improved relieving the peas-
ants from the burdens of forced la-
Causes Great Excitement
There is great excitement over the
announcement of
the manifesto,
which is regarded by the people as
being the most important since the
freeing of the serfs. It is announc­
ed that it was issued in commemora­
tion of the birthday of Alexander III.
the father of the czar. One of the
most important provisions is that of
religious freedom, which withdraws
the ban from the Jewish race.
Fire Department Has Been Fightinn
the Flames All Night and Still at
Work—Thirty Families* Homeless—
Victoria Dock Gone.
Portland. March 10 —A terrific gale
is blowing at the rate of 40 mile»
an hour. The fire department has
been fighting fire all night and is still
In action.
At 4:30 a whole block on the east
side went at a loss of *60.000, and 30
families were made homeless.
At 5:30 the *10.000 Faber residence
was utterly consumed and *1.000
worth of jewelry lost
At 10:30 the Victoria dock on the
east side was utterly wiped out w'th
three adjoining residence», at a tu'a:
loss of ,225.000.
The Are Is still raging and xay
sweep the whole water front on the
east side of the Willamette Rivet
The firemen ar* fighting dreperetelv
Every appliance for ’ighting fre
in the city. Is In action.
Later—Was Incendiary.
Portland. March 10.—It Is now
known that the damage will reach
,750.000. The Victoria dock was
full of supplies. A fire bug was seen
running when the fire was first notic­
ed. and it is thought that it was of
incendiary origin. The fire was put
out at 3 p. m.
Oregon Postmasters.
Washington, March 10.—The presi­
dent today sent to the senate the
following nominations: Postmasters:
Montana—L. V. Bogy. Chinook. Ore­
gon— William R. Curtis. Marshfield:
Marion F. Davis. Union: Benjamin F.
Vaughan. Heppner; Thomas B Ran­
dall. Oregon City; Andreas L. Sproul.
Ontario. Washington—John F. Irby,
Referred to Committee Which Was
Authorized to Sit During Recess
•nd Report to Next Congress.
Washington, March 11 -immedl
Jack O’Keefe of Chicago is Man Dead and Wife Dying ately after opening the senate today.
Allison offered a resolution authoriz­
Awarded the Decision in Go
Because of Knowledge of ing the committee on rules to re-ex­
amination the rules of the senate
with a view to ascertain what
Last Night in Portland.
Burdick Murder.
change», if any, were necessary or ex­
pedient to place a time limit on de­
flate. and if so to what ext »««■_
It was referred to the cocimitroe on
contingent expenses The “ommlttee
was also authorized to sit -luring the
A SHAPELESS MASS recess and was directed to repot". as
soon as possible at the next :<*a*lon
of congress
Shortly after noon the
door* were closed for the Panama dis­
When Referee Awarded F igtir «V Had Sent for a Private Detective to cussion. Mc.gsn’» desk, waa buried
O’Keefe Crowd Jumped Into Rina
Investigate the Bu’dick Matter— beneath books and papers
Morgan talked until 3:16. when he
and Created a Riot—Money 2 to 1
Was Much Excited When Question­ asked the clerk to read Home of his
in Favor of Britt
ed Last Week.
Wis Reported to Be Heavily Embar-
rassed Because of Backing Heinze
—Panic Among Depositors.
Butte. Mont.. March 12.—A run was
started on the State Savings Bank
this morning and a panic exists
among the depositors. The bank and
street is crowded with excited peo­
Payments are being made on
the checks as fast as they are pre­
sented, although the bank officials
say they will have to take refuge be­
hind the 30-day notice law if the run
continues. The run is supposed to
have been started by malicious ru­
mors having an origin in politics. The
report is circulated that the bank
was such a heavy barker of Heinze
in his war on the amalgamated com­
pany that it was heavily embarrass­
Lady Gordan Shows Her American
Raisin««—Leaves England With Her
March 12.—Lady Gran-
ville Gordon, who fled when the or-
der of court was made giving her for­
mer husband the custody of her child,
has been located in Paris. She wrote
a letter to her present husband, say­
ing she would keep her child despite
the courts. It is said she contem­
plates escaping to her girlhood home Methodists to Construct a Fine Brick
in Minnesota.
