WEEKLY EDITION Copies of the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN will be sent you In oue year for only $2.00. the news of the interest you. It print* world and Try it! will VOL. XXVII PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO.. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER»«, 1902 » % » charge ot' Engineer Maguire anil Flre- SANTAS BUSY YEAR. man Joyce, got the warning signal ir due time and gave the usual response! Prosperity Has Enabled Him to Break with whistle blasts. All Records in Hi» Liberality. On came the train with apparently New York, D jc . 19.—Mail money scarcely any diminution of speed, and the Fresno toach was completely tele order records have been broken in the scoped. 8o forcibly did the local central postoffice, Wednesday's trans actions amounting lo $1.lt>8,741. This meet the rear ot the "owl" that the end of the second car, the dining car iueluded mouey orders issued, both domestic and foreign, the certificates was smashed in and all of the three of deposit issued to out-of towu post- cooks were seriously hurt. I masters, money orders paid and money Relief came quickly to the passen ­ Counsel tor Miners Chosen | order drafts. European advices brougl gers who were penned in the wrack­ age. axes and saws being brought into the information that the Incoming Labor Candidate for Mayor play, and passengers and train crew Christmas mail would be much larger this year than ever before. The Cym­ lending eager aid. Messages were ot Chicago. seut to Byron Hot Springs, a short ric. bound tor New York, is said to distance away, and Dr. Bird, of the have on board 2600 bags of mail. The springs. with Dr. J. D. Davidson, ot Etruria is also coming with 1805, the Fresno, who was a guest, came quick­ Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse with 66" and the St Louis with 300. a total oi ly to the station. A trained nurse 5365 DEFENDED EUGENE V, DEBS accompanied them and first aid was bruised and IN GREAT '94 STRIKE. given to the mangled A TRUE BILU. scalded sufferers, who were lying near the track. None of the passengers of No. 841 Colonel Lynch to Be Tried for High ¿iccted to tr.e Legislature of Illinois were injured, and all of the crew ol Treason in England. i.-y Large Majority—Fame .is Argu- the "owl" escaped unhurt. London, Dec. 19.—The grand jury. Of the 10 killed outright it was im :ent in Oshkosh Conspiracy Case possible to identify but one person which has been «ailed to try Colonel Lyuch a member-elect of parliament Circulated as Campaign Literature. The others were not known to theit ior high treason, was charged this fellow passengers, and up to a lat« ______ ______ _ moruing _ by _ Lord Chief Justice. It Chicago. Dec., 22 :.—It was tinani- hour nothing was found on their per I ¿¡as been 62 years since a similar a meeting of the mously decided at sons to furnish a ciew to their names I case. The jury was out but a short I time and returned a true bill against < entral committee, of the U uion La- oi- residence. Since then lo of those injured hav< I; ynch. Hi* trial is fixed for January co- party, today, to i tender Cm. enee S. di«Hl and there are yet others so bad I jo . lor U i Unite«. ly injureil that their recovery is ini Darrow, attorney The charge against Lyuch is that . i.ne Workers, the nomination for possible. he, while lighting with the Boers in mayor of this city. South Africa against the English, was EMBEZZLES $500.000. guilty of treason to his native coun the able and energetic manner in try- He declares that at the time he wlticii Mr. Darrow has discharged tht delicate task given him by President High Official of Austria Flees to was not an Englishman, but a Boer America After Stealing From No-1 and a citizen of the Boer republic Roosevelt, wuen he gave him the ap- ^..utmeut as council ior the miners, blemen. lias endeared him to the public. The AGAINST THE UNION. Vienna. Dec. 22 —Chevalier Oczosl- labor party of Chicago has watchea ki. a high official _________________________ in the office of the with delight the strong sentiment o. secretary of state, has fled to Amer | En9l'«h J“rX Gives a Verdict in Favor public approval of Mr. Darrow s ac­ ica alter perpetrating frauds which of th* Railway Company tions. throughout Ute anthracite strike are reported to reach $500.000. His London, Dec. 19.—The jury in tbe investigation, and without a dissent­ principal victims are prominent Aus case of tlie Taffals railway against ing voice agreed to name him as a ;rian noblemen. the railway union today gave a ver- candidate tor mayor. . diet In favor of the railway, but r First Public Recognition. Relieved of $20.000. I served the amount of damages. The Paris Dec. 22.