e 1 : GENERAL NEWS dine tn the White House, anti yet re tained the firm support of Southern ♦ ♦ ♦ Two cases of nubiHiic plague have republicans ♦ Isen reporled In the town ot Aliotue, I ♦ He d.xrvil to remove Southern ted- ♦ ♦ Mexico, not lar from the Texas lior-1 « ral offlt e-holders. in the fat e of the FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1903- ♦ der. tings and machines, and «on their ♦ ♦ + ♦♦♦♦<■♦♦ + + + + ♦ + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦++ + + + 4 + ft + ♦ No attempt is now iieing made by 1 In view ot the fai t that active irri annual t f«j REPEAL LAND LAWS. installments, not exceeding io the allies t<* conceal the fact that they | iesp«'ct by his honesty. He has ordered a Mississippi post- gation work will begin in many lo ' in which such charges shall be paid nrc affording assistance to the V'c-nc’ zuelan rebels. ar«, effiee closed because the proud calities in the arid domain, early in 1 and the time when such payments The lauu irauds oi the West shall commence. The said charges Three ol' the biggest coal compa­ tne the spring, the full text of the Max whites, democrats and republicans, sure to result disastrously lor shall be determined with a view of nies In the United States have form-1 disliked to ask a negro woman for well law. under which government ■ «'turning to the reclamation fund an ed an alliance which for all practical; Cana title settlers. Vue uagiant misuse ol the Uuibet their mail, and worried her with fool work will be prosecuted, is published estimated cost of construction of the purposes will be a combination. lor the information of those interest project, and shall be apportioned Miss Dura Meek, of Centralia. III., auu stone aet in luu loresi regions ot ish threats until she resigned ed. i equitably: Provided. That in all con' went to sleep during the excitement been seised upon Can Mr. Roosevelt force the South the Norm west has Be It enacted by the senate and struction work eight hours shall con­ of a lover’s quarrel. September 2b. by the east as an excuse lor its re- to bend to the negro? ('an he ride house ot representatives oi the Unit­ stitute a day's work, and no Mongo­ After 100 days she is still asleep tough shod over all the social senti- ed States of America in congress as­ lian labor shall tie employed thereon. peaL Governor Slone, of Pennsylvania 1 Section 5.—That the euUyinan upon bdvocates the passage of a state law I Senator Quarles, «X Wisconsin, bus ment that has rooted imperishably sembled. That all moneys received Irom the sale and dlsitosal ot public lands to lie Irrigated by such works introduce«! a bill tor the repeal ol the into Southern life, or will he fail lands in Arizona. California. Nevada. shall, in addition to compliance with tc prevent strikes and believes that compulsory arbitration is tne solu­ «esert lane act aud also Uie umbel tn this venture? New Mexico. North Dakota Oklaho­ the homestead laws, reclaim at least tion. He may gain the negro vote, but ma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, one-half of the total irrigable area of tu«l stoue act. aud he probably na» The disturbance* in the interior of I jvsuaabie grounds tor his acuon. U he will certainly not hold the white Washington and Wyoming, beginning lus entry for agricultural purposes, C hlna are spreading. Five 'thousand with the fiscal year ending June 30. and before receiving patent for thé a law permits or the abuse ot com­ vote by this poliqy. The people ot 1901, including the surplus of fees lands covered by his entry shall pay troops have been sent to suppress th«' mon riguts auu arrows Uie blessing» that section may be reasoned with, and commissions in excess ot allow :o the government the charges ftfifKir- disorders in the Province of Che- ances to registers and receivers, ami Honed against such tract, as provid­ kiang. ■oteuued lor the people to be turneu l.ut they cannot be forced. It is stated that the S20.0tMt.0tW excepting the five per centum ot the ed in section four. No right to the men iUto machines lor uro gmtuicauou oi As long as there are white proceeds of the sales ot public lands use of water for land in private own­ malleable casting consolidation, an­ that it. the Soum. they will der.iai >i the lew, it should be repealed. tn the above states set aside by law ership shall be sold for