■"-m LOW T “ which is estimated to be at leant |25<> per lot. The Sisters ot Kt. Francis own three* blocks and 60 feet of ground abutting the lane, and the hardship the improvement will impose upon the order was deeply regretted, es­ pecially when the value—commercial, social aud educational—of the socle ty to the community, is considered. The prospect of the O. R. & N. de­ fraying a portion of the expense does not seem to be altogether hope­ less City Attorney Carter is In receipt of a letter from the company which implies that the company may bear a portion of the expense, but the com munication does not really commit the company to so do. The policy of the company in this county hereto­ fore in relation to grades and bridges was referred to as being quite liberal n.nd the hope was expressed that the company will conclude to bear a por tion of this exjiense. It will be re­ membered that the railroad right ut way abuts the entire north side ot the lane. RATES ON FEED. 1 T J. 8. Morris has sold Ills residence on W«*st Alta. Io. a » » and Union Pacific Make a A. J. Dillon, of the Meadows, near Reduced Freight Rate on Eastern E«-ho, Is in town. Corn and Wheat. FRIDAY. JANUARY 23. 1903. Mrs. J H. Garrett is visiting rela­ Owing to the threatened scarcity ut tives on Birch Creek. SMOOTH FORGER UNDER RESOLUTION PASSED AGAINST feed at uiauy poiuts iu the North- D. F. Trimble and wife, of Willow, THE CHANGE IN CHARTER. ARREST IN SPOKANE. / west, the O. K. & N. aud Union Pa are here visiting J. E. Bennett. ci lie have made a special rate ot 50 Ed Osborne, of Meacham, Arrested Councilman Hartman Resign* as A. Vinson, the Walla Walla marble cents per XO0 pounds on corn .uid tor Complicity in Coyle's Crime, by yard man. is in Pendleton, en route Chairman of the Health and Police wheat, from all points in Kansas and Doputy Sheriff Turner—Coyle Will to Baker City. Nebraska to Peudictou. Committees—F. X. Shemp Granted Miss IJeuella Cragin. of Little Cold Already Wyoming sheep-feeders ale Return Without Kcquisition Pa- Liquor License—Est'mate the Coat 1 n.«-apples, »7.80 a dozen. Springs, was In the city this morning, taking advantage of tins low rate and para. of Six and One-half Miles of Sewer Fai'-uips, 75c per sack. en route to Weeton. thousands ut tons ot teed is uow be Uauoage. 2c to 4^c per pound. Juba Coyle, wuu tor sed lúe name at »33,000. John F. Hill, of < Helix. Is in town into ng shipped from the corn belt Cheese, per pound. 25c «to cousum- 01 Joseph Li.eiu.uy, the well known today. He has 480 acres of winter the Wyoming ranges. At Weiser and • TS.) sueepuiau of Pilot Kock to a chock wheat, which is looking Andy. i Nampa, also, many of the prominent Onions, »1 per sack. The city council at its niret- tor 4135, aud succuBSLully passed it ieeders anu sheepowners have found C. W. Tarbet. of Pomeroy, is here i B«*ets. per pound, lYjc. , ing last night: upon Mike Gratz, ol Uus city, last 11 cheaper to use this leeu than to Potatoes, 65c to 75c per hundred. house Ordered the storage Sunday uight, has been an us Led aud visiting his twin 1 brother It E. Tar t*et. From here he will go to Baker pay the high prices tor hay, where it I Garlic, 15c per pound. painted. is uow iu custody in Spokane. ' < an be procured and in some locali- City. An X. Granted liquor license to F. oiUcc-i will leave Pendleton lo- Pendleton Livestock and Poultry. ties it is impossible to get liay at Miss Clyde Whittemore, formerly of night to bring Coyle to this city, Schein p for six mouths. Cux-kens—Hens, 7c, springs. 7c; any price. the Noli store force, went to Portland tor Coyle Adopted resolution providing was arrested upon advices .uosti i-s, 4 to 6c. The corn crop in the states ot Kan R«-in«-uil»-r:—l he largest »Ux-k of gixxl. Ii the city to .elect froto. lrutn bberiff Taylor, and has signi- last night to take a and Nebraska was eiiuimuu» last tw«>eu Jat-kson and Wilson, bed :11s wuliugutMis to return without ing and music. G«*ese, per dozen. »9. year, and the low freight rate to the lequiaitiuu papers. and for new sidewalk on both Mrs. R. S. Kidder, who live» two L>u< ks, per dozen. »3.75. West will enable farmers there to sides of Main, betw««en Jack- Coyle's crime was committed with tulle« west ul town, is quite sick Butter, 40c and 45c per roll. dispose 01 a crop w aich they leared JAPS SEEK AN EDUCATION. < airier* if lh«-y contracted the work son and Washington. toe utmost coolness and dailng. He