—Lord Canervon ar-1 ?ase has attracted the world's atten- ihe nation at large first became acquainted with the name oi Clarence rived here this afternoon. He wac-1 lion, as the first decision a.« to S. Darrow during the lamous trial o> robbe«i of $20,000 while en route from I whether corporations can sue employ- les for damages caused by a strike. Eugene V. Debs, tne leader of the I London. great American Railway Union strike ot 1894. His identification with the Debs case placed him permanently before the public, ts a leaning attorney in the cause of organized labor. THE ANTHRACITE BILL SUFFERING INDESCRIBABLE HAD NO OPPOSITION. AND LOSSES INESTIMABLE. Award* $4000 Per Year to Member* Not in Government Employ—Philip­ pine Currency Bill Favorably Re ported. Washington, Dec. 20.—Only 35 sen ators were in their seats today, The cunterence bill of the anthracite coai strike arbitration, was laid belore the Brief Services Held in Wash The Allies Desire That the senate and it wa* agreed to award a c-ompeusation of $4ovu yearly for President Shall Act as Judge members not government employe*. ington Attended by Many The Philippine currency bill wa» in Their Dispute With Vene­ favurably reported. The house bill, Friends and GovernmentOf- ¿ranting $50 per mouth as a pension lo the widow of the late Admirai zuela. ficials. The eight- Kimberly was paased. uour labor bill w»» reported with an auiendmeut. Morgan addressed the senate this afternoon on tbe Panama canal Ad BLOCKADE OF VENEZUELA COMMITTAL SERVICES AT journment took place at 2; 40. Tbe anthracite conference report OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED. RIVERSIDE TOMRROW. was placed before the house by Can­ non, and was adopted without debate The house adjourned or opposition President and Hi* Cabinet in Attend Names All the Ports of Entry and th* at 12:3" until January 5 Mouth of th* Orinoco—All Vessels ance—Jesse Grant Unable to Reach ASK INCREASE OF WAGES. That Violate Blockade Place Them­ City—Other Two Sons Were Pres- ent—Bishop Andrew* Will Conduct Last Services. Washington, Dec. 20.—The funeral of Mrs Julia Dent Grant occurred here this morning. A brief service for the immediate family at the Grant home preceded the public service in the Metropolitan M. E church. Her son Jesse was unable to reach the city, but the other two sons were present. The church wa* crowded Th«- honorary pall bearers were Hen derson. Root. Wilson. General Dodge Senator* Cullom. Kean.f Allison. For Platt, Hon. Bancroft Davis and John McLean. President Roosevelt, the member* of his cabinet, the diplomatic corp* and ail the army and marine officer* s tat toned at Washington, in full uni form, were in attendance, An ini mense representation of the different veterans' patriotic societies departed over the Pennsylvania at 11 o'clock Tne special funeral train will arrive at Jersey City at 5 o'clock, where it will be met by a distinguished delegs tion on the steamer Meigs, which wi) convey ihe body to the Grant tomb at Riverside drive. It will lie in th< tomb tonight and the committal serv ices will occur at 11 o'clock tomor row. conducted by Bishop Andrew* assisted by Bisbop Mackay Smith. selves Liable. Committee* Representing All Rail road* West of Chicago, Present Their Demand* Chicago. Dev 20.—Forty grievance <-omn>ittees. representing the employ­ es of 40 different railway* west ot Chicago, including all reaching the coast, arrived at Chicago this morn mg and presented their demands to the railways fur a 2v per cent increase of wage-». An answer t* asked to b<- to.—President made before January' 5. The commit­ Washington. Dec Roosevelt's reply to the powers, while tee* represent 150.000 passenger and not a positive refusal, diplomatically freight conductors and brakemen suggests the Hague tibuna'. as he wishes to strengthen it A second GOOD REPORT consideration is that America ha* claims of its own in the premises. In Spite of Complaint*. Wall Street The state department communicat­ Make* Excess Statement ed the president'* attitude in a long New York. Dec. 20.—Nolwithstand cipher message this afternoon tog the complaints of a shortage oi Washington. Dec. 20.