a tract ex­ nounced last month from Pittsburg, f litre is no room on statute booh» they remain in authority. They may lor educational and other purpose», ceeding 160 acres to any one land Pa., as an assured thing, has gone- to be taught by the gradual procesa of »hall be. aud the same are hereby, re owner, and no such sale shall be pieces. .or licenses to perpetrate lrauu. A. W'ettermark it Co., of Hender­ ho* will the repeal oi the stone fraternity to love all human beings, served, set aside, and appropriated made to any landowner unless he be as a special tund in the treasury to anti umber laud law effect Oregon but they will never learn to serve a bx* known as the "reclamation fund,’ rn actual bona tide resident on such son, Texas, bankers and merchants, land, or occupant Ihcteof residing in today a ent into liquidation, The lia anu o.xier Western states? r.egro master. to be used in the examination anu the neighborhood of said land, and no bilities and assets are each about it * ill take two ol uie uree remain survey tor and the construction and such right shall permanently attach $400,000 NO POMP OR SHOW. maintenance of irrigation works tor until all payments therefor are piade ng laud privileges away irom the ris­ Plans are Iieing formed to dtfeat J the storage, diversion, and develop­ The annual installments shall be pai-i ing generation. It will narrow down is ment of waters for the reclamation tu the receiver of the local land of­ the Oklahoma-Indian Territory state Chamberlain Governor-elect the Hi portutuues of the young man quoted as saying when the matter of of arid and semi-arid lands in the satu fice of the district in which the land hood bill, to which the president ia j said to be oposed He favors ad I who antis tinisell in need ot a home, ar inaugural ball was mentioned to states ami territories, and for the 's situated, and a tailure to make any nutting Oklahoma alone pa>mcnt of all other expenditures pro ­ two payments when due »hall render to to« solitary homestead law. It him: Th«- coal famine has fiecomc- so se i vided for ir. this act: Provided. Tha the entry subject to cancellation, with wih mean that the great. arid tracts, "While I appreciate the gooasture land ot the public do­ ir. this manner. I do not care for a than those tealized from the sale and laid thereon. All moneys received congress yesterday, and a lively d* bate occurred In the senate naiu can only be acquired by tile ball. I prefer, after my inauguration, uisposal of lands referred to in this trom the above sources snail be pai«i A body of Pathan soldiers al Delhi. :i.to the re< tarnation (und. Registers section are insufficient to meet the auu «xert.se ot the homestead right to go at once into the executive of- requirements for the support of agri­ and receivers shall be allowed the Il dia made a bold attempt it, broad that, under more rigid restrictions fice and enter upon my duties. It is cultural colleges in the several states usual commissions on all moneys cayligb.t Friday, to rob a jewel room than have formerly prevailed, it the my wish that all ceremonies be as and territories, under the act of Aug I .a id (or lai.ds entered under this act of gems valued at over a million dol­ Sex-lion 6.—That the »x-cretary ot lar» They failed in the attempt t oua fide residence clause is enforced simple as possible. No red tape or vst 30. 1890. entitled "An Act to Ap­ Cole Younger has applied tn th* ami the lenient and highly important tringe on them, if you please. No. 1 ply a Portion of the Proceeds of the the Interior is hereby authorized and Public Lands to the More Complete I directed to use the reclamation fund Minnesota state board of pardons for I leave ot absence permit is revolted, don’t wish to go to a ball. I wish to Endowment and Support of the Col for the operation and maintenance of a full pardon The purpose of the at> 1 as has been insinuated by the interi­ go to work.” leges for the Benefit of Agriculture i all reservoirs anil irrigation works plication is to enable Younger lo re I or department That’s the kind of governor that the and the Mechanic Arts. Established ; lonstructed under the provisions ot turn to his old home in Missouri, i It is stated in railroad circles that ’ 11 these acts hare been abused by ¡ eople of Oregon want. An executive Under tne Provision* of an Act of ' this act: Provided. That when the Congress Approved July 2. 