i * I. O. O F. Installation. r report iia«i not been heard in that Umatilla Encampment No. IT lias place. The police here have not been install«'«! til»’ following officer» for the notified and several prominent citi­ term of one year: zens ot this city, one of whom drove John Hailey. Jr.. l>. D G. P officf- In from Pilot Rock yesterday, sav they FRIDAY. JANUARY 23, 1803. ating. Lave heard no such report, although DISCUSSES SOME OF C. E. M’LELLAN WRITES OF iir direct communication with Pilot UNCLE JOHN HAILEY Philip McBrian. C. P. UPPER CALIFORNIA. MOST IMPORTANT BILL8. Rock every «lay. J. E. Beam. H. P. PHYSICIANS. AND OLD STAGE DAYS. There is «‘very reason to believe A. J. Gibson. Sr. W COLE. OFFICE IN JUDD Speaks of Dunmuir .and Redding—In K w G T. F .Howard. Scribe Umatilla’s Senator in an Interview, that a frantic attempt to manufacture The Plains That Were Once House- Office hours. 10 to 12 » tn Building R. Alexander. Trca« States His Reason» for Supporting a sensation lias resulted tn l)•■a|>illK an the Land of Sunshine and Oranges Telephone red »71 to 8 p :n Settle : leaa. Are Now Teeming vnmeilled disgrace upon a prominent C. P. Davis. Jr. W Francisco After the Amendment to the School Tax — Reaches San Ponies . menta — Nothing but Indian ; L MILLKR. M D,. D8PAIN BLOCK, citizen of that «'ointnunity. in whom G. W. Brown, First W. treat» and correeta eye trouble«, catar Levy Law—Ha* Been Appointed on Ihe people had th«- utmost confidence Several Delays. John Hayes. Second W. on the Site of Pendleton. ,»l eotulitloti!« »nd Impaired bearing, the Special Lewis and Clark Com­ when they elected him recorder of W H M< Cot mack. Third W Dunsmuir. Cal., Jan 8. Dunsmuir aaae« «»recti.» fitted for refractive er The vi»i' of Uncle John Hail» y to D. E. Cargill, Fourth W Pilot Rock -or» Telepboa» Main 1181 mittee. this city, recalls one of the most pu­ is a little town in the Siskiyou moun J. J. Hindeman. J. S. tiiresqii«» pi ri od h through whl<-h th*- Senator Smith was last «‘veiling • R> SMITH A RINGO. OFFICE OYER tains, just across the California line A NEW BUILDING. Ed Hanson. First G ot T. West has ever passed. Looking back tbe Pendleton Saving» Bank Telephone and 2300 leet above the sea. almost ctkod by an East Oregonian reporter «•• reaiden»* i»*l<*pboa«. Main 301 ¡1. the shadow of Mt. Shasta, where trom the present to th«' year 1853. it stand on his colleague's. as to his Integrity l.odg< No. 92 I. O. O. F W. F. Matlock Will Erect a 810,000 s««m» impoKHible that the gr«-at te’-m-j I S GARFIELD. M. D . HOMEOPATHIC at present writing the California ex­ as install« d the following officers for Senator Pterce’a bill providing for an Structure on Court and Garden ing, productiv«' region lying between] for th«> 1 ptiyaieiau and surgeon. Office in Judd press is standing, waiting amendment to the present »«-hool tax j indlog- TeiepUont: Office, black 73; tiack to be cleared Omaha and the Willamette, «an be of a wrecked the term of six months: Streets. levy law. He replied as follow«: T J Tweedy. D D G. M. officiating «•tdence black 24. freight train a short distance ahead the wilderiie»» that he •rav«TH«-'l tn ; "I stand pat with Senator Pierce, W. F. .Matlock will next spring, a» c. P. Davis, N. G. that year ;>R D J M FAULL. ROOM 17 A88OCIA ot' us. reasons I might urge and many of the soon us the weather will allow, pro ­ s. A. Newburry, V. G. ttou L ock Telephone, main #31: real After a delay of two hours we get This plon«*er, born, on the frontier stand are familiar for taking this ceed with the erection of his com­ T. F. Howard. Sec. leoce telephone, black 1*1. *• ____ . started aud a little later on a some- _____ ones to everyone who has ever studied bined business house and rosidence. in Tennes»«'«'. ha» seen the ria«* of th*- F. Seals War J. MUSICIAN wlutt shaky piece of track, pas» a box R T M HENDERSON. the present law and understands Its which has tieen on the tapis for Mime < ntire Par-iflc Coast from lh* plan« A. M. Erb. Con. and »urg»*oa. Specialties, eye. ear. noae car lying wrong side up in a creek. irequalities aud ircomdstencles. Mr. months as a possibility, and which is ot a d«-sert to its present p«‘rff'ction ,ad throat Office In Saving» Bank build Webfoot rain and cloud has changed John Hays. I. G. In 1853 he