—Cable advices ready money, the Wall Street weekly ank statement today shows over IS this morning report trouble at th«- jo O.OOO in excess of the legal require Margarita Islands. A fleet of pearl shell fisheries there men ta. has been terrorized by the British and German men of war One was sunk by fire from a Hotchkiss gun for venturing too near the threatening fleet. It is also reported that the al- lies have been tak'ng soundings there. The state department regards this PRESIDENT OF WHITMAN a* a possible indication of a renewal GIVES SECOND LECTURE of an old plan of Germany to obtain a place for a naval station or as a preparation to seize the pearl fisheries Dr. Penrcse Addresses the People o to secure indemnity. Pendleton at the Bapt>*t Church, It is understood that negotiations Dr. Penrose, president of the Whit are now being conducted with Castro man college, delivered the second ot to secure for this country permanent tbe series of lectures at the Baptist possession of those island*. Th« church last night, under the .auspices state department hope* that a nomi­ of the Mett a Retort His theme was nal price wll be mail - in < onslderatioi. Good Citizen ihip.' of America's friendly offices in th«- Only a small audience greeted the present dispute. Admiral Dewey ca doctor bat hts address was one that bled this morning that be bad sent should have been beard by every citl- Uetitenant Johnson on the Albany zeif ot Pendleton. to la Guayra to assist Minister Row Dr. Penrose handled the subject en. from an educational standpoint and first spoke of the man who becomes To Advance Chaffe* interested in public affair* as being Wahsington. Dec 20—The an the first step toward the good citizen nouncement was made at the war de He said that the man who took tbe in­ l«rtment this afternoon that as a re- terest* of hi* neighbors and the com- ward for bi* Philippine services. Gen era! Uhaffi-e wll] be appointed to suc­ munity at heart, who went to the polls tn rainy weather a* well as ceed General Yoi.ng as lieutenant primaries and general commanding the army Young good, who attend«>d tbe cast bis vote on the side calculated succeeds Miles next August and re­ to upbuild mankind and for tne better­ tires the following January ment of hi* fellow man. was the good Effective Today. citizen. The man who accepted office lxmdoo Dec. 20.—The blockade of at the hand* of the people for the the Venezuela coast is to be effective good that he could do hi* fellow mar after today. So It was officially an and not for selfish reasons was an­ nounced this morning in a supplement other type ot a good citizen The speaker also compared the man of the official gazette It name* al! tbe port* of entry and the mouth ot who was always whooping it up for tbe Orinoco Rtver and allowe a few any public movement in improving days of grace to vessels sailing lieforo ’he town or country and who always tbe date of notification as follows: put his shoulder to the wheel and From West Indian and East American helped every scheme calculated to­ ports. 10 days for steamers and So ward civic pride with the man who days for sailing vessels; all other was kicking against any move for th« ports, 20 days for steamers and 40 betterment of a town or city, and sail days for sailing vessels; all vessels that the man who advanced and advo- now in blockaded ports are given 15 cated improvements was the good days. All vessels which attempt to citizen while the other was a detri violate tbe blockade will render them­ ir.ent to a community. The speaker kept his small audt selves liable to all measures authoriz ed by tbe law of nations and the re­ ence interested for almost an bou: spective treaties with the different and those who heard It are regretting that more were not present. It was a neutral power*. Since the announcement wa* made masterful appeal for better citizen well informed circle* here say that ship and would tend to elevate th" there Is but small hope left for arbi­ id «-as of any man or woman and cans- them to hesitate before opposing any tration. move toward better government and better citizenship. FATE OF TWO BROTHERS. Washington. Dec. 20.—The follow ing statement was Issued at tbe state department today : "The allies desire that President Roosevelt shall arbitrate the differ­ ences between themselves and Vene­ zuela Roosevelt desires that the ar bitration shall be made by the Hague tribunal'' Santa Maria Still Active—Business Paralyzed—Price of Necessities so High That Few Can Buy Them. Guatemala City, Guatemala, Dec. Ik. —It is probably due to some govern­ ment ixuitrucuoite that tbe papers neie have not said any thing with rel erence lo the etupteun ot the banla Marla volcano, wuich can be consid­ eied, because ot Its magnitude, aa a Annual Address of the First uationai calamity. The losses suffer­ Presidency Issued to the ed by German capital are not lea* man $6.uou,utx>, consisting of house* Latter Day Saints Through­ and machinery destroyed, ana tne ue- siructmn ot the present coffee crop, u tbe total d«?