1862." the I raymenu tequired by this act are timber and land shares, congress that comprehends the responsibilities deficient y. if any. in the sum netras- made for the major portion ot the the request of the committee of train men of Western systems for an In- j should strengthen the laws, io pro­ of his office and is not too lazy to get 'sary for the support of the said col­ Ibnds irrigated from the waters ot crease tn wages of 20 per cent has tect honest settlers and punish tnose down to work. Pyrotechnics are all leges shall be provided for from any any ox' the works herein provided for. been refused by all the road* in St I then the management and operation guilty of crooked transactions. right in their place, but Oregon's gov­ moneys tn the tre**ttry not othe’ vis« ' oi such irrigation works shall ¡>ass to Louis. Advices received from Fex. under The right of the people should not ernor-elect wants no ostentatious dis­ a] | • »p-..*Ud. Section. 2—That the secreiaxy o the owners of the lands irrigated be swept away from them in a sort play in his. He is a plain man of the the Interior is hereby authorized an« thereby, to be maintained at their ex date of December 29. are to the effect that the- members of Haina tribe, who of retaliation for the acts of a few un­ people—Baker Democrat. directed to make examinations ana 1 ¡t-nse under such turrn ot organisa were fighting for the pretender, have and under such rules and regu­ surveys for. and to locate and con . tion , principled men. as may be acceptable U> the declared their allegiance to the sul- Th’ government of the United struct, as herein provided, irrigation lations ! The future should be considered, secretary of the interior: Provided. Un works for the storage, diversion, and 1 At Monterey. Mexico, 25o of the and the rights of innocent settlers States *s like any other growing development of waters, including ar­ That the title to and the management operation of the reservoirs and employes of the large Guggenheim whose only means of acquiring homes tnsiness. As its activity reaches out tesian wells, and to report to con- tnd 1 work» necessary for their protec­ . smelter have gone out on strike be is through the exercise ot land privil­ it needs more room, more help, more gross at the beginning of each regu the ' and operation shad! remain m the . cause of dissatisfaction with a new tion a merchant would Just as lar session as to the results of such ' eges. should outweigh the desire of system govei nment, until other» im , provided I system of pay. About 64 a royal welcome by the Boers tn must design and equip new depart- the lands which can be irrigated tbe the very birthright of the masses. 1 necessary to acquire any rights or ’ South Africa. General» Delarey and No section of the country deplores n.ents It Is inevitable The govern therefrom, and all fact* relative to 1 property, the secretary ot tbe interior Botha both attended the banquet the practicability of each irrigation the manage- ment that was suited to the land irauds as deeply as the project; also the cost of tbe work* is hereby authorised to acquire the lately given at Pretoria in Chamber West No section oi the country is n ent of fifty millions, is not adequate in process of construction as well as 1 same for the United State* by pur­ Iain’s honor SHERIFFS SA' E. as desirous of seeing the guilty pun­ tc handle eighty millions A secre- of those which have been completed ' chase or by c«andemnatiou under judi­ German newspaper* are s public notice provided for in section stall be the duty ot the attorney-gen- power in Europe They guarded 1> îtranru fore making such a sweeping stroke ditions. are necessary. four of this act. withdraw from pub eial of the United States ujcn ev«ry talk of paying no heed to the United at the very basis of settlement and CongTc-sa. usually a cold-blooded lie entry the lands required for at application of the secretary of the in­ State* In the Venezuelan matter development. tody, grows sentimental. patriotic irrigation works contemplated uudt terior. under this act. to cauie pro- PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Oregon has learned a lesson. Her ?nd extremely solicitous for the !