with an attack of la grippe, tlireateu- Eggs, 30c in trade. would remain on their hands, as well to some old party plug ugly to pay vote spent Sunday night in this city, ed wiUi typhoid ptiedmonia. Asked lhe legislature to A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Choice Beef Cattle. Etc. as otferiug Western stockmen a good Officiais Say election 175 driven drinking and caiousiug, drawing »10 against charter change, mak William «»oldsby, wbo lives n< ar Reports of Montana Cows. per hundred, »3.2»©3.50. opportunity to supply any shortage They Dont Care for Wages. But who- work 14 hours a day fur »10£o ing offices of recorder and M ust Have Luxuriant and Glossy aud »20 at a Urne, during the night, the ixx- crossing, on Bir< U Cr««k, is Steers 44© 4.25. in teed that might «x-cur at very rea­ per week. They are foolish it they ’«u> Mr. Gratz refused to cash the in town. marshal el«xtive. Mr Golusby 1» au extern Want to Learn. Matter What Color. Hair, No Hogs, live. »6. sonable puces. do not strike agnst such wages when one- check in one pay meut. Estimated cost of six aud sive aud well-to-do wheat raiser. lrugs, drfssed, 7 ^«5 u the bieumai report »1 lhe bureau the people pay enough to the con­ The finest contour ot a female face, half mil«*s of sewers at »33.- About the Ume toe bank opened. Veal, dressed. Sc. 01 agriculture, labor and iudustry, tractors to pay them »5 a day each — litq sweetest smile uf a 1« male mouth. WO. klunday morning, he disappeared, and IN CIRCUIT COURT. RETURNS FROM SALEM. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices, < ommisstoner J A- I Fergusou gives Public. loses sometuiug it too bead is crowu- lor tor««o days bks remained out ot ■tallsli« s showing th«- growtb of the Coffee- Mueua and Java. best 4O<- eu with ream hair. Scant and falling sighL J. H. Gwinn Speaks of the Proposed Asiatic population iu Montana during hair, it is now known, is caused by a per ib.. next .made, 35c per lb; lowei Case of John Weidert Against Uma­ Preacher*» 40 Years' Work. At the council mtreting last night John Coyle, as be Is known here, Sheep Grazing Limit Law. tilla County. Still Occupying the 'l> pact 12 years, Ai-cording to these trades cotfee. 25c to 15c ]>er lb.; parasite Umi burrows into toe scalp To a Geurgi* clergyman bétonna and who signed this name in bis in there were present Mayor Hail«*y, J I H- Gwibu. who is se a wiatetnent waa gl.'-n out old. has been doing active work in the pelmaixnlly, then, and tu slop tali ¡-«-r sack; do. 13 pounds, »1. lite aileuuou 01 the cuurL Every and Dickson. Hu was also going under toe name In the lut><>*u ul Use wuolgruwers, 1 «.nu time ago that «-erlaln railroad* Baptist church in that ser-tiub for 40 Salt—Coai st, »1.25 per 109; table,1«-ontroversy is being lug Lair, that germ must be killed The question coming up iu intormai Newbros Herpicide. an entirely new of Ferry in Spokane, as the tele- to lobby against the passage ul a uad ixcoa-e
  • ou says, "it is certain that the num­ to reach his appointments and deliver uistroys the daudiuff fierrn. and. ters’. »4.25 per barrel. ing toe cud engine, it was agreed will not all be hhard today. Coyle, alias John Fbrry." proposed legislation was responsible ber of loth Chinese and Japanese in these sermons be traveled SO.OOo course, mope the tailing hair, and that it should be cleamxl. aud that Coyle ’ s Confederate Arrested. law this state has increased since ths- miles, equal to two journey, around for the promoters ot a limit cures baldness. Sold by F. W Hides. The Secret of Long Life. the earth; he has conducted 511 some minor repairs were needed upou two changing then demands from a 1 hove flgui««s . were collected. They Ed Osborne, wbo resides near The ioUowing are the prevailing I Consists in keeping ail toe main or- IL T. J .Million, toe engineer at tbe Schmidt k Co. Send 19c in stamp» Meacham, aud is well known tn this mile to a one mile limit law. and Mr. are invading od.er classes of employ tunerals, baptized 4012 persor.