*trucuoii ot many other out the World. properties belonging to outer tore gn- er*, a» well az to nauv«», ui andec lo this amount, Uie actual losses ascend to a lantisUc sum. The volcano is still tn activity and ADMONISHES MEMBERS a new erupuon is teared at any time. | TO HELP THE POOR. Suffering is indescribable, tor, be- ■ide* the los* of cufl«», which 1* es- umauxi at about 3uu,vu0 quintals, tbe < orn and wheat fields are ruined. Say* Persecution* Only Hasten Good Ou .ng to toe unusually higb rate Results—Church Building* Erected ot exchange, business is enllrtsly par­ alyzed, tor all imported artecies have —Mission Active and Extension of leached such prices that very tew Church work Very Satisfactory, persons can afford to buy them, and most of the met cHants sell just sail Lag*. Dec. 2b.—Tne fir»! pre* enough to «rover their expenses. enuency of the Morxuun church today Tne worst part of the present bad condition is that uo one know* how >cku«ai the “««■■■*- audits» to tee Larr*- oi Indianapolis, president the California legislature passed a workers, alter vainly attempting to Fine Along With Hi* Fighting. 1 of the National Association of Manu ed by Mr. Hailey have been acquired Lave lour demands accepted by the ce.ve* Long Cableoram From H.si facturera. facturere He hag found bis text in iaw prohibiting divorced persons from Art Hicks is again in the toils ot through year* of bard practical ex­ narrying again in tbe state within large contractors and lumbermen oi Mother. I various resolutions of the recent ore year after divorce, and this law perience. Before coming to this coun­ the law. Hick* was arrested *l an mat city, »ae four points covered by _______ New York, Dec. 22.—It is beueved I American Federation ut Labor con lakes nearly 500 marriages away from ty Mr. Hailey was for three year* carb hour this morning tn * drunken roe workmen were, an increase or a*iwBtMjn "of’wom^'and chile Ith*1 a recoBcUiMiOB is taking place I vention at New Orleans. superintendent of the Idaho peniten­ row in one of the saiuona. He wa* the city every year. These go to Re- wages,___________ _____ __ The circulars are directed more uo. Nev., tbe nearest point, to weu tiary at Boise City, and managed that tockafl up bul the charge of disorderly labor, a weesiy pay day and recogni­ 1 uetween Cornelius Vanderbilt aud hie iamily. A long cablegram was re-1 against organized labor in general again institution most successfully. Since conduct was not put against him am; tion of their organization. «routing to this county hi* work as ue la now as siting th* compieuon ot The grand secretary oi the organi­ ceived irom his motner in Lonaun to-1 than against the eigbt-nour bill, which Puysicians this morning say h>»|Mr. Parry has attacked tn circulars WIFE OF A "SCAB" deputy sheriff in badling criminals is «as sentence tor a mor« senoua zation was arrested tor conspiracy lol . 'Referring to the Max Hayes recognized as being of the best char­ charge. injure the large contractor and lum-1 condition is critical, but have hope oi I recently, ON WITNESS STAND. adopted by the federation. acter. The officer* have had a warrant ber companies. I““ recovery. | r resolution, —- Mr. Parry says: Athenn would be pleased should Mr. tor Hick* lor several days lor assault The opportunity for impassioned Say* That Her Husband Wa* Shut “John Mitchell's United Mine Work­ Hailey receive the appointment.— UU * .nm»m»n and cutting off the HELL ROARING JAKE.' and fervent expression was unequal - Up in a Colliery for Several Week* Athena Press. Celestial queue, He kept huuseif out occasion. _ ed and Darrow arose to the ____________ , ers’ organization cast 1080 votes *ol- ot sight ol the officers but »net In the course of hio argument he I Marx Hanna Thinks He Is a MucnHhly for this resolution, . This is the and She Wa* Threatened by Union organization that evoked so much ANSWER OF GREAT picked up thia morning was turned used the following language which Abused Man. Miners. maudlin sentiment and brought the has been wide quote«. BRITAIN MOST FAVORABLE. over to District Attorney Hailey on Washington. Dec. 22.—The state de­ whole country to its anees in the an­ Scranton. Pa., Dec. 20.—The anthra­ oie assault «ffiarge. Hailey took Hicks “You may argue as you please partment this morning was advised o« cite commission met this morning for Italy Would Leave the Entire Matter oeiore Judge Fl lx Geraxd thia morning about the minor details ot this case, Nord s election to the presidency oi thracite strike. 