*o- the provisions of this act, and shal < ceding» to be commenced f«>r con­ restore to public entry any of the demnation within Jv days from the sister states of the Northwest have pie's welfare, over the coal question. lands so withdrawn when, in hi* judg­ The damage In King county Wash also gained in wisdom Land inves­ The country will freeze, however, ment, such lands are not required for receipt of the application at the de­ irgton. from the flood, is p' ' at partment of justice. tigation is earnestly desired. Secretary Shan has turned an or while < »ngross is deciding whether ■ the purposes of this act; and the sec­ Se< tion 8.—That nothing in this IlfiO.OOO. and 300 people are r- r d-r- ’ der closing the streams -. Southeast She asks one more chance for life. there is a tariff on anthracite coal, retary of the Interior is hereby au­ act shall be .-onstrued a» affecting or temporarily homeless Put the guilty grafter* into the sweat It takes an average congres»mar as thorized. at or immediately prior to intended to affect or to in any way David Uhlen. foreman ot a rock ern Alaska against *a nun fishing uu- til July 1. This act.oa is taken with 1 the time of begii ning the surveys for box. and make them feel the iron long to understand a modern law. any contemplated irrigation works to interfere with the laws ot any state quarry near Albany, commit: -d sni a view to preventing the threatened or territory relating to the control, ride Monday In a saloon at that place, hand of justice, but allow the people when he sees it printed in black and I withdraw from entry, except under appropriation, use or distribution ot by cutting hia throat with a butcher cestruction of the fishery industry who are innocent to retain their priv­ white, as it does any other eommor the homestead laws, any public lands water used in irrigation or any vested knife The theatrical compn-ties touring believed to be susceptible of irriga­ ileges. and enjoy their just rights. The Prince Arthur, a Norwegian the Northwest have been delayed by mortal. The shivering people would tion from said works; Provided That right acquired thereunder, and the the washout* on the Washington secretary of the interior, in carrying like more simplicity, more coal and I all lands entered and entries made out the provisions ot this act, shall ’■ark. was wrecked January 2. on th» roads until rcar.y important cities will Washington shore near Cape Flat­ GOOO COUNTRY ROADS. less rascality and legal phrases in I under the homestead laws within proc, ed tn conformity with such law* tery. Out ot the crew of 20 only two now be psssed bv In order to s’’-’'- Young max., do you desire to lay areas so withdrawn during *ich with and lothing herein shall m any way the companies to catch up ».th the - , j foundation for weal h? Elderly laws. were saved drawal shall be subje« t to atl tt.« pro affect any right of any state or of Good roads for farmers are just dates. crest. do you wl»h to in»«. yourseive» A search party ha* been organised visions, limitations. < harges. terms * competency? as necessary as sidewalks for towns Stockmen in Deei Lodge valley. and conditions of this act. that said the federal government or of any at Union to And 8. Sisson who left If to. do a* others have done. Look landowner, appropriator. or user of and cities. Montana, have organized against the surveys shall be prosecuted diligently «««I I It «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-»«♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦■ there for the mountain* several around you and — who are the The countrv settlements are lack- smelters of that locality, The dense to completion, and upon the comple­ water in. to. or from any interstate week* ago and has not been beard t>do men in the cotzununlty 1 stream or the waters thereof: Provid­ ing in their most vital prerequisites, smoke from these institutions, it tion thereof, and of the necessary ed. That the right tc the use of the from since • re thus» who have tn' «ted tn The rush of waters In the White > estate where well-built, well-kept, neat ap­ seems, settles over the valley In such maps, plans, and estimates of cost, water acquired under the provisions the secretary of the interior shall de­ of this act shall be appurtenant to the River Valley has reached Its height, However »mail your rxesas buy pearing roads do not prevail. volumes that crops and stock suffer