crc»»< d ihe plains from Pierce's bill provides for a per capita i.ow an assured fact. Phone main 331 E E .Baltezore, O. G. to California sunshine and Bret Missouri to Salem. At that time tax of about $6 per pupil, which is The building, which will cost about J. B. McDill, R. S. N. G RS KE1ES A KEYES. OSTEOPATHIC Harte's country, through which we the amount which many years' expert 310,00(1, will be built on the north­ there was not a dwelling house lx*- Phyalclana. Chronic and nervoua dtseaae» are passing is at its best. William Folsom, L. S. N. G. It was tn once an«i observation has found to be east corner ot Court and Garden tween Omaha and The Italics, except • apeclalty Office one block we»t of p«»t W. H. McCormack. R. S. V G. some nook in these mountains he and the amount n«*ed«>d to carry th«* aver­ streets, will be ot brick and two a small settlement at Salt Ijike. .ffice A. C. Funk. L S. V. G. He passed through the valley now his comrades were once sitting round age district through all iu expense stories In height. The ground plans JR W C. Bl’CHLY. PHYSICIAN AND Sl’R- The roaring campfire with rude hu John Brown. R. S. S. occupied by Pendleton, in that year, list for the average school year. From geon. office in Deapain Block Telephone show that It will be 50x75 feet in size. Philip McBrian. I.. S. S mor painted □lack 131 thia basis .the per cent of the lery can T. F. Howard is the architect The and remembers that hundred» of Indi­ The ruddy tints of health. be readily and accurately adjusted to ground upou which it will stand 1» an ponies were grazing on the sit« of ¡1 LYNN K BLAKESLEE. CHRONIC Women Barbers in Pendleton. droop­ the now prosperous city. A wagon and nervous disease» and disease» of wo On haggard face and form that the needs of the district The pro­ new vacant The building will be J. H. Pace, who conducts a barber posed law. If passed, will remove from road, that Mas so n«wlv made that It ed and fainted oen Judd building, corner Main and modern throughout in all its equip ­ ourts Sts. Office 'phone main Til; Re» shop on Court street, has written to the assessors the temptation they was dlfficiilt to find It. at times »a< In the fierce race for wealth. ments. as well as architecture. It vrlll «d 27.V When one arose and trom his pack's Minneapolis and St. Louis recently, ucw have before them al) the time, to be a testimonial of Mr. Matlock's the onh vr itig* of clvilizition In 1862 Mr. Hailey came to Walla in the effort to secure a couple of make text low assessments at the ex­ scant treasure. taith in Pendleton. TRAINED NURSES. women barbers to work in his shop pense of the schools. For example, Walla from Saletu and ot>erat«^i a A hoarded volume drew, ind pack train betwren that place MISS M B DARDEN, GRADUATE NURSE Aud cards were dropped from hand« in this city. He has received answers suppose there ar«’ 5000 pupils in a Wright Brown. Florence for a vear. He then i <&nt trom several expert artists who have county, an«t 830,000 ar«- ne«'d«*perat«M the stage bustness alone In » plans for building» In the elty or eonn ry Hoon 17 Jsdd building ___ English meadows* County Clerk Coombs yesterday for opinion, provid«*« the best scheme for ing a can of lye at th«* Domestic Steam 786» he bought the line from Boise Laundry. The cut Is said to be a City to Kilton. thus giving him a refuged its amendment. Wandered and lost their way license, but were cruelly •HEEK k COLE. CONTRACTORS AND very severe one. aad of cours« will through route from th* railroad to th* This is a mining country .the Sacra­ Bye and bye they will be older.— Builder» Eatlmatea furnished on «hort Inheritance Tax. : »tice J.d> Work a specialty Prompt mento river, whose course the rail­ Baker Democrat. disable him from work for some time I oats on the Columbia .»rvlce «hop on Bin» »treet near Maia •in 1870 m* «; orf*« >4 way follows, is here a small stream "By the way. you may say that R*l* Barlow A Hunter, who changed the • A MAY. CONTRACTOR AND BUILD in a deep «anyon. the hills on either t«'sentalivc Blakelee has 'introduce! nam- to the Northweet Stage Compa­ er Eat I ma tea inrnlated on all kind» side are bored with holes and tunnels, an inheritance tax measure which I * maeonry. - meat walks, «tone walla, ate. and wire cables stretched across the ny. and operate»! the busiiMas until strongly approve. ea»» order» at Eaat Oregonian office July. 1878. when Sabsberrv Gilmore «•reek. convey the ore buckets from that if the "Further let m* say 7.E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND 8U one side to the other. Judging from and Hailey tmught the proper! of th* introduced for rais- measure already perlntendec- Room 15 Aaaoelatloa Northwest eompany. also the stage | ihe number of holes in the hillside«, ing rwv«Bue from indire«t sources be •ulldlng Pe..