Building at a Cost of *7,000.
The court today issued warrants
C. E. Troutman .the architect, has
Governor of Connecticut to Offer *10,-
and an order for the committal of submitted his plans for the new
000 for Capture of Murderer*.
I^dy Gordon for contempt of court.
Methodist church at Athena, and
Hartford. Conn., March
work will begin on the building as
legislature this morning authorized
soon as the contract is let. It will
the governor to offer a reward of
he of brick and stone. 65x85 feet, with
*10,000 for the capture of the murder­ May Be Nominated by Republicans to a basement six feet out of the ground
ers of Policeman Mendelsohn. at
and the full size of the building above
Succeed Tongue.
Waterburry, while protecting the car
Portland, Or.. March 12.—The re­ it. Upon the first floor will be the
publican congressional committee of main auditorium, which will seat 400.
the first district of Oregon, is in ses the Sunday school annex, the pastor's
sion here arranging for the nomina­ study and the library. The gallery
will seat 150 people comfortably,
People in Nearby Villages Are Alarm­ tion of a successor to the late Thom­ making the total seating capacity
ed by Continuous Earthquakes.
ex-land officer, is the leading candi­ 550. In the basement will be parlors,
the audience room for the Christian
Rome, March 12.—The eruptions of date.
Endeavor, the kitchen and the heating
Vesuvius are gaining strength. The
It will be steam heated
people of nearby villages are fright­
throughout. The general style will
ened by the continuous fall of ashes
he Gothic, and the cost will be *7.000.
and the earthquakes.
Action Due to Miners Joining the
Western Miner*.
Victoria, B. C., March 12.—Duns­
Will Crozier, Who Went to Manila muir has ordered the extension of The Contests of Parties for Reserva­
the C. P. R. to the coal mines clos­
From Pendleton, Is in Trouble.
tion Lande, Heard.
Manila, March 12.—William Cro­ ed April 1. He has nothing to say
case, Bartholomew B.
zier, editor of the American, who, at present. Undoubtedly the action Gervlas vs. Charles Sevey, on Umatil­
with a reporter of the paper, was
join the Western Federation of la reservation lands, was heard before
arrested March 2 on the charge of li­ to
Joseph Parkes today. The testimony
which was reached Sunday,
belling General Davis, commanding
of two witnesses was taken. The
of the American troops, has been
contestant was represents I by T. O.
convicted, but not sentenced.
Hailye and contestee by .Tamos A.
Fee. Motion was made by T. G. Hai­
Mr. Crozier is well known in Pen­
ley. attorney for contestant that the
dleton, having enlisted in Company
case be dismissed. The case of Frsl
D. Second Oregon Volunteers, mus­
Cal., March 12—The Brown vs. Rosa Carroll, a contest
tered in at this place. He took his hoisting cable in the 200-foot shaft in over Umatilla reservation lan Is was
discharge at Manila and entered the the Bull Hill mine broke this morn­ also heard. The contestant was rep­
newspaper field.
The cage, weighing one ton, resented by T. O. Hailey and contes­
went to the bottom, striking Jack tee by James A. Fee. On motion of
The state grange is now in session Cates, a miner, and fatally injuring T. G. Hailey, attorney for contestant,
at Portland, with a large attendance. him.
the case waa dismissed.
Portland, March 10.—Jack O'Keefe.
Buffalo. March 11.—The Burdick af­
of Chicago, was awarded the decision fair is taking on a much more serious
on a foul in the sixth round last night aspect. Just a» the police thought
at the Pastime Club In his contest they had found a witness of much
with Jimmy Britt, of San Francisco. Importance, be is murder*«!
Referee Jack Grant claimed that Britt
Last night Mr Pennell was found
struck a blow that was far too low tn hl» house dead beaten Into a shape­
and accordingly was sent to his cor­ less mass. His wife was found fatal
ner. awarding the contest of O'Keefe. !y hurt, with gashes and bruises over
Britt had the fight In hand from the her body.
beginning, and in the sixth round had
Mr*. Pennell Dying.
O Keefe going and undoubtedly would
Buffalo, March 11.—Mrs
have put him out In another round.
at 9 o'clock was still uuconscious.