termine whether or not said project At Our and the flood is now subsiding. eal estate. Commence now. ! will Farming communities in the West gieat injury No section of the coun- is practicable and advisable, and If land irrigated, and beneficial use shall Weather reports Indicate falling tem­ •ell on small partial payments, or for te the basis, the measure, and the aie growing’ away from their anti­ try is free from its vexatious con- determined to be impracticable or un- limit of the right. perature in the mountains ash. the following properties A house with 5 rooms a quated road methods. Everything flicts. The greatest need of the West advisable he shall thereupon restore John McMahen. one of the most Section 9.—That it is hereby de- -id lot ........................... . ......... and everybody is progressing, except teday is a better und- 'standing and said lands to entry, that public lands clar« d to be the duty ot the secretary desperate criminal* In tbe Oregon which it is proposed to irrigate by of the interior, in carrying oat the state penitentiary, made an assault A nrotty cottage ai d lot .. the conditii n of roads. a more thorough respect for the means of any contemplated works provisions of this act. so tar as the on a guard Tuesday with a brick dug I A bouse and two lota.......... It is proudly observed that the ap- rights of others, among the captains shall be subject to entry only under same may be practicable and subject oat of the wall of the prison A dwelling, stable and lot .. I earanee >’ the country districts o. oi the great A dwHUng. stable and 2 lot* irreat industries. There is the provisions of the homestead laws to the existence ot feasible irrigation Six rars and an engine were ditch ­ Vacant iota from $150 to »300. Ciegon ana Umatilla county i9 con­ room for at and there must be regu- in tracts of not less than 40 nor more projects, io expend the major por- ed In a wreck on tbe Or rat Xortherr than 160 acres, and shal be subject to lion of tbe fund* arising from the Tuesday evening Engineer Palmer A block of 1* lots 1200.04' stantly improving. lai ion and justice for all. the limitations, charge* term* and sale ot public lands within each state Which begins Satur«!av and A half block. 7 lots 900 0t accident was slightly injured. The Better farm houses, better bams, conditions herein provided: Provided. •nd territory hereinbefore named for was caused by a rock slide. «M am A plat of * lots ... continues until Febv ist Germany and It is the motive of That the commutation provisions of the benefit of arid and semi-arid lands titter fences, better stock, better ve­ A plat of 2 lots ... 200 .oc Governor Morrison, of Idaho. In hl* hicles and implements are seen every- England to crush out every semblance the homestead law» shal) not apply to within the limits of such state or message Tuesday, pays especial at­ intries made under this act ct popular government in South territory: Provided. That the secre­ tention to the subject of Irrigation E. D. BOYD. Ill Court Street » heie. Section 4.—That upon '.be determl THE LAST PAIR Taste and skill are exhibited in America. Freedom is gaining too nation by the secretary of the Interior tary may temporarily use such por­ and declare* that «S.hbf* square mile* tion of said fund* for the benefit of Lome building and ornamentation. much ground to suit the interests of that any irrigation project is practica­ arid or semi-arid lands in any par­ can be reclaimed in that state BROKEN LLNES The trial of T. H. William* and For this reason the imperialism ; et tin- necessary part of every com- ble. he may cause to be let contracts ticular state or territory hereinbefore ¿.wifAi aôrtfi ODDS AND ENDS Truxton Beale on the charge of as i..unity, the public road, drags alone Boers were crushed to death; for for the construction of the same, in named as he may deem advisable, but faulting Editor Marriott, of San Fran this reason Ruesia crushes the Fin. such portions or sections as it may when so used the excess shall be re­ risco. was ended Tuesday The jury t .enty vcai s behind the times be practicable to construct and com­ stored to the fund as soon a* practi­ The pneumatic tired buggy has suc­ and for this reason the allied powers plete as parts of .the whole project cable. to the end that ultimately, and I fought In a verdict of not