<*;eton. Oregon line from Wii.nemucc* to Boise City, j, the country has been pretty thorough­ come laws from them will rv»me at FAVORS MORE STRINGENT and from Boise basin to Bole* City. I t M KELL AIL PLASTERING AND C» ly prospected and no doubt has con­ WASCO CITIZEN INVITES lerat one-half of the revenue of th* ■anting < -«ent walks s specialty. Ea CHINESE EXCLUSION LAWS i and changed the name to the Utah. | THE HOMESEEKER. state " tributed its full share of joys and -'■aea fnrnlaht-d free Work gus.-antaed Idaho A Oregon Stage Company. I CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. the mining profession. "How do yon stand, senator, on the rave orders at Badley anu Zehner » cigar sorrows to »oro Male St . P. O. box 104. Bret Harte, in one of his storlew. Says the Day of Free, Open Range pronoeltlon to establish a two-mlle 1« Not >n Favor of Repealing the which they operated until the com­ We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland, in Present Homestead Laws—Thinks pletion of the Short Line and the O ¡ells how one poor devil with a peter- Has Passed—Settlement Makes De I range limit for the graxers of sheep?" the state. This is an undi«putable fact. We oder better bar­ R A N in 1884 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. d out claim and a fever-stricken *T am opposed to a twomile limit on We Need Further Legislation mind for Home Products—Don't gams than caa be hid in Easte'n Oregon, another fact which Mr Hailey tell» tome lnter«*eting - lamily on his hands had to dig a well, law. believing It would do great In­ saple bros ar court street Subject of Irrigation. Want Two Mile Limit Law. stories of those pioneer day» In th*' is proven by the low prices we are offering. Gañera. Electrician», dwden in elec the water supply having also played jury-irreparable injury—to tbe wool United States Senator-elect Hey Inland Empire. Or or.e oc«-asion h«- rteal »upplie» H oomb . «tona, wind tor cut among his other misfortunes, but W. K Ketchum, a prominent sheep industry. I favor a very much nar­ •ieetrlc light», balls or telepbooen Elec burn, of Idaho. |»a«M*nde valley.! repair wort a »pectatty. In the sprit:g of the year TI k ' t «- wasi Journal He says that the sheep nus States senator’" Next «loor to Postoffice. aire to Spokane During the five minute water over most of the road and at Redding. where the train stopped iness in Eastern Oregon ha» beei TONSOTIAL PARLORS. "Well, the minority will probably We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors in a few minutes, is a town somewhat vnusually good during the past year all vote for «ome representative man interval between the arrival of the night Ice would freeze to a considera­ BILLY KRA98IG. BARBER SHOP AND ble depth. west bound train and the departure of or two. and prophesies that wool is connection with our furniture and carpet store and will answer smaller than Pendleton. In the north ­ of their party, but it cuts very little bath room . Main -tree» three door« north o’ At a point two miles w«st of Union Bote! «t George. F1r»t class servie». ern end of Sacramento valley, just going to advance in price considers figure, of course, who we may or may the Spoken« train, he was Interview calls day or night. Phone Biack 273. at what is now the Billy Rcth ranch j His principal not favor. We are not situated so the out of the mountains. The Redding Lly before very long ed at the depot by an East Oregonian «.wned by A. E Eat«»n. one of the l«*aE8- tains in plain view and the Sacra­ curtailing the woo! production In that ble for our «-onstituents." the repeal of the present law by which to hi» chia, to help tbe struggling' horse It wag a coid day. and as aoon | pain block Court «tr-rt; b »1 workman»'»ip; Speaking