a» WEEKLY EDITION. WEEKLY EDITION. 72T 104 $1.50 Copies of the SEMI WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN will be sent you In 4 one year for only $2.00. ft prints the news of the world and will interest you. % Try tt! VOL. XXVII. PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO., OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 1903 NO. 16 jumping as a result of a fire in a pri­ Chief cook ...................... 75.00 MANY PASSENGERS WILL SALMON CANNERIES MERGED. vate hotel this afternoon. Tbe loss First assistant cook .... 40.00 BRING DAMAGE SUITS. is $30.000. 30.00 Second assistant cook . Entire Alaskan Pack of 800,000 Caaaa 60.00 Cook, Cottage farm .... Report That the Vessel Put to Sea in Pisses to Control of 'Frisco Firm. TEN PER CENT INCREASE OF 60.00 Baker ................................ Bad dondition—Trip Took Thirteen Seattle, Jan. 16.—The tourteen inde­ 25.00 WAGES IS REFUSED. Table girls (3) ............ 35.00 Five Houre—Officer« pendent »almon canneries bi Soutb- Days and Can washer .................... uaatern Alaska were merged at a 50.00 T rainmen of the Wheeling A Lake Farmer, main building Complain of Leaky Boilers. meeting here yesteulay and the enure 60.UO Erie Threaten to Strike Because Farmer, Cottage farm . New York, Jan. 17.—The Belated St. pack, aniounUng at the present ume Petition With 250 Signatures 40.00 Dairyman .... 1.............. . Louis was sighted off Fire lalaud at Their Road Will Not Meet Th«ii 10 between 600,000 and bOO.UOO case* 40.00 Hackmau and messenger 6 o'clock this morning. The Hamburg- per annum, passed tj the control ot Now in the Hands of the Demands for an Increase in Pay. 40.00 Stableman ........................ Amerii an liner Pennsylvania, arrived Health Officials Now in Secret Cleveland, Jan. 19.—The coal situ­ Gardener .................. ... .... 40.00 Packing House Merger Dis The Chicago Grand Jury Will iu quarautine a tew huurs belore She Grifith, Duiney it. Co., ot San Francis Promoters. co. who wdl establish headquarters 60.0U ation here is complicated today by a Supervisor ...................... . reports that she fell in with the St. here. 25.00 Session to Discuss the Situ strike oi teamsters and a threatened Porter, minimum .......... Not Be Able to Convict the cussed Before the National lxiuis steamifig slowly. A I xmu trom The price list fcr Alaskan pinks 37.ÓU Porter, maximum ........ lhe SL Louis boarded her and sent will be advanced 15 cents a dozen strike ot the trainmen oi the Wheel- 25.00 Portress, minimum .... ation in California. Millionaire Anarchists. Livestock Association. mail. The officers said the boilers The cause ut the merger 1» alleged to mg A Lake Erie railway and the Portress, maximum ... 32.50 were leaking so badly they could onl) ue the hostile rulings on th«- part ot SENATOR SMITH EXPLAINS 60.00 Night watchman .......... brotherhood firemen and trainmen. steam Ove knots an hour in guo spuecu Ueiore Uie Nauuuai to ««»lue» cermug tee emu cunepuecy Un» sei to avoid m«na< mg navigation. Th* and Killed. tion ot the state neaith boarn offic viuuiinetit U nan ciers. Passed Dick Military Bill. cuuvenliou today. uiurniug. 'i aere is auuut a* to to«, vessel had been drifting helplessly to: Vienna, Jan 17.—Die lulunpatiuc t rovide ior the eurcUun ot recurdar Washington, Jan. 19.—The house îals. called by Surgeon-General Wy iue cuuvenuuu, by rvsoiuuon, asa» jury » audilj to »eciue cuuvicUutis uu five days. today received a report that 250 Mac­ Ad maisuai ate expieliiig Dr. Smith today agreed to the senate amend­ congress to pass man to discuss the bubonic plague CHIEF WITNESS Was the omnibus slate me piuui udeiea. it nie> letuin iu Put to Sea in Bad Condition. edonians returning home irom Kos tu introduce toe measure, tbe doctor, ments to the Dick military bill, which uouu bill auu also uaUls a cuange u. u.< tiiic-nle against iv muuutuuie acai c New York. Jan. 17.