guilty. Ftum prices already low. we The regular work of the Oregon ceeded the old-time freight wagon, dim«' into the door yard of America providing the necessary funds for in any event, within each 10-year shall make such discounts yet the road that was used by the to seize and destroy the Venezuelan such portions or sections as are avail­ period after the passage oi this act. State University began yesterdav Sb^rtff as will close them out quick morning, most of th» faculty and stu ­ able in the reclamation fund, and tbe expenditures for the benefit of freight ‘‘schooner’’ serves today in government, under pretense of col­ dents havtrg returned from their thereupon he shall give public notice the said state» and territories shall lecting debts. It's a blow at govern­ the same old dress. of the lands irrigable under such pro­ ; be equalized according to the propor- homes In different parts of tbe state. SHERIFFS SALE. The Northwest is having a “good ment by the people. ject. and limit of area per entry, ; lions and subject to the conditions as A whale 75 feet long was found which limit shall represent the acre­ to practicability and feasibility afore­ stranded at the mouth of the Colum­ roads” revival just now The govern­ Eastern Oregon has no kick com­ age which. In the opinion of tbe sec- - said. Notice i* bvn-bj given lhal n«Jer and by bia Monday He was washed ashore ment good roads inquiry is opening virtue of • writ of exerutl«« isausd ost ot ing. Portland and the Sound are retary. may be reasonably required Section 10.—That the secretary of by strong seas rolling over the bar. Will give you some idea of 111« Circuit C«-«irt ot tbe State ot <4r«c.>n. the eyes of the people to the true clamoring for her fat steers; China tor tbe support >f s family upon the the Interior is hereby authorized to and is unable to regain deep water li. and tor tbe C«>«t>ty ot Cm*till*. saAsr the savings you will effect by ronditions of highways the seal I hereof, and to me directed and de The Great Northern in Washington is eating bread made from her match­ lands in question; also of tbe charge* perform and and al) acts and to make purchasing your s! oes of us i«-«ml up«'n a judgment aud de*, ree la which shall be made per acre upon such rules and regulations as may Some thoughtful legislation along ot Tbe Nvrtnena Counties invest less flour; Omaha and Chicago are the said et.trie* and upon lands In be necessary and proper for the pur­ Is again open for traffic, but there ‘s during - his sale Clang! Clang! Hear tbe Anvil l»v*>r still great danger from washouts and o eut l'rast. corporation aa the road law line is in order, Road it. Limited, a fiying aer mutton chops; Texas is private ownership which may be irri­ pose of carrying the provisions of slides. The Northern Pacific will not BUS, and sgaiast Mattie C. Cookerly. Ring! building is a science, just like every «(«iraterly Mattie Coleman». Mattie C. gated by the waters of the said Irriga-i this act into full force and effect. taking her spuds and the world is be in working order for at least 10 other adjunct of a civilized communi­ I As it beat* out in rithmic tiles of t ookerl.v. ae admtniatratrix of tbe estate days. spending money made from her gold, tion project, and the number of tbe1 Approved. June 17, 1902. *>. l>eulei J Coleman, deceased ,L«wj Haiei i our saccess in carriage and wagon Coleman, an infant; William G. Coleman, ty, and the best result can come only Elsie McMann. an 8-year-old girl What does she want with a United Infant, and Emma Xardlne ■?-lT»isr*. ; repairing Felloe or spoke, axle au through studied effort.' THE DRAMA AND THE PUBLIC. house, where the drama of its own of Norport. Wash., was run over by au infant, and Mattle C Coukerly. a> States senator? Let those enjoy this or spring, seal or sides—it's all guardian ot the persons end estates of said country and the liest plays of all coun­ a sleigh Tuesday and killed. 8he slip­ Money used on roads should be ap­ 1’ttle luxury who are not so oounti- tl.ree lufanta as «ietendanta. when-hy the There is a living interest in the tries are produced is to be congrat­ ped and fell In jumping from the one to us. Wt put in the best of plaintiff plied by experienced men. It is did recover a personal decree lully blessed. urama in any country that is entire- ulated on such a possession. In time sleigh and the runner ran over her i materials with a know how — ditto against tbe defendant* last above named worse than waste to abuse the expen­ ly apart from the moral question the community will produce a play body for the sum of $31A3O with interest there paint or varnish, and make your on at the rate of V per cent psr annum ♦♦♦♦ ............................ ♦ »♦♦♦ diture of public money on the high­ It was necessary to vote a 10-mill whether we approve of the stage or It must fl nt produce the professional Rev W 8. Grim, pastor of the M vehicle spick and span every way trom the 4tb day ot May. lssd, and the ways the people must travel. school tax In Pendleton yesterday, on noL The drama, in some form or nctor. Play writing will follow—Sa E. church at Oregon City, has been sum ot Soo ou attorney s tees. but as to expense. That's modest, • further national other, ia part of any true Journal lcm ud the c*al* and diaburnemenu taxed at In pioneer days on the coast, road account of the low valuation of prop­ missing since December 28. He went $.'<>.30. aud whereby it was decreed that life. NlAbliSMOTMIMS out to his farm four milee distant working was looked upon as a sort of erty. It the taxable property in this SUmr (»«ullnr aa*UM« arv the beat. Wa er» tile une-igage date.1 oo the liSrd day ot So it aeems idle for us to say we do THE PUTITOFFS. from the city, on that date, and has 1-w-ember. 18KL executed by lumisl J a**nt* for them menial labor, and when people gath­ district was assessed at a fair valua­ not care for the theater, or that we C«leman aud Mattle C Coleman, mow uot been seen since. Mattie C Coukerly > to platen*, upon the ered to work out their road tax, it tion. less than five mills would be believe it is moral or an immoral My friends, have you heard of I the John T. Cardwell, a well known I olio Wins described real property te L'aaa- SUMMONS. town of Yawn. was usually a holiday occasion, and sufficient to meet the expenses of the influence. The drama would exist if tllla County, tewtt: pioneer citizen of Cottage Grove, died IS 000 acre tract »ud 12 00U ahnep organized society were arrayed On the banks of the River Slow, The aoutbesat «uarter of tbe northwest the greatest rivalry among the road school district. The evils of the tax­ all Mr. H00 acres, 8 iuilw fn.m Pendleton, lc tbe Circuit Court of the State of qvarter. aud tbe south halt ot tbe north against it, and the laws made it a Where blooms the Waitawhlle flower Monday after a short illness Cardwell was a union soldiet and was good water and MM sheep at 10 per Oregon for I tuatilla <’ounty workmen was to see who could do the ation question become more and more crime. «*aat quarter, and the n«*rthe«i»t quarter of fair. Nettle J Burt. 1’laintiff . v» C .uui F the aoutbesat qiarier ot Secttoti 23, In off market price, $3,700 least work in the eight hours. If all presentations of plays on the Where the Sometimeoroiher scents buried under the auspices of the G. A. cent I'uit. defendant apparent as the subject Is applied to Townahip 6 North, and Hange ST, Eaat 73) acre stock ram ii, running water, To <'o«mt F Burt, defendant : 1 R. post at Cottage Grove. r.tage were forbidden by law, the ot tbe Willamette Meridian, which mort Times have changed; men have every day matters of government. the air. I,.MM In the name of the State -»f Oregon, yon Henry Bloom, a Portland drunk, gage was re* orded al page 4S ot ltook 3 drama would still exist in written and And the soft Goeasys grow? ■ hanged; the country has been trans 320 aerve, 1t the reeonb* >f mortgages te tbe office ot was fined for wearing his hat in the printed plays, and they would prob- th» complaint fihxl against you March the County Recorder ot Tmatilla County. Senator Hoar evidently thinks the $4,000 formed; order has Bprung from the courthouse Monday. The jailer asked 2*.th. llHHi. in the altoer «ntltled court Oregon, should be forecloaed. and the aald ally be mere widely read than any It Iles in the valley of Whatstheuse, 300 serve in t'auiae Prairie $2.3)0 i»nd »uh on •< before Monday. March 2Mrd. real property »old by the sheriff ot Vma him several times to remove bis hat. <.i»organized wilderness, while the small trusts now In existence are no ether form of literature. The plays N00 acres of wheat laud, 12 Hiller In the province of Ijettersllde; lillla County. Oragsa to aattafy aald Juda and the judge Anally ordered him ar­ from Pendleton, $«,0(M. country road, the servant and pack­ menace to the Interests of the masses, of Shakespeare are read and studied That tired feeling 1s native there. And you will take noil- that If you mem and all «vsta: liiervtvre I will, on rested for disorderly conduct. fail to appear, anawer or otherwise plead Saturday. Eebr* 2.3rd day of l>eceniber. ISS>2. or smes have —the prof.