of legislative mat­ mento valley gradually widening, country ■U the modern improvement«; al: tool» »tenl settlers on government land» have the he be came out of the water bl*» Senate Bill No. 2. stretching away as far as the eye ters of int*iest to stockmen, he says- lied: bath room« in ronEoetlon. irivilege of paying out on lands they c lollies began to freeze and »hen he "Many people do not understand OSTEOPATH, 813 THOMPSOM STREET can reach to the southward have taken at the end of 14 months teachM Union he cut his Relative to Ranges. the Import of the special road tax frozen gar- PHOTOGRAPHERS South of Redding a few stubble- OSTEOPATHY is common sense It will bear investigation. It i e«iden«'e. "1 have heard that a bill is to be measure you have Introduced menu from him. in Sam Hannak's) What fields and green wheat fields make is in harpotiy wnh Nature's laws, seldom fails and never does hum. evidently I’ttle store and bought a Hl« reply was prompt W 8 'BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOGRA introduced at Salem making it unlaw- la it designed to accomplish?” n«-» . ’ fit . Flocks of wild din-1 It is not Faith Cure Christian Science, Magnetic nor Electric Heal­ pber of the elty. Harvcnt view«. In their appearan«^ «bowing tha tthe •••nator had given complete "The measure, which is Senate Bill dlan photo» for »ale Finishing done lot geese are in the fields ami mules, ml for stock to be permitted to graze He said: teflectlon to the question ing It is based upon a correct kn«»w!ege of anatomy, and physioio- within two miles of a habitation. If After smatevr* Mala 8t . near bridge Phone which seem to be the favorite work thawing out and eaung No. 2. is what I regard as a combina­ "I'm not in favor of the repeal of the red 27» i«hs gy. A ¡arg«; per cent of »o-calied incurable cases are healed by thic stock here, are kicking up their heels such a uUl shoudl pass, it would prove tion or compilation of tbe b«-«t feat­ I law. Its general effect is to make rer the »lag, started east disastrous to the small stockmen. The ures of the special road tax laws ot I ‘ through Pyle canyon, and when ’hu. method, The following especially are treated.. Eye. ear and throat, in the i»astures. Palm trees flourish BOOT «ND SHOE REPAIRING. large companies engaged in the bus­ Ohio. Indiana and Michigan. It pro- lit easier for the settler to acquire a Proctor ranch, which has been tn ic the yards, and the newsboy at the heart and iungs. liver and kidneys, bladder and urethai diseases, all honie from the public domain, and iness would buy up al! the govern­ vldes for the creation of special road home of W H Huffman for 28 y«*a I. GUBENAWALD. THE OLD RELIABLE stations sings out, "Here's your or­ stem ach and intestinal troubles, all dislocat:ons and deformities, ner- ment land on all sides of the small '.axes to meet the exigencies of orca that alone is reason enough for its re­ was reach«uld be. built just where they lieve also its weak places should be trustee, The installation was con- the city today. are needed by th* people who are the signs, Jost received by ex­ tlers, and they are welcome, the more ftrengthened by amendments passed ducted by Dtstrict Deputy J. H RUBBER TIES HACK. NBW AND VERI most interested, and It provide« a with a vies to n nderlrg the law more Gwinn, M M. Wyrick return«*! yesterday the better.” latea stpls. for the servlro ot the pwbile The next district convention press at the evening from Echo. means by which they can get togeth ­ C. D. Caron and Jan 8 McKay, props Call will be held about March 1 at La stringent." at the Commercial livery »table or tele er on common grounds about their Frank Brown, of Cold Springs is Grande. Competing teams will b, 1 RIDGE AND VICINITY. « phone main IBI »nd the hack will call fsr common interfits it Is a pe«Tillar building a large new barn. BOYS ROB COVE POSTOFFICE. present from Umatilla. Union. Wai-1 thing that Representative C. W. Car ­ Iowa and Baker counties. In all of O D. Teel, a prominent tanner from Surprise Ball at Fletcher's—"Uncle CITY CAB USB. ERW N BAKER, PROP nahan. of Clatsop county, had prepar­ office — and Cal” Combes Make« Final Proof on ed a bill of almost exactly tbe same '.upector Clark Arrested the Guilty which counties the order is very Telephone