—Many passen leidt. Bulgaria, were massacred by tbe situation ir. California and Mexico, SUPEHIN fENuttlT PHILLIPS. becomes a law as soon as President me rules uairrng sneep ah< ..d «atu«. «us auu opeiaiuts to teat tue mw . g< rs on the SL laiuis say tney will Turkish frontier guarus. The itmabi in conversation with an East Oregon met this morning iu secret session at Roosevelt signs it irom tne loresl reserve*. iMl, Uiey »LU inane a tupull denotine bring damage suits as the v««ssei put isnts of the neighboring villages are on. reporter, said; Declared Tnat tne Men Preferred to the offices of the marine hospita; set rortiauu, ur., is u»ii) to be cuo«ei. .Lg ti.eiS aa guilty oi oreaaiug ln<- to sea in Lad condition, being onij Ii«-«-ing, terror suicken. to the billa “I snaii .ntrciouce ana Support tns Be Payed ny tne Car System— vice. as the next cuuvenuun city. suullU la» and uiuuiug mein up lu puu a day out when the »peed was re rreasure prov.oca the evidence is ao Using ¿0 Per Cent More Men Than uc auced Tbe trip took thirteen da)» Twenty state and territorial boards conclusive tnat rt cannot be caviKO Formerly. INDORSED ROOSEVELT'S ACTION: and rive hour» The fii»t ¡»rson to of heaiui were represented, luciuuiu* as tnat a majority of tne representa- board her was an agent relit by Gris Punaueipnia, Jan. Is.—There was a DEFIANCE OF AGREEMENT --------- I IN Cbliiornia. The Uaiiiornia situauun. National Livestock Association Woum dm, alter which not even the deck noticeable railing oil oi attendance l-vc people at tn« city want tne LOCKED OUT JUUÜ MINERS in which the luirme uospitai service ut me autni suite Commission uearing Lands could be i.-.duce luday. umy a tea spectators were MAY HAVE TO MEET CHARGE6 a cai., not a majority, or even au of nuinsua Any, Jan. 1».— iue Nauuna. Because it Would Coat a Little Money strict instructions for silence liad i»een made. any une, two or tnree classes of pec- 8EFOKE GRAND JURY LlVealuvK AMue.auua in auuuiu cuu scarcely less serious than in Mexicu. pieseut wutn they opened mis rnoru- tne Operators Will Not Move tne OEMuCRATS ARE AFTER LEG p.e. I mean representative in toe Resolutions of Censure, «euuuu Uele ye»««MUa> mieiuuuu uj wheie the othnars claim that tue mg. BieaKer» From Over tne bnafts— ISLATIVE RE APPORTIONMENT. uroac sense that includes the mc- me cnie: witness was Superintend­ Report of Special Agent Greene, Who a naiiig vole, auuyieU a ivauiuuuu in Tbe St. Louis docked at 11:10. plague is spreading. Live» of Miners Enoangcrea — Thousands had assembled on the pier. wnantca *r«J common lanorer» no .e*s ent rnuups, or me Lacaawanna coai Investigated tn« Othc«r's Career, uUiamg Ficaiucui Kuusevml» »ugg«» Money W «ignea Against Humar Tbe passenger» were very indignant senator Miller Presents a Measure tnan toe wealtoy people." oumpauy. lie conleuueu mat me men nun teat vuusics» uptxiint a cumuui Said to be Very Spicy Reading ana WOULD VISIT PENDLETON. A. W Nye. wuo is one of the acute .eaiiy pieicried me car instead ot tne uad passed resolution» at »«a. deciar­ Ues.gnec U, Upset tm iSeS Gerry Lives. tee ul expci I» iu »elUe toe talite piuv Very Convincing. j romuteis ui Uu. senerne, nas secure«. mg that alter a thorough inveeUga aeigut system in payment lor coat ma roer, tern, »Uicu lur y «mr» na» ucvu to« Finia». «-¡pi.is, Jan. 17. — A s> iisaUou Street Fair Promoters Address a Com mined, lie uedareu tnat rus compa­ lion they And that the steamer enter Washington, Jan. 17.—tiuiveyor- uvUe Ui luuteutozu lie I a tell toe caiUe a .« signature» of z6u voters to ny used xu per cent more men to ac- General ilemrum will be (suspendeu . ud su«>cp mcu. munication to This City. • u«m Fi«-»«ueni Mitcneu 'ziiierly at condition; that she sailed the folio» «ee.»i*..ve reappurtiubmei.1 um fbUle- —aae lhe cuauge 1 here aie two otner The Nortnu extern Midway Gouipa .umpnsn me same amount ot plu uum office within a lew days, just as «auscrtl Uie «AAii uptueluTa. elialgiU» mg day. taking no time for repair» u^j Luurnmg. **a »ill suu^giy ur*« ..eUUuus o. uie same import, m circu wucuun man lurmeily, as ordered. FLAT SALARY BILU ny, 01 Fans, lexaa. has addressed a U.«rm witn Lau lailu m uavuig luuaru < Her condition was known to the cum •l upuu toe icg>»«*lure ou toe gro«u.u muon, ice exALt language ut tbe pe- caMumisaiuner wiigul sarcastically ouuu as aciangeuienl» cau be uaue letter to me uuamess men ut Fcuurc cui Jew mmei» m ncuauce ui Liie.1 ‘I party, which is severely condemned iuu.—ci umpacker, »a»e c«u>e WUWJVti. direct vote • nstcad of by appoint ,..aciug ol toe Ivor puucipai »late ui mease«» ate u.n«g «mut u»cr luv cual steamer popularly supp«jaed to be a . uereol. in each lualance. corse snow, or outer line attracuot., ot Indiana, introduced a rwuiutiu» it was »lateU by several ufle iais uceis uu uat »a.aiie». 