1- ia confidentially a three-hours session, during which prophesied that the socialists will be Did the pnaonei pieaaud guuty and but deep in your heart, and in mine, Hau. in the Hands of Minister Bowen— in full control of the trades unionist several witnesses weer examined. It »as given a sentence of 12 day* m deep in the minds of every man who Mark Hanna is interesting himsell then adjourned to meet in Pbiladel Secretary Hay Will Attempt to Ob .he county jail or pay a flue at *25- thinks, is the certain knowledge that u> endeavor to induce President Roos­ movement in the United States by the phi* January 5. This is probably the tam Castro's Acquiescence. m default be went to jaiL this drama in which you play such evelt to appoint General Smitn, retir­ next American Federation of iAbor last session to be held in this city. H icks is noleu tor tux tendency to Washington. Dec. 19.—It is an- an important part, is but a phase oi ed, to the acUve list to fill the vacan­ convention." Luxurious Brooklyn Let the Aged Men COAL COMPANY OFFICERS Among others examined were 8u The charge is made that the Hayes tne burning social question that cy now existing ol the rank of briga­ MADE MISTAKE IN WAGES ’.ounced at the state department this „el into trouble. He »as in police Starve to Death In Thair Little perintendent Allen, of the Hill Coal resolution means an attack on the moruing that answers have been re ourl lrequeully lor fighting up to a moves the world.” dier-general. He ha* brought the productive wealth of the country, and Company, who told, of being shot at Shop. Council Darrow in Behalf of the Min- cited from the triple alliance con utile over a year ago when he was matter up before Secretary Root. that the socialists intend to take pos- 14 times. Honored by Roosevelt. New York. Dec. 19.—Jacob Buthren. erning the proposal of arbitration .-euteneeu to one year tn the pemien- Mrs. Snyder, on tbe stand, said her «>7 years old. has been removed to a er* Endeavored to Get the "Scab" The greatest tribute that has yet Hanna regards "Hell Roaring Jake ' ab session of all the money and private made by President Castro through uary ior uestrojiug public property, husband continued to work, abut in been paid to Mr. Darrow, either as a a much abused man. Miner* to Admit That tn* Wager minister Bowen. The answers while ae has only oniy been out a few properties. Hospital, in Brooklyn from bis home, the colliery for several weeks and wfiere be was found lying alongside lawyer or champion of organized la­ Paid by the Operator* Ar* Too Low. idmitting the correctness of the prin- • eeka and apparently was treated so ENCOUNTERED A STORM. that threats were made against her. bor, is his appointment by President TWO FIREMEN KILLED th dead body of his brother, Michael. Scranton. Dec. 19.—The rooms ol iple of arbitration, are not regarded »eil there that he is try ing to break She visited and appealed to a mem Roosevelt to be counsel for John ■ r TWO U..GINC.ERS INJURED. ber of the national board of miuera. 13 years old, who is supposed to have (he anthracite hearing were crowd«- *s satisfactory on account of the con­ oack into the state prison. Mitchell and the United Mine Work I Schooner En Route to Africa With died from starvation. The two men with non-union witnesses this morn ditions imposed. who told ber be would do what he ers, in the anthracite investigation Lumber, Loses Several Sailors, sept a little shoemaker's shop and diu ing. brought on to testify concerning POST CHECK CURRENCY. Engine at Liberty, Ind., Dashed The answer of Great Britain wa* Into could to protect her. That night their His selection by the labor forces I Santa Barbara, Cal., Dec. 22.—The Darrows most favorable. Germany interpose* a Freignt—Became Reversed and house was burned. It had been built not mix with the neighbors. For two abuses received. Council for mayor, further proves the high es schooner Plummer arrived here en- weeks nothing has been seen or beard -o many conditions as to make he: Up-to-Date Method of Sending Small Gained a Speed of 70 Miiee an with money left to her by ber mother. irom the brothers, and a neighbor be­ ior the miners, plan is to make then teem in which he is held by the peo I route to Africa with lumber from tnswer anyth,ng but a consent to ar Acount* Through th* Mail. admit that the wages are too low She cried bitterly when on tbe stand. pie ot his home city. Hour—Struck an Incoming FreighL ' I Gray’s Harbor, Wash. She reports coming alarmed, notified the police, That being the principal point of hit dtration Italy, in as much as she For years the public has been an icsing several of her crew in a recent who made an examination, with the contention. .s the youngest member of the alli- Liberty. Ind., Dec. 22.—A helper en­ BOSTON STEAMSHIP CO. uoyed beyond measure by th* alow. TWENTY- THREE PASSENGERS storm. result stated. gine of the Cincinnati, Hamilion A The Pennsylvania Company sub •tc*. is willing to abide by the dis Ancient methods provided by th* pos­ IS AWARDED CONTRACT. ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC KILLED When Buthren reached the hospital mltted its statement In full this morn ■usitions of tbe other two nations, Dayton this morning got beyond con­ tal department for sate transmission to decide political fight . trol, the machinery retusing to wuk. Will Do All Government and Military the doctors said that they had never ¡ng. Judge Gray said on investigation Kven Groat Britain's answer contains of small sums of mouey by mall. seen such a complete emaciation. His it had been learned that a mistake i number of stipulation* which would South-bound Los Angeles Train Stops --------- and dashed through town. It collid­ Money orders are inconvenient to Business Between the Sound and recovery is doubtful. to Exchange Engine—Stockton Fly- Colorado State Canvassing Board to ed with a freight train, demollsheu had been made regarding the wages - quire time for adjustment before an noth sender and receiver. The post the Philippinei ■’Frisco Concerns trbitration could be entered Into. the freight engine, became reve-sed . aid to the fathers of children em­ er Pays No Attention to the Sig- Decide on the Contests. check currency system offer* a meth­ RAILROAD TO BURNS WANTED. ployed In the silk mills, due to an er Tbe character of the objections to in some unknown way, ran back irom to Bid. od that is absolutely safe and aa con­ nals anu Dashes Into the Train Denver, Dec. 22.—The stele can the demolished freight through town in mediate arbitration interposed by Washington, Dec. 19.—Secretary ror on the part of a clerk in the offices x I Lision vassing this board expects on to the give contest a de­ venient of execution aa paying * Standing at Byron Stat.on. afternoon Harney County Citizen* Appeal to .lermany and Groat Britain is not gained a speed of 70 miles an hour Root announced this morning that be of the coal company. nickel for a cigar. Antiquities have made public, further than that one uo place in the modern business world Baker City Business Men for A'd San r rancisco, Dec. 22.—Twenty-1 ed states in the state house of repre- and struck another incoming freight, had deemed to accept the bid of the Case* of Boycott, condition is that there must be some three persons are dead an«l several I ¿entatives. Ou it depends the elec- hauled by two engines. All three lo­ Boston Steamship Company of Seat­ Baker City. Dec. 19 —At the regu­ and congress should lose no time in The commission listened to almost comotives were smashed, tbo two fire­ tle ior ail the government and mili­ lar m«*eting of the Cliam*>er of Com­ uarantec that Venezuela will fulfill others will die as a result of a coliis I tjon o{ United States senator, a score of non-union witnesses this lhe judgment of the arbitrator*. It leasing the post check currency bill, men were killed and the two engineer« tary busiuess from Seattle and Taco­ ion between the south-bound Los An­ merce last night the most interesting morning, all telling of abuse, violence. and give the people all possible bene­ were seriously and possibly fatally in­ ma to the Philippines. He will now is semi-c fficiully learned that one ot geles “owl'’ train and the Stocktou BACK IN WASHINGTON. thing to be consideied was a letter to Insults and Incendiarism. After a fits of practicable, 20th century ideas, jured. the conditions laid down by Germany flyer, Saturday evening at Byron. ask ban Francisco concerns to bm the chamber from a number of Har­ long argument testimony was given In born of excellence and good sense, It was a rear-end collision, the en­ President and Family Return From on the business going from San Fran­ ney county citizens asklug the co-op­ several cases of boycott. A boy wit­ is Venezuela's apology for the arrests and a desire to please and accommo­ SECRETARY OF WAR. gine of the local plowing its way- cisco. Their Visit in Virginia. eration of the Chamber of Commerce ness told how when he worked in a of the German consular officials and date the public.—Ex. through the last coach on the owl. iu securing the buildiug of a railrrud drug store the proprietor had been no­ the sacking of the consulate at Cara­ Dec. 22.—President Governor Taft Slated to Follow Root, Washington, cas. Secretary Hay immediately took which was filled with Fresno people SHARKEY CONVICTED. from Baker City to the town of B'irus tified that unless he discharged him. Excellent Roads. family arrived this Roosevelt and the answer of the three powers to a The passengers who escaped instant Who Will Retire in th* Near Fu- and through Harney county. their southern trip, morning from his store would be boycotted because Walla Walla. Dec. 20 —The holiday > abinet meeting, where It was dis ­ death were hurled to the fore part ol Jury Decides That the Detective Is ture. shook hands with the the boy's father remained at work. cussed. It was decided to make ef season come* this yaer amid gloomy the coach, crushed between the mass The President_____ ____ Guilty of Manslaughter in Second KILLED HIS FRIEND. Washington, Dec. 22.