Main 791 -2 waiting Echo, is in the city today on business. strong, and a large crowd of visiting ( room. Alta street, next to Savings Bank B.dg The family of Coortwrighta, near His Homestead—McBroom Loses a import as my bill, neither knowing Parties Wednesday—Parents Are knights will undoubtedly be at I-a i Filot Rock is afflicted with the mea­ Valuable Cow. that the other was contemplating any­ Largely Responsible for Such Deeds Grande. VETERINARY SURGEON. sles. Then was a fine surprise ball at thing of tbe kind. He has introduced Poatofficc Inspector Thomas J DR. G. W. VAUGHAN. GRADC a TK OF TH1 Dean Briggs, the Susanville stock- his bill In fhe house and we both have Clarke addreesed a communication San Francisco Veterinary College; call» at­ man, was doing business in Pendle­ M. E. Fletcher's last night, every one ...THE hopes that one or tba other, or a tended to diy or night Office at Depot «•njoyed themselves yesterday to the East Oregonian In ton yesterday. Stable«; phone Red »11. We are having a ni-e spell ot cold, combination of the best points of both ample time for its content* to have Mr. Nobler, of Freewater, is here foggy weather and a call for feed on will b«'con-« law I will add that the been used in yesterday’s paper, but INSURANCE A LAND BU8INE88. law will be applicable to the construc­ the communication was held up en negotiating for the sale of fruit lands the stock's part near Freewater. J. C. Combe«, beier known as "Un- tion of streets in all except cltiea— route by a violation of Mr. Clarks’, J.M BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST an* most reliable fire and a-eident Inaar, W. 8. Smith, ot Ione, will arrive to­ de Cal." was In Pendleton last week those prohibited by the term* of their confidence, which accounts for its L1MITED ante companies Office with Hartman Ab- ror.-appearance yesterday. In sub- night to visit for a few weeks with making final proof on hl* homestead, chart era.** «tra’t Co. Unde Cal!" is an old pioneer of this stance. It 1« as follow»: William Han­ ’iis patents in this city. Against Extra Clerks. JOE 11. PARKES. OFFICB COTTONWOOD A son was bom this week to Ralph local! ading a single life. the senate stand on the proposition to Coon» are accused of having ent«* red On tmpfoved propsny Miss Tennyson of Mt. Home vicin­ increase th« number of clerks in the the postoffice at Core and mealing «onteata a apaclalty who are temporarily residing In Pen­ at,iow»at carrent r»«e« ity, was a guest of Mrs M E Flet­ state senate?” $5'13 of postal funds and 14.56 private dleton. JOHN HAILEY. JR.. U. 8. LAND COM cher last week. mlaalouer—Specialty matte of land Blings "Well, as long as you have asked funds and a number of artl-les of CHAS. F. G. PAT TULLO, L. W. Pennick, a well-to-d • fai mer M. E. Sturdevant, proprietor of the me. I will say. though the question is value besides, among which were a and proof ; Insurance and collections Of 'rom m>ar Adams, was in the city yes- fl«« In Jcdd building, room I*. Ukiah-Pen lleton stage line, Wall» Walla, Wash. passed not in relation to any measure of pol­ revolver, several pocket books, some 'erday. His son Arlie h;i ■ wured a through tn Ukiah on business last icy or proposed legaslatlon that S«-na bicycle sundries, etc. clerkship in the state senate. 8EC0ND-HAND DEALERS. Saturday. Inspector Clark arrived In Cove in tor Pl«*rce and myself hoth vot«*d Mrs. C. C. Ireland, of Freewater, Henry McBroom or Gurdane answer to a telegram on Tuesday is against the proposition " GEORGE O'DANIEL. NEW AND BECONK has arrived in the city and is the said to have lost a milch cow hand go«xte bought aud sold. Court 8t.. “State your opinion, it .you will, and within three hours after arriving guest of the Misses Edith and Grace caused by her becoming caught in the Optra bouae Mock. Call aad sea him. about any miscellaneous subjects in In Cove aecumtilati'd e-idence* that Crockett, on East Court street. stanchions and her neck being connection with the legislature; either apparertlv Is abundantly sufficient to IN SECOND OF PENDLETON. V 8TROPLE. DEALER Mis M. J. Crowner has returned broken. convict the boy« named. A port lor If there la anything you band goods branch.” or necond-band turnltura. need in new ruin H iron, where she has been vis­ There was a pleasant party at the "You may quote me. if you will, as of the evidence was finding the hoys CAPITAL................................. 