« and De lor sample to Tbe Herpicide Co., married 621 couples. •tve.age prices for hides iu this mar-1 »aus ot the body in neaituy, regular pump bouse, was dually authorized city, 1* now iu tbe county jail, charg­ Gwinn does not believe even the meat that* raiLood work, and so far troit, Mich. Kei; tieei. green, 4©6^»e per lb.; beeipcuou, and in quickly destroying to clean it and put in such repairs as introduced 1 providing as the bflieau la a bit to learn .the ed with complicity in Coyle's forgery, measure as One of Wilder*. Joke* ury, 7©1.4c; mint 50©75c eacu,I-^^iQiy disease germs. Electric Bit are. u«pessary, use his own judgment lmm«idiately after toe fact waa tor a one mile limit 1 will pass, He uai>antse, esprcially. are not partic- Helix now a City. with a possibility ot »1.25 each u the I**» «ffitete stomach, liver aud kid- as to details, and at terward send in Marshall P. Wilder recently attend made kuown that the Kenuc-y check oeiieve*. and ms views reflect the n ar upon the question ol wages, size is s«x>d and toe condition prime. I pumy the blooa and g«ve a his bill. The new city officers of the city was x largely. Chief ot Police Blak • lews of all the sheep raisers proba­ their main object being to get an op- ed a performance of grand opera at cuvote, 25©75c anu possible Ji. I splendid appetite. They work won Tbe biU ot C. E. Roosevelt tor >10 of Helix, which incorporated a short uly. that the proposed bill if enacted jortunity to k-ain the language and the Metropolitan oprea hoosf in Nev 1 aers in curing kidney troubl«». fw tor floral decorations used by the time ago. have met and organized and ley oegan a most «igid search for a •uto law York, and several times daring the would very senouaiy cripple male complainu. nervous diseases. committee when toe Tougue tunera! legun the transaction of official bus! cfae that migut lead to the disewery the »ueep industry ot lhe stat* —in m«-tuode ot the Americans. performance he gallantly picked up Wheat Market. of otton counacted with Coyle in hi» , onsupanon. dyspepsia aud malaria. train went through w* but ress. Tonight will be held a special was read the program which the lady who oc­ TO SUPPRESS NEWS. Poruaua, Jan. 22.—The quiet teei . lguruus ueaitn aud strength always passed up, no a« Gon being takeu up meeting ot the council, to consider emootli crime. He worked diligenUy tact, that it would be the most severe cupied the next seat accidental!? .ng gtoug un iu the wu«iat market al .ouuw their use. Only ouc, guarwn- on 1L Before aujournment 43 5u was the question ot how much license among Coyle* associate» and Irieuds uiow that legislation could possibly dropped. "It is very good of you to .ntlict upon the wooigrowera of the Hear for a trace ot sume knowledge if the Politicians Fear the People Will present is sumeUxiug unusum. A tew ved by Taliman A Co., druggists. raised amoug toe city officials pres­ shall be charge saloons m Helix It affair and was well rewarded for his state. trouble yourself." abe said, after h«- c.uuu lots m Eastern uregon passed Some ot Their Scheme* Over the ent, and the remainder will be rais- is supposed that the amount will be work in finding that Ed had handed her the program for the The bill, however, passed the Oral Osborne, into expurtois nanus, but iu uie tuau. Wire* by private subscription to del ray tbe fixed at »6tK> per annum Officers of Maccabees. sixth time, "and I'm afraid I'm very who reside» near Meacham station Sheriff Turner went to Mea< bam •heep men will preaem their strong era ear by a spring over the top ot I lie McGee, record keeper. Alice O- in size, -, is estimated at »Ju. lor toe uamuce Ol the season. A Tus application ot F. X. Sehernp corder, B B. lhe need, says tne Salem JournaL It I Richards. marshal. yesterday and Alpme Accident*. ■ -aniel; finance keeper, Mary' John­ arrealed Osborne, «sc *ud moat affective claims. uumoer ui new charters nave been contains a sma.l stxmd«^ which I Mountain climbing crank* succeed«-, treasurer, M. J. whom he found at home, and return son; sergeant. Olive E. Sewell; mis- lor a license to sell liquor tor six Charles Stanton; There is a very superficial ide* rast rev íes, auauemceu since oui Uess-at-arms. Ora Houser, sentinel. tuontos from the first ot February. Cockerline. J E. Hinkle transacted ed u> this city with his prisoner last prevalent that the word "settlement checks off the telegraphic signs in in establishing a new record for viol­ mostly tor Ausuwiian accouuL The Augusta Kimball. picke*. Addie »as 1; ranted. the business of incorporation. mghL in counecuon with proputied Yegiala- such a low soqnd as to be inaudible | ent deaths in this hazardous business uemaud irom uust point is latiiy There was au intorniai uussiou While the’ According to statistics compiled by Pierce, chaplain. Mary Stevens. The ch«xk was written on Januarj tiou on this topic