1 Ui» bill is ple­ .rent as now prov-oeo. Tne member» brst-class vessel should not be »”!• IB« luuuwiug are eacu given uut during me early summer, wui pmu m toe uorne requiring me postiuaa- si al la, LuuS XUaufcel mg Ule uvea Ui mat Jdeiaium is maaing turns«., n- scuievl uy Mr. xuuer in good latin, plied with the Marconi system, the -unalur. Laue, uuugia», ««me, Jac* ot toe legislature trout Umatilla coun­ auly lie disposed oi at me next meet .ei -general to uausnut U nut mcou- «ite men. itieie is a law »gainst it, uicmuus by ueciarius wnat ue wui au ».nee mi toe piat.ut ma ul toe dihcieui want of which was severely felt dur­ »i>u. 1 latnu, Ciaesau»*». Wa»n,bgUMl. ty are especially requesteo to secure f*«. aialeul to public interests, a copy o, <»ud what toe department must uu. laiUea m iue leeent »talc campa.gu uut toe cuuuuies wets built belore mg lhe voyage aucn >n arr.enamer-.t to toe city cnar- v»auup, vv awu, L uiaUi-a. L mull. Ba said law was paasetL &.1 correapvuuence and documents .t is a mateer ui pi«*ceueut aim or . untamed a piaua demauumg Lm S«r.* sei. GOVERNMENT TELEGRAPH Gray san. tney suuuld be compelí- pertaining io the recent resignation .ecutd toal uie seviciaiy ui Uie in­ ateie umcera Ue ptaced un Hat aatei.ea FIVE CARS CONFISCATED Mbiteutuah i» to nave ».» »euaiur*. ul lhe colored postmistress at Indian terim can remove xieiuium Hum ui- ..uu lua. «Ul «ves Ue l UT u « x > mio me exi tu mute. A uuae super «li Una ent TWO TRAINMEN KILLED. WHILE CROWD CHEERED Lin« Has Been Completed 300 Mile» oim , JJii». Also to state why me res­ Jfariuu and l.tnn are each to have uce, wneu toeie •» a can»«, m meuU- alate Ueaaury. Tbe bül pi Opu»e» uu toe stand sa.u it wuuiu coat too i»u senato:» repilea much tu mute uieia. Gray up toe Tanana River, in Alaska. ignation was unaccepted and new ap­ cauy toe same manner toal be receul- .auani'» a» luilOW». zumi ¿venatoria. District» Folk ana cual muuey » aa out to Ue weigntea Railway Officials Strove tc Ch«ck the Tacuiua, Jan. is.—Lieutenant Giuhs I »muuueut pointment made, made. lae resoiuuon »u. ij relieved Uie cmel ol toe dialling Go« er bur ............. ............li.lWV Raid—Large Crowd Gathered tc . ace Josephine ana Luiry. croo*. against numaa U»«s. leporUt irum Kampart tiiat Juu tuiw I .cierreu to toe comiuitt«« on postot- uivision ol toe general tana omev. it .'«Xlecarj ul »Late . .............. VAN Giant and Kiamatc. B ntoo, LinccME Witness the Performance. ot government telegrapn has ueei. | aces, is a puwer given n«m uy raw. auu lot stale ti «maurer .... .......... i.v\N BOERS COMING TO AMERICA. Toledo. O, Jan. 17.—Twc hundrve and liilanKXNL. Golumb.*. Ciacaauia» completed up toe iauuna Haver u. «»uy suboruruaie empiuje to decuue mate pi inter .......... . ........... 4¿UU and Muitoomau, Guliam. Morrow, DENOUNCE OFFICIALS. men raided some coal car» on the Aiattua. He wui complete toe con Uiat ’ toey u and they nave mule to 1 he aieaaure luruier promts a* Gan* ral Pcarson Searcnmg for a Lo- Wheeling road at noon, well eq upped Bueimaa anu W msmt ; L umiu . Lma necuon to Valdez in tne spring, plac­ uu than uie emerge» ueiore toej set luliows. canon (or Severa: Tnousand ot to« with wagons and other meat.a o: .ma and Unilowa, uaxei, iteKe. Har Attack eld Ol me, places aim in au ausuiu ing toe enure Yukon in teiegrapmc I English Papers Bitterly Ail Uu» in irterence to lhe pay transportation and carried away five ,:«y and Muneur. communication with the oulsiae steamship Company for Allowing altitude. Dutch F armerà metit oi Ue-» ur pciquraites io any ul lhe tm.owing »ill each bave one • 1 ue department has uo id«-* u. »aid otneera »i-a;« lemain in lurce, ex­ woriQ I the SL Loma to Sail. Otieana, Jan. Ju — General ' art of coal consigned to the Mallm 2- ,-resei.tauve coos, Josepmu«. ben New Hie railway scaring Memtum into resigum». cept :nat ml lee» ar perquisites -o be P omsui .. a lurme-t Boer ufficer, re bl« Casting Company. SENATE MEMORIAL. English wmen ue seems to believe ma.»««say London, Jan. 19.—The officiulL strove to check the raid. A ion. Fols roiaiLuoK. Cuiumbta, Gram. missing girl found . lhe loliuwing will each have t*u ______ press today bitterly denounces the xuicncocks intention. He win nut ue i>a.d to any oi »am umcei» uy ex«»ung imueu jealei^ay uiurmug ir uni a Ulp large crowd witnessed and cber-r.