570,000 stove», granite ware and crockery .call an«i iting her son, Charles Crowner, whose Reeves place near Nye this week, ..... 560.000 saying that Joint Representative in a secluded spot practicing at target SURPLUS get bls prices. No 212 Court street. little son has been very 111. The child Mr. Banks, the sawmill man. who Phelp». of Heppner, is developing in­ shootlne with the revolver, which was Tranaacta a general banking busi-j NSW AND KECONI' HAND GOOD* BOUGHT is very much better. is located on the headwater of Butter ti. one of the strong men of the house, Identified as the one taken from the nesa Exchange and telegraphic trans­ ■nd «old; pawn broker«; money advanced m> H. F Harrah, of Pilot Rock, reports creek, between Gurdane, Alba and and is well started in the direction of postoflCB. all kind« ot article«. Waler» t «berry, prop« . fers sold on San Francisco. New York, Ths bovs wore arrested Wedneadat Chicago and principal points in tha 7» Cot Ion wood .treet that every acre of his 320 acres of Ridge, is having his logging finished 'c’oing good, effective work. You may wintei whhat is In fine condition and and intends soon to begin the opera­ also »ay that Congressman-elect Wil­ morning aud taken before United Northwest BLACKSMITHING. that nearly every acre of winter wheat tion of his new sawmill liamson, who is a holdover senator. Is States Commissioner L J. Davis at Drafts drawn on China. Japan and COPBLAND A BON FOR WHEAT BACKS in that part of the country is in equal­ «ne of the very strongest and most Union, who considered the evidence Europe. Cheapest »nd beat la town. »14 Webb M ly aood condition sufficient to require each of the boys Much Interest Shown. just men in the senate. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000 The inteiest in the preparatory on reasonable "As a member qf the minority. I to give 5506 t«onds to appear before Makes collections W. F. Cargill, of Cold Springs, who TYPEWRITERS ANO SUPPLIES. the next session of the United States meetings which begun last Monday terms. m>i»t say that the minority has been Buye and Soils Grain, Froviaiona, Stocks, Bonds and Cottnn far has in 450 acres of winter wheat, re­ F 8 MERRILL SPOKANE, WASH ports every acre of it as being in flue night In the Baptist church has been treated nicely In the formation of com­ grand Jury. The bond was given and Cash or Future Deliver* LEV. ANKENY, President almost tinprecedent<-d. There Jiave the boys were released. Hancock is Agent New Denamore Second band type mittees. and in other respect», by the condition, and that all the winter •liten, «oppile». rei la In*, repairing 14 years of age. Devore 15 and Coons W. F. MATLOCK, Vlce-Proeident Deal« m government, municipal aud mtacellaneoua aecurttiea. Owa- wheat In that neighborhood Is in been »«veral conversions and the at­ majority. Senator Pierce is a mem­ C. G WADE, Cashier. tendance has been steadily increas- ber of the special Tongue memorial is 17. ng and operating the moat extenaive private wire aystem in the world we equally as good condition. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Inspector Clark does not hesitate to ing. Every session now practically committee. I have been honored by H. F. JOHNSON, Aaa’t Cashier. an execute large or amall order» more promptly and aatiafactory thaa Tom Jordan, after an absence of fills the rear room ot the church, »ay other coftcera. being appointed to two special com­ i,ay that ir. his opinion the parents ' SPOONK80KE, IBI Kb’PL'JYMENT ARENT We guarantee to execute orders • hen limits are reached ■nd Mewenger men If you want -employ­ over a year In Hot Springs, Arkansas, where the meetings have been held mittee, one the I/*wig and Clark expo­ of the boys are largely responsible for We do not men' or help, or reliable messenger aerelre at whither he wept on acount of his thus fai. and beginning with Sunday sold you resitonaible for more than the margin you place tn trade Wa such crimes in allowing them to roam sition appropriation committee, and all hours, call on him, MO Court St . Phone health, has returned. His health is >he meetings, which will he continued harge no interest for carrying long stocks Black IK the other a special committee to In- the streets at night and in not hav­ greatly improved In every respect. He all ot next week will be held in the vestigatc- MARGINS REQUIRED—Grain. lc per bushel; stocks. *3 per »Mr» the lighting uud water aup- ing sufficient general control of them. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFTK E.«» MAIN ST.; is working since his return for Billy < ORGANIZED MARCH 1, 1889. general audience room oi the church. plies of the penitentiary and insane The boys all belong to highly res|«ec- II you aead aaip or aeez employment call on 'oramisston—Grain. per buahel; stocks U _____ of 1 _________ per cent Krassig, the barber. table families ue Phone Main loll asylum.*' We will send you our Book of Statistics and Daily Market free Write CAPITAL ___ -I i----------- --- —----------------- Good Record Expected. 550,000 ‘or It Old Mr. Searcey’. of Union district, WANTED. George Hill, a young man whose Chapter Officers. MORE MANUFACTURED NEW8. has I »ought a residence property in REFERENCE; 75 National and Stats Banka The following are the recently in­ part of home Is near Helix, writes to his WANTED-YOUR ORDER« FOR ENORAVED Pendleton, in the eastern friend. J ,T. Hinkle, from Pullman. A 'Phone Message From Pilot Rock stalled officers of the Royal Arch Ma- Transacts a sanerai banking buain LOCAL REFERENCE: Pendleton Savings Bank. eartie, wedding ineitattona, etc; Ilin engraved town, and will move in some time next visiting cards with plate, |l 5>: additional month High priest. Henry J. Bean; Mr. Searcey’s health Is very Wash., where he is taking the course Says the Report About Rynerson Is sons: cards In iuusre, | per huadr^i. The East Or- Main Exchange. Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis M'.un king. R Alexander; scribe, E. J. Som- poor, he being afflicted with some in pharmacy at the Blate Agricultural Interest allowed on time deposits. • jonlan Untrue. College. Voung Hill Is said to be an merville: captain. J. F. Robinson : form of heart trouble. Exchange bought and sold on all •bangea in 75 of the principal towns and cities of the Northwest including uncommonly level-headed boy, besides ?pokane. Colfax. Pullman. Rltxville. Dayton, Walk Walla. Moscow Pendlw The report which was given public­ principal sojourner, J. R. Dickson, principal points. ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN H. F. Harrah and son. of Pilot Rock, having a high character in every sense ity this morning to the effect that El secretary. on. Wire« under construction to Portland Tacoma Seattle Everett aad F. W. Wamsley; treasurer, Special attention given to collec ­ are in town today. Five members of of the word. An enviable record at Rynerson. of Pilot Rock, had disap­ W. D. Hansford; master of the fourth Vancouver B. C. COUNSELLO R-AT-LAW tions. Mr. Harrah’s family are now down Pullman on his part is confidently ex­ peared, seems to be untrue from be­ veil and royal arch captain, Jerry U. R. Supreme Court N B If you have an open trade or account with ua you caa opernta It with the measles—four of them in the pected by all his acquaintances. REGISTERED ATTORNEY ginning to end. The sheriff’» office Barnhart; master of the third veil. E n any ot our 75 offices. up«««» n earlier stages, while one i> nearly re­ U. H. Patent Office has received no Information of his U. Murphy; master of the second veil W. J FURNISH, PnssidsnL Pendleton Office, Room 4, Association Block. ’Phone Main tt: U. t. and FOREIGN PATENTS covered. Mr. Harrah reports the mea­ The presidential election in Salva­ disappearance and a 'phone inquiry to and senior overseer. Frank Has- J. N. TEAL, Vlca-PraaidanU sles is very prevalent in that neigh­ dor is over, and Pedro Eacaton i> be­ Pilot Rock thia morning was answer­ brouck; master of the first veil and Trade Mark* and CopyrigbU T. X MORRIS, Cashier. 1 1ih.lt. N W.. Washington. D. C borhood—In and around Pilot Rock. lieved to have defeated Dr. Reyea. ed by the surprising news that such junior overseer, A. W. Nyo. X W. MALON8Y, AaM Tufi’— » IN SIGHT OF SHIST* WANTS SETTLERS DR. LENA ALLEN BOONE I I i I Alexander Dept. Store Oregon Mortgage Co FARM LOANS The First National Bank COE COMMISSION CO. Pendleton Savings Bank X I. 0. MAJOR.