means a handel o. except to the operator. good. From Souto Atrica little new of the subject ut there being two bars On the contrary, it means «rdinary sounders were being used I the Alpine club. Alpine accidents in 16. ac-unlitg to tbe information ob- • Ulage business is rep«>rteid. Shipments dur­ in toe Golden Rule hotel, run under he lone set Ger's cabin and not necea- t*B jperatar could stone, a lev lee: 1S**2 resulted in a total of 43 deaths iain«-d by Ciuel Blakley, aud an un ing the week nave been light, bu« cue license, ami toe question a as aanly any more. Ln other woras, 2> tv ay and Lear tbe message receired. which is th* highest record tor any »ucceastul attempt to cast it was utere are a ¿rea. many vessels ou imseu v.helner toe uai tender lor tbe .solated cabins one m.te apart «an el- Now, there is no opportunity tor one season made Saiuiday even.ng. alter bus! «x:rto that win ¡uush betore toe msi casement is Vuumng 11 tor bimsei; ot blockade the highway •«veaoiopplng around toe telegraph 1«»» hours, the Savings Bank dec-lit tectually ur February- That win make Janu- «or toe bouse. The po.ut was raised against the driving of bauds of sheep desk. One ot the operators employed mg to pfljr toe money ou it, as the my a lair shipping mvflto. The dt tuat as the law requires toe posting at the capitoi during toe last ke*»a>L signature ut Mr. Kennedy did not tor a distante ut 3i> miles ** mahu lor wneat among mii.ers u» 01 toe license in a conspicuous piace* TELEGRAPH OPERATOR AT said; "II my shoes could talk what correspond with that on toe bank s ^UUU. but choice qualities, »uiiao.el IRRIGATION COMMITTEE ¡•ehind the bar. .1 could not be done KAMELA A SCIENTIST. books secreta they would teiL " Now not Judgment for »¿300. xur milling purposes is uifllcail to I HAS A MEASURE, in this in«-lance, ttecause there are A detau’i judgment on account uf even the oterators right ear knows It'S A obtain, anu toose holders having I _____ two oars, uu different flours Tbe For Eight Years watenea tn* Revo­ the nor.-api .-arance ot the détendant what his ¡eft »ar hears This is tbe suxa on Lana aie ask.ng very »uul vould Restrict tne Privileges of Ir­ inquiry was also made as to wheUrer BREVITIES. lutions ot the Planet* From the to appear and answer lhe suit was uaiy sw ret aojnder on the toast ligules tor toeir wheat- Quotations1 rigaticn Companies—Amendment to the proprietor bolds mure urau one rend.-.-«xi y«-»terday afternuon rn the Roof of tn* Freight House — A Dia- J. A Howard, farm loans are firmer anu exporters re. use to government licqnsv. GOVERNMENT JOBS. case of irouis £. Huson vs. Cbariea L Give Bona Fide Settlers Chance to aatroos Partnciwup — nauroao Ot- The bes!. pay over 75c tor «flub, biuestem, 85c; M«.u » bait sole*. 75c. A resolution was unanimously pass­ Parris. Tbe judgment was for »¿3«MJ Acquit® riomes. IS difficult lu Teutack. ■ alley brings 78c, and tice a Scientific Work bnop. ed providing lor the grading ot Main aud the action waa for money alleged Many Person» Desire Suer Positions, uotkuL at uiese figures. oamuel White ot Baker City, chair- street betw«ten Jackson and Wilsou The best half »ole* for Ladies. 40c. to be due. the parties having bau long it is not gtflMsiauj k 1 iu » l imi tor But Are Opposed to Government San Francisco, Jan. 22.—Exporters I _]ja£ legislative committee of ttree-ta and tor laying sidewalks on tight y «ai». Kam cm. to«. »uaLuu oa Teutscb. ' and mare or less complicated business Ownership of Public Utilities ciaim umt tuey are out 01 toe market I _nfc State irrigation Association, will both sides of Main between Jackson thè troiugy about »1.50. which was all the money U m - opportunity lor public employ-1 *L T. Wade Which doses Feb tst. m«-ut. Appeal ?o Reasuc ill u*«. evtuy available svieuubc a. 41.50 during the week. . umpames suuuiu not have the pus «bar tor ot to is city, making toe offi AH shoes are cheaper dur­ Free at Martin s Family Gnxery Mr Minier bad on his person w'«--i« wuig uu «Ue subject ,-luieil away >u such occupancy tbe reauon that it is a step backward Luu un toe subject that cuald scarwc By Grocery and Bakery. Not cheep, Lou, has t-evn notifi«*d that the gov Si 25 felt slippers at trashy portraits, but works of art. "Well, th«re you are'" said the stl- ernmeiii apportionment ol trout from advance ot tnree cents over the best as is necessary for lhe construct ion rather than tor ward in lhe march oi ly be iuuud uulaide to a sciemlinc Absolutely free to customers. civilization, that toe election ot toeee scUuuL the guv em meat halchcries at Wash t«-r orator, clinching the argument. grade to a week ago. Biuestem has uf irrigation ditches and canals. officers in toe past (belore the char A .