-d representative*; Douglas, Jacxauu, Oregon L'rge« Congress to Build at Conductor Beach, of Southern Paci-1 American line officials for permitting snowed toe privilege of resigning. He «aw« Ilian ue cuutmtea by suca oi- toruugn Xlejuco, «bete ne nas Lec-u tbe pertorpiance 1 ambili. Washington, ciataop. Wasco. 1 the S l Louis to sail. They say Gris is to be iuiced uut ot the sei lice un- utteis, uui uu pan tocieeM snail ue re- «eacu.ug a lucaUua tur toe Bori», One« a Canal and Locks at The fic, Arrested for Abducting a 16- Guion. Baker. corn's statement is as complete a con­ uer charges. Tne suspension oi Mei- lainea by torn, but suau be paid over wno d«»ire to leave Anna. Frouabij f BODY OF BUCK INTERRED Danes of ths Columbia. The I emu wing will have three rep- Year-Old Giri. demnation of the company's methods uinni is uuly a step iu tne dir«AUuu iu tne »Laie Ueaauicr muntol). to be severa, toousand wiii bw locale In FuUuwiug 1» the text oi se&ate wic-euuxi tu toe *«meial luud ot the ruM-ntauvcs: Linn. iAne. laiuisiau*. C.ac samas. Kan Fiancisco, J^n. 19.—Ida Brown I as should be needed by any court oi ul ultimately dismiss.ng nun uutngnl. At th« Request of His Widow, the joint memorial No 1. introduced state of Oregon. L maúlla. Fvaisun I» discusalng thè detaiU a 16-year-oid girl, who has been miss-1 ,aw. »here are leasons why be is not cut Services W«re Very Simple. mesday by May», of Multn om a h , and No »ala: iea are fixed lor the su- with tbe officiai» ol toe canal com­ Manon will have tour reí ret-enta ing since Tuesday irom her home in -------------------------- uh altogether at this ume, which re* pterne Judges, clerk of the supreme pany, wtllcL ufier tu« land to thè »hich urges congress to buiid a: Washington. Jan. 17.—Tbe b-jdy ut uvea uasland, was found today. She al- SEVEN MEN DEAD. »uns will be made known in good sea­ cOUTL »uperiuttuueut ot public in­ luci» al luw tate». and locks at the dalles the late United States minister to Mulu.omah will have 14 reprvwenta- once a 1 leges that she was abducted by Con- son. struction or attorney-general. Tbe Japan. Buck, arrived this morning uvea. of the Coitmtaa River; ductor Beacn, ot the Southern Paci-1 Qne More of the Gunners Jnjured in Ike investigation which Meldrum secuun relating to tees applies only "To the Eonorable Senate and House The Japanese minister and almost the FOR UNIFORM STANDARD. tulio«ing ar« to be Joint diatncta He, taken U; a hotel, then to a lodg- *—*- the Explosion on the Massachu­ appears tu weicume wui not be made, to existing taws, and nut to Laws oi Rcpiesaentaureg ol the United entire embassy.was In the party which coo* and Lurry, with une representa- ing house, ior tnree nights, and tuen it has been concluded, and a mass oi Abich may her ear ter be passed tor the Secretary Snaw Mi.ei Speech Before escorted it to th« cemetery Coionei uve. Polk »nd Llnmln. one. Klamath State* setts, Dies Sunday. to teli her parents. deserted. Fear “ testimony is now be:ore tne secretary, “W«, your aminos ¿lists, the Iegts Michael repr« »«-nted tue »late depart -uu Cioox. one. Laxe, Haiuey anu so she I Washington. Jan. 19.—A dispatch Leing examined in detail, i bere is uu vuiiecuon ot otoer lees. Pan-American Congress. prevented her going home ment. and General Johnson «rd Ma «ialheur. one. Morro* ana W*a«4«r, i..tiv» assembly ct the State of Ore- it is pruviued mat as to tbe state round work as a domestic. Conduc-1 tu the navy department this morning necessity whatever lor mure lact*. New Yutiip Jan. 17.—dec.euuy ul jor Romey the army. Hanna. Forakei. printer Uie law »uail not lake eilecl . u«i, L u.on anu St aüowa, on« ; t»u- eom rvspecuujy represent that tbe irom San Juan, says that one more oi tor Beach has been arrested. Hxiudgb sre now available tc suow until 19V7. An emergency clause is Ult liessuiy suaw, in a spceCu uefurc Grosvenor and Wat neck represen’en uoiumbia River, with the exception -u. a..u baerman, one those injured on the Massachusetts, ueyoiid any question tne uecesaity lui Ute Fan Amei nan Gascon.» Guugrea* Senator M liter < lot ins that tbe bib Ci a very short distance ml ween The died in the hospital yesterday, max a new