In the first round Britt made blood and It Is believed Is dying The surg
flow freely from his opponent’s nose. eons are doing everything to prolong
Britt is much the quicker of the two her life. Detective* are present ar.d
men and used his left effectively on hope to learn If she know» anything
O'Keefe’s stomach. When Referee of the Burdick murder.
Grant awarded the fight to O'Keefe |
Cannot See Remains.
the crowd jumped into the ring and
For some unknown reason the dis
it took a dozen policemen to prevent trict attorney’s office at 9 30 Issued
a riot. Britt threw up his bands and , an order that under no circumstance*
protested against the decision, stat­ | were the remains of Pennell to be
ing that he had committed no foul. | shown to anyone. Not even the po
Dr. J. D. Fenton was called and lice captain or detective* were ad
made an examination of O'Keefe. He mitted into the dead house. It be-
stated that O'Keefe was
suffering --«me known this morning that Pen
from a blow struck far t«elow the ne!) was surprised Into a remarkable
state of excitement while being ques
Most of the money ofi the fight was tioned. He was asked if be knew that
laced at 2 to 1 with Britt as the a messenger boy saw a man emerge
favorite. Between 4.000 and 6 000 i from the Burdick's house the night
people witnessed the fight. Both men of the murder and said he could post
weighed slightly under 133 pounds
tlvely Identify him If again seen
Pennell, who during the Interview
nervousness by
drinking large quantities of whiskey
Colonization sprang up excitedly and nearly col
lapsed He asked a number of qure
Scheme Used to Exploit the Public.
tton» barely above a whisper without
Chicago. March 10.—Dr. Bittinger waiting for an answer to any.
ar.d Terlfn Vincent, of Dayton. O..
He then refused to discuss the esse
connected with a South American col­ longer and ordered Bowen, the inter­
onization scheme, called the Nicara- rogator. from the room.
zua Company, were held by the fed­
The official report of Pennell’« in
eral grand jury today and charged Juries as made by the medical ex
with defrauding the publfc to the ex­ •miner this morning, show« literally a
tent of The companv was | crushed bead, shapeless legs, with
repitallzed at ,1.006 0W and claimed I rib* and shoulders broken.
•o hare lnnd worth nearly half a
Employed Detective.
million, besidre concession*, steam­
He bad employed a private detec­
ers and factories. Government ex­
perts estimate that the total valua­ tive in New S’ork to come here and
tion Is approximately only about ,10.- conduct an investigation of the Bur­
dick murder, The detective arrived
here this i morning and heard of the
death of bis
employer while en route
He says In hla correspondence Pen-
neil said he was innocent of any con
Mayor, Attorney and Chief of Polies ' nectlon. but was bounded to death
to Re Tried for Malfeasance In Of­ !by the police and reporters
he was willing to pay for a private
' attempt ot capture the murderer
Seattle. March IL—The grand jury
has voted to Indict Mayor Thomas J
Humes. Prosecuting Attorney Walter
S. Fulton and Chief of Police Sulli­
van for malfeasance in office, permit­ Fiva Small Boys Ars Injured—Three
ting gamblln* and other unlawful
vices to flourish.
Buffalo. March 11—A crowd of
small boys found a stick of dynamite
where It had been thrown carelessly
by an Italian. Into a shallow creek,
Kaissr's Tutor Thought to Hava this afternoon, and began playing
with It They threw It on the pave­
Taken Ship for America.
Five were
Hamburg. March 11.—Captain Sid­ ment when it exploded.
ney O'Danne formerly the kaiser's Injured three fatally. The oldest bov
year» of age and the youngest
tutor, who has been confined in an to
asylum here for insanity, escaped to *.
yesterday. There are no i-ace*. but
he is believed to have t«ken a ship
for America.
Valuable Paper* Lost in Fire That
Consumed Poetofflce at Klamath
Spanish Government I* Going to Ob­
Lakeview. Or.. March 10.—All mall
tain the Trus Cause of Explosion.
coming from Ashland to Lake county
Madrid. March
11—Minister of that was due here the 3d was destroy­
Foreign Affairs Abarzuesa will pro- ed by the burning of the Klamath
pose at the next meeting of the coun­ Falls postoffice. Important papers
cil of ministers that the government concerning lan dmatter* are supposed
float the American battleship Maine, to have been lost
In Havanna harbor, to obtain the
true cause of the explosion.