>usin«*ss man named Robinson, ii'gtuu. D. C.. tor Umatilla county is "Don't it foUow that gold is not a advanced five cents per bushel and Taylor was a student ul the science Section 3292 of lhe code providtai suitable metal for money?" ter was changed making tuem up at Etho, is building a frame store uow briugs 75 cents. that any settler desiring to purchase poinrive) in a number of instances, ¡¡sell, aud uul suupiy a lurluue teller building Joxuo teet. which is to be liKl.UK* All the slrv-ams in the coun­ Wher upen the listeners fell to viti large ei ougb to support Osh He sludjctl toe eficcl ol Ute piaUc-ls ty any unsold quarter section of desert made officers wbo were not in accord thinking with their lungs to the fol­ vsed as a ba rd war« store when cotu­ be »ti« keo the coming «asoli Wool Markets. uu vegi jcauvdk, tot- «dieci ut toe ruliug land on which there is a lieu for the low Ing effect. "Hurrah for Bn an’”— on u.e live« and «uarac 1er» ut pleted. Boston, Jap. 22.—The wool market coat of reclamation shall pay to the with the mayor or commou council stars ou Brooklyn Sagle in conducUng the affairs ot the city, ¡«eopie alia could tell at a glance al Good Whe*t Weather. R. H I’atton. from Birch Creek. here was quieter this week, but nuider thereof such proportion of tbe even going so tar as to. openly dely a person, what toe «iiaunguiauiug n«-ar Pilot Ruck, was in the city last A Ruppe. of Pl«-asant View, baa prices remain very firm, wnh an up amount of the enUre lien as the true Mai! Drivers Strike. toem, and that several of these eiecl- < muaclelisucs wuc. evening Mr. Pattou reports the in this year 260 acres of wheat, all ol ward -tendency. Territory, liiaho fine value of toe tract bears to the true ed officers made exceedingly bad rec­ The drivers of the mail wagons tn although During toe «lay ue attended U.s du­ wheat as In rather indifferent condi- which is growing finely. 14 & i5c; line medium, lbfelic, me- value of the whole tract, which ords, and that all toe experience of ces ag agent alto operator, Joau«to t’on. much of it was so late sown that it New York City have struck for higher ilium, 17<»18c; medium, 16@17c. amount is determined by the stale toe past leatis tbe mayor aud com­ aud uuiuaneu Iicgbl, made- toll iniis Utah fine, 14&15c; fine medium, lofa .and board. A W. Tuompsuo, who lived for did not get a fall start The present sag-?» aid shorter hours. The work mon council to believe toat qp change and reports, and al ¡right be speut toe rapidly is let by the government to contract­ it 17c; medium, 17©lSc. Montana fine several yeais in Pendleton and vicin­ weather is developing Upou payment of the lien to tbe Mr. Ruppe informed tbe re­ ors wbo get immtnse pay and yet choice, 19fc20c; fine average, 17© aolder thereof, the purchaser is enti- should be made at this ume, that toe Um« in study and obseriaUun ot tbe ity. uaa returned after an absence of though present law has not been long enough lies«en* and m making horoscopes 18c; nne medium, 19© 20c; staple, is? Licd to a deed from the state land two xnd a half yisars. and may re- porter that nearly al! the wheat sown lorce their employe* to work for very in «udstence to fully prove its great tor (liftensut pesopie whom be bad in that neighborhood is of the Red poor wages Th« government would j ©255c; Northern of the lands getting "dummies" to rightly be held responsible for city Uxlay. He reports Uveatock ot conduct of the government of the u M Huson, of Helix, was in the He uad a seat ar.augeu on tbe roof all kinds as well, and the grain and choice, 21 ©23c; do average, i7©18c; make toe purchases and then transfer city, must be left with control of [ the of toe freight bouse, where be sal to the city yesterday and applied Southern, 12© 13c. alfalfa fields in fine condition. toe title to them or «ome person or various officers wbo are to put the sheriff fbr the appointment of a dep­ l ight alter night, watching ana stu­ concern controlled by ¡hem. Asa laick will return to Montana Ln uty at Heiix laws into effect; would therefore 1 urge dying the movements ol tbe planets. it appears that Mr Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. representatives