—It is general forts to obtain Castro's aequiscence weather and fogs which hav* been of debris, their sufferings and dangei engineer and fireman when the train Degree. ly the accepted belief with higb offic LUMBER CAR BROKE LOOSE. in as many of the conditions as possi­ troublesome for several week*. Th* intensified a hundredfold by the pulled in at Washington. New York. Dec. 19. — Detective Chief Engineer Stabbed by Dis- lais that Secretary Root will retire ble. while at the same time it is diplo­ recent muddy road* hav* given way clouds of scalding steam that poured Thomas Sharkey thia afternoon was charged Civil Engineer. With Military Honors. immediately after the settlement of Struck a Double-Header—Stripped matically suggested to German* and under the frosty nights to bard, fro­ out on them from the shattered boil­ convicted of killing millionaire Nich­ 81. Louis, Dec. 1$.—James Berra- Washington. Dec. 22.—General Wa­ the Venezuelan question. He will be olas Fish, The jury returned a ver­ Both Engines and Killed Both En­ Great Britain that they recede’ from zen roads, equal to any seen here in er of the Stockton engine. ger, chief engineer of the St Louis, many year*. Main street in thia city the mure onerous stipulations The “owl” left the Oakland Mole ger Swayne was burled with military succeeded by Governor Taft gineers. diet of manslaughter in the second Memphis & Southeastern railway, was is worked down under the heavy trad about 5 o’clock, and on the way to honors this morning. The honorary Italy Ready to Arbitrate. degree with a recommendation of stabbed dead in his office this morn ­ Kane, Pa., Dec. 19. — A car of '.um ­ COMING HOME. fie until it Is as smooth aa a floor Byron It was noted that there was a psllbearers were Justices Harlan and mercy, He will be sentenced Mon- ing by Thompson Morton, a discharg­ ber broke loose on the Philadelphia & Rome, Dec. 19. — The foreign office and hard a* pavement. All over the leak In the flue of the engine. This Shiras. Generals Breckenridge, Davis, day. ed civil engineer. Later Morton took Erie railway this morning and ran officials believe that the proposition co'intry the roads ar* reported excel increased to such an extent that it and Gillespie, ex-Senator Thurston Admiral Wilde* of the Asiatic Squad­ poison and Is now in a precarious down the grade for four miles and for arbitration of the Venezuelan dis lent where the travel has amounted ron I* 8ick. was deemed advisable to stop and and Judge Maury. EXILES PARDONED. condition. The men were once firm struck a double-header freight Th«- jnite through Bowen will be accepted, to anything. A slight fall of snow take up a freight engine for relief. Washington, D. C., Dec 22.—The friends lumber shot downward and stripped and say that It will end the matter so would make the best sleighing ever Would Fight for Venezuela. The train officials knew that No. 84, navy department received a cable say­ Nicholas Grants Freedom to All Stud- both engines, instantly killed both en­ far as Italy is concerned. *«en in this city. Today has been the Stockton local, was following a Washington, Dec. 22.—Senor Palibe ing that Admiral Wildes second In ents and 58 Other* In Siberian Audience With the Kaiser. Rome. Dee. 19.—The Italian govern­ unusually brisk In business circles, gineers and fatally injured both fire­ half hour behind and a flagman was the Venezuelan charge d’affair* here, command of the Asiatic squadron, has Mines. ment is trying to induce Germany and the holiday season approaching close Berlin, Dec. 19.—-Cbarleniange Tow­ men. sent back down the track to give has received an offer of 200 Americans been notified by bi* physicians that JH*. Petersburg, Dac. 19.—The czar er, the new ambassador to Germany, England tu submit to a proposation ly and the splendid roads combining warning of the presence of the “owl.' >* to go to Venezuela anu fight In behalf he must leave Manila on account of han pardoned all the students and 58 was presented to the kaiser today. A telegraph and express otfic* has c (^powering Minister Bowen the sole to bring thousands of country people it is said that th« Stockton train, in of that country. ill health. He sails for horn* Friday. others now exiled to Siberia Th* audience lasted for half an hour been established at Fairview. Or. arbitrator ot the Venezuelan dispute. to the city. • • '