NO. 30
for a year.
Try IL
The Liner Karamanla Detained at
Quarantine—H ad a Number of
Deaths En Route With Symptoms
of Poisoning.
New York, March 10.—The Anchor
liner Karamania. from
was detained at quarantine today be
reuse a number of her crew and pas­
sengers died en route in peculiar ctr-
cutnslanr-es. On the run to Palmero,
four of the crew suddenly took ill and I
two died
One recovered and the
other was sent ashore at Palmero,
where the dortor» »aid be was pois
A few days later, several of the
' rew in the same wardroom suddenly
•ook ill and rushed to the deck, where
the fresh air revived them. The com­
partment was stripped, disinfected
and closed.
March 1 two passengers died with
’he same symptoms and spasms. The
following day one more passenger
Ued after being cared for in the hos­
pital and another was found dead on
a berth,
All occupied adjoining
berth« In the steerage and were all
’.nried at sea It to believed that the
!*atha were caused by r>oi»onous ra»
from something In the freight.
Asiatic Cholera.
The health officers this afternoon
’•elleve the deaths on the »teamer
Karemaria were due to Asiatic chol-
Discovered on
Floor of Hotel
This Morning.
Much Damage Don« by
Water—Quick Work
Prevents Disastrous Conffagaration
Wai Fully Insured and Wilt bo Re
paired at Onco.
There occurred at 5 o’clock th!»
morning a dlaastroua fire ia th« Hotel
Pendleton which inflicted a damage
of at lea»» UOOO to the building and
probably ,2600 to th* contents
At 5 o'clock a traveling man naated
R D Fulton, who waa rooming on the
third floor smelled smoke strong
enough to excite hto appretooasiOM
and he investigated and discovered
fire In the “hopper room." which waa
near his apartment
He immediately aroused others, and
l.-e and Conductor George Bteveaa and
Grazing on Utah Forest Reserve Sue H W Mix another traveling aaa.
tamed by High Court.
indertook to extinguish the fire *up-
Salt Lake, March 10—Judge Mar­ ->o«Ing that ft had net yet gotten out
»hall, ot the United State* district of the hopper room.
court. has sustained the
__ ■
_________ of
Hom Failed to Work.
the defendant In the case of the Unit­
They ran to the fire hoae tn the
'd States against Frank Martinos
who was charged with a band hallway and only 3d feet distant from
of 2000 sheep on the Fish I-ake Forest the hopper room ar.d attempted to
Reserve in violation of the rule« for­ turn on the water. Finding it would
mulated for the protection of forest □ot run they turn«d in aa alarm to
reserves by the secretary of the Inter •he hotel office and aroused the other
■or. Judge Marshal; states that con •«eonle on the third and second floors
The lessees
Kaapar ard Georre
gress has exceeded Its legislative
• ower in empowering the secretary of Van Dran turned ia aa alarm ltnme-
the interior to make the violation of 'iately to the fire department and
which would be a criminal art and themselves and other guests under
held that the law was unconstitution­ took to do what they could toward
al. The decision is regarded as one extinguishing the fire They also at-
at tbs greatest Importance to Utah empt*«! to turn on the water through
«heepmen. A number of pending aim- •he fire hose on both the second and
Jar cases will be thrown out of court third floors bat found they could not
The effect of Judge Marshall's decis- there being an entire absence of «rat­
on will be to open more thin 1.080. er In the ripe« »«ipposed to «upply the
‘‘00 acres of the choicest grazing land hoae. of which there was 10*i feet, all
Laborers Strike at Seattle Because in the state, which for the past few properly connected, on each floor
In the meanrime. the guests hustled
Wages Were Cut 10 Cents.