He made accurate charts, showing tbe a short time, perhaps to remain per Huson Is the owner of the Helix In order to prevent tnis, Mr. White the senators and Hops—Choice, 25i>4©2614 per lb, minks «hat on making the purchase trom UmaUlla county to use their Lianeutly. He has been visiting hie opera house, but the building is not prime to cnoice, 24^*©2»c; prime, a setGer should be given a receipt, best endeavors to defeat the passage exact movements of the slats a* seen brother, John Luck and other reta­ on the town site and when the boys irom Kameia, which be sent to ibe By the Fire Insurance Com­ 24c; medium, 22©23c per lb. toe same as toe government gives *> of such an amendment to toe char United Blates NauUcal station and tivtrs here and in this vicinity. gave Mr Huson a rough house it Hides—Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds Homesteaders, and when they have ter. panies we represent. Our did him no good to appeal to the city Is laying the found* J. 3. Morris ubservntory at Washington. ur.der and up, 15©15tac per ib.; dry kip. '' I lived on toe land tor five years and companies stand first in the That the recorder tx directed to at Dr. Simon Ncwcomo, wbo compli­ tion for a new residence on bluff marshal Hence his appeal to the No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry call, put not less than one-fourth to one- once send a certified copy of these world. This celebrated line of street that will coat about »10U0 in county authorities as a safeguard No. 1 under 5 pounds, 19c, dry salt- third under cultivation, they shall re­ resolutions to each of our senators mented him highly upon th« accuracy material. Mr. Morris will do much from possible future annoyances of his work. Dr. Swift ot tbe ML Perfumes, Toilet Water and I stags, one-third less ceive a deed. Proof of residence and and representative*» from this county. «xl bulls and Lowe observatory of Southern Calif- of tbe work almself, being a carpen- than ary flint, salted aides. steers, cultivation will be required. Toilet Soaps are now han­ Hartford Fire Insurance Co232 259,076 As soon as the vote on the resolu­ ernia. also congratulated hrs effort» ter and contractor. Death of Oris Gilliam. sound, uu pounds and over, 8©9c; 5b tion was recorded, Councilman Hart­ end ne was quoted by many ot the Orla. the Infant daughter of Elmer dled bv us. Mr. White will also propose an If you want Alliance Assunuice Oa Veterinary Christie reports less .. 2v.úM>.wi3 to V) pounds, 7©8c; under 50 pounds man, who voted no. asked to ba re­ sickn«ias among horses during the past Gilliam and wife, who live on Stone something exquisitely nice, lattinoti A laui cash ire Fire and c<*ws. 7c; stags and bulls, sound, amendment to the arid land law which heved from the chairmanship of tile European astrological jouiuais. luiursuce Co 2,544,683 Tbe office at Kamela was a verita­ mouth than in any one month since wall Jackson street, died from the 5©5^c; kip, sound, 15 to zu pound», ariil permit settlers on arid land to health and police committee. North British & Mercantile ble observatory. His charts and as­ bis arrival in the town. The farmers effects of scarlet fever this morning ask for Colgates. 7c; veai, sound, to to 14 pounds, 7c, make their payments in installments, The recoider was instructed to pre trological maps were to be seen also report an almost entire absence at 2:30 o'clock. The Hide girl was Co.......... ................... .. 19, «»5,974 calf, souna, under 10 pounds, 8c; ¡us tea-. of in one sum. pare copies of both resoluUons and everywhere. His boroscopes of «lif- 01 sakne»s "among livestock of any 3 years and 5 months of age. The Royal Insurance Co.____ 22.897.15J he thinks will make it possi- This green tunsalted), lc per lb. less, culls forward them to the representatives ferent people at the summit of the kind. funeral and interment will take place a larger number ot bona tide ole tor tc per ib. leas; aorse hides, salted, and sentors from this county. tomorrow The cottage will leave mountains, were looked upon as di D. I. Mi'chell of Echo states that the home at 2 o'clock, proceeding di­ each, »1.5u©3; ury, eacn, 41©1.5O; settlers and bomeseekers Jo secure An informal discussion of tbe sewer viuations worthy of closest attention. He >and and assist In reclaiming iL 4000 catUe are being ted for beef In rect to Olney cemetery, wheer the colts' Hides eacn, 