surveyor-general and a new allai bed. dec tai ing toat it 1» ucce»- m is rue. mug. un lai Ul, au > mated a* tbe Loyal Itegioc of Ohio, to whi'"' DAKOTA DIVORCE FRAUD. Buck belonged Ills widow reqn-ste-! ou«s away a» tar as pu*»ii:ie wire iiaile» and Celtic, ir. the Stat« o! »ary ior toe immediate preservation :ng a total of seven dead. One other cnief clerk. ul the puOiic peace and »aiely luat a means ul increasing lite Uaue w no display, henn’ the 4<«rvices were jo.ut «us:nets ana mat ragiaiaiont wiu uregvu. is navigable all the year tor Supreme Court Declares That a Rest-1 is expected to die. When becretary Hitchcock was roe act laae eilecl upuu the approval me auum American lepuuuca, an uu very simple. «oi to« most par. oe uua,.u»ieu a', eoato ut average tonnage trona the provemeut Ol me mean» ul inter-cum dence In That State for Divorce is -------------------------- of Waggoner s statement that ne ui uie guveruor. uotue in count) ai d not in alate cou itacthc Ocean to Kettle Falls, ia the mutucauuu, uniluiiu » ’ anuard» u. icady to "meet any charges a Fraud. ««utiuus The bill, he says, uas to« State ol Washington, a distance ot weiguLa and lueasuies. luieicoangca Waahiagton, Jan. 19.—In lhe case TIIT IIICAllf ACVI Illi might be made against him," FOUR INSTANTLY KILLED »*PP«Mi of tair-uiinued republican sen ■nor« than 700 mUes; that owing to uie cuiiency and Ultimately a common the toi*igraphy of the country through ul Annie Andrews, me divorced wile I |1f ininUnif 11 JI I 11 |y| asked: atora. AND SEVERAL INJURED. language. against Kate Andrews, the widow ot I IIL lllUllIlL HUI LUIII • “is he ready to go before a grand It is likely that one or mor« change* • hlch »aid river Bows, lie producers jury to meet thcmT’ a wealthy Massachusetts resident, I _____ »Hi be ueceasary bciuie tne bid pwa* ot the various regions known as the Tho«« Killed Were All Trainmen— NEED NOT BE NATIVE. The remark is "significant, and is who gained a divorce jn Dakota anal <-*. Fur exauipie, a joint senatorial Columbia Basin, wdich comprises an Many Passengers Cut and Bruise« taken to mean that, on tne tacts now then married a second wife, the su-|<,OST OF LIVING HA8 IN- u ¿strict ol Lane and Foto is provioeu •ilea oi not less than 2^00.000 acres Senator Mitchell Introduces a Bill in A CAUCL. NOMINATION by Being Thrown From Berths. on record, some one connected with «cr. These cour.ues are not contig­ mostly arable land, can cheaply preme court this morning declared CREASED IN PA8T TWO YEARS iue surveyor-general s office 1* to be Congress Affecting Hawaii. WOULD DOWN WILSON uous. auu no legislative district cau leach the markets oi the world with Cumberland, Mil., .'an. 16.—The last that the Dakota divorce was unlawful. Washington, Jan. 16.—Senator e maue under inc cousutuuou tn u. their products only by means ot the ? “ Pf[mn I N° D«flclency in th« Asylum Fund- proe«*xied. against through lhe courts, westeiu expi ess un U.e Baiuwuie A eaving niaue himself criminally lia­ Ohio ciasueu into twu englues in the Milt Led today introduced a bill The Walla Walla Statesman Has a coucues not adjacent. Senator Mili i c han&el oi the Columbia Rive", and to administrate the estate. The court Will Ask for Increased Apropria- ble. ysids upon entering this city lui» amending lhe organic law of Hawaii Fine Organization and Has Som« of »ays torse detects wü! Le remeced. ior that reason tbe removal of a U decides that merely to gain the resi­ Just what the report uf Special uioruing. tione for Next Two Years—Table to navigation therein so mat the guveruor need not be Senator McGinn Friday put iu a instructions dence of Dakota tor the purpose ot the Best Men in the Evergreen Agent Greene contains is not told, but lour wete instantly killed and a M>ru in the islands, but shall be a i--ilow-»«rvant measure covering the and the mnsequent roducticn ot of Salaries Paid. divorce, while the real domicile is in State Lined Up Solidly for Him. is said to be very spicy reading anu LlUi was lalally lnjuied. Several olh citizen ot lhe United States ur any ( lov»tuns ui the well known Alabama transportation rates is a mailer ot some other state, is a fraud. The report of the superintendent very convincing, it is Known that toe ns were seuousiy uurt. territory, and 3u years old. matead oi Olympia. Wash , Jan. 17.