■ car» has beer, carefully protected by
Seattle. March 10.—All the Japan­ the government As soon as the situ 'o ret their effects out of the boose,
ese »ectioti. roundhouse men ar.d la ation becomes known. It is believed which all succeeded in doing without
borers on the Great Northern struck that hurdred» of thousands of sheer loss
The fire department arrived in a
today because their wages were cut will be brought across the line from
10 cents today. Much Inconvenience adjoining »tates. and the forest re­ short time and connected their hose
with outside hydrant» which afforded
results from the strike.
serve will be covered with sheep
a good pressure and sooe had water
Maying upon the roof, and on esery
floor. Or. the inside Mrs Kaspar Van
Dran took charge of the work cf ret­
ting effect« out of the house
guest* and the hired help were her
first concern and their belonging»
were hustled out of doors tn short or­
She then succeeded in getting
out her piano and organ and the fur
APPROPRIATES ,10000. nlshlngs of her private «ufte of room*
«n o' which xrere her persoual prop­
Pay Streak Is Seven Miles Long—J100 Will Transfer Her Entire fit. Louis
Daily Taken Out Per Man—’00 Feet
Exhibit to the Lewie end Clark Ca­
Was Quickly Pvt Out
to Bed Rock.
Very effective work was quickly
Taroma, March 11.—There to great
Salt Lake City. March 11—The done but a» a matter of fact the fire
excitement in the upper Yukon over Utah legislature today passed a bill
was making very rapid progress, has-
another goll discovery compared to appropriating 110 000 for an exhibit
!ng beet! much further advanced wher
the Klondike on Duncan Creek. One at the Lewis and Clark Exposition discovered than anyone at first real
hundred dollars dally per man is be­ to be held in Portland in 1905. Ac­ 'red
The department had to wort
ing taken out. The richest claims are tion on lhe measure, which had pre­
hard to save the building From the
on a pay streak seven miles long and viously been passed by the senate, r«rncre««t of the Are after the arrtvn!
the bed rock Is 25 to 100 feet deep.
was unMimously la favor of the bill of the department it ia certain that
The Yukon government recom­ which went through without dtecus-
when discovered by Pulten it had
mends to Ottawa an expenditure of sion.
traversed very nearly the lenrth and
If 000.000 for Installing a water sys­
Although but *10.000 is named as breadth of the roof, foe before the
tem for all the producing creeks to the appropriation for the Portland meets on the third floor had their be­
supply water for the purpose of tread fair, the exhibit will really cost many longing« out of their rooms th«« entire
milk and other concessions
times that amount A companion bill, third floor was filled with sme-ke and
which also passed the legislature to­ the celling* were beginning to drop
day. provides for the expenditure of Plastering and paper loosened by th*
PANIC IN AMERICA. *50.000 for a Utah exhibit at SL Louis heai betxreen th* ceilings and the
tn 1904
The St. Louis exhibit will roof.
Such an amount of water was neces
Assarts That th« Americans Have be moved entire to Portland. The ap­
Undertaken More Than They Can propriation for the Portland fair to de­ «arfly used that the building xras
Carry Out—Day cf Reckoning Com­ signed to cover the «oat of transfer, flooded from the roof to the basetneet
and to replace any pxdon» of tnis This destroyed all the plastering and
The actual
New York. March 10.—Referring to display that may be lost or -leatroy- □anering in the house
the diminution of the strength of the ed. Should the funds permit, addi­ damage done by the fire to confined
New York Associated Bank*, the Lou­ tions will be made for ’he ltortland to some apartments on the third floor
don Time* in its city article says, ac­ exhiblL as it Is the wish of Goren or and to the roof and Its supporting
cording to a dispatch of the New Well» to make the most creditable structure
Amount of D nmafl».
York Time», that the mysteriously showing possible at the Portland fair.
large reductions of net deposit* ef­ It Is certain that Gove.ror Wells will
To the building there waa probably
fected in the last quarter of 1902. hare approve both measures passed by the done by fire and water, damage to
usually been the result not ot the real legislature today. The governor has the amount of ,5d00. To the contents
liquidation of excessive commitments, ' cen a strong advocate oi a large ap- at least ,250H Nearly the entire loss
but of transfer* of indebtedness to P'opriation for the pun-osa of« falls upon the Pendleton Hotel Co
European capitalists, who were ready, exhibits, and heartily indorse» the which own« ths building and the far-
Man at Bottom of Torpedo Boat Bribe for a handsome consideration, to take two bill*.