25©5oc; goat skins, quesUon developed the opinion that In the "Q." railroad strike of 188J, the vicinity ot Echo. The larger funeral service will be held, conduct- . THE . DRUGGISTS • (ommon each, lb©15c; Angora with would make the purchase price paya­ not over b ! x and a halt or seven miles ble in 10 annual installments, reserv­ in- came west from Nebraska and number are of local breeding, Ot wool on, each, 25c©»1. of sewer will be needed to carry out drifted into the situation at Kamela the remainder, a portion are from r-d by Rev. Robert Warner, There AGENT Pelts—Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, ing to the lienholders the right to the proposed plans. will be no services except at the If the system each, »5©b.2O; cubs, |2©t>; badger, fcrecluse at any Ume when the pur- costs the same per mile as the Baker He was a native of Connecticut and Harney county and a portion from grave oa account of the fear of cen­ ’ | chaser bad become two years delin­ started in the study of astrology at Ô00 MAIN STREET each, 10©*4Vc; wild« at, 25©5Uc, House tagion. City system, which seems to be the an early age. He became a telegraph Idaho. cat, 5@10c; lox, common gray, each, quent in his payments. Walter McComach, who Ilves near nearest to the Pendleton system as operator when a mere boy and fol­ —v 3o@5oc; do red, eacn. »1.5o©2; do Fine Steers Sold. to general conditions surrounding the lowed it as a livelihood, while pur- Fulton, has just started a new rWal- Catarrh Cannot Be Cured do silver and cross, each, 45©6; W M Myrick sold 100 head of fine wora, the seven miles of sewer here suing his studies in his chosen sci- dence which be expects to occupy In With local application* they can»ot biack, each, Jiov©29 acre tiacl aud 12 OOH sh-ep A woodchopper, named Cooley Jy No. 1, each, 50c 50c@»1.50; ©J1.50; marten, I order to cure It you must take internal Babcock fire extinguishers beyond vate wheat warehouse with a capac for 4H cents on the hoot Mr. Ken­ 800 acre», b miles from PetidletaMi drifted into the camps near Kamela Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In- remedies, dark Northern, $6@12; marten, pale nedy bought for S«*attl«> people The good «rater aud 500 sheep at 10 pel cold five or six years ago, who was an en­ Ity of 30,000 sacks. influence of extremely ternally. aod acts directly on the uiucous the pine, according to size and color, >1.5«; surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure la not a weather was discussed, The matter W. F. Matlock and George Bentley animals were fattened on the Butter «•ent off market price, »3,700 thusiast on astrology and bls cabin, ©2; muskrats, large, each, 5@10c; I quack medicine, It was prescribed by was finally referred to Fire Chief like the office at tbe station building, have sold to Charles L. Hastings for Creek range. TSJacre «toek ranch, running water, otter, for large prime skins, each, 30 one of the best physicians In thia country Withee. 4,500 block 21 of the »400 lots 6 and 7 In for years and is a regular prescription, was a scientific work shop. He and ©50c; wolf, mountain, with bead per It 1» composed of the beet tonics known, 330 acres. KM) ton* of hav iu nare Ten Dollars Reward. A resolution was unanimously Taylor prepared a moet elaborate , ReeervaUon addition The property fecC each, »3.50®5; wolf, prairie, combined with the best blood purfhefs. adopted ordering a plank sidewalk on Ixrst—Last May. one bay horse, •4,000 chart of the heavens, made of sec­ . lies opposite Dutch Henry’s feed yard on the mucous surface». rctlug directly 300 ai-rre iu I 'aniae Prwirie »2.2U0 icoyotei, without head, each, 30© 35c; * Cosbie street. tions, which could be changed to t on Alta street. Mr. Hastings will weight about 1200 pounds, branded .«rfect louibinatlon or the two ingre the east side of V wolverine, each, »4@7; beaver, per . NO acres of wheat laud, 12 iui U v dlent» 1» »bat produces such wonderful tween Alta and Court streets, suit the seasons, and the planetary build thereon toe coming season a 65 on left shoulder, mane reached from Pemllet«in, »6,000. skin, large, »5@6; do medium, J3@4; r*sult» to curing catarrh. Send for tea district does not have many residents I last spring. Will pay above reward movements, which was printed in ! residence—a neat cottage. J00 acre» ou the river. 