—Ankeny .•ct. It is the senators opinion that the most urgent necessity; thit the uf the Gregon Insane Asylum says: report cast* no reuections un Mei- aisu reuucing the requued age lui or a deadlock seer..« to be the inevi­ the Virginia act, which va» luti) ms instructions: to navigation alluded to Thuac kuied aie ail trainmen. The "There was appointed by the last DENIES THE REPORT. urum's ability as a surveyor. This is boiler ot ot e engine exploded, adding inembersuip in the Hawaiian cuugres* table result ot the present senatorial < ussed in Governor Chamberiaiu * can be overcome by the construction legislature the sum of $288,1)00 foi admitted. He is at ladit mure as an ot properly equipped canal and locks Minister Bowen Is Not to Be Paid by I the maintenance of tbe insane asy­ administrative official man as a sur­ u> the excliemeuL The passengers 1L and pruviumg heavy bonds lur th« struggle. The Walla Walla statesman i. essage. and was approved by mm. a treasurer, the auditor aud similar ol has a sufficient number of votes tu is Leite: and be will probably change at th« points named; that a careful tut-e» weie cut and bruised lum for the two years ending Decern Venezuela for His Services. veyor. He bimseii admits in his in­ being throvn from their berths. survey and plans tor such can. J and ficera. give him u caucus nomination when ms measure to accord with «L her 31, 1902, for the payment of the Washington, Jan. 19.—The state de­ terview one oi lhe serious charges luck», with detailed drawings arid es can get a caucus together ever he 4 joirt resolution to provide for the salaries of the officers and employees partment Las received a dispatch urougiit against him, that oi being ad- BALTIMORE A OHIO RAISES MILLERS FORM MERGER. nnd it is not beyond tbe range ol \x>s euomission ot a constitutional ameno timates have been made under the and for the maintenance and general irom Minister Bowen, who empitati- uicted to drink, audiug that wneu he ribilitlea that he < an mass enough uient making tbe terms of the county direction ot Captain W. A. Hart, en­ THEIR OPERATORS' SALARIES. contingent expenses of the asylum, caiiy denies the reports that he is to unnks be keeps away from lhe office, Will Ba»« Flour Quotations Upon the strength to elect him without a cau- officer* lour year», came in trota Sen gineer corps. U. S. A., which show being the same amount as appropriat it u this diinx tnat is charged against be paid by Venezuela tor his services. eus. The latter in an uncertainty. aiur Pierce The consutuuon limit» chat the- probable cost ot such un Hulmg Price of Wheat ed for the preceding two years. We mm. With a competent clerical turce, Two Thousand Men Will Be Benefited He says he agreed to accept $50w ptovement would not exceed $3.969.- Increased Cost of Living Given as Portland, Jon. 16.—Tbe Northwest­ however, but there is no uncertainty the terms of couutv treasurer*, clerks, trom President Castro to pay his ex­ are pleased to be able to report that, it is said here tnat the office could, about the result should he enter a sheriffs, coroners and surveyors to u00. notwithstanding tbe increase in popu ern .Millers' Association was organix«id Cause. penses in the United States. in a way, : un itseii if .Meldrum never "Your memoralists pray, therefore, caucus. The Mr Bride- Frestou-Wi Ison two years. The assessors—-not » con­ lation and advance in the price ol put in appearance. But when tbe gov­ Pittsburg. Jan. 16.—It was announc­ here yesterday lor the purpose ol alliance is fully coguizant of this tact, stituí tonal office—also boll bi< nuiai that said improvement be speedily stopplug price cutting and creating a the necessary supplies, fuel, etc., the ernment pays him a regular salary, ed today that the Baltimore A Ohio IMMENSE APPROPRIATION. and they are devoting all of their eu- term», and Senator Pierce will inuo- lummenced and vigorously proeecut cost of maintenance has been kept it expects his full services and hl» would raise toe salaries of all tele better teeling among Hour mill men ergies to prevent any further aeees- duce a lull to extend them to four cil to an <*arly completion " ot Oregon and Washington. Another within the appropriation, and there Senator Cullom Reporta a Bill for iu U time, and if one man is too busy graph operators 10 per cent, and will to tbe Anxeny stiength and to 1 years. In the senate Tuesday Johnston, ot will be no deficiency. The superin­ with drink to give this service, lhe give them a nine, instead of 10-hour cbject is to base the quotation of PUNM ort a caucus. The Wilson meti Wasco and Sherman, introduced a $27,500,000. tendent reports the daily average pei department believes there will be uu flour upon the ruling price ot wheat. slave day, will) a vacation each year with apparently eliminated Preston t ill for coustruction of a portage rail­ SEATS FOR EMPLOYES. Washington, J sji . 