Iron Mill* at Auction.
□iihtngs of the kitchen, officea. guest
An effort, which lacked general sup­ rooms and other fixtures.
Scandal Sent to Asylum.
over for a time “these attempts to put
Sharon. Pa.. March 11.—Pursuant
The company carried ,2*i
to the order of the referee In bank­
New York. March, 10.—Philip Dob- off the evil day when the United
ruptcy. the rolling and plate mills of lln. of the torpedo boat bribe fame, States business world will have to I.ouls appropriation. Tletjen. a Mor­ ance upon the building and W5W* upon
(he contents
The Van Dran Broth­
the Continental Iron Company were was examined by physicians last own that it has bitten off more than
ty. proposed an amendment cutting ers. !he lessee« carried ,1800 on their
put up for sale at public auction to­ night and pronounced insane, He It can chew."
The article says that during the last the amount to *25.000. and Austin, effect*, most of which was on the
day. The debts of the company are was taken to the Insane asylum this
three or four years the United State» another Mormon member, from Utah «tock of liquors on the first floor,
has had more success than would have county, proposed making the appro which was uninjured, and xrhlch is
been possible In the case of any other nrlatlon *40.000. After considerable valued at ,2500 Mr* Van Dranto ef-
discussion, the bill as originally intro­ *ects. referred to. were not insured at
country, adding:
“No country can show contempt for duced appropriating *60.000. was pass­ all
sound business rules with impunity, ed with but few votes against IL
The Van Drans came here about
The Portland commlssiou will con­ three years azo from Albany, and
and the impunity apparently enjoyed
by the United State* for the disregard sist of four member*, and the same have been the mapaeers of the Hotel
of the laws of economics, which Is a number will constitute the St. Pendleton since that time. Kaspar
consequence of that country’s compar­ commission. While detailed plans and George both informed the report­
ative youth, merely amounts to delay haev not yet been announced, it is er for the East Oregonian that they
In the day of reckoning for each era certain that the Utah display will be both supposed until this morning, as
a fine one. The state is in possession did also Mrs Vs* Dran that the fire
Spectators Watching burning Oil Train Are Caught by of economic debauch."
of many fine relics and specimens hose could be depended unon In case
which esn be made a part of the ex­ of fire, and expressed great astonish­
Tongues of Fire.
hibit without the expenditure of any­ ment at finding it inoperative. The
thing beyond the cost of transporta­
Perry, the Negro, on His Death Bed tion and arrangement. This will per­ explanation civen them to that the
Olean ,N. Y.. March 10.—More than | Word was
sent at _______
once to _________
the Olean
nine* supplving the fire hose and the
mit the erection of a onlld'tig nt me water for the cuest rooms were out
a score of people were killed and a police headquarters by telephone'
of the fairs, and possibly at both. 1»
large number were Injured by an ex­ Every doctor and ambulance in the
Boston, Mass.. March 10.—Sheriff l.i the intention of JoK'rnor Wells of order and it was necessary, prior
plosion of oil near here yesterday. A city was summoned. Carriages of all
Falrbeirne has made public a portion t have the mineral, agricultural and to the Van Drans’ taking possession,
freight train on the Erie, made up kinds were pressed into service and
of the confession, made on his death other resources of Utah fully repre­ to shut off the water from the out­
principally of oil tank cars filled with everything possible was done to bring
bed by Perry, the negro murderer. sented. and to this end he will name side The Van Drans. of course, knew
oil, broke In two near this city about the injured without delay to the hoa-
Perrv realizing that he was In a dying is commissioners men eape-.4ally well there was no water in the rueet
9 o’clock. The two sections of the pltals for treatment.
condition, completely exonerated Ma­ fitted to collect and display the ex- -ooms, hut state that they did supnose
train came together with a crash and
there was water behind the fire hose
son. and »aid he had nothing what­
Later—Fifteen Dead.
one of the oil tanks was demolished.
l> bit to the best advantage-
until their experience this morning
Olean. March 10.—The fire Is still
Fire broke out almost Instantaneously
proved there was not.