6 uiiire from tlmoulals free do small, Jl©1.50; do lits, 50@75c. l-ut it seemed to be the concensus of San Francisco, and patented by them. The people of McKay Creak are for return of same to Purl Bowman F J CHENEY & CO.. Preps Tolsdo. O Pendleton, »2.300 Sheep rkins—Shearing, 15@20; belief that the walk ought to be laid, Hold by druggists, price 75c. Cooley mysteriously disappeared I agitating the question of a new 1H0 acre» wheat land, 4 ml Ire fruii. Will pay cash for poultry. The short wool, 25@35c; medium wool, 30 Hall's Family 1'111» are the beat. tend so the resolution passed. with all the original data used by • si htxil district As it is now, the city Pendleton «»11 reservaiHm. g-.md water. Market price always. Bring it in 'fiGOc; long wool, 60@»l each. The opinion developed that per­ himself and Taylor in preparing the « district ext«nds marly to the mouth »4,000. Tallow—Prime, per lb, 4©5c; No. 2 For Sal« •23 sections of grazing haps the city had put Its foot !n a 140 acres on the river. 12 mile* from every day and all day. Chickens, chart and was never heard from at t of Birch Creek, and necessitates a and farming lands in Umatilla and hole by ordering the improvement of rnd grease, 2% ©3c. Geese, Ducks and Turkeys. tiavil .it about four miles for some Pendleton, »1,800. Kamela again. Wool—Valley. 12%© 15c; Eastern Morrow ’ counties, Good buildings, the east end of Court street, but no in ..1 It» »Ufe. MW X. ro Tliis is a partial list of many »lock scholars, wiiich works a great hard­ Taylor resigned his position ne •hould be ■ 1 ’-'i »Ji1 F-» Ranch will feed 15,000 to 16,000 proposition to reconsider the action Oregon, 8©14%c; mohair, 26@28c. and wheal farms which I have listed agent three years ago and went to ship at seme seasons in school at should be clnuii i>«s. sheep, Plenty of water. Also be­ of a week ago was even proiioaed. A tendance. Ely’s CrwiH B.iH San Francisco. Aside from the deep tween ' 11 ,(NHi and 12,000 head of genera) discussion of the subject was City Property a Specialty Heads Should Never Ache. Office in Savings Bank Huikiing The articl«5s of inc»rporatlon se- cleffiiiMB^aoôtb^UDdi • scientific study of his science, Taylor Never endure this trouble. Use at sheep, 130 head of cattle. 30 horses, indulged in. It was agreed that how­ always followed to the miniRest de­ < ured by the Sisters of St. Francis, the dteeffiMKl D’ t *•? I have * long Bat of daatrwM* once the remedy that stopped it for wagons, harness, plows, seeders and ever neceasary the Improvement is tail, the promptings of the planets. authorizes the sisterhood to transact It cww cat arri» «ml dr lota. realdancea. and buainaas away a ouid in «I h * L 4 Address that nevertheless the situation has Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va.. other farming supplies. houeea. He scrupulously avoided partner­ u!) th«- liuslutuis ot the a«-ademy andd quickly. Joseph Vey, Pendleton. its unfortunate phases. She writes: "Dr King’s New Life I do not Hat proparty uniaaa th. Come, Get Oar Quotations ships after the disapix-araflce of hospital aud any other enterprises in ('reUtu Itahti ■» rlncnd Into die no'dnia. upreada Pills wholly cured me of sick head­ One is the fact that the cost of the Cooley with his valuable charts, us which they may engage as one re­ price la right- over the mriuhrxno and iff jUworlted. RenAfia im ­ Portland papers say that the city grading ano rocking will exceed the aches I had suffered from two years.” he said It was a verification of the sponsible head. By the Incorporation mediate and a cure It iff not dryiug —does Cure headache, constipation blllious- lulls of that place are pest houses, value ol some of the lots, which are l.romptlngs of his planetary system the affairs of the order are simpl!fl«;u n«»t produce Bii-exin^. Large SU«, M) ernie ai Drug- uess 25c at Tailman A Co’s drug on account of the prevalence of dis­ unimproved, and their value will un- that partnerships were unprofitable and at the same Ume made more gieiB or by mail; Trial Hue, in cesta by mail. store. . ease among prisoners doubtedly be eaten up by the expense for him. «■ompreheusive.' JCLT B1U> rii KKS. M V» irrtu HUM. New York. Real Estate Dealer. ST. JOE STORE Our Great Special Sale Now in Full Blast. Never before were goods so cheap. Come buy and save money. We mean what we say. THE LYONS MERCANTILE CO I Safe Proposi tion • • e CLEARING SALE PEOPLES N AREHOUSE COLGATE’S TALLMAN & C2: LOSSES ALWAYS WET PROMPTLY FRANK B. CLOPTON REAL ESTATE Despain & Clark Nasal CATARRH E. T. WADE, f *'