-ssion of the stage This Says Time to the Oregon Land Board. •l culti be danni »««■ Ç * JWffà'À This is a partial list of nutny Stack •tould 1» ckJud nett. Ç J children to be awarded to th« plaintiff leads tc the production of the popu ­ celebrated had. or now have, in aud to tbe above de “Jackson Day” is being ROOSEVELT’S With a smile serene and cold: and wheat farms which 1 have listed 3’hia summons Is publlahtMi purauni t to an acrlbwl real property and every part there- Dy l»»!:i x w «Är 4.1« ’ ’ s a Cresui Creaut liai» tn every large city in the country. lar play, net aiways literary. ..•det of the Honotable W R Rlltt Jndg. ’ of. at public auction to the highest bidder "You can’t turn over a new leaf. ctampea, ext lito» »uti h- - ci th«' Circuit Court of the State or Or*- for eaah in hand, the pne-weda ot such aale City Property a Specialty Till you straighten the kinks in the the dite* ed m > l*r.- t- W President Roosevelt, HO far, has Ixivers of American liberty remem­ g« n. in. and for Umatilla County, to be to I m * applied In satisfaction ot aald exe The literary play always follows af­ l have a long list of desirable liibhshed for nil consecutive week* in rut Ion and all e*sti* old.” Itcnrrt'»: .rih»'. 1*1 proved the wisdom of his advent ur- ber the battle of New Orleans and ter generations of the acted drama. lota, residences. and business the Eaat Oregonian, a newapapei publiebed -.way a cold )■ IL* b ad l>al**d thia 7th day of January. IPOS join with pride in commemorating the In the «'ountr wherein «aid atilt haa beet* Just as it takes generations of horses ous moves. His mistakes are few, bouses. quickly. Sheriff ot l mstllis Cwuny?Orw*a conimenviMi. the ft rat publication thereof Tom McCale, a suspected shoplift­ Cream llnim It plnred loto .he noatrtt», aprenti» 1 do not list property unless the t'Olnff Friday. January &th. 1963. and the in comparison with his many bold event. The century just closed con­ trained for the race track to produce By C I- DAVIS, lteput? er, has been arrested in Portland He the fine, high-bred roadster, which is over the mttntbraua and it ahaorlied. Rebel *a int- last. March 2Oth. 19^3 price Is right acts. Hie impetuous rushes into un­ tained no more pivotal day than that enjoyed and appreciated by people was caught in the act of selling a ■»«diateand a cure toilowa. Il I* not drying—doee Mad «»and dated at rendleum. In Vma on which the riflemen of America Made and dated at IVndleton. In Vma trodden diplomatic fields have thus who never patronite the race track. tew $20 hat to a woman for $5 As not pn duce araaaing. Large Hlae, SO tenu at Prug- day of January, 1903 • • • made secure the doctrine of the he could give no satisfactory exp'ana gltlt or by mail ; Trial Slat, 10 canta by malL far ended happily. fetkr wnrr. Real Eatata Dealer. at Y JJKUTILKMS. M Warns burnt. Maw Tach. A community that has a good play- tlon. he was arrested. Attorney fur Plaintiff He asked Booker T. Washington to I rights of m a a THE maxwell law . Most Extraordinary Bargains Ever offered in Eastern Oregon Sale Starts at Once Everything must go. The sooner we close out the stock the better pleased we will be. 70 Sets of Buggy, Hack and Team Harness. 40 Stock Saddles. ('haparejos. Leggins, Collars, Balters, Curry Combs Brushes, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets, Harness Oil, Gloves, Buggy U hips and everything in the entire stock, w hich is complete EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS Every article in the store Cut, Slashed and Slaughtered. COST CUTS NO FIGURE Our object is to sell everything in the entire stock as we will positively retire from business. The goods must go and now is the chai.ce to get Bargains. JOE ELL, The Harness Dealer Real Estate... Bargain Shoes JANUARY CLEARING SALE OUR WINDOWS PEOPLES WAREHOUSE REAL ESTATE Nasal frs CATARRH /œ® E. T. WADE,