*10.000 From Nebraska.
and the sky was lighted up for miles. burning at 8 o’clock this morning
With the stiff «rind blowing there
making the scene of last night's disas­ as he confessed and told the sheriff
Nebraska will appropriate *10.000 were present nearly all the elements
Crowd of Spectator*.
ter appear awful, with a high column the details of the murders.
for the I-ewls and Clark fair. This for a destructive fire. It would have
A large crowd of people left this of smoke still In the air. Fifteen peo­
Is directly due to the efforts of ex­ been much worse but for the self-poa
city for the scene of the fire. While ple are known to be dead and the list
Governor T. T Geer, who is at pres­ session of the occupants, many of
they were lined up along the tracks will undoubtedly be increased when
ent at IAncoln. Previous to his com whom carried water in bucket* before
a terrific explosion occurred. The Olean creek is dragged. It is believ­ Peculiar Cause of Daath of Wrestler
Ing no appropriation was contemplat­ «nd after the arrival of the depart­
flames communicated quickly with ed that several, when their clothing
ed. The following I* the message re­ ment and so succeeded in confining
the other tank cars and the second was aflame plunged Into the river
the operation* of the fire on the third
and third explosions followed each and were drowned. Thirty are now dieting th<? autopsy on the body of ceived at Portland from Mr. Geer: floor, preventing tt from getting any
"Had meeting today with Governor
other In rapid succession. Sheets of In hospitals, of whom seven are ex­ George R Cooper, whose neck was
among the
Mickey and the joint ways and means considerable foothold
flame shot out In all directions. Score* pected to die. One Is unidentified. broken while wrestling with Frank committee of the
Nebraska legisla- rooms
of persons were caught within the Victims nearly all young men and Wagner, at Turnverein hall in this
promise of a ,10.-
Cause of Ftoa.
range of the fire and enveloped In youths. The wrecking crews are city Friday night. Coroner’s Physic- ture, and secured a
000 appropriation, No appropriation
The “hopper room" to the room In
working as fast as possible All trains
whatever had been contemplated
which is temporarily thrown the
are running around by the way ot the result of a most unusual accident fore my arrival."
Caught by Fira.
Wagner had partially thrown Cooper.
waste paper which accumulates on
Men and boys ran screaming down
who suddenly lost his balance and fell
that particular floor, and la which
Ths Latest List
To Visit at San Juan.
the tracks with their clothing ablaze.
off the mat, striking the floor on the
is a sink into which la thrown slops
Others fell where they stood, over­
Washington. D. CM March 10.—Alic* from that floor
Seventeen are dead and 36 injured, back of his neck His long-shanked
ft Is believed that
come with the awful heat. Just how according to the latest list
Two collar button struck the side of the Roosevelt sail» Saturday for San Ju­ the firs originated in a box into which
many were killed is not known, and bodies were found Incinerated In ths spinal column at Ita tenderest place, an. P. I., to visit with Governor Hunt's had been throw* waste papsr and
many of the bodlee were incinerated. wreckage and ars unldsntltted
causing the fracture
Baker Citv Mining Man Gets Into
Trouble and Is Arrested.
Baker City. March 10—The sense
(local culmination of trouble that ha*
for some time been brewing in the in
rer circles of the Uncle Dan Gold
mining company, came
when E. Everett, the general manager
of the company, was arrested by Con
stable A. G. Hempie. charged with as
sanltlng Mr» W. J May wife of Dr
May. the secretary of the company.
It is stated that yesterday Mr Ev­
erett went to th* office of Dr May and
demanded the secretary’» hooks. Dr
May was not in the office, but Mrs
May waa Mr*. May. it ;» stated, told
Mr. Everett that he was entirely at
liberty to look at the books and make
any examination that he cared to Into
the affairs of th* company, but that
h* could not take the hooks from the
office. Then, It Is «aid Mr. Everett
wrenched the secretary's book from
•he lady's hands, rather ronrhly. and
took ft from the office. When Dr
May returned ard was ii formed of the
occurrence, he went before Justice of
the Peace Messick and made com
plaint and s warrac.» was issued
-harrinr Everett with assault Judge
M<H«l-k released Everett on his OWT
reeogn!rance ard the trial of the rase
wa« fixed f«>r next Saturday before
Jndr* Messick.