19.—Immediately capita as 32.55 cents; average coat C. C. Hogue, ot Albany, was elect­ have difficulty in getting someone else whu pay. Two thousand men will be ben­ road between The Dalles and Celllo. the contest and allude to it as nom after the senate opened this morning per month, per capita, $9.90. can till the place saUsiactorily. ▲ efited. The reasons given are 'hat ed president another Wilson-Ankeny tight. They Labor Representatives Will Introduce and provid-ng that $200,000 b« ap­ Cullom reported the legislative exec­ Salaries Paid. reputation as a surveyor la not the ibe company recognizes the constant­ admit, however, that conditions are a Bill in Behalf of Women Who propriated trom the state treasury utive and judicial appropriation bill. SHE IS GOING TO SAMAR. ly increasing cost of living expenses The appended table shows the sal only requisite for the office. vastly different from those existing Work, tor the purpose. It carries $27,500,000, an increase oi The measure provides that the gov officers and lu the memorable tight tour years ago. A little bill which will earn for the $300,000 more than the estimates anu aries that are paid the Wife of Lieut. Kipp Will b« th« Only REFORM8 FOR MACEDONIA. FREE TRADE WITH COLOMBIA. Aukepy has a fine organization and labor representative* of lhe Multno­ < mor. secretary of state and state employes of tbe Oregon State I Insane exceeds the 1903 appropriation by White Woman on the Island. Asylum: has some ot the beet men in the state mah delegation, by whom it will be ti ««surer and their successors in c $1.250,000. Austria Fitting Up . Fourteen Wir- Venezuela Opens Conference Without New York, Jan. 111.—Mrs. Howard lined up solidly tor him. His strength introduced, the gratitude of tbe work­ flee shall bi constituted a l»oard of Superintendent, annual sal- shlpa to Coerce Turkey. ary .. ............................... ... .$2,500.00 Restriction to Offset the Coast Kipp, the wife of LieuL Kipp ot tbe is su much greater that that ot the ing women and girls of tbe state, is l>ortage comaiissioners. with lull pow MARCONI’S SUCCESS. marine corps, formerly Miss Kather­ other candidates .Individually or col­ as follows: ar tc construct and operate the pro­ _____ First assistant physician 1,800.00 Vienna, Jan. 19.—The government Blockade. ine liloodgood, a contralto known b\ lectively, that his followers are cling­ 1,200.00 is hurrying and fitting up 14 warships Sands a Message From President assistant physician "Section 1.—That no female be em- posed portage road, and that they Washington, Jan. 16. — The state de- the entire Pacific coast, started to­ ing to him with perfect confidence In ]: toyed in rny mechanical or mercan­ shall proceed immediately to take up 1,020.00 with the supposed object of coercing Roosevelt to K.ng Edward by wire- Con8“W“K Phyaician .... Druggist, per month .............. 50.00 Turkey into Introducing reforms in i'artment lecelved the information day tor San Francisco, whence she his ultimate success. The claims ol tile establishment, laundry, hotel or luo»e duties when «be act shall have l«e« Telegraph. that Venezuela has opened a confer­ sails to Samar to jolu her husband. lhe Wilson people that they have Bookkeeper .............................. 100.00 Macedonia. restaurant in '.his state more than 10 i be«u passel. Wellfleet, Mass., Jan. 19.—Marconi Stenographer .......................... ence without restriction with the She will be the only white woman on I or cod Preston back into third place 50.00 hours during any day. The hours of sent a message direct to Podhu this Department overseer ............ whole Colombian frontier. This is that island. Still There's More to Com«. are not admitted by the friends ol the work may be so arranged as to per­ 75.00 RAN A BRACE GAME. afternoon, addressed to King Edward Engineer .................................... taken to mean that free trade has King county man. 100.00 The sudden death ot Congreesmar. mit the employment ot females at any from President Roosevelt, extending Msy Recover. if there is to be no deadlock, tbe time, so that they shall not work Thomas H Tongue has already devel Assistant engineer .................. 30.00 Proprietor of Rainier Grand at Seat- l-een established in order to offset the a greeting of tbe people of America blockade of the coast by the foreign Columbia, Jan. 17.—Gonzales' con­ leiatlve position of the two leadlug more than 10 hours of each 24. Engineer at cottage farm .. tl«, Arraeted. 65.00 eped an army ot candidate« to Eli to the British. powers. dition is unchanged. The physicians candidates opposing Aukeuy will cut Assistant engineer at cottag« eSattle, Jan. 19.—Horace B. Dun- "Section 2.—Every employer in es­ the vacancy. Among tho«e prominent say that if he lasts the day out be will nu figure when the break-up comes, tablishments where female« are em­ ly mentioned by their friends are. f Al 111 35.00 bar, the proprietor of the Rainier FIRE IN PRIVATE HOTEL. Passes Through Dardanelles. and it will be difficult to determine ployed shall provide seats for them Hon. Binger Hermann, of Rueeburg bave a chatice for recovery. Plumber .................................... 50.00 Grand hotel, was arrested on an in­ Constantinople, Jan. 16.—In accord­ at the last stages whether it is aa and shall permit the use of such Gov. T. T. Geer, ot Salem: Senator Blacksmith .............................. 40.00 dictment charging his with conduct ­ Aged Couple Burned to Death—Child­ ance with the sultan's sanction, a Rus­ M. Cabot Dead. Ankeny-Wilson or an Ankeny-Preston reals by them when they are not en­ Brownell, of Oregon City; .Hon. Til. Tinner ....................................... 40.00 ing a gambling game in tbe hotel. It ren Suffocated—One Woman Injur­ sian torpedo boat passed through tho Pans, Jan. 17.—M. CaboL the auth­ tight. Whatever may lie the termina gaged in the active duties for which Ford aid Hon. Claude Gatch, of Sa­ Shoemaker ................................ was said to be a "brace ” game. 40.00 ed by Jumping tp Ground. Dardanelles Tuesday en route to Se- or of the libretto of the "Chimes of tion of this conflict it will nut be tc Tailor ........................................ 45.00 lt m; Hon. E. V. Carter, of Ashland. they are employed. baBtapol. PUtsburg. Jan. 19.—An aged cou­ Iztundryman ............................ Normandy,*' died today aged 83. the disadvantage of Wilson. Ever) 40.00 “Section 3.—An employer, overseer, Judge H. L. Benson, of Klamath The greater part of the Josephine ple were burned to death, two child­ Ixtundress ................................ crumb of prestige which fails his way superintendent or other agent of any Falls; Judge Fullerton and Judge 35.00 iiop crop has been disposed of by the To Arbitrate 8trlke. ren are supposed to be dead and a Assistant laundryman .......... At the annua) meeting of the Ore­ is a distinct and clear gaiu to wtiici. such eraplcyer who shall violate any Sehlbrede. of Ros* burg. besides a 37.50 several growers of tbe county. The Baltimore, Jan. 17.—Cardinal Gib­ gon Hopgrowers' Association, Thurs­ ' lie was not ontitled had this aliiauc« number made narrow escapes from SeamstresjB .............................. 30.00 total output of the several yards of of the provisions of this act shall, boat of other«. It is uuw thought _ bons left tbls morning for Waterbury suffocation and are now in the hos­ Basementman .......................... day, in Portland, a bill was framed i not given him a rating which war upon conviction thereof, lie fined for a special election will be held in 46.00 the county for th« past ssason was Conn., wher« be will arbitrate the to be presented to the legislature pro­ never warranted by the numerical pitals and one woman »a» u.irad by Steward 80.00 1.55,000 pounds. each offense a sum not less than $10 March to Illi the vacancy —Rooeburg trolley atrlka. viding for a hop inspector. . strength of hla following or more than $$S,” Review. PORTLAN 0 TO BE THE CHOSEN CITÏ WILE BE SUSPENDED